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average day in my TSAMS AU😋😋😋😋
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goodolddumbbanana · 2 months ago
Okay guys, ya know how Jack usually jokes about murder people? Like : I like stabbing because it's funny✨✨✨
Do you think after getting rescued from the Creator, our baby boy will do that again? Like can Jack joke about murder anymore if his hands are full of blood of innocent people?
The difference between him and Bloodmoon is that he kills to save people. But what is he now? A brutal killer.
Haha... Yeah... I'm unwell. (*Sobbing*)
Whyyyyy Tsams!!!! If Jack dies in July to get some reincarnated or revive bullshit, I will blow myself up as MONTY PLE- style.
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h-didanart · 9 months ago
Bloodmoon in dresses collection, part 3!!!!
Hi ho fellow humans! (Please get the reference please get the reference please get the reference ple—)
It is I, the art guy, and I have brought more Bloodmoon in dresses. The missing three from our group of 11. Enjoy the drawings and enjoy the lore
These are a two in one, but they aren’t one another’s Other. These are the first Bloodmoon Original, Dagger; and Harvest Celestial’s Other, Hunter. They aren’t particularly enjoying the event. They are both just putting in the effort because of their twins, whether their Other wants to match clothes or they just want to annoy them with the asymmetry all Originals exhibit with their fashion tastes. Whatever their motivator might be, their respective siblings are having a blast! What more could they ask for?
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Dagger got the wrong size dress, it’s a bit too big for him. Hunter actually kinda likes the high heels, he might keep them.
This one I got inspired for because it’s June, so Pride Month.
Scythe was originally gonna wear something else, but while she was working on it their twin arrived with a stolen dress and a bunch of flowers. She helped Fang with it seeing as they didn’t exactly understand clothes very well (neither of them did). Fang was very happy with the result and in turn decided to help Scythe as well. They had a vague idea of something to wear and told her sibling so. Both twins quickly got to work and managed to throw something together at the last moment.
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It’s rather simple, but scythe enjoyed putting it together with her Other.
Tune in next time for either big drawing, or round 2!
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 25 days ago
New Darling meme|Thingy to remember/type note for self|Tsams Op au concept|Some are adjusted/from a english version by Hela Mid
Just a surface-level show of sympathy Really, what am I going to do with you? Chilled affection and lotion No one left an hero, show our true nature
If I were to let myself break for your sake how would we be able to go over there?
Nexus:"Sweetly melt me,"
Nexus:"Bitterly disparage you all!"
Nexus:"Break your bones SHI-!!"
Eclipse:"THE FUC!!-"
On an unknown world you shall land!
Nexus:"Punch me hard-"
Nexus:"I won't hesitate to kick you!"
Bloodmoon:"GO AHEAD-"
Nexus:"Break you to pieces,"
Nexus:"Torture me to death?..."
It's time to say goodbye to old us farewell memories!
The straws through my body What is the sign for? You're always so pathetic Answer me, my new 我的武器使用!
The worst kind of history Engraved in a fist I've fallen for a trap in oblivious evidence
A new look of perspective
If you were to,send me down hell Would I be able to go there?
Nexus:"Beat me up once more!"
Nexus:"Hollow out my chest...!"
Nexus:"Crush me with your bare hands!!"
On a world of dreams you shall land!
Nexus:"PUT ME AWAY?"
Nexus:"Don't hesitate to stab my heart-!!!"
Jack:"Repeat what?-"
Nexus:"Break me til i'm gone?!..."
Nexus:"Cut my life short"
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pineconedrop · 3 months ago
Lunar Rambles
I honestly have no idea how much is gonna be on this post. So I’m just gonna do what I do for the headcanons.
Lunar deserves more credit for taking down Eclipse. He was the one who helped Monty build Bloodmoon, knowing Eclipse was scared of him. He let Moon back out so he could continue his plan. In fact, he told Sun and Moon a bunch of information without being tricked into it (if I remember correctly). And to further prove my point, the TEAPS episode what if episode straight up proves it.
Lunar is actually very smart and I’m tired of the show treating him like he’s not. (The show did this/still does this to Sun, constantly referring to the two as the dumb one and it’s so stupid). First off, the whole Eclipse situation. Lunar was able to trick Eclipse and get out of a horrible situation. He’s also used to be very emotionally intelligent (I dunno about now, but he definitely used to be). He’s smart in his own right, just like Sun is.
Lunar’s whole thing with Nutella is sad and funny at the same time. Like in yesterday’s TEAPS episode, he was basically fighting the voices. There was no way Lu’s pupils didn’t dilate like a moth seeing a light. Also, him saying he uses the sugar high to distract himself… fair enough dude.
I’ve said this before, but I really really really want Sun and Lunar to bond more cause BOY ARE THEY SIMILAR
Lunar and Ballora’s friendship is amazing and needs to develop more. Let them be besties please 🙏 🙏🙏🙏. I just want Lunar to have more normal friendships dude is lonely. (And I love Ballora, she’s so funky. So seeing her interact with my favorite character makes me very happy.)
I want Lunar to move to Eclipse’s and Puppet’s dimension please. Unless he has an actual villain arc, then I want him to stay so Lunar x Rez happens :)
While I do miss how Lunar used to be sometimes, I fucking love how he is now and no one can convince me to hate him. It’s so cool to see the way he has developed and he’s so cool and I love him.
I never understood why everyone latched onto the MONTH PLE- joke. Like it doesn’t bother me (it did before he came back but we don’t talk about that), I just don’t understand why it’s funny.
I need Lunar to get a new body. I want tall Lunar. Please and thank you (in fact, it would be fucking hilarious if he became taller than Sun, Moon, and Solar. It would make me happy.)
I’m pretty sure I told y’all this, but Lunar is the whole reason I got into this show. I’m not joking, I saw one video with him, fell in love with him, then preceded to watch the entire show from the beginning so I could see him.
I want Lunar to have a friendship like he used to have with Solar again. Whether it be with Solar again or someone else, dude just needs someone in his life like that.
I don’t really want Lumini to become a thing again (I’ve explained this in another post, if you wanna know details) and instead I say they should just be friends.
I wanna kiss him :)
I am torn about how I feel about Lunar and Eclipse’s relationship. On one hand, I want them to have a healthy relationship and become friends or smth like that. But on the other hand, it feels like the wrong way to take it? Like (at least for now) it feels like it takes away from the whole story. Because Eclipse hurt him badly and he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven. I want Lunar to be able to heal from it without forgiving
That is the end of my rambles (for now). Into my cave I go. :D
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killerzys · 3 months ago
Some basic info for my killcode swap au
The next post will been the other have of the characters basic info/idea for them
Characters here are: Sun, Roxanne, Moon, Luna, Eclipse, Erath, Ruin, Bloodmoon twins, Solar, Monty, Killcode
Characters I have to info next are: Dazzle/Evelyn, razzle/Jonathan, Jack'o'moon, creator, Nexus, solstice (dark sun), Foxy, puppet
· one of his rays is missing because of moon riping it off
· is dating Roxanne
· he act like normal sun but lot smarter
· when he met Roxanne for the first time HE was a simp 😭
· SLUTY ass body/hj/jk
· has the killcode (lol obvious)
· matching bracelets w/ Roxanne
· when sun reset she didn't date that sun it felt wrong, but when sun came back him and her took it slow mainly for her to get used to him again
· is trans male to female
· fashion queen
· matching bracelets w/ Sun
· like og moon but a bit more crazyer like out of context like how ruin was but not really 😭
· he just a silly who made the star
· ripped off suns ray and don't not care about it tbh he just silly
· sassy AF butttt he acts like his og self form the benign of the show but just more meaner
· doesn't really care for the star but he did try to get it, giving up in the end
(V2) Lunar
· ????
(V3) Lunar
· ???
· Bloodmoon.. remade him? Why?
(V4) Lunar
· has an "ok" relationship with everyone
· he has an soft spot for Solar the two hang out a lot(well not really but it's a good amount of time the two hang out)
· still the same but kinder he is not dealing w/the star stuff
· doesn't have star power
· "Roxy ple-"
· the science technology girlly but she is more let's say softer the og Erath in personality wise
· she is always quite never talking unless it's needed
· adopted ruin she fixed his code a bit and made him less murdery which helped alot
· single, she finds relationships point less
· meow meow meow meow
· calls Erath mother
· just realizing that he is just jack'o'moon sighs oh well idc he is swapped w/ bloodmoon
· likes cats, stars, napping, and blood
· he likes playing with Erath hair
· still from another universe
Bloodmoon twins
· both in the same body
· likes blood still not crazy about it tho
· theater Bois
· probably like Hamilton
· vary fancy
· lunar made him
· for some reason like watching TV static
· not really sure about how I should make him lolz but he was like seen once not really a big character in the show
· freaky man 😔
· is a therapist
· like game Roxanne, SELF-CENTERED
· likes Erath but brushed it off
· a sun version of og killcode
· his name is "Murdercode" and not "killcode"
· kinda of a asshol
· redemption arc? Probably not
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laes-expoau-official · 4 months ago
Lil late today qwq
Random question of the day part… 8? I think-
If you had to be chained to one person in the world and you couldn’t leave their side, who would you chose if you could pick, and who would it be if it was your worst enemy?
And pls don’t all say the creator for the last part of that guys, I know he sucks more than the worlds best vacuum cleaner but say someone different, ple-
(Had to do the joke sorry XD)
"Eclipse, probably for someone i hate, and maybe... I guess Sun or Lunar." -Moon
-(don't mind him actually answering. He's currently bound in duct tape on the couch because of Earth having enough of Moon in general)-
'Uhm... I think Solar... Or Earth for the first one... And... I guess Ruin or Bloodmoon if the creator isn't an option and choosing dead villains is allowed..' -Sun
Hmmm for the first one, It's hard to choose between people of my family, my friends, and Monty, but I think I'm going with Monty. As for the second one, as much as i hate it, probably Nexus. -Earth
"First one... Heh, definitely Moon (i have technically been through this before with him) or Gemini. And the second... Probably Miku or Eclipse." -Lunar
I'm personally stuck with Pollux, being two stars of the same constellation, but I'm going to choose Lunar for the first one. Taurus for the second... Neither me or Pollux likes him right now... -Castor
There's so many to choose from! Like Lunar, Earth, Nebula, any astrals, and uhhh others - ;v; it's too hard to choose just one, so I'm choosing all of them!- ex-except Taurus and Leo- and person i hate- uhm I'll do Leo since Castor already chose Taurus -Pollux
-Lil sketch of what i mean by Moon being bound in Duct Tape-
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tsamsanonymous · 7 months ago
hi! hello! here's everything you need to know abt me:
name's M
i'm an adult
i write more than i draw
i go by tsamsanonymous bc all my fics are posted anonymously
i block liberally and won't waste my time on bullies <3
i have no intentions of (publicly) revealing my main but if i reblog from you regularly chances are i follow you from over there
i love asks please talk to me. please. ple
👇 fic stuff 👇
my main tsams project right now is Blood in the Water, which is a Bloodmoon centric fic about pirates and sirens and betrayal. the mature rating on it is just for Bloodmoon Typical Violence™
aside from this i've also written a Solar/Moon (Solar/Nexus) oneshot called chasing dreams inside our room which is short and sweet and tooth rotting.
i've got a Solar centric AU longfic in the works as well but that one's not ready to post yet. but! you'll likely see more oneshots from me in the meantime and i'll try to post about them here whenever they go up on AO3.
i may or may not open prompt requests for short oneshots. we'll see.
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goodolddumbbanana · 8 months ago
I think Sun will kill someone on July 16th. Why am I saying that?
Because on the first July 16th, Moon and Sun had a fight about how Sun couldn't control Eclipse in his head and how Sun murder all the kids. (Moon hurts Sun physically)
On the second July 16th, Nexus and Sun had a fight about how Sun threw himself into danger and how BM kept taunting him to kill people. (Sun hurts Nexus verbally)
And the theme Sun is lying to himself and he has a bad urge to hurt people repeatedly again and again in all these episodes.
And Sun recently became so much more violent. He threatened people a lot, and he is more confident to cast magic or sassing people out. We both know what happens when Sun feels good about himself and gains more confidence.
Trauma ✨✨✨
Trauma will slap Sun's left cheek, and then his right cheek. And humbly kick Sun in the ball and pull a MONTY PLE-- with people that Sun so tenderly cares about.
I think all these goofy episodes recently are not gags, but a foreshadow.
We see the last time Sun said when he snapped, it would be ugly. And then he killed Bloodmoon, yelled at Lunar and almost killed and got killed by Eclipse.
This time, he keeps saying he is moving on, that he doesn't care anymore about Bloodmoon, about that urge to keep telling him to hurt people, about him doesn't like being angry.
I think on this July 16th, Sun will get angry. Really angry this time, maybe He would lost control and hurt someone.
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lednet-sorrow-au-blog · 20 days ago
dw,bm,we delete footage.
average day in my TSAMS AU😋😋😋😋
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