#Back Neck Simple Blouse Design
nfashionlady · 1 year
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aheathen-conceivably · 6 months
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🎶 I gave him my heart, but he wanted my soul 🎶
It was just after sunrise and Josephine was in the kitchen, a sunbeam warming her hands as they worked. She had woken early to take care of the chickens. Their tiny, prehistoric beaks and beady eyes still repulsed her, but at least it was easier than tilling soil or scrubbing clothes. 
Over and over again she folded the dough that Zelda had taught her how to make. A perfectly baked loaf already sat before her as she worked on another. My mother’s recipe, Zelda had said nostalgically as she recited it from the depths of her memory. These years with Zelda had been full of moments like that, ones where you could practically feel the domestic warmth radiating from her memories as she spoke of them.
A small, bitter laugh escaped Jo's lips. For all she may still love her mother, the closest thing Delphine ever had to a recipe was how to bat your eyelashes to earn enough money to pay someone else to make your bread. Josephine had thought that if only she could learn how to make it herself now, that she would finally be free of that, of her mother’s overbearing jasmine perfume and the inherent message that the only way to free yourself from a man’s grasp was through his touch.
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Jo was taken aback by a pair of arms as they wrapped around her waist. Lost in the smell of jasmine perfume, she didn’t recognize them at first. She left her hands busy on the dough as she felt the lips trail over her silk blouse, along her neck, and to the base of her skull. He brought his cheek to hers and she tried not to pull away.
By then she knew who he was, not some figment of her past or her mother’s design. He was a man she loved, one who had made her feel more free than anyone else ever had. One who’s arms felt safer and happier than any of those memories. Only she hated the scruffy feeling of his face now, unshaven as it was most of the time and plastered with an expression that seemed to trigger all her anxiety for a reason she couldn't quite explain. “Good morning, mi raccomando. Is that what I think it is?"
“Bread, Gio. The same as always.” But really, she wanted to pick it up and throw it across the room, I did it! I fucking did it just like I told you I would. I tried and tried until I succeeded and still I’m unhappy. Still I feel trapped!
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She spun around to face him and his eyes had the same expression as the first time she walked in this house. Happiness. It was the one that she avoided when she could, the same one that made her feel like her feet were glued to the spot and she had no choice whether she wanted to stay or leave.
Because it was sheer happiness that she was there; that he could wake and find her so near. A simple joy that the bread she was making was for him, and he would wake up to a house warmed and filled with the smells of clean laundry before he even put on his work clothes. Then in the farmyard it was knowing that he could come inside to see the woman he loved whenever he pleased, that she was there for him and only him.
It made her want to slap him, and she only knew one way of dealing with that.
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So she moved back toward the table, wrapping her arm around his neck in a signal he understood immediately. He lifted her legs and moved the bread aside, small specks of flour rising into the air and staying suspended there for a moment, settling back down around her thighs as he started to kiss her.
She could swear that she smelled jasmine perfume in the air, but it was only bread. The ever present smell of bread and domestic subservience. Stop thinking about the fucking bread. Don’t think about the truck in the driveway, or how deeply he sleeps. Don’t think about how far you could drive before anyone would even know you were gone. Just run. Run away.
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Only it wasn’t working, no matter how tightly she closed her eyes or grabbed his hair. Just run. You’re trapped here too. The same way you were there. With every thought the raging restlessness clawed its way back up her throat, mingling there with the bitter taste that this was her life now.
For so long, this had been enough, and the smell of jasmine perfume in the air was gone when he was near. At least for a little while. Only then it appeared again, whenever the chickens screeched at sunrise or she saw that look in his eyes. So what do you want to be then, my child? Some glorified maid for a man? Like that’s any life either.
When had she said yes to this life? She had denied his proposals a dozen times, only to end up here at his beck and call anyway, a farm wife in practice if not in name. Forever, mi raccomando. This is forever. The louder her thoughts became the more tightly she closed her eyes, only it wasn’t working anymore. Not at all. Her last bastion of control, the one place she could free herself from her past and her anxieties, now it all just smelled like jasmine perfume and some man she had never wanted, bringing with him the feeling of entrapment in the guise of freedom.
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Josephine pushed him away with more force than she intended to. Her eyes were full of hatred for someone else’s touch, one far less kind and attentive than this one. The moment the smell of jasmine cleared from her head, she realized who was actually in front of her: a man who immediately saw the discomfort his hands were bringing and stepped back accordingly, giving her space to gather herself and her surroundings. Then he kept his head bowed and looked back at her in apology, no stranger to when she reacted this way or why that was. 
Only it was easier for him to think that was the extent of it, because neither of them really understood that the smell of jasmine perfume and fresh bread were all the same to her, and that sooner or later the heady scent in the air would make her snap regardless of which one it was. “Not - not now. That’s all it is. I’m tired. The chickens woke me again.”
He seemed to sense there was something beyond what he already knew; but her eyes stayed glassy, focused on locking away every thought she had so deeply that even if he wanted to see her unhappiness, she wouldn’t let him. When he brought his hands to her shoulders she was sure not to pull away again. “Okay, mi raccomando. I love you. I’m right outside if you need me.”
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As he looked back at her, there was a small beat. A brief pregnant moment he left just for her. I love you too, but I’m unhappy. Maybe saying it would have been easy, but it was pointless. 
Antoine, Zelda, Violette. Gio. Each and every one of them was happy. What good would her words do? Ruin everyone else’s small sanctuary amidst a world in ruins? Force them to overturn their peace for an aimless restlessness she couldn't really explain, and maybe could never even mend? No, they were happy. All of them, and Gio had seemingly done nothing to deserve this.
It was simply easier to think that the problem was her, and her alone. Maybe her mother had broken her, and ruined her ability to let herself go to anyone else's desires. Maybe this was being happy, and her whole life all she had known before was excitement, not happiness. She couldn’t ruin it for all of them when she couldn’t even explain it, much less when none of them could be blamed either. She was trapped by guilt and love all the same as she had been by duty and need.
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So she turned back around and acted as though she were redirecting her attention to the bread. The bitterness in her throat and the rising smell of jasmine in the air tried to choke back her words, “I love you too, Gio.”
Mollified, he walked back out the door.
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dottiro · 20 days
Hide & Seek [ i. ]
Unreliable synopsis: How many masks can you stack on one face? / What happened to Zandik? Warnings: This is experimental and involves my own interpretation of Dottore, this will be dark content, no proofread
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A grim sky declares the first signs of a rapidly approaching storm. Clouds flock together, growing darker as they gather energy. Thus, rain begins to fall steadily. At first, with rhythm—dancing down, until its intensity overwhelms and everyone caught in it has to seek shelter. Finally, it reaches a climax. Lightning flashes, abrupt and blinding, followed by roaring thunder, deafening everyone with its fierce violence.
The storm has come, and soon it’ll pass—as all eventually will.
But ‘Zandik’ doesn’t.
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· · ────── Ω ────── · ·
In the dining room, at the other end of the long table, a stranger sits in your captor’s chair. His crimson eyes are stern and focused on the steak placed on a porcelain plate before him. You watch as Dottore lifts his knife and fork between his slender fingers. He pierces the fork in, keeping the red meat in place, and then proceeds to cut it with the precision of a surgeon. 
His actions are delicate and not without purpose. He seems foreign in his home—too different from the enigmatic Zandik you met in the Akademiya. 
His pale blue hair is slicked back, safe for the two strands that frame his face. And however he might’ve tried to tame his blue locks, the ends curl up and create waves in his otherwise perfectly orchestrated appearance. 
Your eyes move to his neck which flexes when he brings the fork to his mouth. The silver utensil shines underneath the orange light from the chandelier above, something the metal parts of his single earring imitate. It hangs vertically against next to his jawline, showing off his rigid posture—something that feels out of place when he is supposedly enjoying dinner.
You try to fathom what has changed between this morning and now. 
Earlier, when he had approached you, you had gotten a glimpse of his full outfit. Simple, yet elegant, Zandik shows he made an effort to look perfect this evening. A dark sapphire button-up blouse is rolled up to his elbows, with the top buttons loose and showing off his collarbones. On top of the blue, he wears a white sleeveless blazer, decorated with charcoal-colored designs crossing his chest. To match the formal style, he wears black flat-front pants in a darker colour worn a little lower on the waistline to showcase his slender silhouette. Finally, the look is completed with a glimpse of his pristine white socks and black dress shoes. 
If you didn’t know better, you could’ve believed he had an important meeting to go to.
If you didn’t know better, you could’ve hoped he would’ve left, if only for a few hours. 
But you do know better. 
The reality of the current circumstances is as unfortunate as it is confusing. While you had locked yourself away in the gallery room, he had found you and instructed you to follow him. Having no courage to reject him, you followed him from one end of the mansion to the other. 
The whole time you were forced to chase his tense figure. Back then, aside from the obvious change in clothing and his improbable request for you to join him, you had already noticed something was different. He walked without rhythm, shoulders broad and tight, with his arms crossed behind his back… it seemed programmed—mechanical in the aspect he carried himself.
Part of you is convinced that his outfit is an indirect claim of power over you. While he allows himself to put effort into his appearance, you’re stuck with your old clothes from Sumeru, which; first of all, do nothing against the cold; but furthermore make you feel out in place, across from him at the table—underneath the crystal chandelier and china vases with intricate designs. 
For someone who decided to keep you at his side no matter the cost, a part of him seems keen to forget and neglect you. 
But not this one.
“Is the food unsatisfactory for your standards?” His voice is distant, robotic, and final. It’s not a question, but rather a statement.
You look at the plate in front of you. Red juices spread from your steak. To add colour to your otherwise dark thoughts, a spoonful of mashed potatoes and a mix of roasted veggies balance the meal. The utensils remain in their rightful place as you had found them; the fork on the left side of your plate, and the dull knife on the right. 
Your appetite had left when you first met this Zandik.
“I’m not hungry.” 
Your rebut comes out bland. It’s a tasteless excuse with no seasoning compared to the meal on the plate. You stumble over the tight composure you had tried to mimic as you hastily add, “I overate for lunch.”
Zandik’s eyes haven’t left yours from the moment he first spoke. Despite the dining room being void of homey furniture and bringing a cold feeling to the table, his frozen movements are the ones to incite the shiver that embraces your spine. 
He tilts his head lower, eyes drifting from your right eye to your left. “Since when has your appetite decreased?” he asks; being either curious or accusingly. 
Your hands move over to hover above the utensils. You try to shake him off, preferring the silence over the interrogation. “It’s fine. I’ll eat.”
He watches you hesitate. With shaky hands, you move your fork undecidingly over the plate. Every choice seems like a test and you fear to fail. Your eyes glance back at him, seeking some twisted form of assurance in the hopes you’ll find a right answer between all the same wrong choices, only to snap away when you meet his red eyes observing you. 
A test. This must be a test—!
You wish to go outside and let yourself be locked in by the snow. At the very least, it’d be much more preferable than your current cage. Between the thousand individual snowflakes, you’d be embraced by the coldness until your body would scream at you and force you back inside. It’s a constant cycle of trying to find a way out only to end up where you had started, and you wonder if the everlasting storm outside is that much different from Zandik.
Unlike the man sitting across from you, you avoid the steak. The red juices remind you too much of the blood that’s been spilt by his hands before and it makes your stomach churn in response. 
Your fork decides to pierce some of the tiny roasted carrots. You bring it to your mouth, focusing too much on the taste until you find everything you dislike. 
In the end, you gulp it down to your dismay.
You don’t notice the passage of time until a hand takes the plate away from your vision.
There is love in this gesture—as if he were apologising for his previous actions.
This time, your stranger waits in the room; letting you be the one to abandon him instead.
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©dottiro. Do not copy, repost, translate, feed to AI, or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thank you for reading ♡
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georgiebrits · 9 months
Christmas - Min Yoongi
You were surprised when Yoongi told you he was going to take you out for ice cream in the middle of winter.
When you asked why, he said simply, “I wanted to treat you for a change.”
And you thought that would be it. He didn’t seem too pleased when you agreed with him, though.
Maybe his family or friends had mentioned something to him about the occasion before he decided he wanted to celebrate it with you, but you really couldn’t remember.
Still, you went along with whatever he wanted – it wasn’t like you could turn down free ice cream - but even though Yoongi didn’t say anything, there was tension between you all day. When he got home late in the evening, it seemed as if he barely spoke at all.
In an attempt to break the ice, you asked him why he was so quiet. He just shrugged, and you realized you weren’t getting any real answers. If it were up to you, you wouldn’t have asked at all. But Yoongi was important to you, whether he knew it yet or not.
That night, after you had gone to sleep, you thought maybe you should talk to him about it, but then the next morning, there he was. Standing on your doorstep with a small black box in his hands. His smile was soft and kind, but his eyes held no warmth. They seemed cold. You wondered what he was hiding behind his face that made him appear so distant. Maybe his family or friends had said something to him after all.
But you were sure that nothing would make him act like this, even over a cake.
With a slight hesitation, you reached out and took the present from his hands, and he immediately let go. The way his hands lingered around yours was enough to tell you exactly how much he loved them. It made a strange feeling well inside you – one which made you want to run back into your room, and hide until this whole thing blew over, but instead, you opened the gift.
A beautiful silver bracelet rested in your hand, glistening from the sun filtering through the blinds and catching the light in ways that made the delicate, intricate pattern shine. You stared at it, trying to process what you were seeing. The bracelet was gorgeous, and you weren’t exactly used to receiving presents on your birthday, but it didn’t look cheap. There had to have been some serious money involved if he spent that much for a plain, old silver bracelet.
You glanced up at him questioningly, “Do I get a price tag? And a description of what’s in it?”
His shoulders slumped slightly in relief and he replied, “The design is pretty simple. Just loop a few links around my wrist and attach one of your favorite colors. And no description, please, I don’t want to explain myself any more than I have to. But if you want something more detailed, you can ask the jeweler tomorrow, alright? I just wanted to show it to you now and…”
You raised your arms and wrapped them around his neck, burying your face into his chest. He tensed slightly, and you felt him stiffen even further. Then he relaxed, slowly wrapping his arms around you in return. You felt him bury his nose in your hair as if to inhale its smell. His body heat was warm and comforting against yours and you buried your fingers in his hair as well. For once, you didn't mind having long hair.
You closed your eyes and breathed him in.
He smelled like chocolate, like cinnamon and cloves and honey, like vanilla and sugar, and something sweet that reminded you of a bakery. A place that only you knew existed. His presence always filled you with warmth and safety.
“It’s lovely,” you finally said, voice muffled by the fabric of his sweater. You pulled away just enough to meet his eyes, “Thank you.”
Yoongi smiled at you gently, leaning forward for a brief kiss. Then he kissed you again.
This time, though, it was sweeter, slower. He pressed his lips firmly against yours, holding onto your waist. One hand moved upwards to cup your cheek as he deepened the kiss, and another slid underneath your blouse to stroke your side softly. Your hands roamed his back slowly, moving down towards his ass and squeezing lightly.
Yoongi moaned softly in response to your touch, breaking the kiss momentarily to lean down and trail kisses along your neck. "Mmm, you smell so good," he whispered, nibbling on your earlobe.
"How do you manage to stay so fucking fresh? Is that a natural scent?"
Your body responded instantly, pressing against him, wanting more. You tugged his shirt off, pushing his pants down so you could slip your hands under his briefs. "Is that how I always smell to you?"
He chuckled, "Only when you're turned on like this." Yoongi groaned as your fingers wrapped around his hardening member, guiding him toward the edge of the bed. "Come here, baby," he whispered, pulling you down with him. "Let's enjoy this birthday surprise together."
You followed his instructions obediently, taking every opportunity you could to kiss him passionately. His hands were everywhere on your body, stroking and exploring every inch as his tongue traced the contours of your mouth. You couldn't stop moaning as you felt his erection against your thigh, and he seemed just as eager as you were. "God, you're so sexy," Yoongi breathed against your lips, his hands sliding down your body to hook under your hips. "Are you ready to feel good, baby?" he asked, positioning himself at your entrance.
Your breath hitched in anticipation as you nodded eagerly. "Yes," you managed to whisper before he entered you, filling you completely.
You clung onto him tightly, legs shaking as your body adjusted to him, to the length of him. He thrust deeper, deeper still. You gasped in pleasure, gripping tighter to his back. "Does it feel good?" Yoongi panted, his hips moving in a steady rhythm. He leaned down to kiss you again, his tongue battling with yours as his thrusts became sharper, more urgent. Your nails dug into his skin as you moaned into his mouth, your body on the verge of exploding with pleasure.
Yoongi kept kissing you, running his hands along your sides and back as you gripped him harder. His thrusts came faster and you could feel yourself starting to come.
As you felt yourself approaching the peak of pleasure, Yoongi pulled back slightly to look into your eyes. "Let go, baby," he encouraged, his hips moving faster as he brought you closer and closer to release. And then it happened - you cried out his name as waves of pleasure washed over you. Yoongi continued to thrust through your orgasm, moaning your name before finally finding his release. He collapsed onto the bed beside you, his arm draped over your waist. "You're amazing," he whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You grinned, turning your head to kiss him back. "And you taste amazing," you teased as he lifted your chin up to meet his lips.
"That's the best birthday gift ever," you said later that day as he wrapped a scarf around your neck while you waited for Namjoon to pick you both up from your apartment. The snow fell softly outside your window, the sky covered in a clear blue color. You looked at Yoongi, sitting across you, watching you as you watched the falling flakes. He had gotten you a new hat, too, just like you had asked him to.
He looked surprised at that comment as if he hadn't expected you to say something like that. But then he smiled softly, his eyes shining happily as he looked at you. "I'm glad we did this," he replied. "We'll make Christmas better when it's our sixteenth year together." He paused, looking thoughtful. 
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Garrett x human Reader Her whole body except for her face, neck and hands are covered in tattoos but she does not revel them until the battle of to see if Renesemee is immortal child or not. She does not meet Garrett until the battle of Victoria and her army of newborns. She has long chocolate brown hair and wears circle framed glasses. She is related to Emmett.
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : (y/n) is the mate of Garrett but doesn’t meet him until some years later, she has tattoos and is the only human relative that Emmett has
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the heart of the forest, where shadows danced among ancient trees, (Y/N) moved with a graceful purpose. Her long, chocolate brown hair cascaded down her back, a stark contrast against the muted greens and browns of the woods. Clad in a simple long-sleeved blouse and jeans, she seemed like any other traveler exploring nature's beauty.
Yet, (Y/N) was far from ordinary. Beneath her clothing, her body was adorned with a tapestry of intricate tattoos, each design a testament to her connection with her ancestors and her reverence for the world around her. Her neck and hands bore a rich mosaic of symbols, alluring and mysterious, hinting at a history that was deeper and more complex than her appearance suggested.
For years, she had concealed her body art, careful to hide her inked skin beneath the fabric of long sleeves and high necklines. Her tattoos were her own secret, a personal tapestry of stories and memories that she carried with her, unbeknownst to those around her. And while she was proud of her heritage and the links that bound her to her ancestors, she chose to keep her marks hidden, revealing them only when the time was right.
It was a chilly evening as (Y/N) entered a clearing, her glasses perched on her nose as she surveyed the landscape. In the distance, a shimmering waterfall cascaded down a rocky cliffside, its gentle roar a soothing backdrop to her thoughts. It was a place of solace, a sanctuary where she could lose herself in her contemplations.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in a tapestry of colors, (Y/N)'s thoughts turned to the rumors that had begun circulating among the supernatural community. Whispers of an immortal child, an enigma that had captured the attention of vampires and shape-shifters alike. She couldn't ignore the call to action, the pull to uncover the truth.
The woods seemed to hum with anticipation as (Y/N) turned to leave the clearing, her footsteps measured as she navigated the path back to her small cabin. The moon cast dappled light through the trees, and in its ethereal glow, (Y/N)'s tattoos seemed to come alive, a hidden masterpiece waiting to be unveiled.
Little did she know that destiny was about to introduce her to someone who would change her life forever. A battle loomed on the horizon, one that would bring her face to face with not only the supernatural forces she had heard whispers of but also a certain nomadic vampire named Garrett.
Weeks turned into months, and (Y/N) found herself drawn deeper into the mysteries that surrounded the supernatural world. She followed leads, listened to whispers, and sought answers to the enigma of the immortal child. Her quiet determination propelled her forward, her tattoos hidden beneath her everyday attire, a part of her that remained known only to herself.
It was during her investigations that the path of destiny intersected with another, as the confrontation with Victoria and her army of newborns loomed on the horizon. The forest crackled with tension as the two sides prepared for battle, and (Y/N) stood among the supernatural allies, her eyes steady behind her circle-framed glasses.
As the battle cries echoed through the air, (Y/N) fought with a fierce determination, her every move a testament to her hidden strength. Her tattoos remained concealed, a canvas of stories that remained shrouded in mystery. It was only when the chaos of battle began to reach its climax that her moment arrived.
Amidst the fray, (Y/N) found herself facing off against a particularly formidable adversary. Victoria's red eyes bore into her, a fierce determination mirrored in her gaze. (Y/N)'s heart raced, her every instinct sharpened by the adrenaline of battle.
With a surge of energy, she unleashed her full strength, the power of her ancestry coursing through her veins. As her opponent's attack faltered, her own strike was swift and precise. And in the wake of the battle, Victoria's threat was finally extinguished.
As the dust settled, the supernatural allies regrouped, their breaths heavy with a mix of exhaustion and relief. It was in this moment that (Y/N) felt a presence at her side. She turned, her eyes meeting those of a nomadic vampire, his hair wild and his gaze unwavering.
"Garrett," she murmured, recognition dawning.
He offered a half-smile, his eyes curious. "You fought well."
"(Y/N)," another voice called from the distance. Turning, she saw her connection to the supernatural world, the Cullens, approaching.
"We owe you our gratitude," Carlisle said, his expression sincere.
Her gaze shifted between the two, her lips quirking into a smile. "It was a battle for all of us."
The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow on the aftermath of the battle. As (Y/N) stood among the supernatural beings, her tattoos remained hidden beneath her clothing, a silent testament to her own battles and triumphs.
Garrett approached her again, his gaze steady. "You're not like the others."
She raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And what makes you say that?"
He smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I have a keen eye for those who bear secrets, my dear."
A knowing smile tugged at her lips, and for the first time, (Y/N) felt a sense of camaraderie with someone who understood the art of concealment. As the night wore on, stories were exchanged, bonds were formed, and the mysteries of the supernatural world began to unravel in ways (Y/N) had never imagined.
Little by little, as (Y/N)'s world expanded to include new allies and experiences, her tattoos remained a hidden reminder of her unique journey. For with each day that passed, she found herself not only entwined in the supernatural tapestry but also a chapter of her own tale that was just beginning to be written.
Time flowed like a river, carrying (Y/N) into a world she had only glimpsed from the periphery. She walked a delicate line between her newfound supernatural allies and the life she had known as a human. Her bond with Garrett deepened with each passing day, their shared understanding of secrecy and concealment forging a connection that transcended words.
With her tattoos still hidden from view, (Y/N) became an indispensable member of the supernatural community, her skills and determination proving invaluable in times of danger. She joined in their endeavors, fought alongside them in battles that shaped the destiny of their world, and stood shoulder to shoulder with vampires and shape-shifters alike.
As the seasons changed, (Y/N)'s journey of self-discovery continued, each day a testament to her strength and resilience. The Cullens became not only her allies but also her family, and Garrett, her mate, a constant presence at her side. Together, they faced challenges that tested their bonds and celebrated victories that united them in purpose.
One evening, under the stars that glittered like diamonds in the night sky, (Y/N) found herself sitting by a crackling fire, her tattoos illuminated by the dancing flames. She wore a sleeveless top, her decision to reveal her marks a deliberate one. The intricate designs spoke of generations past, of stories whispered through time.
Garrett approached, his gaze drawn to the revealed tattoos. His fingers traced the patterns gently, his touch both tender and reverent. "(Y/N), they're beautiful," he whispered.
She smiled, her heart full as she met his gaze. "They're a part of me, a reminder of my ancestors and the path that led me here."
Garrett's eyes held a mixture of admiration and understanding. "Just as your strength and spirit are a part of you."
In that moment, (Y/N) felt a sense of completeness that she had never known before. Her tattoos were no longer hidden away, but proudly displayed, a testament to her journey, her heritage, and the love that had woven its way into her life.
As the fire crackled and the night stretched before them, (Y/N) and Garrett sat together, their hands intertwined. They were bound by more than just their secrets; they were bound by the shared experience of growth, connection, and the promise of an unknown future that lay ahead. And as they gazed into the flames, they knew that whatever challenges awaited, they would face them together, their stories and tattoos interwoven in a tapestry of love and courage.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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here's that other AU I've put way more into - the "Uncle Cally AU", where Cal was instead taken in by one Aquato Family Circus! This one is admittedly the brainchild of @friendlyfrankenstein, I just happened to take the ball and run... and run... and run.......
don't think this doodle dump is the start and end, though! There's a lot more coming up in the queue soon...
(alt text/image IDs under the cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A character design sheet for "Caligosto Aquato", an alternate version of Loboto who joined the Loboto Family Circus. He is wearing goggles similar to Raz's and has a full head of hair, with shaggy bangs and a light green kerchief patterned with yellow flowers. He has on a high-collared shawl cape with several safety pins and patches, over a navy-blue and white-striped Aquato family unitard and brown, puffy short-shorts with a deep red cummerbund. There are two patches on the torso of his unitard. His right arm has an elbow-length brown sleeve on his forearm with several patches and safety pins, while the left hand just has a red band around his wrist. He is wearing navy blue fingerless gloves on both hands, as well as knee-high, laced navy blue boots. There is a small knee guard on his left knee, while his left thing has a scrap of fabric tied around it, the same color and pattern as his kerchief. A detail shot shows him pushing up his goggles, revealing his green-and-red heterochromia and dark circles around his eyes. Off to the side is a design for his "Doctor Loboto" guise, wearing a simple surgical mask that covers his face, his canon-compliant shower cap, an oversized powder-blue button up, a apron over that with complex buckles in the back similar to canon, greenish surgical gloves, and the same blue boots as his "circus" design.]
[Image 2 ID: A rough sketch design for Cally's caravan. It is shaped like a carriage, with a swooped roof with a decorated lantern hanging off of it. There is a big window in the back, posters taped to the sides, and a hatch on the roof on the other side through which Cally is peeking out. There is an accordion-shaped, slightly curving tower emerging from the curved part of the roof, with a pipe weaving through and emitting a small cloud of smoke where it ends. The top of the "tower" has another, smaller window, in which Raz can be seen reading a comic and peeking outside. There is another, smaller lantern dangling from the tower, as well as what looks like a radio antennae at the very top.]
[Image 3 ID: A traditional ink doodle-page with various sketches of Loboto and other Psychonauts characters. At the center is a drawing of Uncle Cally and Augustus standing side by side. Cally is wearing large earrings and a shawl with a hood, a puffy-sleeved blouse, fabric tied around his waist like a skirt, and his usual striped tights and heeled boots. Augustus has a shawl wrapped around his neck and shoulders like a scarf, is wearing a baggy shirt with large, dangling sleeves, has a sash tied around his waist like a belt, and has his usual shorts, striped tights and boots.]
[Image 4-5 IDs: Various rough gestural sketches of Cally doing stretches, contortions and circus tricks. The first image is done digitally, while the second is traditional pen on a lavender post-it note. In one of the digital poses, a sketchy Raz can be seen balancing on top of one of Cally's feet.]
[Image 6 ID: A single-panel comic of a younger Cally and Augustus stretching. Cally is leaning against a wall with one hand, grabbing the ankle of his bent leg with the other, grinning and saying, "So is 'mooning over letters from Donatella' going in the act or something". Augustus, next to him in a deep lunge, holding a paper in one hand, blushing and glaring, retorts "Don't get on my case just because *you* don't like girls." Cally replies in turn, "You're just jealous the new strongman asked me out first".]
[Image 7 ID: A sketchy five-panel comic of Cally and the Aquato kids. In the first panel, Cally is squatting to secure a pulley on the ground, looking over at a young Raz in his circus outfit, who is staring at him. In the second, Mirtala runs by as he picks up his tools, tripping on a rock, causing a frantic Cally to catch her with a telekinetic hand; while he does, Raz is tugging on his arm, trying to get his attention. In the next panel he is bent over to pick up Mirtala, providing an opening for Frazie to spring up onto his shoulders, while Raz hangs around his legs yelling. In the next panel, Frazie is hanging off his back, sticking her tongue out at Raz, who climbs up Cally's leg pointing and shouting at Frazie, all while Mirtala fidgets in Cally's hold and Dion, shouting and holding a crying baby Queepie at arm's length, appears to the side. Cally, looking overwhelmed, screams "AUGUSTUS". The final panel shows Cally handing Mirtala over to an exhausted-looking Donatella, shouting "STOP HAVING KIDS". Augustus, standing next to Donna holding a sleeping Queepie in his arms, grins cheekily and retorts "But they're just so much fun to make".]
[Image 8 ID: A single-panel comic of Donatella and Cally. Cally is grinning, holding a terrified child upside-down by the ankles, using telekinesis to hold his arms and head in place, money falling to the ground out of his pockets. Donatella is in front of the kid, pointing and shouting, "YOU TRY TO SNEAK IN FREE, LITTLE PUNK?? THINK IT'S FUNNY DESTROYING SMALL FAMILY CIRCUS?! THAT YOU WILL ESCAPE CONSEQUENCES??" Augustus, in the background, looks on in horror.]
[Image 9 ID: Cally in the far foreground, motion-blurred and looking utterly terrified, running from Donatella in the background, who has skidded into frame in a wide stance, eyes glowing red.]
[Image 10-12 IDs: A three-panel comic of Cally, Oleander, and the Aquatos. Cally and Oleander are sitting side-by-side on a log, working on a rope-and-pulley system. Mirtala and Frazie walk in from the right side of the screen, Mirtala looking delighted and shouting, "It's Uncle Oly!! Uncle Oly's visiting!!" Oleander looks mildly surprised, while Cally looks extremely flustered. In the next panel, he catches Mirtala by the head with one hand, saying, "Woah woah *woah*-- Tala. Who told you to call him that??" Frazie, walking past behind him with a smug grin, responds, "Mom said we might as well get used to saying it sooner rather than later." In the last panel, a blushing and furious Cally says "Did she now," as he whirls around to look at Donatella, who looks incredibly smug as she stands with Queepie dangling from her hands by his arms. Off to the side, Oleander looks down in flustered confusion as Mirtala holds her arms up and shouts "UNCLE OLY UNCLE OLY WATCH MY NEW TRICK".]
[Image 13 ID: A drawing of Raz, Augustus, and Cally in the postgame of Psychonauts 2, at the cliff by the falls. Augustus is standing, staring out at the falls, with a hand on the back of Raz at his left, staring slightly up at him, and Cally to his right, sitting with his legs crossed, one arm propping him up, and the other up around his brother's back.]
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rintarousgirl · 1 year
i wanna be yours -- 7. snap out of it
✦ - Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou.
a/n: uh, hoping that this gets y'all back into my good graces. enjoy the little bit of filth you get in this one LMAO, content warning for making out ig?? anyways, please ignore the time at the top of the phone bc im too lazy to block it out. if time is important for texts than there will be a timestamp, or it will be explicitly stated.
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You spot Rintarou's car pull up outside of your small apartment building. He remains in the car, but you already know he's looking for you. You stand from the park bench you were sitting on, and head over.
Pulling open the car door, you settle into the passenger seat. His car smells of fresh leather and his cologne, and you find it's a pleasant mix of smells. He looks to you, his hooded eyes dressed in dark black eyeliner. It was clear he'd done it himself, his own hand not nearly as skilled as your own. The thought of him trying to replicate your work in the mirror made you giggle.
"Hey," he greets, tilting his head as he takes in your appearance, "You look very pretty."
You find a small blush making its way onto your cheeks. You'd gone relatively simple, but still dressed up as he had told you to. You'd gone for a forest green silk satin slip dress, and some black strap heels. Your purse rested across your shoulders, filled with a few small cosmetics, your keys, and your phone. Along with some breath mints, just in case.
"You look rather handsome yourself, Rin," you compliment, noting the white blouse and black slacks. His shirt was partially unbuttoned at the top, and he had a silver chain around his neck and some silver rings glinting on his fingers. They were the same ones you'd given him for the concert.
Rintarou lets out a small huff, running a hang through his hair. The rest of the drive is relatively silent, soft music playing through the stereo. After about a ten minute drive, the two of you pull up outside of a very fancy restaurant.
Suddenly, you feel a little self-conscious about your outfit. All the other woman seemed to be more dressed up with you are, some of them having elbow gloves or fur coats. You take in deep breaths to calm your nerves as Rintarou rounds the car and opens the door for you.
"After you," he coos, a teasing smirk on his lips. You take his outstretched hand and close the door behind you. His fingers intertwine with yours, and he lifts the back of your hands to his lips and presses a quick kiss to your skin.
You bite down on your lip, tasting your lip gloss. "I didn't take you as the romantic type," you admit, as the two of you walk in.
"I didn't either. I guess you bring out another side of me," his words are clearly joking, but there's also a twinge of sincerity in his words. It does something to your heart, and you try your best to quell the rushing of your heartbeat in your ears.
Rintarou talks with the waiter, who didn't have much of a reaction to his presence. Either his place was frequented by famous people, or this person just didn't know or cared who he was. Actually, most of the people in here didn't, which you were kind of glad for. You never enjoyed being in the spotlight, that was why you were the behind-the-scenes artist.
The two of you are seated at a more reclusive table, tucked away in one of the corners with dim lighting and a small bouquet of flowers and a few candles between you.
"This is a wonderful place, Rin," you gush, unable to keep from admiring it. The roof was glass, open to the night sky. The moon shined above, providing additional light in the dimly lit room. You could point out a few constellations.
Over dinner, you and Rintarou talk. He tells you more about his mother, the sweet saint of a woman, and a little about his bandmates. Then he asks about you. You tell him about your favorite colors, sports teams, music genres, and more.
"No," he interruptes you, taking your hand from across the table. Both of you had eaten at that point and were just enjoying the atmosphere. "I want to know about you, not what you like."
You stutter, blinking softly. Your lips part slightly, as you think of something to say. "Uh," you say stupidly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Rintarou's lips quirk up a bit.
"Well, I grew up in Tokyo, the Nerima Ward specifically. I attended Fukurodani private academy, and I was the manager of my best friend's volleyball team."
Something lights up in Rintarou's eyes, a hint of something familiar. "Did you play?"
"A little. I had to learn how to set for Bokuto when Akaashi didn't want to...did you used to play?" the question felt a bit stupid. Why would Suna Rintarou, a famous singer/songwriter and near-professional photographer, play? volleyball?
He laughs. "I, uh, I did more than just play. Actually, the whole band played, even Kita. We all went to the same high school, it's kind of how we met each other, y'know? Atsumu was the only one who tried to make a career out of it. When we weren't playing though, we were in Kita's garage learning how to play instruments."
"Woah," you say, not even bothering to hide your shock. It felt so natural. Rintarou had the body of a volleyball player, and you knew Atsumu played and that they had all known each other pre-band. Yet, despite that, it seemed unfathomable to you. "I didn't know any of that."
"Yeah," Rintarou snorts, "it's not exactly the kind of thing they ask in interviews. It isn't hidden knowledge either though, you can look up any old competition video and you'll find all of us."
"Well, that's something to do when I get bored," you remark, resting your head in your hands. Maybe volleyball was how Kuroo got interested in INARIZAKI. Their music wasn't exactly his taste anyway, but he was still involved in the community. He probably knew of them from volleyball which piqued his interest. He was nosey like that.
Eventually, Rintarou pays the bill, and leads you out the door. He checks his watch. It's nearing 10:30, and the city is alive. "Do you have a specific time you need to be back?" he asks you as the two of you climb back in his car.
"No, and I wouldn't mind spending more time with you."
And that's how you find yourself in a lounge with Rintarou, the music blasting as the two of you sip on champagne glasses. He'd managed to snag a seat for the two of you on a loveseat in the lounge. In front of you, sweaty bodies mingled and dance. Laughter, singing, and the sounds of joy filled the air. The sounds of people enjoying themselves.
"Rin?" you begin, turning to him. Your thighs are brushing, and his hand is resting on your knee. His touch is warm against the thin fabric of your dress, and you try not to squirm too much as his thumb rubs small circles into the flesh of your lower thigh.
"Will you dance with me? Please?" He looks slightly caught off guard, but he blinks at you a few times before shrugging.
"I have two left feet, it wouldn't be the best idea," and yet he stands, setting down his glass as he extends a hand to you. A laugh rips from your chest, and you take his hand happily.
You drag him along with you to the dance floor, nesting the two of you somewhere in the middle. You let yourself free, letting the small amount of alcohol and the euphoria in your system loosen you up as you begin to dance. Rintarou laughs, not as comfortable as you are but enjoying watching you, nonetheless.
A partner song comes on, one of those old fast ones that you have to jump around and use a lot of footwork. You reach for Rintarou, but a hand wrap around your waist and you're being whisked away to dance with a stranger. Rintarou only has a moment before a woman your age is tapping on his shoulder and pulling him in to dance with her.
Despite being with a stranger, you still manage to have fun, twirling and twisting around the floor. Your feet will ache by tomorrow, but it doesn't matter because in this moment you can't think past now.
Looking over the shoulder of the man you're dancing with, you meet Rintarou's sharp gaze, as he stares at you from across the floor. Small breathy giggles erupt from you, which has your partner snickering.
For the rest of the song, you can feel Rintarou's eyes on you, but you know your eyes are on him just as much.
Eventually, you're set free from your partner, as a slower more romantic song begins to play. You stumble across the floor to Rintarou, who was trying to detach himself from the woman he was dancing with previously.
You tap on her shoulder and make a small shoo-ing motion which she understands. She walks off, though not without sending you a dirty look. Scoffing, you turn back to Rintarou.
He's looking at you with heavy, dark, eyes and slowly your giggles die out on your tongue. Rintarou's hand sneaks around your waist, pulling you close till your chests were flush. He was taller than you, and you tried not to cower as he looked down at you.
"Rin?" you whispered softly, but your eyes couldn't stay on his. In fact, your eyes couldn't drift away from his lips.
His thumb rubbed softly at the swell of your hip, before pressing gently on your stomach and drifting up your sides. His touch made you shiver, and you tried to stop the shaking in your hands.
To give you something to hold onto, your fingers slide up his neck into his hair, curling in silky brown locs. He lets out a little grunt when you give a tiny tug, before a grin crawls on his lips.
"Everyone was looking at you while you danced, y'know," he comments, singing it like it was a praise. You shrug, licking your lips.
"I don't care," you say cooly, "unless..,you were looking too?" you knew he was, but it was always fun to tease.
...what were you doing? This wasn't professional by any means, actually, this was incredibly inappropriate. You knew Rintarou's intentions going into this though, shouldn't you face the consequences of your own actions?
It doesn't matter what you think though, because Rintarou's lips are on yours in a matter of seconds and it burns away any thoughts of regret you had.
Anything would be okay, if it meant you could experience this time and time again.
His lips are soft, just as you thought they'd be, and his teeth nip and tug on your lip. You find yourself falling apart in his grasp, your mouth falling open wider to give further access.
Your fingers curl harder in Rintarou's hair, ripping a small gasp from his throat. His head pulls back, displaying his gorgeous pale neck. Clear and unmarked.
You take the moment of separation to your advantage, and kiss along his jawline. Rintarou's eyelashes flutter, and his teeth bite down on his lip. You find that sweet special spot between his jaw and his ear, sucking and biting down onto his skin.
You're more surprised when he lets out a shuddering shaky breath, just a whisp away from being a whimper. Something akin to pride runs through you, and you bite and suck with more fervor.
Rintarou's hands tremble on your sides, and one comes up to uselessly grasp at your arm as if seaking leverage of some sort. After a few minutes of kissing his neck, you let go, taking in a deep breath.
Pulling back, Rintarou watches you with wild eyes. It was amazing to see him so disheveled, and it managed to be a better look than anything you could create for him.
His neck was a variety of lipgloss stains, and small bites, but that specific spot you'd focused on was the best. It was a deep red, and would no doubt be purpling soon. Your lip shape and teeth marks were clear on his pale skin. There was no way he'd be hiding this. No color corrector or concealer could change that.
"C'mon," you say, taking his hand and knocking him out of his stupor, "I should get home."
The drive home is silent again, but you don't pretend to notice the way Rintarou is struggling to keep his eyes on the road and his hands on the steering wheel. "Careful," you'd tease, and enjoy the way his brows would furrow.
As he came to a halt outside of your house, you open the door, partially stepping out when his hand wraps around your wrist and tugs you close.
There's a slight register of pain as your stomach hits the edge of the console, but that's ripped away from you as Rintarou kisses you with a certain ferocity you couldn't match.
He let's you go after a few seconds, laughing at the way you chase his lips.
"Goodbye, Y/N."
And then he's off, leaving you on the sidewalk outside of your apartment building with trembling legs.
Slowly, you pull out your phone.
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<- previous | next -> | masterlist
★ - Suna went home and stared at the hickey in the mirror for a good ten minutes.
★ - Kuroo calls you right after and demands all the details. He loves and hates hearing it at the same time.
★ - Suna has still not answered Atsumu's string of texts from the last chapter.
★ - While you were walking in your building, the receptionist tells you that your lipgloss was smudged. Like...really badly.
✦ - Y/N is a small business owner, offering her services not only as a designer but an at-home makeup artist and cosmetic producer as well. She's perfectly content with her small life when she's approached by the manager of the INARIZAKI band, asking for her to fill the position of backstage artist on short notice. Needing the money, and wanting the experience, Y/N agrees. Little does she know of the fatal attraction she will share with the band's lead, Suna Rintarou.
@mannaornot \ @gojoscumslut \ @sunarots \ @alienvarmint \ @tojirin \ @tkooooop \ @cheriesdear \ @shotenvinsoot \ @wolffmaiden \ @riiceandsoup \ @thebrownemo \ @vivian-555 \ @effmigentlywithachainsaw \ @rukia-uchiha-98 \ @weird0o0 \ @seiamor \ @rory-cakes \ @blue-violin \ @reveusecherie \ @hellokittylover9 \ @yourlocal-bunny \ @keniza \ @cerberuspuppy1 \ @baramii \ @kirbyscreeper \ @rioiio \ @noideawhothatis \ @ris-krispie
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missfishersmurderpolls · 11 months
Phryne fashion tournament: looks one to eight
All credit for research on these wonderful costumes goes to @phrynefishersfrocks.
All caps from here.
Looks nine to sixteen available here.
1. Gold sequin gown (Framed for Murder)
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[Image ID 1: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the waist up wearing a gold sequined dress in her home. The dress has a wide neck with diamond ornementation. She has accessorised with a gold headpiece in a leaf design and dangly gold earrings. She holds a drink with an orange slice in her left hand. /End ID]
[Image ID 2: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from behind talking to some smartly dressed men in her parlour. Her gold sequin dress has a low, scooped back and her upper back is highlighted by three delicate gold chains strung across it. /End ID]
Our first look of the tournament is Phryne's gold sequin dress from Framed For Murder's dinner party scenes. It has a wide neckline, the low back scoop accented by three gold across her bare upper back.
2. Duster with hat and red patterned scarf (Death on the Vine)
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[Image ID 3: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phrne is shown from the knees up standing in front of a horse and cart. She wears a cream duster, matching white hat, red blouse, brown skirt and a red scarf with an autumnal floral pattern. /End ID]
[Image ID 4: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Wider shot from the same scene as the previous image. Phryne's brown aviator boots are now also visible. /End ID]
Phryne's classic duster car coat and matching hat make an appearance in look number two. From Death on the Vine, they're matched with a red, autumnal patterned scarf and her aviator boots.
3. B&E beret and grey tweed coat (Dead Air)
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[Image ID 5: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is in an old-fashioned radio studio, wearing a grey tweed coat with white panels, a black blouse, black gloves and a black beret. She has a black and white brooch on the coat lapel. /End ID]
[Image ID 6: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. A close up of Phryne wearing the same grey tweed coat and black beret from the previous image. /End ID]
Our third look is from the climax of Dead Air - Phryne's grey tweed coat with white panels worn over an all-black look and paired with her break and enter beret. It's a classic look, the beret and the coat appearing together previously in Raisins and Almonds. This time she's accessorised with a black and white brooch.
4. Green waltz dress (Death at the Grand)
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[Image ID 7: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne stands inside an open doorway, buildings across the street out of focus through the doorway behind her. She wears a green dress and matching shawl. /End ID]
[Image ID 8: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne and Jack waltz in an empty ballroom. He wears a blue suit and brown shoes. She wears a the same green dress as in the previous image. Also clear from this angle are her gold shoes and headpiece. /End ID]
Look number four is Phryne's beautifully cut dress from the waltz scene in season three's Death at the Grand. The sutble pattern on the fabric is offset by simple details like the cord at the neckline and the clasp at the hip. She has a matching shawl but discards this to get down to risky business.
5. Sequin swing coat with black fur trim and B&E beret (Murder a la Mode)
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[Image ID 9: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne stands examining an old fashioned camera. She wears a black beret, a black coat with a green and pink sequin pattern and black fur trim and black gloves. /End ID]
[Image ID 10: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the waist up in front of a beige wall, wearing the same coat and beret as in the previous image. /End ID]
For look five, Phryne wears this wonderful sequined coat with a flower pattern and black fur trim. Seen when investigating at the House of Fleuri, she's paired it a black camisole and the ever reliable break & enter beret.
6. Silver patterned dressing gown (various episodes)
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[Image ID 11: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne sits on bed beside Dot looking at a photograph held up in her hand. She wears a silver kimono with black pattern. /End ID]
[Image ID 12: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from behind sat on her bed wearing her silver and black kimono while kissing Lin Chung. /End ID]
Look number six is Phryne's silver kimono, the first but not last of her lovely robes to feature in our tournament. This one appears in several episodes, starting with season one's The Green Mill Murder. The silvery white fabric has a black floral pattern. The deep v neck at the back is accented by amber crystals.
7. Lilac damask dress and gold shawl (Queen of the Flowers)
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[Image ID 13: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the waist up standing outside. Tree leaves and a window are out of focus in the background. Phryne wears a lilac dress with a low neck and metallic pattern, accessorised with a gold shawl, gold bracelet and gold leaf design headpiece. /End ID]
[Image ID 14: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown full length from behind in an open doorway. She wears an ankle lenght lilac dress with a flared hem, a gold shawl, gold heels, and carries a gold handbag. /End ID]
Phryne's lovely gold and lilac look from the end of Queen of the Flowers is look number seven. Her long shawl is complemented by gold accessories.
8. Santa ski look (Murder Under the Mistletoe)
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[Image ID 15: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is outside in a snowy landscape with a house and trees in the background. She wears a red coat with fluffy white trim at the collar, base and cuffs; a white scarf; a fluffy white hat; and red gloves. She is pointing at something offscreen. /End ID]
[Image ID 16: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. A closer angle shot showing Phryne outside in a snowy landscape with trees in the background. She wears the same outfit as in the previous picture, less the scarf. /End ID]
Look eight is Phryne's santa-esque outdoor wear from Murder Under the Mistletoe. An abundance of white fur, even with a matching hipflask bag. What's not to love?
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everyones-fangirl · 4 months
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Delectable Little Pet
Warnings: 18+ This will be about after ascension Astarion so expect some extreme dark romance and future triggers. Female Masturbation. Stalking. Being super forward/not taking no for an answer.
Word Count: 4,247
Chapter 4
The tavern was bustling, a hive of activity as patrons came and went, their laughter and shouts blending into a cacophony of noise. A large table of orcs in the corner grew louder with each drink, their raucous laughter and booming voices dominating the room. The sun shone bright today, its rays filtering through the windows and casting warm patches of light on the wooden floor. Sweat collected at my brow, and the only relief came when the door opened, allowing a brief, cool breeze to waft in and provide momentary respite. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, grateful for the bandana that kept my hair off my face. Over the past few weeks, I had learned to favor pants over skirts for their practicality. My attire was a blend of practicality and understated elegance, reflecting both my elven heritage and my current circumstances. I favored garments that allowed me to move freely and withstand the rigors of working at the tavern, yet these clothes also subtly accentuated my natural beauty and grace.
My pants were made of supple, dark brown leather that hugged my curves while providing protection and flexibility. The leather was well-worn, softening over time but still retaining its durability. These pants were reinforced at the knees and hips, places most prone to wear and tear, showcasing thoughtful craftsmanship. Small, intricately embroidered patterns ran along the seams, adding a touch of elven artistry to the otherwise utilitarian garment. My shirt was a simple yet elegant white blouse made of fine linen. The fabric was lightweight and breathable, perfect for long, hot days in the bustling tavern. The blouse had billowing sleeves that cinched at the wrists with delicate, lace-trimmed cuffs. The neckline was modest, yet it featured a subtle, scalloped edge that added a hint of femininity. When I moved, the blouse flowed around me, hinting at the fluid grace with which I carried myself.
Over the blouse, I wore a corset top made of dark green brocade fabric. The corset was intricately designed, with patterns of leaves and vines woven into the material. The corset laced up the front with a series of delicate, silver eyelets, each thread carefully tied to ensure a snug fit that accentuated my waist and provided support. The boning in the corset was flexible yet firm, allowing me to maintain my posture while working long hours without discomfort. I often accessorized with a few select pieces that held personal significance. Around my neck, I wore a thin silver chain with a small pendant shaped like a leaf, a gift from my mother that I never took off. My fingers were adorned with simple silver rings, each one engraved with tiny runes of protection and healing, their magic subtle but ever-present.
My practical side showed in the sturdy boots I wore, made of the same dark brown leather as my pants. These boots were well-crafted, with reinforced soles and ankle support that allowed me to move swiftly and confidently across the tavern's creaky wooden floors. The boots reached just below my knees, laced up the front, and were adorned with small, silver buckles that added a touch of elegance to their rugged design. To keep my long, thick dark brown hair out of my face while I worked, I often tied it back with a crème-colored bandana. The bandana was made of soft, lightweight fabric, and I had a few in different shades to match my outfits. When I wasn't working, I would let my hair down, the dark waves cascading over my shoulders and down my back, shimmering with a faint green luminescence in the right light.
I had started working the counter and tables on my days off. Each coin earned brought me a step closer to moving on, to finding a new place where I could start fresh. As I moved between tables, balancing trays of drinks and plates of food, I felt a sense of purpose, even if it was just for a fleeting moment. The tavern’s interior was a mix of warm wood and rough stone, the walls adorned with faded tapestries and old hunting trophies. The air was thick with the scent of ale, roasted meat, and the earthy aroma of the orcs' sweat. The floorboards creaked under the weight of heavy boots, and the low hum of conversation was punctuated by the occasional cheer or bellow.
At the bar, Caty worked her magic, her fingers flying as she poured drinks and charmed the customers with her infectious smile. Her red hair was a vibrant flame in the dim light, and her laughter was a constant, cheerful background noise. I admired her ability to remain upbeat and engaging, even when the tavern was at its busiest.
As I served a group of dwarves seated near the fireplace, I couldn't help but steal glances at the door. Every time it opened, I hoped for a breeze to cool my flushed skin, but I also found myself scanning the faces of the newcomers. A habit formed from both curiosity and caution, ever since that night with Astarion. The orcs' table erupted in another wave of laughter, and I turned to see one of them pounding the table with a fist, causing mugs to jump and slosh their contents. I hurried over, deftly weaving through the crowd, and set down a fresh pitcher of ale. One of the orcs, a towering brute with a scar running down his cheek, grinned at me.
"More ale! You keep us happy, girl," he bellowed, his voice like rolling thunder.
I nodded, offering a polite smile. "Of course. Enjoy your drinks."
As I turned away, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a polished shield hanging on the wall. My face was flushed, not just from the heat but from the constant exertion. Despite the sweat and the noise, there was a determination in my eyes. I was working toward something, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Moving toward the next table, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The tavern was just a stepping stone, a place to gather strength and resources for whatever lay ahead.I refused to let anything get in my way—not my aching feet, the sweltering heat, or a certain unnaturally pale elf.
I hadn’t seen him in weeks, but I kept catching glimpses of his silver hair or piercing eyes in the crowd. Each time, a shiver ran down my spine. Something about him made my hair stand on end, and the way he looked at me—as if I were a meal—made me feel extremely conflicted. From the moment he approached our table, I knew he was used to getting what he wanted. When I turned him down, it only further proved my point.
He was dangerous, and I knew scheming when I saw it. It was all I did growing up. Underneath the fear he evoked in me, there was a certain type of heat or desire hidden. It was that feeling that kept him at the forefront of my mind, a secret yearning for him to come back, to approach me again. It had been a while since I found someone who could keep up with my banter. The look in his eyes while he observed me last time was borderline murderous, yet I couldn't deny the thrill it gave me.
I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts as I approached the next table. The constant motion, the clinking of mugs, the chatter of patrons—all of it was becoming familiar. Yet, despite the routine, my mind kept wandering back to him. His predatory gaze, the way his presence seemed to fill the room, even when he wasn't there.
I felt a mix of fear and excitement whenever I thought about him. He was a puzzle I wanted to solve, a danger I wanted to face. But I knew better than to let my guard down. The stakes were too high, and I couldn't afford to be reckless. My future depended on it.
I shrugged my shoulders as I picked up the dirty dishes from a newly empty table, the clatter of mugs and plates a familiar comfort amid the tavern's chaos. It’s not like he showed much interest in me anyway. I found myself glancing over at Caty, who was effortlessly working the bar. A large crowd had formed around her, captivated by her bright smile and quick hands as she mixed drinks with practiced ease. He was definitely more interested in her, and I couldn’t blame him. Caty’s personality was magnetic, drawing people in with her infectious laughter and boundless energy. But that only made me want to protect her more. The world was full of dangers we couldn’t see, and I had learned to be wary of anyone too smooth, too charming.
When Astarion had grabbed her to take her to the so-called “party” that night a few weeks back, panic surged within me. The memory was still vivid, a chilling reminder of how close we had come to losing her. The way he looked at her was different, predatory and cold. Something in me screamed that if she went with him, I would never see her again.
I gasped in surprise as familiar arms wrapped tightly around me from behind. A small laugh escaped my lips as I struggled to balance the tray of dirty dishes in my arms. “Woah, woah. Careful! If I break these, I’ll lose money!” I playfully frowned at my friend, my heart warming at the sound of her laughter.
Setting the tray down at the bar, I turned to see Caty grinning widely. She hopped up onto one of the stools, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “A couple of us are going out after this shift. You should come.”
I sighed heavily, shaking my head. “You know I can’t. I signed up for a double.” My voice was weary but firm. “I need this.”
Caty's expression fell, a hint of disappointment shadowing her features. She nodded reluctantly, understanding but not happy about it. “I know, I know. But you should take a break soon, or you’ll work yourself to death.”
I glanced around the bustling tavern, the noise of chatter and clinking glasses filling the air. The sun had finally set, and the evening crowd had settled in, making the place even more hectic. Sweat trickled down my forehead, and I wiped it away with the back of my hand, feeling the weight of exhaustion bearing down on me.
“I’ll be fine,” I assured her, trying to sound more confident than I felt. “Besides, we need the money if we want to move on from this place.”
Caty’s eyes softened, and she reached out, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “I just worry about you, Cassara. You’ve been pushing yourself so hard.”
I forced a smile, appreciating her concern but knowing I couldn’t afford to slow down. “I promise I’ll be careful. Just a little while longer, okay?”
She sighed but didn’t press the issue further. “Alright. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself, too.”
As she jumped off the stool and headed back to the bar to help with the evening rush, I watched her go, a pang of guilt tugging at my heart. I wished I could join her, to let loose and have some fun, but the reality of our situation kept me grounded. With a deep breath, I picked up the tray of dishes and made my way to the kitchen, weaving through the throngs of patrons. The tavern was packed tonight, the energy high and the atmosphere almost festive. Yet, despite the lively environment, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me. I caught myself glancing at the door, out a window, or just simply over my shoulder more often than usual.
“Cassara, you’ve got a table waiting!” one of the other servers called out, snapping me back to reality.
“On it!” I replied, setting the tray down and grabbing a fresh one.
After the evening rush had subsided, Caty left with our group of coworkers, their laughter and chatter filling the air as they departed. They mentioned something about a circus being in town, and I waved them off with a smile, not entirely sure what a circus was. I made a mental note to ask Caty about it later. The night dragged on, and as the closing hour approached, the tavern slowly emptied. I leaned against the bar, lost in thought. My nightly cleaning duties were done, and now it was just a matter of waiting to lock the doors. The tavern, usually bustling with noise and activity, felt eerily quiet. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows across the wooden floor, adding to the sense of solitude.
I didn’t notice someone slipping in as the last few patrons were leaving. Nor did I see him walk up to the bar and sit down. The sudden noise of someone clearing their throat startled me, making me jump back. “My, my, jumpy little pup, aren’t we?” His familiar voice and the smirk that pulled at his lips made my cheeks flush hot.
“I am neither of those things,” I managed to say, frowning. My heart raced, a mix of fear and something else—something I didn’t want to acknowledge—coursing through me.
Astarion leaned forward, his intense gaze never leaving mine. The candlelight played across his features, highlighting the sharp angles of his face and the cold, calculating glint in his eyes. “You’re working late tonight,” he observed, his voice silky smooth.
“Yes, I needed the extra money,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. “What do you want?”
His smirk widened. “Such hostility. I was merely hoping for a drink and some pleasant company.”
I didn’t believe him for a second. There was always an ulterior motive with Astarion. But I couldn’t afford to cause a scene or draw attention. “Fine. What will you have?” I asked, grabbing a clean mug.
“Surprise me,” he said, leaning back with an air of casual confidence.
I turned to the shelves, pulling down a bottle of our finest ale. My hands shook slightly as I poured the drink, my mind racing with thoughts of how to handle this situation. He was dangerous, and I knew I had to be careful. Placing the mug in front of him, I took a deep breath and tried to project an air of indifference.
“There. Enjoy,” I said curtly.
Astarion cut a striking figure as he lounged at the bar, his posture relaxed yet exuding an air of undeniable confidence. His angular features were accentuated by the flickering candlelight, casting shadows across his chiseled jawline and high cheekbones. His skin, pale as moonlight, seemed to glow softly in the dim tavern.
His silver hair fell in loose waves around his face, adding to the aura of otherworldly allure that surrounded him. His eyes, a piercing shade of violet, seemed to bore into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. They held a hint of mischief, a dangerous glint that hinted at the depths of his unpredictable nature. Dressed in finely tailored clothing that hugged his lean frame, he looked every bit the aristocrat he claimed to be. The fabric of his shirt and trousers was of the highest quality, the deep crimson hue complementing the pale perfection of his skin. A silver pendant hung from his neck, catching the light as it swung gently with his movements.
But it was his presence, his undeniable charisma, that truly set him apart. There was something magnetic about him, something that drew people in despite the warning bells that rang in the back of their minds. It was a dangerous allure, one that promised pleasure and pain in equal measure.As he sat there, smirking at me with that infuriatingly confident grin, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. Astarion was a predator, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and I had no idea of the danger that lurked beneath his charming facade.
Astarion took a sip, his eyes never leaving mine. “You know, Cassara, I’ve been thinking about our last encounter,” he said, his tone deceptively light.
“Oh?” I replied, trying to sound uninterested. “And what have you concluded?”
“That you’re quite a fascinating creature,” he said, leaning forward again. “So much fire and spirit. It’s rare to find someone who can resist my charm.”
“I’m not interested in your games, Astarion,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “So if that’s all, you can finish your drink and leave.”
He gave me a feigned sad look before breaking out into a devilish grin once more. With a swift movement, he was suddenly looming over me, his body pressed dangerously close. I could feel the heat radiating off him, sending shivers down my spine as his piercing gaze bore into mine. It was like staring into the eyes of a predator, and for a moment, I felt trapped, unable to tear myself away. Before I could react, his hand came up to brush a stray strand of hair from my face, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart pounding in my chest as his fingers trailed lightly down my cheek. His scent, a heady mix of musk and danger, enveloped me, clouding my senses and leaving me dizzy with desire.
“Oh, but I think you are,” he purred, his voice dripping with dark amusement. He pressed closer, his body heat seeping into me, making it hard to think clearly. His hand came up to brush a strand of hair from my face, his touch light but possessive. “I have a feeling you’re more interested than you let on.”
I scoffed, trying to push him away, but he held me firmly in place, his gaze burning into mine with an intensity that made my knees weak. I could feel the tension crackling between us, thick with unspoken promises and forbidden desires. “Let me go,” I demanded, trying to sound strong, but my voice wavered, betraying the fear and confusion roiling inside me.
Astarion leaned in, his lips just inches from mine. “Why would I do that when we’re having so much fun?” he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. He inhaled deeply, his nose grazing the curve of my neck. “You smell intoxicating,” he murmured, his lips ghosting over my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.
I struggled to push him away, but his grip was firm, unyielding. “Stop it,” I spat, my anger and fear warring with an unwelcome thrill of excitement.
He chuckled softly, his fingers tracing a path down my arm. “Resistance is futile, darling. You can deny it all you want, but I can see the curiosity in your eyes, the way your body responds to my touch.” His hand slid down to my waist, pulling me even closer. “I can feel your heart racing. Tell me, is it fear... or something else?”
His words sent a flush of heat through me, and I hated myself for the way my body reacted to him. There was a magnetic pull between us, a dangerous allure that made it hard to think straight. But I couldn’t let him win, couldn’t let him see how much he affected me.
“I’m not like the others,” I said, my voice trembling but defiant. “I won’t be one of your conquests.”
Astarion’s eyes darkened, his smile turning wicked. “We’ll see about that,” he murmured. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against mine in a teasing, almost taunting kiss. I could feel his desire, the raw hunger in his touch, and it terrified me.
I shivered at the feel of his breath against my skin, my pulse racing as his words sent a thrill through me. Despite my best efforts to deny it, there was something undeniably exhilarating about being so close to danger, about dancing on the edge of the unknown. But even as my body responded to his touch, a voice in the back of my mind screamed at me to run, to get as far away from him as possible. Astarion was a predator, a creature of darkness and deceit, and I knew that to give in to him would be to invite nothing but trouble.
With a sudden surge of strength, I shoved him away, my breathing ragged. “Get out,” I said, my voice stronger this time. “I don’t want you here.”
His smirk faltered, he looked almost impressed, a flicker of respect in his eyes but also darkness— danger. But then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone, replaced by that infuriatingly charming grin.
“Suit yourself,” he said, his tone laced with amusement. “But don’t be surprised when you find yourself craving the thrill of the chase.” With a final wink, he turned and sauntered back to his seat as if the entire past three minutes never happened. He chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. “I have a feeling our paths will cross again. You can’t resist the inevitable forever, little pup.”
I glared at him, refusing to be intimidated. “We’ll see about that.”
He finished his drink in one long gulp, setting the mug down with a satisfied sigh. “Until next time, Cassara,” he said, rising from his seat. As he walked towards the door, he paused and glanced back at me, his expression unreadable. “Take care. The night is full of dangers.”
With that, he was gone, leaving me alone in the empty tavern. The adrenaline from our encounter slowly ebbed away, leaving me feeling drained and exposed. I locked the doors with trembling hands and leaned against them, taking a moment to collect myself. Astarion’s presence always left me feeling unsettled, a mix of fear and something dangerously close to excitement. But I knew I couldn’t let him get to me. I couldn’t afford to. Taking a deep breath, I pushed away from the door and began to close up for the night. The tavern, once bustling with life and noise, now felt eerily silent. I methodically wiped down the tables, straightened the chairs, and swept the floor, trying to distract myself from the lingering tension. Every creak and shadow seemed amplified, making me jumpy and paranoid. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was still being watched, even after he had left.
As I finished my tasks and finally headed to my small room above the tavern, the unease stayed with me. I locked the door behind me and drew the curtains, trying to create a barrier between myself and the outside world. Yet, the sensation of being watched persisted, a prickling at the back of my neck that refused to go away. My instincts were hardly ever wrong, and they were screaming at me now.
I tried to ignore the feeling as I prepared for bed. I undressed slowly, letting my clothes fall to the floor, and made my way to the basin. The water was cool against my heated skin as I dipped the rag in and began to cleanse myself. My hair was pulled up in a messy bun, dark strands hanging in escaped tendrils around my face. I let the rag glide over my body, taking my time, trying to wash away the lingering tension. Despite my efforts, my mind kept drifting back to him. The way he had looked at me, the intensity in his eyes, the unsettling mix of threat and allure. As I ran the rag across my bare skin, my thoughts became more vivid, more intrusive. I could almost feel his hands on me instead, his touch igniting a fire within me that I couldn’t ignore.
I paid close attention to my nipples, my breath hitching as I imagined it was his fingers instead of the rag. The sensation sent a shiver down my spine, and I closed my eyes, allowing myself to get lost in the fantasy for a moment. The idea of him watching me, of those piercing eyes following my every movement, made my heart race. A moan escaped my lips, soft and needy, as I continued to cleanse myself with deliberate slowness. My body responded to the imagined touch, heat pooling low in my belly. I knew it was dangerous to let my mind wander down this path, but I couldn’t help it. The desire he awakened in me was as intoxicating as it was terrifying. Finally, I forced myself to stop, dropping the rag back into the basin and taking a deep, steadying breath. I couldn’t afford to lose control, not with someone like Astarion lurking around. I needed to stay vigilant, to protect myself from whatever game he was playing.
I climbed into bed, pulling the covers up to my chin and trying to will myself to sleep. But even as I lay there, the memory of his touch, his voice, his presence lingered, haunting me in the darkness. I knew this was far from over. The hunt had only just begun, and I was caught in the middle of it, whether I wanted to be or not.
As exhaustion finally pulled me under, I couldn’t shake the feeling that my life had just taken a dangerous turn. And deep down, a part of me wondered if I would ever be able to find my way back or if I even wanted to.
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Imagine Me & You
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A Jake “Hangman” Seresin fic.
First time writing TGM fanfic - please be gentle.
Jake stumbles across a woman on base that seems to enjoy the finer things in life... just like the future he’d like to build - with her in it.
Chapter 2: French 75
A week had passed and now, the base had really picked up. Mia was driving past more and more cars, and seeing more bodies out and about. It was easily the busiest she’d ever seen it since moving to Fightertown nearly eight months ago.
“And what’s the word on the Randall case?” Lt. Gen. Bozek asked, popping his head into her office.
“It’s already off to the notary,” Mia replied, happy to help on the extra project as she worked through processing for several new recruits. The paperwork was tedious but simple once she figured out the reporting structure and approvals process.
“You’re the best, Mia,” He replied before returning to his desk.
Mia slid her phone out of her desk drawer, pulling up the score of her brother’s baseball game.
Indiana 4
Iowa 1
With only two innings left, she’d hold onto hope for a win.
“Hey Mia, would you mind running an errand across base?” Bozek called from his office. Lt. Gen. Bozek was not usually the type to ask for footwork favors, so she didn’t think much of it as she strode over to his office. “Rear Admiral Lorne needs a hard copy of this affidavit and refuses to learn how to fax.”
“Sure,” Mia shrugged, but spared a glance down at her four-inch heels.
“You can take the cart,” He offered.
Armed with a manila envelope and the keys to the nicest golf cart she’d ever seen, she had instructions and a crudely drawn map of the base and how to get to building 16. As well as the code for an elevator she’d need to use.
Lt. Gen. Bozek had given her a starting knowledge of things around the Miramar base. Pilots were there because they were the best of the best – and while that was still true, there were so many extra bodies on base recently as the station picked up increased operations and catered to even more Navy needs.
It was evident as Mia drove her cart along the appropriate path. There were small groups of pilots going about their business, others going for a run, and the occasional, additional cart zipping by.
She was feeling rather pleased with herself as she drove along, her sunglasses allowing her the freedom to watch it all unfold in front of her. It did feel odd to be one of the few women on base, which had never felt more apparent than it did now.
“So you graduated from a pushcart to this?” Her head snapped to the left to see the Lieutenant from the commissary jogging alongside her cart. “This one you actually do have to be careful with – you could do some damage at 5 miles per hour.”
“Lieutenant Seresin,” she recalled.
“Lieutenant Commander,” he corrected. “Mia.” At least he remembered her name, which was more than she could say.
She couldn’t help but notice the way his Navy shirt stretched just right across his chest and biceps as he jogged alongside her.
“This your boat or should I put out an alert?” He asked, not even metering his breath. She missed the way his eyes lingered on her white blouse and where the short silk scarf tied around her neck teased the curve of her collarbone.
“Lt. Gen. Bozek is letting me borrow it for a special mission,” she joked.
“Where is this special mission taking you?” He asked, following her path as she made a gradual right, Building 16 coming within view.
“To visit Rear Admiral Lorne,” she replied. She really didn’t know if she should have been sharing that information, but they were on the same team, right?
“Interesting,” He commented back, joining as she pulled her cart into a designated space outside of the building. He immediately made his hand available to help her down from the cart in yet a different pair of tall, shiny heels that he admired. Her hand was small and warm in his, and his gaze lingered on her carefully manicured nails.
“Thank you,” she smiled, using the next few moments to unabashedly adjust her outfit, making sure her blouse was still dutifully tucked in all the way around her navy pencil skirt and that her ascot hadn’t blown out of disarray before running a hand through her blonde tresses.
“Perfect,” he commented, though it went unnoticed as she sifted through her envelope to retrieve her map.
“Fourth floor, left elevator,” she told herself. “8212.”
All the while, Jake was picking out the notes of her perfume. Vanilla, musk, sandalwood. Feminine but not frilly.
“It would be my duty to escort you to the Rear Admiral,” He commented, assuming parade rest. The action made her smile.
“You’re kind, but I’m a big girl,” she replied. “I can get there on my own.”
The chink in his ego was small, but there. Had he applied enough deodorant today?
“Well, then I hope the rest of your mission is successful,” He smoothly rebutted.
“Thank you, Lieutenant Commander,” She smiled, taking a few steps, the clicks from which sent a shiver up Jake’s spine.
“Please, call me Jake,” he said, holding the door for her. She smiled, grateful for the reminder, before stepping in.
The only thing he had to figure out now was who she was and what she did on base. That, and if the gold band on her finger meant anything.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mia changed her mind. It did seem as if she was doing a lot of favors for Lt. Gen. Bozek recently. Tonight included.
Though, the opportunity to make a new friend was welcome and she felt like she had unlocked a new chapter in her book. New location, new characters, new plot.
The Hard Deck had a comforting vibe in the same way a bar back home in Nebraska would. Locals knew you and newcomers were welcome as long as they didn’t ruffle any feathers.
Lt. Gen. Bozek asked if she’d be willing to meet his niece for a drink – she worked ridiculous hours and was “about the same age” as Mia. Mia wondered if Lt. Gen. Bozek knew how old she was.
On a particularly warm day in May, she opted for a pair of denim jean shorts – artfully distressed – and a pink blouse that flared beneath her bust with small cap sleeves. A French braid of sun kissed blonde left a few face-framing wisps near her temples as she tucked an errant lock behind her ear.
“Mia?” She turned, setting down her Blue Moon to meet who she assumed to be Bozek’s niece.
“Bobbi, hi.” She smiled warmly, sticking out her hand.
“Hi, so sorry I’m late,” Bobbi gushed, taking the seat across from Mia and dropping her purse strap across the back of her chair. “Family court ran long today and my client was nearly a no-show.” She sighed. Bozek mentioned that Bobbi was a family and child welfare attorney and often worked late.
“No problem, if there’s anyone that understands, it’s me.” Mia reassured. That, and she was glad for a change of scenery.
“Have you been here before?” Bobbi asked, checking her phone quickly before setting it down on the tabletop between them.
“First time!” Mia said, “to be honest I don’t get out much aside from the beach.” She confessed. “I’ve been here about eight – almost nine months and work keeps me pretty busy. I fly out to Indiana when I can to visit my brother or head to Del Mar for the weekend.” She explained.
“Well I’ve been coming here since before I could walk,” Bobbi laughed. “That being said, let me grab a drink quick – I’ll be right back.”
Mia liked Bobbi – she seemed pretty normal and was certainly kind enough. She went on to explain that the bar owner was like a second mother to her – a woman named Penny -  as she grew up on base under the watchful eye of her Uncle that raised her.
“So you mentioned going to Indiana – does your brother go to school there?” Bobbi asked, now on her second beer.
“Yes, my brother Jack plays baseball for the Hoosiers,” Mia replied proudly, pulling out her phone.
“Wow, handsome!” Bobbi smiled. Mia happily swiped through a handful of photos of Jack. She really was beaming with pride. “Tall,” she added.
“He’s eight inches taller than me,” Mia laughed. “Sometimes I think he doesn’t take me seriously because of it.”
“I always wanted siblings,” Bobbi smiled. “Will you get to see him soon?” She asked.
“He’s coming out to visit in about four weeks,” Mia explained. “He has an off week from baseball and will be done with summer semester classes.”
“That’s so sweet,” Bobbi took another drink of her beer before one of the male bar hands could set down two fresh drinks at their tall top.
“Courtesy of the service khakis,” he tilted his head back to the back wall of the bar, closest to the beach. Mia and Bobbi looked back to see a small group of aviators by the pool and darts, who raised their drinks in a toast. Mia held up her fresh beer and toasted them back.
“Lord, here we go,” Bobbi laughed.
“I feel too old to be getting drinks from these guys,” Mia winced.
“First of all, you’re not.” Bobbi stared, “because I think we’re the same age and if you’re old, I’m old, and I am not old.” She took a long pull of her beer. “There’s just a lot of horny young guns on this base who have been told for the past three months they’re the best in the world at what they do – full of ego and adrenaline.”
“A simple way of putting that,” Mia laughed.
“Ma’am,” her attention was pulled over her shoulder, where a young man in service khakis appeared. Blue eyes, brown hair and a uniform you could bounce a quarter off of.
“Thank you for the drink,” Mia smiled politely.
“It’s my pleasure, Ma’am,” He replied. “I’m Gene,” he introduced.
“Mia,” She replied, placing her hand in his.
“Bobbi,” Bobbi said, sticking her hand out, “Bobbi Bozek.” She elaborated. The pilot’s eyes flickered in recognition.
“Nice to meet you, Ma’am,” he gulped. “Would either of you be interested in joining my team and I for some pool?”
“That’s really kind of you, but we’re just chatting,” Mia said softly. The young pilot was no match for her honey-golden eyes.
“I was thinking, maybe, if you were up to it – ”
“Lieutenant West,” Mia placed the voice.
“Hangman,” the brunette stiffened, eyes tracking as his superior’s arm came around the backside of Mia’s high top chair.
“Everyone having responsible fun?” He asked, a toothpick sitting carefully between his textbook perfect teeth.
“As much as we can,” Gene responded.
“Thank you for the drink,” Bobbi gave a big smile, tilting her head to the side and tapping her beer glass against his. The pilot took the hint and retreated back to his team.
“Ladies,” Jake smiled, coming around to stand aside their table.
“Hi Lieutenant Commander,” Mia replied.
“Mia, Bobbi,” he greeted. “You don’t strike me much as a beer drinker,” Jake commented. “And what do I strike you as?” Mia asked, taking a small sip of her brew.
“I’d err on the side of… a French 75.” He countered. Mia’s brow raised.
“You are astute.” She grinned.
“Some would say it’s my job,” the corner of his mouth pulled up into an attractive grin.
“Jake, can you go spray some cold water on your ducklings over there?” Bobbi asked, crossing her legs. “Are they being bothersome?” Jake asked, pulling up his own chair to the table.
“Like dogs in heat,” Bobbi replied, wiping a smear of foam from the corner of her mouth.
“You ladies just tell me if anyone steps out of line,” he commented.
“Was last week like back-to-school weekend?” Mia asked, tucking one foot behind her other ankle below the table. Another pair of heels for the blonde. Jake’s eyes took in the lines of her clothing and the simple elegance of her French braid and the diamond studs in her ears. The skin on the back of his neck prickled at the sight of the small gold ‘J’ in the hollow of her throat.
“Something like that,” Bobbi said, “it feels like they’re coming droves these days.” Her attention turned to their guest. “Jake, how do you know Mia?” She asked.
“I nearly ran him over at the grocery store.” Mia replied.
“Commissary,” Jake corrected.
“Commissary,” Mia agreed. “You two know each other?” Mia asked.
“For years,” Bobbi nodded. “Dated one his buddies for five years, actually,” She pursed her lips as she took another drink. Mia’s eyes cut to Jake, who was already looking at her.
“Buddy is putting it generously,” Jake replied. “Mia you’re not from here,” he said, turning his attention back to the blonde and watching as her eyes trailed across his features.
“Nebraska,” she replied. “Omaha specifically.”
“Flyover state.” Jake commented.
“I think to a pilot every state is flyover, no?” She asked, gently raising one brow as she sipped her beer. Jake grinned. “Jake’s a cowboy,” Bobbi commented. Mia’s eyes shifted back toward the blonde. He was wondering what her lip-gloss tasted like. If they’d have two kids or three – and what kind of wallpaper would hang in the nursery.
“Yeehaw,” Mia said, raising her glass to him before draining her drink. She took one look outside to see the darkness looming. It was coming up close to nine and she had a good twenty-five minute drive back to her apartment. “I hate to cut the night short, but I’ve got to start my hike back.”
“Let me get your number so we can do this again,” Bobbi insisted. Jake felt shafted, he had just arrived, but he did get to gather more intel, and that felt worth it.
Mia rattled off her cell, which Jake committed to memory.
“Jake, walk her out.” Bobbi insisted, “I’m going to go bother Pen.” Jake gladly offered his hand as Mia climbed down from her high top in those heels. He wanted to sink his teeth into her calves.
“Thank you,” she smiled gently, grabbing her saddle brown designer clutch from the table. Jake held the door as she walked through, sifting through her bag to grab her keys.
“Now this…” Jake whistled lowly, taking in the sight of her vintage Jag. “This is art.”
“Thank you, I quite like it myself.” She smiled, using a key to unlock the driver’s side of the red convertible.
“A woman of refined taste,” he replied, though that was evident in every other aspect of her that he had witnessed already. As a person of particular taste himself, it was stimulating to see a woman who carefully curated her presence as well.
“Thank you again for the escort, Lieutenant Commander.” She said, the engine of the convertible purring to life.
“It’s Jake.” He reminded.
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simplysedusa · 1 year
How I imagine the Powerpuff Girls would dress
(credit to Pinterest for all the pictures)
Blossom Utonium
Blossom would be the kind of young lady who would have outfits for almost any occasion and sort them as such in her side of the closet and in her dressers (aside from maybe clubbing/partying). Clothes for interviews/press conferences tend to be a bit on the preppier side and a bit more modest (collared blouses with a monotone/neutral jumper, turtle necks, longer skirts, hair tied back with a pretty red or pink ribbon, ballet flats). Clothes she wears for casual wear would be a bit more colorful and fun (color striped skirt that may stop above the knee, jean jackets, high waisted jeans and shorts, more colorful sweaters, sneakers, doc martens, and knee/thigh/shin high boots). Longer skirts are ideal because they're easier to slip into in case of an emergency and she doesn't have to worry about being indecent while she's kicking ass and taking names. For my Pinterest board and this collage, I took inspiration from characters such as Betty Cooper from Riverdale, Nancy Wheeler from Stranger Things, Abbi Singh from The Imperfects, and Lara Jean from To All The Boys I Loved Before with a dash of real life fashion icon Audrey Hepburn, who I could see being a huge role model for Blossom. Her clothes would be more toward the pale, subdued, pastel side in terms of coloring. She'd love floral prints ironically because of her name, but also unironically because she thinks they're pretty. If she does wear designs other than floral, they're simple stripes, or polka dots, or plaid. Favorite colors to wear other than pink would be red, orange, gray, black, white, and like a creamy off-white. I also weirdly low-key headcanon Blossom being the sister to accidentally steal her sisters' clothes because she's in a rush to get ready and grabs the first thing that looks like hers and tries to gaslight them into thinking they're hers once she realizes the mistake ("It's pink, Bubbles, of course it's mine", "Why would I wear your stupid collared shirts, Buttercup?").
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Bubbles Utonium
Bubbles is a girl who LOVES clothes and fashion (she is the artsy one after all). Her style is fun, cute, youthful, flirty, childlike (affectionate), usually vibrant and eyesore causing catching. She'd definitely buy and wear something that's baby pink, baby blue, AND lime green all at the same time because it reminds her of the bond between her and her sisters or something. She loves oversized cardigans and jackets, especially if they're fuzzy, furry, and/or soft (but NO REAL FUR). One of Bubbles' favorite outerwear is a baby blue winter coat with hearts on the back that reminds her of the Powerpuff Signal that Townsville occasionally uses. She loves to make STATEMENTS with her outfits, causing quite a few of her peers/classmates/coworkers to (make fun of her behind her back) think she's immature and childish. The designs on her clothes are almost always over the top and never subtle (rainbow polka dotted crop top, dresses covered with faces of cats or butterflies, etc.). If Bubbles is under the weather or down in the dumps, her clothes are much more plain OR she goes out of her way to wear something with those corny "it'll get better" empowerment sayings on it. She also isn't above wearing any of the clothing merch since she knows it's going to a good cause. Bubbles loves all colors of the rainbow so long as they're bright; Blossom and Buttercup joke that she might have more pink and green clothes than they do. She has no qualms wearing outfits that remind her of her favorite video games, cartoons, or movies. Luckily for her, Professor Utonium invented a spray that keeps blood and other monster bodily fluids off of the clothes so they don't stain, that way Bubbles' clothes can stay pretty and clean, just how she likes it. Just like her clothes, Bubbles also has a variety of shoes from Mary Jane shoes similar to the ones she used to wear as a little girl, to sneakers, to sandals, to heels she managed to get at a discount, and anything in-between (she definitely wears those furry monster feet slippers out in public too if she felt it complimented her outfit). Her favorite pair are all white converses because "they go with everything". She'd also add matching little clips or flowers in her pigtails, space buns, or whatever other style Bubbles chooses to wear her hair.
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Buttercup Utonium
Buttercup's style is either sporty, athletic, and a bit preppy (she loves most of the athletic sport brands such as Nikes or Adidas) or 90's grunge casual. She low-key shows the most skin between her and her sisters with all of the crop tops, ripped jeans (with fishnet stockings underneath) and shorts, and other mesh and transparent tops she has (a girl's gotta show off her toned muscle somehow, she's too proud of it). If she isn't getting dress-coded for that, she's getting dress-coded for the sayings on her shirt that might read "fuck off", "what you can do, I can do bleeding", "free the nipple", or other rather crass remarks that the school might deem "offensive". Buttercup might occasionally dawn a skirt (preferably a not too short jean or even leather one) or dress (usually a T-shirt dress, maxi, or boho, anything fancier than that she lets Blossom and Bubbles pick one out for her) if she felt like it, but only if she's 100% sure she'll look hot in it and she's comfortable. Oversized plaid, collared shirts over grunge, rock band shirts and shorts (with a beanie if it's cold enough) are her bread and butter go-to. Other articles of clothing like leather jackets, tube tops, or her designer variety letterman jackets are saved for her nights out on the town, living up to her fulfilled prophecy from Boogie Frights. Color wise, Buttercup tends to stick to earthier, darker tones than her sisters, but she does own quite a few vibrant colored clothing items such as lime green, orange, purple, and even yellow (even though I didn't feature those, sssh lmao). Buttercup was really into camo when she was younger, but after realizing most of her outfits consisted of "black and/or khaki with camo", she realized she needed to step her game up, so she tries not to wear it as much anymore. Buttercup is also the most obsessed with shoes out of all the Powerpuff Girls. She's a HUGE sneakerhead and she's not modest about it (nothing pisses her off more than stepping on chewed gum, she too is thankful for Professor's new invention). Buttercup's also the only sister who really loves jewelry and accessories, especially chains.
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eilonwiiy · 2 years
I’m back to writing Bookends and it feels so gooooooood
Here’s a snippet from chapter 13
Safi was busy getting ready when Iseult entered their apartment.  
“So what book is it again?”  Safi asked, pulling her shirt off over her head and disappearing into her room.  Iseult stared after her.  
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Of course, I am.”  Safi reemerged wearing a different top, a loose low-cut blouse that would look lethal paired with her leather jacket.  She inspected herself in the mirror, posing at a couple different angles before giving her reflection a satisfied nod of approval.  “I’ve heard you gush about this book so many times I didn’t even have to read it.”
Safi slipped on her jacket and tucked her long hair out from under the back with a flourish that, had they been out on the street, would've caused several heads to turn.  She looked especially good for a night of discussing the machinations of reclusive witches and their covenants.
Safi noticed Iseult staring as she dabbed on some lip gloss.  “What?”
“Nothing,” said Iseult with a small shake of her head.  “You just look nice.”  
“Should I change into my wimple?”
“That won’t be necessary.”  Iseult dropped her apron onto the small square of counter space that acted as their kitchen table and shuffled into her bedroom.  She stopped in front of her closet and stared at its contents.  Several minutes passed. 
Iseult had planned on just wearing what she already had on, but watching Safi making eyes at herself in the mirror she was suddenly self-conscious of the loose threads at the cuffs of her wool sweater and the ever-lingering smell of coffee beans that clung to everything she owned.  That aspect of her being couldn't be helped regardless of whether or not she changed, but she could at least look like she hadn’t been out in a field shepherding a herd of sheep all day.
“That’s nice,” Safi said, watching Iseult inspect a plum colored sweater from the door.  
“Mm maybe.”  Iseult passed on a couple more unremarkable shirts before stopping on something else.  It was a dress.  An especially pretty dress, in fact.  It had been tucked out of sight for so long she’d honestly forgotten she even owned it.  It was simple in its design, long sleeves and a high neck collar that made up for its noticeable lack of length, and made with a soft velvet that tapered off at the waist.  The thing Iseult really loved about it was the nearly imperceptible stars stitched into the fabric with gold thread that winked like the night sky when the light hit them just right.  
For Iseult, shopping was rarely ever an inspiring experience, but she remembered falling in love with the dress the instant she saw it.  There was a small hole on the underside of one of the sleeves, which was the only way she was able to afford it.  Even with the discount, she remembered how guilty she felt after taking the plunge and walking out of the store with it.  Spending a chunk of that week’s paycheck on a dress that she’d likely never have an occasion to wear.  
Iseult took the dress off the hanger and draped it onto the bed.
Safi beamed.  
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dazfashionz · 7 months
Mexico 🇲🇽
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If there’s one thing, Mexican is known, for, it’s the celebrations such as Dia de los Muertos, and Quinceaneras. Values such as family and friendship are deeply embedded in this country is culture.
A popular Mexican tradition is the piñata. It is commonly used as a fun game at birthday parties, but its origins are very symbolic.
The Piñatas Bright colours were designed as a symbol of temptation, the stick representing the will to overcome sin.
The blindfold, symbolises faith, while the candies and the other goodies are added, symbols of the riches of heaven, tumbling down on the heads of those who defeated the evil.
In Mexico people often give each other nicknames, all of which match the playful and endearing nature of the culture.Some of these include chaparrito, meaning “short one”or mi cielo, “my sky”.
In more rural area of Mexico, nicknames are so big that you’re likely to have better luck, asking for a person by nickname then by the persons real name.
Mexican hat dance
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The Mexican have dance is Mexico’s national dance, began as a courtship dance and dates back to the 18th and 19th century.
The outfits of the dancers are beautifully decorated and represent traditional garb worn by Mexican men and women.
The dance itself is intended to be lively, which is why the music is typically played by mariachi bands or bands that use only string instruments.
Los muertos
Day of the dead, Día de Muertos is one of the most important celebrations in Mexico. they saw death as an integral,ever-present part of life, and believed mourning the dead would be disrespectful.
They use different decorations that all have a meaningful significance to the day of the dead.these are, colourful skulls, marigolds petals, confetti and many more to make a pop of colour.
They use face paint during dances to respect the dead.Make up is done creatively like skulls.
Day of the dead originate, several thousands of years ago, with the Aztec, Toltec and other Nahua people, who considered mourning the dead was disrespectful. Death was a natural phase in life’s long continuum. The dead were still members of the community, they were kept alive in memory and spirit during the Los Muertos ceremony. Meaning (temporarily back to Earth).
Day of the dead flowers- Marigolds
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These flowers are used mainly for the los muertos ceremony to decorate and show respect for the dead.
The use of flowers during Dia de Muertos carries deep culture and spiritual significance. Similar to flowers, our time on earth is limited, and therefore on the day of the dead l,flowers symbolise the ephemeral nature of life, connecting to living with the souls of the departed.
Their bright orange petals and fragrant scent are believed to guide the souls of the departed back to the world of the living.
Marigolds, with their vibrant colours is a symbolic of the sun, are commonly used to create a path from the front door to the ofrenda for the spirits.
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There are many different marigolds with different shades of colours and shapes suck as these.
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Traditional clothing
Traditional Mexican clothing has a rich and vast history. While many historical styles are going out of fashion, you can still see the tradition Mexican dress around certain holidays and on special occasions.
Women’s traditional style
The culture of Mexico is vast, much like the clothing which does not lack for originality and colour. With a beautiful blend of Spanish and native elements. These designs are bold, colourful and unique.
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This is a colourful piece of clothing for a women to wear as it consists a blouse called huipil which is a simple square of fabric with a hole in the centre. It is embroidered around the neck and folded in half and has stitches at the sides. The embroidery tends to be very elaborate and meaningful. this design represents the cosmos,gods and their helpers.
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This is a modern version of the huipil,the blouse is a decorative shirt with short sleeves. Traditionally made with white , hand-woven cloth. The neckline is edged in braid or embroidery with colourful designs.
Mexican mens clothing
Traditional outfit for men are less elaborate than a women’s outfit. Most men traditionally wore shirts, pants and boots of one colour. However, there were few distinct traditional elements that men wore.
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These are traditional hats Mexican men wore for events and carnivals such as Los Muertos ceremony.Mainly that are musicians and play in bands would wear this. These are made out of straw to keep the sun from their faces.
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A cross between a poncho and a blanket, the sarape was used to keep warm in the winter. Typically made out of wool or fleece, everyday wear comes in muted tones of greys and browns for shepherds. However for festivals, they use bright colours with multicoloured patterns such as red, yellow, purple blue and so many more.
Mexican folklore Dresses
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Bold and beautiful is the aim of this dress when it comes to Puebla or Mexican folklore dress, which is made for folk dancing. This is far more colourful than a traditional wear clothing. The blouse could be a different bright colour such as pink or red with contrasting colour details. The skirt is long,flared and had different patterns on this filled with embroidery and ruffles.
Charro Suit
These are worn by conquerors of Horsemen, the history of the Charro suit is as vast as the suit itself. This suit consists of a jacket,shirt, tie, pants and belt. The fabric of the suit might be made of wool or cotton and can come in vibrant blues , purples, yellows or muted black and browns. The jacket and trousers typically are decorated with elaborate embroidery and embellishments. The buckle of the belt is also elaborately designed.
Vallarta’s Blog. (2022). Top 5 Mexican Traditions You Have to Experience! [online] Available at: https://www.hotelmousai.com/blog/destination/top-5-mexican-traditions-you-have-to-experience/.
Wikipedia. (2022). Mexican marigold. [online] Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_marigold [Accessed 25 Mar. 2024].
en.m.wikipedia.org. (n.d.). Day of the Dead - Wikipedia. [online] Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Dead
Victoria and Albert Museum. (2018). V&A · Traditional Mexican dress. [online] Available at: https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/traditional-mexican-dress.

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doodlegirl12345 · 2 years
Promise? {One Shot}
Ever had a project that it seems no matter what you do it seems that you can’t get it right. So when you finally do you get the biggest rush of euphoria when it finally clicks? Yeah that happened to me. Hello my everyone, here’s my last story of 2022, “Promise?”. I hope you like it. 💕
Also available on Wattpad
Often people put deep meaning into material possessions to the point that some may feel entitled to dismiss others feelings due to that connection. From one person’s point of view it appears to be just a bracelet, a stuffed animal or even a tattered article of clothing. It could be seen as shallow, even distasteful, to place so much worth into one item. However for the owner in the event where the item either gets lost, stolen or destroyed. It would be on the same level of losing a piece of themselves. Due to the fact that a simple trinket can represent beloved individuals or the tribulations that one person can through.
It was the first Friday afternoon of the school year as Sabrina Raincomprix leaned up against her locker while chatting with her best friends: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Alya Cèsaire and Kagami Tsurugi. The girls were surrounded in the Collège Françoise Dupont’s locker room as other students were packing up their things since the school day had ended mere minutes ago. Instead of her usual outfit, the redhead was wearing a soft yellow v-neck tulip sleeve blouse, a white floral patterned black knee length skirt, a thin black ribbon headband and simple silver stud earrings. Propped against her locker was a lemon yellow backpack with white roses patterned across the bag. Almost as if they were creating a new habit after packing up, her friends had convened at Sabrina’s locker to finish discussing the final details of the party they were attending later today.
“So what time should we arrive at Liberty for the twins’ party?” Sabrina asked Marinette.
“Since we are bringing the desserts Juleka had suggested around three thirty,” the designer replied. “So there’s a little prep time before the party around four. Kagami, Tatsu is still picking us up at three, right?”
“Correct, my mother scheduled Tatsu to pick us up at the bakery around three,” the fencer answered. “It did take a lot of convincing but she promised to follow through.”
“That means that everything should be set as my dad was up this morning working on the cupcakes,” Marinette assured them. “They should be already packed up when we get there.”
“Sounds like everything is finally aligning up for us,” Alya smiled. “That’s a good sign since what usually happens when we all get together.”
“Please don’t remind us,” Kagami sighed. “It took me nearly a month to eat pizza again after the Pizza Creature attack at Marinette’s slumber party.”
“I felt the same way even though I didn’t see much. But based on what everyone told me,” the designer shuddered. “I had to turn down Luka when he suggested going to that pizza place near the Seine during a date a week after. He understood but it was way too soon.”
“I will say that was pretty bad. But things turned out alright in the end,” Sabrina admitted. “Let’s try to be more optimistic here. I’m sure that Kitty Section is excited to perform today.”
“I know Adrien is,” Kagami played with the strap of her red and black checkered messenger bag. “He was elated after he finally convinced his father to cut back on the photoshoots and let him become an official member of the band.”
“I’m glad that he’s getting more freedom. It also benefits the band as both Rose and Luka have been waiting to add keyboard tracks to their music for a while but didn’t know anyone else who could do it,” said Marinette. “Both of them have been working on a new set of songs since early August.”
“You sure that is not the sole reason why this party is being thrown?” Sabrina teased.
“You know the party being thrown to kick off the new school year. Especially since not everyone is in the same class this year,” the designer lightheartedly nudged her. “Plus Luka invited some of his old classmates he had kept in touch with. The performance is just a perk.”
“I know I’m just messing around,” Sabrina chuckled. “Honestly, I’m just excited to be invited.”
“Perk or not, this will definitely give Nino some great shots for the Kitty Section documentary he’s been working on for that contest,” mentioned Alya. “He’s probably on his way to Liberty right now.”
“When is the deadline for that?” Kagami asked.
“It’s the thirtieth of next month, however he’s been using the majority of his free time to work on it,” Alya explained. “Right now he’s doing interviews with Kitty Section’s friends and fans.”
“He already got me to do it yesterday,” the redhead held up her hand. “We have to do so many takes since I’m not that great on camera. I probably wouldn’t have agreed to it if he wasn’t a friend.”
Things change, a sentiment that Sabrina had heard throughout her life. Although it wasn’t until a few months ago she truly understood what it meant. Over the summer, the redhead had broken off her toxic friendship with Chloé. She had befriended Marinette when paired with her for a history project during one of the weeks of the previous school year. At first there were mixed feelings with Sabrina integrating into the friend group but things overall smoothed over. To the point it wasn’t much of a surprise when she was invited to the twins’ back to school party on their houseboat.
The redhead had gotten particularly close with Alya and Kagami to the point she has considered them as her best friends along with Marinette. But one accomplishment that had to keep to herself was her status as the second bee miraculous holder. It happened the day that she and Marinette started to work on their project in the local park. Ladybug had approached her with the bee miraculous after her father was attacked by the villain, Lord Justice.
After some hesitation, Sabrina accepted the mantle becoming the heroine, Honeybee.
A mantle that she still holds today as this previous Wednesday Honeybee had to fight the villain Gator with Ladybug and Chat Noir in Paris’ sewers.
“We should head over to the bakery to wait for Tatsu,” suggested Marinette. “Is everyone ready to go?”
The other girls confirmed while Sabrina picked up her backpack, noticing that the front pocket was left completely wide open. Her stomach began to twist while she shoved her hand into her pocket, feeling nothing between her fingers. Panic began to blossom all over her face.
“What’s wrong?” the designer questioned as the redhead looked back at the girls.
Although the two had only been friends for just a few months Marinette could always read her panicked face.
“My bracelet isn’t here,” she told her.
“Bracelet?” Alya looked puzzled. “I don’t remember you wearing one today.”
“I kept it in my backpack. It’s a gift I got recently…from Delmar. So I can have it with me as often as possible. I had made a promise to keep it,” Sabrina explained. “It was in this pocket when I grabbed my stylus after lunch but I apparently forgot to zip it up and now it’s gone.”
“It must’ve fallen out,” the designer figured. “What does it look like?”
“It’s a black and gold crystal beaded stretch bracelet with a silver rose flower charm,” the redhead described. “It’s really sparkly.”
“That sounds easy to picture, so how about we look around the locker room since I might have fallen out,” instructed Kagami. “Sabrina check your backpack and locker just in case it was misplaced. Is that good for everyone?”
The others agreed as the group broke apart to search. Sabrina remained where she stood, opening up backpack and pulling out all the contents. After a few minutes the items laid on the wooden bench behind her. Side by side lay her school issued tablet in a yellow fabric sleeve case, her phone, a modern history textbook, a purple pencil case that had her stylus, a yellow spiral notebook, a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer and a plastic baggie of snickerdoodle cookies. She moved onto her lockers but got the same results as the backpack.
No bracelet.
While Sabrina returned her belongings back in her backpack, her friends returned with solemn looks on their faces.
“We didn’t see anything,” Marinette informed her.
“Neither did the few people around here that we asked,” added Kagami.
“Personally, I think that it’s in the back of the classroom,” insisted Alya. “We should go there next.”
“What about the party?” questioned the redhead. “The last thing I want is everything to be sidetracked because of me.”
Kagami pulled her phone from her blazer pocket, checking the screen. “It’s only two fifteen and Tatsu will stay idle at the bakery until we come.”
“I can text my dad that we are staying here longer than expected since he’s waiting on us because of the cupcakes,” Marinette grabbed her phone from her trademark pink backpack. “I doubt that he would mind.”
“I’ll also send something in the group chat about the possible delay,” Alya pulled her phone from her jeans pocket. “Don’t worry Sabrina we got your back.”
After the girls finished on their phones, the four friends grabbed their things and walked to their new classroom. On the way they had discussed possible methods of spitting up to search. Meanwhile Sabrina carefully retraced her steps under the thinly veiled hope that was just simply in the middle of the hall. But once the girls got closer to the classroom that hope vanished causing her to place a new one on the classroom. If not, she would be unsure how to forgive herself. She remembered the promise that she had made about that bracelet to keep and cherish it. Already she mentally kicking herself as unintentionally she had broken that promise in less than a week.
The four friends entered the classroom, it had a similar layout to Ms. Bustier’s classroom from the previous year. It had the same shared desk setup and the teacher’s desk in front of the blackboard. The teacher’s desk had a few things scattered across it such as a cup of wooden pencils with a silver pair of scissors that had a black leather blade cover. An opened grade book in the center, a small stack of papers and a black travel coffee mug. Alongside the desk stood a woman in her late thirties. She had long jet black hair pulled back into a low ponytail, ocean blue eyes and fair skin. The woman wore a black short sleeve blouse, a black and white vertical striped midi length skirt, simple black high heels.
This was Mrs. Burke, their new teacher for the school year.
“Oh hello girls,” the teacher smiled. “I did not expect to see you four until Monday. Is there something that I can do for you?”
“Hi Mrs. Burke,” Sabrina greeted. “I recently realized that my bracelet that I had in my backpack is gone. Is it possible we can look around here for it? If that’s okay with you.”
“Of course, I haven’t seen any bracelets but you all are welcome to look,” Mrs. Burke told her. “However, I do need to make copies for next week’s assignments. You can manage this without me, right?”
All the girls verbally agreed.
“Fantastic, I hope you can find your bracelet Sabrina,” the teacher scooped up the stack of papers into her arms. Once she approached the doorway the teacher called over shoulder before leaving. “Oh Chloé, I expect you to continue working on your sentences. Remember you owe me one hundred. Do not let your classmates distract you.”
At that moment all four of the girls whipped their heads around to see Chloé sitting at a desk in the second row near the windows. Suddenly a frosty presence was transmitted into the air. The mayor’s daughter’s glared at them, practically shooting daggers. If looks could kill all of them would’ve instantly faced a full blown massacre.
“Um let’s start searching,” Marinette instructed, attempting to cut through the frosty tension.
With that all the girls put their bags up against the classroom’s walls before scattering across the room. Sabrina started at the desk that she shared with Kagami. Alya stayed on the ground floor searching around Mrs. Burke’s desk. Marinette checked the steps while Kagami checked the desks near the windows. The goal was to leave no stone unturned. But it seemed that all four acquired a secondary goal: not giving Chloé a scrap of eye contact.
But for Chloé that was simply just a challenge.
“So, it’s nice to see that my shadow couldn’t stay away from me for too long,” piped up the mayor’s daughter.
Sabrina flinched, almost banging her head as she looked underneath her desk. For the past couple days when Chloé was around her there was the muttering of the word shadow. The animosity between them was palpable so the redhead tried to ignore it, knowing that this was Chloé’s way to get a rise out of her.
Although it would not be a lie to say those words do not still stung.
“But again it makes sense considering all those years that you’ve been following behind me,” the mayor’s daughter cackled. “You know what they say, old habits die hard.”
More like bad habits. Sabrina thought, wanting to tell her that out loud before shaking her head. No, I can’t let her distract me especially since the girls are willing to help out.
Sabrina took a deep breath while realizing that the bracelet was not under the desk. She moved down to the next desk in the row as Chloé continued her vile remarks. Each one felt like a tiny cut attempting to get underneath her skin. But after a moment of the mayor’s daughter tirade Alya quickly cut in.
“Chloé, don’t you have something better to do besides spitting all that venom?” the reporter questioned. “From what I heard you have sentences to do for Mrs. Burke. Much more constructive use of your time don’t you think?”
“You have a lot of nerve since you four caused me to serve after school detention in the first place!” Chloé snapped. “All because everyone can’t take a joke.”
“A joke?” Kagami called out from the back of the classroom. “You’re lucky I did not send you the dry cleaning bill for my skirt!”
The mayor’s daughter smiled. “Just think of me doing you a favor. One less chance of making a fashion mistake. Red plaid is so last season.”
“That response shows you haven’t learned your lesson,” the fencer insisted. “No wonder Mrs. Burke had to write it out on the chalkboard.”
Sabrina looked up from the desk she was peering under to see on the blackboard written largely in chalk: I will not play pranks on my classmates. They’re mean sprinted, disruptive and unnecessary.
All this had started on Monday, the first day of school. Sabrina had outright ignored Chloé to sit Kagami to become desk mates for the school year. The mayor’s daughter was stunned from what seemed a complete betrayal.
Especially since she had told Sabrina that she needed to return to her senses by the start of the school year. However the resentment did not fully materialize until Wednesday. When the class had returned from lunch. Kagami sat down at their desk only to leap up in shock.
The back of her skirt was drenched with a thin pink liquid. The class was confused while Sabrina noticed the bench was covered with strawberry and banana smoothie.
“It’s only fair, you were one of the people who brainwashed Sabrina against me,” Chloé told her.
“Is that what you think happened?” asked the redhead.
“Of course why else you mentioned to Mrs. Burke that strawberry and banana smoothie are one of my favorites drinks linking me to what happened,” she told her. “Instead of keeping your trap shut like usual.”
“I’m not brainwashed. I did that on my own volition.“
“That sounds like what a brainwashed person would say, Shadow.”
“Or it’s because she doesn’t believe your self centered conspiracy theories,” said Marinette while she stood in the back of the classroom. “Also stop calling her that. You of all people know her name. By calling her Shadow just shows how petty and immature you are.”
“Shut it Dupain-Cheng,” the mayor’s daughter hissed. “You and Cèsaire didn’t help being one of the first pointing fingers at me.”
“It wasn’t that hard considering you were the only one cracking jokes at Kagami’s expense,” the designer reminded her.
“Not only that, you were the only one who wasn’t in the cafeteria at lunch. You also have a driver on call and there’s a smoothie shop a few blocks away from here,” Alya added. “Besides you pulled a similar stunt this time last year. It’s just this time you didn’t have anyone take fall for you.”
“At least the class got to watch you clean up your mess with the supplies from Mr. Haprèle,” said Marinette.
“Too bad I had to miss it because I had to change. Luckily, I had some clothes as I was going to do some practice with Adrien after school. Since fencing starts back again next week,” Kagami approached Chloé’s desk. “But I’m actually surprised that you got detention. From what I heard you’re made out of solid Teflon. Nothing usually sticks to you.”
“Don’t act so smug,” Chloé snapped. “The reason why I’m serving detention is because my mom wants to look good for Mrs. Burke. So in her words she won’t be embarrassed.”
“I never would’ve thought that your mom was the type that cares about teachers,” said Marinette.
“She doesn’t, Mrs. Burke was an old work colleague of hers before going into teaching. Her mother also works in the publishing industry and even gave her an internship during university,” the mayor’s daughter folded her arms across her chest. “She’s practically an old family friend. If this was anyone else the whole thing would’ve been wiped off my record. So, what do you have to say for yourselves?”
“That Mrs. Burke is now one of my favorite teachers and I haven’t known her for a full week,” said Alya.
“Why you little-“ Chloé started to hiss.
“Girls, can we have a word please?” interrupted Kagami.
The three remaining girls exchanged confused looks with each other. But still followed the fencer as she walked down from the desk platform and toward the classroom’s open doorway.
“Kagami, is everything okay?” Sabrina asked. “Did you find the bracelet?”
“Sabrina, this bracelet we are looking for. It’s not rare or unique is it?” Kagami asked. “You can just find it at any boutique downtown right?”
“No, based on what I was told. It’s pretty unique and was made specifically just for me,” the redhead told her. “Why do you ask?”
The fencer frowned. “I think that Chloé is wearing your bracelet.”
“What?” the redhead whirled around to face Chloé had returned back to her writing.
The mayor’s daughter’s dominant hand was busy holding the pencil she was writing with. While her other hand rests on the desk, around the wrist of a gorgeous black and gold beaded bracelet with a sterling silver rose charm in the center.
It was her beloved bracelet.
The redhead stood there baffled, wondering why she hadn’t seen it before. The feeling of dread surrounded her like a cape. She looked at her friends who had concerned expressions on their faces. It’s like they knew exactly what she was feeling but seemed unable to articulate what to say.
Sabrina’s feelings of dread quickly burned into anger. “Of course it had to be with her! It couldn’t be on the floor or the middle of the street. No, it would be too easy. It had to be with Chloé Bourgeois!”
“Did someone say my name?” called out the mayor’s daughter from behind her.
The redhead flinched realizing that she had summoned her former friend. She took breath before plastering a pleasant smile on her face and whirling herself around to Chloé.
“Uh…hi Chloé,” she said.
“Yes Shadow, what do you want?” Chloe demanded. “Have you come to apologize for all that you had done these past couple months?”
Suddenly Sabrina’s hands balled into fists causing her fingernails to dig into her skin creating half moons indents in her palms. “Actually I would like to know where you got that bracelet? It’s really pretty.”
“Isn’t it?” Chloé beamed, holding up her wrist with the bracelet. It sparkled in the sunlight that streamed from the windows. “Unlike what most people think, I only deserve the best.”
“Can I ask where you have gotten it?”
“That’s on a need to know basis and you of all people you certainly don’t need to know. You have been pitifully trying to copy my color scheme for months. The last thing you need is more ammunition.”
“I like to think that it is important for me to know. Since that is my bracelet on your wrist.”
The mayor’s daughter’s eyes widened for a few seconds before it shifted into a frosty glare. “Well we know what people say finder’s keepers.”
Marinette scoffed. “Why am I not surprised that it came out of your mouth, Chloé?”
“It’s because in many places possession is nine tenths of the law, Dupain-Cheng,” Chloé pulled her wrist protectively towards her chest. “That’s something I figured your friend would know since she’s the daughter of a cop and all.”
“This is really rich considering the stir you caused on career day last year,” Alya pointed out. “If things went your way the whole class would’ve been arrested if that meant finding your bracelet.”
“Well that’s different since that was then and this is now,” the mayor’s daughter told her.
“Hypocrite,” said Kagami.
“It’s better than being a loser like you,” Chloé snapped back.
“Alright, Chloé can I have my bracelet back please,” Sabrina attempted to do damage control. Even though she agreed with her friends’ statements. “I would really appreciate it.”
“I don’t think that’s not a good idea, especially since I found it on the ground here, completely discarded. It would be better if I just kept it. Since I take good care of my things.”
“It was an accident!” the redhead hissed before taking a deep breath. “Look Chloé, we are not doing this again. It was already getting old when we were little.”
“Do what? I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Don’t act dumb, you know what I’m talking about. Throughout our friendship every time that I had something you wanted. You would convince me that I didn’t deserve to have it and force me to give it to you. Or the item would suddenly disappear to never be seen again. Do the gifts from my aunt and care packages from my grandparents abroad not ring a bell? I let it slide since we were friends but not now. So give me my bracelet back!”
Chloé just smirked. “You seem upset. What’s so special about this bracelet that got you so worked up?”
“It was a gift…from Delmar,” Sabrina sighed. “It’s specifically made for me in mind during the process and design. So you see that was never meant for you to wear. At this point it only makes sense for you to give it back.”
“Oh so this is from your boyfriend in New York? No wonder you’re so frustrated by the idea that a heartbroken Delmar realizes what a terrible girlfriend you are for losing his gift. That must be tearing you up inside.”
The fencer injected. “Chloé can’t you give this a rest?”
“I’m just vocalizing what she’s probably thinking,” said the mayor’s daughter.
“That’s one thing I know about Shadow that you three probably don’t. She’s always so hard on herself. Isn’t that right, Shadow?”
Sabrina glared at her. “I just want my bracelet back, Chloé.”
“Well that actually can be arranged depending on what you are willing to do for it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that I’m offering a proposition. If you make me promise and follow through. I’ll give you back the bracelet without any further questions asked.”
“That sounds like blackmail especially coming from you.”
“What was your first clue? So do we have a deal?”
“Depends on what you are asking for.”
“It’s not much, it’s just I heard from the grapevine that Luka and Juleka are having a party today. Now I don’t know how those silly twins thought they could have a decent party without inviting Chloé Bourgeois.”
Sabrina’s face bloomed with complete panic. “No.”
“Let me finish, the details are important,” the mayor’s daughter wore a malicious smirk. “I want you four to take me to this party and make sure that I am allowed to stay. If you are able to do it, I’ll give you the bracelet back at the end of the night.”
“Chloé, I’m only a guest. I have enough control of the guest list as you do. There will be a higher chance of me being asked to leave with you than you being allowed to stay.”
“Wow you hanging out with those losers really had made you soft. You were so much more cunning. It seemed that you forgot your besties with one of the co-hosts’ girlfriends. Everyone usually gives Dupain-Cheng whatever she wants. I’ll doubt her boyfriend would be any different. All she has to do is say a few sweet words and flutter her eyelashes. After that I’m sure Luka wouldn’t mind one more guest.”
“The problem with that plan is unlike you. I don’t manipulate others to do my bidding, Marinette glared at her. “And I wouldn’t manipulate Luka especially on your behalf!”
“I guess that means you don’t care about your friend like I thought,” the mayor’s daughter told her.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that!” the designer cried out. “I do care about you, Sabrina. She’s just twisting my words-“
“It’s okay,” the redhead assured her. “I knew what you meant.”
“Well if that’s too much for everyone there’s always a second option you can do,” Chloé interjected. “There are a few things that I need done for a while. My closet needs to be organized and my magazines are out of order. Not to mention since school started homework needs to be done.”
Sabrina felt her stomach twist into a knot. “You want me to reprise my role as your little lapdog. That’s what you are trying to say, aren’t you?”
“When you put it that way it sounds mean. But at the same time reprise seems like the right word. So do we have a deal?”
“Uh…I…” the redhead was completely shaken. “I need to talk to my friends since depending on what I choose it will affect them.”
Chloé returned to her writing. “Fine, but don’t take too long since my detention will end soon. I will need to notify my driver about a possible change of plans.”
Sabrina turned to her friends, who all three of them shared the same stunned expression as her.
“I’m so sorry I got you all in this terrible situation,” she apologized to her friends.
“No need to apologize,” Marinette reassured her. “I think that we all agreed that the first choice is the best option.”
“Definitely, no way we are doing option two,” Alya added. “The party is only a few hours while we don’t know how long Sabrina will be indebted if she agrees.”
“Personally, I think we should just charge and grab it back,” suggested Kagami. “It would be four against one.”
“With our luck we might break the bracelet in the process,” the designer warned. “Plus if Chloé screams she may alert the teachers who are still here. With Chloé’s influence we might get suspended or expelled if caught.”
“If that is the case we should notify Luka and Juleka of the situation immediately so they would not be blindsided,” said the fencer. “Tell them that we will owe them one.”
“We are going to bring Chloé,” the reporter groaned. “We are going to owe them at least one hundred.”
“We should take shifts watching her,” Marinette suggested. “I wouldn’t put it past her to pull something since she wasn’t originally invited.”
“So much for having a good time,” Kagami sighed.
This is all my fault. Sabrina thought. None of this would’ve happened if I was more careful. Now everyone’s afternoon will be ruined because of me.
She looked up at the clock that hangs over the door frame. Time had somehow slipped past her since it was already two forty five. The redhead felt eyes on her causing her to realize that Chloé was just sitting watching them. Glee filled her face like she was deriving pleasure from their panic.
At that moment Sabrina felt something inside her snap.
Her facial features sharpened as she stepped away from the group calling out to her former friend. “How long are we going to be doing this Chloé?!”
The mayor’s daughter looked stunned. “Excuse me?”
“I’m asking how long would I have to work for you if I choose option two?” Sabrina answered.
“Sabrina, what are you doing? We had already agreed you don’t have to do that,” Kagami asked, completely baffled.
“Yeah whatever you do don’t sell your soul to Ursula!” Alya exclaimed.
“Ursula!” Chloé slammed her hands on the desk. “How dare you compare me to that sea witch!”
“You two may not look alike but both of you sure have a knack for convincing redheads to accept crooked deals!” the reporter told her.
“Sabrina, don’t do this to yourself. The bracelet isn’t worth this,” the designer told her. “I’m sure that…Delmar would not want you to go through this. In fact he doesn’t even have to know.”
“But I will know. Look, I am the one who made this promise. So I should be the one to own up for this,” Sabrina told her friend.
“Do not think that I don’t appreciate what you three were willing for me. However this is my battle and I need to face it alone. So you need to trust me that I know what I’m doing.”
Marinette stared at her. Almost if she was reliving this conversation from a different life. After a few seconds of deliberation she gave a simple nod. With that the redhead turned away from her friends, taking her stride toward the mayor’s daughter’s desk.
“Glad to see that you had made a decision,” Chloé smirked, taking Sabrina’s hand once she approached. “Now we can pick up exactly where we left off.”
Sabrina yanked her hand from her former friend’s grip. “Except that will not be happening.”
“What? You promised to reprise your role.”
“As your unpaid servant. But I’m not your friend. Mainly because I don’t appreciate you using my friends as canon fodder. If you have a problem then take up with me directly as Sabrina not Shadow.”
“But I…”
“You what, you’re surprised? If that is the case you shouldn’t be. When I said that we were done after you came back from your trip. I take promises very seriously, including the one that I made to myself to never be your punching bag ever again.”
“What about my magazines and closet?”
“Oh don’t worry I will do that for you. I’ll even bring you some snickerdoodle cookies as I picked up baking over the summer. I can do that with no complaints.”
“What are you trying to prove here?“
“I’m just stating facts here, as this moment onwards this situation is transactional. I’m not doing this because I’m some sycophant that can’t last a day without a whiff of your lavish perfume. I’m doing this because I made a promise to someone special. And I’m sure as heck not going to let you interrupt that more than you already have. So if this deal is because you want to save a few euros by not going to the salon. So I can do your nails or it’s because your servants refuse to do my rainbow color coordination scheme for your closet that’s fine. But if this is what I think it is. For you to relive your glory days back when I was dependent on you. You will be wasting your time.”
“How dare you accuse me of something like that! I would never!”
“That the thing with you Chloé I’m unsure that you even know if that’s the truth or not. For years you thrived on having someone else underneath your heel,” Sabrina’s voice sounded like a blend of domineering and frustration. “Especially since the old Sabrina did nothing but give and give. Even the things she didn’t give you stood took. And how you thank her was treating her less than a person, practically subhuman. Do you know it’s like trying to understand algebra in a dark closet for multiple hours?”
“No I,” Chloé squeaked.
“Of course you don’t, as I would never have done that to you. It’s hard writing with one hand while holding your cell phone flashlight in the other trying doing two people’s work. It took a long hard reality check and being surrounded by amazing people that actually care about me to realize how toxic our relationship was. And you dare to try to hurt them through me?”
“You mean our friendship.”
“No, a friendship isn’t one-sided like we had. I was your friend Chloé but you were never mine. I have real friends now who were willing to sacrifice their whole evening to babysit you because of my mistake. That is one thing you need to realize. If I had to choose who saved first, the person in front of me or the three people behind me. I would pick them every time. So if this because there’s some chores that need to be done. That’s perfectly fine but my days of being in your shadow are over. You acted like this choice was that I would be stuck with you. Well it goes both ways. So you still haven’t answered my question. How long are you willing to do this?”
Chloé looked completely stunned before hissing. “You think that you are so special don’t you?”
Without another warning the mayor’s daughter stood up leaping over the desk sticking the landing on the classroom’s ground floor, surprising everyone. She darted toward Mrs. Burke’s desk pulling out the pair of scissors from the pencil holder and ripped off the cover. The girls ran over circling around her as she slipped off the bracelet and held it against the scissors.
“Don’t come any closer!” Chloé shouted. “One wrong move and I’ll cut it up in bits!”
“What are you doing Sabrina agreed to your terms!” Kagami exclaimed. “You owe her that bracelet.”
Marinette narrowed her eyes. “Except this was never about the bracelet, was it Chloè? This did not go as you imagined it, right?”
“I…I don’t know what you are talking about, Dupain-Cheng,” the mayor’s daughter stammered.
“Sabrina is right isn’t she? You really can’t thrive without someone under you. It explains your behavior this week with the smoothie, the blackmail and now attempting to destroy the bracelet. This is all about finding a new to hurt Sabrina to maintain your previous dynamic since she walked away. So this became your last resort, I’m I right?”
Chloé just glared at them, appearing unsure how to exactly answer. However the scissors still moved toward the bracelet.
“No!” Sabrina cried out.
“What in the world is going on here?” said a familiar voice from the doorway.
All the girls turned to see Mrs. Burke standing in the doorway with a large stack of papers in her arms. Her blue eyes were practically cracking with disapproval.
Chloé instantly dropped the scissors while wailing to the teacher. “Mrs. Burke, thank goodness you’re here. These girls have been harassing me since you left!”
“Oh you are such a liar!” said Alya. “If anything you’ve been harassing us!”
“All of you have been bullying me since you got here,” the mayor’s daughter slid the bracelet back on. “You tried to steal my bracelet!”
“If that’s the case why did you have scissors to chop it up?” the fencer questioned.
“I thought that was the only way you all would leave me alone,” Chloé turned to the teacher. “You have to believe me, you have known me for years.”
“I’m not sure that much of the accomplishment you think it is, Chloé,” said Mrs. Burke. “But girls, is what Chloé said true?”
“Of course not, Chloé found my bracelet and refused to give it back,” answered the redhead.
She told Mrs. Burke what had happened when she was gone. Although the mayor’s daughter attempted to interrupt multiple times Sabrina got her point across.
“Well it looks like we are at an impasse here. Now force someone else to hand over property unless I know for sure it belongs to another person,” Mrs. Burke sighed while placing the papers on her desk. “However, I do have a strong feeling of who’s telling the truth. Do either of you have any proof that the bracelet belongs to you.”
“Oh I do. It’s in my purse,” Chloé smirked before running over to her desk and pulling out a slip of paper in her purse. She walked back handing it to Mrs. Burke. “Here it is.”
“It’s a receipt from Gabriel’s Boutique,” the teacher read the slip out loud. “It has yesterday’s date and time stamped for last night at eight o’clock. Along with the word bracelet with the price tag two hundred and fifty euros.”
“See! It’s mine,” the mayor’s daughter told the teacher.
“That can be for any bracelet,” said Marinette.
“Maybe, but unless Sabrina has something to counter that,” informed Mrs. Burke. “I will have to take it.”
“I don’t have the receipt since it’s actually a handmade gift,” the redhead admitted.
“Oh no, Sabrina is caught up in a lie,” Chloé taunted. “I wish I had this on film!”
“Film!” the redhead exclaimed as an idea had struck her. “Mrs. Burke, can I make a phone call please?”
“Is it about the bracelet?” Mrs. Burke asked as Sabrina walked over toward her backpack and fished out her phone.
“Oh yes it is,” Sabrina selected one of her contacts and pressed her phone to her ear as it rang. “I may not have proof on me but I got a friend who does….hello Nino, thanks for picking up. Quick question: do you still have the outtakes of me from yesterday?”
A few moments later everyone huddled around Sabrina’s phone placed on Mrs. Burke’s desk as a video of the redhead started to play. She was wearing a bright yellow v-neck blouse with tiny black polka dots, black skinny jeans, a silver headband and black flats. She was nervously twirling the ends of her hair with the infamous bracelet around her wrist. It appeared to be mid-afternoon as Sabrina leaned against a brick wall while the sun rays caused the bracelet to sparkle.
“Are you okay?” asked the voice behind the camera.
It was Nino, after explaining the situation to him. He did not hesitate sending the outtake that she did previously for the Kitty Section documentary after hanging up.
“I’m just nervous,” Sabrina replied. “I just didn’t expect to see my Thursday afternoon like this. I’ve never been that good on camera. Are you sure that you want me of all people to do this? The last thing I want is to ruin this for you.”
“Don’t worry I’m not looking for world class acting here. Just act natural, since you’re a friend of Kitty Section not you qualify. Especially since you’ve been hanging out at a lot of practices with the others.”
“So that’s what I get for being a supportive friend, huh? Well it wouldn’t be the first time that has got me in trouble.”
“You’ll be fine, what we are doing right now can be a screen test to get familiar with the camera on you. So practice with what you are going to say.”
“Oh okay,” Sabrina took a deep breath while looking at the camera. “I have known the majority of Kitty Section for a while and I would like to think they are all great tens…”
“Wait, did you say tens?”
“You heard that too?” her face turned a deep shade of red. She looked down at her wrist almost as if she had gotten caught. “I mean to say friends. I thought I just heard wrong because I’m nervous.”
“It’s fine, even professionals need multiple takes. Besides, I’m thinking about changing the camera angle.”
“It’s probably the best since this bracelet has been sparkling too much,” the redhead slid off the bracelet. “I should’ve taken off after they approached me to do this. It’s not like I was wearing it the whole day anyway.”
“You sure? It looks fine on my end.”
“Yeah, I just don’t want to risk it especially since you said that you were going to put it on YouTube. Let me just put this in my backpack.”
Right at that moment the video cut off.
“Well that’s definitely more proof compared to a receipt,” Mrs Burke looked up from the phone toward Chloé. “Care to explain.”
“This video has to be edited!” the mayor’s daughter exclaimed.
“So you’re telling me that this video was edited to make it look like Sabrina was wearing a bracelet no one saw you wear until nearly an hour ago?” questioned the teacher. “Is that what you were trying to say?”
“Yes, because they’re all jealous of me!”
“Chloé stop, you’re done. It’s clear that this is Sabrina’s bracelet and you were using it to antagonize her and the others. Those foolish acts will not be tolerated in my classroom. So give Sabrina her bracelet back and apologize to her right now.”
The mayor’s daughter looked stunned; as if the teacher had just ordered her to run into oncoming traffic.
“I would like to think that you had heard me, Chloé,” Mrs. Burke spoke sternly. “Now apologize.”
Chloé grumbled while sliding off the bracelet and dropped it into the redhead outstretched hands. “I’m sorry that I took your bracelet and refused to give it back.”
“Well, I really appreciate your apology even if you needed a nudge in the right direction,” smiled the redhead.
The mayor’s daughter shot her a venomous look as if she wanted everything to burn.
Clearly this was not over.
“So Chloé please return to your seat as you and I will be having a long conversation about your actions,” the teacher folded her arms.
With that things came to a close. Time passed as the girls walked out of the Boulangerie Patisserie. Each one carried out a white bakery box filled with an assortment of cupcakes while approaching Tatsu who was sitting idle. Prior to carrying out the boxes the girls went upstairs placing their bags in the family living room. Sabrina placed her bracelet back in her backpack double checking that the pocket was zipped. With the acknowledgment the fact that large bodies of water and sentimental jewelry did not mix.
The four friends piled into the car as Kagami took the front passenger seat while the rest sat in the back. Alya took the left window seat, Marinette sat in the middle and Sabrina took the right window seat. Once everyone was buckled up and securing the bakery boxes on their laps Tatsu started to pull forward towards their destination.
Marinette checked her phone. “It’s only a little past three. We should definitely make it to Liberty prior to four.”
“I’m glad this nightmare is over,” Sabrina let out a sigh of relief. “I also want to thank everyone for helping me out and standing up for me.”
“It’s no problem,” said Alya. “That’s what friends are for. But it’s clear that you didn’t need too much help when you put Chloé in her place, yourself.”
“Oh definitely, I had never seen that side of you,” the fencer agreed. “It was like you were a completely different person.”
“Well you know what everyone says,” the redhead twirled her hair. “Everyone has a limit and Chloé has surpassed that. Especially since she was trying to pull you three into this. I rather deal with her myself then let everyone else suffer. But one thing that definitely got to do is thank Nino once we get to Liberty. I owe him one.”
“I’m sure he would consider you two even for yesterday,” the reporter assured her. “But if you want to get him something he likes Milo’s gummy worms from that corner store a block away from the school.”
“I’ll have a bag for him on Monday,” said Sabrina.
“I’m just keep thinking about that look Chloé gave you during her forced apology,” Marinette told her. “I don’t want to worry you but knowing Chloé this won’t be over. Especially depending on how harshly Mrs. Burke will chew her out.”
“You’re probably right but there’s at least a few things that Chloé knows now. I’m not scared of her anymore,” Sabrina smiled. “That I got at least four people who got my back. In addition, I will always value my friendships and possessions before even thinking about her. Refreshing since this time last year it was the other way around.”
Her friends smiled at the sentiment before switching to a more positive subject such as the party which Sabrina joined in. Tatsu paused at a stoplight as a group of kids crossed the street with backpacks presumably coming from school. Sabrina recognized a familiar face from the group which caused her smile once the car was allowed to coast through.
Two days ago.
Waves of ladybugs flew the afternoon sky of the city of Paris fixing the recent damages and misdeeds of the recent akuma attacks. A wave ran through a city block releasing the heroes Ladybug, Chat Noir and Honeybee. Along with the heroes was a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties. He had wavy brown hair, bright green eyes and fair skin. The young man was wearing a blue polo shirt, tan khakis, red canvas sneakers and a white lab coat. Pinned to his lab coat was a name tag with the name Chase written in black ink.
All four of them were brought from the city’s sewer that once was the domain of Chase’s former villainous persona, Gator. All the heroes had spatters of gray muck from the sewers on their suits. However, Honeybee had gotten the worst of it as she was covered head to toe in sewer muck.
So imagine her relief when the ladybugs washed over the heroes cleaning her off. The ladybugs ran through Honeybee’s black collared yellow jumpsuit with black full length gloves that had yellow fluffy pollen like cuffs. The suit’s bright yellow torso had a large black v-shaped stripe across the chest with two thinner stripes underneath. The lower half was black with knee high boots with yellow triangular bands at the knees and triangular at the bottom.
Before moving onto her face with her yellow and black mask with the colors divided longways. Lastly finishing with her long fiery red ponytail with jet black highlights that was pulled back by a black headband with ribbon like antennas and the golden bee themed hair comb on the right side of her head in one swift motion.
This lifted her spirits for only a few seconds before returning to the melancholy mood from before. Ladybug pulled out a green and yellow magical charm from her yoyo. She walked over to Chase to explain the charm properties. Meanwhile Honeybee stood waiting twirling the ends of her ponytail while thoughts of Chloé prank cloud her mind. Her hair comb let out a warning beep.
Chat Noir walked over to her holding up his hand for an fist bump. “Nice work, Honeybee.”
“Thanks,” the bee spoke softly while bumping his fist.
“Hey is everything okay? You’ve been acting down since the moment I saw you today.”
“My mood really gave it away didn’t it?”
“That and you screamed ‘this day just got worse’ when you landed in that lake of goo in the sewers. Besides, you don’t look like someone who wrestled an alligator man and won.”
“Oh please it was the venom that did him in.”
“You were the one who body slammed him into a wall.”
“It’s because it looked like a Gator was going to bite off your head like it was an animal cracker. I like to think that I speak for everyone that you look better with your head on.”
“Oh what is that a challenge?”
“Chat Noir, I swear if you get yourself hurt with you being reckless based on what I just said. The moment I find out head or not I’m gotta-“
“Do what? Depending on what happened, something or someone already did me in.”
Honeybee looked at him realizing the ridiculousness of this conversation causing her to laugh while shaking her head.
“Well, I got you to laugh,” Chat Noir smiled. “Did that make you feel a little better?”
“A little, it’s really not what anyone here did. It’s just some former friend trouble in my personal life,” Honeybee admitted. “That’s much that I can say without going into too much detail. Obviously it’s not as important compared to keeping Paris standing.”
“Well sorry about that. But as there’s always a chance today can get better,” the cat told her. It just happens when you usually expect it.”
“He got a point,” Ladybug approached them while Chase walked away in the opposite direction. “Things will get better.”
“Thanks for the sentiment but honestly we should get going,” the bee pulled the trompo off her waist while her hair comb beeped.
However before she could toss her weapon Honeybee heard someone calling out from behind her. “Wait Honeybee, please don’t go!”
The heroine turned around to see a young girl who looked about eleven years old running toward the heroes. She had deep brown skin, bright brown eyes and long gorgeous curly black hair that went down her back. The girl was wearing a lilac babydoll top, faded blue denim jeans, silver flats and had a purple messenger bag on her shoulder. She looked practically out of breath once she reached the heroes.
“Thanks for not leaving,” said the girl as stopped in front of them. However the moment she glanced at Honeybee she appeared starstruck. “Oh…uh…I mean hi.”
“Hi,” the bee looked confused. “Is there something that I can do for you?”
“Oh no, you have literally done enough. No I don’t mean that,” the girl put her head in hands. “Oh my gosh I didn’t expect to get so flustered when doing this. You know what never mind sorry for wasting your time-“
However before the girl could walk away the bee gave her a small smile. “Don’t worry, I know what that’s like. Just take a deep breath then speak.”
The girl appeared surprised but took a long deep breath before breathing out. After that she looked a little more relieved.
“So what do you need?” asked the bee. “If I can’t handle it I’m sure my teammates can.”
“Always wanted to talk to you. My name is Lydia, you probably don’t remember me. You saved me from that collapsing building near the park a few weeks ago.”
“Right, I think I remember. It was during that Collision Man attack, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah! There was so much going on. I never got the chance to thank you.”
“Oh it’s okay, trust me the reason why I put on this mask is not for praise. Just knowing that you didn’t get hurt is enough.”
“But I have something to give you,” Lydia opened her bag and dug through it to pull out a small black box with a mini gold bow on the top. “I’ve been carrying it around for weeks since I didn’t know the next time I was going to see you.”
She handed over the box to Honeybee who opened it to reveal a sparkly black and gold beaded bracelet with a silver rose charm.
“Wow, this is so pretty,” the bee lifted up the bracelet from the box causing it to sparkle in the sunlight. “Thank you!”
“Really, you’re not just saying that just to be nice right?” asked Lydia.
“Of course, this is gorgeous. I love the combination of the colors. Where did you get it?“
“Actually I made it.”
Honeybee was positively stunned. “Whoa you’re serious? That’s amazing!”
“I did have help from my mom. She owns a jewelry shop that makes their own beads. So I designed the bracelet and my mom did the beads. After she was done with the beads I put it together. It was specifically made just for you, so it’s one of a kind.”
“Thank you, I feel really honored. In fact this is the first gift that I ever got as a hero. I’ll definitely be cherishing this forever.”
“I promise.”
The End.
Thanks for reading. 😊
So, I hope you liked this story. I really appreciate you reading this especially since I will admit this is a long one. But to be honest it didn’t seem right to break it up in two parts. I also wanted to showcase how much development that Sabrina got. Especially since there was so much happening in this story.
I gave my golden girl so much: she got besties, she got invited to parties, she put mean girls in their place, was filmed in documentaries and beat up an alligator man. Definitely a departure from the original source material but I kinda like that. It’s like comparing my work and canon in the same vein as comparing cats and dogs. Both animals have similarities but I think we all agree they aren’t exactly the same thing.
This so is also available on Wattpad:
The song for this week is a cover of “Still Standing” (Elton John) by Annapantsu. I hope you like it.
Author’s Note 📝: Hey it’s Doodle here. As mentioned in the header this is my last story of 2022. I plan to take a break to enjoy the holidays. I will still be on the platform so I will be interacting with others/ posts such as liking, commenting and so on. But posting won’t resume until 2023. Don’t worry this break should not be as long compared to 2022 especially since that was because of school ( At least I hope. Life throws curveballs.) I would like to wish everyone who’s reading this happy holidays and have a fantastic new year! 🎉
See you next time! 👋
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untilthenextencore · 2 years
Cosmic~... Ch. 4
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Once back in the car, it was as if they were back in their own little world. Back in each other's arms. Back in a clinch. Back in a sweet and tender embrace. Back in a maddening kiss.
"Darling! He absolutely loved you!" Jimmy raved between kisses that trailed from her lips to her cheek.
"Really?" She gasped as she reels from the trails his wandering lips burn along her skin. Her fingers gripped his coat, fingertips trying to commit the feel of the beaded designs to memory. Said lips latched onto the crook of her neck, searing a memory there. His tongue tracing sigils on her skin. He unbuttoned just one button on her blouse before a glint of something caught his eye.
A small gold locket on a chain with a somewhat familiar looking flower on it. "Hmmm... May I?"
She nodded, albeit with the disclaimer. "There's nothing much in it. Just a simple floral motif I like. A little vintage retread. I think it's called..."
"Blackthorn..." Jimmy gasped as he clicked the locket open & first laid eyes on the floral motif in question.
"Yeah that's it!" She smiled shyly. "I'm so glad you know it. I don't know much though. I just know that I love it!"
"It's a William Morris." He replied simply with a nod. Then looking up at her starry eyes & shy pride at their newfound shared connection. One look at Galatea & he could tell did not seem to have any clue of exactly how deep this fascination went for him.
And all of a sudden, whatever unseen vines that seemed to twine about them & entwine in such a way as to ensnare them together, just began to entwine them just that much tighter together. He didn't know if it was an errant thorn or a needle but he felt something pierce his heart. A hothouse worth of flowers bloomed. Their scent filled his mind. Their nectar made him feel both hyper-focused & hazy. His blood ran hot through his veins. Pumping in his temples.
He was aflame.
Instantly his lips were back on hers. His arms twining around her tightly. Crushing her to him. He seared yet another head-spinning kiss onto her.
Galatea was stunned by his ardor renewed & intensified. Moreso by the next words that fell from his reddened, kiss-swollen lips, blurted in a hush as he parted from her. "Come with me. Stay with me tonight. For the next few nights. For a while. As long as possible."
Galatea is stunned yet again. She'd be a fool to turn this down. That much she knew.
"I'd love to... But what about school tomorrow? Tomorrow's a school day after all."
Jimmy never flinched. "I'll arrange everything. I'll have my driver take you & pick you up. Anything you need."
She glanced over to the phone in the corner of their cozy little cab. "Can I make a call? I need someone to pick up my books from home. I know just who to call."
Jimmy nodded. "Anything." He was resolute.
Instantly, Galatea's trembling fingers dialed the number of practically the only person she knew she could trust with something of this caliber. The only person she could trust with a secret like this. Placing the receiver to her ear & with Jimmy holding & giving gentle comforting - yet altogether thrilling - squeezes to her free hand, Galatea hushed, knowing that despite the private line she was calling, it was then getting a bit late.
"Hello, Alicia?..."
As ever this is forever under construction~...
Hope you enjoy~!...
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alldatmaterz · 2 years
25 Traditional & Modern Saree Poses For Girls At Home For Photoshoot
The saree is engraved in our hearts. So much that whenever a woman wears a saree, we want to captivate her beauty and elegance forever. Women love to wear sarees in different styles and try different poses at home so that they can take unforgettable photos. We all know that nowadays it is not enough to have the perfect combination of an outfit. The perfect saree poses are also needed to take a photo. What good is this if we do not know the saree poses at the house?
However, we make a lot of unintentional mistakes while imagining ourselves in different poses in the saree which eventually ruins our photos in saree. However, we have found that over the years some tips and tricks work wonders to embellish our traditional saree for a home photoshoot. So, let's get started with some of the best saree poses for girls at home to help them look lovely.
1. Tilt Your Face Saree Poses At Home
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Here is a simple and classic saree pose for your photos at home. A slight bend at the waist or a slight tilt of the neck can do wonders for your photos. Make sure you find a stable and lean place for the photo. And don't forget your beautiful smile.
2. The Sitting Half Saree Poses For Royalty
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You would surely love an exotic sitting pose for your saree at home. It provides a royal and comfortable look and makes you look like a queen. All you need is to get a sofa and choose a nice wallpaper. You will look more amazing in-home photography sessions with this sitting position.
3. Lean Against The Wall Saree Poses For Girls
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Using your background wisely is the first step while creating the best saree poses at home. All you need is to lean against the wall and you can play with your earrings or you can just keep your hands on your hips. Either way, your photos will look unique and vivid.
4. Keep It Natural For Nauvari Saree Poses
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Sometimes just standing in her garden or walking down the stairs can be a better posture than an intentionally direct posture. Believe it or not, your best photos are always the ones where you feel free and natural.
5. Showing the Back For Bengali Saree Poses
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Whether it's a casual or designer blouse, back poses will bring your photos to life. With a back pose, highlighting your oomph factor, the viewers’ attention would surely shift towards your curvaceous back. You can show your back while standing in front of a wall or a curtain. Make sure to flip your hair forward and let the pallu flow freely.
6. Mirror Reflection Poses On Saree
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Using mirrors for saree poses is very much in trend these days. Mirrors become your best option when you lack useful functions for taking pictures in your home. In this position, leaning on the mirror without looking at your reflection can make it happen wonderfully. Make sure the photographer doesn't blow up your photoshoot.
7. Standing Straight For Half Saree Poses
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The upright position is the simplest saree position in the home. The vertical position does not require any property. However, it takes confidence to look good empty-handed. When you are in an upright position, look at the camera and hold your posture straight with your hands on your waist. Keep your chin up slightly and smile mysteriously when you're done. 
8. Play With Pallu Saree Poses For Girls
Are you also getting stuck on what to do with your hands when standing in a saree? To look natural when taking pictures at home, play with pallu. Through this, you can effortlessly create another iconic saree pose effortlessly.
9. Bend Down Poses On Saree
To make your saree more interesting, you can lean slightly to the front instead of standing stiffly. It will add some liveliness to your photo.
10. The Relaxed Saree Poses For Photoshoot 
You must keep relaxed when taking saree photos. You can stand idly by with one hand on your waist or thighs and the other hand on a side table. Many fashion designers go beyond the lesser-known laid-back pose.
11. Light And Hues Nauvari Saree Poses
Using the perception trick can also give you a perfect image. You just need to play with the colors. If you wear a light-colored costume against a dark background, it will stand out. It will take your saree to a whole new level. 
12. Play With Nature Traditional Saree Poses For Photoshoot 
If you are a person who loves brightly colored sarees, you must let nature speak in your next photo. A great addition would be the wooden furniture in your garden to add that aesthetic feel to your photos. Green background with a natural setting is a great way to do it.
13. Mystery Magic Half Saree Poses
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Playing with the elements of light can provide an excellent backdrop for your photos at home. If you have a light shining on your face, look away from the camera with an intense gaze. It can create a beautiful atmosphere.
14. Color Contrast Saree Poses For Girls At Home
Using the color contrast technique to make any saree setting look charming is a great option. Don't forget to find the perfect background color to perfectly complement your saree. With this, you will highlight even the simplest situation.
15. Perfect Poise Bengali Saree Poses
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A simple and sophisticated setting of a tailored saree can take you places. Just sit back or stand upright on the perfect background and you have the most elegant photo. Always balanced by grace.
16. The Diligent Diva Saree Poses For Girls
If you want to do a close-up shot in a saree for your photo, you should definitely give this diligent diva a try for your next photo shoot. Just avoid any eye contact with the camera and look like an absolute diva. Shake this situation like a boss.
17. Define Your Curves Saree Poses For Photoshoot
The saree makes your curves look very noticeable. You can look sexier than ever just by leaning in a little to accentuate those curvy features. Make sure you have adequate lighting and a smile on your face.
18. Confident Traditional Saree Poses For Photoshoot
Don't forget to use your cheek if you are wearing a daring saree. To have a strong saree pose for a photo shoot, you need to stand confidently. You feel like you can rule the world and you are ready to go. Don't let anyone falter in your strength.
19. Royal And Regal Saree Poses For Girls At Home
When you have an expensive saree, it is a must to flaunt it. Wear the iconic and delicately detailed saree with royalty. Whether standing or upside down, it will do wonders with your image.
20. Calm And Cool Nauvari Saree Poses
Gone are the days when girls needed to be ashamed of their photos. Look cool and relaxed in this casual pose and let your hair flow down or maybe tie it up in a loose draped bun. It's saree time the right way.
21. Floating Pallu Saree Poses For Girls
In this mode, you have to float your saree with the help of a fan with a natural smile. You can also choose a perfect hairstyle to match it or keep it messy for a natural look. Make sure your pallu is beautifully groomed.
22. Slightly Looking Down Bengali Saree Poses
saree is all about elegance. To get this pose perfectly, you have to look down with a bit of elegance, as if you are immersed in something. You can click on it while standing and sitting because it works either way.
23. Showing Your Plates Poses On Saree 
Stand up straight or sit cross-legged to display the saree dishes. And a beautiful smile will nonetheless attract all the attention you want. This is one of the easiest modes ever.
24. The Perfect Girl Saree Poses For Girls At Home
There are millions of ways to take saree's pictures. However, the simple and perfect girl condition will never grow old. If you want the perfect girlish look, a small smile in a simple sitting position will do wonders. Make sure your background complements your saree.
25. Simple Traditional Saree Poses For Photoshoot
Sometimes keeping things simple can give you the look you want. For a simple yet daring saree image, just walk over to a large closet and stop safely. A slight tilt or lateral position with a natural smile makes your movement correct.
Now that you know how to rock a saree for the perfect photo at home, we look forward to seeing your stunning photos on social media. Bring out the best in star sarees and your stunning poses to click on the perfect image of yourself that you can cherish forever. Let's show them, no one can rock it like the ladies!
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