#(Now Spit) Asks
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beeseverywhen · 10 months ago
Mind blowing that this even needs to be said but
Neat run down of all the ways we're poorer now than in 2010. In case you come across anyone honestly asking 'are we more well off after 14 years of tory rule' no. You aren't. Even a little bit.
We analyse a key point of contention in the general election campaign: the government’s record on pay, housing, energy and food bills
It is a simple question – and it will be at the heart of the general election campaign. After 14 years of Conservative government, people are asking: am I any better off?
The answer for most people is – no, you are not better off.
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vellichorom · 6 months ago
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you sick little animal, even death itself pities you.
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idontcaboose · 3 months ago
Luthor's Cricket part 5
Previous. Masterpost
Lex was able to distract the teen with a different documentary in the living room of his Penthouse. Said teen, however, made it loudly known that some of the information they were using was false, stupid, and downright biased. Granted, Lex was not paying attention when selecting the first documentary on the list. Apparently, it was a supernatural one called ‘All but Paranormal’ or something of the like. From the shouting, Lex could gather that they were able to interview Zatanna and Dr. Fate, Phantom took great exception to whatever Dr. Fate had to say about Ghost, Demons, and other supernatural creatures. Lex did bark a laugh at Phantom's remark of “Fate's biased view is just as blatant as that glaring beacon of a head!” and “If Fate is a Doctor, then I fear for the intellectual competency of the rest of the world! This means you too, Mr. Luthor!” Lex simply ignored the last part.
Oddly enough, even with the obnoxious commentary from Phantom and the absolute frustration of his magically inclined contacts ignoring him, it was not as tiring as he thought it would be.
“Phantom.” Lex called as he left his office. 
 “Yes, Boss?” Phantom paused the TV and turned to him with a small lopsided smile.
“Do you eat?” Lex asked. 
Phantom clearly did not expect the question with how his face displayed shock and confusion. “Uh, ya. I can eat human food. It's not needed, but it's nice to have. Why?”
“It is about time for dinner, I am thinking Foie Gras-” 
“Do all rich people eat such pretentious sounding food? Seriously, what is wrong with just burgers, burritos, and mac n’ cheese?” Phantom said with derision.
“Some people like to experience the finer things in life-” 
“When was the last time you enjoyed a “finer” thing that wasn't the direct cause of flaunting your power?” Phantom asked seriously. “Just one time.”
Lex…. He found himself at a loss. When Was the last time he actually enjoyed food for its taste alone. Most food prepared at the Galas were pretty cardboard at best. The high-end restaurants were better quality, but Lex only went to those as a power display, and even then, it was for a business deal or a ‘relaxed’ meeting of sorts. Even when he is home alone, he would order high value items so the staff wouldn't spread gossip about his ‘actual’ tates to the papers. The cooks he employed were fantastic at their jobs, the food was always flavorful and filling. 
Probably the last time he actually enjoyed a meal was when his younger sister visited. She brought with her some greasy, cheesy mess of a burger wrapped in foil from a truck from the park across the street. She had laughed at his disgusted face and said “If it was good enough for Bruce Wayne and his kid to stand in line for, it's good enough for us!” 
That was about eight years ago.
After that meal, they had fought, and she stormed out. She has only contacted him through email for Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas. 
Lex ordered pizza from his cooks that night.
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Give us your favorite fun fact about brain injuries
This isn't really a fun fact, and neither is it the most "shock worthy" one, but something I do find the most fascinating about traumatic brain injuries is the loss of one's ability to both pick up on and express non-verbal communication! I think the fact even implicit communication like facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language is being affected by your brain injury very interesting.
Even things like "self awareness". People recovering from TBI could have trouble picking up on social cues, or find difficult determining what behavior is considered "socially acceptable". These aren't really explicit laws or established rules in communication, but more like unspoken social acknowledgments. But despite this, the fact that it's still something so essential in communication that it's encoded into the brain, and can be affected via brain injuries, is crazy interesting for me!
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chasedeys · 3 months ago
i can't do this.
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lialox · 2 months ago
I read a post and my brain is fried.
There's this person who said yjh decided to regress back for Dokja and compared to him hsy only wrote a novel sacrificing herself.
First of all, both of them should not be compared.
I'm amazed that there are people who disregard hsy's sacrifice and write it with "only" . Her pov and guilt of ruining those worlds isn't mentioned in details doesn't mean it's not there!
Yes, yjh did regress but he was made that way. Iykyk he is a letter from hsy to dokja so in every way he IS going to circle back to him at the end. yjh is hsy's desperation, her yearning to save Dokja.
We all have read the same texts and we know yjh is not that incapable that after 999th turn it'll take him 864 more regression turn to reach the wall again. NO! It happened that way because it is written that way and being a "character" he could not break free of that .
It's his 1864 turn that is unwritten...!!
(ik this is severely non conclusive & controversial opinion. But it is what it is and I do not regret it.)
This is exactly why I have the joongdok tag blocked here.
The sheer hatred SOME joongdokers have towards doksoo (and by extension, yoohankim) is so outstanding to me that I joined this fandom shipping kdj/yjh quite a lot and even enjoyed writing for the ship… but the people of Tumblr have convinced me to hate them forever and never write for that ship again. 😇 
This attempt to “validate” joongdok has the entirely opposite effect and they just don’t get it. I want to boycott joongdok after reading those posts. In fact, I do. Hope they’re happy. 
The ORV fandom can be so exhausting.
This whole thing about “hsy only wrote a novel” are coming from people who don’t understand ORV whatsoever.
Yoo Joonghyuk IS a living love letter. 
Han Sooyoung spun the threads he is made up of and wrote every word with her blood. She loved him enough to make a whole person, and in putting herself into her own work, her creations loved him too.
Everything that Han Sooyoung has made loves Kim Dokja. Because the universe was built on her love.
If Han Sooyoung didn’t love Kim Dokja to the extent that she did, Yoo Joonghyuk wouldn’t even exist. 
Arguably, yjh was “only” curious about how there seemed to be more to the story when he was in the 0th round and regressed to discover it. It wasn’t only for KDJ. In fact, it was barely for kdj. YJH accidentally saved kdj in the process of living his life.
Meanwhile, HSY intentionally and deliberately did everything for kdj’s sake right from the start.
If this is a contest about who loves who more, then consider this:
Yjh loves with conditions attached. “I must be by your side.” He is the character that’s meant to reach the reader, you are correct that’s what he is thematically…
If yjh would give up everything to reach kdj, then hsy would give up even that.
Anyways. The argument falls apart since these guys can’t exist without each other and they cannot love without one another. The novel is yoohankim and anyone who tries to remove a part of that equation in “canonverse” is not an astute reader. I do dislike how I get worked up over people who have little to no literacy… 😔 shame on me. 
I understand that other people have different interpretations but this is like reading the bible and coming to the conclusion that we should kill people. Sometimes the writing/interpretation itself isn’t bad, but the people who act on it are. 
Notice how some joongdokers have a problem with doksoo, but doksoo truthers don’t have a problem with the jd ship itself… our problem is with the bad people shipping it instead. Sorry to hear you ran into bad people on your Tumblr scrolling 😔
And sorry it took me a while to answer this, I really had to process it. 🤢 
(Yoohan to each other is a whole other story you can’t be this intertwined and not feel a thing about each other)
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thatcatangelwriter · 5 months ago
annabeth doesn't talk about what luke said when he came to her house asking her to run away with him and no matter how hard the others try she won't say anything.
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 month ago
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somechickwhodraws818 · 1 year ago
So me and my friend opened a gateway and we're fucking weak so...
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Steven/Spinel/Connie is too damn slept on in this fandom. Where my polyshippers at?
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tallymali · 2 months ago
i still look at the shelter website and do cartwheels when the other cats get adopted. id have adopted them all myself if not for the spoiled princess who would rip me to shreds if i so much as look at another cat
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thatgirlboysimpinghell · 5 months ago
me getting into driftrod: aww haha! bros in love! just a bunch of idiot broski bromance but more! haha
driftrod: the slowest fucking slowburn in the world that only ends in them never getting together because rodimus fucks up and realises he can never make it up to him so as he turns a new leaf he tells ratchet to take care of him and holds no grudge. probably still loves drift. this entire time drift probably never saw it amymore than friendship so it was doomed from the start
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novagon · 4 days ago
Speaking of Kitae/Gitae, does he ever at one point in his life get salmonella infection with all that raw meat he bit into... unless he doesn't actually swallow the meat and bites/tears into it to look cool?
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so-much-for-subtlety · 5 months ago
tomorrow officially starts my 15th year in the “United” States. I’m gonna make a cake. Not to celebrate- I was just gonna make one anyway🥕
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monstersdownthepath · 17 days ago
Something I always found weird was Greyon's role in the Asmodean conquest of Hell. a being made from a Divine Mistake. betraying their kind to a god and then being able to vore 512 other Demoguges and Ranas and then just become a Archdevil.
it seems like there should be more bad blood between Asmodeus and the Vestlacs and Asura considering Asmodeus and the devils colonized their land and put them on what was Reservations. it makes me think that this is Greyon's plan and when Asmodeus is weakened. Greyon would spit out the Tyrants to kill him.
please dont describe geryon's role in the exodus like that
A few things: There is bad blood between the Asura, Velstrac, and Devil population, enough that the velstrac fled to the Shadow Plane and largely make their homes there, where they can practice their art in (relative) peace. However, as time has passed, more and more of them have begun moving back, and they represent a notable portion of the population of Dis (in which they have a special embassy that welcomes "vacationers" to and from the Shadow Plane). They're frequently hired to help torture mortal souls, but many of them have begun taking up more aesthetic jobs in Hell. They are welcome, but many still choose the freedom of the Netherworld due to finding Hell's hierarchies too restrictive and their leaders too boring.
Asura, meanwhile, are seen as "subjugated vassals" in Hell, second class citizens barely worth note so long as they do not break the laws of the land. Given that asura keep to themselves and tend to do little bit sit and meditate for years on end, this arrangement suits them, though it does chafe them; the Ecology of the Asura article found in Adventure Path: Return of the Runelords: Temple of the Peacock Spirit, pg. 68-73 states that the asura that dwell in Hell are 'quietly seething' due to the presence of so many divine figures in their lands but can do little else due to... well, the presence of so many divine figures.
Geryon might be playing the long game, as its layer in Stygia is one of the few places in Hell that asura are wholeheartedly welcomed in, but it's far more realistic that Asmodeus has promised something like undoing all the mistakes that lead to the creation of the asura in the first place and thus erase them as a whole (which they want), or that Asmodeus' fiendish plans for all mortal life in the universe aligned with Geryon's goals enough that it was tempted into service. If one wanted to look at it from another, potentially more problematic angle, there's a very grim parallel which can be drawn about "someone who is part of Group A but who believes in Group B's rhetoric selling out others in Group A to get preferential treatment from Group B." It's in Hell's nature to pull up the ladder behind you once you've climbed to the top, after all, and the asura are very pointedly noted in multiple sources to shamelessly engage in hypocrisy whenever it benefits them.
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seiwas · 1 year ago
iwaizumi tells you that if those barbell hip thrusts aren’t making your legs shake the same way he does, then you aren’t doing it right 😔
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sideartblog999 · 1 month ago
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Day 12 of Femslash February: Jolyne bit her tongue so FF is being a pal and healing it for her.
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