sernik-krakowski · 5 months
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Just finished orion and uuuh
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Day 30: Written Apr 17, 2024
Part 19
CW: Major character death (not permanent), depictions of drowning, and water zombies (inferi)
“Go.” Regulus commanded. Kreacher disappeared and Regulus was alone. Alone and dying from the Dark Lord’s cruel potion.
He ached in every limb. The burning spread throughout his body and his head was boiling. 
Where his eyes open? He couldn’t tell. Everything was so dark.
His throat. It hurt. It hurt. It was itching. No, it felt raw like a scraped knee. He needed something. What did he need?
Something cool and wet touched his fingers. Wet. Water.
He needed water.
There. He was already touching it. His hand was submerged in the lake.
He scrambled. Desperate.
He felt it. On his face. In his mouth. Down his throat.
Oh the water. So lovely.
His wrists were wet. His head. The back of his neck.
His shoulders.
His chest.
It wasn’t just water. There was something else on him. Grabbing him.
Pulling Him.
He was weightless. No crystals pressing into his knees.
His lungs burned. He needed to breathe. He expanded his chest.
And water rushed down his throat, into his lungs. No. No.
He struggled. But something-someone stopped him. He tried to shake the hands off, but they wouldn’t let go. Then more hands joined. He felt their slimy skin against his.
This wasn’t exactly what he expected to happen, but this wasn’t any worse than the potion.
He stopped struggling.
There was a sharp blast of light and heat and the hands left him. Alone. Then he was gone.
beginning | previous | next
Notes/thoughts under the cut:
The formatting doesn't work on tumblr so imagine some really dramatic indents.
This was actually really fun to write cuz it's just Regulus' thoughts and nothing else. So I was kind of writing nonsense but I think it works.
I also want to mention that I changed my blog rules (? I don't know what to call it). When I first started posting it felt very personal and I didn't want to deal with any criticism whether it was good or bad. Now I feel a lot more confident with all the amazing interactions I've had. So I'd love to hear any feedback you might have especially headcanons or theories on this series (cuz I need ideas).
Also, if you want to be added to a tag list like @zn0v1a (my biggest fan tbh <3) just comment, reblog, etc.
Thank you all so much for the support!
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A thing I've been doing:
*everyone talking about Orion and Megatronus before the war*
Miko: "Wait were you Megatron's sugar daddy???"
Optimus: "What is a sugar daddy"
*old man googling noises*
Optimus: "primus"
Oppy: "so apparently I was Megatronus's sugar daddy when I was Orion."
*dying and wheezing across the room*
Oppy: "wELL iT WaSN'T exactly on purpose Ratty—"
Jack: "RATTY?!?🤣 Sorry dude but you're Ratty now."
Ratchet: "this is why your father left 'to get milk and cigarettes' jack"
Bumblebee, recording it all: [this is amazing, Blades is going to love it.]
Raf: "oh you need to show this to your boyfriend"
*indignant Bumblebee whirps and chirrs*
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classychassiss · 2 years
The Orion Pax episodes in TFP are interesting because they make good angst fodder on the surface level, but they've become more unsettling to me with time and a rewatch.
The first time I had missed entirely that Optimus was on Nemesis for months and not days like I thought. It sounds really good on paper to think of it as Megatron getting his old friend back but like...theres a two-fold wish fufillment thing going on here and thats: Orion Pax being his loyal and subservient Decepticon (as opposed to the Orion Pax who would argue with him and attempt to declaw his more extreme ideas) and having the pleasure of humiliating Optimus Prime by undermining him in front of the Autobots. And all of this happens with no memory and no sense of autonomy on OPs part, just the creeping sense of something being wrong.
And I think there is something sad about this in the sense that Orion Pax was never a Decepticon in name, but if things had been different he ultimately would have been. It isn't just about Megatron and their relationship to me, but its also the death of the cause and trying to come to terms with that. There is an immense guilt foisted upon Optimus that the revolution turned into a war. He knows he has to do what he has to do to keep the Autobots safe, but he also never 100% closes off the possibility that he could try to end this war diplomatically with Megatron if it means potentially stopping more carnage, nor does he 100% close the channel off for Decepticons to potentially work with them/defect to them. I wouldn't be surprised if a facet of his insistence on these morals is partly because of the guilt stemming from the party split and wanting to affirm that the Autobots are not the enemy, he is not an enemy, and that he does still believe in the core premise of the movement.
But then you see Orion Pax on screen threatened by Megatron, get beat up by Megatron's soldiers, and then eventually by Megatron himself, all while sporting a Decepticon badge. And you have to kind of sit there and think about the idea that Optimus might be his obsession, but that Orion Pax's worth is...questionable. It is a shame that Optimus doesn't retain the memories once he gets the Matrix back because like, I have to imagine this would have been another shattering epiphany that perhaps this perception of their fallout and the fallout of the revolution is still colored by that guilt, but that things were interpersonally broken long before then when it comes to Megatron.
Which is to say that its unclear if his treatment on the Nemesis as Orion Pax was a consequence of their war and the hatred Megatron has specifically for Prime and the Autobots or if this was always going to be the reality of how things would have played out regardless, the idea that Megatron has always had the ability to potentially hurt and discard Orion Pax down the line if he had pushed too far, even during the height of their friendship. One that Orion Pax vehemently defended even in the wake of some terrible things because he trusted Megatron at his core. One where Orion Pax did actively see the red flags but was led to believe that many of them were planted in bad faith by those who would undermine his friend and his movement for simply being a Gladiator. Only to then have all of that come back and bite him all over again.
Now you really have to question if the Megatron you thought you knew ever existed.
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neolxzr · 1 year
I need to get back into working on my hnk enstars au too now that friends are talking about it,,,might work on it with neptune if they're down or some others idk
THATD BE SO COOL i love seeing hnk enstars wahhhh............ive been meaning to draw something related to that but i have been SO artblocked for the longest time now ack maybe one day
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vilnan · 1 year
kissed sergi <3
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Ahhhhh I really didn't imagine it, I still dislike Barber's way of writing Orion/Optimus just as much as I did on the first reading and all it took was rereading a few screencaps from one specific scene.
Literally I don't know which part annoys me more: Jetfire existing in the background solely to go "ORION PAX FUCKING SUCKS AND IS A HYPOCRITE", Orion being written like an edgy asshole who hates everyone, or Soundwave talking like an unhinged terrorist and the narrative expecting me to see Orion as the hypocrite for using violence to arrest terrorists.
Soundwave is seriously like "You have no proof we assassinated the Senate, but if we did assassinate the Senate it would've been justified, but also totally trust us bro, just because we could've hypothetically murdered the entire reigning government doesn't mean that we're violent bro come on just bc we assassinated-- I mean could have hypothetically had the means and cause to kill like a hundred people doesn't mean we were gonna kill anyone else, come on bro why are you calling us violent just bc we think some murder is okay" while Jetfire is in the background like "WOW ORION I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE WILLING TO BE VIOLENT IN RESPONSE TO OTHER PEOPLE BEING VIOLENT. YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OWN SIDE'S FLAWS EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE LITERALLY DOING AN INVESTIGATION TO DECIDE WHETHER ONE OF YOUR COPS COMMITTED AN UNJUSTIFIED KILLING OR NOT. YOU HAVE DONE LITERALLY NOTHING TO TRY AND FIGHT THE CORRUPTION IN SOCIETY." (Jetfire had no way of knowing about OP and crew fighting the Senate's schemes in Shadowplay and Elegant Chaos, but as a reader it's very frustrating seeing Orion getting lambasted as never having done anything to fight society's corruption when he literally did, and by the time he was even working for Zeta Megatron was already evil and had the whole Senate assassinated.)
Like ughhhh oh my god I could have maybe enjoyed this story under a better writer but as it's written it's some "yet you participate in society, curious" levels of political commentary where at least one character seemingly only exists in the scene to shit on OP (something that happens a lot in Barber's works, like with Pyra Magna and Slide) and where OP is framed as a hypocritical asshole for a reaction that's very understandable given the context.
And also it's weird because Barber wants so badly for you to read Orion as some sort of hypocrite for being against terrorist activities but being willing to employ violence himself to arrest terrorists, yet... it turns out the big twist of the story is that the Decepticons WERE smuggling weapons and Soundwave DID lie to Orion (even if it was unintentionally), thus vindicating Orion's entire distrustful attitude? Like, it seems as if it was supposed to be an ACAB story showing how evil the police are for killing people and how Orion (as a cop) is evil for being a cop that uses violence on behalf of the state. Except uh. Then Barber wrote a plot where the Decepticons literally were smuggling weapons all along (and this is alongside lore from Megatron: Origin where we as the readers know for a fact the Decepticons/Starscream killed the Senate) so.... Like, it just seems to me that if Barber wanted to write an ACAB story about how the state monopoly on violence is bad, he probably shouldn't have written the Decepticons as actually being terrorists who literally did lie about smuggling weapons?
I feel like a better way to write an ACAB/anti-state-monopoly-on-violence would've been to like, explore the way that states take advantage of catastrophe/using scapegoat political movements to gather more power to themselves and justify removing citizens' rights with "it's an emergency, we're taking away your freedoms to protect everyone." Like, maybe Zeta passes some law saying that officers can search citizens without a warrant, which he justifies with the fact that Decepticon terrorism is so rampant that officers need immediate permission to conduct raids/searches. Except this is obviously a problem because people have a right to privacy, and probably the cops are super overzealous and end up arresting innocent people without cause (like idk, maybe just being friends with someone who is sympathetic to the Decepticons gets someone landed in jail? Maybe Jetfire gets arrested bc he's critical of the state and has hung out with Decepticon sympathizers before). So then Orion has an actual "are we the baddies?" moment where he wants to stop the bad people, but he realizes that his side are infringing on people's citizens and justifying police brutality for the sake of a nebulous "greater good," and that even though he and his cops were given greater power to supposedly "protect citizens," in practice they're actually doing great harm to citizens by invading their privacy, creating a surveillance state, and imprisoning people without just cause? Basically "we were given this power to stop terrorists from hurting civilians, but now we're hurting civilians too so are we actually doing any good?" Because that way Orion and his cops would ACTUALLY be in the wrong and their state monopoly on violence would be an actually widespread institutional thing where they're clearly being allowed to do bad things just because they're cops. Not just Orion investigating one singular police killing.
But with the story written as "Orion suspected the Decepticons of murdering the Senate (he's correct about this) but still investigated one of his officers to see if he committed a wrongful murder (literally him paying attention to his own side's wrongdoings, Jetfire), and it turns out the Decepticons WERE smuggling weapons and doing terrorism (Orion was correct about this)" it's just.......... like, Orion may not be morally correct, but his hunches/investigations about the suspected criminal activity were literally correct. AND HE WAS WILLING TO DO THIS INVESTIGATION IN THE FIRST PLACE. But for some reason he's still framed as if he's an asshole for this? Even though this is a point in the pre-war lore where Megatron won't back down from violence and has lost his way from his original pure intentions, so it's not like Orion can just go "let's put down our weapons and be friends and mutually trust each other to not stab each other in the back."
It just feels as if Barber's intentions to write an ACAB story where Orion is framed as being too judgmental and quick to be violent don't line up with the actual events of the story. The story is desperately trying to call Orion a hypocrite, but he really just seems as if he's reacting understandably to the events that are happening around him, so there's a real dissonance here where I don't understand why the ACAB story had the cops be right about the Decepticons committing terrorism, and I'm also supposed to see Orion as an asshole for correctly not trusting the Decepticons???
#squiggposting#this is definitely making me very excited to reread barber's half of idw1. sarcasm#i can't wait to read more of my favorite character getting shit on by everyone and their mother#featuring shitty characters who basically only exist to be anti-OP mouthpieces#like idk i guess it's just really weird framing to me how OP is framed as some sort of hypocritical asshole#when like. idk if some guy i'd never met before from a politcal extremist group who i knew had assassinated the entire government#was like 'we're not violent bro trust me bro' i would also be like uhhh. fucking bet then#and the funny thing is even after all of that orion was still willing to believe soundwave that no weapons were being smuggled so like#idk it's just kind of weird to me to watch a scene where (poorly written edgy and angry) orion is understandably suspicious#while another character is screaming in the background OMG YOU'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO FIGHT CORRUPTION IN YOUR LIFE#I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE OKAY WITH USING VIOLENCE AGAINST LITERAL TERRORISTS YOU'RE SUCH A HYPOCRITE#like ugh lmao#just another in a long line of 'everyone in the story treating OP like shit for having normal reactions'#the vibes are just seriously off for the way Barber writes asshole OP. like i love asshole OP but for some reason not this version of him#it's literally the same critique i always have of Barber's writing which is 'i wanted so badly to buy into the concepts he's playing with'#'but the execution is so weird/contradictory/poorly done that it just feels stupid instead'#like idk. it's just kind of unhinged to me that SW is portrayed as the reasonable one and OP the rabidly angry one but like#i'm sorry but i feel like even if the senate were assholes. if the cons were willing and able to just murder the whole govt#literally what reason does OP have to think they would stop there. esp since you know. they're continuing to illegally traffick weapons#i'm sorry but OP is just like. completely understandable there. there's no reason to think that ppl will just#magically put down their weapons and go oh we only did a little bit of justified murder. but we're gonna stop there. promise#it also pisses me off bc orion literally did support the cons back when they were a widespread movement doing protests and stuff#it was only when Meg came to power and killed sentinel and zeta came to power that OP became a cop again#and by that point Meg HAD radicalized the decepticons and taken over and pushed them towards a militaristic direction#like sorry but the cons that existed b4 megs took over and the ones that existed after he took over as their leader arent the same#i rly don't think OP is a hypocrite for not trusting them lol. esp since in that scene SW was acting so shifty#'we didn't murder them but if we did it was totally justified. but we won't do it again promise :) ' ah yes so trustworthy#it just feels like the story could've achieved its purpose with a plot that made more sense#and didn't have jet/fire being there just to expound towards the audience how much OP is a hypocrite
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ace-and-ranty · 2 years
Sidenote about the “cheating” thing, that goddamn Goodreads reviewer who called it a cheating plot had me worried for MONTHS that Naomi was gonna go down a “cheating bisexual” route. I cannot believe it. I was so goddamn worried. Un-fucking-belieavable. 
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infamous-if · 6 months
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So sorry for the delay! ! My VS Code program wasn't calibrated with CSIDE and in the indentions basically messed up. The prologue coding is so wonky that honestly if I do anything I end up fucking up 2839393 lines of code. If you've been following a while, you're probably well aware of much hatred for the prologue's coding lmao but we live and we learn.
Storyline wise, not much has changed. Scenes are largely the same, since I'm pretty happy with what I wrote a year ago. For this rewrite, I focused mainly on the big things like choices that will impact the rest of the story and O's gender selection. Some new things include:
you can now play with Orion or Oriana Quinn
you can now express if the band went through a musical rebrand after seven and what the old genre was (which will come up later).
you can now choose whether mc "changed" after seven and what change that was (there's 4, technically 2, options and a "default" vague option, im open to more options since I wanted to do this but couldn't really think of any believable ones beyond the four).
new mc personality: attached vs detached. your mc can have an extra attachment to the band for obvious reasons, or can feel the opposite.
coordinating outfits can now be exclusive to the band members. your mc can be the unique unicorn of the group since they're the lead singer (this is definitely not gonna bite them in the ass later)
adding to that, your mc's reason for fame can be due to wanting to keep the band together.
a new flavor text feeling about seven is now added which is basically "idk how I feel" instead of hating or loving them, you can just make it that MC's feelings for them is just a big question mark. REALISM!
stat changes: stern/playful -- same thing as humorous/serious I just wanted words that encompassed a wider range of behavior Leader/follower - whether mc takes on the leader role or not camaraderie - a band stat that measures the trust/morale/closeness of the band
u can probably see where im going with the stats huh....
smaller changes include:
more choices and options
prose changes + dialogue additions and expanded/ added scenes
The beta testers have not touched this yet, as I wanted to bring it out to collect some last suggestions, ideas from Patrons. Of course, as always, if you do catch errors, please let me know.
My main concern for errors: O's pronouns. It was a long process but I may have missed a few pronouns here and there. Please let me know if you catch any <3
PROLOGUE: 93K WORDS (for context, the old prologue and chapter 1 were 92k together. The prologue is a tiny bit inflated but :))) 
I will make a post about beta testers soon. I've been quiet on that front because I've been just prioritizing getting this out first.
Now available for Band tier! (6$)
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kitten4sannie · 8 months
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇ
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ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ/ᴏʀɢᴀꜱᴍ ᴅᴇɴɪᴀʟ ➠ ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ
pairing: vampire lord! seonghwa x human! reader (fem) feat. a two second cameo from vampire! san
genre: abo, kinda historical (think guilded era vibe but vampires and humans coexisting kinda), smut
summary: you decide to play with your master’s feelings during the annual masquerade ball held between vampires and occasionally their human counterparts.
w.c: 2.5k
warnings: alcohol usage, mentions of blood, general vampirism/hierarchies, dom! seonghwa, bratty! reader fucks around and finds out, dirty talk, ownership kink, exhibitionism/voyeurism, praise/degradation, possessiveness, pet names/name calling, manhandling, blood drinking, groping, rough blowjob, spit mentions, fingering, orgasm denial, facial, cum eating, unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, l bombs
a/n: im obsessed with the idea of criminally insane cunty vampires so i sat hunched over like a damn shrimp and typed up a storm tyvm. also !!! this fic is dedicated to my dear friend orion @pluvialorion ilysmmmm ughh i hope you enjoy >< <33
Now Playing:
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Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
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“Those two are always up to something, I swear. It’s so  troublesome,” one old age vampire muttered, complaining about you and your vampire Master to the person standing besides her outside of the ballroom circle. She adjusted her masquerade mask, put off by the sight of you downing a glass full of expensive wine. “Why the council ever decided to allow humans to attend our annual blood balls is beyond me.” 
“They always cause a scene,” the other old age vampire agreed, turning his head to watch as you whimsically made your way across the dance floor in your heavy laced dress, taking the hand of any vampire that wanted to dance with you, while your Master watched from the side with growing annoyance. “It’s unsightly.” 
“Yes, it’s completely inappropriate, the way they act like they’re the main characters inside some overdone fictional novel,” she scoffed, the vampiress getting herself worked up over nothing, her fingers clenching around her own wine glass filled with a blood blend. 
“You hit the nail on the head, or should I say the stake,” the undead gentleman chuckled, one hand on his hip, the other tilting his wine glass back to drink down its bloody contents, watching you trade one dance partner for another, surprised that you were letting a new age vampire get so handsy with you. “Oh, here we go.” 
Seonghwa reached up to brush at his flowy raven hair in a frustrated manner, his furrowed brows and scrunched-up face not doing much to dispel your current goal in pissing off your Master in hopes that he would chase you across the castle grounds and fuck you into oblivion. “You’re asking for it, little lamb…” he mumbled to himself, the bright red hue in his eyes growing brighter by the second. 
“I didn’t realize you were interested in me, Miss Y/N. Care to forget about your sour, old age counterpart over there and spend the night with me?” the charming, feline-like vampire you were using whispered into your ear, holding your body impossibly close to his as you both slowly rotated together in timed circles according to the flow of the orchestra music that was playing throughout the large ballroom. 
“Oh, Mr. Choi, try not to puff out your chest just yet,” you murmured back with faux pity, clasping your fingers around his cheeks, feeling his fingers inch closer and closer to your ass, able to feel the fiery gaze of your lover from afar. “You’re simply a puppet for my amusement.”
The vampire scoffed, still finding it inside himself to twirl you around and bring you back into his arms, his fingers clasping around your waist a little tighter than before, clearly irritated. “That’s quite rude of you, human. You could’ve lied.” 
“Does it matter? I’m not trying to impress you,” you huffed, eyeing Seonghwa out of the corner of your vision, noticing the way he clutched the edge of the aged mahogany table being used to showcase various blood-filled desserts. Just as the vampire was about to speak up, you shook your head, silencing him. “Just hurry up and grab my ass, will you? And grab it hard. I want Seonghwa to–Oh!”
The peeved vampire did indeed get a handful, his fingers sinking deep into your squishy flesh through your dress, leaning over your shoulder to make eye contact with Seonghwa, who was fuming, still having the gall to stick his tongue out at him. 
An intoxicating mix of anger and arousal coursed through Seonghwa to the point that it all spilled out of him at once, resulting in a short, aggressive shout, the other patrons looking over their own shoulders to see what was going on. Sadly, they weren’t very surprised to watch him lift up the side of the heavy dessert table and toss it across the room with a frightening amount of ease, narrowly missing the heads of the orchestra members. 
You let go of San who quickly scampered away, not wanting to feel the vampire lord’s intense wrath. You, however, took pride in seeing the way your lover was seething, how he pierced you with his dark crimson eyes and delightfully suffocating pheromones alone, his white, elongated fangs already on display for you, knowing he wished he could just sink them directly into the most delicate parts of your body. 
“Why are you so angry, my love?” you called out to him with faux naivety, giving him a pout, motioning to the mess that had spilled onto the sheer marble floor. “You ruined all those lovely desserts.” 
“And almost took the head off of a violin player, but I digress,” the older vampire from before murmured to her friend, the both of them chortling softly to themselves. 
“Oh, you know what you’ve done, darling,” Seonghwa tsked from across the room, taking slow, deliberate steps in your direction, his high-heeled shoes clacking lightly against the pristine floor, most of the other patrons stepping out of his way. “I have a question for you. Do you know what happens to pretty things that disobey their Masters?” 
You brought your hand up to lift off your masquerade mask just in time for Seonghwa to stand directly in front of you, his lean, elegant frame towering over yours. “I’m unaware of the answer, dearest. Do pray tell.” Your face twisted into something that could only be described as smug. Seonghwa wanted to wipe that expression off your face and turn it into something more worthwhile — flushed, contorted with a lovely mix of pain and pleasure, and painted in his cum.
“They get punished, my sweet. So, I suggest you hike up that lovely dress I bought you and get to running.” 
There was something so exhilarating about having the love of your life chase after you, knocking over furniture and pushing other vampires out of the way just to get his hands on you. You would look back occasionally, catching glimpses of the hazy blood-lust in Seonghwa’s eyes, resulting in a fresh wave of slick between your thighs. 
Somewhere along the line, you had ended up in the castle garden, your bare feet hitting the soft grass, having lost your heels during your chaotic trek there. Panting softly, your breath hitting the cold night air, you realized you were surrounded by chipping marble statues of vampires of the past, a maze of blood-red roses covered in thorns surrounding a sleek stone gazebo, and thousands of constellations sitting in the dark sky above you. 
“Caught you, little lamb…” you heard in a deep, gravelly voice, shivers making their way up your spine. Seonghwa took slow steps near you, finding it amusing how you trapped yourself in a corner, his entire being pulsing with sexually-charged aggression. “But you wanted this, didn’t you? You want me to have my way with you, don’t you, sweetheart?”  
Rather than replying verbally, you simply held up the front of your dress, showing off your plump, slicked-up cunt for his viewing pleasure, your lips twisted up into a perverted smile, lust practically emanating from your form. “What do you think, my love? Does my wet cunt give you any hints?” 
Before you knew it, Seonghwa had you pinned to the side of the gazebo, one hand on your shoulder to keep you still with his immense strength and the other underneath your hiked-up skirt, fucking you deep with two agile fingers, not concerned with the occasional passerby, some of them slowing down to witness the titillating sight of a vampire lord punishing his human counterpart.
“I can feel you squeezing around my fingers, sweet. Is my poor little lamb already falling apart for me?” he asked with faux pity against your neck, sucking your soft flesh into his mouth to leave a mark, piercing them lightly with his fangs. “Is it because anyone can come by and see the way I have my hand up your skirt and hear the pretty little moans that you’re making for your darling?”
“N-ooo, it’s because it’s you, Seonghwa,” you sighed out softly, a familiar heaviness filling your core until your legs went wobbly, moaning from the feeling of Seonghwa gulping down just enough of your life source to make you pleasantly dizzy, his fingers still slipping in and out of your leaking cunt.
“Mm, it’s a pity though. I wish Mr. Choi knew just how quick I can make your pretty cunt leak all these juices onto me,” he purred against your soft skin, slurping your arousal from his fingers before cupping his palm onto your hot cunt, lightly moving it over your clit, knowing he was pleasuring you just enough to make you squirm, but aware that your much-needed orgasm had faded away due to his control.
He brought his still dripping fingers up to your mouth, pleased that you obediently sucked your own slick off of them, his gaze flitting between your lips and love-struck eyes. “He’ll never see you like this. See the way you need me in every possible way I can have you…”
“It’s only for you to see, my love,” you replied lovingly, pressing your lips onto his, drawing Seonghwa into you like a moth to a blazing flame.
You shared a series of frenzied, heated kisses that consisted too much of tongue, teeth, and fangs, your hand slipping into Seonghwa’s loosened satin trousers to swiftly jerk him off, his abundant pre-cum squishing in between your closed fingers, your quick, unrelenting grip causing him to wobble a bit, the thick edges of his heeled shoes sinking further into the grass below. “Feels so good, doesn’t it, Hwa? You’re so hard for me, throbbing, leaking so much…”
“Fuck–I need you, darling, need you bare for me, need your pretty mouth around my cock,”Seonghwa groaned out onto your lips, nipping at it enough to get a small taste of iron on his own crimson stained ones. Without a word, he tore your dress from your body, pearls falling from your broken necklace and landing around your feet. You gasped. He clasped his hands around your corseted waist, bringing his face near your neck, his lips just barely touching your skin. “On your knees, my love.” 
You melted to the floor, reaching up to hold onto his hips, watching his cock spring out once his pants lowered past his v-line, eventually holding it in front of your drooling mouth. You studied him, your eyes traveling up his shiny, curved length to his pronounced pink head, sticking your tongue out to catch a drop of his pre-cum on your tongue. “It’s so pretty, Hwa…”
“I know it is, sweetheart. Now, open up,” he exhaled softly, slipping his slender fingers into your soft hair to clutch the sides of your head, plugging your mouth up with his thick cock. 
Seonghwa fucked your face so quickly, so sloppily, so desperately, he reached his end in a matter of minutes, bringing you down onto his cock until your nose pressed into his pelvis, feeling your throat contracting around him. “Fuck, you drive me mad, darling…I’m already about to cum….”
It was when he was able to smell the endless slick that dripped out of your needy cunt, that Seonghwa pulled out, rubbing his cockhead across your lips and smearing his pre-cum across your face, ruining the perfect state of your makeup. “You look so pretty, my love, but I know how to make you look even more divine for me…”
“Enlighten me, my dear,” you sighed lovingly, licking the warm saltiness from your lips.
“Watch closely. This is all for you, darling…” Seonghwa gazed down at you with his crimson, hooded eyes, his chest rising and lowering with shallow breaths, using his closed hand to milk his flushed cock, seemingly endless splashes of cum landing onto your face. “Mm, what do you think Mr. Choi would think of you now, little lamb? Think of your lovely face painted with my cum?” 
“He’d think I was a mess,” you mused, licking the bitter milkiness from your swollen lips, opening your mouth to take one last spurt of cum onto your tongue when Seonghwa moaned wantonly, his fingers squeezing near the pinkish tip. “He’d know I’m yours.” 
“My mess, my beautiful darling. Of course he’d know you’re mine. All mine,” Seonghwa sighed dreamily, lowering himself to his knees to pull you in for a deep kiss, your tongues and lips meeting with fervent need. 
“You think he’d enjoy watching you fuck me into ecstasy?” you asked in between heavy breaths and kisses, hooking your thighs around his bare waist, slipping your hands onto the bare skin of his chest past his loose blouse, your fingers grazing his nipples. 
“I’d take off his head, before I’d let him watch the way your cunt stretches open for me,” Seonghwa groaned, groping down your body, rubbing two fingers against your slippery folds, his fangs returning to your neck, this time indulging his instincts and slipping inside you, resulting in soft throes of pleasure from the both of you. “Speaking of, your little cunt needs my cock, doesn’t it? Is that why you’re so wet?” 
“Yes, please, I can’t stand being empty any longer, my love,” you whined to him, your squelching cunt already beginning to clench around his thrusting fingers, wishing his cock was filling you up instead. 
“You won’t be able to cum with just my fingers, will you, darling? Because your lovely body is only accustomed to my cock, isn’t it? Made for it, hm?” Seonghwa continued to tease you with his words, curling his digits inside you, resulting in increasingly heavy moans from his one and only, encouraging him to fuck you faster with them. “Fuck, you’re clenching so hard around me, darling. You’re so good for me…”
“Oh–my god, so close…” 
“Yeah? You want to spill your cum all over me, Y/N? Make a mess of me?” Seonghwa encouraged breathily, his forehead pressed to yours, pressing his lips against yours in between moans. 
Just as you were about to cum, you were suddenly filled with a devastatingly empty feeling, realizing he had pulled his fingers out and brought them to his mouth, sucking your vast amounts of slick off of them. “N-no, please, Seonghwa, I want to cum…!”
“You’ll have to cum on my cock, sweetheart. Now, be good and take it,” he replied softly, his voice devoid of pity, the ridged edge of his cock hooking onto your clit and making you jolt, before he slipped inside you inch by inch, sending you back into a pleasurable fog. “I’ll breed you until you’re full for me.” 
“So full, I’m so full, darling.” You hooked your arms around his neck, holding him impossibly close, his lips already attached to your neck again, shuddering against him as he drank down your life-source, his cock offering your cunt a delicious stretch each time he pounded into you. “So good, Hwa, it feels so good…” 
“Because we were made for each other, my love, our souls always intertwined, forever, you’ll always be mine,” Seonghwa reminded you in between pants and soft moans, his raven hair already plastered to his forehead with sweat, love and admiration seeping its way through his lust-struck gaze, kneading his hands into your thighs, your warm, sopping-wet cunt enveloping his cock so tightly, he couldn’t keep himself from unloading wave after wave of his hot cum inside you, so deeply it reached your womb. “Fuck, you’re milking my cock, darling, just take it all, take it all for me…”
You couldn’t say anything, only letting out a near soundless whine, clutching the back of Seonghwa’s head, never breaking eye contact as you experienced what could only be described as pure bliss, your bodies and hearts melting together. “I love you, Seonghwa, so much,” you finally got out, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“I love you too, Y/N, more than you’ll ever know,” he replied just as softly, carefully cupping your heated face with his cold hands, like he was afraid you would shatter into a thousand pieces and fall away from his grasp. Seonghwa was completely flushed, his long raven hair now a mess, sticking to his sweaty face, his plush lips a deep red. “Now do you see what you do to me, darling?”
You nuzzled into him, your heart beating against his quiet one, the cool night breeze gracing your warm, joined skin, knowing you wouldn’t have it any other way. “I think I have an idea.”
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fff taglist: FFF taglist: @itza-meee @chnt1 @k-hotchoisan @wonyobie @vampiregirl215 @yuyusbunny @christmastodoroki @luvt0kki @pieyoon @goldnhwa @choisanboobenthusiast @icyb3rry @maximofftrash @choism @yunhosmelonbar @nebulousbookshelf @astayinwonderland @slutologyy @10nantscompanion @ddaeing @pandagirl-016 @Randomgirl11-posts @staytiny816 @horanghae8 @smally97 @ateezzzser @bubblegumbird @midnightmaja @i2nsstuff @asimpelslut @svt-dinosaurus @wisejudgedragonhairdo @deathbyyeekies @firefox79 @wildesreblogs @everyonewooeverywhere @raspberrysannie @Whatintheninerealms @hyunjinsbby @Hyphenen @channiespup @abby-grace @seonghwaddict @mxnsxngie (pls check your privacy settings loves <3)
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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ivylittleteashop · 7 days
Just got home from going to see the movie, and oh primus, it’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a tf movie and more
Seeing the relationship between Orion and D-16 before they were Optimus and Megatron was a wild ride for my heart, again, everything I wanted and needed and more
When you have the opportunity, go watch it, it’s worth every penny, and I need it to get a sequel asap
Oh baby D-16 I would kill for you
Also, as a diehard Starscream fan, fucking hell I loved his scenes
Also also, seeing Elita-1 kick ass was amazing
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dontbelasagne23 · 2 months
Truly no one is doing non canon yaoi like harlanc from find us alive.
What happens when you take a gay theatre kid psychologist who feels an unhealthy personal responsibility for everyone around him and give him a Cecil palmer from nightvale sounding man who works in communications, who has an alcohol addiction, a desperate need to be useful and a love for theatrics?
You get an insane ship dynamic with stupid funny lines such as:
“tell me about your feelings Harley I have a saw!”
“(Amused exasperation)”don’t touch my stuff what’s wrong with you?!”
And painful lines like “(more desperate than angry) I don’t fucking care about the cut lanc. Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“You’re not supposed to handle it by yourself. Thats why we have team members.thats why we have therapists. That’s why we have friends Orion”
“Your running from the problem Harley-”
“You’re the problem Lancaster. I’m running from you”
(Yeah these quotes are all from the same scene sue me it’s their best angsty scene)
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sleepymccoy · 8 months
Now I'm imagining Spock and McCoy dancing. Cos there's that scene with the Orion girl dancing and Spock says something like yes that how children are taught to dance on Vulcan and it's just the cuntiest style ever
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And then Bones who can probably ballroom dance, and has a love of disco (pry that headcanon from my cold dead hands), but it's all pretty tame compared to what vulcans apparently get into
Like, I'd love to see Bones taking him for a dance at like a conference ball or whatever and it's like some Take the Lead pussy out fuck-on-the-dance-floor sort of thing where they both leave the floor with a semi and don't really know how to discuss it
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tale of woe
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ARTICULO MORTIS- the moment of death
(Reblogs/comment are appreciated, I read every tag! :3 See under the read-more for an alternate version without the lighting effect, notes on details, as well as a copy of the final sketch)
The constellation is one of the two mentioned during Cassandra's stargazing scene, Ursa Major. The other, Orion the Hunter, was already featured in my previous piece, Stargazer.
Having a 'halo' of red around her head was one of my earliest concept points for this piece, in reference to her cult ending.
In Romeo & Juliet, Juliet's decision to end her life isn't just about her grief over Romeo, it's the knowledge that her only real options are either to die or to be sent off to live as a nun. When so much of her story is already about trying to choose her own fate, to avoid the life that has been planned out for her, it's easier to understand her final decision. Anywho, the real point of this paragraph is that this is why the left side of the piece features a church building.
The circular window in the church has 8 slices, each with a color representing one of the 7 routes, plus a bonus one for Mia. The colors are all eye-dropped from the character sprites, minus Miranda's, which I selected from the piece I did for her.
The three graves on the left are for the Stans. One of them literally says STAN, one is blank, and the last one has the initials R.S. (Rebecca Stan). On the right side we have a grave for the MC, partially since they die in the cult ending, partially because the right side is more symbolic of the play's canon ending, so the MC's grave is really Romeo's grave.
The main color for the curtains was taken from Cassandra's default sprite, specifically her shirt, because why not? Similarly, the color for the boards/stage at the bottom is taken from her pants. Because why not?
technically the flowers in her hand are supposed to be roses, but I realized about halfway through this piece that over the years my simplified way of drawing roses has gradually turned into just drawing tulips. oops. seriously tho, oops. also realized that this one pan I use for cooking, which I always thought was an 8x8 pan, is actually a 9x9 pan. which explains several recurring difficulties with some of my favorite baking recipes. guess I'm just a silly goose
this had so many layers holy fuck. I used the same file for the original pose sketches, as well as a bunch of reference photos, but even with that in mind it's crazy that this had over 70 layers. by the end there's still, like, 20 active ones. each section had a separate layer for the outline + the color, another couple layers for the banner on bottom, one for lighting, and then the constellation was it's own layer.
Final outline sketch:
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Version without the lighting effect (which is intended to mimic the way stained glass looks when hit by sunshine):
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leviathanspain · 2 years
two strangers
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sirius black x potter!reader
synopsis: years after your brothers death and sirius’ betrayal, you meet again, and realize you are nothing but strangers
you stared at him as he walked through the door. it was as if your soul had been sucked by dementors. your mouth felt like cotton balls, and you felt your cheeks heat up. harry was hugging sirius tightly, whispers of conversation between the two of them were said. but just as they parted, you turned around, ignoring a greeting for sirius.
small murmers from the rest of the order was heard as you trudged up the stairs with kreacher lugging your bag up, just right behind you. as your hand grazed the wooden rail, you repeated the same words over and over to yourself.
you’re doing this for harry and the order. for harry and the order. the words circled around in your head like a stirring pot.
you hadn’t realized it but the stairs had come to an end, and you faced his bedroom. you blinked, surprised that even with the door barely ajar, from the looks of it, was still the same.
you inhaled, and continued down the hall, moving to one of the many guests rooms of the black house.
kreacher set your bag down and left with a nod, muttering off to himself. a crazy little elf, just seeing him brought back more memories of your hogwarts years. sneaking into sirius’ room, finding kreacher sweeping and staring at you, knowing very well walburga and orion would know of your intrusion when the morning came.
but when sirius ran away, and moved into your home with your brother, it had only made the two of you worse. stuck on each other like little sea urchins, it was impossible to have one without the other, james was always making a big fuss about it.
you and sirius were sitting on the couch, watching television from the new muggle invention, you were ruffling with his hair when sirius grabbed your waist. he pulled you closer into him, and suddenly the two of you were heavily petting each other, kissing and groaning all over the place.
james had been unfortunate to walk into the scene, and bonked sirius on the head with his bag of crisps. “get off my sister, pads. have some respect.” he would always say, and then throw himself in the spot between you two, much to your displeasure.
you and sirius lived a fruitful life together, but an argument had sent the two of you spiraling, but only one had come home to forgive.
the keys jangled as you unlocked the door and found no one. the house was empty, your brother and lily moved out and your parents off for holiday, sirius should be home.
but just as you shut the door, setting your things down, it opened once more and a drunken sirius walked inside. you whipped your head around to see him disheveled, collar ripped open with kisses and hickies decorating his skin, he was wearing a wide smile on his face.
“y/n. baby i’m sorry- i should’ve known it was your birthday, and i know,” he grabbed your hands, and kissed them sloppily, “a good way to make it up to you.” he whispered.
your face contorted into disgust as you shoved him off. “get the fuck out before i curse you.” you choked out, opening the door again, you stuck your want out at him.
sirius blinked, and step forward until your wand was nearly stabbing into his chest, he raised an eyebrow, “do it.” his tone was bordering slightly menacing and you gulped, “i’ll do it.” you warned and he laughed bitterly, “fucking do it!” he yelled, and you flinched, pulling away.
the door to your room was opened, and the wood creaking got your attention. you looked up to find remus, hands in his pocket, staring at you with concern.
he knew that look on your face, all too well. “you’ll find the pain gets easier with the less details you remember.” you nodded, “i gathered that.”
remus walked into the room, and shut the door behind him, “you need to stop punishing yourself. i know how much you went through, but you still love him.”
you shook your head, “do i? it’s been nearly fifteen years since i last talked to him. i wasn’t there at his trial, i didn’t do any of it.” you sighed, “i gave him the benefit of the doubt when james and lily were killed. i knew deep down he never did it. but that was the sirius i knew. that man out there, he’s no one but harry’s godfather.”
remus shook his head, “give him a chance, y/n. he has so much to say to you.” he opened the door and stopped, “harry loves him. just remember that when your doubts get the best of you. dinner is soon, i’ll send harry to come get you when it starts.” you nodded and watched as rem left.
harry had stood up when remus sent him to retrieve you. dinner was being served, and molly wouldn’t stop asking about you.
sirius met harry at the door and smiled tightly, “i’ll get her.”
harry raised his eyebrows, “are you sure? it’s no trouble, she’s my aunt-“
sirius put a hand on harry’s shoulder, “it’s not trouble at all, but i think that it’s just better if i get her. talk to her, eh?” harry couldn’t argue anymore, and just hesitantly walked back to his seat as sirius walked up the stairs.
you heard the steps in front of your door creak and you opened it, “harry-“
but instead of the shining boy in front of you, it was sirius.
immediately, the smile you had painted had died down and you only looked at sirius, “hello.” you spoke, fidgeting in your spot. this is what you had been trying to avoid. the awkward conversation, the hesitance to talk to him, it was too much, too familiar.
sirius closed his eyes, “i know. im sorry.” he spoke, and you shook your head, “it’s been fifteen years, sirius, let’s just-“
sirius shook his head, “no. i never got to make it right. i never got to fix us.” he inhaled sharply, “i want you. i want us to be us again, y/n. it wasn’t just some teenage fling, and you weren’t just my best friend’s sister.” the younger sirius was brought out and he was speaking with the same passion that he once had.
you shook your head, “no. i cant do this anymore sirius. we are not the same love struck teenagers! we are grown adults and you expect me to forgive you, now?” you blinked, a tear falling onto your cheek, you looked away, “i cant do this. i thought i could, for harry, for the order-“
sirius shook his head, “don’t go. please, im sorry for even bringing it up. just stay.” he pleaded, and for a moment you were swayed to stay, but you shook your head, “when harry is ready to go, have remus call me.” and you apparated with a swing of your wand.
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the-ellia-west · 4 months
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I am... Shocked, more than a little confused, and incredibly Greatful
Thank you all so much for 400 followers
(Jeez, when did it go to 420?)
On request I will draw a little guy of your Ocs, however many you want from 1-5 (It'll be bad)
I will give you my best guess as to one of your anons if you have any
I will give you 3 images that represent your vibe in your ask box
I will recommend a book for you to read
I will put a joke, or several in your ask box
Or I'll give you a personalized Writing guidance session based on what I know
Everything in followers Plus this:
On request I will improv something of your choice, maybe a summary of a WIP, Character, Or anything else
I will give you a song I think represents you
I will send you a specialized sneak peek into TCOT if you want
I will make you a collage for a character
If ten of you band together to ask for it, I will redo my conspiracy board
Free-write a short story based on a prompt you give me
I will make you a shitty slideshow
I will write out a whole scene for a WIP of your choice, with a mood of your choice
And I will make a personalized writing tips/WIP info post of anything (SFW) you ask for
Please pop your requests in my inbox, reblogs, or replies
And I'm always open for a conversation!!!!!1
@oliolioxenfreewrites @friendfromdsmp @thepeculiarbird @corinneglass @phoenixradiant
@sunflowerrosy @kia-is-poisoned @rivenantiqnerd @aesthetic-writer18 @ryahisbored
@nkikio @somethingclevermahogony @mjparkerwriting @sl-vega @darkandstormydolls
@agirlandherquill @mr-orion @alnaperera @fantasy-things-and-such @ajgrey9647
@aalinaaaaaa @cybercelestian @danielleitloudernow @illarian-rambling @idunnobutliaiscool
@jeremy-no @fandom-pits-dweller @katwritesshit @smudged-red-ink @sunnyjustice
@thelazywitchphotographer @pastellbg @louudthoughts @bigwipscholar @killingthemoon84
@attemptingwriter @purplehandshumanfeelings @bluberimufim @artsandstoriesandstuff
@fatskwirrel @wyked-ao3 @sunflowerrosy @lunaeuphternal @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
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