jimothantheclown · 3 months
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Brother, from where do you hail?
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budgieflitter · 4 months
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PART 1 part 2!!! this took much more thinking than the previous one but i hope it turned out just as engaging :) i'll likely make another post with more details also big thanks to al-pomegranate-seeds for the ideas you sent me earlier, it really helped! the descriptions are below 🔽
GRUNT = DREAMER Professor Buzz Grunt is a respected researcher in his field, as well as an aspiring history novel author. However, after the unfortunate fire accident and the loss of his wife it became harder to provide proper education to his sons. Can his golden child Tank prove his worth to this demanding dad? Is he really ready to make a commitment to the new Specter heiress for the sake of the family?
Jenny always knew that there will be difficulties with cross-cultural relationships, but between juggling family and career problems, her way too secretive husband is just too much to keep track of. What is he hiding? Will Johnny be able to fit in and reconcile with his little sister? SPECTER = GOTH
When the head of Specter Industries was about to retire and pass the business to her son, he disappeared without a trace. Is there a possibility that this is the doing of someone with eyes set on her fortune? Can Olive really entrust the inheritance to her niece Ophelia?
Economy is tough and passion for science is expensive, so the Curious brothers have to share the living space to get by. After the birth of Tycho things have become especially challenging. While Lazlo is invested in dubious hacking activity, and with Vidcund eager to fund another one of his “secret science projects”, can Pascal cope with his new role as a cosmic parent? And what about the rumor that the Specter heir was last seen scaling the deck of their house?
Lola and Chloe arrived to Pleasantown to reconnect with their roots, or so they claim. Have they really been missing the fatherly affection, or do they have ulterior, fiscal motives?
Kristen doesn’t particularly care for Pleasantown, but she has to admit that people here are quite the attraction. She is committed to her dream of becoming a world famous sports champion. Is her commitment to Erin Beaker just as genuine?
After graduating from college, Erin moved in with her brother and his wife while she’s trying to adjust to adult life. While Loki is being hospitable, Circe is growing tired of tarot readings and psychic seances. Can Erin’s newfound love help out before Circe turns her into a makeup testing animal?
💬 i hope there is enough drama to make this work hahaha i'm also planning to post a couple of other characters and notable townies swapped separately
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moonspirit · 28 days
Hey moon! I hope you are feeling good!
How would a friendly game of truth or dare with our ambassadors look? 🤔
Pretty disastrous? xD
Partly because I think a game of truth and dare between the ambassadors is more likely to be filled with blatant lies, immediate exposés, a whole lot of embarrassment, and some very bad-very-awful-very-weird dares.
To put it shortly: nobody's fucking telling the truth on their own.
Certainly not Armin. He has no truths to even say, his life's been largely boring (if we take out Eren and Mikasa and all the titans and his trauma and his fears and his insecurities and-). What do you think he's even got if he chooses "truth" and is then asked "your first kiss?" He'd probably say "my mother when I was eight but then she uh... died."
Annie has one-word answers to everything because she's very tough and stoic like that. "The first dressy dress you wore?" "Never did." "Who was your crush on Marley?" "Nobody." "Your first kiss?" "....." "Come on Annie, spill!" "....." "Annie!" "A.... Arumih~"
*cue: two blonde idiots letting off steam and then fainting because they're both embarrassed*
Connie chooses dares because why not! WhY NOT! He carries them all out with stunning grace and courage too... until something or the other goes wrong riiiiiiiiight before he can claim victory. "I choose... DARE!" "Alright then. Howl like a wolf on the stage outside. Curtains don't rise for another half hour." "SURE!" So he goes, all pomp and joy and begins to howl on the empty, dark stage where the Ambassadors are due for a public appearance. Only problem: the mic is on.
Jean THINKS he can get away with lying at all the really icky Truth questions (because he's too suave for dares, ofc). He THINKS he can just lie, but he forgets... there are two guys in the room who know allllll about his whole goddamned life on Paradis. "Truth." "Okay so, who was your best one-night stand?" "Heh. You'll have to define "best". I've had many bests." *Armin and Connie share a dubious look* "Let's go with most-memorable then." "Hmm... Sara." "Who's Sara?" "This girl from our 104th. You wouldn't remember her. She chose the Garrisson." *Armin and Connie blink for a sec, and then begin to snort and giggle* Jean is annoyed. "What?" "Sara... Oh yeah... I remember Sara." "Suuuuuuure, the one-night stand with Sara." He glares at the two guys. "Wtf? It was great." Connie is shaking with laughter. "Sara propositioned you, Jean, but YOU WERE TOO SCARED TO FOLLOW! YOU RAN! YOU HID IN THE BATHS!"
RIP Jean Kirstein.
Pieck is effortlessly gliding out of answering anything that gets thrown at her because she's ✨ smort ✨ like that. "Truuuuthhh~" "The most embarrassing thing you've ever done." "Hmm, it can't compare to what Jean did last week, can it Jean?" *Everyone is immediately distracted by whatever Jean did last week*
Yay <3
But also I think if she were put up to carry out dares, she'd do them beautifully and also strangers would let her go scot-free even during the annoying ones because of her very immaculate happy-go-lucky-eccentric-fairy-godmother vibes.
Reiner tho... oh REINER. He chooses dares because he's the very reliable-brave-big-brother figure right? There's nothing HE can't do, right? He's got to set an example, RIGHT? "Hahaha! I choose dare!" "Cool. Eat a banana seductively."
Instant, collossal -100000 HP damage. Reiner eats the banana so seductively and sensually everybody is disgusted with his little gay ass.
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lightlycareless · 10 months
aaahhhh i’m imagining reader seeing nanami again!!! like how would naoya react? do you think you would ever do a oneshot of that? (or an interaction between nanami and reader when they were in school or how naoya reacted to seeing reader for the first time?)
also, in first it hurts, what exactly are readers feelings for nanami?
Omg Nanami... specially with what just happened in the anime... :')
So I'm taking this ask like it's directed to my main fic :>
Ok so I always believed that Naoya's insecurities would peak, reach a new record or whatever, with Nanami.
Sure, he was like that already with his brother Naoaki, but when Nanami comes along that's when the real threat appears. Naoya doesn't really know much about him, expect that everyone holds him in high regards, even Gojo (your sister Hinata would brag about how responsible and serious Nanami is, a great match for you! your father also likes him, feels like he's the kind of stability you need in your life, specially since he isn't a sorcerer anymore!! He won't die on a mission or stuff like that. Ren approves of him as well, although he can find him a bit stoic.)
So, yeah, you can imagine how awful Naoya is going to feel compared to him when it comes to competing for your affection, and even approval from your family. (we're talking about a time where everything is a bit better, with perhaps you even starting to like him.)
Also, spoilers: their meeting is totally happening in the future. :) as well as a flashback to when they first met.
As for her feelings, I wanted to keep it dubious hahaha but honestly, I think there was something there at first, a one-sided attraction from her part at the beginning (I mean, emo and all, he was kinda cute, and she considered his family background to be very interesting as well!!) but those feelings didn't become more serious (as in, more than just an attraction, but valuing the person per say) after Haibara died, and the two were essentially forced to socialize with one another.
Nanami and Y/N bonded about things they had in common, and while I'm not sure where her feelings would've gone from there, I feel she was really close to him because of that sense of solitude. She just didn't want to be alone anymore :')
I like to think that if Naoya never came into her life, something more might've happened down the road. But I guess we'll never know :) hehe.
I want to write more Nanami stuff into my fic, but I don't want to force it either. I shall see in the future hehe.
Thank you so much for sending in an ask!! Take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️
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fkevin073 · 1 year
hello!! i want to say that i love your story and i have a prompt idea for alysanne and aemond <3
It's exactly as you wrote in the fic, aemond and alys are childhood friends, but she cuts his eye and they don't see each other for years. until she returns to kings landing to support her brother's claim and everything is so intense between them like in the story, BUT instead of aemond being second son, he is the firstborn son, and he is not married to helaena because the greens want to seek political alliances, etc.
and of course viserys forces them to marry so that there will be "peace" in the family, and the chaos explodes lmao.
Alysanne is married to the “enemy” of her family and Aemond of course, he doesn’t want to marry her because he has a responsibility for his family, but they get married anyway hahaha
but they would had so many tension between them… and my point is, would there be war? Aemond and Alysanne would reconcile before viserys dies or do they both choose their family above all?
Ahhh!! i don't know, i think it would be very interesting to read, i hope you like it!!
ahh omg sorry this took so long for me to respond to!!
what a cool AU tho anon! Supporting Aemond vs Jace as King would be a very very interesting premise. Now, we have to assume that Alicent/Otto wouldn't push for Helaena and Aemond to marry like they did with Helaena and Aegon for reasons. I think it would be cool to see what Aemond would be like as the first born son, because I think so much of his personality is shaped by the fact that he's not and he craves that power/recognition.
So if he WERE to have it, I think he'd be even more resentful of Rhaenyra than he already was beforehand. Aemond does want power, and I think as the first born son he'd feel more entitled to it/envious of the title as heir. Esp if he wasn't born with a dragon, he'd feel even more isolated/out of place. He's the first first born son to not be the heir, and he doesn't have a dragon to boot, until he claims Vhagar.
So, in keeping with this interpretation, I think he'd be more willing to engage with Otto's schemes and plots so he'd end up on the throne, and he'd be even more jealous/hateful of Jace, because he's not only being supplanted by Rhaenyra as the heir, but by Jace afterwards, who he sees not only as a bastard but as the person who overtook him in Alysanne's affections.
I do think there would be war. I'm not certain, to be honest, that Alysanne and Aemond would ever be able to reconcile or love each other as unconditionally in this AU as they do in the story. Firstly, Alysanne has never wanted to be Queen or to be at court. Aemond wants that power/recognition, and here he'd be even more eager to have it because of how much closer he is to it. I.e., there's no Aegon or him and Helena's children getting in the way. I think they'd have a lot of sexual tension and there would be love, but Aemond is a very ambitious character overall. idk that they'd be able to overcome his desire to usurp her mom and then Jace.
I also think that at her core, Alysanne would think Jace was a better fit to be king than Aemond. Like dubious parentage aside, Alysanne deeply believes both in this AU and in IKYLAO that Jace would have been a great king - like similar to Jaehaerys, who is like the peak of kings for those in Westeros. She believes in her mother also, of course, and wants her to be Queen.
And I don't think Aemond could fully forgive her for that? Idk. like he'd want her to believe in him so badly, but it's because she knows him as well as she does that she's warier of him becoming king. So yeah, definitely war...
Don't get me wrong - I love romantic love! I think it's a very powerful motivator. But I'm not convinced it can overcome everything or usurps every other relationship in terms of general importance. Aemond would feel even more motivated to protect his family from Daemon and others like him on Team Black because of his position as the firstborn son, and thus be more likely to betray Alysanne.
anyway, so sorry for the rambling here! I do wonder how it would end? like if rhaenyra and Jace died, alysanne would be next in line to the throne from the Blacks pov... but if aemond were already crowned King by the Greens, I don't think she would ever forgive him for causing the war that killed her mother & brother. so even though they were married beforehand, she wouldn't be satisfied with them being co-rulers, and would fight to win the war so she could rule solely because she knows if they ruled together people would see him as "the true authority" instead of her, and that feels like a betrayal to her mother and Jace. idk if she'd go as far as killing him, because there is still love there, but she'd definitely have their marriage annulled and have him imprisoned somewhere for only her to know.
maybe in this AU she actually marries Cregan Stark! lmao.
If Aemond were to win he'd keep her close/as his wife, but she'd legit just refuse him at every turn, and they wouldn't have children. his heirs would be siblings' children, or Lucerys'. depending on who survives/procreates.
lmao this was a very very long answer, but this was so much fun! thanks for the ask.
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vermillioncrown · 3 years
Wwx would want in on the dick discussion right up until the actual discussion started at which point he would wimp out
this specific instance would be in alternate universe-ity, because in normal oblivious university or RT au wwx would be trying to cicada block zyx into confronting her fears of death by dick
also lwj is feeling really hurt. wwx can't believe he has to be the emotionally mature one for once.
(you know, if ot3 is dbd endgame, if it doesn't happen like the dream i wrote about, i have a version of the get together that's just as stupid as modern aus and very spicy)
(it also stems from trying to avoid being dicked to death)
at this point wwx and zyx resolve their friendship differences
lwj and zyx have started over clean
now it's just lxc and zyx that have to renegotiate their possible relationship
at the same time wwx and lwj are getting together
as well as the scum villain boys, but that's not zyx's business
"haha c'mon, you can consider us like sibling-in-laws!"
zhu yunxun's face remains disdainful. unimpressed. "who's marrying anyone?"
wei wuxian laughs. "aw, yunxun, don't talk like that - you'll break lan-dada's heart. especially since you keep hanging around those other guys. so secretive, so dubious, so -"
her hand reaches out to palm wei wuxian in the mid-face. it stings his nose.
"ow! i think i feel a nosebleed!"
"i'm paying you back, for some other life. probably."
one hand out to hold him at bay, the other hand and attention on her phone. she's texting someone intermittently.
"you know, lan wangji said he was staying in town for the long weekend. and that he was expected at his uncle's place... only for saturday."
zhu yunxun can be oblivious, but she isn't completely stupid. the implication is there. both lan brothers only had familial obligations for a day. the rest was to spend at their own discretion. with complete privacy.
she freezes mid-step. then both hands are pulled in to frantically text on her phone.
"you keep messaging like that, i'll really start to think you're cheating on -"
"- quiet. how can i cheat on someone i'm not even dating?!"
wei wuxian manages to catch a glimpse of the chat she's in.
sqh> shit mbj is staying in town too
sy> hahaha i have a family thing
shit okay okay okay alright <
we... we have a group project <
sqh> xunjie it's not gonna cut it
ok we need to meet up <
rules of engagement <
survival strategies <
sqh> i'll grab The Document
sy> have fun dying via dick you two
your ass is next bitch <
"what's The Document?" wei wuxian blurts, the strangeness of the conversation compelling him.
"fuck!" zhu yunxun launches her phone into the air. sheer luck, she manages to grab it before it hit the ground. "nosy bitch, didn't anyone teach you not to read other people's shit?!"
"you're nosy," he feels very affronted by the accusation.
"i ask and people decide to tell," she says with scorn. "don't worry about the document."
"now i need to know. also, you kiss and tell?"
zhu yunxun stops walking entirely and rounds onto him. "are you judging? you? mr. 'oooo~ lan-er-gege sucked me or he stripped or he touched me and i jizzed in my pants, ooo~'?"
"i don't sound like that! and - don't make lan wangji - we haven't -" oh, she almost distracted him, what a devious little bitch. "no, nope. you're not tricking me. what's The Document?"
her expression changes, from the scornful mocking of before to placid. and then a small innocuous smile.
"hm. why not. why shouldn't you read The Document?" he doesn't like her tone. "you and i are such great friends now, aren't we?"
and yeah, maybe people were right when they said that he didn't have a great survival instinct. it explains why he follows zhu yunxun back onto campus. she leads them to the library, which was innocent enough. they take the stairs instead of the elevator, which becomes less innocent for her lazy norm.
they go through the annex section. and then past that.
one of her friends, shang qinghua, jumps out from behind a dark bookshelf. he ducks under the reflexive swing of zhu yunxun's fist.
"hi to you too!" he looks over at wei wuxian. for as unassuming as shang qinghua normally was, the way he looks at wei wuxian now makes him feel assessed. in a non-sexy way.
he feels naked. also in a non-sexy way.
"hm. doing charity work now?" shang qinghua quips at zhu yunxun.
zhu yunxun rolls her eyes, before heading deeper between the bookshelves. "i like trainwrecks as much as the next guy, but i'm not cruel."
she returns with a dusty, opaque report folder. wei wuxian can see that while it's dusty, that was a product of its environment. the folder itself looks otherwise new.
he looks around. no cameras. no librarian. no patrons. "look. i didn't think it was this serious. yunxun, you're..." he looks at her, "you're not doing something illegal, are you?"
"incarceration is inconvenient. why would i chance it?" she beckons them to a table, placed out of the way.
"it's very important, very cursed information," shang qinghua thankfully explains, but it explains nothing at all. "none of us can be caught with it in our possession."
"that sounds like it's illegal."
zhu yunxun has the document flipped open. at first, wei wuxian wants to laugh. surely -
oh. it's not porn. not even strange porn. not weird, fetishistic inflation porn, which would warrant hiding it (but hiding it in the university library? a print version???)
"give your best estimate," she demands, pointing to a page of sketched penis diagrams. there are scale comparisons to household objects. "the next page has it with respect to overall human body stature."
"i -" he blinks. "i don't think we're that close, yunxun -"
"i don't care about your dick, bitch," zhu yunxun impatiently interjects. "lan wangji's dick. point it out. this will save your life."
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feriowind · 4 years
I absolutely ADORE both your feral Luffy and forest god Luffy aus!!!!!! They are *chef’s kiss* beautiful. I dooo have a lil question for the forest god au because I realized—canon Zoro doesn’t believe in gods. If Luffy tells his crew that he’s a god, what would Zoro’s reaction be? And the rest (because I’m curious lol)??? I love your work!!! I shall continue to await your posts :DDD
Luffy doesn’t actually outright tell anyone he’s a god, it’s usually something happens that make people realize, or force someone else to explain hahaha
I’d say Zoro is highly dubious, but Luffy is still a good person despite the apparent godhood that Zoro would still follow him regardless? Like just him thinking maybe his captain is a little loopy, but he’s strong and knows how to lead them, so it’s a quirk he can deal with. And with enough miracles, he can start to believe in Luffy’s divinity!
Ace and Sabo are supposed to be with Luffy for most of the beginning of this AU since they’re the ones who help Luffy escape and also are his initial biggest believers (Luffy is also like Ace and Sabo’s older brother in this AU). 
I haven’t rly worked out how the timeline is supposed to work in this AU... maybe I’ll just tweak things so they all happen closer together haha
But they still recruit all the strawhats, and they pick up on Luffy’s oddities like when and where his strength wanes and waxes, how Ace and Sabo are incredibly protective of a strange little wooden shrine that they make a small offering to once a day (and that whenever they do, Luffy seems to become a lot more lively).
Ace and Sabo are prob the ones who have to tell them that Luffy’s a god, which Luffy thinks ruins a bit of the fun (all gods seem to like seeing humans squirm a bit)
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kharmii · 2 years
Thanks for answering!
Mmm i mean yes im a bit uncomfortable with the more explicit incest art, considering there are some very obscure kinks i just don't like to partake in, but what i meant is i kind of feel sad that it's mostly Emmet the one who starts the intimacy, when i believe Ingo, with his confidence, would probably do the same. It makes me feel the popular interpretation of their relationship is that without Emmet pressing Ingo further, the relationship wouldn't move.
But i do admit I don't understand the full message of most fan works as most are in Korean or Japanese, so maybe there's a more leveled one where they are on even ground because i really appreciate when both parts participate and work towards their romance and not just one forcing everything on the other :(
Thanks for the art, all those are lovely, I'd like to clear up that the only works that just irk me are the dubious or non consensual ones, that's probably why I can't get into Volo/SubMas hahaha.
Thanks for taking your time to read, i know i may sound kind of vanilla? But i guess it's because i just want this brothers to have soft, tender moments, they have suffered enough.
Kind of vanilla is fine with me. I'm all about it. I used to ship a rare pair, and it would thrill me for days when I'd be able to take a screen cap and edit it to have them holding hands or touching in some way. I like the explicit yaoi okay, but the reason I'm not into the edgier aspects of the fandom is because twins being intimate with each other IS the edge for me.
Too bad there's such a disconnect in the submas fandom between blankshippers and not because the autistic head canons the antis have would fit more into Ingo starting the intimacy. He's shown as the protective older brother, and Emmet is given more of a benign, child-like innocence. I don't mind trainwreckshipping because it comes across as unresolved sexual tension. Volo is obviously more than a match for Emmet physically, and he knows he screwed him over, whether intentionally or not, so his violent behavior is an amusement.
I too want to see more soft, tender moments. I also want to see more upbeat stuff. I'm not into the depressing head canons where Ingo is in a dissociative state letting Emmet have his way with him -or- Ingo being in Hisui long enough to have seen Irida and Adaman as children. I want to see more god-slayer goofball Emmet finding his way to Hisui one way or another, or if they are separated, having them both with strong support groups to get them through it. That's why I like all the Emmet ships. Ingo has his new Pearl Clan family, and Emmet has all his friends and love interests. They are made for each other though, so hopefully we’ll see a resolution in canon. 
No, srsly, I want a sequel to Pokemon: Legends Arceus with a resolution for Emmet because the game was so FUN. I’m holding off on the Volo battle and doing massive mass outbreaks right now because I don’t want it to end. I thought SWSH was the most fun, but PLA is better than that.
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Art credit to:  asino@asino_2 Twitter.
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retrowondergirl · 3 years
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Day 26 - Scandal
Synopsis: A rumored scandal between the King of Ferelden and an Ostwick mage
Characters: Eamon Trevelyan | Orlagh Trevelyan | Declan Trevelyan | Alistair Theirin
“Excuse me, she did what again?” Eamon was in disbelief at what he had heard, “If I heard you correctly, she did that to him?” He gave out a nervous chuckle, “and everybody has been talking about it? How long has this been going on?”
“Luckily, only for a few days but like I’ve said before, it’s only a rumor.” Declan confirmed, “We can still ask her or Ser Theirin if it’s true.” Eamon thought for a moment at his brother’s suggestion, still unsure what he should even do. His sister, who’s a mage, and the King of Ferelden? He was starting to get a headache about how the King’s people were reacting. Eamon deeply sighs, “I think we should ask our dear sister about this scandal then the King himself.” The two brothers leave the War Room and head to their sister’s chambers.
“WHAAAT?!” Orlagh screamed at the top of her lungs, nearly deafening her brothers, “Are you telling me that someone made up some lie about me and Lord Theirin?!” He knows Orlagh would never lie about something like this, “It’s starting to appear so.” Eamon responded, “Maybe Ser Theirin would know more on these rumors?” Declan suggested. Eamon didn’t want to go to Ferelden nor did he want to drag the King up here to just ask him a dubious question, but he had no better lead than to question the dear King, “Send a letter to Denerim at once. I would like to have a meeting with the King.”
Alistair gave out a hearty laugh at Eamon’s question, “Hahaha, to be honest with you, I didn’t realize it was gonna explode like this.” Eamon raised his eyebrow, “It sounds like you know how it started.” Alistair sighed, “Yes, remember when we were at Crestwood?” “Yes, me and my siblings been there many times and I do apologize, but I don’t ever recall bringing you along.” Eamon answered, “Oh yes, silly me, how can I forget.” Alistair chuckled at his forgetfulness, “It was just me and your sister that went on this mission. It was refugees disappearing with no trace and we decided to go, I insisted of course. Undead rose from the ground, I was keeping them back while your sister destroyed them with her sparkling hands from a distance. After the fight, your sister was jumping up and down and then she slipped off the hill she was on. I ran to catch her and she landed right into my arms. We may have kinda stared into each other’s eyes longer than necessary and someone may have saw us staring at each other….while I was holding her as well.” Alistair chuckled nervously.
Eamon was petrified, pissed off, and relieved all at the same time. He silently thanked the Maker it wasn’t how the rumor went, “So you two were never, how should I put this politely, involved intimately?” Alistair blinked at his question and blush crept in on his face, “Uh, no we were never involved in….that…way.” Eamon only squinted his eyes at Alistair, “I-I swear, we did nothing! We just had a staring contest, basically! It was a refugee we were rescuing that thought we did.” Eamon thought for a moment then he gave out a heavy sigh, “Well, Declan did say it was only rumors and I know you’re not a very good liar, so what’s left to do to fix this scandal is for the King to just tell them the truth. It should put many people’s trouble minds at ease, yes?” Eamon smiled; silently hoping that Alistair’s people listen to him.
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sukarabia · 4 years
Ruggie x Sky - How Pretty
Because I’m a sucker for festival dates, after all T_T
Sky let out a dejected sigh as she walked through the festival stalls. Everywhere she looked were couples, friend groups, or families, all having fun: yet here she was, ruminating as she hung her head low. Night Raven College was celebrating one of its anniversaries, and truly, she couldn’t even remember what that celebration was for. But what she knew is that she messed up, big, big time.
“Oi, Sky- you sure about this? That box’s kinda heavy, isn’t it?” Ace looked dubious as he saw Sky pick up a box full of paint tins.
“Ace, what do you take me for? Carrying such a small box will be a piece of cake for me.”
She regretted those words as soon as they left her mouth. What was even in that box? Sky was told it was only 'a few’ paint tins meant to help the art club design posters, but the box was a lot heavier than she had thought. Nevertheless, her pride wouldn’t let her admit that she couldn’t carry it- so off she went, legs wobbling. But seriously- why was that box so big? She couldn’t even see the ground, and-
“Wah- Sky, careful!”
As soon as she heard Ace’s voice, Sky looked up- only to feel herself lose balance on the slippery ground. Her brain couldn’t process what had happened- but in the span of a few seconds, she landed on the ground, the box’s content shattered on the floor, and saw... someone drenched in paint?
“Sky, you oka-” Ace rushed over before stopping. “Who- WAH? Dorm Leader Riddle???”
“R-Rosehearts-senpai?” Sky’s eyes widened as she heard Ace pronounce his name. But her classmate was right- right in front of her was Riddle, completely drenched in green paint.
Riddle stood there for a second, seemingly processing what just happened. Ace and Sky, frozen in fear, waited for him to explode- but to their surprise, Riddle just sighed and wiped some paint off his face. His eyes seemed to say, not surprised.... as he spoke to Sky:
“Sky, I think it’s better if you don’t handle the manual work- as a matter of fact, I think it’s better if you walk around the festival for now.”
Sky felt tears prickle her eyes as she recalled the events. Ah, seriously, how could she embarrass herself that badly? Ace tried to cheer her up, “Do you not realise how lucky you are?? It would have been off with your head for me!!”, but even her friend’s attempts at recomforting her felt futile as she remembered the expression on Riddle’s face.
It’s not like I was expecting anything from you, anyway. It was the exact expression everyone always looked at her with. Especially him. It felt that as time passed, the distance between them was growing further and further- she was trying her best, but no matter what she did, things always ended up going south. Would she always remain the little black duck of the family? Lost in her thoughts, Sky did not notice the silhouette behind her, until she felt a hand on her shoulder-
“Kyaaah!! what-” Sky jumped, startled, until she recognised the owner of the hand. “Ruggie?? You scared me!”
“I could say the same thing, y’know! What’s up with ya? I tried callin’ you, but you just wouldn’t pick up. What are ya doin’ all alone?”
“Huh? Why are you crying? Wait, wait, explain-”
“... So that’s what happened, huh.”
“Ugh... Seriously, so embarrassing... I wanna hide in a hole....” Sky sighed, sitting on a bench, a little further from the festival.
“But aren’t ya happy? That he didn’t get mad, I mean?”
“Of course not!! If he doesn’t get upset, that means he was totally expecting it!!” Sky eyes teared up again. “I tried so hard to build a reputation, but now it feels like everyone knows how useless I am, that they don’t even have expectations for me anymore....”
Ruggie looked at the young girl next to him. Slowly, he reached his hand to pat her head, looking away as she started sobbing. The laughter and lights from the festival in the distance seemed almost cruel as Sky struggled to catch her breath. Why do things never go as planned?
“... Ain’t that better, though?”
“Huh?” Surprised, her tears stopped as she peered over at Ruggie.
“The fact that people know how you truly are, y’know. Doesn’t it feel better, to not have to keep up a front and whatnot?”
“No one’s perfect, y’know. Not Jamil, not me- not even Vil-san, or Malleus-san. Everyone goes through hardships ‘n’stuff. Ain’t that normal?” At the mention of Jamil’s name, Sky’s face fell. “We all go through trials, and that’s what life’s all about, doesn’t it? Doesn’t come with a guide book or anythin’.” His eyes met Sky’s. “What just happened, wasn’t that because ya didn’t ask for help? It’s rich comin’ from me, but y’know, asking for help isn’t a bad thing. No one’s gonna judge you for that, m’kay?”
Sky let out a small hum as she diverted her attention back to the stall. The lights seemed even stronger reflected in her teary eyes, and Ruggie was almost enchanted by the sight. Shaking his head, he snapped out of it, and stood up. Startled, Sky looked at him with a surprised expression as Ruggie extended his hand to her.
“Now, what d’ya say about us visiting the festival? Might as well, right? Shishishi ~”
“Waaah, Ruggie, you’re amazing!!!”
Sky marvelled over Ruggie’s goldfish scooping skills, as the young hyena managed to catch another 3 goldfishes at once. The Octavinelle student responsible for the stand seemed to grow more and more uneasy as his goldfish stock began to shrivel. Seriously, how is that guy so good at this...?
“Heh, that’s nothin’ for me, y’know ~” Ruggie’s ears wiggled, obviously delighted by the praise. “In my hometown, we often go fishin’, and stuff.”
“Fishing? But... not for goldfishes, right?” Sky looked caught off-guard. Eating goldfishes...? Seeing her expression, Ruggie could not resist teasing her.
“Shishishi, of course we did. Goldfishes are delicious, y’know? Want me to cook them for you later?”
“H-huh? No!!!! You shouldn’t eat goldfishes!! Look how adorable they are!!!” Instinctively, Sky protectively held her goldfish to her chest. Ruggie couldn’t help but laugh at her innocence.
“Shishishi, you believe me way too easily ~” but Sky’s expression remained full of suspicion. “... Oi, what d’ya take me for... Why would I eat goldfishes, there’s barely any nutrients in them, y’know.”
“.. Pff... Hahaha... Ruggie, you’re seriously so weird.” It was Ruggie’s turn to get caught off-guard. Sky finally looked like she was back to normal, and he couldn’t help but slightly blush at her smiling face.
“.. Ah, that’s right. Wanna go to another stand?” He tried changing the subject, looking away to hide his rosy cheeks.
“Ah- I completely forgot about it!” Sky jerked up, startling Ruggie in the process. “Ignihyde are doing a carabine stand- I heard Mayu sewed cute plushies as prizes, I wanna go!!”
“Aaah ~ that was fun....” Sky sighed as she sat on a bench near to another stall.
“Sure was. Didn’t know those Ignihyde guys designed a whole zombie-style shootin’ game... Kinda felt off with the whole festival theme, but it was fun ~” Ruggie leaned back on the bench, stretching as he drank a can of fresh coke.
“Ah... We walked for so long, I’m super thirsty now...”
“Mh? Wanna drink mine?”
“Huh?” Sky blushed as her eyes widened. “N-No way! That’s basically an indirect kiss!!!”
“An indirect ki-” Ruggie looked caught off guard, before switching to a grin, scooting closer to Sky. “Shishishi, if that’s the first thing ya thought about, must’ve been on yer mind, hasn’t it? ~”
“W-??? No, of course not!!!” Sky got up, as red as a tomato. “I-I’ll go get my own, you stay here!!!”
“Want me to-”
“No!!!! I don’t need you to come!!! You stay here!!!”
The young girl stormed off, ears flaming as Ruggie let out a small laughter. Man, was he glad to finally see her acting like her usual self again. Jamil’s Overblot really affected her, after all: for a few weeks, she barely smiled, sighing and looking dejected whenever she was alone. Ruggie had been seriously worried about her- she really took her vice dorm head’s ob personally, and had avoided all social interactions for a while. But a month after, it finally seemed like she was regaining hope. Aah ~ how troublesome... But I’m glad. He thought, watching over Sky as she pondered over which drink to buy.
“- Hey, isn’t that Gray-senpai lil’ sis?”
“Ah, Sky Cymatilis, right? Yeah, heard about her.”
“She’s kinda cute, isn’t she? Man, they’re really do look alike.”
“Nah, leave it, wouldn’t bother. They’re like night and day.”
Ruggie snapped out of his thoughts as he overheard two RSA students walk past. Were they talking about Sky? Little sister? Sky never really talked about her family, but Ruggie remembered overhearing Sky and Ace complain about older siblings. What that ‘Gray-senpai’ her older brother? And what was that last comment about?
“Alright, I’m back!!!”
“Ah, Sky, welcome back. What did ya get?”
“This cool drink from the Mostro Lounge stall, they had so many flavours!”
“I see, I see ~” Ruggie sipped on his drink absentmindedly, before turning to the girl next to him. “... Hey, Sky. Got any siblings?”
“H-huh? S-siblings?” Sky expression looked like she had just swallowed salt. “A-ah.. Well... I do... K-kinda... An older brother...”
Ruggie hummed a small ah, I see, as he finished his drink. Sky’s reaction told him what he wanted- that it was a sensitive subject all right, so he chose not to pry about it further. She’d tell him about it in due time, probably. On the other hand, Sky seemed preoccupied as she twirled the drink in her hand. Siblings, huh.... After a few minutes of silence, Ruggie plopped a hand on her head.
“Wanna go see fireworks? They should be startin’ soon. I know a perfect spot for that ~”
“Waaah, this place is so nice!”
“Heh, of course ~ Savanclaw’s the best place for firework viewin’.”
“Seems like a lot ofstudents thought the same, huh. It’s fuller than I expected.” Sky leaned back on the rock Ruggie chose, considerably higher than the rest. “But it’s a lot comfier than I thought, and we’re going to get such a great view of the fireworks!!”
“Shishishi  ~ Got that right.” Ruggie smiled, turning his head as soon as he heard a loud BANG! “Oh, they’re startin’.”
The two young students remained in silence for a while, in awe of the fireworks. Crowley made sure that NRC’s festival would be more impressive than RSA’s, all the way down to the colours of the fireworks- the green and blue-ish colours filled the night sky, reminiscent of auroras.
“Wow.... The colours are amazing... It really feels like I’m in another country right now....”
“Yeah, they really went all-out with that one, huh.”
The show went on for a few minutes, occasionally accompanied by a bunch of “Ooh”s and “Aah”s as the fireworks depicted the face of the great seven, as well as Crowley’s own mask- which brought a few laughter from the crowd. As a rain of spark came on during the finale, everyone cheered, raising their hands to the sky, entranced by the sight.
“Wow, that is so pretty...” Sky marvelled.
“Yeah, you’re right about that.” But Ruggie hadn’t been watching the fireworks. How could he? All his attention was devoted to watching Sky’s dewy eyes, illuminated by the large-flowered fireworks.
“.... How pretty.”
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mipadremadara · 4 years
if you don't mind me asking a lot about the fic thing, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 (LMAO. all the list😂😂😂) for "Summer Nights"?? I REALLY NEED TO CAUGHT UP!!!! (You obviously can answer telling things about chapters I haven't read, btw, it's okay, haha). And if it's too much, you can answer just a few, hahaha. I'm just really curious because I reallyyyyy love the fic. ILY💖💖
Ahh thank you so much for this ask!!! Every time I get an ask from you my face immediately lights up ahaha. I'm so glad you like the fic??? Ahhhh! Ily too!! I hope you're having a nice day/night! I’ll only do Chapter 1 and 2 for now as to not spoil much! (I’m not sure which chapter you finished on haha.)
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I really really really like stories that just flow. That literally drift. I have no idea how to describe it, but I also love poetry and I thought by kind of incorporating that and a sort of movie vibe to it it'd capture people's hearts the way it haunts mine at night hahaha. 
 2: What scene did you first put down?
It must be the scene where Naruto is sitting outside the porch and looking at the night sky. The title is Summer Nights, after all! It's supposed to hint at the fact that Naruto and Sasuke share the most tender moments at night.
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
There's so many that I like tbh!! But here are some of my favorite ones without spoiling too much!!
Chapter 1:
The man knew Sasuke would get rid of every photographic memory of his past and there would be no remaining snapshots of his lifetime left. Behind the everyday smiles and poking around the playgrounds, fairgrounds, Sasuke never dwelled on the topics that resurfaced even the slightest of human, perhaps weak emotions. And so was the shameless irony, pouring out, like vomit. 
I wanted to capture the sense of lingering trauma that still haunts Sasuke everyday. No matter how life seemed to come to a halt, or how things seemed to finally settle down, the pain will always prevail. And in a way, Naruto is the same, even if he masks it well. I feel like this was never truly explained so I wanted to show that they are still hurting; the wounds that were meant to heal only left bitter scars in the end.  
Writing from Sasuke’s POV is always very emotion-centered. I’d imagine Sasuke, as shown in the fic, is a little more open, especially around Naruto. He let his walls down, although not by choice. He had to prove to Konoha he changed, but around Naruto, he can truly be himself.
The Uchiha was all tall, strong arms and long fingers. He fondled them for a passing minute, pressing the raven’s palms against his own. After the War, they grew quite intimate, and really, everyone talked about it. He always looked forward to touching Sasuke, even if it was small, feathery nudges - like holding hands or giving each other small hugs. It reminded him how truly privileged he was to be around him. He savoured those bosom jiffies, and that night was no different.
I really like the fact that their relationship isn’t driven by lust, but more so an understanding. There’s a mutual connection here; two boys going through absolute Hell and finally close to settling down after a rough battle against the odds. No one knows Sasuke the way Naruto does and vice versa, I think it’s quite beautiful actually! Sasuke allowing himself to become intimate again by taking these baby steps, such as touching hands and small hugs, it’s very healing for the both of them! 
They stood still in that bleached moment. The love, the joy; it was burning passionately, bringing nothing but bloom to the cheek; showing no reruns. The smile, he considered a gift.
I just really love this bit. Reading it always makes me so soft haha. I think it sums up their whole relationship perfectly. 
Chapter 2:
Sakura made him feel like an utter imbecile. Like a love-struck damsel in distress.
Here, what Sakura really sees isn’t Naruto, but herself. She knows what it’s like to chase after Sasuke, and as much as she loves the two of them, she doesn’t want Naruto to get hurt. I just think this line was really cool haha. 
People often told Sasuke how he blended into the background while Naruto stood out from the crowd when they were together. Maybe that was why everyone deemed him worthy of being the next in line. They were polar opposites; like warm and cold. Fire and water. They just didn't fit. Supposed everyone told them similar scenarios, but they did not care much about the public and its predetermined ideas of what was right and what wasn't. It was arguably, the most bizarre finger-pointing he had the displeasure of witnessing. But he guessed Naruto loved the attention.
I really like this line, and not just because of the imagery used here, but because it shows how others see Naruto and Sasuke’s relationship. And also, that short dismissive ending paragraph I found to be super effective. 
The other girl, Hinata, made an attempt to lean forward to catch Naruto’s gaze. It was what made everyone lean towards her, too, no less in a charming way that she perhaps knowingly radiated. It caused Ino to take a step back, and Sasuke must’ve stood there for a few moments, listening to the soft mumbling of her lips. They began to ask Naruto questions in low, hushed, thrilling voices as if not to let Sasuke know any of it. He knew the girl had lost her brother during the War (at which he had expressed his deepest sympathy), but he couldn’t shake off the feeling that maybe Naruto was being deceived by her shy persona.
I loved describing Hinata, but not for the reasons you might think. No one aside from Naruto has been described in such detail, but Hinata. It’s to show that Sasuke, since it’s from his POV, considers her to be a competition. He knows she knows that she can easily woo people to do her bidding, and considering her status, Naruto would certainly be charmed. 
Hinata’s own voice held a timid passion behind it; a pleasant, mellow tenor that was very subtle, especially in the way her every uttered word suggested something greater than her face might have unveiled. Her face - on the other hand - was lovely. Caring eyes and a caring mouth conveying nothing but a feeling of fresh honey and lavender. Her hands looked smooth to the touch when she grazed them against Naruto’s rather tacky ones; as if she had never worked a day in her life. He could tell Naruto enjoyed looking at her.
Again, Sasuke knows this persona that Hinata created was quite deceiving and had Naruto wrapped around her finger. That is what he thinks, and as usual, assumes things because Naruto and Hinata are close. I also really like her description here, it radiates such soft vibes haha. 
He marveled in the way his laugh carried throughout the day, forcing even the biggest assholes in the universe to crack a smile.
I really like this line because Sasuke is talking about himself here; that Naruto is always successful at making him smile. 
The attachment to the outside world and the growth of his dubious mind was what made Sasuke overthink certain situations. The way it tangled, twisted, and knotted. He wanted to fondle Naruto's hands, listen to his heartbeat as his eyes grew heavy.
Agape; the sign of unconditional love. For his one and only.
I mean? These lines absolutely slap I think haha. 
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
I didn’t want to add too many so I just included a couple!
Chapter 1:
“You know, if you continue to frown like that, you’ll have lots of wrinkles in the future.”
I just love Sasuke’s attempt at comforting Naruto haha. 
Chapter 2:
“Don’t piss in my ear and tell me it’s raining, Sasuke.”
I just,, love this line so much. It always cracks me up hahaha. And of course, it’s Kakashi’s line. 
5: What part was hardest to write? 
Honestly? Probably the scene where they spar in the third chapter, as well as Gaara and Naruto's reunion! I loved writing it, but having to balance so much dialogue and narration was challenging.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
What makes it special, well, it's my first fanfic! I tried writing one for so long, about 4 years! And being able to finally write something and share it with others feels amazing and so relieving after so long. 
 7: Where did the title come from?
The title came from this song called Summer Nights by Siames! I think it suits Naruto and Sasuke perfectly! It's such a nice song, it always makes me cry when I listen to it haha.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
Many, if not all interactions are based on me and my girlfriend's conversations! There are so many and she always points it out to me after reading the newest chapter.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
There was, actually! At first I wanted to write an AU canonverse version of the Akatsuki, where Naruto is exiled from the village and reunites with Sasuke. Because in this house we love evil Naruto and Kurama. But then I wanted to write something soft, something tender yknow? 
Again, thank you so much for asking!!! <3 
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tahanismoved · 4 years
Hi! Hi! Hello!
[crowd continues to cheer]
Hi! Hahaha, how are you? Thank you, that’s very nice of you, thank you.
[cheering fades away]
Thank you very much. Thank you very much. That’s so nice of you, I hope you’re having a good week, thank you for being here! I, uh, am doing well myself. In a couple days I’m gonna turn 29 years old and I’m very excited about that. I was hoping, uh, by now that I would look older but that didn’t happen.
[light audience laughter]
I don’t look older, I just look worse, I think. Honestly, when I’m walking down the street, no one’s ever like, “Hey, look at that man!” I think they’re just like “Whoa! That tall child looks terrible!” [slowly turns head with shocked expression to pantomime someone looking at him walk by] [audience laughter] “Get some rest, tall child! You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends!”
You ever seen on “America’s Most Wanted” when they age a photo of someone? Just take my kindergarten photo and yellow the teeth and put bags under the eyes and be like “This is what he would look like now” [puts hand in front of him as though he were showing someone a picture]
[audience laughs]
I was a very nervous kid, I was very anxious all the time when I was younger. But what’s nice is that… some of the things I was anxious about don’t bother me at all anymore. Like, uhhh, I always thought that, uh, quicksand was gonna be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be.
[audience laughter]
Because if you watch cartoons, quicksand is like the third biggest thing you have to worry about in adult life, behind real sticks of dynamite [holds up one finger] and giant anvils falling on you from the sky [holds arms slightly away from body and looks up]
I used to sit around and think about what to do about quicksand! I never thought about how to handle real problems in adult life. I was never like, “Oh, what’s it gonna be like when relatives ask to borrow money?” [audience laughs]
[John turns head sharply to the side] Now I’ve gotten older, and not only have I never stepped in quicksand, I’ve never even heard about it! No one’s ever been like, [slight Brooklyn accent] “Ey, if you’re comin’ to visit, take I-90 ‘cause I-95 has a little quicksand in the middle. [moves hand in circular motion] Looks like regular sand, but then you’re gonna start to sink into it.” [lowers hand to gesture sinking]
[audience laughs]
I was nervous all the time, but I had a good family, I have wonderful parents. A lot of guys my age I’ll hear them say this, they’ll go, [slightly lower and slurred voice] “Every day I think I’m becoming more like my dad”. I think I’m becoming more like my mom? Because I- I was watching that show “Access Hollywood” and one of the reporters said, [switches mike to other hand and imitates facial expression and voice of a reporter and bobbles head while speaking] “Up next, we’ve got an exclusive interview with Sandra Bullock’s former husband Jessie James,” and out loud, I went, [slightly higher and harsher voice] “Euch! This oughta be good!”
[audience laughs and John nods curtly]
That’s pure mom.
[a little more audience laughter]
My parents are both lawyers, they are BOTH lawyers, and sometimes they would be like lawyers with us when we were kids. I remember one time I was in bed, and my dad came in and he said “Good night, John! Did you brush your teeth?” and I said, “Yes”, But here’s the thing. [light audience laughter] [John smiles mischievously] I hadn’t.
[quickly turns head with serious expression] But who cares? I didn’t have, like, a job interview or anything. So my dad comes back and in a couple minutes holding my toothbrush [raises his arm up by his head as though holding a toothbrush] He says, “John, is this your toothbrush?” and I said “Yes”, and he said, [moves hand with emphasis with every word] “So we agree that this is your toothbrush?”
[audience laughs]
But he said, “John this toothbrush is [looks down and looks up quickly] bone-dry.” Yea, like he looked down and he said [looks down and looks up quickly] “bone-dry”. [audience laughs]
He said, “You lied to me!” and I said “Dad, [holds up a finger] I did not lie, I said that I brushed my teeth, I never specified that I brushed my teeth tonight! [points to the side slightly behind him] And if the court reporter reads back my remarks, you will see that I did not perjure myself.”
My mom’s also a lawyer, she was a different kind of lawyer with us when we were kids. My mom was more like Nancy Grace. She would just make wild accusations all day long and wait for something to stick. [audience laughs]
My mom would blame me for things that happened on the news. [dramatically turns head to the side while smiling] That is true.
I woke up one morning when I was a kid and my mom was standing over my bed and said, [vibrates head dramatically on italicized words and speaks in a slightly higher and more frantic voice] “I just heard that Princess Diana and her lover Dodi Al-Fayed have been killed in Paris”
[turns on his heel and takes a couple steps to the side]
Like I had something to do with it! I was like, [defensive tone] “Mom, I have been here all night. You can feel the TV, it’s warm.” Luckily, I had a good alibi since I was in Wisconsin and 12.
[audience laughter]
My brothers and sisters and I had this babysitter named Veronica when we were kids, and I was [hushed tone] in love with her. I was in love with Veronica. She would babysit us on Saturday nights.
[return to normal volume] And in my head, when I was a little kid, I thought that Veronica was like 25, 30 years old. I was just talking to my mom the other week, I found out that when I was 10 Veronica was 13.
[audience laughs as John wears a confused expression]
So why was she in charge? All she could do was dial the telephone a little better than I could.
13 when I’m 10? That’s just like hiring a slightly bigger child. That would be like if you’re going out of town for the week and you paid a horse to watch your dog.
[audience laughter]
Like, [turns head as though looking up and a horse and holds out hand as though holding a piece of paper] “All right, here is the number where we’ll be, [maintains eye contact with imaginary horse and moves hand to gesture lower to the side] and here’s where we keep the dog food, [moves hand up to pet imaginary horse] and you’re a horse.” [audience laughs] [John continues to move arm in dramatic sweeping motion to show petting the body of a horse] [hushes horse] “Shh shh shh shh shh, shh shh shh, shh shh”
[turns towards audience and lowers arm] Why do people do that? People always shush animals. They’ll go, [mimes petting a large animal] [speaks in soft voice] “Hey, shh shh shh…” [turns sharply to face audience with a cheeky expression and bobbles head, speaking in a matter-of-fact high pitched voice] They’ve never spoken.
[as the audience laughs, John walks slowly to the side]
I always wanted to live in New York when I was a kid, I’m so excited that I get to live in New York. I saw New York City in a movie when I was a kid, it was called Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. It is a sequel, [audience starts clapping] Yeah, how about that movie? [audience laughs lightly]
It was a sequel to the movie Home Alone.
[starts speaking in a hushed tone] I remember in that movie — oh, the kid in Home Alone 2. He gets into a stretch limousine on 5th avenue with a large cheese pizza and I thought, [turns head upwards and outstretches arm and yells] “THIS IS THE HEIGHT OF LUXURY!!”
[light audience laughter]
Now I live in New York and I’m psyched, [turns head to the side with dubious expression] but that is a stupid movie title. [turns head sharply] Lost in New York? The streets are numbered. How’d you get lost in New York?
[turns head with condescending expression and tone of voice] I know it’s kind of stupid to complain about a movie that came out 17 years ago, but I wasn’t a comedian back then. So I have to do it now. I wish I’d been. I wish I’d been a Def Jam comic when that movie came out. [aggressively] I would have torn it to pieces! Be like, [imitates a “ghetto” manner of speaking and voice with increased volume and paces back and forth quickly] “You seen this shirt? You seen this Home Alone 2: Lost in New York shirt? It’s a grid system, motherforker! [audience laughs] [John raises his eyebrows and whips his head to the side and begins speaking more rapidly] Where you at? 24th and 5th? Where you wanna go? 35th and 6th? 11 up and 1 over, you simple bench!!”
[audience laughs and applauds]
[John returns to his normal voice and demeanor and raises an arm in a sweeping motion]
That’d be my big joke. That’d be the closer. If I was a Def Jam comic when that movie came out. [weakly holds up a finger] But alas, I was not.
[turns head after every comma] I think the bullying that young people have to go through now is really rough, I really sympathize, ‘cause I was bullied when I was a kid. When I was in grade school, I was bullied for being Asian-American. Aaaand, the biggest problem with that… is that I am not Asian-American. [presses lips together tightly]
[light audience laughter]
But when I was younger, [turns head quickly and says while laughing] and this is absolutely true, people thought that I might be Asian-American. [turns head with serious expression and holds his hand at eye level] I have pretty thin eyes, I had very thin eyes when I was a little kid [sweeps hand down from top of head to eyebrow then moves it straight horizontally] and I had straight black hair that I wore in a bowl cut. And from the ages of 3 to 8, people thought that I might be a young Chinese person.
On the first day that he met me, the guy that is now my best friend — he met me the first day of kindergarten — he went home that night and said, “Papa, today I met a boy with no eyes.” [audience laughs] [John smirks and sways his head with swagger] And that was me.
Kids would make fun of me in middle school. Kids would call me a “china man”, which of the racial slurs has got to be the laziest. [audience laughs] That is just pushing two words together, [dramatically shakes head with eyes closed] no work was done there.
[speaks in an incredulous tone] It was very confusing to me because I’m not Chinese, no one in my family is remotely Asian. I mean, we take our shoes off when we come inside, but that was more of a carpeting thing that anything else. [light audience laughter]
Here’s how bad it got, though… I remember when I was in junior high, we had this music appreciation class that we never appreciated. And they took us to hear some classical music once at a symphony orchestra. So we go to a symphony orchestra. In one of these classical pieces, there is a moment where they [pantomimes hitting something with his arm] bang a gong, and every time they banged the gong, all the kids sitting in front of me would stand up, turn to me, [places hands together and bows deeply] and bow like that. [audience laughs] Which is some racist-ass bullshirt, but also [turns head with impressed expression] incredibly well coordinated for a group of 13-year-olds.
13-year-olds are the meanest people in the world. They terrify me to this day. If I’m on the street on like a Friday at 3 PM [moves hand with emphasis on each word] and I see a group of 8th graders on one side of the street [points to the side and then dramatically moves point towards the audience] I will cross to the other side of the street. [moves pointing finger with emphasis on each word] Because 8th graders will make fun of you, [changes point into an “okay” with his hand and continues to move it for emphasis] but in an accurate way.
[speaks with a spiteful tone and expression] They will get to the thing that you don’t like about you. They don’t even need to look at you for long, they’ll just be like, [uses high obnoxious voice and shuts eyes while doing a goofy dance] “Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! [sharply turns to side and points with alert and mocking expression] Hey, look at that high-waisted man! He got feminine hips!”
And I’m like, [John moves to side where he was pointing and screams in a high but gravelly voice while shutting eyes tightly and moving fist and upper body down in unison for emphasis] “No!! That’s the thing I’m sensitive about!!!!” [audience laughs] [John straightens up and turns to the side and pouts]
[John returns to regular demeanor and expression and paces the stage in silence for a moment, smiling at the audience occasionally]
When I was a boy, I was also confused with a woman sometimes over the phone, because before I went through puberty, I had a voice like a [stands up on tip toes and makes voice slightly higher] little flute! [audience laughs]
I was once on the telephone with Blockbuster Video, which is a very old-fashioned sentence. And — [audience laughs] It is! I was on the telephone with Blockbuster Video… that’s like when your gram would be like [narrows eyes and covers upper teeth with his lip while bending over slightly, yelling in a high obnoxious voice] “We’d all go play jacks down at the soda fountain!” [turns to the other side] and you’re like, [holds hand out in exasperation and narrows eyes while bending over slightly while yelling in a rude manner and shaking head slightly while speaking] “No one knows what you’re talking about, you IDIOT.”
[John straightens up and audience laughs]
[looks an audience member in the eye] You know how you talk to your grandma? [turns and holds up hand at about shoulder height] So… [John freezes his pose for a moment while waiting for audience to finish laughing] [lowers hand to side and turns slowly] I was on the phone with Blockbuster, and I’d called them a couple of times in one day to ask about a movie, and I called for a third time. I said, [holds up hand to ear to pantomime holding a telephone and speaks in a very high nervous voice] “Hey, yeah, I-I was just calling to see if you had Addams Family Values yet,” [returns to normal demeanor] and the guy at Blockbuster went, [holds up other hand to pantomime a telephone and speaks in a very low aggressive gravelly voice while shaking head and hand for emphasis] “Hey lady! I’ll tell you when we get Addams Family Values!!”
[returns to normal demeanor] But look, I wasn’t offended as a boy being confused with a lady, I was offended as a lady who was getting pushed around by this chauvinist ashole that works at [mockingly] Blockbuster video, talking to me like I’m some floozy… [with confidence] I am a proud Asian-American woman [audience laughs] and you will treat me with respect! [audience applause] I am a tiger mom!
[turns towards audience with dramatically serious expression and tone of voice] Now when people make fun of me, I deserve it. Uhh, I do. [nods] When people get mad at me now, it’s my fault, when people get mad at me on the highway that’s all my bad, I’m a terrible driver, I know nothing about cars. [regretful] I meant to learn about cars, and then I forgot. [audience laughs lightly]
Nothing that I know can help you with your car ever. Unless you’re like, uh, [turns head side to side as though looking for someone while pointing behind him with his thumb] “Hey I’ve got a flat tire, does anyone here know a lot about The Cosby Show?” and then I could be like [hunches over slightly and walks with swagger with a comically “mature expression” and low voice] “Oh, perhaps I could be of some assistance.”
I’m one of the worst drivers I’ve ever seen, and I just want you all to know that if you’re ever on the highway behind me, uh, [colloquial yet condescending tone] I hear you honking and I also don’t want me to be doing what I’m doing. [audience laughs] I don’t like that I’m in that lane either, and I sure would like to get out of it! [audience laughs]
I was on the highway in Texas recently which was like a highway filled with 13-year-olds. [uses hand to represent his car and slides it to his left] And I was in the far left lane and then it turned into a U-turn only lane and I started to make a U-turn [turns hand inwards] [begins speaking rapidly and with urgency while shaking head] but then I panicked because I didn’t wanna make a U-turn! So I put the car in reverse [pulls hand back to where it previously was] and then merged right back onto the highway [turns hand to his right and pushes it forward] [returns hand to microphone]
The best thing about that was that after that, cars were pulling up and [turns head to side while pantomiming steering a car] looking over to see who just did that piece of shirt move, [audience laughs] expecting to see like [straightens up and speaks with emphasis] a 100-year-old blind dog who’s texting while driving and drinking a smoothie, instead they see a 28-year-old healthy man trying his best. [audience laughs and claps lightly]
It’s wrong to make fun of people, you know, but it’s so fun sometimes. [voice becomes increasingly low and hushed as sentence goes on] I’ve written for some TV shows, and, you know, on a major TV show you have to be careful about what you say about people ‘cause a lot of people get offended, or so it has been explained to me.
I was once — I’ll tell you this, I was writing for an awards show once, and I got into some trouble. I wrote a joke for this awards show that had the word “midget” in it. And someone from the network came down to our offices and he said to me, “Hey, you can’t put the word midget on TV,” and I said [turns head and gestures to himself with his hand] “I sure would like to!” And he said, [turns to the other side and points finger and speaks more aggressively] “No! ‘Midget’ is as bad as the ‘n’-word.”
[turns head towards audience] First off, no. [audience laughs and John chuckles] No, it’s not! “Do you know how I know it’s not,” I said to him, “is because [gestures back and forth to himself and the imaginary other person] we’re saying the word ‘midget’, and we’re not even saying what the ‘n’-word is! If you’re comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them… [nods head with energy] that’s the worse word.” [audience laughs]
[accusatory and incredulous tone] Also, I don’t mean to gloss over what, like, little people have been through in this country, but you cannot compare the plight of midgets to African-Americans. That is outrageous! Midgets were never enslaved, [widens eyes and uses a dramatic tone] unless you count the Wonka factory! [audience laughs]
So we get into this argument, we’re going back and forth, he goes [points and speaks sternly] “You can’t put that word on TV,” [turns to face other side and points while whining] and I said, “I want to,” and he said [outstretches pointing arm and moves it for emphasis] “If you put that word on TV, there could be a protest of midgets on this building!” [turns dramatically and leans over] and I said, “Promise?” [audience laughs] How tempting would that be?
I don’t mean to complain about censorship at all though, because as you probably have seen by now, you can basically say whatever you want on television. It’s ridiculous. You can say anything you want! And if you don’t believe me, you should watch a little program called Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. [audience applause] Yeah. A show that I LOVE, because on that show you can say the grossest things you’ve ever heard in your life. No, you can’t say like the “f”-word, you can’t say that on Special Victims Unit, but people walk around on SVU going like, [walks to one end of the stage and quickly turns on his heel and walks with purpose while looking at the audience and imitating Ice-T] “Looks like the victim had anal contusions. [audience laughs] [points over his shoulder with this thumb] Yo, looks like we found semen and fecal matter in the victim’s ear canal.” [audience laughs]
Those are two real things that I heard on Law & Order: SVU at 3 in the afternoon, [audience laughter] both spoken by Ice-T. [audience laughs and John laughs as well, causing his voice to crack] Ice-T is a detective with the special victims unit, he handles New York’s most sensitive cases.
I love Ice-T on SVU. He is fantastic, he’s awesome. What’s so great about him is that he’s been with the SVU for like, mmm, 11 years now, but he still treats every case like it’s his first in terms of total confusion. [light audience laughter and John chuckles] Sometimes they’ll be in the middle of an investigation and Ice-T will be like, [impersonates Ice-T and wears a skeptical expression while darting eyes side to side] “Yo, you telling me this dude gets off on little girls with pigtails?” It’s like, [condescendingly] “Yeah, Ice. [tightens lips and nods] He’s a pedophile. You work in the sex crimes division. You’re gonna have to get used to that.”
[looks at front row audience] You know how they try and tie in, like, current events to every episode of SVU? [looks up] So there was this episode I saw a while ago that was about sex addiction, ‘cause a lot of celebrities have come out as sex addicts. So the episode’s about sex addiction. There is a scene in the episode where the other detectives are trying to teach Ice-T what sex addiction is, [with emphasis] and it takes a couple of minutes. [audience laughs]
And finally, Ice-T gets it, [sharply jars upper body backwards while framing his face with a hand] and they cut to him in this close-up and he goes, [darts eyes side to side while impersonating Ice-T] “Oh, I get it. [looks straight on with wide eyes] You mean like when someone drinks too much, or snorts cocaine, or bets the house on the ponies?”
[nods while smiling and speaks in a amiable tone] I was like, “Yeah you got it, man.” [audience laughter] And I was psyched that Ice-T understood so that they could continue with the investigation, but I could’ve watched another four hours of Ice-T just naming examples. [sharply jars hand up to frame his face] Just that close-up and Ice-T like, [impersonates Ice-T with a wide-eyed expression, looking side to side after each sentence] “Or like when some smokes too many cigarettes? Or like when someone shops too much with credit cards? Or like when someone plays too many scratchy lotteries? Or like when someone eats too much chocolate cake? Or like when someone eats too much chocolate cake and then barfs it up?”
[makes talking motion with hand] And he would just keep talking and it would slowly fade out and say [flicks hand forward] “Executive Producer: dink Wolf.” [audience applause] That’d be my ideal episode. That’d be a good one.
I saw this SVU a little while ago, I saw this episode of SVU, and Dean Cain was a rapist… [suddenly looks surprised and holds up hand with a defensive explanatory tone] ON THE SHOW. [audience laughs] And there was a scene where they do a line-up with Dean Cain and four other guys and they bring in this woman who’s gonna look at the line-up, and it’s her behind the glass and they open the curtain [pantomimes opening a curtain] and she’s standing with the two other detectives. [hushed tone] And I knew she wasn’t gonna say this, but part of me was hoping she would just be like… [squints and looks back and forth from towards the audience and to the side with a puzzled expression] “Is that… Dean Cain? [audience laughs] [John points towards the audience and nods before turning towards the side again while nodding] forking Dean Cain? [shrugs and nods] That’s pretty cool.”
I also watch this show called Cold Case Files. On Cold Case Files, they solve old murders, and it’s really interesting ‘ cause what I learned from it is that it was really easy to get away with murder before they knew about DNA. It was ridiculously easy. Like, what was even going on back then? What was a murder investigation like in 1935?? One cop would just walk in and be like, [speaks sharply with an old-timey accent] “Detective! [points over his shoulder with his thumb] We found a pool of the killer’s blood in that hallway!” and he would just be like [low voice] “Hmmm… gross! [audience laughter] Mop it up. Now then, back to my hunch… [holds chin with hand and looks around the floor] Hmmmmmm…. Look for clues. [stands up straight and looks into the audience with a confident expression and speaks with purpose] I’ll tell you what we’ll do! [chuckles] We’ll draw chalk around the body is. That way, [narrows eyes and looks side to side and speaks with a suspicious tone] we’ll know where it was…” [audience laughs]
A couple years ago, I saw this movie called Public Enemies with Johnny Depp, it was about old bank robbers and stuff. Here’s how easy it was to get away with bank robbery back in the 30’s. As long as you weren’t still there when the police arrived, you had a 99% chance of getting away with it. To the point that, like, those old bank robbers, they take credit for the bank robberies! Like, they come running out of there and they’re like [jumps up and squats while pretending to hold a gun, speaking in an old-timey accent] “Ha ha ha! And if anyone asks, you tell em it was Golden Joe and the Suggins Gang!” [pantomimes shooting to the side with his imaginary gun] And then they like shoot “Suggins” into the side of the wall. It’s like, what, were bullets free back then? And they don’t even disguise themselves! [stands on tiptoes for emphasis] They dress up for the bank robbery. They’re rolling in there in, like, [walks a few steps with swagger] big suits and hats like they’re going to church in Atlanta. They make a day of it! [audience laughter and applause]
[John walks around for a while, steps over his microphone cord and looks into a camera] [mumbles to the crowd while gesturing to the camera] I don’t know about that. [camera moves side to side] [John laughs nervously] Oh ho ho! Oh good, it has a mind of its own. [camera moves up and down] [audience laughs] That’s very reassuring. No, no no no… [John walks away from the camera] I don’t like robots… [waggles finger by his head] thinking of things. [audience laughs, and John paces for a moment]
[looks himself over] Hope you don’t mind that I dressed up. It was my first communion today so I decided to come right from it. [audience laughs] I was a very good first communicant.
Thank you for coming to this show by the way, I really do appreciate you coming to a thing because you didn’t have to, and it’s really easy not to go to things. [light audience laughter] It is so much easier not to do things than to do them, that you would do anything is totally remarkable. [audience laughs] Percentage-wise, it is 100% easier not to do things than to do them. [slowly turns head with excited expression] And so much fun not to do them! Especially when you are supposed to do them. In terms of, like, instant relief, cancelling plans is like heroin. [audience laughs] It is an amazing feeling. Such instant joy.
Kids don’t like that. Kids always wanna do stuff. Kids get angry, they go, [mockingly high and whiney voice] “Aw, we didn’t do anything ALL DAY.” You ever ask an adult what they did over the weekend and they say they didn’t do anything, their faces light up. Be like, “What’d you do this weekend?” [puts hand on hip and looks down and speaks softly] “I, um, I did nothing. [looks up with bright expression] I did nothing at all. [looks down] Did we do anything? [looks back up with epiphanic joy] No, I didn’t do anything.” [light audience laughter]
People especially don’t wanna do their jobs. I’ve found that out recently too. I have a friend named Megan, she’s an elementary school teacher and I was out with her one night and she was drinking like a monster. And I said to her, [holds out arm and looks to the side with a confused expression and an accusatory tone] “Don’t you have to do a shift at school tomorrow?” And she went, [closes his eyes and slurs his words] “Ahh, I’ll just show a video.” And I was like, [shocked but excited expression] “That’s why teachers show videos?” [audience laughs] She said this, she goes, [closes eyes and slurs] “Yeah, I don’t wanna work!” And I was like, “You know the kids don’t wanna work either” and she was like [closes eyes and slurs] “Good!” [pantomimes taking a shot]
I, uh, really do — I was psyched to do it in New York. Uhh, I’m really happy to live here and was glad that we could do it in New York City. And, uh, I’m not sure how you all got here tonight, um, but I did wanna say this, I’ve never been, uh, killed by hit men so I don’t know what it’s like in the moments just before you’re killed by hit men, but I bet it’s not unlike when you’re on the subway and you realize that a mariachi band is about to start playing. [audience laughs] Just that brief moment where you’re reading and you’re like [looks up from imaginary book with a pleasant expression and tone] “Oh, a guitar player. [looks down and then back up] Oh, another guitar player. [looks down and then back up] Oh, an accordion player — [expression changes to a cartoon-like dread and surprise and he speaks in dramaticised slow motion] OOOHH NNNOOOOO” [audience applauds] [John begins imitating mariachi music] [sings with a slightly slurred and lower voice] ♬ This is the loudest thing in the world! [audience laughs]
[low and almost mumbling] Uh, I was really excited a lot of people, uh, showed up. They told me that it was a big theater and I thought that no one would come. So thank you for coming. I wanted to, like, take ads out in the paper. Like, be — you know, do something to a tot so I get in the New York Post or something. [light audience laughter]
Uhh, the New York Post is my favorite newspaper. I think it’s great, I read it every day. I like reading the New York Post because reading the New York Post is like talking to someone who heard the news, and now they’re trying to give you the gist. [audience laughter and applause] It’s like, you’d get the same amount of information if you grabbed someone on the street and you were like, [pantomimes grabbing someone by the shoulders and shaking them violently, yells shrilly] “WHAT HAPPENED TODAY?” and they’re like, [throws arms out with a shocked expression and speaks in a low voice with a New York accent] “There’s a perv in Queens!” You’d be like, [pantomimes tipping a hat] “All right, thank you.” [audience laughs]
Or rather, it’s like someone read a better newspaper and now they’re trying to text you everything they can remember. [moves thumb to pantomime texting] [audience laughs and John chuckles] Doesn’t have to be right, just has to be short. I really do love the Post, I read it a lot and there’s a hierarchy in the New York Post. Uh, different people that they like [gestures hand up at head level] and different people that they don’t like. [gestures hand down at waist level] Uh, and if you pay attention, [moves hand down from head to waist level in segments] you can start to identify some of the rankings that they have.
Um, the number one thing that you can be [holds hand up and head level] in the eyes of the New York Post is an angel. An angel is a child who has died. That is the best thing that you can be in the eyes of the New York Post. The less amount of time you live, the better… in the eyes of the Post.
After that, [moves hand slightly lower] under an angel is a hero. [lowers arm to his side] A hero is any man who does his job. [audience laughs] You’ll a lot of times see headlines that are like, [announcer voice] “Hero Tutor Teaches After School,” and you’re like [shrugs and uses a low voice] “Yeah.” [shrugs] [audience laughs]
[holds up hand at chest level] Down towards the bottom of the spectrum, there are pervs. Pervs touch tots, [moves hand slightly higher] tots are angels who haven’t died yet. [audience laughs] [points behind him] There are no children in the eyes of the New York Post. [chuckles] You’re either a tot [points next to him at shoulder level] or you’re dead and you’re an angel. [points next to him at head level]
[turns on his heels toward audience and holds up a finger] I did leave one out, sorry. [turns back towards his imaginary chart and gestures from chest level to slightly higher] Above perv is a bozo. [audience laughs] A bozo is any man who cheats on his wife. [bobbles head and speaks out the corner of his mouth with an old-timey accent] That guy’s a bozo! [audience laughs]
I remember seeing a headline when Tiger Woods cheated on his wife and it says [mocking announcer voice] “Tiger says he’s sorry, but Elin says [turns sharply and speaks with emphasis] ‘Beat it, bozo!’” [audience laughs] No, she did not. [audience laughter] She is from another country. And even if she was from this country, no one has said “bozo” in 1,000 years. Who was your source on that, New York Post? Some tiny old lady that chain smokes all day long? They met her in a parking garage and they were like [squats down and speaks with excitement] “Madge, give us the scoop! What did Elin say to Tiger?” [turns and squats lower, pantomiming smoking a cigarette while squinting and speaking in a low gravelly voice] “Eh, she told him to ‘beat it, bozo.’” [audience laughs and John straightens himself up]
I’m feeling good tonight though, I got a massage recently. Went to a spa to get a massage, [chuckles] I went into the room to get the massage and the woman there told me to undress to my comfort level. Those were her words, she said, [bends over slightly and speaks in a gentle feminine voice while doing a “calm down” motion with his hand] “I’m gonna leave the room, you undress to your comfort level.” [quickly straightens up and turns] So I put on a sweater and a pair of corduroy pants, and I felt safe. [light audience laughter]
I’m trying to, in general, take better care of myself. I’m trying to stop smoking, I’ve smoked since I was 13 years old. I started when I was 13 years old ‘cause I stole 2 cigarettes [holds up two fingers] from my older sister and I hid them in a shoebox under my bed with a copy of Cosmopolitan Magazine. [light audience laughter] And one day, my mom cleaned under my bed, and she [hushed voice] found the shoebox. I came home from school and my mom was standing there holding it and she said, [pantomimes holding a box and stares forward with an accusatory look and speaks with a loud sharp voice] “Hey mister! I found your treasure!” [audience laughs]
[waggles his finger] And I never liked the way she phrased that, you know, ‘cause that made me sound like the world’s lamest pirate. Like, a guy whose treasure chest is two cigarettes and a woman’s magazine. [audience laughs] And my dad came home from work, and my mom told my dad that she had cleaned under my bed and found a shoebox with two cigarettes and a Cosmopolitan to which prompted my dad to ask, [low deadpan voice] “How does John know how to make a cosmopolitan?” [audience laughs]
I’m trying to eat better. I was out to lunch with a friend and I got a chicken sandwich and the waitress said to me, [light casual voice] “Oh, you’re getting a chicken sandwich! Well that comes with a choice of either salad or fries.” Those were the choices — salad or fries, the two most different foods in the universe. [light audience laughter] That’s like saying, “What kinda day do you wanna have? [raises arm to side] Do you wanna be active and go to the bathroom and stuff, or [gestures to the ground] do you wanna lay on the floor moaning?” [audience laughs] [mockingly casually] “Oh, you’re getting a chicken sandwich? Well with that, you can either [gestures fingers as though counting] go for a jog or smoke crack cocaine.” [audience laughs lightly] [mockingly light and slightly feminine] “Oh, huh, well… [moves hand in circular motion to gesture to imaginary table] if I get a plate of crack for the table, [outstretches hand to imaginary person] would you have some? You’d have crack if I got a plate of crack? Yeah, okay, yeah we’ll take an order of crack.” [light audience laughter]
[suddenly turns and speaks with purpose] Sometimes when people order fries, [playfully] they act like it’s a little adventure. They’ll be like, [turns to side and speaks in a feminine voice] “Should we get a plate of fries for the table? [looks side to side] Should we do it? Should we-should we share some fries? [nods] [returns to normal demeanor and turns toward audience] They gotta make sure that everyone’s onboard with it, it’s like [outstretches arm to gesture to imaginary table and returns to feminine voice] “If I get fries, you’ll have a couple, right? If I get fries for the table, you’ll have — [bats hand at imaginary person and speaks playfully] I know you’ll have fries if I get fries — should we do it? Yeah, let’s be bad! C’mon, let’s do it, all right, [looks up and behind as though speaking to a waiter, speaks with confidence] we’re gonna take a plate of fries!” [return to usual demanor] It’s like a group of couples agreeing to do ecstasy together. [audience laughter]
I have a girlfriend now, uh, myself, which is weird because I’m probably gay based on the way I act and behave and… [audience laughs] have walked and talked for 28 years. [light audience laughter] [shrugs] I think I was supposed to be gay. I think, like, in Heaven they built, like, three quarters of a gay person and then they forgot to flip the final switch, and they just [gestures pushing something] sent me out and it was like, [turns to one side] “You marked that one gay, right?” and it was like, [turns to other side with shocked low voice] “Oh no! Was I supposed to?” [audience laughs] and they were like, [slightly lower and frazzled voice, looking side to side] “Oh man, well this’ll be a very interesting person. [audience laughs] [lighthearted playful voice] This’ll be a very silly person.” [audience laughter]
I was definitely gay when I was a little boy. [light audience laughter] A lot of little boys are gay. You know, they’re very [sways arms and legs] flowy and they have [chops air with hand] very hard opinions on things. [audience laughs] I don’t mean that I was a sexually active gay man when I was a little boy, that’s not what I mean. When I was a little boy, I was more like a 67-year-old gay man [slowly and gently tosses hand in front of him] that’s kind of over it sexually, you know. I was just like an old queen, I would just come out of the recess yard and be like, [closes eyes and dramatically sweeps arm to the side, speaking in a high slightly drawled voice] “Everyone get outta my way, [audience laughs] I just wanna sit here and feed my birds.” [audience laughter] The gym teacher would tell me to play kickball and I’d be like, [narrows eyes and speaks with a slight drawl] “You want me to do whaaaat?” [turns head and chuckles] [audience laughs]
Real quick, this happened pretty recently, I was in a restaurant near here in the West Village and I was at the urinal [gestures in front of him as though there were a urinal] and an old gay man came in the bathroom with a walker like this [squats slightly and pretends to have a walker] and he said this to me, he went, [closes eyes and leans back slightly, speaking in a high voice with a New York accent] “I’m either having a drink or I have to pee, you’re livin’ the golden years, kid, not me,” [stands up straight with amazed expression] like, he spoke in rhymes, it was crazy. [audience laughs] It was such a weird interaction that I wasn’t sure if it actually happened. I came out of the bathroom and I asked my girlfriend, I was like, [points behind him with a confused expression] “Did you see, like, an old man follow me in the bathroom?” and she was like [looks down slightly and speaks with a slightly higher voice] “John, [looks up and turns head suddenly] that bathroom’s been closed for forty years! [audience laughs] [John shakes head up and down to make his voice fluctuate] Whooooooaaaa!!! Whoooooooaaaaaa!!!! [audience laughter]
Where was I? I’m not gay, but I might be, and I have a girlfriend, aaand she’s a female person. [chuckles] [audience laughs] It’s going very well, I love her very much, and so a few months ago she was like, [moves hand in a circular motion and speaks deadpan] “Okay, it’s going well, so now I should meet your parents.” Because that what people do when a relationship is going well. They meet each other’s parents, and I’ve never understood that. I’ve never been with my girlfriend and thought like, [slow suggestive voice] “Oh, honey, tonight is going great, but do you know what would make it perfect? [audience laughs] Charles and Ellen Mulaney. [audience laughter] Come on! [chuckles] Let’s get them in the mix. We’ve been going pretty hot and heavy lately, I think it’s time we bring in two older Catholic people.” [audience laughs]
My girlfriend’s a female and I had all these friends that were female. So when I started dating her I was like “oh great, they’ll all get along… no.” Not even a little at the beginning. I don’t want to make any generalizations about women because I don’t know shirt about women, but if there is one thing I’ve learned in my personal experience is that I think women can be friends with each other, (In a hesitant tone) but I think it can be tricky sometimes when you force women to hang out with each other. I think that sometimes doesn’t work.
Like, I don’t think that you could ever put together a heist with women. Does that make sense? Oceans eleven with women would never work! Cause’ two would keep breaking off and start talking shirt about the other nine. Or not even talk shirt, just say weird passive aggressive things while they break into the casino.(Pretending to break into a safe with a stethoscope) Just be like: “aww, I love how you just wear anything.”
(Audience Chuckles)
My girlfriend is wonderful though. I listen to everything my girlfriend says. I don’t mean she bosses me around, I just listen to everything she says because before I had a girlfriend, I never had someone whose always standing next to me (Steps to the side and acts as if someone is currently standing next to him) who can just point out obvious things that are happening.
Like we’ll be in a restaurant and my girlfriend will be like: “you ordered your food an hour ago. It should be here by now” and I’m like “yeahhh it should!” It’s like having a lawyer for everyday life. She’ll be like: “the bus driver shouldn’t talk to you in that way” and I’m like: “no he shouldn’t!” (As he waves his arms around as if in confidence). Before I had a girlfriend, I had no standard of how I should be treated as a human being. You could do anything to me and I was just like a young Motown singer. I was like shiny and dumb and easy to trick. I’m like (in a Motown/black accent): “aww man, you’re gonna give me a whole hundred dollas for all of my songs? Where do I sign Mr. Berry Gordy?”And now when I’m not with my girlfriend you can still do anything to me. I can tolerate any treatment.
Like I try to travel alone sometimes you know and I’ll put up with anything. Like ill book a ticket on some garbage airline. You know I don’t want to name any actual airline so lets just make one up and so lets just call it delta airlines. So I’ve got my ticket at “Delta Airlines”(Does air quotes) and I show up at the airport. “Can I get on the plane now please (figuratively hands ticket to fake person)?” And their like (In a maniacal irritated tone): “NO! ITS BEEN DELAYED 9 HOURS! (Spits)” and I go (Like a child) “Okayyy” and I go to the bathroom. Then I come out of the bathroom and I go(Like a child): “any updates?” and they go (In a maniacal irritated tone): “yeah, we took off while you were in the bathroom. BECAUSE WE HATE YOU. Now take this meal voucher that doesn’t work, GO! FETCH! (As if he pretends to throw a stick for a dog playing fetch).” And I go (Like a child): “Okayyyyy” and I go over to the Wolfgang puck express and am like(Like a child): “Can I have a sandwich please?” and they go (In a maniacal irritated tone): “NOOOOOOOOO!” and I go(Like a child): “Okayyyyyy” and they go(Like a bully at school): “You’re a little fat girl aren’t you?” and I go(Like a child): “noooo! Noooo!” and they go (Like a bully): “Say it!’ and I go (Like a child): “I’m a little fat girl.” And then I go over to the Delta help desk, which is an oxymoron and I go(Like a child): “Can I please go home on an airplane?” and they go(In a maniacal irritated tone): “Nooooo! In fact, we’re gonna frame you for murder! And you’re gonna go to jail for 30 years!” and I go(Like a child): “Why are you doing this to me?” and they go(In a maniacal irritated tone): “Because we’re Delta Airlines: life is a forking nightmare!” But with my girlfriend she would be like: “Let’s see if Southwest has any flights?” So it’s better… (Audience laughs and claps lightly)
My girlfriend is a Jewish woman, which is I did on purpose. (Audience laughs) Uhhhh, that sounded creepy. I don’t mean like: “ahhh I got one!”(Pretending to grab someone) I mean I… I… I’m not Jewish, but I’ve always liked Jewish people. I just like them a lot. And I really like dating Jewish women. They’re great! Because I think what a lot of people have in relationships is communication cause guys don’t know what women are thinking. And with Jewish women you don’t have to guess what they are thinking. They will tell you. Yeah, this is going to get playfully anti-Semitic so just allow it to go there. I’ll get in trouble, you won’t. I really do mean this though I… I really admire that Jewish people, in my own personal experience, have, are very up front with their feelings. They’re very… they’re very vocal about their thoughts and feelings and I just think that’s really admirable.
You know, I’m Irish, and Irish people wont tell you a thing. Irish people keep it so bottled up you know? Like the thing with Irish people is: “I’ll just keep all my emotions right here(Points to heart) and then one day, I’ll die.” Like in Ireland it’s like(In Irish tone): “oh your boy, he died.” And it’s like(In Irish tone): “Alright bury the boy, do it bury the boy. Burry the boyyyyy.” (Audience laughs) Irish people don’t want comfort. Look at a sweater made in Ireland. Its like a turtleneck made out of “Brillo” pads. I used to date gentile women and… (Pauses)… (Audience laughs)… I dated this girl she used to stare out the window all day long and I’m like, what’s wrong (In a sarcastic playful tone)? And she’d be like: “you wouldn’t even understand if I told you.” (In a pissed off tone) What the fork am I supposed to do with that?!? (Audience laughs)
My Jewish girlfriend and I don’t have to guess what’s wrong! She comes in the room and…(stutters) and then we can move on from there. That’s what I mean. She’s very focused. She’s very in the moment, you know. And that’s a good thing in a significant other. She’s very present. Jews don’t daydream, (In a playful tone) ‘cause folks are after ‘em and they gotta stay sharp, you know what I mean? They have to be there. They haven’t let their minds wander since Egypt. They just stay sharp. They go (frantically speaking and pointing): “Who’s that? Who are you? What’s that? What’s that over there? Don’t do that!” (Audience Laughs)
“I’m Irish… I keep things very bottled up, and I don’t drink. Which is not what you’re supposed to do when you’re Irish. I don’t drink. I used to drink and then I drank too much and I had to stop. That surprises a lot of audiences because I don’t look like someone who used to do anything. (Audience laughs, Mulaney imitates sitting in a chair eating) I look like I was just sitting in a room in a chair eating Saltines for like 28 years and then I walked right out here. But I did, I used to drink a lot and then I stopped. I don’t know if anyone here is thinking about quitting drinking but you need to know 2 things if you’re thinking of quitting drinking.
The first is that when you stop drinking and you still go to parties where people are drinking, they will have no idea what to offer you. Like once people start drinking for the night, they forget everything that isn’t alcohol. Like ill show up at a party and they’ll be like: “(acting as if to point) Hey everybody! Alright we got Coronas in the fridge and Oh! Hey! Mulaney! Would you like, like an old turnip we found in the cabinet? Would that be good for you? Would you like that? (His eyes are now wide open). I know you don’t drink (winking, audience laughs). Or my girlfriend left a Nuva Ring in the fridge, would you want that? (winking) I know you don’t drink!” (Pauses)
Also if you quit drinking you’re about to lose the greatest excuse in your life, which is (As if talking to a girl):“I’m really sorry about last night. I was just too drunk…” That is a get out of jail free card that you don’t even realize you’ve had until you lose it. I can’t say that anymore. I can never be like: “Sorry about last night, I was just so drunk.” Now I have to be like(As if to a girl again): “I’m really sorry about last night, it’s just that I’m mean and loud, (pauses) it probably will happen again.” (Audience laughs)
Now I, myself — I quit drinking ‘cause I used to drink too much and then I would black out and I would “ruin parties”… or so I’m told. (Audience laughs) When you do that enough, you black out drinking and you do crazy things, you kind of become like Michael Jackson. Like any story anyone says about you might be true and (Acting mysterious) even you don’t know by the end. I saw an interview with Michael Jackson before he died and they were like(Like a reporter): “Is it true you bought the elephant man’s bones? And he was like(Pretending to be Michael Jackson): “I don’t know!” Ya know, cause how could he keep track of that? (Audience lightly laughs)
So I would hear stories about myself. Here’s a story I once heard about me. I guess I was 20 and I was at a party at someone’s house and I had blacked out drinking, and someone came out of one of the rooms at this party holding like an old antique bottle with some liquid in it, and they said, “Hey, is this whiskey or perfume?” And apparently I grabbed it, drank all of it (pretending to drink a bottle), “ and said (pretending to throw the bottle behind his head): “It’s perfume.” And it was.
Another story I heard about myself — this one happened in high school. Uh, We had this teacher in high school whose kid went to our high school. His name was Mr. McNamara and his son Jake McNamara went to our high school. He was a sophomore when I was a senior. So he was two years behind me. And Mr. McNamara was an ashole. And one weekend, he and his wife decided to leave town, which you should never do IF YOU’RE AN ashole! (Audience laughs) And Jake McNamara decided to throw a party at the teacher’s house. (Sarcastic) Hooray! And everyone around town heard about it and we all got up individually and thought(Speaking maniacally), “Okay, let’s go over there and destroy the place.”
I walked into this party. Everyone I had even met was at this party, and everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world. (Audience laughs) People were drinking like it was the civil war and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off. (Audience laughs)It was totally unsupervised; we were like dogs without horses… we were running wild. I walked down (pauses) I walked down to the basement, they had a pool table in the basement. One dude took a running start and threw his body onto the pool table and broke it in half. Another kid found out which room was Mr. McNamara’s and went upstairs and took a shirt ON HIS COMPUTER! (Audience laughs) So the party was going great (sarcastically).
I’m standing in the basement, and I’m holding a red cup you’ve seen in movies. And I’m standing there and I’m holding a red cup and I’m starting to black out and I guess someone said like “something something police.” and in a brilliant moment of word association, I YELLED “fork DA POLICE! fork DA POLICE!” (In a drunken accent, Audience laughs). And everyone else joined in, 100… drunk… white… children yelling “fork da police” with the confidence of guys who have already been to jail and aren’t afraid of it anymore. (Audience Laughs)You know, like the: “I served my nickel! You come and take me!” confidence, but white children. (Audience laughs)
The reason someone had said “something something police” was because the police were there. So a Chicago police officer walked down the stairs and got to the bottom in the basement and looked out over a sea of drunk toddlers YELLING: “fork THE POLICE” In his face. He was almost impressed. He was like [whispering] “WOW.” And then he leaned into his walkie-talkie and my friend john, who is now a father — this man now has a baby — (Imitating the action)he grabbed a 40, smashed it on the ground and yelled: “SCATTER!!”
And everyone ran in a different direction. We all ran in different directions. It was like that scene in “Ratatouille” when the humans come in the kitchen and all the rats go in different ways. (Audience laughs as Mulaney acts frantic)We all ran in different directions, I ran into the laundry room and I jumped up on the washing machine and I crawled out through a window into the backyard and now I’m running through the backyard and there was this big chain link fence and I thought I’ve never climbed a fence that high before. And then I woke up at home (pauses, audience laughs).
On Monday, I went to school, cause that’s what we did back then. (Audience laughs) And I’m walking into the school building and who do I see but Jake McNamara. And he says to me “hey, were you at my party on Saturday?” and I was like: “No” you know, like a liar (Maniacally, then pauses). And he said things really got out of hand: “Someone broke the pool table, someone took a shirt on my dad’s computer, But the worst thing” he says — “the worst thing is that someone stole these old antique photos of my grandmother and my parents are freaking out about it.” and I had that thought that only blackout drunks and Steve Urkel can have (pauses, audience laughs and claps while he says): “Did I do that?”
I figured no, I would never do that. I was never sure until two years later (audience in shock) … relax. I’m playing video games with this kid named Alex that we also went to high school with. Two years later, we’ve graduated by now. We’re playing video games for a couple hours, and then Alex says to me(in a hushed tone), “Hey, come here. I want to show you something.” And he takes me into his bedroom and then he takes me into a side room off of his bedroom. Never a good thing to have. (Laughing) (Mulaney is in a hushed voice even worse than before) And he shows me a tiny room that is covered wall to wall in stolen antique photos from different people’s parties over the years. (Audience laughs) And I said: “Why? Why do you do this?” and Alex said “Cause it’s the one thing you can’t replace.” (Long pause, Audience is laughing hard now) That’s the end of that story but how forked up is that? That’s crazy! (audience laughs more and claps)
So I don’t drink anymore… and its weird you know? I miss it sometimes because drinking can kind of calm your nerves and I live in New York now and sometimes you can see things that will make you anxious you’ll see troubling things out on the street. I was coming into my apartment building one night and I saw in front of my building a wheel chair, knocked in its side with no one in it. (audience laughs but almost in confusion) That’s a bad thing to see. Something happened there… you hope it was a miracle… but probably not… probably something worse. (audience laughs)
And I don’t like argument, some people like to argue, you know? They think it’s like an art. And I don’t like it, I think its because really ordinary arguments can get really dramatic really quickly. Like I was talking to a friend recently, and I told him I didn’t think I believed in the death penalty, and my friend said to me: “oh, so you’re telling me, that if you saw Hitler… walking down the street… you wouldn’t kill him?” (Audience chuckles) That wasn’t what I was telling you, but alright, lets talk about this entirely new topic. What would I do if I saw (giggling) Adolph Hitler (acting out a walking motion) just walking down the street? Well first off I wanted to know what did my friend mean? Did he mean I see a guy in like the military outfit with the little moustache, cause then I would assume that’s someone dressed up as Hitler. (Audience laughs) I’m not gonna kill that guy. I’m not gonna kill an actor and ruin Indiana Jones 5 just cause I don’t understand costumes. Or does he mean I’m walking down the street and I see like an old old man who I think might be Hitler based on my memory of what Hitler looks like. I’m not gonna kill that guy either, because I am often wrong. Id murder him and people would be like: “Woah! You just killed an old old man! (Acting it out)” and Id be like: “he looked like Hitler!” and they’re like: “Yeah, a little…” (Audience laughs and claps)
I have a lot of strange interactions on the street. Years ago, I was walking down the street and a homeless guy came up to me. And he walked up to me he pushed me like that (as he acts out a pushing motion), he pushed me in the chest. And then he said these things in this order. He pushed me and he said (in a strange accent): “Excuse me, I am homeless, I am gay, I have aids, I’m new in town.” (Mulaney looks confused as the audience cracks up) You’re gonna close with “New in town?” that is not the most dramatic thing you just said. As they said in the movie Jerry McGuire: “You had me at AIDS.” Here’s how I would’ve ordered those things, I would’ve said: “Excuse me, I’m new in town, and it gets worse.” Didn’t that guy practice his like pitch at all in the mirror that morning and just figure out what he was gonna say? Ya know in the morning ya know just be like (He then imitates what this gay man would be doing in the mirror): “Alright now what am I gonna do today, what am I gonna do tonight? Imma walk up and say hello, no that’s too subtle imam push him. Imma push him. And I’m gonna say I’m new in town, no no hold back hold back. Save it. Build to that. I’m about to walk up to him, imma push him and go I HAVE AIDSSSS, no that’s too strong… alright. (Cracking himself up as he does this) imam walk up to him, push him and start with the fact that I am homeless, as that is a given. Then for back story I will pepper in the fact that I am gay.” (Audience laughs)
Which I know its tough for gay youth on the street, but that’s not like a reason for money. You cant be like, hey would you help me out I’m very gay? (audience laughs) Like a few dollars… I always love how he phrased it by the way. He never mentioned living on the street, he said I’m new in town, like it was intriguing. Like he wanted me to set him up with somebody. Like I have a friend whose like: “There’s no single guys (‘guys’ in New York accent) left in Manhattan.” And I’m like: “I know someone whose new in town.” (Pretends to be his friend now)“What are 3 other things about him?” (Audience claps and cheers)
Just too anxious for a lot of things, I get nervous all the time, not even about like major life things, just about like everyday situations. Like this is my regular speaking voice, but if I’m in a pubic bathroom and someone knocks too suddenly on the door or stall door, I go into a whole different speaking voice. Which is “Eh, someone’s in hereee. Someone’s in hereee. (In a strange almost British accent)” so they’re gonna be like: “I think there is a carnival barker in there. I think someone’s trying to drum up business for a carnival.”
I decided to do something about this anxiety recently. I decided I was gonna try and get a Xanax prescription. I don’t know if anyone here has ever tried Xanax, but its fantastic (a few claps) very muted claps for Xanax. You don’t really get woos, its more like yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I didn’t know how to get a Xanax prescription though, drugs like that a tricky sometimes, but I talked to a friend of mine and he said oh yeah, I did this. He said that he had a regular doctor’s appointment and at the end of it he said to his doctor: “Hey doctor, sometimes I get nervous on airplanes.” And the doctor just wrote him a Xanax prescription. And I’m like yeah, that’s the type of lowbrow shirt I’m looking for. Ill take your advice, friend I’ve never listened to before. (Audience laughs)
So I go to a clinic, and I go in and I’m just going to go in for you know a regular type of check up and at the end, I’ll ask about Xanax. So I get to the front desk, and they have a “why are you here sheet.” And I wanna pick something that will get me out really quickly. And I look down and I see frequent urination. And I was like, perfect that’ll be a super quick visit you know? Ill just be like hey, sometimes I pee a lot and the doctor would be like (Mulaney pretending to be the doctor): “Me too, crazy right?!?” And I’ll be like: “I get nervous on airplanes.” (Audience laughs) So I checked off frequent urination and I sat down in the waiting area and I waited for 3 hours. I finally go back to the observation room and oh! In the observation room there was a male nurse standing there and he has a Batman sticker on his stethoscope, a Batman necklace and a Batman watch. He was kind of moving around the whole time, he was just like: (acting this out) “alright! I am too blessed to be stressed! Lets do it! What are you allergic to, besides work?” and then he’d take something and throw it over his shoulder and be like: “Beats working.” And all of his jokes were anti work, which is not always what you want from a health care professional. (Audience laughs)
The doctor comes in the room and the doctor looks at my chart and he says: “Oh, you’re here for frequent urination, how many times a day are you urinating?” And I tried to think of a number that would warrant a doctor visit. So I said 11.(Audience is shocked)That was too many times to say. The doctor looked at me and said: “You’re peeing 11 time a day? Then you may have something wrong with your prostate. So, what we need to do…” Some of you are ahead of me (addressing audiences laughter). So I don’t know exactly how he phrased it, but the gist of it was: “Hey, if this visit was to continue, I’m going to stick part of my hand up your ass. And I didn’t know what to say. Cause I couldn’t be like: “No that’s okay, I was lying. It was a lie… to get drugs. You know? Like a crime!” (Audience laughs) So what I did was, I pulled down my pants, walked over to the observation table and I put my hand on the observation table like this (puts hand on stool) and by the way, part of me was like: “Whatever… you know? You ever have those days where you’re like: “This might as well happen. (Pauses) Adult life is already so God damn weird.” (Audience laughs)
So I’m bent over like this on the table, and the doctor comes up behind me and says “ no no no, not on your hands, your elbows” and he knocks me down like that (putting elbows on the stool now). And this is so much worse than this (gets back to his hands). I don’t know why, I think its cause this has a little remaining dignity to it, you know what I mean? (Audience laughs) This is sort of like, go stick it in, I am an American. This is like you’re leaning over the edge of a cruise ship and you’re like: “ahhh we’re approaching Martinique!” he knocked me down to my elbows and then, he stuck his hand in. and you know how sometimes you’re like, I bet I know what most things feel like ya know? You just think you’ll know? I did not know, what this was gonna feel like. And this was the actual sound I made, I went: “ooooooohhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.” (Audience laughs and claps) But I didn’t say it, like it came from my vocal chords but it was totally involuntary. It was as if a ghost had been trapped in my belly and finally flew out towards the light. And then, when he pulled his hand out, we had gotten to know each other pretty well, so ill phrase this a delicately as a can. I didn’t not realize than when the doctor pulls his hand out it feels like your shirtting cause the only thing to come out of your butt before has been shirt. (Audience laughs)
So, he pulls his hand out and I thought I was shirtting into his hand. So I yelled: “I’M SORRYY! This is a very routine procedure by the way for most doctors. And so far he’s had to deal with “OHHHHHMMMM” and “I’M SORRYY!” (Audience laughs) And he didn’t even let me off the hook you know? He wasn’t like: “Oh don’t worry, you didn’t shirt into my hand.” He just threw his glove away and went(As if enraged)“Ahhhwahhhahwa.” And I was about to ask about Xanax but he was like: “Alright your prostate’s fine but we still need to do a blood test.” So I pulled up my pants and shuffled away, (Acting this out) feeling different. And he yells out into the hall, he goes: “Hey! We’re doing a blood test in here. Get in here!” Batman dances back in and he’s like: “(pretending to dance) Alright, we gonna do a blood test. You look different, let’s do it.” The doctor left the room, so I’m alone with Batman. I just need this blood test to be over. But first I had to tell Batman something, I was like “Batman look, I’m one of those people who, when you take blood from me, sometimes I can faint. And I was in the waiting area for 3 hours and I haven’t eaten anything all day and I’m really worried I’m gonna faint.” And Batman said to me, and ill never forget it: “pshh, you’re not gonna faint!”
So, I stick my arm out, Batman puts the needle in my arm, and I’m immediately on the ground. (Audience ‘dies’ laughing) I wake up and I am covered in sweat lying on the observation table. I wake up, I open my eyes and I see Batman’s face. He’s looking at me and he goes: “you gotta go!” and I go: “Can I please talk to the doctor though for a sec because sometimes, I get nervous on airplanes.” And Batman said: “the doctor’s gone!” so I got my stuff… and I left. The moral of the story is… that if you’ve been nervous your entire life, you should ask your doctor about Xanax because if you lie to him, he will stick his finger in your ass. And if you do suffer from frequent urination, keep it to yourself. I went to that clinic 2 years later for a different checkup and as I was leaving, who do I run into but Batman. And he smiled at me and he was wearing reading glasses to show that time had passed.
Thanks very much for listening to me, my name is John Mulaney. You were really fun, thank you.
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thebrochtuarachs · 5 years
The latest “Are Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe Dating?” article is up and today, it’s from The Oprah Magazine! 😝
So I was looking for more details about Sam’s honorary degree and naturally, I searched his name in google and this is the first article that came up - and it coming from The Oprah Magazine kinda surprised me (cause I thought they’re more “journalistic” than this) but here we are. The way the article’s written is kinda funny, to be honest, with the writer adding some details that only, erm, “in the know”fans are aware of.
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[Here’s the link to the article] - but I thought I’d post it below too cause details!! (Going to [comment] on my favorite parts! Super sorry in advance but this was too good to pass up!) 
Are Outlander's Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan Dating?
Their chemistry is undeniable. By Samantha Vincenty
[Another day, another IS SAM AND CAIT DATING article which we all know how would end but let’s see if this one is different. And oh yes, Samantha Vincenty, their chemistry is UNDENIABLE!<3 ]
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Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe's chemistry onscreen has sparked dating rumors since Outlander first premiered in 2014.
The two actors have long maintained that they're just "incredibly great friends."
Though Caitriona Balfe has confirmed her engagement, wedding details are scarce.
Outlander is chock full of action, suspense, and wild 18th century world history lessons. But the white-hot love scenes between Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) and Claire Randall Fraser (Caitriona Balfe) are one of the biggest reasons people are hooked on the Starz series, which is based on Diana Gabaldon's books. As any fan of the show knows in the rational part of their brain, Heughan and Balfe are simply gifted actors playing fictional characters, and it's their talent that makes their relationship so convincing on TV. 
[Hehehehehe 😝]
However, one could be forgiven if their small screen chemistry and adorable real-life photos—such as this one—spark occasional thoughts like: "Wait—Are they dating, though?"
[The linked photo is Sam and Cait from BAFTA 2018 with the Audi - honestly, we got more “small screen chemistry and adorable real-life photos that are more “sparky” than that]
So, are Outlander's Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe Together in real life?
Despite their body language, flirtatious looks, and countless wishful Tumblr posts that would have us so ready to believe it, the Outlander stars are not a couple in real life. In fact, Caitriona Balfe is engaged—possibly even married.
[This writer has scoured through Tumblr and probably that’s what birthed this article. She must’ve seen the hundreds of posts from the 20 (ehem!) shippers around here and decided to give us a shoutout]
"We've always said from the get-go that we're incredibly great friends," Balfe told E! in a joint 2016 interview with Heughan. "We're not together, sorry to break people's hearts! But they like to try and, I don't know, maybe replicate the Claire and Jamie story. I think it would be difficult for us to work together and be together." (Heughan then jokingly chimed in with "we could try," just one of the many times he's done nothing to dispel the rumors and theories some imaginative fans still cling to.)
[”...Heughan then jokingly chimed in with "we could try," just one of the many times he's done nothing to dispel the rumors and theories some imaginative fans still cling to.” - omg, even this detail is IN, hahahaha! I mean this info is kinda “deep shipper” level findings and it found its way up! And of course, the fact that Sam has done things that “IMAGINATIVE” fans still cling too, ugh - HAHAHAHAHA! IMAGINATIVE - a more friendly term for “delusional” I guess - thanks for trying.]
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Who is Caitriona Balfe's Fiance?
The Irish actress is engaged to longtime boyfriend Tony McGill, which she confirmed at the 2018 Golden Globes. (Balfe was nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series–Drama, as she also was in 2016, 2017, and 2019.)
[No, she did not confirm at the 2018 Golden Globes - she announced it in People Magazine a few days BEFORE the Golden Globes. And she just wore a ring in the red carpet but HARDLY SAID ANYTHING in interviews (I mean did anyone even ask in the red carpet, I can’t remember?) in the GGs that “confirmed” she was engaged”]
"It happened over the break," Balfe told People. "I'm very happy."
The two have been together since at least 2015, as evidenced by this Instagram video of Balfe sitting on McGill's lap while she dazzles some friends with a tin whistle solo. (Playing the tin whistle in a pub might just be the most Irish thing...ever.)
Tony McGill is, by most reports, a music producer—but it's a little confusing, since he's also been misidentified online as founding producer of the Australian caberet trio Combo Fiasco (FYI, that's a different Tony McGill).
[”...Tony McGill is, by most reports, a music producer—but it's a little confusing” - IM JUST GOING TO LEAVE THIS HERE]
"He's a very shy person and he doesn't like much talking about him," Balfe told host Ryan Tubridy on Ireland's The Late Late Show in February 2018, according to The Independent]. "I met him through one of my best friends, which I think is the best kind of introduction you can get."
Here's the couple one month after their engagement news broke, at an afterparty for the 2018 BAFTA Awards in London. Cute glasses, Tony.
In November of 2018, Balfe told Marie Claire that she and McGill will get married "as soon as I plan it." The deeply private couple has yet to confirm whether they've officially gotten hitched yet. 
[Again, just going to leave this here...]
So Who Is Sam Heughan Dating, Then?
As a perusal of Heughan's social media accounts will tell you, the Scottish actor may be even more secretive about his love life than Caitriona and Tony are. He shares little-to-no evidence of a lady in his life. Since 2018, Heughan has been romantically linked to Irish actress Amy Shiels, who Twin Peaks: The Return fans may recognize as Candie, one of the Mitchum Brothers' identical cocktail-dress-clad assistants.
Shiel refers to Heughan as "big brother" in this April 2018 birthday greeting, which...you know...isn't super girlfriend-y.
[THEY POSTED AMY’S BIRTHDAY IG POST FOR SAM WHERE THEY’RE HOLDING A DOG. Hahahaha, “isn't super girlfriend-y.” is right on the money.]
Her attendance at various Heughan-related events, such as The Spy Who Dumped Me film premiere in July 2018, had fueled the rumors, as did this dubious US Weekly "confirmation" that cites "multiple sources."
Heughan also previously dated American actress and singer MacKenzie Mauzy from at least 2015 to 2017. The two met at an "industry event," he told Harper's Bazaar in October 2017, and Heughan revealed that their relationship made Mauzy the target of trolling on social media.
"Initially, it is upsetting but, ultimately, it doesn't mean anything. It feels like a schoolyard thing," Heughan said at the time. That's a valid and likely reason he keeps his love life so under wraps. So bottom line? Outlander fans who want to see Heughan and Balfe together forreal will just have to make do with the dozens of times they've flirted on-camera.
[Alrighty, then. 😊]
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atopearth · 5 years
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Part 3 - Justice for All (2nd game)
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The Lost Turnabout Well, that random amnesia to set the game up again for the reader to get used to things again was...random lol. Gotta love the fake dying message that had such beautiful legible writing lol. And I guess these are one of the moments when we should thank parents for using weird and unique spellings of a name, really helps to prove that you’re not a murderer! Kinda baffled with the whole thing though, the defendant and the criminal were both so bland, and the whole case was pretty simple. But, yeah, it’s the first case to get things flowing again so I guess that’s normal! Nice to see Maya back though!~
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Reunion, and Turnabout Pearl is an interesting girl…lol. I’m not sure why Mia didn’t want to reveal her aunt as an accomplice for this story, since if she doesn’t reveal it, Maya could be found guilty, especially if Phoenix isn’t able to find evidence for that. Initially, I wasn’t really sure what to think about the whole case being in the village where Maya is from and where she does her training etc, but I guess it’s nice to see her background etc. As for the case itself, although I still suck at knowing when to press statements, I’m a bit better at knowing what to present as evidence hahaha. Anyway, it was obvious that the murderer was the real Mimi who had taken her sister’s face to try and live a new life. So it was easy to know the motives etc, and how she hid in the box behind the screen etc, I guess I was mostly in a bit of a bind in terms of how the murder happened and the reason for the gunshots haha. Otherwise, that was a pretty average case, mostly because I think the witnesses and murderer this time around wasn’t very interesting. Lmao at the daughter von Karma whipping everyone she hates and then whipping Phoenix until he was unconscious when she lost lmao. Hopefully the next case is more interesting~ and I wonder what happened to Edgeworth?
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Turnabout Big Top Max…is an interesting character. He looks cool, but dang does he look silly when he reverts to being a country bumpkin lolll. And…I establish that no one in this circus seems normal. Not sure about that daughter of the victim, she looks like she barely cared that her father just got murdered… Great to know that she’s sheltered and so knows nothing about outside of this circus, but dang lmao, she seems to like the puppet more than Max hahahaha. And did Franziska upgrade her whip? It looks different lol. So…Acro has a brother called Bat (loll) who is in a coma after getting bitten on the head by the lion…and this lion got shot by the Ringmaster after it happened… Hmmmm. Oh…Acro is in a wheelchair because he tried to save his brother from the lion… And Bat did what he did because he made a dare with Regina, that if he could do the same thing as her (put his head in the lion’s mouth), she would go on a date with him… How saddening yet ridiculous.
Lmao when Acro comes to court as a witness, and when Phoenix claims that he’s actually the culprit, one of the birds that flies around Acro pecks Phoenix on the head as a background thing lolll. Anyway, once we did more investigations, it was obvious that Acro was the murderer and that his aim was Regina. However, I just feel that the villains this time around in this game have rather dubious motives. I guess it was kinda cool how the “murderer who flew away” came about with the stone bust being pulled up when the coat etc accidentally caught on to it, I just think everything that occurred was still rather anticlimactic though and lacked impact this time around so I couldn’t really like it tbh.. It didn’t help that I didn’t like any of the witnesses lolll. It was understandable how things happened, but at the same time, it wasn’t a very interesting case tbh.
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Farewell, my Turnabout Lmao at the Steel Samurai becoming the Nickel Samurai, this show is never gonna end, is it? Omggg Lotta again? Gotta admit, she’s not my favourite witness so seeing her twice in one game kinda kills me lol. On the other hand, I like Wendy Oldbag but she can get rather overbearing lol, so this pairing kills me. When they talked about how the manager Adrian Andrews might be the killer since the ninja actor supposedly hid her mentor’s suicide note, and since she attempted suicide because of how reliant and dependent she was on her mentor when it came to living, I guess it is possible. But I think what hit me the most was when they talked about her “dependent nature”, where she basically always needed someone important enough to her so that she would have a reason to continue living. To an extent, I can kinda relate to that, tbh, although I’m not as extreme as her, sometimes I do feel that if I lost my siblings, I don’t think I’d ever be able to pick myself up.
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Anyway, since Edgeworth is back, it was expected that something would happen to Franziska to prevent her from being the prosecutor. It took a while but I’m glad to see Edgeworth and Phoenix in court together. Omggg, Engarde just turned ugly when he revealed his true self!! He was such a pretty boy too, sigh! It’s really interesting to think about the idea that Phoenix’s client is actually guilty for once. He got an assassin to kill Corrida, and Andrews got wrapped up in this when she decided to “frame” Engarde for it. But I think Celeste (Andrews mentor who committed suicide) was the most innocent victim of all this. She first “dated” Engarde back then but was thrown away, and when she thought she could have a happy marriage with Corrida, Engarde decides to tell the guy that they used to be together, so then Corrida called off the marriage, and that led her to commit suicide. But I think the most saddening thing was that even though she committed suicide, none of these guys she so loved were unhappy, instead they were still consumed in their stupid rivalry, where Corrida wanted to use the suicide note she left to show the world Engarde’s true self. It’s so saddening to think of her life just amounting to them as something like that.
It’s interesting that the last case aims at delaying the trial to save Maya since they already know Engarde is guilty, but at the same time, it’s kinda boring? It doesn’t have the same feel as the other cases where you can reveal more and more pieces of the puzzle on what actually happened, and instead focuses on how they can use everything they can to delay the verdict. Which is…quite questionable tbh. Lmaoo at Shelly De Killer (the assassin) being a witness hahahah, and it was so funny when Phoenix presses on one of his statements and asks what’s his fee, and the judge thinks Phoenix wants to kill him lmaooo. Gotta love it when Shelly gets flustered and the transceiver starts leaking oil or whatever lolll. Anyway, I knew that they’d use the fact that Engarde recorded the murder to blackmail Shelly in order to get the latter to turn against his client since he’s so hung up on the trust factor between clients. I mean, you’ve gotta admire Shelley’s work ethic! Lol.
Anyway, I didn’t like the last case in terms of story and how it played out. I think I much prefer the usual Phoenix uncovering the truth bit by bit without really knowing who the culprit is and how they did it until later, against this Engarde case that was just..such compiled with a crappy villain with crappy motives, he was basically a bad villain with no depth. I liked it that they established that both the prosecution and defence work for the truth. But at the same time, I have to say, I don’t feel like the last case really portrayed what it means to be the defence and the prosecution. I had more expectations on how it would be better handled in terms of having a “guilty” defendant as well, but yeah… Oh well. At least everyone is happy and Franziska might be a bit more like the current Edgeworth and not be so hung up on winning all the time.
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Overall, I’d say Justice for All was a pretty lacklustre sequel. It rides on a lot of old characters from the previous game, which can be pretty cool, but I think just like how Powers introduces himself as an underpaid action star (LOL), this sequel was underwhelming to say the least. But I guess the biggest problem were just the stories themselves, they just weren’t very interesting, and the way things happened either felt rather cliche or just kinda over the top in a bit of a ridiculous way, whereas in the previous game, it felt like the cases and how they went about it made more sense and was done better. Also, I think Franziska wasn’t a very “fun” prosecutor either, like, I just don’t think she meshed well with Phoenix. Like, when it came to Edgeworth and von Karma, they both were unique enough that they bring a different sort of bantering and connection with Phoenix in court, whereas Franziska is basically just a whipping monster lol. Anyway, hopefully the next game will be better!
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lingxiaomo · 6 years
Hello!! So I just finished mdzs and I’m really craving for some good food bl novels and I wanted to start legendary masters wife but I’m kind of nervous because of its length and how some reviews have said the relationship is toxic and that it gets kind of boring later on :( I’d like to hear your thoughts on it and if it’s really worth reading! Thank you so much ❤️
If you are referring to the reviews on NovelUpdates, I wouldn’t trust them. I read several reviews and felt many were inaccurate. (”Not much BL” “MC always weak and needs saving” are definitely ignorant about facts)
I love LMW a lot, so I never felt bored! Some people think it’s boring because the author makes a lot of world-building explanations. The author also goes into detail whenever there is pill-making. This, however, is actually what appeals to many LMW fans.
I was nervous about the length too! But I quickly became obsessed- quickly reading up to the current translation at the time. The MC and ML truly interact after 25 chapters, but those chapters are short. They will feel shorter if you like the world-building and MC.
One characteristic I like about LMW is the perspective. As you read it, you may get the impression that the mysterious male lead (Ling Xiao) is like a main protagonist of a story. (Including his name!) I like the theory that LMW focuses on the path of the love interest (You XiaoMo).
I also adore how You XiaoMo doesn’t doubt their relationship. He feels loved and trusts his man. He knows Ling Xiao would not abandon him. They get jealous, but that makes reading their relationship more spicy, you know? The bets, tricks, and deals keep it spicy too.
The story has a little bit of everything!
You might like LMW if you like:
Farm RPGs
Slow burn romance
Watching the main character gradually grow in strength (weak to strong)
Cute, small protagonists
Tsundere protagonists
Hard-working protagonists
Male leads that like to bully (pulling hair braids)
Possessive, loyal male leads
Expressive male leads
Flirtatious male leads (to the main character)
Male lead that is uncaring of others, but is sweet to MC
OP male lead
Demon beasts
Height difference/Size difference
Power couple
Surprise sex, some dirty talk
MC that is comfortable being a bottom
Lots of comedy, less angst than MDZS
Master/servant to sect brothers to friends w/ benefits to lovers to soulmates
Gay side couples
Seeing the pill-making side of cultivation, instead of practitioners
Fighting and adventure, with plenty of down time
Satisfaction of stupid cannon fodder getting defeated or killed off
Secure, trusting relationships
Further discussion under the Read:
That said, LMW cannot be given without warnings, unfortunately. 
If you do not enjoy the chemistry and their potential within 220 chapters, I have doubts that you will like the story at all. The major arc after that is pretty fun though.
A common complaint is the author often makes the male lead call the MC and idiot or mock the MC’s intelligence. 
It has been argued that this could be a cultural difference. If you read it, you will notice the narrator affectionately does the same thing.
I also heard their relationship can be considered realistic like Chinese/certain Asian couples in real life. I remember one of the translators compared it to her friends’ relationships. I don’t know personally though, so I can only say it depends on the reader!
I understand it can feel like too much though. I generally thought it was light-hearted, but around the 580s I disliked it because it felt out of place and unnecessarily inserted. Fortunately, it felt less tense after that small arc.
Amusingly, the author implied that the male lead has a teasing fetish, He knows the MC is usually smart, but he says certain words because he loves to watch the MC make cute, angry faces. 
There is some dubious consent here and there.
The first time they touched each other, it was silly, in my opinion. It was one of those things stupid boys might do. I have heard weirder stories about men doing things together XD
The second(?) time will depend on your level of tolerance. It’s one of those things that’s bad in real life, but is interesting in fiction. I was forgiving because the male lead is weird, but is concerned about the MC’s feelings. And Momo doesn’t avoid him because of what happened. (AKA they help each other with certain things a looot)
I think their intimate scenes are sometimes difficult to understand if you are not familiar with Shy Tsunderes. You XiaoMo tends to have difficulty expressing what he wants… You will have to observe both his feelings and behavior.
For example, he will seem scared and want to run away, but then it turns out he is overwhelmed. Then he will say he likes being intimate with Ling Xiao.
He will say Ling Xiao is mean, when he said many chapters ago that Ling Xiao treats him well. And then he still doesn’t avoid Ling Xiao.
One time he sounded scared, yet he had a nice talk with Ling Xiao along the way to the bedroom and later just hid under the blanket until Ling Xiao was ready. He stayed on the bed! It was more like he was shy, but with anticipation and a little excitement.
Based on a number of scenes, I felt like the MC secretly enjoys when the ML gets pushy (An element for excitement), but that’s my interpretation! It’s definitely not everyone’s taste.
There is misogyny. Like a typical BL, there are less females and some of the notable antagonists of the MC are female. There are some really weird statements in the narrative.
There are good female characters at least (and neutral). They are not as prominent as the males, but many have names, speak, and take some kind of action. It’s not just love interests either.
If you are concerned about r pe attempts, I think there are two. HOWEVER, it’s not between the main couple. It’s not between the side couples either. It’s only said by cannon fodder and then they get beaten up.
Also, don’t expect realistic sex LOL. It’s more fantasy, so just have fun. Although, it was implied they use lubrication, other than the scenes described more in detail. It shocked a lot of readers hahaha. There is also a… unique and exciting fact later mentioned when they are intimate… but I won’t spoil that! It might actually be 2 facts, but I’m still not sure XD
You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao BOTH do a lot of little romantic things, but it’s understandable to forget those things in a long story.
The couple mutually love each other. I can guarantee you that. They are not perfect, but they let the other know that he cares.
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carnivalsoration · 6 years
Cronus Gets Tortured, and then Learns Some Stuff about Boundaries and Identity
I’m going to start all this off with an ooc description of things, because this gets pretty intense in bits. A tldr with added trigger warning, if you will. 
Ringleader messages Cronus about being an insensitive prick regarding the ‘gutterblood rights’ post, then the conversation moves on to lusus death (a la, what was going on with Meulin at the time, though she’s not mentioned directly at all), how wasteful Alternia is, and then on to torture. During that talk, there’s a lot of mentions of parent/animal death, then referring to people as objects that can be disposed of, in an abstract sense, and then obviously, Harming and Killing people, for Fun and Dubious Amounts of Profit. 
Ringleader convinces Cronus it would be no big deal to torture him for a bit, and doesn’t take no for an answer. (Manipulation, coercing, lack of respect for boundaries.) And then they meet up! Cronus is waterboarded, Ringleader is way lighter about it than he really should be, primarily in the confession he forces Cronus to make, and then they make out! Weird, but these two are who they are.
Cronus presses more, hoping for sex to happen. Ringleader says no. Cronus says ‘but whyyyy’ and Ringleader gets pissed about it. A conversation about consent and rape occurs, that leads into highblood standards, respect, and who Cronus wants to be and what he values. 
This is a Very dense log, y'all, with a lotta intense stuff. Two kinda shitty people meeting, and one of them trying to make the other Less shitty, with some admittedly poor judgement. Overall, a Dubiously happy, or at least thought provoking, ending.
Anyway! If that sounds like you would enjoy reading it, read on! If not, you now know a general plot synopsis and can avoid reading it while still knowing all relevant details! If the chat log appeals to you but the roleplay itself doesn’t, you can read that too! 
carnivalsoration honk
vwarlordvwanderlust hey there, babe!
carnivalsoration :o)
vwarlordvwanderlust vwhat's up?
carnivalsoration i will make out with you if you promise not to reblog that gutterblood pride post again.
vwarlordvwanderlust see, THIS is a bold and innovwativwe method more people should try.
carnivalsoration hahahahaha is that a yes
vwarlordvwanderlust you also could'vwe just asked. but too late, no take backs. hell yeah.
carnivalsoration hahahahahahahaha
vwarlordvwanderlust (also that's a joke. there are take backs. it's all just jokes. )
carnivalsoration good boy, thats a good ad on
vwarlordvwanderlust haha. i do my best.
carnivalsoration :o) i could explain why i don't want you to say it, if ya wanna hear it or you could guess, since i'm kinda curious
vwarlordvwanderlust i just figured it vwas annoying. you specified that particular post, and not the vword, is it the vword.
carnivalsoration it's the word and the implication it's. it's just the whole thing, brother the whole damn thing
vwarlordvwanderlust yeah? vwhat implication?
carnivalsoration for you this is an inconvenience for a bit. for other people, this is their life. you don't earn the right ta use that word by your glorified lowblood tourism
vwarlordvwanderlust huh.
> So he's not *that* Alternian. 🤔
carnivalsoration > Ooo motherfucker.
do ya get what i mean? you can't have pride about somethin that you're not even really a part of.
vwarlordvwanderlust it vwas a joke. but yeah for sure, OBVWIOUSLY.
carnivalsoration and what about it is funny? like, can you just explain it to me?
vwarlordvwanderlust it's okay to not get jokes.
carnivalsoration no, i wanna get it.
vwarlordvwanderlust it's just a dumb lowvblood thing people say, you knowv, that i'm saying, because i'm kinda a lowvblood, for nowv.
carnivalsoration huh. and that's... funny?
vwarlordvwanderlust > This is the worst thing that's ever happened.
i mean. it's just one of those things.
carnivalsoration aight.
vwarlordvwanderlust look they can't all be vwinners!!!!!!!!
carnivalsoration you reblogged it though, you thought it was pretty good
vwarlordvwanderlust vwe all havwe different tastes. anyvways.
carnivalsoration yeah. what would you do if ya lusus died?
vwarlordvwanderlust > Weird foreplay but okay. > Clowns.
be sad.
did you vwant a longer ansvwer, or did you just leavwe.
carnivalsoration oh, oops. i got distracted. but like. how much would it change your life
vwarlordvwanderlust a lot. but i mean. i'll need to leavwe him anyvways.
carnivalsoration fun fact. i killed my lusus
vwarlordvwanderlust oh. vwhy?
carnivalsoration cuz that was the tradition at the time. indigos wouldn't get orphaned before adulthood on the condition that when they became a subjug, they'd kill their lusus themselves. and so that's what happened. i hella slaughtered him. it was a mess hahaha
vwarlordvwanderlust haha. yeah.
carnivalsoration i'm just talkin at this point
vwarlordvwanderlust vwhy? i mean don't get me vwrong. i lovwe our talks.
carnivalsoration i just ponder things sometimes. i'm old, i got a lotta memories to peruse what's your alternia like?
vwarlordvwanderlust big question, chief. dunno howv to ansvwer that.
carnivalsoration how often do people murder their lusus
vwarlordvwanderlust i don't knowv. probably not a ton. seems like a vwaste.
carnivalsoration hahaha remember what i said the other night? alternia likes nothin quite so much as waste
vwarlordvwanderlust alternia is cutthroat and efficient. may not alvways be pretty, but hey. it gets the job done.
carnivalsoration hahahaha. wrong. healthcare that involves replacing limbs instead of mending. killin people for any old thing and raisin all new people, like i said. you coulda imprisoned them and got free labor. killin reproductive failures. because you can still make THEM work. that ain't efficiency.
vwarlordvwanderlust that's efficient! you don't need to deal vwith upkeep if you toss a thing in the garbage vwhen it breaks, same vwith people. mm.
carnivalsoration efficiency is using a tool as long as it's useful. killin other planets rather than enslaving them. using lowbloods as fodder in just the stupidest ways. you could have them maneuver big heavy things or control animals at the front line or whatever. also. mechanical limbs cost a lot in upkeep too, just as a bonus destroying rather than fixing is just a thing. it's all brute force casual sadism, gloating over enemies rather than just offin em. imagine all the hot babes that were offed cuz they broke an ankle. or cuz they were kinda stupid once or they puked killin somethin the first time, which is another way alternia wastes life. beaurocracy is a HUGE waste of time plus it makes ya wanna beat your brains out with the stack of paperwork ya have to do land and sea trolls in competition, which wastes highblood life on dumbass feuds underfeedin slaves and workin them to death way before their natural lifespan. food ain't that expensive
vwarlordvwanderlust evwery system has SOME flawvs.
carnivalsoration yeah, but alternia's is that it just loves waste it fuckin can't get enough of it fuck, i tortured and killed thousands of people when i coulda tortured them and then put them to work .... probably hundreds of thousands.... i wonder if i broke a million
vwarlordvwanderlust vwell. i assumed that vwas, you knowv. pleasure, not business. but vwe all havwe flavws.
carnivalsoration oh, it's both. the fact i did it for fun doesn't change the fact i was definitely expected to do it
vwarlordvwanderlust vwell the system gets stuff done.
carnivalsoration oh, the number of troll screams i heard... the number of crimes confessed.... so many confessed to crimes that we found out they didn't even commit! just to make the agony stop
vwarlordvwanderlust the probability of false confessions is actually ovwerplayed by certain rebellious type groups, it's still mostly good intel.
> You should know, you consume imperial propaganda religiously!
carnivalsoration .... i .......... i tortured them myself all the time three a night, at least for centuries there is a LOT of false confessions a LOT of time wasted researching the falsities
vwarlordvwanderlust is it most of them?
carnivalsoration oh yeah. like 70% of the info you get from any one person is likely to be false. sometimes more, sometimes less, and about 90% of the time, the truths they do tell aren't worth your time to even pursue
vwarlordvwanderlust so vwe need to be more selectivwe in vwho vwe torture and vwhat vwe ask.
> Bold of you to say we, there.
carnivalsoration i'm kinda curious where you got the info about how false confessions are overplayed OH SHIT. I SHOULD HELP YOU GET USED TO TORTURE SOUNDS
vwarlordvwanderlust okay the tone of those tvwo messages is vwildly different.
carnivalsoration i just get excited sometimes
vwarlordvwanderlust it's pretty common knowvledge used to counter rebel propaganda. the real number is like 1%. ...here, i mean. i'm not accusing you of lying. hey, maybe our timelines are different.
carnivalsoration hey, if you're so sure, i bet i could do non-destructive torture on you and get you to confess to something that isn't true.
vwarlordvwanderlust that sounds bad and not fun!
carnivalsoration one hour. it isn't even that long. plus imagine how impressed people would be to know you can withstand torture
vwarlordvwanderlust > You start typing: "okay this is vwhy evweryone assumed you're a serial k" > Hm. That last one is a good message, though.
you don't think i can.
carnivalsoration i don't think you can
vwarlordvwanderlust you're the expert, i guess.
> God it would be so fucking impressive though.
carnivalsoration but i don't know for sure, since timeline differences. i don't wanna spread false information, specially if it helps rebels
vwarlordvwanderlust > GOD THAT'S SUCH A GOOD POINT.
okay but it's gotta vwait six nights.
carnivalsoration how come?
vwarlordvwanderlust not because i'm putting it off or anything, because i'm in a rustie body.
carnivalsoration why does that matter? the people most frequently tortured are lowbloods and i did say i wouldn't damage you. no knives, no electricity, nothin
vwarlordvwanderlust huh. yeah, i guess so. vwhat'll you do?
carnivalsoration waterboard
vwarlordvwanderlust so not to be ovwerly critical but like.
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are you going to cause BRAIN DAMAGE. this seems vwild.
carnivalsoration i'm an expert, would i cause brain damage in one of my friends just for kicks? look up how long the average rustblood can hold their breath. gimme that long. not even an hour, just a little bit
vwarlordvwanderlust one to tvwo minutes... vwe'll say tvwo. or three or vwhatevwer idc. you think this is THAT bad???
carnivalsoration yeah
vwarlordvwanderlust > If this guy ends up torturing you to death, even the like one person who'd care, wouldn't care after reading this conversation. This would be a dumb fucking decision. This is so stupid, you'd absolutely regret this, there's only one answer you could plausibly give.
yeah, okay.
carnivalsoration aight. i'll give ya new coordinates
vwarlordvwanderlust not gonna be a cool outdoorsy forest vwibe for this torture sesh? hahaha
carnivalsoration we could move it to inside in my block and then make out
vwarlordvwanderlust nice!
carnivalsoration right?? you get tortured, come out fine, and then get to make out. what a fuckin nice night, right?
vwarlordvwanderlust okay it's not the night you think vwill happen though. you're just humoring me. but you're vwrong, so
carnivalsoration i'll make out with you either way
vwarlordvwanderlust it vwon't come up, haha.
carnivalsoration :o* [coords.txt]
vwarlordvwanderlust > Swoon.
carnivalsoration :o?
vwarlordvwanderlust okay no this isn't me pussying out i promise it's just. my transportalizer pass is for like. me. so is my id. saness and mituna and people just like. got here, though.
carnivalsoration mmmm. aight, what's ya coords? also tell me where a big bathtub is
vwarlordvwanderlust okay, sorry to be all annoying. oh uh. okay yeah.
carnivalsoration chill out, i ain't fussed
vwarlordvwanderlust > This is rough, on account of, you know. Being kicked out of your hive. But it's probably best not to do it there anyways, so off you go, trespassing on abandoned properties to scope out the bathrooms. Eventually you find something good enough, fairly recently vacated, and send coordinates.
> This is going to be cool.
carnivalsoration > Fucking Arrive! You are trying not to be too excited about being able to torture someone, but you're still pretty hype. You have all the things you'll need. Plenty of water to waste, a cloth to wrap around his face, your recording app open on your phone to record when he isn't looking.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You're only about as nervous as you were before you went hunting (and that turned out so great).
> You grin and wave. This time, you lack any purple in your outfit, and your eyes are red, and you don't have fins, but you look basically the same.
"Hey there, doll. Howv's it going?"
> It's not stalling if it's just a little bit.
carnivalsoration "Pretty damn good so far. You aight gettin your clothes wet, or should we take em off?" You raise eyebrows at him a few times. Waggle.
> Don't be too eager, Makara.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You pull on your shirt, thinking about no just kidding it's always good to take off your shirt. You're vulnerable enough without taking off your pants, though.
"This alright vwith you, doll?"
> You can eyebrow waggle with the best of them. Hitting on people is good.
carnivalsoration > Touch a tit. "Nice." Hitting on people Is good.
> You pull out a scrap of fabric and smile. "Lemme blindfold ya, brother." You're thinking about things that are ridiculous enough that it'll make it funny to confess to but that he won't be offended about later.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Nice.
> See, the thing is that this is such a good and valid sexy scenario if you forget about the torture that's definitely going to happen.
"Sure, yeah."
> You cooperate with a nervous laugh.
carnivalsoration > Blindfold: On. You make sure to adjust it just right, so he can't see you. "I'm going to lead you to the tub now," you say, softly.
> And you do, gently, and telling him to mind the ledge. All you really need is a drain. And water, of course. But you've got that.
vwarlordvwanderlust "Gotcha."
> It's surprisingly disorienting, being led around a fairly unfamiliar environment blindfolded, even for such a short distance. You're already feeling a little nervous about this.
> Maybe the professional torture guy who got people to say stuff that went against their own interests knows what he's talking about with regards to torture?
> But maybe you're just an unstoppable badass. Probably that second one.
carnivalsoration > You lead him in and direct him to lay down. You're very calm and reassuring.
> And then you try to place your camera on a ledge so it peers down at Cronus, get in the tub on top of him to pin him down. You'll try to grab his wrists, place them above his head, grab them with one hand. And one of his horns too. You'll narrate your actions the whole time.
> Damn, indigos are strong when you're a rustblood, him actually resisting you is a bit like him resisting really fleshy iron.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You cooperate, maybe metaphorically dragging your heels a bit, but, oh, no you aren't, fuck this dude is strong.
> FUCK this would be hot if it wasn't for this.
> You're a little wiggly, but not like you're necessarily trying to get away (not that you could), more like you keep wanting to look around.
> It's a lot harder to keep your face casual without the reminder of eye contact, for some reason.
> It's just a couple of minutes, though! It's fine! You Have Never Been Calmer.
> (It'd be really funny if your light hyperventilating made you pass out before he did anything. Funny for some people, at least.)
carnivalsoration > Oh how fucking precious that is. He's so cute, and he doesn't even verbally object. Plausible deniability!
> You grin a little bit where he can't see. "Your three minutes starts now."
> You pull out a gallon jug of water from your dex and start pouring it over his nose and mouth. It looks so ridiculous for being as effective as it is, considering it quickly starts to feel like he's barely keeping his head above water.
"Cronus, did you make me a cookie?" You ask down sternly at him. Not loud, not aggressive per se, but definitely authoritarian.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Blblbr?!?
> Okay this is bad actually.
> You thrash a little, reflexively, but don't get far. You try to shake your head but, uh, can't.
> Boy the water sure just keeps happening. It's a good thing your body inherited reflexes to not breathe water, or this would have been over very fast, since you'd already be coughing it up onto the floor.
> This is a really bad thing but it's not for very long. It's fine!
> The nice thing about being tortured is you're too distracted to worry about keeping a straight face.
> The bad thing about being tortured is all the other stuff. :(
carnivalsoration > Oh, hey, he didn't immediately submit. That's fine. Patience is all you need. The water keeps up in a steady stream. "You did, didn't you. Don't lie to me, you did make me a cookie. Didn't you?!"
> A forceful tone of voice and persistence is all you need. Soon he'll be too disoriented to do much more than choke and agree with you.
vwarlordvwanderlust ==> Cronus: choke and agree with him.
> This was a terrible idea!
> (Wow, Cronus, if only there was any way of knowing that.)
> Your panicked failing gets a little more forceful, but not any more effective.
"Stop, yes--"
> You're dying, he's killing you, you're going to drown here and nobody will ever know what happened.
carnivalsoration "And just what happened to that cookie, Cronus?" You accuse. "Did you fucking eated it??" Oh messiahs bless, saying that with a straight face is so funny. So hard.
"Don't you dare fucking lie, did you Eated my Cookie?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > You already said yes! You really will definitely die at his hands. AaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA
"Yes, I did, stop,"
> Your lungs don't feel right, but you don't know if there's actually water in there or if you're just freaking the fuck out without haviing gills, so it feels different.
> Glub glub,
> When you get back in your right mind, you'll be mad. This is the dumbest thing imaginable
carnivalsoration > Okay, now to get to the aftercare portion so no one thinks you're evil or whatever.
> You stop pouring water, captchalogue the jug, and get out of the tub. Then you help him sit up, lean forward. "Alright, now. Cough. Get it all outta ya."
> ..... Grab your phone. Fuck you hope that recorded the right angle.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Water, water everywhere, the last thing you're ever going to feel is water-- no water.
> You're shivering, and coughing weird-- you don't know enough about this to know if it's normal for torture weird, though.
> When he gets you into a better position, you cough up a little more water than might be expected for someone else who this happened to. Probably you just tried to breathe a little more than most people.
> When you're a little less full of water, you   go for the blindfold, if he hasn't taken care of it already. Seeing is good.
carnivalsoration > Oh shit blindfold, better hide the phone! Captchaloguing is so convenient for slight of hand stuff.
> you help him with the blindfold, very helpfully, with no ulterior motives whatsoever, and then give him a little pat on the back.
"You did pretty well! Didn't beg, don't think you cried. Still definitely confessed though."
vwarlordvwanderlust > You're tearing up a little bit now, but it's probably just the coughing, because you don't feel anything about this. It's basically no big deal.
> You glare at him, looking about as threatening as a half drowned kitten.
"You tried to kill me!"
> You sound vaguely hysterical.
carnivalsoration "Nope, you weren't even close to death. If i had tried to kill you, i got a billion other different ways to do it and there'd be no try about it."
> Pat him a little more. Its okay dear Cronus, it's all okay.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Rub at your eyes with one hand and try to take deep breaths, the way you were taught to instruct a charge to do if they flipped out.
> If you actually thought it was an attempt on your life, you'd be running, for all the good it'd do you. You still think it got closer than he's saying, but.
"I'vwe gotta stop givwing myself chances to look like an idiot in front of you."
> You sound calmer, but not, you know. Calm.
carnivalsoration > You laugh a bit, waggle your brows. "I like idiots, if that helps." It probably won't. "Anyway, my respect for people ain't based on the sorta thing that you seem so down on yourself about, so you're basically in the clear on that front."
> Not on several other things, but what can ya do. If you're ringleader, try to be nice anyway.
vwarlordvwanderlust > 'You didn't look like an idiot, Cronus', would have been the correct response, but he tried.
> Hhhhhhh.
> You haul yourself shakily out of the tub.
"Thanks, babe. Good looking out. Excellent. Appreciate it."
> You look at your hands, remembering the ineffectual struggling, and shiver. But in like, a cool and nonchalant way, totally.
"Man. Rusties are, uh. Vweak, huh?"
> Not that you could necessarily beat twelve feet of clown in an arm wrestling match normally, but still.
carnivalsoration > Oh good, he actually got that little bit of empathy you tried to make happen. Yes, he is weak as a rusty, and that's how they feel all the time!
"Yeah. Bones are more fragile too. Pretty nuts, ain't it? I barely even felt you struggling."
> How much can you hammer things home before you make it obvious? .... Let's give it a try.
"Browns and yellows ain't much better, ya know. They kinda have to do whatever we want em to, one on one, unless they got real good psionic control." Which means Mituna can't easily say no to what you do, Fuckwit. .... If only you could say those words out loud. Can't seem too sympathetic, though, you're supposed to be a mean Alternian who is being nice to him for some reason.
> Plus or minus some waterboarding.
vwarlordvwanderlust "Haha, better to be on the other side of that one, I'vwe gotta say."
> Lowbloods are weak and it's funny. Not that you sound all that amused right this particular instant, but you'll be back to normal soon enough.
"Not an especially controvwersial opinion,  I knowv. Anyvways! That's good, I guess. Makes things easier to handle."
> Now you're into the fucking with your hair stage of emotional recovery, because it definitely got all messed up.
carnivalsoration > Hahaha yeah, better to be a coolblood, outnumbered a hundred to one. That's a good side to be on. Ha. Ha. Ha.
> You watch him fix his hair for several moments before you proceed to just. Fuck it up again. Ruffle ruffle ruffle.
"I won the bet. What do i get as a prize?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > Pout at him.
"C'mon, boss, vwhy you gotta be like that?"
> It's pretty fucking wild how this guy actually literally tortured you, admittedly at your request, but you're so willing to be his friend.
> You smile tentatively at the question, a far cry from your typical cocky smirk.
"I dunno, big guy. Vwhat do you vwant?"
> It COULD not be a come on, except that you kinda. Lick your lips and waggle your eyebrows. Just a little. A smidge. It's probably really casual.
carnivalsoration > You like teasing him, and you laugh when he pouts. "Ain't my fault you look cute with mussed hair."
> And then he licks his lips and waggles his brows in a way that reminds you of yourself, except that you like to go overboard with it like it's a joke so that people can brush it off without the whole thing being hella awkward.
> You chuckle a little more, tap his nose. "I'll save my spoils for another time, hmm? In the meantime, though."
> Bend over, pick him up by the ass, and just give him a big ol kiss on his lips.
vwarlordvwanderlust "Yeah, you really think it looks alright?"
> Preen. You're incredibly fucking vain, which is pretty obvious considering your everything about you, and you appreciate being called cute. Even if tough would be preferable.
> Kiss back with just a little more enthusiasm than technique, though it isn't like you're terrible. This is a good night. You should probably put your shirt back on eventually, but it's not a particularly high priority at the moment.
carnivalsoration > Oh, boi, you're always the teacher and the experienced one. Otherwise you might be annoyed to be in such a position yet again.
> .... Grope his ass, tho, check if its doin alright, and see how quick he is to learn how to make out good.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You relax into it before too long, less tongue aggression can only improve things.
> You're basically only alright.
> You nip at his lips with lowblood-dull teeth, and grin when he gropes you. You don't want to take your arms away from their position over his shoulders, or you'd return the favor.
> Nothing bad has ever happened to you and everything is great.
carnivalsoration > Oh, teeth always get a good reaction out of you, inexperienced or no. Son of a bitch, you didn't want him to actually have Power over you.
> .... Whatever.
> How long can you keep him entertained with just. A lot of making out.
vwarlordvwanderlust > :D
> Cronus Will Remember That.
> Who doesn't like teeth, though, really.
> Oh, so fucking long. For all that you claimed to be all about the orgasms earlier, you sure are happy to keep doing this!
carnivalsoration > You'll keep going for at least like five minutes. He's getting so into it, you half expect to feel something wiggling against your chest.
vwarlordvwanderlust > YOU'RE getting a little squirmy, but at least you're not an adolescent anymore, so nothing's happening downstairs. That he can feel, at least.
> ... This is really good but like. Maybe. You don't need both hands to hold yourself up.
> You try and reach for his crotch, but don't stop making out.
carnivalsoration > Your eyebrows actually raise at his bold move, and you pull away a couple so you can look at him. And look down at the reaching hand.
> Your bulge is Definitely not out.
"Lookin ta escalate, brother?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > You didn't think it would be, neither is yours, but this is how you get stuff to happen! You do it!
> You stare blankly at him.
"No, vwhy do you ask?"
> You may make some questionable "jokes" about lowbloods, but your deadpan delivery is pretty good.
carnivalsoration "Cuz I'm not!" You say, with a smile and a single fingergun.
> For quite a few reasons. One of which is that you're not really In The Mood. Another, you have to ask Saness for permission.
> But, most importantly, you want to hold that particular bit of encouragement for later.
vwarlordvwanderlust > ?????????????????????????
> You look a little crestfallen, but mostly baffled.
> Maybe being tortured and then crying about it and coughing up water at someone isn't overwhelmingly sexy.
> No, that's probably not it.
> You roll your eyes, but withdraw your hand, and prepare to go back to making out.
carnivalsoration > That's fine. You are gonna just make out a while and think ya thoughts.
> How long can he even go at this before he gets bored...
vwarlordvwanderlust > Not THAT long, as it turns out. A couple minutes later, you pull back.
"Okay but are you sure?"
carnivalsoration > Bitch.
"Would I say it if I wasn't sure?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Maybe?"
> Your wide eyed innocent look isn't nearly as cute as you'd like to think, especially when it's about wanting to get in someone's pants.
"I'm just making sure, you knowv, people can change their minds, and that's okay if you ask me."
carnivalsoration "If I want to fuck you, you'll know. Because I will tell you, and then I will do it."
> Your voice isn't so friendly now.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Jeez, some people are so touchy. You'd raise your hands in surrender, but you're still a little worried that he'll drop you.
"Yeah, got it, good to knowv! It's good to be clear on stuff."
> ...Hm. Are makeouts even really the mood anymore? Why do actions have consequences???
carnivalsoration > You sigh, roll your eyes. "If you say no, what the fuck do you expect people to do? Ask you again, just to make sure?"
> Time to put the boi down. Things aren't that fun and he ruined it by being a shitheel.
vwarlordvwanderlust > :(
> This sucks.
> You pout, and the whine in your voice is definitely really cool and adult.
"I mean, I vwouldn't expect it, necessarily, but I vwouldn't make it a big deal..."
carnivalsoration > How fiercely do you have to glare to give him the full picture of the disdain you have for that whine and those words? You give it a shot for fucking sure. That is a hell of a nasty look.
"You think I'm makin a big deal out of it? I could be so much more overt with my anger and annoyance, motherfucker, I could make a real big deal outta it. My body is mine, my consent is mine, and I can do with it as little or as much as I mother fuckin please, do you understand me?"
> You step up on him with that last little bit, to loom over him. You are not pleased.
> Wilt under the weight of that glare+loom combo, abruptly stepping back, hands up appeasingly.
"Hey hey, yeah, I get it."
> What's that last part you always forget? Oh, right.
> God this bastard is scary. You just want him to like you, this shouldn't be so hard!
carnivalsoration "What do you get? Tell me the lesson you learned. Don't just repeat after me, tell me why what you just said was fucked up."
> you are still looming.
vwarlordvwanderlust "You'd vwin,"
> Not probably a particularly promising start, but goddamn, this sure is the guy who tortured you VERY RECENTLY, huh.
"I get it, you can do vwhatevwer you vwant, I got it, that one vwas my bad."
> You may be the seadweller, but he's still more experienced than you, and four fucking feet taller. You stumble back another step, grinning nervously.
carnivalsoration > Ooh this motherfucker
"That ain't the POINT," you growl. "Try again. I got faith you can get this lesson. It ain't about me, it's about you."
vwarlordvwanderlust > It's not like he's pursuing you, and you feel like if you keep backing up you'll hit wall, which would really not help with the feeling safe thing, so you stop. Even though he growls, and it's fucking terrifying.
"I vwas annoying and pushy? And shouldn't be?"
> Your rising inflection makes it clear that you're definitely guessing, but at least it's an educated guess.
carnivalsoration "There's more to it than annoying." But you seem a little satisfied by that answer. "There's a lot fuckin more to it. You were pushy. People don't like bein round pushy people who don't respect their decisions. And that's the fuckin problem. You didn't respect my decision."
> How do you really drill this into him, you wonder...
vwarlordvwanderlust > Now you're a little defensive.
"I respected your decision! Look, I'm not doing anything nowv, am I?"
> Everyone always assumes the worst of you just because of all the things you do and say, and the person who you are.
carnivalsoration > Your expression gets tight and angry before you sit on the edge of the tub and put your head in your hands for half a second.
"Cronus Ampora," you say, softly. "Have you ever met someone who's been raped?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > What's. Your head snaps up to look at him, and you flush maroon, suddenly angry and upset, but still nervous. Off balance.
"I didn't-- I don't-- that doesn't havwe ANYTHING to do vwith this!"
carnivalsoration "Why not? Haven't you heard about all the people who said no, and then said yes reluctantly because they felt there would be consequences after. Or because they were pressured? And then they got fucked. When they didn't want to be. Someone's hands defiled their body and someone's bulge made them hate themselves. Have you never heard of that?"
> You look at him with deadly seriousness.
"So. Tell me. Have you ever met someone. Who has been sexually violated?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "... No. I mean, not. I don't think that's. That doesn't *happen* here."
> That kind of... crime? It's probably a crime sometimes. But it's not a Beforan thing.
> That's one of those big scary Alternian things.
> You've never heard of anything with a yes involved being called rape, though.
> You fuck with your hair more, no longer meeting his gaze.
carnivalsoration > You reach over, grab him, tug him towards you to make sure he looks you in the eyes.
"It happens everywhere. Everywhere anyone wants to have power over anyone else, or everywhere anyone feels they don't have to pay attention to the wants of anyone else."
> You look at him for two long moments of silence.
"If you ever want to meet a rape victim, keep doing what you did there. You'll make one. Violence doesn't have to be bloody or involve kicking and screaming to happen. Don't let it happen while you're not paying attention."
vwarlordvwanderlust "That's not..."
> You trail off kind of weakly.
"I vwouldn't make people do any-- I vwouldn't make people do that."
> You are, in fact, processing what he's saying, but it doesn't really sound like it, maybe.
"I'm not-- I'm a good guy!"
> The looming sensation of realizing the consequences of your past actions threatens to encroach on your feelings, but you beat that shit back with a stick. This was a rough enough night already, he doesnt need to basically call you a terrible person.
> Your voice is small and tentative when you speak next.
"Isn't it like. Important. For highbloods to, uh. Take things. If they vwant them, and they're tough and can havwe them?"
> You sound like you're trying to remember something from class, not like you're actually making an argument.
carnivalsoration > You watch him, watch expressions flit over his face as you let your words sink in. His question is an important one to figure out how to answer, you can't just say whatever comes to mind.
> It's a few moments before you respond.
"Taking things from others because you have the ability to doesn't change that it's stealing. Fucking someone because you can doesn't automatically make it consentual on their part. Conquest for someone is still torture for someone else. You can't be a good person and a victorious person at the same time, if you hurt someone to get there. People don't like someone and fear someone at the same time."
> You look at him seriously. You can't treat him like a kid, you can't treat him like a dick who doesn't matter. He's an adult who can make his own choices, and they are choices that will define him.
"You choose who you want to be. What you want to do with your power. Every choice you make opens some doors and closes others. You have more doors you can go through than lowbloods do, but but inevitably, you will define yourself by your actions. And you will define the opinions others have of you by them, and by what you do with the choices you have and the results that come of them."
> You hope he's getting the full power of your words. You definitely phrase them like they're important.
"You can take whatever you get your hands on. But shit like 'respect', like 'fondness', like bein liked, cannot be taken by force. It cannot just happen. You put effort into it, into the thoughts of feelings of others. Fear is easy to win. Disgust is easy to win. Easy to keep. Trust is what's hard to win, hard to keep. And, to me, hard things are generally worth earning."
vwarlordvwanderlust > He had you going for a second there. A while, even. You were listening with rapt attention, wide eyed, but.
> As persuasive as he is, as smart as he seems, there's an obvious hole in his argument, and he can't have missed it.
"People lovwe and fear the empress. Evweryone does. She vwants it all and she takes it, and she has it! I'm not trying to put myself on her levwel, but she's the trollish ideal."
> God, but you want to be liked.
"Do you... really believwe all this stuff?"
> You don't know what his motivations would be if he didn't, but.
carnivalsoration > You nod gravely at his question. "I speak the truth I've discovered through pain and trials, and I mean every word of it. Now, I want you to tell me something, and I want you to be thinkin real hard about yourself and about all those people you hang with."
> You raise a wry eyebrow. "Do you, personally, love the empress? Like you do, say, yourself. Or your lusus. Do you think all of your friends do? Go through em one by one, in your mind, see if you can find one that you think might not. You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. But I want you to be true to yourself, at the very fuckin least."
> You'll let that sink in for a moment, while you watch him.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You think about Mituna, broken and shoved into a padded cage by her policies, and grimace. . Other examples filter up through your mind more gradually, but his is the most salient.
"Vwell... evweryone respects--"
> You think about the fact that he was even broken in the first place because he was protesting her policies, biting the jeweled hand that fed him. He got what was coming to him, though...
> Your mouth settles into a stubborn line
"...Evweryone SHOULD respect the empress, if they're decent. Right?"
> Making such a tentative, heavily conditional statement at all in an argument, let alone then asking for confirmation, should probably be a sign that you're not really feeling it.
carnivalsoration "What is the difference, I wonder, between respect of somethin dangerous, like not playin with fire, and respect of someone's opinions because you value their input and believe they would value yours."
> He's so stubborn and so panwashed by all that propaganda, but he's slowly coming to important realizations that will shape him. And you're proud of him for it, it's sure not an easy thing to do.
"Decency is subjective. You gotta ask yourself what you think is decent. Gotta come to the conclusion, yourself, what you value in a person. Convictions are personal. I want to know what yours are, when you think about what you value most in a person."
vwarlordvwanderlust "You don't need to believwe someone vwould vwalue your input to respect their opinions. Eridan doesn't givwe a shit about anything I say, but he's a good kid and he knowvs lots of stuff."
> Mmm. You feel weird about all this. It's another elaborate test, and you've failed every single one he's given you before it.
"Vwhy do you vwant to knowv?"
carnivalsoration "Oh, but tell me if that makes you less likely to have meaningful conversations with him. Like the one we're having right now."
> Feeling weird is a normal part of this process. It sucks though. You don't like it either.
> You give him a wry smile at his next little question.
"Because I want to respect you, for your own sake."
vwarlordvwanderlust "Sure, I guess."
> Not that that proves anything.
> Hm. You look at him, really look at him, trying to gauge his sincerity.
> You continue to suck at that. Fortunately, you just assume he's sincere.
"I guess... Loyalty. Passion. Honor. Ambition, and uh, success too. It doesn't matter if you don't succeed, haha. Bravwery. The usual?"
> You don't sound especially certain, but then, it's not a question you've had cause to think about much. Not explicitly, at least.
carnivalsoration "I don't wanna hear about the usual. The expected answers. Those are buzzwords, words everyone likes and likes to think about themself. I want to hear somethin that could be individual to you. You ain't everyone. You're you. You got your own shit to bring to the table and I wanna hear what Cronus Ampora, specifically, values."
vwarlordvwanderlust "I don't..."
> This is a Big Question. Him first.
"Vwhat vwould you say, someone asked you that?"
> You have literally no clue. Maybe his answer will be inspiring.
carnivalsoration "I value people who have conviction but are open to change. I value people who respect thoughts different than their own, and can learn from things they don't experience. I like people who will hear me talk about my gods and not dismiss everythin I say. I like people who are thoughtful about their enemies as well as their friends. I like people who get angry. And I like people who can control their anger. I respect people who have knowledge but don't assume they know everything. I respect people who have been through shit but still know not to apply what they know universally, without context. I like people who are different from me."
vwarlordvwanderlust > Well, at the very least, you sure get angry.
"Vwowv, that's. A lot."
> You jam your hands in your pockets and look to the side.
"I dunno. I just. Like people vwho like me."
> That's the dumbest and truest thing you've ever said.
carnivalsoration > Welp, that didn't Quite work.
"What makes you dislike people?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "I guess I don't like it vwhen people..."
> 'Are mean to me'. Shit. You need a different one.
> Kick at the ground. This is so complicated.
"It's obnoxious vwhen people don't care about anything at all. There's so much *stuff*, and some people can't be bothered to pay attention to any of it. This is vworse than the torture, because it's making me face howv boring I am. "
> (Just kidding, you won't actually face that for a good while yet.)
carnivalsoration > You hum, consider him. "You're not boring. Not really. You're just... Not finished. You're like an artist and your canvas. And you've got all your outlines set up, but there ain't any color yet."
> Better continue on before he gets offended, delicate little shit. "Still, that's important, that thing you just said. You don't like people who don't care. So it follows that you're drawn to people who do care. Does it matter, to you, what they care about?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > Rude.
> But yeah, it turns out dicking around on a guitar all night and fantasizing about killing aliens doesn't actually lead to much growth as a person.
"Yeah, passion, like I said."
> You think for a second.
"I guess... I mean, it's best if they care about shit that's interesting. I mean, I don't vwanna hear some nerd go on about model trains for hours. But I think caring about something enough to dedicate yourself to it is cool."
> You're kind of opening up again, even though this isn't exactly something you're used to talking about. You don't feel like you're on the edge of a wrong answer, though.
"Art, especially, though. Art is so..."
> Useful? Important? Nah. You fold back into yourself a little.
"It's neat, at least. I guess being interested in something practical is better."
carnivalsoration > You like that, like that he can see the value in giving a shit about things he doesn't care a lick about. Your expression has been steadily softening, and now you smile a little at his words. He's doing great. Keep going, Cronus.
> And then he says something a bit down again, a bit Alternian Standard, and you have to reach back for what he was so close to expressing. Something genuine about Himself.
"No, tell me more about art, brother. I wanna hear your thoughts. What excites you about art, about music?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > You laugh a little.
"You're biased because you're a clowvn, but yeah, sure."
> You fall back into the subject with little encouragement, seemingly forgetting that this is the Big Scary Alternian Mentor Guy.
"Art is... Good art, to clarify, because there's a lot of shit out there. But art is beautiful evwen vwhen it's ugly, because art is honest evwen vwhen it's fake. All art tells a truth about the artist, y'knowv?"
carnivalsoration "I do know. I like that about art, I like knowin about people through what they do and how they do it."
> You don't mind the clown stereotyping. Just this once. It's true enough anyway.
"And what do you think your art says about you?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Vwell, if you havwe to ask, it must not havwe been saying vwery vwell!"
> You take that in good humor, though.
"I guess my public stuff, the newv music, is mostly about me being cool and tough and a loyal citizen. But subject isn't the same as message... It probably mostly says howv self centered I am."
> Candor!
> You do talk a lot about yourself in your songs.
carnivalsoration > You laugh a bit as well. "Well, the message I get and the message you intend can be two separate things. Art is individual even to the observers of it. But I think that comes across pretty well."
> You think it comes across that he's lonely and desperate.
"What about your private stuff, then? The stuff where you are the artist and the intended audience?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Vwell, I mean, that stuff's privwate."
> So's your vent blog, but this guy has that too.
> You stare off into the middle distance, because it makes you look cool and deep.
"I guess it mostly just says that I'm sensitivwe. Major character flawv, but sometimes the babes lovwe it, so it's a mixed bag. It's all about heartbreak and abandonment or vwhatevwer."
carnivalsoration > Oh fuck. Oh fuck it's so hard to not laugh at him sometimes.
> You keep back the chuckles and feel glad that he's staring off into the distance like a nerd.
"So you feel abandoned? Misunderstood?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Sure, yeah. I mean, it's not like people stick around."
> For Some Reason.
"Nobody really gets me, and nobody really cares to try. I guess you do, and San."
carnivalsoration > .... And That's about all the focus you're willing to have with this conversation.
"Well, me and saness are gonna do our best. So. Ya know. Try not to make it too hard on us."
vwarlordvwanderlust "I'll do my best."
> Grin, setting aside your Dramatic Melancholy for later.
"I like you guys, you're great. Vweird, but hey, vwho isn't?"
carnivalsoration "Who knows. No one I wanna chill with."
> A few seconds of looking at him.
"Hey I got shit to do and I can't really do it in this busted up hive."
vwarlordvwanderlust "No, yeah, I vwas just about to ask if you vwere ready to dip."
> It's time for lots of introspection, followed by promptly discarding all the conclusions you come to that feel bad.
> This was. Something. Lots of things.
"Do you havwe your owvn vway back? San did."
carnivalsoration > You're not sure he actually was. You're just a little tired of dealing with a wiggler.
"Yeah," you motion to a bracer very similar to hers. "I'm pretty good on transport. Catch ya later?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Seeya around, boss."
> Fingerguns and wink. God you're charming. Time to go.
carnivalsoration > You disappear! Bye bitch.
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