#Back when I worked with kids (and college students) I feel like I was firm but fair
Sideblog shenanigans
Love the attitude I have towards my sideblog's Tumblr community vs the Twitter community.
When I look at RA, I'm always fondly scrolling through the tags and laughing at people's reactions or jokes, meanwhile when I look at Twitter I'm like:
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"So help me god you WILL all be polite and well-behaved or else."
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ayyy-pee · 1 year
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Discord 18+ - Twitter - JJK Masterlist
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Summary: Every choice Satoru makes just seems to be digging himself into a deeper hole. But when it comes to you, he can’t seem to help himself.
Story Warning: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Toxic Behavior, Cheating, Protected Sex (wrap it up kids), Jealousy, Obsessive Behavior, Exes to Lovers (for a lil bit), Gojo is sprung on reader real bad, Dumb Stupid Idiot Satoru, Downbad Satoru
Gojo art by: Ilameys (used with permission)
Available to read on Ao3!
AN: Gojo has been eating my brain so I had to get something out. I've been obsessively listening to LIMBO by keshi and had it on repeat writing this (listen to it if you haven't!) Anyway, enjoy!
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“Satoruuuuu,” an aggravating, whiny voice slurs. “Can you get me another drink pleaseeeee?”
“Hm? Oh, sure.”
Satoru rises from his seat on the couch, running his fingers through his silky white hair. He leaves his girlfriend to chat with her friends as he makes his way to the kitchen for yet another drink. Really, he should cut her off and take her home. She’s insufferable when she gets a drop of liquor in her, not that she’s any less annoying when she’s sober. All the whining, all the clinginess, all the slurring of his name as she wraps herself all around him. It used to be cute when they first started dating a year ago. Now it’s just suffocating. But Satoru sucks it up, though he’s not entirely sure why. Maybe because when she drinks, he doesn’t have to deal with actually trying to have a conversation with her. She’s a bit more tolerable after a few drinks. Annoying still, but less so.
He maneuvers through the crowd of the house party he’s currently attending. It’s packed, the scent of alcohol heavy in the air. Leave it to Suguru to go all out when he’s back in town. The guy invited practically everyone from their time in high school. Since arriving, Satoru’s already run into Mei Mei, Ino, Utahime (unfortunately) and surprisingly Nanami. There’s even students from the Ainu Technical School here. He had no idea Suguru even knew them. 
Regardless, Satoru is happy to see everyone. He stops every so often to chat with old classmates as he wanders towards the kitchen. Everyone seems to be doing well for themselves since graduating high school, which Satoru is glad for. No matter how life went, he always wished everyone well.
And life was good for Satoru, too. At 26 years old, he certainly couldn’t complain about much. He’d graduated from high school, gone to college, had a hell of a great time during his undergrad career, got himself a well paying cushy sales job. And he had a girlfriend that he…had been with for awhile. Life couldn’t be better for him.
So why did it always feel like something was missing?
Satoru enters the enormous kitchen and makes a beeline to the assortment of drinks lined along the built-in bar. Of course Suguru has a built-in bar in his kitchen with an array of pre-made cocktails to choose from. Always such a great host when he’s not traveling to clean up celebrity messes for his PR firm.
“Satoru!” A man’s voice sings behind him as an arm slings across his shoulders. 
“Haibara,” Satoru greets him. “Back for another drink?”
Satoru grabs one of the plastic party cups from the counter and pours one of the cocktails into it; something fruity and syrupy. He might’ve given it a try if the overwhelming smell of tequila didn’t burn his nostrils. He thinks of his girlfriend, knowing she will definitely feel like shit by the end of the night.
“Hm?” Haibara shakes his head, his raven hair whipping with the movement. “No way. One is enough for me. I have early practice tomorrow. Coach says my swing needs work, so not willing to fuck that up.” Ah right. Satoru had totally forgotten that Haibara played tennis professionally now. He nods, listening to his friend fill him in on what his plans for tomorrow are. Haibara’s wide brown eyes follow Satoru’s movements as he fills his cup. “You, though? I never see you drink at these things?”
Satoru shakes his head. “Not for me. For my girlfriend.”
Haibara’s signature, open-mouthed grin spreads wide across his face. “Oh! You’re still dating her? Wow. Good for you, man.”
Something about the surprise in Haibara’s tone takes Satoru aback, brows knitting at this. “Why’d you say it like that?”
Haibara crosses his arms, his smile melting away with a sigh. “I mean…” Haibara sighs your name quietly. “The two of you were together for a long time before you broke up after high school. We all thought you’d still be together, but if you could end that relationship, I’m just a little surprised you’re still with this one. That’s all. But if you’re happy...”
Just hearing your name on Haibara’s tongue has Satoru’s stomach twisting in knots. He hasn’t seen or spoken to you in years, something he’s been wanting to change for a long time but too cowardly to do so. 
Satoru nods, giving Haibara a weak smile. He can admit that his girlfriend was…not the least bit interesting, annoying and did little for him. But he enjoyed her company sometimes.
“Just don’t be surprised if one of us leaves with Y/N tonight, though,” Haibara jokes, throwing his head back with an obnoxious chuckle. 
Satoru feels his heart leap into his throat as his crystalline eyes dart rapidly over every occupant in the kitchen, only seeing the familiar faces of his old classmates and a few strangers. There’s no sign of you. Maybe Haibara was just fucking with him. 
Satoru laughs to save face, albeit awkwardly. “Funny,” he mutters, staring down into the drink meant for his current girlfriend, though now his thoughts are only occupied with you.
“Hey man, I need to get back to my girl, so I’ll catch you later,” Satoru tells his old friend.
“Yeah, later! Hey!” Haibara calls out to him and Satoru turns briefly. “Let’s get together to play some time!”
“Yeah, sure. Text me!” Satoru calls back, waving as he exits the kitchen. Unlikely, but he appreciates the effort.
Satoru shoulders through the crowd again, carefully holding onto the red cup in hand so it doesn't spill. He takes his time getting back, a new goal in mind: find you. Are you actually here? Or was Haibara just trying to mess with him? His heart pounds hard in his chest as he moves, eyes scanning every face he sees.
It’s been seven long years since Satoru last spoke to you - his first real crush, his first real girlfriend, his first time. His first everything. He wonders if you’ve thought about him at all in this time. He’d be surprised if you did. Things didn’t exactly end well between you two.
Seven Years Ago
You and Satoru dated all through high school. Satoru, a star athlete, played many sports and you supported him through them all, cheering for him at every game and helping him with his practice. You two were inseparable. If you weren’t at Satoru’s place, he was at yours. The love was deep between you two and a promise was made that you’d always be together.
But life didn’t always happen the way you wanted. The joy and excitement of being accepted into your dream schools did not last long when you realized you’d be going to school thousands of miles away and oceans apart. It was the first time a true test of your relationship was presented. Satoru was staying in Japan for college while you were headed overseas. Could your relationship survive the distance?
The first few months apart weren’t so bad. Satoru was making friends, excelling at school and becoming quite popular. You were also busy with your new life and hobbies. You made time for each other when you could. But it wasn’t enough. The loneliness Satoru felt without you was all consuming and it was only a matter of time before he found himself sending fewer texts, calling less, absorbed in the newness of college life.
Satoru loved you so much, but he wasn’t an idiot. He knew the likelihood of a long distance relationship surviving was slim regardless of who it was. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but the trying part was becoming more burdensome than he wanted.
And it wasn’t as though you had done anything wrong. This feeling Satoru was experiencing was all on him. You made the effort to keep in touch, to call when you could. And you still wanted it to work. But if Satoru were honest, he just wanted to enjoy his time in school without the constant worry of pleasing someone who he never saw unless it was behind a screen. It was selfish of him, but he wanted to have fun. This was a new world and he wanted to be free to explore it.
So he ended things.
He’ll never forget the quiet sobs on the other end of the phone as he sat in silence after uttering the words, “I don’t think this is going to work out anymore”.
His heart ached listening to your hushed pleas for him to not do this, to not end things this way. But it was for the best. In the long run, you’d be happier. He’d be happier and what was that corny saying again?
If you love something, set it free? Satoru thinks that’s what he did that day.
And you were so upset. Rightfully so. You loved Satoru. You were each other’s first kiss, first times before you left for college, first loves. You’d quite literally given everything to each other. But Satoru couldn’t commit to you anymore. He didn’t want to. He wanted to enjoy college, live his life. It may be selfish of him, but he didn’t see it that way. It was his chance to grow. 
Even after all of your pleading, he stuck to his guns. It was torture, listening to you tearfully beg him not to do this to you. He had to end this.
So he told you he’d met someone else, that he couldn’t be with you anymore because there was another woman he wanted to be with. The stretch of silence was painful, Satoru quietly waiting to see if you had anything to add. The call ended with you hanging up in his face with only a choked sob as the last thing he’d heard. 
Adjusting to life without you proved difficult at first. Satoru isn’t embarrassed to admit he moped around campus for a while before he was able to start trying to move on. After that, the next few months of college were great. Satoru was Mr. Popular, quickly rising to the top of his collegiate sports team. He was the life of any party he went to, the center of attention wherever he went. 
Life should’ve felt perfect. 
But as the months passed, Satoru found his mind occupied with the thought of you at the worst times. 
While his professor discusses marketing strategies, Satoru’s mind wanders to you. 
What are you doing right now? 
When he’s at practice getting berated by the coach for poor blocking form, he knows he can’t tell him it’s because he’s distracted by the thought of you.
Who are you with? 
When he’s giving another girl his number at a party, planning to hook up later, he pushes back the memory of the first time he’d spoken to you. 
Where are you?
When he finds himself between another girl's legs that same night, he squeezes his eyes shut, picturing you and biting his tongue as he tries his best not to moan your name.
Do you still think about him?
The months soon stretch into a year and Satoru hopes this intense yearning he has for you will just fade away. He’s not so lucky. If anything, he thinks about you more. He checks your social media profiles to find you’ve removed him as a friend on everything. Of course you did. He ripped your heart in two. There was no way you’d allow him access back into your life. Your accounts are all private, so he can’t see anything and he’s not willing to ask a mutual friend about what you’ve been up to. It only makes him a little bit crazy that you’ve put up this wall between you two so he has no access to you. 
Another six months pass and Satoru works up the nerve to text you for the first time since you’d broken up. He hopes you’ll reply. It’s been more than a year. You can’t possibly still be upset, can you? He can admit that he could have handled the way he ended things better, sure. But if he can get past it, you can too, right?
You never respond.
More months pass by and soon another year. One late night, Satoru slips into his apartment after a failed hookup. He pulls his phone out, scrolling through his contacts to find your name. You didn’t reply to his last text. He doubts you’ll respond to this one, but he takes a deep breath and shoots off a message to you before he changes his mind.
Days later, you finally respond. You chat for a while, sending messages back and forth. Generic things, really. Just catching up. Until one night Satoru musters up the courage to call you.
“Hello?” You answer. There’s soft music in the background and Satoru wonders what you’re up to. Are you home? Maybe you’re relaxing and the music is on for background noise. Or maybe you’re with someone, listening to music to set the mood. There’s an unpleasant twist that forms in his stomach at the thought.
“Hey,” he says easily, though he can barely hear your voice over the rapid pounding of his heart. “I figured a phone call may be easier than just texting. What are you doing?”
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” He hears you shuffling around, then the quiet click of a door closing as the music fades out. “I’m actually at a friends for dinner.”
A friend. He wants to ask more about your friend, but he knows he has no right to that information anymore. 
“Sorry to interrupt your night,” he tells you, hoping his voice doesn’t betray how tense he is. His heart feels like it’s about to beat out of his chest.
“It’s fine. I have a couple minutes to spare.” You sound relaxed. Like speaking to Satoru doesn’t have the same effect on you as it does on him. Like talking to him is just like talking to anybody else. He knows it’s his own fault it’s this way, but it still stings. “Did you need something?”
That’s what Satoru wants to say. More than anything, he wants to tell you that he wants you back, that he needs you back. He wants to tell you he made a mistake breaking up with you, that he’s so sorry. He wants to ask that you’ll please forgive him. 
Satoru wants to say he regrets his decision to call it quits. Wants to admit that he should have made more of an effort to make it work out and not have been so fucking weak. He wants to tell you that if you’re willing to give it another try he is, too.
That’s what he wants.
Because after everything, he still l–
“Satoru?” You repeat your question and Satoru realizes he’s let the silence hang in the air between you both for far too long.
“Oh, I jus–”
“Babe? Dinner’s ready. Do you want any wine with yours?” A deep voice cuts through the quiet and Satoru feels his heart drop hearing someone else call you by the name that was once meant for only his use. He hears soft shuffling and hushed whispers and a “sorry, I thought you were off the phone, babe. You were quiet–”
He can tell you’ve muted your phone. He can’t hear anything anymore. The looming silence makes Satoru want to hang up on you so he can swallow the bitterness he feels. So you had moved on, found someone else who gets to treat you the way Satoru should have. It’s fair. It’s been years since you two had broken up. You’d barely started speaking again. Of course you would find someone new. You were perfect and anyone would be an idiot to let you go. Much like Satoru was.
His thumb lingers over the end call button on his screen…and then you’re back just before he presses it.
“Sorry about that,” you breathe. “Anyway, did you need something, Satoru?”
“That your friend?” Satoru asks, ignoring your question completely. He can’t even pretend it’s not because he wants to know who the hell was calling you ‘babe’.
You clear your throat. “No, ah…that’s my boyfriend,” you finally tell him.
The silence falls over you again for a few seconds, Satoru trying to find his words. Again, it’s fair for you to date someone else. Satoru had ended things. He lost his right to be jealous when he did. And yet, against his better judgment, he leans into the bitterness he felt moments ago, forcing out a laugh. “Good! Oh, that’s good for you. Glad you found someone.”
Satoru hums. “Yeah. I mean, glad we both moved on. I was actually worried when I was calling that you’d still be hung up on me or something.” He winces, but laughs awkwardly again. Knows he just shot himself in the foot. Maybe you’ll just laugh it off, take it as a bad joke.
“Yeah.” Your voice is clipped, short. “Okay, well, it was great catching up with you, Satoru. I have to go now.”
Fuck fuck fuck.
“Got it. Well, have fun at your din–”
The line goes dead.
Satoru tosses his phone to the side, throws himself back on his bed with a groan. 
You don’t return any more of his calls or texts.
Satoru’s feet carry him through the crowd, conversation drifting through the air. He can hear Utahime yelling at Suguru and Satoru resists the damn near instinctual urge to turn towards the screeching so he can join Suguru in whatever antics set her off. It’s always funny seeing how red her face gets. He also hears the sounds of Shoko’s airy laugh as she catches up with Nanami and Ijichi. An odd group, he thinks, but Satoru doesn’t have time to dwell on it because he hears the sweet sound of your laugh and–
He stops in his tracks, the drink in his hand sloshing with the abrupt halt. He turns his head to peer over the crowd, but he doesn’t see anything, doesn’t see you. Maybe his mind is playing tricks on him. There’s no way you’d actually be here. You’re overseas. At least, he thinks you may be overseas. That’s the last thing he knew about you for certain. Satoru’s not sure what you’re up to these days. He hasn’t asked, afraid of what the answer will be. He’s not sure he could handle knowing you’re potentially engaged or happily married. Hell, he’s not sure he could handle knowing if you’re dating someone. 
His piercing blue gaze finally lands on you and he realizes Haibara was actually not joking about someone potentially leaving with you tonight. Because you’re right there, off to the side of the crowd with some man, giggling at whatever he’s saying.
Satoru knows it’s you, even from a distance. He couldn’t mistake those beautiful eyes for anyone else's, the way they crinkle ever so slightly in the corners when you smile. He could never mistake those luscious, glossed lips he loved to kiss. You’re all smiles, as stunning as he remembers.
Everything keeps moving as time seems to stand still only for Satoru, his eyes never leaving you. And he knows he’s at this party with someone else. That’s what he should be focused on, but you’re all he cares about right now. His gaze locks onto your lips, following the curve of your smile, the way your tongue darts out just a bit to run along your bottom lip, the way those lips form your words. 
You may still hate him after all this time, but Satoru wants to talk to you. He almost wants to get just close enough for you to notice him. Maybe you’ll make the first move and talk to him.
‘What the fuck am I doing?’ He thinks, lips pursed in concentration.
He should get back to his actual girlfriend. He’s been gone for too long. She’s bound to come looking for him if he doesn’t get back to her soon. Yeah, he’ll just go back. Talking to you won’t be good for him anyway –
The man you’re speaking to leans forward, his lips moving to your ear and Satoru, with his eyes still glued to your lips, feels his blood boil as he watches them part with what he’s pretty sure is a sigh. When he sees your hand come up to lay on the other man’s arm, his nostrils flare with irritation. When you smirk at what the man is whispering, he feels his jaw tighten. And when the other man’s hand comes to land on your waist, Satoru’s feet move before he even realizes what he’s doing.
As he approaches, the man steps away, a slick grin on his face and you roll your eyes, shaking your head and giggling. Are you actually flirting with this guy? It’s only as he gets closer that Satoru can better make out who it is; poorly done bleach job, shitty eyeliner around his eyes, and too many ear piercings. It’s just Naoya Zenin. From what Satoru remembers, you hated that fucker all of high school.
Unless something’s changed and suddenly you’re into him? Is this who you’re dating now?
Satoru wants to be pissed, but this may work in his favor. If you could be on good terms with Naoya, who you absolutely despised for as long as you’d known him, then maybe you had room in your heart to forgive him for being such a piece of shit to you all those years ago.
Your eyes drift over to Satoru as he approaches you both. And you hardly react, only offering him a small smile before your attention drifts back to Naoya. And though a tiny curve of your lips is something, the lack of a reaction kind of annoys the shit out of him.
“Hey,” Satoru greets, mainly directed towards you because fuck Naoya.
“Hi, Satoru.” You fold your arms over your chest, eyes coming back to meet his. God, you’re as pretty as Satoru remembers you being. This close to you, Satoru can see how much you’ve changed. And time has been very good to you. You’re still beautiful in the youthful way Satoru remembers, but you’re grown now. His eyes trail down your frame quickly, drinking in the way you’ve filled out.
“Gojo…” Naoya says with clear disdain in his voice.
And it’s quiet now. Awkward. But it doesn’t matter to Satoru. His eyes are only on you.
You pull your gaze away from Satoru and back to Naoya.
“You look great,” Satoru tells you, sipping the drink meant for his girlfriend to keep himself from potentially following up with something stupid. He grimaces slightly at the taste before trying to cover it with a lopsided grin.
And you give him the same grin back, a little shy. It’s cute.
“Thanks, Satoru. You look good, too.”
“I didn’t know you were back in town.”
“Yeah, I’ve been back for a few months now. Just settling back in and working,” your brows knit together as you lean to the side to glance around Satoru. “I’m surprised Suguru didn’t tell you since I just had lunch with him like two days ago.”
He realizes you must be looking for Suguru when you straighten your stance again. Deep in his mind, Satoru makes a mental note to have a word with Suguru about this later. Next to him, Naoya snorts and Satoru has to resist saying something that will surely end with them in a fight. You must sense the tension because you ask Naoya if he can grab you a drink which prompts an eye roll from him, but he goes anyway. 
“Doubt he’ll be back,” you mutter to Satoru with a smirk. “That asshole wants to hook up so bad it’s pathetic,” a soft chuckle rushes past your lips.
“Not interested, then?” Satoru jokes, a smile spread across his face.
You narrow your eyes, “Ha ha. You know I hate that guy. He won’t be back anyway. No way he’s gonna waste time getting a drink for someone who isn’t fucking him at the end of the night.”
If you weren’t still watching Naoya push his way through the crowd of partygoers, you may have seen Satoru visibly deflate.
“Ah, good to know you haven’t lowered your standards,” Satoru says and you laugh. The sound makes Satoru’s head spin. It’s been so long since he’s heard it.
“I don’t think my standards could ever be low enough to fuck Naoya,” you clarify, nose crinkling in disgust. Satoru chuckles at your reaction, watching as you shift uncomfortably before him. You fidget with the hem of your dress before you speak again.
“It’s actually really good to see you, Satoru.”
“Is it really?”
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to reach out for a while. Life just got away from me.”
Satoru’s brows lift in surprise. “Reach out for what?” Your eyes are boring into his, wide and surveying, peering into his soul. Just the way they always did. 
“I just felt like things left off on such a sour note with us. And you reached out trying to build a friendship and at the first sign of things getting weird, I just…ran. Didn’t look back. You were trying and I wasn’t. You didn’t deserve that.”
He knows you’re referring to the last time you’d spoken, though he’s not sure why you’re the one trying to apologize.
“And I just wanted to say I’m sorry for being a terrible friend to you.”
You always were way too sweet to him. He didn’t deserve that.
“I should be apologizing to you,” Satoru shakes his head. “I was still jealous back then. When I said I was worried you were still hung up on me, it’s because I was trying to cover up the fact that I was still hung up on you. Hearing your boyfriend call you babe–”
“Ex-boyfriend,” you interrupt, a soft smile gracing your features. Satoru smirks.
“Hearing your ex-boyfriend call you babe, it just…made me feel a lot of things I didn’t understand at the time. I shouldn’t have said what I did to set you off. I’m sorry.”
It’s only been a few minutes of you talking and it already feels like a weight has been lifted, like the wall you put up all those years ago has come down. You both must look strange, just standing off in the corner alone staring and smiling at each other like you’re the only two people in the room. 
You talk a bit more, catch up on life. It doesn’t take long for things to feel comfortable between you two again - for your bodies to move a little closer, for your eyes to meet more often, for your shy touches to linger a little longer.
You’ve got your hand wrapped around Satoru’s forearm, snickering at something he’s said. And when you glance up at him, there’s something in your eyes telling him it’s okay to ask this. Because Satoru is happy to know you’re not interested in Naoya, even happier to know you’ve broken up with your college boyfriend, but what he wants to know now is –
“Are you seeing anyone? Dating, I mean,” He asks while he still has the nerve and tries not to let his eyes fall to your mouth when you shake your head and draw your lower lip between your teeth. 
“Nope, single and just enjoying life honestly. You?”
“Me?” Satoru asks.
Say yes, stupid.
You nod. “Yeah, you. Are you with someone?”
Yes. Yes.
“Uhh, well…”
The voice in his head is screaming the answer, the one he knows he should give you. The one that would confirm to Satoru that even after everything he’s done, he’s not a shitty person, not a terrible boyfriend. But when he looks at you, eyes shining up at him with those pretty lips curled into a smirk, he doesn’t want anything more than to be with you.
God, he’s such a piece of shit. He knows it. He’s not even thinking about his girlfriend still sitting around waiting for him to come back. He’s got tunnel vision and the only thing he sees is you.
Say yes!
“I…am not…with someone.”
The door to Suguru’s master bathroom slams shut, your back pressed against it as Satoru’s lips find your neck, licking a long strip from your collarbone up to your chin. 
“Ah- Toru, the door. Lock the door,” you gasp, threading your fingers into his soft tresses to pull him down for a kiss. His fingers fumble around before he finds the lock, quickly turning before he breaks the kiss to focus on your neck again, kissing and sucking, marking anywhere he can. Your hands move to glide underneath his shirt, fingers grazing over his defined muscles and you sigh just as Satoru moves away from your neck to press his lips against yours.
Soft. So soft. It’s been so long since Satoru’s had you like this. He’d forgotten your taste, your smell and right now, it feels like he can’t get enough. Fuck the liquor, he’s drunk on you.
“Can I touch you?” Satoru breathes against your mouth. And you nod, kissing him again. He groans as your lips part, tongue slipping out to glide against his lips, seeking entry. And he obliges, gives you all the access you want as your tongues tangle together. You moan into his mouth, the sound shooting straight to his cock.
The dress you’re wearing is nice, simple but fits your body beautifully. Satoru can’t wait to get underneath it. He reaches down, pulling the hem of your dress up until it’s sitting at your waist. He slips his hand into your panties, hissing when he feels how soaked you are.
“So wet for me,” Satoru whispers into the kiss. “You want me that bad, baby?”
You nod, panting hard. “Yeah, so bad, Satoru,” you moan when his fingers glide through your slick fold, back arching off the door. “Fuck, I want you so bad.”
“I’m yours, baby.”
His lips crash into yours again, fingers working tight circles against your clit. You cry out, your hands balling into fists as you cling to Satoru’s shirt. He breaks the kiss, pressing his face into your neck as one of his fingers finds your entrance, plunging in slowly. Your mouth opens with a gasp as Satoru pumps into you, curling his finger until he finds your sweet spot.
He pulls back, watches your face as he slips another finger inside. He likes the way your legs shake when he turns his fingers a certain way. And the way your back arches off the door when he presses his thumb to your clit. It’s all new to him, these reactions you’re giving. You were a lot younger when you’d first become intimate. Now, it’s clear you’re much more experienced. The thought bothers and excites Satoru.
He pulls his fingers from your core, kissing you when you poke your lip out in a pout. And then he’s bending you over the bathroom sink, pushing your dress even higher before he slips his fingers in the waistband of your panties and pulls them down.
“Fuck, I never thought I’d see you like this again,” he groans, palming himself through his pants.
“Toru, stop wasting time and fuck me, please.”
You’re a lot more demanding now too, apparently. He doesn’t mind.
“Did you miss me?” Satoru asks, because he’s dying to know. Did you think about him when you were with your boyfriend? Were you trying not to cry out Satoru’s name when you fucked him? Did you want him back as much as he wanted you?
Satoru unbuttons his jeans, pulls his pants and boxers down together, hissing as his cock springs free. He’s so fucking hard, he could cum just looking at you bent over the sink like this. But Satoru wants to savor you, wants to enjoy this moment of having you again for the first time in so long. He reaches over and pulls open one of the bathroom drawers, fishing around until he finds a condom and he mentally thanks Suguru for always being prepared.
“Tell me,” he demands, wrapping a hand around his length. He strokes himself lazily as he rips the condom open. He rolls the condom down his length, lining himself up with your entrance. “Did you miss me?”
You’re so patient, waiting quietly for Satoru. Although, he can hear your breathing becoming a little harsher in anticipation. Satoru moves behind you, lines himself up with your entrance and just before he’s about to roll his hips forward, he glances up to see his reflection in the mirror with you bent over and ready for him.
“Look at me,” he says. You look up, watching him through the reflection. Even in the dim lighting of the bathroom, Satoru can see your pupils blown wide with lust matching his own. He wants to see you, wants to see your face when you take him for the first time in so long.
“Look at me,” he tells you again.
“Okay,” you breathe.
“Tell me you missed me,” Satoru quietly demands as he pushes forward, sliding the tip through your folds and sinking in slowly.
“Fuuuuuuck,” your mouth falls slack with a moan. Satoru’s hands find your waist, holding your curves as he sinks into you. “I missed you, Toru. So much, so fucking much.”
“God, baby, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to hear you say that.”
He’s halfway in and he has to stop to catch his breath because hearing you moan his name like that…He may not make it all the way in without blowing his load right into the condom. You’re suffocating him, clenching onto his cock so hard he’s almost afraid to move.
“Satoru, please. Don’t stop,” you plead. He meets your gaze in the mirror again, sees the way your eyes burn with desire. Satoru pulls his hips back until only his tip sits inside you and then he rolls his hips forward, burying himself as deep in your cunt as he can.
Your walls clench down on his cock and he moans again before he starts to move, pounding into you at an unrelenting pace. You cry out his name and he keeps moving, not letting up.
Satoru brings a hand around your neck, holding your head in place so he can look at you through the mirror. He sinks into you, bending down to kiss along your neck, your shoulders, your back as he bottoms out again and again, moaning his pleasure against you.
Satoru thinks you feel like heaven. It’s the only thing he can think when he leans back and grips on to your waist again, watching your face contort in ecstasy. Every little sound you make, every moan, every sigh, every “right there” you utter brings Satoru closer and closer to his release. 
Satoru has missed you. He’s missed the way your skin feels against his, missed the way your breath hitches in your throat when his cock hits just the right spot, missed touching and grabbing the soft curves of your beautiful body. Missed how your ass bounces with each thrust, cheeks spreading just enough to give him a glimpse of that tight little hole he’s never gotten the chance to have. And god, he hopes no one else has either. 
More than anything though, he’s missed the way you take all of him, hug him tight like you never want to let him go. Fuck, he could live inside you and never get tired of it. The thought alone, the thought of having you all to himself again has him leaning forward, moaning into the space between your shoulders as he rocks his hips against you. The loud smacking noises of Satoru’s groin meeting your ass echo throughout the bathroom, and he doesn’t care who hears. 
“Fuuuck, how are you so fucking tight, still?” Satoru groans, reminiscing on the first time he’d ever had you. An out of body experience for him, personally. Truly unforgettable.
“I’m never letting you go again,” he grunts, feeling your walls begin to flutter around him.
“Toru, I’m close,” you whimper. “So close, Toru, don’t stop.”
“Cum for me baby,” Satoru groans, hand sliding down your side to find your center again. He rubs tight circles on your clit, eyes rolling to the back of his head when he feels your pussy squeeze down on him as you cry out his name, your release crashing over you.
It’s so tight, so fucking tight Satoru thinks he might pass out. He can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t fucking see straight, you’re gripping him so hard.
“Ah- fuck, oh fuck! I’m gonna cum. Baby, I’m gonna cum,” he grits out as he pushes his cock all the way inside you, thrusting as deep as he can go as hot spurts of cum fill the condom. He leans forward, pressing his forehead against your back as you both catch your breath.
Satoru meant what he said. He never wants to let you go. He has every intention of being with you. After you’ve both come down from your highs and cleaned up, Satoru kisses you gently. He watches as you turn back to the mirror. You’re even more beautiful as you tame your messy hair, fix your makeup and adjust your dress. 
“Do you wanna get out of here?” He asks, ready to make up for years worth of lost time.
Your eyes meet in the mirror, your lips tilting with a small smile. “Yeah, let’s go.”
Fingers laced, you and Satoru weave through the party together. The crowd seems to have thinned out now with how late it’s getting. It’s the perfect time to get out of here with you, take you home and –
“Satoru! There you are!” A familiar voice squeals. The sound makes Satoru quickly yank his hand from your grip. You stop in your tracks, brows furrowing as you look up at him.
“What’s the matter?” You ask just as this person you don’t know bounds up to him and wraps her arms around Satoru’s neck, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek before she lets go.
And Satoru isn’t sure how he hasn’t noticed this before. It seems like some sick twist of fate that it’s only now that you’re standing next to each other that he sees how eerily similar you and his girlfriend look. It makes his stomach churn.
But his girlfriend, so drunk and so sweet, turns to you and beams as she holds out her hand to you. “Hi! I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Satoru’s girlfriend…” His stomach nearly drops into his ass. “...you are?”
God, he wishes he could teleport out of here. Or that the ground would open wide and swallow him whole, bury him 8,000 meters beneath the earth. Anything to avoid being present at this moment. He peers down at you briefly, your hand extending to shake his girlfriends for only a second. And Satoru thinks he may be imagining it, the sheer anger he can feel radiating off of your body, even as you return his girlfriend’s sweet smile.
“Satoru’s girlfriend?” You ask and he knows you’re making sure you aren’t hearing things. Because not too long ago, he told you he wasn’t tied down to anyone. “I wasn’t aware he was dating anyone.”
“Yep! Been together almost a year now,” she brags cheerily. Satoru really wishes she’d shut up for once in her damn life.
You breathe out a bitter laugh, gazing up at Satoru and he knows he’s not imagining the rage. He can see it swimming in your eyes even as you reach up, your thumb gently swiping the corner of his mouth where apparently remnants of your lip gloss remained. You hold your finger up to show him and then hold it up to show his girlfriend who five seconds ago was too drunk to notice. She seems to have sobered up quickly now, eyes focused on the lip gloss you just wiped from Satoru’s face.
You introduce yourself to her, wiping your thumb off on your dress before continuing, “And I’m sorry to tell you this, but I’m the girl who just fucked your lying boyfriend in the bathroom.”
Satoru watches in ill disguised horror as you crane your next to the side, gesturing to the marks he so stupidly made along your neck in the heat of passion. His eyes find his girlfriend who stands there, mouth agape.
“Satoru told me he wasn’t seeing anyone. If I had known it wouldn’t have happened. And believe me, it won’t ever happen again.” You turn to face Satoru one last time, gritting out, “I can’t fucking believe you. After all these years, you’re still such a piece of shit, Satoru.”
You don’t wait for a response from him, turning on your heel and storming through the crowd. Satoru watches as your back retreats, not sure what the hell he’d say even if he did catch up to you. How could he explain that he lied about his girlfriend because he wanted to spend more time with you? It’s not like he planned on fucking in the bathroom, it just happened. But there was no way you were going to give him a second of your time to try and explain.
There was no coming back from this.
When he finally loses sight of you in the crowd, Satoru reluctantly brings his gaze back down to his probably soon to be ex-girlfriend and is met with a fury similar to yours. Again, the similarities are uncanny. All the love and happiness once shining in her eyes is nowhere to be found as one question hangs in the air between them.
“Satoru, what the fuck is she talking about?”
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AN: OOF, let me know what you think!
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thatbitchery · 9 months
& remember the first sign of a loser loser loser loser is hating school. Yall should've unfollowed me 2023 this year I'm laying it on you as is.
If you're not in some sort of murder level clas enroll right now. & it has to be so hard it feels like a death sentence
Ladies any form of "escape the matrix" and "you don't need school" & whatever school hating content out there is level down programming meant to keep you stuck and weak. School is the closest imitation to real life you get so dropping a class because it's too hard is your sign to tie yourself to your moms basement and never leave because you sure as heaven not making it in corporate, business, friendships, relationships, and, God Forbid, parenting. You Manifest a future as a stone because that's the most you can do with that mentality. Dropping out because you have anxiety is another great sign to move to the Amazon and cosplay a sloth because if you think there are human interactions in the adult world that won't make you feel anxious ahhh baby my baby. You got it so wrong, baby. If you can't focus in a 30 minute lesson just take your dream board & burn it up burn it upp and try your hand at being a house fly you'll have better luck. If you drop a class because you don't like the teacher stay as far away from romantic relationships and friendships and , especially, corporate & entrepreneurship because girly don't we have news for ya. Can't manage your time? And you want to be a CEO? Are you kidding?
School is the closest imitation to real life you get & the better you are at it the better you are at life, the harder your school life is the better your real life will be. & I mean take biochem engineering & aeronautical engineering first year college, get your ass run over by it BUT learn to sit still, to power through, teamwork, study techniques, etc so no one cares about your A [fun fact most A students don't make it] but did you power through it? K then junior year do the thing you actually like.
Not liking school for whatever reason is loser mentality if you couldn't make it past test drive what makes you think you'll make it on the highway. Back in high-school when I told my grandma I'm giving up on my scholarship because I'm getting bullied and tortured and ostracized her response wasn't a hug it was a slipper grandma of color style because do you think that won't happen in your adulthood? You think you run from a problem and it goes away? Go back in and make it tf. Notice how I'm not focused on what grade you get? My friend works at firm (one of the top of the country) that don't employ people with a history of As , it's not about academic excellence, can you get to cheer practise at 6 am and be in class by 7? What makes you think you can be a mom then? "Independent" can you schedule yourself? Manage classes, sports, hobbies, a part-time job, home chores , friendships, and free time? WHAT DO YOU THINK ADULTHOOD IS ABOUT? what makes you think running from that in school (where you have guidance & forced community) will keep you safe? Out here you're all alone sis. And now the government protects you like a treasure that ID days 18 and its up to you to protect yourself. If you can not sit still in a 30 minutes class you don't like what makes you think you're cut out for corporate? Yall ain't never left your moms house and it shows, no one that has been in the real world has that level of delulu.
Pick the damn calculus class & power from an E to a C- so when you're running your business & you meet hard things you dislike you have muscle memory to power through it & bc your business is something you like it's easier. Go to school with the girls that dislike you & find a way out of that so when your mom in law or officemates are being flaky you know what to do, you don't run. Sit through that class with that one homphobic sexist bigoted teacher so when you land a job at your dream firm you don't resign in six days and sabotage shit because you're delulu enough to think your little tantrum matters.
School , especially boarding school, is the closest imitation to real life you get. Power through it, take advantage of the resources & always chase the hardships now that you have people charged with guiding you so you're not 25 unmotivated with no accomplishment despite your A's , barely functional adult feeling like a loser because you let tiktok & escape the matrix bojo creators lie to you. Do you want to be one of those 35 year olds heavy on magical thinking because you didn't learn what your parents literally paid for you to learn under the guise of 'self care'. Don't be dumb dumb.
Success spills over
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wyniepooh · 1 year
stuck in a dark, crowded bar, stuck against aaron hotchner. you want him to give in, he just wants you.
oh my GOD EXTREME tension. in fact the only plot point can be summed up in one word: TENSION. mentions of alcohol and tipsiness. bau!reader struggling with a particular case, hotch comforts… and does a little more 😊
the music was blaring entirely too loud.
your second drink was starting to become watered down as the light buzz you craved swarmed your head from your first. when you touched the cold glass, water wet your warm fingertips. a strong breeze enabled you to shiver and look towards the entrance, where a large group of young college students swarmed into the already stuffed and cramped room.
your ears had began to ring, and the flickering lights were making your eyes heavy with pain. you thought about walking out, getting some night air, and feeling the moonlight shine on your face. but when you finally decided to try and get up, there was barely any space left for you to even lift your arms up. you sighed, sitting back down on the beat up stool, elbows resting on the bar table.
“you okay?” the familiarly deep voice asked. you turned your head to reveal aaron behind you, still wearing what he had on this morning in the bau headquarters— his usual, perfectly tight suit with a scarily neat tie. the only noticeable difference in his appearance was that his usually gelled hair was, god forbid, messy. a couple stands of dark hair fell in front of his forehead.
you flashed him a brief smile, “yeah, fine.” you fiddled with the flashy umbrella toothpick in your glass.
he raised his brows, saying nothing because he knew the look in his eyes said it all. he knew how you really felt, but he also knew you would never admit you were anything but fine.
“still thinking about the case, aren’t you?”
you scoffed, “how could i not?” as you took another sip of your drink, images of the various children that were rescued from an abandoned truck flashed through your mind. they were alive, yes. but how could they possibly live life like they used to before? do they even remember what it was like? the sound of a screaming girl filled your brain.
you ran both your hands through your hair, letting out a loud sigh. “god, i hate when kids are involved.”
“i know. me too.”
“they just..” you gulped back a stone in your throat, “they’re so innocent. or, they were once. but now… it’s all gone. i hate that they won’t ever chase butterflies or play in the sand box again, or play in the snow or get ice cream on the beach. all those memories are ruined for them now.”
aaron let out a sigh. a beat passed, and you knew he was thinking of what to say. after a moment, the silence was interrupted by his hushed voice. “agent. they may not have their childhood anymore, but they’ll continue to have their teenagehood, their adulthood, maybe their motherhood or fatherhood. and it’s all because of the work you’ve done. the work we’ve all done. focus on the good. instead of thinking about what they were, think about what they will be.”
you lowered your head slightly, your hair falling to cover you face. you smiled to yourself over his words. fuck, he always knew what to say. why did he always have to know what to say?
a comfortable silence fell upon the two of you as he settled on the stool beside you. he declined the bartender for a drink with a firm extend of his hand, turning his whole body towards you instead. you opened your mouth, then closed it. you wanted to thank him, or at least say something. but no words could be heard coming from your mouth.
aaron, as usual, noticed your discomfort. he tilted his head towards the door with a soft grin and said,
“let’s get out of here.”
you chuckled gratefully, nodding and pushing back your stool to allow yourself to try and get up once again. but before you could turn around, a sudden push pressed your stomach harshly against the bar table.
you exclaimed quietly before looking back at the crowd and rolling your eyes as a sigh came over you. you were completely trapped between the bar table and a group of drunk, dancing, college guys singing annoyingly off-key. seeing your position, hotch comes over and wedges himself between you and a drunk guy who was letting his hands fall a little too close to your tight jeans.
with his chest to your back, he rested a light hand on your arm, leaning down to whisper, “are you okay?”
your face flushed at the close proximity, his hand placement, and the way his words tingled your ears. you were suddenly thankful the room was so dark and swarming with strobe lights, as it was hopefully concealing your ragged breaths and red cheeks. you cleared your throat before responding.
“yeah, fine. just…” you wiggled and attempted to turn, “…totally stuck,” you chuckled.
another push came from behind, both his arms coming down to grip the bar table in front of you.
“just stay like this for a while. we’ll sneak out once this song ends and they stop singing like maniacs and spread out a little more.”
you nodded in response, your head down in embarrassment as you notice just how tight you two are pressed together, and how big his hands look resting on the table compared to yours. people on the dance floor began to move to the beat of the music, the waves of pushes like currents in the sea during a stormy night. another push. and another. one after the other.
whenever you turned your head or adjusted your position, you felt a rush of warm air kiss your ears, making your arms feel like jelly. you were glad the stool aided you in holding you up, as clearly, your arms couldn’t do the job any longer.
it certainly wasn’t the first time you’ve felt so nervous and electrified around aaron, but each time you did, you manage to surprise yourself with just how tender you get.
ever since you walked into the bau building, you knew you were screwed. just up laying eyes on aaron hotchner, you knew your days would suddenly start to feel longer. aaron with his neatly ironed suits, aaron with his gucci ties. aaron with his soothing, dark, voice, neat hair, and clean cologne. aaron who always, always checked up on everyone, aaron who would lightly touch your arm or caress the side of your face. aaron who says “atta girl”, and taps his hand on your back when he hugs. aaron who gave you soft smiles when other weren’t looking and aaron who only occasionally laughed at your lame jokes.
it was no surprise, really, that you had begun to look forward to getting up every morning to go to work.
a particularly harsh bump pushed aaron firmly against you, and a grunt make it’s way past his lips. it was hard to tell with all your senses on alert and tingling, but you heard him mumble something incoherently under his breath. you inhaled sharply, shaking your head quickly to get rid of the butterflies in your stomach.
you told yourself maybe it was the alcohol speaking. maybe the strobe lights were making you hallucinate, or maybe the music was making you think of other things. all of it was responsible for making you imagine the quickening of aaron’s heartbeat against your back, his ragged breaths, the way his hands tightened it’s grip on the table.
but really, in that moment, the music zoned out. your eyes no longer hurt from the flashing lights and everyone disappeared from view. it was just you, and him.
you finally found the courage to turn your head and look back at him, his forehead a little sweaty and his lips pursued. you looked down quickly. the both of you were so close, yet so far. he was holding back. his need, his desire. a fated push caused aaron’s nose to rub roughly against yours, and your broken breaths synced. you leaned forward, your nose still on his. you opened your mouth as if to say something, but you said nothing. you didn’t need to.
you eyes moved up to try and find his, but he was already looking at you. one of his hands came down to rest on your stomach, inching you even deeper against him. he leaned down, his lips barely brushing yours. it was completely silent for a moment. then, he breathed,
“do you want this?”
a/n: consent is sexy everyone 😇
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moodywyrm · 1 year
Mk moony what about Vi taking a bath with you?? All soapy and slippery and sitting on top of her
She loves the way you rake your hands through her hair and how you rub over her skin! She also loves running her hands all over you omg I’m drooling<3
this one has been plaguing me bc it can be both so so soft and a little smutty and I need it, rn :(
modern au vi where I've decided she was in college, eventually went part time and became a full time boxer, same au as no breakdowns here but I've been fleshing it out in my head? kinda?
she's always coming home exhausted from the gym, because she puts in an insane amount of work to make sure her dream works out. she comes home to the sweet little apartment she shares with you, her girlfriend, who she met while she was still a full time student.
this time she just so happened to come home while you were talking a bath. it's a peaceful sight, you in the tub with a drink and a book, the lights turned dimmed and candles lit. the water was a milky blue with the bath bomb you'd added, decorated with slowly rehydrating flower petals. you looked gorgeous, and Vi couldn't wait to get it. she mentally congratulated herself for showering at the gym, so she could hop right in with you.
she'd been standing at the cracked bathroom door for a few minutes, debating how to approach this, when your voice rang out. "Vi, baby, are you gonna join me or are you gonna stand there like a creep?"
"Sorry pumpkin, didn't know if you wanted alone time or some shit," She apologized, stepping into the bathroom and starting to strip.
You sat up, twisting to the side to watch Vi undress. Watching the way her tits bounced when she pulled her sports bra off, the drag of her shorts and boxers down her hips and thighs. The slow reveal of soft, firm skin. Once she was fully undressed, you were practically drooling, staring at her with so much love she felt heat flush over her.
You snapped out of your reverie, handing her the bath tray so she would have enough space to slip in. spinning around and moving away from the back of the bath, you watched as Vi climbed in, resting against the wall of the tub.
"C'mere pumpkin," She murmured, reaching out for you and tugging you onto her lap. You straddled her, pressing close to her body and wrapping your arms around her neck.
With a soft kiss to the line of her jaw, you rest your head on her shoulder. "How was your day, baby?"
Vi smooths her hands over your thighs, trailing one up around your waist to keep you close. With a kiss to the top of your head, she hums. "Mm, tiring, couldn't wait to get home and see you. Vander's been accepting a bunch of new fighters so I've been stuck training the new kids all day."
"You say that as if you don't love it, we both know you like taking care of newbies," You mumble, lifting your head to stare at her. She gives you this exasperated look, but you can see the smile forming on those pretty lips. You're right, and you both know it.
"Whatever, point is they're rough as hell and need work," She grumbles, sitting up and pulling you with her. You yelp, gripping at her shoulders to make sure you don't tip back into the water.
As you wiggle around on Vi's lap, trying to get comfortable, Vi holds back a groan at the feel of you. The soft press of your thighs against her, the heat of your cunt on her thighs as you shift. The warmth of your tummy and, christ, the feel of your tits against hers. The way her tits squish against you makes her head fuzzy, especially when she looks down to see you both decorated in pieces of rose petals and dribbles of milky water trailing down wet skin. It makes her heart beat a little bit faster, her breath coming a little bit quicker.
"-needed work too, don't forget that," She hears you say, only catching the end of your words. Her eyes snap up, looking at your face and hoping she hadn't got caught.
"What? Sorry, I - uhh- wasn't listening, sorry pumpkin," She fumbles, smoothing her hands over your damp waist, feeling for the dip of your back.
"I said, you needed work too. God knows how many times Vander and I have had to patch you up."
"Yeah, okay, you may have a point," She grumbles, unable to stop staring at your body. No matter how hard she tries, her eyes keep dragging themselves down to your nipples, the curve of your arm, the press of your stomach against her, the way your hips are subtly grinding down onto her thigh, the– wait.
She zones in, eyes narrowing as she watching the slight swivel of your hips, just barely grinding your cunt down onto on muscled thigh.
"What are you doing, pumpkin?" She practically purrs, sliding her hands down to your hips and holding you in place. For good measure, she even pulls you down onto her thigh a little harder, flexing the muscle to tease you. She watches as you get embarrassed, your chest heaving a little faster with the shock and excitement of being caught.
"I was just- uh- fuck," You stumble over your words, unable to confess. Not when Vi's watching you like that, her gaze heavy and predatory, dragging over every inch of your body.
"Yeah? You were just what? Getting off on my thigh like a pretty little slut?" She teases, leaning forward to press kisses beneath your ear, trailing them down your neck and biting at the spot where your neck meets your shoulder.
You whine, trying to grind down her thigh but being met by a rough smack on your ass, stinging even under the water. It caused a bit of water to splash out of the tub, pulling both you and Vi back to each other.
"Can we continue this in the bedroom? Please?" You beg, giving Vi your best puppy eyes. She just huffs out a laugh, gripping your ass tight before sliding that hand down, dipping it between your folds and lifting you enough for her to slide one slick digit into you. It's cruel, a tease, because you're more than ready for two, three, hell maybe even four fingers, with how much you'd teased yourself before she came home.
"Not yet baby, let me have my fun and then I'll fuck you nice and hard, got it?"
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maximotts · 2 years
𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚠𝚘; 𝙰 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚏 𝙷𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚝
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a/n: Wanda, you sweet baby bean, I'm sorry people suck. That's all I've gotta say about this chapter uhm... please don't yell at me too much, I promise it's all going to be So Fine
✎— priest's daughter!Wanda x college student!reader
✎— confessions AU; a surprise over lunch leads you to spend a lot more time with Wanda. You like her and she does as well, but not everyone is happy about your new friend
✎— warnings: this is an 18+ series, minors DNI; I've said before since turning this into a series we're going to have a slower, more subtle corruption kink so: mentions of handsiness/groping, Wanda being a shy yearning gay, R being a terrible student, bullying, jealousy, Wanda shedding a tear because my friends seem to think I need to make that a warning
✎— words: 5.5k
series masterlist. || main masterlist.
Even with your lunch offer, Wanda couldn’t bring herself to let you do all the work; after picking up sandwiches from her favorite deli, she directed you down the block to her -and apparently, your- apartment building. When realization set in, the two of you had a laugh until you suggested going to your unit. 
“You’re serious?”
“What, afraid I’m luring you into my apartment to have my way with you?” Wanda didn’t respond to that, just shook her head as you quickly discovered she did whenever she was talking herself out of a thought. Oh what you’d give to see what was running through that imagination. “Such a good girl, not trusting strangers, but I don’t bite, I promise. We can go to yours instead?” 
She had to have told you her apartment number along the way because you’d gotten there with ease, guiding her down the hall with a hand on her back, but two simple words made her forget the whole walk. Wanda was a good kid, an amazing student, she’d heard words of encouragement so many times over the years— none of it affected her how it had earlier. 
If you noticed her nerves, you were gracious enough not to point them out even as she carelessly dropped her bag to the floor and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door tight. Wanda calmed herself with a splash of water and a quick talking to, reminding to keep it together. This wasn’t a date, it wasn’t anything, it was lunch. All this meant was you were a decent enough human not to stoop to the level of an overgrown schoolyard bully and feeling bad doesn’t make them a friend. Certainly didn’t mean she had a chance with you. 
That rationale didn’t stop her from talking out her nerves in the form of oversharing.
From that, you learned a lot about Wanda. She’s a twin, the younger one as her brother Pietro so often loved to remind her. They were close, but when it came time to choose colleges, he decided on another university in the next state over— mostly because of a very generous track scholarship he was offered. She nearly went with him, wanting to take advantage of their massive literature program, but their father said it’d break his heart if both of them left and Wanda, darling daughter that she is, caved and attended a more local school. 
Part of her compromise was being allowed her apartment. Leaving home to live off-campus by herself was an instant no, but for once, Wanda pushed. It was around the same cost of any room and board fees and she had the freedom she insisted on having. Partially to live away from home, but mostly because the possibility of rooming with one of her childhood enemies was high and she’d rather go without college than deal with that stress.
“I raised such a fuss that night, Pietro thought I’d lost my mind. It’s worth it, I think. I like it here.” Here in what turned out to be your shared building, blaming different schedules on why you’d never run into the other. In the end, her dad could rarely hold firm against Wanda’s puppy dog eyes and constant pleas and she won the small space now filled with various plants and cozy furnishings.
“Well, I for one, am very happy to find out the cute girl I’ve been wanting to talk to only lives a few floors away.” You said it so casually, like it was easy as chewing your ham and cheese sandwich to call her cute. It wasn’t helping that she’s just being nice mantra Wanda had going in her head to keep her calm.
While you ate, Wanda searched for any other reason you’d be so flirtatious and came up empty. Still, she couldn’t discount her inexperience for how she perceived your wanting to have lunch, your compliments, even the comment about asking her to dinner could’ve just been a passing joke she hung on to too seriously. She’d never been allowed to date, not that it mattered with how she got treated like the plague, and she didn’t know the first thing about well, anything. Somehow Pietro fared much better in that sense, sneaking out and rebelling any chance he could. 
Some nights when she couldn’t sleep, Wanda would catch him stumbling out of the woods that bordered their backyard and tired as she was, helped him climb through the window, questioning him all the while about his disheveled clothes and the glittery lip gloss smeared along his neck. “Stop being dad’s golden child and maybe you’ll find out one day.” Wanda never was bold enough to try nor did she like the options to try with. None of her classmates were interesting enough to be worth getting in trouble for.
The few times she did go out, the situation got the better of her and she had more anxiety than rowdiness. Wanda tried, really she did, there was just so much to remember: how to drink, who to drink with, the perfect things to say and no matter what, she always came up short. Then came that dreadful night after junior prom; her fatal mistake— distressed to the point of tears, Wanda called her father to pick her up, not thinking how not parent-approved the activities swirling around were. His appearance and the subsequent adult discourse at church the next morning solidified her status as Westview’s pious snitch. Ultimately, as much as she hated talking about it, even after Pietro took her side and offered to take matters into his own hands, she didn’t regret it for one day.
Opportunities to act out quickly dropped to zero after that incident. College was supposed to be better, new people and new surroundings, maybe a whole new her if she could figure out how to upgrade, but the proximity to her hometown made the past three years an extended high school. And then, there you were, shiny and brand new, straight out of her prayers— but they got to you first. 
Wanda resigned herself to staring at you in class, watching you text under the table with Carol Danvers who’d given you her number almost as soon as you’d first sat in your chair. If you’d been in the front of the class, she’d have slipped you her number instead; that’s what she told herself at least. Everyone else was too fast and forward, and Wanda didn’t stand a chance when everyone’s classes overlapped as much as they did. Each time Wanda caught you looking back at her, she turned away so fast she missed your smile or the silent waves you tried sending her way, too afraid to see if you’d regard her with the same disdain your new acquaintances offered. 
There weren’t a lot of people in class today; the middle of the semester meant burn out was creeping in, students skipped more now, but you were there in your usual spot, empty seats all around. If you weren’t always cutting your arrival so short, Wanda could’ve moved next to you, but class began and, not wanting to disrupt, she stayed put. Those next ninety minutes were the most distracted she’d been her entire college career, solidifying exactly how she’d introduce herself, act cool and collected while she gave you her handwritten phone number, written and rejected countless times over so Wanda could draw the little heart at the end just right. She’d been so close too, just feet away from your desk; Brock always had a way of ruining even her best laid plans.
“Earth to Wanda, where’d you go?”
“Huh?” The poor girl had been staring much too intently at her crumpled sandwich wrapper for the last few minutes, having decided she wasn’t listening when she didn’t react after your suggestion to run away and buy an RV. Wanda was adorable when she zoned off, playing with her rings absentmindedly and spinning them around her fingers, but you did wonder where she flew off to. “Sorry, I got distracted.”
“Clearly…” Gathering any lingering trash gave Wanda a task away from your watchful gaze, wiping off the table with another mumbled apology before skipping off to the kitchen. She took a deep breath, steadying herself against what to do now that she’d gotten this far. Her plan only went as far as exchanging phone numbers, maybe putting the digits in your phone if she was brave enough, but you’d skipped that stage and gotten straight to the apartment hangouts and she was… lost. 
Luckily for Wanda, you had no problem taking charge. The moment she returned to the living room, you took hold of her arm and pulled her down until she was finally sitting right next to you instead of her far off spot. All of lunch she’d been far away and selfishly, you missed how close you’d been when you walked earlier. Now with Wanda’s thigh brushing against yours, you could see each one of her little reactions intimately. “What’s going on in that head?”
“I was thinking about earlier and got carried away, nothing important.” Wanda shook her head again, hoping to settle at least a fraction of the blush that’d overtaken her face, but when she tried to pull her hand away from yours, you held tight. As much as she loved the feeling of your warm, steady hand wrapped around her cold and shaky one, Wanda feared growing too used to it too fast and having to fight not seeking out your touch from then on.
“If it’s got you this frazzled, it’s gotta be some kind of important. You can tell me, I promise.” You almost wondered aloud who you’d tell, but she didn’t need to be reminded of who you talked to. Not that you’d ever say anything, no, mostly you just wanted to see Wanda all sweet and flustered, committing the sight to memory on the off chance she kept her distance after today. 
She stared hard, judging your sincerity before deciding whether or not she’d lie or divulge the truth. Unpracticed as she was with this, Wanda wasn’t an idiot; this afternoon was nice, but she couldn’t blurt out her crush only a few hours after your first official meeting. She could tell half-truths, thoughts buzzing in her brain that ranked lower on the exposure scale to hopefully not scare you away. “Well.. you know how I tried talking to you in class?” 
You nodded, politely letting her continue, and Wanda bit the inside of her cheek, trying painfully hard not to think about your thumb rubbing over the back of her hand. It was a small gesture, obviously, but it meant everything to Wanda who’d never been on the receiving end of such gentle reassurance. “I’d been waiting to do that since the first week of class.”
So you weren’t imagining her sneaking glances at each class; good to know you could still sense when someone was into you. Most girls tended to talk way before Wanda did and you started wondering if your attraction to her made her small acknowledgments into something a lot bigger than it actually was. “Why didn’t you?”
“Someone else always got there first.” The truth was embarrassing. As isolated as Wanda had been, she didn’t actively dislike most of her peers. It was that one particular group you hung out with that seemed to go out of their way to not only make Wanda’s life hell, but also warn anyone they possibly could away from ever giving her a chance. She grew up being taught hateful behavior only bred more hate, that it wasn’t polite or productive, but if there was anyone she hated, it was them.
When she saw you with Brock and Carol and the rest of their tiring friend group, she nearly cursed aloud, strangely mad that of all the transfers, they had to get you too— it wasn’t fair. In her defense, Wanda gave ignoring you a good, honest try, but every time she saw you wander through the door, she wanted to be the one who waved you over, who sat with you and leaned in close or put a flirtatious little kiss on your cheek. “You seemed..busy.” 
Finally, once the jealousy threatened to consume her alive, she did change course, ignoring you wasn’t working so why not try talking? Worst case scenario, you tell her to shoo or get lost; painful, but nothing she hadn’t heard before. When she heard Brock talking about her, the brunette swore she felt her heart drop into her stomach, any hope she had of possibly getting close to you just… dashed in an instant. She had to pack her stuff quickly, not because she was afraid, but because she felt so embarrassed she knew she’d cry if she heard another word of that conversation. 
“I’m not stupid, I know they talk about me. They don’t really try to hide how they feel.” Wanda’s laugh held a bitter edge, laced with the defeat of someone who knew what to expect when trying to make new friends. “I just- I didn’t want to interfere or get you involved with any of their weird… whatever and.. I don’t know, it didn’t seem like it’d go over well to talk to you when you’re already friends with them.”
At first you laughed, disbelieving Wanda could ever think you were off limits just because you’d spent a month or so interacting with people who, admittedly, weren’t the greatest, but one look at Wanda’s troubled face showed she was all too serious. “I can talk to more than one person, you know!” 
You weren’t the type to blindly follow everything someone said, preferring to make your own judgements, and after a few hours with Wanda you could tell that, just as expected, she truly wasn’t as bad as everyone made her out to be. Shy and reserved, sure, but you couldn’t count those as bad qualities. Not when she was just as gentle, funny, and kind as you’d imagined she’d be. 
“It’s always more than just one person talking or inviting you somewhere or shoving their phone in your face asking you to text them…” The last part was mumbled, but you caught it all the same. Her earlier confirmed watching combined with that last comment had the last piece sliding into place so perfectly in your head, you’re sure you heard a snap. 
Wanda didn’t just want to say hi, she wanted what she saw; flirtatious texts, low-spoken promises of naughty after class activities— not that Wanda knew that’s what she was asking for. Sweet thing… you’d show her how it all worked.
“Can I tell you a secret?” You beckoned her closer with a finger and she leant in with innocent curiosity, shivering as you came to whisper in her ear. “I’d rather text you so I’d like your number, if you don’t mind.”
It was the truth; sure you messed around with one of two girls since being here, but none of them stopped you wanting the darling girl in front of you. The longer you sat with her, the more you wanted to know and not just to sleep with her. Not that Wanda would probably let you right away; she didn’t have to say it for you to know she was virginal as a little lamb.
Your lips brushed against her cheek, the barest hint of a kiss, but it stunned Wanda all the same. She pulled back, searching for her phone much more intently than needed to play off how affected she really was. “Does that mean you want to have lunch again?”
“I want to do a lot more than just have lunch with you but..” Eventually you gave Wanda your own phone to give the poor girl something to do where she was not so subtly scrambling. When she handed you hers, you punched your number in and as she took it back, you watched her sign your name off with a set of hearts. How precious. “Yes, if you want to?”
Wanda agreed perhaps a little too eagerly, but she couldn’t stop herself planning your next lunch date complete with food she made herself. She really hoped you liked homemade things. “Absolutely!”
And so it went like that for the following weeks, walking around campus with Wanda and having lunch together when you were both free, going to her apartment multiple times a week to collaborate on school things or just to talk to her. Whatever you were doing, Wanda was a pleasure to be around and she never complained when you copied her answers on homework or came over just to lay on her couch and watch movies.
For Wanda’s part, she might as well have been in heaven; having someone to spend time with regularly was nicer than she remembered. Of course, growing up, she had Pietro, but this was different. You made her laugh just as much as he did, but you didn’t torment her nearly as much, and the big difference, obviously, was that she most certainly did not want to kiss her brother. 
When she showed up to your apartment door with a box of heart-shaped sandwiches, she felt silly, but the moment your face lit up when you laid eyes on them… she wanted to drop the food and kiss you until you fell to the floor.
But she’d always wanted her first kiss to be special, memorable and at least pleasant; it couldn’t be over a stupid sandwich in a doorway. So Wanda waited until.. well, until she felt the time was right to politely ask.
You made her nervous, not in the frightened way others had, but with a giddy, butterflies in her stomach feeling that left Wanda always wanting more. If you’d asked Wanda a few months ago, she’d say her ideal romance was to be blissfully swept off her feet like she’d seen in movies, brought flowers, chocolates, and lovingly courted until she finally says yes— meeting you through all of that out her balcony window. For the first time in her life, Wanda wanted what she’d seen her peers get ever since hormones descended over her sixth grade class. She craved casually possessive hugs and touches, that anticipated first kiss… special private time she’d stumbled upon during late-night internet browsing.
The first one thankfully Wanda didn’t have to wait for. 
Startling as it was the next day when you not only walked with Wanda to class, but traded your spot in the back of the class to coax her to sit off to the side, she didn’t complain. How could she when you insisted sitting next to her made class more bearable; whether it was true or not, Wanda couldn’t know, but she didn’t care, the compliment made her blush every time.
A chair next to the top student should’ve meant you paid more attention, but it was the opposite. Before you’d watched Wanda from afar, now with her close, you couldn’t help but stare longer, much more intrigued with how she bit her tongue whenever she concentrated than anything your professors taught. 
Even more since you’d begun vying for her attention during class, Wanda liked to ask questions of them after lectures were done, getting clarification for anything she couldn’t pick up in the discussion. Jokingly, you called her a nerd, but you took her notes to study from all the same so you figured the least you could do was hang back and wait for her— the perfect opportunity for Carol to strike up a conversation. 
“She wheeled you right on in, didn’t she?” The blonde also went to school with Wanda and while she wasn’t ever directly antagonistic towards your new friend, she’d never made an effort to include her either. To you Carol was nice enough; if you were being honest, you hadn’t given it much thought whenever you fell into bed with her.
Hanging out with Wanda meant abandoning your typical seat next to Carol in your Wednesday morning class and while you missed her sharp banter and the silly drawings she snuck in the corners of your notebooks, nothing beat sliding your arm around Wanda and toying with her skirt under the desk. She didn’t fully know what you were up to, grew squirmy as she felt the room’s chill on her thighs, but even when you pinched at her hips, Wanda didn’t want to cause a class disruption by protesting. 
Not that you and Carol hadn’t done the same, but Wanda’s reactions were so pure and sweet, just like her. Carol was fun, but Wanda was something else entirely and you actually wanted to get to know her. The brunette was easy to be around in a way you couldn’t remember experiencing and where Wanda didn’t go out of her way to mention your first friend group, you didn’t miss the judgemental looks Carol shot Wanda’s way whether the brunette’s back was turned or not.  “It’s easy when you’re not an asshole. Try it sometime.”
She brushed off your comment, sliding further in your line of sight until she blocked your view of Wanda at the podium. What you two shared might’ve not been serious, but losing your situationship to someone like Wanda was an ego hit Carol refused to believe was actually real. “I’m having a party on Saturday. You’re coming.” 
“Guess I’ll cancel my plans…” The singular party of Carol’s you’d been to was a riot. Admittedly, you didn’t remember much besides large hits from shared pre-rolls and waking up in her bed the next morning with a pleasurable ache between your legs, but even after stumbling back to your apartment with a throbbing headache, you were more than excited at the prospect of going to another. Coincidentally, that particularly reckless night was days before you first talked to Wanda and now, only a few weeks later, you hesitated. 
“Is anyone invited?” You searched over Carol’s shoulder to find Wanda still chatting away, dutifully scribbling down something your professor was referring to. You couldn’t imagine she’d be upset if you went at all; Wanda might even appreciate a Saturday night to herself after you’d wormed your way into her plans week after week. It was you who didn’t want to go to the party without her.
Both of you knew the singular ‘anyone’ you were referring to, and Carol’s expression soured. “I said I’m having a party, not bible study.” 
Sam walked over then, the large guy you’d met at orientation having also made fast friends with the people who threw the best after hours get-togethers. He was nice enough, louder than his roommate Steve, but always a fun time. “Come on, Danvers, she can’t be that bad. Besides, isn’t her dad like, an hour away now?” 
Word really did travel fast on this campus. Even new kids retained personal facts about the girl who didn’t know the first thing about them, but Sam was another one who hadn’t bought into the group verdict on Wanda and for that, you were grateful. If you did bring Wanda along, you thankfully wouldn’t be the only one looking out for her. Not that you planned on letting her out of your sight. “I doubt she’d call the police.”
“Doesn’t sound like something I’d want to chance.” She wouldn’t get grounded like she had back in high school, but violating the lease on the house she and her friends rented wasn’t in the cards either. Catching sight of Wanda making her way back over to where the three of you gathered, she nudged your shoulder and you felt a heavy lump in your throat. The last thing you wanted was to be caught talking about her, much less make her believe you were plotting anything malicious. 
Carol was well aware of your growing soft spot in the past few weeks, taking note how you instantly shifted focus away from Wanda whenever someone dared bring her up in your presence; it’d almost be sweet if she didn’t hate her. And so, instead of cutting the chat short, Carol waited until she was sure Wanda was within earshot, “If she ruins anything, it’s on you.” 
Wanda, reticent as she was, strolled right up to you with a smile, but your stunned face made her brow furrow. She knew she’d been the topic of conversation, both having caught the tail end of Carol’s conditions and gauging the apprehension you regarded her with. 
“Look who it is, missionary of the hour…” Carol mumbled, Sam only getting a fraction of his snicker out before you shut him up with a warning glare. 
With a nervous breath, you tried playing it off, but the blonde’s icy temperament was impossible to mask, “We were just talking about this thing Carol’s got going on Saturday, but it’s a party so…”
Wanda nodded, ignoring the other woman completely, which only made her stew further. Honestly whatever was said wouldn’t be anything new; she did have a terrible reputation for disrupting parties and she was far past expecting to be wanted there. The hesitation didn’t bother her, but Carol did; if she could come out on top just once, she’d die happy. 
So this time, instead of being forced to watch Carol flirt with you and exchange texts in class, Wanda was the one who’d spent hours getting to know you and the last lecture blushing through your teasing, pushing you away when you got too handsy, giggling into her hands when you told her something especially funny; she knew, on some undescribed level, you liked her better. 
Maybe that’s where the confidence to link her arm with yours and press a chaste kiss into your temple stemmed from, “Well, I love parties! We have to go!”
If your eyes weren’t already wide enough to fall out of your head, they certainly were now. The blonde’s eyes narrowed, darting between the two of you while Sam, loud as ever, laughed at the clear and present tension between the two women on either side of you. “Last thing: Don’t let her wear anything like…” Carol gestured to Wanda, dressed in a light floral dress and one of her favorite cozy sweaters, “that. I’m not having a church social.”
Wanda’s grip loosened at the insult, brief confidence struck down as fast as it’d come, but you didn’t let her fall away completely, winding your arms around her midsection. “I told her she should wear this sweater today. But don’t worry, she’ll look even cuter than she normally does.” Scooting the stunned girl closer until she was snug between your legs, you kissed her cheek and gave her a squeeze of reassurance. 
When Wanda didn’t move a singular muscle, shoulders still slumped, you wished there was a hug tight enough to say I’m sorry I let them hurt you again. “See you Saturday!”
You never did thrive amidst conflict, preferring to sit back and let any drama go by far away from you, but it wasn’t fair staying silent when Wanda could barely stand up for herself. Whether it was your defense of Wanda’s outfit choice or your protective hold you kept, your defense was enough to get Carol to roll her eyes and back off for now, “Fine whatever, I’ll text you the details later.” 
Sam left you with a pat on the back, shaking his head at the tension he happened to stumble in on and couldn’t wait to tell Steve and Bucky, “Way to stand up for your girl, kiddo, well done.”
“Don’t call me kiddo! You’re maybe six months older than me, and she’s not my— fuck, whatever.” He was jogging out the door before you could correct him, but you dropped your arms anyway and Wanda tried to ignore the loss she felt. She longed to admit she needed at minimum five more minutes of that hug to truly keep her tears at bay, but she couldn’t ask. 
It was bad enough you had to lie about picking her sweater; Wanda threw it on not only because it kept her warm in the often chilly lecture halls, but Pietro bought it for her years ago for her birthday and the familiar fabric kept her calm. She wore the sweater and her current dress often enough for the outfit to be considered a wardrobe staple, Carol saw it constantly; there was no way she didn’t know how pointed her insult was. “Sorry about that…”
Wanda half expected you to run after Carol, trying to smooth things over with her for the sake of preserving whatever you two had that Wanda threatened. Instead she found her hand loosely caught in yours, thumb rubbing over it just as you had the first day she shared her anxieties, and when dim green eyes traveled from your touch to your face, she saw concern so genuine Wanda wanted to fall back into your arms and sob. Not only for herself, but for you and how much of a burden she feared she was already becoming. Her family always dubbed her the crybaby and she couldn’t deny it; of the three of them, Wanda was the first to let her eyes go watery. The only thing worse than dealing with what you’d just witnessed would be having to console the crying mess of your new friend.
But you wouldn’t have minded, not one bit. “Don’t apologize when you didn’t do anything wrong. That’s not fair,”  You spotted her frown and longed to ask her what you could do to help, but as soon as you opened your mouth, Wanda pulled away.
She was quick to replace her sad expression with another smile, pushing your forgotten books into your now empty hands. If you didn’t watch her so much, the sudden change wouldn’t mean anything, but the smile she was trying so hard to pass off didn’t reach her eyes— it wasn’t real. “You’re going to be late for class again, get moving.” 
“Well yeah, but…” Clearly, Wanda was deflecting again, you’d be a fool to miss the nervous way she hugged herself tight as if she could hide the knee length dress she’d walked out of her apartment in so happily just hours ago. Choosing the sweater wasn’t a lie, but what you thought about her look wasn’t; Wanda dressed in a comfortable yet sweet style you found wholly endearing. “Are you alright? I didn’t mean for all that to happen, I only wanted to ask if I could bring you along.”
The brunette scoffed loudly and in the interest of not making the situation any worse, you ignored how her voice cracked, “I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”
“Right okay, I just- I’ll see you later then? If you’re up for it?” If Wanda didn’t want to talk about it now, maybe this afternoon she’d be up to discuss and unfortunately, she was right. You only had about ten minutes now to rush across the courtyard to your next lecture; no time to argue with her. It was too early in the semester to routinely skip all of your classes.
Wanda joined you to the door, hands tight around her backpack strap. The walk was short, too short; you hated leaving her to fend for herself when she was obviously still upset. You’d make it up to her later, maybe ask her favorite movie and bring over pizza to watch it with her. For now, resolved to be on time, you left her with a hurried wave and a clumsy sprint that admittedly did make her chuckle just a little, “You know where to find me!” 
With you gone, tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and Wanda wiped them away with the knit sleeve of the sweater she couldn’t stand wearing right now. It was too cold out to only have her shoulders exposed, but she tore it off anyways, bundling it as small as she could in her clammy palms. 
She walked briskly, destination clear, but for once, she wasn’t going home. Any other time, Wanda would’ve been polite enough to text ahead and assure she was welcome, but the harder it got to hold back a full cry, the less she worried about etiquette. If anyone could tell her what to do, how to proceed, anything… it was them. 
From the class schedules they’d shared with her at the beginning of the year, they should be in; Wanda hoped their ‘you’re welcome whenever you want some company, no questions asked’ sentiment held true just this once.
The route home seemed endless, late summer breezes stinging her blotched cheeks; she looked a mess and she knew it, her frazzled appearance driving her to practically run down her apartment floor hall. Wanda knocked on the door just a few doors down from her own, the one she hated to bother but loved being in all the same, “I know it’s the middle of the day, but I really need your help, please?”
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hozukitofu · 5 months
kkir fic idea 💡 might write it or someone else can adopt this and run with it
i work at an australian magistrate court as a paralegal and kkir (my ninja dads) remind me of the police prosecution vs defence lawyer negotiation throwdowns. kakashi is literally all the weird and eccentric lawyer i've ever met (you need to be weird to be sane) and iruka just acts like all the other very nice but firm prosecutors at court to me
imagine hotshot perpetually late but so so brilliant defence barrister kakashi (mr hatake) negotiating a better outcome for his clients. he's always laid back because he knows he's that good, dresses in the same suit every time, gets away with wearing a facemask in court and literally only ever fixes his terrible posture at the bar table and whilst in court. he tried to ask the magistrate to let him salute the coat of arms (instead of bowing like everyone else) when he first got transferred down to the lowly magistrates' court but got promptly shot down (the compromise was the mask). he was working as a top queen's counsel for the private city law firm then got mysteriously transferred to their regional branch in a 'mentoring role' (a bunch of graduated law students interning actually quit their postgrad studies because he was really harsh and had really arbitrary rules tbh). so my man's in a bad mood ALL THE TIME (literally unprovoked) and has no personal assigned paralegals because no one can stand him. his assigned clerk has the patience of a saint and the tolerance for no bullshit (it's rin) he makes outrageous plea offers with prosecution and it's the best/worst time down at court. he also cross examines like the person at the mic personally wronged him, which isn't great if it is a protected person in a family violence case, or any witness at all, but very eye opening to see
down at court you have the sweetest man ever sergeant umino ('please call me iruka') in the dog box(what we call the prosecution office). he has a law degree (admittedly from a nowhere regional university but he is admitted to practice as a legal practitioner) and way too overqualified for the police force, but he wants to make a difference before going to teach full time or practising law full time. he's nice about everything (printers, legal advice, referrals, talking to anyone) except for paperwork which he is anal about. he wields stamps like weapons and every time an informant is shown to have filled out their paperwork wrong he calls them up directly (how does he even have their direct line?) to chew them out, but super nicely. adjournments, unmentionable dates, requests - don't need to provide reasons, iruka will approve. he not-so-secretly made copies of his police badge so paralegals can print documents off the police printers. he always gets snacks and coffees for court registrars and referral officers. he has bags of lollies for little kids. iruka teaches community service and justice studies for the vocational college nearby. he also has the occasional stint as a university lecturer only for first year law kiddies, and teaches also senior high school legal studies electives. beyond stamps and paperwork, he is the law down to the letter, sometimes to the spirit. if the facts look bad, especially if it is family violence or egregious failure to appear/warrants then he would be a hardass to lawyers. my man however is not opposed to diversion especially if the accused are kids.
so like fanon, kakashi brings outrageous plea offers to the dog box whenever iruka is in -- 'can you withdraw [most serious charge]' 'you can't prove that she was fearing for her life' 'he's never had a criminal record so can't you give him a slap on the wrist and send him a bond?' iruka shuts that shit down every time. he has a case of bleeding heart-itis so occasionally they CAN collaborate to help truly at risk offenders to reorient their lives. kakashi complains that iruka agreeing without a yelling match feels worthless but deep down he doesn't mind when iruka isn't in full hate mode AT him. kakashi thought that iruka would be all snobbish because police prosecutors who hold law degrees tend to act like they're better than everyone else but iruka is overall down-to-earth, hi-i'm-here-to-help. can't push him around though, but he's all about the learning experience so he encourages postgrad law kids and volunteers to have a go at him. for the real thing, defence lawyers groan good-naturedly when they hear he's in the dog box. kakashi seems to be the only who delights in riling him up, but in the rare instance that everyone agrees BUT the magistrate says otherwise and hands down a harsher sentence, he would be handing up paperwork for a contest hearing SO FAST kakashi wouldn't have time to consult with the client. there's a deal between him and kakashi for a stack of signs form 11As can be dealt out when absolutely needed. despite going at each other's throats on the clock, sooo many people have seen them getting lunch together or just talking about their mutual student naruto.
in this universe naruto did not complete high school, went through to vocational studies, took a pathway to uni instead. somehow he, sakura and sasuke end up at the same law firm (naruto is a bit older than the other two but acts precisely like a teenage eshay ALL THE TIME). why does he want to practise criminal law? because it looks cool and he wants to make the bar. his mum is a judge and his dad is a speaker of the senate/cabinet member so... it runs in the family. sasuke is following alongside the traditional asian career choice: doctor, lawyer or engineer. my man hates maths with a passion so lawyer it is. i know it's weird that sakura would be doing a law degree knowing she could be doing a med degree but hear me out: i met and know and am friends with girls who studied double degree law/biomed, finish their law degree, said fuck it I'll be a lawyer what's so bad, otherwise i can come back, and now making big massive bucks. though i imagine sakura will specialise in personal injury cases as well as mental health tribunals, then might go back to university for her med degree. she will be that cousin who lived 6 lives already - was a doctor and a lawyer and your mother would not stop comparing you to her. she needs a bit of instinct training but her academics are spotless. sasuke is ruthless but can't connect with clients. naruto maybe brash and loud but he plays on people's heartstrings like a conductor when presenting a bail app or plea. everything is the way it is so that iruka can move naruto's admission to become a lawyer when he applies for admission at the supreme court
anyways iruka will retire from police work to teach full time, maybe sign on to work for a community legal centre to appear for bail apps for remanded offenders picked up in the cells. he accidentally yelled at kakashi one day to go out and kakashi thought it was too funny to not go along with. now they raise 8 dogs, 3 full grown adults and all of iruka's students together. they fight about everything, but might slip into really formal legalese (passover aggressive fuck-you) when they're being annoying or really pissed off. naruto sometimes has to adjudicate these fights and he can't stop being scared for his LIFE.
kakashi: your honour, my learned colleague here had erred in his submission that i had, conclusively, not promised such things
iruka immediately pulling out receipts: your honour, may i submit evidence contradicting otherwise
(they were fighting about whose turn it is to do the dishes. there were only oral agreements in place but once you're both lawyers you just get used to writing everything down and signing to bring up in an argument later)
(iruka also cross examines kakashi for funsies, but they mainly shelf this for when arguments are bad and they need to pull out the big guns)
anyways if anyone ends up writing this please tag me
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lilydoeswrite · 8 months
guys should i have this as a side project apart from the merciless siren let me know lol (this is related to my only other pjo work)
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The stories of the Greek gods, yeah, they’re real. 
If you’re reading this right now thinking this sentence is all one big joke, good for you, continue reading as you please. In fact, I envy you if you’re able to think this is all fiction.
If you’re reading this because you’re starting to believe that the myths you were told as a kid are real, or you’re experiencing experiences science can’t quite explain, my advice is to close this book right now.
If you ever see yourself or relate to anything in these pages and feel something weird stirring inside– stop immediately. Because, as soon as you realise you’re one of us– and chances are, you probably are, they can sense it as well. And they’ll come for you. 
You’re doing this at your own risk. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
My name is Laila Lim.
I’m twelve years old and until a few months ago, I was a boarding student at College La Victoire in Romandie, Switzerland; the french speaking part. I’m originally from Surrey, England, although my mother is Chinese and Thai.
Why am I in boarding school?
I’m not sure. 
Sometimes I think it’s because my mother found me too troublesome and chose to ship me off. But, regardless, I had a good time there. I’m good at sports, music and academics– not to brag, but you can call me an all-rounder. But at the same time I guess you could say I’m a troubled kid.
I could start at any point of time in my short life but things only really started to go south last July when I visited New York City for the first time. 
I know– it sounds exciting. Most of my trips overseas with my mother are and this would be my first time heading to the States, so I had expectations.
My mother is in her late thirties– thirty-six, to be exact. She has long black hair and brown eyes. When she was younger, she was a model, that’s how beautiful she is, although now she is a CEO of some big law firm with the biggest obsession over Greek mythology. My father? I have no idea. But I do know that he’s the reason I have blue eyes. That is really the only trait I inherited from him. 
Well, back to the trip. Everyone has heard of New York City. ‘New York or nowhere’ as some say. I was really looking forward to this trip because first, it would be my first time in the States and it’d be in New York City out of all places. Second, it’s close to where my mother had met my father.
She doesn’t talk about him a lot but I know she met him in the outskirts of New York. 
Anyways, it wasn’t until I stepped into New York that the hallucinations I’d get from time to time really worsened. And I mean it was really bad. I kept seeing strange things, strange creatures that looked scarily close to the pictures in the books my mother used to read to me. I tried my best to enjoy my trip, I really did, but the hallucinations just kept getting worse and worse. 
I still had a good time, though. My mother had to meet up with all her supermodel and celebrity friends and, must I say, the presents they give are extravagant. I’m talking designer bags and fancy jewellery. I knew they were rich but man, I didn’t expect getting things like those, although I’m not complaining. I’m guessing my mother must’ve sent my ‘super unrealistic wish list for your super duper child’ slideshow because everything I had been given was on that wish list. 
Anyway, back to New York City. 
We spent most of our time shopping and sightseeing. If you exclude my hallucinations, the trip was going absolutely fine. In fact, I was having a lot of fun. That was until we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek stuff; as I said, my mother is huge on ancient Greece and its mythologies.
I guessed some school was having their field trip there because there were a bunch of kids my age as well, which I have to be honest, really scared me. This one girl kept giving me judgemental looks for whatever reason, but I couldn’t care less to be honest. Why is this important? Because when one of the teachers had brought this kid in to, what I assume, scold him, she started making this weird growling noise. 
At this point of time, I was alone looking at one of the other statues as they must have not noticed me but I certainly did notice them.
‘You’ve been giving us problems, honey,” she said in her weird voice.
‘Yes, ma’am,” the boy my age says.
‘Did you really think you would get away with it?’ She says. 
‘I’ll – I’ll try harder ma’am.’
Now, this is the part where it gets weird because it felt as though thunder shook the building,
‘We are not fools, Percy Jackson. It was only a matter of time before we found you out. Confess, and you will suffer less pain.’
I know eavesdropping is wrong but, look, I couldn’t help it. First, what kind of name is Percy? Like Percy Pig? The pig mascot for Marks and Spencers? Second, confess, pain? Find out what? Look, I knew stuff in New York City would be different, but I didn’t think it’d be that different.
‘Well?’ she demands.
‘Ma’am, I don’t…’ the boy says
‘Your time is up,’ the woman hissed. Then, you’re not going to believe what happened because it’s the weirdest thing in the world. I was scared, even hiding behind the statue I was originally looking at. Her fingers stretched, turning into talons and I could tell that her eyes were glowing.
At first I thought I was seeing things, that it was all a big hallucination, but based on the reaction from the other boy, he was seeing them as well. 
Her jacket melted into these large wings and she didn’t look one bit human. She had bat wings and claws and yellow fangs.
And just when I thought things couldn’t get any weirder, well, they did.
This man in a wheelchair tossed a pen to the boy right before the monster woman thing lunged at him. Then, the next thing I see is that the pen had turned into this bronze sword.
‘Die, honey!’ she snarls, flying straight at him.
I’m as still as a statue watching what is going on. Because what is going on?
The boy swings the sword at her and then it passes through her body and a loud hissing sound was made before the woman exploded into yellow powder and seemed to vaporise on the spot, leaving nothing but the weird smell of sulphur you would only typically get in the science labs of my school as a dying screech fills the air.
Then, the boy spots me. ‘Did you see that?
‘Yeah?’ I nod, looking at him strangely as I wonder how on earth he had managed to spot me before he went back outside.
Then, my mother returns and I tell her all about it and she looks at me as if I’m saying some foreign language.
‘Whatever,’ she brushes it off. ‘I’ll book an appointment with Dr Clark when we get back, alright?’
I nod. My hallucinations must be getting worse.
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muskywolfthings · 1 year
Open House
((A quick drabble I've been working on the last few days- it's not much, but I LOVED writing it, and it's helped me get back into a little bit of a flow- hope you guys enjoy! No real smut ahead, but lots of fluffy daddy sterek feels))
Open Houses had always been a breeze for Stiles and Derek. Eli was a model student, even when he was taking after Stiles a little /too/ much- brain to mouth filter dwindling as he got older, and came into his personality more. Stiles usually steamrolled through most of their interactions, Derek a comforting presence over his shoulder agreeing with his husband’s stance on everything- even after all their years together, Stiles was still very much the center point in their household. A very loud, sometimes obnoxious, and sarcastic center, but he wouldn’t have been both his husband, and his son's anchor if he wasn’t good at his job. One of his jobs, that is. But Eli was starting High School in less than a week, and both Stiles and Derek were panicking. Just a bit. Derek more so than Stiles, which he blamed on Eli’s wolf becoming harder to control as he reached the more intense throes of puberty- but Stiles knew better. His husband was one big gigantic softie, and he couldn’t fathom that their baby boy was growing up. Much too fast for either of their likings.
High school was such a milestone! It was huge! It’s when Eli would start thinking about college, /really/ thinking about girls- “And guys! I take after my pops, equal opportunity all the way” Eli would boast with a grin- parties, experimenting in all aspects. His academic workload was going to double, given his advanced classes, more hectic schedule- juggling lacrosse in the fall, basketball in the spring, band and theater, Eli had a full plate.
Stiles always made it clear to him though, that while high school was a formative time in his life- it wasn’t where things ended. It was a blast, it was hard, sometimes he’d wish he never had to go back, and some days he’d wish he could create a time loop in freshman year and never escape it. But they were a pack, a family. Eli would have one of the best support systems for the entirety of his existence. Stiles and Derek weren’t just going to throw him to the metaphorical wolves once he graduated.
He was their baby. He would always be their baby, which came with certain ups and downs. One of the ups though, being he’d always have someone there to help him. Especially once he was out of high school, and things got scarier- more real. Which, Stiles thought at least, made Eli more excited, and less prone to fears of the future, as he stood in front of his fathers in front of the school- Stiles holding onto his arm with a smile, and Derek keeping one firm hand on Eli’s shoulder as they entered Beacon Hills High School.
And boy, what a nostalgia trip it was.
Stiles and Derek hadn’t stepped foot in those halls since before Eli was born- and it wasn’t lost on either of them how bittersweet it was to do so.
“Please don’t cry dad,” Eli whined, glancing over his shoulder at Stiles, who sniffled once, before squaring his shoulders and nodding stiffly. Derek chuffing a laugh under his breath, and leaning down to press a gentle kiss to Stiles’ neck. “Leave your father alone, he’s reminiscing about the day’s he used to be shoved into these lockers.” Derek teased, smiling brightly as Stiles balked, and tried to slap him over his shoulder- Derek catching his hand easily, and kissing along each knuckle. A warm blush took over Stiles’ cheeks as he did so, and Eli gagged.
“You’re gonna give these kids reason to ridicule me for literally the rest of my life,” Eli sighed, miming shooting himself square between the eyes- Derek rolling his eyes at his sons dramatics, even as Stiles reached forward to pinch his cheeks and coo at the boy- just as a group of girls breezed past, giggling to themselves as Eli fought his father back, horrified.
There was a brief assembly in the gym, where each teacher introduced themselves in front of the room full of students and their guardians- their names, their subject, and the grades they taught. The students were free to accompany their parents to meet each of their teachers, but they were encouraged to mingle, and hang out in the gymnasium, and out on the lacrosse field where there were concessions set up, while the teachers and guardians mingled about the school.
As soon as they were dismissed to go about the rest of the evening, Eli booked it outside- assuring his dads he’d stay out of trouble, and introduce himself to his teachers before the evening ended. Which left Stiles and Derek, Eli’s schedule in hand, to start their own rounds.
Given Eli’s regular course load, and extracurriculars, it meant they couldn’t linger too long in what classroom. Their son being a social butterfly was quite draining. Now Stiles knew how his dad felt- though he supposed in some respects this was better: at least meeting Eli’s coach wasn’t moot, he wouldn’t be a benchwarmer like Stiles. Thank god.
The first two teachers they met were a breeze- Stiles did most of the talking, Derek humming his approval of teaching plans, and nodding where he saw fit. Derek had never been very verbose, even as a teenager, and it was moments like these he appreciated his husbands ability to pull words seemingly out of his ass.
It wasn’t till they met with the band instructor- a man in his mid twenties, that Derek became even more quiet. His arm found its way around Stiles’ shoulder, as he went on about how badly he wanted to play the trumpet as a child- laughing openly, unaware of the other man’s gaze sliding over his body. Right. In front. Of Derek.
Derek wouldn’t necessarily call himself possessive (Stiles would, Stiles absolutely would) and don’t get him wrong! His husband's charm and physical attraction wasn’t lost on him in the slightest.
But that’s the thing. It was /his/ He belonged to Derek.
Kind of.
Not in a property sort of way! But like…sort of.
Derek also knew there wasn’t much he could do about it- he could scent and sense things about people that he wasn’t technically supposed to. His face twisted up in slight disgust at the wave of arousal that poured off of the man in front of them- a cloud of it cloaking itself over he and Stiles the longer they chatted.
Derek was quick to grumble about how they needed to keep it moving, and he corralled Stiles out of the band hall and towards their next class- all too aware suddenly of all the looks they were getting.
Derek was never blind to his own physical appearance, but almost none of the attention pointing their direction, was pointed towards himself. Sure, the occasional couple would take them both in appreciatively- but as soon as Stiles opened his mouth, everyone’s eyes gravitated towards him. He was warm, and kind- handsome, and loved his husband and son. Derek supposed that was reason enough to drop everyone’s panties.
Derek got increasingly more handsy as the night wore on, and by the time they were making their way to coach Finstock’s office for a quick hello- Derek couldn’t take it anymore.
“Where are we going?” Stiles asked quietly, rubbing his thumb over Derek’s knuckles where they held hands- Derek skirting them through the halls of parents and students- ducking into an empty classroom before they could be seen, and pressing Stiles up against the door. Mouth immediately on his pulse point, hands finding their way up and under his sweater.
“Derek!” Stiles hissed, glancing over his shoulder, into the almost empty hallway outside though the small window at the top of the door- biting his lip as Derek growled against his throat- hot tongue sliding across his throat, before Derek bit down gently, positively purring as Stiles gasped- the spicy scent of his mates arousal cloaking Derek entirely- filling the small classroom completely with their combined scents.
Derek fucking loved it.
“This is so not professional, Eli’s gonna know what we were doing! Do you want to scar our child, Der?” Stiles pouted- though one of his hands was already in Derek’s jeans- cupping his ass, while his other tugged at the hair at the nape of Derek’s neck gently- scratching just where he knew his wolf loved. If Derek had a tail, it would be wagging like crazy.
“We don’t have to do anything,” Derek assured him quietly, nibbling just below Stiles’ ear, sucking a light red mark there for good measure after. “-I just needed to get my hands on you. And my mouth..and my-” “Yes! Yes that’s very clear, you dick,” Stiles interrupted quickly, grinding up and against Derek softly- mouth falling open on a quiet gasp at how hard Derek was. What was even happening.
“Remember when we used to sneak in here?” Derek prompted quietly, voice deep, and husky- dripping with so much lust he was threatening to drown Stiles in it. “You’ve been such a bad boy, Mr Stilinski,” Derek purred, Stiles’ mind thrust back to when he was nineteen, and a lot more willing to risk public indecency charges- Derek bending him over desks, benches in the locker room- even tables in the cafeteria, after hours when they’d snuck in. It was so bad, so wrong, but so, so, hot.
“I love you so much.” Stiles laughed, kissing down Derek’s cheek, and sliding one of his palms along the hot ;length of his husband's cock through his jeans. “As much as I want to swallow your cock, right here, in this classroom,” Stiles began, rubbing circles in the fat heft of Derek’s balls through the denim, “-we need to go see Finstock, and then make sure Eli talked to his teachers. Then maybe see if he still wants to spend the night at Jake’s.” Derek nodded stiffly, and while he was no young man anymore, not really, he was so close to cumming in his jeans it wasn’t even funny.
Fuck. “I love you too,” Derek breathed, nosing along Stiles hairline, before snapping his fangs at the man playfully- practically beaming when Stiles laughed- loud and happy, music to Derek’s ears, as they composed themselves enough to head back out into the school. Hands interlocked, a promise of a wild evening hanging between the two of them.
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broodybuck · 9 months
Title: After Hours with Professor Rogers
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Rating: E
Tags: 18+ explicit smut, no powers AU, college AU, professor Steve, student Bucky, age difference, top Steve, bottom Bucky
[ao3 link]
Commandos is a well-known gay bar that has a reputation for hookups. It's not every night Steve ventures to this bar in particular since it's typically half full of students from the university he teaches at.
But tonight, Steve was feeling desperate. His last two relationships hadn't worked out and it's been a while since he's been with someone young, needy, and wanting. His favorite type of one-night stand. That's what he needs tonight and that's how he finds himself at Commandos.
Unfortunately, almost immediately, he runs into an old student of his.
"Bucky?" the name slips out of him before he can stop himself. It's mainly because he's surprised since Bucky was his student last year as a sophomore.
"Professor Rogers?"
"Are you of drinking age?" Steve tests immediately.
"Of course."
"Let me see your license," Steve demands.
Bucky hesitates.
"Mr. Barnes."
"I..." Bucky pulls out his wallet but doesn't open it. He's lying.
Steve can't help himself, his authoritative nature sets in.
"I'm taking you home," Steve grabs Bucky by the arm of his jacket and drags him out of the door.
"My birthday's in two days!" Bucky tries to pull away but Steve keeps a firm grip on him. "I wasn't even drinking."
"It doesn't matter. I'm driving you home."
Bucky gets in Steve's car and lets Steve settle into the driver's side and start the engine.
"You shouldn't even be in a place like that," Steve chastises.
"You were there too."
"How often are you at a bar underage?" Steve flips it back on the kid.
Bucky goes quiet. "Not... often."
Steve starts driving.
"Which dorm?"
Bucky doesn't answer until Steve turns a stern glare on him.
"Roosevelt Hall."
Steve takes a left and heads toward campus. They sit in silence for a minute.
"So..." Bucky fidgets in his seat. "You're into younger guys?"
Steve nearly growls. "Plenty of older men frequent there as well."
"It's really popular around campus."
Steve stares aggravated, eyes glaring at the road.
"What I do in my personal time is none of your business."
"I was just asking, geez," Bucky rolls his eyes.
"I'm twice your age."
"Yeah, I figured."
The rest of the ride is silent.
When they get to Bucky's dorm, Steve gets out of the car and marches toward the front door.
"What're you doing?" Bucky balks.
"Walking you inside."
"I can walk just fine," Bucky argues.
Steve opens the door and waits. Bucky growls out a frustrated breath but heads inside.
"You're not the boss of me, you know? I can just leave once you're gone."
Steve has to stop himself from answering right away because a terrible part of him likes the threat. Wants to sit inside Bucky's dorm room and guard the entrance all night if he has to.
Because Bucky is right, he's into younger guys. He's horribly turned on by the power imbalance and taking charge. It's the reason his feet are walking Bucky to his dorm right now. This is inappropriate but he reasons it's for safety. That's a lie.
When they get inside, it's a standard dorm room. Two twin beds on opposite sides, two dressers, two desks. And because two boys live here there are piles of clothes, game controllers, and garbage scattered all over the floor.
"This is how you live?" Steve reprimands on instinct.
Bucky shrugs off his jacket and lets it plop right on top of a pile of clothes. He sits on one of the beds and crosses his arms refusing to answer. It makes Steve's insides ignite in a bad, bad way.
It also doesn't help that this is the first time Steve gets a good look at the boy's outfit. Bucky looks like he's playing a slutty student role. As if he's crafted the perfect nerdy outfit to entice Steve with.
Bucky must have sized down in everything to make sure every item of clothing hugs his body unfairly well. The sweater vest he chose clings to his torso. Under it, he's only wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt which Steve would never do on campus. But it allows Bucky's small biceps to pop out from under the snug seams and make him look innocent and filthy all at once. And worst of all, there's the beige slacks he's wearing. Which are so tight, they essentially frame the boy's crotch like a pretty picture.
Once Steve notices the semi-bulge in the boy's pants, he knows he's in trouble. He wonders if this was always Bucky's sinister plan. Because Steve can't remember Bucky wearing anything like this in class. He'd remember for sure if he'd had.
Bucky keeps his arms crossed over his chest and then huffs out an aggravated breath.
"What're you gonna do, watch me sleep?"
"If I have to," Steve rebuttals.
Bucky's eyes widen in disbelief.
"I mean, no," Steve corrects, remembering the obvious repercussions if he did that. "Where's your roommate?"
"Sleeping with his girlfriend," Bucky grits. Steve's not sure if it's jealousy or something else in his tone.
"Alright, fine. I think you should get some sleep and wait until you're old enough to return to any bar moving forward."
Bucky laughs now. Steve's eyes widen from the unexpectedness of it.
"You seriously can't— "
"I can report you," Steve threatens.
Bucky goes quiet, his mouth snapping shut as his arms fall hesitantly from their defiant stance.
"You wouldn't..." Bucky says quietly.
"I would."
"Professor Rogers, come on, you know everyone drinks in college. I know technically it's—"
"Right, but please. Don't report me. I'm just..."
"Just what?" Steve demands.
"Lonely," Bucky blurts out and then looks embarrassed when he does.
They sit in a beat of silence before Steve nods understandingly.
"Come on, you must've been at that bar for the same reasons, right?" he asks shyly.
"Well, sure. Although I'm well above the legal drinking age which is the biggest difference between us."
"Yeah, age is definitely the biggest difference between us," Bucky scoffs. "You know, that place also has a reputation for that. I'm sure you know that well, don't you, Professor Rogers."
The impish change in his tone makes Seve's skin heat but he tries not to show it.
"It's none of your business what I know."
Bucky smirks all too confidently now. Shit, Steve thinks.
"Yeah, it would be none of my business if you didn't walk me to my dorm room tonight. Now we're alone and you're threatening to watch me sleep."
"I never said that, I'm leaving. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe."
"I got home when you dropped me off at the front door of the building. You didn't have to walk me into my room."
Steve sucks in a frustrated breath.
"You're right. I'm sorry, I'll leave now."
Steve turns to the door but hears Bucky spring up from the bed.
Steve turns back around.
"I never said you had to leave," Bucky says.
"You've made it pretty clear from the beginning you want me to. You're right, I took things a step too far and I'm sorry."
Bucky bites back a devious smile now.
"A step too far would be you staying," Bucky dares, causing Steve's eyebrows to raise. "A step really too far would be you joining me in my bed."
"Mr. Barnes," Steve tries not to let his voice give away how turned on he is by the idea. "Please don't make a mockery of me."
"I'm not," Bucky says quickly and looks sincere about it. He takes a step forward. Steve clenches his hands by his side. This shouldn't be so tempting, he knows this, but it is.
"You're not my professor anymore," Bucky reminds him. "Is there still some rule against this if you're not my professor?"
"Of course there is. I shouldn't be fraternizing with any students."
"Then why were you at that bar?" Bucky challenges.
"More than students go there," Steve defends.
"But if a student approached you, would you have even asked?"
A dangerous heat coils low in Steve's stomach. He can't really entertain this... could he?
"I'm sure I would've recognized them if they were a student," he claims. "Like I recognized you."
"Sure, of course. And I'm sure you would have walked any boy back to his dorm room."
Steve huffs out a heavy breath.
"I've apologized already, Mr. Barnes. And if you would let me leave—"
"I'm not stopping you," Bucky interrupts. "I really didn't want you here until a couple of minutes ago. Until I realized maybe you don't want to leave. Maybe there's something making you really want to stay."
"Mr. Barnes, what are you trying to imply?"
Bucky shrugs, playing unsure, but he knows. He knows damn well what he's doing and Steve might just give in if this goes on any longer.
"I'm gonna be all alone tonight," Bucky pouts, dear god he's pouting. "And I'm alone most nights. I guess a little company doesn't sound so bad."
Steve shakes his head but an untamable grin slips onto his face.
"I'm not seriously going to sleep in your dorm room tonight."
"Not sleep," Bucky grins wildly. "But we will have to both fit in my twin bed."
The arousal is beginning to suffocate Steve's brain at this point. Because the boy is truly pushing him now. He honestly seems to want this. And god, Steve wants it — wants him too much. He has since he met Bucky in his class two semesters ago.
"Is this some sick game to report me?" Steve has to ask.
"No!" Bucky refutes, his smile dropping. "Honest, I would never. I..."
He fiddles his hands together, suddenly shy.
"I'm sorry, I thought you were actually interested."
Steve's eyes go wide and can't help the instant response that flies out of his mouth, "I am."
Bucky stills and stares up at Steve in amazement.
"I don't like games. Mr. Barnes. If you're serious about this, then I would consider staying tonight."
Bucky swallows, then nods readily, "I'm serious."
Steve takes a step forward and Bucky doesn't hesitate to move closer too. It's Bucky who puts his hands on Steve first. Just the sides of his torso but he watches his hands glide down Steve in wonder like he hasn't touched another man in a while. Steve nearly shivers but holds it in and cups Bucky's face gently instead.
Bucky looks up at him with those big, blue eyes of his and dammit, Steve's gone. He leans in and kisses him, praying this isn't some joke.
But it's not, Bucky kisses him back like he really wants it. Fuck, he wants it. He moans into it and plunges his tongue inside desperate for a taste. Steve lets him in. He feels Bucky buckle forward, falling into him. Steve catches his waist, holding him up until they pull back.
Steve smiles at him. "Been a while?"
Bucky nods looking embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm usually better at this."
Steve shakes his head, lifts one hand to brush a few strands of hair out of his eyes. "Just relax, let me do all the work."
Bucky's eyelashes flutter from that and he lets his body go pliant when Steve picks him up and carries him to the bed. He lays him down and watches Bucky spread out for him, arching up as if he's already aching to be touched. Steve's skin is on fire by now.
"You're beautiful," Steve marvels. Bucky visibly blushes from the compliment.
He reaches up to grab Steve's face and kiss him. Steve allows it and climbs on top of the boy while he's at it. They make out slowly until Bucky starts bucking his hips up trying to get some friction.
"You're sure your roommate won't come back tonight?" Steve pulls back to ask.
"Positive," Bucky assures him.
With that, Steve graciously grinds down, rubbing their clothed cocks together. Bucky moans out deliciously.
"I love how vocal you are," Steve murmurs, then kisses his neck, grinding down again to elicit another breathy moan.
"Yeah, the dorms next door are gonna love this," Bucky pants but he arches up searching for more when Steve pulls back.
"You sure you want to do this?" Steve checks.
"I'm sure. Please, Professor—"
"Call me Steve."
"Steve," Bucky corrects. "Please, don't stop."
Steve sucks in a sharp breath and then kisses him hard. He starts undressing them, admiring the tight outfit once more with every item he peels off.
"You're such a tease with this outfit, you know?"
"I know," Bucky bites his lip. "Was hoping to score to a professor tonight."
"If you're making a joke—"
"I'm not," Bucky says as he lifts his hips to help Steve slide his pants off. "I've always had a thing for it. Had my last boyfriend roleplay with me all the time. This is like a... dream."
Steve lets out a shaky breath. This is a fantasy for Bucky and Steve's the one making it come true. The thought makes his cock twitch. He moves faster to get Bucky's last piece of clothing off, his underwear.
Bucky sprawls out naked under him and he's more beautiful like this, Steve thinks. He doesn't need the outfit, he doesn't need anything at all to make Steve's cock throb. He works his own clothes off now and doesn't miss the way Bucky's eyes track his movements.
"Gotta open you up real slow," Steve tells him, kissing him again, "I'm sure you're so tight."
Bucky mewls and nods, spreading his legs as if it's an open invitation. Steve growls and slides down the bed as much as he can. The small bed isn't ideal for him and part of him wishes he drove the boy straight to his place.
Steve begins with his tongue and the way Bucky squirms and groans for him is making him want to hump the bed. God, he's so hard. But he focuses, adding a finger at a time until Bucky starts pleading.
It's glorious the way he keeps asking and begging Steve for more. Finally, Steve decides to give it to him. What he's been begging for all night, his cock.
He lines up and begins to push the tip inside. Bucky's eyes close and he pushes out a breath.
"Yes, please," he whispers.
"Fuck," Steve hisses and pushes in halfway.
He watches Bucky grasp at the pillow behind his head, squeezing the fabric tight.
"Look at me," Steve instructs. Bucky opens his eyes and bites his lip.
Steve pushes all the way in now, down to the base and Bucky cries out with a long moan. Steve leans down to kiss him, shifting into a new angle making Bucky whimper against his lips.
"You're so big," Bucky whispers. He wraps his legs around Steve's waist and squeezes tight, holding onto Steve's shoulders now. "Show me, please. Want you to teach me, Steve."
"Teach you what, honey?" Steve smiles.
"How a real man fucks."
Steve lets a shiver run through him this time.
"You've never been with an older man?" Steve asks.
Bucky shakes his head. And Steve charges into motion, fucking Bucky in steady thrusts. He watches as even the easy rhythm has Bucky writhing in place. Steve begins to pick up the pace, locks his mouth onto the sensitive skin of the boy's neck and sucks. Bucky wails out a cry, panting by his ear as Steve keeps going.
Steve pulls back to grab his ankles and bend his knees to his chest. He rams his cock deep inside again and Bucky's eyes snap shut as he groans.
"Fuck, right there," Bucky whimpers.
Steve fucks over the spot, not stopping, until he feels Bucky's legs shaking in his hands. He lets them go and grabs the boy's cock, stroking him in time.
"Come on, honey. Come for me. Show me how much you like my cock, sweetheart."
"Oh god, Steve, I love it. Please don't— stop, I'm gonna— I—" Bucky whines before he throws his head against the pillow and Steve watches the come burst out of him in quick spurts covering his stomach in stripes.
"That's a good boy," Steve commends.
He lets Bucky's cock go and leans forward to keep fucking him. Bucky's eyes open and he clutches onto Steve's neck trying to kiss him through his irregular breaths.
"Come for me, please daddy," Bucky pants.
Steve can see the moment Bucky realizes what he's said. His eyes go wide, face reddening. He probably didn't mean to say it but it's too late. It's already sent a shock of arousal down Steve's body and makes him orgasm faster than even Steve is prepared for.
"Fuuuck," Steve grunts, fucking into him one last time, hard and strong until it's all rushing out of him.
It takes a minute for Steve for pull out and when he does, he realizes there's no room on the bed for him to lie next to Bucky. So he flips them around and places Bucky's head on his chest.
"Sorry, I said—" Bucky begins.
"Shhh," Steve hushes, brushing a hand through the boy's hair. "It was perfect."
He hears Bucky breathe a sigh of relief.
"Okay... thanks."
Steve smiles still petting Bucky's hair.
"Do you wanna shower together?" Bucky asks after a couple of minutes.
"This place have communal bathrooms?"
"You know, I have a pretty nice bathroom at my house. It's only a ten-minute drive if you're interested."
Bucky picks his head up with a soft smile.
"I think it'd only be fair I make sure you get home safe."
Steve chuckles. "I might need you to walk me inside."
"Oh, I can do more than walk you," Bucky smirks.
"I know you can," Steve smiles and then kisses him again.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + finals
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: bc what screams christmas like hours of studying? and yes this sorta turned into academic headcanons but idc
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simon "ghost" riley:
alright so maybe this a surprise maybe this isn't
but simon's secretly really smart
definitely got all a's on his finals (or whatever the british equivalent is idk)
and he probably didn't have to study that hard for it
ofc he still studied
he's a firm believer in being prepared
but even without he could've easily scored in the high eighties/low nineties
he was super duper into reading as a kid so that stuff came easy to him
and he's a stellar problem solver so math was pretty simple too
only subject that gave him trouble was biology
but even then he still did good
off topic but i feel like after high school he started going into college and working part time at a butchers
but then ofc after 9/11 he joined the military so he had to stop his education
but i like to think that after a certain point, maybe when he returned to sorta check up on his family and stuff, he finished up the rest of his schooling and got his degree
he has his bachelor's in english literature
what can i say he's a book worm at heart
john "soap" mactavish:
so unfortunately soap is not as academically gifted as simon
he was definitely sorta like the class clown
and he didn't really try much during finals or really just school in general
im pretty sure that tracks since im like 99% sure i read somewhere that he lied about his age to join the army (either that or scotland has a younger recruitment age so he joined at 16)
but yeah in general his finals were not the highest scores ever
he studied a little and would usually score around the high seventies/low eighties range
he knows that if he studied more he could probably hit the high eighties/low nineties range but the knowledge is enough for him and so he doesn't bother studying
i mean i don't think i need to say this
but he was definitely the class clown
i don't think he ever went back to school after the military though
he's just not a fan of the program what can i say
but just because he's not academically smart doesn't mean he's dumb
i mean he definitely has his moments
but for the most part he actually has a lot of "street smarts" and little random facts that come in handy
john price:
alright so price actually graduated from the royal military academy
and imma be fr with y'all i have no idea what that means
but he also joined the military at sixteen so that's a thing ig
price usually studied for his finals though
but he didn't study "hard"
he did the reviews and stuff and that was pretty much it
he uses common sense and logic to get himself through those tests
that being said he usually did pretty good
his score range was usually in the mid eighties to nineties
he didn't really take school to seriously but he also didn't completely slack off
he just wasn't really interested in academics
he was more interested in getting into the military and serving
definitely was insane at math though
what can i say he loves puzzles and he's a problem solver at heart
and math was really just like a giant puzzle to him
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so gaz was actually a pretty good student when he was in school
he was a humanities student through and through
absolute history buff too
and he's very proud that he's never scored below a ninety on his finals
he never had to study for english because like ghost he's been reading since he was a kid so that was in the bag
and he did study history but it was less to review and more because it was just interesting
now when it comes to stem subjects
gaz definitely struggled with that
he likes the sorta loose, open to interpretation, nature of humanities subjects
so having rigid rules in stem was kinda hard for him
he definitely had to study a lot for those
but he's always down to boast about how he got a perfect score on his calculus final
gaz also strikes me as the kind of guy who went to college
idk if it lines up with his age/timeline in the games but whatever
he got into a nice university and then majored in british history
he's always considered the idea of going back and getting a master's or phd too
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright so yk that "trope" of smart guy has no common sense?
well that's pretty much rudy in a nutshell
he always did really good on his finals
like mid to high nineties
although that was due to a lot of intense studying on his part
but sometimes he's lacking in the common sense department
but honestly same rudy same
he actually took school pretty seriously growing up
and the idea of being in the military didn't really occur to him until alejandro brought it up one day
he was always more artistically inclined than academically inclined which is why he had to spend a lot of time studying
he would try to get alejandro to study with him too with varying levels of success
also he was actually surprisingly good at sciences
ofc he ended up enlisting right after he graduated
but he did take college classes online for a while until he could get his degree
honestly i can totally see him majoring in like mexican art history (is that a real major? idk)
alejandro vargas:
alright so alejandro never really tried to hard in school
he was sorta similar to soap but less of a class clown and more of a popular kid
he was smart enough to get himself through finals without studying tho
but he was always on the cusp of failing
think seventies range
that was fine with him though because he's known he wanted to be in the military since he was young
so he never really was too stressed about school
sometimes rudy would try to get him to study with him but he would always mess around instead
honestly before the military i feel like alejandro was a real goofball
and a real heart-throb too let's be honest
strangely though, rudy convinced him to take college online and get a degree
it took alejandro a while to warm up to the idea
but eventually he did and he majored in polisci
and he actually did pretty good in college too
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katierosefun · 5 months
tagged by @b1uetrees! thank you for the tag buddy!
do you make your bed? i try, the operating word being try. i used to be really good at making my bed, but for the last few weeks, i've been lucky to just straighten out my sheets and pile my pillows on the right way before darting around to make myself breakfast and wash my face.
what's your favourite number? i've always really liked 12 for some reason. maybe because i associate it with the year of the dragon, which is the zodiac year i'm born in?
what is your job? i'm a second-year law student. i think the closest i have to a job right now is that i'm a student attorney (which has been very exciting, because it's definitely aligned with what i want to do after graduation), and this coming summer, i'll be working at a law firm (which is also exciting. everyone pray i don't screw up)
If you could go back to school would you? i mean, would i pursue more education after getting my current degree? i'm not sure. i've played with the idea of getting an mfa for a while now, but also? i think mfa's cost so much money, and the rewards aren't always very tangible. so it depends on how financially comfortable i am and if i can figure out a way to get into publishing without an mfa haha!
can you parallel park? i don't know how to drive, so nope
a job you had that would surprise people? i always get questions about what the heck a costume stock keeper does, but for a short while, i was a costume stock keeper. which basically meant that i organized the costume stock room in my college's theater department. it was really cool, because we had a huge stock room, and my bosses were people who actually worked in a lot of really cool movies, so that was neat!
do you think aliens are real? i have to think so! like, the universe is so big--how can there not be other things out there?
can you drive a manual car? i can drive a golf car. does that count?
what's your guilty pleasure? not really certain if i feel guilty about this yet . . . i guess watching kinda bad old kdramas? (like . . . i know there are some tropes that we've left behind in the early 2010s/early 2000s, but what can i say--some classics are classics, even if some of the stories wouldn't fly in 2024.)
tattoos? none right now, although i've been wondering if i want to get a tattoo before i graduate law school. i think i want to get a constellation somewhere on my bicep. but also, i get so scared of something being permanent and how skin changes over the years, so maybe not :/
favourite colour? i'm currently digging really deep greens lately!
favourite type of music? i think i've been really loving a lot of moody ballads and alternative rock . . . and also whatever the hell the music in alien stage is right now!
do you like puzzles? nope--i'm not patient enough for puzzles a;shdfasdf
any phobias? i am terrified of spiders. i don't care if they're smaller than me--they have eight legs, i have two, and also the way they move freaks me out so much oh my god why do they move like that ! !!
favourite childhood sport? i really liked to swim as a kid, and i still do
do you talk to yourself? yeah--mostly when i'm annoyed or stressed. i've been known to quickly mute myself on zoom meetings or make more of an effort to just shut my mouth whenever i'm waiting for someone to come onto zoom, because i once started muttering "jesus christ, what a way to make a first impression--i can't believe you're late" and i didn't realize that there was? a little thing that was? making a transcript of everything i was muttering? if my boss ever read that transcript, they've been kind enough to never mention it--so!!!! anyways!!! i'm working on that lol
what movie(s) do you adore? i really love kogonada's films (columbus and after yang are probably the major ones), and i also love the korean adaptation of little forest. and also beginners. in general, i think i love films with a lot of green coloring and also just enough moments of quiet to make you feel comforted! or at least--better said--i like movies that feel like you've had a conversation with someone.
coffee or tea? coffee for when i want to wake up and tea for when i want to wind down!
first thing you wanted to be growing up? a writer :) or, at the very least, a well-known storyteller.
no pressure tags: @kckenobi @lightasthesun @l-tyrell @reese-haleth
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thethaliaclark · 6 months
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Thalia Clark - 40 years old - yoga teacher & brand ambassador
(this is long and I cannot write a realistic muse for the life of me, like I also can't believe I wrote this much)
trigger warnings - death, final girl trope, adoption
Her childhood was picturesque. A standard nuclear family in the fast growing Denver with a younger brother and parents who hated to sleep away from each other. Thalia was a happy but slightly odd kid with an early fascination with computers. Her father worked at one of the early computer companies in the 80s. Her life fell apart when her family was killed in a home invasion. Her hiding spot was on the roof where her mom used to take her up to stargaze. She went into the foster system for only a year.
Thalia was adopted into the Clark family when she was eight. She was sure it was just luck. Her adopted sister, Kathleen, was already in college but still stepped up to be a great older sister due to their parents already busy lives. Kathleen's friends called Thalia 'Wednesday' due to her ghoulish nature for the first few years of her life with the Clarks.
She lived as free a life as a kid could live. After her traumatic beginnings, homeschooling was the best option for her. Thalia was very smart and preferred her own company (or Kathleen's) for many years. The sisters became extremely close even when Thalia shifted to attend Providence Peak High School. She coasted between the science club and student council. Shifting from Wednesday Addams to Elle Woods was a shock to her family but the morbidity remained just under the surface.
Once she graduated high school, Thalia moved to California to follow in her dad's footsteps. She was dropped out of university pretty quickly after being recruited by a soon to be well known company: Apple. She was one of the leads on developing the first ipods. Thalia made a number of very clever investing decisions and soon made enough money to just live off her ever-growing savings. Then Kathleen called from New York after a bad day and Thalia moved her life to the East Coast.
Shifting into the socialite lifestyle was exhausting and Thalia found her niche in one of the newly growing exercise communities. New neighbors owned a pilates and yoga studio that she started working at more as a way to pass time. Her life in New York was easy if not predictable: teaching or personal training, attending events as a socialite, and spending as much time with Kathleen as possible. Then she fell in love and here world turned upside down.
Despite her sister strongly advising against it, she married Saul Weissberg and her life started revolving around him. How could it not? He was charismatic and attractive, intelligent enough to verbally spar with her, and he made her comfortable enough to drop the constantly preppy act. At first the electric chemistry and constant social outings was all she needed but Thalia soon grew unhappy. She was losing who she was and was unhappy at just being 'Mrs. Weissberg' (especially when she refused to give up the name of the family that was so kind to her).
With Kathleen back and thriving in Providence Peak, Thalia started reevaluating things. She had a very successful fitness brand and more investments than she knew what to do with. After enough pestering, Saul agreed to move back to Colorado to try to start his own firm. Unsurprisingly, their problems persisted and they ultimately separated. Thalia only permitted Kathleen an 'I told you so' referencing the ironclad pre-nup. Thalia took her belongings and bought a townhouse downtown.
She works at the Humming Bee teaching yoga and pilates at her leisure. Thalia doesn't do much day-to-day work with her brand. Instead she helps her sister at the university and tries to avoid her ex-husband who she still has very confusing feelings for.
She’s very anti-horror. Despite her gothic beginnings and general disposition of storm clouds, she hates watching or consuming any type of horror because it affects those parts of her she tries to keep buried
She has the weirdest luck. It’s not uncommon for her to win a pool game in a single turn then lose the next three. She’s very graceful and elegant in almost all of her movements but she’ll trip at any given moment if there’s even a pebble in her way
She very rarely expresses emotions on her face. After what happened with her family, Thalia retreated into herself. Even after growing up, only a few people could read her micro-expressions
Her eyes are very photosensitive and she rarely goes outside without sunglasses
She forgets to eat frequently. After her divorce, the reminder duty usually falls to Kathleen or her colleagues at the Humming Bee
friends: whether it's through yoga or around and about, Thalia could use some
friends with benefits/casual dating: she does still have significant feelings for her ex-husband so it would be fun and messy
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lilacrespite · 1 year
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mason   gooding.   he/him.   cis   man.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   kahlil   louis   ,   most   likely   listening   to   love   is   a   laserquest   by   arctic   monkeys   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty   six   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -audacious   yet   +romantic   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   handmade   bouquets,   handwritten   letters   including   pressed   flowers   resembling   receiver,   and   putting   pieces   of   a   broken   heart   back   together   like   its   a   puzzle   ,   followed   by   baccarat   rouge   540   and   cigarette   smoke   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   the   drummer   of   kahlil's   band   leaving   because   kahlil   slept   with   their   (   now   ex   )   girlfriend   (   true   :/   )   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation .
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━━━━━━━━━  ☔️  B  A  S  I  C  S :
full name: kahlil malcolm louis
nickname(s): n/a
age: twenty - six .
ethnicity: biracial
gender: cis man .
pronouns: he / him .
orientation: heterosexual / heteroromantic .
occupation: lead singer / guitarist of the band despair in the departure lounge .
language(s) spoken: english .
career claim: d4vd, the 1975, the neighbourhood
━━━━━━━━━  ☔️  P  E  R  S  O  N  A  I  L  I  T  Y  : tw, child neglect
a loverboy fr. wears his heart on his sleeve all the time and he may tell you a joke but he’d never tell you a lie. doesn’t see the point in lying, so don’t trust him with your secrets, he will not keep them. he thinks we should all just be open and honest and have more conversations with one another and be present and get off our phones and just love. yeah, he’s one of those. romantic in every sense of the word, treats his life like he’s the main character and carries out huge impulsive gestures bc yolo yknow? do it for the story, do it for the song inspo. he thinks entirely with his heart so he’ll do things ( like sleeping with his drummers gf ) because how can you walk away from your heart? if it’s right, you never know what could come from it :/ live for the now deal with the consequences later. which is so funny considering he has a moral superiority complex, because he’s such a lover he think he’s the best kind of person. so empathetic , so compassionate, on a different wave length. if he does something wrong in the name of love then its not actually wrong because it’s love :/ how can love be wrong :/ he wouldn’t be mad if you did it to him. it’s content honestly.
━━━━━━━━━  ☔️  B  A  C  K  G  R  O  U  N  D  :
as the child of a renowned and beloved actor (think samuel l. jackson-esque), kahlil’s father didn’t know how to handle the new influx of money and attention. kahlil’s grandfather found his success later in his life, the family depending on his grandmother’s income and the few acting jobs and side work kahlil’s grandfather managed to find while his children grew up. his kids couldn’t help but feel a little jaded watching their mother work so hard while their father didn’t seem to  be pitching in as much, but kahlil’s grandfather was a firm believer that dreams were worth fighting for, and sacrificing for; he was there for his kids in the place that mattered most and he wanted to become successful to prove to them that they too can do whatever they want and once he got his big break there was no looking his back.
already a college student by the time his father made it big, kahlil’s father didn’t know what to do with the sudden attention, and large deposits into his account. it was the kind of money he didn’t think he’d ever seen in his lifetime, and what started as innocent spending and excited spoiling quickly spiraled into a full blown problem. it didn’t seem to matter what the product was, the more expensive, the more lavish the better. he began accepting invitations to parties his parents and his father’s team told him not to, allowing people to pay him for appearances that went against his father’s brand and image just so he had more money to spend. though his spending he met kahlil’s mother, an addict who looked to kahlil’s father as a big pay out. kahlil’s father was never interested in the drugs and the alcohol but he was very interested in kahlil’s mother and he’d do anything to impress her even if it meant being an unwilling participant in her drug habit. eventually, it got to the point where his father cut him off completely.
it took kahlil being born for his grandfather to want to reconnect and give his son another chance, but with strict restrictions. all the funds and gifts he’d give, part of it was meant to go into a trust for kahlil and the rest of it was meant to be spent on kahlil. by the time kahlil was three, his grandparents knew thats not what his father was doing. kahlil was heavily neglected, only getting just enough attention to survive and not much else. there wasn’t much of a battle, but after taking his own son to family court his grandfather got custody of him and cut his father off once again. ignoring the way his son went on multiple reality shows and talk show slandering his name and focused on giving kahlil the life he wanted to give his son. kahlil’s father went on to have two more children, trying to get his father to reconnect again but his grandfather simply took custody of those children too and left their father to deal with the consequences of his own actions.
in his grandfather’s care kahlil was in great care. he was shrouded in love and support while simultaneously being pushed to find the thing he loved and to pursue it to the highest degree. his grandfather quickly became his best friend. they talked about everything and his grandfather really taught him how to be in tune with his emotions and not be ashamed or embarrassed of him, to ask for help when he needs it, and never feel ashamed for being in pain. as he grew older, kahlil could tell these were lessons he wished he’d taught his father and was trying to fix what he felt he broke with his own son but he didn’t feel used because of it. In his own weird way it helped him feel closer to his father. 
in a weird way, kahlil admired the way his father loved his mother. in his very underdeveloped brain at the time, it read like unconditional love. and at the end of the day, he believed all anyone wanted was love and that looked different for everybody else. he hoped he’d never love someone enough to let go of their kids because of it, but there was a part of him that wondered what it would be like to love and be loved like that. it led him to become obsessed with being in love in passionate, brief spurts of time but always cutting it off before it could get too serious, before it could consume them completely.
learned bouquet making and garden tending from his grandma and still keeps up with it today. finds it very therapeutic. 
━━━━━━━━━  ☔️  H  E  A  D  C  A  N  O  N  S  :
he’s a brit for the joke of it all. also i love she’s american and need him to be a brit for that song to work. he also hates america. like damn he hates america so bad and i think its funny he’s stuck here for rp purposes.
there was a point where he wanted to be just like his grandfather and even tried acting was abysmal at it. truly embarrassing. there’s still some footage of him out there being horrific at it and he’d rather it be burned. but he was also a band kid (drum line shoutout) and instruments were something he excelled at. he taught himself piano and after winning his 10th grade talent show by singing critical by the jonas brothers from the hit tv show jonas l.a. he knew music was what he wanted to do.
on the topic of the jonas brother, he is in fact a stan. was their number one fan growing up and honestly? still is. he wanted to be nick jonas so bad. originally wanted the band to be called “a little bit longer” in honor of nick jonas’ diabetes but his bandmates wanted the arctic monkeys reference :/
has a lot of unresolved abandonment issues bc of his mother’s addiction and his father’s commitment to her despite it so he writes a lot of songs about it. mainly from her perspective so it’s led a lot of misunderstanding on whether or not he himself is an addict, he’s not but will only clear up a rumor if he’s explicitly asked bc he thinks its obvious he isnt (its not obvious)
covers lovebug by the jonas brothers at damn near every show you can not get this man out of his jonas brothers stage
has a conversation pit in his home, very proud of it, it’s his prized possession. Forces his friends into it whenever he gets the chance and yes he is that annoying fucker who brings his guitar. anyway here’s wonderwall headass.
really big into photography, doesn’t go anywhere without his camera.
LOVES getting tattoos. started to learn how to do stick and pokes when he was 16 and that’s actually how he got into drawing so he draws a lot of his own tattoos too.
━━━━━━━━━  ☔️ W A N T E D C O N N E C T I O N S : 
has been in one long term relationship, like 2-4 years long at the very start of his career so like 18/19 but he was just coming up in the industry and was super busy and constantly hanging back so that they could call or chat so eventually felt like the relationship was holding him back and called it quits. maybe even cheated so this could be a two part con but either way he still writing music about it to this day. 
the ex drummer whose gf he slept with bc funny UFGHDIJSOFKLDIOSDL
any current band members gang gang
roomies!!!!! 2-3 maybe he lives with said band who knows
theres one femme artist they collab with consistently bc the band knows hes a hoe so they limited it to one he wouldn’t try to fall in love with :/ so its the one relationship he got that is actually strictly professional JUFIJDKOSFIFJDKOSL
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theje0ngs · 3 years
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PAUBAYA (n.): to entrust something to someone; to give something or someone away.
❝Ako yung nauna, I was your first, Pero siya ang wakas. But they will be your last.❞
PAIRING/CHARACTERS  ▸  non-idol!jaehyun x pedia!reader
GENRE/CATEGORY   ▸  angst, marriage!au, non-idol!au, songfic
WORD COUNT   ▸  4.2k [~15 mins]
CONTENT WARNINGS  ▸  mentions injections/vaccinations, mentions death/minor character death, mentions pregnancy, profanity, jaehyun didn’t know he had a kid 
GELA SAYS  ▸  first and foremost, thank u so much @hwangful for sending me this amazing & sad prompt! idk if i’ve reached ur expectations bc tbh, i feel like i’ve rushed this- :/ but!! i hope you’ll like it
TAGLIST   ▸  @woofie-nctzen-fanarts @bitchenderyy @ahtisa02 @chitaphrrrr @sakusakei-omi @guiltyversion @littlebambi1302 @ashkuuuu​
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Back in college, you hated Jeong Jaehyun.
You still remember the exact reason- no, reasons why you hated that man. Reason number one: Jaehyun bumped into you while you were walking in the hallway. He was chasing somebody and due to the strong impact, you fell on the floor and spilled the coffee that Doctor Park had asked you to buy for him. He didn’t look back, nor apologized for hurting you. 
Number two: The time he accidentally hit your head with a basketball. You happened to be talking with one of his teammates, Johnny Suh when the ball flew right to your head. He blamed Mark for that, but you were a firm believer that he was the one who did it. 
Number three: The time when you got paired up for a semestral worksheet. You tried to plead to your professor to change your partner, even tried to convince him that you’d do the worksheet alone but no really meant no for your professor. You had to sit next to class for the whole semester, he would annoy you with his corny, cringey jokes every morning before your lecture.
You had a list of reasons, even petty ones, why you hated that man, but you had only one reason why you fell in love with him.
During the university fall festival, you and Jaehyun became victims. The organization under the Department of Criminology had handcuffed the two of you for 4 hours. You were annoyed by the fact that Jaehyun almost went inside the restroom with you because he really needed to pee. Thank god he didn’t, thank god you were friends with one of the criminology students and had removed the cuff for a few minutes. After he finished inside the restroom, you were cuffed together again - it was the last hour and frankly, you were looking forward to finishing it. 
He had pulled you to the Ferris Wheel line, explaining that riding it while the sun goes down would be an amazing experience. It was the time that you realized… he wasn’t as bad as you thought he was. It was the time you realized that you fell in love with this man. So suddenly that even you, yourself, weren’t expecting it.
“Look at the sun, Y/N-” Jaehyun excitedly said, pointing at the sky. His legs were bouncing like a kid who got ice cream. 
“I think I’m in love with you.” You blurted out, “I- I mean, yeah. It’s beautiful! Super beautiful.”
You avoided Jaehyun for a whole month after that accidental confession.
And now, as you stare at the wedding picture sitting next to your laptop, the two of you have been together through ups and downs. Been together since university through Med School and Law School. Built dreams and achieved those together. You as a Doctor of Pediatrics, and Jaehyun, as a Lawyer and working under a known firm. Together for 8 years, married for two and living the life you have always wanted to.
Being a pediatrician wasn’t your original plan. To be a Cardiologist was your dream. But during your residency, you had one patient that caught your heart. She was a 4-year old girl who dreamed of being a doctor, but fate took away that chance when her parents found out that she was suffering from a terminal illness. She was under your care for months. You still remember the day she passed away so clearly. You were on graveyard shift and for the past 24 hours you have been walking around the hospital. Following the command of the senior residents, and the only hour you had a chance to nap, you heard a loud bawl, causing you to jolt up from the stretcher you were resting on. 
It was the first time you cried over a patient inside the locker room that day and every time you pass by the room she used to stay at, you couldn’t help but wince. 
But despite what happened, you learned how to love your job. 
“Dr. Y/L/N? The patient is here.” The nurse peeked her head through the door, you nodded your head and put your phone away. 
The patient enters with her mom, she was probably a little over 8 years old. “What can I do for you today?” You ask, grabbing a pen and started writing. 
“We’re new in town, and unfortunately, our neighbor’s dog bit her this morning when we were out for a walk. The neighbor said that the dog is vaccinated with anti-rabies, but still, I want to be safe. Just in case.”
You gave her a warm smile, understanding that she didn’t want anything bad to happen to her daughter. As you get ready, the little girl seemed to be nervous. But as a pediatrician, you knew the drill. You were used to comforting your patients no matter what age they were. A smile appeared on your face when you heard the little girl tell her mom that she won’t cry because she’s a big girl, and that big girls don’t cry over a little needle. After giving her a shot, you grabbed a peach-flavored lollipop on the jar next to your computer. She smiles from ear to ear, revealing her deep set of dimples. What a beautiful kid. 
After reminding her mom that Jaein needs to return three days later for another shot, you walk them out of your office. When you opened the door, you were surprised by your husband. Standing in front of the office with a bag of takeaways. Jaehyun’s smile fades when he sees your patient’s mom, his eyes widened.
“Nayoung?” “Jaehyun?” They said in sync.
“You two know each other? What a small world!”
Nayoung shyly nodded her head, “Yeah… we were friends in high school up until university.” She said, holding her daughter’s hand tightly. “Well, my daughter and I have to go. Dr. Y/N, thank you very much. We’ll see you in three days.”
A week has passed and Jaehyun felt uneasy inside his office. 
He kept walking back and forth inside his office, he even discarded his tie as it felt suffocating for him. Since he saw his ex, who happens to be the parent of your patient, he was anxious. The last time he saw Nayoung was the year before you started dating, the year she left for Australia. It was 9 years ago and they lost contact with each other since then. The two had a clean breakup, no fights, no anger towards each other. The decision was mutual and Jaehyun was sure that there were no issues with each other. 
But seeing her with a child made Jaehyun think twice. Did she cheat while they were still together? Most likely. Because that kid was almost 9 and she was as old as the last time he saw Nayoung. Jaehyun felt like he was going insane; most people would say forget about it, it’s all in the past but no, Nayoung was his first love, his first girlfriend and he needed answers. He grabbed his phone, opened his Instagram account and tried to find his ex lover’s account. In the span of 5 minutes, he found it. 
[PHOTO] @nayoung.lee: Back in Korea! Jaein’s a little nervous but I’m glad she’s starting to love this place.
[PHOTO] @nayoung.lee: Can’t believe my baby’s 8 years old… it seems like yesterday, I was holding you in my arms like a small bean.
Fuck it. He thought, clicking the message button. 
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Jaehyun found himself in a park, at 8 o’ clock in the morning, Nayoung said it was closer to her job. He was still in shock that his ex-girlfriend replied to his message, even agreed to meet him personally. He sat on the bench, enjoying the fresh air and the amazing view of various flowers. He felt uneasy again, his leg was bouncing up and down as he waited for Nayoung. When he spots her walking towards his direction, he stands up.
“Why did you want to talk, Jaehyun?” Nayoung asked, sitting next to him.
“I- uh, nothing. I just wanted to catch up with you.” 
Nayoung chuckles, she knew her like the back of her hand. His red ears screamed that he was nervous, flustered and lying. At first, they talked about their lives and the things that happened the past nine years. Jaehyun found out that Nayoung was an architect who moved to Korea from Australia for a major project by the company she was working at. Nayoung was stationed in Korea for a year and a few months. As they continue to talk about their lives, somehow, Nayoung convinced Jaehyun to tell her the truth on why he had asked her to meet up. Jaehyun was not able to answer at first, even tried to make up a terrible excuse but ended up confessing the truth.
“Your daughter, Jaein… is she-”
“She’s yours, Jaehyun.” She replied bluntly, looking at the sky, “I didn’t know I had her, to be honest. I was just randomly chilling with my friends at home when I felt a random, excruciatingly bad pain on my stomach. The next thing I was told by the doctor was, I had a cryptic pregnancy with Dahlia.”
“Her real name is Lee Jaein, I call her Dahlia because it's her english name and it was the flower you gave me on our first date.” She explained, “I know you’re still in shock right now but… the reason why I hid her from you is because I didn’t know how to tell it to you, I didn’t want you to think that I cheated. Frankly, even before her I knew your plans about your future, your plans about law school. A responsibility like Dahlia could’ve been a huge distraction to your studies.”
Jaehyun shook his head in disbelief, all these years… he didn’t know he had a child. How was he supposed to tell you this? To his parents? To his in-laws? 
“Nayoung, you should’ve at least told me! I had every right to know.”
“I was supposed to tell you, Jaehyun. Three years ago when Dahlia asked me about you- I wanted to contact you… my sister was the one who found your Instagram account but by the time I was ready to tell you, you posted a picture of your engagement with Dr. Y/N.” She said, “I was even shocked that the pedia at the nearby hospital was your wife… I saw the picture she kept by her computer.”
After explaining each other’s side, the two separated ways. Nayoung agreed for the two to have a scheduled DNA testing the following day, to make sure if Dahlia really was his. As he drove back home, thoughts clouded Jaehyun’s mind. How would you react? What would you say? Just as he stopped at the red light, he received a message from you.
loml ♡: hey handsome! got out of work a lil early today, i’m preparing dinner. could you grab some wine on your way home, please?
jaehyun: of course, love! i’m on my way back to the office. be home in a few hours.
He wasn’t able to work properly that day. His mind was elsewhere throughout the day. By the time everybody else was getting ready to go home, he decided to stay at his office for another hour. Not to work, but to practice what he will tell you later. He found it silly; he was a lawyer who fought big cases, a man who isn’t nervous when he’s in the court, a man who had a strong, intimidating image to his colleagues. But how come he’s nervous about what he was about to tell you? Damn it, Jaehyun. Get your shit together, man. He thought, grabbing his belongings and headed home.
Jaehyun could smell the aroma of the food you were making as soon as he opened the door of your apartment. He could hear Chet Baker playing in the background. The moment he placed the wine on the counter, he wraps his arms around you instinctively. You jumped by the sudden skinship, but immediately calmed down in his arms. He planted a kiss on the top of your head as he listened to you talk about how your day went.
”I have something important to tell you.” You both say in-sync, you let out a giggle, while Jaehyun was stunned. 
“You go first, Jae. I’ve been talking about my day too much since you came home.” You said, pouring wine on his glass. “Go ahead, I’m listening.”
“What I’m about to tell you is pretty big, so.. I’m kind of hoping that you’ll react nicely.” He started, “Remember when I surprised you last week at the clinic? I met an old friend from university?”
“Oh, Ms. Nayoung Lee? Yeah, I remember her. Her daughter's on her next shot this week-”
“Jaein’s my daughter.” He cuts off, “N-nayoung is my ex-girlfriend, she’s the one before you… I just found out about Jaein’s existence today and we’re set to take a DNA test tomorrow.”
How does one react when a significant other tells them that they have a child… from another person and not them? 
Because that’s exactly what’s happening right now. 
Happy? Angry? Sad? How are you supposed to act after he told you that his ex - the one before you, told him that they have a child together? You sat across Jaehyun on the dining table, the platter of food you prepared the whole day was long forgotten at this point. Your mind couldn’t process what your husband just said; “S-say something, please.” He said, his voice so low, it was almost a whisper.
“You can’t just… you can’t do this to me, Jaehyun.” You say, biting your lip. “You can’t tell me news this big and expect me to react in a nice way.”
“Y/N, even if the test results come out and- and it turns out that I really am the father. It doesn’t change anything between us, I promise.”
Jaehyun tried to hold your hand, but you were fast enough to pull it away from him. You stood up and left the dining room, heading straight to the shared bedroom and locked yourself inside. You had every right to be upset, and Jaehyun would let you calm yourself down and he’s sure you’re willing to talk about this thing once you’re ready. He wouldn’t force you to talk about it. 
On the other hand, you were under the covers, crying your eyes out. He was expecting you to react nicely. How would you react to something like that? You love kids, why would you be working for pediatrics if you didn’t? But you… you were told that your chances of getting pregnant was low. Despite that, you and Jaehyun never stopped trying, because it was part of your plan and dream together. A child of your own, a child with the DNA of you two. 
Will those dreams come true, or will they remain as a dream?
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Weeks have passed and it was confirmed that Jaehyun was the biological father of Jaein. The two started going out on father-daughter dates, getting to know each other as Jaehyun missed 9 years of his daughter's life. You and Jaehyun have talked about it a few days after a silent war between the two of you. On Jaein’s last anti-rabies shot, Jaehyun volunteered to take her to your clinic. He was comforting her throughout the process, which made you realize that he was a good father. It’s been only weeks since Jaein experienced a father figure in her life, but he immediately gained her trust.
When Nayoung had to return to Australia for a week due to an emergency at work, Jaein was staying at your place. It was okay, she didn’t have any family in the country but Jaehyun. The two spent the whole week out on dates again, while you distracted yourself at work. Though you felt like Jaein was aloof when it comes to you, you understood her. The little girl was too young to understand that her dad was married to another woman and not her mom. There were days that she may have stepped over the line by saying some hurtful words, but you try to be a good stepmom to her as much as possible, when Jaehyun’s not around and you were left with her at home, you try your best to let her know that she’s more than welcome to your home. You didn’t want her to feel like a stranger, even if the two of you are not blood-related.
Today, after volunteer work, you came home only to see Jaehyun and Jaein snuggled on the couch while the TV played Disney movies in the background. It was past 10 in the evening, an hour since Jaein’s bedtime. You put away your belongings and woke Jaehyun up, carefully as you didn’t want to wake his daughter.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t notice we fell asleep. Let me put her to bed and I’ll heat the food for you.” He said, gently replacing a throw pillow on Jaein’s head that was resting on his lap.
“No, no, it’s okay. I had dinner with some of my colleagues, go ahead, get ready to sleep. I’ll put her to bed.”
You scooped Jaein out of the couch with the help of your husband. As you placed her on the bed, you noticed the similarities of her face and Jaehyun’s. She had his dimples, pink lips and bushy brows. You couldn’t help but smile and feel a little sad at the same time. You dreamed of having a child with Jaehyun as well, part him, part you. Such a beautiful kid, you really look like your dad. You thought, brushing away the strands of hair that fell on her face. After tucking her to bed, you took a shower and sat down on the floor with a glass of wine in your hand. Jaehyun was busy replying to some emails from his clients and noticed that you were spacing out as you played with the hem of your shirt. 
Jaehyun sighs, he was calling you five times already but you were ignoring him. He closed his laptop and sat on the floor with you, “Do you want to talk about what’s bothering you these days?” He asked, taking your hand and intertwined it with his. 
You shook your head, “No, I just- it's just work. Nothing special about it.” You said, removing your hand from his. You hated yourself for shutting people out whenever they’re trying to talk to you about your problems. You and Jaehyun have always promised each other to never keep secrets from each other, but this time you decided to keep something to yourself because you were scared of what he will say if he finds out about it.
Before Nayoung left Korea, she bumped into you at a diner near the venue of your volunteer workplace. You were on lunch break and so was her. She had asked you to eat lunch with her which you accepted. It was going on so well until;
“I have always wanted Jaein to meet Jaehyun, I wanted her to experience a complete family because I couldn’t experience it myself.” She chuckled, “If it weren’t for my sister who told me I was being ridiculous, I could’ve flown back here to stop your wedding because I knew deep down, I still love Jaehyun. Until now, actually.”
You were taken aback, “But… I couldn’t do anything to stop that wedding because I would’ve been the petty ex.” She added. “Thanks for giving him a chance to be a father to Jaein. Though I know that Jaein’s having a hard time accepting you as her stepmom. You don’t know how much I appreciate it.”
Suddenly, you realized, the quote ‘first love never dies’ might actually be true. You noticed it actually. The way Jaehyun would look at her whenever she picks up Jaein at your place. The same way Jaehyun would look at you at the beginning of your relationship. Heart eyes and ear-to-ear smiles. 
You sighed, “Jae, I’m sorry.”
“Hmm? For what?”
“I know how badly you wanted to be a dad a-and I have a low chance of getting pregnant, and we’ve been trying so hard but still… nothing.” You mumbled, “Then Jaein came along and you just looked so happy around her. I- I don’t want to be a hindrance to your relationship with her and her mom.”
“What do you mean?”
“Jaein deserves a complete family. She’s… she’s too young to understand the concept of our family. They need you more than I need you.”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
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The sound of happy kids running around the campus and the blasting music reminds Jaehyun of the time you told him you fell in love with him at one fall festival a few years back. Oh memories… It’s been three years since you and Jaehyun parted ways. The first few months without you was hard, he was trying his best to be happy. While you volunteered to different organizations across the country. You learned to love yourself and moved on from everything that happened. Jaehyun had forgiven you, and you forgave him. Agreeing that everything was and should be in the past now. 
He had lost contact with you. Though the two of you are still living in the same city, he barely saw you around. An epitome of the idiom ‘so near, yet so far’. You were either busy with work, or out of the country for a volunteer job. Jaehyun was peacefully chilling by the picnic tables, watching the kids run around when he got a glimpse of someone who looked just like you. He shook his head, thinking that maybe it was just an illusion.
You turn around, finding the familiar voice that called you. You felt the chills when you heard him. Standing tall and proud, Jeong Jaehyun. He looked different the last time you saw him. He became much manlier, much bulkier. The man you thought you were spending your lifetime with was standing in front of you once again, not in the altar this time. But in a school family event. It was so clear that Jaehyun was surprised to see you around. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
“Oh, I’m here for-”
“MOM! LOOK WHAT I GOT AT THAT SHOTGUN GAME! A WOOKIE STUFFED TOY!” A little boy excitedly said, jumping as he held the toy in his hands. “Can I play again? Is it okay?”
You nodded your head, “Go and have fun, Hyun. Be back in a few minutes, okay?”
The boy, who Jaehyun guessed was around 10 years old, nodded his head and ran back to his friends, leaving you and your ex-husband alone again. Jaehyun sat in front of you, a little confused about what just happened and was waiting for an explanation.
“You’re a mom now.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, “Taehyun’s my… he’s my son. I adopted him at the orphanage I volunteered for the year after we split up. He was 7 when I got him.”
Jaehyun looked through your eyes, like he always did because he believed that your eyes were very expressive. No remnants of sadness, but pure happiness. He could see it very clearly. You asked questions about his life, asking how Nayoung and Jaein were doing. 
“Enough about me and Jaein. What about you? I noticed a ring on your finger, seems like there’s someone new?”
You chuckle, “I’m doing good actually, and yes. There is.” You answer, looking at the ring that rests on your finger. “He’s a doctor, we met during a hospital outreach program in Jeju.”
“Congratulations, Y/N. You deserve him.” Jaehyun smiled, “Since you’re both doctors- the wedding must be a huge one.”
“No, we’re keeping it simple. Only a few friends and family members. An intimate one.” You replied, “...we didn’t want to stress the baby and put them at risk.”
“Y-you’re pregnant... wow. Congratulations.”
“Mhm, three months now. Thank you.”
Jaehyun was about to reply when a man suddenly planted a kiss on top of your head and placed a bag of food on the table, “Hey, love. I’m sorry if I’m late, the line at the drive-thru was too long.” He said, “Oh, hello- Jaehyun, right? I’m Dr. Kim Doyoung, Y/N’s fiancé.”
The two men exchanged ‘nice to meet you’ to each other, and Jaehyun left soon enough after Taehyun returned. He looked back at you, you were smiling as your fiance tried to offer you a spoonful of strawberry cake. When you met his eyes, you waved him goodbye and mouthed ‘thank you’ before focusing on Doyoung and Taehyun again. Jaehyun smiled back. She’s happy and she deserves it, he thought.
“Dad, Mom got us some fruit!” He heard Jaein say.
You look at Jaehyun on the other end, he was smiling as he listened to Jaein. He’s happy and he deserves it. You thought. 
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Mahirap labanan ang tinadhana,
I can’t go against your destiny,
But I forgive you,
I’m setting you free,
Pinapaubaya ko na sa kanya.
I’m letting you go and entrusting everything to them.
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ito-itonomen · 3 years
cute concept that came to me while I was at work.
Human AU where Eda's 'curse' is actually some kind of health condition that comes with chronic pain. Maybe she calls it 'the beast' as a joke whenever she has a particularly bad pain day to keep people from worrying.
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She's married to Raine and owns 'the Owl House vintage shop' and lives in the large apartment above the shop with Raine and their kids. Eda has a raptor handlers licence to care for Owlbert who can't fly very well due to an old injury maybe from getting hit by a car in his youth. Owlbert lives in Eda's shop and likes to hang out mostly on his perch on the window or at the Register. Eda would fight God in a Denny's parking lot for him.
Luz is either be adopted when she was a baby or Raine and Eda's bio kid, but king was adopted by them as a baby and is known along with his sister as the tiny terrors of the town where they all live.
Lilith was either a cop or enlisted in the army right out of high school but either way eventually either quit her job or finished her service and moved on to become a lawer in the next city over and lives in a small apartment with her adopted son Hunter.
Raine is a high school orchestra and band teacher at the human version of Hexside. They also occasional perform at parties and special occasions at the request of their coworkers or neighbors, though they don't like to perform at large events. They are VERY protective of the kids in a sharp contrast to Eda's own laid back parenting style. The BATTS are their students whom Raine kept contact with even after they graduated. Eda often jokes she should have her sister draw up adoption forms for thise three as they hang around her shop so often just to spend time with Raine after their college classes. Luz fondly calls them her older siblings.
Luz is the star player of the soccer team there, just like her mama before her. Bump puts up with A LOT for the sake of keeping the 'mini Eda' on the team and kicking Glandus high butt every game.
Hooty calls himself the kid's uncle's, but honestly he's more like a distant cousin from Eda's great-grandmother's side of the family, he works with Eda at the Owl House and generally just hangs around to cause chaos. Eda applauds herself for not adding homicide to her criminal record every time her cousin shows up unnanounced in her house.
Gwendolyn has a strained relationship with both her children as Eda dropped out of school and ran away from home at 17 when her health condition started to get worse and Gwen was constantly making important medical decisions FOR Eda without ever asking what she wanted as well as completly neglecting Lilith. Gwen never went to Lilith's high school graduation or her college graduation OR the party Eda held to celebrate Lilith starting her own law firm with Kikimora as her business partner whom she has the oddest love/hate relationship with.
Feel free to add to this, or use this idea for a fic, I just needed to get it out of my system haha!
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