#Barty Crouch Jr/Tom Riddle Jr
contrarywiseizybel · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 25: Barty Crouch Jr/Tom Riddle Jr 
Barty Crouch Jr. had fucked up.
He never made mistakes, it was part of why Mr. Riddle had hired him. That, and Mr. Riddle hated Crouch Sr. Well okay, it was mostly because Mr. Riddle hated Crouch Sr.
But once he had been offered the job of Mr. Riddle’s personal assistant, a spit in the face to the demand that he follow in his father’s footsteps, once he had that foot in the door Barty ensured he would never give Mr. Riddle a reason to fire him.
He worked harder than anyone in the company, up at 4:00 am and rarely home before midnight. He would be there for Mr. Riddle’s ever need, from making his coffee order (baristas never managed to get the proportions right) to picking out his outfits (the stylist who provided the individual pieces was good but didn’t know how to mix them in the most flattering way), to riding back to Mr. Riddle’s house after big events (he deserved a chance to vent and the drivers couldn’t be trusted with that information). Everything he did was for Mr. Riddle and he loved every moment of it.
And he was certainly rewarded for his hard work. After all, it had been Mr. Riddle who arranged for his penthouse apartment and his luxury car. It had been Mr. Riddle who had bought him a new wardrobe after his father officially disowned him. It had been Mr. Riddle who took him to the finest restaurants and most exclusive galas.
Barty wasn’t sure if what he felt towards Mr. Riddle was love, neither of them having a good idea just what that felt like, but Barty knew that Mr. Riddle was the single most important person in his life.
Which made his mistake all the more upsetting.
He couldn’t even find how he had fucked up. If he could figure out why the government contract had been denied instead of escalated then he’d at least be able to fix it. But instead all he could find was the denial, approved by him, and a very rude reply from their contact in the Department for International Trade.
He was in so much trouble.
Barty considered taking his first ever personal day, something he hadn’t even done when his father had died. Well, that had mostly been because he needed an excuse to miss the funeral, but still.
Barty had also considered just leaving the country, but even for him that seemed a bit extreme.
So with a deep breath, and a prayer to any god who may have been listening, Barty entered Mr. Riddle’s office.
“Ah, hello Barty.” Mr. Riddle greeted with a fond smile. A fond smile he would probably never see again. “Is there something you need?”
Forgiveness? Mercy? A swift death?
“Sir, I regret...I mean I need to...sir I’m so sorry but…” He took a deep breath, ignoring the amused and dare he imagine fond expression from his boss. It wouldn’t be there long. “I fucked up.”
The slip in his language mortified Barty but didn’t even earn a raised brow from Mr. Riddle. Instead he tilted his head to one side, like an inquisitive bird of prey just before an attack.
“How so?”
Like a bandage, or maybe like a rotten tooth, Barty just ripped the truth open. He explained the contract that he swore he had never seen before and he explained the rejection of a deal that would have made them even more powerful in the global market and he explained the rather rude response he had received and how he probably deserved that.
“I’m so, so sorry sir.” He concluded, head hung low in despair.
Silence settled over the office, the only sound Barty’s rushing heartbeat echoing in his ears. He refused to look up, too afraid of what he would see. Let him live in the memory of when Mr. Riddle didn’t hate him.
And then, finally, that deep voice called out to him. “I know.”
“S-sir?” Barty stuttered.
Mr. Riddle typed something on his laptop, swinging it around to face Barty. On the screen he watched as someone typed rapidly in the darkened office, barely illuminated. It must have been at night then, and Barty realized whoever it was had been sitting at his desk.
“Karkaroff broke into your computer last night while we were at dinner. He must have edited the time stamp on his reply message, so it looked like you had sent it. I’ve already contacted who I need to about reopening negotiations and Karkaroff will be...dealt with.”
The relief was so fast, so all encompassing, that Barty fell to his knees. He didn’t feel any shame, not in losing his composure in front of Mr. Riddle.
“I’m pleased you told me, but you will still need to be reprimanded, Barty.” Mr. Riddle said, ignoring his display of relief. In fact he had just gone back to his work like Barty wasn’t even there. Like nothing had changed between them even as he spoke of reprimand. “Approach.”
Barty did so gladly, not running but only just barely. Once in front of Mr. Riddle he waited, regulating his breathing and controlling his need to fidget. He wouldn’t rush Mr. Riddle, not when he was being forgiven for allowing Karkaroff, that bastard, to slander the company. Worse, to slander Mr. Riddle.
Finally after a few minutes Mr. Riddle turned, inspecting Barty with a critical eye. After a moment of watching, Mr. Riddle reached into his desk drawer and withdrew a rather pretty box. It was a deep red, almost the same reddish brown of Mr. Riddle’s eyes, and wrapped in a black ribbon. The box was placed on the desk, just far enough that Barty had to bend some to reach it.
He opened the box and almost slammed it shut.
But Mr. Riddle was watching and he couldn’t react so quickly. So instead he fought down the blush threatening to overtake his cheeks and inspected the...gift? Or more likely, the punishment.
Sitting on a velvet lining was a silver device who’s purpose was soon obvious. The phallic shape, the pad lock and keys, there was no questioning it.
His boss had just handed him a cock cage.
“My...my punishment...sir?”
“Remove your slacks and I’ll attach the cage. You will wear this until tomorrow morning, the same amount of time it took for you to notice what Karkaroff had done.” Mr. Riddle smirked, that beautiful but deadly smirk that never failed to make Barty’s heart rush. “Well?”
He almost dropped the box in his hurry to shed his pants. The designer trousers dropped to the floor, along with the fashionable but practical boxers, until nothing separated his cock from Mr. Riddle’s sight.
A cock that was already rising, but given the circumstances Barty figured it couldn’t be helped.
Mr. Riddle’s soft hand reached out, taking the box almost gently, as though Barty would startle should he move too fast. And maybe he would, but Barty doubted he would have run away. As it was he froze perfectly still while Mr. Riddle opened the cage and finally touched his prick.
He gave a sadistic pump, too dry to truly be pleasurable but still sending sparks up Barty’s spine. Quick as a flash Mr. Riddle trapped his cock, locking the cage with a very loud, very final sounding click.
The cage was surprisingly light and didn’t add much to his cock, which would be a blessing if he was expected to return to work. Once his clothes were returned to their rightful place Barty could barely see any difference, though he could certainly feel the difference.
“I’ll...just until tomorrow morning, sir?” He asked, gasping suddenly as Mr. Riddle’s hand grabbed his ass to pull him closer.
“Until then.” He agreed, leaving a kiss against his bulge, so soft that Barty thought he imagined it. “And then we’ll see about your reward for being honest with me.”
“Oh, yes sir.”
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oregano-stars · 1 month
My favourite thing about this fandom is that the canon story has so many characters that are just bad guys - no explanation, no questions, they’re just bad. But this fandom takes those characters and loves them and adds backstory and reasons why those characters mad those “bad” decisions because no one is born a “bad guy” right? Not Reggie, not Barty, not Bella, not even Tom :) And the idolized and well-renowned characters like Dumbledore? We take them down a notch, because no one is born perfect either. I love that. It makes it all feel so much more human and approachable and accepting.
Reblog if you feel the same! I feel like this aspect of the fandom needs some love :)
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Honestly more than half of them would just make Voldy worse (or at least accepted him the way he is), but anyway 😊
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Tom Blyth is my fancast for Abraxas Malfoy (so don't ask why Coryo here) 🫶🫶
I put Sirius here all because of one of the most brilliant fantastic magnificent gorgeous amazing flabbergasted HP fanfictions I've ever read "It runs in the blood" by Metalomagnetic (she made me fall into this rabbit hole) 🥹🥹🥹
God I ship Voldemort with too much ppl, I'd die in the cruelest way if he'd ever known I'm whoring him around like this 😭😭. Not my fault that his fanfictions are all so good that it feels like a crime
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hazelnut1 · 2 months
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A prank
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amethyistheart · 3 months
What if the sorting hat suggested Slytherin for Harry just because he had a part of Riddle's soul(who was a Slytherin) coz I know for a fact that the boy does not have a sliver of self preservation in him
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"He just needs therapy." His therapist needs therapy now. He needs exorcism.
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badumhax · 1 month
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some important guy reblogged my old bad work, so now i have to remind after every notification. Please stop!😭 Here's new stuff
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would you read this type of crap? be honest.
In a world where corruption has spread in almost every country; wars ensued, rebellions formed, and children trained early to fight. But only two people had started this chaos. The world was split into two sides: The Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix; but most of the time, you didn’t get to choose what side you wanted; free will has been abused and peace is a mere memory that died in vain, so you must follow your family’s footsteps. Fight in a war with no questions asked. No ‘hows’ and ‘whys.’ You fight because it is the last purpose of humanity on this destroyed planet.
Regulus Black is going to start a revolution. Not on Riddle’s side. Not on Dumbledore’s side. He is going to bring both of them down. But he needs help.
Edited: Should I write it?
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snake-queen7 · 3 months
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Some sketches of my bebes ✏️
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nickstarking · 4 months
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kairospy · 1 year
We had two (2) canon facts about Regulus Black and the lack of media literacy and raging heteronormativity in this fandom still made him into a whiny little bitch
Regulus Black had more in common with Tom Riddle than any other HP character (especially Draco Malfoy) but people aren’t ready to have that conversation
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thecrystalquill · 1 month
Okidokie babes this one is for all my followers.
Much like last time, while I’m working on my to do list for my writing, I need a little something else to think about to keep me going.
So - pick a number between 1 and 20, and send it to me.
Whoever guesses the right number wins a headcanon request for any character on my Masterlist who I haven’t written for yet!
Remember not to go anonymous.
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iloveratmen · 29 days
This fic is gonna rip my heart out isn’t it 😔
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fugamalefica · 1 month
‘He ... lately, we ... I am asking you, Snape!’
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I love how Bellatrix refers to her and Voldemort collectively as 'we' and doesn't complete her sentence. It's either because she doesn't want to admit they aren't talking or because she doesn't want to reveal much about their relationship. Maybe both. Either way, she feels vulnerable. I wonder how she would have completed this sentence.
The use of the word 'lately' is also very telling. It implies that generally, they do speak a lot and are close, and it's only recently that this has changed. It's not the norm for Bellatrix and Voldemort to distant from each other.
All their interactions show a familiarity Voldemort's interactions with other Death Eaters don't. He uses her nickname and she speaks to him like a lover. She talks back to him. She even has the courage to defend the Malfoys when he's mocking them.
Compare this to Barty's statement
'The Dark Lord and I,' said Moody, and he looked completely insane now, towering over Harry, leering down at him, 'have much in common. Both of us, for instance, had very disappointing fathers … very disappointing indeed. Both of us suffered the indignity, Harry, of being named after those fathers. And both of us had the pleasure … the very great pleasure … of killing our fathers to ensure the continued rise of the Dark Order!'
He maintains a clear separation between himself and Voldemort by referring to them collectively as 'The Dark Lord and I' and 'both of us' instead of 'we' like Bellatrix.
Spinner's End in general is full of Bellamort references.
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sweetnnaivete · 2 days
just a second sweetie, mommy's thinking about the tom riddle/barty crouch jr parallels again
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katakosmos · 2 months
fic terrible things?!? i scrolled through the tag, saw the names tom and barty and practically started skipping around. drop the lore irene pleaseeeeeeee
hi royal 😈
soooo, my dear fic, my precious baby is a rosekiller in a "the secret history" au. barty starts university and he develops a real obsession with a group of students (regulus, pandora and evan) who isolate themselves from the rest of the school. they're smart, spoiled, and barty wants to be part of their group at any cost.
pandora, regulus and evan have a very close relationship with tom, the philosophy teacher. he was so impressed by them that he offered to give them private philosophy lessons in the afternoon (this happened a year before barty arrived). but, unlike the normal philosophy lessons he gives at school (where he teaches and explains the thought of ancient philosophers), he encourages the three (and then barty) to develop their own thoughts. so these lessons are real discussions, a bit like those we see in the secret history (even if they'll never be at the same level LOL).
all the characters in this fic are very mysterious and have extremely complicated lives and, since barty came last, we only see his point of view (and what he thinks he knows), when in reality much of the story is unknown.
the more you read, the more you realize how strange and incomprehensible the characters are. everything around barty happens for a reason... but he doesn't know it. and in the end, after overcoming a strange friendship with pandora and an even stranger conversation with regulus, he finds himself trapped: completely in love with evan, in an obsessive and unhealthy way.
well, i can't spoil too much, but... would it really be a the secret history au without a murder? no 🫣
so, yeah, i'm really really excited about this fic. writing it is taking me so long, but i can't wait to finish and then post it cause i'm extremely happy with how it's turning out. many of my headcanons about barty, evan, pandora and regulus will be in it.
if you have other questions please ask!!
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