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I’ve fucking had it
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raydaviespilled · 5 months
is this a safe space to say I find it attractive when ray says ‘come to ray’ in live performances of art lover
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angelstitss · 5 months
i have nothing else to say about this. i am absolutely batshit.
confused? let me show you because after my months of analyzing this song i did not see this a SINGLE TIME until it was pointed out to me.
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i’m going batshit insane. this is the reason why i need to be locked in a padded room.
right after alastor said that vox asked him to join his “team” and alastor said no.
there is no other explanation for this.
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fuckyndingus · 5 months
metro makin history droppin a diss BEAT? A BEAT?????? at this point this is defiling a corpse - AUBREY GET UP!!! GET UUUUUUP!!!
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apricusapollo · 9 months
I just saw a modern-ish setting dream where luke (and basically everyone who was force-sensitive) lost their connection with the force and it was soo horrible but luke instantly went to see din and grogu but the moment he saw the kid he got emotional and started crying and din held him while he cried (now I'm emotional). and then they went inside the house and din was comforting luke and everything and grogu was also being adorable and luke was laying on the couch with his back against din's chest and grogu on top of him and they were being sooo domestic I'm gonna CRYYY
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magicaltickles · 10 months
Em <3 it’s amazing how we’ve known each other for literally two days and yet i have so many ideas about where you’d be ticklish! let’s start with the basics!
ur tummy would be so cute to tickle i think <3 i love tummy tickles in general- but i would love to see what range of giggles i can get you to! i wonder what would happen if i ran one finger up and down ur tummy, ooo! what about ur belly button! that should basically be a giggle button i think.. you press down on it and boom! instant giggles! so cute <3
ur thighs like i said would also be another place to start. light swipes of my fingers on ur inner thighs to start with, and then digging in on occasion to make sure i get some squeals outta ya!
let’s talk about your under arms, hmm? i wonder how long you’d last if i asked you to hold ur arms up, how long you’d last with me tracing tiny ticklish circles under there! all the while giving you tiny raspberries on ur neck! oh- and in case you wanna put ur arms down, i can just use one hand to grab ur wrist and tickle away with the other hand!! ur not safe >:3
feet are a given when it comes to tickling <3 the tops of ur feet can be ticklish too yknow? i wonder what would happen if i sat on ur legs and just tickled the top of ur feet for a bit, and then the bottoms of ur feet for a bit.. trying to compare which one gives the better reaction. oh not to mention! ur toes!! silly me- how could i forget! if i peeled back those cute little toes and scratched in between, how sensitive would you be?
not to mention i’d be verbally teasing you the whole time.
“Let’s see how long you can go without laughing!” as i dig into ur ticklish spots <3
“The tickle monster is hungry!” as I give you little raspberries <3
“Tickletickletickle!” in a more of a ‘tickticktick’ noise, whilst i just poke around as i please <3
ig this could be my headcanon as to where ur ticklish LOL have fun~
-ler red 🍅
I- You- This-
And the set up from dms too holy shit bro
If anyone wants to be decimated go see red while they're in a ler mood bc wow
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loko4koko · 10 months
>BRUH i just was skimming through don’t tell me to go away from you and i got to a paragraph and the whole BEGINNING OF THE SENTENCE WAS GONE
>so i just fcking fixed it
>and now i am so EMBARRASSED that you lovely folks had to try and figure out what i meant by this for the past few weeks 😭 like the whole highlighted part was just not there wtffffff
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ohello0 · 1 year
I’ve been writing an essay in my free time about how frustrating it is to see grown adults belittle and push youth off of online spaces when there are very few places for them to go irl and this is a prime example.
This is such nasty behavior. Would they have done this if it was adults having an argument? Dogs barking? At what point do children get to be treated like people and allowed to take up space in their own communities.
So many adults that act high and mighty online about minors answer their own questions about why kids don’t just “log off” or “go touch grass”.
This probably bothered other kids in the area and some pets too but anything for some quiet I guess
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someoneelsemaybe · 1 year
I learned that water conducts electricity at too young of an age. That was my quicksand.
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all-lars-bars · 1 year
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Why is there a fucking politician following me????
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folkbreeze · 1 year
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it's back it's back
that table next to the head??? the priviledge, my fav corner ever
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howabhwmwn · 2 years
she changed so much, the project was perfectly fine the way it was. why would she do that???
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koishua · 2 years
incoming new theme btw
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withclawandvine · 2 years
the interview was years ago, and this particular snippet had been edited out of the final cut. the agency had forked over a lot of money for it, too. but every once in a while, an illegally recorded cellphone video would resurface, doing numbers on twitter and tiktok. a grainy image of a younger dynamight, sitting at a disrespectful angle in one of those talk show chairs. even with the low quality, and the shaky cameraship, it was obvious he was scowling. then, the interviewer asked about you—the mysterious figure he was so rarely seen with, always shielded and angled away from prying eyes and camera flashes. and dynamight’s scowl became much more intentional. his silence nearly ominous. but he was still young and inexperienced with press, so it didn’t take much needling from the host to end up where they did: a leading question about protecting the relationship. wondering aloud if he was also trying to protect you. if he worried about you capturing the interest of a villain, who might see you as dynamight’s achilles heel. and finally, striking just the right nerve with the implication that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to protect you. dynamight wasn’t afraid of anything. katsuki, on the other hand…
but all the audience saw at that afternoon taping was a murderous glower, and a death-promise to any villain that might make such an attempt. brazen and protective, a little bit arrogant. not particularly heroic, at least not in the usual way. classic dynamight, really. his manager didn’t see it that way. she saw it “how villains are going to see it: as a challenge.” so she and her team have continued to do their best to scrub any traces of it off the internet for years. as soon as a repost goes viral, it’s removed and the poster’s account is often suspended.
the video is as forgotten as it will ever be when finally, after three years and an engagement ring, you are targeted.
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Not Lan’er!
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corvidaecircus · 2 years
just came back from seeing Black Panther: Wakanda Forever don't talk to me im fragile
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