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lokisasylum · 1 day ago
Like Artist, Like Fans - PJM_SWITZERLAND has made the following donation to commemorate FACE's Anniversary🌙💛
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aricastmblr · 4 months ago
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Según K-media, Jimin donó silenciosamente 100 millones de wones en septiembre para apoyar los gastos de manutención y médicos, becas y servicios conmemorativos para los soldados que resultaron heridos o murieron y sus familias. Con esto, se convirtió en miembro de la Sociedad de Honor del Community Chest of Korea, la institución de bienestar más grande del país.
BTS 지민, 육군 위국헌신 전우사랑 기금 1억 원 기탁
지민 아버지, 충남사회복지공동모금회 전화 걸어 기탁 의사
충남사회복지공동모금회는 BTS 멤버 지민이 최근 육군과 함께 진행 중인 '위국헌신 전우사랑 기금'에 성금 1억 원을 기탁하며 아너 소사이어티 회원으로 가입했다고 22일 밝혔다.
현재 군복무 중인 지민은 아버지를 통해 조용히 기탁 의사를 전했다고 모금회는 설명했다. 지민의 아버지는 지난 9월 모금회에 직접 전화를 걸어 "나라를 위해 힘쓰고 계신 장병들을 위해 성금을 기탁하고 싶다"는 뜻을 밝혔다.
기탁 성금은 국가를 위해 헌신·희생한 육군 장병 및 그 가족을 대상으로 생계비, 의료비, 장학금 지원에 사용될 예정이다.
충남사회복지공동모금회는 지난 2018년부터 '육군 위국헌신 전우사랑 기금'을 육군과 함께 운영 중이다.
BTS Jimin dona 100 millones de wones al Fondo de Amor a los Camaradas del Ejército para la Dedicación a la Nación
Jimin de BTS dona 100 millones de KRW al Fondo de Amor del Ejército Patriótico
El Chungnam Community Chest of Korea reveló el 22 que Jimin, miembro de BTS, se unió como miembro de su Sociedad de Honor después de haber donado recientemente 100 millones de wones al 'Fondo de Amor del Ejército Patriótico', administrado en colaboración con el ejército.
La organización explicó que Jimin, que actualmente está en el servicio militar, les comunicó discretamente su intención de donar a través de su padre. El padre de Jimin los llamó en septiembre y les expresó: "Nos gustaría donar dinero para los soldados que están trabajando duro por el país".
La donación se utilizará para apoyar los gastos de manutención, los gastos médicos y las becas de los soldados que han sacrificado y dedicado sus vidas por el país y sus familias.
El Fondo de Amor de los Camaradas del Ejército para la Dedicación a la Nación de Corea del Sur ha estado operando junto con el Ejército desde 2018.
(los soldados que sirvieron/siguen sirviendo con Jimin en el ejército, comparten con orgullo la noticia de su donación al ejército en sus redes sociales)
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hwanwooyoung · 5 months ago
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karina // 'whiplash' mv 🎥
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 8 months ago
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you can't stop me lovin' myself ♡ for @kimtaegis
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jeonscatalyst · 3 months ago
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iamacolor · 2 months ago
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I'll go to you.
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userjungkook97 · 1 year ago
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thatgoddamngingerundercut · 11 months ago
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Run BTS Challenge Suga and Jimin
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jmdbjk · 7 months ago
No hurricanes.
We have 4 days left in August but it looks like there will be no hurricanes for us. We are typically waiting for one to arrive about this time every August. Definitely a welcome calm because there was already too much shit packed into this past month as it was so thank you to Mother Nature for not adding that extra layer of a shit show.
That being said, there is always next week for a hurricane. We wait. In the meantime, Episode 5 of Are You Sure? drops after I go to sleep tomorrow night.
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Namjoon has been active on his IG account, he just tweaked his bio, changing the title "right place, wrong person" to all lowercase. We are holding the ship on a steady course, Captain. Seas are rough but we see the signals.
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In case you didn't know, Miss Karma came back from her vacation. As of today, Min Hee Jin has been terminated as CEO of Ador.
She is being given the choice of remaining as director/producer for NewJeans but all of her stock options and whatever went poof. Good luck bitch, fighting your sexual harassment lawsuits without your CEO salary or perks. On your way out, please fumigate your office and leave the keys with the security team.
In other news, Billboard executives meeting this week to discuss major changes to Billboard Hot 100 and minor changes to Billboard 200. Can't wait to hear what this new round of fresh hell will be.
Also, Billboard having an event in Seoul to fiNd ThE nExT BTS!
Ya know... after all this time... how has no one ever realized its not the NEXT BTS anyone needs to be searching for? Yes, to the part about finding an authentic artist who can craft their own (really good) songs with lyrics that resonate. But the real key they need to find is...
... the next FANDOM that is like Army. Globally diverse from different walks of life including young, old and in-between. Loyal, loving, smart, organized, even if at times we seem to struggle to come together.
If an artist can cultivate a relationship with their fandom which consists of mutual respect and trust between them only THEN can the artist do anything, be anything, even untouchable. Hasn't anyone been listening at all? BTS has been saying for years they couldn't do anything... wouldn't be where they are... would have no reason to exist WITHOUT ARMY.
Seriously shaking my damn head. No one listens. No one.
Some other random things that are constantly doing a hit n'run inside my head...
I hope Jimin’s time with Dior menswear is finished because good lawd that shit is fugly. No. Just no:
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It looks like an outfit they would be forced to wear as a penalty for losing a Run BTS game. Isn't that the same way Koreans tie up what they call a "lamb head" towel around their head to go in the public baths?
I haven’t talked about Jin at all this month. Shame on me.
He's been very very busy endearing himself not only to Army but to middle-aged men, women, kids, moms, future spouses, actors, idols, foodies, gamers, fishermen, grandmas, grandpas, the world.
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Hobi will be coming home in 49(?) days!
Jimin and Jungkook are sending off their fellow soldiers with autographs as they are discharged. I guess it is somewhat comforting to read these simple messages they write to their departing comrades. It's all we have for now. I hope they are doing ok way out there in the boonies. 9 months and 15 days left.
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jimin-updates · 9 months ago
Jimin inspires others to do good works!
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Our Jimin’s goodness and light shines through as an example for us all 🥰
Please make sure to interact with the article!
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lokisasylum · 9 months ago
And to think people were dragging JM for donating to children's education...
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His actions cause others to be inspired to donate as well.
If YOU yourself can't feel moved to do act of kindness on your own instead of waiting or expecting others to do it for you. Then you have no room to talk.
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aricastmblr · 4 months ago
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BTS Jimin dona 30 millones de wones para mejorar las viviendas de personas desfavorecidas en Busan
Jimin, miembro de BTS (en la foto), se convirtió en el primer donante individual en el movimiento de donación por relevos para ayudar a mejorar las viviendas de personas mayores vulnerables en su ciudad natal de Busan.
BTS Jimin donó recientemente 30 millones de wones para utilizarlos en el 'Busan Habitat Challenge' para mejorar el espacio vital de las personas mayores vulnerables.
Según la ciudad metropolitana de Busan el día 2, el 'Busan Habitat Challenge' es un proyecto para mejorar el entorno residencial de las personas mayores vulnerables en cooperación con la comunidad local.
El padre de Jimin asistió a la ceremonia de donación en nombre de Jimin, quien actualmente sirve en el ejército. Jimin se convirtió en el tercer donante de este relevo y el primer corredor individual.
Los fondos donados se utilizarán para mejorar espacios residenciales donde las personas mayores vulnerables puedan vivir de forma segura y cómoda a través del Centro de Apoyo Integral para Personas Mayores que Viven Solas de la ciudad de Busan.
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moonchild1 · 1 year ago
i'm looking for some bts x reader ao3 recs i'm talking your absolute favourite member x reader fic give me the good ones the one that you can't get out of your head the ones that stole your heart i wanna binge read something...
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daffyjjk · 5 months ago
ays jikook was more than just a retreat; it was a true homecoming for me. you wouldn’t believe how deeply i’ve been missing them lately. if only i had a time machine, i’d go back to those golden days when ays was released. i miss my boyfies so profoundly—those were truly memorable times. and to think, in just seven more months, they’ll be back from the ms!!!!
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solarwynd · 5 months ago
Rewatching all the #ThisisJimin choreo vids and the I did it one is still my favorite.
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kimsuyeon · 1 year ago
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