#Backup Repository
techdirectarchive · 1 month
Achieve 3-2-1 rule with SOBR on Synology or OOTBI and Wasabi
Veeam’s Scale-Out Backup Repository (SOBR) can be used to implement the 3-2-1 backup rule. The 3-2-1 backup rule recommends having three copies of your data, stored on two different types of media, with one copy kept off-site. SOBR is built upon collections of individual repositories as we will see very shortly. In this article, I will demonstrate how you can Achieve 3-2-1 rule with SOBR on…
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koko2unite · 5 months
maybe I should. like. assign which blog I use for art for shitpost etc etc
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wowbright · 1 year
Periodic reminder that Archive of Our Own was created to be a repository for all written fanworks without regard to inherent worth, morality, ethicality, artistic merit, or intelligibility. As long as the posting of the work does not violate US law, falls within fair use standards, and does not directly harass individuals, it can be posted on Archive of Our Own.
Efforts to further limit the scope of what can be posted and stored on Archive of Our Own will fail, because Archive of Our Own is a repository much like the internet or the Library of Congress pre-21st century (back when it kept a copy of every publication printed in the United States). As long as you are able to find objectionable material on the internet or in a library, you will be able to find objectionable material in Archive of Our Own.
People get upset with the lack of moderation on Archive of Our Own because they view it as "the place to go to read fanfic." But when it was created, there was no goal for Archive of Our Own to be a destination fanfic reading website. Most people who first used it would publish on other sites (LiveJournal, fanfic.net, message boards, and various fandom-specific sites) to be read and commented on, and add a backup copy to Archive of Our Own so that it would be preserved in case it was ever removed from the original website/the original website went down. In other words, it was used as an archive, just like in the name.
AO3 can still be used this way! You can do your primary fanfic reading and writing on other sites, then back up your own works to AO3 for safekeeping.
Even better, if you object to the content that you find on AO3 and don't want to use it to find fanfic, or don't want to post there because you feel that posting there would be tantamount to endorsing AO3's mission, Archive of Our Own will hand you the tools you need to create your own site with more restrictive guidelines!
How? The software Archive of Our Own runs on is open source and the entire code is posted on github, along with advice for implementation.
Not everyone is comfortable searching for fanfic on Archive of Our Own for fear of encountering triggering or objectionable content. By creating more fanfic sites and repositories with their own focuses and guidelines, we can create the safe spaces in fandom that people are looking for without endangering the archival mission of Archive of Our Own.
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superlinguo · 7 months
Research Data Management. Or, How I made multiple backups and still almost lost my honours thesis.
This is a story I used to tell while teaching fieldworkers and other researchers about how to manage their data. It’s a moderately improbable story, but it happened to me and others have benefited from my misadventures. I haven't had reason to tell it much lately, and I thought it might be useful to put into writing. This is a story from before cloud storage was common - back when you could, and often would, run out of online email storage space. Content note: this story includes some unpleasant things that happened to me, including multiple stories of theft (cf. moderately improbable). Also, because it's stressful for most of the story, I want to reassure you that it does have a happy conclusion. It explains a lot of my enthusiasm for good research data management. In Australia, 'honours' is an optional fourth year for a three year degree. It's a chance to do some more advanced coursework and try your hand at research, with a small thesis project. Of course, it doesn't feel small when it's the first time you've done a project that takes a whole year and is five times bigger than anything you’ve ever written. I've written briefly about my honours story (here, and here in a longer post about my late honours supervisor Barb Kelly) . While I did finish my project, it all ended a bit weirdly when my supervisor Barb got ill and left during the analysis/writing crunch. The year after finishing honours I got an office job. I hoped to maybe do something more with my honours work, but I wasn't sure what, and figured I would wait until Barb was better. During that year, my sharehouse flat was broken into and the thief walked out with the laptop I'd used to do my honours project. The computer had all my university files on it, including my data and the Word version of my thesis. I lost interview video files, transcriptions, drafts, notes and everything except the PDF version I had uploaded to the University's online portal. Uploading was optional at the time, if I didn't do that I probably would have just been left with a single printed copy. I also lost all my jewellery and my brother’s base guitar, but I was most sad about the data (sorry bro). Thankfully, I made a backup of my data and files on a USB drive that I kept in my handbag. This was back when a 4GB thumb drive was an investment. That Friday, feeling sorry for myself after losing so many things I couldn't replace, I decided to go dancing to cheer myself up. While out with a group of friends, my bag was stolen. It was the first time I had a nice handbag, and I still miss it. Thankfully, I knew to make more than one back up. I had an older USB that I'd tucked down the back of the books on my shelf (a vintage 256MB drive my dad kindly got for me in undergrad after a very bad week when I lost an essay to a corrupted floppy disk). When I went to retrieve the files, the drive was (also) corrupted. This happens with hard drives sometimes. My three different copies in three different locations were now lost to me.
Thankfully, my computer had a CD/DVD burner. This was a very cool feature in the mid-tens, and I used to make a lot of mixed CDs for my friends. During my honours project I had burned backed up files on some discs and left them at my parents house. It was this third backup, kept off site, which became the only copy of my project. I very quickly made more copies. When Barb was back at work, and I rejoined her as a PhD student, it meant we could return to the data and all my notes. The thesis went through a complete rewrite and many years later was published as a journal article (Gawne & Kelly 2014). It would have probably never happened if I didn’t have those project files. I continued with the same cautious approach to my research data ever since, including sending home SD cards while on field trips, making use of online storage, and archiving data with institutional repositories while a project is ongoing.
I’m glad that I made enough copies that I learnt a good lesson from a terrible series of events. Hopefully this will prompt you, too, to think about how many copies you have, where they’re located, and what would happen if you lost access to your online storage.
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picknmixsims · 4 months
Repository Wizard - Updated
Repository Wizard V2.4
Fixed auto-edit for next Id after pressing enter in "Clothing" mode.
Added "Split into files" option for "Standalone Clothing" mode.
"Standalone Clothing" mode takes one or more .package files containing GZPS/3IDR resource pairs and locates all their required STR#, TXMT and TXTR and copies them into the same .package files as required, effectively "de-repo'ing" them.
If the "Split into files" option is checked, each GZPS/3IDR pair and associated STR#, TXMT and TXTR resources are then written into individual files.
We can also use this feature to split combined recolours into individual .package files, effectively "de-merging" them.
For example, using this technique on the "cornyregans-default-afbodymaternityshirtpants.package" file, which contains nine maternity defaults ...
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... we end up with nine files containing a single default and a tenth file containing the mesh.
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Presumably because we only wanted a few of the defaults, and not all of them.
Note: This is not intended as a way to "de-merge" after using CCMerger. The best way to do that is to restore from backups. It may work, it may not. It really depends on how much and what has been combined.
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curioussubjects · 5 months
Kara/Lee Fic LiveJournal Links
It occurred to me a while ago maybe not everyone is familiar with navigating LiveJournal, much less how to go about finding fic there. I figured it could be helpful to have a list of personal journals and communities to make that easier, or just to have on hand. What's included on this list: * Authors (prolific and/or widely rec'd, some with partial AO3 archiving); * K/L Communities (great sources for other fics and fanworks); * General Battlestar Galactica (2003) fic communities; * Friend-Locked and Deleted Journals (for reference and archived links, if applicable); * Authors that moved all their fics to AO3 (not linked, also for reference). All that being said, this post is neither a rec list or comprehensive. Mainly, I wanted it to be a point of entry for new fans or fans who aren't familiar with LiveJournal. With that in mind, if I forgot a community or user you think should be here, let me know and I'll edit the post to include them. Let me know if there are any issues/questions!
If you see your username on this list and you'd like to be taken off of it, just let me know and I'll edit the post, and likewise if you have your fics listed on LiveJournal and you'd like me to link to them.
Note: You might notice reference to a specific archive for Kara/Lee fic, called Fallout Shelter, as you explore these links. The bad news is that the site is offline. Unfortunately, the site wasn't archived very well either, so pretty much all the fics that were exclusively archived there are gone. The good news is that the archive was a repository for fics originally posted on the ApolloStarbuckFic yahoo group, which was saved during the massive archival effort to backup YG back in 2019/2020. The even better news is that the data for that group might become available some time next week. I'll make a post explaining how to go about sifting through all the messages if/when the data becomes available. Keep in mind though that I haven't seen this data yet, so I have no idea what, if anything, is saved in the group's messages and files. Still, though, definitely something to be excited about!
Fics under the cut! ☺
General Communities
Battlestar Recs BSG 2003 Fics BSG Creative BSG Epics BSG Fic Finders BSG Kink BSG Remix BSG Slash
Kara/Lee Communities
The Applecart Beyond Insane KaraLeeFic No Takebacks Pilots Big Bang Pilots Presents Reel Pilots SASA HQ (additional fic tag)
Authors (A-Z)
alissabobissa (general k/l tag, ffn) anr (general k/l tag) apodixis bantha-fodder (general k/l tag on dw) that i should suffer (archived) brynnmck (general bsg tag) coffeesuperhero (general fic masterlist) daphnaea (general fic masterlist) dionusia (general k/l tag) elly427 (general k/l tag) embolalia (general k/l tag) fahye (general fic masterlist) hackaddict indigo419 kate98 (lj deleted, find on ffn) kdbleu leavingslowly leda13 (general fic tag) letterstonorah (lj deleted, general k/l tag on dw) liminalliz (general fic tag) lint (deleted lj, fin on ffn/ao3) lotus79 meyerlemon (lj deleted, find on ffn) mnemosyne olaf47 sangga (general bsg tag) shah-of-blah (general bsg fic tag) stars-like-dust (general bsg fic tag) svilleficrecs (general fic tag) tamsibling thefannishwaldo (general bsg tag, also on ffn) voleuse whatimages (general bsg tag) widget285 (general bsg tag) wisteria- (general bsg tag) zeplum (saintstreet, plumunited) F-Locked Journals queenofthorns (f-locked on dw) rawles/peri-peteia (ao3, dw) workerbee73
Deleted Journals/Fics
kag523 latteaddict nancy777ca (some fics on ffn) oxymoronassoc (archived, see below) Look Him Straight in the Eye Just Something Out of Step shawngf sloanesomething (archived, see below) And So I Woke (1 [might be gone], 2, 3, 4, 5) All the While Byzantium (SVU crossover) Terms Five Things that Didn’t Happen on Colonial Day Untitled
Find on AO3: callmeonetrack elzed Innibis ninjamonkey73 rachelindeed rayruz scifishipper SomewhereApart
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rented-space · 2 years
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Finally stopped being lazy and edited the previews and swatches. Some come as stand-alones, others are repository only because I forgot to make backups...
4t2 Blazer/Activist Blazers: Repository only 4t2 Basketball Jersey: Stand-alone || Repository 4t2 Bows: Stand-alone || Repository only 4t2 Bottom Flare: Repository only 4t2 Mesh: Repository only
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gothhabiba · 7 months
what’s the best way to make a repository of esim referral codes that anyone can edit (obviously I would make a backup)? google spreadsheets? pastebin?
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moose-mousse · 10 months
A beginners guide to GIT: Part 4 - How to use GIT as 1 person
Table of content: Part 1: What is GIT? Why should I care?
Part 2: Definitions of terms and concepts
Part 3: How to learn GIT after (or instead of ) this guide.
Part 4: How to use GIT as 1 person
Part 5: How to use GIT as a group.
When it comes to not getting in each other's way, working alone is the simplest (It has a lot of other drawbacks). This is the simplest way to use GIT. You can do it with an external repository as a backup or just locally on your computer. It depends on how important your project is. If your laptop crashes tomorrow, which projects would you have a really hard time losing? Better to have an external backup for that. Github is often used for this (Maybe less now that Github makes machine learning AI’s, and so ARE stealing your code to train their AI on.) but you can also use Bitbucket (Which... may also steal your code...) and there are many many others out there. GIT is often used in certain patterns, called “workflows”. These have you working in more or less rigid ways to make it simple to work together. But since you are working alone, you do not risk others changing your code while you are working, so you can do it the simplest way :D
I will be doing a step by step guide that you can follow along. I will be doing it on a completely empty project and making a tiiiiiny program in C. This is because it is super simple. You do NOT have to know C to follow. You can also follow the steps with your own already existing project.
I PROMISE you, GIT cannot hurt you. Worst case scenario is that you fiddle around and break the repository part. (Meaning the files in the .git folder). But your files will always be safe.
(If you do not have git installed, check out part 3 for that)
First, I make a folder, navigate my shell into it, and call git init:
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By the way, you can get used to GIT messages like this that tell you all your options, and explain what GIT has done for you. GIT is very good about giving you as much help and info as possible,
Now I will teach you the most important command in GIT.
It is more important than any other. Ready?
git status
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This makes GIT tell you what git thinks is happening right now. What issues there are and what files are tracked, untracked or have been changed. Use this command often, especially while you are new to GIT, run it after every other command. It is how you learn what GIT is doing and thinking :3
Since our repo is empty it tells you what branch you are on (master. The only branch we will need since we are working alone)
and that you have not made any commits.
It also tells you the commands git think you will want to use on files. Since our repository is empty, it tells us to create some files, and then how to add them :3 So let's do that:
I have added my tiny program, as you can see:
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Now let us see what GIT thinks we did:
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Now, since there have been changes, git shows us them.
Files can be untracked tracked and not changed (In which case, git status does not show them) tracked and changed.
Right now, main.c is untracket. Which basically means GIT have no idea about this file, other than it is in the folder.
Ok, let us commit(save) the file. GIT tells us this is done with git add <File> . So we will write git add main.c
Then we use git status again to see what happened git status
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And yeah, our file is now ready to be committed. So lets do it! git commit -m “My first commit!”
The “-m” option is to write the git update explanation directly in the console instead of using an external program to do it. Done You have now committed your code! It is now saved!
git status shows that everything in the working tree is as it was last time we committed (Duh. We JUST committed)
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I will now make some changes to the main file:
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Git status shows us main.c was changed...but what if we wanted to know what was changed in more detail? How will we get status to do that for us? Let us find out! git help status
git then shows the help page for status And there we can see this part:
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So if we write status with 2 -v arguments, we get all the details. Let us try:
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And look! It shows us EXACTLY what lines were changed! I stage the changes and commit:
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And you have now learning enough about GIT to use it.. You now have all your work saved, in different commits. If you ever want to know all the commits you have made, write git log:
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And if you want to know what a specific commit did, you copy the name of the commit, and write git show:
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Now, everytime you want to save your work, you
1: Write/change the files you want
2: Add the files you want as part of this commit
3: make the commit These three steps are your workflow.
If you have a remote repository, then you add them steps
4: push to remote repository
To do this step, you can actually just write
git push
If you have set up a remote repository, then it just works. If you have not, then git will tell you what to do Whichever remote repository you use will tell you if you need to do other steps, like setting up passwords or ssh keys. They will also tell you how to set up the remote repository (That is not a GIT thing, that is a bitbucket or a github thing, so refer to whichever of those sites you want to use) And that is all! Every time you commit, your project is saved (it is smart to commit often, but usually only commit when your project can be compiled.) And whether you use a remote repository or not, you now have a fully valid GIT repository, and all the git tricks can be used on your project!
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thejockout · 1 year
My Links
The following are the places on the internet you can keep up with me and my files - including a handy cheat sheet via Linktree!
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Here on Tumblr, you can see them under posts marked with #jockoutreleases, which I'm also going to tag this post with for convenience.
Patreon: My newest (hopefully permanent) platform. The only downside here is that I do have to put the NSFW content behind a paywall to comply with Patreon's Terms of Service, but I'd consider 5$ a reasonable enough price of entry. New files will only be posted here from now on.
Soundcloud 1: Here. Legacy content.
Soundcloud 2: More legacy content.
Soundgasm: This site isn't pretty, but it's a good backup repository of my stuff. (EDIT: lowkey abandoned this because the UI sucks.)
Warpmymind: Not my preferred site, but it's a catalog.
At the moment, this is my only one. I do technically have an Instagram @jockout_ but it's not something I post on. Visit @ jockoutnsfw (type it into the bar yourself, lazy bitch) for my reblog dump.
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techdirectarchive · 3 months
How to Secure your API key in Postman
API “Application Programming Interface” is the bedrock of all system applications. Without an API it will be impossible for the backend logic of an application to communicate with the frontend. API also makes it possible for an application to make a call or send a request to another application. In this article, I will show you how to Configure Postman for a Secure API key Authentication. You can…
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View On WordPress
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tare-otome · 5 months
Death's Door - Latopolis
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Recluse Spider - Gaia & Hades Backup Kernel Repository
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wikiweird · 1 year
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Svalbard Global Seed Vault
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a secure seed bank located on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, near Longyearbyen. It was established in 2008 as a global backup facility to preserve and protect the world's crop diversity in case of regional or global catastrophes.
Often referred to as the "Doomsday Vault," the seed vault is built into a mountainside and designed to withstand natural and human-made disasters, including earthquakes and nuclear war. It is situated in the permafrost, providing natural cooling and preserving the seeds at a constant low temperature.
The purpose of the seed vault is to safeguard the world's agricultural heritage and ensure the availability of diverse plant genetic resources for future generations. The vault acts as a repository, storing duplicate seed samples from gene banks around the world. These samples represent a wide range of important food crops and plant species.
The seed vault currently holds over one million different seed samples, with the capacity to store up to 4.5 million samples. It serves as a long-term insurance policy for global food security, as it allows for the reestablishment of crops in the event of a major regional or global catastrophe.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is an important international initiative, symbolizing the collective efforts to safeguard the world's agricultural heritage and ensure the resilience of food systems.
Read more
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psycheterminal · 11 months
Ask response:
"If you answer this ask (you don't have to), can you block my name? I'd rather be anonymous, but I wanted to ask if you know of any good places to host media like Discord? Or just place where you can leave and label the stuff? Because I have discord servers that contain my own story ideas and pictures to go alongside it, and while I can store it all on a USB, I'd rather have it all in one place where I can access. Sorry, I know I'm not really phrasing this well, but do you know of anywhere you can store ideas, text, pictures, links, etc, that are simple and easy to use? Like I can load it up, log in, or whatever place a picture I have for a certain story full HD, and it stays there forever until I delete it never looses its quality or the text I place can be edited and added to"
My apologies for the inconvenience of not having anon asks on, I got hazed by some people back in the Homestuck days and once was enough. Some people are cruel cowards and I won't subject myself to such harassment again.
There's several. I recommend using multiple sources:
Google Drive. Basic space is free, but it's Google. Storage is at least cheap, if you need more. I won't link this.
Dropbox. The OG online storage backup. Cheap.
OwnCloud. It's simple to get up and running. There's a cool markdown text app called qownnotes that can hook into this, too!
Github and its competitors. You can make a repository with all your stuff and folders, mark it private.
Use a wiki service. There's a few FOSS wiki solutions! DON'T USE FANDOM!!
Neocities. If you pay 5$ a month, you're doing a good deed and you can make your own funky website, too.
Archive Of Our Own, aka Ao3 for your text. You can set it to only you can see it! If you have hosting space, you can actually fork the software for it! It's an archive! It's what it's for! It has an original work section!
BACK UP YOUR STUFF LOCALLY! Big local storage has gotten way, way more affordable. You can get a 2 tera solid state external drive for under 120 dollars, a spinny disk external drive for under 70$. If you don't want to use Amazon, check out Best Buy or a local computer shop for options.
You're most likely gonna use money. I know money's really, really tight for a lot of people and the situation just plain sucks. I can't do much but offer options for people to ponder.
My recommendation is to back up your stuff to a physical location, and to rent online storage space with multiple vendors. If you don't mind using google for now, use both GDrive and Dropbox for simplicity. If you don't mind doing more and learning some things, use Dropbox with OwnCloud, and post your text to Ao3.
I do NOT recommend Imgur for photo backup.
I do NOT recommend Apple services unless you already have an iPhone/Mac device.
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Buy Old GitHub Account
What Is GitHub Account?
A GitHub account is an essential tool for developers and anyone involved in software development or collaborative projects. Old GitHub is a platform where you can host and manage your code repositories, collaborate with others, and track changes to your code over time. Old GitHub provides features such as version control using Git, issue tracking, project management tools, and the ability to review and discuss code changes through pull requests and code reviews.
Having an Old GitHub account allows you to contribute to open-source projects, showcase your own projects, and collaborate with other developers on different projects. Old GitHub Account is widely used in the software development community and serves as a hub for sharing and collaborating on code.
Contact Telegram: @usapvaservice WhatsApp: +60-01163738310 Skype: usapvaserviceEmail: [email protected]
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What is the use of GitHub account?
An Old GitHub account serves a variety of purposes, primarily revolving around collaboration between software development projects, version control, and code management. Here are some of the main uses:
Version control: Old GitHub is built on top of Git, a distributed version control method. With GitHub, developers can track changes to their codebase over time, roll back to previous versions when needed, and collaborate with others on the same codebase simultaneously.
Collaboration: Old GitHub Account provides a platform for teams to collaborate on software projects. Multiple developers can work on the same codebase, make changes, and propose changes through pull requests. It facilitates team coordination and increases productivity.
Code Hosting: GitHub hosts the Git repository, which allows developers to store their code in the cloud. This ensures that the code is accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection and provides a backup in case of local machine failure.
Issue Tracking: The Old GitHub Account includes issue-tracking features, allowing users to report bugs, propose features, and discuss ideas related to a project. It helps organize tasks, prioritize tasks and keep track of project progress.
Documentation: Aged GitHub Account provides tools for creating and hosting documentation for software projects. Developers can write README files, wikis, and other documentation directly into their repositories, making it easier for contributors and users to understand how the project works.
Community Engagement: GitHub Account is a hub for open source projects, enabling developers to contribute to projects maintained by others and discover new projects to work on. It fosters a vibrant community where developers can learn from each other, share code, and collaborate on shared interests.
Overall, a legacy GitHub account is essential for developers and teams looking to efficiently collaborate on software projects, whether for open-source contributions, personal projects, or work-related endeavors.
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qcs01 · 3 months
Ansible Collections: Extending Ansible’s Capabilities
Ansible is a powerful automation tool used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. One of the key features that enhances its flexibility and extensibility is the concept of Ansible Collections. In this blog post, we'll explore what Ansible Collections are, how to create and use them, and look at some popular collections and their use cases.
Introduction to Ansible Collections
Ansible Collections are a way to package and distribute Ansible content. This content can include playbooks, roles, modules, plugins, and more. Collections allow users to organize their Ansible content and share it more easily, making it simpler to maintain and reuse.
Key Features of Ansible Collections:
Modularity: Collections break down Ansible content into modular components that can be independently developed, tested, and maintained.
Distribution: Collections can be distributed via Ansible Galaxy or private repositories, enabling easy sharing within teams or the wider Ansible community.
Versioning: Collections support versioning, allowing users to specify and depend on specific versions of a collection. How to Create and Use Collections in Your Projects
Creating and using Ansible Collections involves a few key steps. Here’s a guide to get you started:
1. Setting Up Your Collection
To create a new collection, you can use the ansible-galaxy command-line tool:
ansible-galaxy collection init my_namespace.my_collection
This command sets up a basic directory structure for your collection:
└── my_collection/
├── docs/
├── plugins/
│ ├── modules/
│ ├── inventory/
│ └── ...
├── roles/
├── playbooks/
├── README.md
└── galaxy.yml
2. Adding Content to Your Collection
Populate your collection with the necessary content. For example, you can add roles, modules, and plugins under the respective directories. Update the galaxy.yml file with metadata about your collection.
3. Building and Publishing Your Collection
Once your collection is ready, you can build it using the following command:
ansible-galaxy collection build
This command creates a tarball of your collection, which you can then publish to Ansible Galaxy or a private repository:
ansible-galaxy collection publish my_namespace-my_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz
4. Using Collections in Your Projects
To use a collection in your Ansible project, specify it in your requirements.yml file:
- name: my_namespace.my_collection
version: 1.0.0
Then, install the collection using:
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
You can now use the content from the collection in your playbooks:--- - name: Example Playbook hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Use a module from the collection my_namespace.my_collection.my_module: param: value
Popular Collections and Their Use Cases
Here are some popular Ansible Collections and how they can be used:
1. community.general
Description: A collection of modules, plugins, and roles that are not tied to any specific provider or technology.
Use Cases: General-purpose tasks like file manipulation, network configuration, and user management.
2. amazon.aws
Description: Provides modules and plugins for managing AWS resources.
Use Cases: Automating AWS infrastructure, such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and RDS databases.
3. ansible.posix
Description: A collection of modules for managing POSIX systems.
Use Cases: Tasks specific to Unix-like systems, such as managing users, groups, and file systems.
4. cisco.ios
Description: Contains modules and plugins for automating Cisco IOS devices.
Use Cases: Network automation for Cisco routers and switches, including configuration management and backup.
5. kubernetes.core
Description: Provides modules for managing Kubernetes resources.
Use Cases: Deploying and managing Kubernetes applications, services, and configurations.
Ansible Collections significantly enhance the modularity, distribution, and reusability of Ansible content. By understanding how to create and use collections, you can streamline your automation workflows and share your work with others more effectively. Explore popular collections to leverage existing solutions and extend Ansible’s capabilities in your projects.
For more details click www.qcsdclabs.com
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