#Bärbel Bas
channeledhistory · 8 months
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Michael Roth (SPD). Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages.
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kdr3217 · 1 year
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Hände weg vom Grundgesetz. Ihr spinnt wohl.
Euren Bürgerrat könnt ihr euch auch sparen.
Es wird sich nur noch um irgendwelche laute Minderheiten gekümmert, anstatt sich um die grossen Probleme in Deutschland zu bemühen.
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bopinion · 17 days
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2024 / 36 - Abridged vacation edition
Aperçu of the week
“Human dignity is inviolable.”
(Article 1 of the Basic Law, Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Bad News of the Week
It is well known that life in Afghanistan is not exactly a paradise. The Taliban rule with an absolute power that interferes so deeply in people's everyday lives that it can safely be described as invasive. Now a new law of the guardians of morality is coming into force, which - of course - further restricts the lives of women.
Men are not allowed to wear shorts or to practice martial arts. And must grow a beard if working in public service. But that is nothing compared to the restrictions for women. They are only allowed to attend school up to the 6th grade, are virtually excluded from working life, must always be fully veiled and are not even allowed to leave the house without a male escort. Now even singing or speaking out loud is forbidden - with the threat of a prison sentence. Why? Because the female voice is seductive and men should not be tempted.
Ravina Shamdasani from the UN Human Rights Office in Geneva puts her horror at this development into words: “The newly passed law cements a policy that completely erases women in public life, silences them and takes away their independence by trying to turn them into faceless, mute shadows. That is intolerable!”
The fact that the German government wants to negotiate with the Taliban right now about the repatriation of rejected asylum seekers is at least as intolerable. This is, of course, a reaction to the completely exaggerated cries of the extreme parties that the allegedly excessive migration is the root of all evil. And, in my opinion, it calls into question the principle of asylum. Because the definition of “imminent threat to life” should also include the absence of fundamental human rights: a life that is not worth living is just an existence.
Good News of the Week
German democracy is celebrating its 75th anniversary. After the darkest chapter in its history, the Germans have created the foundations of a liberal, egalitarian society with a democratic basic order. With a classic division of powers in the legislative, executive and judicial branches, unshakeable principles of human rights, freedom and social participation as well as balanced federalism.
The Bundestag (parliament) and Bundesrat (representation of the federal states) are therefore celebrating their birthday. They look back on the past with satisfaction, but express concerns about the future. Liberal democracy is under pressure from authoritarian forces worldwide, says former Federal Minister of the Interior Gerhart Baum in a speech. At 91, he is also a contemporary witness and knows what he is talking about. Bundestag President Bärbel Bas commented: “We can overcome crises - despite tough controversies. Our democracy is strong and resilient against all those who want to harm it." If she is right, Germany can look to the future with confidence.
Personal happy moment of the week
My own children finally got to meet my sisters' children (from my youthful stay abroad in Canada 37 years ago). And it was as if they had known each other forever. I would be very happy if that would last - even across the Atlantic and across time.
I couldn't care less...
...that the US Republican campaign team feels disadvantaged that the film “The Apprentice” about the dubious rise of Donald Trump is now being released in US cinemas before the elections. The guy is already getting away with his delaying tactics in so many (even court!) proceedings that I'm pleased about every confrontation that actually takes place. And that confronts him with his infinite body of lies.
It's fine with me...
...that an international comparative study has now also confirmed the positive effect of a cell phone ban in schools. Researchers at the Chair of School Education at the University of Augsburg came to this conclusion and published their findings in the journal Education Sciences: a smartphone ban has measurably positive effects on the social well-being of pupils and on their learning performance. Our school has been doing this since the first iPhone. And is obviously right to do so.
As I write this...
...the - voted out - democrats in the eastern German states are trying to form majorities without the radical right-wing AfD (Alternative für Deutschland / Alternative for Germany). This party owes it above all to the very young and the very old voters to have become the second strongest (in Saxony) or even the strongest (in Thuringia) party in the state elections. Sometimes democracy has to act against the declared will of the voters in order to protect itself.
Post Scriptum
The summer of 2024 was warmer than ever before since complete records began in 1940. According to the EU climate service Copernicus, the current year as a whole is also heading for a record high. In the past, people would have been happy about “the nice weather”. Today, people are afraid of the next forest fire and water sources drying up. And we are still not prepared to do what is necessary.
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mariacallous · 10 months
BERLIN (JTA) – Several thousand Berliners braved a chilling rain Sunday to demonstrate against antisemitism at an interfaith rally at the city’s iconic Brandenburg Gate.
The event — which drew a broad coalition of politicians and religious leaders as well as popular stars — was a response to a record increase in reported antisemitic incidents across Germany in the month after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7.
Dubbed “Never again is now — Germany stands up,” the rally was organized by a Jewish real estate magnate, Nicolai Schwarzer.
In announcing the event, Schwarzer, 48, said he wanted “to send a powerful and unmistakable signal to the world — from the heart of the capital — that no form of antisemitism, hatred or xenophobia will be tolerated in Berlin or anywhere else in Germany.”
The rally joins several others organized in major cities in Europe and the United States to demonstrate opposition to antisemitism. They have been organized in part as a counterpoint to the large pro-Palestinian rallies that have taken place in many of those cities. Such rallies have been relatively muted and heavily monitored by police in Germany, where antisemitic speech and criticism of Israel are circumscribed by laws enacted in part because of the country’s role in perpetrating the Holocaust. Still, pro-Palestinian sentiment, including among Germany’s large immigrant population, is high.
“Sometimes I don’t recognize this country, something has gone out of control,” Josef Schuster, head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, said at the rally.
He described a pro-Hamas protest that took place at Berlin’s University of the Arts on Nov. 13, where he said participants “dressed in black to look like Hamas terrorists. They had painted their hands red — a clear reference to the murder of two Israeli soldiers by an Islamist mob in Gaza more than 20 years ago. The whole thing was orchestrated by visiting professors from the global south – how can that be?” Schuster said the incident was proof of the danger of the movement to boycott Israel, which has been considered officially antisemitic in Germany since 2018.
Bärbel Bas, the president of Germany’s parliament, read through a litany of antisemitic incidents: “Swastikas and Stars of David have been daubed on synagogues, memorials and even private homes.” In one notable incident on Oct. 18, two Molotov cocktails were thrown at a Jewish community center that houses a synagogue as well as a kindergarten.
Bas described hearing from a student who was the only child to attend class at her Jewish school on a day when fear reigned about a Hamas call for violence abroad.
“Jews are afraid, and they feel left alone. And it’s not only hate that creates this feeling, but also silence and indifference,” she said. “And that’s why it’s important that we make a powerful, wipeable and loud statement here today. Never again is now.”
Other speakers included Israel’s ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor; Berlin’s mayor, Kai Wegner; author Michel Friedman; 1990s pop music icon Herbert Grönemeyer; and Hubertus Heil, Germany’s minister of labor and social affairs.
The rally began with the lighting of a Hanukkah menorah by Rabbi Yehudah Teichtal, the head of Berlin’s chapter of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. Representatives of Catholic and Protestant churches lit advent candles.
Eren Güvercin, a member of the German Islam Conference — which the German government started as a forum for dialogue in 2006 — delivered a prayer of his own, for “peace for the souls” of the Israelis murdered on Oct. 7 and for the hostages and their families, “who fear for their loved ones.”
“And we pray for peace for the people who are now suffering the consequences of this terrorist organization’s crimes in Gaza,” he added. “Nothing we say here today will solve the Middle East conflict. But we raise our voices to remind everyone who lives together here in this city, in this country: Faith is a source from which we draw to create peace. Faith must not divide us. It must unite us.”
Organizers claimed 11,000 people had taken part in the rally, though police estimated the attendance at 3,000. Those gathered were praised by many speakers for braving the weather to show their support. They included members of Berlin’s Jewish community, estimated at over 30,000, as well as non-Jewish allies.
“This is the third time we have been here in front of the Brandenburg Gate since Oct. 7,” said Berliner Melanie Schmergal, 55. “It upsets me that you don’t see any big demonstrations for Israel’s right to exist and against antisemitism. You see other people screaming quite a bit. [But] I believe… that the others are not in the majority.”
“It is important to take a stand against any kind of extremism,” said Christian Götz, 60. “And that Israel has a right to defend itself, and that we as a population have to show, especially here in Berlin, that we are on Israel’s side.”
The pair, who are not Jewish, said they had met the descendants of Jews who used to live in their building in Berlin, and who were either deported or managed to flee Nazi Germany.
“It’s so incredible that something like this seems possible again,” Schmergal said.
On Dec. 8, the Bergen-Belsen Memorial in Lower Saxony hosted a public panel discussion marking 75 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifically addressing the issue of antisemitism after the Hamas terrorist attack.
Next week, the Berlin-based Tikvah Institute is co-hosting the presentation of a study on how Russian-speaking Jews in Germany perceive antisemitism after Oct. 7. About 90% of all Jews in Germany today are migrants from the former Soviet Union.
And though not in Germany, the annual Claims Conference International Holocaust Survivors Night on Dec. 11 — a star-studded event whose virtual guests of honor will include German Chancellor Olaf Scholz — “takes on unique significance,” said the organization’s president, Gideon Taylor: “We are reminded that some of the strongest among us survived during the darkest of times.”
Despite the alarming statistics in Germany and elsewhere, Jews are in a better position today in terms of world support than they were in the 1930s-40s, said New Yorker Menachem Rosensaft, who was born at the displaced persons camp at Bergen-Belsen and participated in the recent round table at the memorial.
“President Biden, for one, is the polar opposite of FDR in his unequivocal support for Israel after Oct. 7 and his equally unequivocal repudiation and condemnation of all manifestations of antisemitism,” said Rosensaft, who is also the chair of the Advisory Board of the Lower Saxony Memorials Foundation.
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the-light-of-stars · 10 months
President of the German Parliament Bärbel Bas: " questioning the 'israeli resistance' [referring to Israel's bombings of Gaza] is inacceptable"
"In the ruins [referring to an israeli kibbuz that had been targeted on oct 7] Bas again stressed Israel's right to self defense "in the future as well" . Considering the atrocities of Hamas the in Germany common phrase "yes, but-" as well as the questioning of the israeli resistance are inacceptable. To also see the civilian population in Gaza is "no but but an and"
The way that german politicians are still acting like the mass murder of almost 20.000 people in Gaza and the routine emprisonment and killing of children and adults in the West Bank are "self defense" or even "resistance" and that calling Israel's actions into question is "inacceptible" is just nauseating.
"to see the civilian population in Gaza is not a but but an and" meaning that to german politicians the suffering of the people in Gaza is no reason at all to even so much as question Israel's actions. "You can both acknowledge that people died and also think their killing is absolutely justified and simply self defense" , essentially. It means that to these politicians there is no issue in at the same time handwaivingly proclaim that "the deaths happening in Gaza are sad" while also fully supporting and supplying the killing of these civilians and call it inacceptable to call for a stop of this - of course they never speak of killing and they never mention who is killing them also, and even act like Israel just simply can't help killing civillians since according to them they are used as 'human shields' by Hamas, as if that would make it acceptable. Not to mention that Israel has killed multiple people including a 12 year old in the West Bank in the past three days alone, where Hamas isn't even active. How does the 'they can't help it' argument explain that?
How is it "resistance" to continuously bomb and attack specifically hospitals, schools and UN personnel?
How are even just any of the actions from yesterday "self defense" ?
This is not resistance. This is not self defense.
If it had been just about saving the hostages they could have done so without brutally murdering tens of thousands of civilians and shooting and killing children in completely separate territories.
But then again german politicians do not care about the suffering of people in Gaza anyways, going so far to say that only the release of the hundred hostages - not stopping the killing and starving of thousands of innocents - is Germany's absolute main priority , with high ranking officials stating that the reason for Germany's support of Israel is and must be that it is "more similar to Germany than any other country in the region" because it - in the officials opinion moreso than any of the countries in the so called middle east, implicitly even it alone - "[has] freedom, liberality and human dignity" .
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Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky est arrivé lundi soir 10 juin 2024 à Berlin, où il rencontrera le chancelier Olaf Scholz. I arrived in Germany to participate in the Ukraine Recovery Conference and to hold talks with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Will bring together governments, ten of them at the level of prime ministers, as well as companies and organizations, to help Ukraine.
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Zelensky doit en outre participer mardi et mercredi à Berlin à une Conférence pour la reconstruction de l'Ukraine, qui réunit les représentants des gouvernements et du secteur privé, dont dix Premiers ministres. Des solutions urgentes pour le secteur ukrainien de l'énergie seront notre première priorité, a affirmé le président ukrainien. Je rencontrerai également le président fédéral Frank-Walter Steinmeier et le président du Bundestag Bärbel Bas, et je visiterai une base militaire où nos soldats s'entraînent
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
Court Circular | 30th March 2023
Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin
The King and The Queen Consort, accompanied by His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany (Her Excellency Mrs Jill Gallard) and Ms Franziska Giffey (Governing Mayor of Berlin), this morning signed the City’s Golden Book before His Majesty called upon Mr Olaf Scholz (Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany) at the Federal Chancellery, Berlin. The King and The Queen Consort afterwards visited Wittenbergplatz Market and were received by the Managing Director of Berlin-Brandenburg Farmers’ Market (Ms Silvia Hintsche). Their Majesties subsequently attended a Plenary Session at the Bundestag and were received by the President of the Bundestag (Ms Bärbel Bas). Ms Bas welcomed The King and The Queen Consort and His Majesty addressed the Session. The King this afternoon visited the Ukraine Arrivals Centre, Tegel Refugee Centre, Berlin, and was received by The President of the Federal Republic of Germany. His Majesty afterwards visited Wasserstrassen und Schifffahrtsamt, Finowfurt, and was received by the Minister President of Brandenburg (Dr Dietmar Woidke). The King, accompanied by the Federal President of Germany, viewed a static display of a British amphibious bridge and a mechanised infantry vehicle before viewing the completion of the amphibious bridge. His Majesty walked on to the bridge and spoke to a group of British and German soldiers. The King later visited Brodowin Organic Farm, Ökodorf Brodowin, Weissensee, Chorin, and was received by Mr and Ms Ludolf von Maltzan (Owners). His Majesty toured the dairy and viewed the ripening rooms before meeting members of the farm staff and young farmers. The Queen Consort, accompanied by Ms Büdenbender (wife of The President of the Federal Republic of Germany), this afternoon visited Refugio Café, Berlin. Her Majesty and Ms Büdenbender afterwards visited Komische Oper, Berlin.
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Patron, the Injured Jockeys Fund, this morning opened their South West Hub at Taunton Rugby Club, Veritas Park, Hyde Lane, Taunton, and, having been received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset (Mr Mohammed Saddiq), this afternoon attended a Reception at Taunton Racecourse. Her Royal Highness later opened Weston College’s Health and Active Living Skills Centre, Loxton Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.
Kensington Palace
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester this morning attended the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch Reception at Guildhall, Gresham Street, London EC2.
St James’s Palace
The Duke of Kent, Patron, the Society for Army Historical Research, this morning received Major General Ashley Truluck (Chairman) and Members of the Society’s Council and was presented with the Fellowship of the Society.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
In a nationwide raid, 25 suspected members and supporters of a terrorist organization were arrested early Wednesday.
Officials said the network, part of a wider right-wing movement, was already well established with a concrete plan to overthrow the German state by force and install a new government.
What we know so far
The raids were announced by Germany's federal prosecution agency and German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann. Buschmann said the investigations were directed against a suspected terrorist network with known ties to the Reichsbürger movement. He said that the raids had taken place on individuals suspected of planning an armed attack on state institutions.
"Since this morning a large anti-terror operation is taking place. The Federal Public Prosecutor General is investigating a suspected terror network from the Reichsbürger scene," Buschmann wrote. "The suspicion exists that an armed attack on constitutional organs was planned." 
The search operation is reported to have covered 130 properties belonging to 52 suspects in 11 German states. 
According to prosecution officials, the arrested suspects "belong to a terrorist organization founded by the end of November 2021 at the latest, which has set itself the goal of overcoming the existing state order in Germany and replacing it with its own form of state, which has already been worked out in outline."
Of the 25 men and women arrested, 24 were from Germany and one suspected supporter is from Russia. One arrest took place in Austria and one in Italy. There are 27 other suspects, the federal prosecutor's office said.
Two ringleaders identified
Prosecutors identified the suspected ringleaders only as Heinrich XIII P. R. and Ruediger v. P., in line with German privacy rules. The news magazine Der Spiegel reported that the former was a well-known 71-year-old member of a minor German noble family, while the latter was a 69-year-old former paratrooper.
According to prosecutors, P. R., who the group planned to install as the new leader of Germany, had made contact with Russian officials seeking to establish a new order in Germany once the Berlin government was overthrown. A Russian woman, Vitalia B, had allegedly given him help with this. The Russian embassy in Berlin denied having links to far-right terror groups.
A currently-serving soldier in the Bundeswehr's Special Forces Command (KSK) as well as several Bundeswehr reservists are also among suspects in the case, a spokesperson for Germany's Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) told the DPA news agency. A search was reported to have been carried out at the soldier's home and his barracks office in the state of Baden-Württemberg.
The trigger for the raids was an investigation into another Reichsbürger group that had planned to kidnap German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach.
German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said the case revealed the threat posed by the Reichsbürger movement.
"The investigations provide a glimpse into the abyss of a terrorist threat from the Reichsbürger scene," Faeser said in a statement. "We know how to defend ourselves with all our might against the enemies of democracy," she added.
The president of the German parliament's lower house, Bärbel Bas, said the operation shows "that our democratic constitutional state is attentive and capable of action."
Belief in violence to overthrow 'deep state'
The group had targeted members of the Bundeswehr and police in a bid to achieve their goals. It had formed a "military arm" and a council presided over by Heinrich XIII P. R.
Speaking at a press conference,  German Attorney General Peter Frank said that the organization had formed around P. R. at the end of November 2021. 
Frank said the group had established a council that was intended to act as the government of the new state with some individuals already designated for ministerial roles. Among them, said the attorney general, was a former member of the Bundestag who was to take over the justice portfolio. 
To implement their plans the group's members were prepared to use military means and violence against state representatives and were willing to kill to achieve their goals. According to the investigators, the members of the group "followed a conglomerate of conspiracy myths consisting of narratives of the so-called 'Reichsbürger' as well as QAnon ideology."
The prosecutors added that the group's adherents believe Germany is ruled by a so-called "deep state," similar to baseless claims about the United States that were made by former President Donald Trump.
The Reichsbürger movement is made up of a number of small organizations and individuals, mainly in the states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bavaria. They do not accept the legality of the Federal Republic of Germany or any of its government authorities.
The movement argues that the German constitution prior to World War II was never properly nullified and that the formation of the former West Germany in 1949, and now reunified Germany, was therefore never valid.
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channeledhistory · 8 months
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lokaleblickecom · 4 days
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head-post · 9 days
King Frederik and Queen Mary to visit Germany in October
King Frederik and Queen Mary will make an official state visit to Germany at the end of October, Royal Central reports.
Following state visits to Sweden and Norway at the beginning of the summer, the king and queen will continue their visits to Denmark’s neighbouring countries until October. Thus, in October, the King and Queen will visit the German capital Berlin and the Danish minority in Schleswig-Holstein on visits related to EU accession. Denmark and Germany are linked by close cross-border co-operation on trade, green transformation and security policy.
On October 21, the King and Queen will be welcomed in Berlin by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Mrs. Elke Büdenbender. The King and Queen will then visit the Reichstag building in Berlin, home of the German Bundestag. Here Their Majesties will be received by the President of the Bundestag, Bärbel Bas.
During the visit, the King and Queen will join the Royal House of Sweden, the Royal House of Norway, the President of Finland, Kai-Göran Alexander Stubb, the President of Iceland, Halla Tomasdottir, and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany in a joint celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Nordic Embassy Complex in the German capital.
The first day of the visit in Berlin will end with an official dinner at Schloss Bellevue hosted by the President and First Lady.
On October 22, the King and Queen will visit Schleswig-Holstein and the Danish minority. This visit emphasises the close ties with the Danish population and promotes concrete cooperation across the border, especially in the field of green transformation. There will be visits to Kiel and Flensburg, the opening of an energy conference and a visit to Dannevirke.
Read more HERE
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nokzeit · 1 month
Johannes-Diakonie verkauft sich teuer
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Johannes-Diakonie verkauft sich teuer Unter den Augen von Trainerlegende Otto Rehhagel (rechts) beendete das Fußball-Team der Johannes-Diakonie die deutschen Meisterschaften auf einem guten neunten Platz. (Foto: pm) Neunter Platz bei Deutschen Meisterschaften Duisburg. (pm) Einen starken Eindruck hinterließ das Männer-Team der Johannes-Diakonie bei den Deutschen Fußball-Meisterschaften der Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen. Mit nur einer Niederlage, zwei Unentschieden und vier deutlichen Siegen landete die Mosbacher Mannschaft beim Turnier an der Sportschule in Duisburg-Wedau auf einem respektablen neunten Platz. Nur ein spätes Gegentor zum Remis in der Vorrunde verhinderte den möglichen Einzug ins Viertelfinale knapp. Erstmals seit 2010 hatte sich ein Team der Johannes-Diakonie wieder für die Deutschen Meisterschaften qualifiziert, bei denen jeweils ein Vertreter pro Bundesland an den Start gehen durfte. Alleine das Erreichen der Endrunde bedeutete bereits einen großen Erfolg. Abonnieren Sie kostenlos unseren NOKZEIT-KANAL auf Whatsapp. In Duisburg zeigten die Spieler um die Übungsleiter Achim Schwind und Jürgen Gramlich schon in der Vorrunde gute Leistungen gegen die Vertreter aus Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Hamburg, das Viertelfinale schien zum Greifen nah. Am Ende fehlte ein wenig das Glück und das Team Johannes-Diakonie spielte in der Hauptrunde um die Plätze neun bis zwölf. Hier hielt sich die Mannschaft schadlos, siegte drei Mal souverän und schloss das Turnier als würdiger Vertreter Baden-Württembergs auf Platz neun ab. Den Meistertitel sicherten sich am Ende souverän die Berliner Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderung. Die Deutschen Fußball-Meisterschaften der Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen wurden bereits zum 23. Mal ausgetragen. Ausrichter sind die DFB-Stiftung Sepp Herberger, der Deutsche Behinderten-Sport-Verband sowie die Bundes-Arbeits-Gemeinschaft Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen. Eröffnet wurde das Turnier von DFB-Präsident Bernd Neuendorf, Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas und Trainerlegende Otto Rehhagel, der die Vorrundengruppen ausloste. Die Siegerehrung nahm unter anderem Ex-Nationalspieler Michael Preetz vor. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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korrektheiten · 2 months
Akif reloaded oder die Helden von gestern
Tichy:»Die Ereignisse überschlagen sich. Keine Woche, kein Tag mehr ohne brutalste Messer-, Gewalt- oder sonstige Ungläubigen-Dezimierungsattacken. Der auf dem Heimweg vom Abi-Ball brutal zu Tode getretene Phillipos Tsanis aus Bad Oeynhausen ist nur ein von vielen Beispielen, das bekannt geworden ist. Während geschmackloses Gegröle auf Sylt unmittelbare Forderungen von Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas nach Höchststrafen nach Der Beitrag Akif reloaded oder die Helden von gestern erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/TBcwPb «
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world-of-news · 6 months
Der Fall Ott.
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rhoenblick · 6 months
Taurus-Geheimnisverrat im Verteidigungsausschuss – eine(r) von 105 Anwesenden? — RT DE
Das politische Berlin rätselt weiterhin, welche Person die Quelle von sensiblen Informationen an das Nachrichtenportal T-Online gewesen sein könnte. Die Ausschussvorsitzende Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) versorgte nun Bundestagspräsidentin Bärbel Bas (SPD) mit Details zu der Veranstaltung. — Weiterlesen freedert.online/inland/199753-taurus-geheimnisverrat-im-verteidigungsausschuss-r/
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Olena was welcomed by Bärbel Bas during her Berlin work visit
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