#BUT SHE DID IT FIRST WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING MY FULL FUCKING NAME??(not possible actually she must've known my name no other way)
she sent me a follow request to my decoy account 😭😭 where'd she get my id from why does she know my name😭😭 why does she know who i am and why does she give a damn etc etc😭😭😭
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twice-inamillion · 7 months
The Company
Light smut and Story Building
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Chapter 7
1,360 Words
(You take Jennie’s opinion into consideration and look for a reliable flight attendant. Some important decisions are made for the future of the company and a possible recruitment of someone special.) 
A few days have passed since you and Jennie fucked for the first time. The morning after, Jennie complained of soreness from your length and how wide you stretched her, “Daddy, I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk correctly for the next few days. Is it okay if I take a day or two off?”
You smile at Jennie and smack her ass, “Sure. You can tell your members you have a stomach bug, and I’ll let the coach know the group will take a break from practice.
“Thanks, Daddy,” giving you a hug. 
The first thing she did after recuperating was text you early in the morning, “Daddy, I’m all better now. How about going another round?”
You message her back, “It’s 6 in the morning, and you’re thinking about sex?”
“Yes, these past two days, I couldn’t think about anything besides your big cock stretching my small pussy.”
“Okay, how about tonight?”
“Actually, I’m outside your door, hehe”
You roll your eyes, get up from bed, walk towards the door, and check the screen, “Daddy, open up.” Jennie immediately lunges herself at you after you open the door, “Daddy, I missed you!”
“I missed you too, but you’re up so early.”
“It’s the only time I can sneak out without the members noticing.”
You smirk at her and say, “You’re a bad girl. Daddy needs to punish you for sneaking out.”
Jennie smiles, and your comment, “Daddy needs to punish me with his big cock. He should fuck me roughly and pump me with cum.”
You don’t even respond and instead, pick her up, walk towards the guest room, and toss her onto the bed. 
The two of you fuck until eight in the morning, showering together and having a light breakfast. “What are you reading there?”
“Just some resumes. I just purchased an airplane and am now looking for a flight attendant. These are some resumes I got sent over by one of my assistants.”
Jennie looks over your shoulder at the various applicants' pictures, “Oh, she looks pretty,” she says as she gets one of the applications. 
“You think so?”
“Yeah, you can see it in her eyes.”
“Hmm… you might be right.”
“What about hiring Jisoo’s sister? She’s about to graduate from flight attendant school.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, she’s really pretty. With her pale white skin and nice body, she might be your type.”
“Do you have a picture of her?”
Jennie pulls out her phone and scrolls through her photo album of Jisoo with her sister, “Here, take a look.”
“Wow, she's beautiful.”
“Right? You should hire her. Did you know that many flight attendants struggle to find work because it's a competitive field?”
“No, I didn’t know. Maybe I’ll let one of my assistants contact her.”
“I’ll ask Jisoo about it and let you know.”
“Sir, Bang Si-hyuk replied back.”
“What did he say?”
“He said that he accepts your offer and is more than happy to partner with us.”
“Good, get the paperwork ready so we can have a final meeting. Also, tell him that I want to invest in his boy group, the one with the seven members.”
“Yes, I’ll get right on it.”
“What about Park Jin-young?”
He replied too, but asked for a bit more funding.”
“How much does he want?”
“About ten or fifteen percent more.”
“Haha, that man is greedy.”
“He is, sir; what do you want me to reply?”
“Tell him that I’ll accept, but I want the full transfer of his upcoming girl group to our site and any other female trainee in the future. I’ll send you more information.
“Thank you, sir.”
A few weeks went by since Jennie mentioned Jisoo’s sister, the flight attendant. After giving it some thought, you considered her opinion and asked one of your hiring assistants to look into hiring Jisoo’s sister. Luckily, she was easy to get in touch with after getting the information from Jennie. 
“Hello, my name is Kim Ji-Yoon. I’ll be your flight hostess starting today,” she said as she bowed.
“Nice to meet you. Take a seat.”
Ji-yoon takes the seat across from you, and IU goes over the contract. “You will be a salaried worker. Here is the amount of money the company is offering,” sliding the piece of paper towards her.
Ji-yoon opened it, and her eyes widened. “Are you sure? This is a lot of money, much more than what they pay someone who’s working in the business for years.”
You respond, “Yes, I want to ensure you are rewarded nicely and expect your utmost discretion. You’re also Jisoo’s older sister, so I wanted to do something nice.”
“Thank you so much. I will do my best not to disappoint you.”
“I’m sure you won’t. Also, our first trip is going to be in a couple of days, so I hope you’re ready.”
“That's great, sir; where will we be going?”
“We will be landing in Japan shortly, sir.”
“Thank you, Ji-Yoon.”
“Would you like to drink?”
“I’m fine, thank you, though.”
“My pleasure,” she said, and she made her way to the attendant area on the plane. 
You watch as she walks down the passage, her nice-length skirt giving you a glaze at her toned thighs, “Damn, what a view.” 
The purpose of today is to visit and hopefully recruit a potential trainee after getting a couple of letters of recommendation from a dance studio. The head choreographer linked the company's recruitment account to multiple videos of their student. She praised her students' stage performance and talent, suggesting that someone visit and see them in person. 
The recruiters watched the videos were attached and gave you an idea of what to focus on after watching. You watch each video multiple times and can’t help but be amazed by her beauty and elegance. The way she performs is something that many people can imitate unless they’re a natural. 
After settling down at your hotel, you get in contact with the head choreographer and let them know that you will be arriving later that day. She thanks you for visiting and the opportunity to see one of her students. 
You arrived at the location before opening and were given a studio tour. Walking around, see the pictures of all the trainees, “Is this one her?” as you point at the photo. 
“Yes, that’s her.”
“Okay, nice to know.”
“She’ll be coming to the studio in about twenty minutes.”
“You seem nervous.”
“I am. She’s been with us for so long; we know that she can do much more out there.”
“You seem to care for her a lot.”
“Yes, which is why I emailed the company so you can see for yourselves.”
The person arrives twenty minutes later and sets their bag before entering the changing room. They come out in sweats and t-shirts and walk toward the center of the room before playing the starting the music. You hear the song begin, focusing on their dance movements and expressions.
You watch her dance to various types of music, but the one that caught your attention was when she danced ballet. The way she presented herself and moved with such elegance was heartwarming. You know that you needed to recruit her at all costs. 
The music stops, and you slowly walk out of the office and greet both the choreographer and the dancer. “That was amazing. Great job.”
The dancer bows, “Thank you so much for your compliment.”
“No, no, you deserve it.”
You see her get shy and play with her fingers from the attention. The choreographer steps in and says, as she points at you, “This is the person I told you about. He’s from Olympus Entertainment and came to see you perform.” 
She bows and says, “Thank you for visiting us. I’m Myoui Mina. It's nice to meet you.”  
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shadow0214 · 1 month
I watched Deadpool and Wolverine yesterday. What a movie, I loved it so much!! And, of course, my mind came up with a little scenario hehe.
Wolverine x reader
"What do you think (Name)?" Elektra asked without taking her eyes from the two men.
You had been hiding in the shadows since Wade and the new Logan had arrived to your home, listening to them speak with the rest of the group.
You walked out of the shadow and stood beside Laura, she smiled when you appeared.
"I have not a say in this really, I think is great if you guys take Cassandra out, but I'll be watching from afar." You answered.
"And who might you be?" Wade asked, you had a Deadpool in your universe too, he was way less talkative than this one.
"Logan can tell you that" You chuckled.
"I have no fucking idea who you are" He said with a confused look in his face.
"Maybe you didn't know me in your universe because I came after what happened when the humans attacked" You replied with a sad smile. When you had arrived at the TVA, they had shown you all other possible timelines and all your other variants, you were the only one that lost control completely and killed most mutants at the academy. You were absolutely horrified by that so you stopped using the full extent of your powers when you got to The Void, you only used them to get away from that maniac Cassandra, but once you arrived to that place you mostly kept a low profile.
"How the fuck did you know about that?" Logan growled.
"TVA showed me, and most of us know you are the 'worst' wolverine" you said using airquotes.
He just growled again. It was weirdly fun listening to him do that, you remembered when your Logan would do that when he didn't agree with you.
After that, you just sat down and kept listening to them argue about if they were going or not, eventually they agreed, but Logan went out without saying a word.
The first one to follow him out was Laura, they all knew they had a better chance of pulling this off with him, but he wasn't really going to help.
You followed Laura but kept your distance while she spoke with Logan trying to convince him to help them kill Cassandra. After a few minutes she left him again and came back to the house.
"I did my part, maybe you can help us out a little" She said begging you with her eyes while you were leaning on the front of the house.
You sighed at her request but got up and walked to where he was.
You got to the bonfire and sat near him about an arm’s length from him.
"What do you want?" He said taking a sip of the bottle of liquor he had with him.
"You know? I killed my wolverine" You said looking at your feet with regret. He looked at you, you had peaked his interest.
"I lost control of my powers and ended up killing you. You and I were a couple in my universe." You said with a sad smile.
"So...I was good in your universe?" Logan asked.
"Well...You were you." You smiled at him. " Same old Logan, with your short temper and your sarcastic remarks".
"You remind me of him."
"Well, I'm not him" He said a little disappointed.
You just chuckled sadly and stood up. He mimicked you, and you ended up face to face. He actually found you quite beautiful even though it was his first time meeting you.
"Life has been cruel to you, hasn't it?" You said touching his face barely with your fingers. You noticed him relaxing a little and pushed for more skin contact. Now your whole hand was holding his face, he didn't move, he just stared at you.
"They really need your help" You continued, gently caressing his cheek.
"How about you? They asked for your opinion on the matter" Logan asked getting closer to you.
"I would be a hindrance, if a lose control again you'd be fighting two annoyingly strong mutants" You hummed.
"Maybe I could take you down this time" Logan said, holding your waist with both his hands. You missed the feeling of him holding you like this, you missed his touch, his presence, everything about him.
"You know why you didn't survive my attack? I control darkness in every form, I left some in your body and you couldn't regenerate, your body tried but it was impossible with that inside it" You said getting closer to his lips.
He chuckled and held you harder.
"Now you are at my mercy though, I could kill you with one move if I wanted to" He whispered.
"I get my energy through darkness, even if you hurt me, I would be able to heal myself, don't forget it's nighttime. I'm stronger at night" You replied gently touching your lips with his.
You let out a breath that was caught in your chest and pulled away. Logan looked at you with a frown.
"I'll wait for you here, I know you will be able to end her, no problem" You said patting his chest with your hand. "Just be careful, ok?" and with that you gave him a kiss on the corner of his lips and disappeared in the shadows.
You knew they were going to be fine; He was going to be fine.
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a-confused-spoon · 7 days
Jinx's haircut: how Powder and Ekko's story comes full circle
Hi! So, it appears Jinx will be cutting her hair short in season 2 (which is cool as fuck), and I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion on it, so I wanted to share my two cents 😊
I might refer to Jinx and Powder as if they are different ideantities, but I'm aware that's not how that works; it's just an easier way to express myself. Also english isn't my first language, so apologies for any possible wiritng mistake (this is a bit of a mess 😅)
* deep breath in *
As it has already been pointed out, this choice must have a deeper reason other than esthetic (I've been seeing the phrase "hair holds memories" used a lot), and what's even more interesting is that her new look resembles a lot how she used to look like as a kid; a bit bizarre, given how the entirety of season 1 showed us how Powder and Jinx's coexistence only brings the girl pain. As a matter of fact, the finale makes it clear to us that even she sees these two sides of herself as mutually exclusive.
So why and how exactly would this happen now?
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What I keep going back to is the idea that maybe, just maybe, this has to do with her possibly "taking the lead" in Zaun; whether she actively becomes a leader or if she just "leads by example" (therefore passively), it doesn't change the fact that for better or worse she will be depicted as a leading revolutionary figure.
And fair enough: she singlehandedly killed half of the Council, the people who hold decisional power and have contributed to the misery on the other side of the river. After Vender's failed attempt on the bridge and Silco's focus on his own business dealings with Piltover among everything else he did, Jinx's attack on the city - something she does to ultimately solidify her identity as Jinx - opens a door that the Undercity was waiting to be opened for decades.
Here's the thing:
Being Jinx doesn't just mean acting on unbridled rage and being a menace to society; it means being feared by most, if not all, with the only possible exceptions being those who also accepted their inner monster. To put it in Singed's words, "If you take this path, they will despise you".
Being Jinx fundamentally implies loneliness.
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Silco was consistently reminding her this: "I am your family; everyone else betrays us" / "Everyone betrays us Jinx! Vander! Her! They will never understand, it's only us".
In the official clip 'Enemy of my enemy' we find out that he only saw her cry twice, the two scenes we also witness as an audience, meaning he didn't see her cry once during the timeskip, and I'm sure it's safe to say that she most definitely did cry a lot given how she goes from episode 3 Powder (scared, couldn't grasp the concept of killing someone, heartbroken by the nickname jinx) to episode 4 Powder (a beast, kills in cold blood, has taken Jinx as her actual name)... it must've been an ugly transition, and it definitely didn't happen overnight; if Silco, who was the closest person she had all that time, didn't see it, then I think it speaks a lot on how alone Jinx really was in her darkest times.
For all the love he had for her, he reinforced this idea of isolation as an unescapable consequence of the right path, and I think this is also reflected in the lair that (supposedly) he found for her, especially when you compare it to the Firelights’ one:
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The Firelights (this is important for later) are all about community and sharing joy as well as struggle and pain; they live in a place of healing, filled with life, without a roof so the sunlight can reach them during the day, and at nights living bugs that shine a light of their own fill up the hideout.
Jinx's place is diametrically opposed to this: it’s dark and looks cold, it's completely made of metal, the roof’s blocking any natural light and it hangs above an abyss with no bottom to be seen; the only company she consistently has are the puppets of her dead brothers and the only living thing that knows his way in is the only one that can understand, the only one she can rely on - aka Silco himself.
However, as Jinx herself knows, this may have worked for him, but it wasn't working for her for the longest time: she never stopped yearning for affection, love, friendship- that part of her never really went away; it was only being suppressed, suffocated, maybe unintentionally, and I strongly believe that it only worsen her trauma, and it's one of the things that made her spiral so bad into her depression, to the point of hallucinating.
I think that Silco's line in the baptism scene is particularly relevant here: "You need to let Powder die, so the fear of pain will no longer control you", where the fear of pain would refer to the fear of being on her own, of always failing and disappointing others, of being weak and never satisfying the desires, expectations, hopes that Powder carried within her to be “a valuable member of the team”.
If she lets Powder die (which again, she does in the final episode of season 1), this is no longer a problem: if she doesn't do teams, because teams don't want a jinx to begin with, that fear can't get to her; if she's a solo player, a self-sufficient loose cannon, she won't need to rely on anyone but herself because she's strong on her own and does not need the support of others.
If her power lays in the monster she is, the one everyone condemns her for being, then that childhood wish of hers just isn't a realistic option.
...but then this happens.
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We know from the teaser trailer that in the operation Caitlyn's leading, 'finding Jinx' and 'neutralize any agent still loyal to Silco' are separate objectives. Which makes sense, since as far as they know Silco was the leader of a group of people, and now that he's gone Jinx is an individual under her own agency and her own agency alone. If initially she fights by herself, for herself because she can and fuck Piltover, then it all falls in line with what I stated so far.
But then we hear Sevika, who has hated Jinx's guts and who Jinx has hated back since day one, telling her to get the people together, to unite the Undercity as one because she can do that. Mind you, the girl has lived in Zaun all her life, she knows damn well that the end of Piltover is something the entire Undercity has been waiting for (“Imagine what the whole of the Lances could do!” from episode 2); yet despite this she needs to be openly told what is going on, that she’s not sizing the opportunity she’s created. She isn't, cause... her? Leading? A group of people? No. Not after the last time she tried to help, and most importantly, not after everything she learned under Silco.
Jinx can't fathom the idea of herself as a part of a part of a team. How can she? She literally just came to terms with isolation as ever present- and now, for some reason, the people of the city, who always either ran away from her or wanted her gone, are dying their hair blue in her image, trusting her, following her, painting murals of her as the bringer of revolution.
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She isn't taking power forcibly like Silco did; she's just doing her thing, her Jinx thing, and Zaun, on its own, is choosing her as the leading figure.
Imagine how frustrating it must be for Jinx to look back and realize that Silco, her father- who has loved her, forgiven her, raised her, called her perfect, defended her, was there for her, saved her, guided her- was wrong, and put her in a condition of never ending existential pain when she could’ve had it differently the entire time; imagine how confusing it must be for her to look back and realize that it never mattered whether or not others understood her, 'cause she wasn't as unlovable or unforgivable as she thought herself to be in the first place, that Silco and Vi were never her only options.
Imagine how painful it must be for her to look back and realize that for all this time she could’ve had friends and be accepted and be trusted and rely on others because she never HAD to be alone.
...keeping this in mind, let's talk about Ekko and the missing flashback from episode 7 for a moment.
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Admittedly we don’t have a lot of information, other than it took place not too long after the events of episode 3 (then again, to be fair, we don’t know a lot about their relationship as enemies as well: it’s all between the lines; I surely have my own opinions of how they feel about each other being on the enemy side, but I don’t believe it’s super relevant here). What’s for sure about this flashback is that it was a defining moment in both Ekko and Powder’s journey, especially for the latter. Someone surely died, and it 100% was Powder’s fault. It could be both the result of her very first crisis or her first intentional murder; in both cases it results in her deciding for herself to align with Silco as opposed to her best friend.
The way I like to see it is that, since the trauma was still very fresh, she might have been too scared of the idea of fighting alongside others after what happened last time, and she pushed herself to kill someone on purpose just to push Ekko away and prove a point (Silco’s point). I love the idea of the tragic irony of Ekko being the one person Powder managed to really save, and Powder being the one person Ekko couldn’t.
Personal headcanons aside though, the last part is the most important one here: Ekko couldn’t save Powder from Silco, and by extension everything he represents.
I’d like to point out that one of the most tragic aspects of the two becoming enemies (to me) is that, throughout those years, they reciprocally were the only living person the other shared a past with (well, Vi too, but she was in prison the entire time).
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Silco not only takes over by force, he also marks as his all the places of said past: the Last Drop, Vi and Powder’s house… one line that always stuck with me from episode 7 is when Ekko tells Vi “All that’s left is Jinx, and she belongs to Silco”.
Not with Silco; to Silco. As if she too a piece of the past he turned into his property.
It’s like he understands that while yes, Powder made the decision by herself, that she wants to stay with Silco, he also knows that the man is the one to blame for... well, all of it; the kid was there when Silco showed up unprovoked at Benzo’s place, he knows things went downhill from there.
Ekko knows that he is the bigger problem and the bigger enemy. Even Vi, without knowing a thing about the past few years, can tell Silco put some shit into her sister’s head; Ekko can probably guess the same, difference being that Ekko has the responsibility of keeping other people safe, and he can’t risk it all for someone that, while possibly manipulated, ultimately isn’t collaborative. Ekko can’t jeopardize all he’s built and done for his former best friend, no matter how much it hurts him to be her enemy.
Back to season 2.
Like the entire fandom has already pointed out, there’s a 99.9% chance there will be an alliance between them and Jinx, especially when looking at Ekko’s new outfit.
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Of course, this will not be immediate: my guess is that while Jinx works alone at the very start Ekko will be with Heimerdinger and following the arrest of the Firelights we see in the trailer maybe there’s a split. And even after Jinx takes charge so to speak, and possibly frees them, among others, from Stillwater, it’s possible there will be (and there should be) stages in the alliance: initial distrust, potential fight within the community- like yeah, let’s not forget what Jinx did to these people.
Even if they do go ahead with it, it is probably out of necessity more than anything else, with not one but two military forces against the whole of the Underground. It’s not like they’d be the most ecstatic faction about it, and the same goes for Ekko, which is why the new look will probably come in later.
But exactly like he could see Powder for a brief second on the bridge clearly enough for him to stop himself from beating her, he will, most definitely, see her again through Jinx's inner turmoil... that, and she also can’t keep her shit together when it comes to what she's feeling, the girl really is an open book.
And yeah, the situation would be pretty emotionally disorienting: she's being as Jinx as ever, but people like her now, which is something she used to want as Powder, who is supposed to be dead, and they're willingly following her like they willingly followed Vander and there's murals of her with him, though she's pursuing what aligns more with Silco's dream, but also turns out Silco was wrong about Powder, who might still be alive deep down- the whole thing is a big big mess.
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Despite everything that I said about him, it’s not like Jinx would start to resent Silco. She could never, not after his last words to her. They mean the world to her, he means too much to her, and let’s not forget she probably hear his voice now too, along Mylo’s and Claggor’s; it might even be a calming voice to her, one she’s happy to hear even if she knows he’s not real… which makes it all worse and more painful to deal with.
In this scene from the trailer, it seems like Ekko’s talking to her (some have pointed out the blue hair out of focus). Since this is still the look in season, at this point in time Ekko (and the rest of the Firelights) are not truly committed to this alliance with Jinx, and vice versa, Jinx is still figuring out how to deal with all this unexpected appreciation.
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If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Jinx’s way of dealing with inner conflicts, especially ones that deal with the memories of the past, is that it often leads to disaster. This is a bit of a long shot, but what if the reason Ekko’s so beat up Is because she unintentionally sabotaged one of their own attacks on Piltover? Or perhaps they were caught up in a tough situation because of something she did or didn’t do? My point is that if he really is talking with her while in this condition, she probably is in a similar one.
Regardless, they are on the same side, and they are having a conversation. This is very likely the first time they reach out for each other since the day she chose to not go with him.
And I think it’s believable that of all the people she now has beside her, she’d talk to Ekko: he has this leader stuff already figured out. He has and still is taking care of people and keeping them safe better than she ever will, and on top of that, he still is the only one in Zaun (again, aside from Vi) who has known her since before she was Jinx, and he spared her on the bridge. He’s the perfect person to open up to.
And, get this, not only Ekko understands the pressure of taking the lead: he knows what it means to look back at someone you were fond of and feeling the pain of being wronged by them. He knows what it’s like to look back at old memories of someone you trusted and wonder if all those moments together really were what you thought they were, he knows what it’s like to wish it could all go back like it was, just so that candid version of them you have in your mind can still be true, present and untainted by the ugliness that now ruins all those precious moments.
He knows, 'cause he went through it with her... and now he can finally reach her.
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Ekko may have not been able to save her from Silco then, but he can save her from Silco now.
And since he has built a community that grieved together, went through pain and joy together, he simply does what he’s always done with the Firelights. Sharing.
He tells with her what has worked for him: “Sometimes, taking a leap forward means leaving a few things behind”- in the Franch dub he says “leaving a part of oneself behind”- meaning it doesn’t have to be all or nothing: she has the power to choose what to kiss goodbye and what can stay…
…and then she cuts her hair.
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I think it’s important to note how these two moments are very similar in setting. I kid you not, the first time I watched the trailer I was convinced this was a scene where Jinx was burning Silco’s body after she killed him- which frankly could still be the case. I’ve also seen discussions being made for the little girl we see in the trailer being burned here, or Sevika, but I don’t think it’s either. Jinx is completely desensitized to death, even when Silco died her makeup isn’t this ruined. My guess is that this is something much deeper:
Jinx never properly grieved the past. Ever. So, maybe, she’s burning the part of herself she’s leaving behind. The hair she cut.
The hair Silco used to braid for her.
These two scenes parallel each other because “nothing ever stays dead”, but Silco must stay dead, for her own sake. For her own happiness: she is leaving him behind for good.
Only after this moment we get the new look for Ekko: he can work with this new Jinx, the one that now knows she can work within a team, even to the point of committing to the outfit (lol).
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If in season 1 Jinx accepted her identity as it was defined by Silco, in season 2 she's re-inventing it under her own conditions: she gets to choose what "being Jinx" may or may not include. And it will always include a little bit of Powder.
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Thanks for reading! 💚💙
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cocoakrispis-blog · 2 months
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pairing ~ ellie x fem! reader
summary ~ y/n starts her first day of school in search of a suitable school crush to m
warnings ~ lots of yap, mainly just build up, ellie only shows up at the end of the chapter
wc ~ 1.4k words
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summer had officially come to a close and at the start o your first day you were feeling extremely conflicted.
it was the same pros and cons list every year and this one was nothing different.
on one hand you get to go back into your routine no matter how annoying and exhausting it was. summer freedom was great and all but eventually just like every summer before you were destined to run out of tings to do. on top of that getting through this year gets you one step closer to graduating.
however that also meant you were going to be forced into the same small rooms with the same people you had been going to school with since middle school. there’s definitely more to add onto this list but you currently have other more pressing matters to worry about.
“hey i know we’re like seniors and all but we still do have to pay attention to this stuff no matter how borrowing it is.” you felt dina nudge you in the ribs with a sigh.
“yeah yeah ask or help if you don’t know where all your classrooms are, show up to class, be prepared, have a positive attitude i know all of this stuff dina.” you nudge her back just a little harder.
jesse laughs at your obvious lack of enthusiasm and you all turn back to the senior group leader that was droning on about something you’d spent the past four years hearing.
to be completely honest your poor mood and low motivation could be easily fixed if you just knew you had even the slightest chance of having a good solid school crush. a class crush, club crush, hallway crush, literally anything. unfortunately though this hadn’t been your first time around the block and by your fourth year there wasn’t a chance you would going to be able to even crush on someone without already knowing their whole entire back story through school gossip.
what you needed was someone new.
a girl that you and everyone else around you had never interacted with before. someone who was a breath of fresh air that could motivate you to choose an outfit the night before, get up at 8 in the morning, put on a full face of makeup, and maybe actually bother to maybe smile a little bit more in the hallways like dina had been telling you to.
as nice as that a dream sounded you were fairly sure the chances of that possible happening where near zero percent.
“y/n please stop zoning out they’re handing out our schedules.” dina dragged you towards the long lines of students lined up by their last name. you sighed in response and allowed dina to drag you over to the area, with jesse in tow.
after a long and drawn out wait you finally reached the front of the line and received the schedule you had made almost a year ago now.
“man why did i sign up for astronomy again?” you scratch your head in confusion at your questionable decisions.
“because you still needed a science credit and thought that astronomy would be an easy science due ot the fact that in your words ‘astronomy can’t be that different from astrology i mean i know my zodiac sign’.” jesse’s voice drifted into your ear suddenly which made you jump.
“holy fucking shit dude where did you come from?” you place the hand that’s not holding onto your schedule to calm your racing heart beat.
“heaven.” jesse gave you a satisfied smile at his own joke.
“yeah yeah whatever you creep.” you slightly push him away from you with a small smile.
soon after the small interaction dina makes her way over to you two with a bright smile on her face. clearly she was extremely satisfied with her schedule.
“got all the teachers i wanted this is quite literally the perfect schedule.” dina slightly gloated with the slip of paper displaying all of her classes.
you rolled your eyes and playfully snatched the paper from her to compare hers to yours. soon after you grabbed jesse’s to do the same. eventually ending up with a long winded swapping of schedules.
“dude me and dina only have like three classes together and jesse me and you only have two this sucks ass.” you groan while glaring at the piece of paper you had been handed. they both nodded in agreement with a slight frown on their face.
“hey it’s okay you guys we’ll still see eachother all the time we’re literally the inseparable trio.” jesse throws his arms over both you and dina’s shoulders to pull you into a side hug.
“yeah i’m sure we will but i literally have no motivation to go to any of the classes i don’t have with you guys.” you sigh sadly while resting your head against jesse’s shoulder in defeat.
“don’t say that just yet y/n maybe the dream girl you were zoning out thinking about earlier will magically appear and whisk you away!” you look over at dina to see her giving you a sarcastic smile.
you quickly pull away from jesse and dina to give dina a hard glare.
“hey i totally was not day dreaming about some imaginary girl earlier.” you cross your arms over your chest in retaliation.
dina and jesse simultaneously turn to look at eachother before bursting into laughter at your obvious false statement.
“whatever you guys stop being annoying i know that there’s no chance of the girl of my dreams dropping in out of nowhere-“ you stop all of a sudden when your eyes immediately glue to a girl you’ve never seen before.
jesse and dina give you a weird look when you stop mid sentence and wait for you to continue.
“scratch that look over there oh my god i’ve totally never seen her before literally need her.” you quickly tun around dina and jesse to discreetly point at the new girl.
dina and jesse squint a little to look at who you’re pointing at but as soon as they see her she turns around to reveal herself as someone you all have definitely encountered many times before.
“hey y/n i don’t think she’s new i’ve for sure seen her before.” jesse shakes his head.
“yeah isn’t that the lesbian whitch-“
“who totally puts curses on people.” you finish dina’s sentence with a sigh. “yeah yeah she just looks really different now i guess she finally got a glow up.”
“maybe one of her beauty spells finally worked over the summer.” dina jokes. you and jesse both burst into laughter while dina joins the two of you.
soon after that the small orientation period you reluctantly split up from dina and jesse to officially start your first day. the day went by fairly smoothly nothing crazy had happened yet, but now it was approaching the end of the day and all your classes with jesse and dina had come and gone, leaving you to have to thug it out the rest of the day.
you were in the middle of contemplating skipping the rest of your classes but as you walked into your second to last class, which was the astronomy class you didn’’t remember signing up for you saw something that made you stop in your tracks.
you did a double take before walking around the unfamiliar classroom in search of a seat close to the girl you were entirely sure you had never seen before.
once you sat down in the seat two away from her you glanced at her a couple more times to make sure our eyes weren’t playing tricks on you.
i mean this girl was beautiful. like the type of beautiful that made you. just want to stop and stare for a while. like the kind of natural beauty that didn’t require makeup to enhance it so i could be seen.
auburn hair, hazel eye, and a the cutest face you had ever seen dusted with the most adorable freckles. you didn’t realize it but you were no longer even being discreet about your staring and almost instantly the mystery girl looked up to see you practically slack jawed swooning over her.
you jumped when you made direct eye contact with those gorgeous hazel eyes and cleared your throat before awkwardly looking away.
looks like you did have a reason to go to school everyday now.
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a/n: so this is gonna be my first series i’m mainly just playing around with all fo this to see what works and experiment with a couple of things it’s going to be pretty lighthearted and not very plot heavy so i’m telling y’all that now. i’m also. lowkey basing a lot of this off of my own lore i’m really sorry if it gets boring. i’m still working on properly characterizing all of the tlou characters so please be patient with me and thank you for reading!
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kurosstuff · 6 months
Hihi Lovely~
I have a fluff prompt for the followers event
🍯 Reader (can be fem or gn i dont mind) is an exorcist and they get really hurt on the last exorcism and so they are gone for weeks and Sera is freaking out and can’t come see them cause of her work. But they surprise her with flowers and showing up when she’s working?? (They escaped the hospital-)
Hi sweetie ~ thank you for requesting! Hope you like it♡♡
Warming(s): fighting detailed? Idk I don't know how to write fights. Blood. Sera being a worry wart
Sera x GN!Exorcist! reader: Escape artist
The job was supposed to be easy.
It was almost always easy. But not this time. Somehow? The demons were told how to fight back. How to win. How to hurt angels. You weren't even aware that was possible. But seeing both your bosses reactions? You growled now annoyed. They knew.
Of fucking course they knew.
And they didn't tell the Exorcists? The actual FUCK is that? You raged, slicing demons left and right covered in a mix of angel blood and demon blood. Taking a deep breath, your wings flapped in anger. You weren't surprised. Their too prideful to have warned anyone. You silently cursed, Adam and Lute.
If you knew you could get hurt? Your arm wouldn't have been bleeding. You wouldn't have ran face first into battle. Dodging an attack from your opponent, you easily sliced his arm off. "Hands off, sinner," you growled out. Punching the demons face away from you.
Unaware of the crowd forming behind you. Unaware it was all a trap for you. Hands grabbed you snarling you glared at the sinners. "Unhand me-" your voice cut out from a scream escaping you as a demon broke your arm. Another grabbing your weapon, stabbing into you repeatedly, making you lose so much blood. Everything went black when you heard a familiar voice yelling at you - blurred vision - as you saw what looked to be Adam rushing to you
It was quiet as Sera worked. A usually calming day turned to an unsettling feeling. Sera felt off. It was so unnerving that - why did she have such a bad feeling? Like it wasn't as calming as she assumed? As she hoped? Glancing at the feather around her neck, she smiled, kissing it gently. "Be safe, my love. Soon, you'll be here. Back" a loud bang down the hall was heard followed by yells of something. Leaning back, she tapped her feathered pen humming that unnerving feeling grew.
Sera stopped seeing Adam. Who? Weirdly was quiet. Putting her pen down, she watched. Waiting for him to speak. Watching how uncomfortable he was. A bad feeling crept up her. She didn't like this. Not one bit. As he spoke, she listened to him. Listened to how he spoke of an accident. What exactly what happened he wouldn't say until he said your name. Her blood ran cold. Her extra eyes popping out, staring him down
Adam gulped "i- like I said. Your mate? Y/N? Got hurt. Badly." Knowing it was his fault. And by the look in her eyes? She knew it too "look- I- no one saw the demon. No one expected them to try to fight back Ser- High Leader" correcting himself knowing how she got in when mad. Better to be fully respectful. Despite her being kind- she is still a Seraphim.
"I told you. To keep them safe. You know how-" she snarled about to break her composure. Covering her face, giving her a second. Swallowing her rage "Adam. You are excused. Do not allow another to come in here for the time being" making him nod
"I think- I think you should visi-"
"What did I say?"
At that? He turned rushing off without a word. No matter how she wished to. She can't visit. She's the high leader. She has a job to do. No matter how she longed to see her Mate. To see her love. To see how their doing. She can't
Picking up the pen, she sighed, knowing? You were aware of it as well.
A full three weeks since the last extermination. Since Sera saw you. Heard from you- she wasn't sure what was going on. Frantically, she focuses on her work. To not lose her composure. Yet. She wondered. Are you ok? Do you wish she gave up her work her responsibilities? To rush to your side?
Taking a deep breath, she played with the feather nervous. Oh, how she hopes you know even if she wanted to. She couldn't be able to. Not with her rules. Not with how important her reputation is. Closing her eyes. She hummed
She needed more coffee.
And by God does she need it bad.
Taking a full three weeks to rest was boring. Didn't matter the broken arm nor how the stitches in your sides burned. Made you wince by even moving. You sighed, glancing out the window, smiling the best you could. Half your face bandaged up from the slashes. Thank God it was from a normal weapon you thought. Can't lose an eye. But luckily it'll reheal itself
Glancing around the room, you hummed, thinking before smirking at a thought. You could sneak out. See Sera- God, do you miss her. Humming softly you hopped she was resting. Not overworking when she's upset or panicked.
But you knew better.
You knew she was despite you wishing otherwise. Cause, of course, she'd worry. Of course, she'd panic. So? She's over working herself.
Getting up was the tricky part. Legs aren't broken, no, but the pain in your body was too great. Thankfully, your wings were somehow in perfect condition. Helping you get up, flapping to stand up. Taking a deep breath, ignoring how your body begged you to get back to bed. To rest.
You needed to see your mate.
Luckily, it didn't take too long.
Just needed to rush to get flowers avoid the guards(who knew you'd probably run) and escape to Seras office. Now- the tricky part sneaking INTO her office. No doubt if her guards saw? They'd wisk you back to the hospital. Not wanting to be in trouble for aiding a break out.
Snickering at the thought, you held the flowers close, flying past some guards easily. Making you hum. Surely their not that blind no? Surely theyd.. be more vigilant. More watchful.
But no.
They arent
Good thing for this, but.. bad job at guarding. Rolling your eyes, you entered into her office frowning, seeing how ruffled her feathers are. Walking up to her, you gulped, nervous. Would she be upset your here?
"Thought I said no guests. Leave. I'm in no mood"
Your nerves melted at her voice no matter how angry she sounded. You were just glad to hear from her after weeks, "Not even your mate?" AT that? She snapped up, looking dead at you. Blank. Before she teared up, smiling tiredly rushing to you gently lifting upu "got flowers?"
"Oh my swan~ who cares for that? Your..your ok~ your here-" she stopped staring at you, her wings enveloping you in a hug "you snuck out. You should be resting. Not- not here!" She scoffed but the smile on her face? Said otherwise
"Needed to see you," you smiled softly, kissing her knuckles as she gently nuzzled you. "I missed you. I know you're a busy woman, but.. I was hoping you'd be resting?" Kissing her softly as she hummed
"If I did. It wouldn't be good. I'd be pulling my feathers out to find you -" whispering softly to you, holding you closer. Sighing, she reluctantly away. "My swan. You need to go back. As much as.. I wish for you to stay. You can't. Your stitches need constant watch" she frowned Kissing you again gently
"Only if you take a break"
"My swan," she huffed, giving you a look, making you huff shrugging
"Then I guess.. I'll stay here?" With a deep sigh knowing she lost she nodded. Rubbing your waist gently "fine I'll. I'll take breaks. Not long ones but.. fine" she grumbled as you grinned nodding
If this is what you're both gonna see after the five weeks are up? You both can wait another two. But for now. Until the nurses come retrieve you. She'll cradle you close. Gently as if you'd break. She's let herself be a bit selfish until then. Take her much needed break
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deatheatet · 3 months
Slight spoilers for my Z-Dog backstory idea. Maybe big Angst
Z was allowed to stay but wasn't necessarily welcomed by the Clan. Spider took up with her and stayed at her Marui,Tuk hung around whenever she could ditch her parents,Tsireya willingly,while against her parents wishes,helped Kiri with Z's wounds and Finally,Kiri,who joined spider for two reasons. one,make up lost time and two she knew more about human style medicine. Since she could walk and move around again,Z usually stuck to hanging out with her Banshee, who she had named Riot,on deserted areas on the Island. She did this to let Spider have some fun being a kid with his friends. At the moment she was sharpening a branch she found to make Spider a proper sized spear,even though he didn't mind the larger ones. Her ears swiveled towards a shushing sound,she looked behind her to nothing, except a little Metkayina tail from behind a tree,and a foot. She lifted an eyebrow and tossed a piece of bark at both. two little Metkayina girls yelped and jumped out of their hiding spot.
"Looks like I got a couple a little shadows"Z said looking at both.
The girls were probably about little Sully's age,6-7. Both started apologizing
"were sorry! We didn't mean to!"One said,she looked a little older.
"Well what's y'all's names first off?" Z asked
"I'm Tala and she's Nikira".
Tala was a little Older with full braids back,small shells woven in her braids,a more heart like face and more pointed ears. Tala was wearing a top kinda like Princess,shells,sea grass and crystals,and a sea grass loincloth. Tala also has a shell earring. Nikira has half braids and pushed to the side with a more timid diamond face,a top of simple shells and grass,and a simple loincloth with a small bracelet and anklet. Both had Metkayina skin,tails and eyes. Tala had a bit more blue in hears and Nikira had more green.
"I'm gonna guess y'all know me then but for politeness my name is Z-Dog or Z" Z said. Both girls nodded. Tala said "We're sorry. We just... Think your cool but we were to scared to talk to you" Nikira nodded to
"Scared? Guess you're parents decided to do like others"Z grumbled. Anytime she was around mom's and dads pulled their kids closer and glares at her
Tala flinched and Nikira looked down
"A-Actually.... W-we don't really have parents and we aren't actually sisters either" Tala mumbled
Z stared, Na'vi kids without parents? the fuck was this about?
"Why not? and If so who takes care of you?" Z responded abandoning Spiders spear and turning towards them both
Tala gently sat down with Nikira and said "Well ...My Sa'nok died having me and my sempul had been killed by a Akula recently before I was born. And Nikira's Sa'nok and Sempul didn't want her,they left the clan and just...left her behind. The clan kids like us get taken care of by the community which really just means being cared for as a babe then just... ignored or trained after" Z stayed quiet. She knew what that was like from Paz and her team,given so many were RDA home kids. Nikira... little kid couldn't be any older than 4-5 and her parents just up and fucking left her? Both girls were doing their best not to look Z in the eyes,Z never thought it possible but her blood boiled dangerously over Nikira,it was an afront to her senses, What kind of pathetic excuse of a mother do you have to be to just up and abandon your baby?She couldn't have ever fucking abandoned Leo.....
"Sorry, you two. Didn't know that"Z finally responded to both girls. they Both muttered it was okay,they were used to it. Just then Riot landed screeching. Tala and Nikira jumped back yelping,Z stood up rubbing Riots head
"Woah easy girl ..Easy"Z mummered. riot calmed but gently eyed both small girls
Tala was standing now, with Nikira hugging her leg
"..... You girls wanna meet her?" Z asked,yeah they were scared but she saw the awe and curiousity in their eyes,so she offered her hand and connected to Riot through the braid for safety. Tala and Nikira slowly inches Forward. After a minute Tala slowly took Z-Dog's hand and Z picked her up so she was eye height with Riot.
"Start gentle, just slowly petting her nose"Z gently guided Tala's hand with her own. After a moment Tala was grinning and petting Riot full on,so Z switched and Held Nikira up to do the same. It was nice but God .....what Z wouldn't give for it to be Leo with her, smiling and laughing, telling her it how amazing and cool it was she tames and Ikran....His soft little black locks blowing on the sea wind and his wife curious little bright green eyes sparkling. She forced herself to change her mind but for now .....Tala and Nikira were okay. She'd taken them both back to their little Marui around dusk that night. She was now watching Spider sleep. thinking of a small fight she's caused a day or two in to staying with the clan
Z looked up in annoyance when she saw Neytiri at the door way. The damn bitch had taken to annoying her everyday about how the kid had been shot. Neteyam,if she said it right. today was something different
"You are a complete fool! you do not understand how close it was for me! I almost lost him!"Neytiri had snarled. Z just sat frozen,back to Neytiri. Understand? She didn't understand? She understood better than the fucking bitch. Z didn't really know what she was doing,she had turned to tell the bitch to get out but she instead found herself throwing a hard punch right at Sully's whores face and slamming her against the wall,Her arm against Neytiri's throat snarling in the Navi Woman's shocked and angry face
"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TELL ME I DON'T UNDERSTAND! AT LEAST YOUR STUPID FUCKING BRAT IS ALIVE!"Proceeding this Z threw Neytiri out the door and snarled "Don't ever tell me that bitch! You still fucking have yours! You can still hug and laugh and-...Fuck! Just fucking leave!"Z wasn't sure at the time wether it was her words or aggression but Neytiri had not argued and left.
(Flashback ended)
Z stared at the starry Pandora sky. She did understand..the blue bitch had no right to talk like she didn't. But Sully and his bitch had their kids all alive and happy. they could still see their smiles and hear them laugh.......Z would never see Leo's gentle curious and playful smile or see his gorgeous wide curious loving eyes ever again...never
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manicplank · 5 months
The Color Pink (Part 14)
The Vigilante walked into the cafe and was greeted by the bell over the door. Hazel seemed frantic as she worked quickly behind the counter.
"Uhh..." He aired, "G'mornin', Hazel."
"Ah!" She jumped and turned around. "Oh, Vigi, it's you. Good morning!"
He slowly slithered up to the counter and climbed up the stool. "You alright? You seem a bit... stressed this morning."
"Oh, I'm great! I got another order for the NTV building. The Noise doesn't have the time to help me out today, so I'm doing everything solo. It's going to take me a bit of time."
"Oh, well, alright. I'll just take my usual."
Hazel had already prepared his coffee. She tossed the mug on the counter, and The Vigilante caught it before it slid off. He looked at her with wide eyes, but she paid no mind to him. She was so caught up in her work, powered by excitement but also a mild nervousness.
"So, uh..." The Vigilante cleared his throat. "How are things going with The Noise?"
"Great for the most part."
"For the most part?"
"Yeah. It's going nice and smoothly. The only problem we're having is the paparazzi."
"I know." He sipped his coffee smugly. "I saw the magazine."
"It really threw him off. It was like they were alerted the second we started dating-"
"DATING?!" The Vigilante interrupted. "Like, like boyfriend girlfriend dating?!"
"Yep!" Hazel looked at him and smiled. "He asked me to be his girlfriend. But you keep that to yourself! Nobody knows, yet. Actually, I don't think I was supposed to tell you..."
"Are you kiddin' me?! You're dating that psychopath?!"
The Vigilante put his hands up defensively. Did she just use his full first name? Yikes... He really made her upset. "I'm sorry, Hazel, I'm just-"
"Yes, yes, Vigi, I understand, you're lOoKiNg oUT fOr mE," she said mockingly. "Can it and keep it to yourself! I'm busy, and I'm sick of hearing it!"
"Alright, alright, I apologize."
"Accepted. Move on."
"Is he, uh... He's treating you well?"
"Yes, of course. If he wasn't, I would bribe you to cover up a crime." She gave him a crooked smile. "A murder, to be specific. Make it seem like an accident."
He gave her a horrified grimace. He had never heard her talk in such a manner. He sipped his coffee silently as she lined up to-go coffees on the counter next to him. She wanted to finish as soon as possible so she could make her way to the NTV tower while it was still early. The Noise had explained that it was an early day on set again, so she wanted to bring them all coffee to brighten the day.
Shortly after she finished making all the coffees and stacking them on the cart, The Vigilante paid and left. She was slightly glad to see him leave. He had been so negative and annoying ever since she started hanging out with The Noise. He wasn't acting the same.
Slowly but surely, Hazel scooted the cart of coffees down to the NTV building without spilling a drop. The receptionist Noisey saw her at the door and opened it for her. She gradually wheeled the cart in. The receptionist led her to the back where the set was. People cheered as they saw her walking in. She smiled and waved. A few people came over and grabbed their drinks. She scanned the room looking for Theodore. She saw him in the distance. He was already in costume, leaning on the wall and reading a script. She left the cart and jogged over to him. He didn't notice her coming towards him.
"Hi!" She stopped with a small bounce.
"AHH, FUCK!" He screamed and flailed his arms. Once he saw it was her, he grabbed his chest and laughed. "Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of me! I didn't even know you were here."
She pulled him in for a tight squeeze. "You didn't hear them cheer at me?"
"I heard them, but I just figured they were doing their own thing."
She giggled. "So, what's going on, today?"
"Ehhh," he looked at the thick packet of papers and leaned against the wall again. "I got a few scenes to do as well as a stunt or two. One of the scenes is gonna involve a fight."
"Oooh, sounds neat."
"Yeah, I do all my own stunts. They're always telling me to get a stunt double, but why the hell would I want to do that? I went through all the training."
"That's so cool!"
He rubbed the back of his head. "Ah, it's nothing. You wanna stick around?"
"Can I?"
"Yeah. As long as you don't interrupt anything, you can hang."
"Awesome! I've never been on a movie set before."
He chuckled. "Most people haven't."
"Well, come on, come get your coffee!"
She led him over to the cart where there were only a couple cups left. She already knew which coffee was his by heart. She grabbed it and handed it to him. The director Noisey walked up to him before he could take a sip.
"Noise," it yelled. "You're not supposed to eat or drink too much before your stunt!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know."
"Matter of fact, we're probably gonna be filming that first, get it out of the way." The director looked at the script and tapped its little foot. "You know what, yeah, let's do that. We'll go over that scene first. We'll do a few rehearsals before the actual stunt, okay?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever."
"Hey! Don't 'whatever' me! Don't think I'm gonna let you slack off just because your mystery girl is here!"
The Noise blushed. "Whoa, whoa, whoa-"
"Get-" The director stomped its foot on The Noise's toes.
"Ow!" Noise brought his foot up. It didn't actually hurt that bad.
"-your ass on set. Porky's waiting for you."
"Ugh," he grunted and rolled his eyes. He took a sip of his coffee before he set it down.
The Noise walked over to set. As he did, a couple of Noiseys quickly equipped him with a sombrero, a vest, and a holster belt. The set was ready; the balcony of a saloon with easily breakable railings, a crowd of shocked bystanders outside, and tension in the air. Porky and The Noise went over the script one more time.
"Alright," the director spoke through a small hollow megaphone, "everybody know where we are?"
The actors nodded.
"Good! We're not gonna spend all day on this scene. It's supposed to be short and simple. We have a couple other longer scenes to film.
Now, Noise, you're cornered on the balcony with Porky. Neither of you are armed and are settling it like real men. Only when defeated will Porky surrender and let you bring him in for bounty.
Aaaand, ACTION!"
"You have no where else to go," Porky said with a gruff, raspy voice. "I told you, I ain't going down."
"Ey, take it easy," Noise spoke in a light Mexican accent.
"There ain't no takin' it easy. You've put me through hell. I'm an innocent man."
"If you're an innocent man," Noise took a step forward, "you'd have no problem provin' it."
"I was just doin' what a man has to do to fend for his family."
"A real man wouldn't go around shooting and looting."
"Yeah?" Porky took a few steps forward. "A real man doesn't go around huntin' other men."
Noise put his arms up tauntingly. "Talking about yourself, eh?"
"YOU'RE DEAD!" Porky ran charged at Noise with his shoulder forward.
"Wait, Porky, no-" the director tried to interrupt, but it was too late. Porky rammed into The Noise, causing him to break through the railing and launch off the balcony. There were gasps from the cast and crew, as well as Hazel. The Noise fell hard onto the hard plain floor and landed on his right shoulder.
"AH, FUCK!" He screamed out in pain.
"Porky," the director cried out, "we weren't filming the stunt, yet!"
"You didn't tell me that," Porky shouted.
"We didn't have any padding set up or anything! Noise," the director ran over to him, "are you okay?"
"NO, I'M NOT OKAY," he shouted in both pain and anger, "I JUST FELL THIRTY FUCKIN' FEET! FUCK!" He winced and rolled slowly onto his back as he grabbed his right arm.
Hazel was frozen in shock with her hands over her mouth.
"What's wrong? What hurts?" The director asked.
"Ugh, fuck... I can't move my shoulder."
"Shit, okay, Dougie!" The director looked around. "Where's Dougie?!"
Dougie walked out of the crowd and waved, "I'm right here!"
"Call an ambulance!"
Noise winced again and groaned out in pain. A few others came over to try and assist as Dougie called an ambulance.
"Oh, good lord," Mary gasped. "Darling, I think your shoulder's dislocated."
Noise sighed. "I don't wanna look..."
"Can you move your fingers? Make a fist."
Noise made a weak fist as his arm shook. "Agh, fuck!" He huffed. "It hurts to breathe."
"You probably have some broken ribs," Mary took off his mask and put it aside. "I'll grab some wipes so I can take off your makeup."
A security goblin came over to Hazel. "Alright, ma'am," he said, "you're gonna have to leave."
"Huh?!" She was shocked. "Wait, no, no, I'm with him-"
"Yeah, I'm sure you are, but because of the injury, we're closing the set. You need to take your cart and leave."
"No! Theodore!" She tried to go over to him, but the security guard hoisted her over his shoulder and began carrying her off set. "No! Please! I have to be with him!" She kicked and wriggled around, but the guard held on tight.
"Let me guess," the guard responded, "you're another crazed fan. We get it, coffee girl."
"Coffee girl?!" Her eye twitched. "Why, I oughta!" She bit the guard as hard as she could, and he threw her out the door. "Oof!" She landed flat on her butt. He brushed his hands off, locked the doors, and walked away. Shortly after, he came back, unlocked the door, tossed the cart out, and locked the doors again. Hazel started to cry into her hands.
Back on set, several Noiseys waited by the back doors for the ambulance to pull up. Mary gently wiped the makeup off The Noise's face. Noise took short sharp breaths.
"I'm getting lightheaded," he aired.
"Breathe, love," Mary responded.
"I'm trying." He huffed. "It hurts."
She rubbed his head. "Don't go into shock, now."
Hazel paced around her home, completely anxious. She was crying on and off ever since she left the building. Her eyes were red, and her face was chapped. She was incredibly worried. The scenario kept replaying over and over in her head. It was completely traumatic. She didn't even properly close up the cafe before fleeing to her house, she simply put the cart back and locked up for the night. She hadn't eaten all day, but she had no appetite. Her anxiety made her stomach turn. She looked at the clock and checked the time; 7 o'clock. She wondered if she should call Noise or just let him be, but before she could put any thought into it, she had already picked up the phone.
She dialed his number. The line beeped and beeped and beeped... until he picked up.
"Theodore?!" She didn't even give him a chance to speak.
"Theodore? Are you there?"
"Oh, my gosh! Theo! A-Are you okay?!"
"Yes, it's me!"
"Oh... Right. Sorry, I'm a bit hopped up on painkillers. They gave me a lot."
"What's going on?! Are you okay?!"
"Um," he took a deep breath. "Yeah. I mean, no. But yeah."
"What's wrong? Is anything broken?"
"Yeah. I got a couple broken ribs from how I landed."
"What about your shoulder?"
"It was dislocated. It's okay now. They put it back in socket."
Hazel sighed in relief. "Thank gosh, you're okay! I was horrified."
"I'm so embarrassed... That wasn't supposed to happen."
"I'm just so glad you're alright."
"Kind of. It's gonna be a while before I'm fully recovered. I'm right handed, and I can't really use my arm, now."
"Oh... That's... That's bad."
"Yeah... I don't know how I'm gonna function."
"Well... Maybe... I can help you?"
"I don't know."
"Please, Theodore. You can't take care of yourself! You need help!"
He sighed, "Fine, fine."
"Yay! Trust me, you won't regret it!"
"Can... Can I come see you?"
"I'd like that."
She rushed to grab her purse. "Where are you?"
"I'm in the hospital."
"Yes, I know, but which hospital?"
"There's only one hospital in the tower..."
"Oh, yeah, right. What room are you in?"
"I don't know... Hold on, hey what room am I in? Room 135? Okay, thanks. Room 135 in the E.R."
"I'm on my way!"
Hazel hung up and headed out to the hospital immediately. She ran into the waiting room in a huff. There were tons of people in there. She walked up to the counter.
"Please fill in the form," the receptionist spoke without looking away from her computer.
"I-I'm here to visit the person in room 135!"
The receptionist looked up at her. "Your name?"
The receptionist picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Was room 135 expecting a visitor? He is? Alright, I'll send her in." The receptionist got up and scanned her badge to open the door. She led Hazel in and guided her to the room. Hazel knocked. She peeked her head in before she walked in the room. The Noise lay there with his eyes closed. His shoulder was in an immobilizer brace, and there was an IV in his arm. The monitor beeped with each beat of his heart. He was covered by a hospital gown and a few blankets.
"Theodore," Hazel spoke softly.
Theo opened his eyes and slowly picked his head up. "Hey," he aired under his breath.
"Theo!" She rushed over and hugged him.
She drew back quickly. "Sorry!"
He chuckled faintly. "It's okay."
"How are you feeling?" She rubbed his left arm.
"Mmm... Not great... I mean, I'm on painkillers right now. They're nice." He laughed.
Hazel rolled her eyes with a smile. "Same old Theodore."
"It's not much. I'm not in pain, but I still feel some pressure in my shoulder. And I'm tired."
She pulled the chair over to beside the bed. She sat down and rested her head on his left arm.
"Thank you for coming," he smiled.
"I figured you would want some company. Hospitals suck."
"Yeah." He rested his head on hers. "I was lonely."
"I wanted to stay with you the whole time, but they kicked me out of the building."
"Yeah, that security guard is kind of an ass." Theodore picked his head up and looked at Hazel. "... You okay?"
"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine!"
"Your face is red."
"It's fine, I just-"
"You've been crying, haven't you?"
Hazel's lip quivered as she nodded. "Yeah," her voice cracked. Tears started to fall down her face again.
"Oh, no, come here." Theodore wrapped his left arm around her. She leaned into him and started sobbing. He rubbed her shoulder then played with her hair in an attempt to comfort her. "I'm going to be okay."
"It was so scary!" Her words were muffled with her face in his chest.
"I know. I know. It's okay, now. Look at me."
She drew back and made eye contact with him.
"I'm okay. Everything will be okay. Maybe not now, but eventually. Okay?"
"Okay." She sniffled and wiped away her tears with her sleeve.
"They should be discharging me soon. They've working on the paperwork for a while now."
"I can take you home."
"I was hoping you'd say that. My wallet's still in my dressing room, so I couldn't call a cab. My next best option would be... Ugh, probably Dougie."
"What's so bad about Dougie?"
"You'll figure it out soon enough. He's a piece of work." He sat up. "You never got paid for the coffees, did you?"
"Oh... No, I totally forgot."
"I'll pay you once I get my wallet back."
"It's no big deal."
"Yes, it is. You worked hard, you deserve to be paid for it."
"Okay, okay."
Theodore had fallen asleep on the drive home. Hazel made sure to drive slowly and carefully as to not wake him, but she had pulled into his driveway. She gently nudged his left shoulder. "Theo," she whispered. He didn't respond. She nudged him a little harder. "Theo."
He jumped a small bit. "Wha? Huh?"
"We're here."
"Mmm..." He tried to take a deep breath but flinched in pain.
Hazel got out of the car and went to open his door. He unbuckled and went to stand, but his balance was a little off. She instinctively grabbed his shoulders to keep him from falling, but he groaned in pain. "Sorry," she spoke anxiously.
"It's fine, it's fine."
"Okay," she sighed, "let's get you in the house."
"We have to go through the back. My keys are still on set, but there's a spare hidden on the porch."
"Oh, okay." She led him through the back and up the stairs of the porch. "Where is it?"
"Under the mat."
Hazel looked down. There was a doormat that read Come Back With A Warrant. She rolled her eyes and picked up the mat. There was a small key under it that she grabbed. She stuck it into the doorknob and fussed with it a little until she got it to unlock. She grabbed Theo's left arm and led him in. She tried to bring him up the stairs, but he winced in pain when he took the first step. "Are you okay?" She looked very concerned.
"I'm fine. I'm just a little sore. I got it, though."
She held his hand as he took slow steps up the stairs. She was horrified that his leg would give out and he would fall. When he got to the last step, she grabbed his waist and hoisted him up. She kept her hands on his hips and guided him into his room. It was a bit messy; clothes were scattered here and there, the bed wasn't made, and there were quite a few half-empty water bottles on his nightstand. The ashtray was back with several cigarette butts in it. She made him get into bed from the right side. She scooted him away from the edge and propped him up with some pillows.
"You don't have to do all that," he said.
"Yes, I do. You're a side sleeper. I'm trying to prevent you from rolling onto your right."
He scoffed. "Good luck."
"Exactly why I'm propping you up with pillows." She giggled. "I know your right side is your favorite."
"How do you know that?"
"Remember when I spent the night? You laid on that side almost the entire night."
"Oh yeah. I spaced that out. I'm still a little woozy from the pain killers."
"Get some sleep."
"I need my meds."
"Oh, right! Um..." She pulled out the drawer of the nightstand and grabbed two pill bottles. "Okay, one each, right?"
"Okay... I'll grab you a water."
"I have some right he-"
"I'll grab you a fresh water." She raced down to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. She hurried back upstairs and handed it to him. He sat up slowly, took a sip of water, and swallowed his meds with it. "Which of these water bottles is the newest?"
"I have no idea." He slowly laid back down and closed his eyes. "I'm too tired."
"Okay. I'm just gonna clean these up."
"No, no, you-"
"I know I don't have to. I want to. I want to help you. Let me help you. Cleaning your room a little bit is the least I could do."
Theo quickly drifted off into sleep as Hazel began taking the old water bottles downstairs. She poured the old water down the sink and tossed the bottles out. Then she went back to the room to check on Theo. He was out cold. She started picking up the clothes and putting them in the hamper. There was another pile of clothes by the closet. They seemed to be clean. She laid them all out and organized them piece by piece, then she began to fold them. She wasn't too sure where to put them, so she snooped around in the dresser. Eventually, she found the place for everything, she even hung up clothes that looked like they went in the closet. It took her a few hours, but she didn't mind it at all. She was happy just to be there for him. By the end of everything, it was past midnight, and the weight of the day had caught up to her. She didn't have the energy to go home and grab pajamas, so she simply took her bra and shoes off and crawled into bed next to him. She laid her head on his left shoulder and completely zonked out.
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themadlu · 8 months
What Is It In You I Cannot See?
Astarion fails to sneak on Zelie, but somehow he still ends up with a full belly. Nothing asked of him. He is scared of her and angry at her at the same time. He is also happy. He is in uncharted territory. He doesn't understand if she'll be his salvation or his doom.
He also hates dogs.
TW: references to past SA (nothing graphic), mentions of animal cruelty (if him wanting to eat Scratch counts).
This is a oneshot from a longer fic idea. Zelie is my named Tav OC, but here there is no physical description, aside from eye colour.
Tagging @spacebarbarianweird because she's so talented and kind!
“Remind me again, darling, what are we doing in these godsforsaken woods?” 
Astarion had woken up…happy—with a full stomach (He had forgotten what that felt like) and a clear head (He can hear the stern cadence of her sweet, precious blood being pumped through her heart). 
His restless reverie made bearable by the life essence he took last night. 
No, not took. He was too pathetically weak even for the basic functions of a vampire. It was a gift.
This is a gift—I won’t forget it.
He said as much, head tilted towards her, looking, but not seeing; he couldn’t bear to actually stare at the person he was indebted to now. 
She doesn’t call it debt. There are enough ill-guided, wretched ideas floating in that head of hers, all about justice and fairness and respect, that she hasn’t asked anything in return for her donation.
She will. If he thinks too long about it, it terrifies him.
No one hands their life blood over to anyone (to a monster) without a sizeable payback in mind. Either that, or he’ll have to start believing all her ideals (Her actions) are not an elaborate set of masks to trick him into trust (She’d be more idiotic than he thought, in that case).
Still, her confounding attitude worked in his favour. Not only he wasn’t left to starve the night before (a novelty in and of itself), but he’ll get future access to his dinner for the foreseeable future. 
She said so (“You can feed on me again, IF you swear you won’t hurt others and stick to animals when I’m not around”). Her face carved in stone, unmovable as she always is when establishing her rules. Her boundaries.
(No one ever cared for his boundaries. An object of pleasure doesn't need any.)
But she looked at him like he would actually understand, as if the concept couldn’t be so foreign to him. Something in the world shifted.
Truth be told, you were my first. 
Something changes in her eyes too and her expression softens, but doesn’t relent. 
“Let’s keep me as the only for now. If you wish to tell the others and any of them are willing to donate their blood too, then you can expand your culinary options.”
He knows she didn’t spill his secret to their companions (Gods forbid, someone as noble as their leader did that), but he assumed she would push him to reveal himself. Why wouldn’t she? She made such a fuss about how wrong lying is, and honesty this and fuck him that, and now she is willfully withholding information from the rest of the group. 
You nearly got us killed at the Grove. Couldn’t keep your little mouth shut with that useless healer about the tadpoles. Foolish idiot, you’ll be our doom. 
Was it a test? See what the hungry spawn does and punish him if he makes a mistake? 
Astarion has an inkling of what she would like him to do, because it tends to be the total opposite of what he would do. He would continue their little arrangement in private, for as long as possible. He may have been a slave for centuries, but he’s not so daft. Why would a vampire willingly oust himself to a group that includes a literal monster hunter in their midst. 
It would be suicidal and he has wished for death more times he can recount—often masked as sensual whimpers and pleas in brothels and alleys—but he doesn’t wish it now. 
He won’t let a presumptuous, sheltered human kill him with her righteousness when decades of torture didn’t. 
Not now he’s finally out of his grasp. 
Not now he can exist in the sun. 
Not now that he’s stuck in the mud chatting to a mutt. 
Wait, what?
The scene in front of him is dreamlike: their stoic leader is knee deep in the dirt, shiny eyes coaxing a clearly aggressive dog closer, Karlach talking to it as if it were worthy of conversation.
Zélie stares at the mutt as if in a trance. Astarion asks her why they were in the woods in the first place to see if the dog isn’t actually a hypnotising hag.
The mutt snarls at him and he snarls back. Filthy beast.
“Hush, Astarion!” Zélie whispers, “he’s scared. You’ll only scare him more”
He takes notice of the corpse near the dog. Clearly dead. Filthy and stupid beast. 
“Sweet thing you are, worrying about it,” he coos.
Hells below, you idiot. 
“But may I remind you we are trying to get to a den of vicious goblins to find the blasted druid who can fix our wiggly issue?” 
He points at his temple and she gives him the look. They’ve been travelling together for no more than a tenday and he already earned a signature look from her. 
All piercing, hardened eyes and the disapproving tilt of the head a mother would give to her child before a good dressing down. 
He wonders what his punishment will be, and his scars burn, his hands shake. 
He quickly fists them behind his back to hide the tremors (A broken toy is worthless), strikes a casual figure, and something in her gaze mellows. Before it could have stricken down a dragon from the skies, now it would only manage a bear. 
It certainly won’t manage a vampire. 
He scowls at her, but her attention is already back on the mutt now within arm’s reach. 
“You know, Astarion,” she murmurs, petting its fur with a care that had to be an act (Tenderness has no place in any realm), “dogs are beautiful creatures. They feel as much as us.” 
Another stroke behind its ears, soft and barely there. Astarion’s own ears twitch.  
“They accept our love, our mistakes, our pain, and still stay by our side. Sometimes they even see past our cruelty, so strong is their loyalty. I think you won’t find a more worthy companion.”
Another caress on its muzzle. The hint at complete loyalty to another would normally tear through him ('Remember thou art mine, useless boy'), but Astarion is transfixed by her hands on white fur (Would they touch his own white hair like that?) and his fangs are dangerously close to peeking through his lips. 
(Two centuries of utter shit, but the mutt runs across her bare moments after his owner’s died.)
If I was alone, I’d bleed you dry. Animals only, so she said.
Fucking dog befriended, Astarion is ripped from his thoughts as Zélie stops her ministrations and stands up. She bows her head at—
“Scratch. Meet Astarion. Astarion, meet Scratch.”
The dog eyes him for a moment, then barks. Astarion almost hisses back. It’s his dear leader standing in front of him that stops him. 
“I know he may look slightly ruffled, Scratch, but I like to think that you can trust him.” 
Excuse me?!
She cannot speak with animals, so why the hells is she making polite conversation with it?!
“And you,” eyes on his, he hates how he has to prove that he can hold her look without squirming. She has the gaze of someone used to having a certain level of authority, and it disgusts him. His hands tremble more, nails now digging in his palms.
('You're nothing but a scared, little boy'). 
The others have moved further along the path, but she whispers it nonetheless, “When I say you should feed on animals, this is clearly not what I mean. Dogs are out of your food chain. Please, Astarion”
He doesn’t remember when it was the last time anyone ever said please to him, when someone kept a secret for him, and it’s enough to shock him into compliance. 
“Thank you,” she says, a little smile on her thin lips (it looks foreign on her stone-like face).
She heads along the path without realising what she’s done. As if people handed thank yous around like nothing. He’s seen her thanking others, occasionally: Gale for his food, Shadowheart for the healing, even Lae’zel for not disembowelling a tiefling  (How disappointing). But to him? 
(He hasn’t done anything, besides taking her blood and her temporary alliance)
He kills and maims what enemies they encounter because he revels in the violence. In the control over another’s life—in not him being the pitiful wretch for once. If she thinks he’s doing it out of some sense of morality, then she’s even more idiotic than he thought. 
She could simply be a pathetic moron with a noble soul. One who follows her way even when she doesn’t want to. Even when they do her more harm than good (Shouting a speech on interracial cooperation from a high rock to stop a vicious group of goblins and humans from killing each other was a terrible idea. Surprisingly, she only got scraps from all the arrows flying at her). 
No. She isn’t. No one is like that.
Phantom touches on his body remind him of this shit world every second of every day and they will do so for as long as he lives. They all have their motives. She just hides hers beside a very put-together mask. An impressive one, if he can say so. 
He falls into step with her as usual (Because he needs to make sure she doesn’t drag them to an unwilling death, because he needs to keep himself in her good graces now she knows his secret) and she acknowledges him with a nod. 
The smile is still there—odd. She looks a moment away from giggling, a sound that he didn't think her mouth could form. 
Now he needs to know. 
“Copper for your thoughts, darling?” he drawls. 
What’s going on in that confusing head of yours?
“I just thought—when Scratch said he’d join us at camp. I pictured Withers and him,” a corner of her mouth lifts, “playing catch. ‘Cometh here, oh chosen canine, and followeth thy ball along its rightful path.’”
Her eyes tear up from contained laughter (Have they always been so blue? He just realises one is more of a grey colour), then she coughs a little and her entire face resettles on its usual assessing expression. 
"You're a bad influence, Astarion. I don't usually tease my elders, especially not millennia-old ones."
Astarion blinks (So she does have a sense of humour, even if it’s terrible).
He finds himself leaning into her, testing the boundaries. His sultry voice in her ear. "Darling, as your elder, you can tease me all you like. You have my permission." He is rewarded not with a whimper of excitement, but with the look again.
He finds himself suppressing a stray giggle and his hands stop shaking.  
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moriartyluver · 7 months
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"Keep your fucking voice down, Sherly!" (Name) whisper-yelled at the noirette "We didn't come here to drink the stupid overpriced coffee anyways." 
It was a Monday afternoon, about 4 ish now, and (Name), as well as her fellow band mates, had the bright idea to go to an expensive coffee shop in central London. 
So here they were, in an exclusive coffee shop full of white men in suits or stressed out secretaries, and the occasional rich women hanging out. 
"Kopi Luwak.." James muttered "What even is that..? It's so damn expensive..."
"Bet you could still afford it with those sugar daddies of yours," Sherlock remarked before (Name) kicked his leg under the table to shut him up 
Obviously they weren't here without reason. (Namen had seen a TikTok talking about all the places to find a rich boyfriend, which she wasn't really interested in, but she decided that because coffee shops usually were full of businessmen around this time of day, it would be a perfect place to find themselves a rich manager. 
John took out his phone, Googling the expensive coffee, before showing James and Sherlock who sat opposite in the little booth with wide eyes. 
"It's made of what?!" James exclaimed 
"You guys didn't know that?" (Name) raised an eyebrow 
"What and you did?" Sherlock mimicked "No wonder..you're always picking up random facts." 
"Why would they drink that crap in the first place anyways?" James asked, looking through the Wikipedia article on John's phone. "Like why do they need a weird cat raccoon thing to eat the coffee cherries and then take their poop for the coffee..?"
"It more because of processing rather than the actual crap that comes out." (Name) said "Hey what if I order a large cup of plain coffee and then get some extra cups for free so we don't look stupid while also not spending a shit ton on coffee either?" 
"Good idea, I'm not paying." Sherlock said bluntly 
"Fucking cheapskate." (Name) rolled her eyes "I have enough to buy a cup but it's like twenty quid for a large cup...I'll make sure to get as many sugar packets as possible, okay?" She said, standing up to go order at the counter. Everyone nodded, prompting (name) to leave. 
As she waited in the queue, a man carrying three cups on coffee as well as a few biscuits and cakes in little boxes. His arms were full and he was clearly struggling to keep everything together, not to mention, he looked exhausted! 
With the current rush in the coffee shop, it wasn't really that surprising, but based on the man's appearance, he did seem to be quite the wealthy businessman. She could see the little Cartier watch on his wrist and his suit was clearly expensive. 
Another, likely wealthy, businessman and walked right by him, ruining the balance of items and causing the brown haired gentleman to drop his coffee cups. (Name), who's attention was turned away for a moment as she moved along in the queue, turned around as if she had spidey sense or something. 
Before they could hit the ground though, (name), who was stood fairly close, managed to catch it all in time, almost comically. 
'How the fuck did I manage that..?'
'How on earth did she manage that..?'
"Yikes .." (Name) chuckled awkwardly, "that was a close one" she said, handing the items to him with a small smile. She looked up and met eyes with the stranger, her mind racing back to the other day. 
"You're.." The green eyed man muttered to himself, recognising her as the girl Herder knew of as (Name) 
"I see my reputation really does precede me.." She hummed "The world really is small, huh?" 
"it is indeed," Albert smiled "I've heard..great..things about you and your band." 
(name) blinked in surprise "Really? because I'd expect that Mr Von Herder would paint me out as some sort of war criminal..hah.." her eyes drifted back to the rest of the band in their little booth "I'm assuming he told you about my little musical ambitions.." she said as Sherlock mouthed a 'the fuck are you doing?' to her  
"He did," Albert confirmed with a nod, then looked to his watch on his wrist, cursing under his breath "Deepest apologies, but I must be going..my brothers are waiting for me." He said, somehow retrieve it a business card from his pocket and handing it to a dumbfounded (Name) before taking off. 
Her eyes scanned the card. 
Albert J. Moriarty 
'What a fancy name..' 
(Name) eventually came back as planned, the business card in the pocket of her jacket, and a large cup of black coffee, a few empty cups and a lot of sugar packets. 
"So, were you just eyefucking that rich guy or am I high?" Sherlock asked, right before (name) kicked him in the shin. "Ow!" 
"I wasn't.." she raised her eyebrows, moving her eyes around in a strange manner, conscious of  the members of polite society around them "you know..you lot couldn't hear me, but rich guy was at Herder's the other day, and I just happened to remember him while he was about to drop all his stuff and have a big dramatic disaster." She said, sitting down beside Sherlock, opposite James, who looked anxious to say something. 
"Anyways," (Name) continued with a grin. "He gave me this." She slid the business card onto the middle of the table, recreating that one scene from 'American Psycho' "mission: find potential manager is a success!"  
John picked it up, inspecting it closely, then put it back on the fancy table "this is legit! The card and the font and everything, it looks like a real rich guy business card." 
"I don't think I've ever heard you say legit before." Sherlock said "also how do you know so much about business cards?" 
"A lot of old guys think I'm gay." 
"Moving on," James said, giving John a little side eye before allowing a wide smile to creep up onto his already cheerful face "I have some news~" 
"You're starting an onlyfans?" (Name) asked 
"No-" James scrunched up his nose, looking offended "I, your extraordinary bassist, got us a gig." 
"You did?!" (Name) exclaimed "Are you for real?!" 
"I did indeed," he said smugly, leaning back in the plush seat  "It's a birthday party-" 
"I knew there was gonna be a catch," (Name) sighed, resting her forehead against the table as Sherlock gave her a sympathetic pat on the back. 
James shook his head "it's not a kid's party, don't worry. The birthday girl's turning 18 and she wanted the party to be like a concert I guess, so she wants us to do a hunch of Arctic monkeys covers instead of the usual stuff," he explained 
"If she wanted a concert, then why doesn't she just go to one?" Sherlock groaned 
(Name) lifted her head up "in what universe would the Arctic monkeys play at a birthday party full of kids? Besides, they're not on tour in the uk anymore, so it's not like she could go to a concert for her birthday either." She said "I mean, it's fine as long as the songs she picks out are good...I don't wanna have to play any of the TikTok famous ones anymore." 
"She seems like the type to like every song, but the list I've got is a bit of a mix," James said, pulling out his phone, reading off his notes app "Teddy picker, Bet you look good on the dance floor, cigarette smoke..stuff like that." 
"Well that's bearable then," (name) nodded "When's the party?" 
"Uhhh.." James trailed off nervously "Friday.." 
"Oh, next Fridays alright, a bit soon, but we can manage," she said, brushing away her hair from her face 
"I mean, this Friday..like in four days.." The blond sank into his chair, bracing himself for (Name)'s reaction. 
"What?" She blinked "Are you fucking shitting me?" 
"It'll be fine, (name)," Sherlock reassured, dragging his words  "you always work best under pressure anyways." 
"Yeah well you lot clearly fucking don't." (Name) glared at her friend beside her, then sighed deeply "Okay, this is fine. We'll have to start practicing all the songs immediately, it should be fine considering we've done most of them already," she muttered to herself "The band t-shirts I ordered should be here by Wednesday..we'll be fine..we'll be fine." 
The noirette groaned "see, you're freaking out over nothing."
"As usual." James added. 
(Name) rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her coffee. "As the band leader, I'm the one who needs to be in charge of things until we get a manager, that means I have the right to freak out over this shit." 
"Who made you band leader?" Sherlock asked, raising an eyebrow. 
(Name) scoffed "you think you would do any better? I literally just got us a potential rich manager just by being pretty and memorable. Besides, I'm the leader singer  and guitarist, and the only girl and we all know girls are much more mature than you xy chromosome havers." she said, putting a hand to her chest. 
"She has a point." John agreed 
"Shut up, John." Sherlock kicked him beneath the table. He turned to (name) "So are we gonna start practicing today or..?" 
"I don't know, do you want to sound like shit or..?" (Name) mimicked. "Of course we'll practice today, we don't have that much time, stupid." she said, standing up "We need to make use of the next 100 or so hours we have left." 
"You calculated it?" James asked
She rolled her eyes again "Obviously." 
"I literally have nothing to wear, James, I'm freaking the fuck out," (Name) spoke to her phone, propped up on her desk as she walked around the room "I mean I'm not much of a party goer, so obviously I'm not gonna have party clothes, but I thought, maybe I'd have something!" 
James sighed, his face filling the screen on (name)'s phone as they FaceTimed. "Just put on one of those shirts and a pair of bootcut jeans and you're done." He suggested as she dug through her wardrobe. 
"No, I need something wow, you know. Something that'll make an impression." She said, pulling something out from the hangers. A cheetah print coat. "Perfect." 
"What is it?" James called out to her 
"I just so happened to find this old thing," she said, going back to her phone and showing him the jacket "If anything I own screams arctic monkeys, this definitely does." 
"Ohh..that is clever. You put on some red lipstick and a pair of boots and you're done, might as well change your name to arabella." James smiled before returning to his mirror to apply some eyeliner. "Do you think sherly and John would be ready by now?" 
(Name) rolled her eyes as she's looked for a pair of jeans/black skirt to wear with band t shirt she had got and a pair of black boots, putting her phone down so James could only see her cieling while she changed. "Knowing sherly, he's probably asleep or something. I swear if he didn't wear that outfit I planned for him, I'll beat his ass." 
"Yeah, he really suits that whole emo boy look, I think it's the hair." James agreed as (name) propped her phone back up once she was done. "I'd bring some eyeliner and eyeshadow just in case be does use the cheap stuff you lent him." 
"I'd be surprised if he even managed to open the makeup at all by himself, he's so incompetent." She sat down, quickly putting on her makeup, messing it up on purpose
James laughed "Well at least he can play guitar, half decently." He said "Hey you think I should look through my 2020 alt stuff, see what I can salvage?" 
"God no." (Name) advised. "Unless you plan on getting tomato's thrown at you the entire gig." 
"Yeah you're right," the blond admitted "those boots have outgrown me anyways since I started taking hormones." He said, putting down his eyeliner. "You done yet?" 
"Gimme a spin, we need to mutually agree on your cuntiness." James said, his voice going up a couple octaves. 
(Name) snorted in amusement, backing away once she'd finished so he could see her full frame, twirling around, kicking her leg up to the back of her knee as she posed, eliciting a few cheers and 'yas queen slay!'s  (Obviously not in a serious sense) from James. He even took a few screen shots so he could post them on his Instagram story after the 'concert'. 
"Alright. I'm gonna hang up now,so I can get going." She said eventually, thumb hovering over the 'end call' button. "Call sherly and tell him to be at john's in like Ten minutes ish. He's driving us, Yknow." 
"Yeah cool." James said, fixing up his smudged eyeliner, emphasising those bright blue eyes of his. "I'll remind him of your little murder threats, too if you want." 
"Alright, see you later." (Name) chuckled hanging up. 
"Look who's not an hour late," (name) called out her friend as she saw him approaching johns house just as she was about to knock on the door. 
"Look who isn't an hour early," Sherlock retorted. His deep blue eyes landed on a little waggon beside her feet. "Is that..?" 
"My guitar and amp? Yeah, it is." She looked at sherlocks own equipment on his old skateboard "I'm assuming we had a similar idea, just different executions. Just goes to show why I'm smarter than you." 
"Tell that to your exam results." He spat 
(Name) scoffed "as if yours are any better." 
Sherlock gasped dramatically "I am not an emo!" 
"Well either that or your zesty," (name) smirked "I mean, with that hair, you definitely have tried a little more than most." 
"I'll have you know I've only ever been attracted to p-" Sherlock was cut off by the door opening, revealing John and James at the door. 
"There you two are!" John beamed. He looked his usual self, but instead of his usual dull jumper, he wore a black t shirt with the words 'Baker Street boys' in a thick white font, just like the other members, except Sherlock was wearing a pair of baggy dark jeans with an embroidered skull to match his skull ring, (name) was..slaying, to put it simply and James was wearing a pair of pair of straight legged jeans, covered in rhinstones to match the glitter on his eyes. 
"Alright, we all ready? We need to hurry if we wanna get there on time." James said, exiting the door to walk towards johns old car. "Put your stuff in the back and we'll get going." 
"Didnt you say we'd be going to one of those rich neighbourhoods?" (Name) asked, putting her guitar in the boot of the car carefully. 
"Yeah," James nodded, opening the door to the passenger seat "The kids turning 18, so her parents let her do whatever the fuck she wanted. One of those new money types, you know." 
"That explains the money we're getting then." Sherlock said, shutting the door to the boot "If we can get more of their little rich friends to hire us for a parties or something, we'll be rich in no time." 
"Which will only happen if we don't play like shit." (Name) said harshly as she put on her seatbelt "You guys remember the song list?" 
"Considering we've been playing it non stop since Monday, yes, yes we do." James peaked behind his seat to look at her. He looked at Sherlock sat beside her. "You need to get your make up done before we start playing." 
"It's not my fault that shits so difficult." Sherlock groaned, folding his pale arms over his chest "Cant we just do it before we start playing?" 
(Name) sighed "you really are incompetent, arent you?" 
"At least my parents love me." 
"Are you the band?" A girl, about 19 or 20, asked the four at the door. 
(Name) held up her red guitar "obviously." She said "Where should we set up?" 
"Follow me," the girl said, guiding them through the large house to a big hall "There's only a few people here, you're lucky you arrived early." She explained while the band dragged their equipment in there. "You can set up in here, get the band stuff out that car, and you can start playing when there's like more people or whatever. The birthday girl's with her friends right now, but she'll come in here soon." 
"Alright, thanks." James murmured as she walked away "god this place is fucking huge." He said, turning to (Name) who was busy plugging her amp in
"I hate rich people." She whispered to him "Bet they have a pool or like a cinema room or some shit...Wonder how they could afford all this." She turned to Sherlock who had a blank expression "go help John get his drums in, dude." Sherlock rolled his eyes, walking out and dumping his guitar on the floor. 
"Her dad's an mp and her mums like a model, vogue and everything," James said, setting up his bass guitar 
(Name) narrowed her eyes at him as she put the mic down "how do you know that?" 
James chuckled nervously "err..google?" 
"Whatever." She said, turning her attention to Sherlock and John who were bringing in the drums. "Hurry up, I heard some cars pulling up out there. We still have a couple of things to do." 
"Actually we're pretty much done after we put these instruments in place," John said matter of factly then paused "oh wait, Sherlock needs to do his Makeup." 
"You're making me sound like a girl." Sherlock glared "I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. (Name), can't you help me out?” He begged with a whiney voice. 
“Sit down.” She said, pointing to the drummers stool before pulling out her makeup bag, kneeling before him. “Close your eyes.” She said, applying dark blue eyeshadow on the centre of sherlocks eyelids, surrounding it with glittery black eyeshadow on the edges. She took out an eyeliner pencil, asking Sherlock to open his eyes again and look up while she applied it to his waterline, smudging it slightly. 
“Done.” She held up her pocket mirror to his face. He took it, looking at his eyes slowly. “You look like Effy stonem if she was a guy.” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Sherlock said, shutting the motto and handing it back to (name) who was putting away her makeup. “Thanks.” He said reluctantly. 
“Don’t mention it.” (Name) stood up, checking the mic to make sure it was working correctly. 
John peaked outside the open entrance, looking down the hall to see a storm of teenagers, mostly 17 and 18. He turned to the band, sitting down by his drums “ready?” 
“Barely.” (Name) groaned, watching the crowd gradually form while someone switched off the lights. She could smell the faint stench of alcohol flood the air, along with the scent of body odour and..was that weed..? 
“PST,” someone hissed from the side of the makeshift stage. It was the girl from earlier, the birthday girl’s older sister. “Hurry up, these kids are waiting.” She whispered 
(Name) ran a hand through her (hair colour) hair, messing it up on purpose as she picked up her guitar, leaning forward to the mic in front of her. 
(Quick A/N: this is the first song btw, super good, please listen to it.) 
It made a loud noise before she spoke. “Um..we’re the Baker Street boys,” she said nervously “Happy birthday,” she shut her eyes trying to remember the name 
“Tabitha, happy birthday Tabitha.” She repeats. “My name’s (Name), f-from the Baker Street boys, here with Sherlock,” cue a few giggles at his name “James, and our drummer, John.” She hesitantly smiled. “And this is ‘I bet that you look good on the dance floor, by the Arctic Monkeys, which is funny because uh..we’re doing only arctic monkeys covers today, haha.” 
“A-Anyways, make some noise, or whatever.” She muttered as she took a deep breath, strumming her guitar while John started drumming. “Stop making the eyes at me, and I’ll stop making the eyes at you.” Her voice had cracked mid line in a whine, but somehow she had pulled it off, sparking a few of the sweaty teenagers to start singing along, despite it not being a typical TikTok song. 
“What it is that surprises me is that I don’t really want you to,” she sang, gripping the mic with one song whilst the rest of the band played in the background. 
Surprisingly or not, (name) was stiff, lacking any stage presence she may have previously had while she attempted to sing and play at the same time. She couldn’t believe she was thinking this, but thank god Sherlock was there as the backup guitarist. 
“And your shoulders are frozen,” She continued, slowly getting more confident 
“Cold as the night!” 
At least the others managed to remember to do back up vocals. 
“Oh but you’re an explosion!” (Name) had slowly begun to realise the rawness in her voice actually made this particular cover sound fairly good, and with the encouragement of those around her, the confidence had started to settle in. 
“You’re dynamite!” 
“Your name isn’t Rio but I don’t care for sand and lighting the fuse might result in a bang b-b-bang-oh!” She sang, fingers pointed in a gun while the other strummed at the guitar strapped over her chest “I bet that you look good on the dance floor, I don’t know if you’re looking for romance or, I don’t know what you’re looking for! I said I bet that you look good on the dance floor, dancing to electro pop like a robot from 1984, well from 1984!”  
“I wish that you’d stop ignoring me because it’s sending me to despair. Without a sound, yeah you’re calling me, and I don’t think it’s very fair,” she raised her voice slightly as she tried to sing over the increasingly loud crowd before her, her body much less stiff than when she started. She continued with the chorus, earning a few cheers as the band played better with each passing second. 
“Well from 1984..!” She almost panted, losing breath as she strained her vocal chords “Oh, there ain't no love, no Montagues or Capulets, Just banging tunes and DJ sets and dirty dance floors and dreams of naughtiness” 
While she sang that particular line, a face popped into her head, or rather the face. What was the posh blond man doing in her thoughts while she was screaming her lungs out singing some indie rock song? 
“Well I bet that you look good on the dance floor! I don’t know if you’re looking for romance or what, I don’t know what you’re looking for!!” Frankly, she doubted she would ever see him again, as upsetting as that seemed. Not like she had much of a chance though. “I said, I bet that you look good on the dance floor,” it would be funny, a smart guy with a rockstar wannabe like her “d-dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984,” She did want to see him again though…but he was probably an apparition or something, that explained why he looked so angelic. No. She had to see him again some day.
“Said from 1984!”
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A/N: I wonder what will happen next >:). I’m so sorry for those who are only reading for Liam, I promise he’s gonna make another appearances in like a couple of chapters. Also this arc is kinda inspired by the Pistols series so watch that because it’s so good. Off topic but I got a cat and he’s so cute but also looks like Alex turner it’s hilarious.
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fuck-customers · 8 months
hey gang! me again (from /post/741038774641983488, bitching about the two coworkers and the filthy deli slicer), and i guess we couldn’t go three days/two shifts without more bullshit from J1! as i write this it’s currently the morning after the shift described below. thankfully, i have the day off today, due to a prior appointment, so i might be able to wind down again before going in again tomorrow afternoon.
so before Chef C left on the hell shift prior, he asked me to be there at noon, when the first folks are showing up for their prep. good thing, too, because shortly after i arrive, before i even clock in, the head line cook (M) that showed up the same time i did informs me that he’s just gotten a text from C saying that both the sous chef S and the pantry cook J1 have called out for the day, leaving me as (currently) the only person available with any experience on pantry.
before i switched mostly to dish, this was fine, because i could rest assured that the old pantry lead (name irrelevant; no longer works there) would have as much as possible done and prepped for the next shift, even with the one day off we had between. the only time she wouldn’t is if the store was going to be closed for 3-4+ days straight and we needed to be concerned about spoilage. thus i would be left with minimal prep actually needed to be done and could just focus on the essentials.
considering this prior prep cook is the one who trained me and J1, it’d be safe to assume that she’d follow the same practices, right? well, clearly, that’s giving her too much credit, because again, i never got trained to any degree on how to make the vast majority of what gets “cooked” for pantry, and apparently she’s incapable of planning ahead even if for no other reason than to simply make her own job easier.
to make matters worse, we had just gotten a shipment, so the walk-in was packed full without any room to get around; i’d have put it away myself, but i don’t know where the vast majority of the shit goes, and i don’t want to fuck up the already tenuous inventory log situation that C constantly grouses about. i’m resultantly unable to get counts for anything we already have, so for the time being i focus on what i am able to easily access to get done, which is mostly plating desserts.
after a couple hours, a temp (E) comes in to help. there is a language barrier and she has never worked pantry before, only line, so i have to train her (through translation apps and my own rudimentary kitchen spanish) while also trying to figure out what the hell i’m doing myself. chef doesn’t get around to teaching me how to make two of the items we need until about half an hour before service starts, meaning i once again did not get a break and had to rush through making them myself, while i also try to get E set up with making sure everything she could put together was ready for service.
as you can probably imagine, this doesn’t go particularly well! E does great with the actual prep stuff, with dressing the cold cured meat dish and this that and the other, but as soon as we get to service it becomes an absolute shitshow. apparently nobody taught E on line that you need to send dishes out in the order the tickets come in, so we’re 15 tickets deep with more printing, and she’s ignoring things i specifically showed her how to make while we were slow to, instead, pull from the end of the queue to make salads that i keep having to drop what i’m doing to coach her on how to make correctly when they have a special request applied.
ultimately this results in me getting scolded by the GM/service lead to send tickets out in order, to which i just respond that “i’m trying,” and M comes to my defense when i can’t hear it to point out that i really wasn’t set up for success today, and folks kind of back off. thankfully we only end up with one extra dish (to my knowledge? something was said about extra carrot cakes but they were never brought back) and it’s just like. a half salad that E didn’t prep right so we couldn’t send it out.
insult to injury is that there were actually others present who had worked pantry before. one of the expo cooks (D) actually comes back to help J1 all the time, but because of S being absent he had to focus on expo—and he ended up leaving before dinner service without raising a finger or even pausing to ask to make sure i was going to be okay with just me and the temp. D’s got a problem habit of leaving without doing everything that needs done, anyway, which ended up resulting in J2 getting forced into overtime to pick up his and J1’s slack on that front, which is why he wasn’t there for this shift. probably ultimately for the better but i really would have appreciated the extra pair of hands.
due to the string of buffoonery that resulted in us missing no less than 3 kitchen staff and damn near everyone who knew how to do anything of substance on pantry, i wasn’t really given an opportunity to call for help. thankfully M had my back and nobody seems to have any hard feelings now that it was made clear to them that i wasn’t given room to do anything but struggle, and the GM and service staff took it pretty well when i apologized for how much of a shitshow pantry became, but i really should not have been left drowning like that in the first place.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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mikaswannabe · 1 year
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i imagine that miss mama carla was a firehouse baby. for the first 3 years of her life she grew up w two chaotic + unstable parents that just left her at a fire station one day.
then she grew up in foster care and from 13-18 she stayed in a group home with other girls of all different backgrounds, and they felt like family even if it was chaotic.
something that she took up during her childhood was sewing. like this bitch can make anything if she got a lil fabric. and she knows how to throw deown.
she has italian lineage with a thick jersey / new york accent in my head. curves like a disney mom.
after high school she went to a community college and also took classes at a fashion school. for money, she was the most one of the most charismatic bartenders & bottle girls you could ever meet, coming home with her pockets full of tips with the help of her pretty ass face.
everybody loves carla! if you don’t, you did something wrong. she has connections to so many helpful people because everyone just knows she’s that bitch.
and where do you think eren gets his firecracker ways from? she loves a good time, having all eyes on her at clubs, but if any jerk got out of line her mouth would run off the chaiinnn, and don’t make her have to slap the piss out of somebody, because she will.
at around 21, she met grisha, who was 26 and in med school. how did she meet him? partied too hard and wound up being treated by him.
“you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re just a student. get me an actual doctor.”
“or, you could go home. deal with the massive knot on your head and possible concussion by yourself.”
fuck, she loved his accent.
“at least i won’t have to see you again.”
yeah, they hooked up that night. knot on forehead and all.
she didn’t think she was gonna fall for the man, especially since he already had a kid, but then a messy 3 years of falling in love later she was pushing eren’s big head out and marrying this german man.
she worked a desk job while eren was young, but after grisha got on top of his medical school fees and started getting that neurosurgeon money, she was in her stay at home mom bag.
eren was such an troublesome bby to deal with. he would always be running around and making him sit still was a challenge. one of the only times he would shut up without even having to be told anything would be when he spotted his mom drawing sketches of her dress designs, crawling up on her lap and watching everything she did.
and something that always infatuated him was her few tattoos that he would see every now and again. like the dragon on her shoulder that had beautiful lilies drawn around it, or the butterflies on her left foot. when he got into his tattoo art talent, grisha was against it but carla embraced it, allowing him to refresh her old tats and them getting matching ones of each other’s names, his on the back of his shoulder while hers is on her arm.
as eren got older his favorite parent was evident. he loves his mom but he LOVES annoying her even more. just goes in her room and lays on her bed like “what we watching?” the amount of times she’s popped his hand for reaching into her food.
she loves her son, but she gets to that “get the fuck away from me, eren. my head’s throbbing like a fuckin’ drum with you around, god.” he know’s he succeeded when she has to physically push him out of the room.
when they’re at home it’s either, “sweetie, have you eaten?” or “get out this kitchen, you moose! i’ll throw this fryin’ pan at your skull, move!”
when ppl be like, “eren, your mom’s so nice.” he agrees, but not forgetting to say “to you guys.”
but seriously, when it came to being a community mom in eren’s grade school days, carla was it! always packing foods and drinks for kids at the games, taking them out to eat afterwards, and clearing hoes at pto meetings. that mama drama is no joke.
now that e’s in college, when other mom’s complain that they miss their baby so much, she just nods. she was glad eren got his ass out by 18. she loves her baby, but handful isn’t even enough to describe him.
she’s able to claim time for herself again, and then, she knows her son, and even with all the problems he can bring onto himself, she knows he’ll be fine.
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The four stages of "Amy Dallon did nothing wrong":
Stage 1: Completely unaware.
At first, you have never heard of Worm, and don't know who anyone is. As such, you can't possibly judge someone since you have no idea what she may or may not have done. You give everyone the benefit of the doubt and say that Amy Dallon did nothing wrong.
Stage 2: Vague awareness.
You know what Worm is now, and have heard some names enough times to get a very general sense of who the characters are, even if you still have no idea what really happens beyond "everything is really fucked up". However, that's enough to recognize that Amy seems to be a reasonably major character based on how often people talk about her, and she seems to be allied with the protagonist Taylor. Given that Worm is a story where nobody is 100% morally pure, you figure Amy probably did a few bad things but they were justifiable, so it's not much of a stretch to say Amy Dallon did nothing wrong.
Stage 3: Fandom knowledge.
At this point, you follow at least a few people who do regular wormposting, and you've heard of a decent number of plot points and can understand most memes that don't involve very minor characters. You know exactly what Amy is famous for, because the fandom has some strong opinions about it. Most reasonable people hate her. Wildbow hates her. And so, you solemnly dust off the ancient memes and you say: much like Vriska before her, Amy Dallon Did Nothing Wrong.
Stage 4: Canon knowledge.
Maybe you've actually, finally, read Worm by now. Or maybe, like me, you were missing two players from your D&D game and decided to make a Worm-themed oneshot for the people who were left, and you were going to play Amy as a DM-PC but when you ran the character by a friend she said "that sounds more like Bonesaw" so instead you decided to play a plural system of both of them for extra psychic damage, and then said friend told you the actual details of Amy's arc as it really happens, without all the usual fandom judgement attached, and so you're now an expert in this one girl in particular but not the rest.
What the hell, you think upon seeing the full story. That's not what the fandom made it sound like. What do you mean she's not actually related to Victoria? What do you mean the mind control was an accident, and for everything that followed, nobody involved was even remotely sane and able to reason about the situation? You know now that the world has failed Amy, not the other way around, and that most of the fault you would have ascribed to her rightfully lies with almost everyone else in her life instead.
Oh my god, you realize. Amy Dallon really did do almost nothing purposefully wrong.
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strangelock221b · 2 months
S2E6 (spoilers abound)
Do we have to see Jaehaerys' body in the opening credits every week now?
Hi, Jason! Glad to see you're just as full of yourself as ever. He doesn't want to make a move without Aemond and Vhagar. Wow, and here I thought Tyland got all the brains.
"I am the Prince Regent, not a dog to be called to heel." Honey, you're both, and the sooner you can accept that, the happier all of us will be.
Ironrod suggests marrying Alicent to the Red Kraken (the current Lord Greyjoy). Dude, who do you think you are, Otto Hightower?
"The longer we wait, the more chance (Daemon) will prevail." No, no, keep waiting -- Alys and the curse of Harrenhal will drive him completely mad soon enough.
"My uncle is a challenge I welcome, if he dares to face me." I don't know how to break this to you, Aemond, but this crush of yours is not reciprocated.
Aemond fires Alicent from the Small Council and is a misogynistic dick about it. Alicent accuses him of still being angry about losing an eye. Honey, you're the one who wanted his nephew's eye taken in revenge, where did you think talk like that would lead?
Corlys wearing his Hand of the Queen pin. It looks good on you, dude.
Ah, the Sowing of the Dragonseeds. Rhaenyra's desperation for additional dragonriders is going to get a bunch of people killed or maimed.
The Small Council knows she is reaching and for fucking once, I agree with them. Maybe they'd take her seriously if she didn't sound like she was talking to her younger children.
Ser Steffon has so little Targ blood in him that it's not going to matter. Rhaenyra, this is such a dumb idea.
"Then perhaps the gods will favor us." Not unless the writers are going off-book (again).
Hi, Daemon. Which dead family member are you going to see tonight?
And he's back in the throne room, lovely. "The Heir for a Day" shit again? That must be really pressing on Daemon's conscience now that Viserys is dead.
Speaking of, hi, Viserys! Good to see you in (relative) health again. I hope HBO is paying all these cameo actors well, they all seem to be having a blast tormenting Daemon again (who looks truly devastated right now). HBO, you'd better be getting Matt's For Your Consideration campaign ready for next year's Emmys.
Ooo, a Rhea mention, even if we don't see her! I'll take it.
It's entirely possible that none of this is actually Alys or the curse's doing -- Daemon's conscience has more than enough fodder to torment him with. He hurt his brother, all three of his wives, and his daughters. It's about time all of that bothered him.
"...Stop watching me." And you still think you're fit to take KL by yourself? You're never leaving the Riverlands, Daemon.
"Daemon Targaryen asking for help?" "Counsel." He's losing his mind one night at a time but dammit, he's still got his wit.
"In three days' time, the winds will shift." Grover Tully is gonna die.
It's so dark in this cave that I can't tell which dragon that is. In the book, Steffon attempts to ride Seasmoke. Oh, it is Seasmoke. Thank God somebody said his name because he looks nearly black in the darkness.
"Do not show fear." Too late, Steffon is freaking the fuck out.
Just burn/eat him already, the tension is driving me nuts.
Is that dragontamer seriously just holding a long stick? Against a giant fire-breathing flying reptile?
Finally! Holy shit, that took FOREVER.
The Hull brothers are so goddamn hot. But don't think I didn't notice, Ryan, that the first person we see after Seasmoke's little barbecue is Addam. :P
So, is this madam TRYING to start a rebellion or what? "And his rightful heir denied her seat." Yep, she's trying.
"You have forgotten to fear me." You're going to have to do more than slap him, Rhaenyra.
Oh, the madam is working for Mysaria, got it. This really could work.
"This becomes you." Yeah, a sword in her hand so she can actually do her own fighting. Too bad nobody taught her how to use it.
Didn't the French Revolution start because of a famine? The smallfolk don't care who's on the throne as long as their bellies are full.
Oh Dear God, Otto as Hand to Aemond? Well, at least those Small Council meetings won't be boring.
Aemond's going to smother Aegon II with a pillow, I just know it. Aegon whimpers when he sees Aemond and you can't blame him. TGC is killing it with the agony, he needs a For Your Consideration campaign too.
"I remember nothing." I don't believe you and, unfortunately, Aemond doesn't either.
Rhaena and Joffrey come across a scorched area but they're in the Vale, who could've done that? Now she's in Aegon III and Viserys II's nursery with the boys and a baby dragon that I assume is Aegon's Stormcloud. Cute little dragon.
"You hate it here." Jeyne, you're not doing a damn thing to change her mind.
"Wild." So, are we talking Grey Ghost, the Cannibal, or Sheepstealer? Fuck, I guess this means the Rhaena-Nettles fusion rumor is true, if the wild dragon is Sheepstealer.
Rhaenyra is sending care packages to the people of KL. I fucking LOVE this!
Dammit, I don't want to like Gwayne Hightower but the actor has been making that fucking difficult. "He's kind." The delivery of that, you can tell Gwayne knows that's what Alicent wants to hear.
Rioting in the streets over Rhaenyra's care packages. Okay, maybe this was a bad idea, but it's certainly sowing rebellion.
Larys was born at Harrenhal? That explains SO MUCH. Him aligning himself with Aegon II is interesting and he's right, Aemond wants to kill his brother. Let's see where this goes.
Daemon's vision again. Looks like Aemma's death, great. I truly think Daemon loved Viserys, he was just too self-centered to express that love properly.
"Lord Grover is dead." Called it! Oh, Alys absolutely fucking killed him.
Addam and Seasmoke. Seasmoke misses Laenor and he can presumably tell that Addam is Laenor's kinsman (half-brother).
Is Seasmoke LAUGHING at Addam?
Holy fucking shit, I did not appreciate that jump scare!
Mysaria's backstory is fucking dark, even for GRRM.
Well, this is a ship I never thought I'd see on this show. I don't ship it but I'm sure there are fans out there who are absolutely thrilled right now.
Rhaenyra on Syrax, there's something we haven't seen in a while.
They're ending the episode there? We know it's Addam on Seasmoke, this isn't exactly news to the audience. Bah.
Preview for next week. "With these dragons, peace will be restored." *laughs from having read "Fire and Blood"* And they call Helaena a Dreamer.
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ablizmal · 10 months
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hello!! this is my selfship introductory post!!!
(i’m posting two versions of this post— one with all these lovely little gifs, and one without, as i know some people can be sensitive to them <33)
my dearly beloved selfship is lawliz 🥰 (or lawlizzie if i want it to sound even cuter lol).
it’s of. uhhhhhh. me and the sweets loving detective from death note/// 👉👈
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(no this isn’t suggestive, it’s just y2k in-universe and i LOVE y2k clothing lol)
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some basics on the selfship!!!
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we appear to be solar opposites in a bunch of different ways!
he’s calm and collected, always keeping things to himself unless he wants to ruin someone’s entire life and be painfully blunt about something HAKDJAHDSJS. whereas i seemingly am open, emotional, and spirited!!
my alias is “juliette rae ambers” (YES i created a full ass pseudo name dhsjdkajdjajajs). but to distinguish me irl and in-selfship-universe me, i’ll refer to my self insert as “juliette” whenever i talk about them.
L first met juliette through a past case, as they did some SHADY looking shit lmao. she’s just that eccentric and erratic <333
SO after spending some time with her, he eventually realizes they’re not apart of the case. like at ALL. but L basically goes “okay. wait, what the fuck’s wrong with her actually?” and continues to spend time with them because of that HAHAJDJSJSKSJS (again— juliette is eccentric and unpredictable.)
watari brings up how excited and affectionate juliette gets whenever he catches a glimpse of them together. L doesn’t get why watari is bringing this up. watari suggests that perhaps, juliette has a crush on L.
yeah, so L’s brain crashes DHSKDJSKDJAJHSAKS
he didn’t even think of that as a POSSIBILITY because he views himself as undesirable, ugly, creepy, etc (🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
so L brings this up with juliette. she denies it terribly (because they’re such a mess when they’re flustered), but after relenting, L reveals that he brought it up because he’s interesting in learning more about it. he has trouble identifying his own emotions and hasn’t been in love before, so he asks me to be apart of a study. it’s just information, essentially, letters detailing specific sensations and lovey dovey thoughts i get of him.
i agree to it because i LOVE psychology and have always wanted to be apart of a psychological study!
but at this point, L isn’t in love with me. he slowly falls over time, much to his mental debates on if it’s “ethical” or not. (he’s overthinking it!!! ALSO, WOW, L thinking about morals when it comes to someone?? they must be a ~special someone~ to him 🤭)
the stoic character who keeps to himself is (mutually) in love with the visually expressive, musically inclined jester!!! (does this make sense 😭)
juliette is with L throughout the entire kira case. the first time the taskforce meets L, she’s just standing to his right side (it’s a whole thing) in a lolita getup, so they assume, like watari, that juliette is a maid to L of sorts. but NO, juliette just fucking LOVES fashion lmaooooooo
ANYWAYS, what i’m trying to get to is that juliette loves music. it connects to them on such a deep level, and they love to sing and entertain. so sometimes, as a break/interlude in the kira case, she sings and plays songs. (they’re oddly captivating… just like a performer at an event.)
L can’t have the taskforce knowing him and juliette’s interpersonal relationship, so he and juliette have silently agreed to refer to each other as “associates” whenever the question comes up.
juliette talks out loud a lot as a habit. but, again, she likes to be entertaining first and foremost, so she only says things she thinks will be the most intriguing. she can keep to herself just fine. but L knows. he knows how intentional everything they do is. he can relate, and is intrigued about this part of them. and without fail, he listens, catalogues, and responds to everything she says U///U because he caaaaares 🥹🥹🥹 (much to light’s annoyance during the case lol)
once misa starts to reside in the taskforce headquarters, you fucking KNOW she and juliette would become ✨fashion besties✨ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
juliette is very silly, laidback, loose, witty, thoughtful, and compassionate. will and has been promptly serious when the time calls for it.
juliette has forced L to watch rocky horror with them so. many. times. it’s now their couple movie of sorts aha <3
juliette cannot STAND light. he’s such an arrogant bitch baby, so she insults and burns him constantly (which L… enjoys 👀 JFKSJFKSJDKSJS, HE LOVES THE FACT THAT I CAN DEFEND MYSELF AND THAT I’M NOT A DOORMAT)
it’s so interesting to listen to these two talk. cause like, L is formal, a bit oddly polite in his wording, and naturally uses long words here and there. juliette, on the other hand, is very casual in speech. she casually swears, she refers to others with “dude,” “bro,” and “man,” and uses some slang words here and there. the taskforce members gawk at the sheer contrast sometimes.
so juliette’s mainly goth, right?? misa introduces her to the fashion, and she fucking loves it. her usual goth color combo is hot pink and black!!
…buuuuuut, juliette likes fashion in general, so sometimes she wear “pretty in pink” ass y2k outfits, then at other times glam rock-y, then gritty type of clothing, then elegant, they girly, then—
L loves to see whatever outfit they come up with (he for sure spoils the FUCK out of her hahajdjsjsja awwwwwwwww 😊 <333)
i could go on and on, but this is an INTRODUCTORY post, soo……….. these are the basics of their dynamic!! i will post art, fics, and just ramble posts in general talking about it!!! :]
you can find more content in my “accidental emo boy meets intentional goth girl(gender neutral)” tag on here, OR on my new, selfship only account @lawliz-indulgence !
i love this little selfshipping community, xxx (✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
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froshele · 1 year
something soooo fucking funny about the one mission in Exile now that im getting around to actually playing through it. you meet this guy Vasil who looks totally normal, he has hypermobility and a runny nose, theres people like that, thats a startlingly normal guy to have in your life as the Exile
you do him a solid and forget for years
and at this point in the game youre like well i really need an ally im on the run from my monster hunter dad (or at least some other male figure in my life i have a reason to know deathly fears heights and the ocean)... I fucked up hard earlier and now I'm in Tbilisi trying to get my old buddy Vasil to help me not die
And Vasil is totally normal about this but he's like well I would but Some Very Unsympathetic Men... well the Jews... The Jews have kidnapped my grandmother ...
and of course youre completely taken aback by this because what the fuck, why would the guys at a yeshiva in Tbilisi kidnap someones grandma
AND THEN YOU FIND OUT THE TRUTH: THAT THEY DID... And that it was a completely reasonable thing to do, and that you probably just monumentally cocked it up for everyone in the funniest way possible
because you know,, ok so you're some little old rabbi and you look at your weird little neighbour Vasil...
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You make an ASSUMPTION, you know. Like ok he is a fugitive big deal we all are a little. Ok maybe he's a Grail adept or just the son of some really goated ones, and that's why he's so handsome and yet so... moist? He has the grailness about him. You just wouldn't think... well whatever listen.
So you're minding your business, and then you see your moist neighbour Vasil interacting lovingly and filially with... uh...
with her
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Someone please make an artistic rendition of Vasil's grandma the Undergoer. I imagine her as a little old lady in probably Czech but possibly Georgian folk costume and a wig and glasses, except that of course she is also a horrific tangle of pulsating limbs. She has exactly the accent and mannerisms of a normal grandmother somehow except of course she's exceptionally filthy and constantly mumbling prophesies of doom
And she's just full on babbling absolutely deranged warnings of the horrors to come in public, just completely not adjusted at all to living as a human because why would she be. As a representative of the Watchman's Tree you are fully aware you have to Do Something about this.
And of course your first instinct is CHOLERA JASNA HOLY SHIT OMAIGAD KURWA SHADDAP, being that as confirmed in Book of Hours you are a type of baal shem or other occult adept concerned with keeping people safe, and the way you do this is by helping enforce the secret works of Calyptra, the Hours (divine names, kind of, close enough) that forbid the magic world spilling out on the normal one. You will be in serious trouble and so will people if something weird happens, but of course you can't expect an Undergoer to know or care about that, look at her, she's busy with her prophecies of doom and meat and things. Flirting with the mailman like that and all. Good Lord.
So obviously (thats someones grandma!) you can't murder her, but you also can't leave her as she is without telling her off politely and hiding her from the powers that be for a bit.. you have a convenient magic forest that can do that, might as well use it, right?
Depending on what you saw Vasil do exactly you might even misguidedly attempt to rescue the poor guy, except of course he's on the run from the Reckoners, he had plans in this sort of vein...
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Well so you send some bored little guys with nothing else to do down with a big butterfly net, a burlap sack and a box trap baited with some tinned pilchards someone found in the kitchen (you are an all male institution of wizards in 19beforethegreatwar, none of you can cook). The whooping tells you it worked. (Horrifyingly, the undergoer whoops along. She's showing support, probably.)
Somehow you contain the undergoer (who is quite at home in the magic forest your yeshiva connects to, and claims her containment is "ok she supposes" except for the lack of meat or [redacted] or [redacted] or [you didn't even know this was something someone would conceive of doing; truly, sheydim have their own strange ways]).
It goes OK, she's well behaved, in between raving about the feast at the end she crochets and sews little hats for all the students. Mostly the hats don't eat anybody, except Davarashvili who had it coming honestly, you won't even do anything because he started it. Life goes on.
Then one evening a ratty Antaean and his chums, probably drunk off their gourds (mechanical interpretation of preparations) and armed with lord even really knows what, bust down your doors, bother your guard Percussigant, terrorize and possibly murder some people and spring her loose. As they fuck off into that good night you overhear approximately this:
Exile: So madam uh... what the fuck, how did that even happen, I mean--
Grandma: Well sonny you see first I [unholy] and then I [unprintable] and then I was pregnant : ) then i gave birth in [absolutely nightmarish] and i [this is just obscene for no reason] and thats how i had my son! and of course he was vasil's grandfather, and [antiphonal voices deliver a prophecy of doom concerning vasil personally] but to me he'll always be my little flesh orb : ) [wet squelching] I have a few digestive biscuits still rattling around in here from back there, that nice little fellow Shimon gave them to me, do you maybe want a few dear ? I could regurgitate them for you!
Where do even gou go from here, what do you do?
Now imagine you're the Exile. You go on this whole roller-coaster of odd feelings (especially if Jewish yourself, there's room for the headcanon) and moral quandaries thinking the grandmother in question is human, only to have to keep going on this deranged raw prophet's fetch quest because you're already committed
Your friend Vasil is delighted to have his weird, pulsing, horrible little grandmother back from the clutches of very unsympathetic men (they didn't even let her eat or make any small children) and you have to go along with the idea that this is a totally normal situation. What's worse, like all Undergoers, Vasil's grandma is supernaturally compelling and charming, and well you haven't gotten any the entire time you've been on the run from dear old dad
The entire thing is just so stupid and so funny. It's so stupid its so funny its my favourite caper in the whole legacy barring maybe the Knotwingknot's Nest for vibes alone
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