oceanatydes · 9 months
the blades chapter today was so lovely. it reminded me a lot of the old blades
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consultwithmouse · 6 months
Goodbye Mrs Zuzana Čaputová, thank you for everything you have done for us. You have been the best president that Slovakia has ever had.
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newestcool · 1 year
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Grace Bol for The Blonds s/s 2013 rtw Creative Director Phillipe Blond   Newest Cool
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salinkarta · 9 months
koncept: rozprávka odohrávajúca sa počas vojny a dvaja naverbovaní mladíci sa do seba zamilujú zatiaľ čo spolu slúžia
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deepjuillet · 7 days
Paris Olympics 2024: A Celebration of Unexpected Success
From the opening ceremony to all the little changes during the events— from coups de batons to bell ringing by the champions — the event screamed out that it was unique, extraordinary, and French.
Another Summer Olympics has come to an end, and what a fabulous extravaganza it was! Despite the weather trying to ruin the opening ceremony, it was a celebration of the international camaraderie, and as we recap the magical memories we will take away from the events, it’s one point I must admit: this wasn’t another Olympic Games, and Paris broke many stereotypes. I hope the trend continues, and…
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⭑⌗ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐇𝐂𝐒 + 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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✶ let's go ahead and clear that idea that ellie wouldn't be like. immediately obsessed with you and giving you secret discounts on the weed.
✶ she met you five seconds ago and she was like. why would she ever pay for anything?? she's literally my reason for breathing?? (ok babe 😭) so you're getting that stuff for lowest price she can possibly make it. and if you flirt a little?? she's wondering why she's not just handing you the bag for free.
✶ when you guys get closer, she notices you're kinda into pink so when she sees pink papers???? she's SLAMMING that card, best believe. when you're freaking and like HOWD YOU GET THIS she's trying to pretend to be all cool like oh idk just found 'em and thought it'd be funny but if you like 'em you can have them ... i guess 😒
✶ if you're a little inexperienced with it she's a little protective and is like oh i don't think you should try that this one's way better and gives it to you on the house like?? you're trying to pay for it and she's like noooo it's for you just take it even though that was some of her good weed and she never gives that out. but you're nice and sweet and her bestest customer so who is she to charge you??
✶ when y'all are closer she literally just starts buying shit for you. you're like oh my gosh this bracelet is literally so pretty and next time you come over she's like so.. guess what and there's the bracelet in a box under two pretty pre-rolls (that she's also not letting you pay for btw)
✶ n you're so worried about breaking her bank when she does it but she's literally living lavish because she's everyone's dealer and no one with weed isn't getting it from her. (charismatic queen tbh)
✶ plus if you think this is gonna kill her wallet just wait until you guys start actually dating. she's not even waiting for you to ask for shit, she's telling you to put your cart on public so she can surprise you all the time.
✶ you're like babe how am i gonna pay you back and she's like just .. be pretty for me, yeah? 's not hard for you at all. (just flustered myself give me a minute)
✶ and some random things i just think she'd do:
✶ texting you high out of her mind about dinosaur facts because she just knows too much and needs to get it out immediately (she's such a nerd I love it 😭)
✶ trying to shotgun with you but she sees your face lookin' all pretty n dazed, chokes on the smoke, and just simply never does it after that. (give her a week, she'll be back)
✶ reading a shit ton of sci-fi. she compulsively reads savage starlight all the time but she's actually obsessed with the whole genre n can't exist without it atp (she DEFINITELY owns a few space cowboy books and before meeting you she would always imagine she was the lead guy with the hot love interest who was definitely some kind of alien. don't question it.)
✶ if you're a plushie girlie (me fr) she's ALWAYS buying you plushies. but she always buys one that matches yours for herself so you guys are "always together" or something. idk she's a little bit of a loser.
✶ she's so bad at keeping up with skincare but now she just weaponises that and makes you do it for her. literally rolling her eyes and pouting if you do yours without her, mumbling shit like "oh yeah, just forget about ellie, huh? that's what they all do" until you're like babe what??? 😭
✶ also i know that everyone says this but she really does own some weird ass shirts 😭😭 she'll get high and buy weird shit like that shirt that just says tomatoes it's so wild going through her closet lmaoo
✶ and because of her high shopping she also has some weird ass bongs like. seriously. there's a an astronaut one with octopus legs for sure, i can feel it.
✶ high ellie tweets>> she's actually so out of pocket sometimes 😭 some of her greatest hits would probs be
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✶ also she was so nervous around you and wouldn't look you in the eye for too long because she didn't wanna scare you but then she got a little bold when she found out you liked girls and then was just straight up cocky when she realised you liked her, too (that blunt flick when dina said she wanted her to kiss her .. yeah that ellie)
✶ she's just the bestest, silliest, nerdiest girl ever and the best girlfriend literally anyone could ask for 💞💞
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hey guys back with another banger hope you guys enjoyed make sure to like follow and subscribe‼️ no but seriously give me opinions because i love hearing you guys have little convos and the reposts are always so wild 😭😭 thank you new jersey, and goodnight (also don't look at the tags im shy) as alwaysss creds to @ cafekitsune bc these dividers are so mf cute
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Naming Systems
For the humans and tieflings of Baldur's Gate (and half-orcs and half-elves who follow human naming systems rather than that of their non-human culture) Dwarves, elves and others will be done another time to save space.
Obviously I imagine you've all named your Tavs and Durges by now, but idk, I felt like doing this and maybe you've got random background OCs to name.
Sometimes people like to name their kids after gods. Like "Helm" and "Torm".
By far the most common names and surnames in Baldur's Gate (including non-human names).
Quite often people have no official surnames and use locations and vocations as surnames, like in real life (Blackgate, Cliffgate, Tumbledown, Tailor, Gardner)
Families of Cormyrean descent usually favour portmanteau surnames: Evenwood, Breakwood, Ironwinter, Summergate, Amblecrown, etc.
Residents of the Dalelands who move abroad often use the name of their Dale and shorten it. For example, Barantra from Tasseldale upon moving to Baldur's Gate would call herself "Barantra Tassel" and her descendants might continue to use that as a surname.
Dales: Archen, Scar, Tassel, Deeping, Harrow, Battle, Feather, High, Mistle, Shadow, Moon*, Sessren*, Tarkhal*, Teshen*, Dagger, Merry* *These dales have fallen to history. In the case of Merrydale, the name was changed to Daggerdale after an incident involving a brutal vampire infestation that led to a lot of violence and made everybody suspicious and hostile, so these surnames would indicate it's been a long time since your ancestors left the Dalelands.
Sembian families like to invent newer and grander surnames, in an attempt to make themselves look rich and important. This is less likely to be seen in the Western Heartlands, but I suppose it still may occur. Families often hyphenate their names so you might meet "Shandri Clarandal-Tarlroyal", or "Roakyn Dauncrown-Sardar"
Canon common given names: Masculine: Darvin, Dorn, Evendur, Gorstag, Grim, Helm, Malark, Morn, Randal, Stedd. Feminine: Arveene, Esvele, Jhessail, Kerri, Lureene, Miri, Rowan, Shandri, Tessele. (Plus a few dozen more I'm not typing out)
While the following isn't exactly canon I feel like you can get a name that "sounds about right" by breaking the syllables down and shoving on a syllable that goes on the end.
Like with the names "Lureene" and "Arveene", the ending is "eene" and you get the syllables "Lur" and "Arv". Then you could get new names by taking, idk, "Kerri" and "Miri". Ker+ri, Mi+ri = Lurri and Kereene and Arvri. Mieene doesn't really sound right, but idk.
Syllables Dar, Dor, D, Even, Gor, Gors, Gr, Mal, M, Rand, Ran, St, S, Arv, Esv, Jhes, Ker, Shand, Bev, Tes, Al, Ald, Alvae, And, Gal, Galag, Cath, Coran, Bold, Bol, Elbas, Ind, Jath, Ont, Prend, Baran, Coel, Dar, Em, Shar, Galiy, Hael, Saldv, Dal, Torv, Varan, Joy, Sar, Pip, Nan, Zor, Nok, Rorn, Far, Soor, Mi
Endings Masculine: -in, -vin, -orn, -dur, -ur, -tag, -stag, -im, -ark, -al, -dal, -edd, -arl, -rel, -rus, -us, -or, -ion, -stion, -ond, -dor, -yn, -dyn, -yk, -ryk, -ke, -il
Gorion, Darvin, Malryk, Tesor, Jathstag...
Feminine: -eene, -ele, -sail, -ri, -dra, -tra, -ra, -la, -ria, -ara, -arra, -one, -ue, -due, -syl, -ala, -ys, -ae, -naem, -ice, -e
Shandra, Miele, Darla, Arvone, Sarice, Cathtra, Bevra...
The second most common group of names heard in the Gate, although early in the city's history I suspect Calishite and Illuskan names were more common. I note that "Jaheira" is likely an Alzhedo name (which makes sense, she's from Tethyr).
So, Calishite filial piety and subsequent naming standards are very detailed and specific: "A person is worthless without the identity gained by his name and that of his family."
A slave will have their given name and the name of the family that "owns" them. A large part of the population of Baldur's Gate are descended from former slaves, exiles and dissidents of the Calishite Shoon Empire, and would likely have originally borne names under that system.
In this case it's [name] adh [master's surname] So for example, Hamlil adh Tahandral. It's possible that it Hamlil had migrated northwards with her family that one of her descendants might be Miri Tahandral or something.
A freeman would list their title/s, their given name, their matronym or patronym, their family name, and their home town.
So if your name is Aseid, your father is Haseir, you're of House Dumein and you live in Baldur's Gate then: your full name, in the traditional manner, is "Aseid yn Haseir el Dumein yi Baldur's Gate," while if you have a sister, Ceidil daughter of Atala is called "Ceidil yr Atala el Dumein yi Baldur's Gate."
Adding your hometown onto the end is usually not necessary, and using it all the time is a sign of civic pride.
Diaspora, such as the Baldurians, usually drop the articles. Aseid Haseir Dumein Ceidil Atala Dumein.
Aseid may chose to use a matronym, Aseid Atala. This deliberately draws attention to her identity over her husband's which is unusual. It implies that his mother is particularly high ranking or infamous. Likewise Cidil may name herself Ceidil Haseir.
Clergy traditionally replace their family with their god, so if Aseid decides to go to the Rose Portal shrine and take up life in service to Lathander, he will be "Aseid el Lathander" or "Aseid Lathander".
Syllables As, Am, And, Bard, Has, Khem, Khe, Meh, Sud, Sudei, Zash, At, Ceid, Cei, Ha, Ham, Jah, Jas, Mei, Meil, Seip, Sei, Yash, Bash, Dum, Jas, Khal, Kha, Most, Mos, Pash, Amj, Tah, Tahan, Bhal, Mjo
Endings: M: -eid, -eir, -ed, -med, -en, -men, -man, -ad, -id, -al, -ein, -an, -ar, -ein, -san, -ir
Amen, Mehsan, Khemad, Zashein...
F: -ala, -edia, -eira, -eda, -il, -a, -ma, -al, -lil, -ida, -eina, -ana, -ara, -eina, -sana, -ira
Jaheira, Bhalil, Yashana, Tahma...
?: -sha
Canon common names: Masculine: Aseir, Bardeid, Haseid, Khemed, Mehmen, Sudeiman, Zashtir. Feminine: Atala, Сеidil, Hama, Jasmal, Meilil, Seipora, Yasheira, Zasheida. Common house names: Dumein, Jasan, Khalid, Mostana, Pashar, Rein.
Third most common group.
I can't find much of anything about how naming systems are supposed to work for Illuskans.
Some don't use them at all.
Some go for patronyms and matronyms: -sson and -sdottir, so you get like, Malcersson and Cefreysdottir. These do not seem to be common. Some surnames are: "Kurth", "Helder", "Rethnor", "Stornar", "Rhuul"... This is entirely headcanon/guessing, but maybe they're patronyms and matronyms with the suffix removed? Luthin Cefreysdottir -> Luthin Cefrey?
Some gain names for themselves, self-bestowed or bestowed by reputation, based on aspects of themselves or their deeds that they're proud of or that give them fame: Nimoar "the Reaver", Ornar "of the Claw".
Most have surnames of some kind, some are portmanteaus: "Tenfeather", "Hornraven", "Windrivver", "Hathwinter", "Brightwood", "Lackman", "Stormwind", "Gnarlybone." This seems to be the most common form of surname. I'm entirely hypothesising, but Illuskan cultures value bravery and strength (particularly in battle) so I'd assume those are deed-names, possibly inherited from a famous ancestor?
Syllables: And, Bla, Bl, Br, Fr, G, Lan, Land, L, Mal, Malc, Sto, Tam, Am, Ama, Be, Beth, Ce, Keth, Mar, Ol, Sili, West, Wes, Or, Alas, Aga, Jaun, Von, Oj, Ost. Uth, Nash
Endings: M: -er, -ath, -ran, -eth, -uth, -der, -or, -an, -nar, -gar
Nasher, Oruth, Landgar, Ander, Vonor, Westran...
F: -frey, -tha, -ra, -ga, -tra, -da, -in, -ya
Agatha, Ojya, Malda, Stoya, Ceda, Luthin...
Canon common names: Masculine: Ander, Blath, Bran, Frath, Geth, Lander, Luth, Maler, Stor, Taman, Urth. Feminine: Amafrey, Betha, Cefrey, Kethra, Mara, Olga, Silifrey, Westra.
Rashemi (Gur)
The Gur still speak a variant of the proto-Rashemi tongue amongst themselves in private, so depending on how much they assimilate or not I imagine at least some of the names might be similar?
I can find even less about Rashemaar surnames than I can anyone else right now.
Surnames used by Rashemi are: Chergoba, Dyernina, Itazyara, Murnyethara, Stayanoga and Ulmokina. Names like that might be Gur tribe names?
Syllables: Fyev, Bori, Bor, Faur, Hulm, Hul, Jand, Jan, Im, Kanith, Kani, Kan, Madi, Mad, Nav, Madis, Ralm, Shau, Shaum, Vladis, Vlad, Dyna, Min, Tam, Yul
Endings: M: -vik, -gar, -ik, -ar, -islak, -ak, -evik, -insk
F: -arra, -mith, -ith, -zel, -el, -dra, -ra, -heir
Canon common names: Masculine: Borivik, Faurgar, Jandar, Kanithar, Madislak, Ralmevik, Shaumar, Vladislak. Feminine: Fyevarra, Hulmarra, Immith, Imzel, Navarra, Shevarra, Tammith, Yuldra,
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theladybrownstarot · 10 months
What is coming next in your life soon ?
Namaste! I'm brown♡ everyone Jai shree hari bol ♡ I'm back with an another reading about what is coming next into your life soon ~ . Make sure follow/like/reblog/Comment for more content like these and if you wish to manifest these soon then comment freely♡ I will bless you . So ,choose pile(s) that attracts you most .
Pick a card reading ~
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Let's begin with it ..
Pile 1 .
Hi pile 1 ♡ hru? Let's begin with your reading:-
🤎 so I can see if you had financial troubles , feeling lonesome , hopeless , helpless, constantly with challenges then its all going to get sorted with some time . You are going to be your best supporter and will get to know what was right and wrong for you .
🤎 I can see travel on the card and that some travel related opportunities is coming to you . I sense that you will be more clear and direct about your things or any planning . Some you might buy a car or bike . You are going to finally find all the solutions to your question and will lead life seriously but in a flow . Someone might be coming to you and will offer you a help but won't be your soulmate.
🤎 oh my pile 1 really you have some through some tough dealss but now yay you won't be holding yourself back . You are attracting , building and manifesting the greatest version of you with all you got .
🤎 But pile 1 your determination , belief , will , hard-work all together your commitment will be tested so before that you need to do some healing . Good family relations and friend relationship can be seen protected .
Pile 2 .
Hi pile 2 ♡ hru? Let's begin with your reading :-
🤎 some of you might have been gone through some past hurtful situations , must have been overthinking a lot or had not a good time with your emotions but now i can see you being emotionally stable , having a good control over your thoughts , changing your perspectives and approach to regular situations and starting to see a ray of hope again .
🤎 You must be bit defensive when someone point you out but considering that there was no mistake of yours . I can see such things changing because you will be making changes inside so externally the environment doesn't stop or block you emotionally and mentally . you will sum up all your experiences and lesson ad will apply it .
🤎 your wishes and goals are finally coming true and making you feel confident about your next goals and plans in life . I can see a drastic change or transformation coming up for you which will be very much needed . You will become good manifestors .
🤎 I guess you should check pile 1 too . your hard-work will pay off through the self healing process . some of you could be capricorn moon too . leaving toxicity and adopting self-love more .
Pile 3.
Hi pile 3 ♡ hru? Let's begin with your reading :-
🤎 some of you might be becoming cool lol sarcastic or maybe that's in your nature to also tease others . Some of you maybe going to a beach or somewhere around watery or to a international trip . You are attracting someone you will going to love , maybe your crush and you will be together and i see someone coming to you but you not paying attention to them . You have left behind all and have come to state to take a break and enjoying your life .
🤎 You are becoming bold , brave and courageous . If you were a person who would run away instantly after seeing any wrong situation then i see you becoming such a person who will face situations and things . you going to take a lead ahead by yourself .
🤎 You will be coming up with any ideas and options to explore . I sense some of you could have the passion for writing maybe . If you want to choose a career ahead in this like in your passion or hobby then go ahead because i can see that when you will listen to your heart you will achieve wonders. some of you could change your life style or will leave behind some things that no longer served you .
🤎 you are being advised to communicate more with others who are like you and try to bring love ,compassion and kindness in things . Most importantly be confident .
The end of the reading .
NOTE: make sure you like/reblog/Comment and most importantly follow if you want more life related and spiritual content. Comment down to claim the energies and any appreciation Will be appreciated a lot . Love you a lot.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
fic idea: George x Reader where Georgie has been so overworked recently and goes out on a case with Lockwood & Lucy so while they’re out reader cleans up the house as much as possible and does chores and bakes cookies to show appreciation for everything George does for the house <3
a/n: AHHHHH this is so cute yes!!! once again, this isn't overly long, mostly because i'm still working myself out of a writing slump, but i hope you enjoy!
warnings: none words: 965 taglist: @neewtmas @locklylemybeloved @aayeroace @gotlostinfiction @waitingforthesunrise @mirrorballdickinson @mischiefmanaged71 @magicandmaybe @wellgoslowly gn reader
For You - George Karim
By no means are you a good cook when it comes to dinnertime at thirty-five Portland Row, but you’re a hell of a good baker.
The smell of freshly baked cookies is still strong when you hear George trudge through the front door with his trademark huffs and scuffling footsteps. You’re still plating them up when he finds his way into the kitchen, covered in what looks like soot and ectoplasm burns on his thick jacket. You have to ignore the way his hair falls over his forehead in such an endearing way to be able to function.
“What happened to you?” you ask with a laugh.
“The ghost’s source was in the house’s very old, very dirty chimney,” he grumbles, tearing his jacket off. “Typical, huh? What’s that you’ve made? Smells good.”
With a grin, you turn and show him the plate of cookies. “For you,” you say. “Well, for Lockwood and Lucy, too, but if they’re all gone by the time those two get back then they don’t need to know.”
There’s a moment where George is silent, looking at the cookies as if they hold some otherworldly secrets, but then he wipes his glasses on his shirt and glances around the room. Apparently, he notices the lack of dirty dishes, rings made from mugs and glasses on the counter, and the absence of a perpetual burnt toast smell, because he nods in appreciation.
“You’ve cleaned up, too. Is that why you didn’t want to go on any cases tonight?”
“Surprise?” You place the cookies down on the table and wiggle your hands dramatically, which earns of huff of a laugh in return. “There was so much that needed done, so I thought I’d get it sorted. Especially since you’ve been working yourself so hard.”
“I haven’t been –“
“Georgie,” you say, “yes, you have. You’re out of the house by nine most mornings now to get down to the Archives, and you’re not back until right before dinner. And, believe me, I appreciate all of the work you’re doing, but I can’t take much more of Lockwood’s spag-bol. Either way, just wanted to show you that I’m grateful for you.”
Already, you can feel your face growing a little warm. What kind of friend cleans a whole house and bakes cookies just to say thank you? A good one, maybe. Or maybe not. You’re not entirely sure what constitutes as being a friend or what is more at this point.
“I washed your dirty clothes, too. They’re on your bed along with some of those pens you lost a few weeks ago. I found them stuffed between the cushions of the sofa. Oh, and –“
His hand reaches forward slightly, and your words come to a stop.
“Am I rambling?”
There’s a little shadow of a smile on his lips. “Yeah.”
And then his hand is on your face, fingers brushing your cheek so softly they almost feel like feathers. Your heart ceases all functions, and your breath stops short. He’s looking at you so tenderly that you fear you might implode.
When his fingers pull away, there’s a faint white dusting along the tips. “You had flour on your face.”
Immediately, your hand reaches up to your cheek to brush away any remaining flour, and George laughs, reaching over again to get the last little bit. Can he feel how hot your skin is right now? You’re not entirely sure of whether it’s from embarrassment or the fact that George Karim has just touched you so nonchalantly without knowing how much it sends your heart racing.
“Thank you,” he says, dusting his hand off. He shuffles back a small step. “You really didn’t have to. Especially not at two in the morning.”
You shrug to try and seem indifferent, but it comes off a little more clunky than you had intended. You are pretty tired, to be fair. “No fuss. I got bored. Besides, I had this recipe sitting around and I know it’s one of your favourites.”
There’s a faint glimmer in his eyes then. “You do?”
“Of course, I do. You told me ages ago, and it’s not something I would forget.”
He gives you a very George smile then – one that looks outwardly quite awkward, but you know is genuinely happy from the way his eyes crinkle ever so slightly. It makes your heart soar and your head feel a little light.
“You know you’re the best right?” he says as he plucks a biscuit off the plate. “Lockwood might pay my wage, but you’re an angel.”
The words take you by shock, mostly because it’s something you never would’ve expected him to say. Usually, he’s far too awkward to compliment you beyond telling you that you’ve done a good job on something or that the jumper you’ve chosen to wear that day is a particularly nice colour, so to hear You’re an angel leave his lips feels like some kind of fever dream.
Are you dreaming? Surely you are. There’s no way that any of this has happened.
But there he is, just a foot or two away, smiling in that unique and entirely enchanting way of his as he breaks his biscuit into small chunks to eat it. There he is, trying to decide whether or not he should keep looking at you or stare down at his shoes with ears that look curiously pink.
“How quickly do you reckon we could eat these before Lucy and Lockwood get back?” you ask.
George’s smile becomes a little bigger. “If we try hard enough, ten minutes.”
He hands a chunk he broke off, and you swear his fingers linger for a little too long to be considered friendly. It makes you grin as you take it.
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superman86to99 · 3 months
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Action Comics #701 (July 1994)
"THE FALL OF METROPOLIS," Finale! The final (for now) battle between Superman and Lex Luthor! Wait, isn't Luthor practically a vegetable now? Is this just 22 pages of Superman beating up a cripple? No, it's actually a fair fight because Lex is back to his old Pre-Crisis habit of wearing purple robot armors (I guess they're traditionally more green than purple, but still).
As seen last issue, Lex's paralyzed body is being taken to S.T.A.R. Labs in an ambulance so they can administer the cure to the Clone Plague that left him in this state, but he's got other priorities: mainly, punching Superman. Following Lex's programming, a Kryptonian Battle Suit (the same one that Superman just sorta left laying around in Metropolis during "Reign of the Supermen") comes to retrieve him, trashing that poor ambulance in the process.
Now able to see and hear again thanks to the armor's sensors, Lex witnesses the destruction in Metropolis for the first time and is like "I can't believe I accidentally destroyed the city I love... anyway, let's destroy it some more!" More specifically, he wants to destroy the statue of Superman that stands atop what was once his tomb.
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Superman comes to stop Lex from causing even more property damage (and prevent him from showing what's inside the tomb and spoiling a storyline that isn't supposed to start yet...). Superman evades the armor's punches and missiles, but Lex is able to club him with the statue itself -- which you already saw on the cover, but I'm showing it to you again because it's such a cool image.
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Lex tries stepping on Superman and burning him with ignited rocket fuel (so hot that it turns the armor's hand into a stump), but Superman is Superman, so he ends up ripping the suit open, taking Luthor out... and flying him to S.T.A.R. so they can give him the cure. Because, again, he's Superman. But, unlike Superboy and other Clone Plague victims, Lex doesn't simply go back to normal after getting the cure: he's still paralyzed, probably because his clone body was "grown more quickly" than the others (he should sue that Dabney Donovan fellow for his shoddy rush job).
Of course, Lex blames Superman for the results of his own dumbass choices and swears that one day he'll make him pay...
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...but, for now, he better get comfy in that bed, because he's gonna be there for a good while. THE END!
That closes the actual "Fall of Metropolis" storyline, but Metropolis will remain fallen for a little while longer.
This is also the end of the Clone Plague storyline, since Lex was the last surviving clone to get the cure. If you're wondering what happened to the Underworlders: at S.T.A.R., Dr. Kitty Faulkner says they all "seem to have perished." Damn, even the babies? That's brutal. Considering they never appeared again except in flashbacks, Kitty is probably right, but I prefer to believe they simply retreated even deeper underground and never had to deal with the surface world's bullshit ever again.
Lex wearing a green/purple armor finally fulfills the tease seen on the first page of 1986's The Man of Steel #5, when we're made to think a random goon in a proto-Lex-Men suit is Lex. Then we see businessman Lex himself and it's like "Ha! You thought this Lex Luthor would ever be caught dead inside something so corny? Dream on, nerds!"
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This issue is written by Karl Kesel (plot) and Louise Simonson (dialogue) since Roger Stern left in Action #700 and the new guy hasn't arrived yet. Speaking of Stern, that blurb at the end saying that hopefully both he and Lex will return one day is exactly what's gonna happen, but it won't be in Action or any of the existing Super-Titles...
Shout Outs-Watch:
Awesome Kryptonian Battle Robot-sized shout outs to our supporters, Aaron, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Sam, Bol, and Dave Shevlin! Join them (and get extra articles) via Patreon or our newsletter’s “pay what you want” mode!
And now, keep reading for the great Don Sparrow's take on this issue, Roger Stern's run in general, and what does Clone Lex have between his legs...?
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
We start with the cover, and it’s appropriate for a title like Action—Superman’s Kryptonian warsuit duking it out with the Man of Steel at his own memorial.  Great sense of motion from the rubble flying off, without motion lines, which is a real feat.  It also reveals that the Superman statue in Metropolis Memorial Park is in fact stone or concrete.  This whole time I was imagining it was bronze (we don’t have many stone sculptures in my neck of the woods in Northern Canada, as they tend to crack with the wild temperature differentials). 
Inside we’re treated to back to back splash pages to open the story, both with a great look at the rogue warsuit in action.  The image of the suit plucking a stark naked Lex Luthor is a pretty memorable one. And if you’re a fan of nude Lex, this issue doesn’t disappoint.  I hesitate to even mention such a thing, but is this is the first canonical appearance of Luthor’s pubic hair? Moving on…
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[Max: I always took that as a shadow. That panel did make me wonder if Lex's clone body had everything, or if perhaps he asked Dabney Donovan to forget certain parts and just focus on making sure his pecs and abs remain rock hard even if a plague turns him into an old person.]
The image of Superman flying in to combat the Lex-driven warsuit is an all-timer, and would have made a great sticker.
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The battle in this issue is reminiscent of the "Doomsday" storyline, in that we’re treated to super-sized panels, with only one or two images per page.  This is a treat, as the artwork really gets to breathe, but it has the unfortunate effect of making the issue a pretty quick read, as there’s a lot less text than in a normal issue. It also makes my job of picking the standout panels a little harder, as they’re all pretty stunning throughout the book.  The image of a raging Superman, having just thrown some missiles back at Lex is a good one, and very en vogue in this era, the peak of Image Comics grim & gritty style.  The image of the warsuit brought to one knee was another standout, as I really appreciate the difference in textures, the sold lugubrious brushline on the warsuit denoting its shininess, against the greasepencil looking streaks in the sky illustrating tendrils of smoke.
We get another intense Superman image on page 19, where Superman marches out of the flame undaunted (visually recalling the utterly badass house ad for the Super titles in 1990).  One of the final images we see is Superman carrying the limp, near-dead body of Luthor into flight.  Again, I think decency dictated this pose—surely carrying him in both arms, pieta style would have been safer for the passenger, but then we’d get an eyeful. Is there a reason Lex couldn’t just be wearing underwear throughout? [Max: Lex hates Superman so much that he refuses to wear undies on the inside OR the outside.]
Well, at least Superman also acknowledged that leaving the warsuit on the docks was stupid.
This issue seems to reveal that Kryptonian metal isn’t all that much more durable than regular metal, as Superman shatters the leg of the warsuit pretty easily.  In the silver age, it was unscientifically explained that Kryptonian metal was also super-charged by Earth’s yellow sun and lessened gravity, making it way stronger than conventional metal. 
It’s a rare thing that a cover image comes to pass but we really do see Lex knocking Superman through his own memorial in a great splash on pages 10-11.
For such a knock-down drag out fight, taking the suit apart seems pretty easily for Superman on page 20—the very next panel, Lex is out of the suit, and in Superman’s arms.
A side by side comparison reveals that they really did redraw Lex on the last panel, despite similarities to how he is shown on page 12.
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We are left with a small farewell caption to the great Roger Stern, with a hint that he—and Lex—could return to the super-books in the future.  “When we least expect it” would prove to be a little over a year later, but we’ll drive off that bridge when we come to it.  Perhaps because he’s not a writer/artist like John Byrne, Dan Jurgens or Jerry Ordway, it took a little while for me to recognize Stern’s greatness on these books.  But his Action Comics title consistently had some of the very best characterization and consistency in all these stories.  So many of my favourite moments (Lois finding out Superman’s secret identity, Batman getting Luthor’s Kryptonite ring, the return of Amanda McCoy, the introduction of Maxima) were all Stern scripts, and that’s saying something.  While in retrospect, I don’t love Supergirl being a protoplasmic synthetic entity, or Lex Jr. being a secret Aussie clone of Lex Sr. (storylines that mainly featured in Action) those were interesting options for their time, and certainly don’t stand in the way of Stern being among the all-time greats when it comes to Superman writers.  And, from my own weird personal point of view, much of the spiritual stuff I’ve collected over the years in our now-famous Godwatch feature has come from Stern.  So, God bless you, Roger Stern!
In an interesting sidenote that has no better place than here to mention—were you aware that in the Law and Order franchise, there have been dozens of characters with the last name Stern, which originated as a shout-out to Roger Stern from fellow comics writer turned Law and Order writer Gerry Conway (creator of no less than Firestorm, Power Girl and Killer Croc)?  There’s even a particularly creepy episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent where a perp has that exact name.  Conway also frequently used Hudson University in his episodes, which comics fans know is the alma mater of one Dick Grayson—which essentially means Law and Order is set in the DC Universe.  Cha-chunk! [Max: Wait, does that mean all of the DC Universe takes place inside some kid's snow globe?]
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oceanatydes · 2 years
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irisopranta · 1 month
What project(s) are they working on now? For themselves or someone else?
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She just finished on her wedding dress, which was a massive project for herself. Her current project is a simple knitted scarf made of alpaca yarn she got from Bol Noq' from her travels in Urqopacha that she can work on every now and then so she can figure out how to work with the material.
Thanks for the ask @yloiseconeillants
Artisans OC Asks
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sezginer35 · 1 year
Güzel akşamlar olsun canlar... 🪕🪕🪕🎻🎻🎻
Hayatımı s.....n diyememiş yazımı kişa çevirdin diye tercüme etmiş..
Toprağı bol olsun...
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slavicbee · 6 months
Arepov boh
Prompt: Chrámy sú stavané pre bohov. S touto vedomosťou postaví farmár malý chrám aby uvidel, aký boh sa mu zjaví.
Arepo si v poli postavil chrám, skromnú vecičku, zopár kameňov naukladaných do mohyly, a o dva dni neskôr sa do nej nasťahoval boh. 
“Dúfam, že si boh žatvy,” povedal Arepo a založil altárik a spálil dve pšeničné stebielka. “Bolo by to fajn, veď vieš.” Pozrel sa dolu na tú šmuhu na kameni, kamienky nakrivo naskladané, odkašľal si a poškrabkal sa po hlave. “Viem, že toho nie je veľa,” povedal, jeho slamená čiapka v rukách. “Ale - spravím, čo sa len bude dať. Bolo by fajn myslieť si, že na mňa dohliada nejaký boh.”
Na ďalší deň tam zanechal pár fíg, deň na to tam strávil desať minút svojho rána posadený vedľa toho chrámu v modlitbe. Na tretí deň ten boh prehovoril. 
“Mal by si ísť do chrámu v meste,” povedal boh. Jeho hlas bol ako šum pšeničných stebiel. ako pišťanie poľných myšiek pobehajúcich skrz trávu. “Do skutočného chrámu. Nejakého riadneho. Dostať požehnanie od skutočného boha. Ja taký nie som, ale možno by som ťa mohol niekomu odporučiť?” Vytrhol list zo stromu a povzdychol si. “Tým myslím, nie že chcem byť drzý. Je to tu útulné. To velebenie bolo fajn. Ale nemôžeš úprimne veriť, že ti čokoľvek z toho niečo prinesie.”
“Už toto je viac než som očakával, keď som ho staval,” povedal Arepo, pokladajúc svoju kosu a sklaňajúc sa k zemi. “Povedz, čohože si to ty boh?”
“Som boh spadnutých listov,” povedal. “Červíkov, ktorí sa mútia pod hlinou. Hranice medzi lesom a poľom. Prvého náznaku námraze predtým než príde prvý sneh. Šupky z jablka ktorá sa ti zubom poddáva. Som boh tuctu ďalšieho ničoho, zvyškov, ktoré vedú k hnilobe, chvíľkových letmých pohľadov. Zmena vo vetre, ktorá hneď zmizne.”
Boh si opäť povzdychol. “Nemá zmyslu velebiť niečo také, nie ako Vojnu, alebo Žatvu, alebo Búrku. Odlož svoje modlitby na veci mimo tvojej kontroly, dobrý farmár. Na tomto svete si taký maličký. Taký zraniteľný. Lepšie modliť sa niečomu vyššiemu, než som ja.”
Arepo vytrhol stebielko pšenice a pritísol si ho medzi zuby. “Mne takéto velebenie vyhovuje,” povedal. “Takže ak ti to nebude vadiť, myslím, že v tom budem pokračovať.”
“Rob, ako uznáš za vhodné,” povedal boh a stiahol sa hlbšie medzi kamienky. “Ale nikdy nevrav, že som ťa nevaroval.”
Arepo sa modlil pred rannou prácou, a on a ten boh v tichosti uvažovali nad stromami. Takto ubehli dni, a týždne, a potom sa privalila Búrka, čierna a hrubá a búrlivá. Zaplavila Arepove polia, ztriasla škridlice z jeho strechy, zasiahla jeho olivový strom a poslala ho na popol. Na ďalší deň kráčali Arepo a jeho synovia pomedzi tej pšenice, zachraňovali čo sa len dalo. Ten maličý chrám bol rozhádzaný naprieč poľom, a tak keď práca z toho dňa bola hotová, Arepo tie kamienky pozbieral a opäť ich poskladal. 
“Marná práca,” zašepkal boh, ale aj napriek tomu sa vplížil naspäť doň. “Nebolo jedinej veci, ktorou by som vám toto mohol ušetriť.”
“Bude nám dobre,” povedal Arepo. “Búrka už prešla. Znovu všetko postavíme. Na dnes žiaden milodar nemám,” povedal, a zložil trošku skazenej pšenice, “ale myslím, že zajtra niečím podopriem tieto základy, čo povieš?”
Boh v chráme zarachotil a povzdychol si. 
Prešiel rok, a potom ďalší. Chrám sa zavrstvil stenami kameňov, zastrešil pletenými konármi. Arepovi susedia sa chichotali keď prechádzali navôkol. Niektoré ich deti zanechávali ovocie a kvetiny. A potom Žatva zlyhala, bohovia stiahli svoje odmeny. V Arepovom poli zakvitla pšenica tenká a krehká. Ľudia nariekali a trhali svoje róby, vraždili svoje jahniatka a vylievali ich krv, hľadeli na zem so znepokojením a išli spať hladní. Arepo si prišiel sadnúť ku tomuch chrámu, kvety už dávno zvädnuté, ovocie zošuverené na hrudky, Arepove rebrá bolo vidno skrz jeho hruď, jeho ruky sa stále triasli, a zamumlal modlitbu. 
“Pre teba tu nič nie je,” povedal boh, túliac sa v tme. “Nie je nič, čo by som mohol urobiť. Nedá sa nič robiť.” Zatriasol sa a vypľul svoje slová. “Čo je tento chrám, ak ne tvojou ďalšou ťarchou?”
“My-” povedal Arepo, a jeho slová sa zakolísal. “A čo, že je chudý rok,” povedal. “Týmto sme si už prešli, prejdeme si tým znova. A čo, že sme hladní,” povedal. “Stále máme seba navzájom, nie tak? A mnoho ľudí sa modlili iným bohom, ale to ich pred týmto neochránilo. Nie,” povedal a zatriasol hlavou, a ľahol si na zopár zošuverených buryniek na altáriku. “Nie, myslím si, že naše usporiadanie mi celkom vyhovuje.”
“Príde horšie,” povedal boh z útrob toho kameňa. “A nebudem môcť spraviť nič, aby som ťa zachránil.”
Prešli roky. Arepo položil zvráskavenú ruku na ten chrám a niektoré dni tam strávil hodinu, stratený v zamyslení s tým bohom. 
A jedného osudového dňa, spoza víno-temného mora, prišla Vojna. 
Arepo sa zapotácal ku svojmu chrámu, jeho ruka pritlačená o brucho, pomazávajúc to sväté miesto svojou krvou. Spoza neho horeli jeho polia, a kosti v nich horeli do čierna. Privliekol sa tam na kolenách ku chrámu z tesaného kameňa, a ten boh sa náhlil ku jemu boku. 
“Nemohol som ich zachrániť,” povedal boh, jeho hlas tichý nárek. “Je mi to ľúto. Je mi to ľúto. Je mi to tak, tak veľmi ľúto.” Listy padali zo stromov, malý hebký dážď popola. “Neurobil som nič! Celé tie roky, a nič som pre teba nespravil!”
“Ticho už,” povedal Arepo, chutnal svoju vlastnú krv, zrak sa mu rozmazával. V modlitbe sa oprel o chrám, čelo pritlačené ku kameňu. “Povedz mi,” zamrmlal. “Znovu mi povedz. Čohože si to ty boh?”
“Som-” povedal ten boh, a načiahol sa, chytil Arepovu hlavu, zavrel oči a prehovoril.
“Som boh spadnutých listov,” povedal, a vykúzlil si ich obraz. “Červíkov, ktorí sa mútia pod zemou. Hranice medzi lesom a poľom. Prvého náznaku námraze predtým než príde prvý sneh. Šupky z jablka ktorá sa ti zubom poddáva.” Arepove pery sa rozišli v úsmeve. 
“Som boh tuctu ďalšieho ničoho,” povedal. “Kvetových lístkov, ktoré vedú k hnilobe, chvíľkových letmých pohľadov. Zmena vo vetre,” hlas sa mu zlomil a rozplakal sa. “Ktorá hneď zmizne.”
“Nádherné,” povedal Arepo, jeho krv špinila kamene a presakovala do zeme. “Všetky z nich boli také nádherné.”
A keď horeli polia a dym zahaľoval slnko, keď boli ľudia pošliapaní v presile a zúrila krvavá Vojna, keď nebesá vypustili na zem svoj hnev, rozsievač Arepo si ľahol do svojho skromného chrámu, hlavu mu chránili kamene, a vrátil sa domov k svojmu bohu.
Sora našla chrám a v ňom kosti, na ktoré sa zrútila strecha.
“Oh, úbohý boh,” povedala, “bez nikoho kto by pochoval tvojho posledného kňaza.” Potom za pozastavila, pretože bola zďaleka. "Alebo sa tu takto uctievajú mŕtvi?" Boh sa prebral z rozjímania.
“Volal sa Arepo,” povedal. “Bol zasievač.”
Sora sa trochu zľakla, pretože nikdy predtým nepočula hlas boha. "Ako si ho môžem uctiť?" Spýtala sa.
"Pochovaj ho," povedal boh, "pod mojím oltárom."
“Dobre,” povedala Sora, a šla si po lopatu.
"Počkaj," ozval sa boh, keď sa vrátila a začala zbierať kosti spomedzi polámaných vetvičiek a opadaného lístia. Položila ich na zvitok nebarvenej vlny, jedinej látky, ktorú mala. "Počkaj," povedal boh, "nemôžem pre teba nič urobiť. Nie som bohom ničoho užitočného."
Sora si sadla na päty a pozrela na oltár, aby počúvala boha.
"Keď prišla Búrka a zničila jeho pšenicu, nemohol som ju zachrániť," povedal boh, "keď sa Žatva nepodarila a on bol hladný, nemohol som ho nakŕmiť. Keď prišla Vojna," bohov hlas sa zadrhol. "Keď prišla vojna, nemohol som ho ochrániť. Prišiel zakrvavený z bitky, aby zomrel v mojom náručí." Sora sa znova pozrela na kosti.
"Myslím, že si bohom niečoho veľmi užitočného," povedala.
"Čoho?" spýtal sa boh.
Sora opatrne zdvihla lebku na látku. "Si Arepov boh."
Prešli generácie. Dedina sa zotavila z tragédií - domy boli obnovené, záhrady znovu vysadené, rany zahojené. Na starca, ktorý kedysi žil na kopci a hovoril s kameňom a sutinami, sa už dávno zabudlo, ale chrám stál v jeho mene. Väčšina verila, že je prázdny, pretože boh, ktorý v ňom sídlil, sa už dávno odmlčal. Každý, kto prechádzal okolo rozpadajúcej sa svätyne, však cítil bolesť v srdci, akoby smútil za strateným priateľom. Chlad, ktorý prenikal od vchodu do chrámu, oslaboval ich ducha a odháňal všetkých potenciálnych návštevníkov, okrem zriedkavých a najmä nevšímavých detí, ktoré po sebe nechávali drobné trsy ružových a bielych kvetov, ktoré natrhali na okolitej lúke.
Boh sedel vo svojom pokojnom domove a hľadel na vzdialenú cestu, na chodcov, pracovné kone a vozy, na padajúce lístie, ktoré sa vírilo okolo hemžiacich sa nôh. Ako dlho to už bolo? Svet napredoval bez neho, lebo vedel, že mu niet pomoci. Svet musí byť kruté miesto, ktoré opustili aj užitoční bohovia, ak farmy môžu zaplavovať povodne, úroda môže byť neúrodná a domy môžu horieť, pomyslel si.
Pochopil, že ľudia sú nezmyselné bytosti, ktoré sa modlia k bohu, ktorý im nemôže splniť želanie alebo požehnať šťastie. Ktorí by udržiavali chrám a prinášali obety bez toho, aby za to niečo dostali. Ktorí by sa delili o svoju spoločnosť a meditovali s takýmto neužitočným božstvom. Ktorí by pochovávali cudzinca bez nádeje na úžitok. Akou bizarnou, márnotratnou láskavosťou naňho premárnili. Aké úžasné, hlúpe, cnostné, beznádejné stvorenia boli ľudia.
A tak maľoval západ slnka žltými listami, lákal červíky, aby tancovali vo svojej pôde, rozkvital hranicu medzi lesom a poľom kvetmi a bobuľami, krstil vzduch štipľavým chladom pred príchodom zimy, dozrievali jablká s chrumkavými, červenými pehami, aby sa lámali pod zatínajúcimi sa zubami, a tucet ďalších ničotností, na pamiatku človeka, ktorý kedysi chválil dielo boha na jeho umierajúci dych.
“Zdravím ťa, Boh každej skromnosti na svete,” zvolal známy hlas. 
Prižmúrené kútiky božích očí zaplakali na skrútených perách. "Arepo," zašepkal, lebo jeho hlas bol chrapľavý od storočnej nemoty.
"Som bohom oddanosti, drobných láskavostí, nerozbitných pút. Som bohom nezištnej, bezpodmienečnej lásky, večného priateľstva a dôvery," vyhlásil Arepo a každým slovom upokojoval toho druhého.
"To je úžasné, Arepo," odpovedal medzi slzami, "som za teba šťastný - taká mocná osobnosť bude určite potrebovať veľkolepý chrám. Odídeš do mesta, aby si zhromaždil ďalších veriacich? Všetci ťa budú zbožňovať."
"Nie," usmial sa Arepo.
"Takže ďalej, do hlavného mesta? Ďakujem, že si sa tu zastavil pred svojím odchodom."
"Nie, ani tam nepôjdem." Arepo pokrútil hlavou a uškrnul sa.
"Ešte ďalej? Aké ambiciózne ciele musíš mať. Nepochybujem však, že sa ti to podarí," pokračoval starší boh.
"Vlastne," prerušil ho Arepo, "rád by som tu zostal, ak mi to dovolíš."
Druhý boh onemel. ".... Prečo by si tu chcel zostať bývať?"
"Som boh nerozbitných zväzkov a večných priateľstiev. A ty si Arepov boh."
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anton-bernolak · 8 months
Och!!! Tak toto teda nie!
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@czto-nebud-blog Štúrblr? Štúrblr!? Malo by sa používať #bernolákblr, lebo ja som tu bol prvý! A nie ten… ten…. Och, nemám slov!
Ale svoje rozhorčenie posuniem na stranu, bo si uvedomujem dôležitosť správneho archivníctva. Nie nadarmo som toľké hodiny strávil v akademickom a profesionálnom prostredí, aby som sa nenaučil, ako sa má narábať s dokumentmi — digitálne či nie!
@ludovit-velislav-stur Čo povieš na #štúrnolák?
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: How to Name Your OC
Lets start with what name you shouldn't use.
A name that resembles the king, the queen, or a title conferred by the king (only of the current, the Chakri Dynasty) is illegal. For example, the late King Rama 9's name is Bhumibol Adulyadej, so if you tried to name your kid Bhumibol or Adulyadej, they wouldn't let you register. But if you cut it short enough, it might still work, like Bhum. Bhum pronouse phum Or Bol pronouse pon (it's the most accurate I can make) is actually a fairly common name. 
Mis-gender name, Some names have genders, and if you can't read Thai, there is a chance that you might make some mistakes, and it would be alright. But here are a few very obvious examples so you could avoid some of it: "Chai(ชาย)", which means "man", Don't use a name that has the word "Chai" in it for a woman character. The same with Ying(หญิง), which means woman. **There are many other words that are spelled as "chai" in English but spelled differently in Thai, and they don't mean "man" either, but most of them still are man's names.
And one last thing. It isn't necessarily a bad name, but it's my pet peeve, so... Anything starts with Som. If it's "som+anything", the chance is they are really old fashion names. 90% of the people with these names are definitely not teenagers. Most would atleast be in their 40s or something. Except Som without anything after or Som-O, because it's actually different Som. It's pronounced with a different tone.
So what name should you use? 
For the first name, I would suggest you just copy the actual Thai first name you know. It is the easiest choice. You could search for a Thai celebrity's name or you could use a website for naming babies. Nothing could go wrong with that!
For the surname It is more difficult than the first name. We can't just copy an already exciting last name. Because in reality, while you can always create a new surname, it needs to be unique. Unless there is some error that occurs, Thai people who have the same surname are related, whether since birth, by marriage, or by adoption.
If someone wants to create a new surname today, they will need to make sure that the surname they have in mind hasn't already been taken. The first thing they could do is check with the civil registration website.
I guess you could use the name of some place, like the name of an old village or mound, as your OC last name. It would be like their ancestors came from that place, or you could try to find some well-meaning word in Pali or Sanskrit if you want.
Well, it's not really limited to those two things since a real surname can actually be quite random, but those are pretty safe.
I think the hardest thing about a surname is that it usually links to the background of that family to some degree, and if you don't know what you gave your character, it could be a bit weird. You could find some random word to be a surname, but I wouldn't recommend that. 
And for the nickname, the easiest of them all, you can use anything. Literally anything, with just a small exception. For example, from A-Z except E because it is homonymous with a rude word, and N because it is homonymous with a word that means sinew, you could use any letter and it wouldn't be that weird.
Some might be more popular than others, but all could be used. You could just cut the legal name into one syllable and use that. It might be a little weird if you pick the wrong syllable to keep, but the risk is not that great. Stick to the last syllable, and it's mostly safe. You could use any animal you see as cute (except dogs; they're cute, but we already use dog as a curse word) as a name too. Just google translate it to Thai (or not). Fruit is the same way. And the weather too. From the sun to the storm to the grass, as long as it's cute or has a good ring to it, it can be used. 
If you want to name siblings, many Thais like to make their children's names be the same set, such as having the same initial letter, using the same word or sound as a first syllable, using words that the meanings go together, like Mek-เมฆ(cloud) and Mork-หมอก(mist), or choosing a rhyming word.
Most Thai people's first names and surnames are Pali/Sanskrit, which is a dead language, or Thai words that can be used in daily life. For nicknames, they can be the shorten form of first names, so it can be a meaningless sound, Pali/Sanskrit or Thai words, or it can be anything the namer chooses, such as random Thai or foreign words, brand names, or whatever.
If you want to attempt a period, do know that a canon nickname has a high likelihood of being a name that will never be used in an accurate setting, since using those foreign words as a nickname is a rather recent trend.
Sensible parents will choose a good-meaning name for their child. Not so sensible parents and writers might choose a not-so-good-meaning name for their child. There are so many novels with characters who have got really weird names. Sometimes I swear the writer chooses that name purely for pun purposes.
If a character's name looks like an English word when spelled in English, then there is a high chance that it is really that English word. Sometimes it might just be a coincidence, but most of the time it is an English word and if it is not pronounced like one, it's because it's just more convenient to say it in a heavily Thai accent among Thai people. And to be honest, even names containing Thai words won't be pronounced "right" all the time, especially if there is a diphthong in there.
Quite a few people choose to name their babies' nicknames after a place they conceive when it is obvious where is it happen, like, after they go on vacation abroad. or any other special event, activity, or reason that leads to it. So the country or town, as a nickname, can be because of that.😳😳 -->for transcribing Thai words into English.
If you want to, you could check out my Tumblr for character names' meaning posts. That might give you more ideas about Thai names and surnames. As I said, some writers do pick weird names for their characters, but even then, it's usually not that much weirder than reality.
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