lith-myathar · 3 months
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arataka-reigen · 9 months
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I can't breathe I hate this so much it's so hysterical
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allgremlinart · 3 months
idk anything about Dungeon Meshi except that the yaoi/bara of it on twitter makes me really horny keep up the good work guys
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dracoj · 3 months
apparently by elf standards mithrun is ripped and super masculine…. does that mean he’s bara?
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dartxo · 6 months
"Son of the Sea"
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Shuzam, my Half Sea-elf OC, delighting in the joys of the sea.
This is my favorite artwork that I made this year.
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
wish i had artistic talent so i could draw my bby haleir 😔 he has consumed my brain i love this stupid elf smh
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yael-art-den · 2 days
Oc ask time. Whats a random oc you got
Ooo, I think everyone already knows about the two Main Baras (Rowan. Wanderer) and the token twink (Mikh) so im gonna talk about a dude I dont post/draw much about lately but it's a very dear character!!!! This man
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Yael is technically not my OC but Crystal's (my partner), but I count him as one of my own since he's quite literally designed to be my self-insert. Yael and Crystal are two of our most beloved OCs, and we use them EVERYWHERE, especially as online nicknames or in games where we can create our own sonas (Stardew, Sims, etc).
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This is an old reference. He is now fatter and taller.
He shares my ASD, bisexuality and cottagecore love. Crystal (irl) is taller than me so part of the joke is that he's one of the biggest OCs we have; and Crystal (The elf) is around my irl size.
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(This is a doodle I made for his ranchersona in Stardew!!!)
Lore-Wise, he's a Firbolg in Crystal's setting, called Midgard or Pangea depending on the timeline. In there, Firbolg are actually closer to ents and dryads than to giants; they have a lifespan similar to elves and are extremely tall. Yael used to be somewhat of an alchemist and nature researcher before getting into the most bloody turbo-divorce ever; lived homeless for a while with his daughter and is now somewhat leading a revolt against the city of Zobeck's townsguards and government. He is also currently dating crystal, a Shadowfey elf made out of glass(?) but this is not about her!!!!
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(Anyways this is them, courtesy of royalsea's old patreon)
He's the kind of man i want to grow up as. Extremely hot role model. Has a pet goat and an abandoned greenhouse he chills in and is extremely strong and getting fatter by the day. Peak man tbh
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(Chibis by dakimchi art!)
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toyhouse-code-hell · 4 months
Screw it- Ask #2 because I'm bored. Can you tell me about your OCs? I like hearing about random people's OCs because alot of people like to rant about them and the excitement and pure effort put into making them makes me feel profuctive too!
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There's so much. There's so so so so much. Nobody that I didn't already know has ever asked me about my ocs. They're all mostly D&D characters, or are in a D&D-esque setting I'll talk about some of my favorites, but there needs to be context.
None of the LORE is on any of their fucking toyhouse pages because I literally work on toyhouse stuff, get so motivated, I work on things for three days. Then I stop everything for six months. This is a continuous cycle. I suffer daily. I also over-explain and over-share A LOT. This is the first time anyone has asked about my ocs on a public platform. IT'S GOING TO BE A LOT. I'M SORRY. (And hell this might be a masterpost for all the little blurbs about my Little Guys?? idk!!) And ofc the art is old-ish.
Hamond :)
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He's an aasimar fiend warlock (1)/ champion fighter (11), son of duke of a small homebrewed country, warlock of Graz'zt. Was sent to handle an owlbear in the woods due to it fucking with locals livestock. Was ambushed by said owlbear, it almost killed him, and this very kind demon lord took the opportunity to offer this young son of a duke a second chance to not be killed. Hamond agreed, got a nice new necklace, and killed the owlbear. He does the little things his patron wants in secret, which are thankfully just small things. His father sent him away due to his country going to war (contingency so royalty stays alive), where he met an astral elf twink who is now his fucked up little boyfriend.
Used him in a Heliana's oneshot before where this happened.
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Next is Vihan! I'll keep it short with him because there is. A lot. (Glitch & Worm idk if you will ever see this, but this is spoilers)
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They're a sentient sword, from a set of 8 weapons that embody schools of magic. Vihan is a shortsword that lets their wielder cast evocation spells for free, given to priest-kings of a long-lots city (of Mezro, the chosen of Ub'Tao are called barae). I gave him to my part at 12th level, since one in the party had made contact with his stupid fuckup son (Ras Nsi, not canon to actual FR lore), but Ub'tao chatted with the wizard like "hey. help me?" and our wizard went "K". I was thinking they would have him be a sword for a majority of the time but nooooo they fell in love with him. >:/ He was also broken when they met, to which I gave wild magic rolls when he cast things iirc (this was in 2021 its hazy). They fixed him up though.
His former wielder was killed in a coup by another one of the chosen, in a plan to kill them all, usurp their god, and bring about an end to the world, but LORD that's another story.
But back to Vihan.
He's a real living person, kidnapped about 4oo years prior to the party getting them, had a bunch of experiments done on him, core implanted, renamed, all that. And given to a firbolg native to Chult who worked hard to be a barae, Epoch, leaving his 2 sons to be raised by his hometown. (and bc he was murdered and nobody was giving them answers, they became closed off from the bigger holy cities) And those kids got older, had communal kids, too, and one of those kids was the barbarian pc. The new barae of evocation was the wizard that said "K" to helping a god.
His name is actually Viktor, had an identical brother named Vacek (both changelings), and he robbed tourists in order for his brother to stay in a care home (their country of origin is corrupted capitalist hellscape island where if you can't produce for society, you have no use aside from being fertilizer, unless you can afford otherwise). When Viktor was kidnapped, Vacek was thrown onto the streets 10 minutes after payment was due, and he managed to climb on a boat as a stowaway during a storm and get the fuck out of there. While he was still chronically ill, getting off of pollution island was very beneficial for his health. He made it to another country and managed to live out his days and even had a family. He never went back to find his brother, assuming his thieving finally got him killed. (Their single mother was also murdered, and retrieving her body cost the two twelve year olds money they didn't have. She was meant to leave the country while pregnant with them, to be with their father who had already left, but port guards robbed her and kicked her back into the city. When her husband came back to make a stink, he was silenced permanently.)
Yes I was VERY into xenoblade 2 when I had this idea.
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Vihan is a little bit fucked up.
I think I'll be done for now. I'll rb with more if I want to later.
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alwaysbeyondhope · 4 months
I’m gonna be in Sweden for two and a half weeks in May. @pocket-elf and I are getting friendship tattoos (I’m getting a cute little ghostie under a disco ball!) but I’ve also been thinking about getting lyrics from Gabriella’s Song. and where better to get that done than Sweden?
So I’m getting these two lyrics:
jag är här och mitt liv är bara mitt
jag vill känna att jag levt mitt liv
And I’m so fucking excited!!
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wumblr · 1 year
bussy so fire your man call it plato's cave. i'm at chest nut street he call this binchy maeve. drivin his mulholland he callin this lunch dave. letterin my boxtasy call that review rave. catboyified your soldier he deployed in a tankini doin numbers on thin ice call that zamboni zoombini. couchtater thot he was a tuber, never been there, javer oover. he say he wanna shave i tell him tom dick hairy i catboyed your babydaddy i'm his godmother fairy. walk a mile in these manolos cuz he bredshaw my carrie. walk the whole oregon trail girl you can die of dysentery. he see me with his elf eye i'm oracle delphi you will die in seven days bitch connect to this wellfi. i'm his samara. take his ass to samsara. tiddies bara. keep him drippin like a fawcett and he blowout like farrah. call your man my girl cuz i bees in that sultenfussy. jugglin under tail like my name is pope fransussy. thinkin he's a lord with his moomin and meemin now i call his ass jerma cuz he twitchin and streamin. maid fit came with a scythe and i'm makin his dick writhe, call that a sim reaper cuz i woohoo his ass right, goin klum mode on the worm, you know he dead, spirit blithe, and that's what it feels like to chew gum five (verse continues nonstop for 12 hours due to wizard curse)
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warthoong · 2 years
I really like how Tolkien makes space feel like time. you know fow sometimes time goes swiftly and sometimes you can feel every second lazily passing by? it's a well-known thing, as well as the fact that it's difficult and boring to write and read about happy times, but the most boring book becomes a page-turner when the angsty part begins.
I noticed that Tolkien does the same thing with spaces. in one moment you read about Finrod getting lost on a hunting trip, or Aredhel's companions getting lost on a road, and you think wow it seems to me that Beleriand is HUGE. and then you turn the page and see Celegorm and Curufin randomly meeting Lúthien in the forest, Fingon looking east from his balkony in Bara Eithel and trying to see Maedhros' army, Aragorn finding an elf-stone in the mud on the bridge. and you realize that this world it tiny.
now I know it's how space works in real life too, but I don't recall depictions of the time-space continuum actually including the "space also may feel different" descriptions. also it makes Silmarillion so much more "a bunch of legends" rather than one story. fascinating
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dartxo · 6 months
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My Half Sea-elf character, Shuzam, right in his element.
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bara elf fans are the most oppressed minority 
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orpheusofthestars · 5 days
they want u to think u cant have both twinks and bears. that u have to choose between yaoi and bara. that dwarf senshi is better than elf senshi. but i know the truth. you can always have both
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kaomera · 6 months
dumb game idea: Isekai Rescue squad - isekai'ing is a known thing, and predictably some people get mad that their loved one not only died early but is now trapped in a power-fantasy in another world full of busty anime elfs and furry baras instead of like in heaven or whatever, and they will pay you to go get them back so they can finish paying off their student loans
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reposted-yura15cbx · 11 months
НольНольНоль | ZeroZeroZero
2019 Италия, Мексика видео сериалы
В Калабрии глава мафиозного клана дон Муно прячется от врагов в подземном бункере и заказывает крупную партию кокаина на 900 млн евро. Дон Муно не знает, что внук Стефано его ненавидит, хочет скормить свиньям и планирует предательство. Между тем в Мехико спецотряд по борьбе с наркотиками проводит операцию, героем которой становится оперативник по кличке Вампиро. Никто не знает, что он работает на местных наркобаронов и должен обеспечить трафик той самой партии для дона Муно
Родной край: хроника Германии / Heimat - Eine Chronik in elf Teilen / Heimat - Eine deutsche Chronik
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В сериале рассказывается история о деревне Шаббах, находящейся в горах Хунсрюк в Германии. В центре повествования, которое охватывает 1919-1982 годы, – Мария Симон, которая на наших глазах превращается из 19-летней девушки в пожилую женщину, и её семья
Все мы – дети из Бюллербю / Bara roligt i Bullerbyn / Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn
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В одной маленькой деревне под названием Бюллербю живут дети. Они всегда страшно заняты: играют, гуляют, учатся в школе, читают книжки, поют песенки, помогают родителям по хозяйству или просто озорничают. Их жизнь полна удивительных открытий, которые происходят на фоне пейзажа провинц��альной Швеции. Сама сельская природа — не просто натуральные декорации для происходящего. Она, как полноправный персонаж, участвует в действии наравне с главными героями: Лассе, Буссе, Улле, Лизой, Анной и Бриттой. Дремучие леса, озёра, деревянные домики, крашенные под красный кирпич, луга, усеянные камнями и белые ночи — создают непреходящее состояние безотчётной радости, какое бывает только в детстве.
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_Episodes Эпизоды 🎬
Великобритания, США, 2012
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Считающийся погибшим, авантюрист и искатель приключений Джеймс Кезиах Делейни вновь в 1814 году, после 10 лет путешествий в Африке, появляется в Лондоне, стремясь отомстить за смерть своего отца. Делейни возвращается, чтобы обнаружить, что ему было оставлено отцом таинственное наследство и строит свою собственную корабельную империю в начале 1800-х годов, играя в опасную игру между двумя воюющими странами - Англией и Америкой...
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