#Balance Gold
moth-time · 4 months
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Anyway, that r/natureismetal post with the bird and the snake, right. We've all seen it. It slaps.
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junotter · 1 year
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Taako literally gets to kiss death this is so unfair
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cupophrogs · 7 months
Charles had a puppet show!!!!
(Evil smile)
I’m already betting that Charles use to use poppet to make Rich laugh or bug him when he wants to see his husband smile when rich was grumpy 😂
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Oh absolutely, he did! Silly is as silly does.
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afewproblems · 20 days
Difficult Days Part Four
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Read on AO3
Detective Vick is not what Shawn expected. 
First of all, it's Detective Karen Vick, and second, she's much younger and softer spoken than her association with Henry would suggest. 
When she comes to collect Shawn a good twenty minutes later, she clears her throat and waits for him to acknowledge her presence. 
Her shoulder length blond hair hangs around her face in a ‘Shag’ cut that vaguely reminds him of a Friend's character, Phoebe? No that's the blonde, what the hell was her name again?
“Rachel,” Shawn says, snapping his fingers in triumph, only to realize he's spoken aloud and the Detective is starring with an amused, if slightly bewildered, expression.
She presses a hand against her chest and says, “no Mr. Spencer, Detective Vick”. 
Shawn feels his ears burn but still manages a small grin as the Detective motions for him to stand up and follow her to a small room just off the bullpen. 
The tall rookie from earlier is sitting at a desk in the far corner, he watches Shawn before looking back down at the paperwork on his desk, a small self satisfied smirk on his face.
“So,” Detective Vick says as she opens the door and steps aside to let Shawn go first, “I'm sure I don't have to tell you how this works Mr. Spencer,” 
“Uh,” he swallows and runs his now sweaty palms down his jeans as he takes in the ink pads and paper on the metal table in front of him. 
Holy shit.
Holy shit, he was going to jail.
This was real, he wasn't a minor, his fingerprints would be in the system for the rest of his life, he was going to be shipped off to the state prison, how many years would someone get for taking their neighbors car? 
Everything is slipping away from him, Anthony, his parents, his fucking future.
Shawn feels his chest stutter as he realizes he hasn't been breathing.
“I get a phone call right?” Shawn croaks out, his voice quiet enough that Detective Vick has to lean closer to hear.
She raises a single polished eyebrow, her eyes scanning Shawn’s face for a brief moment, assessing something.
Maybe it's because she's a stranger, but her stare isn't nearly as intense as his dads so Shawn meets her gaze, despite his internal panic, waiting for her to say no or brush him aside.
“Okay kid,” she says, tipping her head over to the door, “there's a phone at my desk, dial nine to call out, then come back here and we'll talk”.
Shawn nods, stepping away from the Detective and the open door and making his way over to the desk she pointed out. 
The first thing Shawn notices are the pictures among the neat piles of paperwork and files, one of the Detective receiving an award in her dress uniform, another with the Detective and a tall man who looks about her age, probably a boyfriend based on their expressions. 
The rookie from earlier clears his throat loudly across the bullpen, staring Shawn down as if to say, quit stalling.
Not that Shawn wants to spend any longer here than necessary. If by some miracle he does get to walk out of here tonight, he’ll never so much as jaywalk again.
Shawn shakes himself and reaches out for the phone, dialing the number with a practiced hand.
It rings, long and loud in his ear once before pausing briefly and ringing again. Shawn holds his breath, please, please, pick up, he thinks miserably.
“Hello?” a sleepy voice says over the line and Shawn releases a shaky breath of relief.
“Hi Mrs. Guster, can I speak to G--Burton please?”
“Shawn? Do you know what time it is?” Mrs. Guster says, her voice firm but the barest hint of concern seeps into her question.
He takes a deep breath and releases it slowly through his nose, “I know it's late, but it's important, please Mrs. Guster.”
“Okay, hold on,” she says tiredly. Shawn hears the rustle of clothing as Gus’ mom makes her way upstairs with the cordless phone, then muffled voices in the background as Mrs. Guster finally passes the phone to her son.
“Shawn? Do you know what time it is? You're lucky mom even woke me up!”
“Gus stop, I-” he swallows the heavy lump that has started to form in his throat, “do you remember when T.S gets dumped by his girlfriend in that Kevin Smith movie we went to see?”
“What? You called me to talk about Mallrats? Shawn--”
“Gus, just,” he feels his voice waver as he tries to keep it light and quiet, hyper aware of the way Lassiter’s eyes keep flicking his way.
“That movie,” his voice cracks slightly and Shawn winces, curling further away from the blue eyes across the room, “it didn't really do it justice, uh, how much getting dumped sucks”.
Gus is quiet on the other end of the line but Shawn hears the sharp intake of air and suddenly he can’t stop the words from coming, falling out of his mouth like vomit. 
“You were right Gus, he uh, he's going to Princeton, can't have someone like me dragging him down, wait, maybe I'm the Brodie in this scenario,” he tries for a laugh that comes out watery and wipes his nose, “I should have listened to you”.
“And Henry knows,” he blurts out, cutting Gus off before he chickens out, “it's--it's not good Gus, I'm at the station--”
“What!” Gus exclaims, loud enough that Shawn briefly moves the receiver away from his ear, “the f-- he can't arrest you for being Bi, this isn't the 50s!” 
He hears rustling in the background, the sound of jeans and a belt buckle clinking as Gus presumably gets dressed.
Shawn feels some of the heavy weight in his chest lift and can’t quite stop the ghost of a smile from pulling at his lips. He knew he could count on Gus, he could always count on Gus.
“Could you and your mom come down?” Shawn says softly into the receiver,
“We’re on our way honey”.
“Mom!” Gus sputters and Shawn nearly drops the phone this time, he manages to catch it and bring it back to his ear just in time to hear Gus say, “you were listening?!”
Mrs. Guster sucks her teeth and Shawn can almost picture her rolling her eyes, “oh please Burton, you think I'm not going to listen when Shawn calls us in the middle of the night? I don't need a mother's intuition to know something's wrong”.
Shawn holds his breath again, as some of the anxiety from earlier creeps its way back into his spine, how long had she been listening? 
Shawn knows Mrs. Guster isn't overly fond of him after all the years of trouble-making and roping her son into his antics, garnering more calls to the Principal's office than the Gusters would have expected for their boy. 
And what if she had heard what Shawn said about Anthony, if she was listening the whole time–
“Shawn? Are you still there?” Mrs. Guster says sharply, halting the panicked spiral of thoughts before he can tumble all the way down, “don't say a word till I get there okay? We're on our way”.
“Yeah, that’s--okay,” Shawn breathes out as the wave of exhaustion that has been threatening to wash over him finally spreads down from the top of his head to his shoulders, making him slump slightly as the tension begins to bleed out of his shoulders. He hangs up the phone after another beat and releases a shaky breath, lifting his hands to press his fingers into his eyes for the second time that night.
The sound of a throat clearing behind him has Shawn lookup, slightly startled, to see Detective Vick standing behind him. The rookie is also pretending not to watch him from behind the Detective. He stands at the water dispenser, all legs and lanky arms; it's comical to see him try to be inconspicuous with a half empty paper cup, blue eyes pinched in something awful, like pity. 
Shawn wonders if he could get away with kicking the cop in the shins without adding another charge to his new rap sheet.
“You get a hold of your mom?” Detective Vick asks softly.
“Something like that,” Shawn says quietly as the Detective nods and beckons him back into the room. 
After a long night of taking his fingerprints and photos --where Shawn was reprimanded several times to face the correct way and to stop standing on his tiptoes at the last second to inflate his height, and finally his statement --though this was even harder for the Detective to get through without cracking just a bit after Shawn referred to Henry as, ‘what the Assistant Principal in the Breakfast Club wished he could be’.
It takes well over two hours before Shawn is released back into the main lobby. It’s still dark out thankfully but Shawn has no clue what time it is between the lack of daylight and the new wave of exhaustion that hits him in the gut as he slowly makes his way to the waiting area. 
Despite the wait in the horrible chairs in the lobby, Mrs. Guster and Gus are both there, waiting patiently for him. 
Gus launches himself off the chair faster than Shawn can say his name as he finds himself nearly tackled to the cold tiled floor.
“Don’t do that again man,” Gus says softly into Shawns shoulder as he hugs him tightly before pushing him away harshly, “it’s two in the morning, what the hell did you do that it took so long to get out? You didn’t actually murder Anthony did you, because I was hoping to get a shot in--”
“Dude!” Shawn squawks, his eyes dart to Mrs. Guster who is pointedly looking at the clock on the wall above their heads. She’s wearing a long cardigan over her pajamas and a tired expression on her face as she turns her gaze back to Shawn and her son. The periwinkle bonnet covering her hair does nothing to soften the air of annoyance following Mrs. Guster as she gives them the barest shake of her head and tells them to get in the car or start walking. 
Shawn releases a sigh of relief as Mrs. Guster herds Shawn and Gus into the little Ford Pinto, she hasn’t said a word since they left the building and seems content to listen to Gus speak for the both of them as they pull out of the department parking lot and onto the empty Santa Barbara downtown streets. 
He was expecting a lecture, or at least a stern warning to never call their home in the middle of the night like this again. But the silence is almost more terrifying as Gus begins to nod off next to Shawn in the back seat, he can’t get a good read on Mrs. Guster in her silence. Shawn picks at his thumbnail absently as he turns his head to the passenger window, startling slightly as Mrs. Guster clears her throat from the front seat.
“Shawn,” she says softly. Her eyes catch his in the rearview mirror, “I know we haven't always…” 
She breathes out and tries again, shifting her gaze back to the road, “Burton has always said you were a good boy, and we--I…”
Mrs. Guster releases another long breath and goes quiet, her brow furrowing slightly as she grips the steering wheel just a little tighter.  
Shawn holds his breath, the seat belt stretching tight across his neck like a noose as they continue down the highway. 
Then, in a voice softer than Shawn has ever heard Mrs. Guster use in more than ten years of knowing her, she says his name and holds his gaze in the rearview mirror once more. 
“You have a place to stay. With us…I hope you know that,” her voice is steady now but just as soft as when she said his name, “and I don’t care what that father of yours thinks, there is nothing wrong with you, do you understand?”
Shawn only manages a small nod as the lump in his throat doubles in size, erasing his voice completely. It earns him a kind smile in return from Mrs. Guster as she holds Shawn’s gaze for another beat before shifting her attention back to the dimly lit road. 
Shawn doesn't speak for the rest of the ride that night. Content to let the silence in the vehicle, punctuated by Gus's soft snores, and the soft golden light of the street lights wash over him as they make their way home.
Tag List: @adaed5 @drakkywolf @newgrangespirals @riverofrainbows (If you want to be removed or added to the tag list please let me know!)
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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🪐saviors of the universe 🪐
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world-of-wales · 7 months
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27 FEBRUARY 2019 || The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William took part in a game of football during a visit to the National Stadium in Belfast on the first day their visit to Northern Ireland.
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whatlurksbean · 8 months
How do you remain so patient with your deviantart fandom? I'd be tearing my hair out
I love passion, and the deviantart comment section is full of that.
I get a lot of very lovely in depth comments on deviantart, and there are a lot of good discussions between people. It's just when people start arguing with each other that I feel like I gotta turn off the comments.
Also I ban transphobic freaks and bad faith commenters looking to start fights on sight, so that helps with the general vibe.
but yeah, generally i have a great time reading deviantart comments, even if I don't agree with them all, I like seeing that people are invested and thinking about the comic. It's very nice to see that something I put so much into resonates with folk on some level.
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thresholdbb · 11 months
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Tuvok is all gold, so fancy
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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When in doubt, tiddies out.
Treat me ~ Tip me
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tennessoui · 1 year
hm. gffa dragon rider au where all force-sensitives are born with an egg that hatches into their own dragon when the time is right, and obi-wan was accepted into the temple as a Jedi youngling even though his egg hadn’t hatched because sometimes it takes a few years before it hatches, but then the egg literally never hatches and no master wants him because he’s so angry and emotional about his dragon egg that has not hatched (though he is sure it’s because so many Jedi activities focus on dragon riding and bonding with one’s dragon and he doesn’t have one yet)
 so he is sent to the agricorps, drops out, is recruited by the sith eventually because his anger has power behind it. power and possibility.
then anakin is born and his dragon egg hatches immediately....and across the galaxy, obi-wan’s own dragon egg hatches as if it were waiting for the perfect time. its perfect match.
but anyway, obi-wan and anakin meet for the first time on the battlefield during the clone wars, having no idea who the other is....only for their dragons to imprint on one another because dragons do not care for the battles and follies of men. what does a dragon care about the galactic republic? about the Sith? it only knows that its other half is across the battlefield and it will not stand to see them injured.
is that anything.
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pasta-pardner · 1 year
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a year ago today, I started my youtube channel! here's a retrospective on some of the type design I've made for my videos since then.
Check the link to see this typography animated! (+ an assortment of cowboy fanvids)
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gifgrrrl · 2 months
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"I give all the glory to god and, it's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to him and the blessings fall down on me."
- Gabby Douglas at The 2012 Olympics in London
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sometimes i feel like i have to make an example out of the pets prior while pet training (in wizard101) to try and convince this newborn to give me the talents i want. it knows the fate of the one who came before it and it knows what will happen if it doesn't meet it's potential
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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Classic Jewellery Pieces
Jewellery is a very important part of me. I love jewellery because it just adds that last bit of “I’m put together” feeling.
Because I work in a conservative company and come from a conservative household, I can’t be seen wearing flashy things on an everyday basis. Here are therefore, my go tos, which I think every woman should invest in at some point.
These pieces are wearable at point in your life, and if you buy the real kind, you can even pass it on to generations.
I’m someone who prefers diamonds (lucky for me, my birthstone!) and gold hardware. Silver doesn’t complement my skin.
A pair of solitaire studs
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A lovely pair of solitaires will give you that elegant, mature look. I had mine custom-made and I don’t take them off, ever. Plus they go on everything.
A tennis bracelet
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I think tennis bracelets are a great accessory, especially for young women. It’s flashy in a sense, but not over the top. You can wear it alone and it’ll look good. Or you can add a couple of more pieces with it - but either way, a tennis bracelet can be used as a standalone or with multiple pieces.
A small pendant
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My Van Cleef pendant is absolutely perfect. I have the one in the photo. It’s small, dainty, detailed and goes with any outfit because of the gold and diamond details. It’s great for everyday and great for going out.
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I absolutely adore rings. That’s the only jewellery I will 100% go maximalist on and I don’t care if people think it’s trashy. I love rings with thicker bands and gemstones. My favourite ones at the moment are a Fendi piece and a Swarovski piece.
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moe-broey · 1 month
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Opalite plugs.......
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me, spamming @shinygoku with screenshots from "thomas and the fat controller's engines": you know, there are so many good bits here that you might start to get the idea that this is a good book
me: but you'd be wronnng
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