swan2swan · 4 months
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Looking at this scene.
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They could have easily swapped Darius with Brooklynn here. Woulda really helped lay the foundation for the Brookenji relationship in the next season.
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lomlompurim · 22 days
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Life is awfully hard rn so I made some serotonin for myself, mom omega Binghe I love you so much
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mr-leach · 11 months
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Our beautiful little idiot wasn't paying a whole lot of attention while I gave Malcolm a hugely transformative makeover (we cut off over 18"!!) and had just about the funniest reaction I've ever witnessed when he eventually put all the pieces together. I dunno what Victor thought I had done to his dad but clearly it was very shocking!
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
ghost would have a good chuckle if when soap tells this girl he’s been eyeing across the bar that they in the military and she just, pulls the most disgusted look on her face with one look up and down before just going “uh no thanks, not interested” and just goes back to nursing her drink and watching the live band, ghost is so used to either birds desperate to fuck him cause they find the big scary masked man hot or scared to look him in the eye, so this birdie giving him that look cause he’s military? not the evil and kills people kind but the cheats on their spouses kind? he’s having a laugh, feels different for him, entertaining to him too.
it's giving penpal simon like had reader been some kind or polite thing he would've tossed the letter right in the garbage.
the fact that you're more disgusted with 'they cheat' over 'he probably kills innocents' def has him chuckling to himself like your priorities are fucked sweetheart sooooo let me take you home. can't cheat when in a nonexistent relationship 😌
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dteamhugs · 6 months
all these ccs coming out of the woodworks like "THIS is my experience with Dream. one time in 2021 i messaged him "hiiiiiiiii Dream this is me ToeSniffer97 :) i noticed u weren't responding to my previous 63 messages haha Please dream i'll do anything. i can be your footrest if you so desire. jhaha" to which he responded "who is this" As a 22 year old minor and a victim of stubbing my toe, i find this incredibly rude and ableist. DREAM you are financially responsible for my costly therapy bill and 12 sedatives i had to take. Disgusting & Hope you and your dorky friends die in a fire." I DON'T CAREEEE I DON'T GAFFFFFF he could've spat in your face, kicked your baby, fucked your mom IDGAF!!!!!! what are WE supposed to do? throw bricks at his windows? key his car? steal patches? Me personally i will go Likely story. Proably true. then go back to liking post comparing him to pictures of baby deer
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tswwwit · 5 months
How would bill feel if dipper reincarnated as an incubus?
Thrilled. Delighted. Tickled pink! Partly because hey! That's a great look for him! Inhuman and demonic and oh-so-cute. Another part because of all the demonic subtypes he could end up as, this one has to be the most ironic, a bit of him thrilled just because it's good to see him again -
And of course, a Big Ol' Chunk of delight for the other obvious reason.
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hatosaur · 1 year
if/when we get tlou3, what would you want to see happen? realistically OR your total dream scenario, either way...where do you see ellie's story going? what would you love to see and what would you hateeee to see go down?
realistically speaking, i imagine tlou3 would be what wraps up the franchise. if there's ever going to be more games after part 2, i pray to god naughty dog doesn't milk the franchise and make a billion games. people like to say "well, what if they focused on characters other than joel and ellie?" to which i say, shut the fuck up, you don't understand the last of us, you just want a sad zombie game, and i'm much smarter than you. because tlou IS joel and ellie's story; without ellie and joel, without even the idea of them, it isn't the last of us.
i'll be honest, i don't have any specific plot points that i'd for sure want in part 3. maybe it would be ellie's long journey back home after who knows how long. maybe the ending of part 2 was her deciding she needed to stay out of people's lives but circumstances drag her back home. abby and lev are just a part of it now -- it'd be weird to have them for one game and then just forget about them lol -- so they could share the focus. i'm not a big fan of firefly plots but that's their through-line if ellie crashes into abby and lev's path or vice versa. whatever, i kinda don't really care about the nitty-gritty.
but what i do want, over anything in the entire world, is ellie finally getting a happy ending. now this only works if part 3 is actually the end of the story, which again i hope it is. the game would be shit if ellie gets another bad ending or dies in the end (though her dying could be done right, i'd just prefer her death not be a tragic, depressing one). to me, the point of the games isn't the darkness of humanity or the futility of hope the way people say. it's about love, from beginning to end. it's love that drives joel to disastrous ends all for ellie, it's love that sends ellie on a revenge mission lamenting her chance to reconcile with joel, it's love that causes dina to follow ellie and then to ultimately leave the farmhouse with jj, it's love that forms abby and lev's duo and gets them as far as they do. no one wants to see it, because it's "corny" or whatever, but it's true.
ellie dying a tragic death or losing everything again or ending up somewhere in a depressive state doesn't round off any themes, because if the point of the games where that humanity is shit and love doesn't prevail, things would have been much, much darker.
ellie is a symbol of hope in the first game and a symbol of doom in the second, and i would love it if the third game could just allow her to be a person without any heroic or self-destructive sense of purpose. make her come to a point where she sees that her value lies in something beyond being a cure or an avenger; and maybe that's just being a person. being there in her loved ones lives. being a mom and partner, or a valued member of her community.
there is no point to be made in ellie reaching a new low -- she reaches rock bottom at the end of part 2 -- because there's nothing to say there. saying "everything is shit and horrible and everything good in the world dies" directly clashes with the moral of the first game, that even in a hellscape of monsters, infected or not, you can find purpose. ellie is joel's purpose in part 1. revenge is ellie's "purpose" in part 2. what about part 3?
again, it's "corny," so people won't want it, but what if it was just...her family?
it makes the most sense to me, the series begins with joel's loss of family, so why not end with ellie gaining hers back?
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stellarsightz · 3 months
Spent the last five days in a row working and im so. Tired. Why is retail so damn exhausting i was just standing there for like seven hours each day
I want to draw so bad but i dont have the energy for anything right now,,
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makenna-made-this · 7 months
I need more people to know how good birds smell
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ghostoffuturespast · 20 days
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Red Whisker Clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra)
No official field notes today, too much office work this week and I'm not in my usual habit this weekend. But look at this tiny goober plant growing in my yard!
What a naughty little exhibitionist! Has so many plant dicks (stamen - the male reproductive organs of flowers - 12 of unequal length on each flower of this species, hence the scientific name) on show for all the neighbors to see! Scandalous!
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Isle of Engines part 17
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imperial-agent · 10 months
im in my late 20s, single, neither aro nor ace simply fine being single and not crippled by the need to be with somebody or else, about to fully move out on my own and cut myself away from my family for good and planning to adopt 2 cats in the process. old spinster cat lady jokes from my relatives incoming
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heycarrots · 1 year
*Runs shrieking into Tumblr*
It’s READY!!! Episode two of Reading Between the Lines Podcast is LIVE!!
I had such a wonderful time chatting with @jaynovz and, luckily, I’ll get to do so a regular basis as we work together on Jay’s cupcake AU audio series! 🥳
If you listen, let Jay know how much you loved both her story and her insights!
Anyone else impressed I managed to make it an entire episode and a half without gushing over Toby Stephens? I certainly am! And that streak has ended, my friends.
All hail the amazing creators of the Black Sails Fandom, may they reign in censorship and fear forever. 🙏 Once again, THANK YOU so much to Kelsey, aka @magicbubblepipe for your GLORIOUS episode art! Your work turns my heart into a puddle of warmth in the pit of my stomach this podcast wouldn’t be the same without your wonderful aesthetic touch.
I’ll drop the link to the book referenced in our discussion, for those looking for tools to hone their skills.
But first . . .
You Turned Me Into Somebody Loved by Jaynovz
And the book Jay referenced is Romancing the Beat . . .
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coulrology · 1 year
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Dude close that mouth people gotta breathe here
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pundesal · 2 months
he said i was pretty and that i smell rlly good……… chomping my fist into pieces
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tswwwit · 6 months
Mabel n Pacifica rioting at pride parades and parties, having their flags on their walls and stuff
Dipper wanting to do the same and bill just saying he’s a demon so that doesnt exist for him 😭😭
Au contraire! Like Bill would ever miss out on partying and being able to wear gaudy outfits. He'd have a great time!
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