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Doina și Bătuta / Two songs from Basarabia area
performed by Victor Dubenco at shepherd's pipe ("caval")
#Doina și Bătuta#Basarabia#Romania#Victor Dubenco#caval#folk music#Romanian folk music#traditional#traditional music#folk#music#Carpathians
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Casa Academiei Române, gazda evenimentului cultural-istoric și artistic dedicat împlinirii a 106 ani de la Unirea Basarabiei cu România
În seria manifestărilor cu prilejul celor 106 ani de la Unirea Basarabiei cu România, organizate de instituții de cultură și artă din Chișinău, din București și din alte localități din Republica Moldova și România, miercuri 27 martie 2024 s-a desfășurat la Casa Academiei Române din București a XXX-a ediție a întrunirii cultural-istorice și artistice dedicate ,,primei etape a Unirii celei mari”…
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Pandele Moromete: „Victoria Maiei Sandu nu e despre pro-rus sau anti-UE, ci despre criza economică a UE și interesul militar al SUA”
Pandele Moromete, cunoscut pentru viziunile sale pragmatice asupra politicii internaționale, consideră că o posibilă victorie a Maiei Sandu nu are legătură cu orientările pro-ruse sau anti-UE, ci mai degrabă cu contextul actual economic și geopolitic al Uniunii Europene. „UE se află într-o criză economică profundă și pregătirea Republicii Moldova pentru aderare este văzută mai mult ca un interes…
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#atacuri asupra Kievului#Basarabia#CBCRO#Chișinău#comerț ilegal Moldova#corupție Moldova#criza economică UE#CrossBorderChroniclesRo#economie subzistență#evaziune fiscală#țigări fără timbru#geopolitică Moldova#gospodării Moldova#influență SUA în Moldova#integrare europeană#interes militar SUA#invazia Rusiei#Maia Sandu#modificare Constituție Moldova#Moldova aderare UE#Moldova și România#Moldova proteste#Moldova scenă de conflict#NATO în Europa de Est#România#război Ucraina#strategii militare#SUA Ucraina#Transnistria conflict
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Cronica activitatii antroposofice - Basarabia
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#Alexandru Arsinel#Basarabia#Boema#Brasov#Dan puican#Doinita Maximilian#IATC#Mihai Puiu Maximilian#Stanca Radu#Stefan Banica Sr#Stela Popescu#Teatrul Constantin Tanase#Teatrul de Comedie#teatrul de revista#teatru romanesc#actori romani#romanian actors#drama#theatre#musical theatre#broadway
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Interviu cu Bătrânul Selafiil, cel văzător cu duhul
– Atunci când ai prea multă nădejde la oameni, cum să faci? Nu te gândi la oameni, să te gândeşti la Dumnezeu, Tatăl, Fiul şi Duhul Sfânt, mai mult în tăcere. Dacă vrei să fii desăvârşit apu’ aşa trebuie să ai smerenie şi răbdare la toate; răbdarea lui Iovu, şi dragostea care niciodată nu cade. Să nu te mânii când te-a ocărî cineva, da’ să zici: Doamne, iartă-l, că nu el îi vinovat, da’…
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#Basarabia#bătrânul Selafiil#cuvinte de folos#interviu cu părintele Selafiil#Noul Neamț#parintele Selafiil#profetii#sfaturi duhovnicesti
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Destinul românilor și politica răsăriteană
Diagnosticianul clipei politice Eu: – Cum se mai identifică Mircea Druc naționalistul, dacul liber, primul șef de guvern reformator, anti-comunist și anti-sovietic din Republica Moldova? Mircea Druc: – Identitatea mea nu depinde de trecutul meu. Acum eu sunt, pentru copii, „Moș Mircea”, „Nenea Mircea, Bunelul”, „Bunicu”. Pentru relații oficiale, este suficient „Domnul Mircea Druc”… Pentru ruși,…
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Paula Seling și Ion Paladi – La mulți ani de Sărbători (versuri/lyrics)
Versuri (lyrics) melodia: Paula Seling și Ion Paladi – La mulți ani de Sărbători (video oficial) https://youtu.be/QHqw5i_bvcY Alungată de iudei Naşte Maica pruncul Ei În ieslea ceia cu fân De la grajdu lui Crăciun Cu suflarea boilor L-o-ncălzit pe pruncuşor Când la piept Maica l-o strâns Stea da ceruri s-o aprins Cei trei crai din răburit Când steaua sus au zărit La Viflaim au…
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#2022#2023#basarabia#ion paladi#ion paladi si paula seling colind#la multi ani#la multi ani de sarbatori#LYRICS#official video#paula seling#paula seling colind#Romania#sarbatori iarna#stiri din galati#stiri galati#VERSURI#video#you tube#youtube#youtube music
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Brothers kidnapped by the Russians.
Basarabia e România!
Basarabia (Republic of Moldova) is Romania!
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*sticks my finger in ur mouth* hello please explain the Romanian declaration of independence from the Ottoman Empire.
um. have you washed that at least
#worm king#anyways um it was in 1878 i think? war took under a year russians fucking took basarabia in the end#its currently in moldova and partially in ukraine so its like. fine.
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Nadejda Tudor, una din fondatoarea Ligii femeilor din Basarabia
O fire autentică a acestui pămînt O temă cu totul aparte o constituie mişcarea feministă din Basarabia şi liderii ei. Nadejda Tudor, care a mai semnat şi Speranţa Tudor, lider al mişcării feministe din Basarabia, publicistă, ajutoare devotată a lui Iorgu Tudor în toate încercările lui literare, s-a născut la 20 decembrie 1888 în comuna Manzâri din jud.Tighina, moşia de cândva a Roxanei…
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have you ever played hearts of iron 4? it seems normal at first for a ww2 strat game until one of the leaders is killed the same way 3 times and returns unscathed and the USSR gives territory to the USSR after being threatened by the USSR
sorry I just had to tell someone
I dont play these types of games but to be honest that is pretty much the summary of the history of Basarabia, albeit oversimplified and reduced to a joke
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A little angsty headcanon for the vamp brothers, Ro and Mol:
Edit: Ok this became longer than I expected and I dived too deep into it so just a heads up
So for a bit of context, in Romania and their language there's no difference between Moldova and Moldavia as a name or as a separate entity. Meaning "moldavia" as a separate concept from Moldova is nonexistent (but when it was united with Wallachia, "Romanians" used to call the region Basarabia and some still do today despite the fact it includes Transnistria now given by Russia) but english speakers seem to differentiate between the current small country and the one that was equal in size with Wallachia (current Romania if you don't want to treat them as separate things). Now history aside let's get to shenanigans.
Ever considered the concept of reincarnation in Hetalia (I mean why not?), well imagine if Moldavia was a different character from Moldova and physically closer in age with Wallachia. I like to think that, when countries unite one needs to sacrifice so for the other to become more powerful and continue to represent for the future new nation. How is that decided? Well it's probably by many factors, the stronger military power, the better economy, the greater leadership, etc. But that's only the default if a decision isn't made.
The stronger side has the upper hand in this decision and they can chose to be the sacrificial goat if they wish so. How does that affect the remaining party? I like to think it in spiritual terms, now physically there's gonna be a noticeable difference too, behavioral as well, because as the physical body dissolves (or just disappears, or literally dies like anybody who needs to be buried) the consciousness becomes one with the new host, applying the new changes over time like a caterpillar during metamorphosis. As a nation, it may happen faster or slower, the next day you wake up 4 cm taller. Your way of thinking changes, your memories begin to morph, you literally become someone else but still the same, and you can "feel" the past of the one who's within you now.
Despite everything you're still one person who thinks individually for yourself only (unless you want more angst then you can add DID disorder for those forced into unification)
So now greater Romania may spent some time in solitude after the deed is done. Does Moldavia's existence gets erased as a whole? (Well no, there's history books, unless it's intentional). But just for the fun of it, since Romania doesn't recognize Moldavia and Moldova as separate in his language, maybe he does it as a coping mechanism to tricks himself into thinking Moldova has always been there and that there's no such thing as "moldavia". Its easier to keep believing it since Moldova's current size didn't change much from when he was just a region (yeah I like to think parts of a country still have enough agency to manifest a body and rather live in the same house so to speak. Similar to how empires work) and as an extension he was no different from how tall he used to be as Wallachia. (So he just thinks Moldova was there all along despite the small difference in features and personality).
Nowadays Romania may be more openly about the vague idea of ever having a "third brother" which he doesn't remember, maybe not, maybe it's his imagination insistent about it, but his body reacts to these thoughts and he gets a deja vu whenever he tries to make sense of it, foggy thoughts and memories. And Moldova? He basically reincarnated as a mere region of G Romania" (when he was included). He basically started from square one again as a baby developing to this day. Now that he's independent? He's in the same situation as his brother more or less, still different, he can recall having memories of "someone else" but most are foggy.
There's books to explain everything sure, yet if you knew your previous life and looked at a photo of "them" , would you be able to reconnect or relate to that person as yourself? Doubtful, just like how we don't remember our first 5 years of life properly.
Now as an addition. Remember I mentioned you can add DID for countries forced into unification? Or any type of illness to show the negative effects of it, it can involve self-harm or hatred, because it makes sense since it wasn't agreed upon nor consented, naturaly the new nation can feel these, or like a "parasite". (Interesting concept to explore tbh). Now that's something that mainly affects countries who both disagree to the idea and may've been forced by a third party. Of course if it's about conquest I think who was more powerful (and with very strict laws) may not take much of a pain on them.
And let's leave that aside for now cuz I'm deviating.
Then, what happens if it's a forced separation? Welp besides the physical marks it could leave, for Romania I think it felt like cutting an arm off and getting punch in the back of the head so hard that his mind was injured. He must've had a period where he suffered sudden memory loss whenever he thought about his other potential brother to which he was still strongly connected enough to feel his pain. Moments where he became dazed for a few seconds until he was conscious again, stopping in the middle of tasks like he was paralyzed, it was frequent at the beginning and it took a long time to heal but the scars remained permanent.
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România la un Pas de Prăbușire în 1915!
Tensiuni la Granițe, Uneltiri Bolșevice și Pericole Necunoscute: Cum România a Evitat o Catastrofă Anul 1915 nu părea să fie unul extraordinar pentru Regatul României, dar realitatea era alta. Țara se afla într-un moment critic, înconjurată de imperii rivale și cu un teritoriu încă incomplet. Cu un an înainte ca România să intre în Primul Război Mondial, țara era o insulă într-o mare de tensiuni…
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#1915#Aliați#Austro-Ungaria#Basarabia#Béla Kun#bolșevici#Bucovina#Budapesta#Cârlibaba#CBCRO#Cristian Rakovski#CrossBorderChroniclesRo#Ion I.C. Brătianu#Polonia#Primul Război Mondial#Republica Sovietică Ungară#România#Rusia#Tighina#Transilvania#Ungaria#Zbigniew Dunin-Wąsowicz#Zigmunt Zielinski
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its sad to think how recently our family/my mothers family were jews and rly we aren't only because to survive they changed their last name to a romanian one and converted to orthodxy. lived in bosnia a long time, then fled to serbia, then fled to hungry, then to bassarabia and when war came to basarabia feld again to romania and, well, i guess they were sick and tired of it by then and assimilated. and then the soviet rule came and made life hell again
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La mulți ani, România!! ❤️🎉🎁
Marea Ziua Unirii este sărbătorită de minune în țara mea de naștere:
Astăzi este o comemorare a unirii regiunilor antice separate din Transilvania, Basarabia, și Bucovina cu Regatul Român pentru a forma România actuală.
Aceste trei regiuni sunt acum egale, care sunt simbolizate în pavilionul românesc.
În 1878, România câștigă oficial independența față de Imperiul Otoman.
Pentru a demonstra o recunoaștere adevărată, în capitala României se desfășoară o paradă militară:
Mulți sărbătoresc această zi în țară și în întreaga lume!!
De asemenea, se face multă mâncare și se împarte familiilor.
Vă recomand să încercați: „Sarmale”, „Pomana Porcului”, și „Ciorba de Burta”.
De asemenea, eu fac aceste feluri de mâncare!!
Au un gust foarte delicios!!
Cu toate acestea, din moment ce eu sunt o mașină, adaug un pic de sos de scufundare „benzină” pentru a adăuga mai multă aromă.
Cum sărbătoriți această zi frumoasă??
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