spyfye · 2 years
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cross posting from twitter, for my buddy @bbonbonss <3
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viaheavensandorhells · 9 months
'Unconsciousness is no excuse and we are responsible for the mistakes we fall into (.) Why aren't you aware of these things? Because you never bother to examine the forces that move you because you believe that those forces and motives are always good.' #aldoushuxley #EyelessInGaza
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junkie-virus · 11 months
anyways. i have been feeling vaguely unsatisfied with media. mainly queer media . i dont know it all feels the same. of course maybe i could widen my horizons though i dont know where to start but im kind of tired of the halfway-redonating. i can never really fully resonate with any queer media because it only wver focuses on one identity in a way i can’t relate to because mines are heavily influenced by one another . only ever gay/bi. only ever trans. only ever white. only ever allo. etc etc
#ro rambles#i dont know this makes sense but this is my diary im writing in bloodsoaked with my sparkly pink pen and a fuzzy end with a cat bell and ri#bons#also u can literally never ever escape top/bottom bullshit in fandom. its a neverending powerplay#i do enjoy contrast ships but its always one enjoying one being coy or shy or reluctant or whatever.#idk im not even one of those niche high class media people or whatever i just want more trope subversion#or allowing characters to be versatile & dynamic (ha half joke)#not just one note always#idk im alays looking for ways to subvert things and that does lead to me being like “is this even in character anymore? like the obvious ch#oice is obvi because their personality would influence them into making that choice. but u can make it in character hilst making them choos#something that seems unexoected for them. yk.#im rmbling.#because its my blog and i can.#(aggressive)#i encourage recs but if its geaveyard boys or whatever its called dont do it i already bought and tried reading & dod not like it.#dropped it but so desperate maybe ill try it again#i just have a grudge bc its one of tge only rep i have covering like. an okay amount of bases & that i was hoping to relate to#BECAUSE EVERYONE SUGGESTS IT WHEN YOU ASK FOR BOOKS WITH THAT CERTAIN REP#& it dissapointed me#ah well#im talking. im talking .#trying to make my own gay people. settling on that. though character deesign hard….#my thoughts are nowhere near fone but this is liter so stream of consciousness that theres no point#no sense#im just yappin#am a professional#could fo this forever
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luneeaux · 6 months
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"Faço de mim Casa de sentimentos bons Onde a má fé não faz morada E a maldade não se cria" Forfun - 'Morada' @luneaux7
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
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tecnocals · 1 year
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 1 year
The Bonnies!
Aidens(♂️) adorable fanboys are Aidens(♀️) adorable fangirls
I loved their cute lil heart shaped smiles
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mikec137 · 2 years
Mägenwil, Switzerland, November 2022
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luppiart · 1 year
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Give it to me Miyazaki style señor Gaiman I’m waiting
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hootbon · 11 months
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They’re so normal
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50-shade · 5 months
মানবদেহের প্রায় সব অঙ্গেই হাড্ডি থাকে। সব মিলিয়ে ২০৬টি। এর ভেতর ৮০টি হাড্ডি অক্ষীয় আর ১২৬টি হাড্ডিকে বলে উপাঙ্গীয়। মানুষের সবচেয়ে ছোট হাড্ডিটি থাকে কানের ভেতর। নাম স্টেপিস।
৯১ এর সংসদে একজন হুজুর বিএনপি ও আওয়ামিলীগের কঠিন তর্কবিতর্ক দেখে ফ্লোরে দাঁড়িয়ে বললেনঃ
'মানুষের একমাত্র হাড্ডিবিহীন অঙ্গ জিহবা। আমরা কেন সেই জীহব্বাকে নিয়ন্ত্রন করতে পারিনা!'
হুজুরের সাথে পরবর্তী জীবনে ব্যক্তিগত সখ্যতা হয় বিধায় নামটা চেপে যাওয়া সঙ্গত।
হাড্ডি থাকলেই অঙ্গ শক্তিশালী; না থাকলে শক্তিহীন; ব্যাপারটা এমন নয়। আমাদের সবচেয়ে শক্তিশালী পরাক্রমশালী দুইটি অঙ্গ হচ্ছে হাড্ডিবিহীন অঙ্গ। বিষেষত পুরুষের। পুরুষ তার দ্বিতীয় অঙ্গ দিয়ে জীবন সৃষ্টির কাজ করতে পারে। মানবজাতির একমাত্র শ্রেণীহীন সুখকর্ম করতে পারে। আবার নিকৃষ্টতম অপরাধও করতে পারে। পুরুষের প্রথম হাড্ডিবিহীন অঙ্গ দিয়ে বাক্যোচ্চারণ করতে পারে। মিনমিন করে সংসারে নিজেকে ডিফেন্ড করতে পারে।
অন্যদিকে নারীর ক্ষেত্রে বিষয়টা কিছুটা গোলমেলে হয়ে যায়। তাদের দ্বিতীয় হাড্ডিবিহীন অঙ্গ শরীরের ভেতরে অবস্থান করে। অথবা দৃশ্যমান অর্থে নেই বললেও ভুল হবার কথা নয়। তো যেহেতু দ্বিতীয় হাড্ডিবিহীন অঙ্গ দৃশ্যমান নয় (তবে অত্যন্ত শক্তিশালী ও সৃষ্টিশীল) তাই তাদের সেই অঙ্গের অন্তর্নিহিত শক্তির কিছু কিছু প্রথম হাড্ডিবিহীন অঙ্গে ট্রান্সফার করে দিয়েছেন সৃষ্টিকর্তা।
সেকারণেই নারী তার মুখের কথায় মায়াদেবীর ফুল ফোঁটাতে পারে। আবার নারী তার কথা দিয়ে হৃদযন্ত্র বিকল করে দিতে পারে। মস্তিষ্কে রক্তক্ষরণ ঘটাতে পারে। মিলন বিরহের সঙ্কোচ সঙ্কট মোচন ও উৎক্ষেপণ করতে পারে। অতএব বুরবাক অবলা পুরুষ তোমরা সংযত হও এবং প্রেমিকা, স্ত্রীদের সঙ্গে মনবুঝে মারফতি লেবেলের কথাবার্তা আদানপ্রদান করুন। ভুলে যাবেন না মারফতি কথাবার্তা ছাড়া আপনাদের কোন উপায় নাই..
সাওতাল করেচে ভগবানরে
সাওতাল করেছে ভগবান।।
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eriochromatic · 6 months
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1920s Baroque Works 🥂
Always wanted to do a movie poster redraw of the Great Gatsby so here they are!!
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sabrinarismos · 7 months
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Não achei que te esquecer iria ser uma coisa fácil, mas considerando como me machucou também achei que não seria difícil. Eu me lembro de tudo que vivemos e sofremos. Eu até fiz uma lista de momentos bons e ruins que passei ao seu lado, não sei porquê fiz isso! É engraçado notar que mais sofri ao seu lado do que realmente fui feliz. Então novamente me pergunto: por que sinto tanta sua falta? Será que tudo isso não é apenas carência? Passei tanto tempo ao seu lado que acabei desaprendendo a ser sozinho... Não exatamente "desaprendi", mas parece que falta algo para me complementar. Eu tinha me acostumado com uma rotina, onde eu falava com você, contava do meu dia, queria saber sobre o seu. Talvez o que esteja sentindo pode ser só tédio. Não sei. Não sou bom em desvendar meus sentimentos.
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bonscomco · 7 months
Các bước đăng ký tài khoản Bons dễ dàng, nhanh chóng
Các bước đăng ký tài khoản Bons dễ dàng, nhanh chóng 🌟Bước 1: Tìm trang web chính thức của nhà cái https:// bons. com. co/ 🌟Bước 2: Nhấn chọn vào mục Đăng ký trên giao diện của trang chủ 🌟Bước 3: Nhập tất cả thông tin cá nhân mà hệ thống yêu cầu 🌟Bước 4: Nhấn chọn vào nút Đăng ký để hoàn thành tạo tài khoản ☘️Chúc anh em có một trải nghiệm chơi cá cược trực tuyến trên cả tuyệt vời và thật nhiều may mắn! 🎯Website: https://bons.com.co/ ⚡️ Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/bonscomco
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THAM KHẢO THÊM: https://images.google.com.sg/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://cse.google.dk/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://maps.google.hu/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://maps.google.fi/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://google.com.mx/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://maps.google.dk/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://cse.google.hu/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://cse.google.com.hk/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://www.google.hu/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://cse.google.com.mx/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://www.google.com.mx/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://google.co.id/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://google.dk/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://images.google.dk/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://google.com.sg/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://images.google.com.mx/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://www.google.com.hk/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ https://google.hu/url?q=https://bons.com.co/ http://www.earth-policy.org/?URL=https://bons.com.co https://notclosed.com/?URL=https://bons.com.co https://www.campamerica.co.uk/?URL=https://bons.com.co https://europe.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://bons.com.co https://www.thegodolphin.com/?URL=https://bons.com.co http://ridefinders.com/?URL=https://bons.com.co http://lawdb.kmu.edu.tw/api.php?action=https://bons.com.co https://www.dauntless-soft.com/products/android/beforeyougo.asp?U=https://bons.com.co http://www.cliptags.net/Rd?u=https://bons.com.co https://tele-mag.tv/?URL=https://bons.com.co https://www.marantzpro.com/?URL=https://bons.com.co http://cases.cmsmagazine.ru/bitrix/click.php?goto=https://bons.com.co https://images.google.ac/url?q=https://bons.com.co https://trustandjustice.org/?URL=https://bons.com.co http://teixido.co/?URL=https://bons.com.co http://blog-parts.wmag.net/okitegami/redirect.php?u=https://bons.com.co https://www.eastandpartners.com/?URL=https://bons.com.co https://lyceum.org.uk/?URL=https://bons.com.co
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bonsvin · 7 months
Thế Giới Trò Chơi Đa Dạng Tại Nhà Cái Bons
📣📣 Thế Giới Trò Chơi Đa Dạng Tại Nhà Cái Bons 📣 💥 Thể Thao Sôi Động: Với đội ngũ chuyên gia lựa chọn kỹ lưỡng, chúng tôi giới thiệu bons mang đến cho bạn trải nghiệm cá cược thể thao tốt nhất 💥 Sòng Bạc Trực Tuyến Nổi Bật: Bons cung cấp một sảnh sòng bạc trực tuyến với những trò chơi đa dạng nhất 💥 Slot Machines Phong Cách Vegas: Với hàng trăm tựa game slot từ những nhà phát triển hàng đầu 💥 Poker Online Đỉnh Cao: Thách thức kỹ năng poker của bạn tại các bàn chơi poker online của Bons 💥 Keno và Xổ Số: Nếu bạn thích những trò chơi may mắn, Bons còn có các phiên bản độc đáo của keno và xổ số 🌏 Website: https://bons.vin/ 📌 Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/bonsvin/
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leiabomsenso · 8 months
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Não perca o bom trabalhador. Se alguém for bom, dê um jeito de não perder. Dê participação, faça o que for, não perca os bons.
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