#Bashir Salahuddin
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kcsplace · 2 months ago
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There's been a military satellite dedicated solely to tracking Ice's man since his promotion to Admiral
Top Gun Silliness
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safedistancefrombeingsmart · 11 months ago
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neverscreens · 1 year ago
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— MILLER'S GIRL. 4K (2,77 GB) Obs: Due to the size of the image files, they were only uploaded for download. I hope you understand.
Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year ago
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Miller's Girl (Jade Halley Bartlett, 2024).
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pedroam-bang · 2 years ago
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Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
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thedroneranger · 1 year ago
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Minty fresh mojito for Hondo! 🍻
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Bernie "Hondo" Coleman | Minted | requested by @indynerdgirl
See what others are drinking!
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hislittleraincloud · 1 year ago
I'm trying to combine all three files for the MG fic, and hoping that I don't fucking forget to put all the scenes in there like I want them to be.
The word count is 12,305 atm and uh...the main 🍆 hasn't even gone in there yet. And while I trust my best fangirls in that they love long fics, I'm curious what others think about long fics like this.
I'm writing every night on this, so don't @ me about publication dates, I want to get it out soon, preferably before February is up, but it just really depends on how much I can write without falling asleep on myself. Which I did earlier...
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ruleof3bobby · 5 months ago
TOP GUN: MAVERICK (2022) Grade: B-
Didn't enjoy some of the cheesiness, like the dialogue & so many call backs to the 1st film. The climax & action in the air def saves the movie.
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stuff-diary · 1 month ago
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2025
Looking (2014-16, USA)
Creator: Michael Lannan (based on his own short film)
Directors: Andrew Haigh, Ryan Fleck, Joe Swanberg, Jamie Babbit & Craig Johnson
Why in the world did I take so freaking long to watch this? It's so damn good! Although, in a way, I'm glad I waited till now, cause it perfectly captures the moment me and my friend group are going through right now. And the show just has so much interesting stuff to say about relationships, modern love and growing up when you don't feel you're ready. I saw a lot of me in the main character, which at times made for an awkward watch, but it also made me feel understood. By the time I was done with the movie finale, I couldn't help but think that I would have loved to spend way more time with these characters. Also, Looking definitely joins the list of shows and movies that make me want to pack up my things and move to San Francisco.
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camyfilms · 2 years ago
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Call came in with impeccable timing, right as I was driving here to ground your ass once and for all. It galls me to say it, but... for reasons known only to the Almighty and your guardian angel, you've been called back to TOPGUN.
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stilettochat · 10 months ago
MILLER'S GIRL is a f**king beautiful film.
I weep with Jonathan Miller and Winnie Black. I feel rage at what had been done to them them.
I feel rage at Cairo Sweet and Beatrice Miller. If this story was real, I hope Jon dusts himself off, writes again, and beats those bitches in the bestselling books stake...and that he writes "Miller's Girl". (haha)
Disappointed with Coach Boris and the vice-principal with their treatment of Jonathan.
Won't say my reasons so that you'll watch it on @Netflix. (@Netflix Philippines hasn't included it yet on its list.)
The most haunting scene for me was the close up of Jon's eye as a tear fell down from it. (I wish I've got a screenshot of it.) The most erotic was the imagined sex scene.
Kudos to the actors led by Martin and Jenna, the writer, director, crew, and producers.
The film didn't do well in theaters, but jumped to Netflix's Top Ten.
I still feel weepy and 'teeth-gnashy' about it.
One day, it will be acknowledged as a beautiful, haunting film.
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kcsplace · 15 days ago
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Top Gun + Valentines Day Part One of Three
Christmas New Years
top gun silliness
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Good morning! 😁
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months ago
Miller's Girl (2024)
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I suspect that on another day, my rating for Miller’s Girl would vary wildly from the one I’m giving it now but that’s ok. Sometimes a movie hits you at the right time. There are too many flaws for me to call it "good". It's not "so bad it's good" and it's not a fascinating trainwreck, but it is the kind of movie you keep watching even when you recognize all the flaws.
Cairo Sweet (Jenna Ortega) has to write a college admission essay for Yale University when she realizes she has nothing worth writing down as “her greatest achievement to date”. Her best friend Winnie (Gideon Adlon) suggests having an affair with a teacher - she’s trying to do the same with the school’s gym coach, Boris Fillmore (Bashir Salahuddin). Cairo chooses her creative writing teacher, Jonathan Miller (Martin Freeman).
Miller’s Girl is an erotic thriller, though admitting that makes you feel a bit dirty. At first, the film comes off as simply weird. Cairo Sweet lives alone because her parents (whom we never see) are wealthy lawyers working in some faraway country at the moment. Their house is an enormous mansion on the side of a large forest perpetually covered in thick fog. Everyone talks like they’ve been pulled out of a classical novel - not a bad thing, but it does make it feel more otherwordly than it normally would. Combined with the premise and the heavy emphasis on the written word, this film often feels like the novelization of some provocative short story… but it’s an original piece written and directed by Jade Hally Bartlett. Until Cairo decides to tempt Mr. Miller, you don’t think Winnie is seriously trying to seduce Mr. Fillmore so you have no idea where things are headed. Then, we get a clearer picture of Miller’s home life. His wife, Beatrice (Dagmara Domińczyk) is a successful writer that’s too busy for him. He's only written one book and that was years ago. When Cairo gives him extra attention, all sorts of alarms start going off because you think you know where things are going… but you can't say for sure and you're not certain if you should be creeped out or not. In your defense, the film never tells you how old Cairo is supposed to be but Jenna Ortega is 21 and as performers who have to convince us that an affair might happen, she and Freeman have good chemistry.
The thing is, Miller’s Girl is not a romance film; it’s an erotic thriller. Jenna Ortega and Martin Freeman may be attractive on their own but when put together, you're supposed to forget that. You’re supposed to dread what might transpire because your pheromones aren't more powerful than your brain. You recognize how creepy a scenario this is. Depending on the scene Mr. Miller or Cairo might be the villain and before you call foul, let me explain. You might think that the teacher is the adult, that he’s completely in the wrong until we learn some things about Cairo that prove she’s a high-school femme fatale - if that wasn’t already clear from the fact that she’s looking to wreck a marriage and destroy a career out of boredom.
Although Miller's Girl kept me invested, there are several aspects of it that I have to call out as being either disappointing or problematic. I once again find myself quoting Promising Young Woman:
“It’s every man’s worst nightmare, getting accused of something like that.” “Can you guess what every woman’s worst nightmare is?”
I’m not going to say that you can’t make a story about some innocent man who gets entangled in a nefarious sex thing by a young woman but your story better be airtight if that’s the subject you’re tackling. Miller’s Girl has plenty of leaks. Even if it was a steel trap for most of its 93-minute running time, the conclusion is unconvincing, unsatisfactory and unrealistic. It’s not conventional - which is something - but that’s not the same as great.
Something about Miller’s Girl appealed to me when I saw it. I know I’m in the minority. I would have a hard time defending myself to anyone who asked me why but it's not like I’m the only person on earth calling it watchable (we'll say that it gets a mild recommendation but a recommendation nonetheless) and I bet I won’t be the only one. (July 13, 2024)
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 5 months ago
#HowToDieAlone just watched ep5 and if it don’t win or get nom for emmys cancel it the acting the story the whole episode was phenomenal Rothwell Emmy nominations 2025 better be happening bashir salahuddin too honestly Natasha should’ve had 5+ by now for WLT alone isn’t she dont
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thedroneranger · 2 years ago
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Daggers on Draught | Bernie "Hondo" Coleman | Served Everywhere | Bonus!
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