#Aziraphale and Crowley are married thank you have a nice day
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somewhere-in-wales · 1 year ago
What if, in this moment, Aziraphale & Crowley found themselves unexpectedly transported to our world?
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And then met these two idiots?
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And they all had to work together to get Aziraphale & Crowley back?
I wrote a fic about it (When Worlds Collide). Here are some nice things people wrote underneath its chapters:
"I can't tell you how much I'm in love with this fic. Like I want to marry it, right now! The amounts of times I literally shrieked with laughter reading this. I had to stop to wipe my eyes, I am dying"
"In love w this actually. the SHENANIGANS!!!! this was a joy to read"
"this fic is eating me alive. an immediate cult classic. if i had your permission and any ability to execute this at all, i would bind this fic in leather and carry it with me all my days like a spiritual nomad with their dearest tome. You Are Taking Me There."
"Oh, Chapter 4 is my favorite so far. And that's saying a lot, because every time I read a new one I think 'there's no way this can be topped...it's too good, too funny, too fresh a take on these characters"
You can find it on AO3 here When World's Collide, there's an exert below, and if you're feeling generous enough to do a little signal boost re-blog, I will love you forever.
"Terribly sorry, but I wonder if I might help settle this business about whether we are who we say we are?"
Michael and David exchange glances.
"I doubt it" says Michael, reaching around the door frame for his water bottle whilst stepping out of the bathroom to take a swig. Aziraphale sweeps his hand in an arc as Michael puts the bottle to his lips, glugging. He immediately coughs and spits red wine forcefully across the room.
“Holy shit!” Exclaims David, jumping backwards to avoid being splashed.
"What the Hell was that for?" Michael splutters angrily, wiping his mouth, eyes moving between Aziraphale and Crowley
"Did you swap that out when I was filming?" he asks, irritably, looking around at the mess. "You've completely ruined the costume."
"I do hate to see it ruined," Aziraphale worries, glancing at Crowley who mock pouts. "No harm done to the furnishings at least" he says, as the stains miraculously disappear. He turns to Crowley again, appealing.
"Yes, fine" responds the Demon, getting up dramatically. He eyes Michael, who's still agitated, and feels like someone is looking into his soul. The gaze of an actual Demon, not just his acting partner, is enough to stifle any remaining irritation. With his eyes fixed on Michael, Crowley lifts his hand to click his fingers, and removes the stains from the actor's costume completely. Michael looks wordlessly at where the stain was, and raises his gaze appealingly to David.
"It's not... they can't... this is ...." he tails off, walking over to the table and sitting down.
Crowley sweeps his eyes over David's features "he's Aziraphale?" he asks, a depth of skepticism to his tone, "this guy?"
"Yes", says David "he's lovely really" Aziraphale side-eyes David before flitting his gaze to Crowley.
"And you're me?" Crowley asks slowly, with equal depth.
"Y...yes" says David with rather less confidence. Even underneath the dark glasses, he can tell the Demon is searching his eyes. "I might just take the contacts out" he says, to no one in particular, and ducks back into the bathroom.
"They'll need our costumes back. Where are you two going to sleep tonight?" Michael asks.
"Oh I don't sleep" Aziraphale shakes his head as though he's been offered an unappealing appetiser.
"I do"
"We'll get you a hotel room" says Michael. Aziraphale and Crowley exchange glances and Michael resists the urge to settle their discomfort by saying they'll get two. This situation is ridiculous, but he'll be damned if he isn't going to have a little fun with it.
"Thank you" Aziraphale offers, politely.
The door to the bathroom opens and David comes out, eyes back to normal. Crowley looks him over, flicking his eyes to Aziraphale, gauging the Angel's reaction. Aziraphale stares at David's face, breathing slowly, mind retracing memories long gone, but never forgotten.
"We better go then" Crowley huffs.
"Not dressed like that" David gestures to Aziraphale, who looks down at his clothes fondly, smoothing down his jacket.
"I have standards, you know?" He says.
"He's not wrong" Crowley agrees.
Michael, who had been watching Aziraphale's reactions thoughtfully, taking mental notes, speaks up "if we go in pairs and break up leaving, it's possible that no one will notice two David and Michael's leaving."
David looks uncertain.
"Unless you have a better idea?" Michael asks, "One, single, better idea?" Crowley and Aziraphale both flick their heads to look at Michael in recognition.
"No, let's do that" David relents. "I'm going to change." He steps back into the bathroom.
"Me too" says Michael, heading for the door "I'll be back in 5 minutes."
A few minutes later, Michael returns in the outfit he arrived in that day, to the general disdain of Aziraphale.
"Do you still think we should come to an arrangement?" Asks Crowley, smiling at this turn of events.
"I can't wear that" Aziraphale gestures to Michael's clothes, completely failing to hide his disgust at the suggestion he should wear such an outfit.
"What's wrong with this?" Michael asks. He's wearing jeans and a shirt, nothing worthy of such disdain. His question is ignored.
"You have to, Angel" Crowley teases, just as the bathroom door opens and David enters in a bright purple jumper. Crowley looks at him, then back at Aziraphale, a panicked expression briefly flicks across his features. The Angel raises his eyebrows and puts his hands on his hips in a look that communicates 'your move'.
"Oh Hell no, that's not happening" the Demon states. Clicking his fingers, he changes Michael and Aziraphale into sharp suits, David and himself into slightly-less-tight-than-usual black jeans and a slim black shirt. "Take it or leave it" he says, glancing briefly at Aziraphale, who's eyes soften, and lips form a slight smile in thanks whilst he smooths down the well-fitting suit.
"Yes, much better" The Angel sighs.
"For you, maybe, I'd never turn up to work in this" Michael fiddles uncomfortably with the collar.
"You should dear, you look ...nice" Aziraphale says, moving over to Michael to smooth his collar. Michael frowns at the Angel, noting the back-handed compliment.
"The hotel's not far," says David. "I'll call for a car. I'll take Aziraphale." Aziraphale and Crowley exchange glances in silent resignation. "We should wait at least 10 minutes before you call for yours" he raises his eyebrows, a quick glance at Crowley. He reckons he has the easier job.
"So, I'll be pretending to be..." Aziraphale gestures to Michael.
"Michael" Michael looks unconvinced by this.
"Yes, I know, I just wondered if there's anything I should know about you?"
"Probably best if you just don't talk" Michael glances between Aziraphale and Crowley. But Aziraphale looks very uncomfortable at this suggestion.
"He's an actor" David tries to offer something that will help.
"Yes" Aziraphale responds in a tone that shows his patience is wearing thin.
"He lives in Wales" David tries again.
"Oh," Aziraphale smiles, a look of relief forming on his features "Oh lovely, I do��love the Welsh Coast" he beams, looking at each of the other trailer occupants. "Yes, yes I think I can handle this" he nods, confidently, adjusting his cuffs.
David smiles back, broadly.
Michael and Crowley are less confident, their eyes meet with a knowing expression of concern.
Continued here
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anatomic-girl · 4 months ago
She cut off as a door opened and slammed shut above them, followed by rapid footsteps on the stairs. Crowley spoke before he came into view. “Angel! I heard your voice down here. Did you get lost on the way to—oh!” The teasing note dropped off as he entered the shop and caught sight of Ms Uriel. “Sorry, I didn’t know we had company.”
Aziraphale’s senses were misfiring again. He had no idea if having Crowley here would be better or worse for this discussion, and there was the extra sensation of being caught despite not doing anything wrong. Ms Uriel’s curious expression didn’t help, and as Crowley reached him and put a casual arm around his waist, Aziraphale’s fluttering nerves crescendoed.
“Crowley! This is Ms Uriel, my parents’ solicitor,” he said in an attempt to smooth over the moment with banalities. “Ms Uriel, this is Antonio Crowley, my husband.”
The hand on his waist tightened abruptly, and Crowley let out a choked sputtering. Aziraphale’s anxiety ratcheted up to emergency levels. He hadn’t meant to say that word.
“My fiancé!” The correction was shouted, far too loud, as Aziraphale backpedaled frantically. “Future husband, that is. Soon-to-be. I mean, before the—it’s rather n—oh dear…”
His brain-to-tongue connection had short-circuited completely. He wanted to melt into the floor. The day had begun so well, too.
“Nice to meet you,” Crowley said, offering the solicitor his hand and squeezing Aziraphale tighter to his side with the other. “Sorry. We haven’t made an official announcement yet. Brand new engagement; we’re a bit overly giddy at the moment, I think.”
***** Chapter 9 (Meet the Solicitor) of Dead Right is out! The Malaika family solicitor shows up unexpectedly at their doorstep, leading Aziraphale to blurt out a wedding announcement that shakes everything up… Fic notes: Angst-free, complete tooth-rotting fluff, fake marriage, pining-while-married AU, rated E (but all spicy sections will be skippable).
***** Thank you to my wonderful betas @beerok23 and @unicornbeck, as well as to all you lovely people who give me no end of support! 💕
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avocado-writing · 2 years ago
Hey 👋🏻 i just finished rewatching both seasons of good omens 🥲 can i request an ineffable husbands x r with an established relationship? after a night out they go back to the bookshop and r is pissed drunk so aziraphale and crowley tries to help them get comfortable and get settled but r keeps saying “back off i have partners.” and things like that because they’re too drunk to recognize the two which amuses them both. i read something similar online and thought it would be funny with the husbands. thank you so much ❤️
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notes: put this once again in tltdatsib, hope that's ok! also yall: anyway nightingale is drunk / me: YES lmfao
pairing: crowley x reader x aziraphale
rating: T
notes: excessive alcohol consumption; gn reader but one reference to them being a primadonna; tltdatsib-verse
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You’re all quite drunk.
The three of you are all impartial to a glass of wine or six after a nice day. Usually you can hold your liquor quite well, but you underestimated the vintage, and now you’re absolutely off your face. Crowley and Aziraphale are happy to sober up the miraculous way, the alcohol returning to its bottle, but you absolutely despise it happening to you and they’d never do it without your permission. So there you are, head-lollingly, body-flailingly drunk on the sofa in the back of the bookshop.
“Come on love, let’s get you to bed,” Crowley says, attempting to heave you into his arms. You push him away and make a low noise in the back of his throat. 
“Did… did you just growl at me?” he asks, both delighted and bemused; torn between actually trying to help you or recording this on his phone so that he can tease you mercilessly tomorrow. 
"My love - " begins Aziraphale, but you glare at him the best you can while barely being able to hold your head up.
“Oi! Back ‘ff sunshine,” you say, holding your hand up and wiggling your fingers, “‘m married! My husbands—spousesssss—won’t be too happy ‘f you chat me up!”
Aziraphale and Crowley exchange a look. You’ve not been this drunk since the three of you were invited to the Diamond Dogs release party in the seventies. Your hangover had lasted a week. 
“Darling,” says Aziraphale with a patient sigh, “we’re your husbands… spouses… oh, look, it’s us!”
"No-oo-oo! Lies! Won't be taken in by handsome strangerssss!" you cry, a primadonna of a show only you can see. You try to launch yourself across the couch for safety but get your foot stuck between two seat cushions.
"'Handsome', eh?" Crowely asks, grinning very wide indeed.
"Yessss, handsome! Very! But 'm TAKEN."
Aziraphale sighs, both wanting this charade to be over and charmed that even when you're too blotto to recognise them, you still find your husbands attractive.
"Look, let me show you proof, darling."
You squint, suspiciously. 
Aziraphale reaches into his coat pocket to bring out his wallet. It has no cards or cash, nothing that one would actually need a wallet for - but he keeps it for one very particular reason. 
He flips open the leather and holds it out for you to inspect. It has a photo in it: a polaroid, taken for you by a kind passerby on the day of your wedding. It’s of the three of you, arms around each other, all smiling the widest in any photo where you are the subjects. You take it from his hands, scrutinise it, then cringe.
“Oh god, ‘m ‘n idiot…”
You collapse back into the sofa, letting your arm remain in its place so Aziraphale can take the precious wallet back safely. 
"It's alright nightingale. You're just a bit tipsy is all, my love."
"You're so kind to me even when 'm bein' silly..."
"For better for worse. For drunker, for sober...er," Crowley reasons.
“Should go t’ sleep…” you mutter, and before they can help you up, you turn over to face the pile of pillows and immediately make good on that threat. They cover you with a blanket, and Crowley does tease you the next morning.
@angiestopit @foolishprincipalitee @smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @candlewitch-cryptic @cool-ontherun-world @emilynissangtr @willbedecided @bdffkierenwalker @cool-iguana @ilyatan @civil-groupie @willyoubethepookietomypookster @lxsm2 @clarina04 @wtfhasmy-lifecometo @mrgatotortuga @wereallbrokenangels @night-affiliate @silcosmoke @kimqueenofhell @chewbrry @bajablast23 @h3k3t @am-i-obsessed---maybe @bakerstreethound
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years ago
HELLO!!! i have a request for a platonic Crowley and Aziraphale x fem!reader with she/they pronouns 😄 if you know Nimona, then thats what i want the reader to be like. theyre a spunky, immortal, young teenager anarchist who can shapeshift and has unnaturally coloured eyes and hair. one day they find the two (husbands), and kinda just stays, so Crowley and Aziraphale accept their fate!! i dont mind if you decide to include a smudge of angst (or a shit ton whatever you prefer, but im impartial to both, so do with that what you will,) because after the newest season, i cant get enough of it.
many thanks!!
Oh! I haven't seen the movie but I know about Nimona!
You met Aziraphale and Crowley in 537 AD, encountering them by pure chance.
At first you intimidate them as a dragon, thinking they were two hapless knights who lost their way back to their kingdom..
Until you saw Crowley's snake eyes, and you realize he's not human at all.
"You there...I like your eyes.....are you another shapeshifter?"
"...um..nope." The demon in black armor looks incredibly confused, especially at this dragon talking to him. "Don't know what gave you that idea.."
"Well technically he is." The white knight adds on, smiling nervously. "You see, my erm..."rival" here is something of a serpent who was sent to-"
"Shut it, Angel. This beast doesn't need our lifestory! Now if you could kindly excuse us, o' great dragon, we have to discuss-"
"Hate to break it to you, but....I'm not actually a dragon."
"Then what are you exactly? You...said something about "shapeshifting" before, didn't you?"
To answer Crowley's question, you transform into a young human clad in knight armor, taking off your helmet to reveal your unnaturally-colored eyes and hair, smiling. "Bingo."
The pair are quite impressed, so they have no reason to hide the fact they were an angel and demon.
You explained how you've had these shapeshifting powers for a long time, being on the run since everyone thinks you're a "cursed child" or some monster that was once banished, wanting nothing more than to drive a sword through your heart.
When it's clear that neither Aziraphale nor Crowley have any intentions of hurting you....that's when you decided to stick with them.
It took them 20 years to realize you never aged, learning you're an immortal being in a teenager's body.
Your powers allow you to keep up with the times, disguising yourself as animals, people...or even angels and demons if your heart so desired.
Sometimes you'll turn into a snake much like Crowley's own snake form (although your scales have the color of your hair, ofc, so you're not 100% identical).
You haven't mastered turning just your head into a snake, however.
In the modern era, you enjoy being a nightingale after learning they were both fond of those birds, often singing in the bookshop out of boredom.
Although Crowley's fully aware you're not a demon, you got a spunky and rebellious personality and love getting up to mischief.
And he 100% encourages this (while poor Aziraphale's practically begging you to stay out of trouble).
But you're definitely on the angel's side anytime he compliments Crowley, who just snarls and denies ever doing something "nice" or "good".
You don't believe he's all that evil for even a moment.
While you're aware that they have to act like they despise each other bc they're on opposite sides...in your eyes, they behave so much like an old married human couple.
Aziraphale emphasizing "our car" when talking about the Bentley made you roll your eyes and joke about when the wedding's gonna start.
When Aziraphale returns to Heaven without Crowley, you realize that maybe your "marriage jokes" went a bit too far...even though neither of them blame you for their falling out.
Still, you feel bad bc you can tell Crowley was genuinely in love with him.
You overheard everything, and after his "no nightingales" remark, you're reluctant to shapeshift into one again out of fear of upsetting him.
Yet he asks you, too, as he couldn't bear the silence in the bookshop anymore...and listening to any of Aziraphale's music records would've been too painful for him.
You obliged, staying perched on his shoulder as he stared out the window for hours...hoping that his angel would come back to him.
You hoped so, too, waiting everyday by his side...until the end of time if you had to.
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becca-is-not-well · 2 years ago
Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley (platonic)
Summary: you had a rough go of as of late, so you go to your favorite husbands
Warnings: fluff, no use of (Y/N), gender neutral reader (they/them) R has hair but not specifically long or short or whatever
You had had the worst day ever.
Scratch that, you had had the worst week ever.
Between your anxiety and the workload, along with the person you hated most in the world seemingly being around every corner; your nerves were shot. There was only one thing that could make you feel better, but you always hated bothering Zira and Crowley with it.
"Angel, where has the little demon been all week?" Crowley asked his husband, finally realizing what had felt so off the past few days.
"I don't know, dear, they're probably just busy. And they're not a demon," Aziraphale walked into the room, setting the tea down on the coffee table.
"Eh, they're an honorary demon. And it's too bloody quiet without that menace around," the demon declared, sitting up from his previously reclined position on the sofa. Now that he'd finally realized what was wrong, an antsy feeling had settled in his gut.
"If it's really bothering you so much, why don't you go find them?" Zira said as he poured himself a cup of tea, trying to remain unbothered.
"Maybe I will-" Crowley was cut off suddenly by the bell on the shop door ringing.
Both sets of eyes snapped to look at the door, seeing the person in question standing there. You.
"Speak of the devil," Crowley exclaimed happily. The smile on his face quickly left as he took in the appearance of their young friend.
You were soaked, having apparently forgotten an umbrella on your walk over. The expression that graced your features was one of anger to the untrained eye; but the ineffable husband's knew you better than that. Really, the malice was just hiding the anxiety that lies beneath.
"Oh, darling," the angel got to his feet, immediately walking over to you. "What's happened?"
"It would be faster to tell you what didn't happen," you reply, shaking your hair to get any drops of rain out.
Crowley stopped right behind where Aziraphale was now fussing over you. The angel had taken your wet jacket and bag, having them up on the coat stand.
"You look like hell, kid, and I don't say that lightly," yellow eyes giving away the concern he truly felt.
"Gee, thanks buddy," you sassed; though it gave no real bite as you held back tears.
"Oh, you know I don't mean it like that," he bit back as he magically dried your clothes and hair.
"Be nice, Crowley, they've had a rough go of it lately," Zira scolded, gently leading you back to the sofa.
"I am being nice!" Crowley argued, following them to the sofa. The angel sent his husband a pointed look.
The couple was so busy arguing that they hadn’t heard your soft giggles until it turned into full out barking laughter. The way they acted like an old married couple despite only being married for about six months entertained you endlessly.
They both stopped in their tracks when they heard the laughter; joining you in the display a moment later.
“Oh, my dear, I’m sorry for our banter,” Aziraphale apologized.
“C’mon, angel, they live for our mindless little spats, don’t you, darling?” Crowley cut in, making you laugh again.
“Yeah, pretty much. You guys never had a honeymoon phase and if nothing else it makes me feel better,” you admitted. The two looked at you and each other with poorly hidden affection as they sat in a comfortable silence for a moment; the only sound being Zira serving tea for the three of them.
“Is there anything else we can do for you?” The blond asked, yet again stepping into the parental role he often took with you.
“Could we read together?” you suggested softly, sipping your tea.
“Ohoho, yes! Let’s read the one about us!” Crowley rubbed his hands together excitedly.
“You already know exactly what happens in that story, Crowley,” Zira reasoned, but there was no reasoning with his husband, really.
“He just likes that you being hopelessly in love with him for thousands of years is documented,” you quipped, laughing as both their faces went a bit red.
“No, I like hearing about how badass I am,” Crowley argued, trying to save face.
“Mhm,” you hummed, obviously not convinced.
“Okay, quiet you two,” Aziraphale interrupted the good natured argument. “I’m going to start reading.”
The angel opened the book Romeo and Juliet, knowing it's one of your favorites.
“‘Two houses, both alike in dignity’-”
“Oh a gloomy story for a gloomy day, really angel?” Crowley huffed.
“Yes, it’s one of their favorites. Now please; do listen. ‘In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…’”
Aziraphale continued to read the play in his soothing voice with Crowley interrupting with a snarky remark every so often. You smiled, the banter still entertaining you and making you feel safe. It was a cozy afternoon with your favorite found family, filled with laughter, tea, comfort, and shakespeare.
Just like that, all your troubles melted away as you sat between an angel and a demon who loved you just as much as you loved them.
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jophiel-extras · 2 years ago
and maybe an sfw alphabet for azi? 👉👈
summary :: Aziraphale sfw alphabet!
warning :: none, fluff
note :: still waiting for nsfw Crowley requests to colonise my inbox 🥱
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A = Affection
Surprisingly, Aziraphale isn’t crazily affectionate even if you are his partner. He’s quite reserved in that manner. Of course, if you want physical love Aziraphale is more than up for the job but he’s not one to hang off you. Freely though, he’ll kiss and hug you whenever the time is right.
B = Best friend
Aziraphale is incredibly kind and considerate. He’s such a good person, you’d have to be insane not to want him as a friend! He’s one of those people that just cares an there aren’t many of those these days. He cares unabashedly about you and who you are. He will always be there to help you and listen to you, no matter the circumstances.
C = Cuddles
Aziraphale is a fan of his personal space, so he won’t always cuddle you. Generally greeting embraces and whenever you need comforting are the most times you hug, that and cuddling before bed. He especially loves to read to you whilst you lay on his chest and snooze.
D = Domestic
Aziraphale adores the settled lifestyle. Living in peace with you. Every day feels like something kind and normal, breakfast together, going out together, sleeping with one another. He loves it. Aziraphale is honestly such a traditional wife, he likes staying indoors and looking after the bookshops.
E = Ending
Aziraphale wouldn’t commit to someone unless he knew he could spend the rest of his life with them (well technically, they could spend the rest of their life with him), so a breakup is highly unlikely. However, if it were ever to occur Aziraphale would be heartbroken and you’d never leave his mind, not for another century.
F = Fiance(e)
Angels aren’t really allowed to get married but Aziraphale is a bit of a rule breaker and would certainly offer you a ring as a sign of his commitment to you. A wedding might not occur, but you’d be married in the eyes of an Angel which I find much more binding than law.
G = Gentle
Physically, Aziraphale is as soft as they come and emotionally too. He is very carefully in how he approaches your emotions, especially if you’re overwhelmed.
H = Hugs
Aziraphale consistently greets you with a nice hug! Aziraphale hugs under your arms, pulling your chest in. It’s so soft and comforting, he’s such a good hugger (I wouldn’t tell him, but it’s honestly like hugging a marshmallow).
I = I love you
Depending on how complicated of a relationship you have, the L word might be lost in translation but if he’s got the feelings and he knows it, Aziraphale isn’t afraid to verbalise it.
J = Jealousy
Of course Aziraphale is completely comfortable in your relationship, he’s secure in what you have. Although that won’t stop the odd attention you might get from a stranger possibly rubbing him the wrong way. It’s never serious enough to warrant a big discussion; he might just pull a little more affection from you to reassure himself of your love for him.
K = Kisses
Aziraphale is particularly fond of cheek and forehead kisses!! He adores it when you randomly plant a kiss on his cheek as he reads, or as you pass him in the bookshop. He thinks it’s the sweetest thing. He likes to kiss your head mainly. The top of your head when you lay on his chest, or as you hug. While he kisses your head, he likes to smell your hair and will usually compliment whatever shampoo you’ve been using.
L = Little ones
Aziraphale cannot have children, but often thinks about what a blessing it would be for you two to have kids of your own. He’d be a gentle parent, for sure.
M = Morning
Waking up to the smell of breakfast cooking, and walking to the kitchen to find Aziraphale whipping up some fluffy pancakes. Or, maybe if you wake up early enough, you can beat him to it and surprise him with a delicious Eggs Benedict which he will certainly mention in his thankfulness prayers. It’s not unheard of though, for a lazy day in, cuddling and snoozing together whilst the day goes by.
N = Night
Early nights, mostly. Aziraphale is always making sure you sleep early enough.
O = Open
You’d get to know Aziraphale through a friendship first, he wouldn’t feel comfortable becoming an official partner of yours until you know about him and what he truely is.
P = Patience
Aziraphale is the most patient person you know!
Q = Quizzes
Aziraphale has quite the memory bank on you. He’s a sucker for getting you meaningful gifts, so he listens to you and your interests intently. Even something in passing, he’s there for it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he kept a little notebook of quirks he’s noticed on you.
R = Remember
Aziraphale has a particularly fond memory of sharing a cream bun with you. You’d gotten a bit of cream on your cheek which he had wiped off ever so gently, caressing your face. The sweet gesture turned into your first kiss. After the kiss, Aziraphale licked the cream from his thumb and murmured “Delicious,” which had you as red as a tomato. He found it all quite cute.
S = Security
It might not seem like it, but Aziraphale is incredibly passionate about your safely and wellbeing. He has the ability to keep you safe, and repeatedly does even when you don’t realise it. There’s been a few under the table miracles he’s performed to keep you just that little bit safer. If you’re human he’s particularly wary, citing that “Humans are very delicate creatures,” when justifying his doting.
T = Try
Aziraphale has been known to spoil you when it comes to the effort he puts into dates, anniversaries, gifts and honestly just everyday tasks.
U = Ugly
Aziraphale has been known to oversee your negative feelings sometimes, telling you it will pass or trying to solve it instead of just letting you rant your heart out. The moment you mentioned it, he tried to switch up his attitude but will sometimes lecture you on solving problems whenever you need to ride out your negative emotions. He trying though, that’s what counts.
V = Vanity
Not at all! Aziraphale isn’t one to be bothered with aesthetics (other than a nice outfit, of course).
W = Whole
Unless you’re with him, Aziraphale feels a lingering loneliness so you’re never from him for too long.
X = Xtra
Aziraphale can’t help but just look at you, all the time. Sleeping especially, it’s happened more than once, you waking up to Aziraphale gazing at you with all the adoration in the world. Despite having crazy bed head, a cheek dry with drool and a puffy morning face, Aziraphale will still ogle you.
Y = Yuck
He’s not a fan of slobs! Pick up after yourself!!
Z = Zzz
Aziraphale prefers to be productive, so he will sleep early when there’s nothing to do and wake up early too. Even if he does go to bed later, he will still wake up at 5 or 6am. Somehow, you can never feel when he leaves the bed. He’s never woken you up, not once.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years ago
Hi! Do you have any fics where Crowley and aziraphale get married? Or at least a proposal? Thank you so much, I appreciate y'all!
Hello! You can check our #proposal and #marriage tags for more fics like this. Here are some more...
Like real people do by eerlingoq (G)
marriage /ˈmarɪdʒ/ the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.
Perhaps that's what the humankind would prefer to call it. Aziraphale and Crowley are not one of them.
To them- it's one another simple tradition of those pesky little creatures. Maybe it has a more significant meaning to them now that they are free.
To figure that out, it takes two occult beings to break the elephant in the room; just this once.
Ineffably ever after by siephilde42 (T)
Crowley reads a certain scrapbook and needs to make a decision. Unrelated to this, it turns out that Gabriel is not very nice, even if offered tea.
Till Regret do us Part by cyankelpie (G)
In 1858, Crowley talks Aziraphale into getting married—purely as a legal formality. It doesn't have to mean anything. They can get a divorce anytime.
Strangely, Aziraphale never takes Crowley up on that last part.
Guardian Mine: The Ineffable Wedding (And Honeymoon) by Jukebox_Draws (E)
A proposal gone wrong. Gloomy wedding day weather. And passionate love made in a rather lavish hotel room.
It was all, certainly, incredibly, ineffable.
One Heaven of a Wedding by Caedmon (T)
Aziraphale living with a demon? How...unpleasant. Aziraphale living with a demon in sin? Unmarried? Horror! Blasphemy! Unimaginable! And so Heaven sends Gabriel to demand that Aziraphale and Crowley get married, offering them anything if they'll only agree. But be careful what you wish for...
What God Has Joined Together by Twilightcitysky (E)
Five times Aziraphale and Crowley attended weddings throughout history, and one time they planned their own.
- Mod D
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just-1other-nerd · 2 years ago
Good Omens live blog ep. 11
What do you mean? No, I did not totally forget this in my drafts for the last few days...
Furfur is so done with everything
"Can I watch?" is just an excuse for Crowley to spend more time with his angel
I believe it as much as Crowley, but Aziraphale is actually giving away books!
How many demons are there compared to angels? Like, what are the numbers?
Crowley is so silly sometimes, he's just tagging along and having an eye on his husband
Sidenote: Ms. Cheng is super pretty
Shax, my girl, that is the most unspectacular pre battle motivational speech ever, especially with the premise of storming a bookshop
I swear that when the camera slowly turns to Crowley, that's the moment he realises he's in love with Aziraphale
He went and got drunk
Finally, Nina's toxic relationship is over, it was about time
I love that not just the shop part is full of books, they're literally everywhere
Crowley is so protective! Just imagine what would have happened if Crowley said stop just 5 seconds later. Gabriel would have been pancake material.
Institutional problem, wonder what that's about...
Muriel is so cute
Yeah Crowley you tell yourself that you're not nice, doesn't change the facts
Gabriel's suit, I can't!
Why is nobody except Nina noticing the spell Aziraphale put on the shop?
The non-binary spouse slays
Oh Lord, Aziraphale is so freaking excited about them dancing! Agsjrowkefjsn
That coat is somehow even more glorious than the suit
So they did that super extremely powerful miracle all on their own? Without even trying to make it powerful? Something, something, power of love
Is that guy dead?!
Why is that hypnosis thing not working on Nina and Maggie?
Shax brought Crowley his mail? Why not throw it away?
They finally said the angels and demons don't have a gender thing in the show!
How can you say stuff like "Rescuing me makes him so happy" and expect me to be okay?
Crowley and Muriel are a delightful combination
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mimisempai · 2 years ago
Hey, I love your fanfics!
Will you write how Crowley and Aziraphale get married?
Hello !
Thank you so much.
I'll be honest, I don't know yet.
After the fix-it from episode 6, I like the idea of letting them take time to process their new relationship. To tell you, in today's story, Crowley even wonders at one point what label to give their relationship.
They still have a long way to go, and I want to give them time to do it. As Crowley often says in my stories, "at their own pace" ^^
I don’t discard the idea, but just not yet.
Have a nice day 💕
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finleycannotdraw · 4 years ago
Guess what? I’m re-binge-reading Good Omens. And here are some Obervations that I forgot about and some things I might put in fics. Also things I found funny. Basically my dumb commentary on the book.
Crowley actually flees Sister Mary. He doesn’t saunter vaguely away. He flees.
Ligur is rather more thoughtful than he’s portrayed in the show
Anathema likes to read about herself, and her teachers are confused because she spells words like Agnes Nutter
Crowley apologizes
By page 41, it is mentioned at least twice that Aziraphale and Crowley Do Not choose each other’s company for any reason other than that they are constants, that they have an Arrangement, and that they are Friends because being Enemies got boring.
Aziraphale blushes!!!!!!
The Drunk Scene is fuckin hilarious and it’s actually a lot longer than it is in the show, and really you ought to read it. (Book pages 47-50)
My mom (who has a PhD in human development) would probably like to talk to Crowley about upbringing because they seem to agree on how important it is
War has always looked 25, and had a vulture that died of fatty degeneration
Pollution is very cleverly compared to actual pollution
Warlock has Kermit the frog overalls, and Nanny Ashtoreth is described as someone who “advertises unspecified but strangely explicit services in certain magazines”. The tutors are present for about four paragraphs. Warlock is good at math and likes banana flavored bubblegum.
Crowley has a slice of angel cake. Aziraphale eats it. Aziraphale also eats deviled eggs. Hm.
Crowley calls Aziraphale angel casually enough to suggest he’s been doing it for a long time
Some girl at Warlock’s party calls Aziraphale a f*ggot
Crowley glares suspiciously at a gerbil. It is suggested that Hell has, in the past, sent hell-gerbils in place of hellhounds.
“Oh dear,” muttered Aziraphale, not swearing with the practiced ease of one who has spent six thousand years not swearing, and who wasn’t going to start now.
Adam and his friends play in a place called The Pit, where shopping carts go to die, apparently
Crowley is the first one to mention sides in the book!??!? Also Crowley goes on about how humans are more evil than Hell (but he calls himself evil—is he calling himself human already?)
Aziraphale yells “get off the road, you clown!”
“What’s a velvet underground?” *love confession???* “you wouldn’t like it”
Aziraphale is a bit rude to Crowley in the “flashes of love” scene and Crowley is less panicked about it
Crowley glares at the Bentley and it fixes itself
Anathema’s bike is called Phaeton
Aziraphale speaks like. Like ugh. “FlOUndeR on tHe rOcKS of inEquiTY”
“Thirty seconds later someone shot both of them. With incredible accuracy.” *cuts to a random pleasant story about Mary Hodges* *cuts back to where Aziraphale has fallen into a rhododendron and Crowley licks the paint before he knows it’s paint* dumbasses
Crowley does not slam Aziraphale into the wall
Crowley is actually pretty impatient and doesn’t argue with Aziraphale when he’s worried
“Nothing but dust and fundamentalists” “that was nasty” “sorry, couldn’t help it”
When the radio sings “Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me,” Crowley sings “for me” and then screams
Crowley asks Aziraphale if he’ll keep in touch, and Aziraphale doesn’t say tickety-boo, and then Crowley says “right” and feels very alone
the international express man is small and has glasses, and wears green woolen socks
The sword, which turns out to be Aziraphale’s, is described as having an aura of hatred and menace, which makes me think of how it could’ve gotten that aura from Heaven or from humanity or from War...
In the book Pepper has red hair and freckles, which makes it a cool comparison to War’s appearance and the defeat of War
Adam is excellent at slouching, apparently
Occasionally, as Aziraphale reads the book, he would very nearly swear
“He wouldn’t have said ‘that’s weird’ if a flock of sheep had cycled past playing violins.”
“If you had told him there were children starving in Africa he would’ve been flattered that you’d noticed.”
“...that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide.” (151)
Wensleydale watches David Attenborough programs
Shadwell’s voice is described as “the color of an old raincoat” and seems to fake smoking cigarettes
Aziraphales cocoa is moldy and solidified by the time he calls Arthur Young, and has a thin layer of dust on himself too
Newt says that the walls look like nicotine and the floor looks like cigarette ash, and he suspects both are, actually, coated with these substances
Newt looks a bit like Clark Kent, and people seem to like Shadwell for some reason, much to his annoyance.
Aziraphale calls Shadwell “dear boy” on the phone
Agnes Nutter called God a daft old fool #goals
Adam is wayyyy too good at video games
Smelling Anathema’s perfume makes Newt uncomfortable
Adam suggests that Pepper ought to have Russia cause of her red hair (huh)
Anathema and Newt actually have decent conversations?? Like?? Show??? C’mon, man. The show kinda butchered their relationship.
Trees, apparently, make a ‘vvrooooommm’ sound when they grow very fast
“He suspected that Crowley was from the Mafia, or the underworld, although he would have been surprised how right he nearly was.” Shadwell also thought Aziraphale was a Russian spy. Wow, Shadwell.
Aziraphale calls Crowley and actually says “shut up” to him, and then when the answering machine beeps, he tells Crowley to “stop making noises” and then he swears for the first time ever.
The fuckin’ footnote on page 227
“A sleek computer was the sort of thing Crowley felt that the sort of human he tried to be would have.” I like the word choice here. He’s not pretending to be a human, he’s trying to be one. That’s a really important distinction.
It never actually says what Crowley does to his plants.
Crowley’s flat is very white. Wow, Crowley. It just looks dark because of the lighting. Heaven imagery and symbolism out my ears, goddammit.
Why does Hell say Crowley’s name so much when talking to him?? Honestly, I think that’s an intentional dig at his chosen name, using it in their speech to scare him. Wow, Hell. (And wow, Finn, excellent sentence)
Whenever the book says something is shaped like something, it definitely isn’t that thing. “man-shaped” “dog-shaped” “car-shaped”... makes it pretty obvious they aren’t men, dogs, or cars, huh.
The code to Crowley’s safe is 4004. The year he “slithered onto this stupid, marvelous planet”... and the year he met Aziraphale, of course. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, Crowley, my dude.
Crowley consideres sticking Hastur into his car until he turns into Freddie Mercury but then decides even he isn’t that cruel
Actual text that I feel like nobody really agrees with: “Madame Tracy was by many yardsticks quite stupid”
“Do I look like I run a bookshop?” “...imagine me out of uniform, sir, and what kind of man would you see before you? Honestly?” “A prat.”
I’m crying. The fucking bookshop fire scene made me fucking cry. I’m literally crying.
“...on all fours in the blazing bookshop, Crowley cursed Aziraphale, and the ineffable plan, and Above, and Below.” “The police and firemen looked at him, saw the expression on his face, and stayed exactly where they were.” “...a crack of thunder so loud it hurt....” *the sound of Finley sobbing into their cat*
The shortest biker in the cafe thing is 6′2, what the fuck
War, Famine, Pollution, and Pop Trivia 1962-1979
“Pollution removed his helmet and shook out his long white hair. He had taken over when Pestilence, muttering about penicillin, had retired in 1936. If only the old boy had known what opportunities the future had held.” HMMMMMMMMMMM
“There were no bitches in Hell either.” I know it’s talking about female dogs, but I rather thought Hell was full of bitches.
“Why are you talking like a poofter?” “Ah. Australia.”
“gOsh, aM i on teLEviSiON?” (Basically Aziraphale gets passionate about stuff and likes to talk).
Crowley is actually an optimist and doesn’t dwell too much on how sucky the world is. He doesn’t go get smashed in a bar. He just finds Aziraphale’s notes in the book and heads to Tadfield. And also, his new pair of sunglasses just... materializes out of his eyes. And he likes to whistle.
“Death and Famine and War and Pollution continued biking to Tadfield. And Grievous Bodily Harm, Cruelty to Animals, Things Not Working Properly Even After You’ve Given Them A Good Thumping But Secretly No Alcohol Lager, and Really Cool People traveled with them.”
“on top of the pile a rather large octopus waved a languid tentacle at them. The sergeant resisted the temptation to wave back.” Honestly dude, if an octopus waved at me I’d wave back.
Wait Agnes was apparently talking to Shadwell and not God when she said yowe daft old foole. I dunno
Madame Tracy: You old silly. Shadwell: 
Aziraphale does not know how to get rid of demons. Canonically. “Had never done other to get rid of demons than to hint to them very strongly that he, Aziraphale, had some work to be getting on with, and wasn’t it getting late? And Crowley always got the hint.”
The road to Hell is paved with frozen door to door salesmen, apparently. The question is where it is, because the demons always seem to just stem out of the ground.
“Heigh ho,” said Anthony Crowley, and just drove anyway. I love this sentence during that scene. 
I bet Hastur gets really mad whenever he hears Aziraphale’s voice from now on
Crowley isn’t breathing the entire burning Bentley scene
ADAM. SAID. “But I reckon you can make your own side” AND WE FUCKIN IGNORED IT?
The temperature above the M25 was simultaneously 700ºC and -140ºC which makes me think of something I read about magenta not being real. The M25 is magenta.
I feel like “Agnes” is just going to become an inside joke between Anathema and Newt at this point, and it will drive Crowley insane because he knows who she is but somehow still doesn’t get the joke.
I’m six inches taller than R.P. Tyler, and apparently according to the back sleeve of the book jacket, I’m very similar in height to Neil Gaiman
R.P. Tyler thought Shadwell was a ventriloquist’s dummy, and then sees cows doing somersaults
“That’s terrific. Much obliged,” said Crowley. — “Funny weather we’re having, isn’t it?” “Is it? I hadn’t noticed.” “Probably because your car is on fire.” .... Also the fact that Crowley looks like a young man which I find interesting.
“The Four Button-Pressers of the Apocalypse”
“Where is Armageddon, anyway?” “I’ve always meant to look that up.” “There’s an Armageddon, Pennsylvania”
Famine is the one that says “that’s one big avocado”, and also, I find it interesting that War, more than once, talks about love. (All is fair in love and war much?)
Anathema threatens the guard with a stick, pretending it’s a gun
Aziraphale, of course, asks Crowley to sort it out because he, Aziraphale, is “the nice one” and then proceeds to sort it out himself. Because of course he does. Because what else could he possibly do.
Aziraphale and Crowley are so fuckin married I can’t
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dyns33 · 2 years ago
Good uncles prequel
Last Sandman and Good Omens crossover. 
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When Y/N came to visit Aziraphale in his bookshop, he was a little surprised. Of course, he was always happy to see his dear niece, little Antichrist who had chosen not to destroy the world, but most of the time it was him or Crowley who went to see her, and if the reverse happened, that meant that something was going on.
     "I need advice." she said, looking desperate.
     "And you come to see me... Me ? Just me ?"
     "Yes. I think the divine and good side is most appropriate in this situation."
"Oh, sweet heaven, this is the best day of my long life. Sit down my child, I'm bringing tea and biscuits !"
Aziraphale's joy faded a bit when Y/N explained to him that she was here because of a man. A man she liked to spend time with, whose discussions were very pleasant, and with whom she hoped there would be more.
     "... When you say 'more'... You're talking about becoming his best friend ?" "No. I love him."
     "And that's very good ! Love is a noble feeling, which God encourages. We must love all the beings who populate the earth. But there are also the dangers of sins, and lust..."
     "Uncle Aziraphale, I'm an adult, I don't need that kind of explanation. To be honest, I don't have those kind of thoughts. Well, I won't be against it, but what I really want is to always be with him, and to let everyone know that we are together, faithful to each other."
     "Ah, the sacred bonds of marriage, good !"
     "I don't know about the wedding yet. His niece told me he was married before and..."
     "He is divorced !" cried the angel, putting a hand to his mouth. "That's not... Wait. His niece ? How old is he ?!"
     "I'll tell you again, I'm an adult, so it's none of your business. Anyway, I don't even know if he's even interested in me that way. He didn't do anything to show me that we were more than just friends. And that worries me. Should I tell him how I feel ? But if he doesn't love me back ? If he doesn't want to see me anymore ? I don't want to lose him. But if I say nothing, and he meets someone else ? Oh, uncle, help me, please !"
The best advice he could give her was to be patient. It was nice that they were already friends, it was a good start, and at some point Y/N could clearly see if she had a chance with this man.
     "What about... my situation ? Do you think I should tell him ?"
     “Probably not right away, but after a while... Yes, by finding the right words. A relationship cannot go well with secrets and lies. You have to be appreciated for who you really are."
     "Thank you Uncle Aziraphale."
     "Thank you for coming to seek guidance from an angel."
He would probably have been much less pleased to learn that a few days later, Y/N knocked on Uncle Crowley's door, to ask him exactly the same questions, considering that it was good to have several opinions, but not telling the demon that she was to see Aziraphale first.
     "You made the right decision coming to see me, little mouse. Tell me everything." purred Crowley, offering her a glass of wine.
     "Well. There is this man."
     "Ah. I wish you had started with a simpler sin, but if we're going to have this conversation..."
     "It's really not necessary ! Anyway. There is this man, who is not really a man, I think."
     "You think ?"
     "Well, he's one of my friends' uncle."
     "A sugar daddy, very good."
     "Uncle Crowley !" Y/N growled, grimacing in shame. "It's not like that at all. He's young. Anyway, he looks young. I thought so until yesterday. I met a friend of his, we talked and he was surprised that I don't like Shakespeare. Without doing it on purpose, I said that my uncles had met him, that he was a complete idiot, and that they often had to help him with his plays, and you know what he said ? 'I have a friend who did that too !' Hob is over six hundred years old, Uncle Crowley ! And his friend is the man I love. Maybe... Maybe that's a good sign ? It's better for me to love a supernatural being, right ? You know, with my... heritage ?"
     "It depends. Many people are afraid of Lucifer, so the Antichrist ? There would only be someone very nice, or a satanic not to run away, but a satanic could be bad. I'm not talking about real satanics, but about the fools who do what the demons ask them to do, they're the worst. That's my advice."
Crowley's advice was of course the exact opposite of what Aziraphale had told Y/N. For him, she had to act quickly, do everything to seduce the man she wanted, but she shouldn't tell him what she was. Either way, she had no intention of destroying the world, so it didn't really matter who found out who her real parent was, her adoptive parents were more than enough.
It didn't take long for the two uncles to discover that their adorable niece had consulted them both, and her conclusion was that it was necessary to do a little what they had said, but not completely.
Y/N therefore made the decision to be patient with the being who had stolen her heart, flirting so and so innocently to let him guess that she was not indifferent to him. She implied that she was not a normal human, but never mentioned hell. It seemed like a good decision, which they approved.
Then she invited them to meet her dear friend.
The meeting did not happen, because as they arrived near the pub, the angel and the demon saw someone who should not have been there.
     "What is Dream of the Endless doing in a place like this ?" whispered Aziraphale.
     "He's walking around, and it's a coincidence ? Right ?"
     "I don't know. He... He's talking with people. Mortals."
      "Probably servants, helping him out in the waking world."
     "One of the human servants is talking with our Y/N."
     "I know, he calls himself Hob, and she's in love with his friend who doesn't like Shakespeare ! She's not… No. No." Crowley sighed in despair when his niece went to sit next to Morpheus, looking at him with sparkling eyes and a huge smile.
It was a real disaster.
Of all the beings existing in this universe, and the others, Y/N had to meet and fall in love with Dream of the Endless. He hadn't had as many conquests as his sibling Desire, but he could still be considered a womanizer, whose stories didn't have very nice endings.
A bad ending could lead to the end of the world, if Y/N was not at the origin of the break up. Or if she was, and he tried to send her to hell. 
     "We have to tell her." growled the snake.
     "I don't know. Maybe we shouldn't get involved. She's smart, and he may have already told her about his past."
     "Please. He's ashamed of this past, and he's a proud man. She doesn't know anything. I know ! I saw Nada ! I saw his son. I talked to a witch who wanted to offer me a deal to get revenge on him !"
     "It is true that Calliope was very unhappy after their separation. Oh, the divorce, of course ! The fairy queen is also still furious with him. And there are all the others."
     "We must tell her who he is, and especially how he is with women. I refuse that she suffers because of an Endless !"
     "I don't want her to suffer in general. But she really loves him, and love can make you blind. We have to find the right approach, so that she considers it would be a good thing if they were only friends."
It then seemed judicious to them to go to the essential, preparing a long speech on what was an Endless, and especially Dream. A cold, distant being, who focused on his work above all else, therefore not being available to anyone. And to avoid scattering, they chose to tell her that all his former relationships had been tragic, but to really only talk about Nada, who was trapped in Hell.
It was quite appropriate, and close to home. Y/N would certainly not want to end up here, where she would have to meet her parent.
And as always, whenever they had a great plan, things didn't go their way at all.
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ofpineapplesanddawns · 3 years ago
Oh yes, I also promised to write up a little thing based on these designs I did last night for Phileas and Will!
This is part of the Let The Adventure Begin au, so there is a mention to the ineffables. 
On with the fic!
Will found his husband in his library, seated in a comfortable chair as he happily poured over the map he had received in the mail from Abigail and Passepartout from their current journey. He watched as Phileas adjusted his glasses, leaning in close, happily muttering something to himself before making notes on a different sheet of paper.
It was moments like this that had Will appreciating everything that had happened to him in the past ten years.
Ever since that train ride in Italy, where he had watched Phileas fly through the sky in the hot air balloon, his life has been better than anything he could have hoped for. He still wasn’t sure what it was about Phileas Fogg that had him throwing away his old life of flirting and one-night stands to spend his time romancing an anxious gentleman who was so far out of his element on his journey.
Never a day had gone by that Will had regretted his choice of taking Phileas’ hand on that first night and kissing it. Nor when he had listened to the man give a beautiful, soulful speech about love to save the life of a young groom, when Will had realized he had fallen in love with Phileas.
And the island, their secret spot away from the rest of the world, where so many things happened, both the good and the bad, and the amazing, when they shared their first kiss.
So much has happened since Phileas’ trek around the world in just eighty days, from more adventures and hijinxs, to a wedding when traveling through India once more. That had been an unexpected event, but Will had been caught up in the moment and had asked for Phileas’ hand, and he was forever thankful that Phileas had laughed, cried, and said yes.
True, they were not legally married in the eyes of the British government, but in a small village in India they were husbands. Rings are not worn, but Phileas had chosen to get his ear pierced just like Will’s, even though it resulted in Phileas having a minor panic attack because he worked himself up.
Will saw the earring that Phileas wore, golden in color, matching the one that Will himself wore now. He pushed himself away from the doorway he had been leaning against as he approached his distracted angel. His hair had grown out over the past year, just brushing against his shoulders now, he looked beautiful like this.
Will, in turn, was graying a bit, but he could make it look good. And it looked nice with the beard he was sporting now, and Phileas loved it. He leaned against the chair and toyed with a lock of long, brown hair, hearing a small ‘oh!’ from Phileas who turned to look up at him.
“Ah, dear, I didn’t hear you come in!” 
“Just got here.” Will shrugged, smiling. “Enjoying your package from our friends?”
“Oh yes, they sent us a map of a location where there is rumored to be a lost treasure! Do you think we should go for it, it’s been a few months since our last big trip.”
“Well, our anniversary is coming up.” Will put his hand on his hip, chuckling. “I’m sure I can arrange for a trip, I think Aziraphale still owes me a favor.”
“Oh, you just want him to pay for it.” Phileas laughed.
“Ah, true, but you know he will because he wants you to be happy!”
“Very true.” Phileas smiled, returning to the map, questioning aloud if Aziraphale and Crowley would like to come along, but then again, the trip should just be for himself and Will. 
Personally, Will wants the latter, he liked when he traveled alone with Phileas, it was more intimate, more for them than anything else. He took his husband’s hand, bringing it up to his lips. He saw the smile on Phileas’ face soften, this is what he deserved, this is what his life should be.
Happy, content, fun, and with someone who loves him so much that they’d travel the world with him. 
And Will was glad that he could continue to give his beloved angel this life. 
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Hi! I started following you for cockles but regular and prolonged exposure to Good Omens content made me finally watch it (I have no idea why I'd been resisting for so long!) and oooh my goood, they are sooo married! like knew it, I was prepared for it and it still took me by surprise! And from what I've seen, the creators/cast are for once very nice to the fandom? (or maybe just spn broke my perception of reality) Anyway this show is a gift, so thank you <3
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getting people to watch good omens is one of my missions on this website (along with getting people to watch the untamed and ship cockles), so thank you for fulfilling my purpose! i’m so glad you enjoyed it.
and yes, the creators are far, far more fan-friendly than spn lmao. neil gaiman has said a few things that irked me, but iirc he said that he wrote the show as a love story, and he has a very hands-off approach - like, these are yours to do whatever you want to, you can view them however you like. 
some people got angry because he said that crowley and aziraphale aren’t gay - but i think what he said is that they’re not gay because they’re not human men. he once said something explicitly about wanting to leave room for them to be interpreted as asexual, which i really appreciate, and he mentioned once how crowley was presenting female at the crucifixion, with the implication that crowley is canonically genderfluid. neil is on tumblr and he often answers fan questions and gives advice, he seems pretty cool. the other day he retweeted some fanart that included aziraphale kissing crowley, so i think he’s supportive.
michael and david are also super supportive, especially michael. he was a fan of the book for years before the show, and said that he portrayed the moment crowley gives aziraphale the rescued books in the church as the moment that aziraphale falls in love with him. he actually reads crowley/aziraphale fanfic and retweets fanart, frequently interacts with fans and alludes to the story being a romance. he might even have a tumblr based on a screencap he tweeted once.
last year they recorded an adorable conversation in-character as crowley and aziraphale talking on the phone during quarantine as a treat for fans, and of course they’ve done two seasons of staged. they’re really good friends and so cute together. 
good omens has been one of the most pleasant, wank-free fandom experiences i’ve ever had, it’s really delightful. 
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anironsidh · 4 years ago
AnironSidh 2020 fic and moodboard masterpost
I didn’t write very much this year between the general mess of 2020 and senior year, but here’s what I did manage to write this year (sorted by fandom). If there’s no chapter count for a fic, it’s a oneshot
Just Keep Losing My Beat || jimercury Hogwarts au. Freddie Mercury/Jim Hutton (jimercury), Brian May/Roger Taylor (maylor). Hogwarts au, found family, maylor, jimercury, i will post more soon. Chapters: 7/?
Summary: Hogwarts is not ready for Freddie Mercury. Not even close.In which Brian May is trying to be successful, Roger Taylor is just confused, John Deacon doesn't want the spotlight, and Freddie Mercury just wants to find somebody to love and make his place in the world.
(Love Of My Life) Don't Leave Me || hardzello (for borhap summer cast event) for the @queenandborhapevents and written for @johndeaconshands. Hardzello, fluff, happy ending, love confessions, first kiss
Summary: Joe's worried about what kind of future he and Ben may have once the movie is no longer keeping them in the same place, and he may find something more waiting for him to ask. - Written for johndeaconshands on tumblr for the BoRhap Summer Event 2020
Love Was Such An Easy Game To Play || tyob 2020 gift fic for xofunghoul / @heybuddy-drabbles. This fic was for the @queenandborhapevents two years of borhap event. hardzello, flashbacks, fluff, picnic, proposal.
Summary: A look back at how Ben and Joe figured things out, got together, made a home with each other, and in which Joe has just one question in mind. - A gift fic for xofunghoul and the two years of borhap exchange on tumblr (modded by @maz-zello and myself). Prompt was for hardzello, fluff, domestic moments. I think I did pretty well, let me know what y'all think in the comments!
Phandom/Dan and Phil
For The Dreams of Youth || phandom reverse bang 2020 parent!phan au for the @phandomreversebang 2020. art by @akikaji and beta @rainbowchristy. Dan/Phil, fluff, parent!phan Chapters 2/3
Summary: Dan isn't quite sure about a kid of his own. It hadn't felt like a possibility, not until recently. He may find that he's more ready than he expected. Dan and Phil's journey towards parenthood told through a series of videos to one day hand over to their child.
I Wonder When We're Gonna Make It || phandom reverse bang 2020 (1980s au), for the phandomreversebang 2020. Dan/Phil, queen references, 1980s au, period typical homophobia, happy ending, angst with fluff. Chapters 1/2. art by @luisaloveshoney and betaed by @i-might-leave-soon / @eilidh 
Summary: When a new neighbor moves into the town that Daniel Howell has lived in his entire life and finds his safe spot in the town's vineyard, he will challenge Dan's view of himself and his town. Soon enough, they find themselves in an attraction nothing like Dan's ever known and one that those around them cannot understand. This may be Dan's only chance to escape and truly be himself. - A fic for a phandom reverse bang 2020 prompt in which Dan and Phil live near a vineyard, sneak grapes, drink stolen wine, and fall in love despite the times (1980s). Also, in which I project my love for queen onto Dan, because Muse doesn't exist yet and because I can.
I Ain't Gonna Face No Defeat a good omens au for the @phandomreversebang 2019, masterpost and art by @hiwatari-art here. Dan/Phil, good omens au, post bookshop scene, Crowley!Dan x Aziraphale!Phil. betaed by phanandpenguins/ @ringsandbutterflies
Summary: Daniel Howell has been stationed on earth for six thousand years, his only constant companion Phil Lester, an angel of Heaven. When his angel is nearly taken away from him he begins to realize just how important Phil is to him. -the bar scene in ep6 of good omens where Aziraphale is discorperated and Crowley is in the bar mourning him- Please be sure to check the art by hiwatari! Thanks to phanandpenguins for their beta work!
Good Omens
Songs Full Of Sad Things || Ineffable Husbands Raphael!Crowley for the good omens big bang. Crowley was Raphael, eventual happy ending, angst and fluff, wip. Chapters 8/15
Summary: -Crowley and Aziraphale are quite happy in their new Tadfield cottage five years after Armageddon, or rather, the armageddon-that-wasn't. They've settled into a routine with each other and the Them. Everything seems fine. Anathema and Newton are even getting married soon. -And then everything Crowley has built up for the last 6,000 years comes tumbling down with a visit from Gabriel and the revelation of his past, of how high he Fell. He hadn't wanted to remember his past as an archangel. Not now. His past is told bit by bit while those brought together by the almost-end of the world must pick up the pieces. - aka Crowley was the archangel Raphael, Gabriel's a dick, and Aziraphale just wants to help. Also, Warlock WILL fight anyone who hurts his Nanny, even God.
As You Wish || Good Omens/Princess Bride au, inspired by @anotherwellkeptsecret. Princess bride au, another one I promise i will get back to, eventual happy ending. Chapters 2/?
Summary: Warlock is sick and Nanny Ashtoreth reads him a story of romance and swordfights, perhaps inspired by a certain angel she knows. In which Aziraphale is Buttercup and in love with the handsome Crowley, a farm boy. When he is reported dead, killed by the Dread Pirate Nutter, Aziraphale falls into despair and eventually agrees to marry the devious Prince Gabriel. He is kidnapped by a con artist, Beelzebub, and their two henchmen in order to start a war. Crowley, who survived his rumored attack, rescues him from the trio. They must now free Aziraphale from Gabriel's clutches if they wish to have a new life with each other. Inspired by anotherwellkeptsecret on tumblr (penumbra on ao3)
Before I Lose You || gomens holiday swap gift for @gregayy and the Good Omens Holiday Exchange. post-canon, fluff with a sprinkling of angst but there’s barely any tbh, ineffable husbands, (technically for the gomens 2019 holiday swap, but it was posted on the third of january so I’m including it)
Summary: Armageddon has been averted, and yet their troubles are far from over. Heaven and Hell want their revenge for a Plan foiled. Crowley knows this far too well, knows he has far too little time for what he's wanted for so many centuries... Aziraphale. Believing they may not live to see another sunset, they take a step usually taken by humans. They've only got this one chance, don't they?aka they get married, believing they may not have another chance to, as requested by gregayy/scmnz
Can't You See || good omens ficlet for @wheeloffortune-design. Ineffable husbands, ficlet, happy ending, first kiss
Summary: Crowley being brave - wheeloffortune-design on tumblr. Based on this art, I think I wrote this instead of studying for a midterm lmao
By His Side || Happy Hobbit Holiday 2020 Bagginshield fic for KeyWolf25888 for the @haveahappyhobbitholiday 2020 exchange. Gen, M/M, Bilbo/Thorin, happy ending, fluff, bilbo stays in erebor fic
Summary: Bilbo Baggins is just staying in Erebor for now, just until he knows every member of the Company will be alright after the Battles, but his feelings for a certain dwarven king may change his plans just slightly.Or, a Bilbo Stays In Erebor fic as requested by KeyWolf25888 for the Have A Happy Hobbit Holiday 2020 exchange! I haven't done much Hobbit fic in a while, but it was nice to get back to these characters. 
you're nothing, but not to me || reylo fix-it. Rey/Ben Solo, poe/finn, tros fix it fic bc i was mad after watching that movie, I promise I’ll get back to it soon I just need to work out the plot (and it could also use a beta, if anyone’s interested) Chapters 3/?
Summary: The aftermath of the victory. They may have won, but what comes next? What happens when the battle is won, when the fight is over, but a former enemy is brought into their midst? What happens when Rey brings a near-death Ben Solo back with her? The remaining Resistance is not willing to forgive him easily for what he has done as Kylo Ren. It will not be easy, but it must be done.
Phandom/Dan and Phil
Phandom Reverse Bang 2020 Pride Au Moodboard, fics by @judearaya and @counting2fifteen Summary: Dan goes to pride for the first time, traveling to London on his own. He hasn't come out to his family yet, just a random person online called amazingphil. At pride, he sees a man (Phil) on a float and decides he has to talk to him. Eventually (maybe after a few times hanging out/dates) he finds out that Phil is amazingphil. The moodboard for my prb 2020 pride au, with fics by counting2fifteen and judearaya!
Royal Maylor au honeymoon in Japan
Queen Iliad au with hardzello, maylor, and deacury
Brian’s Birthday moodboard
Maylor Hamilton au
Jimercury Sad moodboard (hurts like hell)
Titanic au
Moodboard for You’re Nothing, but not to me
Reylo good omens au
Moodboard for the Heartbreak Prince, fic by the wonderful @kylorenvevo (Thea)
Reylo Frankenstein au, idea partially by @indefinitelyindia
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perhapsitmaybedragons · 5 years ago
A Little Nudge
The world is garbage and I’m writing fluff so I don’t have to think about it. Good Omens one shot. Fluff. Very dialogue heavy, because I like writing Dialogue.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26556994
Or you can keep reading below:
Crowley drummed his nails against the kitchen table as he watched Adam do his homework, periodically wondering which one of them was more bored and whether homework was an invention of Heaven or Hell. Crowley hadn't had a hand in it, that was all he was certain of. Seemed like something Aziraphale would approve of, though.
This had been a new Arrangement, and one Crowley had no designs in. But both he and the angel were certain Adam had retained some, if not all, of his powers. And both were convinced their sides were still up to something, so it made sense to keep an eye on the boy. But it hadn't been intended to be so closely. Just a little while after Crowley had started watching him, he started getting phone calls to come baby sit. Aziraphale, on the other hand, just came by every once in a while pretending to need to talk to the Youngs about mundane things like the weather.
Which just further proved Adam's powers were still there. How else had Mr. Young gotten Crowley's phone number? And how else could anyone explain that both Mr. and Mrs. Young always looked wary around Crowley, but still allowed him to watch their kid? Or that they both got a glazed over, bored look whenever they so much as caught sight of Aziraphale, but still always answered the door when they saw it was him?
Crowley could be patient when he needed to be, and he was wondering when the kid would break and admit why exactly he wanted Crowley to look after him. Especially when his parents had previously left him to his own devices. Adding in an authority figure didn't seem like the kind of thing Adam would decide to do.
But today he kept glancing up from his homework, apparently stealing himself for the favor he was about to ask. Crowley made a point of leaning back in his chair, trying to look relaxed. He was curious and also wanted to get it over with. His mind had gone over all the possibilities for why Crowley had been the one selected for babysitting duty, and none of the options seemed good.
It was unlikely, for example, that Adam wanted to know about his father – he made it very clear that Mr. Young was his father, and the biological one could go back right to where he came from, thank you very much. Possibly he wanted to know what hell was like. Or what the limits of his power were. Or how much trouble he could get into with his powers plus the help of a demon.
But what Crowley wasn't expecting was for Adam to put down his pencil, sit up straight, look Crowley in the eye and ask “Why aren't you and Mr. Aziraphale married yet?”
He folded his hands like he was a business man giving a performance review. Crowley crossed his arms. “And why would we be?”
“It isn't proper,” Adam insisted, “Mum says people in love get married. That's you two, and you've been in love for a while. Is it cause you're both blokes?” before Crowley could respond “I mean, you both look like guys but that's legal, and my dad says,” And here he adopted a gruffer voice, trying to mimic his dad, “'well, it's uh...it's not for me and I don't understand it but there's uh...there's nothing wrong with it'. And Pepper's mum says it's perfectly natural and ok for two guys to get married if that's what they want,” He paused for a moment and added, almost like an afterthought “Or two ladies. That's alright, too.”
“We're not technically male,” Crowley pointed out. “We're not human. Marriage is a human thing.”
Adam brushed it off, “But you're looking like us and acting like us. Wouldn't it help you blend in more?”
“I don't care if I blend in or not,” as though to make the point, Crowley whipped off his sunglasses so Adam could see his eyes. Adam had seen it before, but he always reacted the same way every time.
“Man, I wish my eyes looked like that,” he grumbled. And just like the last few times, his eyes would take on a snake like pupil for just a moment before flicking back to normal. “But you're trying to 'vade the question.”
“Evade?” Crowley suggested helpfully.
“Yeah, that. It's not right to be in love and not do anything about it when you can.”
“Why does a young boy like you care so much about what an old demon and angel are getting up to? Why do you want us to get married so badly?”
“Weddings can be all right. Wensleydale got to be a groomsmen in his cousin's wedding and he said he got a really big slice of a nice cake afterward.”
“You want us to get married so you can have cake?”
“No,” Adam said, pouting now, “I want you to get married because you love each other. And I want you to let me pick out the cake.”
Crowley chuckled in spite of himself. “That angel would probably never let you pick, he cares a lot about food. Probably already knows who the best caterer is in town for this sort of thing.”
“If you're not going to do it just say so.”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you love him or not? Cause I thought when two people love each other they get married. And you're talking about everything else except whether you love him or not. And when Mr. Aziraphale came to trade gardening tips with mum he looked worried and I think he thinks your side's going to attack soon.”
“You want us to get married to take his mind off of Apocalypse 2.0?”
“Ugh, no,” Adam was getting frustrated. To him, it was the most obvious thing in the world – if you're an adult and you love another adult, you get married. Unless you were married to other people, like in that show his mum watched sometimes. Apparently, then you murdered one of the spouses together and then ran off to Mexico.
But Aziraphale and Crowley weren't married to anyone, and Adam had thought it was obvious that they were in love. At first, he thought maybe it was that part of him that just knew things – the part that had lead to that scary day not that long ago where the world had almost ended. But then Pepper had asked him about them, and Brian and Wensleydale had backed her up. It seemed ludicrous that with everything that had happened, they would all end up focusing on the love lives of the demon and angel involved but well, here they were.
“And have you talked about this with the ang-- with Mr. Aziraphale?”
“No,” Adam said simply, “I think he wants you to make the first move.”
Crowley arched an eyebrow. Here some part of him thought he'd been doing nothing but making moves on that angel for the last few centuries. “You are aware we're not a couple, right? Even for humans, you usually don't go from being associates straight to getting married.”
“I think you are a couple.”
“Those weren't the terms of our Arrangement,” Crowley muttered.
“Doesn't matter. Everyone already can see it.”
“You do know that just because people want other people to be together doesn't make it so, right?” Crowley thought for a moment of calling Aziraphale and making him deal with this, but at the same time he wanted to see where this conversation would go. “And that even if we are in love, the way you seem to think we are, we wouldn't have to get married? Even if we were human, humans don't always get married.”
“Not always, but the tax benefits alone usually make it the better choice than just living together,” Adam said with the authority of a child who had overheard that exact argument said by an adult once and was now repeating it with only the slightest glimmer of understanding. “He does know you're in love with him, right?”
“I thought you said we both loved each other,” Crowley was annoyed by how irritated his voice sounded – there was a twinge of longing there that he would like to have been better at hiding.
“Yeah, but I think he needs you to spell it out for him. He knows, but he doesn't know that he knows.”
“I think your parents let you watch too much tv, you know that? I think I should tell them not to let you watch so much of it, and to keep an eye on what you're watching.”
Adam shrugged. “You can try. But I'll still ask you about when you're going to ask Mr. Aziraphale to marry you. I bet you could propose to him with a book – I don't think he'd like a ring. But maybe he would, cause it could match his halo.”
“So you want me to tell him I'm in love with him and then immediately propose to him? That's the long and short of it there, right?”
Adam nodded. “Dog can be your ring bearer. I think I saw that in a movie once. But the dog ran away with the ring and everyone got upset-”
“You just told me not to get him a ring, why would we need a ring bearer if we haven't got a ring?”
Adam thought it over for a moment, cocking his head to the side as he thought. “Ok. So he could be one of the groomsmen with me. And it's not fair to let Wensleydale be one, 'cause he got to be one this year already. But he can be one of those guys who shows people to their seats. And if you ask Pepper to be a flower girl she's going to think I told you to do it and then she's going to punch me, so maybe ask her to be a groomsperson, too?”
“Have you planned out my entire wedding?”
Adam gave a guilty smile that told Crowley everything. “I will take your concerns under advisement,” Crowley had invented so called 'office speak' and this, along with 'per my last e-mail' was one of his favorite responses. It didn't really promise any action, but people responded as though it did.
“You should probably do it now, cause he's on his way over.”
“For what? Your parents won't be back from the movies this soon and he always checked in with them.”
“I told him she'd need help today at 4 o'clock,” he jerked a thumb in the direction of the clock on the wall. It was almost 4 and Aziraphale would either be a little early or exactly on time.
“You lied to an angel. You realize that, right? Literal being from heaven and you lied right to his face.”
“Did not,” Adam shook his head, “I lied to him on the telephone. It's not as bad.”
While Crowley was pretty curious about that particular leap in logic, he didn't have time to get into it with Adam. Aziraphale was knocking at the front door and Adam had jumped up to answer it.
“Hello, Mr. Aziraphale! Crowley's here, too.” Crowley couldn't help notice that Aziraphale always got a “Mr” in front of his name from Adam, but he was always just “Crowley”. He wasn't sure which way he preferred it, to be honest.
“Oh, hello,” Aziraphale greeted him, but then immediately began to look about for the Youngs. “Adam, where are your parents? I thought your mother needed help with something in the house?”
“No, nothing like that.”
“But that's why you called me,” Aziraphale frowned. “Did you lie to me?”
“Yep!” Adam nodded enthusiastically. “I'm sorry.”
“Doesn't look sorry to me,” Crowley muttered.
“Well, dear boy, you're forgiven, but can I ask why you lied?”
“Needed you to come over so you could talk to Crowley!” Adam admitted, ushering Aziraphale in and practically throwing him into a chair at the kitchen table. The one right next to Crowley. Adam shut the front door.
“Crowley and I talk to each other all the time,” Aziraphale only looked more puzzled now. He gave a small wave of his hand and his coat moved from being on him to being hung up neatly on a coat rack (that hadn't been there when he came in).
“Adam has gotten it into his head that,” And here Crowley stopped. He wasn't embarrassed by the thought that he and Aziraphale were in love. Crowley knew exactly how he felt about that angel. But the idea he had been so obvious that a child had picked up on it was making him uncomfortable. And despite Adam's insistence, he wasn't completely certain where Aziraphale stood on the topic.
“Yes?” Aziraphale prompted Crowley to continue.
“I could leave?” Adam suggested. “Give you two alone time?”
“In your parents' house?” Crowley didn't say it, but he wanted to point out that it wasn't the most romantic of locales.
“I could go up to my room or something.”
“No, no,” Aziraphale shook his head, “It's your house and if it's so important to you that we both be here, we should discuss it. Is this, perhaps, about your uh...non-earthly father?”
Adam pulled a face. “That guy's not my dad.”
“True, very true,” The angel nodded his approval. “But then what did you want us both here for?” He shifted his attention back to Crowley. “I'm sure we'd both try to help, whatever it is. We're both in that unique predicament of no longer being on the side of who sent us, so the three of us are ..ship mates, if you will.”
“Mating's got something to do with it,” Crowley muttered so low that neither of them heard him.
“You're an angel, right?” Adam demanded.
“Well, yes, but-”
“So you're supposed to tell the truth, right?”
“I don't know what you're-”
“And you're in love with Crowley,” Adam finished, his eyes boring straight into Aziraphale's.
“I'm not certain this is an appropriate conversation for us to be having,” Aziraphale sat up, ram rod straight and started dusting at his already spotless pants. “Is there something else I could help with?”
“No,” Adam said stubbornly. “If you're an angel then you should do it right. You have to be honest – do you love him?”
Crowley's breath caught in his throat. It had never occurred to him to press Aziraphale in this manner, though he was pretty certain he wouldn't have, even if he had thought of it. Aziraphale was resolutely looking away from both of them, staring at the floor. He looked like he was having an internal debate with himself. After what felt like an eternity of silence, he finally spoke up.
“Yes,” he said softly.
“Wait,” Crowley jumped out of his seat and flung his glasses off so that he could look Aziraphale in the eye. “You're in love with me?”
“Well, yes...” he admitted. “But aren't you in love with me, too? I had thought you were. Did I misunderstand?”
“Did you misunderstand?! Did you misunderstand?” Crowley paced back and forth in the kitchen. Adam and Aziraphale exchanged glances, both confused about what was going through the demon's mind now. “I didn't bloody think you felt the same! This whole time! How long, angel?” he demanded.
“At least since Germany...possibly further back. I don't know.”
“And this isn't one of those things where you mean like a friend, right?”
“No. I mean, at first, yes, I loved you like a friend and then it ...it became more.”
“And you knew how I felt and you didn't say anything?!”
“I didn't think I needed to,” he shifted. “I thought you knew and that we didn't do anything because of ...well, you come from there and I come from the other side so I didn't see how it could possibly work.”
“And now?”
“Now what?”
“Now what, he says!” Crowley threw up his hands and looked at Adam, giving a 'do you see what I've been dealing with all this time' look. “Now neither of us is with our original sides – heaven tried to kill you, hell tried to kill me and we were both tossed back here. Aziraphale,” Crowley put his hands on the other man's shoulders, “There is nothing holding us back anymore.”
“There's nothing holding us back,” Aziraphale repeated in wonder. “We could ...I could...”
Crowley pulled him up from his seat and immediately went in for the kiss. Adam looked away, trying not to intrude on their moment.
Aziraphale pulled away first. “There's a child present.”
“It's just a kiss,” Crowley muttered, “That kid's seen way worse on tv.”
“That's true, I have,” Adam admitted. “Neither of you has any secret spouse you're going to have to kill, right? I like you two, I don't want you to have to go off to Mexico.”
“What is he talking about?”
“No idea, angel,” Crowley had his arm around Aziraphale's shoulder and seemed intent not to move it.
“So are you going to get married now?” Adam persisted. “Now that you know he feels the same?”
“But we aren't human-”
“Don't even start with him, it's a lost cause, trust me. Look, Adam, we are not getting married. ….at least not yet.”
“Do you think we should?” Aziraphale looked thoughtful. “If we end up moving in together it would seem more proper, don't you think?”
“And it will save you money on taxes,” Adam offered helpfully.
“We'll revisit the question,” Crowley insisted. “You and I have a lot of catching up to do. You'll be all right then, Adam?”
“Yeah, my homework's done. Will you still come sit with me sometimes?”
“Do I even have a choice in the matter?” Crowley pointed out. Adam gave a crooked half grin in response.
“We all have a choice. You just needed a little nudge this time.”
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aziraphales-library · 2 years ago
Thank you so much for the work you’re doing, this blog literally is a national treasure ☺️ somehow it’s August already, so to cheer myself a little it would be awesome to read some proposal fics, I’m craving something nice and wholesome right now, as I’m sure, a lot of us do. Any raiting would do, and of course, the longer the merrier :)))
Hi and you’re welcome! It is definitely no longer August, but here are some proposal fics for you...
Waiting Until Marriage by IneffableDoll (T)
Aziraphale tells Crowley one day that they ought to “wait until marriage.” Crowley is deeply confused for two reasons: a) Neither of them is interested in sex. b) When, exactly, did they agree to get married?
love rings true by asideofourown (G)
Aziraphale stared down at the box, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. He had seen this kind of box before, of course, and he knew what was usually inside them, but surely—
Aziraphale carefully popped open the box, and his jaw dropped when he saw the ring inside. It was— Crowley had— he had an engagement ring? Because this was very, very clearly an engagement ring, round and gold and surprisingly simple given the demon’s usually ostentatious taste.
Aziraphale quickly closed the box again and stuffed it back in the drawer, his mind whirling. Why in the world would Crowley have an engagement ring? Had it been given to him, or had he— had he gotten it to give to someone else?
[Aziraphale stumbles upon a ring in Crowley's flat and jumps to conclusions]
Be my husband by candelina (T)
5 times Aziraphale tried to propose to Crowley and 1 time he did it (and he got an unexpected reaction).
Aziraphale’s plan was to do it in 2041. He and Crowley had been together since 1941, when the angel finally realised two very important things: the demon loved him and his feelings were mutual. A 100th anniversary was indeed a very special occasion and what better moment to ask the love of your life to marry you? It was a perfect plan. Unfortunately, a much bigger Plan had to ruin it all.
Anywhere You Go, I'll Be Right Behind You by PositivePumpkin (G)
He might be going too fast again, but at least if Aziraphale rejected him, the idea would be put in his head and he could try again in a few thousand years. And maybe, if he kept the ring, it would protect him.
Or, Crowley tries to make the perfect proposal.
You are HoMe (Half of Me) by angelsnuffbox (T)
Aziraphale had gotten dumped, plain and simple. But that small detail wasn’t nearly as important as all the things that happened after he’d gotten dumped - such as coming to a few realisations about his best friend of sixteen years.
All The Seasons Of My Heart (Ineffable Advent) by Z A Dusk (M)
It started under the mistletoe on a winter night in Soho, 1881. Or perhaps it started in a flower-strewn cave in Mesopotamia.
Wherever it started, it's become a tradition for Aziraphale and Crowley to meet (almost) every festive season. Just one night where they don't have to hide their feelings for each other. It starts with a kiss, but it's always meant so much more.
This is part UST-fuelled slow burn and part soft, soft historical-to-modern romance.
- Mod D
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