ryaancreativeliving · 6 months
Balcony Interior Design: 6 Creative Ways to Maximize Your Space
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Balcony interior design can help maximize its potential Whether you have a small or a large space. You can also hire expert designers. Read More : Balcony Interior Design
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chaoticpersontale · 1 month
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decorationinside · 6 months
Wingardium Leviosa Your Decorations! Magical Harry Potter Birthday Party Ideas
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cagesofgold · 1 year
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jean kirstein headcanons <3
🎵 cry baby - the neighborhood 🎧
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You and Jean had been friends for about a year before you confessed your feelings for each other, and for your one year anniversary, Jean’s gift, alongside the bundle of others he got you, was a notebook full of sketches he had made of you. You only found out how long he’d been drawing them when you realized that the one at the front was you sitting in the lecture where you first met.
a total plant dad. for one of your first dates he took you to a plant market and let you pick out three plants to take with you, which now sit on the windowsill in your shared apartment. (he also named all of them and speaks to them when no one’s around)
his favorite place to paint/draw is outside. in your apartment you have a relatively minuscule balcony, where he can often be found shirtless, letting paints coalesce across a canvas in the early hours.
he likes his coffee strong, will refuse to add sugar to it and tends to lean more towards savory than sweet.
he is the BEST gift giver. he is so thoughtful and will always paint you something for every birthday or gift giving occasion.
he’s very sentimental, harbors a cardboard box under his bed full of photos from high school and various nick nacks he had acquired throughout his life.
loves lamps. he likes a space to be cozy, and turning the overhead light on, to him, is the same as stabbing him in the eyes with a ten inch blade repeatedly. will whine, “noooooo” and bury his face in his arms any time you have to turn it on.
will pay for everything, wont even let you reach for your card, he’s just too fast.
is easily agitated, not by you though, mainly by Connie and Eren who always find a way to torment him on the regular. He blocks them at least four times a week.
loves the colour green. mainly darker shades, bring him a neon and he’ll act as if you’ve shot him.
is like a kid in a candy shop if you take him to an art shop, will take you by the hand and talk your ear off about different painting techniques and consistency’s of paint.
is extremely attentive. will instantly know if you are even so much as a little off. he knows you in and out and will simply ask, “listen or solution?” and will provide service on which you choose.
has a comically large phone, due to his hands. whenever he holds your phone it looks ridiculous.
his mother absolutely adores you, has a groupchat with you and jean where she frequently asks you two to come over for dinner.
he is an extremely cautious driver, this man will never be caught with a speeding ticket. this also manages to drive connie insane because of how fucking slow he is.
“i’m just being careful!”
“yeah okay, grandpa…” 💀
he loves to dance with you, arms wrapped around your waist as you sway to a gentle rhythm, him humming softly in your ear.
your apartment is extremely well decorated due to Jean’s artistic nature. he’s painted the walls, and made sure everything explodes with color. he believes beige home to be the death of interior design.
this also applies to beige babies, jean’s child will be having colorful toys and that’s that.
despite his size, he loves being little spoon. The feeling of your body heat against his spine helps him drift right off.
whenever he’s sick, no matter to what degree he always watches “singing in the rain” - it’s a comfort film to him due to his mother putting it on any time he had the flu growing up.
he adores jazz clubs. he just loves how peaceful and calming they are, and he likes to observe the different types of people who all come together to listen to the sweet hum of a saxophone. a lot of his art pieces are set in that environment.
he has a collection of hand cream. due to his career his hands constantly mirror that of a paint palette, and so, to ensure he doesn’t have cracked hands he always makes sure to moisturize them. his hands are his tools after all, in more ways than one….
you will always be his no.1 muse. a perfect day for him is letting you indulge in any hobby, read, watch tv, cook, bake, and as you do that, he’ll sketch, taking extra time on your eyes and smile. he just truly believes no landscape, no still life, and no composition will ever be as beautiful as what you can make occur on his page. <3
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3 aot boy headcanons down, six to go 💋
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loiladadiani · 1 year
"In St. Petersburg we work, but at Livadia, we live."
Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna
In 1909, Nikolay Krasnov, who was responsible for the Yousupoff Palace in Koreiz, was engaged to design a new imperial palace in Livadia (before that, there had been an imperial residence in Livadia consisting of a large and a small palace used by Alexander II and later by Alexander III, who died at the smaller residence.) When Nicholas II decided to build the new palace, he also demolished the older residence but left the small palace where his father died.
The Tsar's diary indicates that the Imperial Family discussed the design; it was decided that all four façades of the palace should look different. After 17 months of construction, the new palace was inaugurated on 11 September 1911. In November, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna celebrated her 16th birthday at Livadia.
The family was always the happiest at Livadia.
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One of the Tsar's "motors" at Livadia. If you look carefully, you can see the "side of the palace" where the car is parked and the main entrance in both the contemporary colored and black and white photos.
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Above is the beautiful Italian Courtyard of the palace as it stands today. If you look at pictures taken when the Romanovs used the palace, the centerpiece of the courtyard was different. Today, there is a fountain at the center. Examining the older pictures (below), you can see that there seemed to be what I can only describe as a "well" at the center of the courtyard. There was a column on each side of the well. In one of the photos below, you can see Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich; he had his own rooms at the Livadia Palace.
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Nicholas II and his family were so at ease at Livadia that they also conducted some minor official functions in addition to family activities. When the family went to Livadia, they usually went as far as Yalta by sea; it is easy to infer that the official activities they conducted were related to the crew of the Standart. In addition, at the time, it was believed that mountain air and rest could cure tuberculosis, and there were several spas and sanatoria in the mountains in the area. The Empress and the girls visited the sick there (they also participated in other charitable activities.)
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The Yousupov family gifted the beautiful door above to Nicholas and Alexandra. The painting next to it is from a beautiful book by Kravnov ("Fiftieth Anniversary of Yalta"), who worked on the palace's design (and on that of the Crimean summer residences of several Grand Dukes.) The window is also featured in the painting.
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The "solarium" seems to have been a very popular area. Nicholas and his children preferred the outdoors, and Livadia seemed to provide the Empress with the perfect environment to get sun and fresh air in comfort regardless of her many ailments.
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This is the "Moorish" courtyard of the palace. It is small, but notice the exquisite tilework on the walls. And, of course, the little balcony between the windows seemed perfect to Alexis for him to "address" his family.
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The palace had a chapel so that the Romanov family could worship in privacy.
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A few of the interiors of the palace. The chandelier is Murano Glass (amazing that it survived all these years.) Olga's coming-of-age celebration took place in Livadia in the formal dining room in the photograph above, dancing spilling into the flower-perfumed courtyard. That is a luxury of the type you cannot buy! The girls' rooms are currently being restored. There are pictures of the rooms as they were, but I was not sure they were from Livadia, so I did not include them.
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Finally, some photos of the "Tsar's Path" (or Sunny Path), which exists to this day (it goes from Livadia Park to the city of Gaspra.) The family loved to walk this path (regardless of its name, it is not sunny but pleasantly breezy). This path is on one level so that anybody can walk it, regardless of their cardiovascular status. I have read two stories about how it "emerged," and as usual, the truth is probably in the middle. First story: The new Livadia Palace did not exist yet, but the Romanovs used the old palace and always loved coming to Livadia. Alexander III kept gaining weight, and his doctor recommended that he walk but not overdo it...so Alexander had the path leveled. The path's beginning and end differed from what they would be later. Second Story: Sandro had the path from Ay Todor toward Livadia built because Nicholas and Sandro's families always visited each other (they started calling it the Prince's Path.) Nicholas loved the idea and extended the path.
Today, the main path remains, and other routes to other small towns can be hiked from it. Many of the same benches and sculptures are where they were at the time of the Romanovs.
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Just one last photo. Here, you can see how close the palace is to the mountains and the sea. A beautiful big house full of fresh air and light with flowers perfuming the air. No wonder Olga liked it so much! (gcl)
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mischieffoal · 1 year
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Rosie, Frodo and Sam, Now and for Always
Here it comes: Cici’s chaotic “review” of Lord of the Rings: a Musical Tale
(Spoilers for the musical: go and see it (it's running until mid-October 2023) and then read this)
“My emotions are a wreck, and now we must obviously discuss all of the musical’s shortcomings and its adaptational choices and the costumes, when I really want to stand in a field and yell. After a few hours on the train of actually very good discussions, I cycle home and yell in the park.
5 stars.”
Nothing like a bracing sprint through Reading station to forge fine friendships over somehow managing to get to Newbury and the Windmill Theatre in time. We unite with our friends, get a group photo in the designated Instagram spot and, most importantly, confirm that there will be ice cream in the interval. 
It’s Mr. Bilbo’s eleventy-oneth birthday, didn’t you know? The hobbits make sure we are well informed, and someone on our picnic table is accosted by Fatty Bolger and made to play whack the rat. They all look lovely, waistcoats and sandals abounding, and some watching fauntlings are very gently introduced to hoopla. In general, if you are LARP-positive, sit at the left hand end - we were in the prime spot. Bilbo complimented my cloak and I derided my companions once again for being the only cloaked representative of our smial. Then, someone else approaches - she asks us if Mr. Bilbo said anything odd. Nothing odd at all, we reply, all a perfectly normal party. I think he’s planning something, she says. I’m worried about my spoons. I gasp. “Madam, may I ask, are you perhaps Lobelia Sackville-Baggins?” “I am!” “Madam it is an honour! I am honoured to be in your presence!” She shakes my hand. My life is complete. 
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Soon enough, the actual musical begins, narrated by partying Hobbits. Now and for Always had stuck in my head just from the soundtrack on YouTube, and it’s a worthy start to the show as Mr. Bilbo tells the same old stories that he always does. Hobbits sing and dance and every one of them plays an instrument. Someone has a piccolo, someone else has a lute. Bilbo has a harmonica and an accordion. Every single Hobbit has an unspecified country accent. The Brandybucks are loud, the Proudfoots are Proudfeet and Fatty Bolger moans at me about it. R says he knows who’s playing Gollum, because he’s bald. Frodo is very sweet, but I catch Lobelia’s eye across the garden and commiserate with her at her ill fortune. Sam asks Rosie to dance, and I fall in love with them (Sam is Sri Lankan, and sounds it, and Rosie has Afro hair, and they make me very happy). Bilbo gives his speech, “magically disappears”, and 17 years pass as we all get up and troop into the theatre proper.
We’re on the side of the balcony, in a wonderful wooden interior that J guesses might have been a church at some point. We return to the action with Frodo, Sam and Rosie, greeting each other with a little two step jump that I want to do with all my friends. Frodo sends them off to the Ivy Bush, because there seems to be some kind of trade mark problem with the Green Dragon. Gandalf enters bombastically, and Frodo and Sam leave as soon as they know their task, because they know that the show is only three hours long, including an interval. 
The singing begins! Walking fast, singing and playing as they go - The Road does indeed Go On,  the centre stage rotates as they dance-walk around it. Merry and Pippin assail them in a projected cornfield, because they’re his cousins and they’re not letting him do anything dangerous alone. Frodo is very put upon. Merry plays the cello, hanging round his neck, Pippin has a fiddle, and Sam a guitar. Also, Pippin is a girl, not just played by one. Good for you, Pippin Galadriel Moonchild. She’s also terrified of trees (Merry knows a less Tree-ish route and the Old Forest is resoundingly ignored.) 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
And then! Elves! Gildor and Earendil sung with a Y! All the elves are wearing lovely blue tabards. Dark is the road ahead for Frodo, and danger follows their path. That’s nice and cheery. 
(Speaking of costume, Gandalf and Saruman have very nice robes. Saruman is played by the bald one R assures me will be playing Gollum. They have a fun little stand off across the rotating stage, and Saruman isn’t hiding any of his schemes - army included. Uh oh.)
In the Prancing Pony, K says she’s going to play “spot the Strider” but Strider is in fact very very bad at being inconspicuous, as the only one wearing a hoody. 
Strider makes himself known, and so does Pippin, and Frodo’s brilliant distraction plan is to sing a song. He’s not at all prepared for this and walks like a puppet, but the Brandybuck and Took contingent are raring to go with the Cat and the Moon, and soon Frodo is having a lovely time dancing on tables and all. Let’s pretend that Frodo’s smile will never fade.
The Ring goes on. Mari Lwyd black riders appear. Frodo looks like he’s underwater and it’s very funny. Stabbing ensues (no time for Weathertop today). Run! Run for Rivendell! (Costuming side note: Strider has a banging undercut and goatee situation going on). Arwen enters playing a harp, singing a Song of Hope in a bunch of elvish with no subtitles. Tolkien would approve. “The weary traveller returning… home.” It’s Strider, and we learn that this is the first time he’s returned since disappearing to be a ranger. He’s grown a lot, Arwen says. Strider mumbles something about not wanting any bigger destiny than her. Then Frodo wakes up and it turns out they’ve been having this lovely romantic discussion is his hospital wing. Ah, good, says Frodo, we successfully completed our adventure! Merry is very excited at the amount of books and maps, also did you know that Arwen is a half-elf, technically, and did you see the way she looked at Aragorn, and did you know that she’s thousands of years older than him? 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
The council is called, Saruman the bald is also playing Elrond the bald, and is generally an old wise man. All of the elves are obsessed with hand gestures, and their hands are never below their waists. Everyone has so many problems, but Boromir (with another very cool undercut) wastes no time telling everyone Gondor has it worst. The steward is asleep, you say? And you had a dream and followed it here? But the sword that was broken is as lost as the One Ring. (Boromir has great dramatic timing.) Frodo will take the Ring to Mordor, though he don’t know the way. Gimli will go with him, and so will Legolas and Gandalf and Strider. (The Elf and Dwarf are Iranian and Black, and it really stands out amongst the otherwise white Men - I like it a lot). Strider asks Boromir nicely and Boromir says fine, he’ll come too. The fellowship of the ring! A rousing ensemble number with Earendil with a Y! Boromir is playing the trombone and singing at the same time and it’s the best!
Saruman learns of the Fellowship from his useless gas-mask orc minions. He deals with it himself - with menacing flute music. He flutes up a storm on Caradhras, and the Fellowship must go through Moria. Gimli reverently takes a guitar, and sings them a song of his people, as the fellowship and the audience have a chance for a rest. Then drums start in the deep, a balrog is come, and Gandalf is gone. They must continue - to Lothlorien. That horn player is a different elf now, you can tell because their tabard is gold this time!
They arrive blindfolded as Legolas waxes lyrical about the elves of the golden wood, and it turns out he’s not in love with Galadriel he’s just really patriotic. Galadriel tells Frodo they will both share a great loss, and also sings a power ballad. 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
Everything falls apart after Lorien, as we all know. Boromir dances with the hobbits before the orcs get him - Strider appears seconds too late, and Boromir tells him he’s failed, the Fellowship and his people. Strider shows him his broken sword (he’ll show you his if you show him yours) and finally claims his birthright. Boromir begs him to save “our people” and Aragorn really can’t deal with that, especially when Boromir dies in his arms. Aragorn is the best actor in all of this and it’s mainly in degrees of how much he cannot deal with this. The three hunters reunite, honour Boromir, and finally pick themselves up for the road ahead - Aragorn can see the hobbits’ footprints…
In the interval we theorise on how they’re going to fit two whole books into a second act shorter than the first one. Are they just going to cut the entirety of Rohan? That’s the bit of the book I can never understand. The ice cream is very nice.
As the lights go up, Sam races after Frodo and berates his idiot upper-class master who thought he could do anything without him. They set out on their long journey, and from the other side of the stage, Pippin and Merry come charging in. They’ve already escaped from the orcs, as we really don’t have time for that. Pippin is confronted with her fear of trees. Entish is a very musical language which was beautiful to experience, and I think a far better rendition of trees talking than any realism could give. Musicians stood around the auditorium and plucked and strummed their discussion (Gimli was behind us drumming the plumbing). 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
Saruman, meanwhile, directs a cool break dance number from the orcs. They’re going to crush Minas Tirith, and then Sauron will surely think Saruman is an ally, a massive victory for the Light.
The rest of the cliffhangers from act one get resolved in the next ten minutes. The three hunters can tell from the footprints that the hobbits are safe, so they race the breakdancing orcs to Minas Tirith. (No Rohan, I whisper to K). Aragorn demands an entrance to see the Steward (played by Bilbo, this company has one old wise man and one old father figure). The Steward is under Saruman’s spell! They call him Denethor but he’s serving Theoden’s role, with considerably less drama as it only takes Aragorn revealing himself as King to wake him up from the curse. 
They agree to fight together to defeat Saruman! It’s another ensemble song and dance! Gandalf the White returns, and doesn’t come alone! The trees are marching! And Boromir’s actor is playing the trombone behind Denethor as he fights to defend their people, and that made me very emotional. 
It’s Gollum time. Nearly naked bald man with full body dirt makeup scrambles around theatre and balcony, more news at 7. R seems unable to comprehend a theatre company having two bald men in it. This actor was so physical, my director brain was terrified of the risk assessments that must have been required for him to run along the balcony barrier. 
Victory at the Pelennor Fields! TheoDenethor is slain, but the free peoples have won. They ride to Isengard. Saruman enters, and in a very dramatic and tense moment, I thought he greeted them with “Sup”. (Sadly it was actually “So”). Gandalf is sure that this will not be the end of Saruman’s mischief…  
Frodo and Sam (and Gollum) are carrying on, but it’s hard going. They reminisce on the stories they used to listen to, and Sam gets out his guitar as they wonder what kind of story they’re in. Sam sings to Frodo, a reprise of Now and for Always from Mr. Bilbo, and his master tiredly joins in. He hasn’t smiled for days. “Tell us a story, of Frodo and the Ring”. Sam falls asleep, and it’s Frodo turn to sing about him - “no finer friend, now and for always”. Frodo doesn’t quite manage to finish the chorus before he falls asleep beside his Sam - but Gollum takes over in a horrifying corruption of their duet. It took me a while to realise it, but this Gollum’s voice reminds me of Voldemort from A Very Potter Musical - not at all a bad thing, but a specific niche of “very creepy and also pathetic”. 
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
Aragorn is crowned, and receives the reforged sword. Together, the representatives of the free peoples plan to storm the Black Gates, in a hopeless battle - for Frodo. Smeagol/Gollum finally decides to lead them to Shelob, and Frodo trusts him. “Well,” Sam says, “let’s walk into Mordor.” Cackles from very small pockets of the audience.
Shelob is a REALLY COOL PUPPET. Sam manages to stab her with the LED Sting as he is seconds away from his doom. Galadriel empowers them with ballads from afar, but Frodo can barely walk. Sam takes the ring to try and relieve his burden, and Frodo doesn’t even notice. Gollum returns and swears he knew nothing about the giant spider, what giant spider? She wasn’t there last week! 
Aragorn, in the B-plot of the musical (we realised afterwards that in the books, destroying the Ring and saving the world is the B-plot), gives a rousing speech to get everyone gearing up for a battle they’re all going to lose. Arwen (I think, or is it Galadriel, I’m writing this the day after and I’ve slightly lost the plot) calls to Aragorn and starts off the ensemble number "out of grief, joy".
Meanwhile, tension is rising in the Frodo-Sam-Gollum-Smeagol polycule. Everything will change, when they destroy the ring. “The elves, Sam, they’ll disappear - all of the magic will be gone out of the world. But if I take the ring!” No one can resist the ring. Gollum and Frodo speak and move as one as they condemn Sam as a traitor and a thief. At some point in all of this Frodo gets the Ring back, Sam runs away, Gollum attacks Frodo, Sam protects him, and Frodo wakes up enough to cast Gollum out instead. I’m very tired and can’t remember when this all happens, but it was all very emotional. 
The free peoples fight, and they all dance and stand so differently you can tell which peoples they all are even without the height differences. Legolas shoots from on high, Gimli is rooted to the ground with wheeling axes, Aragorn just stabs so many orcs. Merry has his cello and uses the bow to attack, and Pippin has her accordion. We love Pippin. She’s here for moral support.
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(Photo Pamela Raith)
Sam and Frodo reach the top of Mount Doom and wrench open the backdrop doors. Sam can’t take another step and collapses behind Frodo as he tries once more to take it for himself - before Gollum appears. Gollum’s fall was beautiful and slow - he’s caught by black clad actors on a darkened stage and they gently let him down into the fire. And then it’s done. 
The ensemble sings as Gandalf the White comes to save the two hobbits, and they reunite with their friends as Aragorn bows to the Shirefolk (and holds Frodo’s head so close that he re-awakened my inner Frodo/Aragorn shipper). Gandalf inexplicably says he’s off to have a chat with Tom Bombadil, who we had been ignoring, but that he’ll see Frodo again.
The hobbits return to the Shire, and Lobelia tells us Saruman has been there. We all have to work together to restore the Shire, including the audience - up you get, get outside and get LARPing again. We help the hobbits restore the battered garden to its former glory, and Rosie and Sam are married! Frodo never can return to the cheer he had at the beginning of this adventure. The actor had literally added eye bag makeup, I winced in sympathy when I saw him. Gandalf and the many elves of Middle Earth reach the Shire. They are going into the West. Frodo gives Sam the book in which to write their story. The hobbits do a very sad little dance jump greeting and Frodo hugs Sam tight, before he goes on his way towards the sails of the Grey Havens. 
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(Photo Watermill Theatre)
Rapturous applause! Everybody’s back on stage for a rousing final Cat and the Moon! Don’t worry about Frodo’s depression, we’ve got to sing a musical number for us all to go home to! My emotions are a wreck, and now we must obviously discuss all of the musical’s shortcomings and its adaptational choices and the costumes, when I really want to stand in a field and yell. After a few hours on the train of actually very good discussions, I cycle home and yell on my way through the park. 
5 stars.
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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The World's Skinniest Skyscraper
The designers behind the world's skinniest skyscraper have just given fans of ultra-luxury living an early Christmas gift.
New York-based firm Studio Sofield has unveiled the interiors of Steinway Tower, the newly constructed 1,428-foot-tall tower overlooking Central Park. The announcement marks the completion of the opulent midtown Manhattan landmark, which was built on a site once occupied by the historic Steinway & Sons piano company.
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The 91-story skyscraper, also known as 111 West 57th Street, contains 46 full-floor and duplex residences. Photos released this month by the designers show opulent lobbies decked out in limestone, marble, blackened steel and velvet, floors paved in smoke-gray solid oak and original artworks by Picasso and Matisse.
According to Studio Sofield, Steinway Tower's interiors were designed to evoke the grandeur of New York's Gilded Age, a period in the late 19th century when the city's boulevards were lined with the stately mansions of robber barons like Andrew Carnegie and Cornelius Vanderbilt. It sits on a Midtown street, filled with gleaming towers, that has become known as "Billionaire's Row."
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Studio Sofield's founder, William Sofield, said he wanted to make the tower feel unmistakably New York.
"We've all been to very luxurious places, but I wanted to create a building that could not be anywhere else in the world," he said. "I know so many people might have multiple homes, who will have apartments here. And I wanted to create a very distinct experience that could only be had in New York."
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A record feat
Elsewhere, the building's interiors include an 82-foot swimming pool housed in a light-filled room featuring floor-to-ceiling windows and a row of Kentia palms. There's also a modern take on New York's legendary King Cole Bar, complete with an ornamental balcony and custom gold and silver murals.
Other amenities include private dining rooms with a chef's catering kitchen, a golf simulator and a landscaped terrace.
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"I always am very personal in my work," Sofield said. "So (take) the swimming pool, for example ... I didn't want it to feel like a normal swimming pool. It has wood paneling with great detailing and gold leaf details.
"It has a vaulted ceiling," he added. "It has draperies... So it's very unlike any swimming pool you would find in New York."
With a height-to-width ratio of 24:1, Steinway Tower has been described by its developers as "the most slender skyscraper in the world." The tower's facade includes blocks of terracotta, a material that appears to change color and texture when seen in different lights and from different angles.
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At 1,428 feet, it is also one of the tallest buildings in the Western hemisphere, standing just short of two others in New York City: The 1,776-foot-tall One World Trade Center and the 1,550-foot-tall Central Park Tower.
Super-slender skyscrapers, also known as pencil towers, became standout features of the Hong Kong skyline in the 1970s. Since then, major cities such as New York have followed suit.
Residences in the Manhattan skyscraper, which was developed by the JDS Development Group and Property Markets Group, range in price from $7.75 million to $66 million.
By John Blake.
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scrivellc · 11 months
1, 2, 7, 10 for the ‘get inside your head’ meme!
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1: What does their bedroom look like?
Orin's room is dark. Not in a scary way, though plenty of people have bad associations with it, but in terms of color. The walls are a dull gray-blue, and the floors have a dark stain on the wood. Contrary to more hip and bright styles, Orin has always preferred more muted shades and simplicity when it comes to interior design.
His dresser is low and long with nearly black stained wood and silver hardware, and his bedside tables and bed-frame match. His bed is a king with gray sheets and a dark gray comforter. The pillowcases are white, and unless there is someone sleeping in it, the bed is always made. While there is overhead lighting, Orin rarely uses it, instead preferring the warm light he gets from a floor lamp and smaller lamps on his bedside tables and on his dresser.
Beside the dresser is a leather chair and a small bookcase containing a collection of history books, horror stories, medical textbooks, and "niche" erotica. While Orin doesn't read as much as he used to, he's quite attached to his books and does flip through them from time to time.
He has a closet where he keeps his boots and shoes and his more formal clothes as well as several boxes of sex toys, gear, and of course handcuffs that he keeps on the top shelf. There is a door that goes to his bathroom, and on the outside wall is a sliding door that goes out to a small balcony with a single chair out on it.
On the walls are framed black and white photos, some he's bought and others he took himself. The subjects are city life and motorcycles, and there and erotic photo hung above the chair by the bookshelf.
Despite the absolute debauchery his room has seen, Orin still associates it very strongly with a sense of calm and comfort. This is his space, a space where he can actually feel truly at ease, even without the use of drugs. It's almost always tidy and organized.
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2: Do they have any daily rituals?
He isn't much of a morning person but forces himself to be up in the morning so that his office has somewhat regular hours (though it isn't unheard of for him to just not go into work on a whim). He's a morning shower person and does so every morning no matter how tired he is, and he finds it can really set the tone the day ahead, washing off both grime and any ill feelings he may be carrying over from the previous day (and 9/10 there's something that he wants to clear out of his head with enough steam and soap). It's both a ritual and one of his few healthy "personal therapy" habits.
He also always makes the coffee at work, both because he genuinely enjoys doing it and also because he thinks his receptionist makes the worst coffee.
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7: Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
The immediate answer is getting high, but...besides that he also will sometimes ride his motorcycle in the middle of the night when he can't sleep and is alone (when he's not sleeping alone he finds other ways to entertain himself in the middle of the night). No real destination and not really doing it for pleasure either. It's a way to keep his mind focused on other things that whatever reason it is he can't sleep.
In general he has not problems with the concept of wasting time. When he was younger he was a bit more anxious about using his time productively, not that he ever really did anything to combat those feelings, but the older he's gotten the less he's cared and doesn't completely believe in the concept of wasting time. As far as he's concerned, if he's not absolutely hating it then it's not really wasted.
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10: Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
Oh man, where to even begin with this guy...
He has a history of self harm, though that was more during his teenage years and not so much now that he's an adult. He much prefers physically hurting others these days rather than himself. Depression and anxiety feature heavily in his early childhood and morphed into aggression and general rebellion as he entered adolescence.
He does have substance abuse issues, which he's fairly unashamed about/doesn't think of as being terribly serious. On some level he realizes that while he gets high because he enjoys it, he also uses it to avoid thinking too much about his deeper personal issues. If he were to really sit down and think about himself for more than a couple minutes at a time it would be nearly impossible for him to deny that all the things that he went through growing up has some negative effects on who he is and how he interacts with himself.
However, he's also developed a habit/defense mechanism of self-aggrandizing, so while he's got some self awareness of his various "issues", he's not about to actively admit to having any kind of flaws or that he's anything but completely in control of himself and his life and his relationships. God for-fucking-bid.
TL;DR The man is an absolute wealth of bad brain issues, but he's not about to do anything about them because what do you think he is? Weak or somethin'?
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hulalahomefurniture · 2 years
Modern Home Office Furniture Ideas You Will Love in 2022
Do you want to make your work-from-home space more productive? Sometimes it can be challenging to put aside all the household distractions and concentrate on your work. If you create the right environment for work, you will be more motivated and able to focus on your work. It is essential to create a dedicated space for your work, whether it be a corner in your bedroom, an enclosed balcony, or a shelf on the pull-out shelf. There may be an entire study area. These are some of the most innovative modern home office furniture collections to increase creativity and productivity.
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Study Table For The Home Office
Find a desk that is right for you. It should fit in your workspace and allow enough space for other furniture or movement.
A large, slimline table is the best option if you need a lot of space to store your files and accessories. For more than one person, a large table in the middle of the room can double as a table.
An electrically height-adjustable desk is ideal for those who want to be able to sit or stand up. A corner desk is an excellent option if you need to turn a corner into a study space. Make a rolling desk if you need to move your workspace around quickly. Mounting a drop-front desk in small rooms will make it easy to save space.
Even a desk that your grandparents have given you, or one you bought at a flea market, could be used.
A Chair For Your Home Office
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An ergonomic chair is crucial to ensure that you can work comfortably without any postural problems. Find a chair that fits your body and height. You can add a swivel chair made of leather, some stackable chairs, modern wooden and metal chairs with cushioned seating, or a stylish S-shaped stool to your workspace.
Sofa For Your Home Office
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It's a great idea to take short breaks during work for a cup of coffee and a book. A comfortable, two- or three-seater couch can be set up in your workspace. This is an excellent option if you're having colleagues over or need a different space to work on.
Additional Seating Ideas For The Home Office
If you have a colleague, arrange a couple of poufs that can be used as a book stand, footstool, or extra chair. You can place nested stools that double up as side tables, bookshelves, and seating areas when needed. If you need to take a 10-minute break, create a reading area with an armchair. To instantly increase the warmth in your home office, you can place a rocking or comfortable chair on a window seat.
Study Room Lighting
Although you don't usually associate chandeliers with study spaces, it is possible to mount one in an industrial style or a rattan -style for a more modern look in your home office. Add stylish glass or wooden wall scones, elegant table lamps, and floor lamps to bring in sufficient light. Maximize the natural light during the day.
Storage Furniture For The Home Office
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A good shelving unit can hide your clutter, including cables and wires. All your papers, files, and other stationery should be kept out of reach. You could use an antique chest, drawers, or a modern modular shelving system. You can display books or other collectibles by creating an open shelving unit that you attach to the wall.
Small Space Storage Ideas
A floor-to-ceiling shelving unit that uses vertical space is a good option for smaller areas. You should ensure that your shelves have enough space to hold all your accessories and gadgets. You can use a shelf to create a partition wall to separate the workspace and the rest of the room.
Final Words
These modern home office furniture designs will help you create the perfect home office. Don't forget to add your favorite photos, artwork, and plants. If you don't like the walls' dull look, add some color and paint them bright.
Do you need help setting up your home office or the rest of your interiors and decor? Contact Hulala Home immediately! We have excellent home office furniture collections that perfectly suit your modern home office.
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Atlanta Wedding Photographer Shares Map of Atlanta's Best Wedding Venues
In downtown Atlanta there are a plethora of wonderful venues that make it so interesting for an Atlanta wedding photographer. They each have their own personality and are so much fun!  
The first one that comes to mind is Ventanas which screams Atlanta! It has the best view of the skyline of Atlanta. They have a wraparound terrace where you can have your ceremony or cocktail hour for your guests. In the interior there are two stories of floor to ceiling windows that overlook Olympic Park, Mercedes Benz stadium, the Ferris Wheel, and Georgia Aquarium. The crown jewel of the venue is the helicopter landing pad on the roof. It gives you a 360 panoramic view of the city that is unobscured. As well as a dramatic backdrop to memorable wedding photos. 
  One of the grandest of all venues downtown is the Biltmore Ballrooms. It was built in 1924 as part of the Biltmore hotel and was the premier hotel at the time, billed as the “the South’s supreme Hotel.”  The hotel was restored to its original glory in 1999 with the renovation of the Georgian and Imperial Ballrooms and it is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  The large columns and terrace are just the beginning of the grand historic details.  Inside the ballrooms are tall painted ceilings reminiscent of the great European palaces.  
  My favorite venue by far is the Fox Theatre.  It is an Atlanta landmark known throughout the south. It is famous for concerts and the mosque style architecture of the middle east. The ornate designed interior has gold leaf details and sumptuous handmade fabric. There is even exquisite trompe l’oeil art (an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create optical illusions) inside. There are two reception rooms and an outside terrace.  The biggest room is the Egyptian Ballroom where there are large columns accenting the room and in the back there is a large balcony to overlook the festivities.  The staff at the Fox are some of the better out there. 
The Fox Theatre is one of Atlanta’s premiere venues for live entertainment, and the photographers at Atlanta Artistic Weddings have been honored to shoot at this venue multiple times. This venue has an extraordinarily rich history in Atlanta, starting when it was bought by William Fox, who opened this “movie palace” on Christmas Day in 1925 with the premiere of Disney’s popular cartoon Steamboat Willie. The Fox quickly became a favorite venue of the Atlanta community and expanded over time to include performances by acclaimed opera and theatre companies, concerts from pop music legends, and community dances at the peak of Swing and Big Band music. 
  Rhodes Hall is a high-profile historic house in the heart of downtown known as the “Castle on Peachtree.”   Built in 1904, Rhodes Hall has been an Atlanta landmark for generations. While it was originally the residence of Rhodes Furniture founder Amos Rhodes, today it is a house museum and one of the most unique venues in Atlanta for social and corporate events. The upper floors of the “Castle on Peachtree” are also headquarters for The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. Rhodes Hall is a wonderful place to host your wedding. There is a wraparound porch for your guests at cocktail hour.  For the bride there is a large bridal suite for changing.   In the main room there is a grand staircase and wood paneling that makes a statement. 
999 Peachtree Street Center is the home of the Peachtree Club. The Peachtree Club is located on the 28th floor.  The club's high-rise terrace is the primary feature of the venue.  It is a large open terrace 28 floors up and has one of the best views of the city.  You are level with the top of some of Atlanta's landmark buildings.  Maggie is a wedding planner there and she is a consummate professional. 
The next venue worth putting on your radar is Terminus 330 located in the heart of downtown. The upstairs of the venue is the epitome of industrial chic with an impressive wrought iron entrance that welcomes guests into a large open space with original hardwoods, exposed brick, vaulted ceiling, and warm natural light. The downstairs is a 1920’s inspired space that reminds me of the prohibition days, with original stonework and vintage lighting. There is even a rooftop terrace where you get a panoramic view of the Atlanta skyline. 
Georgian Terrace Hotel
Fox Theatere
The Peachtree Club
Rhodes Hall
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gracethomas111 · 1 month
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Frame-Worthy Moments: Explore T Nagar, Chennai’s Most Instagrammable Hotels
In today’s digital age, travel isn’t just about exploring new places; it’s also about capturing those perfect moments and sharing them with the world. Chennai, a city known for its rich culture and modern charm, offers numerous opportunities for stunning photography. If you’re on the lookout for good hotels in T Nagar Chennai, that offer more than just comfort and convenience, this guide will help you find the most Instagrammable spots for your next visit.
In T Nagar, Chennai, this trend is no different. With its vibrant culture, historic sites, and modern amenities, the area has become a hotspot for travelers seeking the perfect blend of traditional and contemporary experiences. For those looking to find good hotels in T Nagar Chennai, that also serve as a stunning backdrop for Instagram-worthy photos, there are several key factors to consider.
What Makes a Hotel Instagrammable?
Before diving into how to find the most Instagrammable hotels, it’s important to understand what makes a hotel visually appealing in the first place. Here are some key elements that contribute to a hotel’s Instagrammability:
1. Unique Design and Architecture: Hotels that boast unique and eye-catching architecture are naturally more appealing to the camera. Whether it’s a mix of traditional South Indian elements with modern design or a quirky, contemporary aesthetic, architecture plays a crucial role.
2. Stylish Interiors: Interiors that feature bold colors, eclectic decor, or minimalist elegance can provide the perfect setting for a memorable shot. Attention to detail in furnishings, lighting, and layout can make even the smallest corner of a hotel worthy of a photo.
3. Scenic Views: Hotels that offer breathtaking views of the city, garden spaces, or nearby landmarks give guests the opportunity to capture stunning shots right from their windows or balconies.
4. Artistic Touches: Art installations, murals, or unique sculptures within the hotel premises add a touch of creativity and make for great photo opportunities.
5. Vibrant Outdoor Spaces: Lush gardens, stylish rooftop terraces, or serene pool areas are ideal spots for capturing vibrant outdoor photos.
6. Themed Rooms or Suites: Hotels with themed rooms or suites provide a unique experience and a perfect backdrop for distinctive photos that stand out on social media.
Tips for Finding the Most Instagrammable Hotels in T Nagar, Chennai
Now that you know what makes a hotel Instagrammable, here are some tips to help you find the best options in T Nagar, Chennai:
Research Online and Use Social Media: Start by searching for good hotels in T Nagar, Chennai, on social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Use hashtags to discover visually appealing properties that have been popular among other travelers. User-generated content often provides authentic insights into a hotel’s photogenic qualities.
Check the Hotel’s Social Media Presence: Hotels that actively promote their Instagrammable features often have a strong social media presence. Visit the hotel’s Instagram page to see how they showcase their spaces. Look for posts highlighting unique design elements, scenic views, and guest experiences that are visually captivating.
Look for Reviews and Recommendations: Travel blogs, review sites, and online travel communities can be valuable resources for finding the most Instagrammable hotels in T Nagar. Look for reviews that mention the aesthetic appeal of the hotel, its design, and photogenic spots. 
Explore Design-Focused Booking Platforms: Some online booking platforms specialize in design-focused accommodations, offering a curated selection of hotels known for their aesthetic appeal. Websites like Design Hotels, Mr & Mrs Smith, or Tablet Hotels can be a good starting point for finding Instagrammable hotels in T Nagar, Chennai.
Pay Attention to the Location: The location of the hotel can also contribute to its Instagrammability. Choose hotels that are close to T Nagar’s cultural landmarks, vibrant markets, or scenic spots. This not only provides a beautiful backdrop but also offers easy access to explore and photograph the surrounding area.
Consider the Hotel’s Amenities: When searching for good hotels in T Nagar, Chennai, pay attention to the amenities they offer. Rooftop terraces, infinity pools, or in-house cafes with stylish decor are often the most Instagrammable spots within a hotel. Make sure to inquire about these features when booking your stay.
Look for Special Packages or Offers: Some hotels offer special packages or experiences designed specifically for social media enthusiasts. These packages may include access to exclusive areas of the hotel, photography sessions, or even props and lighting to help you capture the perfect shot.
Finding the most Instagrammable hotels in T Nagar, Chennai, requires a combination of research, creativity, and a keen eye for design. By focusing on unique architecture, stylish interiors, scenic views, and artistic touches, you can discover good hotels in t nagar chennai, that offer the perfect backdrop for your social media posts. Whether you’re traveling for leisure, business, or a special occasion, choosing an Instagrammable hotel ensures that your stay in Chennai is not only comfortable but also visually memorable.
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Capturing Love at North Shields Registry Office: A Photographer's Delight
As a wedding photographer, I've had the pleasure of capturing countless joyous moments at various locations. However, there's something uniquely special about photographing weddings at North Shields Registry Office that keeps me coming back. On Friday, August 9th, I'll be there once again, capturing the beautiful moments of Nicola and Rob's wedding. In anticipation of this special day, I want to share why I love photographing at this charming venue and delve into a bit of its fascinating history.
Why I Love Photographing at North Shields Registry Office
1. Timeless Architecture
The first thing that draws me to the North Shields Registry Office is its timeless architecture. The building exudes a classic elegance with its Victorian design, offering a picturesque backdrop for wedding photography. The intricate details and well-preserved features of the building provide a charming setting that complements the joyous occasion. From the grand entrance to the cozy interiors, every corner of this venue offers a perfect spot for capturing beautiful moments.
2. Warm and Welcoming Atmosphere
One of the most delightful aspects of North Shields Registry Office is its warm and welcoming atmosphere. The staff here are always friendly and accommodating, ensuring that every couple feels special on their big day. This positive energy radiates throughout the venue, making it a joy to photograph. As a photographer, capturing genuine smiles and heartfelt moments is a breeze in such a congenial environment.
3. Beautiful Patio Balcony
The Patio surrounding the registry office is a hidden gem. It provides a serene and scenic setting that contrasts beautifully with the historic building. The view of the River Tyne offers a stunning backdrop for outdoor photos, making it an ideal location for couples looking to add a touch of beauty and context to their wedding album. Whether it's a candid shot or a posed portrait, the patio  provides endless opportunities for capturing stunning images.
4. Convenient Location
Located in the heart of North Shields, the registry office is easily accessible, making it a convenient choice for couples and guests alike. The nearby River Tyne and the historic Fish Quay add to the charm, offering additional scenic spots for wedding photos. The combination of urban and natural landscapes provides a diverse range of photographic opportunities, which I love to explore.
5. Versatility in Photography
The versatility of North Shields Registry Office is another reason I enjoy photographing weddings here. The blend of indoor and outdoor spaces allows me to experiment with different lighting and compositions. The interiors, with their elegant decor and ample natural light, are perfect for capturing intimate moments. Meanwhile, the outdoor areas offer expansive views and unique angles, perfect for dramatic shots. This versatility enables me to tailor my photography style to suit the couple's preferences, ensuring that their wedding photos are truly personalized.
The Rich History of North Shields Registry Office
North Shields, a historic town located on the northern bank of the River Tyne, has a rich maritime heritage. The North Shields Registry Office, housed in a building that dates back to the late 19th century, is steeped in history and has been a witness to countless love stories over the years.
A Glimpse into the Past
The registry office is situated in a building originally constructed as part of the North Shields Library and Public Baths, which opened in 1896. This was a time when North Shields was thriving as a hub of shipbuilding and fishing industries. The building was designed by architect F.W. Rich and showcases the Victorian architectural style, characterized by its grand facades and intricate detailing.
Transition to a Registry Office
Over the years, the use of the building evolved, reflecting the changing needs of the community. Eventually, a portion of the building was repurposed as a registry office, providing a dedicated space for civil ceremonies. The transition to a registry office brought with it a new chapter in the building's history, turning it into a cherished venue for weddings and civil partnerships.
Preserving the Heritage
Despite the changes in its function, the North Shields Registry Office has retained much of its original charm and character. The local community values the preservation of this historic building, recognizing it as a significant landmark in the town. The restoration and upkeep efforts ensure that the venue continues to provide a beautiful and historically rich setting for couples to celebrate their love.
Capturing Nicola and Rob's Special Day
As I prepare to photograph Nicola and Rob's wedding, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. Every wedding at the North Shields Registry Office is unique, and I am always eager to capture the individuality of each couple. Nicola and Rob's special day will undoubtedly be filled with beautiful moments, from their heartfelt vows to the joyous celebrations with family and friends.
With its picturesque architecture, welcoming atmosphere, and beautiful patio, North Shields Registry Office offers the perfect backdrop for their wedding photos. I look forward to capturing the love and joy of this special day, preserving memories that Nicola and Rob will cherish for a lifetime.
Photographing weddings at the North Shields Registry Office is always a delightful experience. The combination of historic charm, beautiful surroundings, and a welcoming atmosphere makes it a favourite venue of mine. As I gear up for Nicola and Rob's wedding, I am reminded once again of why I love this place. The rich history, the beautiful architecture, and the endless photographic opportunities all contribute to the magic of this venue. It's a place where love stories come to life, and as a photographer, I am privileged to be a part of it.
If you're planning a wedding and looking for a venue that offers both charm and convenience, the North Shields Registry Office is a wonderful choice. And if you happen to see me there, camera in hand, don't hesitate to say hello! Let's capture some unforgettable memories together.
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floraldecorimports22 · 3 months
Top Indoor Plant Pots
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We are all about lowering green waste and giving every plant an opportunity to shine. Our vast vary of plant pots is conveniently situated all through the garden centre. We have free shipping obtainable, in addition to free 60-day returns, so you could have the option to ship something that doesn’t sell. Our tropical indoor houseplants for sale and indoor plant styling are distinctive. You can print your favorite photos, a quote, or a sample of your selection in your custom ceramic plant pots. You can match the interiors of your home or office area with the design of your personalised photograph plant pots to both make them blend in or stand out - pottery importer.
Our team comprises creative, talented individuals who share a love for design and a passion for making things. The world around us constantly inspires us, and we strive to create products that reflect our unique perspective. Our company started with a simple mission: to design and manufacture the best quality pots made from 100% recyclable materials. We are proud to say that we have stayed true to our mission, and our pots are now enjoyed by customers worldwide - pottery manufacturers near me.
We are constantly striving to improve our planters and services to better meet the needs of our customers. We’re constantly innovating and striving to be the best in the industry. We care about our customers and aim to provide the best possible experience. We have a production many area of acres. Through our planters, we can make a positive difference in the world by helping to reduce environmental waste. So our designers are constantly inspired by the world around them when they create these beautiful pots for plant lovers.
We have the best state-of-the-art manufacturing facility for plastic pots, and we’re passionate about what we do. We are passionate about our products and customers, and we work hard to ensure they are satisfied with their purchases. Wholesale fiber clay pots help save houses and substantially beautify any balcony, home, or public space in which they are placed. They come in new and thrilling designs to function as decorative gadgets for a pop of color and magnificence in the meant space. For more information, please visit our site https://floraldecorimports.com
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copperleaf1 · 4 months
Instagrammable Tirunelveli: Hotels with a View to Capture Your Perfect Moment
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In this blog we have to explore the importance of choosing the Hotels in Tirunelveli, Top Hotels in Tirunelveli, Family Hotel in Tirunelveli, Best Hotel in Tirunelveli, Hotels near Tirunelveli, Best hotels in tirunelveli.
Tirunelveli, a city steeped in history and vibrant culture, is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. But for today's traveler, capturing those unique experiences and sharing them on social media is just as important. That's where Copper Leaf Hotels, your perfect hotels in Tirunelveli, come in. We not only offer comfortable stays and exceptional service but also provide the ideal launchpad to create and capture Instagrammable moments that will make your followers swoon.
Beyond the Likes: Unveiling the Beauty of Tirunelveli
Sure, stunning photos are great for the 'gram, but Tirunelveli offers so much more. At Copper Leaf Hotels, we believe in enriching experiences that go beyond the filter. Our hotels are situated in prime locations, allowing you to explore the city's rich tapestry – from the architectural marvels of the Nellaiappar Temple to the bustling energy of the local markets.
Copper Leaf Hotels: Your Gateway to Picture-Perfect Moments
But we know that capturing those special moments is important too. Here's how Copper Leaf Hotels elevate your Tirunelveli experience and help you create Instagrammable content:
Rooms with a View: Not all hotels in Tirunelveli offer breathtaking vistas. At Copper Leaf Hotels, we boast strategically located rooms that capture the essence of the city. Imagine starting your day with a steaming cup of chai on your private balcony, overlooking the city's vibrant energy. Or, picture unwinding after a day of exploration, bathed in the warm glow of the sunset. Our rooms provide the perfect backdrop for envy-inducing photos.
A Feast for the Eyes and the Lens: Our on-site restaurant isn't just about delicious food (although the food is incredible!). The ambiance is designed to impress. Savor delectable meals prepared with fresh, local ingredients, artfully plated, and presented against a backdrop of stylish interiors. Every bite (and photo) is a celebration of Tirunelveli's culinary scene.
Hidden Gems Await: Our friendly and knowledgeable staff isn't just there to answer questions about the city. They're your partners in exploring Tirunelveli's hidden gems. Whether it's a charming street adorned with colorful murals or a serene temple courtyard bathed in golden light, our staff will guide you to those off-the-beaten-path locations that will make your Instagram feed stand out.
Memories in the Making: While social media is a great way to document your travels, the most important aspect is creating memories that last a lifetime. At Copper Leaf Hotels, we provide a comfortable and convenient haven, allowing you to focus on experiencing the magic of Tirunelveli. Capture those special moments with loved ones, and let your photos be a reminder of the unforgettable experiences you had.
Book Your Stay at Copper Leaf Hotels and Capture the Magic of Tirunelveli!
Don't settle for ordinary hotels in Tirunelveli. Choose Copper Leaf Hotels and experience a place that caters to your desire for comfort, exploration, and creating Instagrammable moments. Browse our website or contact us today to book your stay and create your unique Tirunelveli story!
Finally, we have the conclusion about choosing the 4 Star Hotels in Tirunelveli, Budget hotels in Tirunelveli, comfortable hotel in tirunelveli, Luxury Hotel in Tirunelveli.
For more details visit our website: www.copperleafhotels.com
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propzilla123 · 4 months
Godrej South Estate 3 & 4 BHK Apartments in Okhla Phase - 1, South Delhi
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Godrej South Estate in Okhla is a new housing community in South Delhi that is still being built. You can buy apartments here. The society will have all the basic facilities and amenities that homebuyers need. Godrej Properties is developing this project, and it will be ready by August 2025.
This project is registered with RERA, so you can find all the project details and important information on the state RERA portal. The registration number for this project is DLRERA2019P0003.
Godrej Properties is a well-known real estate company in South Delhi. They have completed 84 projects so far, with 31 upcoming projects and 56 currently under construction.
Here’s what you need to know about the important features of this housing society, including the Godrej South Estate price list, photos, floor plans, payment plans, how to download the brochure, and other exciting details about your future home:
Godrej South Estate Amenities:
The project covers an area of 5.15 acres.
There are around 372 units available.
The society has 4 towers with 29 floors each.
Amenities include a swimming pool, and football and volleyball courts.
Property prices have increased by 5.6% in the last quarter.
The Jasola Apollo metro station is a well-known landmark nearby.
The closest transit points are Jasola Apollo, Sarita Vihar, and Harkesh Nagar Okhla metro stations, with Jasola Apollo being the nearest.
Property prices in the locality have risen by 1.6% in the last quarter.
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Highlights of Godrej South Estate:
Stylish international design and luxurious interiors
Beautiful reception and waiting area
Air purifiers in shared spaces and lobbies
Trendy doors and window shutters
Attractive European tiles and marble floors
Air-conditioned apartments with smooth, velvety paint
Refreshing air and furniture on balconies
Imported bathroom and kitchen fittings
Designer wardrobes and cupboards
Modern kitchen with advanced appliances and stylish cabinets
Towers surrounded by lush greenery
Advantages of Godrej South Estate Location:
Located on the main road from Greater Kailash to Mathura Road.
Close to Indraprastha Apollo Hospital.
Top corporate companies are just 4-5 km away.
Less traffic to other parts of the city.
High security with HD CCTV.
Clean air thanks to plants and air purifiers.
Lots of parking space.
Secure visitor management.
Sensor access system and video door phone.
Lobbies have plants and areas with extra oxygen.
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Explore Godrej South Estate Price, floor plan, reviews and brochure.
You can find here more luxury apartments & Penthouses in Mumbai from Premium Developers in promising locations.
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Website:- www.luxuryresidences.in
Call:-  9899055893
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dlife · 5 months
Maximising Potential: Expert Tips for Making the Most of Your Home
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In today's world, where space is at a premium and our homes need to cater to various facets of our lives—from work to wellness—maximizing the potential of our living spaces has never been more crucial. Whether you're one of the best interior designers in Chennai, a homeowner, or simply someone with a keen interest in home improvement, understanding how to make the most of your home is essential.
This guide offers expert tips to transform your living space into a functional, serene, and aesthetically pleasing haven.
Declutter and Organize
The first step towards maximizing your home's potential is by decluttering and organizing. A clutter-free environment not only makes your space look bigger and more inviting but also improves its functionality. Begin by sorting through your belongings and deciding what you truly need. Use smart storage solutions like built-in cabinets, multi-purpose furniture, and wall-mounted shelves to keep your home organized and tidy. Remember, less is often more.
Optimize Lighting
Lighting plays a pivotal role in the ambiance of a room. To maximize your home's potential, ensure that each room is well-lit according to its purpose. Incorporate layers of lighting, including ambient, task, and accent lighting, to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Natural light is particularly important; make sure windows are unobstructed to allow sunlight to flood your space, making it appear larger and more welcoming.
Color Schemes and Wall Treatments
The color palette you choose can significantly affect how spacious and comfortable your home feels. Light, neutral colors make rooms appear larger and brighter, while dark hues tend to create a cozy, intimate feel. Consider accent walls or interesting wall treatments such as wallpaper or textured paint to add character and depth to your space without overwhelming it.
Flexible Spaces
In modern homes, flexibility is key. Design your space with multipurpose areas that can adapt to different needs. For example, a home office that doubles as a guest room or a dining table that can extend for dinner parties maximizes limited space. Investing in flexible, foldable, or transformable furniture allows you to change the function of your space as required, ensuring you make the most of every square foot.
Focus on Functionality
Every element of your home should serve a purpose. Consider the flow of each room and arrange your furniture to promote ease of movement. Invest in quality pieces that fulfill multiple functions or fit well within the space. Custom-built pieces, though pricier, can often be the best solution for challenging spaces, providing exactly what you need in terms of storage and functionality.
Personalize Your Space
Making the most of your home isn't just about optimization and functionality; it's also about creating a space that reflects your personal style and needs. Display cherished photos, artwork, or collections in a way that complements your home's design. Choose decor that speaks to you, whether that's serene and minimalistic, vibrant and eclectic, or anywhere in between. A home that feels personal and inviting will always hold more value to you.
Invest in Outdoor Spaces
Do not neglect your home's exterior spaces. Whether you have a small balcony or a sprawling backyard, make it an extension of your living area. Comfortable seating, outdoor rugs, and appropriate lighting can transform these spaces into an ideal spot for relaxation or entertainment. Gardens, even small ones, can add a touch of nature to your home and improve its overall appeal.
Making the most of your home involves a combination of decluttering, optimizing lighting, thoughtful design choices, flexibility, functionality, personalization, and extending your style outdoors. Each of these principles contributes to creating a living space that not only meets your practical needs but also reflects your personality and style.
Remember, the goal is to create a home that feels both welcoming and efficiently arranged, a place where you can thrive in every aspect of your life. Whether you're a seasoned interior designer in India, a new homeowner, or someone passionate about improving your living space, implementing these expert tips will ensure your home reaches its full potential.
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