drum-cu-naluci · 11 months
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Days 11-17 tales and legends
Day 11 - Miorița [legend according to which a shepherd is murdered by the other two, although warned by one of his sheep]
Day 12 - Baltagul [written by Mihail Sadoveanu, published in 1930 portrays how he pictured the events after the legend of Miorița, where the shepherd's wife goes look for her husband, later seeking justice after he's found dead]
Dya 13 - Ciuleandra [scenes from the 1985 movie, made after the 1927 book with the same name, depicting the evolution of a man's madness, also being presented the life and death of a girl taken away from a village be the owner of the land as he found her suitable for his son, destroying the peasant, Mădălina, having her turned into a lady of society, now Madeleine, that ends up murdered by the son]
Day 14 - Moromeții [depicted in the illustration is the scene when the tree is cut down, resulting in the loss of equilibrium in the characters' lives, as actions takes place through the establishment of the communist regime, which contributes to the family's financial struggles, as presented by Marin Preda in the book from 1955, turned into a movie in 1987]
Day 15 - Ana lui Manole [the man hired to build the most beautiful monastery faces difficulties as the building kept collapsing every night despite working with the best constructors, but after a dream that told him to put his wife within a wall so that the place ceases to go down, so he then proceeds to build his pregnant wife Ana inside the wall, succeeding to keep the place standing <they're later forced to fly off the rooftop, each falling to their death>]
Day 16 - Harap-Alb [after the main character gets beheaded by the villain, it is the Emperor's daughter that sews his head back on, bringing him back to life]
Day 17 - Capra cu Trei Iezi [the mother goat sets a trap for the wolf to fall into a pit of fire as revenge for having killed her sons and placing their hears in the window, leaving her only with her youngest son]
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just-miru · 2 years
i should be girlblogging on tumblr but nooo- gotta write silly essays hngnhngng
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 2 years
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Trying to come to terms with the fact next year I'll have to read a book for exams that had so many of my triggers sandwiched together in the first few chapters it caused me a panic attack in 8th grade
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Mulțumesc pentru ajutor cu Baltagul!
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eliutza23 · 10 months
Mihail Sadoveanu: I like writing stories set in nature, nature is beautiful, it is the ideal, the city is bad.
Also Mihail Sadoveanu: *probably lived in the city*
Mihail Sadoveanu: Modernisation is bad, it must be avoided, things such as trains and clocks and all that new stuff suck. They corrupt the human, human should be with nature.
Mihail Sadoveanu: *gets killed in a train*
Mihail Sadoveanu: Many of my stories are set in nature, actually, Baltagul happens in the mountain side where a peasant (I love peasants, they’re amazing) tries to get justice.
Also Mihail Sadoveanu: *signs a paper for the execution of some peasants in the mountain side who are trying to fight communism and get justice*
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koval-nation · 10 months
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158) Murzalar, Мурзалар, Мырҙалар - plemię należące do grupy Aylin Baszkirów. Drugie imię Murzalar Baszkirów to Uleshte (baszk. ɨləshə). Potomkowie Murzalarowitów mieszkają w regionie Salavat.
Podziały klanu:
Shaitan (Ayu).
Przodkowie ludu Murzalar byli częścią sojuszu plemion Pecheneg-Oguz ze stepów Syrdarya i Aral w VII-IX wieku. Na południowym Uralu, Murzalarowie początkowo zajmowali zlewnie rzek Ai, Belaya, Yaik (Ural), Uy i Miass. Pod naciskiem klanów Tabyn pod koniec XV wieku lud Murzalar i reszta ludu Aylin przenieśli się na północny wschód od współczesnego Baszkortostanu (przepływ Aisk-Yuryuzan). Dołączyli do państwa rosyjskiego pod przywództwem Kursaja Beja Batyra. Współcześni mieszkańcy Murzalar mieszkają głównie w regionie Salavat: Murzalar-Mechetli, Kusepey, Akhun, Iltai, Musat, Beshevlyar, Yaubulyak, Kuselyar, Arkaul, Mahmut, 1. Idelbay (Badrak), 2. Idelbay (Badrak), Tashaul. Ara Aksyuash mieszka głównie w rdzennej wiosce Murzalar Masetlehe (Aksyuash jest przywódcą zbuntowanych Baszkirów z Murzalar 1681-1684, jego syn, brygadzista volost Kortkasyk Aksyuashev jest także wybitnym przywódcą buntownika Murzalar 1735-1740. Jego wnuk Symak ​​Kortkasykow i jego syn Asman Symakow brali udział w wyborze Karasakala na chana, po klęsce w wojnie Kazachowie uciekli do Środkowego Żuzu), a także w osadach mieszanych (kurort Jangantau, Czulpan, Sargamysz, Komsomoł, Urmantau, w ośrodkach regionalnych Mesegut i Maloyaz itp.). Yu. A. Evstigneev zalicza lud Murzalar do plemion pochodzenia mongolskiego. Łączy ich z Myrza-Jalairami, potomkami Jalairów. Jak pisał R. G. Kuzeev, wśród ludu Murzalar krążą legendy o Mongolii jako ojczyźnie ich odległych przodków. Według jednej wersji etnonim „Murzalar” jest pełną kopią mongolskiej nazwy plemiennej Tayjiut. Prawdopodobnie w czasach Złotej Ordy niewielka grupa Mongołów z Taijiut przeniosła się do Baszkirii, gdzie na lokalnym podłożu zorganizowano el (aimak) o tej samej nazwie. Później etnonim Taijiutów, według tej wersji, został przetłumaczony na język baszkirski i przyjął formę „Murzalar”.
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Hello my dear followers, I know I haven't posted in a long looong time but I'm back with a book review for a famous Romanian book, "The Hatchet" by Mihail Sadoveanu!
If you're Romanian you probably read this when you were a teenager (and the odds are you dreaded it), but shout-out to my non-Romanian friends!
"Girl, don't be foolish and don't cry. Today is a holy Monday and we are starting the fulfillment of our decision"
- "The Hatchet", Mihail Sadoveanu
Rating: 2.5 / 5
A story about justice and self-confidence, "The Hatchet" follows the journey of Vitoria Lipan, who is looking for her missing husband. After Nechifor Lipan doesn't return home, his wife begins to worry and takes the family's fate into her own hands.
The main inspiration source is the balad of Miorița. In it, 2 shepherds -one from Vrancea and one from Hungary- are planning to murder the Moldavian shepherd. The latter is warned by the magical sheep Miorița, but he accepts his fate without fighting back. "The Hatchet" is meant to be a retelling of the ballad from the point of view of the Moldavian shepherd's wife, a strong and daring protagonist. The book encourages readers to fight for what they believe in and have confidence that they can be independent regardless of the prejudices of the people around them.
I didn't really like the structure and pacing and certain choices of Vitoria weren't the best, they weren't justified. She left home after 12 weeks and in this time....her husband had already decomposed. I understand that fasting and religion were important to her, but in my opinion it was a sign for lack of tact. Many events throughout the story were quite irrelevant or even repetitive, Vitoria going from village to village asking about her husband but....that's about it. The ending was a bit rushed, one that is meant to be spectacular but it was exactly as I imagined it, very predictable.
It was interesting, however, to observe the mioritic setting, described not in such great detail, so I did not get tired, and the obsolete mentality and attitudes of people regarding domestic abuse, women or generally new things and concepts.
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cafeasipovesti · 5 years
Baltagul - eseu
Baltagul – eseu
Baltagul a fost una dintre cărţile care mi-au plăcut, chiar dacă am avut-o de citit pentru şcoală.
Romanul Baltagul de Mihail Sadoveanu publicat în 1930 aparține realismului cu o notă mitică ( derivată din totalitatea tradițiilor și superstițiilor prezentate, dar și din cadrul temporal asemenea basmelor, acțiunea e plasată în illo tempore.)
O primă trăsăturăpentru…
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online-market · 5 years
Un roman de traditie - Baltagul
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Mihail Sadoveanu a fost un scriitor, romancier, nuvelist, academicia si om de politica roman. Este unul dintre cei mai importanti prozatori din Romania secolului XX, operle sale fiind incluse pentru studiu chiar si in programa de liceu.
Cea mai cunoscuta opera a sa, studiata de elevi, este romanul social ”Baltagul”. Acesta este considera o monografie a statului traditional romanesc deoarece pe paginile sale prezinta mai multe caractere ale omului de la sat, traditiile populare romanesti si viata la tara exact asa cum se desfasura ea in secolul trecut.
Vitoria Lipan este o femeie de la munte care a ramas singura deoarece sotul ei a plecat departe sa cumpere niste oi. Intrucat il asteapta de multa vreme, isi da seama ca ceva nu este in regula si ca Nechifor, sotul ei, ar fi trebuit sa se intoarca de mult timp. Anunta autoritatile locale despre disparitia sotului ei, insa neavand incredere in ele, decide sa porneasca chiar ea in cautarea lui.
Isi ia fiul, pe Gheorghita, si pleaca la drum mergand pe acolo pe unde credea ea ca ar fi mers Nechifor. Pe drum, discuta cu oamenii si le vorbeste despre cautarea ei, astfel afland o multime de lucruri despre Nechifor si persoanele care il insoteau in calatorie. Tot in drumul iei o intampina o nunta si o inmormantare, iar Vitoria participa la ambele, context in care are posibilitatea de a vorbi cu multi oameni despre sotul ei. Pune cap la cap toate informatiile primite si afla ca acesta nu ajunsese intr-o anumita localitate.
De aici pista Vitoriei se restrange, in final cainele sotului, ii duce la locul in care acesta fusese ucis. Vitoria ii gaseste oasele si se intoarce acasa pentru a-i face o inmormantare crestineasca, respectand traditia. La praznic ii invita pe cei doi suspecti ai mortii barbatului, le povesteste tot traseul lor si scena mortii, iar acestia isi recunosc fapta.
Cumpar carti vechi | anticariat-carti.com
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Prin inteligenta, intuitiei, abilitate si diplomatie, Vitoria isi duce planul la indeplinire si reuseste sa devina un persoanj emblema a femeilor de la tara.
Daca aveti acest roman si l-ati citit, il puteti vinde deoarece, an de an este cautat de catre elevii de liceu. Cumpar carti vechi, dar am pretentia sa fie in stare buna. Mai mult, fac achizitii de carti oricand, chiar si de la domiciliu, asa ca daca aveti ceva de vanzare, doar accesati http://www.anticariat-carti.com/ si dati-mi de stire!
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enlilwind · 2 years
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🌸Cea mai bună carte citiă în martie?🌸 . 📚March Wrap Up 📚 Nouă cărți superbe, toate semnate de autori români contemporani (exceptând Baltagul). Luna martie va rămâne, pentru mine, dedicată exclusiv literaturii noastre pentru că avem atâtea cărți minunate despre care nu se vorbeşte, cărți ce nu se promovează suficient, cărți ce sunt absolut superbe şi deosebite, dar nu sunt expluse în vitrinele librăriilor. Literatura română contemporană merită să fie cunoscută, explorată şi iubită ❤ . . . #marchwrapup #bilantliterar #elenascrie #ionlucianciucu #mihaimanescu #alexconstantimanea #mihailvictus #danielbanulescu #adrianpasarin #toatepacatelenoastre #abaeterno #baltagul #mihailsadoveanu #copaculdorintelor #citesteromaneste #autorromancontemporan #autoriromani #autoriromanicontemporani #romanianlit #constanta #ig_constanta #bookstagramromania #elenasbookshelf #booklover #bookshelf #azicitesc (at Constanta, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb1o3BUqdce/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kd-heart · 7 years
On the one hand, I keep saying that just because you can write a novel in 10 days, it doesn’t mean you have to. But on the other, I still have to admit you can write a novel in 10 days and it can become a classic of Romanian literature, the kind to torture poor students with for generations to come. (I’ve read it like five times and the last time was actually of my own free will!)
Yes, this is a random Baltagul rant - that thing could have used some more editing and a lot less bullshit interpretations.
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Hello! Vroiam să întreb dacă știe cineva unde pot găsi Baltagul întreg in forma de PDF... Nu reușesc altminteri. Am mai văzut linkuri de la lume online, but they seem to have been removed from copyright
cred ca e intreg si are la sfarsit si niste critica
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alexsavescu · 2 years
FITT Birlic 2022: Actriţa Maia Morgenstern în rolul Votoriei Lipan, în spectacolul Baltagul
FITT Birlic 2022: Actriţa Maia Morgenstern în rolul Votoriei Lipan, în spectacolul Baltagul
Asociaţia Fălticeni Cultural vă invită luni, 22 august 2022, ora 20.30, la spectacolul „Baltagul”, având-o în rolul principal pe actrița Maia Morgenstern, ce va avea loc pe scena din curtea Colegiului “Vasile Lovinescu” din Fălticeni! Regia este semnată de Toma Hogea. „Baltagul” este o parafrază modernă a ,„Mioriței”, dacă vechea baladă dezvăluie atitudinea ciobanului în fața morții și a…
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goliadt · 3 years
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My dear associates -I'm introducing my last 2 HELLSING ocs, Decently important characters in the mother-au that is//BloodRain, the main story MisfitClub branches off. The character in the back, is The Allseer, an 8 ft tall vampire lady that knows just a little too much. The guy in the front is my main man Baltagul-Aka Hatchet, he goes by Adrian and he is definitely not a demon.
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meezer · 2 years
de ce nu putea sa pice baltagul. harap-alb. corola de minuni a lumii. de ce de ce de ce dumnezeule
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sakamaki-beatrix · 2 years
Beatrix, I’m glad you love reading too!I got a question:What books from European literature did you read or would you like to read?And do you understand every thing when doing that? 💙
Reiji has been recommending me novels from Friedrich Dürrenmatt, and I quite enjoyed the twist in his drama ‘The Physicists’. I assume it was one of my favorite writings of his so far, but I am reading his crime novella ‘The Pledge: Requiem for the Detective Novel’ as of now. It is usually not something I would read, but I got curious about it. I also read all these listed titles above in german, which was genuinely fun and easy to understand.
The novel ‘Baltagul’ by Mihail Sadoveanu was quite mesmerizing as well. The protagonist was a truly powerful woman, despite the female stereotypes in novels. I, of course, read this one in romanian, which I also had no troubles with.
Quite an obvious choice, as well as an all-time favorite, would be Shakespeare. Surprising, is it not? Fufu, I really liked ‘Hamlet’ and ‘Macbeth’ the most to be honest. Reading them in english was an absolute pleasure to my eyes, and I adored every minute of it.
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