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vahanians · 1 year ago
guys i actually almost just passed out
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months ago
i eat up any time and pony interaction PLEASS I BEG give me some hcs of them interacting
ur so real,,,im tired of darry and curly interactions,,,,wheres my tim and pony interaction lovers at,,,hmu,,,
•pony doesnt know it, but tim has a nickname for pony in kreyòl
•nickname a lil too generous, hes lowkey making fun of pony but its not bc hes trynna b a dick, tims just,,,like that,,,,
•tim actually reads a bit and sometimes pony talks to him about books theyve read, curly teases that they have a lil book club
•tim has a tendency to ask curly “hows the curtis kid doin”, just to secretly catch up w him, he also asks this to darry when they catch up at bucks bar
•i think ignoring whatever the fuck darry and tim have, he finds pony to be the most interesting curtis brother, at the very most one of the most interesting person hes met in general cause ponys different from everyone else
•ok so technically tim is still enrolled in school and actually does show up VERY rarely and he has some elective classes w pony (those classes where ppl from different grades r in the same class) and tim always sits w pony
•partially bc ponys the only mf he knows there but also to serve as a bodyguard bc ponys pretty small compared to everyone else
•at some point they started doing fistbumps to great each other and pony felt like he unlocked a character w that😭😭
•tim would see some doodles of curly in ponys sketchbook and he KNEW curly and pony were gettin together at some point, tim was like one of the first ppl to realize, he just gave pony a look of “hmmm” and pony nearly shit himself
•tims saved pony from being jumped and hes just,,,carried pony to the car to get him home, and pony was honestly more astonished at that for a bit than being jumped for a sec
•second time pony ever drank was bc tim told him to bc pony got hurt and tim said it would make it hurt a bit less while he was patching him up which, wasnt TOO off but its not bc the alcohol rlly helped pony was just focused on the taste more than anything
•ik i say pony stares at tim and it freaks tim out at times but tim b starin too and pony feels like tims accessing him, he jokes w curly that tims a walking lie detector
•yknow what i think tim wouldve visited pony at the hospital if he was hurt that badly, maybe even got him a lil gift like a switchblade “to replace the other one” or whatever, hes a fucked up guy what can i say
•nobody rlly knows it, but after everything that happened, tims got some guys watching over pony to make sure no soc’s try to get their “revenge” or whatever
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devine-star · 2 years ago
hi! I saw your response to my desperate thank you to your writing of colby with a male reader but held off until on requesting until now because I saw the response at like 1 am. but anyway I was plunged back into my snc phase and am in desperate need of perhaps Sam, colby, and Seth with a tall male s/o? when I think tall I think like 6'3"+
pretty please I literally never request and I love your work so much, obviously no pressure ofc but ily
Sam and Colby crew x Tall!Male!Reader!
Note: Just gonna be headcannons about first dates! :)) Also thank you for the request!! Send in as many as you'd like!
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When Colby was first set up on this blind date, he didnt really know what to expect honestly
He was currently sat in a bar booth on his phone reading over the description that Kat had sent him.
"Colby?" He jumped and turned to look at the voice but had to look upwards seeing as the man standing at the booth was roughly 6'5!
"uh yeah!" He said happily standing, at first he thought this was a fan
"Oh good! I was hoping that was you! Im Y/n!" But this wasnt a fan, it was the man he was on the blind date with!
Now, Colby knew a lot of things about himself but one thing he DIDN'T know was he was into taller men.
Like, REALLY into taller men apparently.
His face was flushed red the entire date and anytime Y/n stood to go get them drinks, he felt his heart rate speed up
The date went AMAZINGLY!
Colby was swooning everytime Y/n laughed or smiled his way
After one too many drinks, the two men were stumbling down the LA streets.
Arms wrapped around each other and happily laughing and chatting about anything
By the time they got to Colby's apartment, Colby was feeling brave
So, as they were saying goodbyes Colby reached up and pressed a kiss to Y/n's lips; it got slightly heated.
"Wanna come up for some coffee?" Colby sloppily winked causing his date to laugh and agree
Now, Sam knew he was into taller guys. Knew it his whole life!
So when he seemed to bag to, somehow, bag a nearly 7 foot tall guy; he felt AMAZING
Their first date was to an aquarium!
Lots of laughs were shared as Y/n seemed to bump his head on multiple things
First was the tube that you can walk through the water and see the fish
Sam couldn't help but giggle and lean against Y/n as he was laughing as well.
The next was when they were in the gift shop and Y/n was knelt down trying to find a size of shirt that Sam had wanted and when he stood? BAM! Head connected to a shelf
The two shared jokes about how this date would end in an e.r trip and decided to end the date and go for ice cream
But Sam couldn't hold in his giggles when Y/n had to bend over to order their ice cream at the small ice cream stand
Walking on the LA board walk, hand in hand and eating Ice cream. The two enjoyed deep talks
Talking about their goals and life and even some about their childhoods
Eventually the sun went down and somehow this date went from a 2 hour date to a 7 hour date.
Y/n dropped Sam off at home and before Sam could get out of the car Y/n stopped him and placed a kiss to his cheek telling him he'd love to do another date; Sam agrees.
Once Sam was inside, he did that classic movie thing where he leans against the door and happily sighs.
Colby looked over from where he was sitting in Sam's living room, "where have you been?"
"More importantly, how did you get into my house???"
These two met when Seth was working at the Conjouring house
What a romantic way to meet!
Y/n had just gotten the job when he met Seth!
Y/n was a guide and Seth was just there working doing paperwork
The two spent many long nights together, Y/n opting to help Seth with his paperwork and Seth often followed the tour groups and helped relay stories to guests
The owners would often make small comments about how the two height differences were funny but also small comments about how close the two were
Often asking if the two had gone on a date yet or finally confessed their feelings
Seth would often borrow Y/n's hoodies, they were often dresses on him due to how much taller Y/n is to him
Seth would also fake not being able to reach a cup from the cabinet just so Y/n could reach around him from behind to grab the cup for him
Seth was crushing HARD after like 6 months of working together
The night that brought the two together was the night Seth was grabbed in the basement.
He came running up the stairs, TERRFIED
Y/n was the first person he ran to, tears in his eyes.
Y/n brought him outside and calmed him down as he held Seth
Eventually, the two fell into silence with Seth's head on Y/n's shoulder and Y/n's head resting on his
Something about this scary experience frazzled Seth's mind, he turned to look up at Y/n
Y/n looked back at him
Their eyes said everything when their voices failed
Soon their lips met and they shared a passionate kiss under the night stars.
From inside, they heard a gasp as one of the owners ran off shouting to their partner "you owe me 20$! They kissed!"
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ifimdreaming · 2 years ago
Can you do something with Nolan Moyle ?
im drunk
nolan moyle x reader
summary: you get very drunk and call nolan to come and pick you up (cw: mentions of throwing up, and drinking obviously)
authors note: this is not edited whtasoever its 3am rip
word count: 1.1k
It had been such a long time since youve gone out on a friday night and you were not about to leave because your friends decided to abandon you before midnight.
the club was starting to get busier and you were starting to forget how many drinks youve actually had by now. Just being able to dance with strangers and not worry about school or work or anything else was actually such a relief
After dancing to song after song by yourself, you squeezed your way off the dance floor to grab a seat at the bar. You were feeling a lot drunker than you normally would get and suddenly everything was catching up to you. You hadnt even found a seat at the bar yet before you begin tripping over your feet. you stumble slightly, and feel someone grab your arm as you almost reach the ground
“woah, you ok sexy?” an unfamilair voice says as you feel a hand placed against your back. This is exactly why you hated going out without nolan
“um. Im fine. thanks” you say shortly, trying not to let him get the wrong idea.
“yeah? you need another drink?” the tall blonde says and the hand he placed on your back begins moving lower and lower
“yeah no thanks. Im actually going to find my boyfriend” you lie, ripping his hand off of you as you run off quickly. and youre just silently praying you dont fall on your way down the long dark hallway to the bathroom
Being alone in the bathroom with the sounds of music and people now distantly murmuring in the background made you feel suddenly very vulnerable. The realization that you were in a crowded bar, alone, and you hadnt even told nolan you were going out tonight was fianlly hitting you. so you decide to give him a call
“Nolaan? H-hiii”
“Hello? …Wher-” he starts and you cut him off, knowing hes probably about to ask a million questions just from hearing your inebriated voice. And honestly, rightfully so 
“I-im at the club! Im. im d-drunk” you say, “some guy cuaght me b-but im ok. Its ok”
“What? Where are you?”
“Um im. Imhere im just. Im drunk”
“Ok. just send me the address and ill come get you. Can you do that?”
If your mind was in its normal state you would be thanking god for how sweet of a boyfriend nolan is in this moment. But alas the alcohol is taking over and almost everything he is saying is flying over your head
“Where are you?” you say, forgetting you were in fact on the phone, and nolan wasnt at the bar with you.
“Im getting in my car. I have your location so im coming to get you alright?  Just please dont drink anymore, Ill be there in like ten minutes” he says and just the mention of alcohol makes you feel suddenly extremely sick to your stomahc 
You run into the bathroom stall, throwing up probably more than half of what you drank tonight.  nolans voice quietly echos through your phone that is now sitting on the grimy bathroom floor
“you there? What happened?” he asks worriedly
“i t-threw up” you say remorsfully. Suddenly your dizziness is gone, but an instant headache follows
“Yeah i thought so” “just try to relax ok? Im almost there just dont hang up the phone so i can find you”
“Nolaan?” “are you there?” you ask after just silently sitting on the phone while he is on his way to get you 
“Im here. Are you in the bathroom?”
“I-im. the toilet…”
“Ok just gimme a minute” he says and hangs up the phone, worrying you
Not even ten seconds later the bathroom door swings open and you see nolans feet from underneath th stall door
You push open the stall excitedly as he walks towards you, lifting you up slowly from your crouched positon beside the toilet.
“Hiiiii” you say with a giggle
“Hey baby. You ready to go?”
“S-sorry i got drunk… im...” you start, but are too tired to continue. You droop your head slightly against nolans shoulder as he maneuvers your arm around his neck, helping you walk out to his car
“Lets head home ok? And we can talk about what the hell happened in the morning…” he says with a laugh, shaking his head
“C-can we go home?”
“Yes baby.. I just said that” he says, unlocking his car and opening th epassengers side door. He is being as gentle as possible as he helps you into the car
nolan always looked insanely attractive when he was concerned. his eyebrows are slightly furrowed and his lips pursed as he buckles your seat belt for you, and you just watch him intently as he takes  care of you
“Hi” he says to you after noticing you just staring intently at him without a word
“can i have a kiss?” you ask keenly and face wrinkles as  a smile grows on his lips
He takes your face in his hands an dplaces a loving kiss against your forehead, and then squishes your cheeks in his hands
you wiggle your face out of his hands, “i meant on the lips..” you say with an exaggerated frown and pouted bottom lip
“Oh did you now?” nolan smiles and grabs your waist in one hand, stroking your hair softly with the other as you close your eyes in anticipation. he leans in towards you leisurely before moving his head to the side, blowing a wet raspberry against your cheek
 He giggles at your disgust and closes the car door, retreating to the drivers side.
“You have to admit that was pretty funny” nolan says, looking over to see you with your arms crossed over your chest, dramatically protesting his actions
“Im not talking to you!” you look over to your boyfriend as he drives you both home 
“Youre talking to me right now..” he says cleverly. Undeniably winning this feigned argument
“Then i, well you- then you dont talk to me then” you say,  nolans eyebrows contort as he hides a smirk and youve confused even yourslef with that sentence
“ok …lets just get you home baby..’ he says with a laugh and you huff in response
nolan places his right hand on your thigh as he drives, his strokes on your leg alleviating the annoyance of your dizzy mind and aching stomach
You place your hand over his and sink deeper into the passengers seat, basking in contentment as your drunken tiredness takes over
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atticusdoesthings · 2 years ago
Can I request overprotective Maggie Greene? Don’t care what it is, there’s just too much shortage of her🥲
Heyy!! I wasn't too sure if u wanted her to be protective in more of a motherly way or in a girlfriend way, but here u go!! It's also not very long bc i didn't have that much ideas🫨 so sorry if this sucks. Right now, it's 5 in the morning🐊 (Thanks sm for the request, btw😭❤️🫶)
Warnings: almost getting bitten (?)
We were out on a run, me, Maggie, Glenn, and Tara.
"Y/n, stay with me, alright?" Maggie told me, "yeah yeah" i just rolled my eyes.
It was always like this, whenever i was asked to come on a run, Maggie always wanted me to stay close so she could 'protect me', it wasn't that bad to have a personal guard, but sometimes it could be nice to be able to do something on my own.
A couple minutes later, Glenn put the car to a stop and we all got out, as soon i got out of the car, Maggie grabbed my arm and smiled, "Lets get going guys, stay with me, Y/n" I rolled my eyes again and sighed, "Yes, mom" i said the last part in a more sarcastic way, "im serious Y/n, i don't want you to get hurt" she said, still holding my arm and pulling me with her following Glenn and Tara who were already walking towards the abandoned building.
Once we were inside, Maggie pushed me down on a chair standing in the corner of the room.
"Okay, you sit here, me, Tara and Glenn are gonna see if we can find anything usefull, okay? Stay here." She pushed a gun into my hands and kissed my cheek, "Take this just incase, dont go running off, 'kay?" I sighed again, "Yes, Maggie, I'll be fine" she smiled, "good" she kissed my head and went into the other room with Tara and Glenn.
As soon as Maggie and the others left the room, i stood up from my chair and walked outside, trying not to make a sound so Maggie wouldn't notice i was gone.
I wasnt sure about the plan, but i wanted to do something, something to impress Maggie so she would actually trust me instead of being so protective the whole time.
Back at the car, i was looking around for possible walkers, after a couple minutes of nothing, i started to feel thirsty, grabbing a bottle of water from my bag, though there wasnt much left, i opened the car door to look inside for more to drink.
I heard footsteps behind me, without looking back, i spoke, "And? Find anything usefull?" I turned around, only to find a couple of walkers walking in my direction, 'dammit', i thought, quickly grabbing the gun Maggie gave me and shooting a couple of walkers in the head, watching them fall to the ground.
One more walker was left, and i stepped back, my back hitting the car, the walker kept coming closer once it was pretty much pressed against me, trying to bite me while i was trying to push it away, before i could react, a knife was drivin into its skull, falling to the ground, revealing Maggie standing behind it.
"What the hell Y/n?!" I couldn't tell whether she was mad or not, she looked upset but i could tell in her voice that she wasn't.
"I told you to stay, but you couldn't listen?" I felt myself tearing up slightly, obviously i wasnt used to getting yelled at by Maggie,
Glenn walked over to us, "How about we get back to Alexandria?", "yeah, let's go, " Tara said before getting into the drivers seat.
"Im the driver!"
"Not anymore"
Small time skip to back at Alexandria
I was lying down on the couch, facing the ceiling, I felt like i messed up, Maggie got mad at me because i didn't listen. Even though she was just trying to protect me, I thought about what happened and realised i probably wouldnt have survived if Maggie wasn't there, as soon as i got up to get a drink, i heard the door open.
Maggie walked in, she smiled at me, "Hey," I smiled back, "Hey." She sat down next to me on the couch, "I feel like we should talk." I nodded in agreement, she continued.
"Look, i know you don't enjoy me being so 'on your ass' the whole time, but i care about you, 'kay? I want you to be safe. " I nodded again, "Yeah.. im sorry, too. i know you were just trying to help. I should've listened to you, im sorry." She smiled at me again, "It's okay, Y/n, just try to be more careful, you almost got bit today, we can't let that happen, y'know?"
"Yeah, i know." I sighed and pulled her in for a hug, and immediately felt her arms wrap around me.
"I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too."
Okay i know this isn't good, its the first thing I've written, but i promise better things will come, english isnt my native language and im a beginner writer so please bear with me, everyone from western Europe, its late, go to sleep, to everyone from other parts of the world, have a lovely day, requests are open!! Love y'all <3
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cocaineskarsgard · 5 days ago
is it casual now?
pt. 2: one of your girls
tw: self harm, blood play, blood drinking, basically roman fetishizing self harm. read at your own risk
pt. 1 linked here!
fic under the cut!
peter sat in the shower, the scalding hot water pouring down over him. his eyes red from crying, he had cried for a week straight, and felt as if no more tears could come from his eyes, yet, they still fell. staining his pillow. he hadn’t showered in a few days, the dishes piled in the sink, clothes covered the floor, empty beer bottles scattered around the trailer, shards of glass littering the kitchen floor. peter had gotten too drunk, throwing a few bottles around in a rage. he was tired of feeling the empty pain of roman’s rejection, of roman’s denial.
he stares at the small blade twirling between his fingertips. peter’s hands trembling as he holds the blade to his wrist, horizontally. he wasnt looking for an end, just any sort of feeling other than the permanent loneliness that plagued him. the empty feeling in his chest, the dulling pain of the bite mark on his neck. peter drags the blade across his wrist, not too deep. the skin splits, blood rushing to the surface to spill out down his arm. he winces as the hot water stings the fresh wound.
this is better than feeling unloved.
peter wrestled with his thoughts as the crimson ran down the drain, as the blade began to cut just a little bit deeper. he sat under the streaming water until it ran cold, his hair still unwashed. red stains the white towel he dries himself with, and it stings as it sticks to his skin. he needed the bleeding to stop, maybe he’d gone overboard this time, maybe it was just a little too deep. peter wraps the towel around his forearm and applies pressure, sitting on the edge of the tub. the cuts stopped bleeding after a few minutes.
he walks back to his bedroom, throwing on a pair of old gym shorts and a long sleeve shirt, laying on the bed, his phone still plugged in on the nightstand next to the bed. peter closed his eyes, he’d slept so much but he still couldn’t stop himself from dozing off again. he was tired, he was drained, he wanted to feel anything but the pain of roman leading him on. he remembers so many times before, where roman flirted with him, kissed him or even teased him, granted roman was drunk during those times but it still, made peters heart throb, and he couldn’t get enough. roman was a drug, and peter was a helpless addict, begging for the next hit.
peter was startled awake an hour later by his phone ringing loudly. he catches his breath, running a hand through his hair. he unplugs his phone, looking at it through half awake eyes. roman. his heart skips a beat as he answers.
“hey, roman…” he sighs. rubbing his eyes with his spare hand.
“you left your jacket here, do you want to come get it? it’s cold outside.”
“roman- that’s the only coat i have. and my car is still not working, you’d have to bring it to me.”
“i’d rather you come and get it.”
“i can’t-“
“jesus christ, peter- i just want you to come over… i’m lonely.” roman interrupts, begging.
“could you at least pick me up?” he yawns.
“yeah, i guess i can. i’ll be there in 15?”
peter’s left arm began to feel wet and hot again, and the sleeve began to stick as blood seeped through the cuts again.
“fuck-“ peter whispers. “can you make it 20?”
“i’m already in my car, dude, i’ve already left the driveway.”
“ah shit- okay. uh- my place is a fucking disaster so please don’t come insi-“
roman hung up. peter tossed his phone on the bed as he stands up, rushing back to the bathroom to grab his towel, applying pressure again. peter was panicking now, his breathing becoming erratic, his eyes filling with tears.
roman can’t see him like this.
the blood stopped again, and peter now had to change his shirt, as the other one was bloody now. he takes it off, dropping it on the floor as he went back to his room. the only thing he could find with sleeves was a flannel shirt, so it would have to do, he put a t-shirt on underneath it, and some jeans. he grabbed his phone and waited on the couch, rolling a few joints. peter pretends not to notice the blood staining his fingernails.
roman knocks on the door a few minutes later, peter opens it and goes to step outside. roman blocks him, his eyes scanning the mess of the trailer. peter sighs, trying to push him.
“cmon man move. let’s go.”
“damn, it really is like a tornado went through here. you wanna stay at my place tonight?” roman questions.
the word sat heavy in peter’s throat. he couldn’t bring himself to say anything, he just stared at roman, feeling swallowed whole by the emerald green of his eyes. he didn’t want roman to see this. he wanted to just pretend he was okay, and that he didn’t love roman, that they were just friends. because that’s what roman wanted them to be.
roman and his stupid fucking denial.
“peter? hello?” roman waves his hand in front of peter’s face.
“uh- yeah. let me just get my stuff..” peter turns around and slowly makes his way to his room. roman follows silently, his eyes scanning the trailer, the glass, the empty bottles, the dishes in the sink, the blood stained shirt. he tried to pull his eyes away from it, but he couldn’t. the smell of the fairly fresh blood flooding his nostrils, intoxicating.
“yeah?” peter calls from his room, throwing whatever clothes he can find in his bag, with a phone charger and his bong.
“what happened to this shirt out here?”
oh fuck
“i uh- was trying to clean up some of the glass out here and got a cut. it’s fine. don’t uh- don’t worry.” he lies.
roman doesn’t believe him, but he isn’t one to pry. he isn’t one to force information out of someone. peter comes out of his room, and into the bathroom. roman standing in the threshold, his eyes scanning again. he can’t help but notice the razor blade sat on the edge of the tub, dried blood caked on the corners, the bloody towel on the floor. but once again, roman doesn’t pry.
peter grabs his toothbrush, placing it in his bag. he turns around to see roman, staring at the towel on the floor. and his face feels hot. he starts to panic again.
god he knows. he’s going to think i’m so fucking stupid and pathetic for this…
“let’s uh- let’s get back to my place. we can order some indian takeout?” roman smiles, placing his hand on peter’s shoulder, flipping the light switch, leading him to his car. peter makes a brief stop to grab some more weed, and to lock the door. roman carries his bag, putting it in the backseat of the maserati. peter gets in the passenger seat, neglecting his seatbelt. roman seats himself in the drivers seat, looking at peter. he sighs softly as he notices peter’s lack of seat belt. roman leans over him, grabbing the seat belt and locking it in place. his fingertips brushing peter’s thigh. peter shivers. the hum of the engine soothing his anxiety, just a touch. he looks out the window, his head is turned, but he can still feel roman’s eyes on him periodically.
peter exits the car before roman, grabbing his bag from the backseat, and walking to the front door. standing in the same spot where he stood last week. before he fucked everything up. roman unlocks the door for him, and the two enter. peter sitting his bag down in the living room, grabbing out his bong. as he goes to fill it up, roman takes it from his hand, gently pushes his shoulder so he sits on the couch, and goes to the kitchen to fill the bong.
“roman, i’m perfectly capable of filling the bong for myself..” peter sighs.
“just- shut up and let me be nice to you!” roman groans. handing the bong back to peter.
peter takes it, his fingers brushing against roman’s. he takes time to pack his bowl, but he doesn’t light it just yet. reaching into his pocket, he pulls out the joints, he hands one to roman. roman places it between his lips, sitting on the couch next to peter, leaning forward for peter to light it for him.
roman inhales the smoke, the subtle burn in his lungs causing him to cough slightly. peter lights his own bowl, clearing the bong in just a few hits. the smoke falling from his lips, blown into roman’s face. the two smoke in silence, allowing the weed fo hit. then, roman looked at peter a certain way, and the two just broke. they laughed so hard, and over nothing at all.
“don’t say shit man- i’m about to call the restaurant. shhh!” roman shushes peter, who was now hunched over onto roman’s lap, still laughing. only this time it was over a video he remembered and showed roman just moments prior. roman orders the food, stifling his laughter the whole time. the two boys find a movie to watch as they wait, peter grabbing beers from the fridge. he hands roman his beer, and tucks himself back into the couch. they drink and smoke another joint, watching the movie on screen.
twenty minutes passed and the doorbell rings, startling peter. his hand instinctively grabbing roman’s thigh. roman flicks his eyes towards peter, gently removing his hand. he stands and grabs the food, handing the delivery man some cash and locking the door. peter grabs the bag of food from roman, just for roman to jump over the back of the couch to sit down.
peter unpacks the food, handing roman his lamb curry, taking the tikka masala for himself. out of habit, peter removes his flannel, forgetting for just a while what covered the inner flesh of his left forearm. luckily roman wasn’t paying much attention to peter at the moment. the two ate in silence, only the sounds of the screen filling the gap between them. they pretended not to notice the tension, the longing between them. peter couldn’t sit and understand why roman would lie to himself, why he would lie to peter? he knew that roman just didn’t want to admit the truth, he knew he was just afraid of what people would say.
“peter…” the silence broken by roman’s voice, slightly shaken. the remaining food sat on the table, in their containers still. roman’s eyes having caught a slight glimpse of the inner skin of peter’s forearm.
“yeah?” peter turns, laughing at the movie.
“what did you do..”
“what do you mean?”
peter forgot. he forgot the state of his arm, he forgot the scabbing and the aching pain of them every time the fabric brushed against it. because roman helped him forget. he helped him feel like he had some semblance of normalcy left, any ounce of sanity.
“you cut yourself didn’t you? it wasn’t from glass…”
peter looks down, blood had started to trickle down his arm again. the deeper ones just wouldn’t stay scabbed for long enough, and he had nothing to wrap them with. his face burned and he felt sick, he couldn’t breathe, he was hyperventilating. peter can’t move, he shakes as the tears stream down his cheeks, his hands white knuckled as he grips the couch cushion. he wanted to scream, his whole world was crashing down again.
roman grabs peter’s wrist, turning it over to expose the cuts completely. it wasn’t pretty, the cuts littered in various thicknesses, lengths, and depths. blood ran from the deepest one, and peter winced as roman applied gentle pressure, blood staining his hand.
“why would you do this to yourself?”
“roman- you know the answer to that just as well as i do.”
roman sighs, lifting peter’s arm, he hesitates for a moment before kissing peter’s palm, traveling up, across the cuts, the blood coating his lips. his tongue darting out for a brief moment to dip into the deepest cut. peter winces. roman’s tongue stinging his flesh.
“no, peter. i don’t know why you’d do this.” roman was sincere. his thumbs prodding at the cuts, one slipping into the deepest cut just slightly, the blood gushing down his wrist.
“i hate you! i hate you so much for making me fall in love with you. i hate you for needing me, i hate myself for needing you. i hate that we share dreams, i hate that you led me on and fucked me and you just- don’t seem to care! you really can’t fathom in that beautiful brain of yours why i’d be hurting myself?”
roman shakes his head, his eyes still on peter’s bleeding wrist. his cock growing under his pants. peter glares, holding back sobs.
“you don’t love me.” peter chokes out.
“i know.” roman replies, one hand reaching up to hold peter’s face, looking into the sea blue of peter’s eyes. his gaze apologetic, his thumb caressing peter’s cheek.
“you don’t love me and it hurts, roman. it hurts worse than any bite, any punch, any blade. it’s an inescapable loneliness that no matter how hard you try to push it away, it remains.” peter sniffs, his cheeks and nose flushed red.
roman watches him. one hand still cradling peters cut arm, his thumb gently running over the scabbed up lines.
“and you don’t understand what it’s like, because everyone loves you. you only call me when you’re desperate and lonely, like i’m one of your girls, who gets paid to fuck you. only my payment is one sided love, and you fetishizing the fact that i’m hurting myself over it.” he began to raise his voice more, ripping his arm from roman’s grasp. peter stands, his hands tangling in his own hair, gripping at the strands.
“fuck you, roman! you ruined my fucking life! if i never met you i wouldn’t be like this, if i didn’t love you i’d be okay! i hate you so much but i love you more than i hate you and i just can’t fucking rip myself away from you. you always call me back, like a fucking dog on a leash.” peter was yelling now, the tears hot as they streamed down his cheeks. he couldn’t back his words anymore, his brain wouldn’t let him process what he was saying before he said it.
“you can keep lying to me and to yourself about how you feel, but i know the truth. you’ve always been this way. you’re just afraid. afraid of what people will think. but you know what? it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks, only the people who love you.”
roman stands up, slowly walking toward peter. he gently grabs peter’s wrists and takes his hands out of his hair. peter shakes and his heart felt like shattering glass, piece by piece until there was nothing left. roman only had so much time to salvage this, before it was too late. roman wraps peter in a hug, his fingertips gently caressing his back. peter buries his face into roman’s shoulder, sobbing.
“i’m so sorry. i can’t fucking apologize enough, i can’t sit here beside myself and accept the fact that you’re hurting yourself because of me. i caused you so much pain. enough that you had to mutilate your fucking arm over it. i don’t know what’s wrong with me, i feel like i’m broken, peter. i can’t be loved. so therefore, i cannot love.” roman holds peter as close as possible, his own eyes welling with tears. he’d never said that out loud, never said that he couldn’t love.
“you can be loved because you are loved, roman. can’t you see, i love you! i love every single part of you and you can’t bring yourself to say it back! but you- you kiss me and fuck me and i-i let you drink my blood. and you still won’t say it?” peter looks up at roman now, seeing the tears well in those beautiful emerald eyes, pained him more.
“i’m sorry. i-i can’t say it because i don’t know what it means to love someone. i don’t. you saw the environment i grew up in, if i felt unloved, my mom would just give me money. so i started doing coke, because that was better than feeling like a fucking failure every single time my mother looked at me.” roman pauses, pulling peter to the couch to sit down again. his hand resting on peter’s thigh.
“sit down please- anyway- i had feelings for you, i believe, when we first met, i even mentioned it to letha at one point, and word got around to olivia, that her son was a fag. and she didn’t like that. so she made me pretend, she made me lie to myself so much that i just- fuck. i just cant go back to the way i was. i cant accept myself, because i’m not gay.”
peter huffs before roughly pressing his lips to roman’s. roman gasps into the kiss, his lips parting for peter’s tongue to slide into his mouth. roman didn’t fight for dominance, he just slowly kissed peter back, his hand squeezing peter’s thigh hard enough to bruise. peter pulls away, and roman whines softly.
“not gay, hm?” peter smirks, his hand slowly palming at roman’s cock straining against his pants.
“i-im not…” roman shivers. one hand covering his mouth, stifling soft whimpers. peter straddles roman’s lap, holding his face.
“you’re not convincing me much, pretty boy. you got so hard from me kissing you.” peter teases, grinding his hips against roman. roman leans his head back against the couch, his hands trailing peter’s body. peter kisses at the exposed skin of roman’s neck, sucking dark bruises onto his flesh.
“what does love feel like, peter?” roman mutters. peter pulls away from his neck, and gently holds his face.
“you know how you said that when you drink my blood, it makes you feel so high?” peter replies, his hips stilling. roman nods, trailing his hands up and down peter’s torso.
“it’s like that feeling but without the need to drink from me, you just feel so- so happy, and at peace, and that all your problems can just disappear because you’re with the one person who makes you feel like you’re normal. it makes your heart stop, and your brain not think straight because you’d do anything that person asked.”
roman stares, watching peter speak as peter held his face. he was melting under his touch, and he was desperate for more than the friction of peter grinding against him.
“i think i understand what you mean.“ roman hums, his eyes meeting peter’s again. peter smiles before giving roman a gentle kiss. roman threads his fingers in peter’s hair, tugging at the long brown locks, kissing him deeper. peters hips grinding against roman again, harder this time. desperate.
“mm- need to bite you-“ roman moans into the kiss, his teeth dragging across peter’s lower lip. peter whimpers, his cock throbbing beneath his jeans. roman slides his hands under peter’s shirt, trailing his fingers over his back.
“why should i let you?”
roman whines, kissing peter’s neck. peter smirks. roman helpless underneath him. he gently grabs roman’s chin, turning his head to the side. exposing his marked neck.
“maybe i should bite you?” peter taunts, laughing softly.
roman’s eyes widen, his cock twitches as his lips part in a begging sigh. the words caught in his throat.
“you want that? you want me to bite you and make you bleed?”
“please, mutt. please i-i need it.” roman stammers.
peter exhales, lowering his lips to roman’s neck. he licks and nips at the skin before roughly sinking his teeth into the flesh. roman moans and tenses underneath the wolf’s teeth. blood running from his neck. peter’s teeth sinking deeper, blood pooling in his mouth, he swallows. roman whimpers as his hips grind against peter needily. peter moans as he sucks the blood from roman’s veins, his blood giving him the same effect that roman says he gets from his. so high.
“fuck- oh fuck- i’m cumming, mutt!” roman gasps, his cock spilling out cum, the friction and the way peter was sucking blood from him so deliciously. he couldn’t help it, he couldn’t hold it back. peter rips his teeth from roman’s neck, licking his lips.
“you really came from that? i haven’t even touched you.. and you called me a pathetic whore.” peter teases.
roman nods, peters grasp on his wrists loosens. he picks peter up from his lap and pins him to the couch. peter gasps, grabbing onto roman’s shoulders.
“you really think that’s all i’ve got for you, mutt?” roman taunts, his lips hovering over peter’s neck.
“bite me- fuck please bite me!” peter whines, holding roman’s hips against his. roman grinds against him softly, licking the bite mark he had previously left.
“not yet.”
peter whimpers, roman’s hands sliding under his shirt, pulling it off him. his lips kissing gently all over peter neck and chest, further down until he reached his waist. he slowly takes peter’s jeans and boxers off. kissing his thighs and hip bones. roman slides the tip into his mouth, working his tongue around it. one of peter’s hands tugs at his hair, forcing more into roman’s mouth. peter thrusts into roman’s throat, softly at first, allowing roman to enjoy himself. then peter began to feel hatred towards him again, and how this wouldn’t mean anything to roman once again. roman looks up at peter through his lashes, peters gaze shifting from needy to hate.
“i can’t fucking believe this, i’m letting you suck me off, again? you’re enjoying it too. but you’re not gay? no no, the pretty, rich, upir whos allowed to lead people on can do whatever the fuck he wants with no fucking consequences. that’s what this is, yeah?” peter growls, fucking roman’s throat roughly, the poor upir could barely breathe. roman’s whimpers being gagged by peter’s cock. peter holds his cock deep in roman’s throat. he pulls out from his throat, still holding his hair.
roman looked so fucking good like this, his eyes glassy, his nose red, his lips swollen and slick with drool. peter moans softly at the sight.
“do you have anything to say for yourself, roman?” peter teases, his cock resting on roman’s cheek, leaving drops of pre on his pale, smooth skin.
roman stares at him, his heart beating just a little bit faster. peter is looking at roman with so much hate, yet for the first time, roman is looking at peter with so much love.
“is this what it feels like?”
peters gaze softens, his grip on roman’s hair loosens. roman looking at him fully now. and peter can see it, he can see the look in roman’s eyes, the longing for something more than just a fuck. for the first time, peter doesn’t feel like an object, he doesn’t feel used.
“is this what what feels like?” peter asks, softly.
“this feeling in my chest, i-i feel like there’s a bomb in my heart and i’m going to explode.” roman whines, he doesn’t know what the feeling of love is truly like for him.
“honey, i don’t know what you mean?”
roman blushes at the nickname. nuzzling his face into peter’s hip, one hand stroking peter’s cock.
“i feel like there’s a million ants running around the lining of my stomach like maggots are inside me, like things are crawling around. am i dying?” roman spoke quickly, panicked.
“no, no honey. i-“ peter pauses. sighing.
“i think you’re just experiencing a lot of feelings right now and your body doesn’t know how to react to it, so your heart is beating really fast and your nerves are feeling weird in your stomach. i promise, you’re alive.”
“no bugs?”
“no bugs.” peter smiles, holding roman’s face. roman returns the smile before licking a stripe up peter’s cock. peters head falls back against the couch, moaning. his grip tightening on roman’s hair again, guiding his mouth on his cock. drool pools in the corners of his mouth, roman gathers it with two fingers, prodding at peters hole.
“fuck- oh my god fuck-“ peter whines, his hips bucking into roman’s throat deeply. roman moans around his cock as he gently pushes the two fingers in. slowly he pulls them out, then back in. all the while he sucks at peter’s cock. peter whimpers and moans at the slow pace of roman stretching him. roman pulls off of peter’s cock, using his spare hand to stroke the tip.
“want you to cum in my mouth again.” roman begs, wrapping his lips around peter’s cock again. his fingers fucking into peter faster now. peter fucks roman’s throat, feral. he’s tugging at roman’s hair, growling, whining. roman slowly adds a third finger, peters cock twitches before cumming in roman’s mouth, roman takes peter’s cock deep into his throat, swallowing the cum as it spilled out. peter pulls roman’s mouth away from his sensitive cock, a small spurt of cum following after, landing on his stomach. roman swiftly licks it up, before slowly pulling his fingers out. peter whines.
“ride me?” roman smirks, taking his clothes off and sitting on the couch. peter smiles and nods, straddling roman again. roman gives him a deep kiss as he lines himself up. peter sinks down onto his cock, moaning loudly.
“fuck- that’s so good. i fucking love your cock.” peter purrs, leaning his head against roman’s shoulder. roman runs his fingers up and down peter’s back.
“you take it so fucking good, mutt.” roman moans, gently thrusting upward into peter. he grabs peter’s hair, pulling him away from his shoulder, turning his head to the side and sinks his fangs in. the same spot as he did last time. the blood flowed down his throat. an animalistic growl muffled by peter’s neck. peter wanted more, roman was being too gentle. roman fucked peter soft and slow as he drank, ripping his fangs out in the same manner peter had done to him. their eyes meet, both of them with blown pupils. so fucking high from you.
peter raises himself off of roman’s cock, not completely, just enough to have roman whimper. before ramming himself back down onto it. he rides him hard and fast, roman’s hands just holding his waist, allowing himself to be used.
“fuck i’m gonna cum again.” roman gasps, his cock throbbing inside peter. one of his hands reaching down to stroke peter’s cock as he fucks himself on roman’s.
“j-just keep stroking my cock i-i’m close.” peter whines, quickening his pace. roman’s hand matches the pace, focusing on the swollen tip. roman moans loudly, holding peter down on his cock as he cums, his cock twitching as it spurts inside him. his hand continues to stroke peter’s cock, until peter bucks his hips, cum spilling onto roman’s stomach and hands, and peter’s thighs. he collapses onto roman, his body shaking gently.
“you did so good for me, mutt. so fucking good.” roman sighs contentedly, kissing peter’s shoulder. he slowly raises peter off of his cock, wincing at the loss. he grabs his shirt from the floor and cleans the both of them. peter lays down on the couch, shivering from the lack of roman’s warmth.
peter nods, his teeth chattering as he shakes. roman stands, walks to the closet nearby and grabs a large comforter and a pillow, he hands them to peter and helps him cover up. he reaches into peter’s bag and plugs in his phone for him, as he could see that peter was dozing off.
“hm?” peter hums, sleepily.
“can i sleep next to you on the couch?” roman asks, shyly. afraid if what he’d say.
“of course you can.” peter smiles, lifting the blanket for roman to crawl under next to him. roman wraps one arm around peter’s waist, kissing his forehead. the other gently stroking his hair in perfect silence until he heard the soft snores letting him know that peter was sleeping finally. he peppered gentle kisses onto peter’s neck and shoulder. gently holding his face and caressing it with his thumb.
“i could learn to love you, peter. i hope. because i can’t imagine myself with anytime except you, my love. my beautiful boy. my mutt. i’m sorry it took so long, i’m sorry i was so cruel. i could learn to love you, that i know.” roman whispers to peters sleeping body in front of him, he wraps his arms around peter completely, holding him as close as possible, falling asleep with peter in his arms.
give me a call if you ever get desperate, i’ll be like one of your girls.
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ultimateloserboy · 11 months ago
@sherbetyy i saw ur tags on my last post and i actually want to point something out and go on a lil rant cuz of a common misconception (no hate to u dont worry gamer i like you :33)
anyway, you said red guy has “left them before” and i just want to say i dont think this is true. If you mean the webseries, i understand because thats the common interpretation, but its kind of baffling to me that after THIS long people still dont realize that red guy was trying to turn off the digital world when he walked away from the table. he was already out of it, he was trying to help yellow and duck and accidentally. ACCIDENTALLY. got sent somewhere else. he wasnt trying to leave, he was wandering around FOR THEM to free them from the digital world. he literally says “what?” before his head pops in the party room because he had no idea thats what he was going to find and had no intention of going anywhere or doing anything but unplugging the computer.
not only that, but in the tv series he argues with yellow and duck to stay in the car with him before he leaves the house. he couldve easily let them get out and left without them but he refused. he doesn’t want to leave them. he acts like he does in family but even then hes still sitting literally shoulder to shoulder to them in the twins house so like, hes clearly not doing a good job at getting away from them.
i would like to say though, he doesnt do much when something happens to them. like in jobs or in death he doesnt really do anything when theyre hurt or injured, and he acts like he doesnt care when theyre gone, but hes never been able to bring himself to leave them himself.
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pbandjesse · 4 months ago
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My allergies just hit me in the face and I am feeling a little bit terrible. But it is mostly worth it because I got to cuddle with sweetp for hours. Which was honestly just so nice. Even if I'm coughing and snotty now.
Today was a pretty good day. I barely felt sick at all and actually just got to enjoy the beautiful weather and have a fun field trip. It was a good day.
I slept fine. I hate waking up before the sun is up. It feels kind of horrible. Like I know it's 7 but it feels like 4am.
I got dressed. Did not like my hair. But it was fine. It was chilly out but it would become beautiful later on. I was mostly just bundled up this morning.
James helped me bring some stuff to the car. And then I headed in. And it was a good day. I got to camp at 8 and tried to hit each space in the most logical order so I wasn't running around camp like a crazy person. But I would still be driving back and forth because I forgot things. I started with the lodge. Get my table all set. Headed to the office. The art building. Woodlands village. There was some backtracking I had to do. But I got each area set up and ready and it was good to go.
Parents started arriving at 845. I parked over at the lodge so I could use my car as an example of where to park. All of the parents were absolutely lovely but I was very frustrated when I found out that the teacher, who is lovely and comes every year, gave the parents the old lesson names. And so no one was prepared at all. Stress. So much stress. But thankfully my lessons are written as scripts so they all would do just fine and I was so proud of them.
Once they were all there I would take them on a walk around camp so they would have plenty of time to go over the lessons and feel comfortable. And it would take me a while to get everyone set but it was all good. They had great questions and were all very competent and would do a great job.
When the school came at 10 I learned that the teacher didn't get chaperones to walk the groups. I would normally panic but I decided to not bother. It was a group of less then 30. I moved the games to the amphitheater. It wouldn't be hard to just monitor to make sure everyone gets to where they need to be. And it would work out just fine.
We started with an intro. And I was surprised how many kids I recognized from camp. Including two children from the preschool I used to sub at?? That was a weird feeling. Because when I worked with them they were 3 or 4. And now they are in second grade??! Time is a thief.
I had planned on sewing during the waiting periods but it wasnt in the cards. Instead I enjoyed sitting on a log and watching the birds. Wandering around to check on the groups. Going to find extra supplies. It was a busy day but it was fun.
At lunch I had to go find tweezers for a child who got a splinter but we weren't able to get it out. I felt so bad. I got him some ice for his hand and the teacher bandaged it.
I was very nice interested in any of the food I brought. So I had a chocolate bar from the freezer. I sat outside and enjoyed the nice day.
The last hour was fine. We did have some asthma issues with the smoke from the fire. But everyone was okay. The parents would do a wonderful job and packed everything up so I barely had to do anything once they left.
We did finish with a closing question thing. I forgot I took the quizo off the PowerPoint so I was just spit balling which was not ideal. I will have to fix that. But the kids were great and we thanked all of the parents and then it was time to go.
I would sweep and start putting chairs away while the kids got on the bus. And once the cars were all gone I would drive around to the different sites to make sure everything was put away. I chatted with Elizabeth on the phone about getting the lodge out away. And after I put the walkie away in the office I drove over there.
Joe would help me get everything away. We chatted about social media and how a wedding put all the chairs in the basement and he would need help bringing it up. But Sarah would help with that.
So once the lodge was out back I headed out. It was a little after 3. The weather felt so nice. I was starving and decided to go to Chipotle to get nachos. And that is exactly what I did.
They person checking me out was confused about someone ordering just chips and cheese? Which feels like a normal thing so I don't know why he was confused. But it's fine. I had half and brought the rest home. I was all of a sudden really tired and wanted to be back here.
It didn't take to long for me to get home. The traffic wasn't so bad. I brought my blanket project inside and after getting changed I would jump right into working on that.
James would be home soon after that. I was texting with my brother and sewing and chilling. James would give me a smooch and went to jump on a call. They had a guest on the podcast this week which was cool. I'm always proud of James for their projects.
I would get a row done on my blanket before I was tired and didn't want to do it anymore. I would paint my toes and clean up my fingernails. Answered some emails. And once James was done recording they made me dumplings. I honestly ate to many but it was fine. James made themselves peanut noodles. And we would hang out in bed watching TikToks.
James took a shower first to get the water warmed up for me. So romantic. The shower was nice but my allergies absolutely went off and I was choking and coughing for a bit. But it's calming down. Now I'm just itchy all over. Hopefully that subsides soon.
Tomorrow I'm just home. I hope to keep working on my blanket. Maybe start some painting prep in the baby room. We'll see where the day takes me.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well. Be safe. Until tomorrow.
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An anonymous gift for @70thousandlightyearsfromhome
A night at the drive in
Tom gripped his tray a little tighter as he spotted harry, sitting alone at a table in the corner. His friend sat slumped with his arms crossed, staring out the window, his dinner untouched. Again. 
  Tom felt something heavy settle in his chest at the sight. After a moment, an idea struck him and he strode over. He let his tray fall onto the table and sat with a loud groan. “You will not believe my luck, harry,” he grumbled. 
  Harry startled then registered his friends presence. “Sorry. What was that?”
  Tom fought the urge to smile. His friend was miserable, but he was still unfailingly polite. As always. Instead, tom let out another loud sigh. “You will not believe my luck.” Harry just looked at him, but tom took that as a good sign. If he’d just fallen in love with an unattainable alien- again- he’d have been hurling knives, or at least insults, at anyone who came near him. 
  “I traded in three favors, listened to ensign vorik recite vulcan poetry, agreed to cover the nightshift, AND burned through all my replicator rations for my date tonight…and then she goes and stands me up.”
  Harry hmmed and tried to smile. “Yeah, that rotten luck alright.” 
  “Rotten?” tom exclaimed indignantly. “Its terrible. Downright unfair is what it is.” He felt outraged on his own behalf even though it was a total lie; he definitely did not have a date. 
  “Maybe she just wasnt that into you,” harry offered weakly, more to fill the silence than anything else. 
  Tom gave his friend an indignant look. “Har, come on. Its me,” he said, pointing at his chest. “Women love me.”
  Harry couldnt help but give a little snort. “Sure they do. Thats why you're here, talking with me instead of your date.”
  Tom let out a sigh. “Well. Maybe you have a point. THIS time.”
  “Who was your date, anyway?” harry asked.
  But tom waved his hand dismissively. “Doesnt matter. What does matter, is ive got the holedeck reserved for the next three hours. So, come on.” tom stood and grinned down at harry. “Lets go.”
  Harry almost stood just out of reflex. But then he sagged. “Im not good company right now.” 
  Tom scoffed. “Im the one who’s just been stood up. IM not good company right now. Come on, harry,” he urged again. “Please dont let me have suffered through vulcan poetry for nothing. Please!” The silence stretched. “You’d be doing me a favor. Really.” 
  After another moment, a slow smile spread across harrys face. “I suppose we cant have that,” he agreed reluctantly. He had no idea what vulcan poetry entailed, but just the thought made him shudder.
  “There he is,” tom said enthusiastically as harry stood. He draped an arm around the ensigns shoulders and quickly steered him for the door. “Youre going to be impressed with the program that i came up with. I cant wait to show you.”
  As they neared the holodeck tom finally let his arm drop from harrys shoulder. He tried to ignore the sudden disappointment he felt when he did. Instead, he ordered the computer to start his newest program. “So here it is,” he said as they walked in. He threw his arms wide and gave harry a crooked grin. 
  Harry spun in a slow circle, slowly taking in the surroundings. It was a balmy 75 degrees with stars filling the night sky. Gravel crunched underfoot as he shifted his weight and the sound of some sort of insect filled the quiet summer night. There were rows of ancient boxy like contraptions that harry knew used to ferry people around all parked in front of massive, white screens. 
  “Its called a drive in movie,” tom explained as he watched his friends face carefully. 
  Harry stood with his hands on his hips as he took in the program. “There sure are a lot of…what are they again? Vehicles?”
  Tom grinned. “Cars,” he corrected. “And not just cars harry. No. These are hotrods.” He rubbed his hands together. “ The best of the best in style and design. They were what they used to call, chick magnets.”
  Harry just smiled and nodded. Sometimes it was just easier that way. “And what about those screens?” he asked as he nodded his head to the large, white square dominating the holodeck. 
  Tom brightened even further. “Thats where they used to project the movie. Right onto the screen there and then you and whoever you were with, would sit in the car and watch.” 
  Harry raised his eyebrows. After a moment he asked. “Thats it?”
  “What?” tom asked, defensively. 
  Harry just shrugged. “Well, that doesnt seem very romantic. I thought you said this was for a date.”
  Toms eyebrows shot up. “Oh,” he exclaimed. “Not romantic enough, huh? Well I will have you know, this is incredibly romantic.”
  Harry just continued to look skeptical so tom took a step forward and said, “I will prove it to you.”
  Harry cocked his head quizzically. “Prove it to me?”
  “Yeah,” tom said, doubling down on this crazy impulse. He had no idea why he had insisted on showing harry this program when they could have just done captain proton or gone to sandrines or done any other program really. He didnt question why NEEDED harry to see how romantic the program was. How romantic HE could be. 
  Tom made a mock bow and held out his hands. “After you, dear sir,” he said, still grinning. He led harry over to the snack stand, letting his hand rest briefly on harrys low back. He ignored the way his fingers ached to linger, to explore. 
  “These were the snacks typical for that time,” Tom pointed out enthusiastically as they stood at the window to the small hut, the overpower scent of salt and butter wafting towards them. harry looked in the window and eyed many of the items dubiously. Why there were sausages floating in a large metal turning contraption, he didnt know, nor was he sure he wanted to. They felt as questionable as some of nelix concoctions.
  “Popcorn is quintessential when it comes to moves,” tom reassured him as he asked the standard, bored teenager stationed at the window for the largest popcorn they had. She popped a bubble of chewing gum, looking unimpressed then slowly turned away to fetch it for them.
  “If you say so,” harry agreed as tom handed him a box of the popped corn and a drink in a very questionable cup. “Arent you getting some too?”
  Tom winked, holding up a drink but no snacks. “You’ll see.” He moved towards a large, fancy car with a truly ostentatious paint job. “This is a convertible,” he explained. “That means that the roof can be pulled down for beautiful nights like this, so you can sit under the stars.”
  Harry nodded in appreciation as he slid into the seat next to tom. “So then what. What happens next on your super romantic dates?”
  Tom flashed him a grin. “Well, I start the movie.” Which he did. “Its a classic romance flick. Its called Casablanca, set during the second world war. Those soldiers, the…um, nazis, are the bad guys.” 
  Harry helped himself to some popcorn as the film started to play on the large screen. His eyes widened in surprise. 
  “Its good, isnt it?” tom asked knowingly. “And now you see why we only got one box.” He casually reached over to where harry held the snack and let his fingers brush over the ensigns.
  Harrys eyebrows raised and then he smiled appreciatively. “Ah, I see,” he agreed. “Okay. What other moves do you have?” he asked as he only half watched what was happening on the screen. 
  Tom smiled then stretched with an obvious yawn. He slowly let his arm rest around harrys shoulders while the other dropped into his lap. He flashed harry a grin. “Oldest trick in the book.”
  Harry laughed. He didnt know if he moved closer or if tom pulled him, but suddenly he found himself leaning into tom. But he realized he didnt mind it at all. “So,” he said, shaking the box of popcorn and offering it to tom, who reached over with his free hand, bringing them even closer together. “I am beginning to see how this might be romantic.”
  “You havent seen anything yet,” Tom declared. “Wait til you hear my best pickup lines.”
  Harry snorted. “What’ev you got, stud?”
  Tom grinned, the corner of his eyes twinking. “Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?”
  Harry groaned. “Oh. Thats awful.” 
  “Wait. This ones better, Are you a phaser? Because youre set to stun!” Tom laughed even as harry rolled his eyes. 
  “Or how about-Even in zero gravity, I would still fall for you.”
  Harry laughed. “You know, that ones actually not half bad.”
  “Thanks har, thats how I want to be remembered. Not half bad,” tom joked. He took a piece of popcorn and threw it at his friend. Before harry could do more than gasp in outrage tom grinned again. 
  “No. Here's the winner.” He leaned closer. “Feel my shirt.” When harry just looked at him, tom nodded his head encouragingly. “Feel my shirt.” So harry hesitantly rubbed a hand over toms chest. “Know what thats made of?” he asked when harry let his hand drop. “Boyfriend material.” He’d said it as a joke, but as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he knew he meant it. 
  Tom held his breath as he watched harrys face. It felt like all the air in the car had been sucked into the vacuum of space. Something flickered in harrys eyes but tom wasnt sure what it was. 
  Finally harry smiled. “Thats the best one yet,” he said softly. 
  “Yeah? You think so?” Tom asked, equally as soft, all joking gone from his voice for once. 
  Harry pursed his lips as if thinking about it then nodded. “Yeah. I do.” He looked at tom then let his hand dig into the popcorn. Tom slipped his hand into the container as well. 
  “You know harry,” tom said, smiling again. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
  “What?” harry asked quizzically. 
  Tom laughed and nodded his chin towards the screen. “You’ll see what I mean.” 
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raddocwrites · 1 year ago
A night at the drive in
Voyager: Tom/Harry
Tom gripped his tray a little tighter as he spotted harry, sitting alone at a table in the corner. His friend sat slumped with his arms crossed, staring out the window, his dinner untouched. Again. 
Tom felt something heavy settle in his chest at the sight. After a moment, an idea struck him and he strode over. He let his tray fall onto the table and sat with a loud groan. “You will not believe my luck, harry,” he grumbled. 
Harry startled then registered his friends presence. “Sorry. What was that?”
Tom fought the urge to smile. His friend was miserable, but he was still unfailingly polite. As always. Instead, tom let out another loud sigh. “You will not believe my luck.” Harry just looked at him, but tom took that as a good sign. If he’d just fallen in love with an unattainable alien- again- he’d have been hurling knives, or at least insults, at anyone who came near him. 
“I traded in three favors, listened to ensign vorik recite vulcan poetry, agreed to cover the nightshift, AND burned through all my replicator rations for my date tonight…and then she goes and stands me up.”
Harry hmmed and tried to smile. “Yeah, that rotten luck alright.” 
“Rotten?” tom exclaimed indignantly. “Its terrible. Downright unfair is what it is.” He felt outraged on his own behalf even though it was a total lie; he definitely did not have a date. 
“Maybe she just wasnt that into you,” harry offered weakly, more to fill the silence than anything else. 
Tom gave his friend an indignant look. “Har, come on. Its me,” he said, pointing at his chest. “Women love me.”
Harry couldnt help but give a little snort. “Sure they do. Thats why you're here, talking with me instead of your date.”
Tom let out a sigh. “Well. Maybe you have a point. THIS time.”
“Who was your date, anyway?” harry asked.
But tom waved his hand dismissively. “Doesnt matter. What does matter, is ive got the holedeck reserved for the next three hours. So, come on.” tom stood and grinned down at harry. “Lets go.”
Harry almost stood just out of reflex. But then he sagged. “Im not good company right now.” 
Tom scoffed. “Im the one who’s just been stood up. IM not good company right now. Come on, harry,” he urged again. “Please dont let me have suffered through vulcan poetry for nothing. Please!” The silence stretched. “You’d be doing me a favor. Really.” 
After another moment, a slow smile spread across harrys face. “I suppose we cant have that,” he agreed reluctantly. He had no idea what vulcan poetry entailed, but just the thought made him shudder.
“There he is,” tom said enthusiastically as harry stood. He draped an arm around the ensigns shoulders and quickly steered him for the door. “Youre going to be impressed with the program that i came up with. I cant wait to show you.”
As they neared the holodeck tom finally let his arm drop from harrys shoulder. He tried to ignore the sudden disappointment he felt when he did. Instead, he ordered the computer to start his newest program. “So here it is,” he said as they walked in. He threw his arms wide and gave harry a crooked grin. 
Harry spun in a slow circle, slowly taking in the surroundings. It was a balmy 75 degrees with stars filling the night sky. Gravel crunched underfoot as he shifted his weight and the sound of some sort of insect filled the quiet summer night. There were rows of ancient boxy like contraptions that harry knew used to ferry people around all parked in front of massive, white screens. 
“Its called a drive in movie,” tom explained as he watched his friends face carefully. 
Harry stood with his hands on his hips as he took in the program. “There sure are a lot of…what are they again? Vehicles?”
Tom grinned. “Cars,” he corrected. “And not just cars harry. No. These are hotrods.” He rubbed his hands together. “ The best of the best in style and design. They were what they used to call, chick magnets.”
Harry just smiled and nodded. Sometimes it was just easier that way. “And what about those screens?” he asked as he nodded his head to the large, white square dominating the holodeck. 
Tom brightened even further. “Thats where they used to project the movie. Right onto the screen there and then you and whoever you were with, would sit in the car and watch.” 
Harry raised his eyebrows. After a moment he asked. “Thats it?”
“What?” tom asked, defensively. 
Harry just shrugged. “Well, that doesnt seem very romantic. I thought you said this was for a date.”
Toms eyebrows shot up. “Oh,” he exclaimed. “Not romantic enough, huh? Well I will have you know, this is incredibly romantic.”
Harry just continued to look skeptical so tom took a step forward and said, “I will prove it to you.”
Harry cocked his head quizzically. “Prove it to me?”
“Yeah,” tom said, doubling down on this crazy impulse. He had no idea why he had insisted on showing harry this program when they could have just done captain proton or gone to sandrines or done any other program really. He didnt question why NEEDED harry to see how romantic the program was. How romantic HE could be. 
Tom made a mock bow and held out his hands. “After you, dear sir,” he said, still grinning. He led harry over to the snack stand, letting his hand rest briefly on harrys low back. He ignored the way his fingers ached to linger, to explore. 
“These were the snacks typical for that time,” Tom pointed out enthusiastically as they stood at the window to the small hut, the overpower scent of salt and butter wafting towards them. harry looked in the window and eyed many of the items dubiously. Why there were sausages floating in a large metal turning contraption, he didnt know, nor was he sure he wanted to. They felt as questionable as some of nelix concoctions.
“Popcorn is quintessential when it comes to moves,” tom reassured him as he asked the standard, bored teenager stationed at the window for the largest popcorn they had. She popped a bubble of chewing gum, looking unimpressed then slowly turned away to fetch it for them.
“If you say so,” harry agreed as tom handed him a box of the popped corn and a drink in a very questionable cup. “Arent you getting some too?”
Tom winked, holding up a drink but no snacks. “You’ll see.” He moved towards a large, fancy car with a truly ostentatious paint job. “This is a convertible,” he explained. “That means that the roof can be pulled down for beautiful nights like this, so you can sit under the stars.”
Harry nodded in appreciation as he slid into the seat next to tom. “So then what. What happens next on your super romantic dates?”
Tom flashed him a grin. “Well, I start the movie.” Which he did. “Its a classic romance flick. Its called Casablanca, set during the second world war. Those soldiers, the…um, nazis, are the bad guys.” 
Harry helped himself to some popcorn as the film started to play on the large screen. His eyes widened in surprise. 
“Its good, isnt it?” tom asked knowingly. “And now you see why we only got one box.” He casually reached over to where harry held the snack and let his fingers brush over the ensigns.
Harrys eyebrows raised and then he smiled appreciatively. “Ah, I see,” he agreed. “Okay. What other moves do you have?” he asked as he only half watched what was happening on the screen. 
Tom smiled then stretched with an obvious yawn. He slowly let his arm rest around harrys shoulders while the other dropped into his lap. He flashed harry a grin. “Oldest trick in the book.”
Harry laughed. He didnt know if he moved closer or if tom pulled him, but suddenly he found himself leaning into tom. But he realized he didnt mind it at all. “So,” he said, shaking the box of popcorn and offering it to tom, who reached over with his free hand, bringing them even closer together. “I am beginning to see how this might be romantic.”
“You havent seen anything yet,” Tom declared. “Wait til you hear my best pickup lines.”
Harry snorted. “What’ev you got, stud?”
Tom grinned, the corner of his eyes twinking. “Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?”
Harry groaned. “Oh. Thats awful.” 
“Wait. This ones better, Are you a phaser? Because youre set to stun!” Tom laughed even as harry rolled his eyes. 
“Or how about-Even in zero gravity, I would still fall for you.”
Harry laughed. “You know, that ones actually not half bad.”
“Thanks har, thats how I want to be remembered. Not half bad,” tom joked. He took a piece of popcorn and threw it at his friend. Before harry could do more than gasp in outrage tom grinned again. 
“No. Here's the winner.” He leaned closer. “Feel my shirt.” When harry just looked at him, tom nodded his head encouragingly. “Feel my shirt.” So harry hesitantly rubbed a hand over toms chest. “Know what thats made of?” he asked when harry let his hand drop. “Boyfriend material.” He’d said it as a joke, but as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he knew he meant it. 
Tom held his breath as he watched harrys face. It felt like all the air in the car had been sucked into the vacuum of space. Something flickered in harrys eyes but tom wasnt sure what it was. 
Finally harry smiled. “Thats the best one yet,” he said softly. 
“Yeah? You think so?” Tom asked, equally as soft, all joking gone from his voice for once. 
Harry pursed his lips as if thinking about it then nodded. “Yeah. I do.” He looked at tom then let his hand dig into the popcorn. Tom slipped his hand into the container as well. 
“You know harry,” tom said, smiling again. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
“What?” harry asked quizzically. 
Tom laughed and nodded his chin towards the screen. “You’ll see what I mean.” 
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bridgyrose · 1 year ago
Not sure if I requested this before since it's been a while since my last request. But in case I haven't...
Summer is actually an Earthling who got Isekai'd to Remnant.
(You may avoid the usual Isekai tropes if you wish)
(I have a few tropes I'm going to avoid with this)
Summer sighed as she stared up at the sky, trying to make sense of everything that was going on around her. The shattered moon still seemed strange to her even after these last three weeks, and the training was far different from anything she was used to. Aura, dust, semblances… it was all still hard for her to get a grip on. Though, if this is what it took to finally be a hero… 
“Alright, time to get up,” Qrow said as he walked over to Summer. “You need to work on your aura control again.” 
Summer got up and stretched, her arms still sore from swinging her axe around. “You know I’m not getting any better with it.” 
“Because you’ve only been trying for a week.” 
“But I should be getting better at it!” 
“This stuff takes time. Now close your eyes and try to focus.” 
Summer rolled her eyes and found a spot to sit down as she closed her eyes as she tried to focus like Qrow had taught her. She tried to picture home, her small town back on Earth. The smell of the bakery down the street, the sounds of the cars that drove down the road, the crack of thunder overhead just before a flash of silver light blinded her. “I’m not feeling anything.” 
Qrow put a hand on her shoulder. “You just need to focus. Your aura is an extension of your soul, of who you are. A shield that will keep you safe-” 
“And the only thing that will prove that you are strong enough to belong here,” Raven interrupted. “If you can’t manage your aura then why are you here?” 
“If I knew why I was here, then I’d be able to do this.” Summer opened her eyes and looked up at Raven. “All I want to do is find a way home-” 
“Then go home.” Raven folded her arms and glared at Summer. “Because right now, all I see is someone who has no idea what they’re doing and cheated their way into Beacon in some vain attempt to be a hero. If you cant handle something as simple as aura, then you dont belong here.” 
Summer sighed as she watched Raven walk off, slowly reaching for her weapon to try to find some sort of comfort. It wasnt as if she hadnt been trying, after all, she had been doing everything she could to catch up after Professor Ozpin found her and gave her a place to be. He promised to help find a way home, promised to give her shelter and a place to be in the meantime, as long as she promised to train to be a huntress.
“Dont listen to her,” Qrow said as he pulled his hand away. “We havent had the easiest life living outside of kingdom walls, so its easy to say someone doesnt belong if they cant keep themselves safe.” 
“Still doest hurt any less.” Summer stood up and started to make her way to Ozpin’s office. No matter how much practice she had, she still felt lost and out of place training to be a hero. Grimm were nothing like the monsters she used to read about, dust was a complete mystery still, aura and semblances sounded like super powers and she still had no idea how to activate either without some sort of help, and then there was whatever she did to the grimm that tried to attack her when she first came to Remnant. The way it turned into a statue when she tried to defend herself… it was all becoming too much. 
Still, she slowly entered the elevator in the Beacon tower and rode the elevator up to the top floor. She leaned against the wall of the elevator, tapping a foot as she rode impatiently. As the elevator came to a stop, Summer took a breath and stepped over to the door as it opened. “Professor Ozpin, I… I need to talk to you.” 
Ozpin looked up from his desk and took a sip of his coco. “Summer, I wasnt expecting you until tomorrow.” 
“I know, but… its about this whole being a huntress thing.” Summer walked over to Ozpin and sat her weapon down onto his desk. “I… I cant…do this. I quit.” 
“You… quit?” 
“I’m not cut out for this. I cant use aura, still have no idea what my semblance is, and I still dont have a grip of anything that is going on here.” Summer sat down and looked down at the weapon in front of her. “I’m not some hero, I’m… I’m just a nobody that’s supposed to go to work.” 
Ozpin nodded and sat his mug down. “Then what do you plan to do now?” 
“I… I dont… know. I’ll go home-” 
“And how will you get home?” 
“I-” Summer sighed and shook head. She had no plan on how to get home, she still had no idea how she got here in the first place. “I dont know.” 
“Getting you home isnt going to be as easy as snapping my fingers.” Ozpin pushed Summer’s weapon back to her with a smile. “Until then, I want you to be here to learn how to fight grimm and to use aura to protect yourself.” 
“But why? Why be a huntress instead of… finding me somewhere else to work?” 
“I saw what you did to that grimm.” 
“What I… did…” Summer went quiet as her words trailed off, thinking back to the ursa that had tried to attack her in the forest and the bright light that flashed before it turned into a statue. She caught her reflection in her axe, her silver eyes flashing a bit. “But I didnt do anything. I was almost killed and I… you really think I did, didnt you?” 
“Silver eyes are a rare trait and those born with them are able to defeat grimm with a glance.” Ozpin dug through his desk and pulled out a small journal, sliding it to Summer. “All I want to do is help you learn how to defend yourself in case anything happens.” 
Summer picked up the journal and flipped through a few pages before closing it. “And if I dont?” 
“Do you know anything else you can do?” 
“Well… no…” 
“Then we’ll continue your training to be a huntress until we can get you home.” Ozpin moved a few papers around on his desk. “Since you are struggling with using your aura, I’m going to assign you mandatory training after class. Once you are able to use aura on your own, we’ll work on your semblance. Now, you should get back to your team.” 
“Yes sir.” Summer picked up her weapon and went back to the elevator. Once the door closed and the elevator started to go down, she looked at her reflection in her scroll, focusing on her eyes. “I just have to play along until he can get me home. This could be worse.”
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femmedesyeuxnoirs · 1 year ago
After i got my heart broken i drove as fast as i could to the cemetery crying the whole way there. I just wanted to lie next to the graves so bad. I started walking to the gravestones furthest from everything else and sat down on a little bench. I just remember crying so much and wailing, repeating “please god put me in the ground” over and over. I saw something moving in the distance and thought it was a coyote but i kept staring at it and i was so confused because it didnt look like any living thing. It was a white ambiguous form that moved in place with no rhythm or cadence like things in the natural world do. Like a flag waving in the wind except the air was totally still and this flag wasnt tethered by anything physical. It was almost like it was dancing a couple feet above one of the graves. I couldnt stop staring at it ! I was more in awe and confused than afraid. Everything was silent except me and that thing, and i was repeating “god let me rest” “i want to lay my body down” things of that nature. I was probably sitting there with my mouth open staring at it for a few minutes until i got creeped out and dragged myself across the yard to my car making sure to look behind me. I got in my car bawling my eyes out but this time i was laughing too. i just couldnt believe it. I sat there for a second still crying and i had an epiphany. That there are some things in this world that are much bigger than me, that matter more than any of what is happening in my tiny little life right now. It comforted me, even relieved me. It sounds paradoxical bc it is but it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders and i feel a lot better about my life now. I think i had a true absurdist awakening. Like i get it now
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ellie513 · 1 year ago
i have fainted twice in my life, dont remember what the order was but one of them i had just gotten a strep test done and i absolutely hated it and was stressed out and hadnt eaten much of anything pretty much all day and i vividly remember getting like colored dots in my vision while leaning against the doorway, then seeing them again while staring at some hand sanitizer. and i remember leaning my head against my moms arm and closing my eyes because i felt very tired and before i knew it i was being carried back into the observation room like "whats happening???"
the other time was after i had my scoliosis surgery (i had it at 13) and we were in five below and i was in i think like the candy aisle and i suddenly felt just...kinda weird? so i called out to my mom, who i was separated from slightly because i like to do my own thing in stores. luckily she wasnt very far and i told her "i think im done here." even though i wasnt done looking around i just. felt like something was off.
so we begin walking to the doors, and my mom asked me if i thought i could walk to the car, or if my dad should bring it up and i told her to have my dad bring the car up and i was upright for a long time which was no bueno and i essentially had to be placed in the car because my vision completely went black and i actually couldnt feel anything for a minute
there was also the time after like the first shower i had after surgery where my mom was helping me get dressed and not only did i have to sit down but my vision went black again while my arms were up
those were genuinely scary moments to me, and im sorry for anyone who has to deal with fainting regularly. i hope you can get relief soon ❤️
I find fainting such a funny reaction. like your body just goes "brain's not getting enough juice! we're going horizontal!" and you just have to hope you don't hit a rock on the way down
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perlapulido · 2 months ago
Fired Up
Summary: Lexi has been know around Hell as another employee with a temper when shes pushed over the edge. Just wait until she meets the King of Wrath.
Ding! Lexi breathed in through her nose sitting up to grab her phone seeing a text from Millie. 'Wanna join us to the Harvest Moon Festival?' Lexi read in her mind. She went to her schedule for the day seeing she wasnt free until tonight at seven. 'Why not? I wont work until tonight. Where should meet you?' Lexi texted. Ding. 'We can pick ya up. See you in a half hour.' Millie texted. Lexi stretched her limbs even popping her back getting out of bed to shower and get dressed. She put on a simple light red plaid shirt wirh black jeans and sneakers grabbing her wallet with her chain attached to the looped to her pants. 'Went out with some friends going to the Harvest Moon Festival. Keep Fizz and the dogs out of my room while im gone.' Lexi wrote for the boys on her way out taking the elevator down the lobby already seeing Millie in the front. "You look cute. Come on we cant keep Blitz and Loona waiting." Sais Millie leading her to the car. Lexi got in the back behind Moxxie going to a run down apartment seeing Loona and Blitz. She scooted to the middle so Moxxie can seat next to her in the back with Loona on her other side as Blitz drove them to the Wrath Ring. "So how have you been?" Said Moxxie breaking the silence. "Alright. Two weeks i attended the trial with Asmodeus even got to say in it by Satan." Said Lexi. "Wait you attended the trial?" Said Moxxie. "I'm Asmodeus' assistant and was only there to take notes for him. However it was odd that his therapy guy was flying away from the grocery store where i was shopping after breaking my employee's nose for touching my ass." Said Lexi. "Maybe he wanted to talk to ya after the trial but came at the wrong time." Said Millie. "Maybe. I didnt do anything but raise my voice to make an echo or that i was the only sinner there with the overlords." Said Lexi. "Whatever it is good luck. Satan can easily burn your ass with how pissed he can get." said Blitz. "Hes right about that." said Millie. "I know. Hes kinda worse then me but at least i have a strategy. Three strikes is Devil Slap." said Lexi. "Whats that?" said Loona. "if someone really pissed   me the fuck off more than three times. I spit in my hands rubbing them fast together where its very hot and sllap their face hard it leaves a print with smoke if thats possible." said Lexi. "i dont think so. but its that how you handle your temper?" said Moxxie. "Sometimes otherwise i walk away or get it all out. Ya know." said Lexi. "i hear ya. Oh we here!" said Millie seeing a ranch ahead. She got happily once blitz stopped the car going to a nie looking couple who are her parents.
"Mama. Daddy. You remember Moxxie." said Millie. "Hi. Hows it going?" said Moxxie looking at them. "We lost our harvest during bad storm." said the male demon glaring at Moxxie. "Eh. Sorry about that sir." said Moxxie as Lexi got out. "Hey. Im the only sir here." said Blitz. "This my Boss Blitz and his Hellhound." said Millie. "Im not just a hellhound." said Loona looking at them. "She my daughter."sa id Blitz proudly wrapping his around her. "Only on paper. you dont deserve my name." said Loona going back on her phone. "And whos this?" said the female demon looking at Lexi. "Lexi. Im just here to check out the Harvest Moon Festival." said Lexi. "Its her first time being her. She works in the Lust Ring as Chef and Assistant." said Millie. "Nice meet ya." said the female demon shaking her hand. "im Lin and this is Joe." she says. Lexi didnt here the rest of the conversation feeling her phone vibrating on her purse going to the car to answer it. "What?" said Lexi. "Sorry to call you at this time but we just have a small problem." said a mle voice. "If its about Donnie passed out from smoking pot again. His ass is mine." said Lexi. "Yeah. He is on strike and Claude. They refuse to work and wont leave your office." said the male demon. "Do you really want to test me right now after what happened last time someone fucked with me?" said Lexi. "They want mor payment and to be in charge." said the amle demon hearing Lexi suddenly laughing. "thats funny. Get them out or I WILL BY DRAGGING THEM BY THE TESTICLES WITH YOU JOINING THEM BY USING ONLY MY NAILS!" Lexi shouted then hanged up. "Sorry. Work issue that i cant handle." she says looking at the surprised witnesses along with the cowboy. "Well you certainly got some lungs for a fine Lil Lady as you. Im Striker." said the cowboy shaking her hand. "Lexi." said Lexi. "You seen a hog being killed for dinner." said Striker walking with her. "No but I know a thing or two about gutting a bird and fish back when i was alive." said Lexi. "Really?" said Striker. "Yeah. All thanks to my dad." said Lexi going to the pin when Lin stopped her. "Sorry but I need Lexi's help." said Lin. "Go on. I'll tell ya what happened." said Striker. Lexi and Lin walked inside seeing a female demon waiting by the table with some baskets. "Sally Mae. This is Lexi. She gonna help set the festival in the ranch." Said Lin. "Come on. You gonna help my brothers with Hay maze and gathering apples before the townsfolk get here." Said Sally Mae. She took Lexi to the truck with three male demons in the back joining them with Sally Mae driving. They to the place with everyone getting off with Lexi following the boys to set the Hay Maze. She didnt even break a sweat yet as it hours to finish when they to the bar to drink. "Good job. Nit bad for a sinner." Said Sally Mae handing her a beer. "Thanks. Its better than going to work thats for sure." Said Lexi taking a drink. "Imma go check on Pa. Be right back." Said Sally Mae leaving her alone. Lexi looked around the place when she spotted a oddly familiar Fire Demon in the corner. She saw him looking her way deciding to approach him passing through some demons in the bar until she got to his spot. 
Lexi stood close by for his liking in case he doesnt want anyone to know that their Overlord was here among them. "Drink?" Said Lexi offering her beer. "No. Why are you here?" Said Satan glancing at her. "In Wrath. To enjoy the festival and get to know the other Rings but i noticed you were looking at me. Like you did back at the Trial." Said Lexi tuning down her voice on the last part drink her beer. "Unusual for a sinner to be part of the Jury. How can you be an equal to them?" Said Satan turning his head to look at her. "I was found when i first came down here on my own will. All because i wanted to leave someone who i thought loved but was really treating me like a little slave to toy with. Youre the only one with anger issues." Said Lexi. "I know. My friend told me what happened at the store. Like a woman with a bit of spitfire." Said Satan. "Glad to know that. Most guys just get pissy about it or run." Said Lexi. "You just checking on your demons or just to get awau from everything." Said Lexi as Satan took her beer to drink. "Bit of both but seeing if none of the laws were broken ya know." Said Satan. "I get it. You going to watch the festival?" Said Lexi. "Not really but if your there i might." Said Satan. "You asking a sinner out?" Said Lexi. "Yeah i am." She says then saw Striker walking to them. "Lin needs ya in the kitchen to gut a hog or two." Said Striker looking at her. "Nice meeting ya Nat. See you later at the festival." Said Lexi leaving her beer and followed Striker out to his horse. Satan looked at the doors where Lexi left to and down to her beer smiling taking with him on his way out. He looked to see them gone to the ranch and vanished to his home inside the cave of the volcano seeing Yogirt get out of his meditating pose flying to him once he turned back to his dragon size form. "So how did it go?" Said Yogirt. "Not a word." Sais Satan going to his room. 
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reallyromealone · 3 years ago
I would like to put in another request bonten x child reader (2-3) who likes to collect things around he finds laying around. Like bonten members have noticed that their stuff has gone missing and they are looking around for the items so they go in readers room and find his stash and reader walks in the room and throws a tantrum. He's screaming and crying and they offer him a shopping trip wherever he wants and at the end the bonten men are carrying bags full of toys and clothes.
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I sure can!
They didn't really notice at first, little things here and there went missing but nothing remarkable.
Then other things went missing.
Shoe laces.
Rans sleep mask
Rindōs glasses case he keeps for emergencies.
Eventually even Mikey's left sandal.
And they had a sneaking suspicion where they all went.
"Called it" ran said as the dad's stood around their son's stash of nonsense that wasnt even hidden, just sitting in the back of his toy truck for anyone to see.
(Name) was to young to understand he was technically stealing, only 2 and in his defence you never leave things in arms reach of a baby.
"Well let's sort our shit I suppose"
"Nononono!" Little (name) cried from the doorway, having just come back from the park and with new things he found to add to his hoard because you see (name)s nanny read him a book about dragons and dragons were cool and hoarded treasures so (name) would too hoard his treasures.
"Bud we need our stuff back" Koko tried to reason with the tot who cried and stomped his little foot, his indoor slippers having squeakers in them as well and it was very adorable.
"No! My tesure!" He cried out and began sobbing when they messed with his hoard that he worked very hard to collect and could not believe they were ruining it like this.
"Bud we need our stuff back, end of discussion"
And that led to (name) having an absolute meltdown to the point of struggling to breathe, his tiny body unable to handle so many emotions.
His nanny tried to calm him down but nothing would work as he lost his little mind over his dad's ruining his hard work.
He hadn't cried this hard since they told him he couldn't wear shoes into the bath.
Though this time they could tell it was more personal to the boy who just wanted to be a god damn dragon.
"C'mon bud, it's ok" Mochi tried soothing but (name) smacked his hand away and shook his head "I feel like this is slightly my fault" the nanny spoke up and explained the whole dragon book and everything to the dad's and it all made sense there but they weren't mad at her, they did have strange kid after all.
Eventually (name) stopped crying choosing to ignore his dad's and sulk over his ruined hoard that was missing many cool things he found and when they tried offering things to him he just shook his head because it wasn't the same, you can't give him common trash (even when there was legit trash like pop tabs in that hoard) and expect it to be fixed!
Poor (name) was heartbroken and their dads felt like shit because they know their son worked hard on it but they needed their things back.
"Hey bud, wanna go shopping?" Kakucho offered the tot who was angrily playing with his toys, chubby face contorted into anger and just grunted "we can get you anything you want bud"
That got his attention.
The boy agreed and the group went to any store he wanted in the mall, the boy getting toys, clothes and some strange things like disinfectant and Chapstick, the toddler would get anything that caught his eyes really.
The boy got fake glasses as well and a box of Band-Aids that were hello kitty themed, an adult apron and shoe insoles as well.
What he will do with these things they do not know.
He also got car window microfiber wipes.
Why is their kid like this.
By the end (name) had many things, some reasonable and some being a dog bed for a very large dog.
But their son was happy and they enjoyed spoiling him from time to time so it was worth the weird shit he wanted.
Fun fact when I was little I didn't understand that a dog bed wasnt a pillow and insisted my mom get me one as a very small child and I slept on that thing on-top of my bed and it was wonderful.
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happys-crazy-queen22 · 3 years ago
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Gif credit @discoelitist.
Requested by @mypridefulsoul27. Hope you like it. Thanks for the request.
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @mypridefulsoul27.
"So what are these pills called again"? Antonio asked about this new drug on the street. It already had forty overdoses under its belt and growing.
"Pez". You replied, handing him a sample of the product that you got off a dead guy.
"Like the pez candy"?
"Yeah, it even comes with it's own pez dispenser and everything. Makes it popular with the kids". You tell him as you went to put the last two overdoses on the board. They were thirteen and sixteen that had a bright future before them.
"That's Eva's and Diegos age". Antonio sighed.
"From what we know, the dealer is a strip club owner named Marco Stewart. He has connections to strip clubs, porn studios and apparently schools as well. He has a record longer than my arm. Mostly drug charges and a few DUI's, assault with a deadly weapon and a breaking and entering". You tell Antonio and the others as they started to come in.
"A model citizen". Jay chuckled.
"Yeah, his club has been shut down for redecorating and looking for new talent. So if it's alright with Voight. I was thinking I could go apply and someone else". You looked at Voight who was noddling his in approval.
"I'll go. I can go be a bartender or something". Antonio volunteered.
"They're looking for dancers and a bouncer". You tell Antonio. He lifted a eyebrow.
"Alright set it up. You sure you're cool with this, Y/N"? Voight asked.
"Yeah. I want this guy off the streets. Parents will sleep better at night". You smiled and went to get your coat.
"A stripper? Of all undercover missions I have to miss is, Y/N being a stripper. That hurts". Adam held his chest dramatically.
"Eat your heart out". You laughed as you walked past him. Antonio snickered as he followed.
Adam playfully dropped on his desk dead. Kevin and the other laughed. You were taking this serious.
"So what's your name"? Marco Stewart asked, looking you up and down. A toothpick sticking from his mouth.
"Heaven. I'm a little piece of Heaven". You batted your eyes and flirted with him.
"More like a big piece of Heaven". Marco chuckled, his eyes went to your breast.
"Oh you're so funny". You playfully hit his arm.
"You're hired. So what about your boyfriend"? Marco watched Antonio out of the corner of his eye. Antonio was looking at the stage in the club.
"His names Johnny. Just got out of the pen. Had five years but did three for good behavior". You smiled.
"What was he in for"?
"Possession of a controlled substance". Antonio turned to talk to Marco. "That's what the asshole cop said once he planted it on me". Antonio looked between you and Marco than laughed. Marco laughed as well.
"You use to deal"? Marco asked intrigued.
"Yeah back in Brooklyn. I dealed for nine years and nothing but they catch me picking up a ounce of weed for my moms and I'm in prison before I can bat my eyes. It was bullshit". Antonio put on a thick Brooklyn accent.
"Alright. You're hired too. Both you be here Friday night, six o'clock. I got something for you two do before you go on".
"Wow, thanks. I cant wait to show you my moves. I promise it'll be amazing". You gushed, hugging Antonio and planting a kiss to his cheek. "We got the job, baby".
"Let's go home and celebrate". Antonio growled and picked you up carrying you out of the club.
Antonio put you down and headed to the car. "That was easy".
"Yeah. Now we have to figure out what he wants us to do". You say as you and Antonio drove to the station.
"Heaven? You chose Heaven as a stage name"? Adam scoffed.
"Yes, I'm a little piece of Heaven". You seductively purred.
"Yes, yes, you are". Adam smiled like a fool. Antonio rolled his eyes.
"Do you think he wants us selling drugs for him"? Antonio asked.
"Maybe. We could get a few undercovers in there as customers. Give us a better chance at catching him with the drugs". You suggested.
"We can do that. But we dont want to spook him. Since theres two new faces in the club and then add more. He'll know somethings up". Voight replied.
"Yeah. You're right. We go in tomorrow at six".
"Alright. Make sure you two are ready and prepared for this. I dont want it going bad and someone getting hurt. No dealer will go down nicely". Voight reassured.
"Yes, sir". You say. Antonio and you had a rough night sleeping. Your minds raced.  Tomorrow was a big job, a lot was depending on you two. You couldn't screw it up.
"My little piece of Heaven". Marco greeted you as you came into the club his arms open for a hug.
"Good even, sir". You purred in his ear.
"Oh, sir. I like that". Marco laughed. "Come on, I got something for you guys". He waved you and Antonio into the back room.
"So tonight is going to be big. Huge! We have Heaven here making her debut and everyones coming. Everyone. So I need you two to be selling some of our delicious product. It taste just like candy". Marco chuckled as he opened a box that had about five hundred pills inside. Enough to kill a whole school of kids.
"I've heard about this drug. It's supposed to make sex even more amazing". You wrapped your arms around Antonio's waist and started kissing his neck. Antonio went along and grabbed your face deepening the kiss to your lips.
"Fuck yes"! Marco cheered.
Antonio pulled away panting, you licked your lips. This was the first time you two let your sexual tension free on each other. It was there but you two kept it bottled up.
"I like you two. This is going to be a great partnership". Marco grinned.
Around seven, people started arriving. Each person got a pez and a pat down from Johnny the bouncer. Antonio was taking his job seriously. You were going around getting drinks for the customers until you were called to the stage.
"Baby, why dont you take this fifty and we go back to the back and play"? A creepy older guy slapped your ass as you sat his drink down on the table.
"No thanks". You smiled and went on your way. You had to breath cause if you didnt you would have taken the drink tray and popped him up side the head with it.
"Heaven, baby. It's almost time". Marco pointed to his wrist and you nodded. You went back to the dressing room and changed into a diamond bralette that didnt hide anything and a pair of black cut up booty shorts. It wasnt your taste but Marco wanted you to wear it. You splashed on some glitter and perfume before you heard your song come on.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new comer here that has blessed us with her beauty. Please give it up for a little piece of Heaven". Marco introduced you to the cheering crowd. You walked on stage and put your hand on his shoulder.
"We also have a special guest to share the stage with her, our own bouncer Johnny Boy". Marco put the spot light on Antonio which caught both you and him off guard. You didnt know his was in your performance.
Marco waved Johnny on stage, Antonio gulped and went up. Marco had a chair for Antonio to sit in as you danced.
"Show em what you got baby doll". Marco slapped your ass.
You smiled at Antonio, he looked nervous. The combination of spot light, the men sitting around watching and the part where he liked you this was a bit to much for him to stand.
The music was flowing through your veins. You swayed your hips to the music in between Antonio's legs. Your hands on his knees, your ass on his lap. Antonio licked his lips, he got the courage to put his hands on your hips and guide you along.
You smirked, rolling your hips. This was all work but you could throw in some play as well. The crowd of cheering men disappeared when you turned around and straddled Antonio's lap. Your hand wrapped around Antonio's neck as you grinded on him. He looked into your eyes as he helped you move your body.
Your eyes wondered over his face, his eyes sparked in the lights, he had a slight smirk on his face and you could see Marco deal out a baggy of Pez.
"Now". You said and Voight and the team busted in. You got off of Antonio and went after Marco, Antonio followed your lead.
Marco didnt run, he had his hands up and ready for cuffs.
"For a dealer, you went easily". You told Marco as you handed him off to Jay.
"I'm just the bottom of the food chain, baby. I'll get a slap on the wrist". Marco laughed as he was taken away.
"Great job, you two". Voight nodded and walked away.
"You look absolutely beautiful". Adam smiled like a bigger fool as he came over. You looked down and covered yourself up.
"I'm going to go change". You hurried to the back.
Antonio slapped Adam on the back of his head. "Watch it". He pointed at Adam. Adam stood there confused. 
You got dressed quickly and headed out front. Suddenly all eyes were on you.
"What"? You looked down at your outfit. You had tight red pants on with a red jacket and a black see through corset. You may have taken it from Marcos wardrobe.
"You look good, Y/L/N". Jay chuckled along with Adam and Kevin.
"Thank you". You giggled.
Antonio came by your side. "You do. You look really good. Um, you wanna get coffee"? Antonio rubbed the back of his neck.
"Are you asking me on a date"?
"A coffee date".
"Oh". You were kinda sad that that was it.
"Just for now. I'm kinda tired so coffee will hold you over until Friday night". Antonio sent you a wink.
"Yeah. I'd like that".
"Great". Antonio held out his arm for you and you wrapped yours around his. "Where did you learn to dance like that"?
You laughed. "Believe it or not there was a time I wasnt a detective. But that's for another time".
Antonio smirked as he lead you to his car and you were off on your first date.
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