#Bayanihan Mentality
beingjellybeans · 1 year
Recharge for the holiday rush with Bo's Coffee at the SM Store, Araneta City
The holiday season is a whirlwind of activity – a hectic dance of shopping for gifts, preparing festive feasts, and organizing family gatherings. For moms, the month of October can be especially demanding as we juggle the demands of everyday life with the added pressure of holiday preparations. Amidst the chaos, a moment to pause and recharge is invaluable. Fortunately, there is a delightful…
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cullenakingirog · 2 years
i contemplated asking the cockroach question or the better question. you know who i am. or do you? anyway, how do you incorporate the Filipino culture in your DA worldstates?
Gago you should've gone for the cockroach question haha may readymade sagot na ko dun lmao
But also boi
*cracks knuckles*
So there are various aspects of Filipino culture I used here and among them are Pre-Colonial and Spanish Colonial era fashions and customs and traditions. But not just that, I sprinkled in some of the modern-day traditions and customs here too.
But that's my generic explanation cause this is gonna be a novel
Also quick disclaimer but I do tend to make a lot of commentary on my country’s current state from disinformation to specific problems so forgive me for that. I’ve been dealing with this sm growing up that it bothers me.
I made an entire Filipino-coded country I named Azarinas post-Antivan colonisation to use because if canon will overlook the southeast esp the Philippines, I'll bring that to the forefront with my own canon-disrespecting ways.
And with that, comes in my own commentary of rabidly devout Catholicism in Filipino society. I translated that by having them persecute mages (cause of their part in Andraste's death and all that) and also they quote the Chant of Light to refute a lot of things. That, in turn, is a nod to Filipinos' obsession to quoting Bible verses to refute any suggestions of moving forward as a society.
But that's not the only group of people I added! The Azarinos are actually more of Spanish colonial Filipinos but I have made my "Dalish" clans called the Last Noble Houses who follow the old ways for them.
NOTE: They don't call themselves Dalish cause they've always been in Azarinas pre-colonisation. So this means they've never been to the Dales.
The members of the Last Noble Houses all have tattoos, but only some of them have tattoos on their face or their back since those are reserved for warriors of great renown. (a reference to how tattoos were treated in pre-colonial times)
NOTE: I did make it so that it would be customary for the common folk to have basic tattoos in front of their bodies for the sake of having protective spells imbued in their tattoos.
Pre-colonial Azarinas had the same caste system as Pre-colonial Philippines but after the fall of Iesera (Azarinas’ pre-colonial name) most of the caste levels dropped and only hints of it show through the leaders. (Namely, the ruling families are still descended from the Maginoo caste or are adopted into the ruling house to make it so that they’re in a way descended)
Soulmate dreams. That’s a thing haha
Azarinos have this obsession with foreign blood mixed into native Azarino blood. The more foreign you look, the more favoured you are. Colourism and racism directed at one another is common. Not to mention crab mentality being another flaw of the people.
But there are instances of beauty there and among them is that I incorporated the Bayanihan spirit in some moments. 
The Lakan during the pre-colonial era of Azarinas is a slight reference to epic heroes in his skill and power. TBH a lot of the characters like Mahalina and different leaders follow the checklist of Filipino epic heroes.
The Azarino language is legit Tagalog (which isn't the only language but in this instance it's the only one I learned cause I wasn't taught Pangasinense no matter how much I wanna learn) but there's a difference. The version of Tagalog used by the Azarino people vs. the Last Noble Houses is different. For the Azarinos, it is Tagalog with Spanish loan words. For the Last Noble Houses, it's deeper Tagalog with as little Spanish loan words as I could remember. (Deeper Tagalog, man it makes you sound regal but it melts the brain)
All seventeen clans (if u kno u kno 10+7 ballot) I've made followed the Pre-Colonial culture with a variety of the clans' leaders being named Datu, Rajah, Hara, or Dayang and their best leader being called Lakan as decided by the other leaders.
I made references to the legend of Princess Urduja of Pangasinan (My province) in one of the clans I made
I also made a reference to the Battle of San Rafael and made a Thedosian version of the revolutionary, Matanglawin.
The way they refer to the different members of the clan is also a thing from pre-colonial addresses. Paratabgaw = teacher (hahren in common Dalish), Atubang = Advisor, Kapunuan = Kinda like my lord/your majesty??, Tambalan = healer. I dare not touch the sacred titles of Babaylan/Katalonan/Alabay though. 
Honestly Philippine history is sprinkled in everywhere in Azarinas.
The houses of the elves in the Last Noble Houses are either based off of the bahay kubo or the torogan for the ruling families.
Various sayings like “malayo sa bituka” (it’s far from the intestines) or Filipino proverbs like “ano mang gagawin pitong beses iisipin” or “bato bato sa langit ang matamaan wag magalit” are used
I made sure there’s the different Filipino cuisines too from post to pre-colonial dishes. Mahalina is a brave mfer for loving Dinuguan but that’s no shock. Kakanin is also part of those dishes.
Carabao-like animals are one of the favoured animals of my elven clans. Those big zen looking animals are their halla in a way 
Among the favoured pets of the elves are the mayas, they’re simple and small but to them they make beautiful songs. (also they’re cute and round so-)
I made it so that the elven clans developed a specific type of floating balls of light meant to guide their people home. Common Azarinos see it and see it as an ill omen when it’s meant to help you. That’s a reference to Tala, goddess of the stars, and her helping people back then find their way home with her guiding balls of light and how the Spaniards demonised her aid by calling them the Santelmo that would lead you to your death.
The elves have long hair as a point of pride and beauty and will not cut it unless it’s in punishment, grief or before they go on a long journey.
They follow animism more than the thought of deifying any of their leaders. (they never had to deal with the Evanuris hence the difference in tattoo meanings) Another people they would deify are their ancestors. I’m not inserting the actual pantheons because I don’t want to disrespect them.
Alcoholic drinks like basi, lambanog and whatnot are the alcoholic drinks of Azarinas. Pandan tea and other flavours are also used.
Banana leaf wrappings. Every. Fucking. Where. Also rice. It’s considered weird if a meal is without rice. 
Traditional Filipino dances from pre to post colonial like Lawin-Lawin or Tinikling or Itik-Itik or Pandanggo sa Ilaw are used.
Songs I hc being commonly sung growing up: Ili-Ili, a Thedosian version of Dandansoy, Sa Ugoy ng Duyan, Pen Pen De Sarapen. Some pop songs could be sung here too like Kumpas, Ikaw at Ako, Rosas, Mapa.
Traditional musical instruments were also used along with the concept of harana. 
Pre and Post-colonial courting traditions are also used. (yes this means Dorian will get harana and Cullen gets to ask for Dalisay’s hairpin)
Same for wedding traditions like the sponsors for the non-Dalish and pre-colonial wedding traditions for the Dalish.
The usage of the gesture “mano po” which is pressing one’s forehead against the back of their elders’ hands. Along with the use of po and opo is used. 
Andrastian marriages can’t be divorced but annulment is allowed if the Grand Chantry gives its permission. A very expensive thing to try and get. Dalish marriages could end with divorce if both parties wish it really and both sides get equal shares when they split from each other. (though the dowry paid stays with the respective person it was given to.)
Sampaguitas are worn in the hair of the Dalish people sometimes as embellishments to make themselves look more beautiful. Outside, sampaguita garlands are sold to be hung on graves or on holy statues of Andraste and her followers (barring Shartan)
These are all the influences I could think of off the top of my head but there are more than this that I’ll be writing into stories I’m planning. God this was so much fun writing tho 
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dramaticyouth · 2 years
Through the Challenging Times
Among all the iconic lines our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal has said, one of the most memorable for me as a youth is, "Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan." But what if we, the youth, lost our own light of hope? In the middle of prevailing uncertainty, confusion, and distress, also known as the COVID-19 pandemic, how will humanity, especially the youth overcome these challenges? It is undeniable that the experiences we faced during the pandemic affected us big time in many aspects, such as physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 
Personally, I believe that our physical bodies need physical interaction as it contributes to our healthy well-being. But during the pandemic, we experienced the worst. From the loud sound of the alarm clock every morning, the 'Bayanihan' during the jeepney ride, the 'good morning po!' to the school staff and teachers, and the all-day chikahan with friends suddenly turned into at least one meter of social distancing, a total lockdown, and 14-day quarantine. This sudden separation leads people to have poor mental and emotional health. It is not just me who experienced this kind of feeling, and various research has proven it. During the pandemic, people tend to feel alone, sad, and unmotivated. In the worst cases, there are some who developed feelings of anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. As they say, "Self is the worst enemy one can have.", and in the middle of isolation, we experience this. Technology and social media may be there as an alternative, but it is not enough to satisfy us physically. We need to hug and be hugged, as well as to touch and be touched. Indeed, longing is something that can affect our whole well-being.
Aside from this, we also felt the fear of acquiring the virus. News reports showed us statistics of positivity and death rates, which every day is increasing significantly. And every day, it adds to our fear of the unknown tomorrow. We hoard alcohol, face masks, face shields, and even gloves to avoid direct contact with other people and surroundings that may contain the virus.  We do not straightly enter our homes whenever we need to go outside. We take a bath or spray so much alcohol before coming into the house, and we instantly change our clothes and wash it. Before, we didn't mind bringing alcohol outside, but now, it is mandatory, and we feel so anxious when we forget to bring it. COVID-19 positives may be healed, and restrictions may be gone, but the practices will surely remain forever. 
Psychological effects are not limited to those mentioned because we also neglect our physical health for such a time. The restrictions include disabling us from going outside and forbidding us from engaging in physical activities leading us to be in a bad physical state. A lot of people gained so much weight from eating unhealthy foods and developing unhealthy habits such as sleeping late and skipping breakfast. These can also be an effect of continuous distress during the pandemic. It is proven that bad mental health leads people to overeat and to be unmotivated in engaging in physical activities. We may call it 'laziness', but we should acknowledge that this is the domino effect.
I do not generalise, but there are some who also struggled with their spiritual life. The feeling of so much stress and anxiety in a bad environment leads people to blame or question the Almighty. It is wrong, yes, but as they say, "It is different on the battlefield." During the pandemic, a lot of people depend on their faith, but some, especially those who experienced the loss of their loved ones, become unmotivated, confused, and feel betrayed. We can not say that they are 'kulang sa dasal' or 'demonised', but two things are for sure; They experienced the worst, so we do not have the right to blame them. From my experience, I once questioned the Almighty because of the endless negative emotions within me. The feeling of planning my life then in just a snap, I am not allowed to go outside. I asked Him why and I want to know his plan. But at the end of the day, I trusted Him fully and surrendered it all.
Reflecting about my personal experiences during the pandemic, I realised both good and bad. Good in a sense that I have the opportunity to bond with my family and do a lot more exercises, household chores that I've never done before. However, I will lean more into the bad side as I experience anxiety like the other youth during the pandemic because I feel bothered with my physical appearance even though I try to push myself in doing a lot of exercise routine but it didn't last and it's exhausting. I regret that I focused more on how I will look on the outside because I didn't know that my mental health was being damaged as I went upside down, even my face having it's breakout so then I have insecurities with myself and become stressed in just a small thing and when I'll go outside with that look there just people will stare at you and even say " Ano nangyari sa mukha mo?" , "Tumataba ka ata lalo", and  that worsened my anxiety. I always wake up in the morning just to stare at the mirror and say, "Kelan ba matatapos to?" ,  "Kasalanan ko ba na ganito talaga ako?"  and suddenly I  end up crying secretly in the bathroom.
So then I just entertain myself on social media like watching vlogs, movies, listening to music and  k-dramas so that it could lessen my stress and slowly cope with my anxiety. I even try to download a dating app and meet some other people who I can share my thoughts with and some problems that I can't handle to say to my own parents. They are all kind and they even gave me some advice that would heal my fragile heart and unwell mind. As days have passed. Many people of course the youths  have been in this field of having these kinds of problems like anxiety, depression, adjusting and coping to the new normal and new learning environment, also having financial problems because when the pandemic hit our country many people lost their jobs. 
Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic will not be recorded as a flashing event in everyone's lives and history. It started as a small flame, and through time, it became uncontrollable and massive, which burns and is disastrous. But through this challenging time, I realised the real essence of Dr. Jose Rizal's quote, "Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan.". It means we, the Filipino youth, have a fire within us much bigger than the country's obstacles. The youths have the power to experience, observe, and learn during these times. Most especially, the youths have the power to make a move and to change the present and the future for the better of all. We face hardships, yes. We fall, yes. But we will surely rise again and fight back. 
So to all of my fellow youths who are struggling and in the middle of challenging moments, may you not forget to light the torch within you and keep the fire burning! There are times when you will be wounded, and you may earn scratches. Sometimes, you will burn, and that's okay. But always fight back, not just for yourself but for our motherland. Always remember, it needs youth like you!
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claralegarde · 11 months
Study Guide 1.4 l Feminism
How would you classify Emma Watson’s feminism?
Emma Watson’s primary goal is to achieve equal rights for women in terms of pay, decision-making, and political participation. This perspective aligns with liberal or classical feminism, which seeks to secure equal rights for women. This type of feminism is anchored on the political philosophy, liberalism, which emphasizes the development of freedom. Similarly, Emma Watson aims to dismantle or liberate women from patriarchal and stereotypical structures that have long inhibited their full freedom.
What would it take for men to join the He for She campaign?
Emma Watson’s HeForShe campaign invites men to actively participate in the fight for gender equality, highlighting that feminism can also address issues faced by men. These issues are often rooted in societal expectations and stereotypes of masculinity, which can lead to emotional suppression, mental health problems, and even suicide. By joining the campaign, men not only help themselves but also contribute to freeing the women in their lives from prejudice. This involvement can also serve as a model for their sons, teaching them to embrace vulnerability and emotional awareness. Ultimately, Watson underscores that the HeForShe campaign is about bridging the gender divide and moving away from viewing genders as opposing ideals.
2. Why is socialist feminism the dominant alternative being advocated for in the article?
Socialist feminism attributes the roots of gender inequality to political, economic, and social structures. Specifically, it identifies capitalism and patriarchy as the primary forces driving the oppression of women. The article introduces a misogynistic president and his militaristic approach to handling the pandemic. During this time, issues of women’s oppression, such as sexual harassment by the police and limited livelihood opportunities, are discussed. The article proposes a socialist feminist approach, arguing that the challenges women face are deeply connected to capitalism and patriarchy. It encourages us to reflect on our historical experiences, particularly the pre-colonial era when women held significant power in society. Ultimately, the article advocates for a culture of “bayanihan” or solidarity to challenge the status quo and confront the dominant systems of patriarchal and capitalist rule.
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smrbhagare97 · 2 years
Mental health, volunteerism take center stage at ‘MAD Talks Padayon’ event
Mental health, volunteerism take center stage at ‘MAD Talks Padayon’ event
In its continuing mission to bring the Filipino youth together through volunteerism, as well as spread the gospel of servant leadership and the culture of bayanihan amid challenges, nonprofit organization I am M.A.D. (Making A Difference) is reviving its Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations (TAYO) Awards-recognized MAD Talks event. Dubbed as “MAD Talks presents: Sa Ngayon, Padayon. (Kwentuhan.…
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85% of Filipino Americans reported Covid mental health issues, more than any Asian group
The exact impact of Covid-19 on Filipino Americans is impossible to know because death data on Asian American subgroups is lumped into a single category. But exclusive data from a recent survey shows that Covid-19 has had a significant impact on Filipino American mental health: More than half of respondents reported anxiety, depression and worrying, among a number of symptoms. Of those respondents, 85 percent attributed them to the pandemic.
Although putting others’ needs first took a toll on some community members who spoke with NBC Asian America, they credit the Filipino American bayanihan spirit of collective responsibility and caring for one another as a reason that outlook has survived the pandemic despite all the lives lost. “Our culture is very resilient,” Christine Catipon said. “We’ve been through colonization, we've been through lots of corrupt governments, and we're still a happy smiling people. Or at least we try to be.”
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brightchild05 · 4 years
Long post. Please skip if you're also struggling right now with your mental health. I don't want to add to the weight you're feeling.
(But I also need to let these all out. For my mental health's sake as well.)
I am feeling a lot of emotions right now and I am struggling to process all of them. Anger. Rage. Guilt. Afraid. Worried. Hopelessness. Hopeful. Pity. Sadness. Uncertainty. And a whole lot more. For months, I'd like to believe I was able to handle my mental health whilst engaging in social media. Because let's face the truth, during these times, you can't totally shut yourself from socmed as it is one of the primary source of information about current news and events.
But maybe the recent happenings in our country started to take a toll on me. Seeing people asking, no - they are begging for their lives. They are begging for help..for rescue..for their children..for their parents..for their safety. Everything was taken away from them - their houses, their livelihood, their family. And most of those people in power seem to not care at all. They don't, even a tiny bit, feel any sense of urgency, of sympathy, of empathy, for the very people who put them in power. Why are the innocent ones, the powerless ones, the inferior ones - experiencing all of these? They haven't recovered from the last calamity and yet they were again hit by the next one. As if the on going pandemic was not enough. Why? Why them? Why are people in power, people who have the means to, are not helping them? In fact, they should have been able to prevent all these from happening. They are able to prevent all these. But they didn't. And that's why I am angry. I am enraged. I am no saint. But I am also not evil. But these people are making me into one. There are moments when I find myself asking why are all these horrible events not happening to the most horrible people as well? How can they sleep at night, comfortable in the safety of their own homes, together with their family - while others are crying for help, looking for their loved ones, begging for their lives?
I see donation drives everywhere as well. I truly appreciate all the efforts and sacrifices of the people behind all these. But I also feel tired for them. Don't get me wrong. I know, Filipinos, by nature, are very helping people. We've always been known for our bayanihan. But people from the private sector have been doing these endlessly for the past 8 or 9 months. Since the start of the pandemic, of the community quarantine in the country. These people who are helping mostly are ordinary taxpayers as well. They also struggle with their work/livelihood because of the pandemic. They also have bills and rent to pay. They have families to feed. They have little or no extra money as well. But they choose to help. They choose to give whatever and however they can. But until when? Until when will we be able to handle everything on our own?
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callejaboard · 3 years
                 Si Jerico Alexis Osido ang napili kong makapanayam dahil siya ay isang guro - bukod pa rito, siya rin ay isang SK sa aming barangay, ang New Lower Bicutan, Taguig City. Si Jerico ay dalawampu’t tatlong taong gulang.
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                     Nakakatuwa na sa murang edad ay marami na siyang natulungan, normal ang makaramdam ng tuwa sa tuwing nakakatulong si Jerico dahil nakikita niya rin daw sa mukha ng iyong natulungan ang saya na hatid nito. Ayon kay Jerico, siya ay naglilingkod bilang isang guro na may malaking gampanin sa mga mag aaral na sila ay matuto hindi lang akademik kundi karanasan sa buhay na siyang magagamit nila para maibalik sa bayan ang lahat ng kanyang natutunan.
                       Hindi lamang pagiging lider sa bayan ang kaniyang trabaho subalit isa rin siya sa mga humuhubog sa mga nagnanais na maging propesyonal katulad ko pagdating ng panahon. Hindi lamang sa larangan ng akademiko nais ni Jerico na maging mahusay ang kaniyang mga estudyante subalit pati na rin sa pagiging mabuting mamamayan upang maging kapaki-pakinabang sa bayan.
                     Talaga nga namang nakakatuwa na kahit pala napaka raming nakapatong sa kaniyang ulo na mga obligasyon at responsibilidad ay pinili niya pa rin na maglingkod sa bayan. Hindi madali ang trabaho ng isang guro, lalo na’t bago ang sistema ng pagtuturo, at mas lalong hindi rin madali ang paglilingkod sa bayan sa ganitong klase ng panahon dahil bukod sa may pandemya tayong kinakaharap, wala rin sapat na tulong mula sa gobyerno upang matugunan ang krisis na kinakaharap.
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                   Makikita sa larawan na naglunsad ng Community Pantry ang SK ng New Lower Bicutan kung saan kabilang si Jerico. Sila ay mayroong tagline na “SK New Lower Bicutan : Bayanihan sa Gitna ng Pandemya”. Nakakatuwa lamang makita na mayroong napupuntahan ang pondo ng bayan, ang mga tax ay kahit papaano na sa maliit na bagay ay naipapakita ng mga aspiring leaders sa aming barangay na napapakinabangan ng taong bayan.
                    Marahil iniisip ng iba na patay na ang bayanihan sa ating mga Pilipino dahil nauuso na ang “crab mentality” subalit sa mga pagkakataong kinakailangan natin ng tulong ng ating kapwa, kapag may sakuna na nangyayari, at may kalamidad na dumarating ay handa tayong tumulong upang hindi manatiling nakalubog ang kapwa natin Pilipino.
                   “Ang huling karanasan ko sa pagtulong ay kanina lamang, pagtulong na maglinis ng bahay, bagamat ito ay simple lamang may malaki naman itong epekto sa loob ng aming tahanan.” Ito ang sagot ni Jerico sa akin nung tinanong ko siya kung kailan ang huli niyang pagtulong. Nakakatuwa lamang na malaman na kahit malaki na ang ambag niya sa lipunan, dahil isa siyang guro at SK, hindi pa rin niya nakakalimutan na tignan ang mga maliliit na pagtulong bilang kapaki-pakinabang din sa kaniyang kapwa.
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“Mahalaga na pagtuunan ng pansin ang sektor ng edukasyon, malaki pa din ang bilang ng mga kabataan ang walang access pagdating sa edukasyon kung kaya't mas mainam na pondohan at bigyan ng kongkretong plano ang sektor na ito. Mas uunlad ang bansa kung magbibigay importansya tayo sa edukasyon.”
- Jerico Alexis Osido
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joaqqquiin · 3 years
The virus that destroyed the unity of the Filipinos
December is the time of the year where people would worry about giving gifts and doing their last minute shopping in Divisoria or such places. However, this year giving gifts is not the only thing we are worried about but also the fear of getting infected by the coronavirus. The Philippines is now part of the top 20 countries with the highest number of COVID cases despite being the country with the longest lockdown in the world. We have taken precautionary measures and follow safety protocols, nevertheless we continue to get thousands of cases everyday. Without any proper management or support from the authority, the virus will not be the only thing killing us.
 COVID has been wreaking havoc in the Philippines for about 10 months now; taking the lives of thousands, destroying the economy, and creating distrust and disunity among the Filipino people. The first ever COVID case recorded here in the Philippines was back in January 30, 2020, and the first death was recorded on February 1, 2020. President Duterte created a task force to fight off the virus and implemented a travel ban on January 31 from Hubei, China, and which was later extended to mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau on February 2. It was on March 8 when President Duterte declared the Philippines as a State of Public Health Emergency. COVID cases began to rise around the world and due to the rapid rising of cases, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic. The palace released the guidelines that should be followed such as social distancing on March 14. The following day was the beginning of the lockdown filled with uncertainty, which no one expected would last up to 10 months. On April 17, President Duterte enacted the penalties for violating lockdown guidelines. Due to the military approach of the government to defeating the virus, protests around the Philippines happened. Numerous Filipinos were held in captivity for taking part in the peaceful protests which angered the Filipino people more and resulted in even more protests. August 2 was the day the cases in the Philippines reached the 100, 000 mark. In a span of 24 days or roughly 4 weeks, the Philippines gained another 100, 000 cases. The sudden spike in COVID cases shows that the way our authorities were handling the pandemic was not effective. GCQ’s, EGCQ’s, and MGCQ’s have been implemented throughout the 10 months and yet, up to date, the COVID cases in the Philippines are still rising. 
The roughly year-long lockdown definitely took a toll on the mental health of Filipinos, but good thing the government thought of rehabilitating Manila Bay to restore our sanity. As of December 8, COVID took the lives of 8, 768 people, which is devastating. The number of cases and deaths overwhelmed everyone and resulted in some being traumatized especially the survivors. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of Filipinos are suffering from starvation due to high unemployment. Some Filipinos do not have jobs due to the lockdown which prohibits them from going to work. No work means that they won't have money to support their families. High unemployment will also result in our economy to collapse. In addition to that, the Philippines is in debt of a large amount of money. Due to the negative effects of the virus to our economy and the health of the Filipinos, it has angered a lot of Filipinos because all these reflect back to the government. 
The administration borrowed millions of pesos from the world bank and various banks to help with the handling of the ongoing pandemic. The government introduced programs and laws such as the Bayanihan to heal as one act. The act allows the President to make the necessary actions to control the pandemic. The act also aids many Filipinos with cash aids to around 18 million low-income families. The frontliners also get an increased salary on top of their regular salaries. All necessary guidelines and actions are taken from this law. The government also bought thousands of protective equipment to shield the health works from obtaining the virus. Travel bans were also instituted to reduce the spread of the virus from countries. Quarantine and isolation facilities were also built to contain and treat the infected ones. The Filipinos also have a role and duty to fulfill which is to follow the guidelines and as much as possible, stay at home. 
The government is currently taking the necessary action to further develop how we are dealing with the virus in the country. Recently, President Duterte realized the importance of mass testing after months of people suggesting it. The government is finding cheaper ways to test a lot of the Filipinos. The government has also started to find funds and is eyeing 73.2 billion pesos for the vaccine to COVID.  As days pass, more and more people are getting tested. The government needs to focus on managing the pandemic and worry about other projects once the virus is contained. 
As we all know, the Philippines is a third world country and the more our economy declines, the more Filipinos will suffer. Containing the pandemic should be the priority of the government. This can be achieved if the government would listen to the voices of the Filipino people and give what they have been asking for such as mass testing. The government is focusing on reviving the economy and the Filipinos are vital to the revival of the economy. If the government puts their full attention solely on the economy, there will be no economy to revive if by the end of this pandemic there will be no more Filipinos left.
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cherryjoylunagblog · 4 years
Fake News in Politics
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Fake News in Showbiz
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Fake News in Sports
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Fake News in Academe
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Fake News in Medical Field
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Living in this age of information, it is easy to get lost in the different news reports and sources. Some news is not reliable, while the rest are fake. But first let us define what is fake news. "Fake news" refers to intentionally and verifiably false stories that are largely disseminated through social media networks. It can be very persuasive and therefore it is necessary to develop strategies to identify and critically assess news you read on social media.
Fake news is not only a problem nowadays but also even before. As early as 1700’s a lot of fake news had been exposed. Some of the example of this are the issue about the Catholic Church’s false explanation of the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake prompted Voltaire to speak out against religious dominance.  In the 1800s in the US, racist sentiment led to the publication of false stories about African Americans’ supposed deficiencies and crimes.
In our country alone, Fake news is very common especially that we are labeled as the social media capital for almost five years. A lot of people are easy to be deceived with the fake news. false Updates may reach a thousand citizen in just a minute. A recent (March 2018) article in Science evaluated the dissemination of "fake news" on Twitter between 2006-2017. "False news reached more people than the truth; the top 1% of false news cascades diffused to between 1000 and 100,000 people, whereas the truth rarely diffused to more than 1000 people.
Fake News is a problem in every aspect of society including Politics, Entertainment, Sports, Academe, and even in Medical Field. As shown in the pictures above, Philippines is prone to this dilemma. Most of the citizens are being misled because of this.  Fake News is not just a mere problem it can Hurt people, Physically and Mentally.  There are some in fake information about health or medicine. People who are not aware of fake and cannot determine which is reliable source he may take wrong dosages or medicine that may affect him. It can also destroy credibility.  If you shared a false information or write arguments that are built on bad information, it will be much more difficult for people to believe you in the future.
So, what should everyone do in order to avoid the spread of Fake news especially that today anyone can be a journalist.  So, as you consume “news”, look at the source to determine the likelihood of truth and accuracy. Is it on a website? Social media? Blog? Unless it’s from a credible news source, be weary that the information could be fake. 
First, Do your research.  Check the citations and dates of research to ensure it’s from a reputable source and not outdated. For instance, a study or statistic could have been true at some point, but if it’s more than a few years old, the information could no longer be fact. And then, Find the source. Don’t just google to see if the information is on other sites.  Remember, once fake news is printed, it is often reshared in many other outlets to make it seem as if it is true.
Please be reminded of this every time you click and share in your social media accounts in order to help in combating false information especially in this time of Pandemic and also to protect yourself. Here in the Philippines, there is a law regarding Spreading false information, unverified reports and other forms of disinformation that may affect overall unified response to the COVID-19 pandemic is punishable by law. Citizens caught peddling fake news could be charged for violating Republic Act 10175 (Anti-Cybercrime Law), or under Section 6 (f) of Republic Act 11469 (Bayanihan to Heal As One Act), whichever is applicable.
Fake News is not easy to eradicate but Everyone has a responsibility to combat the scourge of fake news and disinformation.  Fact checking is very important in order to avoid mis information that may lead to chaos and threat. Be an instrument to stop and minimize this dilemma
It may be cliché’ but “ THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK”
CTTO for the pictures
Sources linked.
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idkwbu · 4 years
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When your mental health acts up, how do you find a will to go on? This blog post is inspired by Kyla Villanueva. And I know I have to channel this energy to the right place. There is so much going on in the world right now and the anxiety is getting overwhelming. My mental health got worse during this time as well and I am having a hard time to live my life normally, and I think —we all do. As someone who is feeling so low and struggling, I wanna share these 5 things on how I am dealing with the current situation. And if you’re struggling too, let me first say, we’re in this together.
1. What you’re feeling is Valid
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The whole world is going through a traumatic event right now and it’s totally okay to feel whatever you are feeling right now. Basically, a lot of things didn’t go as planned. We are all locked up in our homes thinking when will this end. I’m actually scared. I’m really scared. Not that I am not thankful that I got to stay at home, I am grateful that I am sitting at home and writing this. No matter what you are feeling right now, no matter how messy your thoughts are, it’s valid and it’s okay. Babe, it’s going to get better soon. You are not lesser for what you are feeling and you should be proud of yourself for being able to keep going forward.
2. Friends
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The life that we live in will not be complete without a support system. I’d been so vocal with my friends on how I am so grateful for their lives. You know that I just recently started this blog and I consulted this to one of my closest friends which I’d consider my best friend too —Gabby. Believe me, I didn’t expect the feedback that I got from my friends. I was so overwhelmed with the love and support. I cried a lot. Aside from their unending love and support, I am constantly making sure to talk to them every now and then. We video chat once in a while too. I think every person needs their own Gabby, Eula, Ja, Ya, Aish, and Vince (Friends) in their lives. Forever grateful to you guys!
3. Exercise
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Workouts are probably my least favorite thing to do. My right knee strength has gone out since I hit it in the ice skating rink 3 years ago and it never went back to normal. I have a weird workout routine and believe me, it’s all over the place. I’m focusing on my peach. I do sumo squats while taking a bath. Yup while taking a bath lol. And sometimes, donkey kicks while watching netflix. I’m not a pro when it comes to fitness routines so please don’t judge me. I am trying to incorporate these routines more regularly.
4. Divert your Attention
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Whenever I feel sad or lonely, I used to listen to sad songs and it made me even sadder. Haha. I mean, we have different ways to deal with our sadness and it’s okay, whatever works for you. I divert my attention through writing. I also watch netflix. I’m currently watching The Good Place. This is a recommendation that I saw in my friend’s blog post — Kyla Villanueva. A story about the afterlife, a heaven-like. It also tackles ethics, philosophy and being morally good. The main character Eleanor portrayed by Kristen Bell was sent to the good place by mistake and she’s trying to hide her morally-corrupt past just to stay there. If you’re into a light and comedy story, I highly recommend this series. Let me know if there’s a good series that you wanna share with me, that I can try as well. Keep yourself busy, babe!
5. Social Media Detox
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We live in a generation wherein we can easily access everything. There’s television, news, articles, websites, social media; platforms that provide information on the current situation of the world. Seeing my feed that DOH confirmed additional 204 new cases of Covid-19 yesterday was scary for me, and everyday that I am seeing a different number of new cases it gets scarier. Not that I only see the bad. I am thankful that finally, the number of recoveries surpassed the number of deaths. I salute every organization, group, and people who are doing bayanihan in crisis like this. I acknowledge their act of kindness and that is good news. So, here’s my point: It’s perfectly okay for you to stay away from social media once in a while. I really don’t like the idea that I am being consumed by social media ‘cause of the bad news. I did set a day every week to stay off the grid on social media. This way, I'll be able to take care of my mental health too. I tried this last week and it feels so good. Big thanks to Jess Conte for inspiring me to do this. One of the best decisions I've made so far.
I am overflowing with thoughts while writing this, so I had to cut some of it to keep it short. Thank you so much for reading this til the end. I’ll end this blog by leaving this — If the only thing that you accomplish this 2020 is staying alive, that’s okay and I’m proud of you. We’re in this together. Please take care. Be gentle with yourself •◡•
All the love, R ♡
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bachmarky · 5 years
Disaster Awareness in Community or Barangay
9 December - Pumunta ako sa aming Barangay Hall upang magsagawa ng isang interview sa kahit sinong namamahala para sa aming NSTP na may paksang Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. 
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Sa araw na iyon, aking nakapanayam si Mark Anthony Pader, isang SK Chairman at SK Council ng aming barangay sa North Fairview.
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Sa ginawang pakikipanayam ay ibinahagi sa akin ni Hon. Pader ang mga kalamidad at mga epekto nito na aming nararanasan sa aming barangay.
Hazard Identification - Ayon kay G. Pader, isa sa mga kalamidad na nararanasan ng aming barangay ay ang sunog. Dahil sa congested o dikit-dikit ang mga bahay at gawa sa mga light materials gaya ng plywood na mabilis magdulot ng sunog. Isa sa mga nagiging dahilan nito ay ang pagpapabaya ng nakasinding kandila lalo na kapag brown-out. Maliban sa sunog, isa sa matinding sakuna na naranasan ay ang bagyong Ondoy taong 2009. Dahil sa bagyo, matinding pagbaha ang naranasan ng barangay, lalo na ang mga nakatira malapit sa ilog. 
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Maliban pa sa nasabing kalamidad, isa pang pinaghahandaan ay ang “The Big One” na maaaring maranasan anumang oras. Sakaling mangyari ito, nakahanda ang barangay dito, merong mga ambulansya, fire truck, responders, BPSO na handang tumulong sa barangay. 
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Bilang paghahanda, ang Barangay Council ay nagkakaroon ng contiuous o tuloy-tuloy na drill (fire or earthquake) nang sa gayon alam ng mga tao ang kanilang gagawin.
Sa pamamagitan ng CCTV sa bawat barangay, nasusubaybayan nito ang mga sakuna na pwedeng mangyari at ang City Council ng Mayor kasama ang Quezon City Disaster Risk Reduction Office sa City Hall, nasusubaybayan nila doon ang weather forecast na makakaapekto sa lugar. Maliban sa PAG-ASA,  ang Mayor ay pwedeng magsuspede ng klase depende sa measure o level ng signals. 
Mayroong database ang PAG-ASA na kung saan sila ang nakakaalam kung gaano kadalas mangyari ang isang sakuna tulad ng bagyo.
Vulnerability, Elements and People at Risk Assessment - Pagdating sa bagyo, ang pinakamating lugar na napipinsala ay ang mga bahay na nakatayo malapit sa ilog. Sa ngayon, hindi na masyado dahil noon wala pang “retaining wall” sa mga ilog. Noong si Herbert Bautista pa ang Mayor, nagpatayo siya ng retaining wall sa mga ilog tulad ng Tullahan River. Pinatayo ang pader na ito upang ang daloy ng tubig ay diretso hindi tulad noon na umaapaw ang tubig at dahil dito hindi na umaapaw ang tubig. 
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Kung sakaling tumama ang anumang sakuna, maaapektuhan ang mga bahay lalo na kung hindi sementado at gawa lamang sa mga light materials. Bakit, dahil kung sakaling tumama ang bagyo na may kasamang malakas na hangin, may posebilidad na liparin ang bahay o ang bubong nito. Siyempre ‘di lamang ito nangayayari sa bagyo pati na rin sa sunog na kung saan mabilis ang pagkalat nito sa kanilang bahay pati na rin sa katabi nito.
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Sa pamayanan naman lalo na sa merkaado, naaapektuhan ang kanilang pangkabuhayan. Kapag bumabagyo, nakasara ang kanilang lugar, instead na kumita sa araw na iyon, ang nangyayari ay nagsasara sila at nababawasan ang kanilang kita dahil sa pangyayari lalo na yung mga nagtitinda.
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Pagdating naman sa mga pampasahero tulad ng tricycle, dahil sa pagkakaroon ng suspension, konti lang ang kanilang pasahero at dahil doon nababawasan din ang kanilang kita. Nangkakaroon din naman ng kita ang mga tricycle driver hindi nga lang ganon kalakas. 
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Kung sakaling dumating ang panganib, isa sa mga pinakaligtas na lugar na pwedeng puntahan ay ang evacuation center na kung saan ay dito mananatili ang mga taong naakpektuhan ng anumang sakuna. Ang barangay ay nagtatalaga ng evacuation center area. Hindi lamang nasa iisang lugar ang evacuation center kundi nasa iba’t ibang lugar ito.
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Isa sa mga pinakadelikadong lugar sa barangay ay ang mga taong naninirahan malapit sa ilog. Ang mga taong naninirahan dito ay nasa bungad ng ilog at kapag umapaw ang tubig sa tuwing may baha, sila ang unang maaapektuhan. Pagdating naman sa sunog, ang mga bahay na gawa sa light materials ang maaapektuhan, pero nakapepende pa rin ito. Hindi sa lahat ng pagkakataon sila ang nagiging dahilan o biktima ng sunog. Nakadepende pa rin ito sa komunidad kung sinu-sino ang mga taong naninirahan dito.
Ang kinakaharap ng barangay na humahadlang sa pag-unlad tulad ng political opposition yung mga may ayaw sa kapitan, sa administration o sa mga namumuno sa lugar. Bakit hindi nalang natin isipin na “If you help, you were able to meet an impact to your community.” Mayroong tinatawag na “crab-mentality” na kung saan hindi masaya ang isang tao na umuunlad yung isang tao, bagkus hihilain nila ito pababa. Sa totoo lang, kapwa Pilipino dapat tayo nagtutulungan. Ayon sa pelikulang Heneral Luna, “mismong nagiging kalaban mo yung mga nakakasama mo rin.”
Capacity and Disaster Management Assessment - Ang barangay ay laging andito nagmomonitor at ayun ang kanilang tungkulin. Sa paghahanda, nagkakaroon ng trainings, doon papasok ang kanilang kaalaman kung paano pa nila mailalabas ang kanilang abilidad o kakayahan na makatulong sa komunidad. Ang BPSO, ay rumoronda o umiikot sa barangay tuwing gabi, at mga CCTV na inoobserbahan ang mga taong naglalakad at mga sasakyan na pumapasok at lumalabas ng barangay. Lagi rin nakahanda ang fire truck kapag may nangyaring sunog sa isang komunidad. Pati ang ambulansya na handang tumulong.
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Sa barangay, mayroong mapa na kung saan nakalagay doon yung mga lugar na delikado, yung mga maaapektuhan sakaling dumating ang sakuna. Nagkakaroon ng continuous training ang barangay na malaki ang tulong o dulot nito sa mga tao.
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Sa mga bagay, inaalam kung sinu-sino ang mga biktima, mga naaapektuhan at dahil dito kaagapay ang barangay. Nagbibigay ang mga Social Workers ng ayuno at tulong sa mga taong naapektuhan. Andito ang mga kagawad na kung saan inaalam nila kung sino yung apektado. Sa pagbibigay ng tulong, kasama dito yung mga relief goods, bagong damit upang makapagsimula ulit. 
Sa Barangay level, ang Barangay Council ang namumuno dito kasama ang mga kagawad. Dahil sa bagong batas, kasama na rin ang SK pati ang SK Chairman na kabilang sa mga namumuno.
Habang ginagawa ko ang aktibidad na ito, marami akong nakunang impormasyon na aking natutunan na hindi lang sa komunidad pati na rin sa aming barangay. Siguro yung mga issue/s na nararanasan ng aming barangay ay yun nga, mga sakuna na dumadating sa ating bansa. Syempre hindi lamang nangyayari ang mga ganito sa aming barangay, pati na rin sa ating bansa. Bilang mamayanan, kinakailangan na ipaalam ito sa publiko nang sa gayon ay maging handa tayo sa anumang sakuna na dumating sa ating lugar. Kung kinakailangan, dapat din tayo sumali sa mga training upang makatulong tayo sa ibang tao. 
Kung kinakailangan, makipagkooperatibo tayo sa ating barangay pati sa na gobyerno upang malaman nila ang ating problema nang sa gayon ay masulusyonan ito. BIlang Pilipino rin kailangan din natin magtulungan upang makabangon tayo sa mga sakuna at ipakita natin ang tinatawag na “BAYANIHAN” sa ating lugar.
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researchchla · 6 years
Bayanihan (buy-uh-nee-hun): Working Together to Effect Change
Bayanihan is a Filipino term that means working together in the community to accomplish a difficult task.
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It is a generation ago. A young girl named Joyce was born in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles – where many immigrants from the Philippines often first settle. Her parents and grandparents came to the United States, like so many others from the Philippines, a journey born of the promise for a better life for generations to come. This journey is not easy, nor does it stop once new roots are carefully planted and tended in their new community. Immigrants are burdened with desires to maintain their strong cultural traditions while learning the customs of their new country. External factors like bullying and discrimination further complicate the struggle. Joyce sees firsthand how these difficulties can translate into poor health outcomes in her community.
No longer a little girl, Joyce Javier, MD, MPH, MS, has earned degrees in medicine and public health to arm herself to make a change. She seeks to continue the journey whose first steps were taken not long ago by her family. Dr. Javier makes this voyage for her own daughters and for the rest of her Filipino community. But hers is not a geographical journey. She will not have to brave leaving her own country in search of opportunities like her grandparents and parents did. Instead, she seeks to better the lives of generations to come right here in Los Angeles. Dr. Javier partners with the community to address and tackle the issues they face. As it turns out, these issues are life and death.
Asian American and Pacific Islanders age 15-24 are the only racial/ethnic group for whom suicide is the number one cause. Suicide. It bears repeating.
This staggering fact demonstrates a severe necessity to better serve the mental health needs of minority populations. “As a pediatrician and a mother of two daughters in their pre-teens, these are scary statistics,” says Dr. Javier. External pressures such as bullying or racism can affect an individual’s mental health. Ideally, mental health should be addressed early on. Dr. Javier says it’s “not just mental health, but building resilience so that kids have the tools they’ll need to overcome life’s hardest challenges.”
Dr. Javier works closely with other clinicians and leaders of her community to recruit families into a parenting program called The Incredible Years®, which has demonstrated success in improving family life. While this may seem simple, it is not. Parents are hesitant to enroll, likely because they feel like they are asking for help. Yet, once families complete the program, parents report reduced stress and improved family dynamics. These are protective factors against youth conduct problems and devastating outcomes such as suicide.
In a recent study published in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Javier and co-authors, Dean Coffey, Lawrence Palinkas, Michele Kipke, Jeanne Miranda, and Sheree Schrager demonstrate a successful method for recruiting families to participate in the parenting program. Along with parents in the community, Dr. Javier made a video (available to watch here) featuring parents and grandparents of the community who had participated in – and benefitted from – The Incredible Years® program. This culturally-tailored video was a success in Dr. Javier’s randomized controlled trial. From here, there is nowhere to go but up for Dr. Javier’s undertaking.
It is clear that she is on a path to drastically improve the lives of those in her community. By partnering with parents like herself, she is making a change. For more information on her study, please visit https://filipinofamilyhealth.com/.
Image caption: Dr. Javier as a young girl
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culbertperez-blog · 5 years
How I grow?
To start this journey towards this life changing plans; I would like to introduce myself. I’m Culbert Justine Perez who’s born on December 14, 1999 in Paranaque City. I’m a child of both hardworking parents. My mother is Rosebellie Perez who’s a very responsible housewife. My father is Herbert Perez who works as lineman in a private company in Batangas. I have two siblings who are also with me all the time namely: Kerby Perez and Mechaela Perez.
I grow up in a very open environment where you can see all challenges the life could give. So with that I had able to cope up with different challenges and problems in my life with the lesson that I’ve got from the kind of environment that I lived in.
In this course, I’ve learned a lot of things that is very helpful as it change my ways in viewing life. Let’s now see how I’ll relate all the lesson and topics that I’ve learned  in this course reflects my “Self developmental and care plan”.
Spiritual Self  
This lesson focuses on seeking the meaning of life because it is the journey that the spiritual self is on. Religion takes also a big part in spiritual self as its use moral sensibility and conscience through the expression of our religion.
As an Agnostic, I’ve been receiving a lot of question that focuses on “Why don’t you believe in God?”. But I don’t give them answer since I keep my answers to myself.
In this specific lesson, I’ve learned that you don’t need any God to be able to have a good relationship with others. So as what I’ve learned, I’ll be building a healthy relationships towards other by respecting their beliefs with honesty, integrity, and love. With this I can say that this will be a sign of me as spiritual being. But with doing this I can expect that they will respect my beliefs as respect begets respect.
As I grow up, I possessed values that I adapted from my environment. With this specific lesson I’ve learned to use these values for me to be a spiritual being. It made me realize that these values will make a change on so I’ll take that as a lesson.
·        I’ll be who am I.
·        I’ll respect others beliefs with respect, integrity and love.
·        I’ll use my values to be a spiritual being
·        I’ll find my purpose in life
Material Self
Material self is all of the physical elements that reflect who you are such as car, home, body, clothes.
“We regard our possessions as part of ourselves. We are what we have and what we possess.” - Russel Belk (1988)
As we grow older, putting importance to material possession decreases. However, material possessions gains higher value in our lifetime if we use material possessions to find happiness, associate these things with significant events, accomplishments, and people in our lives. Sometimes, we let our possession to something defines who we are and it can have a bad effect to our self and to those people around us.
As an average person, I grew up in not so exposed to things that rich people that can easily have so that’s why I’m used to be contented on what I have.     I only focused on what I need because your wants can make you happy for just a very short period of time.
·        I’ll be contented on what I have.
·        I’ll always appreciate the things that I have.
·        I’ll focus on what is important that what I only want because it can only make me temporarily happy.
Political Self
The Political Self explores how our social and economic contexts profoundly affect our mental health and well-being, and how modern psychodynamic research can both contribute to and enrich our understanding of these wider discussions.
As a Filipino, we adapted different values and characteristics that other  Filipino have. First of this is “Crab Mentality”, There are some of us Filipinos who got a bitter view at competition that if we cannot win, then no one will. Instead of helping each other to be successful, we even make ways to pull them down like discourage them from taking great opportunities, or destroying their image. Next to it is  “Mañana Habit “,Instead of working on a task while there is much time, we wait for the deadline because we feel lazy to start on them, or we want to use the time in other things. And the last that I’ll give is “gossiping”, Filipinos are fond of talking about others’ business. It is not true that only women are into gossiping. Even men can also be nosy on other people’s lives.
With this kind of values and traits we are overshadowing our good traits as a Filipino. We need to learn that as a Filipino, we are very hospitable. As a Filipino we practiced “Bayanihan”. We have a lot of good traits as a Filipino and we should embrace it. Let’s stop our bad traits because it will not help us in developing our political self.
·        I’ll embrace the good traits of being a Filipino such as being hospitable and by being always happy despite of all the problems that we’re facing.
·        I’ll stop “Filipino Time”.
·        I’ll stop “crab mentality” instead I’ll help others to lift their self-up.
Body Image
In our generation, we are very conscious with our body. We tend to let others what we should look like. We believe that those models that we see in television, billboards and in your social media accounts is the definition of perfection that we need to follow. We let our insecurities eat us. The society defines what is beautiful or sexy to them. If you really want to have a perfect body, you need to work-out because it will help yourself not because you are insecure by the model that you saw in the internet.
Embrace body as it is because it defines who you are. Don’t let others dictate what way should you live or shape should your body have because in the end of the day you’re the only one who’ll define your shape. Even if you’re thin, fat, chubby and overweight, you’re a star in your own way and nobody can let you down.
·        I’ll embrace my body because this is what I am and I’m confident with it.
·        I’ll not let others dictates what should I look like.
·        I’ll have a healthy living as it is also good with my health.
·        I’ll doing exercise because I need it not because the model that I saw in the internet influenced me.
Multiple Intelligences
Every person has a talent or skills that others can’t do. It supports the theory of Dr. Howard Gardner of multiple intelligences. This theory states that each person has different ways of learning and different intelligences they use in their daily lives. Each person possesses each intelligence to an extent, but there is always a primary, or more dominant, intelligence.
I grew up with a skill in singing and drawing. This is I think that most dominant skills that I have so I really put my attention in these skills. These skills is under “Visual-Spatial Intelligence” which is the capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly; and “Musical Intelligence” which is the ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timbre.
I believe that this skills let me learn quickly as I use my skills in music in memorizing some information by putting tone and rhythm to it so I’ll sing it for me to remember it easily. By this skills also I’ll be able to express my feelings by drawing or painting that shows what I’ll feel in that exact time. Sometimes I sing songs according to my moods and emotions.
·        I’ll use my talent to improve myself as a person.
·        I’ll use this to easily learn things that I find difficult.
·        I’ll develop my skills so that I’ll not settle for what I can do and what I know.
·        I’ll share it to others because it is good to feel appreciated by other people especially when you show them what you are capable of.
Have you wondered about what self-esteem is and how to get more of it? Do you think your self-esteem is low? Do you know how to tell? Do you know what to do about it? Self-esteem is the way you think about yourself and what you expect of yourself. The foundation for positive self-esteem is built at an early age and is influenced by relationships between you and your family. Your feelings about yourself will change as you grow.
I have a very high self-esteem to the things that I know that I can do best but I have low self-esteem to those things that I know that I’m not good. Persistent criticism, teasing and failures make me feel worthless. Praise, support and finding something where I’m good at help me develop my confidence.
We need to learn that after all the criticisms that we get from others; we are the only one who can lower or higher are self-esteem. It’s up to us if we will let the society affect your self-esteem. When your inner voice starts putting you down, counter those comments with positive or neutral ones.
·        I’ll not let others bring my self-esteem down because I know what I can do.
·        I’ll make new lifestyle choices by joining self-help groups and practicing positive health care.
·        I’ll not let negative thought enter my mind and destroy the positivity that I have.
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unbotheredsoullll · 3 years
Most of us have a social obligation to assist limit the spread of COVID-19 by staying at home and staying safe during these unprecedented, and frankly rather frightening times; but not everyone. Doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel, as well as police, educators, firefighters, grocery store employees, postal/delivery workers, gas station attendants, public transportation workers, mental health and social service workers, farmers, and a slew of other "essential workers," put themselves in harm's way on a daily basis to keep the rest of us safe.
COVID-19 may be today's supervillain, but that doesn't stop our real-life heroes from performing their jobs and working relentlessly to find ways to counter the threat and eventually defeat the unseen foe. We grieve the thousands of people who have died as a result of the virus around the world. At the same time, we join Filipinos in continuing the tradition of honoring the best of human kindness, generosity, social justice, human rights, solidarity, and Bayanihan spirit in the face of severe adversity. We honor the qualities that make our front liners and essential workers, humanitarians real-life heroes. We applaud them for continuing to put their lives on the line in the face of danger and uncertainty. Their efforts must not go unnoticed nor be forgotten.
We appreciate your relentless dedication, courage, and commitment! Sending a big THANK YOU and virtual hugs!
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sebastiandungka13 · 3 years
The Impact and Effect of Online Learning To Students and Parents (Entry no. 5) November 12, 2021 By: Sebastian Dungka
Mabuhay! Once again, this is Sebastian Dungka, a 7th grade student of Manila Science High School. In my last blog, I would like to discuss the impact and effect of online learning to all students and parents.
Because of the COVID-19 outbreak that started to spread all over the world at the first quarter of 2020, countries from all over the world implemented lockdowns which resulted to schools being temporary closed and was forced to continue the school year through distance learning and open educational applications.
According to UNICEF, more than 1.57 billion students in over 190 countries have been affected by school closures due to COVID-19. After 2 years, some developed countries have reopened schools for their face-to-face classes while still observing safety protocols. Unfortunately, some countries are still forced to continue the school year using the remote mode of learning, and one of them is the Philippines.
Aside from the Philippines, there are only few countries left practicing the online learning, such as Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, and Cambodia. They aim to continue the school year by setting up online lectures, printing and distributing chapters of textbooks and broadcasting video lessons through television, radio, websites, and social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube. Tough job for teachers indeed!
Online learning is indeed a struggle for some students who are not very familiar about technology. Technology aims to provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what we learn.  This will turn into opposite if you do not know how to use the computer technology in the first place. The burden for the students increases if they need to study both the computer technology and their topics during online learning. So how do we motivate ourselves? Always remember, discovering new things means expanding your knowledge!
It has been observed that online learning can affect the mental health of the students. Sad to say, some even suffered unstable mind and mood swings because they lack interaction with their friends and classmates for a very long time. They also have experienced an increase in stress, anxiety, and depression that resulted to a poor school performance.
Students of certain families really got affected when they experienced financial problems. It is difficult to study if your family can’t afford your basic needs such as tuition fees and school supplies. Though Filipinos are well-known for being resilient and always has the bayanihan spirit, these problems are often being solved with the help of the people around us.
Another challenge here are the parents’ vital role in online learning. Parents tend to act as teachers when their children can’t understand the lessons. Problem arise if the parents themselves don’t have enough knowledge and skills to supervise their kids. What they can only do then is to motivate their children. We salute you, dear parents! But always remember to let your kids do the work as they’re the one enrolled in school.
To my fellow students I know you had difficulty concentrating with the lessons every time you encounter noisy environments, internet issues, time mismanagement, and staying motivated.  For me, the best ways to solve these distractions is to remain focus despite of their presence. If you think the surrounding will be a source of distraction anytime, look for a conducive place where you can study peacefully. Another solution is managing your time wisely because it will help you to get things done more efficiently! And the last one is to seek your family and friends support. Make time to talk to them so you can release the stress. It is very important that we take care of our mental health nowadays.
To all my fellow students out there, before you complain, please bear in mind how blessed you are to be enrolled right now. Not all of our age were given a chance to have an education during this pandemic. Let’s look at the module as an opportunity to learn. Treat it like  a new level of your favorite online game that you’d like to finish in one sitting. Enjoy the knowledge and practice the wisdom you gain from it. If you do your best today, you are not just giving yourself a chance but also you are giving your parents the gift of hope and love. Let’s make them proud by repaying them with hard work! So online learning pa more and online games later as a reward, okay!
Thank you for your time and always stay safe!  
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