#Azelfs Fang
timelord-emmet · 1 year
Chapter 10
Needless to say Emmet is high on excitement on finally getting progress and completing Mesprite trial so he wasted no time at all to get to Lake Valor . Thankfully though they did stop after a few hours of rushing halfway through the region panting and huffing as the Conductor sits down taking a sip of his water bottle and watching as Mr.Looker finally catches up.
Mr-huff-Mr Emmet ....y-you...agh....” the Agent sighs grabbing the outstretched bottle Emmet worldlesly hands to him and taking a drink himself while Mesprite happily hugs the Conductor themself puffed out with trying to keep up with him.
>On the bright side your half way there < the pokémon muses as she taps his head .
Emmet chuckles “Sorry sorry , I am Emmet i’m easily excited as my brother would say!” he grins happily
Agent Looker groans -That’s fine and all....but you must pace yourself Mr.Emmet....let’s take this time to uh rest our engines ?- he suggests adding some train lingo which gets him a amused look from the other , the Conductor standing up and leaning towards the other making them flinch afraid he might over stepped .
“You are correct! a hour of rest then we shall continue on to our set destination ! hehe!” he giggles a bit still high on excitement as he boops Looker on the nose laughing joy for the first time in awhile at the others reaction.
The Agent decides not to comment further and sits down and pull some fruit from his pocket eating it and handing another fruit to the over hyperactive conductor next to him who happily shares it with Sprit.
Once the rest hour was up Emmet promptly jumped up from his spot rubbing his hands on his pants getting rid of the juice residue then points his famous pose once more down the trail toLake Valor.
“Next stop Lake Valor ! Alllll Aboard!!!” then promptly starts marching full speed ahead again with Looker quickly following .
A sense of foreboding crawls up the Agents spine having a unceasing feeling about their next stop , glancing around Looker thinks as he feels a presence though can’t seem to find a source to such a presence .
Time skip
Entering the cave the Subway Master looks around , Sprit letting go and seeming to float above and stay by the cave entrance , Looker following a bit closer to the conductor looking around as well.
“Hello? I am Emmet and i’m here for Azelf! Please show yourself so i may take your trial !”The conductor calls
There’s silence for a few mins after his announcement then a flash as the blue lake pokemon appears looking dow. at the other curiously head tilted in question.
< You wish to partake my trial?> they ask <Why?>
Emmet smiles up at the Guardian “ To find my brother ! i already passed your sibling Mesprite trial! I have no doubt i’ll pass yours!”
he states proudly in full confidence and maybe some cockiness.
Azelf’s eyes narrow curiously at his attitude thinking over what the man said, Agent Looker behind him shifts nervously at the look the pokémon gives Emmet seeming to contemplate such cockiness and clearly sees a challange .
<Confident one aren’t you? Very well you may take my trial> the pokémon finally answers floating away from him and suddenly multiple walls of pick light appear in front of the two humans .
<Show me unyielding will! Pass through if you can!>
Emmet grins eyes set in determination he grips the brim of his hat and starts marching foward.
“As you wish!”
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The subway Master blinks as he passes easily through the first wall of psychic energy , while very minor at first the feeling of the wall that seems to gently try to push him backwards felt like a mild wind on a cool day , intresting veeerry intresting he thinks as he walks passthe 1st barrier with ease then the second though the 3rd is where it starts to actually get difficult.
The push from the psychic energy feels like being bounced off a trampoline stunning him for a second but he quickly powers on putting more effort in as he feels like he walks through jello solidifying , reaching the fourth barrier is when a splitting headache strikes through his mind making him yell out , hearing the muffled voice of Agent Looker calling to him.
he grits his teeth “ I am Emmet, i’m fine!” he calls out opening his eyes not realising he closed them in the first place , he looks up towards Azelf who looks a bit smug and he narrows his eyes , takes a breath and pushes through the fourth wall.
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His smile strained and wobbly, head pounding at such intense psychic energy trying to force him back physically and mentally, hair frazzled as the artificial wind from such becomes stronger.
Emmets breath stutters and shakes as he keeps pushing and pushing not giving up inching his way through as fear of lifting his foot off the ground to far might make him slip, he finally passes the fifth barrier and inches to the sixth , panting , Emmet notices that his vision is starting to blur at the edges and he feels something wet drip down his face, is he crying? Honestly he might be with the dam splitting headache pounding through his mind , his hand trembles still having a tight grip on his hat , with his other hand he raises it towards the last barrier determined to pass through.
Muffled yelling barely reaches him before his finger tips touch the last barrier then suddenly the intense pressure is lifted and he gasps as he lurches foward stumbling before balancing himself out panting he looks up at Azelf who seems surprised yet impressed.
he grins sharply blood running down his nose,ah that’s what the wetness he felt was, he lifts his hand to his face rubbing his nose.
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Azelf hums
<Impressive.....take my fang to fulfill your will>
A fang appears in psychic energy floating down to the Conductor who grins ready to take it when suddenly a new unfamiliar voice cuts through the cave.
Emmet and Looker freeze and turn to the newcomer, the subway Master being tired,in pain still from a headache and maybe a tad light headed gives a dangerous smile as he grins at the teenager.
“Heeeeeelloooo~ Who are you~?”
he sing songs while Mr.Looker quickly chastises him as the teenager literally screams in fear at the Subway Master.
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thatringboy · 2 years
I would LOVe to hear more of your RWBY Pokemon AU! I've got my own in the works and I'd love to compare and contrast! (Oz absolutely has Eternal Flower! Floette, or she eventually returns to him)
Oh you opened the box of snakes for me
Here’s the screenshots for the AU I have so far
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I picked partners based on the general aesthetics of the character and bold letters mean that’s their partner Pokemon. Unbolded Pokémon mean that it’s on their team
I’ve also written out the trailer choreography for this AU (how the red, white, black and yellow trailers would take place) and I’m almost done with v1 chapter 1!
The reason why some characters have mythical/legendary Pokémon is because while Remnant is Humanity 2.0, the canonical Pokémon world with Ash, team rocket, etc are Humanity 1.0, if that makes sense
Ozma as Ozpin has a Decidueye because that’s what works best for this Ozcarnation, meanwhile Oscar has no Pokémon for himself and is found by Azelf
Same thing with Penny. She uses a “Paradox” robot Gallade for her Vytal Festival fights to hide that she herself is an AI like the professors from Scar/Vi, but during the finale of volume seven, she’ll become partners with the previous Winter Maiden’s Articuno
But then if Cinder is still the Fall Maiden, why doesn’t she get the “Fall Pokémon?” Because she kills Amber and Ho-Oh. She kills them and her Salazzle absorbs the magic, which proves nearly fatal until Salem gives them Dark Dimension powers, Salem herself being more Pokémon than human at this point
The Brothers have been replaced with Arceus and Giratina for this AU and each of the partner Pokémon of the main characters is nicknamed after their canon weapon names (examples being Ruby’s Starly named Crescent, Yang’s Combusken named Cecilia, Blake’s Zorua named Gambol, Pyrrha’s Charcadet named Milo, etc)
And Grimm have just been replaced by wild Pokémon lol
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The canon plot stays the same, RWBY trying to stop the White Fang (which are more like Team Rocket), Pyrrha teaching Jaune how to train Pokémon, Cinder and Co. trying to raise an army and destroy Beacon, and some of the Pokémon will evolve during the series (see Ruby’s and Blake’s for examples)
Though I am iffy about Qrow’s team. I gave him those for the LoLs, but I might go back and change them if I feel like it
Other than that, the AU is really just “what if Grimm were Pokémon and also semblances were also Pokémon”
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flyingincandescent · 5 months
I've managed to pass Azelf's trial of willpoower. Honestly it seemed pretty easy. I just had to keep trying to hit them. Volo of course gave me shit for missing so damn much, chalking it up to not taking him up on the offer on buying that practice ball from him, but I showed him how good my aim is with a mud ball. I think he stood there in shock for like, a minute after he got hit, just fucking bluescreened over being hit with a dirt clod. Makes me wonder if he's ever gotten his hands dirty in the fields like, ever.
Something he mentioned while we were back at the retreat really gets me thinking this fuck isn't even in the ginkgo guild. Plus the way he just sorta watches everyone else get shit done while he just stands around and spouts lore... I don't trust Volo any further than I can throw him, especially with how many redacted things my friends back home have said with his name mysteriously the only thing not redacted in the whole sentence.
Regardless, I got Azelf's fang and I plan on sending a letter to Ingo about going with me to see Uxie. But for now, I'm getting some sleep.
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teamconductors · 2 years
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Lost Tracks of Time, Chapter 20
Summary: With help from the Lake Guardians, Team Conductors and the Nobles finally start to understand what’s going on.
Author’s Notes: It is at this point you find out that I’m using a popular headcanon/theory about a certain PLA character for this AU.
This chapter is A Lot and I’m sorry, but it’s verrrry necessary.
Also! If you haven’t heard, PLEASE check out the new Lost Tracks of Time: Derailed chapters! Yes, plural. It was so big, I had to split it into 2 chapters! It’s the one decided by the poll! Ingo gets frenzied like in Legends Arceus. I really like how it turned out, so check it out!
Thank you @furiouskettle! You know what you did! And everyone else, if you haven’t, please check out their art!
(Shippers DNI)
Sneasler, with Ingo walking next to her and Emmet in her basket, entered Celestica Town. The Pelliper Post Office was almost fully repaired. The Rescue Tree hidden by fire-resistant walls inside the building that looked like a bandaged up Pelipper. All nine of the other Nobles gathered in a ring along with Azelf, Mespirit, and Uxie. Sneasler and Ingo joined the circle when Electrode and Arcanine made room for them.
“All of the Nobles are present. Now we can begin,” Azelf said.
“What? No guildmasters this time?” Sneasler asked.
“What we must discuss with you is more pressing than waiting for them,” Uxie said.
“In that case, I want to start with the most pressing question we’ve had since we found you three in comas: who attacked you? Who is responsible for the making of the Red Chains and forcing us to steal the 18 Plates?” Kleavor asked.
The Lake Trio spoke as one. “Beheeyem.”
The gems on their foreheads glowed. Ingo’s vision washed away in a rush of red light and was replaced by a scene of a cave. He thought of the island cave in Lake Verity and felt its damp atmosphere once more. The puddles, cave walls, and stalagmites shifted in location and faded in and out of existence, as though three different versions of the same event fought for dominance.
A strange pokemon stood in front of Ingo. He quickly realized this was Beheeyem. The pokemon wore a backpack with a blanket rolled on the top. Even though his arms were withdrawn and hands held together in shyness, the pokemon in his vision sent chills down Ingo’s spine.
“Hello.” The three dots on Beheeyem’s hand flashed as they used telepathy to communicate. “Sorry to bother you, but I need your Plumes, Claws, Fangs, and I need a lot of them.” He did not say the names of the three pieces of the Red Chain in succession in the vision. Instead, the words overlapped, creating a strange echoing effect worsened by the pokemon’s droning voice.
With another red flash, Ingo’s vision returned to normalcy. He inferred that all the Nobles saw the same thing he did.
“There it is. Beheeyem was the one that took pieces of our souls to craft 13 Red Chains,” Azelf said.
“How did that pokemon manage to defeat all three of you?” Wyrdeer asked.
“I do not wish to think of our battle. It was… infuriating,” Mespirit said. “He had attacks come from nowhere, he hit like Regigigas after their Slow Start faded…!” All the other pokemon in the meeting felt Mespirit’s anger – literally. Mespirit’s rage at their own failure at fending off an attacker welled up as the crowd’s own fury.
“Regardless, that is in the past. What matters is what we do next,” Uxie said. Uxie’s words made Mespirit’s anger dissipate.
“Right! There are only two Chains left. Once one of them is destroyed, we can locate and destroy the last one,” Azelf said. “And our full powers will be restored.”
“Beheeyem must have the last two Chains,” Kleavor said.
“But then, where is he?” Ursaluna asked.
“I can shed some light, but first I must tell you all something important: all of you Nobles have had your memories manipulated,” Uxie said.
Ingo and Sneasler watched the other Nobles as they were taken back by surprise. “Welcome to my world…” she whispered.
“It was Beheeyem’s doing as well,” Uxie said. “He hid some of your inherited memories, all from the same time period. Do not worry. I can lift the veil with ease.”
Uxie’s gems glowed. Ingo noted how Uxie didn’t need to get close and contact the ten Nobles to uncover their memories, unlike with Emmet. After a few seconds, Uxie’s gems stopped glowing.
“Hm, I don’t feel different.” Arcanine tilted his head.
Uxie expected that comment. “Allow me to say one name to prove to you all that I did my job: Volo.”
Ingo saw each of the Nobles light up as though lightning struck them. Even Sneasler’s eyes widened as she shouted, “That bitch!”
“O-Our memories of Hisui and Volo were hidden?” Lilligant asked.
“Correct,” Uxie said.
“Wasn’t stealing the Plates Volo’s plan? Is that why I’ve been getting mad déjà vu?” Braviary said.
“Well, getting Chained has made us act like we were Frenzied,” Electrode said. “How peculiar that history repeats…”
“Do you think he’s still alive?” Arcanine asked.
“B-But wouldn’t he have been killed when the other humans were…?” Lilligant asked.
“If it’s really Volo, then I wouldn’t doubt him still being around,” Wyrdeer said.
“Pardon me, Nobles, but may I ask you something? You talk of this Volo person, who I’m assuming was a villain from Hisuian times. But it sounds like he was a human. Why do you talk about him like he could still be alive several centuries later?” Ingo asked. Even he knew that humans couldn’t stay alive for that long.
“Oh right, you don’t know. Long story short, Volo was immortal,” Sneasler said. She and Ingo talked as the other Nobles continued discussing their theories.
“Is that so? How does a human become immortal?” Ingo asked.
Sneasler shrugged. “Beats me. He tried to summon Arceus and destroy the world, and then he becomes immortal?? Seems weird. Then again, based on what happened to you and Emmet, it’s clear the Almighty is a little screwed in the head.”
“Was Volo the reason Ingo was sent to Hisui?” Emmet asked from inside Sneasler’s basket.
“Yeah, pretty much,” Sneasler said.
“…Okay.” Despite Emmet’s normal tone, Ingo and Sneasler both detected a strange aura from Sneasler’s basket. Only Ingo noticed the subtle malice in Emmet’s voice.
“Hold on! We’d know if a human was still strollin’ around!” Avalugg’s voice gained the attention of the entire group.
“So… he finally reincarnated?” Braviary said.
“And got his past life’s memories again?” Ursaluna asked like it was a ridiculous suggestion.
“Maybe him being immortal made him keep his memories? I don’t know either!” Braviary threw up his wings in a huff.
“If Volo is trying the same foolish plan, he’s probably going to Spear Pillar to summon Arceus again,” Basculegion said.
“Can he do that with only 17 Plates?” Wyrdeer asked. “Not even Akari was able to call upon Arceus without all the Plates.”
“The man was desperate, so he might still try it,” Kleavor said. “Besides, do we have another lead on his plan?”
Braviary noticed Ingo’s wrist and did a short flying hop to him. “Hey, Ingo. Your Arc Watch looks different.”
The other Nobles looked at Ingo.
“Yes! Rei from Team Galaxy repaired my watch and got it back to operating condition,” Ingo said.
“…Ingo, does the watch say anything about a mission for you?” Wyrdeer asked.
“There was a message on the screen when I first activated it. It read, “Rescue the Deep Shadow”,” Ingo said. “Does that title mean anything to you?”
Sneasler did a double take at Ingo. “That’s what it said?!”
“So it does mean something significant!” Ingo said.
“The Deep Shadow is Giratina,” Electrode said.
Ingo's heart jumped. “Who is Giratina? That name sounds familiar.”
“Giratina is one of the Almighty pokemon, along with Dialga and Palkia,” Uxie said. “They rule over the Distortion World, a realm opposite to ours.”
“And now they need rescuing. Oh, this is so, so much worse than we thought,” Wyrdeer said.
Mespirit flew up above the town and stared at Mt. Coronet. Mespirit’s eyes went wide.  Azelf and Uxie noticed this.
Kleavor stepped forward to Ingo and Sneasler. “Ingo, you have the Arc Watch, and you have a mission from Arceus themself. If this truly is Volo trying once again to destroy the world, then you have to be the one to stop him.”
Sneasler felt the weight of her basket shift. Emmet popped off the top of the basket and poked his head out.
“Me? Are you certain about that?” Ingo fidgeted with his coat sleeves. “There must be a mistake. And even if there wasn’t, I could not possibly complete that journey on my own.”
“Who said you would need to be alone? Aren’t you in a rescue team?” Wyrdeer asked.
“Yeah, doofus.” Sneasler gently nudged Ingo’s shoulder. “But also, are you guys serious?!”
“I don’t joke, Sneasler,” Kleavor said. He stood directly over Sneasler. “Guide Ingo to the top to the Mt. Coronet mystery dungeon and reach Spear Pillar. Can you fulfill that duty as a Noble, Sneasler?”
Sneasler’s brows furrowed. “Uh… yeah. Yeah, I can do that.”
“Good.” Kleavor stepped back to address the other Nobles. “Now, as for the rest of us…”
“Before you leave, I’ve got somethin’ worryin’ for ya to see.” One of the senior Pelippers flew out of the post office entrance. When he was in the center of the group, he spat out several rescue request letters.
Ingo jumped to the pile. He grabbed one and ripped it open with his claws.
“I was in Coronet Mountain when it suddenly turned dark! The sky looks so weird! I think I’m on floor 36. Please help me! -Probopass”
“It’s a Distorted Floor request,” Ingo said.
“So is this one, but it’s on floor 73.” Sneasler held up two opened requests. “And this one is on… floor 119, holy crap.”
“Floor 12, floor 97, floor 148, floor 59…” Lilligant used Leaf Blade to open all the envelopes in a couple swoops. She sped through one request after another, reading off the floor numbers.
“These are all from Coronet Mountain?!” Wyrdeer stared at the pile of letters. He had no idea how they all fit in Pelliper’s mouth.
“Aye. The letters rained down like a bad storm, and they all talk about the dark floors,” Pelliper said. “There’s more in the office, too.”
“What in the world…” Azelf’s mouth hanged open. They and Uxie had joined in Mespirit’s observation of the mountain.
“I… feel the fear, the despair of hundreds of pokemon…” Mespirit said.
“Hundreds?!” “What do you mean hundreds?” Ingo wasn’t sure who said those questions. His mind was already racing from the implications of Mespirit’s claim.
“The entire Coronet Mountain mystery dungeon has just become Distorted,” Uxie said. “Every floor is now a Distorted Floor. Every. Single. Floor.”
“But I sense something else strange… At the top of the dungeon, there is… fury and hope and ill-intent. That is not a pokemon in need of rescue,” Mespirit said.
“Well, that confirms his location, doesn’t it?” Basculegion said.
“Everyone, get to Coronet Mountain!” Kleavor swung his axe around and pointed at the mountain. “Sneasler, guide your team to the highest entry point and get to Spear Pillar immediately. Everyone else, make your preparations and begin the rescues!”
Wyrdeer stomped on the ground. “You heard him! We are the Original Rescuers, the ones blessed with the power to save all pokemon who need our help. This is our duty! We cannot fail!”
The Nobles cheered. Sneasler didn’t cheer but did offer some clapping. Ingo also joined in her applause.
“If I may ask, could you inform the guilds of your plan? I am positive they would want to assist you!” Ingo said.
“If that is your wish, then yes, we can do that!” Wyrdeer stomped a hoof into the ground. “Is everyone’s missions clear? If so, then… GO!”
Kleavor, Arcanine, and Ursaluna ran west to the Pearl Guild. Avalugg followed behind them at a slower pace. Basculegion, Lilligant, Wyrdeer, and Braviary went to the south toward the Diamond Guild. The Lake Trio flew away, not toward Mt. Coronet but to an area where they can talk in private. This left Sneasler, Electrode, and the twins in Celestica Town, as Pelliper reentered the post office. Electrode planned to leave but stayed upon realizing Sneasler and her Sneasels did not leave immediately.
“You doing okay, guys?” Sneasler asked Ingo and Emmet.
“Well, once we have Chandelure and Eelektross board our train, we should be ready to depart,” Ingo said.
“No. That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” Sneasler pointed to the ground.
“I didn’t know it, but now I do, I think.” Ingo closed his eyes and pinched the visor of his hat. “…It feels like I am in a nightmare.”
“Why?” Emmet asked.
“A good question. I suppose it’s because of the sudden cavalcade of stops as of late. Mt. Coronet distorting, a villain from the past returning, and… being tasked with effectively saving the world.” Ingo wrung his hands and twiddled his claws. “That… can’t be my role. I still don’t have my memories, but a distinct feeling lives in my heart that I am simply supposed to aid guests. From what I understand about train conductors, we guide others to their destinations, which aligns with the feeling I have. As for being a Warden… Sneasler, was my role in Hisui similar?”
“Uh…” Sneasler crossed her arms to think. She turned her gaze away from Ingo. With Ingo’s sad speech, she thought of lying and saying that he was a main figure and direct force in saving the world and stopping Volo, but the other Nobles would disprove it without an ounce of tact. “…Maybe a little.”
“Perhaps the Nobles are mistaken.” Ingo took off his Arc Watch. “Emmet, please take the watch. Will it work for you as it does for me?”
“What is that gonna prove??” Sneasler asked.
“The watch darkens in the hands of everyone except mine, but Emmet might be able to operate it. Arceus thought Emmet and I were interchangeable, after all. If he can, then that must mean that he is as qualified to rescue Giratina as I am. In fact, I know he is more qualified than me! He climbed Mt. Coronet and faced Arceus when his goal was to meet with me! His determination and dedication cannot be matched.”
“Ingo…” Emmet was never the best at explaining his thoughts, but he couldn’t even begin to decipher the implications of what Ingo just said about himself.
“Is it truly that hard to believe that you could be important, too, little one?” Electrode asked.
Ingo tossed the watch to Emmet. The screen went dark as soon as it left Ingo’s hands, but when Emmet caught it, the screen flickered on again.
“Wait, what?” Sneasler saw the screen light up in the corner of her vision. “Can you actually use it, Emmet?!”
“…Yes.” Emmet said as he scrolled through the map of Celestica Town. He gave a pleasantly confused glance to Ingo.
Ingo took a brief sigh of relief. “Emmet, I will happily lead you to Spear Pillar. I will do what I can to assist you in the coming battle!”
“I do want to battle Volo.” Emmet’s smile turned dark. Even if it was some reincarnation, Volo was the reason Arceus kidnapped Ingo, so he wanted to battle him.
“Wait wait wait, no! NO! We are NOT taking Emmet to Mt. Coronet!” Sneasler gritted her teeth.
“Why not?” Emmet asked.
“Did you… Did you seriously ask why?!” Sneasler took off her basket and placed it next to Ingo so that she could face both Sneasels at once. “You’re injured, Emmet! Look at your chest!” She pointed to the leafy bandage wrapped around Emmet’s upper chest. “Do you really think you can battle someone like that?!”
“Our destination is a Distorted Dungeon. The only pokemon inside are ones who want to be rescued. Mt. Coronet is a long dungeon. My wound will heal before we reach our last stop,” Emmet said.
“How are you sure about that?” Sneasler crossed her arms and glared at Emmet.
Emmet opened his mouth respond but found that words failed him. It took days for Ingo’s crack to heal, and even he could see the faint remnants of the injury when he looked closely enough. It had only been five hours since Emmet regained his memories and his gem cracked. He still felt like a human pretending to be a Sneasel instead of a human transformed into one. His own fur made him itch, and he fidgeted with his coat to get used to manipulating two claws instead of five fingers again. He might get to use pokemon attacks soon, but first he had to remember how to be a Sneasel.
“Yeah, thought so. Emmet, you’re staying at the guild. Eelektross can watch over you, and I’ll take Ingo and Chandelure to Spear Pillar. Got that?” She pointed to Emmet.
“No.” Emmet practically growled that word out. He pointed at Sneasler with anger on his face.
“…Alright. I’ll bite. You two, give me one good reason for Emmet to come along with us.” Sneasler crossed her arms.
Ingo and Emmet shared a glance.
“…Because this isn’t the first occurrence of us trying to separate our team’s train,” Ingo said. “And with both instances, it ended with us needing to be rescued and us regretting splitting apart.”
“We are a team, Sneasler,” Emmet said. "We are a team."
Sneasler grimaced. “…Let me think about it. For now, I guess we can start our trip to the Pearl Guild and...“ Sneasler’s frustrated expression was instantly replaced by sheer confusion. “Wait a minute.”
“Is something wrong, my dear?” Electrode asked. “Well, besides everything that has gone wrong lately.”
Sneasler ruffled the fur on her head. “Okay… Diamond Guild. They have housekeepers, too, right?”
“Yes… why do you ask?” Electrode scrunched her brows.
“Who are they? Give me names.”
“Let’s see… there’s Sabi the Natu, she’s the gate guardian. There’s Mai, a Munchlax, she’s a nurse. There’s Iscan the Chatot, he picks up mail and does chores with Arezu, and Melli the Skuntank… I don’t know if he actually does anything useful…” Electrode hopped into the air without warning. ” Now wait a gosh darn second!”
“The Pearl Guild and the Diamond Guild… Hell, there’s even a Team Galaxy!” Sneasler’s fur got ruffled up as she continued thinking. “There’s a Galaxy Team, Electrode! What the hell?!”
“Are… Are you two alright?” Ingo said. Next to him, Emmet raised his eyebrows at the two Nobles.
“Why are all the main people from the Pearl and Diamond Clans reincarnated at the same time?!” Sneasler asked.
“Clans?” Emmet asked.
“Okay okay… So, when Ingo time travelled to Hisui, he joined the Pearl Clan as a Warden. Irida was the leader of the Pearl Clan, and the other Wardens for the Nobles were Lian, Calaba, Palina, and Gaeric,” Sneasler said. After she said that, she made a face at Ingo like he was supposed to realize the same thing she did.
“Reincarnation exists. This is not different, right?” Emmet asked.
“Well, one or two of them appearing again wouldn’t be weird,” Electrode said. “A lot of times, people who were deeply connected in life will be reborn at similar times. But that’s maybe two, three souls at most. Eleven humans from the same time – no, twelve if we include Volo – all being reincarnated at the same time? That’s… unheard of.”
“And it’s fifteen if we include Team Galaxy. Right when I thought we were getting answers about shit, too…” Sneasler groaned and buried her face in her hands.
“Sneasler, we should make our journey to the Pearl Guild. We are already behind schedule!” Ingo said.
“…Yeah. Let’s pick up Chandelure and Eelektross and go,” Sneasler said.
“I should make my way to Coronet Mountain as well. Good luck, my dears,” Electrode said. She nodded her body as a strange bow and rolled away.
“Are you ready?” Ingo asked both Sneasler and Emmet. Emmet nodded and replaced the lid on Sneasler’s basket.
“Yeah. All aboard.” Sneasler put back on her basket with Emmet still inside. She wanted to just close her eyes and let her muscle memory take her back to the guild. They walked along it so many times, she lost track.
Walking next to Sneasler was Ingo. His wrist felt naked without the Arc Watch. Even though he was glad that Emmet would accompany them, he had to admit that it was a selfish desire. Sneasler was right; it would be better for him to stay at the Pearl Guild to recover. But there was also no denying the relief he felt that Emmet would be there on their journey to Spear Pillar.
Inside the basket, Emmet reminisced on the memories as they gradually returned. He closed his eyes and found himself thinking of Unova’s subways. The rumbling of Sneasler’s walking closely resembled the shaking of the train cars. Though it soothed some of his discomfort, Emmet couldn’t find himself relaxing. If the person who caused Ingo’s kidnapping was still around, how could he relax? Emmet would take the chance for revenge, the chance to enact justice, the chance to make things right.
As for Sneasler, she wondered how she got so involved with two time-travelling self-destructive train Sneasels.
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Alright, get ready for a freshly baked chapter of my "Ghostboy in Hisui" AU. Here I go again, my dear fellas!
Chapter 10: The Trials Of The Lake Trio And The Frenzied Time Lord
Cogita had told them where to find the Lake Trio. The first stop was at Lake Varity, in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Home of Mesprit. Akari and Allister opened the cave with their arceus phones. As Akari, Allister, Adaman and Irida stepped inside, they were greeted by a Alpha Goodra! She looked a bit angry. But Akari managed to defeat her. A few moments later, Mesprit appeared. She asked Allister and Akari about their motives. After both answered honestly, Mesprit gave them 'Mesprit's Plume'. The first trial was a success!
The second lake was Lake Acuity, in the Alabaster Icelands. Home of Uxie. Again, Allister and Akari opened the cave. Upon stepping inside, the group was this time face to face with a Alpha Zoroark! Allister did not need to fight him. The Pokemon approached the little boy and nuzzled carefully his face. This was enough to let Uxie appear. She had a riddle for Allister and Akari. "Combee. Zubat. Unown. Magneton. Dusclops. How many are their eyes? Tell me each, one by one yet all at once!" Uxie spoke calm. Allister didn't hesitate to answer. "The solution for your riddle is 60131." The little boy spoke, timidly. Uxie smiled. "This is correct, Young One." She said and gave Allister 'Uxie's Claw'. The second trial was successful as well. Adaman grinned. "This was amazing, Allister!" He said. Irida was impressed too. She smiled gently at the small ghostboy.
The third lake was Lake Valor, in the Crimson Mirelands. Home of Azelf. Yet again, the arceus phones opened the cave. An Alpha Overqwil was waiting inside. Akari's Gardevoir used her move psyshock and defeated Overqwil. Not long after Overqwil's defeat, Azelf appeared. She had a very special trial. She gave Akari and Allister balms. Her trial was to be hit with the balms. But she made it a bit difficult. After a few minutes, Akari managed to throw balms at her. Azelf was satisfied and gave Allister and Akari 'Azelf's Fang'. The last trial was, of course, also an success. Now they had everything they needed for the Red Chain. Not a chain was crafted, but a red pokeball instead. The Origin Ball!
Allister and Akari heard that Commander Kamado was at the ancient temple, in the Coronet Highlands. Upon arriving there, Kamado wanted a pokemon battle against Akari. She defeated him effortlessly. Kamado was livid! But to everyone's surprise, Allister removed his mask. He had tears in his eyes. "Commander, you have to stop! Let us help, please!" The little boy cried. Kamado finally came to his senses. Zisu also had tears in her eyes. She couldn't resist to give Allister a motherly hug. He returned the embrace. Akari, Allister, Adaman and Irida stepped into the temple, Irida called for 'Almighty Sinnoh'. As it turned out, both Clans were right about their deity. Palkia was standing before everyone's eyes. The Legendary Pokemon let herself to be caught by Akari. Unfortunately, a very angry Dialga appeared very soon after Palkia was caught. But he looked different! Dialga was in his Origin Form! Allister and Akari had to soothe him with balms. It was the hardest fight both of them had so far! But, in the end, Dialga was not frenzied anymore. Akari used the Origin Ball to catch him.
The rift over Hisui closed and the sky had its normal color! Kamado apologized to Akari and Allister. "I'm so sorry about everything! I truly was narrow-minded and should have listened to you!" He now turned to the ghostboy. "Allister, I want to apologize for my harsh words towards you. Can you forgive an old fool?" Before Allister covered his face with his mask, he gave Kamado a forgiving smile. "Yes, I forgive you." Allister said timidly. "Thank you, my boy!" Kamado said relieved. The man spoke up again. "You two are no longer exiled! Jubilife Village will welcome you back with open arms!"
Back in Jubilife Village, the people celebrated Akari and Allister as their rightful heroes!
To be continued
This chapter is finished, friends! 😊
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quartings · 2 years
Creating new additions to existing Legendary Pokemon groups:
Since Pokemon has recently been giving existing Legendary trios new forms and new members, I wanted to try predicting what future additions could be given to other Legendary trios/quartets.
Trios that have already received new things:
Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres: Galarian Forms Regirock/Regice/Registeel: Regieleki & Regidrago as new members Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza: Primal/Mega forms Dialga/Palkia/Giratina: Origin Forms Tornadus/Thundurus/Landorus: Enamorus as a new member, even though they already had Therian Forms Ideas for other Legendary groups:
Raikou/Entei/Suicune: Going off the theory that they were re-incarnated from the first 3 Eeveelutions, I think there could be two more members added to their group that were Psychic and Dark type, to match Espeon and Umbreon. Lore-wise I'm not sure if these two could be revived by Ho-Oh too, or if Lugia could be in charge of them. I guess their name scheme could match the original three beasts, being (1-syllable Japanese word for their type + 1-syllable Japanese word for "ruler"), but I'm not good enough at Japanese to come up with names for them.
Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf: I think these three should have Origin Forms to match Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. The logic behind this being the fact that in Legends Arceus, the lake trio give you items called "Uxie's Claw", "Azelf's Fang", and "Mesprit's Plume", despite none of these three having any of those traits. As such, these Origin Forms would resemble the Therian Forms of the Forces of Nature- Uxie would be more mammalian, Azelf would be more reptilian, and Mesprit would be more avian. Their stat spreads and abilities would also change to be better, too.
Cobalion/Terrakion/Virizion/Keldeo: Since they're based on the Three Musketeers from France, I was thinking they could all have Kalosian Regional forms whenever we get Gen 6 remakes. Or better yet, Mega Evolutions since Kalos is the home of Mega Evolution!
Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem: We've all wanted these three to fuse back into the Original Dragon with a 720+ bst and a broken ability, so I really hope we actually get it the next time we visit Unova.
Tapu Koko/Tapu Lele/Tapu Bulu/Tapu Fini: Hawaii has 4 other islands not present in the Alola region, so we could potentially have 4 other Tapus for those islands, being White/Orange/Green/Grey to match the official colors of those islands, too.
Zacian/Zamazenta: Since Zacian is named after Cyan and Zamazenta is named after Magenta, a lot of people, myself included, were surprised there wasn't a third yellow wolf named "Zayallow" to match them, potentially bow and arrow-themed.
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hybridraita · 2 years
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29 January - 18 March 2022 Part 87
I got Uxie’s Claw, Mesprit’s Plume and Azelf’s Fang after success question and Puzzle
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pantaro · 5 years
One year and one day of Pokemon Go: Status
One year and one day ago today, I got my first Smartphone. And as such, I finally got Pokemon Go. This has helped me get fit, and get a lot of fresh air.
Get ready for stats galore!
Level reached: 35/40
Total Experience points: 6,887,991/20,000,000... wait, 20 Million? Yikes, I’ve still got a climb ahead of me.
Total Pokemon Caught: 4953
Total Distance Walked (including phone drift): 1079.3 km (670.6 miles)
Total PokeStops visited: 2705
Total Gym Battles: 1871
Time spent defending gyms in the name of Team Instinct: 2256 hours (94 days)
Total Eggs hatched: 481
Total Field Research Tasks completed: 426
Total evolutions: 362
Total raids won: 28
Most powerful raid won: 3/5 stars
Best Friends: 9
Rocket Grunts defeated: 6
Shadow Pokemon caught: 6/6
Shadow Pokemon purified: 6/6
Total trades made: 5
Combined distance of trades: 3,379 km
Total Shinies caught: 41
Total 4* caught: 4 (minus any I released due to not knowing)
Total Lucky caught: 0
Total Lucky traded in: 1
Species Caught: 445/495
Species Seen: 462/495
Generation 1: 150/151 caught (Mewtwo is the last one to get)
Generation 2: 97/100 caught (Corsola, Heracross and Unown remain)
Generation 3: 122/135 caught
Generation 4: 74/107 caught
Meltan: Check
Melmetal: Check
Alolan Variants: 16/18 (Raichu and Marowak remain)
Total caught minus the region-exclusives and not-yet-availables: 438/466
Now without the Legendaries and Mythicals: 420/438
Available Legendaries and Mythicals caught: 18/31
Internationally available non-legends remaining: Unown, Altaria, Huntail, Gorebyss, Bastiodon, Wormadam, Mothim, Vespiquen, Cherubi, Chingling, Gible, Gabite, Garbodor, Lucario, Hippowdon, Togekiss, Gliscor and Porygon-Z
Available Legends remaining: Mewtwo, Regirock, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Giratina and Cresselia
Species caught the most: Spheal (200)
Shiny caught the most: Eevee and Slakoth (6)
Most powerful party member: X-Neto the Metagross (CP: 3513)
Rest of the Top 6: Homer the Slaking (3509), F. Fang Foom the Tyranitar (3412), Roosevelt the Rhyperior (3325), Vers the Salamence (3307) and Rough Rhyder the Rhyperior (3179)
Most powerful party member from within 24 hours of the journey’s beginning: Unit the Walrein (CP: 2395)
First legendary: Eye of the.. the Raikou
First shiny: Marvin the Eevee (now an Espeon)
First shiny legendary: Lugia
First 4*: Nido Burrito the Nidoran Male (now a Nidoking)
First lucky: Pittsburgh the Alolan Dugtrio
First shadow and first purified: Anti-Audrey the Bulbasaur
Starter: Raging Bulb the Bulbasaur (now a Venusaur)
Second capture: Mag-neato the Magnemite (now a Magnezone)
Total money spent on microtransactions*: 64 dollars (avg. 5.33/month)
*Not counting the first two months: 36 dollars (avg. 3.60/month)
Weight lost: About 3 pounds. Not as much as I hoped, but still an overall loss.
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This challenge with Azleaf was different. It had me try to hit it with some balms. It was really hard and kept zooming around and I kept missing. It asked me a few times if I gave up but I didn’t. After the 3rd time, it gave me Azelf’s Fang for my effort. Just one more to go. (Mission #15: The Trial of Lake Valor - COMPLETE).
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crystalelemental · 3 years
Also thanks for your recommendation! Cheryl's extremely low physical defense intimidates me, but now that she got a grid I'll be sure to level her up and give some power-ups. Though...maybe not for Legendary Gauntlet where opponents can throw both physical and special attacks. Cobalion is a fighting type, Entei has Fire Fang and Sacred Fire, Azelf is mixed attacker... Maybe in a more predictable stages like Champion Stadium? I'm a bit wary to use her, but yeah, I'll see how much she can go!
I used Hop as my steel-type DPS in Champion Stadium until Solgaleo came around (and even then Solgaleo took a while to level up), and he's pretty decent damage-dealer while still can tank pretty well even with full DPS grid. Even so, I'm still not completely sold for Palentine Marnie yet. Bea seems to have pretty good support moves, but yeah, I think I'll wait for more info about them (their grids, passives, more infos about their moves, etc) until I decide to scout for them. My priority is still Palentine Dawn (and that's because of your constant showcasing of her utility, thanks again for that!).
I love Cheryl so much, but you are right to be afraid. Physical attacks obliterate her. I've tested her against all three. Cobalion destroys her, Azelf is great until it shifts physical and then it's a problem (sync can also one-shot without a buff), but Entei is...surprisingly consistent. She's pretty good in that one, physical hits are fairly low until Sacred Fire near the end, and Bulldoze gets AoE penalty.
You don't need to be. Palentine's Marnie is definitely good, and a complete net positive for any Steel-type team, but I don't think that's necessarily a "must have" scenario if your Steel-type teams don't need that buff. Sometimes the buff is just vanity. And not to be like this, but Stall works. You can do stuff off-type. A bad type in general isn't necessarily a problem. We've had to do without Ground-type for so long, we know it's not necessary.
Also we know full well that Steel Wish MPR will be locked behind 3/5, you need that for longer fights like Gauntlet, and at 1/5 she’s going to be a glorified flinch bot with Growl debuffs, and Palentine Dawn can debuff twice as hard, and has debuffs on special defense.  I definitely favor Dawn over Marnie in any situation aside from 3/5 Steel Wish.
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pokemon-trading · 3 years
IF ANY NATURE / ABILITY / MOVES ARE WANTED TO CHANGE ASK ME TO USE/GIVE A MINT / ABILITY CAP OR PATCH / TM Heatran - with ability Flash Fire, Calm nature, and moves Lava Plume / Toxic / Protect / Stealth rock
Donphan - ability Sturdy, Adamant nature, and moves Earthquake / Stone Edge / Ice Shard / Rapid Spin
Munchlax - ability Thick Fat, Adamant nature, and moves
Lick / Tackle
Uxie - ability Levitate, Bold nature, and moves Psychic / Stealth Rock / Thunder wave / U-turn Milotic - ability Marvel Scale, Modest nature, and moves Protect / Ice beam / Recover / Surf Gyrados - ability Intimidate, Serious nature, and moves
Dragon Dance / Ice Fang / Crunch / Waterfall Prinplup - ability torrent, Sassy nature, and moves Pound / Growl / Bubble Beam / Metal Claw Torterra - ability Shell armor, Impish nature, and moves
Giga Drain / Superpower / Leaf Storm / Earthquake Palkia - ability Pressure, Modest nature, and moves
Power Gem / Aura sphere / Aqua Ring / Spacial Rend Dusknoir - ability Frisk, adamant nature, and moves
Earthquake / Ice punch / Shadow Ball / Shadow sneak Blissey - ability Natural Cure, bold nature, and moves Soft-Boiled / Protect / Seismic toss / Flamethrower Garchomp - ability rough skin, jolly nature, and moves
Swords Dance / Earthquake / Stone Edge / Dragon Claw Staraptor - ability Intimidate, Adamant nature, and moves
Close Combat / Growl / Tackle Azelf - ability Levitate, timid nature, and moves
Nasty plot / Psychic / Fire Blast / Energy Ball Gengar - ability Cursed body, timid nature, and moves
Dark Pulse / Shadow Ball / Focus Blast / Sludge Bomb Magmortar - ability Vital spirit, modest nature, and moves
Overheat / Thunderbolt / Focus Blast / Taunt Magmortar - ability Flame Body, Timid nature, and moves
Fire Blast / Thunderbolt / Focus Blast / Substitute Weavile - ability Pickpocket, jolly nature, and moves
swords dance / Ice Shard / False Swipe Electivire - ability Vital Spirit, naive nature, and moves
thunderbolt / Flamethrower / Earthquake / Focus Blast Heracross - ability moxie, adamant nature, and moves
Swords dance / Close combat / pin missle / Rock Blast Rhyperior - ability Solid Rock, adamant nature, and moves Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Megahorn / Stone Edge Cleffa - ability Cute Charm, Sassy nature, and moves
Splash / Pound / Copycat Mesprit - ability Levitate, Timid nature, and moves
Psychic / Dazzling Gleam / U-turn / Healing Wish Jirachi - ability Serene Grace, Adamant nature, and moves Confusion / Wish / Swift / Helping Hand Mew - ability Synchronize, Adamant nature, and moves
Pound / Confusion / Mimic / Swift Ralts - ability Synchronize, Quirky nature, and moves
Growl / Disarming Voice / Confuse Ray Chimchar - ability Iron Fist, Adamant nature, and moves
Scratch / Fake Out / Fire punch / Thunder punch Cresselia - ability Levitate, Mild nature, and moves
Calm Mind / Energy Ball / Ice Beam / Psychic Dragonite - ability Multiscale, Adamant nature, and moves
Dragon Dance / Dragon Claw / Extreme Speed / Fire Punch Jolteon - ability Quick Feet, Calm nature, and moves
Thunder shock / Charm / Double-Edge / Last Resort Latios - ability Levitate, Timid nature, and moves
Psychic / Power Split / Memento / Psycho Shift Latias - ability Levitate, Modest nature, and moves
Psychic / Guard Split / Psycho Shift / Healing Wish Suicune - ability Inner Focus, Timid nature, and moves Scald / Ice Beam / Extrasensory / Calm Mind
Cloyster - ability Shell Armor, Careful nature, and moves
Take Down / Ice Beam / Shell Smash / Hydro Pump
Snorlax - ability Thick Fat, Careful nature, and moves
Curse / Body Slam / Earthquake / Rest
Machamp - ability Guts, Bashful nature, and moves
Scary Face / Strength / Knock Off / Vital Throw
Salamance - ability Moxie, Jolly nature, and moves
Dragon Dance / Hydro Pump / Fire Fang / Earthquake
Breloom - ability poison heal, adamant nature, and moves
Spore / Seed Bomb / Focus Punch / Substitute Dialga - ability Pressure, Serious nature, and moves
Ancient Power / Dragon Claw / Flash Cannon / Aura Sphere Crandios - ability Mold Breaker, Jolly nature, and moves
Crunch / Earthquake / Stone Edge / Head Smash Gliscor - ability Poison Heal, Impish nature, and moves
U-turn / Protect / Ice Fang / Earthquake Roserade - ability Technician, Naive nature, and moves Absorb / Dazzling Gleam / Stun Spore / Worry Seed
Azumarill - ability Huge Power, Adamant nature, and moves
Belly Drum / Aqua Jet / Play Rough / Superpower Clefable - ability Magic Guard, Calm nature, and moves
Moonblast / Moonlight / Stealth Rock / Wish Magnezone - ability Magnet Pull, Modest nature, and moves Flash Cannon / Light Screen / Recycle / Thunderbolt Alakazam - ability Synchronize, Naive nature, and moves
Dazzling Gleam / Thief / Psychic / Psyshock Bronzong - ability Levitate, Sassy nature, and moves Trick Room / Gyro Ball / Iron Defense / Earthquake Yanmega - ability Speed Boost, Gentle nature, and moves Air Slash / Ancient Power / Bug Buzz / Giga Impact Spiritomb - ability Infiltrator, Adamant nature, and moves Foul Play / Shadow Sneak / Will-O-Wisp / Sucker Punch Crobat - ability Infiltrator, Timid nature, and moves
Air Slash / Nasty Plot / Shadow Ball / Sludge Bomb
Politoed - ability Drizzle, Sassy nature, and moves
Scald / Earthquake / Blizzard / Protect
Clefable - ability Unaware, Jolly nature, and moves
Sweet Kiss / Disarming Voice / Covet / Charm
Manaphy - ability Hydration, Modest nature, and moves
Tail Glow / Energy Ball / Waterfall / Ice Beam
Ralts male - ability Telepathy, Jolly nature, and moves
Facade / Disarming Voice
Aerodactyl - ability Unnerve, Jolly nature, and moves
Crunch / Earthquake / Rock Slide / Iron Head
Probobass - ability Sand Force, Modest nature, and moves
Earth Power / Power Gem / Flash Cannon / Thunderbolt
Driftloon - ability Unburden, Modest nature, moves
Substitute / Will-O-Wisp / Shadow Ball / Thunderbolt
Starmie - ability: Analytic, TImid nature, and moves
Power Gem / Ice Beam / Cosmic Power / Hydro Pump
Kingdra - ability Sniper, Timid nature, and moves
Scald / Draco Meteor / Ice Beam / Flash Cannon
Ampharos - ability Static, Quiet nature, and moves
Thunder Wave / Rain Dance / Focus Miss / Thunderbolt Froslass - ability Snow Cloak, Modest nature, and moves Protect / Will-O-Wisp / Frost Breath / Hex Glailie - ability Ice Body, Relaxed nature, and moves Protect / Ice Fang / Freeze-Dry / Bite Floatzel - ability Swift Swim, Relaxed nature, and moves Water Gun / Bite / Swift / Aqua Jet Skarmory - ability Keen Eye, Impish nature, and moves Spikes / Whirlwind / Roost / Brave Bird Mudkip - ability Damp, Adamant nature, and moves
Bite / Double-Edge / Curse / Yawn Vulpix - ability Drought, Timid nature, and moves Heat Wave / Extrasensory / Hex / Memento Slakoth - ability Truant, Adamant nature, and moves
Rock Slide / Fling / Ice Beam / Thunder Arbok - ability Intimidate, Impish nature, and moves
Crunch / Gunk Shot / Earthquake / Glare Xatu - ability Synchronize, Timid nature, and moves
Grass Knot / Psychic / Shadow Ball / Dazzling Gleam
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timelord-emmet · 1 year
Back in Sinnoh
Once again~ Who are yoooou~?”
Emmet asks getting another small scolding from Agent Looker as they watch the nervous teen in front of them try to compose themselves .
W-well I’m Lucas ! The Champion of Sinnoh! WHO ARE YOU?”
They asks giving a suspicious look to the two men in front of him.
The subway Boss immediately brightens up at the teens words as he quickly cleaned himself up , flattening his frazzled hair from the trial he just completed and making sure his nose no longer bleeds.
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CHAMPION!?” he practically vibrates in excitement
Mr. Emmet Not NOW- Looker quicklyshuts down hisexcitement making the Conductor pout at the Agent and huffs .
-Apologise Mr.Lucas I’m Agent Looker of the International Police , the fellow beside me is Mr.Emmet of the Nimbasa City Subway in Unova-
Looker quickly takes charge in introductions though this seems to make the teen Champion even more confused as he looks the two men over curiously .
“Ooook so what is the I.P and a Subway Boss doing here ? and why did Azelf test you and hand you a fang? This is all suspicious stuff you know and as Champion it’s my job to make sure your not a threat to the region”
That gets Emmet to tilt his head curiously as the teen is in a slight tense and ready stance in case they attack him , despite the nervousness this kid has spirit and bravery to be willing to stand up to the two of them so quickly though suppos emakes sense seeing as he is a Champion and they are strangers with possible suspcious goals , he speaks up .
“I am Emmet , we mean no harm , we have a goal that affects no one , Azelf and the other guardians are assistanting me in finding my brother “
he gets straight to the point making Lucas blink a few times, soon they seem to relax and put their hand to their chin curiouslythinking.
“Oh yea i think i heard that the other Subway Boss went missing yea? Geez sorry about that, wait WHY would the Lake Guardians know where your brother is?”
The Subway Boss hums rocking back and forth on his heels thinking of the best way to explain the situation more clearly , though Looker seems to step in while he thinks .
- We have found evidence that Subway Boss Ingo was sent 200 years in the past by unknown forces here in Sinnoh or in those times Hisui -
That makes Emmet blink and he looks at the Agent, sure he knew Ingo was in the past but Emmet never bothered to keep up or delve deeper into EXACTLY where or how far Ingo was in the past , he was just speed running through it when he got the means and abilities to find his brother and the location of where he was, but seems Agent Looker picked up his slack and delved deeper to find the exact location and time .
Honestly he should of expected this from a Agent now that he thinks of it , the conductor copies Lucas placing a hand to his chin in thought, how many other things has Emmet missed ? He was conducting himself down a one track lane , tunnel vision fully enveloped him as he rushed to his next destination only barely taking breaks at both Sprits and Lookers insistence , ah not good no no not good at all he is not maintaining his cabin correctly, his steam be running low soon if he doesn’t brake and rest , check his safety procedures and maintainence , especially now after such a tiring trial , speaking of his mind is started to feel a little fuzzy.
Oh Ingo will be disappointed if he learns of this.
Emmet jolts out of his thoughts blinking a few times his vision blurry he barely makes out Looker holding him up by the arm and the Teen Champion who is surprisingly closer to him holding his hands?
Glancing down he sees his hands shaking , most likely his whole being too, he hears muffled speech as he stares at the teens hazy blue eyes filled with worry , huh why is he worried? They just met, Looker he can understand but-.......oh is the world spinning ? he feels so light suddenly .
Lucas calls out as the conductor starts to suddenly fall backwards blacking out, Looker catches him lying him down while Lucas hovers nervously and confused.
“W-what happened to him!?”
Looker checks him over frowning concerned and sighs .
-I’d say the exhaustion and stress added by the trial he passes has caught up to him, considering he had a nose bleed as well from the trial , his mind and body simple couldn’t hold itself anymore-
he looks up to the teen - Would you happen to know a place we could take him too? he needs rest and a check up on his health -
Lucas nods “ The pokemon Centre is close nearby , i can ask for a private room for you guys “
Looker nods and picks Emmet up bridal style slightly surprised by how light theConductor is, makes sense he hardly ate the entire time they started this journey and only had one full meal at that restraint a bit ago , he follows the young Champion who ushers him to follow to the pokémon centre in town , the teen gives him a look as they walk no doubt wanting more info on what’s happening and judging by the glint in their eyes , they are Defiently gonna want to join them.
he sighs
-Since when did i become a baby sitter ?-
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horizonboundtrainer · 4 years
Relevant crown tundra movepool changes ( aka ones May would give a shit about ):
Omastar: Sand Attack, Meteor Beam, Crunch, Pin Missile, Liquidation
Sceptile: Leafage, Assurance, Grassy Glide, Solar Blade, Cross Poison, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Dance, Scale Shot
Salamence: Air Slash, Breaking Swipe, Hurricane, Dual Wingbeat
Metagross: Tackle, Self-Destruct, Psycho Cut, Cosmic Power, Expanding Force, Meteor Beam, Steel Roller, Brutal Swing, Body Press
Regirock: Self-Destruct, Sand Tomb, Rock Blast, Flash Cannon, Heavy Slam, Body Press, Meteor Beam
Regice: Self-Destruct, Icicle Spear, Heavy Slam
Registeel: Self-Destruct, Sand Tomb, Heavy Slam, Body Press, Meteor Beam, Steel Roller
Latios: Confusion, Simple Beam, Psycho Cut, Mystical Fire, Air Slash, Breaking Swipe, Agility, Tri Attack, Baton Pass, Future Sight, Aura Sphere, Dual Wingbeat, Scale Shot
Garchomp: Bite, Scale Shot, Scorching Sands, Breaking Swipe
Azelf: Psybeam, Self-Destruct, Assurance, Drain Punch, Psycho Cut, Draining Kiss, Metronome, Tri Attack, Baton Pass, Encore, Stored Power, Play Rough, Expanding Force
Heatran: Metal Claw, Self-Destruct, Body Slam, Heavy Slam, Heat Crash, Body Press, Burning Jealousy, Scorching Sands, Steel Roller
Regigigas: Pound, Stomp, Hammer Arm, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Rest, Protect, Body Slam, Endure, Heat Crash, Darkest Lariat, High Horsepower, Body Press, Terrain Pulse
Tornadus: Leer, Scary Face, Weather Ball, Assurance, Body Slam, Endure, Nasty Plot, Lash Out
Tyrantrum: Rock Throw, Scary Face, Rock Blast, Assurance, Body Slam, Endure, Close Combat, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Lash Out, Meteor Beam, Scale Shot, Breaking Swipe, High Horsepower
Moveset changes for the ones not in Crown Tundra because Gamefreak is Gamefreak:
Feraligatr: Swift, Mud Shot, Brutal Swing, Breaking Swipe, Muddy Water, Psychic Fangs
Dustox: Venom Drench
Volbeat: Fake Tears, Agility
Banette: Helping Hand
Gliscor: Scary Face, Psychic Fangs
Emboar: Swift, Endure
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lumiose-fletchling · 7 years
Dex Helper [1/4] CLOSED
Fletchling’s flown in with our adoption list! For those of you who might have new games, or have been working on your adventures, hopefully we have some pokémon here that can help!
Send in your IGN, deposit, and request. No pokémon are shiny. First to request gets priority. I can do holds for a few hours. After that, they’re back on the list.
You may also request more than one!
Currently breeding: Moon ball Piplup with Hydro Pump, Yawn, Agility, and Feather Dance
Delphox, male, lv 48, Adamant, Magician
Braixen, male, lv 19, Quiet, Blaze
Fennekin, female, lv 1, Hasty, Blaze
Fennekin, female, lv 1, Adamant, Blaze
Charmander, male, lv 1, Rash,Blaze, knows Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power
Charmander, dream ball, male, lv 1, Impish, Blaze
Charmander, male, lv 1, Brave, Blaze, knows Flare Blitz, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power
Charizard, male, lv 36, Bashful, Blaze
Torchic, male, lv 1, Sassy, Speed Boost, knows Night Slash, Reversal, Endure, Baton Pass
Cyndaquil, level ball, male,lv 1, Timid,Blaze
Darumaka, female, lv 1, Hardy, Hustle, knows Snatch, Hammer Arm, Focus Punch
Ninetales, JPN, female, lv 26, Lax, Flash Fire, pokérus cured
Magmortar, male, lv 34, Jolly, Flame Body
Ponyta, female, lv 1, Docile, Flash Fire, knows Captivate
Fletchinder, female, lv 18, Serious, Flame Body
Talonflame, named Pumpkin, mle, lv 53, Sassy, Flame Body, pokérus
Simipour, female, lv 57, Brave, Gluttony
Marill, male, lv 1, Adamant, Thick Fat, knows Superpower, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet
Marill, female, lv 1, Adamant, Huge Power, knows Belly Drum, Body Slam, Aqua Jet
Marill, male, lv 1, Adamant, Huge Power, knows Belly Drum, Body Slam, Aqua Jet
Lapras, male, lv 50, Adamant, Shell Armor
Lapras, CHT, male, lv 1, Naive, Shell Armor, knows Freeze Dry
Slowpoke, male, lv 41, Lonely, Oblivious, holding King’s Rock
Squirtle, dream ball, male, lv 1, Modest, Torrent, knows Water Spout, Aura Sphere, Fake Out, Dragon Pulse
Squirtle, male, lv 1, Serious, Torrent, knows Aura Sphere, Mirror Coat
Popplio, male, lv 1, Modest, Torrent, knows Perish Song, Amnesia
Froakie, male, lv 1, Relaxed, Torrent, knows Toxic Spikes, Mud Sport, Water Sport, Camouflage
Piplup, male, lv 1, Sassy, Torrent, knows Yawn, Bide, Hydro Pump
Wailord, male, lv 40, Lax, Oblivious
Pyukumuku, love ball, female, lv 50, Quiet, Innards Out
Kingdra, female, lv 52, Modest, Swift Swim
Seismitoad, male, lv 41, Lax, Water Absorb
Gorebyss, JPN, female, lv 16, Lax, Swift Swim
Carnivine, female, lv 30, Rash, Levitate
Bounsweet, love ball, female, lv 1, Hardy, Sweet Veil, 5 IV
Bulbasaur, male, lv 1, Docile, Chlorophyll
Bulbasaur, male, lv 1, Careful, Chlorophyll, knows Giga Drain
Bulbasaur, male, lv 1, Docile, Overgrow
Turtwig, male, lv 1, Lonely, Overgrow, knows Seed Bomb, Earth Power, Superpower
Treecko, male, lv 1, Lax, Overgrow, knows Leaf Storm
Serperior, male, lv 49, Relaxed, Overgrow
Exeggcute, male, lv 28, Hasty, Chlorophyll, knows Skill Swap
Rowlet, male,lv 1, Bold, Overgrow, knows Defog, Confuse Ray, Haze, Baton Pass
Snivy, male, lv 1, Timid, Contrary, knows Glare
Tangrowth, JPN, male, lv 53, Calm, Leaf Guard
Ferroseed, male, lv 1, Brave, Iron Barbs, 4 IVs
Snover, male, lv 39, Calm, Snow Warning
Sunflora, female, lv 37, Timid, Solar Power, pokérus
Gloom, named SLICE, male, lv 23, Sassy, Stench, from the good old days
Cherrim, named Mon Cherie, female, lv 37, Lonely, Flower Gift
Kricketot, male, lv 1, Relaxed, Shed Skin
Shedinja, lv 22, Naughty, Wonder Guard
Caterpie, love ball, male, lv 1, Jolly, Shield Dust
Cutiefly, male, lv 1, Timid, Honey Gather, knows Moonblast, Skill Swap, Baton Pass
Cutiefly, love ball, named Mauve, male, lv 1, Timid, Honey Gather, knows Moonblast, Speed Swap, Baton Pass
Grubbin, beast ball, female, lv 1, Calm, Swarm
Surskit, male, lv 1, Gentle, Swift Swim
Wurmple, sport ball, female, lv 1, Quirky, Shield Dust
Ledyba, named Ladybirb, female, lv 3, Timid, Swarm
Porygon, lv 1, Naughty, Trace
Sentret, male, lv 1,, Quiet, Keen Eye
Sentret, female, lv 13, Naive, Run Away
Delcatty, female, lv 7, Calm, Normalize
Eevee, dream ball, male, lv 1, Quirky, Adaptability, knows Wish, 5 IV
Eevee, dream ball, male, lv 1, Sassy, Run Away, knows Wish, 5 IV
Eevee, dream ball, male, lv 1, Gentle, Adaptability, knows Wish, 5 IV
Eevee, dream ball, male, lv 1, Naive, Run Away, knows Wish, 5 IV
Eevee, dream ball, male, lv 1, Naughty, Run Away, 5 IV
Wigglytuff, female, lv 57, Gentle, Cute Charm
Deerling, Spring, female, lv 14, Bold, Sap Sipper
Deerling, Spring, named Olivia, female, lv 1, Mild, Sap Sipper, pokérus
Deerling, Winter, named Pashmina, female, lv 1, Bashful, Sap Sipper
Aipom, male, lv 1, Lonely, Run Away, knows Switcheroo, Beat Up, Fake Out
Aipom, female, lv 34, Hasty, Run Awau
Glameow, dream ball, named McGonagall, female, lv 1, Rash, Limber, knows Flail, Last Resort, Wake-Up Slap
Igglybuff, named Hibiko, female, lv 1, Impish, Competitive
Swablu, dream ball, named Ocarina, female, lv 1, Quirky, Natural Cure, knows Roost
Zigzagoon, male, lv 8, Relaxed, Gluttony
Drampa, female, lv 1, Modest, Berserk
Lopunny, female, lv 33, Lax, Cute Charm
Lopunny, female, lv 43, Brave, Cute Charm
Bouffalant, female, lv 31, Mild, Sap Sipper
Miltank, love ball, female, lv 55, Hasty, Thick Fat
Fletchling, level ball, named Thanks♪♥, male, Lax, Gale Wings, knows Quick Guard
Fletchling, level ball, male, Modest, Big Pecks, knows Quick Guard
Fletchling, level ball, male, Quirky, Big Pecks, knows Quick Guard
Oranguru, male, lv 19, Brave, Telepathy
Archen, male, lv 1, Jolly, Defeatist
Archen, male, lv 1, Lax, Defeatist
Kabutops, male,lv 41, Adamant, Swift Swim, pokérus
Onix, male, lv 1, Quiet, Rock Head
Larvitar, female, lv 1, Lax, Guts, knows Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance, Pursuit, Iron Head
Aurorus, male, lv 53, Hardy, Refridgerate
Shieldon, male, lv 1, Jolly, Sturdy
Rockruff, named Loki, male, lv 1, Brave, Vital Spirit, knows Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Sucker Punch
Rhyperior, JPN, male, lv 30, Hasty, Reckless
Beldum, beast ball, lv 1, Adamant, Clear Body
Doublade, male, lv 40, Quirky, No Guard, pokérus
Emolga, female, lv 51, Modest, Static
Mareep, dream ball, male, lv 1, Modest, Static, knows Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Iron Tail
Electrike, female, lv 5, Timid, Lightning Rod
Togedemaru, male, lv 29, Relaxed, Lightning Rod
Heliolisk, male, lv 43, Bashful, Dry Skin
Electivire, named Electivyer, male, lv 91, Calm, Motor Drive, from Sinnoh
Pichu, love ball, female, lv 6, Naive, Lightning Rod
Mareep, named Pom, female, lv 12, Bold, Static
Litwick,female, lv 1, Impish, Flash Fire, knows Acid, Acid Armor
Yamask, female, lv 1, Lax, Mummy
Duskull, dream ball, female, lv 1, Quirky, Levitate
Duskull, female, lv 1, Quiet, Levitate, knows Pain Split, Skill Swap, Feint Attack
Trevenant, male, lv 1, Careful, Harvest, knows Bestow
Pumpkaboo, female, lv 1, Impish, Pickup
Banette, male, lv 55, Quiet, Insomnia
Munna, male, lv 1, Bold, Forewarn
Ralts, dream ball, named Knightly, male, lv 1, Impish, Trace, knows Memento, Encore, Disable, Destiny Bond
Natu, male, lv 39, Lonely, Synchronize
Espeon, male, lv 37, Relaxed, Synchronize
Sigilyph, female, lv 31, Rash, Magic Guard, pokérus
Espurr, male, lv 1, Timid, Keen Eye
Solosis, male, lv 1, Gentle, Magic Guard, knows Confuse Ray, Astonish, Night Shade
Zoroark, male, lv 48, Serious, Illusion
Scraggy, male, lv 1, Jolly, Moxie, knows Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch
Scraggy, female, lv 34, Jolly, Moxie
Pawniard, female, lv 1, Modest, Inner Focus, knows Sucker Punch, Psycho Cut
Cleffa, female, lv 27, Naughty, Magic Guard
Aromatisse, GER, female, lv 44, Bashful, Healer
Comfey, JPN, love ball, female, lv 1, Bold, Triage
Togepi, female, lv 1, Mild, Hustle
Granbull, named Benji, male, lv 44, Mild, Quick Feet
Sawk, JPN, male, lv 1, Docile, Inner Focus
Crabrawler, female, lv 1, Quirky, Hyper Cutter, 5 IVs
Pangoro, male, lv 38, Adamant, Iron Fist
Mienfoo, named BOB, male, lv 34, Quiet, Regenerator
Riolu, male, lv 1, Adamant, Steadfast, knows Meteor Mash
Vulpix, love ball, female, lv 1, Timid, Snow Cloak, knows Encore, Moonblast, Freeze-Dry
Sandshrew, female, lv 1, Careful, Snow Cloak, knows Night Slash, Icicle Crash, Curse, Amnesia
Spheal, female, lv 1, Brave, Ice Body, knows Aqua Ring
Swinub, male, lv 1, Hasty, Oblivious, knows Stealth Rock, Bite, Icicle Spear, Fissure
Cryogonal, lv 1, Quirky, Levitate
Salandit, female, lv 1, Adamant, Corrosion
Crobat, female, lv 47, Adamant, Inner Focus
Crobat, male, lv 51, Bashful, Inner Focus
Toxicroak, JPN, female, lv 58, Hasty, Dry Skin
Axew, beast ball, male, lv 1, Adamant, Mold Breaker
Gabite, beast ball, female, lv 26, Jolly, Sand Veil
Dratini, named Thundaga, male, lv 1, Careful, Shed Skin, knows Dragon Dance, Water Pulse, Aqua Jet, Extreme Speed
Dratini, male, lv 1, Adamant, Marvel Scale, knows Twister, Extreme Speed
Dratini, male, lv 1, Adamant, Marvel Scale, knows Extreme Speed
Dratini, female, lv 1, Adamant, Shed Skin, knows Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed
Jangmo-o, female, lv 1, Calm, Soundproof
Tapu Bulu, lv 60, Quirky, Grassy Surge
Tapu Koko, lv 60, Rash, Electric Surge
Ho-oh, JPN, lv 60, Sassy, Pressure
Ho-oh, lv 70, Quiet, Pressure, from Johto
Entei, JPN, lv 40, Hardy, Inner Focus, from the good old days
Entei, KOR, lv 50, Sassy, Pressure
Entei, named Roseluck, lv 50, Lonely, Pressure
Entei, lv 60, Impish, Pressure, from Johto
Raikou, JPN, lv 60, Impish, Pressure
Raikou, JPN, lv 40, Careful, Pressure, from Johto
Articuno, JPN, lv 50, Hardy, Pressure, from Kanto
Thundurus, JPN, male, lv 50, Docile, Prankster
Azelf, JPN, lv 60, Hardy, Levitate
Buzzwole, JPN, lv 60, Adamant, Beast Boost
Terrakion, named Terra Law, lv 60, Naughty, Justified
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ianmrid · 4 years
You Gotta Play Smart!
Something that Gen4 really goes hard into is expanding on the games lore, not just of the new Sinnoh region, but of the pokémon world as a whole. And needless to say it gets pretty weird.
There are lots of hints all over Sinnoh as to its history; ancient statues in Eterna City, a well-stocked library in Canalave City, various NPCs who seem very clued up, and even the regions Champion herself, Cynthia, who, along with her family, most notably her grandmother, are very interested in Sinnoh lore. They hail from Celestic Town, a place with ancient cave paintings which located very near the mysterious Mt. Coronet. Mt. Coronet is described in-game as the ‘Origin of Sinnoh’ and the climatic points of the story happen at its peak, an area known as Spear Pillar.
As is to be expected, this story involves the evil team of team of the region: Team Galactic. Lead by Cyrus, Team Galactic are attempting to capture one or both of the box-art Legendary pokémon; Dialga (a Steel-and-Dragon-type with power over time) or Palkia (a Water-and-Dragon-type with power over space). With them captured, he plans to remake the world anew for....reasons. He seems to want a world without the human spirit or emotions because he thinks they are bad, so he realy just comes across as a bit of a moody nihilist. Anyway, whatever his reasons he plans to do this capturing the Lake Guardians (Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf), another Legendary Trio of pokémon representing Knowledge, Emotion, and Willpower, and who have the power to contain and control Dialga/Palkia..
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Being the god-damn hero that you are, you free the Lake Guardians and then leap in to battle and capture or defeat one or both of Dialga/Palkia before the third member of the Creation Trio appears - Giratina, a Ghost/Dragon type with power over anti-matter. They drag Cyrus off to the Distortion World, a place where time and space have no meaning. You and Cynthia follow to try and save Cyrus and once you battle and capture or defeat Giratina, you will appear back in Sinnoh in the mysterious and confusing Turnback Cave which now provides a second portal between the main world and the Distortion World (and another chance to catch Giratina if needed). Cyrus however, with his plans in ruins, stays behind in the Distortion World, never to be seen again.
All in all, this is a pretty good plot, but it starts to get even more interesting with all the expansions to the lore. From talking to NPCs or reading books in Canalave library, you learn that the Original One - a pokémon called Arceus - hatched from an egg and created both Dialga and Palkia. The Lake Guardians were then also created by Arceus in order to use Dialga and Palkias mastery of time and space to create the Sinnoh region, and indeed all of the pokémon world:
In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos. At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, appeared an Egg. Having tumbled from the vortex, the Egg gave rise to the Original One. From itself, two beings the Original One did make. Time started to spin. Space began to expand. From itself again, three living things the Original One did make. The two beings wished, and from them, matter came to be. The three living things wished, and from them, spirit came to be. The world created, the Original One took to unyielding sleep...
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Further discussions with Cynthia expands on a forgotten part of this myth: Giratina, which seems to have been banished to the Distortion World for its violent nature:
When this world was made, Dialga and Palkia appeared. Apparently, there was one more Pokémon that appeared at the same time. A Pokémon with as much power as Dialga and Palkia...But also one whose name was never to be spoken--Giratina! It's said to lurk in another world... A world on the opposite side of ours...
Clearly there are lots of parallels with many real-world creation myths here and this essentially makes Arceus the pokémon God, and Giratina the pokémon Devil. This is pretty cool, and it also means the pokémon God kinda looks like a fancy robot horse that got stuck in a gold fence.
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Another thing I like is that Cynthia speculates that maybe, as with all good myths and legends, they arose as ancient people struggled to explain the insanely powerful pokémon they were encountering. Dialga uses a move called Roar of Time and Palkia uses Spacial Rend so it must have seemed to people as if they really did control space and time themselves. However the reality is, of course, lost in the depths of time.
Not all the myths and legends are related such weighty topics as  the creation of all things, but are no less wild all the same.In various places we learn all sorts of things. Firstly a folk story about why pokémon appear in tall grass:
Long ago, when Sinnoh had just been made, Pokémon and humans led separate lives.That is not to say they did not help each other. No, indeed they did.They supplied each other with goods, and supported each other. A Pokémon proposed to the others to always be ready to help humans. It asked that Pokémon be ready to appear before humans always. Thus, to this day, Pokémon appear to us if we venture into tall grass.
This absolutely didn’t need an explanation, but I love that they bothered! Next up is a rather long story that seems to suggest the origins behind the fact that people don’t seem to use weapons in the pokémon world, instead using pokémon battles (Spoiler Alert: it’s because someone got sad that he killed loads of pokémon with a sword):
A young man, callow and foolish in innocence, came to own a sword. With it, he smote Pokémon, which gave sustenance, with carefree abandon. Those not taken as food, he discarded, with no afterthought. The following year, no Pokémon appeared. Larders grew bare.The young man, seeking the missing Pokémon, journeyed afar. Long did he search. And far and wide, too, until one he did find.Asked he, "Why do you hide?" To which the Pokémon replied..."If you bear your sword to bring harm upon us, with claws and fangs, we will exact a toll. From your kind we will take our toll, for it must be done. Done it must be to guard ourselves and for it, I apologize". To the skies, the young man shouted his dismay. "In having found the sword, I have lost so much. Gorged with power, I grew blind to Pokémon being alive. I will never fall savage again. This sword I denounce and forsake. I plead for forgiveness, for I was but a fool". So saying, the young man hurled the sword to the ground, snapping it. Seeing this, the Pokémon disappeared to a place beyond seeing...
Yet another story seeks to remind us again that people EAT pokémon which although it makes in one way, since pokémon are the substitutes for animals in the in-game world (and they also eat each other as confirmed in many Pokédex entries), they are also shown to be not just sentient, but highly intelligent beings. So this is more than a tad creepy, especially with how much they really want you to pick the bones clean...
Pick clean the bones of Pokémon caught in the sea or stream. Thank them for the meals they provide, and pick their bones clean. When the bones are as clean as can be, set them free in the water from which they came.The Pokémon will return, fully fleshed, and it begins anew.
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The eating of pokémon is even weirder when you consider the most insane myths: that pokémon and people were so close in ancient times that they were seemingly interchangeable:
There lived a Pokémon in a forest.In the forest, the Pokémon shed its hide to sleep as a human. Awakened, the human dons the Pokémon hide to roam villages. 
Within the newborn spirit, time and space were intertwined as one. People and Pokémon, too, were but the same presence. As I understand it, people and Pokémon shared the spirit and awareness. They should have understood and accepted each other then. Because they shared the same spirit, people and Pokémon intermingled. People took the place of Pokémon, and the opposite also held true. That interpretation could give us an idea about how our world came to be. 
Which leads us to our climax of insane myths: people and pokémon used to be able to get married!!!! Sensibly, in western releases, this line was altered to replace ‘get married’ with ‘eat at the same table’, but the whole marriage thing was left in the Japanese text, so it is basically cannon. Talk about giving carte blance to the Rule34 folk on deviantart!
There once were Pokémon that became very close to humans. There once were humans and Pokémon that ate together at the same table. It was a time when there existed no differences to distinguish the two.  
Of course, a lot of this doesn’t make much sense, but to be fair, that is true of the myths and legends in the real world too. I just love all this stuff; people inhabiting the in-game world using powerful pokémon to explain the natural world is very cool. However, with the pokémon in question being objectively real in-game, this adds a further blurring between the truth and the legend. Did a 10 year old actually capture the pokémon Devil? Maybe he really did.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
pokemon pearl nintendo ds
pokemon pearl nintendo ds
Pokemon Pearl cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Pokemon Pearl cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Pokemon Pearl.
Genre: Role-Playing, Third-Person 2D RPG Developer: Game Freak, Inc Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: April 22, 2007
How To Get Shaimin
This is how you get shaimin. (i think thats how you spell it)first you have to have an ar (action replay)then get run through anything cheat. Go as far back behind the elite four building as you can. Youre supposed to see a silver rock that when you press A it says “it is smooth like a mirror” or something like that. Go two steps right and then go up. There you go shaimin is right there. PS. You don’t have to go through victory road just go over it.
Slow Motion
To go in slow motion press L any time in the game to go in slow motion.
Additional Eevees
After obtaining the national pokedex go to the mansion on route 212 (south of hearthome) talk to the mantion owner everyday until he says an EEVEE kissed him on the cheek. Then go to the trophy garden and stroll in the grass until you find it, it may take a while, so b patient (hint: if you want alot of eevees catch a male and female and put them in the daycare in solaceon town, and they will have eggs).
Pokemon To Evolve
Misdreavus To Mismagius=Using Dusk StoneMurkrow To Honchrow=Using Dusk StoneRoselia To Roserade=Shiny StoneMagikarp To Gyarados=Level Up To 20Feebas To Milotic=With High Beauty Haunter To Gengar=Trade And Then BackGraveler To Golem=Trade And Then BackKadabra To Alakazam=Trade And Then Back (Warning you must have two systems or With a buddy to get the tradeable pokemon)Bonsly To Sudowoodo=Knowing A Certain MoveBarboach To Wiscash=Level Up At 30Shieldon To Bastiodon=Level Up At 30Cranidos To Rampardos=Level Up At 30
Easy Shaymin
This how you get shaymin. 1 . Get a action replay. 2 . Turn on the run anywhere cheat. 3 . Fly to the pokemon leage. 4 . Run or use your bike go the right. 5 . Once you get to the island go straight up. 6 save once you get to shaymin. It will be a level 30.
Pokedar Pokemon
Here is all of the pokeradar pokemon you can find here in pokemon Pearl. Note: This is slightly different from the ones in Pokemon Diamond
Mightyena: Route 214 + 215Larvitar: Route 207Mareep: Valley WindworksNidoran Female + Male: Route 201Venonat: Route 229Mankey: Route 225 +226Grimer: Route 212Ditto: Route 218Sentret: Route 202Togepi: Route 230Hoppip: Route 205Sunkern: Route 204 NorthWobbuffet: The Three LakesSmeargle: Route 212 NorthTyrogue: Route 208 + 211 WestMiltank: Route 209 + 210 SouthSwellow: Route 213Ralts: Route 203 +204 SouthNincada: Eterna ForestLoudred: Mount Coronet TopAron: Fuego IronworksTorkoal: Route 227 + Stark MountainTrapinch: Route 228Swablu: Route 211 EastBaltoy: Route 206Kecleon: Route 210 NorthDuskull: Route 224Snorunt: Route 216 +217, Lake Acuity Surroundings
Giratina Orgin Form
In order to get Origin Giratina permanantly, go back to Turnback Cave after you got the National Dex and where Giratina was in D/P, a vortex will be there. Enter it, and you will be at Torn World again, and if you reach the end, you will get the Platinum Orb. Equip it to Giratina and it will be Origin Giratina.
First you’ll need to have done several things:Beat the pokemon league and entered the hall of fame, gotten the national pokedex, and gotten to the battle zone. You’ll find Mankey or Primeape on your way to the survival area[which is route 225, and route 226], using the poke’ radar. It may take a while.
How To Find Cresselia
You will to fly to canalave city at night go to a houesthen you will see a boy sleeping but the boy will have nightmers then go talk to he’s dad he’s dad is the sailorhe will take you to fullmoon island oh you will need thenational pokedex.
Evolve Graveler into a Golem
First, evolve a Geodude into a Graveler, then trade him and he’ll evolve into a Golem. Get him back, and you’ll have a Golem.
Repels on Victory Road
Repels don’t work on the Victory Road.
Where To Find Pichu
Pichu can be found in the trophy garden. It maytake awhile though.
Rare Nidorino
In Pal Park you can find a rare pokemon, nidorino. It may take a while, but you will findnidorino outside pal park. It will be mostly boys.
Shiny Tentacool
On route 205, there is a river that heads to the Fuego Ironworks. In that river, use surf and you might find a shiny tentacool!
Get the Three Pokemon of the Lakes
First of all, you must have captured Palkia to capture the three pokemon of the lakes (Uxie, Mespirit and Azelf). First, you should get Dusk Balls and Quick Balls. (You also have a surfing Pokemon and a pokemon that is 50 or over).Next, fly to Snowpoint City and go to Lake Acuity. Then go to the little island in the middle. Catch Uxie. (ONLY USE DUSK BALLS!!!!)Then go to either Veilstone City or Pastoria city and head for lake Valor. Catch Azelf. (AGAIN,ONLY USE DUSK BALLS!) Mespirit is the trickiest and hardest to catch.First, go to Twinleaf Town and go to Lake Verity. If you talk to Mesprit, it will fly off somewhere. Professor Rowan will come and tell you to chase it down, Use the marking map to get Mesprit. (It is best to only use quick balls when you encounter Mesprit. Your pokemon must also be faster.It will flee in one turn)
How To Get Girantina
To get Giratina, you need to have the National Pokedex, at least one pokemon over 75, and need to have at least $100,000. First, buy 50 ultra balls. Then you need to buy as many max repels as you can. Then go to Sendoff Spring (you MUST have defog and rock climb) and get through Turnback Cave and at the end, you will find Girantina. I suggest you save before starting the battle.
Red Gyarados
If you remember correctly, there was a red gyarados in Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal versions. Now it is revived in one of the three lakes here in Pearl and Diamond. It is in one of the small squares in one of the lakes, but I can’t remember which one. It is the easiest shiny to get.
Shiny Badges
To make your badges shiny and clean, you rub on your badges a lot until it is clean.
Shiny Pikachu
There is a Shiny Pikachu somewhere in Trophy Garden. It took me about 70 Pikachu’s to get to it, so it was easy to me. If you love Pikachu, go to Trophy Garden.
Getting Probopass
First to get Probopass you need to have a nosepass. Go to Mt. Corenet and lvl it up. It should then evolve into probopass.
Corsola can be found at Route 230.
Shiny Medicham
There is a shiny Medicham somewhere in the lake close to Snowpoint City (I forgot the name), but it will take a long time to get it.
Getting Gliscor
To get Gliscor you must have a Gligar. Give Gligar a Razor Fang and level it up at NIGHT.
Darkrai/ Shaymin
To get Darkrai you have to buy a gameshark. Go online to find the “Walk anywhere” code. Then go to FullMoon Island. Walk all the way to your right until you reach Newmoon Island. Go into the forest and there is Darkrai (you will need a Master Ball). To get Shaymin you need to do the same thing to get Darkrai. Go to the Pokemon League/ Elite Four. Go down the side of the cliff. Keep looking around until you find a stone tablet. Then,go straight up (it takes a long time to get there, use Master Ball) Darkrai lv. 50 Shaymin lv. 30 Darkrai’s ability is Bad Dreams which hurt your Pokemon if they’re asleep attacks Hypnosis, Nightmare, Night Shade and Shadow Ball. Shaymin’ s ability is Natural Cure all status conditions are cured when you switch it out. Attacks are Mega Drain, Synthesis, Sweet Scent and Giga Drain. I got them from a trade because my friend had three of each. I also found them in the wild. There is a bad thing about walking anywhere though places called Mystery Zones. If you go to far or stay to long in the same spot it could FREEZE AND DESTROY your game then, you’ll have start all over.
Best Partner In Battle Tower
When you’re in the Battle Tower, if you want to team up with a CPU you should always pick the girl with green hair.
Easy Money
To do this, you need at least $100,000 or more, caught Giratina, and need a Pokemon that know Rock Smash, and Rock Climb. Buy as many Max Repels as you can afford, go over to Spring Path, go into Turnback Cave, and use a Max Repel. After you use 1-5 Max Repels, you will get to the place where you encountered Giratina, and there will either be a Reaper Cloth, Rare Bone, or Stardust. When your Max Repels are gone, sell all af your gotten items except the Reaper Cloths. Your money should be higher than it started.
Mespirit And Cressilia
To get the two pokemon quicker first go sangem town then change to the poketech that lets you see their movement. After go to the spot where above the poke center and keep walking in between sangem and the route. Then when mespirit or Cressilia is in the spot above sangem look in that small patch of grass to find them. If they are not there three times try this again. I caught the both of them in 1 day.
Catch A Chimecho
In Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, it is very hard to capture a Chimecho, but in Pearl all you have to do is go to the top floor of Mount Coronet (not Spear Pillar).
Nidoran (boy)
To find this pokemon you have to have the national pokedex and the poke radar. It will be located on Route 201. You might want to look in the spots of grass that sparkle really quick. Most of the time it will be Nidoran(boy).
Get Solarbeam To Use Immediately
If you use Sunny Day, or if a migrated Groudon uses its special ability, you wont have to charge up for Solarbeam. This is very useful if you want to beat hard opponents.
Migratory Pokemon Appearences
If you migrate Pokemon, they will only appear in Battle Park.
Catch Uxie, Azelf, And Mesprite Easily
First, stock up on Ultra Balls. You should have at least 50+. Then go to Lake Acucity (you have to have a Pokeman with Surf) and go to the middle. There should be an island. Go into the cave on the island. When in the cave, go up to Uxie and talk to it. Then you will have to battle it, but it’s a wild Pokemon. Get its health down really low, and use an Ultra Ball. IF you catch it, go out of the cave and go to Lake Valor. The water will be back in it. Surf to the middle and go in the cave again. Go up to Azelf and talk to it. Repeat the same process as with Uxie. Mesprite is a lot trickier. Go to Lake Verity and go to the cave again. Talk to Mesprite and it will fly off somewhere. Then Professor Rowan will come. He will tell you to use the Marking Map to track Mesprite. Go to the Marking Map and mark Lake Verity with a star. You should see a small face on the map. You can’t Fly to the city it’s near or it will move. You have to walk. You only get to use one move before Mesprite leaves. When you encounter it again, it’ll have the same health as when it fled. If you get it’s health down very low on one turn, it will flee anyway. Find Mesprite again, and use an Ultra Ball. If you don’t catch Mesprite, just keep trying. Sometimes it will go to a cave in the Battle Park. I haven’t figured out the rest yet.P.S. To do this, you have to have saved them from Team Galactic and you have to have caught Palkia.
How To Get Cresselia
To do this you should have the National Pokedex. First, fly to Canalave, and go to the sailor that takes you to Iron Island. He’ll ask you to go to Fullmoon Island to get the Lunar Wing for his son (he’s in an endless nightmare). You get there, and go up, then right, then go through the entrance. You’ll see Cresselia as an icon on the screen *It’ll dissappear when you talk to it*.Then go back to Canalave, and go into the sailor’s house. Talk to the boy in bed, and he’ll wake up. *You will be able to catch Cresselia along with Mespirit*
Blue Shellos
If you find a Shellos between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. the shellos with be blue with a new design!
Timer Balls
Timer Balls make pokemon easier to catch every 10 turns. Not as the battle goes on.
Super Powerful Dragon Move
Draco Meteor has a cool name and is powerful.(PP:5/5) (Power:140) (Type:Dragon) Get a dragon pokemon to trust/like/love you maximum. Then fly to Celestic Town. Go to route 210, across the bridge, up the stairs, across this bridge, across this bridge, too. Now use rock climb down the hill, now go rock climb right up the hill, battle the trainer, go up, into the house and talk to the person.
In survival area, in desert next to the town there will be a pokemon called dugtrio. Some of them know the one hit KO move fissure. This can be very useful for the battle tower. Most of the time fissure misses. Sometimes it works but not on flying type.
Unlimited Experience Shares
To do this trick, you must have the National Pokedex. Then, play a Game Boy Advance Pokemon game until you get the Experience Share. If you chose FireRed or LeafGreen, its gonna take a while. If you chose Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald, you only have to beat the second gym. Once you have the Experience Share, give it to a Pokemon and import it (along with five others) to Pearl. Remember; the Pokemon CANNOT be returned, so think carefully. To get more, repeat the process. You can sell them or give them to weak Pokemon (they sell for $1,500 each, so do this to get rich quick).
How To Move The Psyduck From Route 210
Go to route 213 to meet Cynthia. Then she will give you secret potion. Once you get it go back to route 210 and use it on the psyducks.
Where To Get A Master Ball
Go to galactic headquarters in Veilstone city. Beat your way to the boss. After you beat the boss he gives you a master ball use it wisely.
National Dex/Completing The Shinou Dex
Complete the Shinou Dex (see all 150 Shinou Pokemon, Manaphy (#151) is not included)
Seal Case
You get the Seal Case in Solaceon Town. You get it from the woman in the house right outside the Solaceon Ruins.
Unlimited Masterballs
First, before I say anything, this is a time consuming cheat and requires patience. You will also need Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald OR ANOTHER Diamond/Pearl. I suggest you beat the Pokemon League(I don’t know if it’s required) first. Start out by starting a new game on the game you will be using to get the masterball. For me, I started a new game on my emerald. Past through the game all the way until you get a master ball. As I said, this isn’t easy. Once you have obtained your masterball, trade it with a pokemon into your Diamond/Pearl and you’ll have another master ball! Keep doing that if you want a lot more.
To get Giratins you first must have the National Pokedex. A new area of Shinnoh will appear called the Spring Path outside of Veilstone. Giratina is at LV. 70 so it is very powerful. To catch it you should have a lot of Dusk Balls and Timer Balls, about 20 or 30 of each. Giratina is a Ghost type Pokemon so it is a powerful addition to your team.
Marking Map
The Marking Map allows you to trace traveling Pokemon like Mesprit. You get it at the PokeTech Center in Jublife City.
National Pokedex
To get the National Pokedex you need to SEE all 150 Pokemon in the Shinnoh Region.
How To Get Lucario
First off, you must have the first five badges or more. Fly over to Canalave City. After that, head to the opposite side of the city. You should see a sailor dude next to a ship. Talk to him and he’ll ask where you want to go. Choose Iron Island. You’ll end up at an island(obviously.)Head over past the house and into the cave. Go to the right and then head up the next flight of stairs. Keep going to your right and then head down the stairs. Head straight down to where the trainer is and go up the stairs TO YOUR LOWER RIGHT. Go down for about 2 steps and down the elevator. Next, go down the left flight of stairs. You should find a guy named Riley standing right near you. he will team up with you. *Spoilers* His pokemon is a Lucario *End of spoilers* Now, start battling people, etc. until you reach the end. Riley will then give you an egg. Run around about 6,500 steps. You can keep track with your Poketch Step Counter(If you have it, you should.) The egg will hatch and it will be the pre-evolved form of Lucario, Riolu. The only way to make it evolve is to make it love you(Win as many battles with Riolu as possible) during the DAY. This means you can only evolve it from 12:00 PM to 6:59 PM(Or an hour earlier) Earth time.
Get To Battle Tower
To get to Battle Tower you first have to beat the Pokemon League. Then go to Snowpoint City and take the boat right by the entrance to the city. The man will take you to the Fight Area, which has the battle Tower. Also there are the Survival and Resort Areas also on the same island.
Different Kinds Of Poke Balls
Besides Poke Balls, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls there are 8 other types: The Heal Ball, Net Ball, Nest Ball, Dusk Ball, Quick Ball, Timer Ball, Repeat Ball, and Luxury Ball. These types of Poke Balls can only be found at the Poke Mart inside the Pokemon League.
Catch The Three Lake Pokemon Easier
When you meet Mesprit, Uxie, or Azelf the Easiest way to catch them is with a Dusk Ball, a Quick Ball, or a Timer Ball. A Dusk Ball works better in a cave, a Quick Ball works when it is thrown at the beginning of a battle, and a Timer Ball gets better as the battle goes on.
Finding The Balloon Pokemon
When you are at that little house and the girl tells you about the balloon pokemon, you find it can only be found one day of the week. You can find the balloon pokemon as a little icon on the screen on Fridays.
Beat The Game Quickly
The fastest way to get through the game is to buy as many Max Repels as you can afford. It lets you avoid wild pokemon and you can run throughout the game without being stopped once! They only cost $700 so they are a great buy and useful too!
Cheap Healing – MooMoo Milk
MooMoo Milk is a cheap potion that cost $500 and heals 100HP for each one! It is good in situations in which you don’t have a lot of money.
Growing Spheres
While in the underground if you bury a sphere it will grow in size.
Ghost Sightings
If you go to the Old Chateau after nighttime you could see some ghosts in the dinning room and a little girl ghost in another room.
Change Time
To change the time on your poketech (once get it) you have to change the time on your DS.
Card Signature
Go to any Pokemon Center, and go upstairs. Talk to the lady farthest to the left, or the first lady, behind the counter. She’ll ask you if you want to sign your trainer card. Say yes and take your stylus out and sign it.
My Faveroite AR Cheats!
The following are Action Replay cheat codes:
Max Cash (Press L+R)94000130 FCFF0000B21C4D28 00000000B0000004 00000000000002E4 000F423FD2000000 00000000Steal Other Trainer's Pokemon9223B5FA 000021011223b4fa 00002100D2000000 00000000Repels Last 999 Steps940001301 Hit Kill (Press Select Before Attack)94000130 000003fb62106fc0 00000000b2106fc0 000000001004868c 00000001d2000000 00000000999 Rare Candies94000130 FCFF0000B21C4D28 00000000B0000004 0000000000000DAC 03E70032D2000000 00000000999 Master Balls94000130 fcff0000b21c4d28 00000000b0000004 0000000000000f4c 03e70001d2000000 00000000
Egg Telepathy! (Action Replay)
Press L to see the contents of eggs
12067644 0000d11794000130 fdff000012067644 0000e017D2000000 00000000
Have fun with your psychic powers!
Walk Thru Anywhere Code Action Replay
94000130 fcfd0200 12056c06 00020000 d2000000 00000000 94000130 fcfdo100 d2000000 00000000 hold L andR and B.
Cloning Pokemon
Cloning Code: 9206B31E 00001808 0206B320 FB3EF7FC 94000130 FFF30000 0206B320 46C046C0 D2000000 00000000 IMPORTANT: Be sure to follow the instructions carefully, as this code can crash your game if you do it wrong. 1. Go to your PC and select “Move Pokemon”. 2. Make sure the Pokemon you want to clone is in a box with at least 1 free space. 3. Select the Pokemon. A menu will pop up, the first option being “Move”. 4. Press Start, Select and A at the same time. 5. Press L and R at the same time. This will take you to the box right before the one you are cloning in, and it will refresh the cloning box. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! IF YOU DO, YOUR GAME WILL CRASH. 6. Be sure not to put down the Pokemon, and go back to your cloning box. The Pokemon should now be cloned: one of them, the one you have selected, and the other one in the box. 7. Enjoy your cloned Pokemon! :).
All Legendary Pokemon Are In Box 18 (GameShark)
I would put it in the two columns but its to long so here you go and it works tried it a couple times 94000130 fcff0000 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 e001e4f8 00000010 01490150 0149014b 01480152 01560145 1001e508 0000ffff 2001e531 00000016 e001d260 00000088 81572632 54910000 821e528c 2510fcf0 2f78f050 f1ad30c8 52bcea39 046bafd6 62615ad7 189d33ca 899a6d52 2a2db2ae 5d6e7a23 166470f8 ae2e8157 cd9e04a9 968cbd7e 10fd27d0 53191250 9258d0de cbb20848 9285df7b 47b70a42 97ed3ea9 ad2d370b 38175ecb 3c8f568b 2b519d21 225df36e 37fccdf0 84e09613 836e641a e54f398d b334ba9e e001d2e8 00000088 be097234 3de50000 c3bd1714 a9c738e2 e7ddc3be 347c3843 a9eb2387 ecf448d0 b9765e78 f1e96391 bbf60ad3 e8a1bd70 ef1a73e4 85f200af a1c55909 d41f5533 c4d81a4d 98447402 9da40142 9ee9f5f6 daea98cf 65fbc0b7 1cf17ff8 73e7e3e6 c709cf4d df28803b e150de69 5baf9eff 4d395f0f 915eedc1 032a76a7 d29775c0 0ff3354d 6e17283d e001d370 00000088 ab240c46 8d490000 f8b4fb5d a587905f a915d842 e21548b3 41aabb34 ed1624f4 4e0fa464 20617b1c c9bfc488 8dfc9e84 73ba0681 79032cdf f9304d08 6b409538 3cf42bc4 2e98fd8f fb4ce210 119f089e 379f7bf1 69833d0e 999f6327 d520fa78 a32b1c33 98151a7c 6e00aa94 29fc54b1 6c015095 eb5310ad db93613c 6a21cd60 051cec9c 9a78e09d e001d3f8 00000088 e3eb4489 089b0000 d699046e 8398ab1c 0bf72170 322a28a6 67b186ed 64ba42e7 82e2772c 34bb1d0f d54a31c9 9bd7c64e cd52978d 2becd992 ab1d6cc2 95108a29 0b9dc6a8 d2b4a97f cc198126 2706d046 5ea8da59 02159bf7 4f24d425 96f3864a 1f2c9cd5 437d698e 2631f95e 34ffb28c ce4789db 0f009d80 649db4a4 8bd4cfab d352cd57 300c4720 e001d480 00000088 590bfe69 79420000 f265b032 a16ce10d a73088fb de86e4c1 c2d3b437 664080bb 1623f4fb 79412b30 d110b2b2 a3eb89f7 d3f2c74d f98a73c0 87ab96ab ca558e9b 393388c7 c9443528 dc60ae3b a14738fd 6882e848 7f159aab 1cbc9488 8557c993 130b4bec fbd860c8 3711e96c 33e4d692 0afee501 657e8e8d c395f0b8 ebdf21b3 5a2e0962 58412daf e001d508 00000088 41ebe688 bebc0000 87817bd6 d0c400d6 01e84c50 b9653d8f a9d3b0fd 31defe3f e60953ef 5de3f51d 6d684c2e f8e712e5 c89fb4eb 8eb3d2f0 d20b726b 241ac934 289183d9 89c7d7be 669a3c97 7673b14c 8a8ca4a1 dc154241 5c93fb1c 6c7213ce 2cca2ff6 de126ba1 240485ef a6e1e059 5d009203 79d2daea 5e21478a 0b0b235f d6c9bf6d b0c0d109 e001d590 00000088 22638506 f5c60000 1154a988 8252ae2e 9f6b4578 84109577 fa6857fd 60830a2b 20b06da2 2f9366a8 cfb764c0 810a83f2 f41deef2 4b3b7993 e55dc519 4d28a2a5 d7048a3f dc6c175b 7d159bf6 b4c5ad00 f3182c91 c9835f2a b9be08b8 1cc0bf5e 9dd203b5 f6fc95b9 dc8f2d4b 9c663f19 debf5c6b 0bc2f42c 958443ce 696a7c80 bc07ce54 63545cc6 e001d618 00000088 8e602906 f3630000 86adadc7 68d1fa55 f8848978 65652932 ab1e79cf 32afdbaf 177edad4 42a63e11 e290c240 4c31faf5 e9299c1d f87b6efb 833bf73a d5a38668 9eec3692 ad72cf28 7167f841 90378ada b96b288b 813afa7c 1c0e4fcd b60469a0 a3fdba1f ab98a281 a55e16b8 478f1951 130642e9 0157a979 2cf4f131 8f059511 3e35c4b5 c0593ae1 e001d6a0 00000088 24228344 c4d00000 8a87441f 6fbefc5c b92e7c9b 2af69ea8 e69a6ae5 a5422491 8b5ba226 8e0a67ac 89df7bad a7d959d9 7e467618 1e07e3e9 f6db9f60 2df1fa8b 7686e7ae 7a4da9cb 616e5653 52cc3689 0231c17f a763cdb2 4b6beaee 799ae7bd 8e94df99 4a577c37 492142dc be3201da e931006c 66445765 475242aa 99586bb7 940d3f6b eb3f549a e001d728 00000088 aaff10a6 1da20000 7fbe17e1 8e324707 ea35654e 149997eb 8a2993da b8600f22 e8d6b01d 69dd414d 135ad46d 65d8fc37 df090c4d efe0ce58 7cd4432e 64baf9b6 ec30e347 68a515b9 c65b5869 1b7941bf d3904dd1 ea770347 42157f13 14f2a865 20847de1 70707788 cccf4f52 c5e6f74d fea03912 0b8328c4 2d47adbf 7041d48b 66e472e5 72ac400a d2000000 00000000
Begin Game With Running Shoes (GameShark)
621c59c8 00000000 b21c59c8 00000000 200014da 00000001 d2000000 00000000
Action Replay999x Rare Candy
For this cheat you will need an action replay: 999 rare candy 94000130fcff0000b21c4d2800000000b000000040000000000000dac03e70032d200000000000000
This pokemon cannot be caught in regular game play. The only way to get it is to go to a nintendo event to get oak’s letter to capture it.
Dustox Appademic
If you want to find Dustox fast you need to get the national pokedex, then go to Eyerna Forest. I see about a million a day.
Find the odd keystone underground. Put it in the hidden tower. Talk to about 30 people underground and then go back to the hidden tower. Note: I have had the chance to complete this, but the pokemon guide says that it will work.
Catch a rhydon on route 228. Give it the item protect. Trade it. When it gets to the other DS it will evolve.
Must have national pokedex. Find at valley windworks. May take a while to catch.
Multiple Eevees
Put Ditto and Eevee in the pokemon daycare in Soleceon town. Walk around for a while and go back to check. If the old man is facing toward the road, then talk to him. He will give you an Eevee egg. Walk around with it for a while and it will hatch. You can do this indefinitely.
Must have national pokedex. Catch on route 218. Warning: may take a while to catch.
Must have national pokedex. Go to Hearthome City. Go into the houses until you find a girl sitting at a computer. Talk to her and she will give you a lv 5 Eevee.
Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss
You will find Togepie on route 230 after you get the national pokedex. With high friendship, level up to Togetic. Use shiny stone to evolve to Togekiss.
Use shiny or dawn stone on Roselia.
Catch a female Ralts or Kirlia. Use a shiny on it to evolve.
To get Froslass you must catch a female Snorunt. Use a shiny or dawn stone to evolve it.
You get Arceus if you have the azure flute. If you have it, go back to where you found Palkia. This is also after you have the National Pokedex. Once you enter the area you found Palkia, the flute will play and a staircase will appear. Arceus is at the top. He is Level 80 and requires the Master ball for capture
Mystery Gift
Go to the Jubilife TV Station. Talk to everyone in there and eventually a guy will let you type something. Type in “Everyone Happy”the mystery gift will appear on the (continue and start new) game screen in the beginning.
Get Manaphy
You can get a Manaphy egg by unlocking a special mission on Pokemon Ranger. You must trade the egg onto Pokemon Pearl. You also have to have the National Pokedex for it to work.
After obtaining the national pokedex head to Stark Mountain. Go to the back room were the tresure is. The go to the house left of the pokemon center in the survival area. Talk to the old man then go back to the room that had the tresure and you will meet heatran. He is level 70.
Easter eggs
Easy Eggs From Daycare
Since you will not always have a female pokemon and a male pokemon, take Lucario for example. Female Lucario’s are as rsre as shinys or even more rare. Here’s what you do. 8 easy steps to get any pokemon. 1you will need a national dex. 2 your pokemon (only one)will need to know fly or surf. 3 you need either honey or a poke radar. 4get a pokemon known as Ditto. 5 put the pokemon (Ditto and the pokemon you don’t have both genders of) in the daycare. 6 Go around and wait awhile. 6 When you see the egg in between the two parents. 7 go back to the daycare and get the egg. 8 Walk, run, or bicycle ride until the egg hatches. It will take 1,200 or less steps. Don’t try to get a baby with a legendary or very rare pokemon it doesn’t work you’d be wasting your time.
Get a Phione Egg
If you want phione, breed diddo and Manaphy to get the phione.
Currently we have no glitches for Pokemon Pearl yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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