moonstruckme · 3 days
Hey Mae, congrats on 7k!!!! <3 Could I get Remus with apple pie, 25) a cold cement floor against skin?
Thanks for your request!
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 551 words
You’re spread-eagled on the cement floor of James and Lily’s garage. You’re worried you have sweat stains under your armpits, but not worried enough to hide them close to your body. No, you need all the contact with the cool ground you can get. 
“Um.” You strain your neck to look in front of you, but it’s only Remus. “You okay?” 
You let your head drop back to the floor. “Yeah,” you sigh. “S’nice in here.” 
“It is ungodly warm out.” He grunts quietly as he sits beside you. “If Sirius had shown up before the afternoon, we could’ve been done and inside by now.” 
James had asked you all over to help plant their new garden as a surprise for Lily when she comes home from her parents’. Poor Lily has been wanting to do it ever since they’d bought a house with a backyard, but she was first too busy and now too pregnant to be kneeling on the ground under the sun for hours. You’re not even pregnant and you worry it’s killing you, so really you’re glad the worst of the labor is being done for her. 
“I sat down to drink my water,” you gesture with your chin to the half-emptied cup at your side, “but the floor felt so cool I decided to lie for a bit. It gets a good breeze in here, feel?” 
“I feel it,” Remus agrees. His own hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat, but he lifts a hand to move yours, brushing damp strands away from your face. You close your eyes and hope your sigh conveys the appropriate gratitude. 
“I’ll get up and help in a second,” you promise. 
“That’s alright. Take your time.” His voice is an amused hum. “I didn’t come to fetch you, only to check on you.” 
“Have I been gone long?” 
“You don’t know?” 
“Might’ve fallen asleep.” You’re beginning to sound slurred even now, the cool floor against your skin lulling you into a trancelike relaxation. “I didn’t realize quite how hot I was until I came in here. You know?” 
Remus’ hum is tinged with worry. “Yeah, I think so. Sit up and have some water for me, lovely?” 
You push yourself up with a heavy sigh, picking up your cup. You worry you’ve left slippery sweat spots on the floor. “I’m okay,” you reassure him. 
“That’s good.” He lifts the hair off your neck, holding it in one hand so the air cools your nape. “Maybe you can have another water, just to be safe. We’ll bring them for everyone on our way back out.” 
“That’s a good idea.” 
“Hello?” Sirius comes around from the back, peering at the two of you. “You’re just slacking off without me, are you? I didn’t know we were having a break.” 
“You had your break in the morning when we were here and you weren’t,” Remus reminds him. 
“Oh, James is all by himself out there now.” You force yourself up, your thighs sticking to the floor. “I’ll go help him.” 
“Just bring him back for some water,” Remus says after you. “We could all use a breather.” 
“I swear,” Sirius grouses, “if he hasn’t stocked his freezer full of ice pops to compensate us for all this, I’m not going back out.”
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pitchsidestories · 3 days
all's well that ends well II Lucy Bronze x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2010
a/n: hi, we hope you enjoy the full length oneshot to the snippet we posted last week. 🫶🏻
Your voice was high-pitched and cracked slightly at the end of the question.
You didn’t care.
There was no way, she was actually here. You had heard the rumours but hadn’t believed any of it. And now she was actually here, right in front of your eyes, on the Chelsea training grounds.
She actually did it.
You watched her through narrowed eyes, subconsciously clenching your jaw.
She smiled brightly at you: “Yes, me. Good morning to you too, pretty girl.“
There it was, that typical smug smile. Lucy Bronze, just like you wanted to forget her.
“Don’t call me that.“, you warned her.
Bad enough that she was here, you didn’t need her stupid remarks.
She remained unbothered, teasing you some more: “Oh, someone woke up in a bad mood.“
“No, only still stuck in a nightmare called Lucy Bronze.“, you replied, taking in the unfamiliar sight of her in the blue Chelsea training shirt.
From the look on her face she clearly interpreted it as you checking her out.
You cringed.
“A nightmare, huh?”, she repeated with a grin.
You wanted nothing more than to wipe that stupid self-assured smile off her face.
“Dressed in Chelsea colours. Why did you come back? And of all clubs you had to choose mine?!”
You half-expected her to crack another joke but instead, her face turned serious.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t come here for you. I came for what the club had to offer.“
“In other words, Barca didn’t want you anymore.“, you taunted her.
You watched, waiting to see her face fall but it never did. She just cocked her head and replied: “Cold. But essentially yes, they didn’t guarantee me a spot in the starting squad so I left.“
Before you could stop yourself, you released a humourless laugh.
Following Lucys confused look, you explained: “You always leave when it gets uncomfortable. See you on the pitch.“
You turned around and took exactly two steps towards the football pitch before you heard Lucy catching up to you.
“What’s that supposed to mean? If you really think that you don’t know me well enough.“, she asked, her voice finally conveying some anger.
“Oh, I do know you.“, you shrugged and left her standing on the sideline of the pitch, joining your teammates for the warm-up.
To your surprise, she jogged up next to you, clearly not done with the conversation yet. “Sure. Of course you know me better than I know myself. You’ve always been such a know-it-all.“
You huffed in offence but before you could protest, she increased her pace and left your side.
In her place, Sam Kerr appeared with a curious look on her face: “Wait, you and Bronzey got history?”
“Yes, it was a long time ago though and I don’t want to talk about it, okay.”, you revealed reluctantly.
“Aw man, I love a good break up story.”, the Australian forward replied pouting.
“I know you do Sammy, but you won’t hear that one.”, you told her.
“I’ll figure it out sooner or later.”, she declared confidently.
“Don’t you dare asking Lucy about us.”, you warned your teammate.
“I’m sure she’ll tell me.”, Sam responded winking.
Much to her actual surprise the English defender did open up towards her, once it was just the two of them in an empty room.
“Our story is quick to tell we were together for quite a while, I went to another club, so we tried to do long distance, yet it didn’t work out.”
“And she thinks it’s your fault?”, Sam questioned.
“Obviously and she’s talking about comfortable all she has ever known is English football.”, the older woman shrugged.
The forward took a moment to think about what she just said before humming. “Oh, this is going to be a very interesting season.”
“Admittedly, I did a few things wrong in the past and there isn’t much I regret but these I do.” Memories of the moment Lucy regretted the most passed behind her inner eye.
“That’s too much information. I didn’t come for a deep dive.”, Sam intervened chuckling.
“Come on girls, don’t dally.”, Millie who stood in the doorframe called for them.
“She thinks she has something to say around here now that she has an honours doctorate.”, the forward rolled her eyes playfully.
“We’re ready, Doctor Bright.”, the dark-haired defender reassured the blonde with a teasing grin on her lips.
“Good to hear, Doctor Bronze.”, Millie answered happily.
A few days had passed since your conversation with your ex-girlfriend. During and post training you tried your best to ignore her. You were about to leave the Chelsea grounds, but a familiar voice held you back.
“Can we talk?”
“Now?”, you wanted to know.
“Yes.”, Lucy nodded.
“Fine, but be quick, I don’t have much time.”, you stated in an icy tone crossing your arms impatiently.
“Then you’ve to make some time.”, she emphasized.
“What do you want to talk about?”, you asked short-temperedly.
“About us. This is getting ridiculous. How’re we supposed to play together when you ignore me all the time?”, the defender countered eagerly awaiting your response.
The late afternoon light enhanced her tan, and her green eyes were glowing. You couldn’t help to admire the woman in front of you, but when you remembered what happened between you two and acid formed in your mouth, so you spat out words as cruel as the taste of that. Sentences you knew would hurt her.
“You’re less quick and sharp nowadays. Also how am I supposed to trust you on and off the pitch?”
Lucy blinked at you. Her face frozen, not slightest slip. Shaking her head, she replied: “You really have a way of making someone feel welcome here.“
“I’m normally more welcoming to our new signings… making sure they settle well into London…“
You stopped yourself from continuing and bit your lip. Why did you now feel the need to prove to her that your were actually good person?
“But not to me, I got it.“, she said, almost reading your exact next thought. She should know that you didn’t welcome her here.
“You’re a whole different story.“, you said plainly.
Your eyes suddenly caught sight of her arms crossed in front of herself. The little hairs stood up, small bumps forming around them. She had goosebumps.
“You’ll need a jacket. The evenings can already get cold.“, you advised her, trying to let no empathy seep through.
At once, you felt glad that you remembered to wear a long-sleeved shirt to training. You absentmindedly pulled the sleeves over your hands.
Your ex just rolled her eyes: “You act like I’ve never been to England.“
“You’re freezing. I can see that from here.“
“Yeah, this is obviously not Barcelona. But I’m not new here.“, she replied with clear annoyance.
You refused to let her have the point. “True but you never played in London though.“
“No, I didn’t.“
It was petty but you won. You turned to walk away from her like you had done so many times in the past few days but again she wouldn’t let you. Her hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you back in one swift movement.
“Where are you going? We’re not done here.“
You sighed in frustration: “I won’t ignore you in training anymore. Happy?”
“There’s more?”, you frowned at her.
“Of course, it’s not done with that.“
Eyebrows raised, you waited for an explanation: “So?”
“We should talk about us too. And what happened.“, she suggested.
Your heart stopped for a second, your lungs felt deprived of air and you couldn’t do anything but stare at her for a second. There was no way you would bring that break up back again. You both knew how it had ended.
“Another time, okay?”
You forced yourself to a half-smile: “See you tomorrow.“
You found yourself in the starting line-up for the next friendly at Stamford Bridge. You would be playing on the right wing, in front of Lucy. And despite all your doubts, the game went well.
More than well, to be honest. It was like you had never been apart. Lucys typical runs forward gave you the opportunity to move towards the centre and position yourself in the penalty areas. One of her crosses was so precise that you only had to tilt your head to put the ball into the net.
“Amazing game, girls. The season is off to a great start.“, Millie cheered as she high-fived you way too hard.
“Yeah, thanks for the assist, Luce.“
“You’re welcome. I still know your movements on the pitch.”, Lucy waved it off while the look on her face was melancholic. There was a hint of fondness in her voice too.
“And I’m sorry for what I said about your playing style.”, you bit your lip guiltily.
“I know.”, the defender sounded almost amused.
“Good.”, you sighed relived.
“Don’t worry.”, the older woman added quickly.
“Bye Luce.”
“See you, y/n.”, Lucy watched you go with a sad smile.
“Lucy? You two are so weird.”, Millie tapped on the dark-haired defender’s shoulder.
Irritated she turned around to face her team’s captain. “What do you mean?”
“Why don’t you finally talk about it?”, the blonde asked frustrated.
“I try to, but she always runs away.”, the older player explained annoyed.
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out for you.”, Millie promised.
And the Chelsea captain stayed true to her words.
It was the next day when you found yourself locked in a room with your ex-girlfriend.
“Sam, Erin, that’s not funny, let us out!”, you commanded, hammering your hands against the door. You felt like a mouse stuck in a trap.
“Do you hear anything, Erin?”, you heard the Australian ask the Scottish midfielder. The reply wasn’t audible to your ears because Lucy had started to speak.
“They’ll open the door again once we talked about us.”
“That’s so childish of them. To talk about us? That’s history.”, you grumbled.
“Of course. It’s obviously not history for you if you keep pouting about it.”, the defender observed
“I’m not pouting, I’m so over you at this point.”, you corrected her.
“Sure. Keep telling yourself that.”, your former lover sounded unconvinced.
“You really broke my heart back then.”, you confessed quietly, your voice full of the sadness and hurt from days in the past when the breakup was still fresh like a open wound you thought would never heal.
“I didn’t do anything.”, she remarked calmly.  
“Yes, you did you left.”, you disagreed fiercely.
“I left because I had to. After you assured me, long distance would work.”, Lucy defended herself.
A grieving smirk appeared on your face, you remembered your old self, what a fool she has been. “I thought it would, but it didn’t that happens.”
“Yes, it happens. So, stop blaming me for leaving it was a mutual decision.”
“It wasn’t your fault- Cam we leave now?”, you directed the question towards the people who kept you in that room.
“Nope, you know what we want to hear.”, Sam declared grinning.
“Lucy, what does she want from us?”, you wanted to know.
“I’ve no idea., she admitted before continuing, we won’t get back together, Sam. That won’t work.”
“Exactly.”, you added quickly.
“That’s not what we want. Keep talking and you’ll see.”, the forward insisted.
“What if we begin again? Like we just met for the first time.”, Lucy suggested.
“Wait, what?”, you frowned.
“We can start over.”, she offered in a hopeful tone.
“You mean as in strangers who get to know each other?”
“Maybe.” , she nodded knowing fully well you’d never be a stranger to her.
“And we don’t know where this leads to?”, you felt your heart flutter against your chest, the door was open again and you both stepped into the unknowing. The past was the past the future was uncertain, all you could influence was the present.
All's well that ends well. Yet this was only the beginning and the closing of one chapter of your relationship.
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menagerofmischief · 3 days
Hello, idk if you are comfortable writing for dom!female reader, if not you can just leave that one out :)
Server: Franco Colapinto
Starter: hummus nachos
Hot appetizer
Mains: carbonara
Drinks: espresso (dom!reader)
Pumpkin spice latte
Dessert: Yes
Favorite track: monza
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Dia's Diner Menu
hummus nachos teammates hot appetizer sweet sex carbonara "Look so good on my cock" espresso dom/sub (dom!reader) pumpkin spice latte losing virginity (virgin!Franco) dessert aftercare + mint tea body worship (on the house)
Franco Colapinto x Williams!driver!reader
TW: unprotected sex (don't do it tho), dom!reader, cowgirl
WC: 1.4k
A/N: I haven't written anything in a while so this may actually be shit. Also, not BETA'D, we die like Logan's F1 career.
It all started rather simply, really. A bunch of people from the grid went out clubbing to celebrate the end of the race and the three week break that was going to follow it. The club was full of people, music loudly blasting from the speakers. 
One drink after another and one thing leading up to the next, I ended up dancing with Franco. He was the newest addition to my team, two races in after he replaced Logan mid season, Franco was turning up to be a rather good driver. 
We’ve been friendly right from the start, possibly more than friendly if you counted all those light touches and consonant flirting. It was safe to say we were being much more than friendly right now as my hips were grinding against his while his face was hidden in the crook of my neck, lips gently sucking on the skin there.
“Do you want to go back to the hotel?” I barely managed to ask, the heat around us and his lips on my neck making it hard to find my voice and speak up.
“Yes,” he breathed out, hands gripping my waist. “Please.”
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
We barely made it to my hotel room, stopping our exploring touches and pulling away once the elevator doors slid open and rushing to open the door and get inside. 
As soon as I closed the door I was back to lightly touching Franco, leaning my body into his and kissing him deeply, feeling his tongue run against my own.
“God, you’re so pretty.” I said, pulling away from him to get a good look. His hair was messed up, cheeks flushed red and eyes half closed. 
He let out a breathless laugh, smiling at me before diving back down into another kiss. “Please,” he all but whined, hands tugging at the bottom of my dress.
“Please what?” I asked, lips brushing against his with every word spoken. “You need to use your words to tell me what you want, pretty boy.”
“Want you,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. “Need you. Need to feel you, please”
“There we go,” I said, a smile playing on my lips while my fingers were quickly undoing the buttons of his shirt. Once the last button was popped open Franco wasted no time in shrugging his shirt off, leaving his upper body bare.
“Fuck,” my hands moved on their own, first palms flat against his chest, his stomach and muscles and then moving to explore every inch of his skin I could. 
“Never done this before . . . Feels good, fuck.” He said under his breath but I caught every word, my movement instantly stopping while I stared at him. His eyes opened wide, pupils blown as he realized what he said and panic became noticeable on his face.
“You’re a virgin?”
I went to pull my hand away but he grabbed my wrist before I could and returned it to his chest. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop. I’m not entirely inexperienced I promise! I know how to pleasure you, please let me…”
“No sweetheart it’s not that.” I lifted one hand up to cup his cheek, offering him a comforting smile which seemed to ease his nerved just a bit. “It’s just . . . are you sure you want to do this? With me? Now?”
“Yeah, yes - I’m sure, I’ve never been more sure of anything.” 
“Okay,” I whispered, watching as his shoulders relaxed. “Let’s get these off then.” I touched the waistband of his jeans and Franco eagerly nodded, reaching to open his jeans but I moved his hands aside and did it myself.
I kneeled down, hearing Franco’s breath hitch, his eyes focused on me. I pulled his jeans down, leaning to place a kiss on each of his thighs. “You’re the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen,” I told him, stroking the skin of his thigh before reaching to pull down his boxers as well. “With the prettiest dick too.”
I placed a kiss on the tip of his cock causing Franco to moan. One of his hands went into my hair, grabbing a fist full and gently pulling me back. I looked up at him through my eyelashes and saw the look of desperation on his face. 
“I’d love that, really would,” he rambled, his fingers easing in my hair making sure not to pull any out. “But I need to feel you around me, please. Wanna be in you, please, please!”
“Come on, let’s get on the bed,” I said, pulling off my dress while Franco eagerly scrambled to sit on the bed, pushing himself up towards the headboard. I took my panties off as well, leaving myself in my bra only and made my way to join Franco on the bed.
I crawled up the bed until I was straddling Franco, the tip of his cock barely rubbing against my clit causing me to take a few breaths. “Gonna let me ride you, baby?” 
Franco moaned when I slid my pussy against the length of his dick, his hands coming up to grip my waist for support. “Yes,” he whispered, voice thick with desire and need. “Ride me. Use me for your pleasure.”
I wasted no time, reaching a hand between our bodies to grab his dick and position the tip at my already slick entrance. I slowly sunk down on his, hissing at the initial stretch and the burn of getting used to his size.
After a few seconds I began moving, lifting up my hips a few inches and pushing them back down again, making both of us moan. Franco’s hands slipped from my waist to the back of my thighs, he gripped them hard enough for me to know they were going to bruise tomorrow, and began helping me bounce on his cock.
“Fuck,” Franco grunted, face scrunched up in please. “Look so good on my cock. Feel amazing too. So much better than I imagined.”
“Yeah?” I asked, with a breathless laugh. “Imagined me bouncing on your dick, using you to get my fill. Did you touch yourself while thinking about what I would sound like with your dick in my pussy?”
Franco whined. I could tell he was getting close by the way his cock twitched inside of me. He let go of my thighs, one hand wrapping around me and pulling me closer to his chest while the other sneaked between us to rub on my clit.
My body felt like it was on fire, every nerve light up with his touch. It felt good, all of it felt so good. His dick sliding in and out of me, hitting my sensitive spots with every movement, his tip kissing against my cervix from how deep he was and his fingers desperately rubbing circled on my clit.
I came with a loud moan, Franco following right behind, his orgasm triggered by mine. He put his face in my neck, muffling the sound of his moans as he came.
We both stopped moving for a few moments, taking deep breaths and allowing ourselves to ride down the high. Then I slowly lifted myself of him, his now softening dick slipping out of me. He looked so blissed out I couldn’t help myself but lean to kiss him.
“Where are you going?” He asked me as I slipped out of the bed. His hand reaching towards me, a lazy smile on his lips as he wiggled his fingers.
“To the toilet real quick, then I’ll be right back.” True to my word, I went to the toilet quickly, using a warm towel to wipe his cum from my pussy. I returned back to bed with two bottles of water and a box of Oreo’s. 
I passed one bottle to Franco while I settled up next to him, placing a kiss on his cheek before leaning my head on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around me. “That was … “
“Yeah, amazing sound about right.”
Silence filled the room for a few moment before Franco spoke up. “This wasn’t really a one time thing for me. I like you, a lot.”
I smiled, “I like you too. A lot.” I took his free hand in mine, intertwining our fingers together. “But we can talk about it more in the morning. Right now let’s just cuddle.” 
Franco chuckled, “Let’s cuddle,” he agreed.
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nathaslosthershit · 16 hours
How Old? (LH44) [Blind Items AU]
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(Part 7 in the Blind Items AU [can be read separately]) Summary: A driver, unknown to the public, seems to have found himself a younger girlfriend. There isn't anything morally (nor legally) wrong with the relationship, and the pair are doing quite well in their private bliss, but the internet likes to insert itself in other's business. Luckily, Lewis is doing too good to care about what the internet has to say.
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‘Young, dumb, impressionable girls who don’t know any better’. Lewis laughed at the thought. 
He had met his girlfriend 3 years ago when she was 24, because no, she wasn’t 25. They had immediately clicked, being introduced by a mutual friend. His girl had just finished getting her PhD in child psychology, because she was far from a ‘dumb girl’. She had accelerated in her schooling from the time she started school. She worked with special programs to continuously learn at her level, not her age level. The party they met at was her graduation party that Lewis’ friend had invited him to, thinking the two would go well together.
Lewis would be lying if he said her age wasn’t something he considered when they both began to like each other. But it was more so that they were in very different stages career-wise. She was in a transitional period from school to practicing, and with the upcoming move to Ferrari, Lewis didn't know what his future looked like. How could they make a relationship work when their careers were their highest priority?
So they didn’t date, remaining ‘friends’ and seeing each other whenever possible. 
That was until around a year after they met.
One night, after Lewis had been having one of the best racing seasons in a while, and after she had been succeeding in her clinical trials, proving just how much this was the perfect path for her, Lewis came over to celebrate. 
Tensions had been building up since they had agreed to keep it friendly because they simply couldn’t commit to a relationship right now. That night though, it reached its peak.
Neither had been drinking, drunk purely on lust. After two hours of dinner and good conversation, one experimental kiss led to another, which led to a longer kiss, then full on making out, until the two were in a frenzy of trying to take the others’ clothes off as fast as humanly possible. 
That night then led to a weird period for the two. They cared for each other deeply, talked like a couple, acted like a couple, but when asked by friends on the status of their relationship, it was simply a friendship with ‘hot and passionate’ sex on the side. 
Nothing more, even though they both wanted so much more. But they refused to talk about committing again. 
That was till she found out she was pregnant. 
They had been careful, condoms and birth control, but it was just some freak accident, or a blessing.
She couldn’t tell Lewis for about a month, as he was on a triple header in F1 which thankfully ended in summer break. 
By then, she had enough time to sit and think about what she wanted. It wouldn’t be easy, both their careers are demanding. If it was anyone but him, she would have had way more doubt in her partner’s ability to balance both, but she had no doubt Lewis would be anything but an amazing father. 
She was about 9 weeks when she saw him again. They had made plans to go on vacation for a week during the break (supposedly as friends, even though Lewis had booked them a honeymoon suite), so she knew she had to ask right away, before they went on vacation. The last thing she needed was things going wrong and being stuck in the South of France, pregnant, with a man who didn’t want to be a father.
“I’m pregnant.” She blurted out the moment she opened the door. 
They both stared at each other wide eyed. She hadn’t meant to say it straight away. 
Instead of clarifying, she immediately turned around and went to the kitchen. Lewis reluctantly followed, confused as to if she wanted to talk to him at the moment. 
She refused to look at him, busying herself with getting plates and utensils for the takeout Lewis had picked up.
“Are we- are we going to talk about it?” He asked. She turned around to finally look at him, seeing as he slowly walked towards her with his hands in the air.
“God, Lewis, I am pregnant, not a kicked puppy, I'm not going to bite if you come near me.” He quickly put his hands down. 
Silence fell as they both looked at each other, wishing the other one would talk first. When that didn’t happen, they both gave in, speaking over each other. “No- sorry you first.” He said.
“No, no its okay you can go.”
Once again they were both silent, til they both chose the exact same time to speak. It was thankfully what the situation needed. They laughed, immediately severing the tension and awkwardness in the room. 
As they finally calmed down, Lewis said, “So… what are we going to do?”
No ‘what are you going to do’, no immediate shut down. She was once again grateful that out of all people in the world, it was Lewis who was by her side.
“Its… hard and most would say it is not the right time for either of us. But I want to be a mother, and I want to do so now.” 
“Okay, do you still need time to think or-”
“No, no- I have had a month to think and my decision hasn’t changed since the moment I found out.” 
Now was the most stressful part, waiting for what he would say, how he would react.
“Then we can make this work, we can find a way around any complications. There is no one I’d rather do this with, honey.” 
The two of them sat in silence, but it was a comfortable silence, both envisioning the future they were going to work for, a future they were going to achieve no matter what. 
That had been almost two years ago, and they had been happy and in love ever since. Even more so when their healthy baby girl was born. 
A content smile covered Lewis’ face as his girlfriend walked in, holding their daughter. 
“What’s got you so happy?” 
“Just my two wonderful girls.” He responded.
She rolled her eyes, “Such a sap you old man. Will you please come help me build the chair for the baby’s room now?”
Happy to oblige, Lewis shut his phone and got up to help his girlfriend, completely forgetting about what the internet had to say about his private life.
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wonsdoll · 2 days
( ✉️ ) CLEAR HEART ✷ 니키
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PREC𝓲S 。。 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗌 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖽𝖺𝗒
니키 /⠀ female reader ── fluff + non idol au 。。 ⠀for my sia bia ps: i love u :( @elysianiki !! . . . more
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the door creaked open as you stepped inside your apartment. exhaustion weighing down on you like a heavy brick. it had been a long day, the kind of day that drains you, leaving you in your thoughts, feeling a mix of different emotions.
school had been rough—an overwhelming amount of work, too many people, and zero patients to deal with it. as well as home, it hadn’t been any easier. you felt alone in your thoughts, felt as if they weren’t anyone to comfort you within this hard time.
you sighed loudly, kicking off your shoes and dropping your bag in its usual corner. you weren’t expecting any company today—especially not your boyfriend riki.
“baby?” his voice startled you a little. riki’s voice was soft, full of concern.
you walk into the living room to see him sitting back on the couch. riki’s face softened as he sees you, a huge smile on his face. his eyes quickly take in your expressions and without another word, he gets up from the couch, wrapping you into his embrace.
riki didn’t say anything at first, he just held you. his arms were strong yet gentle, his chin rested on the top of your head as you buried your face in his chest. somehow, everything about riki’s presence made you feel a little lighter. the weight of your hard day wasn’t entirely yours to carry anymore.
“you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, baby.” riki whispers softly into your ear, his fingers gently run through your soft hair, leaving you feeling relaxed. “but i’m here, okay?”
you nodded against him. it felt as if the whole day was bubbling under your skin, too heavy to even place into words.
when you finally pulled back, riki tucks a few strands of hair behind your ear. “rough day?” he asks, his voice barely below a whisper, as if he didn’t want to break the fraglie air between the two of you.
“yeah.” you admitted softly, your voice a bit shaky. “school was awful.. and the rest of my day just got worse.”
riki frowned, concern filling his eyes. “i’m so sorry baby..”
you shook your head. “it’s fine.. i just don’t want to even think about it anymore.”
“then don’t.” he says simply, his lips curling into a smile. “let’s forget about today okay? now come here.”
riki leads you over to the couch, pulling you gently down with him until you were both laying together. your head rested near his chest, hearing every beat of his heart. riki adjusts a blanket over you both, wrapping you in more warmth. one of his hands stroke your back soothingly.
“it’s alright baby.” he murmurs, his voice soft and steady. “you’ve had a rough day and it’s okay, i’ve got you now.”
you closed your eyes, feeling yourself relax after hearing his words. his heartbeat was steady and very soothing to hear after a long, tiring day. riki didn’t even need to say much; just being this close to him made everything better.
“i love you.. you know that right?” riki whispers against your smooth hair.
“i know.” you smile, softly.
“and you’re amazing. even on days like today, when the world feels like it’s against you, you’re still the strongest person i know.”
you snuggled closer to him, allowing his words to wrap around you. “thank you for making it all better..” you smile, a smile quickly falling onto his face.
riki laughs lightly, pulling you closer to him. “you never have to thank me baby, i’m always here.”
you and riki laid on the couch for some time, his soft hums sending you into a light sleep. as you slept, his hands rested gently on your back, holding you from harm’s way and protecting you.
“tomorrow will be a better day baby, i promise.” riki whispers softly against your ear, wrapping his arms around you a little more tighter before closing his own eyes.
💌 : for my sia, i love you always my love 💗 && the rest of my 3ki if you ever need comfort !! two posts in 24 hours? i’m on a roll (not for long)
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periprose · 3 days
Can I have a Logan Howlett x Angel!Fem!Reader where Logan sees the reader in the kitchen having a bit of a meltdown and uncomfortable feeling over holding a knife (for like, cooking reasons or smth) and he calms her down because the reader just doesn’t want to hurt anyone :(? I’d appreciate it thanks! (I’ve seen you wanted more Angel reader, so im here to reciprocate :3)
AHhhh this fits so well Anon (maybe unintentionally so, the previous fic had a little snippet about Angel's mom trying to stab her when she was young...) but I love your brain. I made it a bit longer and added some stuff and it's set before the previous Logan Gains a Guardian Angel fic (LGGA for short) so they're not together yet.
Knives Drip Chocolate (or, Logan Gains a Guardian Angel)
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Word Count: 2.9k
Genre: Angst, fluff, hurt with comfort, mutual pining, idiots in love, mild traumatic flashback stuff (but no violence)
LGGA Masterlist
Logan is always ready for a late-night snack.
It’s hard for him to feel full, a lot of the time– he didn’t always have the easiest access to food, and he’s known for a while, if there’s a brief period in his immortal-like life where he can just relax about food and supplies, he shouldn’t take that for granted. 
Plus with an accelerated healing factor, sometimes his body starts digesting food too quickly, leading to faster body repair, but nothing to feel satisfied about.
So he’s got tons of cravings. Something that you are constantly bothered about, even now, as Logan knocks on your door, asking yet again if you’d accompany him to the kitchen.
Not that you actually mind. Sometimes you think you’d follow Logan into hell if he asked nicely enough, despite your occasionally evasive attitude keeping him on his toes.
“Angel, please. I’m starving.” Logan’s grumpy complaints are muffled behind your door, and you wonder why a nearly 200 year old man needs you so badly, to be by his side, when he’s spent so long being a loner.
“I’m coming.” You yawn, pulling yourself out of your bed– Storm is your roommate, and she’s passed out, stone cold. You quickly finger comb your hair, and fix your giant t-shirt, so your shoulder isn’t so exposed.
Silly, because you know Logan doesn’t care.
It’s bad. It’s really, really bad, because you don’t want to get attached to Logan, not when he’s sure to toss you aside like he’s done with the rest of them eventually. But you can’t help yourself– Logan is easy to be around, he knows your fears and little quirks, and he has never treated you like you’re so different for being a little quiet, like him. 
You know everyone has noticed. When you open your bedroom door, and Logan stares at you for a moment– an unreadable, soft glance in his eyes, one that you could choose to ignore, but don’t, as you stare back at him– you know all the other X-Men see it. Some silly crush you have on him, that clearly confuses Logan himself as he shakes his head, and pulls you by the arm out of your room, your PJs and hair askew.
Logan himself looks good, you have to admit– wearing lazy sweatpants and a white tank-top, his arm muscles looking especially defined tonight– and you pull your arm away, embarrassed that you give into these feelings so easily.
He’s only ever going to be your best friend. Even now, there’s nothing romantic about the way Logan asks if you want a ham and cheddar sandwich, too. He’s just looking out for you. 
Jean, Scott, and Storm have literally asked you, more than once, if you and Logan had maybe slept together, or kissed, or anything that would be a culmination of some supposed lust, in which case you always laugh awkwardly and deny everything. 
Your excuse is that it’s deeper than that, and it’s one-sided. What would be the point of bringing it up if it would just end in heartbreak?
“Earth to Angel.” Logan shakes your arm, breaking your stride. “Hey, that’s kind of funny, isn’t it? You’re always up in Heaven. Daydreaming about who the hell knows what.”
“Haha, Logan.” You mockingly say in a deadpan voice. “What is it?”
“Your wings are flexing a little bit, again, like they’re about to open. They’re kind of pulsing.” He says it in a soft tone, ushering in some concern he has, and you find yourself wishing that you were someone normal, someone that Logan didn’t have to care so much about. 
It’s not that you’re not happy to have his concern, it’s just that you don’t know what to do with it. Thank him for it? You have never been used to people looking out for you.
“It’s fine. Sometimes I get muscle spasms, it’s nothing to worry about.” You mutter, knowing it has to do with anxiety, but Logan looks a bit unconvinced.
“Okay. But if you keep having weird tremors, I’m taking you to the hospital wing so you can get diagnosed.” Logan states, and you open your mouth to argue, but he tuts. “No arguing about this. Last thing we need is for you to die from stress or cancer or something.”
Your heartbeat quickens, not at the mention of cancer, but because Logan used we and now you’re just thinking about how you’re always together.
Not like that, though.
“Okay, Logan. I get it.” You shake your head. “I won’t die.” 
“Not yet. We got snacks to eat.” Logan agrees, as he leads you into the kitchen.
Logan’s got you working on making hot chocolate as he makes the sandwiches, pan-frying them till the cheese is hot and melty. 
It’s not really a common mix, you think, but you’re just happy to be helping.
“Careful. Milk boils over fast.” Logan comments from next to you, mostly focused on his own side of the stove, and you roll your eyes.
“I know that.” You retort, but as you look away from the stove for one second, the pot of milk nearly does boil over, and you swear, reducing the heat quickly.
Logan starts laughing. “Told you.”
You shove him lightly, and he has a stupid grin on his face, one where you know Logan takes such joy in teasing you at times. Like this is one of the greatest pleasures in life.
You move the milk over to the counter, to let it cool, and then remember something semi-important. 
“Logan? Don’t forget, Scott wanted extra ham for the Hawaiian pizza they’re making tomorrow–” As you’re reminding him, Logan wordlessly shows you the empty ham package, telling you that he used all of it for the sandwiches.
“You snooze, you lose.” Logan shrugs, and you close your eyes in partial defeat, trying not to laugh at his antics.
“I guess, but you never seem to lose, and Scott’s always chewing me out for your ‘mistakes.’” You point at yourself, tongue poking through the side of your mouth, and Logan raises his eyebrows. “Tell me: Am I snoozing, or are you just lucky that I take the blame?”
“Ah, Angel… you’re obviously asleep.” Logan smirks, and you scoff at his audacity, having expected a semi-apology from him. “No one ever said you had to take the blame for my snacks. You could’ve just told him it was Jean, and he wouldn’t have asked any questions.”
You blink at him. “Lying to our team’s leader aside, why Jean?”
“C’mon. Scott’s crazy over her, they’ve been together for however long, and he can never say no to her. It’s the perfect excuse– he wouldn’t even ask her about missing food, so not to offend his sweetheart.” Logan pauses, a thoughtful look taking over his features, and he scratches his chin. “I guess love really is blind.”
“Wow. You had that takeaway based on gaslighting both Scott and Jean? You really are an unfeeling old man.” You giggle, and Logan glances over at you, his face heating up at your laugh, a sweet sound that always pushes a warmth into his chest.
If Logan was honest, he understands Scott perfectly. Sure, he could play the part of the curmudgeonly old man, and lie to you– but in truth, he was doing that because he likes you.
Just like Scott. Logan likes you so much, that he would honestly lie to you just to protect your relationship– whether that be about missing food, or if you talk about some other dude someday, and he has to pretend he’s all ecstatic for you, as he often worries about. 
He knows it’s bad. And he doesn’t like it, either. Logan insists to himself, in pure self denial, that this love he has for you doesn’t exist, because he would rather be given even a little bit of your presence as a friend, than to be entirely shut out by you upon imminent rejection.
But even he knows he protests too much. Of course he loves you, how could he not?
Logan thinks of you as his personal guardian Angel. It’s silly, of course– but you’re the one who helps him make better choices, doing the right thing more often than not. He’s an idiot– you’re a beautiful genius of a woman, and it bothers him so deeply that you keep to yourself.
He looks over at you. You’re chopping up a bar of dark chocolate, and your gaze is intensely focused– Logan has seen the same expression on you when you’re beating up a bad guy. You’re thinking, murmuring something to yourself, probably thinking about hot chocolate.
Your eyes turn wide, glassy, and you inhale sharply.
Logan immediately comes to your side. “Angel?”
Logan’s voice doesn’t fully register to you.
The knife gleams in the low lighting of the kitchen, as you turn it over and over in your hand, dark brown chocolate smudging the blade, and then you look down to your palms.
Where your hands are covered in dark, melted chocolate, after you’ve been holding the chocolate bar to chop it up– the liquid is almost amber in hue. 
“...blood.” You whisper something unintelligible, but Logan catches the last word.
You retch to yourself, hyperventilating over the counter, back hunched over, the knife still clenched in your palm.
“Angel, hey–” Logan squeezes his way between the counter and your right arm, where your hand is holding the knife, and he firmly pulls it away from you, grabbing it blade-first without even thinking about it, and you gasp, shouting at him to get away.
Logan stops, at a loss for words. You’re trembling, you’re no longer holding the knife, but you can’t stop looking at your hands.
He grabs your arms a bit more gently, turning you towards him, and you’re lost in some train of thought that Logan can’t stop.
Mom sliced up one of my hands once… it’s been years, but it looked just like this.
Then I got her back, by accident… it was an accident, Angel.
“What’s wrong?” Logan looks down at you in fear, worry that something may actually be very wrong, and you haven’t told him a thing.
He thinks he shouldn’t have assumed you were always alright. He knows you aren’t– he just finds it difficult to surpass your avoidant attitude. He’s never seen you have a full blown panic attack like this before.
Your wings are subtly twitching again, folded against your back, but threatening to open up to full expanse, and you shake your head, lip quivering, as you look down at the floor.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” You utter so softly, so heartbreakingly tiny, and Logan feels himself turning cold at your words, wondering if you’d really done something that terrible.
With a kitchen knife, of all things. He wants to hug you firmly now.
He knows even if it was true– there’s no way that was your fault, no way Logan wouldn’t have sussed that out based on instinct. 
“It isn’t…” Logan starts, wanting to say it wasn’t your fault, but he doesn’t know how that will go over with you. “You’re not going to hurt anyone. Where is that coming from?”
“Just a bad memory.” You say with a shaky breath, the most information you’re willing to give him at this moment, and you know– you know– Logan is never going to be satisfied with that answer.
You don’t want to scare him off. This is the first time you could even say you have a best friend, and you don’t want Logan to pity you or feel like you were incapable of taking care of yourself. You don’t want him to see you like your mother did.
Logan frowns. Then, instead of asking you a question, he traces the back of your wings, which causes a shiver in your body.
You close your eyes, expecting to feel tense, scared, and horrified, but instead you feel calm, almost placid. Being touched by Logan makes you feel like everything is going to be alright.
Your wings stop shaking, and Logan hands you a wet paper towel. You wipe your chocolatey hands, which puts you at ease, seeing your clean hands again. 
“Sorry. I don’t mean to make you my caretaker.” You whisper, always worried about others’ perception of you, and Logan shakes his head.
“I don’t mind, Angel. As long as you’re alright.” Logan has a tentative look on his face, and you’re almost embarrassed, that you like being taken care of so badly, and he hugs you tightly, arms wrapped around your back, a near bone crushing hug that has you nestled in his chest, fit under his jaw as he places his head on top of yours.
Your heartbeat slows down. You’re not panicking any more, but it seems like Logan, too, is reaping some sort of benefit by being so close to you. He inhales deeply, and the sigh rumbles through his chest into you.
You could almost cry. You spent so much of your childhood never being close to anyone, and being held is cathartic in a way you can’t even describe.
Logan doesn’t let go until you do. Then he has the audacity to look a little sheepish, like he had done something un-Logan and uncool, and you almost feel pained, like you should push him away, and go to sleep on your own.
It’s such an odd feeling, to both want his concern, and to wish you never needed to do so.
You stare up at him, and Logan smiles, a soft smile that he hopes reads as comforting rather than a snarl, and you can’t help yourself for what you ask next.
“Could I sleep in your room?” You ask, biting back the immediate disclaimers of it’s okay if you don’t want to. “I’m just better when I’m around you.”
There’s also the thing of waking up Storm if you enter back in now, and explaining that you had yet another panic attack. She’ll be mad.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s okay.” Logan murmurs, wondering if you meant to make that sound so devotedly sweet, something that causes his insides to seize a little.
He feels better around you, too.
You’re usually good at hiding this side of yourself from him– it’s another step deeper, another step too far into your relationship to take back– and now you worry you’ll never really be able to separate.
Logan ruffles your hair, and all is right again.
He makes you eat at least a bite of the sandwich, and sip a little hot chocolate– the rest is placed in the fridge for some other mutant to eat.
Logan won’t let you go to sleep without a meal, or in this case a few nibbles, if he can help it.
“Moods are worse on an empty stomach.” Logan grins, and you smile, feeling a little more at ease.
“You’re not you when you’re hungry.” You joke, and Logan rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah, save that for when we’re pilfering Kurt’s Snickers bars.” He snorts. 
Logan leads you to his room, oddly silent the entire time. It’s not that Logan isn’t typically quiet, it’s that it feels more tense. He’s keeping to himself, and he doesn’t seem to have anything against you– he has only a kind expression for you, when you meet his eyes.
Finally, you both arrive to his bedroom door. Logan is lucky– he doesn’t have to room with anyone– and you’ve been in here plenty of times.
Still, that doesn’t explain why it takes him a second to enter in the room, as you follow him in.
It’s sparsely decorated in here– one poster of the Calgary Flames is on Logan’s wall, and there’s a mug with random, assorted pens on his desk. His bed has never been filled with loads of stuffed animals and pillows like other X-Men (read: Jubilee) would have. There’s a pile of assorted flannels, jackets, and scarves hanging off a coat rack.
It’s comforting, though. Logan is a simple man, and you like being close enough to understand him, to see the small remnants of things he likes.
“Well. The bed’s there, if you’d like. Don’t let me stop you.” Logan points to the bed, and he starts walking towards the leather recliner next to the window.
“Logan. Stop.” You grab him by the arm, and he pauses, slightly scared, mostly enthused by what you’ll say next. “It’s okay with me if we sleep next to each other.”
“...Okay.” Logan watches as you climb into his bed, hoping it’s comfortable, and doing a weird thing of personally memorizing the way you lay and snuggle down, in case you never do this again.
You’re next to the wall, so Logan stays on his side, lying down close to the edge of the bed. And you’re keeping your distance– so is he.
You turn, and Logan is already looking at you. He glances away.
“Good night, Angel.” Logan utters softly, and with that, you turn to your side, to fall asleep.
When Logan wakes up, he freezes, so not to move you. Somehow, through out the night, you ended up snuggled around him, sprawled against his chest, your arms lightly wrapping around him.
He loves it. He’s glad to see he’s been useful for once– he gave you a good night’s sleep.
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leahrintarou · 3 days
✩₊˚.⋆ OFFICE HOURS ONLY - kento nanami
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CW: afab!reader, stimulation/penetration, cunnilingus, pet name used is "sweetheart", unprotected sex, gojo mentioned as y/n's fuck buddy, female anatomy.
Word Count: 3.7k
Author's Note: HI GUYZ! this was a collab written by myself and my pookie: @satorusluvrgirl . we worked really hard on this and we're so incredibly proud on how it turned out. i hope you enjoy reading! leave a like and reblog to show support.
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WORKING hours and hours at the most famous company really had you fucking drained to the fullest. Getting up at 6 am to be at work at 8 and then going home at 11 pm. Your schedule was mostly full of just work on work on work. But the pay was good at least. And it’s not like you totally hated your job, there was one thing you really looked forward to every morning.
Which was Nanami Kento. The man who would always greet you when you would walk in the office, his “good morning, miss” would always hit the spot, making you look forward to the day. The man who welcomed you on your first day and took you out to get a coffee, little did you know he remembered it, taking you your coffee everyday. The man who would always try to make small talk with you in the break room and ask you little questions.
You knew since the first day you had a huge crush on Nanami. After all he was handsome, well put together, and very well dressed. The suits he had on which made him look so sexy in, they were always top designer suits. Which was understandable since he’s been working longer in this company than you and making more. You wanted Nanami. But the more you thought about him, it just made you more curious about him. is he married? does he have kids? what are his hobbies? but you never made your move. You put the thought in your head that a man like him was most likely married and probably had kids, oh but how you were so wrong.
Nanami was single. A hard working single man who was always working 24/7 and practically had no life other than this job. He never really thought of love. He was always stressed and had no time for anything. He wished he could find someone to relate to his problems. Someone who can probably help him and relieve all this stress he has in him. And he will.
NOW it was 9:30 pm on a Friday, you were working on a big project your boss assigned you, it wasn’t too bad but the first section you were done with. It was just the second section you had a struggle with. You had been working on this project for days, you even had to stay overtime. You set your pencil down and sighed, leaning on your chair. Since you were going to be extending your stay at the office tonight, you thought you should get coffee, italian coffee of course. You grabbed your mug, making your way to the break room which was not too far from your office.
But of course Nanami was in there, He turned his head over to you and flashed a smile. “hello y/n”. you smiled back at him, “hi nanami” you said softly, your voice ringing in his ears. You walked in the room making your way to the coffee machine and pouring it in your mug, your back faced to Nanami. “How’s your project coming along? I see you’re staying overtime to finish it?” he leaned over the counter, taking a sip out of his mug.
you let out a chuckle, “yeah I am.. I got done with the first section of it.. it’s just the second part. i’m just so stressed” you sighed. “i’m sorry about that.. but you know I can always give you a helping hand” nanami offered to you. Maybe this could be your chance to get to know him better, but you knew how stressful it could be so you didn’t want him to help you. “uhm no nanami it’s okay really.. I really appreciate the offer though” you nodded. “I don’t take no for an answer, y/n” he said in a serious tone.
“are you really sure?” you looked at him sincere. “yes of course” he nodded, you sighed. “fine, uhm i’ll go over to your office once everyone starts heading out.” he put his coffee mug down to add more creamer, “sure thing”, you smiled and started walking out, “alright thanks nanami! i’ll see you later” you said before leaving the room.
You let out a breath you held in while talking to him, as you got to your office you squealed lowly to yourself in excitement. It was finally your time with Nanami alone. Just you two, no one else in the office.
AS the time passed you grew impatient, you wanted to be with Nanami, and finally the time came. You fixed up yourself in the bathroom mirror. Lifting up your skirt and fixing your blazer, along with your hair. You also fixed up your makeup since you had your bag with you, you added more of your lipstick and gloss on your lips. You got your perfume and sprayed all over your body.
Looking in the mirror you fixed up a little more. You left the bathroom and gathered your things, heading to Nanamis office. You took a deep breath and knocked on his door which you heard him say “Come in!” you slowly opened the door and slid in. “hi” you said with a small wave making Nanami smile. “here come take a seat” he patted the seat next to him by his desk. you took your seat, you opened up your computer and pulled out the section you had to work on for the project. Nanami pulled your chair closer to him making you widened your eyes.
“Sorry I couldn’t see your screen” he said. You nervously chuckled, “i’m sorry about that”. You turned your computer to him. “It’s fine, let’s get to work shall we?” you smiled and nodded. “yes, let’s do it..”
An hour had past by, you and nanami quickly opened up to each other. Just like how you hoped for. He was telling you everything you wanted to know, To his hobbies, to his favorite ice cream color. You were admired by him, the way he talked about his passions with you. It just made you fall for him even more.
Nanami wasn’t really the type to open up quickly or even talk, but with y/n it was different. She was different. She was a breath of fresh air and that’s something Nanami needed in his life. Y/n made him feel at ease. He felt like he could talk to her without being judge, vice versa with her as well. Not only that Nanami always noticed y/n. She was very hot. But he thought she had a boyfriend, a girl like her was probably in a relationship. he was wrong like how you were.
“Alright I think that’s the last of it” Nanami typed the final words in and sent in an email to the boss. “thank you nanami I really appre-” you got cut off by a notification on your phone, making you both look down as your phone was placed in between you both. Giving Nanami access to see your phone clearly and so did you.
GOJO: haven’t seen you in a while, angel. can I see you tonight?
“boyfriend?” Nanami looked away from the phone to you. You looked at him at the same time, “no he’s just a friend”. Nanami raised his brow at you, he wasn’t convinced. “friends send each other those kin-” once again your phone rang and it was gojo again…
GOJO: [attachment image] (dick pic)
“Friends send each other those type of messages and pictures?” Nanami teased. You turned off your phone, “it’s not like that..” you sighed. “you’re not going to reply?” you shakes your head no, of course not why would you reply when your with the man who you’ve been dying to spend time with.
“I'm just too stressed to be dealing with him right now” you closed your computer. “I could help with that.” Nanami smirked and put his hands on your thighs “h-huh?” you stuttered in disbelief but as you turned your head a bit, all that you saw was the genuine expression on his features.
Although you weren't too familiar with Nanami all that well, you couldn’t help but feel sure that he wasn’t the type to play games. His serious demeanor combined with that smirk hinted at a depth you found irresistible.
“Y-You could help?” you echoed, your heart racing as his hand lingered on your thigh. It was a bold move, and you were torn between excitement and nerves.
“Just a little stress relief,” he said, his voice low, leaning slightly closer. “Sometimes we need more than just coffee to unwind.”
You swallowed hard, searching his eyes for any hint of insincerity. But all you saw was a desire that mirrored your own. “What do you have in mind?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Nanami chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, we could start by talking about what you really want,” he replied, brushing his thumb gently against your skin.
The heat radiating from his touch sent shivers down your spine. “I... I want to know you better,” you admitted, your heart pounding. “But I don’t want to complicate things.”
He leaned back slightly, giving you a searching look. “Complication can lead to something beautiful,” he said, his tone earnest. “And right now, I think we both need a break from this endless cycle of work.”
"I guess you could say that."
Nanami hummed at your word, his hand sliding a bit more up your thigh. you heart thumped against your chest and you were sure that if you released your body from it's tense state, it would beat right through your chest. "now," he began, making you look up at him, your eyes locked on each others.
"tell me your answer to my previous question, y/n."
"what i want?" you question. it seemed like you were making sure that you understood what he meant, but in actuality, you already knew. you just needed some kind of excuse to give yourself time to think and answer the question properly without making a complete fool of yourself. he nodded, sitting up properly in his seat.
"i just need a break from this project. that's all." you finally confessed. although it was the truth, it wasn't the entirety of it. "then lets take one. I'm sure thirty minutes won't hurt."
"just thirty?" you questioned, eyes widening at his next word. "what? you think it'll take longer for me to get you to feel good?" his fingertips finally grazed your clothed sex with a careful motion. your body jolted just barely, but with the way Nanami's gaze was on you, he of course noticed it.
"relax for me, sweetheart. this is supposed to help you feel better." he twisted his wrist slightly, allowing the pads of his middle and ring finger to press against your clothed bud. you let out a shaky breath and as he applied more pressure, the feeling only increased. "you know, there's a few people down the hall." he muttered, using his freehand to turn your chair so that you'd face him. "all had the same idea as us to stay after hours and finish up some work."
Nanami mentioned this on purpose. he knew where he wanted to get with this and you began to pick up on it too when he began massaging circular motions against your sensitive bud. "as much as i want to hear the beautiful sounds you make, you have to be quiet, okay?" he features softened and you so badly wanted to feel relaxed by it, but the more he continued, the harder you'd bite down on your bottom lip to suppress the slipping whimper.
you shook your head, holding his gaze and moving your hand to grip his wrist. "Nanami-" he only sped up his movements, and this time you couldn't help but let out an audible moan. the fabric of your panties only gave you more friction. his hands were skillful and heavy in a way that you couldn't even begin to explain. "that's going to be a problem, y/n." he spoke, his voice snapping you out of your small daze along with the fact that he stopped his movements.
"what is?" you asked, uneasy not just by his words, but his tone as well. he couldn't have just played you and decided against you guys' dangerous idea, right? that wasn't like Nanami, but when you thought deeper, you realized that maybe it was. afterall, you didn't know him all that well. "oh, don't sound so heartbroken sweetheart." he said, a small frown on his lips at your despairing expression.
"i-i'm sorry." you quickly said, shifting a bit to get out of his grasp, but he stopped you with a hand against the arm of your chair. "that's not it. you've got the wrong idea, y/n. i meant that you can't make such sounds. so loudly, at that."
confusion struck you just as hard as the realization. you weren't thinking straight at all. call it the stress, fatigue, or lust, but it was all scrambling your train of thought and it was obvious since you hadn't even noticed the fact that Nanami was guiding you to stand as he still sat. he pulled you closer to him, one of his knees making its way between your parted legs. "take a seat, sweetheart. I've got a solution to that vocal mouth of yours."
you followed his words and took a seat right on his thigh, your legs straddling either side. Nanami admired you deeply and lustfully, yet he was able to keep his composure. you on the other hand, couldn't help but grind down just a bit at the lack of attention that you needed in certain areas. Nanami quirked an eyebrow at your actions, and while you wanted to feel regret for your impatience, you couldn't.
it simply felt too good.
"please touch me again, Nanami." you muttered, the feeling of yearn coming to you when you glanced at his hand that rested against your thigh. he only lifted your skirt, pushing the item further up to reveal your clothed sex. "let's keep you quiet for a bit, okay?" he muttered, his freehand meeting with your nape to pull your face down closer to his. your lips met after a small pause and Nanami pulled you in in mere seconds.
this new position allowed you to press your bud against his thigh and for Nanami to use his other hand to reach around you and pulling your panties to the side. the tips of his digits traced up and down your slit, making you moan into his mouth. he retreated his fingers just as swiftly and planted both of his hands on your waist, firmly gripping your flesh as a sigh fell onto your tongue.
you parted your lips as his tongue slid against your own. he griding your sex against his thigh, using your hips to control your body. a whimper escaped from you but he devoured it just in time for it to only be muffled. "I've needed you for so long, y/n."
this caught you off guard. you could've never imagined that Nanami would think such a thing and better yet say it to you. "everyday you show up to work, i can't help but drive myself insane just by thinking about you." he groaned, firmly holding your hips in place as he pulled back to look down at his slacks.
the dampened area just beneath your sex sent a wave of embarrassment over you and Nanami only let out a strained groan as he adjusted the growing tent of his lap. "stay quiet and make a mess for me, yeah?" you nodded to his words. "can you use your fingers again, Nanami?" the question was laced with impatience. you missed the feeling of his digits and he knew that. he motioned with your panties, lifting you with ease to remove the now bothersome article of clothing.
"anything you need, sweetheart. the purpose of this is to take some of that stress off of you afterall." Nanami wasted no time to guide his fingers to your sex, slowly inserting his fingers as you leaned forward to let out a moan into his shoulder. he withdrew them once before inserting them again. each time felt better than the last and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around him as he pleased you better than you could even imagine.
you had a strong attraction to Nanami and it's lasted for weeks now. you'd always have theses fantasies about him whether you wanted to or not and neither of them could beat the standard that he was setting. "can't wait to feel you around me, sweetheart." his voice was low, rugged, and you could tell that his patience was slipping. if yours could be slipping and you were the center of his attention, you couldn't imagine how much he was holding back right now.
you saw the strain of his slacks. the way the material showed no mercy to hide the outline of his erection. "we don't have to wait." you finally spoke, pushing yourself up to hold his gaze. "please." you pled, using your hand to cup his jaw. he tried to read your expression, but the lust overpowered everything else.
you reached for his belt, undoing it and following that by unpinning the button of his slacks. in a swift movement, you pulled away his pants and his briefs, the last drop of patience leaving your being at the sight of him. you shifted when Nanami removed his fingers from your sex and in an attempt to finally get what you both wanted, you were stopped by Nanami as he grabbed your hand that was reaching for his length. "patience, sweetheart. take it slow. i don't want to hurt you."
"i can take it. please, Nanami." you couldn't count how many times that word had left your mouth tonight. Nanami gave you everything you asked for, yet you couldn't help but want more. all of him. despite your words, he knew that lust could be blinding so he shook his head, tone stern now. "slowly, y/n." he said.
a small pout was on you lips and he reached his hand up to your face, using his thump to swipe away your messed lip-gloss. "don't give me that look, sweetheart. i know you can take it. I'm not going anywhere until you feel satisfied so there's no rush." you nodded at his reassurance and he placed a supported hand underneath your thigh, helping you balance a bit better.
you kept yourself up on your knees as he gripped his length in a fist, holding your gaze as his tip prodded your entrance. he gently released your thigh just a bit, allowing you to sink down to engulf him with your warmth. he let out a moan through panting breaths, the thought of the people just down the hall leaving both of you guys' mind.
you let out a swear at the entirely new feeling and Nanami gently gripped your jaw so that you'd face him and hold his lustful gaze. he lowered you to sink down on him, both his and your lips parting as you let out a moan of pleasure. "you're so perfect like this, sweetheart." he managed to get out, his eyes admiring the way all of his length disappeared into your sex. he felt pure bliss and you clearly felt the same, given the way that your loudening whimpers began to heighten.
"yeah, you're handling it so well." he groaned as she tightened around him. Nanami help her hips, aiding her in riding him since she was too overstimulated to continue on her own. "so much." you mumbled as you leaned in to place a kiss to his jawline. he sighed from the action of affection and y/n began letting out smooth moans as he slowly lifted you from his length before your skin met with his lap once again.
"make a mess for me, sweetheart. i want to see how good I'm making you feel." he encouraged. you used whatever remains of energy you had to grind against him as you slick began to pool at the base of his erection. he gave you more, and like you have been when it comes to Nanami, all you could think was more. he knew this. he felt it in the way your movements sped up and heightened in incoordination.
he allowed it to happen for a period of time, but immediately stopped you when your moans grew. the whine that left your mouth came straight from your chest, making Nanami feel guilt immediately. "Nanami, why'd you stop? please don't stop." you whined, voice sounding like a broken cry. "i have to, sweetheart. you'll cum if i keep going and i can't have that because i want to taste you when you do."
with that, he quickly lifted you both from his seat and placed you to take his pace instead. he groaned as his length left the warmth of your sex. before you could retaliates, his knees met with the office's carpet and he wrapped both of his arms around your thighs, keeping your legs parted before he leaned in, his lips wrapping around your bud in seconds. a pleasureful whine escaped from your chest and his tongue gathered your arousal, the sweet taste urging him to grip his length with a desperate fist. he groaned into your sex and he placed a stripe of your own arousal against your bud.
his lips latched around the sensitive area as his tongue showed you no messy despite your cries and pleas. you were getting what you wanted which was more.
"Nanami i-i'm-" your breath hitched in your throat. your legs threated to close around his head but he was firm with his grip, holding you in place. "close?" he finished your sentence. "i know. cum on my tongue, sweetheart. please."
without another beat, you did just that, your arousal coating his tongue in just mere seconds. your body jolted and shivered against him and Nanami continued past your limits. your moans filled the room and Nanami released an arm form around your thigh and used his hand to grip his length, moaning as he brought himself to his own high. his cum spurted onto the fabric of his slacks and onto his thigh.
your panting breaths were in quiet harmony with one another and you glanced at Nanami with a dazed expression. he stood up, checking the watch on his wrist before leaning down to your face.
"we made good time, sweetheart. thirty minute break was well spent."
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all credits go to @leahrintarou & @satorusluvrgirl :D
Taglist: @nemoo888 @delicatexmoonchild @flowerpjimin @tedcruzumakii @sugacor3 @selysixn @mitsuyas-version @matchaismylove @cyberrthegreat @ivydoesit23 @riririntaro @ilovechickfilasauce @sincerelyzee @daydreamteardrop @satorusluvrgirl @tired-jaz
126 notes · View notes
slushycoookie · 3 days
Between Two Worlds ~ Miguel O'Hara x Stripper! Reader (Pt.5)
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★ Word Count: 3.9k
★ Content: Miguel is so smitten, it's serious. You two also go on a few more dates. The topic of the nature of your relationship comes up. Dana appears...again...
★ A/N: Hey, hey sorry this chapter took so long to come out. And is short! But I wanted to make sure I put this out before I start Kinktober. So enjoy!
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Miguel couldn’t stop thinking about the date last night.
Even as he mindlessly scanned the row of paint cans, looking at his phone for the exact color his mother wanted. Eggshell white and Bahama blue. Yet, he was seeing none of those colors.
It didn't help that his mind kept lingering on you. Reminding himself about how pretty you looked last night. Your beautiful body hugging that dress. How soft you were when you kissed, taking in your full lips to sear it into his memory. It took Miguel almost a hour to convince himself to remove the trace of lipstick from his lips when he settled down last night.
He missed you. He wanted to see you again.
It was clear you did too when you sent him a voice message this morning, saying those words after the usual good morning. Your voice low as if you just woke up, but still sounding just as beautiful.
Miguel needed to focus. His mother wouldn't tolerate him messing around in the store, especially since the exact colors he was looking for were in front of his face the whole time.
He couldn't help but be grateful to his mother for giving him something to do. Otherwise, Miguel would be lying in bed thinking about you all day. He needed you to occupy his space day and night. Be close to you. Touch you.
It gets so bad he wonders what it would be like if you helped him shop.
Would you be able to tell the difference between the paint colors his mom wanted? Would you start looking at colors yourself to prepare for your house? Miguel would be on board to help you, making sure you don’t carry anything heavy. He didn’t want your nails to break. He’s sure you’d wear something on the verge of cute and comfortable during the shopping trip. And he’d try not to stare while he was picking out paintbrushes.
Miguel had to do another date with you soon, or else he’d do something drastic.
He dropped off the materials his mother needed, not wanting to be there longer than he had to. Miguel didn’t want to get into the reason why she was fixing up the house. He caulked it up as her wanting not to mourn for her abusive husband.
Conchata checked off the list as Miguel brought the items inside the house. He wasn’t listening when his phone vibrated. He wondered if it was you. He hoped it was you.
“What's going on with you?”
He freezes when placing the paint cans by the wall in the house.
“What? Nothing.”
“I could've sworn I saw you walk faster.”
“No, I didn't.” Miguel glances at all the materials, paint, caulk to patch up the walls, some roller brushes, etc. Enough to start the home improvement process. “Do you have everything you need?”
“I think so.”
His eyes land on the tarp on the floor, “You’re not planning to do all of this by yourself, right?”
“I’m not. I hired some people to do it for me. All I have to do is push them around.”
Miguel tries not to shake his head when she holds up swatches along the wall. “Call me if you need anything else.”
He gave her a gentle kiss against her head before taking his leave. When he did so, he checked his phone and felt disappointed when it was just a notification reminding him of the time he went to the museum with Dana. The picture showed both of them at a high-end event, with neutral smiles and dressed up.
When he dated Dana, there was a vast difference between you and her.
Although the incident with her wasn't fresh in his mind anymore, he still remembered what it was like being with her. When they were engaged, everything was relaxed and quiet despite them taking the next steps in their lives.
You were the opposite.
Not chaotic, but ecstatic about the newfound relationship status.
You'd send him messages while Miguel was at work, telling him to have a good day with a swarm of emojis. You'd send him more voice messages, which're filled with various topics. About your own day, what you saw while browsing social media, and he'd listen. You reciprocated too when inviting him to talk about his interests and his day.
Dana hardly did any of that. She'd settle on a good morning before not getting into much detail about her day. Almost bored about the topic. Her eyes were on the verge of disinterest whenever Miguel had a chance to talk about himself.
Then there were the dates.
Dana was more fond of high-end luxuries like five-star restaurants, museums, and theaters. The more expensive, the better. Miguel didn’t have problems with it; he was known to indulge in those pleasantries from time to time. But with you, it was the opposite.
The two of you went to the mall.
You insisted that hanging out for a few hours and window shop would be fun. Miguel figured you'd want to go into one of the luxury stores to browse. Only for you to hardly go into any of them.
He watches you point at a cute handbag on display or dazzling shoes that would fit with your aesthetic at the club. So imagine his surprise when you walk away to look at something else instead of buying it.
“I thought you liked it.”
“I do…” Your eyes skim across more pretty shoes, “But I don't need them.”
“You want them though.” You shrug, and he steps into your line of sight. “I can buy them for you.”
“No, don't do that. I'm good.”
You try to get out of the shoe aisle, but Miguel blocks your path. “I want to. I'm your boyfriend. I want to give you nice things.”
“Did you not see the price tag?” You return to the shoes and pick them up, the price of almost two hundred dollars. “I've rarely bought shoes for that price.”
“I got it.” Miguel takes the shoes, but you hold them close to your chest.
“Hold up. If you buy something for me, I'll buy something for you.”
“I don't need anything.” He tries to take your shoes again, but you turn away.
“You don't have to need anything. But if there's something you want, I'll get it.”
“No, really I'm good-”
“I'm not taking no for an answer, baby.”
Miguel sucks his teeth before agreeing with your proposal. You squeal, more excited to continue your trek around the mall, your new goal being to buy him something he wants.
Dana hardly offered to buy him anything the whole time they were together. She did go out of her away to buy him things, mainly chains or designer watches, but that's for his birthday or Christmas. Not during a random day of the week.
You pointed out multiple stores that fits Miguel’s aesthetic. He decided to go into one that had button down shirts he liked to wear for work. As he browsed through the shirt racks, eyes were on him. Yours were following his movements, ready to grab a shirt that caught his eye.
“How's this?” Miguel holds up a powder blue shirt and you inspect it.
“Do you like it?”
“Well, let's get it!”
He can finally relax when satisfying you with his choice, but you notice the tag. “Wait, it's only thirty bucks.”
Miguel also glances at it, “Oh, is that too much? I can get something else-”
“Miguel.” You give him a look, “First off, don't insult me like that again. Secondly, you just spent two hundred dollars on me, which is not the same.”
“Oh.” He looks at the shirt and then back at you. “So, I can get a few more?”
“Yeah, you can.”
Miguel puts more effort into his search. He gets a few more shirts, but the total is still less than what he spent on you. You don't say anything as he thanks you with a bright smile.
Taking a quick break by eating at the food court, Miguel's phone vibrates from Gabriel's message. Without completely looking at it yet, his eyes roll at knowing what the message was going to say, asking the daily question of when he was going to meet you. Sure, it's been two months since he started dating you, but he didn't want to rush you.
Miguel tried to hide his disdain by so much as you were feeding him macaroons. His lips grazing your fingers while taking a bite. Your thumb wiping off the crumbs from the corner of his mouth. Your eyes connecting and you shoot him a wink, the action shooting down to his lower body. He gets a strong urge to pull you back to the car so he can kiss you all over.
He groans when the phone vibrates against the table again.
“Is there a fire somewhere?”
“The fire being my brother. He keeps texting me about wanting to meet you. I keep telling him it depends on when you want to.”
You take a sip from your Boba tea before outstretching your hand. “Gimme.”
As Miguel places his phone in your palm, you casually press video call.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm saying hi to your brother.” You hold up the phone, making sure you were decent for the camera. When the call connects, you flash the biggest smile on the planet. “Hi, Gabriel.”
“Hi? Uh, who are you and what have you done with my brother?”
You purse your lips, “He’s munching on some macaroons. Say hi, Miguel.” You briefly turn the phone to Miguel, making him wave before turning the phone back to you.
“Oh. My. God. You're who my brother is dating? Do you know how many times I've been asking to meet you?”
Too many times.
“A lot. It's okay though I've been wanting to meet you too. You're the main one blowing up his phone.”
“Somebody’s gotta do it-Hey, babe!” Gabriel shouts through the phone, making you and Miguel snort. “Come here real quick and meet Miguel’s girl!”
You're laughing when Kasey approaches the phone, waving hello to her.
“Whoa, you're the woman who's dating Miguel? Damn, you're hot.”
Gabriel held his hands up. “My girlfriend said it, not me.”
“Okay, that's enough out of you two.” Miguel reaches for the phone, but is stopped by Gabriel's protest.
“No, wait not until Xina sees her! I know she's not busy. She just told me she was binging that zombie show.”
“Ooh is it the one where if you die, you come back as a zombie?” You ask and Gabriel snaps.
“Yes! That's the one.”
“I lost interest after season four.” Kasey inputs.
“I liked that season!” You add in, “In my opinion, it goes downhill after season eight.”
To Miguel’s surprise, Xina picks up, seeing a bunch of faces on the screen.
“Didn’t I tell you not to bother me because I'm vegging out on my couch?”
“Stop vegging out and meet Miguel’s girlfriend.”
You wave once more, “Hi! It's very nice to meet you.”
“Oh, likewise.” Xina sits up, angling herself to not subject you to her binging phase.
“I'm sorry they sprung this on you. I just wanted to say hi.”
“It's fine. Maybe this will get Gabri to shut up for a while.”
“It won't.” Gabriel interjected, “Because I'm not able to touch you yet. Give you one of my famous hugs.”
“You don't want that.” Miguel whispered over to you.
“Huh? What did he say?”
“Nothing!” You change the conversation: "I want to meet you guys too. It would be best if you all came to the club. Enjoy yourselves.”
Xina raises an eyebrow, “You'd invite us to your job?”
“Yeah. There's good drinks, food…”
“And half-naked dancers.”
“Well, that too.”
Xina lets out an unsure hum, and Miguel slots himself back into the conversation.
“Okay, we have to go now.”
“Aww no.” Gabriel pouts.
“Send me your number!” Kasey shouts. "We have to put you in the group chat!”
“Okay.” You say goodbye to them all before hanging up and giving him back his phone. “They seem nice.”
“They act worse than this.”
“But they love you. That’s always nice to have.”
Miguel couldn’t hold back his smile when you slip your fingers through his across the table, creating small circles on the back of his hand.
The anxiety he never knew he had lessened after you took the initiative to meet his family. And he wasn’t worried about the face-to-face meeting after the positive reception you received from everyone.
Well, almost everyone.
“She seems nice.” Xina said through the phone call.
Miguel nods as if she can see him, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel after dropping you off, “She is. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”
“Me too…” He notices her trailing off, and anxiety starts pooling in his stomach.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing. Not that serious.”
“Well, I’m suspecting it as the way you trailed off.”
Xina hums and he hears movement on the other line. “I’m just wondering, how is your relationship going to work?”
“What do you mean?”
“You and your dancer. You two are dating now. And you blow a lot of money when you go over there.”
“It’s not a lot of money.” Miguel mumbles, “Well, we’re acting like everything is normal. We don’t want anyone to suspect anything.”
When Miguel steps foot in the club, he tries to act like his usual self. A customer who wasn’t dating one of the dancers. It was for the best since you didn’t want anyone to find out. Especially Jess.
“I get that, but you know your relationship can be seen as…odd.”
“Odd? What do you mean by that?”
Xina remains silent. How convenient when he’s at a stop light, hanging on to every word she said to him so far. His hands getting clammy against the wheel.
“Miguel, you have a fairly decent, well, almost powerful position at a huge company. And you’re dating someone who shakes their ass at a popular nightclub. You also give them a lot of money in exchange for what, a private dance? Please tell me you’re catching on to what I’m saying.”
He almost crashed into a car at the realization. After swerving into the right lane and reassuring Xina, who panicked, Miguel pulled over to gather his thoughts. He didn’t pick up on the slight power imbalance you two had when you started dating. Miguel thought it was harmless.
“I-I’m not taking advantage of her or using her. Does it look that way? Oh god, it does look that way.”
“It can also appear that she’s using you or taking advantage with you. Because of your money. I brought this up with you before. When you told me Dana was buying a bunch of expensive stuff when you got that head geneticist job-”
“I told you Dana isn’t like that. And neither is she.” During your first meeting, you weren’t adamant on taking more of his money. Sure, he knows about you wanting to save up for a house, and part of his money is being contributed to said house. Miguel didn’t think like that.
“Okay, fine. You know her more than me. I still think it’s best to clear up any confusion by having a conversation. So you two are on the same page.”
Xina was right. Having a conversation would help you two in the long run, especially when your relationship starts to get serious.
He tried to call you when he got home, but you didn’t pick up. You were probably still too busy at the club. That was for the best since the conversation was better to have face-to-face.
The next time, Miguel’s stomach twisted when he sat down in the private room.
You greeted him with a wave, closing the door behind you. The click from your heels matched the pounding in his head. He rubbed the sweat from his palms against his pants, holding in the urge to throw up. As you picked up the remote to decide a song, he grabbed your hand.
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah. Let me pick a song first-”
“No, no song.”
You squint, “What do you mean ‘no song’? What’s wrong?”
“Am I taking advantage of you?” Miguel blurted out. He didn’t give you a chance to speak as he continued, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize my position would make our relationship odd. And I’m realizing that I’ve still been paying you a bunch of money since we started dating and I know you’re trying to buy a house, but I don’t want anyone to suspect you’re using me to help you buy one, which I know is not your intention-”
You silence him with a kiss. He accepts, his shoulders relaxing when he tastes your mango-scented lip gloss. You look directly into his deep eyes when you pull an inch away.
“Calm down.”
You toss the remote to the side. “You’re not taking advantage of me and I’m not taking advantage of you.”
“But I give you almost a thousand every week.”
“You do, but I didn’t ask you to do that. That’s all you.”
“Because I want to support you. Now, I realize that throwing money for you to give me dances isn’t the best look. And we’re dating so…”
“I don’t care.” You say, hand on your hip. “Our positions don’t matter. I like you. You like me. What’s the problem?”
“I’m giving you money every time I come here.”
“So stop coming here if you have a problem with it.”
He can’t. Seeing you in your element is one of the highlights of his week. What else was he supposed to do if he didn’t see you as much with your job? Miguel loves the dates he goes on with you, but he also enjoys watching you dance.
“I’m sorry.” You run your hand through his hair. Miguel leans into your touch, soothing the impending vomit in his throat. “I don’t want you to stop coming, but I don’t know what to do if you’re struggling like this. You know how Jess is about people not spending money in here.”
Miguel lights up.
“Can I speak to Jess?”
Your face twists with confusion, “Why?”
“I have an idea.”
Jess was in her office, in the back of The Weave, right near the locker rooms for the dancers. When you knocked, the door opened to Kaine, another of Jess’s security. Miguel always thought he was more intimidating due to the scar on his face and the buzz cut. He pays both of you no mind when he brushes aside you two.
“Jess? Your favorite customer wants to speak to you.”
“Which one?” Jess peers up from her computer, lighting up when Miguel comes into view, “Oh, Mr. Science Guy! What you need?” Miguel glances over at you and you give him the ok sign, leaving to return to the floor. “You finally gonna tell me that you’re dating one of my dancers?”
His eyes widen, “Wait, how do you know that?”
“You and Silk be giving cute glances at each other every five minutes. And don’t forget the private rooms have cameras.”
Miguel cleared his throat, not expecting to get hit what that. Now, he wasn’t sure if the idea he came up with was going to work.
“I really like her.”
“And that’s fine. As long as y’all don’t fuck in the club, I don’t care what you two do.” He nods at her words. “I will say this though. If you hurt my girl and you decide to show your sorry ass in the club, I will ban you for life and kick you to the curb.”
He gulped, fixing the collar on his shirt. “I understand.”
“Good.” Jess's tough demeanor returns to relaxed. "Now, what did you want to talk about?”
Miguel pulls out a grand and places it on the table. “Is it okay if I pay you this amount weekly? This is the same amount I give to Silk when I come here on Tuesdays and Thursdays.”
Jess inspects the money, letting the bills fly across her thumb. “What’s the deal?”
“I want to keep coming here, but I don’t feel comfortable handing money directly to Silk since we are…an item. I still want to support your business and the dancers so, would that be enough?”
“Did you two fuck yet?”
“Huh? N-No! No, we didn’t…”
“Okay, just wanted to make sure you weren’t pussy whipped.” She places the money to the side, “That’s fine, but what do you get out of this?”
Miguel plays with the ends of his shirt, “I still want those forty-five minutes with her.”
“…that’s it?”
“That’s it.”
Jess stares at him, inspecting his frame. The silence between them lingers as the pulsing beat from the club bangs against the walls. Miguel’s palms start to coat with sweat again, and he casually rubs them against his pants.
“Okay. You got a deal.”
He shifts with his feet. “O-Oh okay. Thank you.”
“No, thank you.” She shakes his hand as if this was the start of a profitable business deal.
Now, everything was perfect.
You two have stabilized the foundation of your relationship. Miguel just arranged plans for his family, excluding his mother to meet you at The Weave for an official meet and greet. And he was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the Banquet with him.
A brief doubt occurred that maybe it was too soon since the relationship was new. You could always say no. He never wanted to make you feel uncomfortable.
He wishes you could see the smile on his face when you text him saying yes. Your messages are filled with excited GIFs and reaction pictures.
“You're very happy today.” Dana interrupts and Miguel quickly puts his phone away.
“I-It's a good day today. Got a decent amount of work done…”
“Because Tyler stopped messing with you. I told him to lay off on you since you do so much.”
Miguel was too busy being happy about his relationship to realize that Tyler hasn’t bothered him lately.
Her nod and smug face said it all. “Even after everything, I'm still looking after you.”
“Thanks…” He moved over, letting her pour enough coffee into her mug. While passing her the usual cream and sugars, their hands brushed together. Miguel's muscles tensed while Dana giggled at the sudden contact.
“You excited about the banquet? Sure, it's about a month away, but…”
“I am. Even though it's work-related, it'd be nice to get away for the weekend.”
Dana nods, taking a sip of her coffee while Miguel pours himself another cup.
“Are you going to be okay?” His brows furrow at her question. “I mean, we usually go together every year since you started working here. I know it's going to be a change.”
Miguel holds back a grin, “Yeah, yeah I'll be okay.”
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Tags: @miguelzslvtz @kitcatcrunch @nina-from-317
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satorusluvrgirl · 3 days
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synopsis in which y/n works alongside nanami in a huge project, only to find herself getting the stress fucked out of her
warnings female anatomy, she/her pronouns, stimulation/penetration, oral sex, pet name used is "sweetheart", unpotected sex, gojo mentioned as a fuck buddy,
author’s note this is my first collab with @leahrintarou! thank you for collaborating with me lele! <3 please be nice and no hate comments tolerated! enjoy reading <3
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WORKING hours and hours at the most famous company really had you fucking drained to the fullest. Getting up at 6 am to be at work at 8 and then going home at 11 pm. Your schedule was mostly full of just work on work on work. But the pay was good at least. And it’s not like you totally hated your job, there was one thing you really looked forward to every morning.
Which was Nanami Kento. The man who would always greet you when you would walk in the office, his “good morning, miss” would always hit the spot, making you look forward to the day. The man who welcomed you on your first day and took you out to get a coffee, little did you know he remembered it, taking you your coffee everyday. The man who would always try to make small talk with you in the break room and ask you little questions.
You knew since the first day you had a huge crush on Nanami. After all he was handsome, well put together, and very well dressed. The suits he had on which made him look so sexy in, they were always top designer suits. Which was understandable since he’s been working longer in this company than you and making more. You wanted Nanami. But the more you thought about him, it just made you more curious about him. is he married? does he have kids? what are his hobbies? but you never made your move. You put the thought in your head that a man like him was most likely married and probably had kids, oh but how you were so wrong.
Nanami was single. A hard working single man who was always working 24/7 and practically had no life other than this job. He never really thought of love. He was always stressed and had no time for anything. He wished he could find someone to relate to his problems. Someone who can probably help him and relieve all this stress he has in him. And he will.
NOW it was 9:30 pm on a Friday, you were working on a big project your boss assigned you, it wasn’t too bad but the first section you were done with. It was just the second section you had a struggle with. You had been working on this project for days, you even had to stay overtime. You set your pencil down and sighed, leaning on your chair. Since you were going to be extending your stay at the office tonight, you thought you should get coffee, italian coffee of course. You grabbed your mug, making your way to the break room which was not too far from your office.
But of course Nanami was in there, He turned his head over to you and flashed a smile. “hello y/n”. you smiled back at him, “hi nanami” you said softly, your voice ringing in his ears. You walked in the room making your way to the coffee machine and pouring it in your mug, your back faced to Nanami. “How’s your project coming along? I see you’re staying overtime to finish it?” he leaned over the counter, taking a sip out of his mug.
you let out a chuckle, “yeah I am.. I got done with the first section of it.. it’s just the second part. i’m just so stressed” you sighed. “i’m sorry about that.. but you know I can always give you a helping hand” nanami offered to you. Maybe this could be your chance to get to know him better, but you knew how stressful it could be so you didn’t want him to help you. “uhm no nanami it’s okay really.. I really appreciate the offer though” you nodded. “I don’t take no for an answer, y/n” he said in a serious tone.
“are you really sure?” you looked at him sincere. “yes of course” he nodded, you sighed. “fine, uhm i’ll go over to your office once everyone starts heading out.” he put his coffee mug down to add more creamer, “sure thing”, you smiled and started walking out, “alright thanks nanami! i’ll see you later” you said before leaving the room.
You let out a breath you held in while talking to him, as you got to your office you squealed lowly to yourself in excitement. It was finally your time with Nanami alone. Just you two, no one else in the office.
AS the time passed you grew impatient, you wanted to be with Nanami, and finally the time came. You fixed up yourself in the bathroom mirror. Lifting up your skirt and fixing your blazer, along with your hair. You also fixed up your makeup since you had your bag with you, you added more of your lipstick and gloss on your lips. You got your perfume and sprayed all over your body.
Looking in the mirror you fixed up a little more. You left the bathroom and gathered your things, heading to Nanamis office. You took a deep breath and knocked on his door which you heard him say “Come in!” you slowly opened the door and slid in. “hi” you said with a small wave making Nanami smile. “here come take a seat” he patted the seat next to him by his desk. you took your seat, you opened up your computer and pulled out the section you had to work on for the project. Nanami pulled your chair closer to him making you widened your eyes.
“Sorry I couldn’t see your screen” he said. You nervously chuckled, “i’m sorry about that”. You turned your computer to him. “It’s fine, let’s get to work shall we?” you smiled and nodded. “yes, let’s do it..”
An hour had past by, you and nanami quickly opened up to each other. Just like how you hoped for. He was telling you everything you wanted to know, To his hobbies, to his favorite ice cream color. You were admired by him, the way he talked about his passions with you. It just made you fall for him even more.
Nanami wasn’t really the type to open up quickly or even talk, but with y/n it was different. She was different. She was a breath of fresh air and that’s something Nanami needed in his life. Y/n made him feel at ease. He felt like he could talk to her without being judge, vice versa with her as well. Not only that Nanami always noticed y/n. She was very hot. But he thought she had a boyfriend, a girl like her was probably in a relationship. he was wrong like how you were.
“Alright I think that’s the last of it” Nanami typed the final words in and sent in an email to the boss. “thank you nanami I really appre-” you got cut off by a notification on your phone, making you both look down as your phone was placed in between you both. Giving Nanami access to see your phone clearly and so did you.
GOJO: haven’t seen you in a while, angel. can I see you tonight?
“boyfriend?” Nanami looked away from the phone to you. You looked at him at the same time, “no he’s just a friend”. Nanami raised his brow at you, he wasn’t convinced. “friends send each other those kin-” once again your phone rang and it was gojo again…
GOJO: [attachment image] (dick pic)
“Friends send each other those type of messages and pictures?” Nanami teased. You turned off your phone, “it’s not like that..” you sighed. “you’re not going to reply?” you shakes your head no, of course not why would you reply when your with the man who you’ve been dying to spend time with.
“I'm just too stressed to be dealing with him right now” you closed your computer. “I could help with that.” Nanami smirked and put his hands on your thighs “h-huh?” you stuttered in disbelief but as you turned your head a bit, all that you saw was the genuine expression on his features.
Although you weren't too familiar with Nanami all that well, you couldn’t help but feel sure that he wasn’t the type to play games. His serious demeanor combined with that smirk hinted at a depth you found irresistible.
“Y-You could help?” you echoed, your heart racing as his hand lingered on your thigh. It was a bold move, and you were torn between excitement and nerves.
“Just a little stress relief,” he said, his voice low, leaning slightly closer. “Sometimes we need more than just coffee to unwind.”
You swallowed hard, searching his eyes for any hint of insincerity. But all you saw was a desire that mirrored your own. “What do you have in mind?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Nanami chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Well, we could start by talking about what you really want,” he replied, brushing his thumb gently against your skin.
The heat radiating from his touch sent shivers down your spine. “I... I want to know you better,” you admitted, your heart pounding. “But I don’t want to complicate things.”
He leaned back slightly, giving you a searching look. “Complication can lead to something beautiful,” he said, his tone earnest. “And right now, I think we both need a break from this endless cycle of work.”
"I guess you could say that."
Nanami hummed at your word, his hand sliding a bit more up your thigh. you heart thumped against your chest and you were sure that if you released your body from it's tense state, it would beat right through your chest. "now," he began, making you look up at him, your eyes locked on each others.
"tell me your answer to my previous question, y/n."
"what i want?" you question. it seemed like you were making sure that you understood what he meant, but in actuality, you already knew. you just needed some kind of excuse to give yourself time to think and answer the question properly without making a complete fool of yourself. he nodded, sitting up properly in his seat.
"i just need a break from this project. that's all." you finally confessed. although it was the truth, it wasn't the entirety of it. "then lets take one. I'm sure thirty minutes won't hurt."
"just thirty?" you questioned, eyes widening at his next word. "what? you think it'll take longer for me to get you to feel good?" his fingertips finally grazed your clothed sex with a careful motion. your body jolted just barely, but with the way Nanami's gaze was on you, he of course noticed it.
"relax for me, sweetheart. this is supposed to help you feel better." he twisted his wrist slightly, allowing the pads of his middle and ring finger to press against your clothed bud. you let out a shaky breath and as he applied more pressure, the feeling only increased. "you know, there's a few people down the hall." he muttered, using his freehand to turn your chair so that you'd face him. "all had the same idea as us to stay after hours and finish up some work."
Nanami mentioned this on purpose. he knew where he wanted to get with this and you began to pick up on it too when he began massaging circular motions against your sensitive bud. "as much as i want to hear the beautiful sounds you make, you have to be quiet, okay?" he features softened and you so badly wanted to feel relaxed by it, but the more he continued, the harder you'd bite down on your bottom lip to suppress the slipping whimper.
you shook your head, holding his gaze and moving your hand to grip his wrist. "Nanami-" he only sped up his movements, and this time you couldn't help but let out an audible moan. the fabric of your panties only gave you more friction. his hands were skillful and heavy in a way that you couldn't even begin to explain. "that's going to be a problem, y/n." he spoke, his voice snapping you out of your small daze along with the fact that he stopped his movements.
"what is?" you asked, uneasy not just by his words, but his tone as well. he couldn't have just played you and decided against you guys' dangerous idea, right? that wasn't like Nanami, but when you thought deeper, you realized that maybe it was. afterall, you didn't know him all that well. "oh, don't sound so heartbroken sweetheart." he said, a small frown on his lips at your despairing expression.
"i-i'm sorry." you quickly said, shifting a bit to get out of his grasp, but he stopped you with a hand against the arm of your chair. "that's not it. you've got the wrong idea, y/n. i meant that you can't make such sounds. so loudly, at that."
confusion struck you just as hard as the realization. you weren't thinking straight at all. call it the stress, fatigue, or lust, but it was all scrambling your train of thought and it was obvious since you hadn't even noticed the fact that Nanami was guiding you to stand as he still sat. he pulled you closer to him, one of his knees making its way between your parted legs. "take a seat, sweetheart. I've got a solution to that vocal mouth of yours."
you followed his words and took a seat right on his thigh, your legs straddling either side. Nanami admired you deeply and lustfully, yet he was able to keep his composure. you on the other hand, couldn't help but grind down just a bit at the lack of attention that you needed in certain areas. Nanami quirked an eyebrow at your actions, and while you wanted to feel regret for your impatience, you couldn't.
it simply felt too good.
"please touch me again, Nanami." you muttered, the feeling of yearn coming to you when you glanced at his hand that rested against your thigh. he only lifted your skirt, pushing the item further up to reveal your clothed sex. "let's keep you quiet for a bit, okay?" he muttered, his freehand meeting with your nape to pull your face down closer to his. your lips met after a small pause and Nanami pulled you in in mere seconds.
this new position allowed you to press your bud against his thigh and for Nanami to use his other hand to reach around you and pulling your panties to the side. the tips of his digits traced up and down your slit, making you moan into his mouth. he retreated his fingers just as swiftly and planted both of his hands on your waist, firmly gripping your flesh as a sigh fell onto your tongue.
you parted your lips as his tongue slid against your own. he griding your sex against his thigh, using your hips to control your body. a whimper escaped from you but he devoured it just in time for it to only be muffled. "I've needed you for so long, y/n."
this caught you off guard. you could've never imagined that Nanami would think such a thing and better yet say it to you. "everyday you show up to work, i can't help but drive myself insane just by thinking about you." he groaned, firmly holding your hips in place as he pulled back to look down at his slacks.
the dampened area just beneath your sex sent a wave of embarrassment over you and Nanami only let out a strained groan as he adjusted the growing tent of his lap. "stay quiet and make a mess for me, yeah?" you nodded to his words. "can you use your fingers again, Nanami?" the question was laced with impatience. you missed the feeling of his digits and he knew that. he motioned with your panties, lifting you with ease to remove the now bothersome article of clothing.
"anything you need, sweetheart. the purpose of this is to take some of that stress off of you afterall." Nanami wasted no time to guide his fingers to your sex, slowly inserting his fingers as you leaned forward to let out a moan into his shoulder. he withdrew them once before inserting them again. each time felt better than the last and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around him as he pleased you better than you could even imagine.
you had a strong attraction to Nanami and it's lasted for weeks now. you'd always have theses fantasies about him whether you wanted to or not and neither of them could beat the standard that he was setting. "can't wait to feel you around me, sweetheart." his voice was low, rugged, and you could tell that his patience was slipping. if yours could be slipping and you were the center of his attention, you couldn't imagine how much he was holding back right now.
you saw the strain of his slacks. the way the material showed no mercy to hide the outline of his erection. "we don't have to wait." you finally spoke, pushing yourself up to hold his gaze. "please." you pled, using your hand to cup his jaw. he tried to read your expression, but the lust overpowered everything else.
you reached for his belt, undoing it and following that by unpinning the button of his slacks. in a swift movement, you pulled away his pants and his briefs, the last drop of patience leaving your being at the sight of him. you shifted when Nanami removed his fingers from your sex and in an attempt to finally get what you both wanted, you were stopped by Nanami as he grabbed your hand that was reaching for his length. "patience, sweetheart. take it slow. i don't want to hurt you."
"i can take it. please, Nanami." you couldn't count how many times that word had left your mouth tonight. Nanami gave you everything you asked for, yet you couldn't help but want more. all of him. despite your words, he knew that lust could be blinding so he shook his head, tone stern now. "slowly, y/n." he said.
a small pout was on you lips and he reached his hand up to your face, using his thump to swipe away your messed lip-gloss. "don't give me that look, sweetheart. i know you can take it. I'm not going anywhere until you feel satisfied so there's no rush." you nodded at his reassurance and he placed a supported hand underneath your thigh, helping you balance a bit better.
you kept yourself up on your knees as he gripped his length in a fist, holding your gaze as his tip prodded your entrance. he gently released your thigh just a bit, allowing you to sink down to engulf him with your warmth. he let out a moan through panting breaths, the thought of the people just down the hall leaving both of you guys' mind.
you let out a swear at the entirely new feeling and Nanami gently gripped your jaw so that you'd face him and hold his lustful gaze. he lowered you to sink down on him, both his and your lips parting as you let out a moan of pleasure. "you're so perfect like this, sweetheart." he managed to get out, his eyes admiring the way all of his length disappeared into your sex. he felt pure bliss and you clearly felt the same, given the way that your loudening whimpers began to heighten.
"yeah, you're handling it so well." he groaned as she tightened around him. Nanami help her hips, aiding her in riding him since she was too overstimulated to continue on her own. "so much." you mumbled as you leaned in to place a kiss to his jawline. he sighed from the action of affection and y/n began letting out smooth moans as he slowly lifted you from his length before your skin met with his lap once again.
"make a mess for me, sweetheart. i want to see how good I'm making you feel." he encouraged. you used whatever remains of energy you had to grind against him as you slick began to pool at the base of his erection. he gave you more, and like you have been when it comes to Nanami, all you could think was more. he knew this. he felt it in the way your movements sped up and heightened in incoordination.
he allowed it to happen for a period of time, but immediately stopped you when your moans grew. the whine that left your mouth came straight from your chest, making Nanami feel guilt immediately. "Nanami, why'd you stop? please don't stop." you whined, voice sounding like a broken cry. "i have to, sweetheart. you'll cum if i keep going and i can't have that because i want to taste you when you do."
with that, he quickly lifted you both from his seat and placed you to take his pace instead. he groaned as his length left the warmth of your sex. before you could retaliates, his knees met with the office's carpet and he wrapped both of his arms around your thighs, keeping your legs parted before he leaned in, his lips wrapping around your bud in seconds. a pleasureful whine escaped from your chest and his tongue gathered your arousal, the sweet taste urging him to grip his length with a desperate fist. he groaned into your sex and he placed a stripe of your own arousal against your bud.
his lips latched around the sensitive area as his tongue showed you no messy despite your cries and pleas. you were getting what you wanted which was more.
"Nanami i-i'm-" your breath hitched in your throat. your legs threated to close around his head but he was firm with his grip, holding you in place. "close?" he finished your sentence. "i know. cum on my tongue, sweetheart. please."
without another beat, you did just that, your arousal coating his tongue in just mere seconds. your body jolted and shivered against him and Nanami continued past your limits. your moans filled the room and Nanami released an arm form around your thigh and used his hand to grip his length, moaning as he brought himself to his own high. his cum spurted onto the fabric of his slacks and onto his thigh.
your panting breaths were in quiet harmony with one another and you glanced at Nanami with a dazed expression. he stood up, checking the watch on his wrist before leaning down to your face.
"we made good time, sweetheart. thirty minute break was well spent."
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my request are open for everyone! go ahead and drop one! ;)
all work is done by @leahrintarou & @satorusluvrgirl
follow me on socials for updates!
instagram: ririslut_
wattpad: @kagsluvrgirl
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lurkingshan · 2 days
Japanese QL Corner
We've suddenly got an abundance of shows with dark themes and adult vibes, with a bit of a mixed bag on their execution. These are available for weekly streaming on Gaga unless otherwise noted.
Smells Like Green Spirit
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A fan subber came through and we are now able to watch this show on a slight delay from the airing in Japan. This first episode was great, but be warned that this is not a light watch. This show is less a full blown romance and more of a queer coming of age story with a rather bleak worldview that will likely include a romance subplot. Our story centers on Mishima, a young person who is questioning their gender and just trying to live while being constantly targeted by school bullies. The bullying in this show is graphic and violent and Mishima has already been assaulted and targeted by creeps in the first episode, so take care and ask for content warnings if you need them. I have read the manga so I'm aware of what's in store--if you would like to know what to expect before watching, feel free to ask.
Happy of the End
CWs: Assault, attempted murder, blood, death, forced fellatio/rape (against a main character, graphically depicted more than once), revenge porn, sexual coercion and exploitation, stabbing, suicide attempt, suicide, violence
We have arrived at the end of this story, and it did not quite come together for me. I liked a lot of what it was doing; the relationship between Chihiro and Haoren giving them both a reason to persist despite their general apathy toward survival was compelling, and the actors gave strong performances in some very difficult scenes. I thought the show had a strong sense of style and tone, as well. But for me, it crossed the line into over the top trauma porn one too many times, seeming to revel in making the characters suffer and piling on unnecessary traumas that were depicted quite graphically, making the show deeply unpleasant to watch. And in the end, it suddenly veered into a happy ending that felt like a mismatch for the rest of the story, which was achieved via a time skip and Chihiro and Haoren healing offscreen despite their circumstances only getting worse over the course of the show. @bengiyo laid out why that ending felt like the show pulling its punches, and I agree. I can appreciate a story that has an established bleak worldview telling us about a specific time in these characters' lives where they mattered to each other, but slapping that unearned epilogue on it just makes the whole thing feel like torture porn followed by cheap consolation. It didn't feel honest. I don’t recommend watching this one unless you are pretty comfortable with gratuitous sexual violence.
Love is Like a Poison
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We’re zipping along nicely, with this week’s episode mostly focused on the case that Haruto helped Shiba win. That courtroom scene was wild. I’m intrigued by all the advances and the early confession from Haruto, because as we and Shiba well know, the man is a con. What’s his angle, and why does he think romancing Shiba is the way to get it? Whatever he’s after, I think Shiba should give in because look at him!
Chaser Game W 2
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This week we met Itsuki’s first love Yoreum, who is now a famous Korean idol and still hung up on her from back when she did a homestay with Itsuki’s family. She did a livestream from Itsuki’s cafe in the special spot where Itsuki and Fuyu like to canoodle; jealousy and dramatics ensued. Then suddenly we were doing an elevator rescue? Idek. I’m rooting for the new girl to break this couple up to be honest.
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seungfl0wer · 2 days
𝑨𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒔
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Chapter 1 -> Title: Flower Girl
Chapter Warning: Nothing really? Mentions of stomach pain? Sorry for any mistakes!
Series Master List
A/N: It’s finally here 😭 please this is a lot of backstory and stuff so I hope you guys enjoy it! I’m honestly nervous posting it, like super nervous.
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You sighed loudly as you got out of bed, stretching moving to crack your back. “Ugh that was a rough night” you grumbled walking toward your door. As you walked down the stairs you were greeted by your mom who had just baked some cookies. “Hey sleepy head you were supposed to be up already, your dad needs help down at the shop” she said giving you a little packed lunch. “Do I get a cookie with my lunch?” You smiled as you peered over her shoulder to grab one. “Nuh uh these are for my meeting today” she said swatting your hand away.
You whined making her roll her eyes “there’s one in your bag, now go. You’re already late” she said poking your side. You smiled putting your shoes on quickly slipping out the door waving bye to her.
As you reached your dad’s store you could see the few cars already parked outside. Walking in you were greeted by smiling regulars. Your mother and father ran a business together one side was hers where she made baked goods and coffee. The other side was his where he sold gardening supplies and plants. He was known as a handy man around the town. He helped fix a lot of things for people, like pipes, floors, roofs you name it. You helped in both aspects however you enjoyed helping your dad with landscaping the most. Planting beautiful floral arrangements and crops.
As you sat your stuff down you heard your dad grumble in the back. Following the noise you saw him struggling to grab something from a shelf. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit making him turn his head. “Bout time you get outta bed” he teased. “Hey hey you keep it up and I’m not gonna help you get that” you teased back. Your parents were very kind people, they always did what was best for you. Always tried to do right by you and make sure you were always taken care of.
“Are you gonna help or just hold up the wall?” He joked. You rolled your eyes before stretching to grab the bag, a sharp pain going through your stomach. You winced almost dropping the heavy dirt bag on yourself. “Ah- y/n be careful” he said grabbing it from you. You grabbed your side rubbing it, the pain was gone already. You thought it was just from the weight of the bag so you continued your day not thinking much of it. As you were picking up some trash from the side you felt the sharp pain again. This time it didn’t stop right away, the pain went straight through your stomach.
You groaned out sitting a bit down as you tried to ease the pain. However it only started to grow more, you didn’t know what to do so you yelled for your dad. You could feel tears pricking as the pain intensified. It felt like someone took a knife and just slid it through your ribs. When your dad got to you he stopped dead in his tracks. A smell you hadn’t noticed radiating off of you. He quickly picked you up helping you into the shop. He took you into the back room shutting and locking the door quickly.
“Y/n didn’t you take your medicine today?” He asked his eyes looking over you worryingly. You nod “I- I did- I haven’t missed a day” you stammered out “ugh why’s it hurt so much” you said voice breaking. His eyes widened looking almost panicked “I need to make a call. Do. NOT. Leave this room. Got it?” He said sternly. You nod again before he left he kissed the top of your head “don’t worry ok?” He said before ruffling your hair a bit. He left the room leaving you there hunched over in pain.
A few minutes had gone by before you heard your dad’s voice “Are you fucking kidding me? How’s that even possible?” He said. His voice full of anger and worry you wondered what and who he was talking to. You heard the door open seeing him peer in, he scrunched his nose a bit looking at you.
“Y/n, sweetheart.. we have.. we have a problem” he said pulling up a seat to sit beside you. “The pills that help suppress your scent and heat are.. well since you’re getting older they’re kind of.. not working anymore especially since you’ve been taking them for so long. He said his voice almost shaky like he was scared. Ever since they found out you were an omega they had you put on these pills that suppressed it. Especially your smell and heat. They did this for your own safety and happiness. They wanted you to grow up free of the label. Free of others trying to get to you simply for what you were.
They knew how packs were, how they treated omegas. Most packs anymore couldn’t get ahold of a true omega a lot of them hiding or settling down with a loner. They were also very worried about how you fell into an almost alpha category as well. A lot of wolfs anymore had “tendencies”. What use to be mating for genes and keeping “pure bloods” has almost all but gone. Now everyone is a bit whatever? Both of your parents are betas however your grandmother and grandfather were an alpha and omega couple.
You turned out to be an omega however you had “alpha tendencies” which was almost unheard of. Even if they found you a good mate that aspect of you could ruin it.
The way your dad looked at you almost like he failed you. “The doctor said it could also be because of the alpha like side you have.” He said. He pulled you close to him holding you into a tight hug “my little girl.. I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you from this” he said his words almost choking in his throat. You held onto him the pain still surging through your stomach. “So.. what can we do?” You said softly looking up at him. Those big puppy eyes of yours making his heart ache “I don’t know, but I’ll find a solution” he said rubbing your back.
He closed the shop up early taking you home to get you comfortable. Your mom coming home giving you some extra cookies she had left. The pain was slowly dying down but your scent was strong. Although you had these tendencies you were just an omega. The smell of you radiating through the room like a sick honey smell. Your head was spinning from the whole day. You curled up with your pillows falling asleep quickly.
As morning came you could hear your dad talking again. His phone has been blowing up all morning. The news must have gotten out because you saw a post “well known daughter of (father’s name) has been discovered to be an omega.” A chill went up your spine looking at it seeing the comments.
A rustle coming down the stairs sounding like a stampede. “Chan look!” The bright eyed boy says to the older one. “We’ve talked to her before! And she’s an omega!” The blonde says holding his phone in the other’s face. He snatches the phone looking over the article “it’s the pretty flower girl” he said softly looking at the phone smiling. “Chaaan! You should talk to her dad!” He said eyes sparkling at him. “What makes you think he’s gonna let me have his daughter lix?” He said with a chuckle.
“Come on if anyone will take care of her well it’s us! Where also you know.. the biggest pack here that takes care of everyone” he says rolling his eyes a bit. “You gotta try at least!” He said with a pout. Chan lets out a deep breath “fine, I’ll contact him and see what I can do.”
And he did he rang up your father talking for a bit “I know with the news out you’re gonna be bombarded with other people but let me take her? Let me make her our omega and we’ll treat her like the queen she is” he said over the phone. Your father was thinking a mile a minute “how do I know you’re gonna keep her safe?” He questioned “how do I know you aren’t just gonna hurt her and.. use her?” He continued.
“Sir, I promise I’d never let anything happen to her or do anything to hurt her. I’ve seen her many times in there and even before the news I thought she was just such a beautiful angel” Chan rambled on.
Your dad sighed a bit “come over and we can talk about this?” He said giving Chan the address to your home. After getting off the phone Chan had an audience now. “So?” Felix asked all eyes on Chan. “I’m going to talk to him. We’ll see how it goes” he said grabbing his jacket. “I’ll be back later” he said before leaving.
This brings us to now. A wide known alpha in your town a very wealthy one at that standing downstairs. You peered down when you heard the unfamiliar voice accidentally locking eyes with him. It felt like your heart hitched up into your throat. It was beating so loudly you swore it was shaking the whole house.
“Ah- there’s my sweets” your dad says with a hopeful smile. “Come here?” He asked patting the chair beside him. Your body was almost frozen but somehow you started to move. You smiled politely at the man before sitting down. Your mom came over sitting some cookies down for everyone to snack on.
“So.. let’s get to it hmm?” Your dad says breathing out loudly. “Bangchan here, would like too.. have you as his omega. His mate.” Your father spoke. His words circled in your head you wanted to say something but your eyes were locked on the man infront of you. “What do you think?” Your dad said taking your hand. “Why do you want ME as your mate? Is it souly for what I am?” You spoke bluntly. Chan smiles a bit finding your bluntness a bit funny. “Well not exactly, I’ve always thought you were beautiful when I’d come in the store. However I know your dads kind of in a hard place here with you”
You looked over at your dad and he just nodded a bit “I would have offered him money but I can’t really put a price tag on you.” He said with a smile. Ugh his smile. It had your heart thumping even more. You had to admit, seeing him come in the store you’d definitely developed a crush. He was very handsome, his cute little dimples poking out as he smiled.
“He’s the best option y/n, I’ll at least know you’re safe and can still see you.” He said rubbing your hand. “Have you told him about the uhm problem though?” You asked. Chan tilted his head looking at you both. “Not yet” your dad said looking over at him. He sighed a bit “y/n has alpha tendencies.” He said. “Which basically just means she can get more controlling, more aggressive and her heats can be a bit more intense.” He said studying the man’s face.
“Just sounds like she’s a strong woman, someone who’s not afraid to fight for what she wants. Not afraid to protect her pack” he said with a that big smile. “It doesn’t bother you?” The question slipping past your lips. He chuckles a bit “No? Should it?” His voice sounded almost teasing. You felt a blush creep up as he smiled once again, The sight making him smile even bigger.
“So it’s settled then? You’ll be mine. Ours?” He said looking at you. You tilted your head a bit “ours?” You questioned. He nodded “My boys will love you just as much. They’d be basically your other mates.” He said cocking his head to the said like you. “It’s a new way these packs are running” your dad spoke looking over at him. Chan nodded “yeah, plus they already are excited to see you. I can’t keep you all to myself, you’re to beautiful not to share” he said his cheeks blushing a bit at his words.
“I know it’s a lot but you don’t hav-“ he started before you cut him off. “I want to. I’ll do it. I’ll be your omega. As long as you promise I can come see my family” you said words sounding like a plea. He couldn’t help the big smile that spread across his face. “Of course! I’d never keep you from them! I’m not trapping you with us silly. You’re free to come and go, although I’d feel safe if one of us would join you. I know how others are” he said looking over at your dad who nodded.
“Welp I guess it settled! You’re coming with me” he said eyes smiling at you. “I’ll come back tomorrow for you if that’s ok? I’ll let you guys have time together” he said standing up. Bangchan shook your dad’s hand, giving your mom a hug before looking at you “may I hug you?” The way he asked his voice soft, sweet like sugar. You nod and before you knew it he had his arms around you. He pulled you into a big hug and it just felt- felt so warm? So cozy and loving like this was where you were meant to be.
When he pulled away his cheeks were bright red “I can’t wait for you to meet the rest of the boys. God they’re gonna love you” he said kissing your cheeks almost quickly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, your dad has my number if you’d like to talk tonight” he said. With another smile and a wave he was gone.
So many thoughts circled your head but you were almost excited for this new chapter in your life. Excited to feel what it felt like to be yourself. Not someone hiding.
As Chan opened the door to his place, he chuckled a bit at the scene in front of him. The boys all sitting in the living room presumably waiting for him. As the door opened their head turned to look at him. “Chan! So so!” Felix said running towards him. He tried to play it like you said no but he couldn’t hide the smile. “You can’t lie old man tell us” he heard a voice coming from the couch. He rolled his eyes “she said yes!” He said a big smile plastered across his voice. “No way!” Felix squealed hugging Chan tightly. “When is she coming? Does she know about us? Do you think she’ll love all of us?” Felix’s questions seemed never ending.
Chan chuckled “tomorrow, yes and of course she will” he said ruffling his hair a bit. The boys talked amongst themselves before one of them spoke “I’ll go to the store tomorrow and get some stuff” he said. “I’ll get stuff to make a good dinner tomorrow” he continued. “You know what she likes?” He asked. “Minho, anything you make I’m sure she’d love” Chan said back to him making the other man smile. “Changbin and I will put her room together, the rest of you need to clean the house.” Chan said looking around.
“Can I make cookies? I know her mom bakes so I’m sure she would like some” Felix said with a smile. Chan nodded “yeah that sounds good!” As the boys talked Chan noticed your father had sent him your phone number. He quickly saved it texting you “hey there beautiful, I just wanted to ask what some of your favorite things are? Like food and stuff? Oh oh what’s your favorite color?” He asked sending the message. You felt your heart do a little pitter patter as you smiled reading his message. You texted back a small list of your favorite foods and snack. Telling him a few colors you liked. You looked around your room realizing most of your stuff was black blue or red. You laughed a bit “majority of my stuffed animals are blue, but the rest of my room is darker colors. I wear a lot of darker colors too” you texted.
“Oh so mysterious🫢” he texted back making you giggle.
“Oh yeah totally, not because black matches everything or anything like that” you teased. You thought to yourself how easy it seemed. How easy it seemed to talk to him, to feel comfortable.
“I hope you sleep well beautiful, everyone is excited to meet you. I’m excited to be able to have you here.” He messaged back.
You could feel your cheeks heat up making you smile like some high school girl texting her crush. “I hope I don’t disappoint” you texted back. You rolled over thinking to yourself. ‘I really hope they all like me.. I hope I’ll live up to their standards’
“Never could beautiful.” He texted. Sending another one right after “oh here!” He sent a picture of all of them. “From left to right it’s Jisung, Minho, Changbin, Seungmin and the three below are Jeongin, Hyunjin and Felix” he texted.
“Where are you?” You said studying the picture.
“Oh I took the photo” he texted back. The boys around his were already cleaning the place up a bit.
“Oh :(“ you replied back you pouted a bit.
He chuckled at your reply sending a selfie of himself. “Sorry love here’s a picture of me, all you had to do was ask” he said making himself chuckle a bit.
Seeing the pet name made your heart pound if your cheeks were warm before they’re on fire now. “You all are so very handsome..” you sent the message as you were about to type back something like ‘to handsome for me’ he replied.
“Handsome men just for their beautiful mate” he texted. He was all blushy now telling the boys how you think they’re handsome. The roars and hoots that came from them made him laugh. Your heart thudded again you wanted to squeal at his words before you could text back he was texting you again. “Get some sleep my love, we’ll see you in the morning!” He texted.
You sighed a bit knowing you better cause it was gonna be a long day tomorrow. Getting comfy you texted back one more time “fine fine, good night. I will see you.. and everyone tomorrow. Hope you all sleep well. Good night handsome.. goodnight other handsomes” you giggled a bit yawning before curling up into your bed.
He blushed at your words “goodnight my love, we all can’t wait to see you. They all said goodnight as well.” Chan texted back. “Alright boys, we’ll continue to clean in the morning but we should all sleep.” He said getting up patting Minhos back with a smile. “Bed let’s go” Minho said standing up. The rest of the boys following suit. Their minds spinning with happiness, excited for tomorrow. Excited to see their beautiful mate.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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Taglist: @satosugu4l @do-you-remember-summer-127 @xines16 @minh0scat @troublemaker02 @tr-mha-fan @stayconnecteed @minniesverse @ldysmfrst @jehhskz @lunearta @hello-stranger24 @justastraymoa @hyun-prince @catlove83 @lunearta @iknow-uknow-leeknow @chocolateislife @jisungs-iced-americano @doitforbangchan @minghaosimp
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madamechrissy · 3 days
Up in The Air
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ Suguru Geto x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Contents ♡ ♡ MDNI- Spanking, breeding kink, anal play, anal sex, oral (both receiving)
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡ this chap- 7.5k
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ You have been jilted at the altar by your groom, Mahito, who has led you on for years. Your best friends, Maki and Yuta, suggest to go on this Honeymoon alone, to get away and find yourself again. On the plane ride, you run into a gorgeous man on a business trip, who holds your hand when you say that you're terrified of planes, Suguru Geto. You all fall into easy conversation, and there's chemistry, he makes you feel better than you had in a long time. You think to ask his number, when he realizes that his room has fallen through.
Well, you have a big honeymoon suite, and you suggest he stays with you. What can go wrong? Not like you don't wanna straddle him or anything...
A/N- Just one more chapter after this!!! We are at the end <3
Chapter 12 - Masterlist - Playlist
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Chapter 13
Suddenly, the pressure on your throat is gone, and you’re gasping, choking, coughing as air rushes back into your lungs, and you’re trying to look around as you come to, blinking with blurry vision. Your eyes finally focus as you see Suguru’s furious face above you, punching Mahito, his knuckles cracking against the man’s jaw, Mahito crashing into your glass table, breaking it with the force.
“Fuck!” Mahito moans out, as he’s now covered in blood, but Suguru continues, beating the fuck out of him as you hear sirens coming in the distance.
You watch, eyes wide, as Suguru gets Mahito by the throat, and you’re still trying to breathe, trying to sit up, but your body won’t cooperate. You’re so tired, so tired still, you feel so weak.
“You don’t fucking touch her!” Suguru’s snarling, and you can see his hand around Mahito’s throat, squeezing, and he’s turning blue damn near as he’s struggling, flopping like a fish. “You’re fucking dead, do you get it? Better hope the cops come in time before you’re a fucking corpse.”
“Suguru…” You whisper hoarsely, and he looks at you, fury all along his handsome face, he continues to choke Mahito as his face softens, chocolate eyes full of horror as he looks upon you.
“I should have known it wasn’t enough.” He looks back at Mahito now, who’s somehow got this psychotic toothy grin on his face, even as he’s covered in blood, his eye is busted, he smiles somehow. “Needed to fucking kill him.”
“You’ll get in trouble, please.” You shakily stand up then, and Mahito looks at you, but then you tremble as you recall it all, in bits and pieces, his disgusting fingers inside of you, his hands all over you. You’re shaking then as your numb fingers itch to punch him in his face, to choke him right with Suguru. “Let me.”
Suguru raises a brow, then grips Mahito’s long hair in his big hand, shoving his bloody face toward you, and you pop  his nose with a sickening crunch, making him scream out. You’re shaking as you do it, but it’s a start, and Suguru grins at you, swiping back his messy hair as Mahito cries out.
“Good girl, you broke his nose.” Suguru whispers, his voice soothing even as he’s so vicious, and you feel like you’re in a fucking haze, adrenaline running through your veins. You’re standing there in your torn skirt, your bruised throat, your mess of a living room, and your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest, shaking a numb hand now.
“Why did you fucking do this? Why?” You demand then, sobbing, and he just coughs up blood, smirking now.
“It was fun.”
Suguru picks him up then, and he’s punched him so hard he is flung across the room now. “Princess, I have to kill him. I’m sorry.”
“Sugu!” He’s shoving him through the glass of the damn window then, and you gasp, picturing him careening down the apartment building, but then your door crashes open, and in come the cops, guns drawn and they’re shouting, but Suguru’s still got his hand around Mahito’s throat, about to shove him out the window. “It’s okay, it’s okay, let go of him now, baby.” You whisper, and he looks back then sighs, scowling.
“You got lucky.” You watch as Suguru lets go on the ground with a thud, as Mahito coughs, spitting out blood, fuck he spits out teeth, and you feel a sick satisfaction at the sight, your cheek throbbing from the hit he gave you, your body still trembling from his touch.
The cops come in and cuff him, and it’s all a blur, but you know he’s being dragged away, and you’re falling into Suguru’s arms, shaking like a leaf. “Suguru?” You whisper out, and he’s rushing to you, pulling you into his arms, and you’re crying so hard, clutching onto him. “Why did he do this? Why?”
“Don’t worry about him, Princess. He’s not going to touch you again.” Suguru whispers, as Mahito is being handcuffed, and Suguru is stroking your hair. You can feel the tremble in his hands as he holds you tightly, and you’re just sobbing into his strong chest, inhaling his scent, feeling safe again.
“I thought- I thought I was going to die.” You whisper, and he tenses up, looking down at you with horror in his eyes.
“Never, baby. I’d never let that happen, never. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry he hurt you.” He’s kissing you all over now, and you can’t even breathe, you’re just shaking in his arms, as he looks you over now. “I was so consumed by hatred I didn’t even check on you, I’m so sorry-”
“Hush, you saved me. Again.” You whisper, in tears as you pull him down to you, into a fervent kiss, as your apartment is filled with chaos, as the neighbors are flipping out in the hallway, as Mahito is going into an ambulance outside now. It’s nothing but you and Suguru. “You saved me the day I met you.”
He’s crying softly, tears flowing from his dark eyes, gulping in emotion as he cups your face, thumb brushing over the forming bruise Mahito had left. “You saved me just as much. I’ll never let you get hurt again, I swear.”
“Sugu…” He’s kissing you over and over, pulling you close, when finally a couple of police officers interrupt politely.
“I know this is a lot, but can you both come with us so we can ask some questions? Also to get you medical attention.” A female cop says softly, and you nod then, clutching Suguru’s hand.
“Can he stay with me please?” You ask, they nod, and Suguru squeezes your hand tightly as your mind tries to make sense of your destroyed apartment.
After questioning, and a medical check, you’re outside of your apartment building, watching Mahito dragged, handcuffed to a hospital bed, but he was unconcious now from blood loss. Suguru puts his arms around you carefully, as the cops are leaving, and soon it’s quiet in the night.
“I got your call.” He says, and you blink through tears, shutting your eyes and letting him hold you.
“I’m so glad you did. I was so scared. Sugu I thought you were a dream.”
“No, Princess, right here.”
“How can I thank you for saving me?”
“Move in.” You blink up at him, as he turns you in his arms then, gripping you gently. “Please, move in. I’ll never fucking sleep again if you’re not in my arms.”
“I… are you sure, Sugu?” You ask softly, and he gives a sad smile, that doesn’t quite meet his eyes.
“I have never been more sure of anything. Please, let me know you’re where I am, that you’re safe. I’ll take you to work every day. I’ll do anything.”
“Oh Sugu you act as if I don’t want to.” You cup his face gently as he leans down, holding you so close. “Then take me home.”
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Four months later
“How did it go Princess?” Suguru asks softly, as he picks you up from your therapy appointment. Yes, you did therapy twice monthly, and you were on something for anxiety now, but overall, you were good, you were strong. You had the best man in the world waiting for you, standing tall and handsome next to his car.
You eagerly run into his arms, as he picks you up, kissing you deeply. “It went so good. They said I can go to once a month.” You say, and he beams with happiness, smiling with those full lips, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“I am so proud of my girl.” You melt at that, giggling as he kisses you over and over, until it gets far too heated for you both, and you have to pull away a bit, to catch your breath. “I say this calls for a celebration.”
“Doing good in therapy?” You ask, giggling as Suguru seatbelts you in carefully, pecking a kiss on your forehead.
“I’ve been planning something tonight anyway. Indulge me?”
“A surprise!?” He grins, nodding, and then you snuggle to his arm as he zips through the streets. “How should I dress!”
“You act like I didn’t buy you a dress.” You flush at that, looking at his handsome profile as he drives.
“Fuck you’re perfect, you know.” He chuckles, shaking his head. “So humble for no damn reason. You are.” You peck kisses down his neck, earning his inhale, then his soft moan, eagerly pulsing through your body.
“Wait till tonight, you little hornball.”
“Hey!” You both laugh then, and soon you’re back home, and it’s fully your home as well now, you had been with Suguru since that night. He’d made you right at home, and you’re not sure anything could be better than living with your boyfriend. “I don’t wanna wait.” You pout, sliding down your top then, and he bites his lip, pausing you.
“Trust me, patience. I’ll make it so good for you tonight.” You pout again, batting your lashes, earning an eye roll. “No puppy dog eyes brat.”
“Mmhn, but Sugu…”
“Don’t you even. Go get ready for a special date.” You sigh, then you run off to your room and see it, a set of three pretty black boxes on your bed.
“Sugu what is all this? This can’t be a congrats for therapy bundle.” He snorts in laughter, hugging you from behind and kissing up your neck. “Go on, open them.”
You open the first, and it’s a breathtaking gown, covered in black glitter sequins, shimmering this way and that in the light, making you gasp. “Beautiful oh my goodness! Thank you so much!”
“More things, go on.” You take trembling hands as you open the next, and then your heart falters as you see it, a gorgeous necklace worth your entire art gallery, glimmering with diamonds.
“Sugu, I can’t!” You turn to him then, he’s got his hands casually in his pockets, smirking at you. “It’s worth way too much!”
“I’m rich, Princess. Let me spoil you.” You flush bright red as you finger the necklace carefully. “Plus there’s more reason to celebrate.”
“What is it!?”
“Check it out.” Suguru pulls his phone out then, showing you the headline, and you blink in shock.
“Life sentence how!? Usually it’s like nothing for assault.” You murmur, as you read the headlines. Suguru chuckles a bit.
“I made sure your lawyer was the best for a reason. But he actually asked for the death penalty, so I think this may be worse for him. Imagine the prison bitch he’ll be.” You giggle then, through tears that start, as you look back up.
“Is this why we’re celebrating? That makes more sense.” You say, handing him back his phone.
“Just one of the reasons. It’s a special day. Now, the next.” You take a shaky breath as you open the littlest box, and it’s matching earrings, glittering brightly under the soft lights of the room.
“Got me feeling like royalty, Sugu.” You murmur, and he chuckles, brushing your hair back off your neck, cupping your chin and tilting you too look up at him.
“You’re a Princess, remember?” You fucking melt, and you feel tears flowing freely down your cheeks, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Sugu I need to suck your dick, now.” His mouth drops open, and then he glares, earning your giggle. “Come on, after all this!? Hour long blow job!”
“I can barely take five minutes, you fiend.” You both laugh, as he swipes your tears and kisses you, again and again. “Save it for later. Go get ready, I can’t wait to see how beautiful you’ll look in these.”
You practically squeak as you run off, and you start to get dressed, looking in the bathroom mirror as you slide into this beautiful dress. It had been a rough start at first, the amount of nightmares Suguru had to endure, holding you were rough, fuck they were brutal. The panic attacks, the endless tears, but he’d been by your side through every bit of it.
Maki, Yuta, your mom, and all of his friends had been heavily involved, constantly over with you, spending time and taking care, and soon you started smiling again, soon your nightmares eased. Suguru had stopped Mahito before he’d gone too far, and his touches and kisses eliminated any memory of that night.
His sweet words, his looks of adoration, everything about Suguru Geto had saved you, ever since you met him at your lowest, he’s done nothing but bring you up, and now you are thriving. You didn’t feel insecure anymore, those thoughts were long past, you feel beautiful and worthy being next to the man you adore.
What could get better than this?
You step out of the bathroom, and Suguru gets on his damn knees, you giggle at his dramatics. “I’m not worthy of this.”
“Shut it, before I put you to work.” You tease, stepping over to him, cupping his pretty face in your hands, as he holds your hips.
“Put me to work then, brat.” You slip up you dress, and he groans then. “No panties, hmm?”
“No panties. You’ll have to think of it all night.” He nips your thigh, groaning as you let it fall back down, and he stands then, holding your hand and making you do a pirouette in his arms.
“Such a tease. Fuck your ass in this!?”
“What about the rest of me, ass man!?” You both laugh again, fuck your cheeks hurt from how much you laugh with him.
“You’re absolutely breathtaking.” You exhale, as he runs a careful hand down your delicate neck. “Let’s get that necklace on.”
“Yes please! I feel like Pretty Woman.” You turn and lift your hair, as Suguru drapes the cool white gold on your throat, and that gorgeous necklace settles around your throat, draped on your collarbone now. “Oh my god it’s so beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you.” Your heart aches, as your tummy clenches in desire, when doesn’t it for Suguru? You look at your reflection, with him so tall and handsome behind you, his long fingers against your bare shoulders.
“I love you so much, Suguru Geto.” You say softly, and he turns you to kiss him, his hard body pressed against your curves, you melt into his embrace, feeling empty when he pulls back then.
“I love you, my Princess. Do you wanna do the earrings?”
“Yes!” You eagerly put them in place, and they dangle down against you like two chandeliers, brilliant and stunning. “Oh if this is a random gift, my engagement ring will be like the hope diamond.” You tease and he gets serious for a moment, making you falter.
You all had not brought up marriage yet, though of course Suguru and you were damn near married already, you spend every moment together you can, you live together, you sleep together. He talks of getting you pregnant and those talks get you far too excited, but you hadn’t necessarily broached the subject yet.
“Suguru, please I didn’t mean to pressure you, it was a joke!” He clears his throat, eyes a bit distant, as he shakes his head.
“No love, you’re fine. Go get some pretty shoes, hmm?”
“Yes of course!” You feel slightly awkward then, hoping you had not put too much pressure on him, fuck he does the world for you, and you don’t expect more than he already has. His phone rings then, and he smiles.
“It’s Gojo, let me take this while you finish, I need to hear about our godbaby.” He says, and you giggle, nodding and kissing his cheek, a hand on his chest.
“Give them all the love!” He grins as he answers the phone, Gojo had just had his little baby, and Suguru just adored her to pieces, as did you. Nanami and his wife were now pregnant too, and married, it was as if it were in the water.
Some of that absolutely gave you baby fever, though you tried to play it cool, the thoughts of you as Suguru’s bride, and the mother of his children fill you with so much joy you can’t begin to describe. You’ve had just as many beautiful dreams lately as you ever have nightmares, it means so much to you to have him by your side, forever.
Whether it was ceremony and paper, or just a promise, you cannot wait for your lives together, especially now that you know Mahito is gone forever. Suguru frequently said he wished that he had in fact thrown him out that window, and you know it haunts Suguru, having seen you that way, but he stays so strong for you.
You slip on red bottom heels that Suguru had bought you last month, the man non stop buys you too much, and you complain but you secretly love it, you love falling back a bit, letting the art gallery be run without you mostly. You come in a couple times a week, the rest of the time you are almost something like a taken care of girl, as Suguru likes you.
You’ll let some feminism go for him, surely.
He walks out now, his hair brushed and tucked back, and he’s now got on his suit jacket and dress shoes, looking far too handsome in that black suit he’s wearing, making your mouth water. The sex with Suguru just gets better constantly, as you briefly remember being completely tied up just last night, as he’d licked and touched every part of you.
Suguru was the definition of freak in the sheets, gentleman in the streets. And still so very much to explore with him, you think, as you whistle at him, sauntering around and smacking his firm backside. He jumps at that, glaring at you, and he has you bent over the couch arm in a flash, yanking your dress up.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Ah!” You shout breathlessly, as he lands a hard, firm smack on your ass cheek, making you cry out in pain and pleasure.
“Sorry, what, Princess?” He smacks your other cheek, and you moan softly, making him laugh a bit. “Freaky Princess.”
“Sorry, Sir.” He sighs, caressing your ass cheeks then, teasing the wetness between your thighs just a bit, you grip the couch and moan. “Let’s go out later.”
“No, insatiable little thing. Mmm.” He moans when he slips his finger past that tight ring of muscles, inside your wetness, and you rock against his hand.
“Just a little late then.” You beg, and he groans, you expect protest, but he’s fingering you even more, and you hear his belt buckle. “Yes, please Sugu!”
“Fuck I can’t turn you down ever, how can I?” He whispers, then you cry out as he’s pushed his whole length inside you, and you both start moaning as he just sits there, you pulsing around him. “She’s too tight, fuck… relax, please.”
“S’good, please fuck me… ngh!” You beg now, and soon Suguru Geto is fucking you, in his fancy suit, while you’re in your gorgeous black dress, those expensive gems dangling with every thrust. “Sugu!”
“Princess… f-fuck…” He moans out, sliding that thick cock in and out of your tight entrance, as your walls flutter around him. You feel his grip tighten, as he’s fucking you harder, further into that couch, your head is just dangling forward, hair falling like a silk curtain now.
Your muscles are squeezing him, making him shiver with desire, with pleasure, as his leaky tip, just dripping with precum shoves against your cervix now, making you start to drool as your eyes roll back. He’s rolling his hips and grinding it against it now, pressing inside it damn near, you feel him in your stomach, you feel his cock wrecking your insides.
Suguru’s soft moans, that ‘ah ah’ noise he makes, mixes with your whimpers, with your light sobs at just how good his cock feels. One of his hands gently gathers your hair, until he’s pulling, at the base of your neck, giving you just that right amount of pain he knows you enjoy so much.
Your back is arched for more of his sure back shots, as he mercilessly drives that cock into your cunt, and soon you’re shattering, as your orgasm hits you, trembling and clinging to the couch, nails digging in to hold you firm. You start gushing to the point you’re making a mess of you both, and his soft moans urge you forward, as does his whisper in your ear when he bends down.
“Good girl.” You shiver, as your pussy pulses, and you look back at him, as he cups your neck in his sure hand.
“Love you, love you.” You whisper, breathlessly, and he presses in so deep you’re drooling down his hand, forcing you into another orgasm, one he fully watches on your pretty face.
“I love you… fuck I love you. Mine.” You nod eagerly, and he’s bent fully over you now, slowing his thrusts, sliding a hand down your spine, to grip an ass cheek, squeezing it and moaning. “M’close, Princess.”
“Lemme swallow… please. I’ll drip- ah- all night if not!” He chuckles, his chest shaking you, and he presses in even deeper, impossibly deep, his balls smacking your little clit as he does.
“Cum one more time, then I’ll give you my cum.” You eagerly nod, then he finds your clit with two fingers, flicking back and forth, and you scream out as you orgasm so hard you nearly black out, he pulls out then, turning you, and you drop to your knees. “Mouth open Princess.”
You open it wide, looking at his pretty, thick cock, covered in a mix of his precum and your slick. You hold your tongue out, as he caresses your face so lovingly, before guiding his cock inside, and you lap him up hungrily, sucking yourself off him. He’s gripping your hair, brows low over his eyes, his full lips parted as he gasps.
“Perfect girl, so good Princess, f-fuck. Can you swallow it all?” You nod, looking right up at him with fucked out eyes, and he starts spurting cum then, throwing his head back and moaning, as your cheeks hollow and you suck him up.
He’s so yummy, thick full spurts, so hot that go down your throat, you drink every bit of him up eagerly, and his eyes snap back down, as his cock presses even deeper in your mouth. He’s still spurting ever so lightly, pulling back and sighing in pleasure, and you continue to suck.
“Open up, let’s see.” You eagerly do, and he brushes your hair back slowly. “You’re such a good girl, you took it all for me?”
“All for you, daddy.” He pulls you up then, slamming his lips to yours, lapping you up, your mouth is a mix of both of your essence now, and he’s picked you up, pressing you against the wall.
“I could fuck again, jesus… what you do to me, Princess.” He huffs, and you cling to him desperately.
“I did good, Daddy?” You ask softly, looking to him with eager eyes.
“So good. Mmm. If we don’t go soon we won’t make this.” You giggle, as he helps you back together, and you do the same. “Who knew this virgin on a plane would be such a freak.”
“Hey now, I’ve learned from you!”
He chuckles, an arm on your back, you lean against him, feeling his heartbeat steady on your cheek. “Let’s go, promise you’ll love it.”
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Suguru had gotten a beautiful limo for the night, and the quiet drive was scenic, passing the glowing lights of the city as you both snuggled, before pulling up to a private dock. A sleek, luxurious boat bobbed gently against the pier, adorned with fairy lights and at the entrance.
"What's this, Sugu?" You whispered, eyes wide with wonder at how pretty it all looks in the night.
“Well, if Satoru and Nanami have boats… why not us?” You gasp then, as you see the little insignia, it clearly says Princess, and you flush in the night, as everything starts to overwhelm you.
“You bought a boat!? And named it…”
“It’s ours, Princess.” He whispers, kissing your temple as he pulls you close, walking you further. “As everything will be I hope.”
“Oh, Sugu…” You can’t even form a word, as you feel yourself trembling, the cool breeze of the night flowing your pretty dress, and your hair around your shoulders. “It’s gorgeous! It’s really ours?”
“Absolutely. Do you remember that boat that night?” Your mind gets heated, as you remember how he’d been on his knees, how he’d licked you right over those lace panties. He chuckles now. “Oh, you remember.”
“I sure do… you were sure something, Suguru Geto. You still are. All of this is crazy!”
“There’s lots more, come on love.” He says softly, helping you down the gangplank and onto the boat.
The captain greeted you both with a nod and a smile, before setting sail into the moonlit ocean. The salty breeze played with your hair, and the gentle sway of the boat made you feel as though you were floating, but not as much as Suguru Geto himself made you feel that way.
Suguru leads you to the upper deck now, where a candlelit dinner for two was set up, complete with champagne chilling in an ice bucket. “Oh you went all out, oh my goodness!”
“Anything for you, love.” He says, and fuck you are a puddle for this man, as he lavishes you with his sweet whispers, his kisses.
“Nothing could be this perfect.” You say, as you take the seat he’s pulled out, and he sits right next to you. The meal was exquisite, filled with delicate flavors and tender textures that danced on your tongue. You could see the spark in Suguru's eyes as he watched you savor each bite, as he feeds you gently.
You take a bite off his fork now, moaning and shutting your eyes, then when you see him watching you, his desire is as strong as the warmth between your legs. The stars twinkled above you both as you ate, reflecting off the calm waters below, as the boat gently rocks.
“Dessert, Princess?” He offers, and you hold your tummy, whining.
“Yes but I’m so full!” He smiles softly.
“Just a bite then?” You nod, as the dessert was served, a rich chocolate cake that looks so good. “Here, shut your eyes.”
You do as he says, and you open your mouth, as he places a little morsel on your tongue, so sweet you sigh. You then get a soft kiss, before you feel him kneeling between your thighs. You moan, anticipating what is coming, spreading your legs, and licking your lower lip.
“Right here?” You tease, opening your eyes then, but Suguru is on one knee, holy fuck!? Suguru reaches into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box now, his hand shaking, usually so sure, and your breath caught in your throat “Suguru! What… you…”
“Shh, love.” He winks up at you, taking one of your delicate hands in his. “Princess," he says, his voice steady and husky despite the tremor in his hand, "will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
Your heart falters, pounding in your chest, as the love of your life is on bended knee, right between your thighs. You start sobbing then, profusely, thanking the lord for all your waterproof makeup, and you watch the emotion form on his face, as one of his hands brushes your cheek.
The world stopped for that moment, as he opens the box now, and you struggle to find your words, you struggle to focus. This can’t be real can it? Are you this lucky, to have the love of your life, with a ring in his hand? It all seems surreal as you stared at the ring, a stunning diamond that matches the ones in your earrings, the ones in your necklace.
You stare at it, glittering under the moonlight, your mouth dropped open, as you look to it, then look back up to him, tears streaming down your face. "Yes!” You managed to choke out, finally. "Yes, Suguru, yes! Oh my god yes!”
He slipped the ring onto your finger, a sharp white grin on his handsome face, the one you fell in love with when you first saw it, first saw his sweet chocolate eyes, that lush hair blowing around his face. You see the glittering of tears in his own gaze as he slides it up your finger, and it’s so beautiful you can’t take it.
“It’s so beautiful! It’s so stunning I… oh my god, Sugu, get up here!” You yank on him, and he cups your face, laughing softly then, pure joy mirrored on his features.
“Oh Princess, I was so fucking nervous.” You shake your head, as he is kissing you so tenderly, cradling you like a precious treasure.
“Suguru, I’ve always been yours. Always.” You whisper, and he moans softly, pulling you against him, kissing so hard your teeth are clinking, your tongues messy and desperate. You taste your tears in every kiss, mixed with that taste that is Suguru Geto, your… “Fiance, my fiance!”
“My beautiful fiance.” He whispers back, standing then and pulling you against him, and you shiver as the wind hits you both, and he’s pulling you back a bit, spinning you in his arms.
Music softly plays, and this was it, the moment you had dreamed of, and it was better than you could ever have imagined, a moment you weren’t sure you deserved for so long, but here he was, and here you were, in his arms. “Oh, Sugu… are we dancing?” You ask, and he nods, smiling down, the moonlight casting shadows on his gorgeous features.
“I’m dancing with my favorite person, the love of my life.”
“My fiance. Future wife.”  You danced barefoot on the deck, your dress swirling around your ankles as the boat cut through the water, one hand holding yours, the hand with this beautiful fucking ring, the other on your waist.
“My future husband. My gorgeous man. Forever.” You whisper, cupping his face now, and you kiss again, as he dips you over his arm, making you giggle through your endless tears.
“Future mother of my babies.” He says, even huskier, making you tremble with need then. Your eyes lock, as you feel that warmth spread, as he presses you against his hard body, you feel it like electrical sparks then.
“Maybe… I shouldn’t take the pill tonight.” You say softly, and he pauses, nearly tripping as he looks down, you wonder if it’s too far, but then he slams his lips down, picking you up, hands greedy as they grab you everywhere. Your arms wrap around his neck tightly.
“Yeah, Princess? You sure?” He murmurs, breath hot against your lips, and you nod, blushing under his gaze.
“I want to be a mommy. I want you…” You grab a hand, putting it on your flat tummy now. “To put babies in me.”
“Holy fuck…” He’s stupidly hard against you now, you watch him adjust himself with a wince as he peers down. “You’re killing me. You mean it?”
“Yes, Suguru. Or… Daddy.” You tease, then yelp as he’s picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. “Oh my god, it’s too high up here!”
“I have a room all set up. Now.” He orders you as if you can follow, carrying you down steps, ducking down, and by the time you’re in the room, you’re both breathless, laughing like crazy, as he kisses you again. “I’m making you a mommy tonight.”
“Mmm, are you? Gonna have to try a lot. Put so much into me.” You whisper, then you’re thrown on the bed in the little room with a bounce, making you giggle like crazy, before those giggles are quieted by Suguru’s lips. You sigh into his kisses, hastily unbuttoning his shirt as he’s sliding that dress up your hips.
You sit up then, and he’s pulling the dress off your body, your breasts bounce out as he gets it off of you, and he’s kissing down your breasts while he slinks it down your hips. “You’re the most beautiful girl, you know that?”
“And you’re the most handsome man, Sugu. Ngh! Fuck…” He’s sucking on one of your breasts now, while his hands knead them gently, your back arches for more of his caresses, eyes fluttering shut in pleasure, as his hot mouth sucks.
“Can’t wait till these are so full.” He says softly, and you’re even wetter, grinding up eagerly against one of his thighs, still clad in those dress pants.
“Yeah, daddy, do you want them like that?” You say so softly, and he looks up at you with that seductive gaze, moaning his answer around your nipple. “And so full of you here…” You touch your stomach, making him feral now, as he yanks you by your hips, kissing down your tummy, making those muscles tighten, as you suck in from the intense sensations.
“I can’t wait for that, going to have my twins.” You giggle again, hand pulling his silky hair now, hips bucking up as he kisses down further, spreading your thighs.
“You really want twins hmm?”
“I really do. Gonna be so hot full of me.” You scream out as he slides a tongue up your slit, lapping you up now, and you can’t fucking take it, you’re shattering under him with just a few flicks. “You’ll be so sensitive too…” He murmurs, nipping your clit, your hips twitch in response, as shivers of desire run up you.
“And you’ll… still eat me out then hmm? When I can’t see your… face?” He groans, looking up and grinning from between your thighs.
“I sure will, Princess. I need you to cum on my face, can you baby?” You nod eagerly, and then he’s spreading your lips wide, fucking you with that long, talented tongue, his teeth bumping your clit, and you’re soaking him, wetter and wetter as he works you like he knows how.
You cry out his name as he softly whispers yours, your hands enwrapping as you lean up for more, more, more. And Suguru gives it to you, practically burying his face inside your eager cunt, drinking you up like you’re water, and fuck if you’re not, when your fiance is devouring you.
He’s relentless, pushing your thighs apart wider, his tongue fucking you deep and hard, until you’re shaking, until you’re screaming, until you’re cumming so hard your eyes roll back in your head, convulsing as he laps it all up. Your pussy is pulsing around that wet muscle, and then he is pulling back, sliding two fingers in, curling them just so and taking a breath as he watches you.
“Sugu, sensitive!” You whine, and he gives you that smirk, pressing up and sending you back over that edge.
“You can cum more for me, Princess, can’t you?” You feel your blood pressure rising, face hot, as your body's on fire from his touches. You nod weakly, then gasp, blacking out when he keeps hitting that spot, and he’s licking the underside of your clit now. You feel so much pressure so intense, as he keeps licking, keeps pressing, then it’s like some dam breaks.
You are screaming out, yanking on that dark silky hair as you cum so hard you’re squirting out, and you gasp at that, as Suguru leans back in surprise, before he’s grinning, lapping it up, continuing scissoring his fingers in you soppy cunt now. You’re so sensitive you clamp down on them, twitching.
“Sugu… what… I’m so… what’s that!?” He chuckles a bit, leaning up you now, covered in your slick and kissing you, sliding his pants down finally.
“You squirted, Princess. I didn’t know you could, that was so fucking hot.” He whispers, and you’re blushing furiously.
“That was messy!” He chuckles again, brushing your hair back as he spreads your thighs, leaning over you, settling his cock between your thighs.
“It was so sexy. It just means you really, really liked it is all. Don’t be embarrassed, I promise that was the hottest thing.” You exhale, as his handsome features are over you, soft light hitting them in the night, and you’re so sensitive you nearly cum again from his tip sliding up and down.
“You always make me feel so sexy.” You whisper, and he sighs, kissing you, and you taste yourself on his lips.
“I will every day. Are you ready for me Princess?” You nod, rolling your hips up and watching his eyes flutter shut for a moment, then he’s slipped inside of you, and he’s sliding into you so fucking slow, so gentle, savoring every moment, and so do you, nearly cumming then and there.
“Fuck, Sugu…” You whimper, then you do cum when he’s fully seated, and you’re so full you feel like you might just burst from that pressure, he moans, reaching down to find your clit, and it’s too much again.
“Mm, you feel so good, love. So tight, so hot… so wet.” He whispers, and your head sinks back into the pillow as you ride out an insane orgasm, eyes rolling back as he starts to move, setting a rhythm that’s slow and deep, making you feel every inch of him.
You hold onto his shoulders, your nails digging in, as he kisses down your neck, making you moan and whimper, making your body tighten around his cock. You’re so sensitive from that first orgasm where you’d squirted, that it doesn’t take long for a second one to build, for your body to start trembling again.
“You are sensitive, hmm?” He teases, and you just whine, pathetic as you bury your face against the hot skin of his chest.
“C-can’t take it. Fuck.” He’s so slow and gentle with you, but you can’t stop cumming now, like some aphrodisiac had been slipped into your damn dessert, and you get so wet he slips out when you cum again, muscles pushing on him. He hisses, then he’s against your ass, and you both pause, looking at each other.
He begins to rub against your little anal hole now, and you shiver from delight as he uses your slick to press against it, tip sliding in and making you gasp, as he groans out, leaning down on one arm. He looks at your face, pressing deeper now, and you’re hissing at the stretch, the burn, about to lose it.
“Get on your knees, Princess.” You eagerly obey Suguru Geto’s husky command, doing just as he asks, pressing your ass up in the air. “Play with that little clit.”
“Yes, Sir.” You whisper, and rub your sensitive clit, crying out as he presses your head gently into the mattress, fingering your pussy and then sliding it up to your ass and shoving in, making you scream.
“Do you want it, love? Me to finally fuck this tight little ass?” He asks, and you lean up on your arms, nodding as you look back, at his glistening hard body behind you, your eyes squeezing shut in pleasure when he’s fingering deeper.
“Please, take me there. Please. I want you to.” You say, Suguru always wants to make sure you’re okay, but this was one you all hadn’t done just yet.
“Loosen up for me, relax. I won’t hurt you.” He bends down then, lapping up you from your clit to your ass, tongue around the rim, the sensation kills you, as does the hot spit on it. You’re shivering in anticipation when he presses now, his thick tip popping in, feeling so good but so much pressure it’s hard to take. “You okay love?”
“Y-yes, it’s different… it’s good though. Mmm… I can do it.” He laughs a bit, then it stops in his throat when you press your ass back to him, taking more, and then he’s gripping your hips bruisingly, groaning out as you whimper in pleasure. “Oh fuck…”
“Oh fuck…” You both whisper, as he pulls out, then presses in more of his thick length, stretching your ass out so deliciously good, and he’s leaning over you, shoving in deeper, until he’s so deep you can’t take it. “You’re taking me so good, look at you, Princess.”
“It’s so much… I…” He takes your fingers now, pushing them back on your clit, as he’s slowly fucking you, and every inch feels like ten. You feel so full, so stretched, so good, that you can’t even think straight, he’s so gentle with you, but you keep backing up, craving it.
“Can you take more?”
“You’re not in fully!?”
“I thought I was… doing s’good too…” He’s letting out a breathy laugh, pressing over you, spreading your ass cheeks now and sighing as he watches your little hole stretched by his soaking wet cock.
“You want me to push in? Break this little ass hmm?” Fuck he’s hot, you’re pulsing around nothing now, nodding eagerly into your pillow. Then he’s fully inside of you, and the burn is so intense you’re cumming again, making such a mess, he is hissing as your muscles tighten around him. “Good girl.”
“Ngh! It's so good… more please.” You beg, and he smacks each ass cheek, before fucking into you harder now, and your toes are curling against the soft blankets, as you press up more and more, drinking up every bit of his moans.
You’re sobbing for more, your body begging, and he’s giving it to you, pulling out almost all the way before slamming back in, making you scream into the pillow, making that little room echo with your cries of pleasure. You rub that clit now, feeling it swollen and so sensitive, as he keeps hitting that spot inside you that you never knew, his balls smacking against your soppy cunt.
“Oh god, I’m gonna cum again, Suguru… fuck….” You whisper, and you can feel his cock swelling up inside you, so much it’s like he’s going to split you in half.
“You’re so naughty, aren’t you? Like it so much when I do this? Ha-” He taunts you, slapping your ass and shoving his cock in hard, and your back arches, hair falling back now. Then sliding his thumb in your pussy too, filling you up completely, making you scream out as you cum again, endlessly falling into him, blinking black and glittery stars now.
“Love it, love it.” He grips both your wrists, pinning them behind your back now, leaning you up on your knees as he takes you, his free hand reaching around, sliding two fingers in your tight entrance, as he rocks his cock all the way in your ass. “Oh my God!”
“Can you squirt again for me, huh Princess?” He whispers, and you look at him, at his eyes mirroring your own desire, and you just whine. His cheeks are flushed as he bucks his hips up, making you burn so damn good, as his fingers hit that spot, and he’s got complete control of you.
“I’ll… try… Daddy I’ll try!” You manage to speak, broken little sighs of pleasure, and he’s kissing you now, releasing your wrists, using a hand to slam your hips down, and he’s got you so full you’re getting wrecked. You kiss him back, as your hand goes back to your clit, then you’re getting filled by both your fingers in your pussy, as he fucks your ass harder and harder.
“That’s it, I feel her… let go.” He orders softly, then you’re squirting again, this time moreso, until it’s sprayed all over your thighs, his thighs, the fucking bed, and he’s so entranced, as he sucks it off his fingers, as he now lifts you up, slamming you down on his ass again. “Fuck… close… you’re so tight oh my-”
“Ngh… Sugu!” You can’t manage words anymore, and when he pushes you back forward, onto your tummy, and he’s stroking inside your ass more, you’re writhing under him, cunt a sticky mess.
“Said I’d make you pregnant. This won’t do.” He huffs now.
“Cum in my pussy next time.” You tease, breathy, and then he’s smiling against your neck, as he begins to pulse in your ass, and you feel every fucking bit of it, his hot sticky cum, and it sends you again, until you’re both sticky, hot messes. You’re filled with his cum, so deep, as he finally eases out, making you sore as fuck, spent. “Oh my god… what was that!?”
“Anal.” He answers simply, as he collapses, pulling you with him as you giggle in his arms. “Amazing as fuck. Holy shit. You took all of it.” He muses, caressing your overheated cheek.
“We have been playing for months, I think I was a bit afraid.” You snuggle up, as the odd sensation of his cum in your ass hits, and you’re a blushing mess.
“Sex is amazing in any way with you, fiance.” He murmurs, kissing you deeply, with his full lips, drinking in your happy sighs.
“I’m so glad you were my first, my only lover, Suguru Geto. I picked so damn good on those plane seats.” He grins, so pretty in the night, and you’re on him now, straddling as he grabs your ass cheeks, studying you intently.
“The ‘last virgin in Japan’.” He teases, you playfully smack at him, only to feel him harden against your tummy.
“You’re such a tease. You were then!”
“You’re too pretty when you’re being teased. I’m also glad you chose me, I’m so glad you’re with me, and now… forever.” He’s holding up your hand, looking at the rind in the night.
“Forever, Suguru. Now… you need to actually put a baby in me.” You reach down, and his eyes roll back as you stroke him. “I need a lot of cum, Daddy Sugu.”
“You’re such a brat, I’ll give you so much you won’t walk tomorrow.” He’s shoving his cock up in your cunt now, and you’re in for quite a damn night, aren’t you?
With your Fiance.
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Ao3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/56577688/chapters/150980314
32 notes · View notes
docholligay · 2 days
Bozeman Half Marathon 2024
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The race starts at 8. The shuttle drops us off at 6:55. 
There was a little bit of fucking around too close to start time, so we ended up in the back of the pack. As I break over the start line, it’s immediately clear to me that I am behind people who are shooting for a 2:30 or more time, which is so beautiful and hope they had the best time but all of my encouragements to newer or slower runners immediately die away in a wave of “get the fuck out of my way.” I have never bobbed and weaved as I did here, and I get afraid that I’ll lose my pacer, because I am trying so hard to just get get out of the fracas. 
Mile 3. I call out, “What are we sitting at?” “9:05” comes the answer. I’ve been fucking around too much, and make a breakaway in between two runners in front of me. I’ve got to hit harder than this. 
My pacer grabs his stomach and steps off to the side. 
You’re a beautiful person, but this ain’t ‘nam, and I’m leaving your ass. I will buy you a drink later, salutations and good luck. 
I actually start running faster at this point--i hadn’t realized how much I was holding back because I sensed he was struggling and I didn’t want to leave him in the dust. I need something to pace me. My stryd isn’t connecting, i don’t even have a timer watch, and I didn’t set my music to time me like I usually do, until the tornado siren. There are two girls in matching outfits, including pink banana shorts. They’re the ones. They look fast. 
If it were not for them, I don’t know that I would have been able to get it back, because they got me into a rhythm of running about a 8:30 mile for two miles, which gave me a huge cushion. Mile 4 and 5 were entirely on their pink-festooned backs. They stopped for water mid Mile 6, and i kept going. 
Mile 7: What the fuck have I done wrong in my life, and why is it being visited upon me, the sweetest and most innocent of human beings, right now? There is a long, slow, plodding hill. 
There is a moment, in every race I have ever run, called, “What the fuck is my problem?” It is very important to get over the ‘What the fuck is my problem?” hump, because it is my own personal Jesus being tempted by Satan in the desert, with the idea of walking and giving up. Why would I, a sane woman with a loving family, think about running 13 miles and change full send? Did I think that would be fun? What about my life up to that point made me think it would be fun?
We have to attack this little demon inside us. We can always doubt the wisdom of our decisions later, but for now, the only way out is through, and my only reward for slowing down is that I have to be on the course longer. 
I round the corner, no longer on the hill, and then from behind me, the sound of a truck, and a voice I ahven’t heard in a while: 
“C’mon Doc, let’s fuckin go! It ain’t that far!” I look to my left, and it’s my buddy Jake! I haven’t seen him in a couple years, and he must have figured out it was me by sheer chance of “I bet that little red headed dyke in the unicorn shorts is Doc. She loves to run” and he is correct! He bangs twice on the side of his BLM truck, laughs, revs his engine at me, and drives on down the course. 
This carries me for a solid two miles. If your family has been in Montana for as long as both of ours have, it’s hard to hide from each other. Do i want to come across as a little bitch to Jake? Do i want to tell him it was just too fucking hard? Fuck no. 
The Tracer voice inside me, “What’s the worst that could ‘appen? Push it!” “We die?” “Not a problem we’d ave to deal with!” 
I push. I go. I fly through the cross country kids handing out water. I’m trying to pace myself beside runners just a little ahead of me, runners that look fast and also infuriatingly casual in their matching banana shorts and pink tank tops. They hold me on for the next few miles, but as they start into their negative splits (Unfortunately, they not only look fast, they are fast) they begin to leave me behind. 
I have heard the half marathon called “10 decent miles and then the worst 5k of your life” and for me, at the very least, that seems to hold true. I am getting exhausted by the time I hit mile ten, and my form is falling apart. I like like one of those inflatable noodle men, running down the street, limbs flopping. My body is swinging wildly, which is costing me energy, but I can’t stop myself. I’m getting tired mentally and physically. 
In  the middle of mile 11, I hit a pothole. I’m not watching what I’m doing, my foot goes directly onto the lip of the pothole and I go careening forward. I know it’s a cliche to say things happen in slow motion, but I swear it must have taken me ten seconds to fall. I had time to think about how I absolutely did not want to hurt my knee, so I, with a reasonable amount of stupidity, put my arm out straight, which keen-eyed viwers will note is a great way to break your wrist. I didn’t, so, unearned victory for me, but I slammed down hard into the asphalt, and threw myself onto my hip. 
A struggled for a minute, and then, as I held up my hand to stand, someone grabs it, without breaking his stride at all, and yanks me to my feet. 
“We’re fucking doing this!” he yells to me. 
And then he continues on. I could have given up, and my pride and my time are badly hurt, but having that moment gives it all back to me. I might not be able to run this in time, but I can run it to the end, and not give up. Giving up isn’t what I do. 
Unfortunately, to be the people we tell ourselves we are, we have to make the choices that make us those people. If I am a runner, who doesn’t give up. I need to both run, and not give up. Annoying. 
So I keep on. By the time we reach the city proper, I am in mile 12 of 13, and I am well and truly suffering. It hurts so bad, and I want to stop, but I can’t stop, because I am so close, and how much would I hate myself to run all this way and give up now? I can’t walk. I have to keep going. 
The tornado siren goes off in my ear. I have ten minutes to cross the finish line before losing my goal. I haven’t hit the final mile yet. This is bad. But the only way to get there faster, is to run faster. I have no idea what I drew on in that moment. But I find something deep inside me, and I yank it out and throw it on the road. 
I go down the final pull, praying, waiting for the final turn, where I can see the finish line. That always gives me something more, sets off a firework inside me. 
There’s a gal with a sign by the side of the road that says, “ ***ing finish so we can drink!” and, again, it is only through the encouragement of strangers that I have made it through this race at all. I point at her sign and smile, and she yells to me, “You know what I’m talking about! Fuck yeah! Go! Go!” 
This last mile is one of the hardest of my life. I just keep having to chant, ‘Right, left, repeat. Right, left, repeat.” 
The final turn! I can see the finish line, I only have to run three more stoplights before I make it. I can do it. I kick on the afterburner. I am so close. I’m almost there. 
My heart falls when I see the timer. 1:57:40. I’ve already failed. There’s no way I can cross the finish line in 15 seconds. Or can’t I? Fuck it, whatever, I will maybe not make it, but I will run as hard as I can. My hip is screaming, my form is the worst it has ever been, and I don’t care about absolutely fucking any of that, because if I cross even one second under, I will have made PR. 
I go. 
I cross the finish line, wobbling, half limping, about to throw up. I’ve made my time goal by about 3 seconds. Great. That’s enough. The guy giving out the medals is nice enough to come over and put it on my neck, because I look like I’m suffering as much as I am. The text comes through. 
I COMPLETELY FORGOT IT TOOK ME NEARLY A MINUTE TO CROSS THE START LINE. I have made my time by a full goddamn MINUTE. My joy is total. I would jump up and down screaming but I do not have even the slightest amount of energy for any of that. I have a can of champagne in my drop bag, and I am going to go get that, and crush it. 
Someday, I’ll stop setting PR, but today is not that day.
Video evidence of my extremely bad finish: You can tell how much I'm favoring my hip, which is making me swing my body WILDLY.
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kr-yoongi · 1 year
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Welcome to my Merlin wip that I can’t stop thinking about but don’t have the time to paint <3
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bunisher · 4 months
might be the aro in me but i think one of the reasons i don’t ship mattfoggy is because i enjoy the idea of platonic intimacy and friendship without romance. i enjoy them as best friends, because their friendship is not any less than romantic love or needs to be. especially for characters like them, i think it’s important that they have friendships that are not inherently romantic. matt, because he has severe abandonment trauma and avoidant attachment, where all of his romances have ended in some form of tragedy. he has trouble feeling comfortable with people, he feels like he has to perform in many aspects, and does not with foggy, at least not anymore. trust is a hard earned thing with him, but it’s not just about trusting with being a hero, but trusting to be himself. in regards to foggy, because he also has his own issues regarding family and not feeling accepted. he needs that friend who provides the motivation, validation, and feeling of being good enough just for being him. his insecurities often come from being underestimated, being awkward, not fitting in, and with matt he can just be. they’re able to have a relationship with each other that has rupture and repair, knowing eventually after time it’s them against conflict and not them against each other. they set the standard for each other in how romantic relationships are. they provide that safe place for love that doesn’t have the weight of being someone’s everything or partner. they’re already partners! they’re best friends. i personally am a little in love with all of my friends, and i am utterly devoted to them. i will be affectionate and supportive and loving and i am not dating them. so yeah i see how stuff could be read romantic, i understand why people enjoy the ship, i get it, i do. but it’s more powerful to me when it’s not. romance is not the end all be all and that’s why i am obsessed with their friendship without it being this stepping stone for romance or there being no other explanation.
#or maybe they’re in a QPR without it being labeled as such. that may be my new hc#i may even enjoy the hc that they did try to date for awhile and it wasn’t for them#but that’s also because i hate the idea that heteronormativity has that ppl cannot be friends with their exes#i’m also getting more into relationship anarchy because i think the focus on romance in our societies isn’t great#people irl and characters in fiction shouldn’t /need/ a romantic relationship to be fulfilled#it’s also why i don’t write my ships as super traditional with romance lmao#like no they aren’t living together. no they’re not getting married. no they’re not having a kid#their relationship does not adhere to all of these societal standards and expectations but it’s their’s and it’s real#they just enjoy each other for whatever time they have and that’s okay. they deserve that. they deserve that little break#they deserve to be able to rest and relax and no it’s not perfect but they feel understood and comfortable and it’s enough#it’s not full of pressure and this idea of scarcity. it’s because they genuinely enjoy being around each other#they’re their own people. whole and complete without each other. and then they find love and joy and comfort in each other#and it’s so special to them. their lives are constant chaos and they make time for each other bc those moments r precious to them#hell i hardly ever even label it lmfao they’re just doing stuff. they know what it is but if anybody asks it’s 🤷 who knows#and maybe that’s because of my own queerness and how it influences my writing but it’s just something i think i’ve noticed#anyways#matt murdock#foggy nelson#matt and foggy#fanfiction#amatonormativity#shipping#queer platonic ship#comics inspired#nmcu inspired#/rant#bun.txt
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monkee-mobile · 4 months
do you think if any of the monkees tried to actually kiss in the 90s special, everything would like glitch out for a bit and a lizard sunning itself of a rock would snap them out of it or would they be able to break free and show the kiss to the people?
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