#Bastien Stil
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donospl · 3 months ago
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 2 odcinek 35]
premierowa emisja 2 października 2024 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Joachim Kuehn French Trio “Homogeneous Emotions” z albumu “The Way” – ACT Music Bill Frisell / Andrew Cyrille / Kit Downes „Two Twins” z albumu “Breaking The Shell” – Red Hook Records  Ingebrigt Haaker Flaten (Exit) Knarr “Ability” z albumu “Breezy” – Sonic Transmissions Trondheim Jazz Orchestra & Espen Berg “Climbing” z albumu…
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journaljunkpage · 8 years ago
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Sandrine Chatelier / Lionel Belmondo © Jean-Baptiste Millot
À l’occasion des 80 ans de la disparition de Maurice Ravel, Lionel Belmondo lui rend hommage avec le programme « Ravel et le jazz », en compagnie de l’Orchestre national de Bordeaux Aquitaine, sous la direction du chef Bastien Stil, et de son quintet. 
Le sous-titre du concert, « Take jazz seriously! » est une citation de Maurice Ravel durant un voyage aux États-Unis en 1928. Que voulait-il dire ?
Lionel Belmondo : « Déconnez pas avec cette musique les gars ! Vous êtes un pays neuf. Prenez le jazz au sérieux ! C’est votre culture. » Gershwin lui demande de lui enseigner la composition. Il refuse. « Pourquoi seriez-vous un Ravel de seconde classe alors que vous pouvez devenir un Gershwin de première classe ? »
Bastien Stil : Les compositeurs français du début du xxe siècle sont fondamentaux pour les jazzmen. Surtout pour les harmonies. Ça a été une grande source d’inspiration dès les années 1920 et notamment à la période de Bill Evans, John Coltrane, des jazzmen des années 1950-1960. En se plongeant dans ces oeuvres françaises, Lionel en tire l’essence harmonique qui fonde le jazz qu’ils jouent. Ravel a été influencé par tout ce qui se créait aux États-Unis, surtout les rythmes et les structures des morceaux, qu’il a ensuite retraduits par son prisme de musicien classique.
L.B. : C’est davantage les jazzmen qui ont été influencés par Ravel que l’inverse. À cette époque, on en était aux balbutiements du jazz ; à des formes anciennes comme le ragtime.
B.S. : Ce qui est intéressant, c’est de retrouver en quoi la musique de Ravel et des compositeurs français du début du xxe siècle a influencé les jazzmen. On trouve dans des pièces de piano comme In a Mist de Bix Beiderbecke une très forte influence des harmonies de Debussy et de Ravel dans le côté modal. Cela se perd un peu ensuite. Le jazz part dans le swing, harmoniquement plus proche des cadences des origines. C’était une musique très tonale. Dans les années 1930-1940, c’est presque de la musique de chansons traduites en standard. La musique modale revient dans le jazz à la fin des années 1950, avec notamment le travail de Coltrane et Bill Evans : ils ouvrent le langage à d’autres formes dans lesquelles on retrouve ces couleurs des compositeurs français du début du siècle.
Comment avez-vous composé le programme ?
L.B. : Ce qui m’intéresse c’est de révéler aux gens ce qu’ils ne connaissent pas. Il n’y aura ni Boléro, ni Pavane pour une infante défunte parce qu’elle est déjà divinement bien orchestrée. Pour moi, Ravel était le plus grand orchestrateur. Même Debussy lui faisait orchestrer ses oeuvres, c’est dire ! Il me semble important de faire découvrir la face cachée de Ravel. On va entendre des oeuvres écrites pour piano, pour piano et voix ; des musiques de chambre assez intimistes essentiellement autour de Ravel. J’ai orchestré Le Paon, par exemple. Ou le Menuet en do dièse mineur, oeuvre posthume très courte que j’ai développée. À l’époque, les compositeurs écrivaient sur le nom des maîtres pour leur rendre hommage. Il y aura le Menuet sur le nom de Haydn et j’ai écrit Ballade sur le nom de Maurice Ravel. J’ai aussi orchestré une pièce pour piano seul d’Erik Satie extrait du Fils des étoiles. Avec sa musique minimale, lui aussi était assez décrié. Ravel était très admiratif de son travail.
Comment l’avez-vous orchestré ?
L.B. : Dans mes projets, tout part toujours de la partition classique que je connais par coeur : les notes, la construction, la mélodie. Je ne touche rien. J’orchestre. Pour Ravel, pendant des nuits, je n’ai pas dormi. Mais je suis en paix avec ce que j’ai fait. Si on a passé un petit peu de temps, c’est-à-dire une vingtaine d’années, à s’imprégner de la musique, on se rend compte que tout est déjà orchestré ; suggéré. Ils avaient déjà tout prévu : dans la partition de piano par exemple, on sait qu’à un moment il va y avoir les cordes, le basson… Une fois orchestré, le texte va te dire si l’improvisation a sa place. Par exemple pour La Passacaille, il n’y a rien à dire de plus. Il faut être en osmose. Il y a des messages qui sont délivrés. Si on est à l’écoute, toutes les informations sont là. C’est comme si j’étais avec le compositeur [rires] et que l’on dialoguait : « Non, déconne pas ! Tu ne vas pas improviser là ! Ça sert à quoi ? Oui, c’est vrai, ça sert à rien, excusez-moi, je suis désolé ! » Au-delà des notes, il y a un message fort. Mais on l’entend plus ou moins. Il y a beaucoup de choses qui peuvent brouiller son écoute, à commencer par l’ego.
Comment Ravel est-il entré dans votre vie ?
L.B. : Je découvre le Boléro vers 15 ans. C’est super ! J’ai écouté d’autres morceaux comme Pavane pour une infante défunte. La mélodie, les harmonies sont monstrueuses ! Pour moi, dans la musique française, il y a Fauré, Ravel et Debussy. Le public aime le Boléro parce que la musique est simple. Jadis, un compositeur qui ne faisait pas au moins trois symphonies n’était pas un vrai compositeur. On leur reprochait aussi de ne pas moduler. Le Boléro, c’est le pied de nez de Ravel. Il fait tout ce qu’on lui reproche : même rythme, même mélodie et pas de modulation hormis une seconde à la toute fin ! On n’aime pas le saxophone ? Il en met deux, soprano et ténor ! Vous n’aimez pas la petite clarinette en mi bémol ? Il la met ! Et c’est génial !
Bastien Stil, comment ça se passe sur scène ?
B.S. : Tout le monde joue sur de la musique écrite. On part du matériau orchestral. Les jazzmen s’adaptent à l’écriture classique. Le quintet et l’ONBA vont s’interpénétrer : le quintet se détachera parfois pour partir dans l’improvisation puis sera rejoint par l’orchestre. Tout un dialogue va s’instaurer. Souvent, Lionel et son frère Stéphane jouent les grandes lignes mélodiques. Le tissu harmonique est gardé par l’orchestre, doublé par le piano, qui en tire l’essence harmonique pour le trio. La rythmique basse batterie rentre un peu plus tard, au moment où ça part vers l’improvisation jazz. Ça évolue par petites touches, toujours en partant du sujet classique.
Ravel et le jazz, Auditorium de Bordeaux, mercredi 22 mars, 20 h. www.opera-bordeaux.com Théâtre Quintaou, Anglet, jeudi 23 mars, 20 h 30, Anglet (64600). www.anglet.fr L’Astrada, vendredi 24 mars, 20 h 30, Marciac (32230). www.jazzinmarciac.com
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projazznet · 6 years ago
Avishai Cohen – An Evening with Avishai Cohen
“An Evening with Avishai Cohen” at the Paris PhilharmonieThis footage was taken from his concert with l’Orchestre National d’Île-de-France at the Paris Philharmonie, February 2016.
Avishai Cohen – bass and vocals Omri Mor – piano Itamar Doari – percussion
Orchestre National d’Île-de-France Bastien Stil – conductor
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mind-reader1 · 6 years ago
Queen of Hearts (Ch.7)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3592
Summary: Another person learns the secret, everyone returns to the palace and Emma learns just what she’s up against. Liam has a surprise for Emma, is it good or bad? 
Chapter 7: Dive (Ed Sheeran)
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You’re a mystery I have traveled the world, there’s no other girl like you No one, what’s your history? Do you have a tendency to lead some people on? 'Cause I heard you do, mm 
I could fall, or I could fly Here in your aeroplane And I could live, I could die Hanging on the words you say And I’ve been known to give my all And lie awake, everyday don't know how much I can take
So don’t call me baby Unless you mean it And don’t tell me you need me If you don’t believe it So let me know the truth Before I dive right into you
Hana wandered back out to offer everyone brownies and noticed it was just Liam.
“Where did everyone go?” Liam was lost in his own thoughts, fiddling with the engagement ring he had given Emma, he didn't notice Hana.
“Liam?” She gently put her hand on his shoulder and frowned at the ring in his hand.
“Oh, Hana. I'm sorry I didn't hear you.”
“Is that Emma's ring?” Liam tucked it away in his hand and forced a smile, not answering.
“Is everything alright, Liam? I hope I'm not being too forward, but you and Emma seemed...off.” Liam sighed, they really hadn't done a good job at hiding it from their friends.
“Lady Hana, has Emma said anything to you?” She shook her head.
“You're a good friend Hana and I feel Lady Emma and Drake will need someone like you in the upcoming months.”
“I don't follow, Liam?”
“To be honest, Lady Hana, Lady Emma is in love with Drake. Our engagement is only to gain the support of the Cordonian people, she and Drake are...together.” Hana wrapped her head around Liam's words. Everyone's strange behavior suddenly made sense, why Liam was holding the engagement ring in his hand. Hana didn't know what to say, she felt for all of her friends. One thing was still bothering her though.
“If you know, then why Emma? I know you don't love me, but I would have been happy to help you for the sake of Cordonia and my friends happiness. It doesn't seem fair to any of you.” Liam gave Hana a small smile.
“I didn't know until I was down on one knee in front of her because I love her. I appreciate your offer, Lady Hana, but what's done is done. Everyone loves her, if I suddenly announced my engagement to another woman it would unravel everything I've done to gain Cordonia's support.” Hana nodded, she understood, she just wished she could door more to help her friends. Liam's phone began to buzz.
“We've been cleared to return to the palace!” Hana smiled and went to go inform Maxwell and Bertrand. Emma and Drake were still in the bedroom, it had been quiet, they were probably sleeping. Liam couldn't stand the thought of walking in to see her in Drake's arms, it had been hard enough just seeing her in his bed. Liam considered asking Hana to go wake them, but she had gone to find the Beaumont's. As Liam steeled his nerves and prepared to open the door Maxwell came bounding into the room.
“We're going to the palace? Where's Drake and Emma?”
“Drake is laying down. Lady Emma is also resting I believe.”
“I'll go check on them!” Maxwell went straight for the room and Liam panicked stepping in front of him.
“Why bother them before the motorcade is here. Drake had a long night and I believe Lady Emma is in the other room.” Maxwell looked around, there was no other room.
“Liam, I know.” Maxwell met Liam's gaze and Liam dragged a hand down his face.
“Does everyone know?”
“I don't think Bertrand knows.” Maxwell looked at Hana, she must have known if Liam was openly talking about it in front of her. “Olivia has an idea too, but we haven't told her.” Bertrand walked into the room silencing them all.
“I believe the motorcade is here to take us home. Bastien just pulled up in an SUV.” Bertrand looked around, suspicious of the sudden silence.
“Where's Lady Emma and Drake?”
“They're both resting, we’ll wake them now.” Hana and Maxwell turned as if they were going to wake them separately and Liam walked out with Bertrand. Hana stumbled onto the bedroom door where Drake and Emma were resting. They both looked so peaceful, she felt guilty waking them.
“Emma, Drake,” Hana whispered from the edge of the bed. Emma blinked awake first and panicked when she saw Hana.
“Shit. Hana! It's not what it looks like I swear.” She fumbled on her words until Maxwell slid up behind Hana. Emma sighed.
“So you know too?” Hana nodded.
“Liam told me. I saw him fumbling with the engagement ring he gave you, something just felt off about it all though.” Emma nodded, they were working on it.
“What's wrong? Why are you both standing there?”
“It's time to go back to the palace. A motorcade came to pick us up.” Emma nodded.
“I'll wake him. We'll meet you out there.” They nodded and wandered their way out. Emma leaned over and gently kissed Drake on the lips. His lips curled into a smile before his eyes opened.
“Mmm. I like waking up to you kissing me.”
“We have to go Drake, they're taking us back to the palace.” Drake sighed and carefully sat up.
“Back to playing pretend.” Emma nodded and slipped Drake's ring off her finger, handing it back to him.
“Hold onto it for me until I get a chain for it.” Drake nodded and put the ring back in the velvet box.
“You know where to find me, whenever you want it, it's yours.” They grabbed the few things they had, Emma grabbed Cooper and they all climbed in to go back to the palace.
One morning she was awoken by a light knocking on her door, she hadn't slept all that well anyway. Every time she closed her eyes she saw Drake's lifeless body on the floor.
“Good morning, Emma.” Liam smiled at her, they had both apologized to each other after their fight at the safehouse and had a few days to cool down after all the action.
“Morning, Liam. Is everything okay?” It was unusual for Liam to be the one waking her up.
“Everything's fine. Bastien is holding a briefing about the shooting and I thought you might want to be there. I know it affected you quite a bit.” He noticed the dark circles beginning to form under her eyes.
“Thank you. I'll be out in just a minute.” Emma got dressed and threw on some makeup. Once she was ready, she followed Liam down the halls which were bustling with more staff than normal.
“Is this all for the festival?” Liam nodded.
“The Five Kingdoms Festival is a time-honored tradition in Cordonia, I considered canceling it this year because of everything that's happened...but I felt it would be a sign of strength to our enemies.” Emma nodded.
“It's a good plan. Having the King and other nobles present will be a clear act of defiance to those who attacked. How are you holding up by the way?” Liam sighed.
“I'm grateful that everyone made it out alive, but I regret that it even happened in the first place.” they strolled into a dining hall where the King Father and Bastien were waiting. Emma couldn't help but scan the room for Drake, she felt that he should have been there, he had been affected by the shooting more than any of them.
“Your Majesty, your Grace.” Bastien bows with obvious pain.
“Sit Bastien, you're still recovering.” Bastien gratefully took a seat.
“Thank you, your Majesty. I would like to apologize for the events of the Homecoming ball. I failed you all, I failed Cordonia. There never should have been an attack on the palace.”
“Please Bastien, I'm just glad you survived.” He gave Emma a weak smile.
“Me too. Especially Drake, you saved his life.” Emma smiled.
“I was only able to because he saved mine first and you got us out. Where is, Drake, by the way? Shouldn't he be here?” Bastien smiled back, genuinely smiled.
“He was still resting,” Liam said.
“You were very brave, but you shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. I've made arrangements for your increased security going forward. I promise that I won't rest until we've found these enemies.” A dark shadow crossing Bastien’s face. “Whoever they were, they were professionals, they left almost no evidence behind.”
“Bastien has been keeping tabs on the crowns enemies for years.” Suddenly it hit Emma, Liam had mentioned enemies but she didn't realize just how many there may be.
“How many is that exactly?” Emma's voice came out as barely a whisper, they were clearly capable and there were multiple ones.
“We've eliminated some over the years, the ones who were responsible for the previous attacks on my family included. However, there are still three groups with the resources available to carry out the attack on the ball.” Constantine's face turned into a scowl.
“The Liberation Core, an anti-monarchy group. They've grown bolder but never tried something of this magnitude.” Liam said.
“There's a new faction calling themselves the Sons of Earth, they aren't against the monarchy necessarily, but they disagree with some of the decisions I made while I was king. They want more international involvement.”
“We should also look into the Nevrakis family, given their history,” Bastien said. Emma felt like her head was spinning. She was beginning to understand Liam's concern in New York, but it was still all so much to take in at once, and the idea that Olivia's family could have possibly been behind it. She felt like she might be sick, she could hear the blood pounding in her ears as the conversation continued around her.
“No. It's not Olivia.” She blurted out. Everyone looked at her, surprised by the sudden outburst.
“She loves Liam, she would never do anything to hurt him.” Liam nodded in agreement.
“We did grow up together, I couldn't imagine her behind something like this.”
“I still can't eliminate her and her aunt as suspects but I will take it into consideration,” Bastien said. “It will take time to gather intelligence on them all though.”
“Yes the people are still reeling from the news, and I know those who were in the palace are still quite shaken.” Constantine gave Emma a worried glance.
“We hope to ease some of those fears at the press conference later today.” Liam glanced over at Emma and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Many nobles won't be attending the festival today. They're afraid to show the crown any support right now.” Constantine sighed.
“We have an announcement to make it the press conference that may change that,” Emma said making Constantine raised an eyebrow.
“We've decided to hold a unity tour. The wedding will be in a month and if they won't come to us, we can go to them. A visit from the King and future queen could be very persuasive.” Constantine mused for a moment.
“That's actually a wonderful idea. It will be the perfect event to bring the people of Cordonia together.” With nothing else to be discussed, Liam went to place the final touches on his statement for the press, and Emma headed back to her room to get ready for the festival. Before she could make it down the first hall, she caught a glimpse of a fist flying towards her. She ducked, just barely in time but the attacker was relentless. Her other fist came straight for Emma's face but she dodged it.
“What is-” Emma couldn't finish her question because the woman's leg was flying towards her in a roundhouse kick that Emma backed away from.
“Very good, your Grace. Room for improvement, but a good start!”
“Who the hell are you?” Emma asked breathing heavily.
“I'm Mara, haven't you haven't figured it out by now?”
“Bastien mentioned he made new security arrangements.” Mara smiled.
“Good, you're smart. I asked him to be vague so I could surprise you and see what I was working with.”
“So, do I just call you Mara ooooor?”
“Mara is fine.” Just then a door opened behind them and Liam came strolling up.
“I'm glad you've met Mara! I was hoping I could speak to you alone for a moment though?” Emma nodded and turned to give Mara a look but she had already gotten the hint.
“I know that it's not real but, it would help if we gave the people something else.” Emma stared at Liam confused.
“Engagement photos. Ana de Luca has agreed to take photos for us.” Yet another brilliant idea and all she could think about was how badly she wanted it with Drake.
“Sure. When is she coming?”
“Right now.”
“Shit. I don't have anything to wear Liam!”
“I had it taken care of. She's waiting for us in the ballroom.” Emma followed Liam when a thought crossed her mind.
“I never really had a say in this? In any of this, did I?” Liam sighed.
“If you don't want to take the pictures I can tell her you're not feeling well after the attack. As for the grand scheme of things, no it wouldn't have worked with anyone else.”
“I'm sorry. Let's go meet, Ana.” Emma really did feel bad, besides, it was just some more pictures in a fancy dress.
“Your Majesty, your Grace, I'm so glad you could make time for this. I'm sure the people will be happy to see this after everything that's happened.”
“Yes. There will be plenty to discuss at the press conference later today.”
“So Ana, I hear you have a dress for me?” Ana handed Emma a black dress bag which she took and slipped into a curtained off alcove to change. The dress was a white, three-quarter sleeve. Beaded lace hugged her body while the soft satin of it created the sleeves and train that sparkled if the light caught it just right. Emma was struck by how much it looked like a wedding dress. When she stepped out she saw Liam's eyes widen as he held out a bouquet of pink roses for her.
“You look stunning your Grace, now let's stand over here.” Ana directed them to the spot with the best lighting.
“Let's try a regal pose first.” Liam stood behind Emma, both of them felt stiff and awkward. Ana could sense it too, she had them shift poses to something more romantic but Emma couldn't feel less romantic at that moment. She felt like a fraud as she leaned up to give Liam a kiss on his cheek at the last second.
“So cute, but you can't see you're lovely face. Let's try one more.” Liam grabbed one of Emma's hands with one of his own gloved ones, both of them smiling for the camera though it didn't quite reach their eyes. Ana still gushed over the picture anyways.
“Absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to run these for Trend magazine.” Emma smiled and set the flowers down, looking at Liam.
“I have some business to attend to. I'm sorry to run out.” He gave her a silent thank you and she took off. She needed to get out of the palace, get some fresh air. The garden maze was Liam's place, she couldn't go there, instead, she found herself in the orchard. Once she hit the dirt she didn't stop running until she found a swing. She sat on it and took a few deep breaths.
“Barnes?” She spun around to find Drake approaching her worried. Shit, she thought.
“What's wrong? I saw you run by in a hurry. What are you doing out here?” When he got closer and really saw the dress he froze. Emma looked at him with watery eyes, so much for being out of tears.
“Nice dress.” He whispered.
“This could've been my wedding dress when I married you. Instead, I wore it for engagement photos with Liam. When did it all go to shit Drake?” She began sobbing and Drake came over, holding her against his chest as he tried to soothe her.
“While I was taking those pictures, all I could think about what how much I wanted to be taking those pictures with you, how I wanted to see your mouth drop open when you saw me in my wedding dress.” She sniveled.
“Barnes, if you think you don't have that effect on me in everything you wear then you're crazy. I don't care if we're married or not, I know that you're going to be mine forever no matter what.” Emma leaned back and looked up at Drake. She knew he was hurting too, he was being strong for her though.
“I love you.” She whispered. Drake wiped her tears.
“I love you too.” She wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes. Breathing in his familiar scent, relishing the feeling of his strong arms around her.
“Here is the lovely orchard.” Her eyes sprung open when she heard Liam's voice approaching. She broke free of Drake's grasp just as Liam and Ana rounded the corner.
“Oh, Lady Emma, Drake,” Liam was clearly surprised to see them, “I thought you had things to attend to before the press conference?”
“Yes. I needed to discuss some wedding arrangements with Drake.” She plastered on a smile and Drake followed her lead.
“With Mr.Walker?” Ana wasn't convinced.
“Yes. He's Liam's best friend and a very close friend of mine as well, naturally, he'll be an important part of the wedding. He has been super helpful in helping me plan some surprises for Liam.” Drake nodded in agreement.
“How charming. Oh, what a lovely place for a photo. Your Grace if you could sit on the swing.” Drake naturally moved up to stand behind her when Ana frowned.
“I'm sorry Mr.Walker, I want his Majesty to stand there.”
“Right, sorry.” Drake sulked off to the side and watched as the woman he loved took more engagement photos with his best friend. Drake could have seen himself standing where Liam was, taking his own engagement photos, if only he had spoken up. It killed him, seeing Emma in the white dress, Liam in his formal suit, it was a preview of the wedding day only a month away.
“Ana, perhaps you'd like a picture of Drake and Emma together since he's been so much help in planning and clearing her name,” Liam suggested, trying to make this easier for his friends.
“That's a lovely idea your Majesty. Drake, go stand where he was behind her Grace.” Drake left his injured shoulder at his side and put his other arm on the vine-covered rope of the swing. Ana snapped a picture then looked at the screen frowning.
“Drake, this feels too forced. Perhaps you could put your other arm on the swing too?” Drake tried and winced in pain.
“Why doesn't he put it on my waist, he was injured at the ball saving me.” Ana smiled.
“Yes, let's try that.” It looked better but Ana still wasn't pleased.
“It's still not quite right. You need to relax Mr.Walker.” Emma turned so just Drake could see her face. She mouthed “I love you” and his face broke out into a natural smile. Both of their smiles reached their eyes.
“It's perfect. What a great idea your Majesty. The light out here really make your eyes shine your Grace.” They all knew that wasn't really it though.
“Thank you. I really should get back to planning though.” Emma gracefully bowed out again and Drake followed while Liam continued his tour.
“I've got some time before the press conference and I was thinking…” she trailed off, “I could really use a new necklace. Maybe you could help me find the perfect chain and jewelry to adorn it?” She winked and Drake grinned at her.
“I don't have much experience with jewelry but I think I can help this time.” They went down to the palace boutique after she changed, but no matter how many chains Emma looked at none of them struck her as the right one. She was ready to give up when she saw it. In a dusty display case, a thin silver chain rested, it was longer than the others she had looked at.
“This is the one.” Emma bought the chain and practically dragged Drake out of the boutique.
“Woah, where's the fire?” She didn't stop until they got to her room. With one quick glance, she shoved Drake into the room and shut the door.
“Are you going to tell me what's going on?”
“Give me the ring.” Drake dug around in his pocket and took the ring out of its velvet box. Emma slipped it onto the chain and turned to Drake.
“Care to do the honors?” Drake grinned and took the necklace from her. He brushed her long blonde curls to the side, his touch sending shivers down her spine. He brought the necklace around the front and latched it, letting it fall against her chest. The ring hung below her shirt at the moment, but if she wore a plunging neckline, it would be seen. She reached up to admire the ring again while Drake gently kissed from her shoulder up her neck. Every kiss was like fire on her skin. She turned, tangling her fingers in his hair, just as her lips brushed his there was a loud banging on the door.
“The festival is starting and you still need to get dressed!” It was Maxwell. Drake groaned in frustration and stalked over to the door.
“You have the worst timing, Maxwell. I'll see you down there, Barnes.” Maxwell was startled and against his better judgment stole a glance into the room, but Emma was fully clothed.
“I interrupted something didn't I?” Emma sighed.
“Just a little yeah.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's okay, Maxwell. We're still figuring this out.”
  Tag List:  @princesstopgun @choicesyouplayandmore @leelee10898 @agent-bossypants @brightpinkpeppercorn @roonarific @indigo39@skyila@speedyoperarascalparty @andy-loves-corgis@furiousherringoperatortoad @blackwidow2721 
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ladyaredhel · 5 years ago
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✨"Has anyone noticed this whole city is looking for us, mad at us, or wants to kill us?" "So?" said Kaz. "Well, usually it's just half the city."✨ ° ° Guess who's writing again from the bus? Yes, me! 😅 ° I'm going home after my lectures and I thought it would have been a good idea to chat with you in the meanwhile. 😄 ° What has been your last read? 📖 ° Today I finished The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh and I must admit I'm a little bit disappointed. 😔 ° I didn't like it as much as I thought I would: it's not a bad book, mind you, the general story is good, but I found Céline, the main character, a little too much irritating. 😣 ° Also, I stil don't understand why Bastien, the other main character, is always described as devilish, I haven't found him that bad at all and the author keeps saying how bad he his. 😒 ° Am I the only one who found that La Cour des Lions feel too much like Six of Crows characters? 🤔 ° Argh, I hate it when I don't enjoy a book! 😩 ° ° #crookedkingdom #collectorsedition #LeighBardugo #sixofcrows #thebeautiful #bookstagramfeature #lovetoread #readingtime #whattoread #bookworld #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookishgirl #bookcommunity #booklife #booknerd #igreads #lovetoread #readingaddict #bibliophile #bookrecommendation https://www.instagram.com/p/B34tyriIv66/?igshid=2g8zhhc9uy4y
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journaljunkpage · 8 years ago
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