#BBC's Merlin FanFiction
justaz · 2 months
merlin who uses his magic everyday in ways that he doesn’t realize isn’t normal. magic helping him see in the dark so he can find his way in the woods or dark rooms with no problem. connecting with the woods around him so he always knows where he is and whats in the general vicinity which allows him to sense bandits just before they attack. using magic to keep warm in the cold or to cool down in the heat. confident and willing to go toe to toe with anyone bc he knows that regardless of what they throw at him, he could always win bc he could just use magic.
then somehow someway (post magic reveal) a sorcerer takes away merlin’s magic. or well just locks it away ig. but anyways merlin doesn’t have this part of him anymore and is left feeling empty, exposed, and vulnerable. arthur, the knights, and merlin going on a quest for answers to their problem and a way to get merlins magic back. but. but. but merlin is all jumpy and he’s rambling more than ever and is often reaching out to grab onto someone (usually arthur) and everyone’s confused and then they get ambushed and merlin freezes in the middle of the path like a deer. he’s watching everything go down around him with wide eyes until he’s targeted and one of the knights have to rush in to save him. afterward merlin is constantly holding someone and his grip is rather tight. he keeps looking around, his eyes scanning the trees around them over and over. when they try and settle down for the night, merlin wont leave the camp without an escort or two and when they’re trying to go to sleep, merlin is flinching at every noise in the woods around them and ends up shuffling over toward the person closest to him and laying pressed up against them.
arthur opening his mouth to tease and call him a coward when the word registers in his mind and he realizes that that’s what he’s actually seeing, merlin scared and defenseless. he ofc doesn’t realize the true depth of it all, i mean he knows merlin is missing his magic but he doesn't know that magic has always been a part of merlin, it makes him him. he’s had magic since he was born, he’s never known life without it. as he is now, he feels bare and exposed and blind and deaf and terrified. the knights are his defense rn and for the past few years, merlins been their protector so its a complete reversal of everything he’s ever known. he’s scared. arthur bites his tongue and lets merlin hold onto his arm and snuggle up close at night for some form of comfort and security. he doesn’t tease or mock and responds to his ramblings of fear with a level of gentleness the knights weren’t aware he even possessed. merlin slowly relaxing as arthur subtly comforts him without addressing it
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opera-is-not-cool · 3 months
i'm sorry but i find it lowkey hilarious that in almost every modern au merthur fic, arthur's a CEO/CEO's son. i know it's not intentional, but it's so funny to think that we immediately translate prince/king of an entire kingdom to the head of a business. because they hold the same power, resources, and money. like i feel like we SELDOM make arthur a prince in a modern au. nope. give our boy a corporate office job, he'll still hold the same power over people's income and means of supporting their families. AND I EAT IT UP EVERY TIME
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tansyuduri · 3 months
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Art by @kairennart for "Treat Me Warmly"
Arthur returned to the bed and pulled Merlin close to him. Then he looked away. 
“Have to stay close for warmth,” Arthur stumbled over the words, likely due to the cold, his tone almost apologetic. Merlin had to reassure him! 
“It’s fine. I enjoy it.” The words came tumbling out of Merlin's mouth before he could stop them. He wanted to hit himself and started screaming internally. WHY HAD HE SAID THAT!?
Arthur froze, turning his head so his eyes met Merlin's. Then his blue eyes narrowed. “Wait, you enjoy it? You enjoy me holding you?”
Merlin panicked. “No! I didn't mean– I mean, yes, but no! It doesn't have to mean anything, and yes... no… I… enjoy the warmth… I mean you holding me is a bonus! NO! I mean, I don’t enjoy it at all! I mean…”
“I enjoy it too,” Arthur mumbled as he held Merlin against him. A grin started to form on his face. “So, stop rambling.”
“I mean, we never have to talk about or, or do anything about it. I mean, not that there is anything to do anything about. I mean…” Merlin broke off as Arthur’s words registered. “You enjoy it too?” he stammered in disbelief. 
“Yes, Merlin.” Arthur looked at him and sighed.
Fic found here
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escespace · 26 days
Merlin and Arthur but someone help me I can't get it out of my head:
A threat, Merlin is going to face it, Investigate, fight, yadyadayada... The only solution is to make a deal that, in exchange for keeping Camelot safe for another day, Merlin must give up all the memories of his most precious person.
Obviously after running out of memories of ☆Arthur☆ He doesn't understand the importance of returning to Camelot, why is he still there if Gaius has taught him almost everything he can, Even kilgharrah isn't there anymore. For some reason, moreover, he feels that he often causes the poor physician more problems that should be... And all this without mentioning that before he wanted to see the world, he wanted to explore, to know and who knows? He might even make a name for himself... At least that's what he dreamed of as a child.
Again, why is he still in Camelot?
The next day Arthur can't find Merlin anywhere and we all know how he gets. He searches for him, he stresses, he screams... But it is not until night comes and he speaks with Gaius that the old man breaks his facade and Arthur notices the concern, that something is not right. He presses and presses until Gaius finally admits that he hasn't seen Merlin since the previous evening, that Merlin didn't sleep there and that he didn't even know where Merlin had gone.
It is canon that Arthur would immediately lose the marbles. As prince regent he order a wanted party. Nothing can stop him because *the power of the script*
Weeks go by with no sign of Merlin. Search efforts are dwindling as there are other priorities These priorities include certain strange occurrences in border villages.Some of these strange occurrences include a group of knights who were defeated by an entity they failed to see or recognize when they went to pick up an accused sorcerer. In addition, in the town next to that one, an entire family suspected of magic disappeared.
The council agrees that action must be taken or the people will begin to see those signs of weakness when it comes to responding to the law, with a sick king and having faced a mini conquest (I don't remember the chronological order of certain events, apologies); They must make it clear that Camelot is still the same as always...
Then, by the power of the script, the prince argues until he is the one who is designated to command the patrol of knights who will go to the villages in question (for honor, to make the people see him as a prince who executes his own orders or whatever)
Between surveys in the villages, some talks with peasants, follow clues... GUESS WHO THEY FIND?
Merlin has been wandering here and there, posing as a herb seller (because that must be good for something), Coincidentally, he has not left that specific town where the suspicious events occurred (he is that stupidly confident)...
He seems to vaguely recognize the knights. One of them he met in a tavern, another fighting a griffin, another is the brother of someone he met who-knows-where; and the other... He can't remember where he knows him from. That makes him feel strangely dizzy, there is a pressure in his head and there are pits that he does not want to question himself.In all this, Arthur does not stop shouting a thousand and one things at him. How stupid he is, how careless he is, how much work he has put in the backlog while touring every tavern in Albion...
Then Merlin says the three words that put Arthur's world Heel over head:
«who are You?»
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maddybthorne · 16 days
I love fics where everyone (but mostly Arthur) realizes how important Merlin is to Camelot.
Like I’m not only talking about Magic reveal fics where they find out how badass he is and how many times he’s saved their asses (though I love those) but specifically about the times they realize he basically Runs the Castle.
I’m fairly sure I read a fic or a head canon somewhere that Merlin leaves to visit his mother for a week and Camelot falls apart because this boy was doing everything to keep that Castle in order. And Arthur kept firing servants cuz “they weren’t up to standard” (aka they weren’t Merlin)
And these fics could be gen or Merthur (though I do love the latter ngl)
But yeah I just love it when my boy gets the recognition and respect he deserves.
(Bonus if Leon is losing his mind the entire time. He’s done with their bullshit. He’s seen too much. He’s tired. #LetLeonRest2024)
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Need a fic where Arthur has to get married before he is crowned King, so he's invited countless noblewomen and royal princesses to a competition for his hand in marriage. He doesn't want to however he cannot ignore the traditions set by his ancestors.
Merlin is of course jealous but also amused. He wants to see Arthur happy and if it means helping Arthur find a suitable bride and hiding his feelings of love deeper than before so be it; that is until Arthur pulls Merlin to the side and asks for his help.
Merlin nods, he probably shouldn't have nodded, he should have ran when Arthur began grinning mischievously.
Oh no...I'm not going to like this one bit. Merlin thought.
The Crown Prince tugs Merlin along the corridor towards his sister's chambers where Morgana and Gwen were waiting for their arrival.
Morgana has a sly smirk watching him with eager eyes as Gwen stands beside her with a helpless smile as all three told Merlin, in great detail, what his mission was to be should he choose to accept it. Or should they say the illusion of accepting...they had already decided Merlin was perfect for it.
"You want me to enter the competition as the only male—in a dress might I add—to marry Arthur!?"
Morgana's smirk widens her gaze gleeful as Gwen sends him an encouraging smile, dear friend that Merlin adores but is currently in cahoots with Morgana and Arthur, is now an enemy in his watery eyes. He totally won't make blueberry muffins for her ever again! And don't even get him started on Arthur, that prat. Can't believe he felt sorry for him and wishing him happiness.
Oooohhh I'm so mad! No doubt the dress is Arthur's idea! It was one time, ONE TIME, and he thinks I wear dresses!?
"First off, I'm not a noble. There. End of story. Now if you would excuse me—" Merlin turns around to leave but Arthur quickly grabs him and throws the lad over his shoulder.
"Don't worry ladies I'll convince my—" Arthur fondly pats Merlin's bottom, "—future queen of his role and what he needs to do to win."
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stangalina · 3 months
I want to read a fic where Arthur discovers that Merlin is Emrys, but the conflicting feelings of affection for Merlin and hatred for magic cause him to misunderstand the nature of Emrys' existence.
His brain rationalises the situation in the only way it can, and comes to the understanding that Merlin and Emrys are two separate people living in the same body. That Emrys is living WITHIN Merlin without Merlin's knowledge.
Which, if that were true, would actually be a smart move on the sorcerer's part. Arthur would not, will not, and will NEVER execute Merlin. He's also around Arthur all day everyday, so that means he's close by to get whatever he wants or needs from the king. This only further convinces Arthur that he's correct.
He is not correct, of course. But since he's Arthur, he doesn't communicate what he has "learned" with Merlin. He doesn't want to tell his clearly unaware manservant that he's got an all powerful sorcerer buried in his brain. And he certainly doesn't want to tell anyone else out of fear it'll lead to Merlin's death. So he keeps it to himself, like an idiot, and operates every day under the assumption that Merlin is possessed by the most powerful sorcerer to ever live.
Meanwhile, Merlin is thriving. Sure it had been terrifying for Arthur to first learn about the prophecy via a loose lipped druid on the verge of death, and THEN witness Merlin using his magic in order for the thing that killed the druid to not also kill Arthur, but the reveal had gone over shockingly well all things considered.
He did get a whole week of complete silence from Arthur, followed by a few more days of being stared at in a thoroughly unsettling manner, but after that everything went back to normal. Better than normal, in fact!
It was clear that Arthur was incredibly uncomfortable with his magic, which was understandable. Arthur may be a good man, but his quality of character didn't magically erase the prejudices and experiences that had been hammered into his head over and over since he was a child. The way he seemed to be coping with it was by pretending that nothing had happened at all, which was just fine as far as Merlin was concerned.
Gaius disagreed. But what did Gaius know? Healthy communication? Don't need it.
Merlin didn't use his magic around Arthur on the day to day, even though he could be sure he wouldn't get executed for it anymore. He didn't want to make Arthur uncomfortable, so he went along with the unspoken plan of pretending that nothing had happened. Resuming the exact same routines and behaviours that he'd been doing for years now. Gradually, Arthur relaxed. Well, as much as Arthur Pendragon can relax. And life resumed as normal.
Except for one little detail.
Sometimes, Arthur would call him Emrys. Not all the time, and certainly not when people were around to hear or see. But sometimes.
When he needed help. When he needed magical help.
An enchantment on a courtier, an artifact found buried under a house, a monster wreaking havoc on a town, or a hoard of bandits descending upon the two of them in the woods. A tome, a necklace, a potion, a poison, a cure.
If Arthur called him Merlin, he wanted his manservant. If Arthur called him Emrys, he wanted his sorcerer. It was a neat little system, Merlin thought. A sort of code, just for the two of them.
Of course, this equilibrium can only exist for so long before something slips and shit gets messy. But that's all part of the fun!
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mysticsublimeperson · 3 months
AU IN WICH MERLIN GORS BACK IN TIME TO CAMELOT ON ACCIDENT AND HAS FORGOT ABOUT THE CORRECT STORY because he had heard so many thing over the years, so many versions and variations, and also he’s been living with his own head and imagination. So he tries really hard not to mess up the timeline and all that
And here is the important part
He doesn’t mean to but while doing his chores suddenly he starts singing the lyrics to Britney Spears song…
He be polishing them swords like “shwaty is like a melody in my head that I can keep out, got me singing like..”
Cleaning Arthur’s windows like “..and though my love is rare, and though my love is true, I’m like a bird I’ll only fly away..”
Putting up camp with the knights like “I’m still standing better than I ever did, looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid..”
A bit drunk talking about the tavern with the knights like
..the club isn’t the best place to find a lover so the bar is where I go…
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longlivechips · 3 months
Rewatching Merlin is CRAZY because they really speedrun enemies to dying for each other.
Merlin drinks poison in the FOURTH episode!!!
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thedeadestartist · 22 days
To escape a time loop, the witch demands virgin blood. And well, everyone thinks they know who the virgin of the group is. And they're wrong – or are they?
“Are you completely sure they are to be trusted, Merlin? What if the witch goes back on their word!” Arthur exclaimed.
He was frustrated. But so too were the knights and Merlin. They had been wandering a neverending woodland path for what had felt like hours. After all, why would they give in to a witch’s demands before exhausting every option?
“No, Arthur!” Merlin snapped. “I am not sure we can trust them at all, but what other option do we have at this point?”
Merlin was the first to notice that they’d been looping the same path several times over, before any of the knights. This sort of magic was something he had seen before, and he knew it was the type of curse that was near impossible to break from inside the incantation area. In his mind, the witch’s words repeated endlessly.
When the knights had come across the witch, they were simply sitting by a humble campfire, watching a pot of water with herbs and leaves boil over. Of course, Gwaine had been desperate enough to accept a drink from this total stranger. And after just one sip, the witch had risen to their feet and laughed – a sound so shrill and chilling.
“And thus, thou, King of Camelot and thyne beloved knights of the round table are cursed to wander these woods for the rest of time. The world shall continue on without thee as thy kingdom crumbles. But do not despair, men of the sword. Lest you bring me 9 drops of a virgin’s blood, I shall grant thee freedom once more.”
“Alright, bickering will get us nowhere!” Leon interrupted. “Even if we were to do what the witch asks, where are we going to find a virgin in these woods if it simply keeps repeating itself?”
Percival quickly quipped, “Well, what about one of us?”
An abrupt silence descended upon the men as they exchanged glances.
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve never seen a woman within five feet of Merlin,” Elyan spoke.
The rest of the knights turned their faces towards Merlin.
Arthur smirked.
“Well go on then, Merlin. If you really think we can trust the witch, then go ahead. 8 drops of blood is barely much of a sacrifice.”
Merlin grit his teeth. It was true that he had never been… intimate with any of the ladies he had admired. But he had a feeling deep down that something was wrong. Was it because he had the blood of a sorcerer? Would it potentially backfire – put them in danger?
As he racked his brain, he heard the familiar metallic rush of a sword being drawn.
“Gwaine, what do you think you’re doing?” Arthur said firmly, as Gwaine drew his sword.
“What, he needs a blade if he’s gonna bleed, right?”
“And you think a sword is a good idea? What if he accidentally impaled himself?” Arthur barked.
The king quickly drew his dagger and handed it very carefully into the hands of his servant. Gwaine rolled his eyes and put his sword away.
“Here, Merlin,” Arthur spoke. His words were ever so slightly more gentle than his usual biting tone.
Merlin raced through his thoughts to try and come up with an excuse. The creeping feeling that this was wrong refused to subside.
Finally he blurted, “I can’t. I can’t do it.”
“Oh come on, Merlin,” scoffed Gwaine. “It’s not like we’re asking you to cut off your entire arm.”
Before Merlin could think of a good excuse, the words slipped from his lips:
“I can’t be the one to do it… because I’m not a virgin.”
There was a beat.
Then, before anyone could react, Gwaine had swiftly taken Arthur’s dagger and lightly swiped Merlin’s arm.
“Ow, Gwaine!” Merlin huffed, but it was too late.
Small red beads of blood dripped quickly from the sorcerer's arm to the forest floor. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Nine. The sky above them whirled and hissed, darkening in only a few seconds.
And then, the witch’s voice boomed from all sides.
“This is not the virgin blood I seek. Do not deceive me again, lest thou art willing to suffer the consequence.”
“Huh, guess he wasn’t lying,” Gwaine shrugged.
If anyone had seen Arthur’s face as the witch had spoken, they may have noticed the slight snarl of his lips, the quick flush of his face. But it soon was gone and replaced with raging concern. Tearing some cloth from his cape, the King skillfully wrapped the wound on Merlin’s arm.
“Are you alright?” he asked quickly. A little too quickly.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine,” Merlin quivered.
Perhaps if it were any other situation, he may have had his suspicions about Arthur’s tender touches. The way his king so swiftly and gently cleaned up the wound as best he could. But his mind was worrying about something else.
He was close to connecting the dots, he was sure. Virgin blood. He was a virgin, but obviously it hadn't worked. What did the witch mean by virgin if not a person who had not had sex? Virgin - what did that word mean? Pure? Untainted?
As Merlin fretted in silence and Arthur tended to him, Leon had quietly taken the dagger. And without warning—
“Ow! Okay, that actually really hurt!” Gwaine yelped.
The others turned quickly to him and watched as blood rolled down his palm and rolled off onto the forest floor.
And then, for Merlin, it clicked. Virgin blood – he had read about it before. Dark magic required ritual blood. And the most powerful of spells required blood that had never been used in magic before. And after so many escapades with numerous magic users, of course, Merlin’s blood had been used in magic before!
Once more, the sky hissed and darkened and the witch’s voice filled the forest.
“The deal is fulfilled, oh King of Camelot. Thou and thy company may leave this place freely.”
“Holy shit, Gwaine’s a vir–”
But before Elyan could finish his exclamation, the forest fell away and the men found themselves stirring awake by the witch’s camp fire.
Arthur was the first to scramble to his feet and brandish his sword at the woods surrounding them, his knights quick behind.
“Show yourself!” he demanded.
“It's too late,” Merlin said, simply, checking his arm – still wrapped up in Arthur's makeshift cloth bandage. “The witch would be long gone by now. That sort of spell is one you cast to get as far as you can from the people you're trapping. I've read about these spells plenty of times.”
Tired, Arthur resheathed his sword and collapsed onto the floor next to Merlin. The knights also sat themselves down, exhausted.
“Does it hurt?” Arthur whispered quickly.
“Not anymore,” Merlin answered, also in a hurried, hushed tone. “Thanks for the bandage.”
Arthur felt the words claw at his throat. He so desperately wanted to know. Who was it that Merlin had let into his heart to share a bed with? Who had this servant boy met that he did not know about? Merlin told him everything. Or at least, Merlin was such an open book that Arthur knew it all. Or at least he thought he did.
His heart beat heavy in his chest. And the question never made it into the air.
Finally, Leon broke the solemn silence that hung above all their heads.
“Look, Gwaine, you really don't need to lie about being a lady-killer. We'll love you either way.”
The knights burst into a much needed uproarious laughter and even a chuckle escaped from Merlin and Arthur.
“But I've been with loads of women!” Gwaine protested. “The witch was mistaken!”
“Sure, sure,” Percival spoke dismissively. “We definitely believe you and not some super scary witchy curse, Gwaine.”
And with that the knights rose to their feet and continued on with their journey. Arthur’s eyes lingering on Merlin's arm just a fraction of a second too long.
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justaz · 2 months
au where merlin doesn’t know balinor is his father and he and arthur are chilling in his cave and balinor mentions hunith and merlin Locks In as he subtly questions the random man and boom arthur and merlin are aware that the last dragonlord is his father.
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eldritch-ambrosia · 11 months
Do you ever think about how for almost 1000 years there's this story about a King named Arthur with an old man wizard advisor named Merlin and then in 2008 (and onward) it got rewired to where we're writing fanfiction and making art and edits of them kissing?
If you told someone 20 years ago that you wanted to see King Arthur and Merlin kiss they would've thought you were crazy.
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tansyuduri · 2 months
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Art by @kairennart for chapter 17 of Our Stars Still Shine Together Arthur came back to pain and the sound of Merlin screaming as if his soul was ripping apart, in a voice that was quickly growing more and more hoarse.  
He was being clutched to his warlock, with his face pressed against Merlin’s chest as Merlin rocked back and forth.
Arthur shifted his head, looking up into tear-brightened blue eyes filled with a barely sane, anguished look. Alarm shot through him. Instantly he knew he had made the right choice, but then, that had never been in doubt. 
“Merlin.” Arthur raised a hand up to the warlock's cheek hoping he was not too late. “Merlin!”
The screaming broke off with a choking sob. His warlock looked down at him, the crazed look fading as his eyes grew wide. Sobs wracked his body and he leaned down pressing his forehead to Arthur’s. Their noses touched.
“Arthur.” Merlin whispered in a hoarse, broken voice. “Arthur… Arthur.” He repeated the name over and over again. A hand moved to the side of the king's head, caressing it gently. Long fingers pressing into sunkissed hair. “Arthur…” 
Arthur himself be held gently against his warlock’s chest. Their heads pressed together, as Arthur embraced the feel of Merlin touching him as opposed to the pain. Merlin’s free hand was wandering over every inch of him it could touch without letting him go, as though reassuring the warlock. “Arthur.” His name again and again on Merlin's tongue as though the man was caressing the very idea of it.  “Arthur.” Merlin was trembling.
Arthur reached up to entwine his own fingers with curling back hair. “Do me a favor?”
“Anything.” Merlin’s voice was horse and cracked as he spoke, his warm breath brushed against Arthur's face.
“Don’t let go of me.” The king told him.
Read it here
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rainbowsmagicandshit · 5 months
Merlin has Gold Eyes: Prompt/Idea
Magic turns eyes gold. Merlin is magic. Therefore his should be gold.
They start off blue, but the longer he’s in Camelot, the more his magic grows, the more in tune with the magic inside him he is, they slowly start to turn gold even when not casting spells.
It starts slowly, almost unnoticeable at first. Just little flecks of gold in his irises that could just be a trick of the light. But then there’s more and more. The blue is turning to gold and staying that way. There’s nothing he can do to stop it.
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zoebelladona · 6 months
rewriting bbc merlin where nothing changes except merlin actually marries freya and she becomes a recurring character. appearing whenever merlin needs to talk to someome about magic but doesn't feel like dealing with kilgharrah so he takes a boat out to the lake and spends time with his lake wife. sometimes he doesn't even need advice and just wants to hang out. she is tied to bodies of water so even when he's out in the countryside for some reason or another he can talk to her if there's a river or creek or pond or really anything nearby
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makkis-meanderings · 5 months
I grew up being gaslit and queerbaited by media, now you're trying to tell me that I shouldn't be filtering AO3 by >10,000 words, angst, hurt/comfort, canon divergence, pining??
what do you want from me fr??
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