#BUT it’s not about him - and not letting his family in on his plans can and does cause collateral damage to them
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navybrat817 · 3 days ago
Birthday Wish
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky doesn't want to make a big deal out of his birthday, but you want to make it special.
Word Count: Over 2.3k
Warnings: Mutual crush, confessions, humor, light angst, fluff, reference to Bucky's past, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?)
A/N: Happy birthday to Bucky and this is my first submission for @avengers-assemble-bingo (Card 4B 020 - Square 2 - Birthday Boy). ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @saradika-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky didn’t care to celebrate his birthday. What was there worth celebrating? It was just another day like any other, another year that he got older. Even then, his looks didn’t match his current age. It was strange to look in the mirror and have the appearance of someone so much younger when he was born in 1917. He should’ve been old.
He should’ve left this world a long time ago.
While he was thankful for Steve and his other friends, he did feel a pang in his heart when he thought of his family. The last birthday he got to celebrate with his mom and sisters was before he got shipped off to war. Since then, there were no homemade cakes, no happy singing and jokes about him getting older, no candles to blow out and make a wish.
What would he even wish for today?
“Maybe we can all go out to dinner,” Steve suggested when he brought up Bucky’s birthday. “That could be fun, right?”
He felt bad shrugging in response since his best friend was trying to help him celebrate. “Maybe.”
“Dinner? Jesus, you two really are old men,” Tony commented, typing something into his phone. “Say the word and I’ll throw you a party. Best party you’ve ever had. You can thank me later.”
Bucky didn’t mean to give Tony a grumpy look, but parties were the billionaire’s thing. And while he didn’t mind having the spotlight on him as a younger man, it seemed foreign to him now. “My birthday is tomorrow, which gives you no time to plan a party, and I think I’m good.”
“I’m insulted that you would underestimate me and my connections,” Tony argued.
“No party,” Bucky said. He didn’t want one.
“What do you want to do then?” Sam asked.
Bucky’s brows pinched together. He didn’t really know. “My birthday isn’t a big deal, so I don’t want to make a big deal out of it,” he replied. Something low-key and not the least bit stressful would be nice. “I guess if I had to choose something, I’d like to read a new book and have a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.”
The guys stared at him, and he waited for Tony to laugh or make another “old man” comment. He didn’t care. It was his birthday they were asking about, so shouldn’t he get to choose what he wanted to do?
“I think that’s really sweet. And chocolate cake with chocolate frosting is delicious.”
Turning toward the soft voice, a smile touched Bucky’s lips and his heart fluttered when he saw you smiling back. The newest member of the team, you always had words of encouragement or a soft smile for him. As kind as you were, you could also kick ass and give Natasha a run for her money. To say he had a bit of a crush on you was an understatement.
“Thanks, doll,” he whispered.
You ducked your head with a giggle before you cleared your throat, making his smile widen. When he let his mind wander he liked to imagine you whimpering or sighing when he whispered that in your ear. If you only knew the things he thought about you, both naughty and nice.
“‘Doll’?” Tony groaned and shook his head. “Barnes, we really need to acclimate you to the modern world because no one with any sense calls anyone ‘doll’.”
His jaw clenched and color rose to his cheeks. Maybe it was a bit old-fashioned, but he liked it and he thought you liked it, too. But if it bothered you…
“You can call me ‘doll’, Bucky,” you assured him. “I don’t mind.”
Bucky could’ve used the opportunity to say something charming or sweet, but he kept the words in his head and gave you a grunt and a nod instead. A fucking grunt and a nod. What the hell was wrong with him? He might as well have given you a high-five and called you “buddy”.
“Okay,” you drew the word out slowly. “I’ll see you guys later!”
While Bucky watched you leave the room, the guys once again stared at him. “Not a fucking word,” he growled when Tony opened his mouth, heading out himself. He didn’t want their pity or their jokes.
With his exceptional hearing, he stopped when Tony muttered, “Tin Man better step up his game because that was painful to watch.”
“I’m old, not dead. I have game,” he mumbled. Well, he used to have game. Times were different now, and so was he. Still, his heart skipped a beat at the thought of you liking him, and maybe he could step up and take a chance.
“Be nice, Tony,” Steve sighed.
“I’ll be nice when he grows a pair and makes a move. Look, we all have eyes and we see how she looks at him.” Bucky felt butterflies in his stomach before Tony continued. “And she’s a stunning creature. Someone will snag her if he doesn’t.”
Bucky clenched his gloved fists. “Lay off the guy,” Sam said. “He’ll make a move when he’s ready.”
“Tomorrow,” Bucky whispered, walking away, determined. He would make a move tomorrow. It would either be the best birthday he could remember or he’d lick his wounds alone in his room and hope you’d still be his friend.
But as luck would have it, he didn’t get to talk to you the next morning.
He swore he saw you rush out of the kitchen with something in hand, but Steve stopped him to wish him a happy birthday. Everyone greeted him throughout the morning with various messages ranging from nice to references of his age. They all made it a point to say something, but he hadn’t seen you at all. Well, he hadn’t seen you or-
“Happy year of birth, Barnes!” Thor shouted. Bucky’s reflexes couldn’t stop the handful of confetti from hitting his face. “Let us celebrate, my friend!”
Bucky spit a piece of confetti out and tried to wipe away the remainder that landed on his face and shirt. “Thanks?”
The god of thunder looked him over. “Wasn’t your hair longer yesterday?” he asked, inhaling when Bucky ran a hand through it. “And are you wearing cologne? Is it for the party?”
“Maybe,” he said under his breath. He had trimmed his hair a bit and spritzed some cologne in the hopes of getting your attention if he bumped into you. It was stupid. “Party? What are you-”
He tensed up for a second when Thor threw an arm over his shoulders. “Stark said you didn’t want a party and I believe it’s meant to be a surprise, so don’t tell him I told you,” he said. Bucky almost snarled. He didn’t want a party. And how the hell did Tony put something together at the last second? “He also planned for it to be earlier in the day because he said you are old and wouldn’t want to stay up late. The man is-”
“Bucky!” you called out from down the hall, making him relax. “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks, doll,” he smiled, happy to finally see you.
“I like your haircut,” you said, gliding across the floor to where they stood and commanding the presence of anyone who looked your way. “It looks great.”
Bucky puffed his chest out, glad that you noticed and liked it. “Thanks, doll.”
“You got…” You smiled and wiped the remainder of confetti from his chest, his heart rate picking up. “Thor, I’m so sorry, but I have to steal Bucky away for a bit. You don’t mind, do you?”
Thor humbly bowed to you, your doe eyed expression getting the blonde to easily bend to your will. Bucky’s hands flexed and for a moment he felt jealous before he remembered Thor wasn’t romantically interested in you. “Not at all. I shall take my leave.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, linking your arm with Bucky’s and gently pulling him away. “Mmm. You smell good, too.”
Bucky hid a smile. “Thanks again,” he said, happy that he made the call to wear it. “Hey, Tony isn’t really throwing me a party, is he?”
You winced. “Yeah, he’s throwing something,” you confirmed. Bucky was going to have a chat with him later. “I tried to talk him out of it, but he didn’t listen to me.”
“I appreciate you trying,” he said, pulling you closer to his side. It meant a lot.
“Which is why I wanted to steal you away for a bit so you could have some peace and quiet.”
You guided him to the tower library which was one of his favorite areas. When he wasn’t training or hanging out in his room, he was usually there. “What is that?” he asked when he saw the CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE sign on the doors.
“Oh, I did that so no one would come in,” you winked, opening the doors so he could go inside. “Tada! Happy birthday!”
Bucky’s mouth fell open when he saw the small set up in the corner. There was a book with a bow sitting on the chair and a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with a single candle on the table beside it. “Did you… Did you do this for me?” he asked, his chest getting tight. It was exactly what he asked for.
“Yeah. You said you didn’t want to make a big deal out of your birthday, and I thought you deserved to have the kind of birthday you wanted. So, a slice of cake and a new book it is,” you smiled, a bounce in your step when you went to light the candle for him. “But I may have gotten you one more thing.”
“And what’s that?” he asked. You had already gone above and beyond for him. There was nothing you needed to get him.
“Tickets to the new science exhibit that’s opening this weekend.”
His chest felt tight again. He mentioned to you in passing that he wanted to go to the museum to see the new science exhibit. His love of science was something that hadn’t died, but hadn’t gotten around to buying tickets yet. You really paid attention to him and cared, didn’t you?
Your smile faltered just a bit when he kept staring. “I hope it’s okay that I did that. I really wanted you to have a nice birthday and you mean a lot to me and…” you trailed off as if you didn’t mean to say that.
God, he wanted you to mean it.
“It’s more than okay, thank you,” he swallowed, making his way over to you. “And did you say I mean a lot to you?” he asked because he had to hear you say it again.
You bit your lip and he wanted to bite your lip, too. “Yeah, you do.”
Hearing that was one of the best birthday gifts you could give him. “You mean a lot to me, too,” he confessed. You meant everything. “You’re amazing, do you know that?”
There was that giggle again that he loved. “Oh, I’m not, but thank you.”
“Yes, you are,” he whispered. You were the most amazing woman he knew. “I think that candle’s about to go out.”
The flame glowed in your eyes when you held up the plate and he felt lost in the best way. “Then you better make a wish.”
A charming smile crossed his face. “I can’t blow out my candle until someone sings ‘Happy Birthday’,” he teased.
Bucky expected you to protest when you opened your mouth. “Happy birthday to you.” He exhaled as you sang, your smoothe tone sending tingles down to his toes. “Happy birthday to you.”
Taking a step closer he placed a hand on your hip, your voice turning a bit breathy. It was beautiful. Everything about you was beautiful. He didn’t think he could fall any harder for you, but he was falling more and more each day.
“Happy birthday, dear Bucky…” You peered at him through your lashes. Looking back at you, he felt like he had something worth celebrating. “Happy birthday to you.”
With a gentle breath he blew the candle out and took the plate from your hands with ease. He heard both of your hearts beating faster, and he saw hope in your eyes. He gazed back at you, silently asking for permission. He wanted to kiss you, wanted you to be his girl.
Bucky wanted his birthday wish to come true.
“Doll…” he breathed.
It wasn’t until you nodded that he closed the distance and pressed his lips to yours. He took his time, savoring the feel of your mouths together. It was perfect, a moment he’d never forget.
“Wow,” you whispered when he pulled away. “That was amazing.”
“Yeah?” he smiled.
“Yeah,” you smiled back. “And I’m thankful it was a kiss you gave me instead of a grunt and a nod.”
Bucky laughed. “I can still give you a grunt and a nod,” he teased, touching your warm cheek. “And you know, since it’s my birthday and you said I should celebrate how I want, I think it’s only fair that I get 108 kisses.”
“Sergeant Barnes, are you really asking me for 108 kisses?”
“To start,” he smirked. “And it’s a good excuse to skip the party,” he added, going back in for another when you giggled.
He’d ask you after to stay with him while he read and shared the piece of cake. You’d tell him that you made it from scratch and hurried out of the kitchen so the gang wouldn’t eat it. He’d explain that he cut his hair and put on cologne for you in the hopes of attracting your attention which you told him he already had. And before the night was over, he’d ask you to go to the exhibit with him and to be his girl.
A birthday wish come true.
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Have I told you lovelies how much I appreciate you? Because I do. Happy birthday, Bucky Barnes! Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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ccccatttta · 2 days ago
jegulus fic where james is a youtuber/streamer who does all sorts of pretty crazy pranks and people ADORE him because he's totally shameless.
one day he gets dared to crash a wedding and oppose it, pretending to be in love with either the groom or the bride.
and even though his editor (and bestest friend) remus told him that that's fucking insane, james still chose to do it bc he's a menace. but he does promise to cut it all off if things get messy.
james gets everything ready and, after stalking some of his old school classmates, he finds that one of them is attending a wedding (it's mulciber, who james remembers to despise back then, so it's a win-win situation), which means his plan is all set.
by fate, and fate only, this wedding is regulus' and some girl's his parents chose for him (and mulciber was invited bc his family is very close to the black's)
and obviously, this is a clear forced marriage, regulus would rather kill himself than marry a girl, he's as gay as they come.
[for sake of the plot, sirius and james don't know each other at all, didn't go to school together either, and sirius didn't run away and is also livid with his parents for marrying reg off, but there wasn't anything he could do]
so! prank day, james is live the moment he, very dramatically, stands up and proclaims his love for this.... regulus guy, and how he knows he promised to not come but he just couldn't handle the thought of the love of his life being married to someone else (his followers thought he was going to claim to love the bride, but james found the groom way too cute and he just couldn't hold himself back, he's just a guy)
the 30 seconds of pure silence and shock that follow are almost enough to make james break character and start laughing like crazy.
regulus, who's flabbergasted by the way, knows immediately that it's a prank. however, this might as well be a sign of the gods, because, what are the chances that this (very handsome) random man, chose HIS wedding out of all, and targeted HIM to be the one he "loves"? way to many coincidences.
also, did he mention the dude is unbelievably fit?
he makes a choice right there.
using all his acting abilities, he makes a whole scene tearing up and running to him. it's so well done, james for a second believes they are actual lovers.
hell breaks at that moment, walburga goes absolutely nuts along with orion and their side of the family. the bride's family start a fight, and between the commotion regulus sees his brother laughing maniacally after their mother yells at regulus to stop playing games or he will get disowned.
james, who thinks that this is now along the lines of things getting messy, is about to announce it's all a prank, when regulus sees right through him, panics, and just whispers "im going to kiss you now, sorry" before snogging the life out of him.
remus, who's the camera guy, cuts the live right there.
james, oh james, he doesn't quite hear the screech walburga lets out because this backfired so bad, but jesus chirst can this regulus kiss. this is love at first sight. love at first prank, if you may.
regulus knowing stuff is about to get bad, just grabs james' hand and runs for it. james just follows, he's dizzy. remus also follows because he's NOT getting involved in all that, he's actually quitting james.
sirius follows too, if his little brother is finally disowned, there's no reason to stay, thank you very much.
anyways, this whole idea was just because i want james followers to see his channel thumbnails going:
how i met the love of my life ; Q&A
REG AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED (im sealing all entries so no-one can crash it) — VLOG
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inthelibrarybtw · 2 days ago
you want me to pretend? | two
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pairing: college!basketball!captain!rafe x college!student!reader content: fluff, college au, smau/irl, flashbacks
summary: You were trying to make one problem disappear. You were tired, so you lied. That small lie led you to contact the last person you wanted to ask for help. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Rafe; only that you didn’t want to deal with his constant teasing more than you already did. Also, you two weren't that close, but this one lie was going to bring you two closer and maybe help some truths come to light.
word count: 1.2k
authors note: this has been so fun to make. thank you everyone for the support and for loving it just as much as I do.
01 | 02 | 03
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2 months ago
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“Thank you,” you said as you and Angie walked back to the lake house.
“For what? You know you are an honorary Griffin” 
“Yeah but that doesn’t mean I will stop thanking you or your family for always being so nice” 
“Well, you are very welcome and I’m glad this helped to get your mind off things” 
“You always know huh?” 
“What can I say?” she chuckled as you two walked inside “Let’s go get changed and then we can prepare some snacks for the bonfire”
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After your last class, you went to grab some snacks and head to the library. On your way there, you crossed paths with Kie and Cleo. 
“Got any plans right now?” Cleo asked you.
“Not really, I was going to the library to finish some assignments.” 
“Pope just called us, and we’re meeting up with them at Sarah’s apartment since it’s the closest one.” 
“We were about to text you to see if you could come.” 
“I would love to; let me go for my car then. Do you guys need a ride?” You asked since you knew they usually carpooled with JJ or Pope to come to college.
“Yes, please,” they both said at the same time. 
You three made it to Sarah’s apartment. You had enough time to work on some of your assignments and just hang out with them before you had to go back to your house to have dinner with your parents. Eventually, you said your goodbyes to everyone.
“Let me walk you out,” Sarah said with a smile, “Glad you could come; next week let’s get together, just the girls.” You nodded. 
“Sounds like a plan, let’s talk in the group chat to decide what day and what to do.” 
“For sure, drive safe!”
With that, you made your way to your car and drove back home. You arrived at your house, announced you were home once you were inside, and then went straight to your room to change clothes. Once you had changed, you grabbed your phone and headed to the dining room, feeling nervous.
You always talked with your parents while you all ate. Tonight was no exception. It started as a normal "How was your day?" but quickly turned into your mom’s new favorite topic: your love life, or lack thereof. You knew she meant well, but it had been getting on your nerves, and today it had pushed you to your limit.
This time, it wasn’t just your mother tormenting you with questions and comments; your dad had also chimed in with his opinion about your love life. So, you interrupted your mom before she could add something else to the discussion.
"I’m already seeing someone; I just didn’t want to tell you guys in case it didn’t work out," you lied, thinking that would end their intense questioning.
"Oh, that’s great, honey! What’s his name?" your mom asked, her face beaming with a smile. She couldn’t have been any happier if she tried, but she had put you on the spot. Correction: you had put yourself on the spot.
Your brain froze; panic was setting in, and your phone didn’t stop vibrating. You grabbed it to see who was texting you so urgently, and before you could process what you were about to do, his name slipped out of your mouth. It was more like a question, but it was done. You said his name, and now you couldn’t take it back.
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"We would love to meet him, honey. Invite him over on Friday for dinner with us." You tried to come up with an excuse, but it was all in vain.
"We want to meet the guy. If it’s been over two months, it’s serious," your dad said, leaving you with no choice but to accept.
"Yeah… I will talk to him then," you sounded convincing, even though you were still panicking on the inside.
After dinner was over, you went to your room and decided to ignore what had just happened and finally answer the barrage of texts and finish the statistics presentation you had for the next day. You would deal with the situation after the presentation—first a good grade, then finding a boyfriend for Friday night.
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Presentation first, then panic—that was your mantra for the day. When you decided on one thing, you did it, so you had avoided thinking about your little big problem throughout the whole morning and class. 
The presentation was a success, just as planned. Seeing Rafe had made you feel a bit guilty; you had dragged him into your problem, albeit he didn’t know yet, and you weren’t actually sure if he would ever find out. You could always find a random guy and make him pretend to be Rafe, but you knew that never in a million years would you approach a stranger and ask him to be your fake boyfriend for a night.
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After your much-needed talk with Angie yesterday, you decided you were going to ask Rafe. You had been repeating to yourself all day that the worst thing that could happen was him saying no. The problem was that you were extremely anxious about even asking the question.
You knew where he was because Wednesdays were typically his "I can’t get together today" day since he had practice around noon and physical training around 5. One thing you could admit about Rafe was that he was dedicated and disciplined with classes and basketball. So, in a positive light, if he were to say yes, you knew he would make it right.
When you finally reached the basketball court, you saw him in the distance dribbling a ball and making a shot. Three-pointer! That was the only thing you knew about basketball. As you got closer and entered his field of vision, he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. It was unusual for you to show up while he was in practice. He let his coach know he was going to take five, and the coach nodded back.
He left the ball on the side of the court, grabbed his water bottle to take a sip, and right before standing in front of you, he lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face.
“Y/N, what brings you here?” 
“What? I can’t just come and walk around?” 
“Right, because you like basketball that much to come see us practice,” he smirked.
“It could be a new hobby, you know.” 
“Right, right, because you love to learn new things.” His eyes never left your face. “So what brings you here, princess? Wanted to see me?” he teased, and you shook your head, a slight blush creeping in. You were starting to feel anxious again.
“Yes, but not in the way you think, so wipe that smirk off your face,” you composed yourself, sounding as sure of yourself as you could. 
“Okay, then tell me how I can help you,” he said, still smiling.
“I have a favor to ask… it’s a bit unusual and big, but I really need help…” His face turned serious; he could notice how anxious you were. Your cheeks were starting to flush, and you were playing with your fingers.
“Yeah, tell me.” 
“Okay, so…”
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taglist: @zyafics @maybankslover @niaunoffical @marleymarleymarleymarley @rafesbabygirlx @akobx @papercranesandinkstains  @drewstarkeyspecs @winterivory @my-name-is-baby @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @drewrry @ursogorgeous13 @pr3tty-pink @lmaowhatt @reeseswirl @xoxosblogsblog @lili-swagalicious @ayy1234567 @rihannamars @congratsloserr @moonywhisp3rs if you want to be added send an ask or comment! :) follow and turn on notifications on @inthelibrarybtw-notifs to get updates on everything i write
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22ayla21 · 22 hours ago
👀 I have been Reading all of your amphoreus x reader with their child
I want to request a headcanon when fem reader is still pregnant with their child (separate for all amphoreus male character)
How would they behave during their wife's pregnancy.
From the Author: while writing this, I came up with two more ideas. How would they react to the baby's first kick in the womb and how would they talk to the baby at night while the wife was sleeping 😋.
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• He's not the type to run around her with a duck face, but his care is evident in his actions: checking that she's eating enough, making sure she's not overtired, subtly adjusting her conditions, even if he pretends it's an accident. If she says she's fine, he looks at her as if scanning her. He doesn't argue, but he does things his own way.
• He never shows it, but inside he's torn apart by anxiety. This world is cruel, and pregnancy makes her vulnerable. He's not used to her being like this, and he hates the thought that he can't protect her from everything at once. Sometimes at night, he just sits next to her, watching her breathe, listening to her every move.
• Where he could get irritated by little things before, his patience has increased exponentially. If she gets angry over trifles, let her get angry. If she wants something strange, he will keep quiet and bring it. He understands that it is not easy, even if he does not say it out loud.
• Doctors, servants, even random guests - he controls everyone. No one should bother her without a reason. If someone causes him even a shadow of doubt, this person simply "will not be around". If someone dares to say something disrespectful, even as a joke, this person will quickly regret it.
• When they are alone, his roughness disappears. He touches her carefully, as if he is afraid to hurt her. He does not say too much, but his gestures speak for him: he straightens the pillows, wraps her in a blanket, runs his fingers along her wrist when he thinks she does not notice. Sometimes he puts his hand on her stomach, silently feeling the movements of the child. At such moments, his gaze becomes softer than ever.
• He does not say loud words about the future, but every day he makes a silent promise to himself: to protect her. To protect their child. To protect their family. And if someone ever dares to threaten their happiness, that person will disappear faster than he has time to realize his mistake.
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• As soon as he finds out about the pregnancy, he immediately takes control of the situation. He collects all the information he can, consults with the best doctors (and checks their qualifications himself), develops a plan for nutrition, rest and physical activity for his wife. Everything is clear, logical and thought out.
• He is not the type to fuss over her as if she were a fragile artifact, but if she gets up too abruptly, her face changes or she winces from slight discomfort - he immediately notices it. And although he does not panic, his keen gaze shows that he is recording every detail.
• He tries to create the perfect balanced diet for her. But if in the middle of the night she wants something absurd, for example, "spicy with honey and salted nuts", he will first raise an eyebrow and then silently go cook.
• Although he behaves coldly, sometimes at night he sits next to her, watching her sleep and thinking about all the possible scenarios. If something suddenly goes wrong, he acts immediately, not allowing panic to take over. Although he is not very emotional, his hand instinctively falls on her stomach, especially when he thinks about the child. Sometimes he does it unconsciously, and if his wife notices, he simply chuckles and pretends that nothing happened.
• If someone dares to say or do something that could harm his wife or unborn child, he instantly turns into a person not to be trifled with. His voice becomes colder, his gaze more dangerous.
• He may look confident and calm, but in reality his mind is constantly analyzing risks, making plans for any complications. Only his cat, curled up on his lap, sometimes senses his tension.
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• When he first learns that he is going to be a father, he falls silent. It is not out of fear or doubt, but simply that his life is about to change. Then he slowly takes her hand, squeezes her fingers lightly, and looks at her with such depth in his eyes, as if vowing to protect both her and their child.
• Phainon has always been caring, but now it goes to extremes. He does not allow her to lift even light things, makes her rest more, and carefully monitors what she eats. If she says she is tired, he immediately offers her a seat, and he does everything for her.
• He reads books, studies medical texts, consults the best healers, so that he knows how to make his wife's pregnancy as comfortable as possible. If someone laughs at his serious approach, he only frowns: "I do not intend to take this lightly."
• When his tastes begin to change, he accepts his fate with dignity. If she wants something exotic or completely ridiculous, he will find it. If in the middle of the night she asks for something unusual, he just silently puts on a coat and leaves, and an hour later returns with the catch.
• If she has sudden mood swings, he tries to stay calm. He knows that these are hormones, but sometimes he just looks at her with slight bewilderment, especially if five minutes ago she was happy, and now she is ready to burst into tears. At such moments, he just hugs her and waits for the storm to subside.
• Although he seems calm, anxiety rages inside him. He is afraid for her health, for the future of the child, for their new life. But he does not show it, because he believes that his duty is to be her support.
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yandere-sins · 2 days ago
Girl I have a random thought with yandere Leona
Eventually his darling will be forced to be the wife of a prince, so probably a duchess (?) because the princess title is usually used for a woman married to the sovereign prince. So imagine that Leona's darling ends up being the duchess loved by the people lmaoo. It's not out of pure kindness though, it's a strategic move to weaponize the title forced upon her. If Leona weaponizes his title as prince to claim her, she's going to weaponize her title as duchess by being busy with the people, hence, BEING AWAY FROM HIM >:) Who's gonna stop her? The people love her, Leona's own family supports her, he can't do anything-
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Ooh! You're into TWST, too! Thank you for talking about Leona, I love him! ♥
It really is funny how that works, isn't it? Here, he thought binding you to him would be the perfect way to keep you by his side, and yet, somehow, you are even further away than before. Back at college, he could at least "cat"nap (hah!) you for a nap in the greenhouse, but now? With all these "important" "official" "duties", he has to share you with so many more people than before. Leona definitely hates it.
It doesn't help that he gets dragged away just as much for some reason or other. His brother is constantly asking for him, too, and he doesn't get a quiet minute with you, even at the dinner table, all of your family nagging him while they praise you endlessly for all your hard work. Don't think he doesn't know what you're doing. It's clear you are doing all this work to annoy him.
It's not so much about what other people think. If that were the case, he wouldn't have married you. But you, trying to outsmart him, feels to Leona like giving chase to prey. Who of you can best the other? Who can thwart the other's plans? How can he spend time with you and get back at you for taking your duties a bit too seriously for someone who only just married into royalty?
Well, for one, he can join you. The good thing is that he gets out of some of his work by announcing he'll go with you to another opening of... something. Hospital. Right. Tea time at his great aunt's place? He does love food. Are you getting a pedicure? There are worse places to take a nap in, and you are there, lap ready for his head to lie in. "Two can play this game, duchess," he warns you as he passes you by and gets into the car first, much to your surprise.
Time for a change of plans, you think, taking him to the stinkiest, dirtiest garbage collection place that needs inspection on exactly that day. Oops, you forgot to mention that.
It's not a one-sided thing either, though. Leona also has to take strict measures to get what he wants. So he kidnaps you from some of the appointments, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder before speeding off. Doesn't leave the best impression, but the place he decides to bring you to is remote and beautiful. At least you get to put up your feet for a little bit, too, since, well, you can't find back on your own. People still laugh it off as the silly honeymoon phase. He is a man and a predator, after all, it's in his nature... or something. Leona really doesn't care about the gossip, and you have to explain it somehow.
The best idea, however, to get you back and stuck with him, comes one evening at dinner, where you almost choke to death as one of the cousins asks when you two will have babies. Leona helps you get the piece of vegetable out of your throat, but when you look up, you can see it—the dangerous glint in his eyes. He waves off his family, but he's awfully quiet as you two go back to your room, Leona acting all gentlemanly and letting you go inside the room first. You soon realize why as you hear him lock the door after entering, making you spin around just in time as he advances slowly.
You won't be able to go out as much with a royal baby on the way. He can take some time off to care for you. And the people you are so desperately clinging to will understand. In fact, they will love you more, knowing you are carrying and taking care of the royal blood, as are your duties as Leona's wife and duchess. Surely, you know that, given how conscientious you are? You two have put it off for far too long already.
It's the perfect idea, and so he pounces.
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cherrygirlfriend · 16 hours ago
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ movie night
pairing: stepdad!art x shy!reader synopsis: reader has a movie night with her stepdad. warnings/tags: smut, fluff MDNI! wc: 1.5k a/n; no thoughts head stepdad!art
shy masterlist ♡ art masterlist
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two things had been filling your entire brain capacity for the past two weeks; your stepdad, and the locket you wore every day. you'd looked for the family heirloom for ages, but it was like it had vanished into thin air. as for your stepdad...
you'd been doing your best to avoid art to the best of your ability because whenever you saw him, your mind was filled with filthy thoughts of him; you'd always had fantasies about him but seeing your stepdad showering had made it all so much worse.
every time you even got a glimpse of his hands, all you could think about were the way his hands had been wrapped around his cock, or when he threw his head back to laugh, all you could think about was the way his head had been thrown back in utter bliss, and when you heard his voice... all your mind could conjure up the moan he let out when he came.
so, you'd come to the conclusion that the best course of action was to steer clear from him, unless you wanted your panties to get wet at the breakfast table; and your plan worked well. until your mother decided to go away for a spa weekend with her best friend, leaving you alone with art. because the moment your feet touched the first floor, your stepdad's head turned to look at you.
art was sitting on the couch, some old tv-show paused on tv, a small smile playing on his face, "you wanna watch a movie with me or something? i can make some popcorn?"
every part of you wanted to say no. every part of you knew you should say know to his mostly-blue eyes. every fiber of you knew you should say to the inviting smile that played on his lips. but your heart, your pussy, they were the ones in charge.
"alright." you said, taking a deep breath, tiptoing to the couch. while art got up, walking towards the kitchen.
"pick any movie you wanna watch!" your stepdad called out from the kitchen, a small laugh escaping your lips as your hand was on the remote, scrolling through netflix's horror movie selection.
"what if it scares you?" you call out in response.
you could hear his warm laughtering from the other room as art called back at out, "then you'll have to cover my eyes!"
in less than ten minutes, there was a warm bowl of popcorn resting on art's lap as the two of you were starting to watch 'the cabin in the woods', but when your hand reached for some of the popcorn, you felt art's hand wrap around your wrist. your eyes widened and your gaze moved up to his eyes, only for the man to let go of your hand with a sheepish smile, leaning over to place the bowl onto the coffee table and turning to look at you. "there's something i need to give you."
"what is it?"
"close your eyes and hold out your hands." art said in a low voice, causing you to shake your head and chuckle as you pressed your eyes closed and held out your hand. you felt something cold meet the warm palm of your hand, causing a shiver to go down your spine.
"can i open my eyes now?" you asked softly, and when you heard a soft 'mmhm', you did so, your eyes widening and a gasp escaping your lips as soon as you realized what was cradled in the palm of your hands, the confused expression turning into an elated one." "how did you find this?!"
"oh, it was in front of the master bathroom." art said with a small, casual smile, your entire body freezing and all breath knocking out of your body as you registered the words, "turn around."
you turned your back to art, not daring to breathe out as you pressed your eyes closed, nearly feeling moisture gather in your eyes the moment you felt a cold metal touch the warm skin of the back of your neck, causing shivers to run down your spine, the hairs at the nape of your neck rising.
you could feel a familiar tingling sensation gathering in your stomach as you felt the back of art's fingers brush against your skin, causing you to let out a shaky breath as you involuntarily arched your head back as if chasing his touch.
your eyes immediately snapped open and you pulled away, turning to face art again, your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest, your cheeks feeling so warm you would've been sure it was a fever if it wasn't for the wetness you could feel gathering between the thighs that you pressed against one another for some kind of friction. art simply gave you a friendly smile, before reaching for the bowl of popcorn again, pulling it back into his lap and turning back to the tv.
you couldn't focus on anything happening on the tv, even if your eyes were glued to it. you couldn't even taste the popcorn that you kept occasionally picking up from the bowl and shoving into your mouth, too occupied thinking about what art's touch, and if his hand accidentally brushing against the back of your neck could make your heart nearly jump out of your chest, how would it feel to have his lips on your neck, trailing down to your collarbones, his hand moving to cup-
"can i ask you something?"
your thoughts were interrupted by art's sudden question as you held a handful of popcorn in your hand, shrugging with a small, "sure." as you brought the popcorn to your lips.
"were you watching me shower a few weeks ago?"
you nearly choked on the popcorn you'd just eaten, letting out a few coughs and reaching for your drink, your eyes a wide as saucers. if you were flustered before, now, the only thing that could describe your state of mind was straight-up mortified. "w-what? no!"
art leaned his head against the couch cushions, his brows raising slightly as he looked at you; why on earth did he have the kind of gaze that made him into a human lie detector when it came to you? you looked down at your lap in shame, fiddling with your hands, "i'm sorry, i shouldn't ha-"
before you could finish your sentence, art's fingers had gripped your chin, turning your head so you were facing him. there was a small smile playing on his lips, but before you could question him on it, your stepdad had crashed his lips on yours.
you were caught off-guard, but when you felt his hand slowly make its way towards the back of your head, you eased into the kiss, your lips molding against his.
art slowly pushed you to lay down on the couch, his lips leaving yours as he begun to pepper kisses down to your ear, sucking your earlobe into his mouth in a way that made your toes curl before he started slowly tracing your jawline with little kisses, interrupted only by small nips that he kept switching to, and each time his teeth touched your skin, you couldn't help the whimpers that escaped your lips.
art's hand slowly moved down to cup your chest, circling his thumb on your hardening nipple before continuing to move it down your body, and every inch that his hand got closer to your aching cunt caused you to arch into him more and more.
art's lips were on your neck, his hand sliding into the waistband of your shorts. you let out a small gasp when you felt him touch you over your panties, starting to chase the feeling.
he nipped your neck, and you let out a soft whimper that mixed in with a chuckle as you brought your hand to the back of his neck, tugging him closer to you as the wet patch in your panties grew bigger and bigger.
you let out a moan when one of his fingers started to approach the waistband of your panties, arching into his touch more and more.
but all of it came shattering down when art's phone began ringing on the coffee table; the man pulled away from your neck, pulling his finger away from your shorts and sitting up on the couch with wide eyes, looking at you as if he realized that what he was doing was something he'd regret; like you were a virus to avoid.
ignoring the throbbing between your legs, you sat up, trying to ignore the tears stinging in your eyes, "i'm just- i'll just go upstairs." you mumbled, running up the stairs.
art let out a sigh, ignoring the ringing of his phone and pressing the balls of his hands against his eyes, the man letting out a loud sigh as he listened to your footsteps against the wooden stairs.
the moment your head was pressed against your pillow, there were only two things on your mind; how big of a mistake that was. and how much you wanted him to touch you like that again, even though it should never, ever happen again.:.
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azuresaqua · 17 hours ago
my everything
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warnings + notes: phainon x reader, fluff, 1,1k words, phainon is whipped for you, minor spoilers to his lore?? i think + my third fic on this account IM CRYING WTF how have i only made 3 fics here art by shenteita on twt
tags: @somniachant
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Phainon's past haunts him like a ghost. Memories of losing his family, friends, and hometown keep coming back to him every night he sleeps. Perhaps that’s why he’s unwilling to forge new relationships with people.
However, despite his past haunting him, Phainon finds himself in a predicament. You, a flower shop owner in Amphoreus, catch his attention. You and your passion for flowers make Phainon feel safe and comfortable. Your flower shop isn’t huge like the other famous shops in the city, but it is cozy enough that you wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
The flowers are also one unique aspect of your shop, being the only flower shop in the city. Though, you must say, not that many people like to buy flowers anymore (not even for courting someone, which shocks you to your core).
The door to your shop flings open just as the clock strikes 3 pm, and you see the familiar white-haired figure walk into your shop. It’s a routine for Phainon to visit your shop every evening. Sometimes, you wonder to yourself why a Chrysos Heir would make daily visits to your small flower shop without buying anything, but you can’t bring yourself to question him over something like that.
“Good evening, Y/N,” Phainon gives you a smile, one that melts your heart instantly. “How has your day been?” That’s another thing with Phainon - he always asks about how your day went, and to be honest? You don’t find it bothersome at all. Usually, you find it annoying when people pester you about your day every five minutes, but with Phainon, you find it endearing.
“Good evening, Phainon,” you greet him back. “My day has been… okay, I think? I didn’t have that many customers today, but it doesn’t really bother me that much. Business has been slow for a couple of weeks now that Valentine’s is over.” You look back at your notebook, one that you keep to track customers and sales. “But I still have my regular customers coming in to pick up their flowers. How about you? How’s it going with the Chrysos Heir?”
“Ah,” Phainon lets out a small laugh. “Never been better, I think? Mydei and I had a little sparring match this morning, and of course, I won.” You have a small inkling he might be lying, but you don’t comment on it. “And then I spent the rest of my day in my room. Boring, huh?”
“No, I don’t think so,” you reply. Phainon looks at you, confused. “I mean, ever since the disaster started, you barely got any sleep, right? So I think it’s good you were doing nothing today.”
“Huh,” Phainon says. “Never thought of it that way.” He smiles at you again. “Oh, right! Back to the matter at hand, I need some flowers.”
You blink, surprised. Phainon buying flowers? Now, that’s new. “Oh, what kind of flowers? Are you planning on confessing to someone today?” you tease, hoping it’s not true.
“Um, actually… yes.” Phainon’s response shatters your heart.
Oh… so you do have someone you like. You think to yourself, and you quickly mask your hurt with a shocked expression, not wanting Phainon to feel guilty. “That’s new! So, who’s this lucky person?”
Phainon blushes, and you can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. “You’ll see later. Now come on, what are some flowers I can buy?”
“Hmm,” you hum, flipping through your notebook containing flower meanings (yes, you still rely on notes; you have a terrible memory). “How about red tulips?” You walk over to the tulips, pick out a bouquet, and hand it to Phainon. “Pretty, isn’t it?”
Phainon’s eyes shine with excitement. “Ah, they’re definitely gorgeous. What do they symbolize?”
“Endless love,” you state. “I think it’s perfect for you and that lucky person.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” Phainon mutters, staring at the flowers as he envisions giving them to the person he loves. “How much are they?”
“They’re on the house,” you reply, and Phainon is about to protest, but you cut him off. “They’re on the house, Phainon. Don’t argue with me now,” you repeat, huffing to mask the hurt. “Now go and confess already!”
Phainon blinks a couple of times before smiling brightly. “Okay, thank you, Y/N. Truly.” He leaves, and as soon as he’s out of sight, you sigh. Another crush of yours failed.
The rest of your day passes more slowly than usual. As expected, no one else comes in after Phainon leaves, so you decide to close the shop early.
As soon as everything is locked up, you’re surprised to see Phainon standing behind you, still holding the red tulips you gave him. “...Phainon? What are you doing here? Oh no, did the confession not go well? Do you want to talk about it?”
“Um,” he starts a bit sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t confess yet, actually.”
“Huh? Why?” you ask, confused. “Did they not show up?”
“No… they’re actually right here,” Phainon says, and when you don’t catch on, he lets out a small laugh. “Y/N, I’m saying I was waiting for you to close the shop so I could confess to you.”
“Oh,” you say, and then it hits you, causing you to gasp. Your cheeks turn red as you cover your mouth. “Wait- huh?!”
“I like you, Y/N-”
“No, wait, stop!” You turn around, covering your face. “I wasn’t- I thought-”
“Was this a bad time...?” Phainon asks innocently, making you turn back around. “Sorry-”
“No, don’t be sorry! I just- I wasn’t expecting this! I really thought you had a crush on someone else, so I felt hurt, and that’s why I gave you those flowers for free, so I wouldn’t have to see you all smiley about them!” you ramble, stopping only when Phainon bursts out laughing. “What’s so funny?!”
“You’re adorable, Y/N,” he says. “So that’s why you made me leave so quickly.” He stretches out his hand holding the flowers towards you. “So? Will you accept me as your boyfriend now that you know this is for you?”
“Phainon, you big dummy,” you sigh, laughing at your own foolishness. “Yes, yes I do.” Phainon smiles so brightly it almost blinds you. You take the flowers from his hands, and even though they're from your own shop and garden, you accept them as if they're from somewhere else. Aeons above, Phainon looks so cute smiling at you like that.
“Since you decided to close the shop early tonight, want to go on a mini-date? We can take a stroll around the city if you’d like,” Phainon suggests. Normally, if anyone else suggested this to you, you'd decline immediately, wanting to go home and tend to your growing plants. But this is Phainon, your boyfriend (you let out a giddy laugh in your head).
“Of course,” you agree. “Where do you want to take me?”
“Hmm, I think we can stop by your favorite restaurant first for some dinner, and then we can go to…” Phainon starts listing almost every date spot in Amphoreus, and you can only look at him with adoration in your eyes.
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thebearme · 1 day ago
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The meeting up was more of a surprise visit than anything planned, but it when well. Donut's interactions with Petey was pretty normal... well as normal something could be in the dogman universe. A couple of dumb invasive questions but overall Donut means well, but it is draining Petey's patients.
"Yes, I was the world's most evilest cat."
"No, I won't get into the nitty-gritty of how that happened."
"Yes, Lil Petey looks exactly like me because he was made in a cloning machine."
"No, I won't explain why my tail is shorter than his."
"Yes, me and your brother are parenting him together."
"Yes.... I can get you water."
Swoopy interaction with Petey was quick and short. He doesn't talk/bark... or sign.
Cocoa never talked to a cat before, let alone TWO. So if there's any sibling that going to embarrass Dogman, it's gonna to be her. Asking if it true that "cats have nine lives" or that "cats have a more sophisticated taste than other animals" or "do you have like, a billion different degrees. Oh what am I talking about, you probably already at the trillions, aren't you?" While Petey funny enough never even went to college. AND dropped out of high school when he was younger as well... But hey, even though all of those are dumb cat stereotypes he DOES enjoy being called smart.
Donut is a fun uncle to Lil Petey, telling him fun stories from when he was a pup, teaching him how to bake and all types of silly stuff.
Swoopy is like Ice bear from we bare bears, so it's a gamble if Lil Petey and him would have a normal day if you left them alone.
Cocoa (I admit I thought more in-depth about) would try to impress Lil Petey with her "travels around the world". Tho this is a big lie, she has been living on a milk farm. She doesn't think any of her REAL stories about how they make almonds into milk is really that interesting, at least to a city boy like Lil Petey and she just wants to be seen as the cool aunt! Eventually with enough pestering from Dogman, told the truth to Lil Petey and was surprised by the fact he was ACTUALLY INTERESTED in how it's like working in a farm. Anyways, Cocoa is definitely the aunt you invite if you're playing pretend or something.
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Oh most definitely! I feel like he wants a sibling since he met Molly and all her brothers and sisters. Even though the household is completely chaotic he still wants a sibling.
Now don't ask me for some Detey fankid design because I don't do good in making things like that. Idk why but with all my years and different fandoms and ships I've been into, I can't imagine fankid designs for the life of me. Never had but kudos to the people who can.
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Yup, If anything I think they would adopt. Idk it just feels in character, they just home a kid for a bit until uh oh- we accidentally planned a college fund- I guess we're gonna have another kid now.
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Well I'll try explaining how the beginning went. It definitely was a surprise for Dogman's parents. Lil Petey had this all planned out before hand so when Petey and Dogman were getting groceries thats when Lil Petey went to get his grandpa- which was easy because the security in cat jail is crap. "Can I take my Grandpa for a night, we're gonna have a big family dinner." and a thank you note left for the Warden, went he notices after his long monolog about how he can't just let Gramps leave. 80HD was the only to grab Maggie and Joe, They all eventually met up at the house.
LP apologizes about the abrupt napping of the two and gives a proper introduction. "Hi I'm Lil Petey, your grandson!" "We kinda met before but I didn't get to say hi, so.. hi!"
The pair are still in a daze of confusion over what's even happening and HOW could this kitten be their grandson? Looking over to the old feline next to him they can guess that he's the grandfather... he kinda looks like that one cat that was with them in the first visit to the ranch. Was he the father? Does that mean-
Before the two can spiral into their next conclusion LP starts up again.
"We you two like to stay for dinner? Papa and Dogman should be coming home with the groceries soon."
With abit of distain in their face at the name "Dogman" they surprisingly nodded a silent yes to the question of if they'll stay or not.
This immediately supports Lil Petey's hopes in the situation. I was right, They do still care! They just need to talk with each other and actually talk. And maybe soon Dogman can have his parents again and we can be a big family! Plus- If it annoys Grampa enough maybe he'll admit he's wrong and start actually caring for once!
The kid is abit too optimistic because this is Grampa we're talking about and just because he's been good recently doesn't mean he's been tamed.
Grandpa has no interest in playing along with the kid, he may have not act out recently- all because that big loaf of a purple cat wouldn't let him anytime he was outside. But this time he eat what he wants, say what he wants, take what he wants and DO what he wants.
Of course Gramps can't try to steal everything in the house but 1) the house is endless. 2) he'll be robbing from a cop, and Gramps is smarter then THAT! So he sticks with playing along, at least act like he cares... but he'll make sure the dinner isn't COMPLETELY boring. The best/worst thing about Gramps is that he can read people and read them well. Seeing from the two dogs expressions and body language, there must be some tension between them and their son. Some tension, ey? That's fun.
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Sorry for no drawing with this but the answer for how the interactions went was... something.
They are tense about the whole thing but they do ask Lil Petey more about himself. And of course LP gladly tells them and even shows a little comic he made before hand with them in it. It's about them and Dogman forgive each other and become a big family- LP isn't sneaking ok but he's trying.
This is all before Dogman and Petey enter the house.
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Im sorry that's what yall giving off /j
anyway- I never planned out the full dinner. So even if wrote it out instead of illustrating it, I still wouldn't have much. I'm sorry guys.
I only got these bulletpoints.
Quiet dinner till someone talks first.
Dogman's parents don't have a good bias towards cats. So this is making Petey REALLY irritated. Which cycles back to this REALLY not being a good idea.
LP leaves for a second to make a little phone call
Petey prays that some kind of monster or villain of the week shows up to stop the dinner. But no it's even worse-
Molly should up to help LP and soften the tension.
But the tension finally blows when Gramps decides to spill the ONE big open secret that everyone but him promises to not bring up. "If you hate how your son looks so much then you got Petey to really blame. It is his fault that the old Greg and Knight you knew are gone."
Plates were smashed and food was flying all before dessert.
Gramps was sent back to jail no duh and 80HD took Molly and Dogman's parents home. Petey and Dogman comfort and clean up Lil Petey and tell him- "Although what you did was bad we understand why you did it. But Lil Petey, sometimes there are families that can't reconcile with. No matter how much you want them to, no matter how much you try, it's doesn't mean it will work and that's okay."
"I wish my parents could be in my life, to see us grow and change and cherish everything around us but they can't... I've accepted that, because if I have to choose a family I'm only attracted to by birth that doesn't want me for me OR a mitch-match of misfits that care about each other through thick and thin. Then I'm choosing my misfits no matter what."
I probably made you cry, oops! If this inspires anyone to make something DO IT!! I love creative so go crazy.
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jimblejamblewritings · 3 days ago
On Wyll and Astarion
This is actually not going to be about fandom racism in regards to Wyll or a content comparison (although those are very valid posts that should always be looked at). I was thinking about why in canon of the game, no matter what some people insist, Astarion and Wyll hit it off right away and are very good companions. Like they should have a constant distaste of each other as monster vs monster hunter but they don't.
I think it's because Astarion sees his mortal self in Wyll and Wyll very quickly understands how Astarion became the person he is today because it's a path Wyll is starting to go down. Follow me...
I don't think Astarion was a corrupt magistrate. Personally, even if a particular scene involving Ansur didn't lend evidence to my thought, I would still think this. Corrupt magistrate becomes monster and learns better after being abused is so boring. Tired trope, yawn, next. I think it's compelling if Astarion did his job perfectly. Not that he was a good person -- he's perfectly normal in his mortal life, not too good and righteous but not bad either. And that's the problem.
Astarion as a magistrate refuses to let his personal anecdotes, life experience, or bias enter his courtroom. He's there to administer the law and that is all he will do to a fault. He cannot be swayed by anything even when he probably should. If it is against the law then it is against the law. He will dole out the proper punishment and that is that. If you want to appeal then you do it through the proper legal system and he will hear you out because that's his job. But he doesn't want to hear anything outside of that.
(more below the cut)
You stole bread to feed your family? Petty theft and not malicious, pay a fine or spend a few days in jail. You broke something in someone's store but can prove it was an accident? Buy the broken item and the store owner needs to get out of his court. You think someone stole your customers through defamation of your business? No proof, no witnesses, then he doesn't care if your ledgers show a significant drop right when the other business opened. A follower of the law so rigidly that it's a fault.
However, in most cases, people that come into his court simply complain and move on because he's never been corrupt. Until the Gur and Cazador. The Gur have been noticing their children going missing and have great reason to believe it's Cazador. (Astarion isn't Cazador's first spawn but one of his firsts so probably the 2nd or 3rd spawn created so all the children being taken are from the one or two spawn created before him).
Astarion agrees to listen to their case because missing children is a big deal. Both the Gur and Cazador are in court but Astarion doesn't give a shit about the tense courtroom, he will have decorum and they will get to the bottom of this. But there simply isn't enough proof that it is Cazador. There's not really any proof aside from the missing children. Astarion won't simply dismiss the case because there are still missing people but he won't call for the arrest of Cazador either. He tells the Gur to come back with stronger proof of either Cazador or the real criminal if not him and he will listen. He tells Cazador that he isn't off the hook just yet but not about the Gur... about potentially incorrectly filed ledgers.
Cazador knows between the Gur on his trail and Astarion's intense way of being a magistrate that he might get caught. But he knows how to kill multiple birds with one stone. He needs to be rid of the Gur on his trail in court, he needs to stop any looking into his ledgers, he needs Astarion gone, he also needs a new spawn now to continue his ascending plans and -- well -- Astarion happens to be a very pretty elf.
So, Cazador lets one Gur child go. Except they're enthralled. They tell the Gur all the lies Cazador wants them to believe, including that Astarion is being paid off to hide the crimes of who stole them. The Gur know where Astarion lives. It's not exactly a secret because he has no need to keep it a secret. So they attack him for what they (understandably) believe he has done. They leave him for dead in his home and get out before anyone can notice and send for city guards. They're sure he'll bleed out with how badly they mangled him.
That never happens. Cazador was simply a street away, waiting for them to leave. He needs Astarion to invite him in to turn him. But in the elf's state of delirium from the attack and the bloodlust, he doesn't even register how it's suspicious that Cazador doesn't just help him right away but has to ask can he come in and help him. Astarion unknowingly invites him in and invites the bite. This also colors why he's so rude about the Gur. Yeah, it's a bias and a prejudice because as far as he knows, they jumped him for nothing and are horrible people.
Fast forward through the years of abuse and lack of autonomy all the way up until the nautiloid. Astarion has learned that following the law exactly got him in this mess. Being a good person isn't real because good people (like Cazador who saved him) always want something and will turn bad in the end. Not a single god, good or evil, cared to help him so he should stop praying. And punishments don't always fit the crime -- down to the fact that some people get punished for a crime they never committed -- therefore all criminals should be punished to the highest degree to deter them and others.
When he meets Wyll, the only thing he can see is an idealistic version of his mortal self. Wyll is so determined to bring justice, serve the law to criminals. While Wyll is more into the good and heroic of it, they both had the same goals. Except Astarion already knows how that ended. Yet, Wyll is so sure of himself and optimistic that Astarion can't help but like him even if he no longer believes in any of those things.
Then we have Wyll who we already know has similar views to mortal Astarion. And in real time, we see Wyll learn the same lesson Astarion did all those years ago in regards to Karlach. Really, Wyll learned this lesson awhile ago when his dad cast him out but he was so young and didn't see it as such. But in reality: Mizora is his Cazador. His Dad is his Gur. And becoming a tiefling/devil in looks is his vampirism.
Wyll's entire world view is shattered when he spares Karlach. He understands Astarion now. But also, a beauty of it is that Wyll will never get as dark in his thoughts as Astarion because he has the vampire. He sees Astarion improve and start to somewhat believe in his old mortal view through this adventure with their companions who are trying their best. He sees Astarion accept that good does exist in the world every time Tav/Resist!Durge refuses to give up on him. And Wyll knows that it means he's right. Good and heroism does exist and because of that Wyll can start to accept the shit that happened to him because he already has confirmation that he'll be fine and make it out in the end.
And I really like that so many of the companions are mirrors to each other or puzzle pieces for each other. The way Wyll and Astarion work is one of my favorite companion mirroring.
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 days ago
I See You As You Are - Septa Edition
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aemond x wife!reader
Series Masterlist
Summary: You surprise Aemond with wearing a different outfit and an afternoon to yourselves. He can’t keep his hands off of you with you slowly starting to swell with child once more.
Warnings: 18+ time skips bc i wanted a scene to help the time skip for our next full chap, fingering, oral(f), p in v, small after birth scene(cute family time)
Authors Note: just a little quickie frl buuut im working on part 9 rn and also have the last chapter planned and im so so so emo bc i dont want it to end which *secret sharing time* is why ive been slacking on this series bc i love her so dearly 
Word Count: 1.5k
Four Months After Part 8
Your handmaidens barely can stifle their giggles as they dress you in the grey robes and adorn the head wear. The cords are resting just below the blooming bump from carrying your child. This pregnancy you have felt the best you have. The boys have been whispering about having a little brother but you’re not so sure. 
“How scandalous.” your handmaidens erupt into giggles pulling you back to your plan.
“Hush.” you blush furiously. 
“Would you like us to keep the children tonight?” they smile. 
“Just for the afternoon.” they giggle once more before you sweep them out of your chambers. 
You turn to the mirror and flush when you see yourself in this dress. Turning to the side you see your bump and smile at the thought of meeting another one of your children. After adjusting the belt and headpiece you nod and exit your chambers. You keep your head down and take the stairs quickly before you round the corner to the council chambers. 
You stop when you hear the doors groan open and see him step out. He turns the other way and you quickly walk around to catch him coming towards you. When you turn the next corner you smile and slow your steps, still keeping your head down. As you’re about to step past him his arm wraps around your waist and pulls you into another hall. 
“My prince we can’t.” you blink up at him taking in his smirk. 
“Has anyone asked who the father is?” he tilts his head, splaying his hand across your bump. “What would the Gods think? Hm?” he leans down and you're encased by his warmth. “Come.” he grabs your hand and you note the glint in his eye as he starts to lead you down the halls. 
“I’m to be in the sept soon.” you whisper trailing behind him. 
“I’ll escort you there after.” he tugs you down the hall to your chambers. 
“My prince,” you whisper. “We shouldn’t.” Aemond groans at your tone and pauses just before the door. 
“The children?” whispers down to you. 
“With my handmaidens.” with that he tugs you into your chambers. “My prince, what if someone sees?” you whisper as he seals you inside. 
“Let them.” he watches you back up against the wall and blink up at him as he boxes you in. 
“What if-
“Shh,” he hushes you, starting to remove your head piece. “You know..” he hums, discarding the fabric on the floor. “I’m starting to think you’ve memorized when I leave council. In hopes of running into me.” he chuckles as a flush starts to creep up your neck. 
“I would never dream of invading your privacy like that.” you gasp as he presses his lips to your neck. 
“Mm,” he softly bites down on your flesh before licking his tongue across the mark. “What pray tell do you dream about?” he purrs slowly untying your belt. “My Gods you look so indecent like this.” he whispers, splaying his hand across your bump. 
“Aemond,” you whisper as he sucks softly on your neck. 
“You dream of me?” he chuckles. “Tell me more.” he starts to lift up your dress. 
“I..” you sigh as his fingers slide up your bare slit. 
“Where are your small clothes?” his words low. He watches you squirm and blink up at him. “You would walk around the Keep like this? Go pray in the sept?” he tsks, slowly swirling his fingers around your bud.
“My prince,” you whine. “We- Mm,” you moan as he pushes two fingers into you watching your eyes become more lidded. 
“Let’s go to the bed.” he removes his hand. He leads you into your bed chambers and helps you lay back. “Pull up your dress.” he looks down at you with a dark eye. 
His breathing deepens as he watches you dig your fingers into the grey fabric and start to slowly pull it up your thighs. He groans when you spread your legs for him and when he slides his eye up to your face he finds you faintly smiling. He goes to his knees and pulls you against his mouth having no more patience. He licks at your bud and you fist the fabric of your dress. 
“Aemond,” you gasp as he licks down to your wetness. “Yes,” you whimper when he encases your bud once more. 
He focuses on your noises and chuckles when he feels your legs start to shake. He’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact you actually took time to get this outfit put together. When he looks up he sees your teeth dug into your lip as you softly roll your hips against his face. You let out a small cry before squeezing your thighs around his head as your pleasure washes through you.
He kisses your thighs and rises off the bed to start unlacing his trousers. He watches you reach behind you to unlace the dress and start to pull the top down. He abandons his clothes and crawls over you to pull your top down. Your breasts spill out and he groans immediately pressing his face between them and pressing his lips across your heated skin. He sucks one of your nipples into his mouth and starts to grind against you. 
“You’re perfect.” he mumbles as he kisses over to your other nipple. “My perfect wife.” he lifts back to look at you and free himself from his pants. “So beautiful.” he looks you over, flushed cheeks and dressed bunched up under your breasts.
“Please,” you reach out for him. 
He leans down and captures your lips while sliding his tip up your slit. You whine into his mouth when he starts to push into you. You start to pull up his tunic and dig your fingers into his back. His thrusts are erratic but you're jerking your hips up just as quickly. He kisses back down to your chest and your hands pull out of his tunic to bury in his hair. He licks and sucks leaving small marks as he’ll be happy to see for a couple of days. 
“I love you.” he repeats across your chest as his hips continue to fall into yours.
For the rest of the afternoon Aemond dotes upon you and has a bath made for you to relax. His gentle touch causes your eyes to droop and soon he’s helping you out of the tub and under the covers. He presses his lips to your forehead and lets you rest while he goes to get the children from your handmaidens.
After the Birth of Your Fourth Child
“A sister?” Aelor groans.
“I thought we were gonna get a brother.” Aerys looks at you with furrowed brows. 
“Mother said we were getting a sister.” Aelys purses her lips and crawls into bed next to you. “Can I see her more closely?” she kneels next to you. 
“Of course.” you smile and she scoots in closer. “What do you think we should name her?” you look down at Aelys and her eyes widen.
“I can pick her name?” she looks up at you. 
“If you would like.” you nod your head. 
“What about Rhaela?” she leans over your arm and looks down at her little sister. 
“I think that's an absolutely beautiful name.” you smile at Aelys. 
“Rhaela.” Aemond hums from next to you. “Fitting.” he traces a finger down her nose. “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” he presses his lips against your forehead. 
You both allow each of your kids a chance to hold Rhaela before your handmaidens take them into the main room and allow you, Aemond, and the babe some time to bond in the silence. He settles in bed next to you and you look up at him with a soft smile. You offer him the babe and he happily takes her into his arms. He softly whispers down at her and you begin to let your eyes droop. You rest your head on his shoulder and let sleep take you in its embrace.
masterlist  ⏾  wips  ⏾  taglist
I promise im working on part 9 already and thinking of what cutesie things i can add to our final chapter!!
i see u as u are taglist: @readerselegance @sinistersnakey @thebirdandthebee @lfzyxf 
@ka1afbr @ninihrtss @daintylittlesunflower @primroseluna @alexxavicry @misspendragonsworld @papichulo120627 @ashovertheriver @gabriella-aesthetic @moonymoo1 @faenyra @uwuuness @lizzylovebooks280501 @nostalgiagoth03 @multilover19 @summer-and-sunflowers @eternalwinters @rere10 @sxlsvv @sarahrosw36q @tricksterreaper @somethingsaladsomething @naty-sunshine @supernaturalwitch89 @the-wife-of-fictional-men
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izzygoesdark · 22 hours ago
THE YOUNG GENIUS \\ The first meeting
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summary: Spencer introduces his girlfriend to someone special. But will little Missy agree to live with them? \\ pairing: Spencer Reid x reader \\ warnings: fem!reader, non-bau!reader \\ wc: 2.5k \\ series masterlist
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Rule #3: No workplace visits.
This is literally written down on a sticky note that’s stuck on the fridge, something that ended up there along with several other rules on the day you moved into his apartment. It made life together a lot easier, and you could successfully avoid unnecessary fights that way.
Despite this, Spencer had no choice but to ask you to drive to Quantico after work, because there was a time-sensitive matter that had to be discussed right away.
Now, as he’s pacing in front of the elevator like a caged animal, he begins to have doubts. There’s this feeling somewhere deep in the back of mind that tells him you will never agree to what he came up with, that you’re not yet ready, especially since you have never talked about these things.
But he can’t let the worst happen, he feels like he’s the only person in this world who can truly understand her, yet he also knows that he needs you as his partner to help.
And when the door finally opens, revealing you as you walk out of the elevator to close the gap between the two of you, the words suddenly disappear from his brain. That speech he planned is long gone by the time you stop in front of him and stand on your tiptoes to give him a quick kiss.
“You seem to be in one piece, so what’s so important that you’re willing to break the rule by calling me here?” you wonder with a sweet smile that assures him you’re not at all mad at him.
Fighting the urge to pepper your face with kisses, he reaches out to take your hand, this being the only kind of contact he allows himself. “Come with me, I’ll explain when we get there.” You tilt your head to the side in question, but take his hand nonetheless.
He begins to walk towards the bullpen, already bracing himself for the series of questions the others will shoot at him the moment he returns from the conference room. But before that, you head to Hotch’s office, where a social worker is already waiting for you.
You look more confused than before when you see an unknown woman in the office, especially when she tells you who she is, but then you take a deep breath, nod, and sit on one of the chairs, while Spencer decides to sit on the desk in front of it. The social worker takes the seat next to you, and he uses this moment to open the folder he put together.
“There’s a six year old little girl in the conference room, playing with Jack while Hotch watches them. Her parents were killed by the serial killer we caught during this most recent case,” he begins as he shows you her photo, and he can see that mixture of worry and sadness in your eyes as you listen.
He stops, turning to the social worker who knows the rest of the story. It’s her area, it would be better if she took the lead, and luckily, she gets the hint. “We did a thorough research, but Missy has no one left,” she explains. “Her mother was disowned by her family after she got pregnant, and they don’t want to hear about taking her in. Her father’s family has always been small, and his parents died in a car accident when he was in high school.”
Your eyes turn to Spencer in search for validation, and when he nods, you turn back to the woman. “Her parents had no siblings?” you ask, but the answer is just a small shake of her head. “Poor kid. So what now? Foster care?”
He exchanges a look with the social worker, then gently bumps his foot into your leg to get your attention. When you turn to him, he flashes a nervous smile at you.
“That’s an option. But… Look, Missy is a gifted kid, reminds me a lot of myself at her age. I’ve seen way too many cases with kids in foster families, and… Well, there are usually way too many kids for the parents to have enough energy left to feed her intellectual appetite,” he tells you.
That’s all he has to say. There’s that split second when the gleam of recognition shows in your eyes, and he knows you know what he wants. “Are we even ready for this? You travel a lot, and… I love you, you know that, but your big brain can be a teensy bit exhausting sometimes, because I can’t always keep up with you. If she’s like you–”
Shaking his head, Spencer extends his hand to get you to take it. Once you do, he squeezes lightly, then goes, “She’s different, she’s good with people. With my brain and your social skills, this could work perfectly.”
You think, and he can’t help but count the seconds, each of them passing slower than the one before. The silence truly is deafening; he can hear his heartbeat in his ear, he can hear the noise outside, he can hear the way you draw in even, but shallow breaths as you try to decide what to say.
And then, when he’s just about to give up waiting, the corners of your lips turn into a shy smile. “Alright, let me meet her first. You said he’s playing with Jack?”
He nods, then jumps off the desk to help you up. “Come on, I’ll introduce her to you,” he says with a smile.
Spencer’s fingers are laced tightly with yours, more to fight his own anxiety than to help you calm down. Because you seem calmer than him despite the shyness, which is probably the result of the fact you don’t have that much experience with kids.
The social worker is the first to enter the conference room to prepare Missy, and Hotch uses this chance to come out with Jack on his side. The young boy doesn’t seem happy to leave his new friend behind, making sure all of the adults are well-informed about his thoughts, and Spencer doesn’t miss that adorable smile as you listen to his complaints.
“She’s a great kid,” Hotch notes when he has a moment of silence to speak up. Jack gives him a disapproving look, most likely because he wanted to go on. “Okay, buddy, what else?”
“I won’t say it now,” he says stubbornly, then marches off into his father’s office.
Shaking his head with a laugh, Hotch points at Spencer. “A lot like Reid. The girl, I mean. I’m sure she could learn a lot from him, and she seems really social, so she could use your guidance too,” he adds, giving you a soft look of reassurance.
“Jack grew to like her pretty fast,” you point out casually, but Spencer can hear it in your voice that you’re just trying to get something else out of his boss.
Nodding, he glances in his office’s direction. “He even invited her to his next soccer match. If you ask me, he might have a little crush on her,” he adds with a pained laugh. “Anyway, I think you would be excellent parents.”
He instinctively glances at you out of the corner of his eye, only to see that stunned look on your face he hasn't seen since he asked you to move in with him. The two of you have never talked about having kids, the relationship wasn’t at that stage yet, so he has no idea what your stance is when it comes to this topic.
Not like he has thought about this before meeting Missy.
Before you could say anything, the social worker comes out to tell you the little girl is ready to meet you, although she makes a side note to Hotch that she would like to know if she could play with Jack another time too.
His boss pats him on the back with a short laugh, then turns to the social worker to tell her it would be great if she could attend that soccer match his son invited her to. And, with that, he wishes you two good luck and heads to his office.
Spencer inhales and exhales slowly before looking at you. “Ready?”
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Good question. Are you ready? 
You don’t have much experience with kids, especially with ones who went through something this traumatic. What if she doesn’t like you, what if she doesn’t even want to stay with you? You can’t force her, you can’t tell her to suck it up and do as you say. 
But this whole plan deserves a chance, because Spencer is right, being in foster care can be tough if the kid is unlucky, you’ve read some horror stories about it. You both have good jobs with a great salary, you could give her anything she needs, and if she really is as intelligent as your boyfriend says, she could use his help to learn.
Gulping, you finally turn to him and nod.
The social worker leads you to the conference room, where the young girl is sitting by the table in the middle and reads a book in silence. It’s a thick book, something you normally wouldn’t expect from a kid her age, but knowing the stories from Spencer’s childhood, you’re not surprised to see that.
She looks up, a small, friendly smile showing on her face as she waits. For what? For you to say something? Maybe you should be the one to break the silence, after all the other two adults are watching you with supportive smiles on their faces. 
“Hello, Missy,” you begin as you step closer, then you introduce yourself as you sit on the chair next to her. “What are you reading?” 
“Les Misérables,” she responds as she shows you the cover, then puts a bookmark where she was before closing the book and pushing it away from herself. “It was Mom’s book, I picked it up when they took me back to our house to pack a few things. Are you working with Spencer?” she wonders.
A short laugh leaves you as you shake your head. “No, not even close. I’m his girlfriend.” 
She looks up at Spencer, then back at you. “Then why are you here?”
You bite the inside of your cheek as you look back at the other two adults, silently asking for their help. You expected this conversation to go in a different direction, but she’s already showing her no-bullshit personality. She’s smart. She knows when the adults are beating around the bush. 
It’s your boyfriend who pulls a chair next to yours before sitting down. “You know your parents aren’t coming back, right?” he asks hesitantly, his voice kind and gentle, not sounding like he was testing her.
“They died,” Missy responds as she gulps and nods at the same time.
It’s kind of scary how well this six year old understands what death means, and how casually she can talk about this despite suddenly losing both her parents. You know it’s not normal, you have a feeling this will come back and manifest in panic attacks or nightmares in the near future, maybe in something worse.
But Spencer is right, all she needs is stability and adults who unconditionally love her. 
He leans forward and rests his elbows on his thighs. “Remember when I told you we have a lot in common? Well, we were thinking, and we would be happy if you decided to move into our home.”
Missy’s eyes widen before she moves her gaze to you, then the social worker who nods in confirmation. “Now?” she asks incredulously.
“Yes, now,” you tell her with a smile.
Spencer reaches out for your hand, squeezing it twice in reassurance. He knows you’re nervous, and he can probably tell she is also a little uncertain. Spending a few nights in a group home after the murder must have been tough, but you can see the intelligence in her eyes, the same thing you see in your boyfriend’s every single day. She will know what’s for the best.
Suddenly, the girl jumps up and rushes to the social worker who instinctively leans down to hear what she has to say. They exchange a few hushed words, while you and Spencer only watch them in stunned silence. What if she says no? Now that you met her, you just know she belongs to your home. 
No, you can’t replace her biological parents, but you can do your damn best to give her all the love she deserves. 
“Okay,” you hear her small voice from across the room. 
Before you know it, she picks up her book and runs out, heading to Hotch’s office where the lights are still on, probably hiding the Hotchners behind the door. Maybe that crush isn’t just a one-sided thing, you think with a smile. You both turn to the social worker, who walks over to occupy the chair Missy was sitting on. 
“Some children are quite resilient. She’s intelligent, she can find the logic in this mess of a situation,” she explains with a warm smile. “Dr. Reid and I prepared the paperwork, all I need is your signature, then you can go home. But what is important to point out is that this is an emergency placement. There are a lot of things to do until you can adopt her, but I think you have good chances.”
As your eyes are scanning the pages of the small stack of documents in front of you, you can’t help but think about her genuinely surprised reaction when she found out she can come home with you. She doesn’t hate you, which is good, and hopefully this means the three of you will get along well. 
On the way out Spencer is pulling the pink suitcase that hides Missy’s belongings, while you have the honor of telling her it’s time to go home. The two of you are standing in the door of the office, watching as the two kids are sitting on the leather couch, with the girl going through the pages of her book to find a paragraph that she wants to show him. 
Hotch flashes a knowing smile at you when he notices the suitcase, and he tells the kids playtime is over for now, playing the bad cop this time. When they bring up the soccer match, all of you agree to meet there on Saturday, and Spencer throws in the idea of having lunch together too, so they would have time to play.
Well, this is your life now as parents.
But this kid deserves it.
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note: There's no taglist, but I reblog my new pieces on @izzygoesdarkreblogs.
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kpop-reactions-povs · 3 days ago
Seventeen-Asking your parents for your hand in marriage
As the leader of SEVENTEEN, Seungcheol was used to handling pressure, but this? This had his heart racing. He sat respectfully across from your parents, his hands lightly clasped together. “I love her more than anything, and I want to take care of her for the rest of my life. I promise to cherish her, protect her, and give her everything she deserves. So… may I have your blessing?” Your dad made him sweat for a second before breaking into a grin. When they finally gave their approval, he let out a deep breath, a relieved smile spreading across his face—now onto the proposal.
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Jeonghan’s usual mischievous smile was replaced with a rare, sincere expression as he sat in front of your parents. “I know I tease a lot, but when it comes to her, I’m serious. She’s my best friend, my everything, and I want to be the one to make her happy for the rest of our lives.” Your mom smiled at his words, while your dad gave him a long, considering look before nodding. He let out a soft chuckle once he stepped out—he knew they’d say yes.
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Being the gentleman he is, Joshua had prepared a heartfelt speech, but when the moment came, he spoke from the heart. “I love her with everything I have. I promise to always respect, cherish, and stand by her no matter what. I want to ask for your blessing to marry her and spend my life making her happy.” Your mom teared up immediately, and your dad nodded with a warm smile. Joshua sighed in relief, already imagining the beautiful life you’d share.
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Jun had a deep respect for your family’s traditions, so he approached the conversation with the utmost care. He bowed politely before speaking. “Your daughter is the most precious person in my life. I promise to love her, protect her, and build a future with her full of happiness. I would be honored if you gave me your blessing.” Your parents exchanged a look before smiling, giving their approval. His heart swelled with excitement—next step, making you his forever.
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Hoshi was nervous. He might be SEVENTEEN’s performance leader, but this felt like the biggest stage of his life. He fidgeted slightly before blurting, “I love her so much! I can’t imagine my life without her, and I promise to take care of her and make her laugh every day. Please give me your blessing!” Your parents chuckled at his enthusiasm before finally agreeing. He grinned so brightly, already excited about planning the perfect proposal.
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Wonwoo, though calm on the outside, was feeling every emotion possible. His voice was steady as he looked your parents in the eye. “She is my home, my happiness, and the love of my life. I want to marry her, to build a future with her, and to always be someone she can rely on. May I have your blessing?” After a moment of silence, your father nodded. Wonwoo exhaled quietly, a small smile forming—he was one step closer to forever with you.
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Woozi had spent days preparing what he wanted to say, but when he finally sat in front of your parents, he simply said, “I love her, and I will never stop loving her. I want to spend my life making her happy. Please trust me to take care of her.” Your mom smiled warmly, and your dad nodded in approval. His heart pounded, but he simply gave a small, grateful bow. He couldn’t wait to put a ring on your finger.
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DK’s bright personality dimmed only slightly from nerves as he sat with your parents. But when he started speaking, his sincerity shone through. “Your daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. I want to be her partner for life, her biggest supporter, and the person who loves her most. May I have your blessing to marry her?” Your parents exchanged a knowing glance before saying yes. DK almost shouted in excitement but managed to keep it together—barely.
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Mingyu was confident—mostly. He smiled nervously as he started, “I know I’m a little clumsy, and I might not be perfect, but I love her more than anything. I will always do my best to make her happy. So… may I have your blessing to marry her?” Your parents chuckled at his endearing honesty before agreeing. The moment he walked out, he let out a deep breath, a goofy grin taking over his face.
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The8 had a composed demeanor, but inside, he was feeling the weight of the moment. He sipped his tea slowly before speaking, “I believe love is about patience, understanding, and growth. Your daughter is the most important person in my life, and I want to spend forever with her. May I have your blessing to marry her?” His words carried wisdom beyond his years, making your parents smile warmly. When they finally agreed, he let out a deep breath, his heart steadying—now, onto the next step.
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Despite being a talkative person, Seungkwan was uncharacteristically nervous. He cleared his throat before saying, “I don’t know how to put this into fancy words, but I love her more than anything. She’s my happiness, my safe place, and my future. I promise to take care of her, so… will you give me your blessing?” Your parents teased him a little, making him sweat before finally saying yes. The moment he stepped out, he let out an exaggerated sigh of relief, dramatically clutching his chest—he had survived.
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Vernon kept it simple, as always. He met your parents’ eyes and said, “I love her. A lot. And I want to marry her and spend the rest of my life making her happy. That’s all.” His straightforwardness made your parents chuckle before nodding. He smiled, feeling his shoulders relax—it was simple, but he meant every word.
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As the youngest, Dino wanted to prove himself as a responsible man. He sat up straight and spoke firmly, “Your daughter is my greatest treasure. I want to protect her, support her, and love her for the rest of my life. May I have your blessing to marry her?” Your parents smiled at his determination, exchanging a knowing glance before agreeing. He grinned proudly, already imagining how he would surprise you with the perfect proposal.
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mediocre-shark-tales · 1 day ago
Identity Crisis
Doohan Sister Reader F1 Driver Reader Cadillac Formula 1 Reader
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The second I stepped into my apartment, it felt like I could finally breathe again. The suffocating grip of my parents’ expectations, their carefully crafted plans for my life, loosened just enough for me to feel human again. Still, their words echoed in my head, swirling like a storm I couldn’t quite escape. The weight of their disappointment, their control, their complete disregard for what I wanted—it pressed down on me, but here, at least, I could push back.
For now, I refused to focus on their twisted version of my future. I refused to be their pawn, their bargaining chip in whatever high-society game they were playing. I had to focus on what mattered—racing, my career, my friends, the people who actually saw me and not just an asset to be married off.
Pulling my phone from my pocket, I scrolled through my messages until I found the trio group chat. My fingers hovered over the keyboard for a second before I typed:
Code Red, boys. Who wants to join me in a rage room?
The message sent, and I barely hesitated before switching to my browser, frantically searching for a place that would let me smash things to bits on such short notice. If there was ever a moment I needed to shatter something into a million pieces, it was now.
A reply popped up almost instantly.
Lando: Uh oh, who do we have to fight?
Oscar: Do we need alibis?
I let out a breathy laugh, shaking my head. These idiots. At least they always knew how to make me smile when I felt like curling into myself.
Me: No fights, no crimes. Just pure, unfiltered destruction. Be there in 30 minutes or be forever judged.
Franco finally replied, a simple thumbs-up emoji, followed by:
Franco: I’m in. But if you two back out, you’re dead to me.
I rolled my eyes and shot back a quick Wouldn’t dream of it before confirming the booking.
As I grabbed my keys, something in my chest loosened just a little more. I wasn’t alone. No matter how much my family tried to force me into a version of myself I didn’t recognize, at least I had people who chose me, exactly as I was. And tonight, with a baseball bat in hand and three of the best idiots I knew at my side, I was going to take every ounce of frustration, anger, and exhaustion and smash it into oblivion.
The room was eerily quiet for a moment after I finished speaking. My voice had started strong, steady, but by the time I got to the end, my throat was tight, and the weight of everything I had just confessed hung heavy in the air.
Lando was the first to break the silence. “That is—” He cut himself off, jaw clenched so tight I could practically hear his teeth grinding. “That is absolutely fucking ridiculous.” His hands shot up into his curls, tugging at them in frustration as he paced the room. “Are they serious? Like, actually? ‘Cause I swear to god, if they think they can just—" He stopped mid-sentence and turned back to me, eyes blazing. "What the hell kind of parents do that? Arranging dates? Telling you when you have to be back? Do they actually see you as a person or just some asset to trade off?”
I looked down at my hands, twisting my fingers together. I didn’t have an answer for him.
“Unbelievable,” Lando muttered, shaking his head. “And Jack? Jack? Does he seriously not see how messed up this is?”
I swallowed hard. “He… I don’t know. He just—he doesn’t question it. He doesn’t see the problem, and if he does, he just—he’s always been the golden boy, the one they actually care about. He doesn’t get what it’s like to be treated like an inconvenience in your own family.”
Lando let out a sharp breath, muttering something under his breath before flopping onto the couch beside me. He was still radiating anger, but when he looked at me, it softened into something more protective, almost like he was trying to will the weight off my shoulders.
Franco had been quiet, arms crossed, staring down at the floor as he processed everything I’d said. But when he finally spoke, his voice was laced with restrained fury. “I get being blind to some things, but this? This isn’t just ‘not noticing,’ this is choosing to ignore the way they treat you. That’s not just ignorance, that’s selfishness.” His jaw tightened. “If he really cared, he’d see it. He’d do something.”
I exhaled slowly, pressing my fingers against my temples. “It’s not that easy, Franco. He’s their perfect son. The one who’s always followed the path they wanted for him. It’s probably easier for him to believe that I want this life—that I don’t mind being controlled—than to admit that our parents are capable of being that cruel.”
Oscar, who had been quiet up until now, sighed. “I don’t think Jack’s a bad person,” he said carefully. “But I do think he’s been fed a lot of bullshit and hasn’t ever had to challenge it. That doesn’t excuse it, but…” He shook his head. “I just—I’d like to think he’ll figure it out eventually. That he’ll realize how wrong this is.”
Lando scoffed. “Yeah? And how long are we supposed to wait for that to happen? Until she’s actually stuck in some marriage she doesn’t want? Until it’s too late?”
I winced, and Oscar frowned. “I’m not saying to sit around and wait for him to get a clue. I’m just saying… maybe he’s not completely beyond hope.”
Franco exhaled sharply. “I’d love to believe that, mate, but right now, he’s got a hell of a lot of proving to do before I buy it.”
Oscar didn’t argue, just pressed his lips together and nodded.
Lando suddenly turned to me, brows furrowed. “You’re not seriously going back, right? You’re not actually going to let them force you into those ridiculous dates?”
I let out a heavy sigh, my fingers tightening around the fabric of my hoodie. “I don’t have a choice,” I admitted, my voice quieter than I wanted it to be. “If I refuse, they’ll start digging. And if they start digging, it’s only a matter of time before they find something I can’t afford for them to know.” I exhaled sharply, shaking my head. “Besides… I have to be there for the funeral. For him.”
Lando’s expression darkened, his jaw clenching. “That’s bullshit,” he muttered. “They shouldn’t get to have that kind of control over you.”
Franco, who had been listening in silence, finally spoke. “Then we make sure they don’t. You go, do what you have to do, but you’re not alone in this.” His voice was firm, unwavering. “If they push, we push back.”
Lando nodded, eyes burning with determination. “And if they try anything—anything at all—you call us. No hesitation.”
I swallowed hard, looking between them. The weight of what I was walking back into felt suffocating, but knowing I had them behind me? That made it just a little easier to bear.
For the first time in days, I let out a real breath. I wasn’t alone in this. No matter what my family did, no matter how much Jack refused to see the truth, I had people who stood by me. And that?
That meant everything.
Walking into the paddock the following weekend brought a fleeting sense of calm, like a breath of fresh air after suffocating for too long. The familiar hum of engines, the scent of burnt rubber lingering in the air, the organized chaos of teams rushing to prepare for the weekend—it all grounded me. This was my world. Here, I knew my place. Here, there were no whispered conversations about my future, no suffocating expectations disguised as family duty. Here, I was Ghost, a driver, not a pawn in someone else’s game.
For a moment, I let myself believe that I could just melt back into the routine, that nothing had changed. But the weight in my chest told me otherwise. No matter how much I wanted to pretend, the last week had cracked something inside me. My family’s words still clung to me like an unwanted shadow, and the knowledge that I had to return to them in two weekends loomed over me like a storm cloud.
Still, I forced a deep breath and straightened my posture, adjusting my helmet slightly as I stepped further into the paddock. Racing was the only constant in my life, the one thing that hadn’t turned its back on me. And no matter how much my world outside of this fell apart, the track would always be there—waiting for me to take control.
But the moment I noticed him, that fragile sense of peace shattered.
At first, I brushed it off. The paddock was always buzzing with people—engineers, media personnel, fans who had somehow found their way into restricted areas. Maybe he was just a journalist looking for an exclusive or a fan who had recognized something familiar in the way I moved.
But then it kept happening.
I would turn a corner, and there he was. Just barely in my peripheral vision, lingering at the edge of the crowd. Not moving toward me, not holding a camera or a phone—just watching.
Dark brown—almost black—eyes boring into me from a distance.
I pretended not to notice at first, keeping my head high, my posture casual, but every instinct inside me screamed that something was wrong. It wasn’t just the fact that he was staring—it was how he was doing it. Unblinking. Unmoving. Every time I turned my head just slightly, he was still locked onto me.
A prickle of unease crawled down my spine as I walked toward the garage. I adjusted the straps of my bag, pretending to focus on something ahead, but my senses stayed hyperaware. If he was a journalist, why wasn’t he making a move? If he was a fan, why wasn’t he trying to approach me?
Unless he wasn’t either.
Unless he already knew.
The thought made my stomach turn. If someone had figured out who I was—who Ghost really was—it wouldn’t just be my career at risk. My entire life could unravel in an instant. My parents, my team, the FIA��� the media.
I exhaled slowly, forcing my hands to stay steady as I picked up my pace. I needed to be smart about this. No sudden moves. No sign of weakness.
I spotted Franco near the team’s hospitality area, casually scrolling through his phone. He looked relaxed, but I knew better. Franco noticed everything.
I veered toward him without hesitation. As I approached, I didn’t stop walking, didn’t make a show of concern—just lowered my voice and murmured, “Don’t be obvious, but there’s someone following me.”
Franco’s thumb froze mid-scroll. He didn’t react immediately, just shifted his weight, stretching slightly as if he had no care in the world. “Where?” he asked, voice low, his tone suddenly sharper.
I didn’t turn my head. Instead, I reached up, pretending to adjust my helmet, subtly angling it toward the shadowy figure standing just beyond the entrance to the garage. “Black jacket. Dark hair. Brown eyes. He’s been watching me, tailing me since I got here.”
Franco’s posture changed. He didn’t tense, didn’t react outwardly, but I felt the shift immediately. His eyes flicked up, searching the area, and then I knew. He saw him too.
“I see him,” Franco muttered under his breath.
I swallowed hard. “He’s not media. Or if he is, he’s not acting like it.”
Franco exhaled through his nose. “Not a fan either. Too calculated.”
I clenched my jaw. “I don’t like this.”
Franco didn’t hesitate. “I’ll stick close.”
There was no room for argument in his voice, and honestly, I didn’t want to argue. The unease in my gut wasn’t going away.
For the next hour, Franco barely left my side. Wherever I moved, he moved. It was subtle, nothing obvious, but I felt the presence of his protection like a shield at my back.
But the man was still there. He never approached, never pulled out a phone, never tried to hide the fact that he was watching.
He was just… waiting.
And I had no idea what for.
Eventually, the call for practice came through. I had to get in the car.
For the first time in my entire career, I hesitated. It was barely a second, but Franco caught it.
He stepped in front of me before I could move toward the garage. “I’ll keep an eye out,” he promised, his voice quieter this time, more serious. “Just focus on the car. I’ll handle everything else.”
I met his eyes, finding an unshakable confidence there. Franco wasn’t just saying it to make me feel better—he meant it.
I swallowed hard and gave him a nod before stepping toward the machine that, for now, was the only thing keeping me safe.
FP1 and FP2 had gone better than I could have hoped. The car felt good beneath me, like an extension of my own body, responding with every flick of my hands and push of the throttle. For the first time in what felt like forever, I had complete control. Every lap chipped away at the tension in my muscles, the weight of my family, the eerie presence of the man from earlier.
Because, since I had climbed into the car for FP1, I hadn’t seen him.
No lingering shadow. No dark, unblinking eyes watching from the distance. No figure lurking near the garages.
For a few blissful hours, I had let myself believe maybe it was over. Maybe he had been a journalist looking for a story and given up. Maybe he had been a fan who lost interest. Maybe I was just being paranoid.
But paranoia had kept me alive before.
The pit lane was still buzzing as I wandered toward the garage, looking for Franco. The sun had long started its descent, casting a deep amber glow over the paddock. Team members shuffled back and forth, some hauling equipment, others lost in conversation.
I pulled out my phone, quickly typing out a message.
Me: Where are you? Ready to head back.
I kept walking as I waited for a response, my bag slung over my shoulder. That’s when I felt it.
That same crawling sensation on the back of my neck.
Like I was being watched.
My grip on my phone tightened. I resisted the urge to turn around too fast, instead slowing my pace slightly, angling my head just enough to look like I was looking off to the side with my helmet, but being able to see directly behind me secretly. 
And there he was.
The man.
Closer than before.
I felt my pulse spike.
He was no longer keeping his distance, no longer lurking on the edge of the crowd. He was moving with purpose, weaving through the garage area, eyes locked on me.
The air in my lungs turned ice cold.
No. No, no, no.
I picked up my pace, forcing my legs to move faster without making it obvious I was running. Maybe if I could just lose him in the crowd. Maybe if I turned into one of the side garages and circled back—
I risked another glance over my shoulder.
He was gaining.
A fresh wave of adrenaline hit my bloodstream, sending my heart hammering against my ribs. My breaths came short and quick, hands clammy as I clutched my phone tighter.
I turned sharply, ducking into the narrow space between the team garages, slipping past stacks of equipment, dodging between mechanics. I kept my head low, my heart pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. The noise of the paddock felt distant now, drowned out by the single, undeniable fact that this man was not just following me.
He was hunting me.
My mind raced. Who the hell was he? What did he know? Had he figured out who I was? 
I darted past the Red Bull garage, hoping to find Lando, Oscar—anyone—but no familiar faces stood out.
Then, in my desperation, I made a mistake.
I turned a corner too fast.
And ran straight into a wall.
A person.
Solid muscle. Broad shoulders. A firm grip that caught me before I could hit the ground.
“What the—” The voice was sharp, but familiar.
I looked up, breathless, and my stomach dropped.
Max Verstappen.
I barely registered the look of confusion on his face before I tried to push away, my body still running in full-blown panic mode. But Max didn’t let go.
His hands tightened slightly on my arms, eyes narrowing as he took me in—really looked at me.
I must’ve looked nervous. My chest was rising and falling too fast, my body trembling. The rush of fear hadn’t left my body yet.
Max’s expression shifted, something calculating settling in his gaze. He glanced past me, over my shoulder, and his body tensed just slightly.
I didn’t have to turn around to know what he saw.
The man was still there.
Still following.
Max didn’t hesitate.
“Come with me.” His voice was low, firm. No room for argument.
I barely had time to nod before he pulled me with him, turning sharply into the Red Bull hospitality area. I stumbled slightly, still shaken, but Max didn’t slow down.
He maneuvered through the hallways with the ease of someone who had spent more years in this paddock than anywhere else. I forced my legs to keep up, my mind struggling to catch up to what was happening.
Only when he reached his driver’s room did he finally let go.
Max shut the door behind us, locking it with a quiet click.
The silence was deafening.
I finally exhaled, chest still rising and falling in uneven gasps.
Max turned to face me fully, crossing his arms. “Alright,” he said, voice edged with something unreadable. “Now, you’re going to tell me who the hell is following you.”
And just like that, I knew my secret was on the verge of unraveling.
I swallowed hard, my pulse still erratic as I forced myself to take a deep breath. The panic was still there, lingering in my fingertips, in the way my legs still felt ready to bolt, but I couldn’t let it take over. Not now.
Max’s sharp blue eyes were locked onto me, arms crossed over his chest as he waited for an answer. There was no escaping this conversation.
“I—I don’t know who he is,” I admitted, my voice modulated weirdly by the voice changer embedded in my helmet. “I don’t know what he wants. But I have a feeling he’s either a reporter trying to dig into my identity or just some crazy guy trying to intimidate me.”
Max didn’t react at first. He simply studied me, expression unreadable. Then, with a sharp exhale, he pulled out his phone and started typing.
“What are you doing?” I asked, still trying to get my breathing under control.
“Getting security to handle it,” Max said simply, not even looking up from his phone. “If he’s a journalist, he’ll get removed. If he’s a threat, they’ll take care of it.” He sent the message, then finally met my gaze again. “You should’ve told someone earlier.”
I shifted on my feet, glancing toward the door like I expected the man to be on the other side. “Didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but I told Franco in case”
Max huffed a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “That’s stupid.”
I blinked at him, slightly taken aback by the bluntness.
“I mean it,” he continued. “If someone is following you around a paddock like this, you tell someone. There are too many cameras and too little security guards for people to get away with that shit. You shouldn’t have to deal with it alone.”
I hesitated, then nodded. “…Thanks.”
Max shrugged, like it was nothing, before dropping down onto the couch in his drivers’ room. He gestured for me to sit, and after a moment’s pause, I did.
He leaned back, stretching out. “You know, you’re the only rookie I haven’t really talked to yet.”
I raised a brow behind my helmet. “Oh?”
Max nodded, his expression softening slightly. “Yeah. You’re kind of a mystery, you know? Everyone knows the others, but you? Nobody even knows your name.” He smirked. “It drives the media crazy.”
I let out a small laugh at that. “That’s the goal.”
Max hummed in approval, then tilted his head slightly. “So, how’s your first season going?”
It was such a normal question, such a casual question, that it took me a second to process it. He wasn’t prying, wasn’t pushing. He was just… talking.
And it felt nice.
I leaned back slightly, letting out a breath. “It’s been… a lot,” I admitted. “Good, bad, stressful, incredible—every emotion possible.”
Max nodded knowingly. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
There was a brief pause before he added, “You’re doing well, though. People didn’t know what to expect from you at first, but you’ve proven you belong here.”
I blinked at him. “Coming from a four-time world champion, that’s a big compliment.”
Max smirked. “Five-time soon.”
I snorted. “Confident, huh?”
He shrugged. “Just realistic.”
I couldn’t help but smile a little beneath my helmet.
Max’s expression shifted slightly, something more thoughtful crossing his features. “Listen, I know this sport can be… overwhelming. And I know keeping your identity secret probably makes it ten times harder.”
He wasn’t wrong.
“So,” he continued, “if you ever need advice, or just… someone to talk to, I don’t mind.”
I tilted my head. “You want to be my mentor or something?”
Max chuckled. “Let’s just say, I’ve been where you are. Coming in as a rookie, people doubting you, feeling like you have to prove yourself every single weekend. I get it.”
I was quiet for a moment before nodding. “Thanks, Max.”
His smirk returned. “Don’t thank me yet. I’m a terrible mentor.”
I laughed, feeling some of the tension from earlier finally fading.
Maybe Max Verstappen wasn't so scary after all.
The paddock had long since quieted, the chaos of the day giving way to the stillness of the night. The only sounds in the dimly lit hotel room were the low hum of the air conditioning and the occasional creak from the walls settling.
I sat on the edge of the bed, scrolling mindlessly through my phone, exhaustion weighing heavy on my limbs but refusing to let me sleep. The adrenaline from the day had only just begun to wear off. My talk with Max had helped ease some of the tension, but the lingering paranoia from earlier still clung to me like a second skin.
And then—my phone buzzed.
A single notification. A message from an unknown number.
I frowned, tapping the screen. The moment I read the words, the blood in my veins turned to ice.
I know who you are. And so will the rest of the world soon.
My breath hitched. I blinked rapidly, as if rereading it would somehow change the meaning.
Another buzz.
Unless, of course, we can come to an agreement.
A cold shiver crawled up my spine.
No. No, this wasn’t happening. Not now. Not when everything had just started falling into place.
My hands trembled as I clutched the phone, my vision blurring at the edges. I was frozen for a moment, caught between disbelief and rising panic. And then, before I could stop myself, I was dialing.
The ringing felt like it stretched on forever before a familiar, slightly groggy voice answered.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“I can’t get caught. I can’t. Not now.”
My voice cracked.
A pause. Then, a sharp intake of breath before a much deeper serious voice spoke. “What happened?”
I swallowed, gripping the phone tighter. “Someone—some journalist—they messaged me. They say they know.”
There was a rustling sound on the other end of the line, like sheets being thrown aside. Nico was awake now. Fully alert.
“Send me the messages,” he said, voice steady, controlled. “Now.”
I did, my fingers shaking as I forwarded the texts. The second the messages were delivered, I pressed the phone back to my ear, waiting.
The silence stretched.
Finally, Nico spoke, his voice measured but firm. “We don’t panic.”
A bitter laugh bubbled up in my throat. “That’s easy for you to say.”
“We don’t panic,” he repeated. “First, we confirm what they actually know. This could be a bluff, just someone fishing for a reaction. We don’t give them one. No response. Not yet.”
My pulse pounded against my ribs, but I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. “And if they do know?”
A sigh. “Then we handle it. But I promise you, we will handle it.”
I pressed a hand to my forehead, trying to steady my breathing. The weight in my chest was suffocating, the fear clawing its way up my throat.
“You’re not alone in this,” Nico continued. “Try to get some sleep.”
Sleep? That was impossible.
I didn’t say anything, just hummed vaguely in response.
“…I mean it,” he added, softer this time.
I exhaled shakily. “Okay.”
But even as I hung up, the phone clutched tightly in my hands, I knew sleep wouldn’t come.
I stayed awake for hours, staring at the ceiling, waiting for the next message. Waiting for the next move in a game I never wanted to play.
The paddock should have felt like home. The steady hum of engines, the flashes of cameras, the voices blending into a chaotic blur—it was the one place I usually felt grounded. But today, everything felt off. Every sound grated against my nerves. Every glance felt like it lingered too long.
I barely made it past the garage before a firm grip caught my arm.
“Walk with me.”
I stiffened at first but quickly recognized the voice. Max.
He didn’t wait for a response, steering me toward a quieter part of the paddock, away from the prying eyes of cameras and journalists. His grip was firm but not forceful, his steps quick and deliberate. My heart pounded, exhaustion from the night before pressing heavily on my bones. I already knew this wasn’t just some casual chat.
Once we were tucked into a corner where no one could eavesdrop, he turned to face me, arms crossed, his usual smirk nowhere to be seen.
“You need to tell me the truth,” he said.
My stomach twisted. “About what?”
Max exhaled through his nose, clearly unimpressed. “I got a text this morning. Some journalist is trying to blackmail me.”
My blood ran cold.
“They’re saying you and I were together in my driver’s room,” he continued, his voice sharp. “That we’re hiding some secret relationship. That it would ‘look bad’ since we’re from different teams.” He scoffed, shaking his head. “It’s a weak angle, but if they spin it right, it could still cause problems.”
I swallowed hard, but the pressure in my chest only grew heavier.
“Max… that’s not all,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.
His eyes narrowed slightly. “What do you mean?”
I hesitated before forcing the words out. “I got a message last night. From the same number. They said they know who I am.”
Max’s entire body stiffened. His brows furrowed in confusion, but beneath that, I could see something else—concern.
“You mean—?”
I nodded, pulse hammering in my ears. “They know, or at least they think they do. I don’t know if they have real proof or if it’s just a bluff, but I can’t take the risk.”
Max let out a slow breath, rubbing a hand down his face. For a moment, he didn’t say anything. Then, suddenly, his expression hardened with a sense of finality.
“Okay,” he said. “Here’s what we do.”
I watched as his frustration shifted into something sharper, more determined.
“We play into their first angle,” he said. “They want a story? Fine. We give them one.”
I frowned. “What?”
Max’s lips twitched, but there was no real humor behind it. “They think we’re hiding some secret relationship. Instead, we show them the truth—just not the truth they want.” He tilted his head. “They want scandal? We give them a mentor and mentee dynamic. You and me, working together. I’ll be your ‘grid dad’ or whatever you rookies call it.”
Despite everything, I let out a small huff. “Grid dad?”
“You got a better plan?”
I hesitated, considering it. “No… actually, I think that might work.”
“Of course it will,” Max said. Then, his voice softened. “I’ll also get my lawyers on this. They’ll work with your manager to find out exactly what this journalist knows and shut them down before they can do anything.”
I looked at him then, really looked at him. Max Verstappen, the reigning world champion, who had no real reason to go out of his way to help me. And yet, here he was, protecting me like I was one of his own.
“You don’t have to do all this,” I murmured.
Max gave me a pointed look. “You’re part of the grid. That means you’re one of us. And if someone comes after one of us, they deal with all of us. Sure, right now, you don’t have all of us, but you do have me. And I have power both inside and outside the paddock. ”
For the first time in hours, I felt like I could breathe again. If only just a few shallow breaths, it was something, it was an improvement.
I didn’t know what the journalist truly had on me, but at least now, I wasn’t fighting this battle alone.
Taglist: @widow-cevans @honethatty12 @wierdflowerpower @imlonelydontsendhelp @thatsnotaddy @freyathehuntress
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dontlookatme121 · 2 days ago
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here are all of the fics i enjoyed between march 1st-11th 2025! some new, some old. mostly smut so MDNI!
characters: javier peña, joel miller, frankie morales, dave york, marcus acacius
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if this works out, i may keep posting these little recaps whenever i have a some recs built up. i wanted to share my thoughts and some quotes instead of just listing the name and author, and i quickly realized a monthly list would be too long for that. i hope you can find some good reads and show the authors a little love!
note to the authors: ilyyy. you all have amazing minds, and deserve so so much appreciation. thank you for sharing your work, and enabling me to read smut instead of watch movies <3 if you were tagged in this and would like to have your work removed for any reason, please let me know!
WARNING: many of these fics contain dark themes that could be triggering. i will try to label accordingly, but PLEASE read the warnings. not all of these are for everyone!
smut- ♡ angst- ★ fluff- ✿ dark- !!
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♡ wicked whims by @myownwholewildworld (wc: 1.1k - oneshot)
pairing: javier peña x f!reader
summary: javi catches you playing wicked whims in the sims and decides to make your fantasies a reality.
thoughts: march started out incredibly strong with this absolute banger. this fic IS FOR ME. i feel seen, i feel understood, i feel sexually frustrated. i will be reinstalling wicked whims tonight, consider my first sims 4 phase of 2025 activated.
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★ ♡ who will i say goodnight to when you're gone? by @miss-oranje-disco-dancer (wc: 3.6k - oneshot)
pairing: javier peña x reader
summary: you are javi are just coworkers who sleep together, nothing more
thoughts: AGHHH. the smutty angst is so good. i cant put it into words so i’ll just let it speak for itself:
'Maybe Javier kisses because it's the one form of intimacy that doesn't force you to look the other person in the eye. Eyes are the window to the soul, they say. Javi's eyes contain a softness that you cannot find outside of warm summer nights that exist so far in space and time that you can barely reach the memories. He holds hope in his entire body — hope isn't usually a pretty little thing that Emily Dickinson said it was - it's hardened and stubborn, it is the fucking metal bars that keep him here in Colombia despite it all.'
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♡ !! nena mala by @pedrosyouknowwhat (oneshot) !! TW !!
pairing: Dark! Javier Peña x Dark! Reader
summary: After the fall of the godfathers, Peña takes his personally desired target.
thoughts: god i love it when javier peña is the worst person ever. hello my old friend, degradation kink.
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★ The boyfriend act, part 7: "The one with unexpected visit” by @capuccinodoll (ch wc: 10.4k - series) (★- only angst as of now?)
pairing: frankie morales x f!reader
SERIES summary: All you wanted was to get to Austin, but instead of your brother, it’s Frankie —Santi’s best friend, the one you can barely stand— who shows up in Dallas. He’s just doing your brother a favor, but the trip takes an unexpected turn when a stop puts you face to face with your ex — the guy who broke your heart three months ago and is now about to get married.
Out of pride, you blurt out a lie: Frankie is your boyfriend. Surprised but willing to play along, he agrees, with one condition — you must accompany him to his mother’s birthday. His plan? Dodge his family’s meddling and their endless matchmaking schemes.
thoughts: im absolutely obsessed with this series, you really dont want to get me started… this WILL continue to show up in future fic rec posts because it’s so so good omg (read it). if for some reason you’d like to read a more extensive version of my thoughts on this chapter, you can read this incredibly long reblog.
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♡ Eight Ball Corner Pocket by @thechaoticcherub (wc: 7.7k - oneshot)
pairing: Jackson!Joel x Plus Size!Reader
summary: Reader goes on a really bad date, Joel steps in to help make her forget it.
thoughts: this was such a lovely read (and so hot omfg). i cannot recommend this enough.
'“Quit it,” He said, “Don’t you think for a single second that you’re the one reachin’ here, i’m old enough to be your daddy and you’re…look at you.” You could see barely controlled lust in his eyes as they roamed over your body and the way he did it didn’t make you feel like he was appraising you to see if you were worth it. He was appreciating you. Appreciating the way your breasts stretched the fabric of your dress and the way you could see the curve of your belly, the way your thighs pressed together. You stared at him, trying to take in the truth of his statement, trying to remember how pretty you had found yourself that morning before you had been reminded of all the insecurities of your teenage years.'
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♡ !! because of you by @almostempty (wc: 7k - oneshot) !! TW !!
pairing: dave york x f!reader
summary: You reveal at a party that you've never cried during sex, but Dave is going to fix that for you.
thoughts: ill never forget you, unreliable narrator dave york. the way he obsesses over the reader, picking apart all of their conversations and interpreting everything in his special delusional way. UGH ITS SO GOOD. to keep this part brief, i will simply implore you to READ THIS (after you read the warnings), its brilliant.
'After that night, he notices you change tactics. You feed him little crumbs in every conversation. Leads you know he’ll follow. Hints about the weak spots in your relationship, your unlived dreams, your pent up desires. He knows what you’re asking for. He reads exactly what you’re saying between the lines. His walls are crumbling and it gets harder and harder to be the one solely responsible for keeping the boundaries between you. He compartmentalizes. Conceding. You can have his dreams, his showers, his mornings. Take them. Keep them. But it’s never enough. It grows stronger. To obsession.'
update: the award for the fic i thought about most after reading it goes to this beauty. i admitted in my reblog that i had never seen the equalizer movies, but this made me want to finally watch them so i could appreciate this to its fullest extent, and i did! i also sent this to my friend who doesn't read ppcu fics because its just that good. i'm not getting over this any time soon.
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✿ Just Coffee by @daryltwdixon (two parts)
pairing: joel miller x reader
'"Coffee. Just coffee." You could’ve kissed him right then and there. And he was handsome enough that you wouldn’t even have to close your eyes. He must’ve caught the way your shoulders relaxed, how the sigh left your body like a weight lifted.'
♡ Just Coffee II
summary: Joel picks you up after a long day, taking you somewhere small and familiar, where conversation flows as easily as the wine. As the night winds down and Joel insists on driving you home, neither of you are ready to say goodbye quite yet.
thoughts: this healed the ex-barista/assistant manager in me. to put it simply, pt.1 is fluffy joel gold and pt.2 is smutty joel GOLD. chefs kiss.
unnecessary lore drop: i (18 at the time) got asked out by a regular (65) and he DID NOT look like joel miller. maybe gary was the hot old man for someone, but def not for me. the owner of the coffee shop (50, married) had a huge crush on him, so that was amusing i guess.
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♡ One Of The Girls by @gothcsz (wc: 1.1k - oneshot)
pairing: Marcus Acacius x F!Reader x 3 F!Nameless OCs
summary: General Acacius has three women that he keeps solely for his indulgent pleasure and control, you want to become the fourth.
thoughts: GORGEOUS. the picture has been painted in my mind and it’s going to haunt me. this is just insane work, really. i need 4 more parts and a few days to recover.
‘The first time you heard whispers of his indulgences, you had thought them scandalous. A man of bloodshed, ruthless on the battlefield, bringing that same ruthless discipline into the bedroom. But when you had seen him that night, wielding pleasure like a weapon, you had known—this was the life you were meant for. Since then, obsession had taken root in you, winding tight around your ribs, pressing against your lungs with every thought of him. You spent your days languishing in fantasies, picturing what it would be like to be one of his girls—to be chosen, touched, tamed.’
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♡ First Sight by @gothcsz (wc: 3.5k - oneshot)
pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader
summary: Two strangers discover they’ve been swapping movies through a communal space, each leaving a note in return until curiosity forces a meeting.
thoughts: great smut. great banter. HOT. i need that man so bad.
'Things escalate fast. You’re sitting on the couch, the low hum of the movie playing in the background, the two of you exchanging quiet comments between drags of the joint he so effortlessly rolled. The space between you shrinks. His fingers graze your thigh, intentional but unhurried. You don’t remember who moves first. Maybe it’s you. Maybe it’s him. But your bodies are pressed together, mouths hungry, hands wandering. His cap gets flicked off, curls spilling into your fingers as you tug him closer, inhaling the scent of smoke and tasting the candy he’d been snacking on. The movie is forgotten. The joint smolders in the ashtray. You straddle his lap, rolling your hips down, and he groans against your mouth, gripping your waist.'
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dividers by: cherry divider- @uzmacchiato, mdni divider- @strangergraphics, red divider- @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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wisteria-lodge · 2 days ago
I do think it is cool, in a story kind of way, if the Elder Wand has a slightly different mechanism for choosing it's master than your typical wand. (also yeah, the wand lore stuff in Book 7 is a mess, the movies try to explain it/make it clearer but kind of don't, and... the mechanics of wand lore is not especially what I want Harry and Voldemort talking about during their big confrontation.)
But I also like finding alternate ways of making it work, and here's mine. I do think it's interesting if the Elder wand goes to whoever is the most powerful person in a conflict, because "power" can be an interesting, nebulous thing, and that can get into, idk, themes and stuff. My very first HP meta was a kind of Grindeldore thing, where the wand's power shifted to Dumbledore because he was the one willing to imprison the man he loved for the rest of his life... and Grindelwald wasn't. I also think this is fun to examine when it comes to Dumbledore's extended, planned, suicide-by-Snape. If that had worked, then I think Dumbledore would have broken the power of the wand: if his murder was actually just an extension of his own power, he would have died uncontested, and I think that was the plan.
The transfer over to Draco is by far the messiest, I am not even a little surprised that there are a ton of theories about how he was never the master. I don't mind that: I think it's funny if both Dumbledore and Voldemort were blindsided by... underestimating Draco Malfoy. Also I think it's funny that Draco realizes he was the master of the most powerful wand... immediately after he isn't anymore.
Which gets into my own headcannony interpretation of the duel on the tower, which almost certainly isn't intended by the text, but which *is* fun to think about. See, I think it's kinda cool that Dumbledore dies in a three-way duel, just like the one that killed Ariana which he was never quite able to process. I do think Dumbledore puts Harry and Ariana in the same category - the innocent he has to protect but possibly sacrifice. And if that's the case... then Draco becomes Aberforth - just here to protect his family but completely out of his depth and kind of a liability, and Severus is Grindelwald - dark, brilliant, and one of the closest relationships Dumbledore has. I think there's a lot going on in his head at that moment, and it would be cool if it (unintentionally) bled into how the Elder Wand perceives the situation.
So when Draco disarms him (when Dumbledore lets Draco disarm him...) there's a lot going on with Dumbledore's angst about not being able to protect innocents, about Aberforth really never forgiving him, about if how Draco will just agree to be saved that will mean something. So maybe in a weird way Draco does have power over him, in that instant, in that moment.
And then Malfoy Manor is easy. Even though Harry physically took Draco's wands from him, and didn't magically disarm him - Draco is lost, conflicted, and seems to want Harry to win. (I mean Harry defeats Voldemort with Draco's "friendly" wand, and unicorn cores are loyal, I don't think he could have done that if Draco hadn't wanted him to win.) Harry is clearly more powerful. Same thing with his confrontation in the woods - Voldemort is scared, of Harry, of death, of all sorts of things while Harry is at peace, surrounded by his loved ones, not scared of Voldemort even slightly. So the wand perceives him as more powerful.
(and I have no idea what was going on with Grindelwald and Gregorovitch. Grindelwald/Dumbledore/Gregorovitch love triangle??? :D)
How the Elder Wand Choses its Master
So, this is a short theory, but it is an interesting one and I kinda wanna make note of it anyways. And that is:
I don't think the Elder Wand allegiance works the way we're told.
To clarify, I don't think the Elder Wand passes to whoever defeats its master. I have a few reasons to think that, and I'll cover them here.
Firstly, it doesn't make sense. Like, the legend of the Elder Wand is that it's udefeatable. An unbeatable wand whose wielder can never lose. Except, the wielder does lose, and often. It's how the ownership supposedly transfers from one master to another. We're told Dumbledore won the Elder Wand when he defeated Grindlewald in a duel. We see Draco win its allegiance when he disarms Dumbledore.
It just doesn't make sense for both legends to exist simultaneously. How can an unbeatable wand be won in a duel? The whole point is that it's impossible to win against it.
Secondly, its allegiance clearly doesn't work the way the legend says it does. So, if we look at the ending of the books, as an example, Dumbledore was the master of the Elder Wand, and then Draco disarmed him, becoming the master. Harry disarmed Draco from a different wand and became the master like that. Then Voldemort kills Harry in the forest, but Harry is still the master of the Elder Wand?
I mean, Voldemort killed Snape to become the master of the Elder Wand (when he thought Snape was the master), but when he killed Harry, it didn't help him. So killing Snape was useless?
Like, we outright see that defeating the master doesn't make you the master when Voldemort kills Harry.
(And if it was because Harry threw the fight, then Draco shouldn't have become the master after Dumbledore because Dumbledore didn't fight Draco by choice)
So what does? How does the allegiance change?
Well, Ollivanders tells us exactly how: "the wand chooses the wizard"
This is just as true for the Elder Wand as any other wand.
What I think the Elder Wand does is that it chooses its wizard. Essentially, in a duel where one wizard has the Elder Wand, the Elder Wand chooses its preferred owner and then chooses who wins. If it wants its current master to win, it's unbeatable. If the wand decides it wants the opponent, though, it chooses who it wants to madter it and throws the fights it's in.
It's why Dumbledore defeated Grindlewald and won its allegiance — the Wand chose Dumbledore.
It's why killing Harry in the forest didn't make Voldemort the master of the Elder Wand — the Wand already chose Harry, so Voldemort was never it's master. It's possible Draco was never the Elder Wand's master either and that it was Harry since the moment Dumbledore died, we can't tell for sure.
So that's it, kind of a short theory, but one I find interesting nonetheless.
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mahi-wayy · 2 days ago
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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summary : There was just something about you that made every fibre in cordell's being melt into primal instincts and needs.
warnings : oral sex ( f. receiving ) MDI and my not so good smut writing!! also not proof read.
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It has be been a very very long day. But then again when had been a ranger ever easy but he loved his job. Most of the time.
Though there is one thing he loves more than his job is coming home to you and his kids and family. Life after Emily was just one chaos after another and one sorrow after another and something between that shit storm you stepped in his life.
To him you radiated fresh start from the very first moment and after a while of pulling and pushing he did end up sleeping with you in his arms every night.
There was also just something about you that made him want to revert into almost primal animalistic instincts. Maybe it was the way your ass filled your jeans out or the way those dresses didn't leave much to imagination.
So he wasn't really surprised when he finds himself on his knees - still in his uniform - between your legs. Your pretty white dress bunched up and his big old hands squeezing the thighs he likes to stare at.
"Fuck baby- oh."
There it was the breathy sounds only he ever got to here. he can't help himself but smile against your skin. He started with a soft lick with every intention of teasing but the way you shuddered and your legs closed just a bit more around his shoulders. He has to change the plans.
Slow will have to wait for later. He wants it all now.
"Cordell babe-"
You cut herself off with a moan of his name when he picks up the pace out of nowhere. Your hands scrambling to grab his hair and other grabbing on the edge of counter he had placed you on when he first came in.
Cordell feels the pulls at his hair and it makes him groan against your cunt pulling a whine from you as your hips bucked up automatically and he shifts his hand to grasp your waist and pulling you closer to the edge - letting your hips roll into his mouth.
"Yes yes- God right there baby."
The words come out in a pant as your hips buck up more and he had to hold you in place so you don't slip off the counter and also so that he can have you still for his mouth now.
"Oh God yes- I'm close I'm so close baby."
He knows. He can feel your legs shaking over his shoulder - your grip in his hair almost bordering painful - as you whine and moan over and over.
Cordell feels it happen under him. They way your body locks in an arc to push closer to his mouth, the breathy moan of his name and your juices fucking drenching his chin and beard.
He doesn't stop though - he can't - licking over and over cleaning up his favorite mess until you're begging him to, pulling his hair to have him move away.
"Welcome home I guess." Your manages once he finally pulls his mouth off - your legs still shaking. Yeah Cordell Walker does that.
"You're welcome."
He cheeks once he pulls away standing up to his ridiculous height wiping his mouth from the back of his hand. He doesn't miss the way you reacts with a fond shake of you head before he bends to kiss you.
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I am not the best at smut and this partially mera's ( @bluemerakis ) fault.
tags : @bluemerakis @deansbeer @daylighted @daylighted @soldiersgirl let me know if you wanna be tagged!!
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