#BUT ALSO. theres A LOT of shit going on with him. idk if 'being gay' is a big enough deal to warrant being a real ~secret~
I see these everywhere. and i mean EVERYWHERE. and also i need motivation so lets go ig
10 notes- i'll drink on weekends too(i forget cos on weekends im just at home and not at school lugging around my frank green in my tote bag)
20 notes- i will(try to) pay attention in class
30 notes- i'll watch my whole watch later playlist on yt
50 notes- i'll actually do the techniques im learning in ✨therapy✨ to help with my anxiety and shitty social skills
75 notes- i'll take my iron tablets every day
100 notes- i'll start my assessments when i get them(i have one due tomorrow which i was gonna finish now but i'm doing this apparently)
125 notes- i'll ask my crush to hangout alone during spring holidays
150 notes- i'll try to go for a run or at least a walk every day
500 notes- i'll write another chapter of my fanfiction
1k notes- i will actually make an effort to get clean
2k notes- if i see someone pretty that i want to go out w in public i'll ask for their number cos holy fuck i need to put myself out there. even if we js end up being friends cos holy shit im lonely
3k notes- i will actually finished the dress i started making
4k notes- i will try to get over my crush cos its ✨never gonna happen✨(she so pretty and masc tho its gonna be hard)
5k notes- (this is so far up here cos idk how to do this so im gonnna need a lot of time to figure out how) im gonna try to demolish the rumour that im gay thats going around a bit.**
6k notes- i will finish all my crochet projects and not start any new ones until im done.
**context. i go to an all girls school and theres a lot of people so its not like everyone knows everyone, even in my year(theres approx. 174 in my year alone, and theres 6 year groups at my school cos high school is 7-12 where i live) but some people know me ig cos i know a few girl who are more notable, im in the top class and i recdntly started sitting with a group that the popular girls call furries.
(theyre a pretty big group and popular girls hate them cos one or two of them are trans - ftm, ftnb etc, no mtf cos my lovely/s catholic school wouldnt let trans girls in- several of them are gay, a few of them are emo, most of them are poc's and a few of them dont have english as their first language. overall they are seen as the "weird kids" in my year)
so this rumour apparently is going around that i like a girl in my class(i absolutely do but if you havent noticed my school is hella hoomophobic and i could very well get beat) which js isnt ideal and is gonna lead to a lot of issues, especially if a lot of people start believing it so if you guys have any advice pls lmk. and its not like i can js get a fake bf and show him off cos its a GIRLS SCHOOL. if i reconnect with a friend from primary school tho we could pretend to be dating and like make a post on social media. but then kids at his school would find out and hed either have to tell them its fake(which would eventually find its way back to my school, and when i say eventually i mean immediately) or he couldnt get a girlfriend so that probs wouldnt work.
i know it sounds like im making a mountain out of a molehill but ive got years to go here and i dont want to spend all my high school years getting bullied bc even if i went to a teacher about it or smthing id have to like analyse them first and try to figure out which ones are homophobic or not.
like learning about why "being gay is a sin"(pretend im saying that really mockingly) is literally in our curriculum.
holy shit that was longer than expected.
no pressure tags: @wishiwereheather13 @loserboyfriendrjl @fracturedsunsets @chasingthemoony @stars-and-leather @starsofleo
thats all im doing idk how you guys can stand js copy and pasting moots over and over i cant do this i did the first six that came up and that seems like enough 🤷‍♀️
begun doing
going to do
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that-one-rat-bastard · 2 months
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notes and explanations for each below cut (warning that i love ignoring canon and playing with the characters like dolls lmao)
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bunch of scp scientist busts just for character design practice and because yall supposedly liked the iceberg drawing so
Clef- i made up how i draw meri before him, so i just made him look like his daughter lol. they have the same hair, but clef takes shit care of his so it looks gross. i think his eyes switch colors consistently, and his tongue is neon blue and pointy. usually shades his face with his hat around lower personal
Kondraki- he's starting to bald but refuses to cut his hair. He keeps bugs in his pockets, he looks a lot sweeter than he actually is hes an asshole lmao. he also def has reading glasses
Iceberg- looks a lot meaner than he is, hes just really sleep deprived. likes to think he was born to be a mad scientist and forced to be a sad office worker. fresh outta college and losing his mind. also he's cold to the touch and is permanently hypothermic. his locs get icy sometimes and they'd crunch if you'd grab them. also transgenderism......
Gear- kinda just here. ignore that hes in a different artstyle i cant draw men.... also balding, but iceberg begs him to not just shave it. not actually emotionless hes just silly like that. pushing 50 and kinda lame. hes starting to think hes gay but he has a job so theres no time for that
Agatha rights- the sweetest woman you literally ever meet, but she also kills people. wears really impractical outfits to work, like high heels and short skirts. not actually a whore tho lmao!! theres rumors she slept her way into her position, but she actually murdered her way there! :) leaves cookies in the break room for everyone to take
light- short fat and an absolute bitch. has a reputation to uphold so she acts real nice. absolute milf and refuses to put her hair up. toys the line between looking professional and not. really prim and proper in meetings but hits and throws things when shes mad. sneaky little bitch but we lover her
glass- he's so scared someone help him. obv does the psych evaluations and is probably the only normal person in that facility. literally just some guy but he also just looks really nervous all the time. he's all limb and tall as hell. sometimes cant tell if hes scared of the other scientist or thinks there all hot.
crow- somehow came to terms with being turned into a dog. very pretty golden retriever but he has the voice of a grouchy middle-aged guy. his glasses help with color correction. because. you know. hes a dog now. idk why hes a dog but he is now. slowly going gray and doesnt wanna think about his mortality. has to wear a silly collar with his ID. misses his thumbs
theres no bright because i couldnt decide if i was going to draw Elias or jack because fuck admin bright
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flooficandii · 6 months
thats got me thinking actually . i havent rly had the energy nor the interest to update nuniq's doc to include interactions w/ the newest agents . including harbor and tjats literally her boyfriend lmao 😭😭😭😭 but anyway lemme make some poorly drawn depictions of what nuniq thinks of the newer agents (starting from clove to gekko)
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honestly. nuniq wasnt too jazzed about the idea of hiring a kid (grown adult but theyre a kid to her), especially an untrained one . she understands they might have a link to omen going rogue but is still iffy about the whole situation
also oof. the whole immortality thing? yeah it must be a lot to bear for clove, theyre just very good at hiding it. but like with a lot of the young radiants, nuniq lets them know they can approach her about this stuff bc shes been through it too
she can admit she gets pissed at clove bc their immortality causes them to make more reckless decisions on the field . she wants to get it in their head that you still have to be smart about these things no matter how much power you have
but! she thinks clove is very nice. very silly very sweet guy who is an excellent storyteller. storytelling is very intertwined in both nuniq and clove's cultures so she loves listening to whatever clove can whip up
clove has probably dragged her into dnd at least once
she took a while to grasp it but thats ok shes trying her best
anyway yeah clove talks a lot and sometimes nuniq cant understand them so she has to ask them to slow down
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valorant hired him because he was a kingdom killer and nuniq was ALL FOR THAT !!!!
she can tolerate the cocky smug little shit thing bc hes professional at least
hes not very hard to work with and is very cunning and calculating. nuniq likes that
iso has most definitely heard about nuniq before and was surprised to see her alive bc a lot of media made it seem she was dead to quell the uprisings against kingdom
nuniq is fascinated by iso's radiance but it definitely makes her think about how fast and how complex the concept of radiance itself is evolving . to think he could create his own pocket dimension with prismatic energy
besides that i feel like they mostly mind their own business
theres a mutual respect for eachothers skill and grit and they just *nods*
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like the thing says. theres currently some weird tension between deadlock and nuniq rn (and its surprisingly not gay)
theyre both so cold its kinda hard for either of them to approach eachother
deadlock is. working on her relationship with gekkos creatures! which nuniq appreciates
but idk nuniq never forgets anything and its hard for her to get over the fact she almost killed wingman multiple times
+ proposed awful countermeasures to keep the radivores in check
yk that one headcanon someone made about gekkos friendliness and critters winning over a lot of the protocol?
and how they immediately had beef w deadlock because of it?
yeah thats the situation with nuniq
things have simmered down with the creature situation but nuniq mostly ignores deadlock outside of work
and frankly i think deadlock's scared of nuniq too so
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last but not least GEKKO !!!!
nuniq loves gekko!!! hes so silly
hes fun and lighthearted while still being a good fighter
being around gekko makes nuniq feel. Friendlier idk how else to describe it
also his critters have 100% stolen her heart sometimes she asks to babysit wingman when gekkos busy
she has had to apologize for aput using dizzy as a chew toy though
gekko has dyed nuniqs hair temporarily; it was northern lights-colored streaks that looked really cool when braided, she kept it for about a month until it washed out
overall she thinks hes very sweet and she and reyna can get along over being protective of him
anyway yeah i think thats every agent so far after harbor! wow !!! i cant believe we've already made it this far to agent 25 .. and agent 8 still hasnt been revealed yet i love valorant lore (tired
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whumpshaped · 1 year
I just read your tiny whump academia drabble and 👁👁 boy oh boy do I love little guys being crushed very near to the point of death where they think their bones are bending but I also started thinking hey, i wouldn't continue to trust such a small and wiley pet in a shoebox even if he is a puny nerd, I think the only way to soothe my worries about an escaping little mouse is to make sure it cant move at all shehfh- Or put it in a cute little leash and harness like a domestic rat :3 specifically a retracting leash so you can yank him back with no effort, and it makes them easier to show off for some friends or benefactors~
tw some nsfw talk, tiny whump, bullying, academia whump, dehumanisation
so idk if u know the context for the story, but bryce is basically blackmailing nate already. nate is being mercilessly bullied and exploited by him in private, while in public nate basically "joined bryce's friend group". bryce has some compromising photos of nate that hes holding over nate's head and basically forcing him to do all of his schoolwork instead of his own to ensure 1. he doesnt have to work much 2. nate cant keep up his own first place on the college leaderboard academically. bc bryce used to be outperformed by him in just this one aspect, and he thought hm... two birds, one stone
so yeah theres already an insane power dynamic going on when nate shrinks. and bryce is like holy fucking shit this is amazing. yes i'll have to go back to doing my own schoolwork but u know what i came to love even more than not working? bullying nate. and then another aspect of it is that..... how do i say this. turns out bryce has a kink for this sort of thing and now hes just horny. theres rly no better way to phrase this. hes not even gay but hes looking at tiny nate and hes suddenly very horny abt the prospect of this helpless little creature who also happens to be his ex academic rival who was already helpless- u get the picture. i wont go into detail but that has consequences. anyway bryce is obsessed w tiny nate. he also has immense cute aggression! hes restraining himself from crushing nate's tiny bones 24/7.
moving on, this also means bryce is incredibly possessive. he's not gonna show it off to anyone, because honestly he already reported nate missing and he doesnt need anyone trying to steal nate or whatever. what he does is he keeps nate in his pencilcase for a while until he can go out and get a little custom glass box with a detachable lid. its very nice <3 it has some padding at the bottom, tissues and cotton and cloth, whatever bryce could find. tiny food and water bowls are separate and never placed in the box, because controlling when and how nate eats and drinks is another aspect he enjoys a lot. the box is shoved in the closet whenever someone comes to visit.
that being said bryce looooooves to mess w nate, looooooves to mess with immobilising him completely w clear tape for example. very fun stuff. loves how exposed and vulnerable nate is. im sure he also makes little DIY harnesses and collars and stuff, basically just imagine him tying some thread or cloth around nate and yanking him around by it. dangling nate from high places it also fun bc he has a fear of heights. the closet is also fun in itself bc nate Also has a fear of the dark! and bugs. which leads bryce to pick up earthworms and shit and lock them in the glass box w nate. hes a menace and he loves tormenting nate so so much.
but at the end of the day bryce doesnt want to kill or seriously harm nate physically. if he threatens a knife or smth, he never rly goes thru w it. maybe the lightest little scrapes. but he mostly stays away from that. hes also afraid nate will one day turn back to normal and he doesnt want a full sized nate running around without an arm or smth. (he does eventually turn back btw but by that point hes so afraid and so conditioned and bryce has told him so much abt how everyone has moved on that hes just like...... ok. i guess i only have u bryce. sure i'll stay in the closet all the time hidden away until you graduate and can take me with you to your cool new house. its ok i'll stay soulless and very obedient as always.)
bryce treats nate like a toy, and nate never gets over it. nate already felt quite dehumanised and humiliated and small and powerless when he was normal sized. going thru that ordeal being tiny and violated and hurt in so many ways just cements it in. he feels like property, he feels like a toy, he feels like he doesnt have a life outside of being bryce's thing. and he rly doesnt. whenever bryce isnt playing w him, hes locked away in a dark place that makes him feel afraid and claustrophobic and honestly as horrible as bryce is, he doesnt have any other sort of life than the hours bryce spends actively teasing and bullying him.
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rrat-king · 10 months
I'm with you on the Loser Club/ Bad Kids special interest crossover. PLEASE share your who is who thoughts!!
thank you for asking so much i am so annoying about this topic cuz i love them both so much. ok ok ok i can't like, perfectly 1/1 them but these are the dynamics that they trend towards in my head so i present:
bad kids as the loser club
this is so not the obvious answer but riz is very bill coded in my head in the way of doing what is necessary and being the most adamant about stopping the BBEG(i also see the seven as the kids going missing and pennys disappearance drives him in the show already and would only grow worse if they knew that kids were dying). he also clearly has similarities to ben/mike (depending on movie/book) when it comes to the research aspects
fabian is hard because he isn't as loser coded as the rest of them but he kinda woks in the form of movie ben and mike as like, new kid or outsider coming into a small town. he also fits the same niche as stan does in my head in being a lot of talk and tease but still being more fearful and wary than the rest of the group even if he doesnt want to show it
kristen is richie. i will live and die on this hill. foot in mouth, gay idiot, kristen is richie. i wish i could talk about it more but i am like, too passionate about this to articulate this properly. blorbo y blorbo
fig is bev coded in the form of being seen as a town pariah type, probs being very ostracized through the shit that happens with her parents, and just like, rumors move fast in a small town and gossip move faster so i could easily see her being mislabeled as slut and fully just running with the outcast thing.
gorgug is very mike coded to me, big heart, easily targeted, though he also really reminds me of book ben, with all his construction being translated easily into artificing, especially in the fact that book ben is described as lonely but so used to it he doesn't even think to be bothered by it and idk thats very gorgug to me.
adaine kinda sits between the corners of eddie and stan for me, very scared but still cutting, able to do what she needs to and be an asshole about it all the while but still at the same time just so so afraid. also she is bev coded cuz she kills her father so theres that.
ahh ok i could talk about this forever and i am currelty working into turing this idea into fic but pls pls ask me more about this if you like it too cuz its such a specific niche but i love it so much.
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Oughhhhhhh thinking about the fifth DWK movie never ceases to piss me off so hard for no reason
Its so weird that Leon is just like. a statue for the entirety of the movie when hes basically been the main character for most of the series. I mean, the first movie is definitely an ensemble piece where I'd have have trouble pointing out a true Main Character but in every movie after that I feel pretty comfortable saying that thats Leon and in this one its just like, hope you liked him in the opening scene because hes never coming back after this lmao
There definitely shouldve been a twist about Leon being a vampire now when they arrived at Vampire Castle, maybe not immediately when all the vampires introduce themselves but like, idk this series loves the stupid romance drama between Leon and Vanessa so maybe shes jealous of Blossom since shes the only girl their age in the vacinity and is yelling at her to let him go already but then Darkside comes in and he says something like "Leon ist zwar nicht freiwillig zu uns gekommen, doch er ist freiwillig geblieben :)" and then Vampire Leon makes his dramatic entrance and hes all goth n shit and then theres all this drama between him and his friends and Vanessa, like they could make stupid drama between him and Vanessa thats still fun and interesting they just dont do it for some reason (also yeah, I'll admit it, the main reason i wouldve wanted this happen is because I like Darkside and I like the idea of him having a gay thing with Leon, what of it)
Speaking of gay things or more accurately, a lack thereof, literally the only reason they didnt have Darkside turn Leon is that they wanted to avoid the gay implications of it for heteronormativity reasons, I refuse to believe its anything else when the reveal that Blossom turned him makes way less sense
Speaking of Blossom, I literally CANNOT BELIEVE that they introduced a girl Vanessas age to the group that wasnt some kind of ominous magical fog spirit and they just. didnt interact??? are you kidding me??? Like, shes more femme too so them befriending each other or getting together 😳 couldve challanged her Not Like Other Girls Attituide in an interesting way idk
I dont even really know why but I liked Darkside a lot and thought he was gonna be a sympathetic character but then nothing really came of that. I mean still think he is sympathetic even after watching the whole movie, like he was crying at the end, its just that everyone left him in that castle to presumably be alone forever, thats so cruel. It was honestly awful to watch it unfold, I could already see the pieces sliding into place when they established that you need true loves kiss to turn a vampire back into a human and Darkside clearly didnt have a viable love interest the way literally every other vampire had, but that just made it worse honestly
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polyamorouspunk · 8 months
Coming here to yell about a thing.
SO. Im like. Frustrated with the whole ‘am I queer’ thing. (Like personally for myself). And i think Im at a point where I just. Do not care anymore. Like. I could care less what people refer to me as. I dont think its important to tell people. And I just do what I want. I think my new response when asked is gonna just be ‘idk Im just me’.
Like. Im dating this person and Ive not told them any of my queer exploits and. I dont think Im going to? Is that wrong of me? That I dont feel like its important or defining enough to be brought up and have a weird awkward conversation about when I dont even have a solid answer and also Im completely comfortable being called either way? Its not like the terms they call me upset me or make me uncomfortable. I just dont think its worth the conversation of ‘well my gender might be fucked but details are unobtainable’.
Of the few friends who ive told about it, some think i should tell my parter and another thinks theres nothing wrong with it if its not a path I plan on pursuing or putting importance on in my life. Honestly, I haven’t even thought of it in months until I was talking to an old friend who knew me as exploring my queerness that I hadnt seen in a few years and he just kept asking questions and prying about the gender stuff and like. Fuck bro I dont know anymore. Is it really wrong of me to just not care anymore and want to leave that chapter of my life behind? Like Im still kinda involved in my local queer community, but more like. Its like, not *because* Im queer, but because these people are accepting of me just existing as I am. Just. Aaahhhhhhh IM PULLING MY HAIR OUT WITH THIS
I think that’s completely normal.
I live my life as a girl. People are surprised when I say I’m trans because like man I don’t like it but like it’s like yeah I don’t care enough to fight over people using pronouns other than she/her for me irl? Like it’s just not worth it and I don’t care that much.
Honestly I don’t really see much of a point in like “coming out” for myself anymore either. Like if it’s a conversation I want to have with someone then cool but do I really give a shit if the random customer I’m ringing out thinks I’m straight and cis? Not really.
Like yeah, different spaces for different things. A part of me is sad that a lot of other queer people probably don’t pick up on me being queer because I don’t really scream “QUEER” when you look at me, and that’s a big reason of why I’m going to cut my hair soon. But like I do think that’s kind of silly of me not feeling like I “look” queer enough. And honestly I know a lot of queer people who are shit and a lot of cishet people who aren’t.
I have a friend who as far as I know is cishet but just by virtue of him being autistic and nerdy he just attracts queer people. It’s like “oh he’s an honorary queer” no he’s just weird and different like the rest of us but in a different way.
There’s a reason queer overlaps a lot with like neurodivergence and physical disability/chronic illness etc. Weird just attracts weird. Who cares what flavor.
Honestly I’d rather have weird cishet friends than pretentious queer people who treat me like shit.
I’ve always said for myself that if a cishet guy was interested in me I would be fine with just being a cis girl in a relationship with a cishet guy. Like I wouldn’t want anyone being like “well he’s in a queer relationship because he’s with a transmasc genderfluid bi lesbian queer person” like nah dude if someone wants to see me as their gf and I’m comfortable with it then cool.
There are also a LOT of gay people who don’t ID as queer or even LGBTQ+. You can be LGBTQ+ whatever and not be “in the community” and you can be cis/het/allo/mono and still “in the community”.
It’s all about breaking down boarders. If YOU don’t care, no one else should care. What you tell any person you’re dating is completely up to you. Obviously some things are more important than others (like hey if you don’t want to disclose you have an STD you don’t have to! But you probably should) but queer status is personal and up for disclosure on a case-to-case basis- or just 100% or not at all.
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Please tell me about Harper and Feena!
OMEHAGUROHMEGAUR OKOKOKOKOKOKOK SOSOSOOSOSOSO (thamk yo uso much TEHE) alao im sorry if this makes NO SENSE im spilling my head into paragraphs and not proofreading rhis is gonna end HORRIBLY but i hope you enjoy😭!
Anwyay so harper and feena started when @thatbiblicallyaccuraterat asked me to draw a silly guy eating monster much and he turned into harper (ill link some pictures to show) and he felt lonely so i made him a friend called feena and theyve been a thibg since then HOLY SHIT I THINK ITS BEEN 2 YEARS?????
Harper and feena r supposed to be my silly ocs that are my go toos when i start daydreaming and drawing! Their not supoosed to have too much trauma and stuff (IM CONTAINING MYSELF) so i camt head empty and harper its also so when i draw them they make me happy they are my happyness. So becazue i cant give them trauma i make altermate realitoes where i CAN give them trauma!!
Im gonna make sections so i caj explain everthing so it can atleast try to make sense
Ok so when i started I made them friends ofc!! And i thought they where cool as hell so i started thinking about their relationship and i was thinking how wierd it would feel if they where a couple so their thing is that their completely platonic and are jist realy close friends that are realy comfortable with each other, i wouldnt say like 'siblings' but more like that one cousin that your realy close with. I like to think of them as denji and power from chainsaw man (however i see denji and power as more of siblings) but no matter how close they get with eachither they dont feel anything romantic :3 i have a thing that when they where 14/15 they where like fuck it lets kiss and they hated it!!!!! they wanted to die!!!!!
I also have different ages for them i draw them as for whatever mood im in! So i have toddler harper and feena (theyve met in primary school) and then children harper and feena (10-12) and then theres also teen (14-16) and preadult idk forgot what its called (17-19) and adult! (20-22) by 20-22 they have an appartment with 2 other roomates nadia and caspian i dont realy have a story for them yet however they do have designs. So basically they jsut spend their entire lives together as besties and this is their main world where their happy and have no trauma and are just silly!!
2. Sexualities n stuff
Well im nor good at this stuff since i realy have no kmowledge but i kinda just peojected me and @thatbiblicallyaccuraterat onto them...
Bisexual, he/they. Dyslexic and/or is on the autism spectrum idk i dont think much about this
Aro/ace or Asexual i havent decided, goes by anything. I honestly dont even know she is any and all illnesses
3. Childhood and all
So i dont wanna give them a traumatic childhood since their my silly chracters!!
HOWEVER, they do have some sort of backstories.
Some sort of religious trauma, her family where 100% praise our lord and saviour jesus christ and she didnt feel part. Knew what she was when she was a teen and after harper came out and was more comfortable. Didnt tell her parents until she moved out, (they very obviously didnt take it well) however is still in touch with them!! Their just kinda realy uncomforable whenever the subject changes to jesus or gay stuff idk.
Twas a bit (a lot) stupider than most people his age (austismmmmm) his parents payed more attention to their sisters so that they could have a better education instead of wasting their time on a child thatll never learn and refuses to listen (wasnt diagnosed till he was an adult so they thought he was being annoying purposefully). Tbh just whats a hug LMAO. He came out to his parents, they told him it was just a phase and theylll get out of it eventually.
So ya!
4. The cats need their own section
So ive always eanted these 2 cats, one called jester one called mariposa. So if i cant have them whats better than having my oc that represents me having them?
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This is mariposa :3
5. Universes
Like i said since i dont want harper and feena to have too much trauma i create new universes for them! Other than my main ailly one theres another 3 i favour out of all the ones i make
1. I made a dystopian after apocolypse one (MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE ITS SO FUN TO MAKE!!) where the aftermath is that the world (well at leats where their living) is split into two, the privlidged and less priveledged (I NEED NAMES FOR THESE I DONT HAVE ANY) anywwy what i think i can best decribe this as is like the hunger games, where theres the 'capitol' and the 'districts' but instead of there being districts its all just survival of the fittest L lmao so yah. So after the apocolypse harper and feena are split up. Feena ends up with the privileged and harper ends up with the less. Harper finds a place he can call 'home' (FOUNDFAMILYFOUNDFMILYFOUNDFAMILY) and feena ends up on the other side where she gets her memories wiped and she then hets brainwashed to belive she was sent down as a gift from god during hard times and everyone is supposed to worship her (tehe i wont bother yiu with any more of this story)
2. Silly little 80s teen ghost busting show like scooby doo with harper feena nadia and caspian
3. detective harper and feena (havent built a lot)
So basically feena can be smart when she wants to but chooses to fuck around with harper, quite a bitch if you guys just met. Pretty resereved when shes around people she doesnt know amd her social skills arent great. If you give her a chance she can be quite nice and passionate. Can ramble for hours on ends
Harper, guys hes trying his best. Loud, can ramble for hours on end too.
And thats all i can think of...sorry for ramblong so much i jist realy love them. i dont expect anyonw to actually read this... Once again this is just me projecting me and @thatbiblicallyaccuraterat onto harper anf feena!
Thank you @rainbowghostcat sososoososo much i love youuahahhah <333
Ill attach drawing of them in the mprning!
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alfiely-art · 4 months
Finished act 4!!!!
Act 1 reaction here
Act 2 reaction here
Act 3 reaction here
Intermission reaction here
Act 4 reaction:
“Next image” or “end game” What. What we just started ???
Ohhh I like this music tho
This looks like an rpg lol
HI??? FROG??? SALAMANDER???? Whatever you are you're adorable
Hi adhd amphibian
These guys are great I love then
Ohhh they're salamanders
This section would be a lot more fun if I could. Play Homestuck. Curse my computer for not allowing me to read homestuck
This section is also taking a very long time to load. It is pictures you're fine phone
Did he lift thr pumpkin off wv's head. Gay
HELP don't kill him he's turned gay it's okay
Yay hi Jade!!!!
???? There IS a pumpkin there what the fuck
Love the difference between John and Dave's reactions to Jade's dog
hi karkat!!!!!! You're being so mean… be nice to john or I'm Gonna bite you
Man I can like. Feel John's frustration karkat you're being so annoying I'm gonna bite you
Dave schizo arc … no I know he's being silly about the psychosis thing
Slur count: 9
“I love him” Dave why are you so random. Good for you though beeeee who you aaaaaare for your priiiiiide
ROSE IS IN PAN LAND!!!! They're putting chemicals in the water to turn the Rose's pan
Okay so we're going through the game thing again
???? Dave why do you want john to drink your piss,
Well that's one way to wake Jade up
I think WV, PM, and AR could be a poly
Oh :( Rose's mom left…
Slur count: 10
Okay which troll is this. Don't be rude about Rose's mom!!!! Bad troll
Best hatefriends forever <33 who are you
“Shit the bed” KARKAT TALKS LIKE ME!!!!
I understand why i was told i am karkat-coded
Slur count: 11
Laughing at a blind girl? Not cool egbert
OHH it's that one. The. Vriskas girlfriend!!!!
Guy with cat ears <4333
Oh. Oh that map is. Not great
Yo that shot looks sickkkk…
Yo rose is metal af
“TG: i command her alright i am like the pimpmaster hustledaddy of all snippy bookshrews” Dave what
Okay my font changed here. Easier to read tbh. Idk if it'll translate to tumblr but oh well
Omg… yuri?????
Help why do trolls sound so gay
Oh green troll is pretty… what's her name….
I KNOW THIS ONE!!! Great rap Tavros
Whatever video they linked to for “I got a present for you casey” is unavailable… rip
Trolls watch movies with modern manga titles. Will keep in mind
Terezi is so right. John is a stupidly adorable little guy
Awww… jaspersprite kinda types like my buddy. Meow meow
John's blasting off again
Did I miss something. When did Dave get a suit. When did Cal get added to the sprite. Wha
Yo what. John and Jade died??? Terezi noooo why did you ruin their session…
Slur count: 12
That didn't happen the way I thought it would. I think it's sweet that Dave chose to become a sprite to protect his friends. If they don't treat him nicely I'm killing all of them
But dang… doomed timeline…
Dave and Davesprite are so chill. Love them
AWWW. John remembered Dave's note….
Ohhh sick… jack is a queen(?) Now!!!! The guardian people are fighting!!! Yayyyyyy
Oh thank God Hussie will explain what's been going on
My reaction to Hussies's joke ._. That was. Lame
Aww. Terezi just wants to be his friend :> this better not be a trick my baby boy is so gullible
Dr Meowgon Spengler
John :( he's real Dave. John don't be ungrateful… honestly it's fair of Davesprite to be mad. Like John died in his timeline. He went back and chose to help the other Dave and all his friends and. Ourghh. Be nice to him
Yooo cal gets a cute little outfit !!! He's zipping around <333
Awwww… more bunnies!!!
IS THIS SOLLUX. I've heard of this one. Eridan lover
They are jamming!!
Maplehoof Maplehoof
Haha get pranked
I love the differences in how Rose and John name things
John you're So stupid why would you just stand on it
Fuck yeah ride the pony
AR so swaggy
Okay so. I swear. These guys are the midnight crew. That is literally Deuce. I'm not crazy right. They look the same. Maybe this is their sleepy selves… godtier… do they get godtier. Hmm
Idk what just happened in that animation but yay WV
Omg that's such a cute outfit for Rose I love it
Welcome to the party motherfuckers
Okay I'm really excited to see what Jade’s sprite is
I don't remember Dave getting thay suit. Did he steal it from future Dave. I mean future Dave doesn't really need clothes anymore but…
Oh okay yeah it's future Dave's. but cool!! Not a bad suit at all
Beautiful sword actually
Dave you're scaring the hoes
Dave looks like the autism creature in that selfie he took
Wizard fanfic!!!!
Dave is so real here. Rose and her mom could've talked :(
Uhhhh. Dave ded :( that's not good. Present Dave you gotta fix this
Man what if that Dave was still alive
I'm gonna bet 10$ that the goo John's getting is gonna be the alpha kids
Oh there are more beta kids as well okay
They are holding hands !
karkar you can't say that. Wait that's not his name. Whatever. Karkat bad!!! Unless you're like me as I am like you. Schizophrenic I mean.
Awww.. Lil dirk loves Lil cal… that's so sweet
Babysitter au!!! John be careful with all these babies
These babies are uglJAKE PUT THE GUNS DOWN!!!!
Karkat never say daddy again thank you
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Harley… like Jade Harley…
Jack Noir…
That was the best ending of an act. Oh my fucking god. I am crying
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
I kinda want to start readingn yu yu hakusho (manga first bc thats how i roll) sooo would u be interested in pitching the plot and whatnot for me? I know this is smth I could just google buuut, Id like to get some info straight from the best source :3 (a nd fan whos likes to ramble)
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 OKAY SO idk what all the differences are between the manga and the anime (havent read the manga yet but i want to eventually) but yu yu hakusho starts off with, from the very get-go, the protagonist dying! yup, main character just dead right at the start, and the next part is a plot for him going through a test from the spirit world to get his life back! its actually pretty emotional, because yusuke (the protag) didnt want to come back until he realize how much the people hes closed to cared about him, but throughout the show he makes more friends and realizes more of what he wants to live for (while theyre all constantly risking their lives in battles jfkdjfj) and becomes way more well off by the end of the show.
a lot of the show is yusuke taking various cases from spirit world as their designated spirit detective, fighting demons and sometimes humans to protect the world through the use of his spirit gun power! theres a whole lot of excellent humor along with intense moments, and i cant pinpoint exactly how they do it but even the funny stuff happening during serious moments dont really retract from each other, unlike how some other series it can feel like awkward tone shifts.
yusuke is a snarky son of a bitch, absolute delinquent that loves to kick ass. hes defintely not the brightest, but he makes up for that in sheer willpower (and luck lol). hes not a pure goody boy protag, hes a lovable asshole!
kuwabara is similar to yusuke in being a delinquent that loves to fight, but he has much more of an honor code and actually tries to be polite and really sweet sometimes (especially to his big crush in the show) despite his usual brash loudness lol. hes the himbo of the group! he also has a kitten he loves :3
kurama is one of my top favorite characters ever (and my kin) because hes just so??? interesting??? hes literally the best character in the show to put in a situation. any of them. so none of this is spoilers bc this is all shit he straight up tells as soon as he shows up in like, episode 7 or something: hes a fox demon thief that almost was killed, but he managed to transfer his spirit into an unborn human child and was raised by his human mother, whos kindness ended up changing him from cruel and ruthless, to a much kinder person. hes a interesting mix of characteristics, where he can equally be the kindest of the group, but he can also still be the most ruthless. plus they really play up the pretty boy factor and his main weapon is a rose whip hes fucking great. also despite him being a lot kinder now hes still defintely an asshole sometimes and loves messing with people bc hes still a fox at heart.
THEN HIEI. HIEI HIEI HIEI HIEI I LOVE HIM SO SO SO SOSOOOOOO MUCH. him and kurama are partners (demon partners but gay partners too bc i say so, and also theres no one else hiei compliments so much like he does with kurama and theyre like 90% of the time together and kurama teases hiei SO MUCH and theyre just adorable okay,) hes my hearthrob trope of angsty edgy guy whos so tsundere about actually caring about people but hes actually SO soft deep down and just needs more love in his life. and is super hot. literally anytime this dude gets into battle he often either rips his shirt off or his shirt rips itself off by the sheer power of his fucking energy i love him. hes such a badass. and he has nice tits. and hes soooo soso sososososoososo cute he has the most adorable surprised faces and hfjjjdjfk OKAY ill try to hold off the gay a little bit to actually explain his character. hes such a rude little asshole and is often the quiet one at the edge of the room thatll snark you if he catches you being dumb. hes such a tsundere about having friends and caring about them but even yusuke can see through his shit and calls him out on it and says hiei will be there when they need him. short angry man gets friends who he cares for and who cares for him.
BTW THO there is some Iffy Moments in the show id recommend checking out the doesthedogdie site for various trigger stuff if u think ud need it !!! and unfortunately the anime often has a LOT of flashing lights so if that would affect you then you may have to stick to the manga, or maybe theres someone whos edited the show to be safe for photosensitive folks?? do ppl do that? idk. but still despite some flaws in the series, the characters are just so !!!!!! [SQUEEZES THEM LIKE A SQUISHY TOY] im literally so obsessed with them theyre just a fun cast with the best interactions aaa theyre like family to me (bc im kurama kinnie)
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What's your new book idea?
ypu guys enable me sooooooo much i luv it 💞💞💞💞💞💞
so theres this kid. vincent. (i keep almost calling him victor whoopsie doopsie!) vince is freshly 18 and he WOULD be a dorky kid- he wears red color contacts for godssake- except everyone is wary of him bc he has a Record. he's acutely aware that most people think hes gonna pull a columbine and tends to use his reputation to his advantage
his only friend is a loud autistic girl, emily. theyve been besties ever since first year of high school and she doesnt really find him intimidating at all. she KNOWS hes intimidating but she can follow the logic vince has wrt the things he does. vince also has an identical twin brother named theo. he's a weeb! their parents tried to drive a wedge between them since they see vince as the Bad Child and theo as the Good Child, except it didnt really.... work....
vince n theo's parents range from neglectful to outright abusive depending on the day. theo shrunk inward while vince developed conduct disorder. sorry vince
anyway vince gets diagnosed with aspd Literally on his 18th birthday. once again sorry vince. at least ur therapist got u a keychain! (its a keychain of izaya but idk if i can namedrop him in the book)
so vince is reeling over that and doesn't think he's all that bad mentally- and what IS there, he can control. he's also piss bored and NEEDS a distraction from his recent diagnosis
so he uh.... does. a questionable move
this is where i say the plot deals HEAVILY with sexual assault, rape, (vince is NOT the assaulter) and child abuse, medical neglect specidically so uh. under da cut is the rest
so vince gets wind that one of the teachers is, uh, molesting students. and instesd of being normal about it, he decides he wants a closer look. namely, he wants to expose the teacher while using himself as bait. emily, a csa victim herself, tries to talk him out of it but he doesnt listen :|
this goes About as well as you'd expect! so its a novel about vince kinda like, grappling with the fact that he really cant control his piss bad mental state, and both his choldhood trauma and his newfound trauma! and also some fucked up New Shit his parents did. plot twist vince has a heart condition!! this is gonna be foreshadowed in that he does get dizzy spells and faints a lot and when he has panic attacks his heart rate and blood pressuee spike WAY high, even by panic attack standards. anyway his parents didnt do anything abt it bc they were kinda hoping itd kill him :| bc theyd rather he be dead than they have to deal with him
and then theres a prom chapter in the middle of all this. vince and emmy go together as friends- shes a little into him but hes gay and shes kinda getting over her crush lmao. shes bishrexual
this didnt rly grt too in depth wrt the plot but yeahhhhhh psychological horror coming of age novel??? except with accepting a mental health diagnosis too? yea
this all started as "what if i wrote a book eith an aspd main character except i didnt SAY he had aspd explicitly so itd sell, but id heavily hint at ir throughour???" and now its this
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ronkerbonkers · 1 year
js watched heartstopper s2, dont do it. dont watch it. im in tears rn
(also this is gonna be a rant post so haha)
charlie telling nick that he used to cut himself and then nick asking if he still does it and making charlie promise that if it ever gets that bad again he'd tell nick is honestly not how i wanted the season to end. i am in SHAMBLES that was SO FUCKING SAD IM CRYIFN AND SOBBING. also charlie passing out because he hadnt eaten enough made me actually so sad. i love that nick is always there for charlie and tries to make the situation better but he obviously messes up sometimes because not everyone is perfect. i love that alice oseman actually recognizes that not everything people do is going to make shit better
heartstopper really js makes me sad and happy at the same time because it dives right into like shitty stuff but then shows you nick and charlie kissing and it makes everything better again (almost). i really like how they (alice oseman) actually notice that mental health is a thing too bc a lot of shows and movies and shit dont recognize that people have trouble with problems mentally. i like that alice oseman actually made it so they struggle with mental health and not just making it seem like everything is fine because it isnt. it also has a lot of inclusion from having lgbtq+ cast members and characters to having people who use they/them be in the cast and be characters, and it also realizes that gay bi and lesbian arent the only sexualities to ever exist. it also had issac being confused about his sexuality after he kissed james. i thought that was a nice touch bc not everyone instantly knows their sexuality. it takes time to figure out who youre attracted to, what youre attracted to, or if youre even attracted to anyone. i thought it was nice seeing issac having to figure out his sexuality and being confused about it. james was also really understanding and not pressuring issac to know everything about himself and his sexuality right then and there. i like how he was supportive and didnt immediately push issac to tell him his sexuality. also having the characters families not be absolutely perfect was nice to see (coming from someone who doesnt have the best family ever), because not everyone is lucky enough to have a good family or a good relationship with their family. heartstopper is just really cool man, idk. i love it sm its such a cool show and book series :3
on the other hand though, we got to see more tori which was sick. i love tori sm :D
theres a ton more i wanna say buuuuuut going back thru this i js realized how long it is so im gonna stop now lmao
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auspex · 2 years
for markyboy! essentials 8 & 9, death 5
oh awesome i didnt even expect this 2 b an sak game but im always here 2 talk abt my Bo7
8. Who are their Touchstones, if any?
We have Dr. Armatto, who was his faculty advisor while Mark was getting his PhD. So he was a big inspiration to him, helped him out a lot - cemented a love of learning, and a love for humanities history w/the idea that humanity is always growing and advancing. They are still in irregular contact. In a year or two I expect Dr. Armatto to question Mark on why he hasn't been publishing papers lately :/ Like Dr. Vela My Friend I Thought You Wanted Tenure, Let Me Help You???
Then we have Kenny, who was his ex from high school. He meant a lot to Mark cause he helped him realize his sexuality and they went through a lot of shit together in high school. They lost contact after he graduated and moved but Kenny of course just back to Detroit and Mark finally agreed to meet with him after months...Kenny is a very openly gay man despite it being 2000s Detroit, very flamboyant, very confident n cool. but yeah Mark is a dangerous person 2 be friends w so he should leave him alone. Finally there is. Sampson <3 whom i love. Sampson and Mark were dating just before he was turned, and theres a lot of shit with them that many of my followers have heard many times but in short he is now Mark's ghoul and ex and things are. difficult betwixt them
9. What are their Convictions (moral opinions and standings they hold fast to)?
So these were poorly worked out cause mark is my first VTM OC and my storyteller was lenient but in approximate order of touchstones above: Knowledge should not be destroyed and should be shared/a general love of humanity and its progress Something about innocence and young love (the worst worked out one aslkdjfds) and finally that People can be loved in spite of flaws
In the game these haven't come up mechanically but are definitely themes. Dr. Armatto's is actually one of the more interesting ones and is a very. opposed viewpoint within kindred society, who look down upon humanity, but idk how it will come up. Mark has already commented that kine are juts as intelligent as kindred to one vampire and got a raised eyebrow look lkasdfjds
5. Which of their Clan’s stereotypes apply to them? Which do they act against, or embody the opposite of?
Tremere are fucking nerds - check
Tremere have a lot of secrets - check
Tremere are kind of assholes - check
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so he embodies that stuff lmao
Tremere are Cool - FAILED Mark is not cool.
Tremere are unforgiving - FAILED Mark does indeed believe in forgiveness <3 So he acts against that for sure. He also is going to act somewhat against the authoritarianism by helping the poor gargoyles <3 good luck Mark
idk if there are more clan sterotypes i missed 4 tremere dslkjfsdfj lmk if so
thank u this was fun af!
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mistninja · 2 years
Okay SO Realm of the Elderlings is a 16 book long fantasy series. actully its 5 series all set in the same universe, but since they all follow a linear storyline and connect with each other it can be seen as just one
Anyways, the first trilogy (Farseers) follows my specialest saddest boy Fitz, who is the bastard of the heir of the Six Duchies. Fitz dad is super embarrassed about having a bastard so he goes away and makes his Totally Platonic Life Companion Burrich raise fitz on the palace. Fitz is then trained as an assassin by the kings own secret assassin, from the adorable age of 6. Theres a lot of court intrigue going on but also vikings are turning people into zombies so the kingdom is Having a Hard Time, so they marry the new heir with a princess from the mountains yadda yadda fitz almost gets killed yadda yadda. Oh, theres two magic systems, the wit (animal communication) and the skill (telepathy) and the wit is a metaphor for Something (mostly being gay) and Burrich has it and tries to beat it out of fitz but it doesnt work. Shit happens to fitz, he gets a gf, he becomes a badass and people want him to be king but his Evil Uncle tells everyone that Fitz has the wit and then fitz gets tortured and murdered. Dont worry he gets better (sorta). Then he wants to get revenge but his Good Uncle (who went to the mountains to find elves to help them with the vikings making zombies issue) is like "come here boy" and fitz goes to the mountains where he meets with his Best Friend love of his life The fool. Btw the fool is kinda an elf and he and fitz are the Prophet and the Catalyst, a pair that gets born every age to save the world together, sorta. Yadda yadda shit happens the good uncle becomes a dragon yadda yadda the kingdom gets saved and fitz is like "well i dont have to deal with my trauma if i put it all inside a stone (literally)" so he does that and goes to live alone for a decade. Oh he has a wolf (Nighteyes)
If i get into the rest this will be too long so:
Second trilogy is the liveship traders. There are pirates. Sea snakes that are actually dragons. Not like the dragon that fitz uncle turned into, real dragons. The ships are alive. Also the ships are actually dead dragons. Its about a merchant family, in another kingdom. the fool is here as lady amber (genderfluid icon).
Third trilogy is the tawny man trilogy, it follows fitz as a 30 something. He has an adoptive son. He goes on romantic trips with the fool, they argue, they get back together. The fool dies. He gets better. Its very dramatic. They kiss btw. Then the fool leaves :( and fitz marries his old gf (who btw, was married to fitz adoptive dad burrich and they had lots of kids but burrich died so they can be together now). Ah theres dragons here. And Vikings again!
The fourth series is 4 books i havent read it but it seems to be entirely about dragons.
The final trilogy follows old man fitz. He and the fool have a daughter i think. Idk
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alivehouse · 2 years
just wondering why you dislike Neil gaiman so much?? not trying to criticize or defend him, just curious
(this is all just going to be based on good omens related stuff bc i havent really willingly interacted with any other work of his since i was like 12 he is not a great writer imo)
ok before i get into why specifically the way he uses his socials annoys me so much i just want to mention that good omens (tv show) has a serious problem with treating its characters of color poorly/as disposable (which this post goes into) and as far as i know neil has never so much as acknowledged this let alone apologize for it so theres that
but as for why i hate his social media presence specifically so much i just think the way he interacts with his fanbase is annoying & i dont want to use the term 'gaslighting' for something this stupid but i dont even know how else to describe his habit of like. pretending he wrote aziraphale and crowley in a relationship for the sake of clout?
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^ he used to regularly regularly say condescending no homo shit like this but then when he realized he could get attention for pretending he wrote queer characters he pulled a 180 and started going 'ohhhh i DID write them in a relationship actually and also trans and also nonbinary i cant believe you didnt GET it just because its SUBTLE im sorry half assed vaguely subtextual scene #5 was not enough for you stupid fa- i mean people'
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and he does this shit constantlyyyy and gets no flack for it. in fact a lot of his fanbase encourages it even bc were still stuck on begging for word of god scraps from rich straight men instead of engaging with work made by actual queer people i guess. (ALSO THIS TWEET SPECIFICALLY IS REALLY FUNNY bc like a month later he lied about there being a secret handholding scene in the show to send people on a wild goose chase zooming in on shit trying to find anything just to give him more streams i guess i dont know i think it was a stupid thing to even fall for honestly but it still strikes me as kind of cruel)
i mentioned this in tags before & idk if he still does this but he used to go look up his own name on here to find people talking negatively about him so he could reblog it and get them dogpiled which is why you see people talking negatively about him calling him 'neilman' so much instead of his actual searchable name. literal full grown man picking fights with random people on here bc he knows hell win since hes a famous author and will get backed up no matter what
and ok this is edging into fandom circlejerking (i think hes only said this one a few times but his fanbase brings it up constantly to shield him from any criticisms) so i wont go into this as much as i could but theres this Thing hell do where he says they cant be gay bc they technically arent men bc they arent humans (based on a bit in the book where they feel the need to specify that aziraphale is NOT ACTUALLY GAY after continuously subjecting him to homophobic language/aggression) and people will bend over backwards trying to interpret this as meaning they are canon nonbinary and Epic Trans Rep and hell vaguely encourage this instead of like acknowledging the extended man-in-a-dress evil nanny bit in the show and pointing out that it was fucked up? & honestly the whole undertone of that is like 'this character might go out of their way to look like and dress like and act like and refer to himself as a man but he cant REALLY be a man because he wasnt Created That Way' like how the fuck am i supposed to be treating this as a trans positive read of the situation lmao. not to mention the 'inhuman = nonbinary,' 'nonbinary = CANT be gay!!! there are no gay nonbinary people i guess' legwork going on here going on here i dont know its a whole mess
PLUS i just think its funny that hes said making characters gay would be disrespectful to his deceased cowriter but pulling an entire second out of his ass for that sweet amazon money apparently isnt lmao
and to finish this off just for fun heres him at the start of the pandemic when there was a crazy high rising death toll making it about his fucking book, + him answering another ask in response to that AFTER he had deleted the original post, to make the person asking him look like they were attacking him for no reason:
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irrigos · 2 years
YES oh my god it makes me insane. i love older books/literature, especially victorian-era lit. and sometimes i’ll see someone talking about racism in a work, and it starts out fine, and then the second paragraph in it’s like “oh you think this is good actually. well shit.”
or even just people posting quotes! and then i look at their account and they’ve got the worst values and opinions known to man. augh.
it sucks!!! why cant you all be normal and stop making me look bad!!!! ive been really into calligraphy for the past like. idk 2 years? year and a half? and for some reason SO MANY CALLIGRAPHERS are like. SUPER christian. i dont have a problem with christians generally (i was raised Catholic and still feel kind of attached to it overall, for cultural/heritage reasons) but like. i only fuck with weird queer christians. and its really jarring when ill be scrolling through instagram and see some beautiful benign calligraphy pieces and then suddenly you see one thats like "God said gay people are yucky!" in beautiful calligraphy. (ok its not THAT blatant but. well i found out one of the people i followed was really into Matt Walsh, which is why i kept getting ads for him. Yuck!)
and it also sucks because so many of these things have such an association with being the hobbyhorse of a bunch of the worst most exhausting people you can imagine that i see a lot of people implying that you MUST be one of them if you like that thing. that liking history or w/e is a red flag, and only cishet white men would ever find anything of value in an old book and only weird conservative snobs like fountain pens or good leather shoes and only fascists would be interested in The Past.
and that sucks!!! i dont like people from either side implying im a conservative because i like history!!! im not going to laud the racism in these old texts because... racism is bad?? but im also not going to totally dismiss everything from before. idk some arbitrary recent year. as being inherently bad because people were racist then. sometimes putting things in historical context enriches them! sometimes reading stuff from the past enriches you!!!
bah. its frustrating. theres nothing much to be done about it, i guess, but it sucks that i have to be constantly on guard when engaging with my hobbies, lest I get mistaken for the same kind of people that would actively want me dead (either by my peers, who mistake me for an enemy, or by The Worst People I Can Imagine, who mistake me for one of them. i want neither of these!!!!)
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