snakes-on-skates · 2 months
hey can i just project my fear of doctors onto him real quick. please please please please please
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Just been thinking about how when Aziraphale said that 'Nothing Lasts Forever' and Crowley immediately took that in a totally different way than Aziraphale intended.
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The look of surprise and confusion that quickly becomes desperation that takes over Aziraphale face as Crowley walks away, he calls out to him, begs him to come back to him, and quickly covers it up with 'to heaven.'
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he didn't mean them, he would never mean them.
(a lot more under the cut)
the places would change, the circumstances would change, the people and the play and the drama would change, they have always had different seasons of their relationship.
but them, together, as always been as constant as the tides and the phases of the moon, even if they get separated for a month or a decade or a century, they always come back together.
Also been thinking about how Crowley doesn't have faith in a lot of things (for obvious reasons), but the most heart breaking is how he has no faith that underneath it all, no matter what, Aziraphale loves him and wants to be with him, even though he has a mountain of evidence of it.
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Its been pointed out that Aziraphale this whole season has seemed to be trying to get closer emotionally to Crowley, 'shooting his shot.'
'Its our car, its our bookshop, its our plan to save Gabriel, take my hand lets dance while you tell me what's wrong my dear boy.'
More than just an arrangement, more than fraternizing, more then just friendly banter over drinks and food, it always was more, but now they can act like it, Aziraphale is going for it in his own way.
and Aziraphale is so obviously frustrated during the fight that Crowley doesn't see that.
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but come on, you can't blame Crowley at this point, Aziraphale is effectively asking Crowley to change literally everything about themselves and forget a millennia of trauma and anger and guilt and self-loathing.
It sure makes it seem like Aziraphales love is now suddenly conditional on them changing.
I don't think Aziraphale sees it that way though right?
He doesn't see it as 'I will love Crowley more if they are an angel.' he sees it as 'Crowley will be happier as an angel surely? They will also be safer with that designation.' and 'any sacrifice will be worth it if it means we'll finally be able to be safe and together.'
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See, I don't think Aziraphale even wants Crowley to be an angel again.
I think he's trying to convince himself that he wants that, which is what makes the Metatron offering that in the first place so damn insidious.
I think in his heart of hearts, appointing Crowley to be an angel again is just as much of a sacrifice to him as leaving his beloved bookshop, leaving earth with all its wonderful music and color and life and stories and people, but what does that say about him as an angel?
Everyone can sneer and look down on him for having affections for a demon but there is some plausible deniability that its just bad circumstances, Crowley just happens to be a demon but he's really very lovely once you get to know him, in spite of it all.
But like...giving Aziraphale the opportunity to make Crowley an angel again and he doesn't want to take it because...he loves Crowley exactly the way he is? That he may have had a crush on the angel he was, but it was truly The Demon Crowley that he fell in love with.
I think Aziraphale is gonna need some time to get brave enough to say that with his whole chest (but dear lord will it be wonderful when he does.)
And the Metatron knows this, and he knows Crowley is exactly who he is supposed to be, and so The Metatron knows that Crowley could never ever say yes to going back, it goes against his very nature, he knew that Crowley would take it exactly the way he did.
(Ergo more evidence that splitting them up is the whole goal because they're just too powerful together.)
So, Aziraphale is stuck in the worst way I can imagine.
He's given the opportunity to have everything he should want, so he's trying to make the best of it even though it decidedly isn't what he wants, because its evident that the meddling from Heaven and Hell isn't going away, the Metatron is giving him the path of least resistance, isn't that going along with Heaven as far as he can?
Every word he says to Crowley about how wonderful it will be and how this is an amazing opportunity and we'll be together and we'll make better choices, we'll make a difference.
Its trying to convince himself just as much.
I think Aziraphale is terrified of going back to heaven by himself, but what other choice does he have? He's terrified about what will happen if he doesn't, and not because of any explicit threat by the Metatron, but what it would imply about him, if they knew exactly how he felt about Crowley, what might they do to them both?
and that's why the Kiss™ is so horrible and beautiful at the same time, its harsh and it looks like it hurts when their teeth bump together and it is so desperate, but Aziraphale still clings to Crowley, trembling and whimpering (jesus christ sheen...)
More than an expression of romantic love (because by God herself have they expressed it in so many ways for thousands of years,) its a plea to stay, choose this, choose us.
And Aziraphale wants to, but he can't, and its agony, but how could he explain that to Crowley when he barely understands it himself, he doesn't recognize what the Metatron has done.
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That's why Aziraphale seems just as angry at the kiss as he is fucking devastated, its not a 'how dare you kiss me,' its an 'how dare you kiss me right now, in this moment, when if it had came earlier everything might have been different."
"How dare you kiss me now to just let me know everything I'm giving up, and not just because you wanted to."
"How dare you make this our first kiss."
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Aziraphale doesn't see the Kiss™ as the Hail Mary that it is, he sees it as a spiteful bitter thing, something that he has been yearning for forever being twisted into something to hurt him, but I think he can see the sadness and fear in it too, so he forgives Crowley for it.
And of course, Crowley takes that to mean, "I forgive you for kissing me when you know that's not how I feel, for trying to manipulate me." or something to that effect, either way its enough for him to leave the conversation, nothing more to say.
I think Aziraphales next arc is going to be all about being open and honest and brave, which is in exact juxtaposition to the traits that made him grow closer to Crowley in the first place and that's what really fucking gets me.
From giving away the flaming sword, the entire damn arrangement, trying to thwart the apocalypse, to the very fact that he loves Crowley.
"I'm a fallen angel! I lied! To thwart the will of God!"
"Yeah, ya did, but I'm not gonna tell anybody, are you?"
"Then nothing has to change."
Except it did, and it does, if they are to get their happy ending in their cottage in the south downs.
anyway, yeah that's all i wanted to say i think, how was your guys week so far?
gif credit:
@starklystar @raggedy-spaceman @spooks-ez
(if i missed anyone or miscredited pls lmk!)
cont in reply (i like what i wrote here so i'm trying to keep track lol)
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thecutepoison · 6 months
This is very speculative, but I'm suspecting Kipperlily is using the Ethereal Plane to spy on the Bad Kids and if I'm right I might have figured how she got found out by the rogue teacher!
First, let me explain my paranoid thoughts about the spying. Since ep 3, we are aware that Kipperlily is hearing their conversations, even if we don't know for sure the extent of it. She, just like Riz, must have a crazy stealth modifier + reliable talent, however I don't think she's relying only on that.
So, there's a scene in ep 4 when the Bad Kids roll for perception to spot Kipperlily. Kristen casts See Invisibility and Fabian rolls a nat 20. Brennan describes, only to Fabian, that although he doesn't see Kipperlily, he feels the "twinge of some kind of sense". Very creepy. That implies that she's there but cannot be seen. She could be invisible, however I don't think that's the case because an invisible person could still be perceived through hearing or touch. Also, Kristen would have been able to see her because of the spell.
With that in mind, the paranoid goblin that lives inside my brain is convinced that she's using the Ethereal Plane to spy on the Bad Kids. The Border Ethereal is perfect for infiltration and spywork, since you pass through physical objects and watch everything in the material plane without ppl there perceiving you. There are a couple of ways to access the Ethereal Plane, with spells or items, but I have no ideia abt the specific method she might be using.
Her being in the ethereal plane explains why Fabian, with his nat 20, didn't notice any physical indicatives of Kipperlily but still felt a presence, like some sixth sense. Now, Adaine did use her Third Eye so she could see into the Ethereal Plane within 60 feet and still saw nothing. But that doesn't mean that Kipperlily isn't there since there's a very easy way to circumvent Adaine: Non detection. This is a third level spell that hides the target from divination magic - for 8 hours they "can’t be targeted by any divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors". The Rat Grinders, long time haters of the Bad Kids, are for sure aware that Adaine is a divination wizard, they would be fools to spy on the party without casting Non Detection first. She's the motherfucking elven oracle!
Okay, now about the rogue teacher. In ep 3, Siobhan theorizes the rogue professor is the ghost teacher. I think she's absolutely right! We know most teachers of Aguefort and even if the ghost one was among those we havent seen, the Bad Kids would probably have heard about them if they were teaching something like ranger class. It's plausible that the reason for the party having no ideia who they are and not even passing by them in the halls is that the ghost is the rogue professor. After all, no one knows who the hell they are, it's the whole point of their teaching method. And for a ghost it would be really easy to go undetected since they can travel through the Ethereal Plane, beside the insane stealth.
Indulge my conspiracy theories for a minute. Rogue professor = Ghost Teacher and Kipperlily can wander in the Ethereal Plane, the plane of ghosts. Even with the advantage of being on the same plane as the teacher, it would still be a nightmare to find them since they are a pro rogue. In fact, Kipperlily didn't achive that: the rogue teacher found her.
But how did she manage to have the professor find her? I'm sure it wasn't an accident, she's too calculating for that. So, I started thinking about what would I do in her place and came up with the stupidest ideia. It's utterly ridiculous. But it could totally work and the strategy seems kinda Kipperlily's style.
Remember the Ghost Steak? The one Fig tried to eat when she invaded the teacher's lounge in season one? It's the ghost teacher's lunch, and Brennan reestablished its existence in ep 3 when Adaine used Ethereal Sight, explaining that the school wards are porous enough to allow ethereal travel and other stuff.
So if I was Kipperlily, my dumbass plan would go as follows: invade the teacher's lounge through the ethereal plane and hide inside the fridge. It wouldn't be a problem for me since I'm intangible and can pass through stuff, plus the other professors wouldn't see me even if they opened the fridge. Inside, I wait as long as needed, until the Rogue/Ghost Teacher gets hungry. They finally open the fridge to grab their snack, only to find me looking at them from inside the fridge like a lunatic. Mission complete: got found by the rogue teacher and aced junior year!
It's so mundane and stupid and that makes me more convinced that's exactly what happened. It's too funny to not be true.
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daisybvck · 9 months
𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨
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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 : Bucky Barnes x reader
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : Your superior agent Bucky Barnes just wants the best for you, right ?
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 : 18+, smut, Bucky Barnes as a fucking whole, dubcon/noncon, cockwarming, manipulation, praise
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Bucky had invented a way to manipulate you into fucking him. And honestly; he was pretty proud of himself. When he approached you last week and offered some one-on-one training, you jumped at the chance. No one else is able to perform domain expansions like him, who were you to turn down additional support? You'd do anything to get ahead in your training, and the better you were, the better help you'd be in the field
You were grateful, albeit a little confused when he didn't invite you out to go into the compound gym Instead, he drove you to his apartment.
But that's okay... Right?
He probably has tools and things here he needs to get before he heads out. Although you've never actually seen him use anything besides that blunt butterfly knife. That's okay too, just because he doesn't use any other weapon isn't to say he doesn't have others. It's the only logical explanation as to why you were in his apartment right now. He was finding a spare tool just for you!
Alas, that suspicion was dashed as you watched Bucky remove his tie, calmly. Before you could ask what he was doing, he tied the silk accessory around your neck. You would have objected; but you were just totally lost for words at what was happening. When there was a secure knot around your neck, he tugged you closer to him.
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Please remove your clothes... Slowly." he demanded. He backed away to form a gap between you both. He wanted to see you do as you were instructed and enjoy the display. He began unbuttoning the top button his dress shirt.
"I don't_"
"Speak up if you have something to say he interjected, insulting your whispering tone. You couldn't help it. Your throat practically closed all on its own.
"I don't- why are you- how is this going to help?" you stuttered. His vision sharpened in on you. The stuttering displeased him, immensely. “I'm just not sure how removing our clothes is going to make me a better sorcerer.”
"Are you questioning me?"
"No! I just-" you choked as you found yourself being dragged closer to the blonde man before you once again.
He looked down sternly into your eyes, his lips in a tight line as he planned his next words. You knew he was preparing to chew you out. But what he was actually doing was attempting to come up with a plausible lie to manipulate you into thinking this is acceptable conduct from a superior.
"The avengers are all about endurance. Whoever has the weakest will to go on, less energy to fight, will lose. This is to help you. But if you're too selfish-” he trailed off, knowing the idle threat of removing the opportunity from you would have you at his beck and call.
“I’m not selfish! 'm sorry Bucky, just didn't understand!”
“Please... Please help me. I'm so grateful, promise." you whimpered pathetically. You even began to remove your clothing for him, just as he'd asked. Better late than never, he supposes.
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He joins you in continuing to take off more articles of clothing. He's satisfied with the speed you find yourself naked. While shirtless, he pauses to inspect your body.
He has waited an awfully long time to see you like this. In this vulnerable, intimate state. And you're too dense to realise it's all a rouse. But he'll never tell, and he's sure you'll keep it secret too. God forbid any of the others discover his sick little plan. If you're both careful, both smart about this, you could probably do this forever. You feel a little embarrassed under his harsh gaze, using your arms to cover whatever intimate areas as best you can.
He tuts once and shakes his head.
"Don't do that. You have a fine body, beautiful in fact." he admits. You don't really want to uncover yourself, but you do as he asks regardless. He raises his index finger, whistling as he spins it through the air. You obey his speechless command and spin around. You're unsure if he wants you to do a 360° or 180°.
"Stop." he speaks while your back is facing him.
He comes up behind you, palming his hands over the flesh of your right cheek. He knows you're only doing it because you're uncomfortable, but he's revelling in the way you're squirming around under his touch.
Has it been a while for you, perhaps? Just as it had been quite some time for him? You yip as you feel his palm collide with your soft flesh.
"I want you to remove my trousers and underwear for me.” he informs you. You're spun around to be facing him, and soon he's pressing down on your shoulders, indicating that he wants you on your knees. He doesn't mind that you are fumbling and taking too long. He knows this is a lot for you to handle out of the blue. He can see in the way your whole body shakes that you're terrified, but he'll be gentle with you - mostly.
Finally his member springs free and thumps against his chiselled body. Even he cracks a little smile on that serious expression when he notices your eyes bulge in fascination. The little patches of drool forming in the corner of your mouth don't go unnoticed either.
It's so pretty. The prettiest you've ever seen. If Nanami didn't know any better, he'd thinking you were falling in love. He couldn't believe you were genuinely salivating over his dick like this. What else were you meant to do?
The tip was pink and pretty, the type of pink that makes you feel giddy. The head wasn't particularly large, but the slit was delectable, too. A gorgeous hole that you wanted nothing more than to tease with your tongue. And it was already leaking for you. So pearly and drippy. The length was admirable, too. It was a just perfect girth; and not too veiny. Two distinct veins ran along the underside his his length.
You couldn't take it anymore. You had to have it, to taste it. But before you could swallow him up, he yanked on your makeshift leash and tugged you away from his erection.
"Not today.
"This is business, not pleasure, remember?" he reminded you. You nodded, dumbly. How could you be so stupid? It was so amusing to him. His sweet, naïve girl. “When I sit down, you're going to sink yourself down onto me." he instructed. You squinted at him in confusion, it seemed like an over explanatory way of saying he wanted to have sex with you.
"You want me to ride you." It's a statement, not a question. Because that is what it sounds like he wants, but he shakes his head. What a silly girl you are. There's more to life than fucking.
"I just want your cunt wrapped around me."
Your knees were either side of his thighs as your pussy enveloped his desperate, wanting cock. It shocked you that Bucky was such a gentle kisser, very sweet and tender. Even as he moved from your lips to other parts of your body, he was never rough with you. Featherlight kisses worked down to your neck, your shoulders, and eventually the soft flesh of your breasts.
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This is the extent of your encounter, this is all you'd been doing with him for the last half an hour. His lips and wet tongue felt perfect around your protruding nipples; but now it was nowhere near close to enough. You were so full, full of him, and yet there was no relief. His cock head was nuzzled snuggly in your cunt. It would be so easy for him to fuck up into you, granting both the release you desperately craved. But he had forbade it. He stilled your attempt at riding him by digging his fingers into your hips and slamming you back down in place.
"Sit still for me sweetheart.?
"'s too hard! Too hard Bucky!"
It was embarrassing. Wriggling around in his lap like a desperate virgin. It was out of your control now. Your cunt was soaking wet because of him and he could feel the way your sopping walls clenched around him. Even he has to admit that he can barely hold himself back anymore.
"You're never going to reach my level if you can't endure.
A little pathetic aren't you, hm?" he taunts. It's mean an unnecessary, but it's all part of a larger scheme. If you feel like you've failed, you'll be desperate to do it again and prove him wrong. And he can keep up this charade for as long as he can get away with.
"I- I can't! James please, I can't wait any longer. Fuck me! I need it, need it s'bad!" you are nearly screaming as you beg and plead with him to make your dreams a reality. He hushes you as he repositions himself ever so slightly. He needs to get a more comfortable angle if he wants you to see what he's truly capable of. Bucky kisses the shell of your ear a few times and coos. He's going to make it better, he's going to make you feel better.
"So obedient for me angel, aren't you?" he whispers to you, bouncing you lightly on the length of his cock. It's not enough, you know it and he knows it. He's just getting started. He picks up the pace as he aligns his mouth to whisper into your ear once again. "You're such a good girl when you're begging for cock. the vibrations of his voice traverse directly into your ear and make you shudder. He grunts harshly as his whispering results in your cunt clamping him in a vice grip once again.
"Wanna be a good girl... Wanna be a good agent!" you explain. He shushes you again and praises you for your determination. His thumbs are put to use when tears spill from your eyes; the pleasure of his cock finally pleasing you feeling so heavenly and so intense all in one.
"Good girls... Good agents can endure their training”
“Good girls aren't desperate to get fucked by their superiors." he hums. He does feel a little guilty. He's chastising you for no good reason, after all. He wanted
this just as much as you did - if not more so, in fact. But the way you sniffle at his words dashes any guilt he felt.
You really are a good girl.
“sorry B-Bucky. I'II do- I'II do better n-next time!”
“Promise!" you stutter, hoping to get your point across.
You know you're understood when his index finger and thumb find your chin, tilting your face to his. His lips meet yours in another sweet, delicate kiss.
"Ah, yes." he begins, "Clever girl. Next time."
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txttletale · 4 months
if you dont mind doing so could you go into detail about the whole phenomena about online people insisting kinks like bdsm, petplay, etc are nonsexual? its always kind of rubbed me the wrong way but i havent been able to enunciate why
i mean i want to be super clear that my stance is not that those things are somehow ontologically sexual. i think the opposite of that, i think drawing a line and saying "playing pretend where you're elves fighting a dragon is Not Sexual, playing pretend where you're hitting each other with whips is Sexual" is really silly. and it is downstream from this position that i think the semantic positions of calling a certain predetermined set of activities "kink" regardless of sexuality is also silly, and that "kink" is much more useful and coherent as a descriptor for any activity being engaged in as an element of "nonstandard" sexuality.
and likewise my post isn't making fun of the idea that someone might do shibari (or whatever other stereotypically 'kinky' activity) for nonsexual reasons, right, that's totally plausible, it's basically just assisted yoga -- it's making fun of the argument that i have seen unendingly that since most/some kink scenes don't contain [insert extremely narrow and normative definition of Having Sex here] they are on those grounds not sexual. which is fascinatingly silly
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mythalism · 26 days
keeping track of all of these damn dragons like its my full time job. lets go
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several of the dragons horns clearly correspond to the evanuris symbols/statues we’ve seen in several murals, trailers and in the gameplay reveal, while others are total wildcards.
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in the gameplay trailer, we see this dragon the most frequently. this dragon’s horns don’t match any of the evanuris symbols, but it appears when morrigan is speaking and doesn’t seem aggressive to the characters in the moments we see, only ever breathing fire in the open air, so i would assume this is mythal.
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its the same dragon from the cover art for the game:
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it’s also somewhat similar to flemythal’s dragon form in da2, though not exactly, and is similar to her iconique hair horns. the dragon in the trailer’s horns are less curved at the ends, and are a bit wider.
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either this isn’t Mythal, it is Mythal and they just made some subtle stylistic changes and didn’t anticipate anyone as insane as me analyzing the horns, it’s someone completely different, or mythal’s dragon form has changed now that morrigan holds her soul. i cant really imagine it being anyone but mythal, as mythal's dragon form has been on every dragon age game cover in some form.
it’s worth noting that none of these dragons look anything like morrigans dragon form from inquisition, which has horns that curve downwards, though i think it's plausible that her form could change with the full soul of mythal:
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then we have this dragon, which is thankfully straightforward:
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this is elgarnan, with his horns being a perfect match of Elgar’nans symbol
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next we have this creature which we see twice and doesn’t even have horns. a week ago i would have said this is ghilan'ain, because of the weird tentacles, the pustules on it's body that we saw all over the trailer, and the fact that it seems like a mash-up of creatures, almost like a griffon and a dragon, or some other lupine/feline/canine form and a dragon. however, now i'm not so sure, and ill explain why later on.
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the second time, it's side by side with a new dragon whose horns match both andruil's symbol in the murals and on the statues, and in this image of andruil and ghilan'nain:
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these horns are of course also similar to the very first dragon, but i dont think they're wide enough, and these go in an then out, while the others go out and then up. and the similarity makes sense in the context of andruil being mythal's daughter.
another reason i think this is andruil is because of the story of andruil wearing "armor made of the void", and the clear red lyrium and corruption literally oozing out of this dragon:
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also worth noting is in the scene above on the right, we see a spear/pole fly out of the red dragon towards the screen.
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we see this pole/spear earlier in the trailer, connected to ghilan'ain's elven (barely) body, along with what looks to literally be another body impaled by a spear?
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if ghilly melded the corrupted body of her lover to her own to preserve it and then eventually brings her back as a blighted dragon so they can devour the world together, that will be the toxic yuri of all time, but that's a topic for another post. back to the dragons.
because now we've got another one to figure out.
as i said earlier, i would have originally clocked those red and blue creatures side by side as andruil and ghilan'nain, transforming from their freaky melded elven form and into dragon/archdemon form.
but then yesterday happened, and they dropped this bomb:
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and then we see the "archdemon" in question:
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which, frustratingly, we do not see AT ALL in the release date trailer, but you know where we did see it?
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the original reveal trailer. hm.
the way the combat gameplay is edited would lead us to believe that this is ghilan'nain's archdemon, as the text says, but im not fully convinced this dragon is 1. an archdemon and 2. isn't on our side.
the dragon doesn't attack us in the gameplay, it literally just roars (at something else, not us, maybe ghil's creepy porcelain mask face off in the distance?) and then flies away. we also don't see it attack us in the reveal trailer, just this big, cinematic roar.
we also don't see any clear signs of blight or corruption on this dragon. it can be hard to tell as we've only seen one (confirmed) before and it was urthemiel back in those lovely 2009 origins graphics, but even still, he looks pretty crusty, and in line visually with what we see of darkspawn and blighted creatures such as black/red colors, generally gross looking, etc. same for this artwork of dumat:
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additionally, everyone thought that corypheus's red lyrium dragon was an archdemon (instead of just a high dragon) because of how fucked up it looked.
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i dont doubt that ghilly has an archdemon, but im not convinced that the dragon we see in the combat gameplay is it. it doesn't look blighted or corrupted in the way we have seen from actual archdemons and creatures mistaken for archdemons.
its possible that the gross-looking blue dragon hybrid creature we talked about earlier is ghilly's archdemon, and it's wreaking havoc on some other part of weisshaupt that we dont see in the footage, and they are trying to bamboozle us by showing us that other dragon.
these horns, of course, look a lot like morrigan's dragon horns from inquisition, which curl downwards in the same way.
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but of course, the colors and other facial features dont really match.
you could also make the argument that these downturned horns match ghilly's downturned horn headpiece that we have seen a million times at this point, and maybe it really is that straightforward and that is "her archdemon". but if thats the case then what the hell is this freaky blue creature with similar tentacles and gross pustules (that are all over weisshaupt as she attacks it, so definitely associated with her) all over its body?
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maybe both are affiliated with ghilan'nain? one is her little pet archdemon while the other is her own dragon form?
at this point im just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. i have no clue who this damn dragon is.
what we do know:
we have seen 5 distinct dragon-like creatures in this game so far.
some of them are archdemons, some of them are evanuris shapeshifting into dragons, some of them are ???????? i'm at a loss, at this point. bioware, you win. "dragon age" indeed.
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all-0f-the-above · 20 days
if Bill had thought ONE step ahead he could've made a deal with Fidds. then he could've gotten Ford to do whatever he wanted
get Fidds to feel insecure about his intellect or charm or something and have Bill possess him when he's nervous about fucking up his relationship with Ford
can you IMAGINE? there's the muse like usual and then there's Fiddleford, who seems to be supportive about this whole project, even if he does have some weird memory lapses. oddly enough, when they are intimate or loving, Fidds gets really nervous then totally confident. Ford waves it off because the other personality is alluring in its own way
then the memory gun would have been invented by Ford to destroy Bill and, in the process, erased Fidds' memories
the PAIN from Ford. he has to, effectively, kill the one he loves to save the universe. to lure him in by making Fidds nervous and triggering Bill taking over for him. kissing Bill/Fiddleford (FiddBill?) and cradling his head only to pull the trigger on the memory gun. whispering "I'm sorry" right after he blasts him
knowing Ford, he'd drop Fidds off at Emma and Tate's, explaining extreme amnesia, and wallow in his sadness back at home. he publishes the breakthrough paper and patents some of his technology, all under Fidds' name. it was his work, anyway. and the Mcgucket family doesn't deserve to lose their income just because of Ford's decision.
Fiddleford doesn't remember Ford because he's not there to trigger his memory and Ford never checks in on him directly. he surveils his house, sure, and watches him from afar, but never gets into direct contact with him.
Ford could have even ended up in the multiverse this way. he calls Stanley, asking for his help to disperse the journals like before, but, like before, his dimensional portal malfunctions when Stan confronts him in the lab.
when Stanley meets Fiddleford, his introduces himself as Stanford Pines, but the only familiar thing about him is the cut of his jaw and his build. Fidds could've sworn they'd met before, but so many things about this guy seem unfamiliar, he brushes it off as weird deja vu.
he's been getting that ever since the accident. he used to work for Stanford, but somehow everything he remembers is wrong. this one doesn't wear glasses, nor does he have special hands. his voice is hoarser and he isn't interested in taking walks around Gravity Falls' forests. Fidds read about it somewhere, that your brain makes up memories where there are none. figures his has done that with everything he's forgotten.
when Ford comes back, it feels like he's got a word on the tip of his tongue. he knows something, it's just not coming forward. the new fella ignores him a lot. that's alright- not everyone has to be friendly. but when he hears this guy is the real Stanford, the one he worked for, Fiddleford gets curious and asks him about the accident. he figures he has a right to know, and if he has to guilt the guy a little, well you gotta do what you gotta do.
"please, call me Ford" makes him remember their college dorm room.
"that's plausible" and he can recall their first meeting.
when memories rush back of their college years, Fiddleford gets severe vertigo trying to stand. Ford's hands holding him steady reminds them of their first embrace.
the blush right underneath Ford's glasses and fidgety nervousness send Fiddleford back to the first time they kissed, intoxicated one minute, sober the next.
he falls to the floor, getting a headache from all of the remembering. Ford offers to lift him up and bring him to the car. a split second after being pulled up by the armpits, he recalls the first time they made out on purpose. it was after a fight on something trivial. both of them were just being hardheaded, and Ford pushed him to the ground. after profusely apologizing, Ford kneeled down. face to face like that, the air disappeared between them. neither were looking at the others' eyes. by the time they glanced back up, the fight was over.
a few chaste kisses on the floor turned into Ford heaving him up to stand. what happened after replayed into present day Fiddleford's mind as he was held steady by an older Ford asking, "are you alright? oh god I knew it was too early. I shouldn't have met with you I knew-"
he stops talking when Fidds puts a hand on his cheek, "we were close once."
Ford didn't dare breathe, "yes, once."
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merakiui · 7 months
alright this might be me being tired and applying my kinks as well as constantly trying to logic stuff that doesnt need logic but, if tsums had dicks, and if they worked, could... could tsums get people pregnant (and vice versa)? just you think youre safe because well its a silly little plush thing but well, now you're not sure how to explain your way out of this one... (and if we entertain that thought, would our octotrio tsums have eggs, totally asking for a friend)
OH. OHHHHHHH. This is such a crazy thought omg,,,,, this is me right now:
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I think.......... why not? Giving the tsums working dicks is too much power already, but then there are The Consequences...... and they probably fuck mindlessly, so maybe you're the only one really concerned over the risks while the tsum is just happily pussy-drunk. I like to think anything is possible because it's a magical world. T_T endless possibilities to entertain.
Maybe the trio do have merforms of their own, so it's entirely plausible for them to have eggs......... anon, now I'm trying to apply logic to it omg. OTL maybe there's no pregnancy or babies to be had. It's just a cumflation situation,,,, this is also me:
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Victor & William Rex
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 1
Those two! Never a boring day with them around. And the eye candy. 🥰
They sure love teasing Kate and their dramatic delivery is top notch. Also writing their names in the header totally made them an item 🤭
~~Part 1~~
As the waning moon illuminated the night sky above the Crown Castle with its pale light, the sound of moving chess pieces could be heard in the common room.
Kate: "The bishop can move diagonally. So, like this...?"
William: "Hmm, yes. Your memory is excellent. You haven't forgotten anything after hearing it once."
Kate: "Heh, because your teaching style is fun and effective."
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William: "You think so? I'm honoured by your praise."
(... but it's going to be a long time before I can compete with William)
William: "... by the way, Kate."
William: "Would you like to become a queen?"
Kate: "Yes, that's right. Because this is the rook...eh?"
(... what now?)
William: "Were you so engrossed in the game that you didn't hear me? I asked you if you'd like to become a queen."
Apparently, it wasn't just my imagination.
There was always a purpose to what William said and I always tried to understand it.
Kate: "...I'm sorry, William. I have no idea what you mean."
Victor: "In the literal sense, Kate."
Hearing a voice behind me, I turned around to see Victor.
Kate: "Victor!"
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Victor: "Jeez, I thought I was going to tell you myself. William is so impatient!"
William: "Heh, my apologies."
William: "Then I shall leave the rest of the explanation to the Queen's Aide."
~~Part 2~~
With a charming expression Victor took over from William.
Victor: "Kate, did you know that tomorrow is the anniversary of Her Majesty's accession to the throne?"
Kate: "Yes, of course. When I worked delivering the mail, I used to see the city bustling with celebrations."
On the day commemorating Queen Victoria's accession to the throne, there were ceremonies and parades, and the city was bustling with excitement at the thought of seeing her.
For the people of this country, Her Majesty was a symbol of prosperity.
Victor: "There will be a parade tomorrow, and Her Majesty is supposed to appear before the public..."
Victor: "Yet the Queen, who is vital to the celebrations, is feeling unwell."
Kate: "What! Is Her Majesty all right..?"
William: "Don't fret. Her Majesty is strong-willed, she'll recover in no time."
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Victor: "Let's cut to the chase, why don't you take part in the parade in Her Majesty's stead?"
Kate: "Why..... in Her Majesty's stead?"
Victor: "Well, opportunity like this doesn't come by often and I'm sure you'll have a great time!"
Even though his proposal was completely outrageous, Victor's excitement was enough to make me consider it.
(Her Majesty covers her face with a veil, which makes replacing her somewhat plausible?)
Kate: "Although I'm honoured to have this opportunity."
Kate: "It would be disrespectful of me to speak on Her Majesty's behalf without permission..."
William: "Then don't worry. Her Majesty has agreed for you to take her place."
Kate: "Oh... has she?"
Victor: "Yes, but on one condition."
Kate: "What's the condition...?"
~~Part 3~~
Victor grabbed the queen and the king pieces from the chessboard with his fingertips.
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Victor: "That I'm there."
William: "And so am I."
Victor • William: "Serving by your side and protecting you with our lives."
The queen and the king's pieces rolled into my palm.
Kate: "Thank you... to hear such words from Her Majesty."
Kate: "Additionally, there's nothing more reassuring than having both of you by my side."
The self-righteous king and the Queen's strongest aide; there were no men more powerful than these two.
(I need to do my best to meet the expectations!)
Kate: "Please let me take on this role."
Victor: "Yay, then it's decided. I'm sure it will be an unforgettable day for you."
William: "Let's leave the chess study for tomorrow, shall we?"
William: "Good night. Sweet dreams, Kate."
On the day of the anniversary, I was escorted by both men,
And taken to a place I had never set foot in before --
~~Part 4~~
I was in the audience room in the palace.
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Victor: "I'm pretty sure this is your first visit here."
Kate: "...Yes. You always present my reports to Her Majesty yourself."
William mentioned to me before that the Queen preferred silence and didn't let anyone get too close.
That's why only a limited number of people could enter this place.
A red carpet led to a throne in the distance, and the whole space exuded serenity.
William: "Heh, you look like a child who discovers the world for the first time, Kate."
William: "As much as I'd love to look at your curious face... there's something I need you to do."
Kate: "What would you like me to do?"
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Victor: "Shall we take off your clothes first?"
Kate: "...eh?"
I was led to the back room, then stripped out of my own clothes and dressed in the new ones provided for me.
Kate: "...um, I'm done changing."
A lace veil covered my face, diamond earrings adorned my ears,
I wore a ceremonial dress.
William: "Yes, it suits you well. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn it was Her Majesty."
Kate: "...I was surprised that it fits so perfectly!"
Victor: "Hehe, this humble me adjusted it to your size."
Victor: "Also, these shoes are custom-made to disguise your height. I'm a genius!"
Victor: "Finally, the crown to complete the look; it's going to be perfect."
~~Part 5~~
The crown in Victor's hands had an overwhelming presence all by itself.
Victor: "This crown is a symbol of glory, triumph, power ...... it has different meanings."
Victor: "Her Majesty calls it collectively the Symbol of Liberty."
Kate: "Liberty..."
He gently placed the crown on my head.
Kate: "Somehow it makes me... feel tall."
William: "That's good. Thanks to this, you will be able to see better what reflects in the eyes of others."
Victor: "Come to think of it, William has taken Her Majesty's place before."
Kate: "Huh, William?"
William: "The Queen's life was in danger. So I took her place."
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William: "Her Majesty does not hum or sit with her legs spread. It was quite a challenge."
Kate: "Hehe, I'd love to see Her Majesty Queen William just once."
William: "I might do it again for you."
(... still, it is true)
(Being at the top of the country means there are more opportunities to be exposed to danger)
Victor: "It's fine, Kate."
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Victor: "You'll be accompanied by William and I, the most powerful duo within the Crown."
Victor: "Just enjoy your day as Her Majesty."
William: "......"
(Victor is right. With these two, I'll be safe no matter what)
(I'll do my part and observe things with my own eyes)
Kate: "I'll do it!"
Victor: "Shall we go then? It's going to be a fun day."
Chapter 2
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flemlem · 8 months
okay so. warning, this is Long (for me anyway) and kind of unfinished? unpolished? its 1am and i am having Thoughts.
Little analysis of qTubbo and Morning Crew because ive been seeing a lotta opinions and I wish to add My Own into the Melting Pot.(I may get off track, im sorry, im incoherent at all times, thats why my posts are so short.)(also all characters just in case)
So first of all, Im putting it out there. Fit and Pac still care about Tubbo. From an outside view, from the audience, we can clearly see that. Unfortunately for us, Tubbo is infact not acting with the same knowledge in mind.
As far as Tubbo is aware they are going to move on without him. They have eachother now they dont need him anymore
With him and Fits relationship We can see that the jokes are banter and just silly, even if ill timed, but how was fit supposed to know that. We see this moment kinda throw tubbo back into 'I have to be worth something, because why would anyone Actually want to team with me if i cant give them something, if I cant make up for being Me '. He starts being more reckless about wanting create back, not really caring to try get out of the cage, even though he probably could of glitch blocked up there at the start.
Ive also seen people mention the fact that Fit 'told him he was family'. Now please genuinely correct me if im wrong. Fit only told Sunny she was family("Youre family"). Sure, he was Right There, but we know that tubbo sees Sunny as more important than him, its totally plausible that Tubbo thought that that wouldn't include him. Its never specified that that was directed at more than just Sunny (out loud), Tubbo also didn't know what sunny wrote (as far as im aware).
I had a whole paragraph on Pac too but it got too messy to salvage, maybe another day.
Tubbo has always been slightly weird about his place in Morning Crew, especially since it started "becoming an isocoles triangle". Im not sure if im more on the side of hes trying to push them away before they get the chance to to save himself the heartache, or if he's trying to show them how much they need him like a 'look at how weird it is when im not there At All. Look at my Cool Town with Foolish and Not you. Please need me still'.
Im Most on the side of him distancing himself, not to save himself the pain(maybe still slightly), not to try get them to come Get Him Back, but to almost hint at them that they Can move away from him. Trying to show them that he does have Other People they dont Need to be around him if they dont want to. The thing about this that isnt working is that Fit and Pac Do still want to be around him.
TLDR: Fit and Pac still care, but no matter how obvious, q!tubbo is mentally ill and has convinced himself that since they got together he is becoming Less and Less important, only catastrophising further at each thing that could be taken as cold even when theyre not.
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critical-birb · 3 months
Hope this isn't presumptuous of me but I have an archery question and would like to pick your brain if you don't mind.
I was writing a scene in my Breath of the Wild fanfic with Link and Mipha fighting some Yiga Clan guys. Link is watching carefully during the fight trying to figure out how the Duplex Bow fires two arrows at a time. One after another in quick succession at a single point (rather than the spread of arrows Lynel Bows or the Great Eagle Bow fires).
I couldn't come up with a plausible explanation other than the Duplex Bow has two strings, allowing the user to knock two arrows close together and then releasing them one after the other.
What are your thoughts on this?
Presumptuous? To message me about my hyperfixiation interests??
My guy I am kissing you gently on the forehead and handing you a flower.
So - you're totally right that with real world physics, firing two arrows from the same bow at the same exact point immediatly one after the other without re-drawing is unrealistic outside of video game logic. Even if you had two strings on your bow and released one and then the other, the bow tension would only release once you'd released the second and they would fire at the same time.
It is possible to shoot multiple arrows on the same bow, at the same time. Though you'll not only have far less control over where they'll hit, but the more arrows you have, the less force you'll get behind them. So they won't go very far or hit very hard. Typically, Archers don't do this. Though there's records of the more scattergun approach being used in medieval battles, usually arrows being shot into the air to try to just hit as many people as possible quickly.
The Duplex bow in BotW is....hmm. Its an odd shape, for a bow. That 3 shape doesn't reflect the shape of any bow I've ever seen in reality. (Edit: I think it is potentially based on a scythian composite bow)
My theory would be that the design works similarly to a recurve bow, with the limbs bending to provide the force, but for it to really have an impact it would make more sense of the limbs were turned backwards. I'll add a sketch here later to explain that better.
The only solutions I can come up with if we're being creative with this are;
The arrows. If you had a hollow arrow with a second arrow inside that had a wider fletching than caught the wind resistance more, it could fire as one arrow but separate mid-air into two, one flying slightly slower than the other as the wind catches the fletching.
Or it's two bows stuck together. Thing four limbs, rather than two. Perhaps it looks like a single bow until you squint and realise it's two bows designed to look like two halves of a single one. That way the two string method would work, because each string would have different limbs connecting to it.
Oooh I'd be excited to read your fic when it's done! I hope you'll share it!!
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CRAIG: Wait holy shit
CRAIG: My fucking phone
CRAIG: My phone
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TOLKIEN: Well if your phone works, that could be the plausible explanation as to why the intercoms are still functional while the power is out
CRAIG: Okay ate Shakespeare
CRAIG: Atespeare
TOLKIEN and TWEEK: You are so annoying oh my god
TOLKIEN: I want to kill you just for that
TWEEK: If you want to kill him I'll hold him down
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CRAIG: Oh woah
CRAIG: Spooky
CRAIG: It's giving back rooms
TOLKIEN: Craig did you just say owo?
CRAIG: I am going to beat you up
TOLKIEN: Nevermind
TOLKIEN: Oh its nothing
TOLKIEN: Just ignore him
CLYDE: Woahhh
CLYDE: Guys there's like
CLYDE: An echo now!
CLYDE: Hi Clyde! (Clyde! Clyde!)
CLYDE: This is so cool (cool cool cool)
TOLKIEN: Since when did our hallways get so….
TOLKIEN: Creepy?
TOLKIEN: Tweek, this happened when you got here
TOLKIEN: Are you an alien?
TWEEK: NO??????????
TWEEK: NO?????????????????
TOLKIEN: I'm out of ideas
TOLKIEN: Stan would have a field day with you
CLYDE: Stan would
CRAIG: Oh yea, I'm totally recording that when it happens
TWEEK: Can I get a puddin out of it?
CRAIG: I can venmo you the money for it
CRAIG: Do you like
CRAIG: Have venmo?
TWEEK: What the fuck is venmo???? CRAIG: Not you not knowing what venmo is
CRAIG: Loser
CLYDE: Yoooo thunder crackling right now
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CRAIG: (records) Hey guys welcome back to my blog and sorry that the cam quality is so ass
CRAIG: There's currently a power outage out at the school
CRAIG: Its not giving
CRAIG: Anyways
CRAIG: Make sure to like and subscribe for more
CRAIG: Yeah, so?
TOLKIEN: What do you mean, so?!
TOLKIEN: There's nothing to even film, it's dark as shit
CRAIG: Doesn't mean there can't be content
TOLKIEN: I swear.
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CRAIG: Lmao Tolkien you're right
CRAIG: The cam quality is so ass
TOLKIEN: See? I told you
TOLKIEN: Fucking queer
CRAIG: Not gay
TWEEK: Hey uh
TWEEK: Guys?
TWEEK: Shouldn’t we like…. check to see why the intercoms or whatever you're calling them are doing that? CLYDE: Yeah! Oh my god you're so smart
CLYDE: That's like
CLYDE: Not normal behavior.
CLYDE: What????
TOLKIEN: Right here
INTERCOM: ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ OOOOH  ╧╧╧╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ D ╬ R ╬ A╬M ╧ AAAAA╬ ╬
INTERCOM: ╬ ╬ ■ C╒╬O ╬N╬TROL ╧  ■ ╧ YOUR ╬ M╬ A╬ N╬ ╬ ╧ ╒╒╒╒ ╬ ■ ■ ╬
CRAIG: I'm so putting this on my blog
TWEEK: Read the room, dude…
TWEEK: Read the fucking room
CLYDE: This is the one time I hate the morning announcements
TOLKIEN: The only time you like the announcements is when they announce Pizza Fridays, babe
CLYDE: Shhhhhh
CLYDE: I mean you're right but shhhhhh
TWEEK: But seriously, we should go
TWEEK: I think someone of some kind of authority would have come over by now
TWEEK: We should like
TWEEK: Check it out or something…
CLYDE: You're so right, Tweek
CLYDE: No thruple?
CLYDE: Rats….
TWEEK: Shut up Clyde, nobody likes you
CLYDE: Wuh- buh-
TWEEK: Aren't you taken?
CLYDE: Oh yeah…
TOLKIEN: Porkchop
TOLKIEN: Sweetheart
TOLKIEN: Love of my goddamn life
TOLKIEN: You are
TOLKIEN: So stupid sometimes
CLYDE: But you love me for it~
TOLKIEN: Debatable
TOLKIEN: I'm kidding, you goober
TOLKIEN: ....maybe
TOLKIEN: I can't resist it, ya know
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INTERCOMS: ╬ ╬╬ ■ T╧ ╬ W■ ╬ ■ EE╬ ╧ K■ ╧  ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╬ ╧ ╧ ╬ ■ ╬ ■ ╬ ╒ ╒ ╒
TWEEK: Guys, the intercoms…
CLYDE: Right right
CRAIG: This is not giving right now
CRAIG: Do we like
CRAIG: Have too?
TWEEK: I would say so
CRAIG: Literally why smh
TWEEK: Because they just called my name!?
CRAIG: What do you think I am?
CRAIG: A mechanic?
TWEEK: Yeah but still…
TWEEK: I think the longer we stay here, the more likely we are to get murdered or something?
TOLKIEN: There there, you won't die
TOLKIEN: But if you do I'll bury you in dinosaur bones like you've always wanted
CLYDE: And play my favorite nightcore playlist at my funeral?
TOLKIEN: And play your favorite nightcore playlist at your funeral, yes
CLYDE: Good, Good, by the way, babe, do you know where the generator room is?
TOLKIEN: No, why would I?
CLYDE: Cuz you're like
CLYDE: Super smart and stuff
CRAIG: Rizzler moment!
TWEEK: Should be to the left
TOLKIEN: How do you know that?
TOLKIEN: You just got here
CRAIG: Not Tweek being a sussy baka rn
CRAIG: Omg hold up
CRAIG: Who is getting in the middle of the recording right now?
TWEEK: Your mom
CLYDE: Hehe, nice
CRAIG: This is NOT a slay right now
CRAIG: Get this British away from me
PIP: Shut the fuck up you crusty motherfucker
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PIP: I always hated your two tone Google chrome metrophone megaphone ass
PIP: And that's saying a lot because I hate all of you
PIP: But it was always the influencer I didn't like
TOLKIEN: Nobody likes influencers
PIP: True, but this one was the most insufferable
PIP: Craig_The_Real_Bitch, Right?
CRAIG: *Craig_The_Real_Tucker
TWEEK: Did he just say the asterisk out loud????
CRAIG: Yes, I'm correcting him, that's why I said *Craig_The_Real_Tucker
TOLKIEN: He does that alot
TOLKIEN: We’re desensitized to it at this point
PIP: God why do you say all these underscores
PIP: You aren't a blonde crop top wearing bimbo you overrated sonic the hedgehog wannabe
PIP: Now anyways,
PIP: Turn off that goddamn phone
PIP: Pretend this is the movie theater!
PIP: Have some class, fuckface
PIP: Pay attention when I am talking to you
CRAIG: No <3
PIP: …
PIP: Fine then, I’ll just turn off that phone myself
PIP: Better yet, I'll break it
CRAIG: No please my phone is literally my life support
CRAIG: If you break it I’ll like
CRAIG: Totally die
CRAIG: Or something
PIP: Shut that shit and perish
CRAIG: Fine, fine, fine…
PIP: Thank you
PIP: Now that we’ve hit mute on the insufferable prick here
PIP: I'm sure you’re all wondering, “How is he alive right now? Didn’t he get crushed to death???”
PIP: To that I say, you're right!
PIP: I'm not at all alive
PIP: I am in fact, very,
PIP: Dead.
CRAIG: Its giving the walking dead
PIP: Shut up you fake ass botox injected taki munching booty crunching dollar tree ass Charli D’Amealio
PIP:  I am not a zombie, that's just cheesy!
PIP: I am, however
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PIP:  ╬A bad motherfucker ╬
(( EDITS MADE BY @pissblanket the backrooms edit was all me ))
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theneighborhoodwatch · 6 months
Serious question, not trying to start a fight: If you're aware of the possibility of Wally and Home's relationship being like that of family, and you've made it clear you don't ship incest, why risk shipping them together at all, even if it's in a "toxic yuri" sort of way?
traffic was so bad that i was an hour late to class so now you all get to watch me poke this bear. response under the cut for discussions of familial abuse, incest, and a brief mention of csa.
serious answer: the home that exists as a representation of a past that never was/never will be again, or as a representation of The House Of American Suburbia Fame built with the intent of superseding the need for/being directly responsible for all of its inhabitant's other relationships (platonic, romantic, familial, etc.) existing, and the home that exists as a representation Specifically of an abusive family member, exist in two separate planes of reality to me. these planes are not above each other, i think. they are on the same level of plausibility. but they do not overlap, and the fact is that i am simply much more interested in the former than the latter. i realize that "i think the more popular fanon interpretation of them as parent and child is boring" is kind of a flippant answer to a question as heavy as this but, well. i do think that interpretation is pretty boring lol. also probably doesn't help that i see it get used to infantilize wally a lot. a mutual obsession whose end goal of total social supersession can never be fulfilled without coming at a great cost to one or both parties is something i find much more compelling, and gives much more agency to both parties.
in the hypothetical event that these two realities Do end up intersecting, however - even in the event that they intersect in a way where i could interpret their dynamic to be that of incestuous abuse - well. i would simply no longer be comfortable calling it a ship! that does not mean i would no longer be interested in analyzing their relationship; horror is all about exploring the Unpleasantries of life, after all. but the approach and the language would change; i would no longer be comfortable exploring it through the lens of shipping, i personally find that pretty distasteful. i believe that just because it is A lens through which people have analyzed that type of dynamic before does not mean it is the Ideal lens - far from it, in my experience as a (former) child with sexual trauma who grew up on the internet. but i digress. the fact of the matter right now is that nothing has happened that would cause such a shift in behavior for me. ergo, i intend to live it up for as long as i can and declare that wally and home's relationship is both one that cannot be defined by paltry human terms and one so intense and passionate that it will also go up in flames bright enough to make fleetwood motherfucking mac collectively fall to their knees and weep.
also, a funnier but still serious alternate answer: i spent nearly my entire adolescence as a husk of a person, and what ultimately got me out of it was getting into smile for me at age 18 - and subsequently, the rest of yugo limbo's work. i was reborn and reshaped in the objectum trenches. this did not necessarily make me objectum in turn, but i feel i owe something to that crowd as a result.
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defilerwyrm · 8 months
I have several questions about your medical transition because I'm thinking about what I want myself and how to proceed. Feel free to ignore/not answer any or all.
Did you ever consider meta instead and if yes, what made you go for phallo? And if no, why not?
This may be kind of a weird question but how aware of your genitals are you now? I find it hard to imagine having genitals that are so out there and possibly in the way or touching things. Do they ever annoy you (Not in a "I wish I didn't get surgery" way but just generally)
Were or are you ever worried that getting your ovaries removed (I'm guessing that's included in a total hysterectomy?) could have adverse side effects (like menopause symptoms or other hormonal problems for example) and did/do you experience any of those?
Hope you're having a good enough time and thanks for giving the opportunity to ask those kinds of questions.
I did, heavily! Ultimately what it came down to was that I wanted to be able to top without prosthetics or aids, and I was not lucky enough with bottom growth that that would have really been plausible with meta. The other main factor was that my bottom dysphoria centered on not having a "natal" penis, and phalloplasty was my best option for getting something big enough to satisfy that need. Meta has a lot of advantages, though, such as being able to get a natural erection, so it really depends on your individual needs and wants.
Not very, to be honest, which is a 180 from how it used to be. I have to remind myself to reposition them so as to not get caught between my thighs when I stand, and I'm very aware of them if one of our dogs or cats steps on them or if I get horned up, but other than that they kinda fade into the same general non-attentive awareness I have of my body as a whole. It's very peaceful.
Not one bit. Being sterile was, and is, worth any risk to me. Interestingly, I did have a few months of occasional hot flashes right after having them removed, but from what I gather they were pretty mild: just a few minutes to half an hour of "Man is it hot in here?" and basically nothing else. I will say that the one truly annoying side effect of hysterectomy is I have to pee all the time now, but that's also because I drink about a gallon of water a day, and waking up in the middle of the morning (I work nights) to go piss is just unfortunately pretty common for someone my age of any sex or gender (the good news being that if I can survive till my 60s it should stop on its own then).
Thanks for your ask! Any opportunity to have my experience with medical transition help someone else is a boon to me. :D
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writingpuddle · 6 months
back in the early 20-teens i watched this delightful movie, Shelter (2007) which is a gay surfing romance which is very cute and heartwrenching and concludes with our protag and his new boyfriend essentially adopting protags nephew. first of all this post is just a plug to get you to go watch Shelter (2007) because its very sweet and i love it very much. but actually this post is about headcanons.
see, i really quite liked this movie, but this was before i got into fandom, so the sum total of my engagement (other than watching the movie over and over again) was looking up online reviews, and one in particular stuck with me.
the argument this reviewer (anonymous rando on imdb or similar site) made was that actually, the happily ever after depicted in the movie was doomed. first of all, the romance was a rebound relationship. plus the whole adoption of the five year old nephew. protags sister would eventually want her son back! their cute little family would be broken! and thats not to mention the stress that the relationship was financially unequal.
now, in hindsight, most of the analysis in this review was probably bad faith, thinly veiled homophobia. but what stuck with me was the way this person phrased these things as absolute proof. Rebound + Wayward Sister + Money = Inevitable Breakup. as if people can really be broken down into some linear equation with only one possible outcome. because no rebound relationship has ever lasted, because no family has ever survived complicated questions of custody, because money always destroys relationships.
its pretty obvious, from a distance, to see they were cherry-picking all the details that supported their foregone conclusion. i could cherry-pick my own to counter them, but thats not even the point i want to make.
what i drew from this review, and reflecting on it, was how supremely arrogant it was to assume you could predict someones future based on only a handful of data points. a good fictional character, like a real person, is a complex, multi-faceted creation containing contradictions and moods and conflicts that are constantly in flux. its why in fandom you get ongoing arguments about what one would consider the very base characteristics of a character. its why you can have long and involved conversations about whether an action was in-character or not, and whether thats even a relevant question. what trait is actually immutable? what characteristic cannot be violated, if the situation is right?
i think most people understand this implicitly, if not consciously, and engage with headcanons in this way. 'hey' the fan says, 'if i take these datapoints from canon, i can point in this direction! isnt that a cool idea?' and the rest of us may nod or shake our heads, but we understand that there are probably multiple plausible paths. we can comment on whether a particular path is more or less plausible, but its exceedingly rare, and in my personal experience often pretty contrived, to find a question that has only one conclusive answer.
people are weird. a good fictional character should have enough meat on their bones that one should be able to build plausible and contradictory headcanons. (and thats not even to speak of headcanons which are of other types, the 'wouldnt it be fun if' or the 'what if important thing was different' or the many other categories of headcanon).
which is why its always jarring to see people take one data point from canon and extrapolate a huge, inevitable conclusion and then, rather than happily sitting on their little universe like one might expect, instead defending to the death that they must be correct. this is no longer a game to them. they are willing to throw down about it without a hint of irony or comedy to temper their words. and once theyre taking it too seriously i feel i am allowed to criticise their logical processes and point out the fallacies of judgement. the base assumption that humans are comprehensible and predictable beings. the utter and profound lack of real data.
in summary, my response is:
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seithr · 5 months
top 5 blazblue character designs
I feel like my tastes are known but I still will take this chance to gush a bit about the characters and design philosophy of em that Ive always been real fond of :)
No particular order here or else I'll be here all night formatting on mobile. More under the cut!
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HAKUMEN it goes without saying I LOVE HAKUMEN'S DESIGN SO MUCH. The taloned tabi, the silhouette of wide pants and closefitted shinguards/torso. The faces/eyes scattered across his armour while the face is totally blank—made more unreadable and inhuman by the slats of neck guard. Fox-ears built into the helm shape to feel both animal and mechanical like antennae...and obviously the longass hair to sell the "tailed" look.
I remember reading really early on into liking BlazBlue—I can't remember the source, come maul me if I'm wrong—I read that Hakumen as a character and design was made when Mori was in middle or highschool, the idea of "what is really cool," and much of those ideas stayed. I not only really respect that and think its charming as someone who still likes MY own designs from that time, but, as it turns out, middle schoolers are still right. Hakumen is very cool. Augh. Fucking? Time travelling fox-robot samurai who's here to kill his brother to save him and also himself because his old self wanted to do the same thing for the wrong reason and thay thought disgusts him. Also him and Tsubaki in general make me start to choke (positive). God ok I have four more guys to discuss. Yes i also like Susanoo but I feel like thats a copout, I like that he's both animalistic and brutal martial arts as the God of War. Anyways CONTINUING
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VALKENHAYN R HELLSING I will admit that he is an old man in a suit and that speaks to me but that he's one of the strongest beings alive as a old man in a suit ohh. And he's a werewolf ohhhh. Shifting just his body parts to kick and rip with his claws, quickly leaping back and forth between a normal bone-breaking jab or knee or biting and snarling—the dance between raw force and refined precision and a brutal tear's always been sooo cool to see and think about. I also think his ribbon in his hair moving to his wolfy tail is very cute. A man of sharp extremes from refined to flashing his fangs, human and wolf, cool and very cute. I like him :)
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TSUBAKI YAYOI her uniform is so nice uruururururugh. Big cape and the way it drapes around her in combat like wings... Her sword and buckler/Izayoi looking so unique for being a "basic sword and shield for the hero"-type of deal! The eye on her hat's always been really striking too—the only "cold" colours being her and her uniforms eyes.....................Sparing a glance at Hakumen's recurring red eyes for no reason here. Knightly angel women and her flower-like "tassets" hanging off her clothes. Its a uniform which plausibly feels like it could be a uniform—she doesn't have anything uniquely "hers" or "for this female character" while still being really standout and clean. Her design's just really good guys. You can do so much.
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Really want to mention her masked look too at least really quick here. my girllllll...
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RAGNA THE BLOODEDGE well of course I really like his design. Yeah him being here is partially obligation because I love his character a lot but both things inform each other in the end. Mr Grim Reaper, Enemy of the World, red-and-black with a demon's arm on one side and a rebuilt one on the other. His big red coat and the oversize shoulders! The massive baggy pants—I love the silhouette he has. Blood Scythe/Aramasa/His sword transforming and able to clack around and shift's just. Always been such a cool design. Seithr-powered man, devil-smoke powered man, ashes of your own old dead self-powered man. Ragna is fucking cool auauauuuaghrhg.
And it DOES only make it more charming that he has a good heart, has a bit of a Kicked Puppy charm about him if you can pardon uhh that implication. He is just some fucking guy and he likes barbecues. He is sweet and cares for stray cats. His dad is a cat. He blows up the government regularly. He's a rebel who visually looks really clean if "intentionally trying to look like someone you should think is cool", which is both dork-charming and cute and also actually yeah cool because it's not a visual mess.
I like that his arm underneath is all belts and bandaged—Bloodedge only wearing half his coat for example is such a good look and it shows his clean black shirt underneath, which feels a lot like... Under that big eyecatching rebel coat of his (personality), Ragna's... Ragna, I don't know. I hope that makes sense. Knowing his personality makes me like his design a lot more than if I didn't I think.
As mentionned in Hakumen's block of text however: I already really like chuuni-ass designs, so combined in Ragna he makes me unwell entirely.
And last (I am running out of images allowed per post :((((( )
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Kitty peepaw. I am cheating slightly here. I like the Kaka Kittens' big hoods too and think they're very cute and very eyecatching and I adore them always—the kittens especially being stompy little things that travel in packs are really cute. I love that Jubei, actual strongest thing in the world, has the oversized paw sleeves too. There's cat claws bigger than his body stored in what looks like emo kids' oversize hoodie sleeves. He's so simple and still the imagery of that coat gets reused several times over and it looks good every time. Orange kitty peepaw. AND he has an eyepatch, how can I not like eyepatches.
There are my 5 favourite BlazBlue designs :> Sorry if them all being C series or smth is boring wauh. I can spend as long as I want thinkinh about it but I do always seem to come back to these guys, give or take one change depending on the mood. Unchanging faves are Hakumen and Tsubaki for sure and forever though.
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