jae-in-a-trenchcoat · 22 days
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Okay time to get sappy up in this joint.
I just wanna thank this fandom for being so awesome.
I started getting into jwcc at the end of last year, and I was a little nervous, but it feels like I’ve been here forever. There’s so many cool people I’ve met that have made me feel so welcomed.
I love creating and sharing my art with you. Whether it’s silly or serious. I have so much fun creating fanart for myself and you guys of these characters that I love so much. And even seeing what everyone create because there’s so many talented people here.
JWCC and JWCT means a lot to me. The characters mean a lot to me. This is also a thanks to anyone who worked on the shows. Cast, crew, anyone. They truly are amazing and you’ve made something special.
Uh yeah, idk why I’m doing this, but you guys are awesome. I’m so excited to get to experience s2 of chaos theory with you guys. Decided to draw the n6 as appreciation.
Thank you ♥️
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ponderingmoonlight · 9 months
The way Geto looks at Satoru is the way I feel about most people
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I need to make a fic out of this
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kofuxhi · 10 months
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what a lil' silly c00tie pat00tie
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fried-manto · 2 years
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Hey Basil, sorry I took so long. Why are you looking at me like that?
Click for better quality
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irlfelixcatton · 1 month
hello my friends of tumblr i’m so sorry i abandoned you all for months but i’ve returned. i’ve missed you all so dearly..
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perfectlysunny02 · 3 months
to all my LITG friends who still stuck around even after I switched hyper-fixations, i love you guys. i hope yall enjoy bucktommy😂
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grubbed-up-goblen · 2 months
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Apparently there are thirty people following me and I am so confused/grateful
Probably at least three bots, but whatever. 30 is 30 my dudes
To express my silly gratitude I offer you a special post of your choice
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owliellder · 1 year
i just wanna take a brief moment to thank you guys for showering me with all your silly comments, plus the likes and reblogs. it never fails to make my day (or night) when i see all the notifications!
majority of the time i have ZERO desire to write or draw until i take my meds since they kickstart my brain, but the constant stream of love is kinda shifting my focus and i love it.
as show of appreciation, here is my daughter bird, Olive. She gets excited with me when i read and reply to comments, dancing n' shit
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Hamnoir shippers, I love you
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t3mpest98 · 8 months
I love you guys
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jae-in-a-trenchcoat · 8 months
I’m in a weird spot right now.
The one thing I truly love doing in life is draining me the most. It has been for a month now.
Art is something I’m so passionate about. It feels like a chore now.
And also, for the first time in a long time, I don’t feel attached to something like a piece of media. I’m just…existing. It feels weird.
I am lost.
I’m taking a step back for a while. From art and social media. I’m not going forever, who knows I may even be back next week. I’ll be lurking here but new art won’t be coming through.
But I hope you stay. And whatever comes next, thanks for being here through my art journey.
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miwiromantics · 2 months
i can only see you guys as your tumblr pfp, so when you change them i feel like your changing your appearance like a shape-shifter damn.
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sarahsmi13s · 2 months
Hiya Honey! How you doing? x
Hiya Nonny!
I'm sorry it took awhile to get to this💜 i took a sort of break from tumblr, not really posting but i've been around and interacting with a few posts here and there. the past two months have been weird for me emotionally/mentally.
June I was working non-stop on a WIP and I was fighting the imposter syndrome and the urge to just delete it and start over with something else. it was rough 😅
July started out okay. But last Sunday (14th), two of our dogs passed away back to back. So last week was really rough and I couldn't bring myself to write anything. and i probably needed it to avoid a burnout
but i'm slowly getting my groove back. i think going to see Twisters this past weekend helped a little.
i didn't mean to dump on ya nonny, but i figured i could use this to explain to everyone where i've been 💜💜
i love y'all so much! i don't know how active i'm gonna be in the coming days/weeks but i'm gonna try
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ellenchain · 2 years
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No. 17 of Hitmas 🎄
We did it: All Hitman 2 maps are complete and Lucas travelled the world with 47!
Tomorrow we continue with Hitman 3 and we will NOT STOP IN DARTMOOR, NONO
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
People in my inbox making my cry good tears 😭
All of my followers are amazing, and I love seeing repeating names interacting
I see all of you guys, whether it's frequent or not, new users or old, and you all give me life
I try not to post positive or negative asks about us/the blog, but I do read them and love them (yes, even the bad ones, I might like those even more)
PS to the specific user, here was the original epic gif I tried to use and tumblr was like, "no >:[ "
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switchplate-2 · 1 year
The best kinds of friends to have are the ones that send you things with the "If I had to endure this so do you" type of friends.
@sisterprocrastinator @xxwhiskeyxx
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