#Be nice!
mojoflower · 1 year
heyy there, im new to tumblr & i was learning to use it & ur post introducing people to tumblr came up and i read it. i just have a question, i read somewhere else that it is not welcome to disagree/argue w someone in my reblog of their post. say someone idk posts ab t swift & matty healy (controversial topic) & i reblog disagreeing, would that be seen as improper etiquette, as just spreading negativity? sry for the random q but u seem like u'd know. u can msg me to answer if u'd rather <3
Hello, @ashtraygrrrl and welcome! I'm glad that my post was helpful, what a lovely thing to hear.
We so happy to have you, and thanks for asking about things when you're unsure.
What you're talking about here is called (not-so-fondly) 'hijacking a post'. That can mean either using your re-blog to attack the OP (Original Poster)'s post or using your re-blog to just... say something completely unrelated. In either of these cases, if the hijack takes off, the OP is suddenly in the wildly upsetting position of getting hammered with potentially vicious reblogs that become totally out of their control. And that's a cruel thing to do to someone.
If you need to make your counter-argument, then use your own original post to do so, and tag it appropriately, so that the people who are interested can find it. (This does NOT mean tagging the OP.)
Now use your judgement, of course. The OP might be a mutual and y'all might have the kind of rapport where this is perfectly fine. Or you might be on a 'Yes, and' post where your random detour is appropriate and appreciated.
Mostly, just remember that you don't know anything about the OP, and err on the side of kindness. Then, hopefully, the community will treat you in the same way, and Tumblr stays fun and inclusive rather than toxic.
A good rule of thumb is to treat posts (whether they be random thoughts, art, fic, meta, etc.) like dishes at a potluck. If you don't like it, you don't shout about it, make a scene and cause that cook feel terrible... you just move on and sample the next one.
Remember to liberally use the 'Block' feature. It doesn't hurt anyone to do so (the blocked person/tag/phrase never even knows it) and helps your blood pressure and enjoyment.
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kalgalen · 1 year
There's a couple of haters behind me i just 🔪🔪🔪
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probablyin-bed · 9 months
i'm retiring for the night. hope everyone sleeps well & dreams of good, happy things & that tomorrow restarts the month & makes october an amazing month & not the shit storm it was today :)))
much love & much hugs to everybody <3
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laski-and-sage · 2 years
Seras: You should try to embrace your mistakes, father Anderson!
*Anderson proceeds to hug Alucard*
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trollcafe · 2 years
Word Count: 1720 Brief: Leonra finds the one person he returned to the Fleet for. Obsidian is @/cherrytrolls.  Google Docs || Part 1
Your name is Leo Monark, and you hate being touched by strangers. 
When you heard a knock at the door, panic instantly rushed your system again. You shouted a weak one moment! and scrambled to throw on a clean shirt. You left your cane by the bedside for the moment, though you instantly regretted that when you opened the door. No words were said. Just arms thrown around you, pulling you close. But, the panic subsided, and relief came next. 
Archai Monark, slightly smaller than you remembered him, had patiently awaited your arrival. Chai might not have remembered your dislike for being touched, but then again, Chai wasn’t a stranger, was he? No, he was Deepbite’s better half. The force of Chai’s weight was enough to make you stumble backwards, though he managed to catch you both. 
“Oh goodness, are you alright?” He looked up at you with concern in his eye, helping you steady yourself. A small nod is all you can respond with for the time being. You hold onto his arm quietly as you pull him into the room. Bless Chai’s poor heart, you weren’t quite there enough yet to talk much. After all, you were about to have another panic attack over being in space again! That alone was too much to process. You didn’t have the words to tell him you were using him as a balance to grab the cane. 
Your cane in your hand brought relief. It was grounding. Maybe it was the rather abused sword it hid, maybe it was the subtle reminder of your kismesis who helped you design it. Regardless, it brought comfort and clarity. 
“My apologies,” you finally say, voice gritty from sleep, “I wasn’t expecting anyone, yet. I would’ve dressed…nicer.” You motion towards the sweatpants you slept in. You realized you had thrown on a graphic tee your kismesis got you as a joke, and felt incredibly stupid. You looked like a rat. No, you looked like Bruuno. 
“Nicer?” Chai laughs, though his concern is still present. He doesn’t mention the cane but you notice he continues to glance at it, “Do you need a minute?” 
You nod. It doesn’t take you long to throw on cleaner clothes, from there Chai insisted on taking you around. You let him hold your hand as he guided you through the ship. He was mostly quiet, as if expecting you to speak. Even with your moirail you were never the chatty type. You only really rambled when Shiloh was around. You missed her. She loved hearing you talk about statistical impossibilities. 
Chai’s hand in your own was comforting. With one simple action, you felt infinitely less alone. Your brightest memory of Chai was when he lost his eye. You were young, barely a teenager, and had been sent on your first “mission” alone. You returned terrified, though you couldn’t remember why, mostly likely from a failure. You only remembered Deepbite’s glare boring holes into your soul, and the sound of Archai’s hand as he slapped your ancestor. Most would’ve died from even considering such a thing. It was one of the few times you remembered anyone standing up for you. But oh, if only you knew. All of the days of bickering spent over your wellbeing. Your thoughts are scattered as Chai squeezes your hand with a smile. You think he asked if you wanted coffee, so you simply nod. He guides you towards a larger clearing. The two of you walk slow, still feeling spaced out and gazing into the distance. A voice rings out above the ambient sounds of the ship, and forces your attention to it.
Your name is Obsidian, and your ship is being repaired. 
So, in the meantime, you were stationed on the ship of your matesprit. A good opportunity for a break, if anyone asked you. Sure, you could’ve gone anywhere, or even taken a real break, but where would you go? Besides, there was, supposedly, a very important visitor. 
When you had mentioned it to Juleus, he dismissed it. Just Archai, if you count him as important. Maybe you did, but as passionate as Chai was, you had a slight feeling that wasn’t the important visitor you caught wind of. 
What you were doing beforehand wasn’t important. You had been walking somewhere, of course, but the importance of whatever you had been doing instantly disappeared as you entered into one of the larger walking spaces. You froze in your tracks. 
Something lights up in your chest as he snaps his head to look at you. You don’t see a grown man, with weathered eyes and scarred face. You see the wriggler you had helped raise. You see the wriggler who looked up at you like you created the stars. The wriggler who was inspired by you, who inspired you. Who, for a brief period, made you feel like you had a purpose. You waste no time closing the space between you and him, barely registering just how tall he had gotten. 
The cane clatters to the floor. You lift the fuchsia off his feet, as you had done when he was younger. Had he been smaller, you might’ve swung him around. But instead, you set him back on his feet. The silence is almost as heavy as your hold on him. You can feel his heart racing as he sinks further into your arms. 
Leonra held onto you as if his life depended on it. And, to be honest, you did the same. You were relieved, and overjoyed, and so concerned. There was so much to say, so much to ask. But first, the hug had to end. What a scary thought. You had to let him go. You felt as if letting him free from your grasp would be a mistake, as if he’d never come back. You’d done it once and you didn’t want to go it again. 
Your name is Leonra Monark, and you are not a machine. 
You heard your name in a familiar voice, and immediately sobered up. For a moment, you were worried you were just hearing things. Machines don’t hear things. Your eyes dart around the clearing before freezing on him. 
He looked as if he hadn’t aged a day. He was just a bright, just as tired. Even his smile was the same. A sight for sour eyes. You didn’t say anything in response. The second your eyes locked, he closed the spaces between you. Your cane fell to the ground, forgotten, as Obsidian threw his arms around you. 
In that instant, the ship was no longer your enemy. You weren’t as afraid anymore. At its root, the only reason you even agreed to work with your ancestor again was to see Obsidian. You didn’t realize that until you achieved just that. Archai picked your cane up from the ground as Obsidian lifted you off your feet. Quite the feat for someone shorter than you, though you’d never complain. You were quiet as you held onto him. Your words were gone again, but you were overwhelmed with relief and happiness. 
You held onto Obsidian as if he would disappear in an instant. He smelled the same, somehow. His hug felt the same too. It brought forth an overwhelming nostalgia, almost enough to get you choked up. You’d be alright if the universe caved in that instant, because you felt right again. You weren’t alone out here. You had Archai and Obsidian. You wouldn’t get stuck on this damn ship. This was a mission you would survive, because you weren’t fighting on your own now. The reassuring thoughts flood your mind as you press your face further into his shoulder. You never wanted to let him go. You couldn’t let him go. Why did your damn leg have to hurt? Why couldn’t you stay here forever? Why did the moment have to end? 
After what felt like meer seconds and an eternity all at once, you finally let Obsidian go. Or, you tried to for a second, but he didn’t seem quite done yet. The hug lasted a few heartbeats longer before you were able to stand upright and retrieve your cane back from Chai. Obsidian moved his hands to your arms, as if he too feared you were just a figment of his imagination, as if you’d vanish the second he let go. 
“Back in the Fleet so soon?” Obsidian’s face showed his concern as he spoke. He never stopped smiling. Sweeps later, and the man still couldn’t stop smiling. 
“...I never said goodbye.” Your words were catching in your throat again, barely able to choke out that much. That obviously wasn’t a very clear answer. 
There was so much you wanted to say. Look, Obi, my hair’s longer than yours. I’m not a machine, Obi, I can love now. I have a matesprit. I have a moirail, and a kismesis. They love me, and I love them. My brother is alive, Obi, he’s nothing like Deepbite Alternia is home now, and I don’t hate it. I build prosthetics for a living.  Look at my matesprit, look at my moirail, look at my kismesis. Look at the life I’ve built off this ship. I’m happy now. I’m not a machine, Obi. I like puzzles, and swordfighting, and reading about physics. I helped raise a wriggler named Shiloh. Are you proud of me, Obi? 
But that was far too much to say right then. 
“....we were about to grab coffee,” you start, smiling slightly, “..can you come?” 
As you follow the other seadwellers, you feel at ease. You weren’t alone. Just knowing they were on the ship with you was reassuring enough. You would get through this. You would make it out of this alive. You would walk down the docks and return to your moirail’s side, and you would be alive. More than that, you would be fine. You could do this. You will do this. 
Of course, this newfound confidence does little to convince you to let go of Obsidian’s sleeve. It was a silly habit you picked up in your youth, though the violet didn’t mind. If anything, one could say he found it just as reassuring as you did. 
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I am terribly sorry if you don't like my harsh honesty. But, I don't like your sugar-coated bullsh*t either.
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What do you identify as?
My pronouns are he/they/it, and I'm transmasc, so I'm ok with any masculine or gn honorifics you guys use!
As for not being Sapphic: I'm aromantic and queer; still like girls, tho. I'm obsessed with how Harley looks in the Birds of Prey movie. v/////v
I just find it funny that this wlw icon's blog is being moderated by a gay ass trans boy.
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lotrmusical · 4 months
never let anyone tell you that trawling through mediocre victorian poetry isn't worth it. we just happened upon an absolute BANGER of a worm poem. go read it or else 🪱🪱🪱
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just-spacetrash · 5 months
the 'what if you played it a little risky' post literally Changed my life but i cant fujkign find it in my blog because its. a tiktok screenshot
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pocketss · 9 months
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mmm soob
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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License to Kitty.
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crimeronan · 2 months
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people who let me wake up to this get a special place in heaven. firefly_fox how does it feel to hold my life in ur hands....
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emaarusovaa · 2 months
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SOURCE: 🔴 www.ema-rusova.com🔞
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wintercorrybriea · 29 days
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shining-sphinx · 3 months
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So I got into dungeon meshi and i’ve been telling everyone who I talk to. I love everything about the world, characters, the art, etc.
People are not kidding when they say that senshi will manifest in your head to tell you to eat better. Like I have a hard time remembering to eat but my brain would be like “you haven’t eaten in some hours, you need a meal” and I would be like you’re very right internal senshi I’m gonna see what I can make. Then I make food??? Honestly Gods sent senshi for helping so many people eat better
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pangur-and-grim · 6 months
I'm turning 30 this month, and for some reason have become suddenly interested in material possessions. like what if,,,,,,,,my couch was nice. what if my sheets were nice. is this what happens to you??
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