#Azimuth NE
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thorsenmark · 8 months ago
Across the Coachella Valley to Snow Capped Ridges and Peaks in Joshua Tree National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway (Mountain Station) with a view looking to the northeast.
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 15 days ago
A Connection to Our Wilder Selves (Katmai National Park & Preserve)
A Connection to Our Wilder Selves (Katmai National Park & Preserve) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: I captured this image at the Falls Platform with a view looking to the northeast at Brooks Falls while observing a brown bear in Katmai National Park. The image is of a male brown bear on top of the Falls waiting for salmon to make the jump and attempt to catch it to eat. I pulled back on the focal length to capture more of the surrounding waterfall.
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marscratersdoug · 4 years ago
First Mars Craters Post
This is for a project I’m doing at work that is basically data analyst training through Coursera.
Data Analyst Mars Craters Research Topic
Craters on Mars will be classified by which one of four quadrants (NE, NW, SE, SW) the crater occurs. Further each quadrant will be analyzed for the number and size of the craters in the quadrant. The craters will be grouped by size into ten different groups and the frequency of each size group within the quadrant will be calculated. Analysis will be performed to see if a particular quadrant or hemisphere is more cratered than the rest.
As an additional topic the quadrants will be further divided into smaller sections and the analysis of crater size will again be performed for each of the smaller sections. The sections will be searched for clusters of craters.
Here is some similar research:
Distribution, classification, and ages of Martian impact crater lakesNA Cabrol, EA Grin - Icarus, 1999 - ElsevierPaleolakes in impact craters on Mars are characterized at global scale using the Viking Orbiter data. We identified 179 paleolakes in impact structures formed by the influx of water and sediment derived from valley networks and channels that can be classified into three … Cited by 297 Related articles All 6 versions    [PDF] dejahvu.netCratering chronology and the evolution of MarsWK Hartmann, G Neukum - Chronology and evolution of Mars, 2001 - Springer… Hartmann (1984), Neukum and Ivanov (1994), and Hartmann and Gaskell (1997) have shown that craters reach a … result on saturation is also confirmed by Phobos (Figure 3a), which, orbiting above the Mars atmosphere, has no losses due to the Martian surface erosion … Cited by 1128 Related articles All 12 versions    [PDF] ucf.eduMars/Moon cratering rate ratio estimatesBA Ivanov - Space Science Reviews, 2001 - Springer… compares SFD brunches with thesame steepness m. One cannot compare the number of craters on Mars … of uncertainty in these estimates is connected with possible modulation of the Mars crossers orbital evolution with the evolution of the eccentricity of the Martian orbit … Cited by 543 Related articles All 17 versions    [PDF] psu.eduRedefinition of the crater-density and absolute-age boundaries for the chronostratigraphic system of MarsSC Werner, KL Tanaka - Icarus, 2011 - Elsevier… Table 2. Crater frequencies and their model absolute ages for lower boundaries of martian epochs at specific crater … The assignment of crater-density values to epoch boundaries for Mars relies on the caliber of the referents used and their ability to retain impact craters … Cited by 108 Related articles All 11 versions    Martian planetwide crater distributions: Implications for geologic history and surface processesLA Soderblom, CD Condit, RA West, BM Herman… - Icarus, 1974 - ElsevierPopulation-density maps of craters in three size ranges (0.6 to 1.2 km, 4 to 10 km, and> 20 km in diameter) were compiled for most of Mars from Mariner 9 imagery. These data provide: historical records of the eolian processes (0.6 to 1.2 km craters); stratigraphic, relative, and … Cited by 222 Related articles All 6 versions    [HTML] harvard.eduThe stratigraphy of MarsKL Tanaka - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 1986 - Wiley Online Library… Fig 2. Chart showing model chronologies for the moon and Mars … Inferred ages for Martian Hesperian and Amazonian epochs are based on crater- densities of series (Table … and Hartmann et aL [1981] (Model 2). Because of obliteration of smaller Noachian craters, these models … Cited by 628 Related articles All 9 versions    [PDF] researchgate.netCrater size-frequency distributions and a revised Martian relative chronologyNG Barlow - Icarus, 1988 - ElsevierA revised Martian relative chronology is determined which dates geologic units with respect to the end of the period of heavy bombardment. This analysis differs from previous studies by using Viking 1: 2M photomosaics to map all 25,826 craters⩾ 8km diameter which … Cited by 192 Related articles All 8 versions
Codebook for the project:
CRATER_ID Unique Identifier Data Type 2I-6I Crater ID for internal sue, based upon the region of the planet (1/16ths), the “pass” under which the crate was identified, ad the order in which it was identified. CRATER_NAME Data Type S Name of crater. LATITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE Data Type D Latitude from the derived center of a non-­linear least-­squares circle fit to the vertices selected to manually identify the crater rim (units are decimal degrees North). LONGITUDE_CIRCLE_IMAGE Data Type D Longitude from the derived center of a non-linear least-squares circle fit to the vertices selected to manually identify the crater rim (units are decimal degrees East). DIAM_CIRCLE_IMAGE Data Type D Diameter from a non-linear least squares circle fit to the vertices selected to manually identify the crater rim (units are km). DEPTH_RIMFLOOR_TOPOG Data Type D Average elevation of each of the manually determined N points along (or inside) the crater rim(units are km) (1) Depth Rim -­Points are selected as relative topographic highs under the assumption they are the least eroded so most original points along the rim (2) Depth Floor Points were chosen as the lowest elevation that did not include visible embedded craters MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_1 Data Type S Ejecta morphology classified. Examples below. o If there are multiple values, separated by a /, then the order is the inner-most ejecta through the outer-most, or the top-most through the bottom-most MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_2 Data Type S The morphology of the layer(s) itself/themselves. This classification system is unique to this work. MORPHOLOGY_EJECTA_3 Data Type S Overall texture and/or shape of some of the layer(s)/ejecta that are generally unique and deserve separate morphological classification. NUMBER_LAYERS Data Type I The maximum number of cohesive layers in any azimuthal direction that could be reliably identified.
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ericmie · 4 years ago
Eric Mie - Complexe
Cette chanson n’aurait jamais existé sans Bernard Mabille. Je m’explique. En automne 2003, le duo Lobo & Mie est embauché par le Caveau de La République (célèbre théâtre de chansonniers aujourd’hui disparu et remplacé par une usine à stand-up comme une autre). Nous y jouerons quatre mois, chaque année, pendant 9 ans. On y rencontrera et partagera l’affiche avec des artistes comme  Gustave Parking, Gilles Detroit (on fera même sa première partie au Casino de Paris et Félix Lobo coécrira ses sketchs pas mal de temps), Calixte De Nigremont, Stéphane Guillon, Bernard Azimuth, Eric Antoine, Gaspard Proust, Olivier Lejeune, Nicole Ferroni, Izabelle Laporte, Jean Roucas, Gwen Aduh, Frédéric Fromet, Paul Adam, Manuel Pratt, Zeu Dogz, Albert Meslay, Frederick Sigrist, Christophe Guybet, Sylvian Coudène, Tony Saint Laurent, Angel Ramos, Jean Martiny, Michel Guidoni, Frédéric Lebon,  Olivier Perrin, Dany Morau, Edmond Meunier  et, donc, Bernard Mabille. Quand j’apprends qu’on est programmé avec ce dernier, j’avoue, que j’appréhende un peu. Car avec mes ornières de gauchiste, mes dogmes d’anarco-communiste et mon prêt-à-penser proudhonien, j’ai des préjugés sur le gaillard.  Je sais qu’il a été l’auteur de Thierry Le Luron et qu’il écrit des articles pour « Valeurs Actuelles ». Du coup ça le classe, pour moi, définitivement dans le clan des réacs. Mais sa rencontre change tout. On tombe sur un humain, doux et charmant, et ses sketchs fonctionnent à merveille. Il nous invite également à aller voir son spectacle en entier au théâtre de dix heures. On y va et on adore. Il fustige tout le monde et défend même Nathalie Ménigon, l’ancienne terroriste d’Action directe, qui crève dans sa prison alors qu’on libère Papon pour ses ennuis de santé. Je suis chamboulé.  Après le spectacle, j’ose lui dire que j’avais peur de le rencontrer et je lui expose tous mes préjugés. Il rigole puis me dit : « Je vais te raconter une histoire. Thierry le Luron, bien que marqué à droite, adorait l’association Greenpeace. Un jour il apprend que l’association organise un gros concert de soutien à leur action. Thierry appelle lui-même les responsables. Les gens de Greenpeace sont étonnés car, selon eux, il ne colle pas à l’image de l’ONGI et lui disent non. Ils préfèrent un autre chanteur, très marqué à gauche mais ce dernier demande une trop grosse somme. Thierry lui voulait y aller bénévolement. » « Tu vois » conclu-t-il «  tout est plus complexe. » « Mais toi ? » dis-je « tu te situe où politiquement ? » « Disons que je suis gentiment anar. »  Cette rencontre et cette histoire me marquera toujours. Le 6 Mai 2004, dans le train qui me ramène chez moi, j’écris ce texte en pensant à Bernard mais aussi à Marcel Aymé qui écrivait des articles dans « Je suis Partout » (hebdomadaire antisémite et collaborationniste) mais pour dénoncer les mesures « ignobles et humiliantes » qui atteignaient les juifs comme le port de l’étoile jaune. Ce thème, la complexité des choses, me suit encore et je ne cesse d’y revenir dessus pour écrire encore et toujours la même chanson. A suivre donc…
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nintendo-town · 2 years ago
Shmubedi Boo (Nintendo Switch) - Le test
Shmubedi Boo (Nintendo Switch) – Le test
Shmubedi Boo c’est d’abord et avant tout un jeu au nom imprononçable, mais d’excellents souvenirs sur le méconnu Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth, ne nous laisseront pas abandonner un titre difficile à énoncer sur cette seule raison. Non ! Shumedi Boo c’est aussi un jeu développé en solitaire par l’ukrainien Dmytro Derybas. Ces titres faits maison sont bien évidemment les productions…
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factload858 · 3 years ago
Free Mapping Software For Mac
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Turn Metes and Bounds data into a deed plot map.
(click screenshot to enlarge)
The MAPublisher software suite is Mac and Windows software. MAPublisher is GIS software, and includes features such as color coding, geocoding, image exporting, image management, internet mapping, interoperability, labeling, map creation, map sharing, and spatial analysis. MAPublisher offers a free trial. Download ArcGIS 1.5 for Mac from our website for free. The software belongs to Lifestyle Tools. This free Mac app was originally created by ESRI. Visualize and analyze with any map you need. ESpatial is a complete mapping software for Mac, with a wide range of visualization, analysis and planning features. Flip through the tabs below to see a variety of the map types you can create in just minutes. Regional heat map.
Also see the Metes and Bounds Video and Tutorial section below.
Easy to use data entry form: Enter lines, curves, azimuths, compass points and section calls. Data can be entered using the convenient Data Entry Form or freehand using word processor style entry. Calls can also be easily drawn using the call drawing tool.
Background Pictures: Background pictures can be set to scale with your plot drawing. Background picture scale settings can be automatically set using World Files.
Multiple Layers: Layers allow you to have multiple deeds on a single drawing. Layers can be free floating or locked to a common starting point.
Perform calculations: Square Feet, Acres, Hectares, perimeter distance and more.
Metes and Bounds will calculate if the survey closes or not. Calculate closure errors: closing error ratios and the call needed to close the plot. Apply Compass Rule Adjustments.
The Metes and Bounds closing error analyzer tool can look for common entry or survey errors and offer suggestions on how to correct them.
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Auto-Completion of drawing. If you're missing the final segment of your land plotting data, let our Metes and Bounds land plotting software finish it for you. Have a bad or missing call? Enter a question mark (?) for the call and let the software find the missing call for you. Close drawings using Bearing-Bearing Intersections and Distance-Distance Intersections.
Multiple measurement types: Data can be entered using feet, meters, rods, chains, varas and many other measurement types.
Create section drawings:
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(N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4)
Easy to use measuring tool. Estimate the distance between any two points on the screen.
Automatic labeling: Each line can be automatically labeled with the length and call. End points can be marked for easier recognition. End points can also be labeled with information like the interior/exterior angles and Lat/Long coordinates.
Create custom labels. Custom labels can be rotated in any direction. Search feature can be used to find which layers contain which labels.
Drawings can include a call list: Custom X,Y points. Use custom X,Y points to mark and label unique land features on the metes and bounds drawing.
Split a single plot into multiple plots. Split the plot by hand, or choose a starting point and let the Metes and Bounds software find the nearest halves automatically for you.
Merge Layer: Layers can be easily merged into a single layer using the Merge Layer Tool.
Customizable Toolbar: Create an interface that fits to your workflow.
Interoperability: Metes and Bounds has been designed to be as compatible with as many different systems and programs as possible.
Exporting: Metes and Bounds data can be exported as DXF files, KML Files, CSV files, Shapefiles(.shp) and more.
DXF Output viewed in a CAD program
KML Output viewed in Google Earth Free easter wallpaper for mac.
Importing: Metes and Bounds can import data from many types of DXF files, KML files, CSV files, Shapefiles(.shp), GeoJSON and more.
Call lists can be formatted for importing into Metes and Bounds or exporting from Metes and Bounds with other deed plotting software such as Net Deed Plotter® by Greenbrier Graphics, LLC.
Free Map Programs Downloads
Real-world X,Y coordinates.Export real-world X,Y coordinates for integration with other mapping software such as GIS software.
Free Drone Mapping Software For Mac
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Waypoints to metes and bounds calls. Convert a set of waypoints, x/y or Latitude/Longitude based, into a list of metes and bounds calls.
Enter Waypoints and Tracks. Add GPS waypoints and tracks to your drawings. Import GPX and KML files. Make calculations like the distance between two waypoints.
Real-world Latitude and Longitude coordinates. Enter the latitude and longitude for a plot's POB and let the metes and bounds software calculate the latitude and longitude for each of the other end points. A plot's POB lat/long can also be set by UTM datum or World Files.
Recognition: Metes and Bounds can be found in Genealogy Online For Dummies® - 5th Edition, by Wiley Publishing.
Mapping Software
Additional Uses: Lawn Sprinkler Estimator
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yhwhrulz · 4 years ago
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lesjeunesmariees · 7 years ago
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Je vous en avais parlé il y a peu de temps. La voilà !! Ma boutique en ligne Azimuth Création vient tout juste d’ouvrir. Pour le moment, il n’y a que de la kirigami mais, sous peu, j’ajouterai des créations d’origami. Je pense me consacrer principalement à des objets en papier.
Vous y trouverez des réalisations prêtes à décorer votre intérieur mais également des fichiers numériques pour que vous puissiez dire : “C’est moi qui l’ai fait !”
N’hésitez pas à rebloguer ce post. On ne sait jamais : de reblogs en reblogs, il pourrait rencontrer des acheteurs :)
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thorsenmark · 4 months ago
Rising Above the Everyday Experiences by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the northeast while taking in views to the ridges and peaks present at this overlook in Grandfather Mountain State Park. This is at the Grandfather Mountain Scenic Point along the main park road. In composing this image, I attempted to more or less center the peaks in the image so that I could have a balance between the earth-tones present with the nearby forest (still with that winter look with no leaves present) with that of the blue skies and clouds above. I liked the color contrast that brought out in the image captured.
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 5 months ago
The Official Field Greeter to Katmai National Park
The Official Field Greeter to Katmai National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr:  this is chunk (bear 32.) he was the first bear seen when they turned on the  explore.org bear cams the other day at brooks falls in katmai. this pic was taken that day. I have been checking the cams constantly since they were turned on and was lucky enough to see chunk and I was surprised how fat he is already and how good he looks, bear force one ( 747 ) has also been seen in the last week before the cams were tuned on and reportedly looks great. the salmon have not yet begun to run so the bears are scarce so far but keep checking because once the salmon appear so will lots of bears and it will happen soon and quickly. I will post a link to the bear cams  ~ johnny
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eglise22 · 5 years ago
Joie d'avoir gagné le million
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Ce n'est vraiment pas fréquent de rencontrer des millionnaires. Et pourtant que de gens se pressent dans les comptoirs de billets à gratter ou en attente des résultats hippiques. Quand ils gagnent, ils ont le gain réservé, comme si l'argent gagné était sale.Tristan Bernard n'a-t-il pas dit « l'argent n'a pas d'odeur, mais à partir d'un million, il commence à se faire sentir ».
Le mot million est fréquemment employé. C'est un nombre précis et cardinal, qui sous-entend la multitude, le foisonnement, le grouillement, une fréquence qui nous parait hors d'atteinte. Un sage a dit que l'espérance est le million des pauvres. Foin de rêve, venons en à la réalité.
Il y a une douzaine d'années, à Plérin, le pasteur Eric Le Forestier a entrepris de saisir un moyen numérique pour rendre visible l'Église qui est en Goëlo. Mais une telle tâche requiert une mise à jour quasi permanente pour pérenniser.
C'est alors qu'un webmaster bénévole, avec l'accord de son curé de l'époque l'abbé Jean Mabundi et d'un autre bénévole, a pris l'affaire en mains et en esprit. Le pape lui-même lors de Journées de la Communication encourageait les fidèles à s'emparer de moyens modernes ; allant même à qualifier cette nouvelle présence au monde de diaconie numérique.
Voilà que ces jours-ci, les statistiques du site inter-paroissial https://cplittoralouest.catholique.fr/ viennent d'atteindre le million d'internautes. C'est un beau cadeau de Noël pour la Communauté Paroissiale du Sud Goëlo, et un petit plaisir pour ceux qui animent ce site.
Puisque nous mentionnons ce beau chiffre ,il est heureux de dire que les articles qui ont le plus de succès, le palmarès de tête, revient à un article sur les « Les 7 sacrements de l'Église catholique » sur le 1er podium avec près de 300 000 visites. S'ensuivent « Wiki…fuites » sur le nécessaire secret en cette période transparence tous azimuths et « “Ce que Dieu a uni, que l'homme ne le sépare pas !” ».
L'originalité d'un tel site, en complément des bulletins paroissiaux, est qu'outre qu'il soit gratuit, il rend compte de l'actualité immédiatement, et pour les grands événements met en ligne de nombreuses photos qui immortalisent ces fêtes.Pour l'information quotidienne des paroisses Notre Dame de la Mer et Étables-sur-Mer, il communique homélies, évangile du jour, horaires des Messes et services, une mine réactualisée en permanence.
Au XXIe siècle, le chrétien doit s'affirmer, et parler au monde, et au monde digital. Le site internet sait éviter les questions polémiques, mais parfois, par des chemins détournés, témoigner de ce qui le fait vivre, « in tempore opportuno » [1] quand il faut, à bon escient.
[1] « dans un temps ou tu peux »
via Communauté pastorale du Littoral Ouest https://ift.tt/2sKvG4w
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yhwhrulz · 4 years ago
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mikemortgage · 6 years ago
Eastmain Strengthens the Percival Discovery at Clearwater with 1.84 g/t Au over 22.2 m
TORONTO — Eastmain Resources Inc. (“Eastmain” or the “Company” – TSX:ER, OTCQX:EANRF) is pleased to report results for the first two drill holes (674 metres (“m”)) of the 2019 winter program at the Percival discovery (“Percival”), on the 100%-owned Clearwater Property (the “Property”) in James Bay, Québec (see FIGURES 1-5).
Drilling Highlights:
ER19-832: 1.86 grams per tonne gold (“g/t Au”) over 52.7 m (vertical depth of 25 m), including 4.89 g/t Au over 11.0 m zone (silicified breccia).
Hole ER19-832 was drilled east to west through the discovery hole section (holes ER18-822 and ER18-823) confirming mineralization extends along predicted plunge and testing an interpreted NNW fault; silicified breccias of the main Percival zone were cut from surface to a 55 m downhole depth, and a second mineralized interval was cut between 115 m to 140 m.
ER19-833: 1.84 g/t Au over 22.2 m (vertical depth of 86 m), including 13.4 g/t Au over 1.0 m (silicified breccia).
Hole ER19-833 targeted a wide EM anomaly associated with the projected eastern extension of Percival, intersecting silicified breccia mineralization from 100 m to 125 m downhole; a second interval has been intersected between 145 m and 180 m.
Claude Lemasson, Eastmain President and CEO commented: “With the help of some new key targeting tools and further interpretation of the results of our initial drill campaign, our winter drilling program is off to a great start. We have now intersected the targeted mineralization 100 m to the east of the discovery holes, in what we believe is the extension of the same geophysical anomaly. The VTEM and ground MaxMin surveys clearly illustrate an extension of Percival, its associated anomaly, and provides additional guidance to the faulting that has occurred in the area. We believe this current drilling program will continue to expand the Percival discovery, while targeting this and other preeminent geophysical anomalies.”
Table 1: Significant Intercepts
Location Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) Grade (Au g/t) Vertical Depth (m) Host Lithology Percival ER19-832 1.3 54.0 52.7 1.86 25 Silicified Breccia incl. 1.3 31.0 29.7 2.81 also incl. 12.0 23.0 11.0 4.89 114.0 150.0 36.0 0.67 126 Silicified Mudstone Breccia incl. 143.5 150.0 6.5 1.52 244.0 247.5 3.5 0.98 234
Altered Mudstone Breccia
Percival ER19-833 101.8 124.0 22.2 1.84 86 Silicified Breccia incl. 102.6 111.0 8.4 3.76 also incl. 109.0 110.0 1.0 13.4 incl. 123.0 124.0 1.0 4.00 147.3 179.3 32.0 0.79 116 Silicified Breccia and Silicified Mudstone Breccia incl. 147.3 148.3 1.0 3.86 incl. 154.3 155.3 1.0 4.76 incl. 165.3 169.3 4.0 1.40 Incl. 177.3 179.3 2.0 2.7 200.0 204.0 4.0 1.52 143 Silicified Mudstone Breccia
Intervals are presented in core length; holes are generally planned to intersect mineralization as close to perpendicular to strike as possible; true widths are estimated to be 75% of downhole length when hole and dips of the mineralized horizons are considered.
Assays results presented are not capped. Intercepts occur within geological confines of major zones but have not been correlated to individual structures/horizons within these zones at this time.
Vertical depth is measured from the surface to the mid-point of the reported interval.
Geophysical Surveys
In January, Eastmain completed 16 line-kms of MaxMin Horizontal Loop Electro-Magnetic (HLEM) survey, on 50 m line spacings, centered over the discovery holes (see FIGURE 5). This survey was successful at identifying strong shallow EM responses to assist with drill collar placement in the Percival area. The MaxMin grid is being expanded in February to 32 line-kms, extending coverage to 1 km east and west of the Percival discovery holes, reaching westward to the Knight showing. Percival mineralization consists of significant concentration of sulphide (pyrrhotite + pyrite) mineralization which appears to respond well to the ground HLEM tool and will be used in concert with airborne VTEM and magnetic data to further stratigraphic interpretation near the discovery holes. Review and interpretation of the KS Horizon Helicopter-borne VTEM™ survey completed January 1, 2019, is ongoing with results anticipated to be incorporated in the Clearwater summer/fall exploration campaign.
Drilling Results
Hole ER19-832 was drilled east to west through the section of the Percival discovery holes ER18-822 and ER18-823, tracing Percival mineralization along plunge and seeking to intercept an interpreted fault located west of the discovery holes (see FIGURES 2 and 3). Drilling intersected silicified breccias from surface to 55 m downhole depth. This interval shows strong bedding and foliation sub-parallel to the core orientation. A minor fault structure was intersected at 58 m downhole. Silicified siltstone units are found on both sides of the fault which continues to have an inferred north strike with a steep dip to the NE. The presence of significant ductile deformation in core suggests that local folding and transposition may play a more important role in distribution of mineralization than late faulting. Gold mineralization was intersected in a second silicified mudstone breccia interval located west of the fault structure between 115 m and 140 m downhole. This mineralization is interpreted to be the extension of mineralization intersected in hole ER18-830 and ER18-831 (see press release Jan. 15, 2019).
Hole ER19-833 was collared 100 m east of the discovery holes to evaluate a strong ground electromagnetic HLEM conductor along trend and east of the Percival discovery holes. It is the easternmost drill hole to date at Percival, some 50 m east of holes ER18-826 and ER18-827 (see FIGURES 2 and 4). This hole intersected strongly silicified breccia mineralization 101 m to 128 m downhole and may represent the continuation of the Percival mineralization. A second interval of more variably mineralized, less silicified breccia and silicified mudstone breccia, was intersected from 145 m to 180 m downhole and is interpreted to correspond to a second, more northerly horizon of mineralized breccias previously intersected in holes ER18-825 (1.05 g/t Au over 6 m) and ER18-827 (0.50 g/t Au over 22.5 m) (see press release Dec. 20 2018).
The Percival Discovery
Percival is located 14 km ESE of the Company’s million-ounce Eau Claire gold deposit(1), within the 20-km long Cannard Deformation Zone (see FIGURE 1) and within the southern segment of the KS Horizon. Percival is a hydrothermal gold system hosted in a thick metasedimentary sequence with locally interbedded intermediate to felsic volcaniclastic rocks. Results from the latest drilling continue to provide further understanding of the mineralization controls, namely by defining lithological and structural settings, within the host stratigraphy while identifying at least two gold mineralized zones within the metasedimentary package (see FIGURES 2-4).
2019 Project Program and Objectives
2019 Winter Drill Program: A three-month, 20-hole (5,500 m), focused drilling campaign began in January; the program is designed to expand Percival while identifying new gold mineralization within the argillite-mudstone sedimentary package; building on the winter program results, a second extensive campaign will be planned for the second half of 2019 and will include additional drilling at the discovery area and test targets delineated along the KS Horizon using newly acquired geophysical and soil geochemistry information.
Improved interpretation at Percival: Focused drill testing of the Percival gold bearing zone along the KS Horizon, using stratigraphic and structural interpretation, to identify and improve predictability of potential mineralization offsets; detailed mineralogy and petrology to define the gold association as a further vector for drilling.
Geophysical Targeting: Use MaxMin HLEM to select and follow strong conductive trends related to gold mineralization; use results from the completed Helicopter-borne VTEM™ and Horizontal Magnetic Gradiometer Geophysical Survey (VTEM Plus), performed by Geotech along the KS Horizon, to help focus future work at Percival and on other prospective targets along the KS Horizon (see FIGURE 1).
Table 2: Drill Hole Information
Target Zone Drill Hole UTM Coordinates Zone 18 Azimuth Dip Total Length Elevation Number Easting Northing Degrees Degrees (m) (m) Percival ER19-832 457660 5781800 241.5 -72 301 336 Percival ER19-833 457750 5781775 360 -45 373 335
For additional information on the Geology of the Percival Discovery and the KS Horizon, please visit: http://www.eastmain.com/projects/clearwaterexploration/.
To view Figures 1-5, please click on the following link: http://www.eastmain.com/_resources/news/Images/ER-190225-Percival.pdf.
This press release was compiled and reviewed by William McGuinty, P.Geo., Eastmain’s VP Exploration, a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.
(1) A total of 1,001,200 oz of contained gold in the combined open pit and underground diluted production schedule, as defined in Eastmain’s “Technical Report: Updated Mineral Resource Estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Eau Claire Gold Deposit, Clearwater Property, Quebec, Canada”. Effective date, February 4, 2018 and issued July 4, 2018. Contained ounces are derived from a combined open pit and underground mineral resource estimate of 853,000 oz Au (4.29 Mt at an average grade of 6.18 g/t Au) Measured & Indicated, and 500,000 oz Au (2.38 Mt at an average grade of 6.53 g/t Au) Inferred.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC)
The design of the Eastmain Resources’ drilling programs, Quality Assurance/Quality Control and interpretation of results is under the control of Eastmain’s geological staff, including qualified persons employing a strict QA/QC program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. The Clearwater project is supervised by Eastmain’s Project Geologist, Michel Leblanc P.Geo.
Drill core is logged and split with half-core samples packaged and delivered to ALS Minerals laboratory. Samples are dried and subsequently crushed to 70% passing a 2 mm mesh screen. A 1,000 grams subsample is pulverized to a nominal 85% passing 75-micron mesh screen. The remaining crushed sample (reject) and pulverized sample (pulp) are retained for further analysis and quality control. All samples are analysed by Fire Assay with an Atomic Absorption (AA) finish using a 50 g aliquot of pulverized material. Assays exceeding 5 g/t Au are re‐assayed by Fire Assay with a Gravimetric Finish. Eastmain regularly inserts 3rd party reference control samples and blank samples in the sample stream to monitor assay performance and performs duplicate sampling at a second certified laboratory. Approximately 10% of samples submitted are part of the Company’s laboratory sample control protocols.
About Eastmain Resources Inc. (TSX:ER) www.eastmain.com
Eastmain is a Canadian exploration company advancing three high-grade gold assets in the emerging James Bay gold camp in Québec. The Company holds a 100%-interest in the Clearwater Property, host of the Eau Claire Project, for which it issued a Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) in May 2018, and the Percival Discovery made in November 2018. Eastmain is also the operator of the Éléonore South Joint Venture, located immediately south of Goldcorp Inc.’s Éléonore Mine, which hosts the Moni/Contact Trend Discovery (2017). In addition, the Company has a 100% interest in the Eastmain Mine Project where the Company prepared a NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate in January 2018, and a pipeline of exploration projects in this favourable mining jurisdiction with nearby infrastructure.
Forward- Looking Statements – Certain information set forth in this news release may contain forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or timing of future plans, and include, but not limited to, statements with respect to the potential success of the Company’s future exploration and development strategies. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the control of Eastmain, including, but not limited to the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, dependence upon regulatory approvals, the availability of financing, ýtimely completion of proposed studies and technical reports, and risks associated with the exploration, development and mining industry generally such as economic factors as they affect exploration, future commodity prices, changes in interest rates, safety and security, political, social or economic developments, environmental risks, insurance risks, capital expenditures, operating or technical difficulties in connection with development activities, personnel relations, the speculative nature of gold exploration and development, including the risks of diminishing quantities of grades of Mineral Resources, contests over property title, and changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update such information, except as may be required by law.
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View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190225005255/en/
Claude Lemasson, President and CEO +1 647-347-3765 [email protected]
Alison Dwoskin, Manager, Investor Relations +1 647-347-3735 [email protected]
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mossdeep-archive · 7 years ago
NES, super NES, PC, & Wii!
NES: favorite video game character
my goodness this is a hard one i have so many!!!  of all time i would have to say ratchet from ratchet and clank, but for a more recent game i’ve played its javier from twdg season 3!
Super NES: least favorite video game character 
i’m assuming this doesn’t include villians bc there’s a question for that? so, going off characters that are not evil really i just don’t fucking like them: tingle
that fucker cost me so many rupees in wind waker i’m still in debt to this day
PC: favorite villain
hands down alister azimuth from r+c: a crack in time
he was just???? such a well written chatacter?? that game still makes me cry to this day they did such a good job with it. if they had stopped there with the games all would be well but they keep shitting them out like Stop
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fifiweihao-blog · 5 years ago
Celebrity Infinity in CADIZ Spain (8)
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Press Z for Best view or left click on the photo and see it better Thank you for your kind Comments and Awards and Favs and if you look on the map to see where photos are taken look at the satellite to see more detail
elebrity Infinity tendering at Juneau, Alaska, on July 9, 2012 History Name: 2001–2007: Infinity 2007–present: Celebrity Infinity Owner:Celebrity Cruises Operator:Celebrity Cruises Port of registry: 2001–2002: Monrovia, Liberia 2002–2008: Nassau, Bahamas 2008 onwards: Valletta, Malta Route:Caribbean & Europe Builder:Chantiers de l’Atlantique, St. Nazaire, France[1] Yard number:S31 Launched:June 9, 2000 Acquired:February 2001 Maiden voyage:March 3, 2001 In service:2001-present Identification: Call sign: 9HJD9 IMO number: 9189421 MMSI number: 249048000 Status:In service General characteristics Class and type:Millennium-class cruise ship Tonnage: 90,940 GT 11,788 DWT[1] Length:964.6 ft (294.0 m) Beam:105.6 ft (32.2 m) Draught:26 ft (8 m) Draft:26.3 ft (8.0 m) Decks:12 Installed power: Two General Electric gas turbines 50,000 kW (combined) Propulsion:2 × 19 MW Rolls-Royce/Alstom Mermaid azimuth thrusters Speed:24 knots (44 km/h; 28 mph) Capacity:2,170 Crew:999
Posted by John Carson Essex UK on 2019-05-15 15:00:10
Tagged: , Cruise-Ships , Cruise
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thorsenmark · 2 years ago
Petrified Wood and the Long Logs of a National Park (Petrified Forest National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A view looking to the northeast across this high desert, Arizona landscape covered with fragments of petrified wood.
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