#Ayumu x mc
rikumorimachisgirl · 2 years
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Title: Game Over
Pairing: Ayumu x MC
Word count: 1871
Genre: Fluff
Prompt: MC plays otome games
Written for the @voltagefandomproject
Notes: I haven't written in a while, but I hope you enjoy this story. I don't own Voltage or any of its characters, but I own this story.
Here goes...
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That's the sound my office door made after I walked in and forcefully shut it behind me. Mind you, I don't always close the door that way - my parents raised me to become the well-mannered person that I usually am - except when a certain someone is involved. 
I'm sure that you've already guessed who I'm talking about. She also goes by the following aliases - Kappa Nagano, the snapping turtle of Nagano, my aide, my turtle… My girlfriend. Even after dating for over a year, she never ceases to amaze me with all the different emotions and reactions she manages to draw from me simply by being her usual self - like that one time she tried asking other guys to watch a meteor shower with her instead of asking me because she thought I'd say no, or that time when she drank whisky neat in front of her ex-boyfriend and passed out. I never pegged myself to be the jealous type until I met her. 
And now she's doing it again. The worst part is that I can't even read her this time around - either she's gotten better at hiding things or I've become sloppy at snooping her out. 
Wait, I've become sloppy at snooping her out? That's so incredibly lame! When did I become so uncool? 
Do you think I'm overreacting? You would, too, if you have a puzzle you can't figure out. Anyway, I'll tell you exactly what's gotten me into a foul mood. 
It was about a week ago when I started noticing a change in my girl's behavior. 
"You seem busy."
She looked up at me from her spot on the couch. We arrived home from the Jurassic Land exhibit a few minutes ago, and already, my girl has plopped down on the sofa while tinkering with her phone. Again. For the hundredth time since I saw her this morning. And she wasn't just tinkering with her phone, she was holding it suspiciously close to her - like an ace student who wouldn't let her classmates copy off her exam. 
"Homework?" I asked, pretending I didn't know that she didn't have any. "Anything you need help on?" I wanted to give her a fair chance to tell me what it was that was stealing her attention away from me. 
I watched her eyes widen, and her cheeks flush. She clumsily fumbled with her phone and chucked it into her bag. "N-no. I'm okay. I was… I was texting with Naruko," she said with as much confidence as she could muster. 
What a liar, I thought, but decided to play along. "Oh really? What could be bothering Miss Sasaki so much, she'd exchange messages with you for four hours." 
I barely kept a straight face as I watched her eyes widen so much, I thought they'd pop out. "It's nothing. She's just… uh…"
And so, there I was sitting through her painfully made-up story of why her classmate was 'texting' her on a weekend. At one point, she promised to give me her full attention. But like most promises, that one ended up being broken. As soon as I hopped in the shower, she was busy with her phone with a goofy smile on her face. 
Her goofy smile as she tinkered with her phone has been a hot topic in the Instructors' room, too. As expected, Toru is the first one to comment on my girl's head-in-the-clouds expression. 
"It looks like she's found herself a boyfriend," my self-declared partner-in-crime harped annoyingly after he spotted my girl walking down the corridor while tapping away on her phone. 
"I've noticed that, too. It's like there's a spring in her step these days," Soma chimed in - not that anyone asked him. 
"My aide always has a spring in her step," I said, trying to keep it casual. 
"Yes, but it's different this time," Goto interjected thoughtfully, as he showed me her most recent test, which she aced. "She seems to be more determined to get good marks. Whatever the reason is, she's inspired."
The collective oohs and aahs from everyone in the room was driving me to the edge. I'm so annoyed already, why can't everyone just shut up?
I said a silent prayer to whatever Gods were listening, but they may have been attending to other matters at the moment because who else should stir the pot more but the chief? 
"So, the little bird is in love? That's wonderful. There's nothing better than young love."
"She's hardly even young anymore," I muttered under my breath as I desperately tried to keep my temper in check. This was getting more ridiculous by the minute. Was she seeing someone else behind my back? She can't be. I mean, she's in love with me, right? At least the last time I checked, she seemed to be. 
"What do you think, Ayumu?"
The Chief's question snapped me out of the little deliberation I had going on in my head. The next thing I know, all eyes were on me, as if I were the subject of an interrogation. 
I put on my best fake smile and gathered the papers that were stacked in front of me. "I think I've had enough idle time, so it's time for me to make my rounds," I said, as I stood and headed for the door.
I could've sworn I heard Toru say something to the chief about how sensitive I was, but I couldn't care less - I'd rather remove myself from the situation before they remove me from my teaching position. 
As I shut the door of the Instructors' Room, I came face-to-face with the very reason I bolted out of the room I was in. There she was with her friend Naruko - her phone in hand, and a goofy smile on her face. 
"I got a Super Happy Ending with Munechika. It took me a while, but I finally got to experience that toe-curling first kiss," I heard her declare cheerfully. 
Munechika, huh? Who the heck is he? And what's that about a toe-curling kiss? I was seething in anger just by listening to her go on and on about her mysterious new boyfriend. That cheater! 
"Right? Aren't tsundere the best?" Nakuro chirped happily beside her before our eyes met. "Hey, it's Instructor Shinonome!" 
After hearing my name, my girl halted abruptly and her eyes widened. Great, I thought. This is just perfect. 
"I-Instructor…," she stammered and pocketed her phone quickly. 
Oblivious of the tension between us, her trusty accomplice prattled on like I was part of their conversation to start with, while my cheating girl's eyes looked everywhere but at me. I could feel my breath hitch and my blood boils the longer I stayed. 
"A new guy, you say?" I looked pointedly at my girl, who now looked like she wanted the earth to swallow her whole. "I can't say I understand his taste in women, but well, as long as you're both single…" I said, emphasizing the last two words before I walked off as quickly as I could. To where you ask? Why, to my office, of course. 
I thought I heard her call my name, but my ears were throbbing and I had to get behind the safety of my office. It's one thing that I knew she was spending more time on her phone, but hearing her say another man's name out loud - was just too much. 
So now, here I am in my office, taking a few calming breaths to regain my composure. And just as I was getting my rhythm back, I heard the door bust open, and in comes my girl - with beads of sweat on her forehead and a little short of breath. 
But I can't deal with her right now. 
"Instructor -"
"I'm busy at the moment," I lied and swiveled the chair so I wasn't facing her. "Why don't you just come back after class? I'll probably have something for you to work on then." 
From behind, I could hear her walking towards me - her steps as well as her breathing were measured. "This won't take long." her voice was directly behind my chair so I held my breath and closed my eyes, hoping that she wouldn't see me in this state. "You were shaking when you left, and I had to come after you…"
I gasped. Was I too upset to realize I was shaking earlier? I was going to respond to her, but thought better of it. After all, they do say less talk, less mistakes, right?  I quietly sat with my back to her. Even when I couldn't see her, I could tell she was nervous - probably wringing her hands together. 
"Well," she said, breathing in sharply. "I think you misunderstood…"
"Oh, your new guy?"
"Instructor," she said, coming around to face me. I can tell she was deeply distressed. "Munechika isn't a real guy." 
Not a real guy? Now, I'm confused. 
"He's a 2D character from this otome game that Naruko recommended a week ago," she continued while showing me an animated guy in a scrub suit. "He's a fictional doctor who's hot and cold. I picked him because he reminds me of you. I'm sorry if you were worried, but I would never cheat on you."
2D, otome… So, you mean to tell me I've been jealous of a fictional character this whole time? This is making me cringe big time, but I think my face must've loosened up because I heard her sigh with relief. And now, she's got that goofy smile on her face again, but this time her eyes are on me, like they're supposed to be. 
"What are you smiling there for?" I asked. "You're not off the hook yet."
"You can't still be mad at me."
"Oh? And what about that toe-curling kiss you were talking to your little friend about?"
I know I sounded ridiculous, but I couldn't help it. And now, it was her turn to gasp. "Oh, come on," she said, her face turning red. "You give me so much more than toe-curling kisses, and you know it."
I smirked. "Do I? After hearing you go on about this 2D fantasy guy, I'm really not sure anymore…"
"But I do love your kisses, Instructor," she said, earnestly.
"Oh? Then prove it," I challenged her.
Her eyes shot wide. "What? Like, here?" 
I sat back and watched her look around, obviously worried someone would walk in on us. But no less than five seconds later, she gives me yet another surprise. 
Here in my office, on my chair, with the girl I love most on my lap, giving me the best toe-curling kiss I've ever had. She wins again. She always wins with me. That's how crazy I am about this silly girl. I guess she can keep playing her otome games and have silly little crushes on 2D guys who remind her of me. I suppose I wouldn't mind - much - after all, otomes always end with game over, but as for me, I'll give my girl the Super Happy Ending she never knew she's always wanted. 
The end.
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zexal-club · 7 months
Guess who's back?~
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That's right! It's ya boi Ramshackle Yuma!
For those who need a reminder or are new, this is Yuma in my Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL X Twisted Wonderland AU where he's MC.
I thought it was time he made a reappearance
@yukii0nna @kousaka-ayumu @soprinceblizzard @darkicewolfknight @marrondrawsalot
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kamyru · 1 year
Who is "Professor Overshare" and who is "Professor Brick wall" in their relationship? (Public Safety Instructors x MC) (Headcanons)
Jin Namba
Overshare + Brick wall: Jin is an overshare about his colleagues. All the cadets know how anxious Goto was when his wife was pregnant, how Kaga never curses near his kids, how Soma is the one to braid his daughter's hair, how Kurosawa goes into dad mode when he gets a call from school, how Ayumu wanted to name his daughter something peach-related, how Ishigami is all laugh and smiles near his family. But cadets have no idea what Jin kids are doing, even if they heard that he is married. He is too protective of them for this.
Brick wall: MC doesn't have enough guts to spill the other Instructors' tea in front of the students. And she has a pact with Jin not to talk about their kids. So, she comes more of a brick wall than expected. Yet, sometimes she tells them that she has a family, even if no one knows who is her family. Except the fact that they know who her husband is.
Hideki Ishigami
Brick wall: Most of his students don't even know his first name, what family status are you talking about? The most they can get is his wedding band. But if a cadet is courageous enough to ask him about it, they'll get a death stare. It's actually someone else, probably Goto or Namba who accidentally mentioned that he is married. And then, it clicked to whom, considering that they have another Ishigami professor.
Brick wall: MC is not a brick wall because she wants to be, but because she is afraid to disappoint her husband. Yet, she do actually tells students that she has a husband and kids. And when they find out who the person behind her stories is, they are bewildered.
Hyogo Kaga
Overshare: Kaga is not your typical overshare professor. He doesn't talk about his personal life to brag. He does it accidentally because it's so natural for him. Like: "I don't trust anyone but Ayumu and my wife." "Even my wife was better than you at this, and she was the worst student you can imagine." "My kids can understand this and you don't? They aren't even in elementary school."
Brick wall: MC. It's not that she doesn't talk about her personal life, she just knows that no one will ever believe her that she is married to Kaga. So, the most she says that is not related to the lesson are encouragements and stories from her youth.
Shusuke Soma
Overshare: MC. Who won't brag about being married to Soma? MC definitely sometimes feels jealous over girl students that crush on her husband, even if Soma reminds her every day that they are married. So, she once is a while talks about her husband and sometimes even kids to make a point. Yet, there are also moments when she accidentally without any jealousy involved does it and she is adorable.
Brick wall: Soma. Cadets know that he is married, because he rejected some of the girls saying this. Though, every time a student asks him about his personal life, he is as evasive as always. He gives answer, but no one knows what do they mean. So, no one really knows what is happening in his life before getting to MC's lessons.
Seiji Goto
Overshare: Goto. This man is a simp. No. He is a HUGE SIMP. There's no way MC and his kids aren't his background, lockscreen, profile picture, and everything around him. At first, students thought he is aloof, then they saw him interacting with MC and talking about his kids, and they understood that he is just shy with them. So, cadets even tease him from time to time. Once, a group of them met him outside the Academy while he was with his son, and nearly melted into a puddle due to how cute they were.
Overshare: Who won't overshare that they are married to Goto? Have you seen this man? Damn, MC may not be as cute as Goto with all his lockscreens and backgrounds, but she has the most wholesome stories about her family. She isn't openly a simp for Goto, but she is the cutest wife someone can ask for.
Ayumu Shinonome
Overshare: Everyone expected him to be a playboy, and he then said he was married. Then, the students expected him to divorce, then he took a day off to celebrate his anniversary. Then, the students expected him to be child free, and a few days later he came in with his daughter. Ayumu doesn't talk, he just likes to mess with his students and low-key demonstrating them how bad they are at reading people.
Brick wall: The same as Kaga's case - no one will ever believe that she is married to Ayumu. Yet, she knows him for so long that she understands what he is doing with his little overshare game. So, she tries to be as tight-lipped as possible, not to destroy her husband's joy. However, at least once a semester she drops a bomb before Ayumu, to mess with him for every time he was a tease with her.
Toru Kurosawa
Overshare: Toru. Has anyone has doubts? He probably came into his first class with his family album of his family with MC. Cadets know the names he wanted to name his children but got rejected, the way his heart flutters when MC kiss him goodbye, how hard it is for him to leave for missions. Everything.
Brick wall: Every one is a Brick wall in comparison with Toru. Even if MC makes a 24h video about a day in their life, she won't get to the level of Toru's oversharing.
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koumeowkami · 1 year
so i'm watching the i★chu anime for funsies (cause i can't be bothered to sit through the whole main story from the game) and it feels so damn weird. it's basically a mix of some other franchises i've been through till now... so um *checks notes*
this whole thing happens in an academy for idols and the mc is a producer (enstars)
the units get kicked out if they don't sell (dearvo)
the principal is a teddy bear (dearvo... even tho that's actually a panda but let's not fuss over the details)
the units then participate to a show that features japan's best new idols (i7)
there's yet another couple of twins... and they have their own unit... their colors are blue and pink... they're really close and care for each other a lot... they're pranksters... they make techno pop music... (🤨)
there's anOTHER CHARACTER NAMED KANATA WHAT THE HELL. this is like the 4th time dude
there's a unit of 3 goth edgy magicians and their leader is a bit of an oddball (undead x switch collab omg. the leader thing applies to both rei and natsume btw)
there's a very insufferable kid with pink hair and green eyes voiced by ayumu murase (kokoro isn't even that bad. i've seen worse tori)
there's this guy voiced by massun that reminds me of haruta (hanadoll) SO MUCH. so i'm mentioning that
and yeah i'd like to say that in this franchise there's EVERY va i always find in any other franchise ever. so congrats ig
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yuuniee · 5 months
“Aren’t you so adorable and cute as a button~? C’mere, let’s have a chat together!”
Name: Archie Corleone
Japanese: アーチー・コルレオーネ
Dorm: Ramshackle 🎩
Birthday: February 6th (Aquarius)
Age: ???
Height: 159 cm (719 cm in real form)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Homeland: ???
Family: None
Voiced by: Ayumu Murase
Nicknames/Aliases: Monsieur Dollmaker (Rook), ??? (Floyd)
Grade: Junior
Class: 3-D (no. 13)
Club: NRC Newspaper Club
Best Subject: N/A
Hobby: Making dolls
Favorite Food: Everything with chocolate
Least Favorite Food: Fish
Pet Peeves: Cats
Talent: N/A
Appearence: Archie is a young individual with cream colored hair, pink right eye, black button left eye, petite body and pale skin.
In their “school uniform”, they wear a blue beanie (sometimes they wear a white one), a white tank top, a black jacket, a pair of black jeans with a golden stripe on each side facing outwards and a pair of white sneakers with white shoelace.
Personality: They seem usually polite, cheerful and a bit childish. Although they sound like you don’t want to mess with them sometimes...
Unique Magic: “Hollow World”
It allows them to create a gate to their world where they can shape it to the people’s desire. They mainly shape it to be the exact same as the peoples’ world though...
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[x] + Gacha Life 2
Fun Facts:
They are actually nonbinary, but they have a masculine appearence. (He/they)
They have a habit of giving others a doll of themselves. Like giving Riddle a doll of himself.
They seem awfully protective of the dolls they give...
They are NOT a human, they are [REDACTED]
They are protective of Yuu/MC.
No matter how many times other Ramshackle residents cleans their room, it always seems to be dusty and covered in cobwebs.
They enjoy going to the beach, but they can’t swim... That’s why they collect shiny things!
They seem to be fond of birds.
[more information is yet to come, stay tuned!]
Their true form under the cut.
(t/w: spider and needles.)
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Design notes + more “fun” facts:
Unlike Beldam’s true form, Archie retains at least some flesh... On their face and some parts on their body it is. Also, it’s meant to look like a mix of spider and skeleton!
Their main reason to dislike cats is that a cat took their eye before and they had to replace it with a button one because they were unable to regenerate it themselves...
In their true form, they produce a lot of cobwebs and it may look messy sometimes... They are trying to hide the webs though!
They also have several cracks on their body because they were getting injured a lot of times by the humans they met before... The humans were hostile though... They always attacked them, but they kept giving them a second chance to change. (The townspeople never did.)
They give others dolls as a token of friendship, yes, but they do it to watch over their friends. They want them to be safe and they worry about their friends... sometimes...
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anischa22 · 2 years
Koihana Bakumeiroku Characters
Hajime Saito (Cool-headed x Pure Love)
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VA : Shuugo Nakamura
~ you may know his roles as Gin Gagamaru (Blue Lock), Katori (the Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague) and many more
Former Shinsengumi 3rd division captain. After being defeated in the Aizu War, he joined the Metropolitan Police Department and served as the captain of the Battotai Corps that protects the city.
He feels a strong sense of loyalty to the Aizu clan and his deceased lord Matsudaira Katamori
He still choose to carry a sword even the samurai era is over
He takes care of MC for mysterious reason ...
Takayoshi Kido (Sociable x Ingenuity)
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VA : Ryota Suzuki
~ you may know his roles as Ryuusui Nanami (Dr. Stone), Choujiro Sasakibe (Bleach TYBW) Ishigami Yuu (Kaguya-sama: Love is War) and many more
Full-time advisor to the current Governor's Bureau. Thoughtful, prudent, and flexible enough to accept a wide range of ideas
At the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, he went by the name 'Kogoro Katsura,' and was called 'Kogoro the Escape,' because he never fought needlessly and always escaped from danger.
He is kind and friendly to everyone, regardless of his position, but it is difficult to see his true feelings
Takamori Saigo (Bravery x Tolerance)
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VA : Ryohei Kimura
~ you may know his roles as Arthur Conan Doyle (Ikevamp) Tartaglia/Childe (Genshin Impact), Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu!), Kise Ryouta (Kuroko no Basket), Charles Grey (Black Butler) and many more
An army general who contributed to the establishment of the Meiji government. He is loved by many of his subordinates because of his affectionate and generous personality.
In particular, he is deeply trusted by Toshiaki, and Toshiaki himself looks up to him like a younger brother.
He thinks MC is cute because she's a hard worker
Toshiaki Kirino (Faithful x Eccentric)
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VA : Shogo Sakata
~ you may know his roles as Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man), Karin Sasaki (Enen no Shouboutai) and many more
Army lieutenant. He admires Saigo from the bottom of his heart
Known as "Hanjiro Hitokiri", he doesn't hesitate to get his hands dirty if necessary
But in fact, he has a sense of humor, enjoying perfume and military uniforms.
He always put Saigo first, but when you get close to him, all that changes. He'll be confused by feeling that he don't have
Katsu Kaishu (Ambitious x Independent)
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VA : Yohei Azakami
~ you may know his roles as Rinne Amagi (Enstars), Suehiro Tetchou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Raisin Charlotte (One Piece), Ayumu Tanaka (Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru) and many more
After the Meiji Restoration, he served as a former vassal of the shogunate in various Meiji government officials, but now he is the navy's top naval chief.
Due to the nature of his work, although he is good at negotiating, he is also insensitive, which causes him many troubles
At first, he was just making fun of MC for expressing her feelings honestly, but as you spend more time together, he begins to want to know more about you.
Hijikata Toshizo (Charismatic x Sexy)
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VA : Makoto Furukawa
You may know his roles as Kyle Ash (Ikerev), Taiju Ooki (Dr.Stone), Ogun Montgomery (Enen no Shouboutai), Rinto Okazaki (Idolish7), Shirogane Miyuki (Kaguya-sama: Love is War) and many more
A samurai who serves the new Tokugawa Shogunate. Before the Meiji Restoration, he wielded a sword as the Shinsengumi's Demon Vice-commander.
Although he has a lone wolf personality, he is very popular and respected by those around him.
After the Boshin War, he disappeared from the front stage, but after the Meiji Restoration, he picked up the sword again for a certain purpose
He didn't mind loneliness, and he was single-mindedly trying to fulfill his destiny as a samurai for his lord, but when he met you, a change appeared in his heart...
Enamoto Takeaki (Fraternity x Seeker)
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VA : Kazuyuki Okitsu
You may know his roles as Zantetsu Tsurugi (Blue Lock), Flam Karim (Enen no Shouboutai), Banri Oogami (Idolish7) and many more
A special surveillance prisoner of the Meiji government. Originally participated in the Boshin War as a samurai, but now conducting research on Dutch studies under government supervision
A cheerful personality who never forgets to smile.
By meeting you, he will find new hope and search for his own way of life
Ii Naosuke (Disciplined x Harsh)
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VA : Masaya Matsukaze
~You may know his roles as Mikami Teru (Death Note), Ren Akatsuki (Fairy Tail), Illumi Zoldyck (HunterxHunter), Fujima Miroku (Kyoukai no Kanata) and many more
Chief of the new Tokugawa shogunate. Prior to the Meiji Restoration, he held the real power in Japan as a chief retainer of the Edo Shogunate.
He has a strong sense of order that rules are absolute, and he shows no mercy to those who disturb it.
He was said that he died in the war, but after the Meiji Restoration, he reappeared as the new Tokugawa shogunate. Somehow, he seems to know something about your lost memory...
For release information, it is still unknown but confirmed this year
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world-a-to-z · 4 years
Prompt # A Soft Kappa Plushie
HLITF (MC x Ayumu Pairing)
One day MC gave Ayumu a Kappa plushie. She gave him that, cause she had to go to undercover mission out of the town and they likely won’t get to see each other for quite some time.
She was so gloomy and like ‘Here, I present you Kappa-san. You may hug it if you miss me’. As usual Ayumu probably will try to dismissed her by saying ‘Dummy, why would I miss you? And what is that? A Kappa, really?!’ and despite of his sarcasm he still kept the plushie by the bed at his apartment. By the fifth days after MC went undercover, Ayumu would end up hugging the plushie not because he missed his MC but because the plushy was so soft. He tried to convince himself that it was the truth.
‘Yeah, the plushie is so soft but I think that child is soft too’ Ayumu just couldn’t help but thinking that his MC was so soft too. Finally, after MC finished her mission the couple got to spend their time together. By the end of the day they would be end up cuddling. While MC was found soundly sleeping, Ayumu was still awake. He catched a glimpse of Kappa plushie at the corner of the room and then he glanced toward MC
‘As expected, I love the real one the best.’
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I am sorry about this lousily gif I made. I made this prompt when I had lunch break, I just couldn’t stop staring at the picture, so here I am. This is before I knew the real story of how Ayumu ended up hugging the Kappa. 😂
I’m trying to translate the chibi manga on the booklet and will upload it later (or maybe I’ll end up uploading it without translating it)
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luxexhomines · 3 years
Master list of Works
Danganronpa Imagines:
Danganronpa 1
Penchant - Celestia Ludenberg
Super Danganronpa 2
Nagito Komaeda
11. i need you
3. [i] trusted [you]
Hajime Hinata
28. something about [them]
Kazuichi Souda
Typical Kazuichi
Multiple Characters
How lucky I am to have you - SDR2 Guys
Sorry for apologizing! - SDR2 Guys
Poly! Relationship w/ Kiyotaka & Mondo
S/O Serenades - Ibuki, Sayaka, Kaede
Always - Hajime, Makoto, Shuichi (x Body Insecure! Reader)
First Date Headcanons - Mondo, Kiyotaka, Gundham, Fuyuhiko
New Danganronpa V3
Kokichi Ouma
“You’re so persistent” - Ultimate Celebrity! Reader
christmas shopping
42. savior 
“You’re just too good to be true; I can’t take my eyes off you”
15. trembling hands
40. pet 
Hanahaki Disease! S/O 
Colorful Encounter (1/?)
Childhood Friend! Ouma
a purple carbonated drink
Yakuza! S/O 
Protective! S/O (chapter 3 spoilers)
S/O who sees through lies (chapter 4 spoilers)
Confessing is Hard
Reunion (chapter 5 trial spoilers)
A Love that Killed (reader is killed)
Sweet (angst, implied death, cringey because this was my first imagine)
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi Comforts Reader (angst, chapter 5 spoilers)
Spring Will Come For You (unexpressed/unrequited love)
Maki Harukawa
Why can I no longer continue to stay at your side? (Maki past spoilers)
Rantaro Amami
24. tender - Rantaro
Multiple Characters/Other
you’ve never even ever cared about me - Kaito, Rantaro, Shuichi
Crush! S/O Painting Kokichi & Shuichi’s Nails 
Blackened! S/O - Byakuya, Teruteru, Korekiyo
happy birthday - Kiibo
S/O who gets catcalled - Tenko, Kiibo, Ouma, Kaede
NDRV3 Girls x S/O who takes the fall for their kill - Kaede, Maki 
NDRV3 Guys x Lust Disease S/O
I’m okay - NDRV3 Characters (worrying about Reader)
Here for You -  Hajime, Nagito, Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, Ryoma, Rantaro (x Self-harming Reader)
His voice was simply intoxicating. - Any DR chara w/ he/him pronouns
Danganronpa Character/Ship Ficlets:
Danganronpa 1
An Explosive Concoction of Hope and Despair (v.3) - Naegi, Junko, Kyouko
DR1 Cast After Killing Game - Touko, Kyouko, Kiyotaka, Byakuya, Celeste, Sakura, Aoi, Yasuhiro
Super Danganronpa 2
“Write a horror story where the protagonist just doesn’t give a fuck.” - Hajime
I had hoped to give you the world. - Hajme (light Komahina hint)
In the midst of despair, does light still come forth? - Nagito (light Komahina hint)
Danganronpa V3
let’s pretend we’re - Kaito, Kokichi (unfinished start of slow burn)
Sick Day - Kaito x Kokichi
21. collapse - Kaito x Kokichi (chapter 5 spoilers, angst)
Stars - Kaito x Kokichi (angst, vague)
Dualities - Kaito x Kokichi (unfinished start of pre-game slow burn)
playing this game - Kokichi, Miu (non-romantic, angst, chapter 4 spoilers)
a coward. - Kokichi
Sharing a Room with Ouma - Kokichi, Shuichi
sunbathing - Kokichi x Shuichi
Free Time - Kokichi x Shuichi
Boredom - Kokichi x Shuichi
1. don’t leave me - Kokichi x Shuichi (angst)
“But the truth is, I want to say out loud, ‘Don’t go.’” - Shuichi (chapter 1 spoilers, angst)
A world without you is unbelievably dull. - Shuichi (angst)
Mute! Kaede - Shuichi x Kaede (angst, H/C)
amamatsu - Kaede x Rantaro
A fantastical yet lonely sight - Rantaro (inspired by qosic’s art!)
SHSL! Student Council President - Maki Harukawa
If the NDRV3 Characters each played an instrument
Other Fandoms:
Love Live! School Idol Festival 
“What do you think?” - Honoka x Fem! Reader (platonic)
to be lost  - Yuu & Ayumu (non-romantic, episode 11 continuation)
I’ll Be Home for Christmas - Rin x Hanayo
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
why did you have to betray him? - Leviathan x MC/Reader
married as - Leviathan x MC/Reader
Genshin Impact
An Unlikely Fascination - Albedo x Aether
My Love for You
for you whom morning never came (tw: death mention, loss)
we are alone (tw: death mention, loss)
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shinonometrash · 4 years
stuff i’ve done masterpost
This is content from the Japanese versions of the apps that have not yet been translated into English (at the time of posting). With the exception of the first two Shinonome stories, all content posted publicly will be content that was originally free in the app. *Please be aware that the characters might sound different from how they sound in their respective apps--I’m not trying to copy Voltage’s translation style or duplicate the exact speech patterns. I want to localize otome games professionally in the future, so my goal is simply to practice translating Japanese into natural sounding English that conveys the same story.
Her Love In The Force:
Don't Think You Can Flirt So Easily: Shinonome  You’ve lost your confidence as Shinonome’s girlfriend and end up consulting Goto for advice. When Goto pats you on the head during your meeting, it feels like you’re the heroine from a shoujo manga. But it turns out Shinonome was watching?!
Misunderstandings: Shinonome You’re put in a pinch when he discovers the female orientated X-rated video you were given! But the kisses he gives you makes your heart race more than any adult video~❤️
Ayumu Peach Fan Club+more - 2021 Birthday Celebration I did a 12 day countdown for Ayumu’s birthday where I released content from his Peach fan club (& some other sources) every day! It also includes a commercial and two full special stories. Lots of content. I did not sleep those 12 days.
Romance MD: Always On Call:
Kasumi Birthday Mini-Story  Since Kasumi won second place in the 100恋+ election, Voltage wrote a mini story in celebration of his birthday!
Court of Darkness:
Special Reward  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Fully voiced video story with Rio and Toa!
Birthday Chats  Lynt | Toa | Grayson | Jasper | Fenn | Tino | Guy | Dia | Lou | Knight This year for character’s birthdays the Japanese app has been releasing little chat group images. CoD is translating a few of them on twitter, but many of them remain untranslated--so my friend and I decided to translate and typeset them ourselves!
👀👀👀 Stories Tino | Roy Please message me directly. 18+ only.
Fragments of Dormant Love: Lance Ira Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Last Chapter  Event story where Lance loses his memory! The entire story is told in his POV. 
Time Spun From Miracles: Lance Ira Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Last Chapter Lance is forced to teach a special lecture! Don’t you think ‘Professor Lance’ has a nice ring to it? His dynamic with MC in this is absolutely adorable and wonderful, you don’t want to miss it!
The Kiss Scandal Scramble - Lance Ira/Jasper Lane Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Good End (💕🥰😍) | Bad End (🚩🙅‍♀️🚨) A story where Lance saves us from Jasper? Sign me the fuck up. My heard was highkey pounding so hard while I read this story ngl. 
Harem Route/Princes’ Path - Book 4 - Childhood Chapters Lance | Toa Stories where Lance and Toa compete for the saddest, most heartbreaking childhood award! Jk, but...seriously, these things are fucking sad. 
~~Fan Fiction~~
I finally started writing again after having not written since I was, like, 12! Otome game/visual novel style turns out to be much less work to write... For a lot of the stories, my goal is to make it seem like it could be one of my translations as far as keeping the characters in character. Which, I know part of the thing with fan fiction is you can change the characters however you’d like, but...yeah, lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading these!
Court of Darkness:
The Reality of Fiction: Toa Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Last Chapter | Epilogue Toa seems to be hiding something, but you have no idea what it could be! The next day in class, you hear a classmate talk about being cheated on by her paramour. You try to brush it off but then you realize that the behaviors she described seem awfully similar to how your own paramour has been behaving lately...No way, could Toa be...?!
Nighttime Girls’ Talk Part 1 | Part 2 You're having a fun girls night with Sherry and Violet when the topic suddenly changes to...blowjobs?!
Afternoon Reading (Explicit) - Toa Part 1 | Part 2 | His POV After spending a very educational night in the library with Sherry and Violet, you wind up putting your newly learned skills to the test?! “Then...go ahead, seduce me.” (Explicit sequel to Nighttime Girls’ Talk. 18+ only.)
Jasper Lane: Reimagined Jasper’s route, except he’s not a sex offender this time! :D A reimagined main route for Jasper Lane featuring a new plot, new drama, a smarter & bolder MC, + best of all: no sexual assault!
Scones & Secret Feelings Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Last Chapter | Epilogue After realizing you have a crush on one of your close friends, you find yourself in a situation you would’ve never expected... A story that Voltage is too much of a coward to give us!
The Kitten You’re out on a field trip when you find a baby kitten! Wait-, why is Lance carrying around a blanket in this hot weather? Where did that kitten formula come from?? Un-magical Altercations - Lance Ira Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Guy lost his magic...and you’re the only thing that could help?! Yikes! This isn’t going to end well...
Awkward Encounters (Explicit) - Lance Ira  Part 1 | Part 2  A rainstorm leaves you and Lance stuck in a hotel room together for a night. You’re already struggling to keep your thoughts strictly appropriate...but then you walk in on him naked! The story is told from both his perspective and yours! (18+ only)
~~Ayumu Content~~
This is going be the various Ayumu Shinonome related content (minus the translations, which can be found above):
Ayumu Shinonome Timeline - in progress
Why Ayumu Shinonome is Best Boi (an essay) - in progress (currently at 5.5 pages double spaced MLA format and growing)
~~Cake decorating??~~
I made separate cakes (and cupcakes!!) for both Ayumu and Toa’s birthdays (which were three or four days apart TT). It took a very long time. I’m proud of them so I’m gonna share them with y’all lol. Update: I guess this is just a thing I'm doing for all of my faves birthdays now cause I made one for Tino too haha.
Toa (Court of Darkness/まかナイ) | Tino (Court of Darkness/まかナイ) | Ayumu (Her Love in The Force)
~~Misc. Content~~
Random misc posts/content that don’t really fit under a whole category
Jasper Lane (Court of Darkness)
Warning post about his original Japanese route (tw: sexual assault, rape, drugging)
Comparison between the Japanese and English routes, fully summary, thoughts on it (tw: sexual assault, rape, drugging) - Part 1 (of 3, the other two are still in progress)
Comparison between Japanese and English routes + thoughts only, no full summary - in progress
Japanese learning resources and recommendations!
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camuslittlesister · 3 years
Summer of Smut Challenge - Day 2
Back for day 2 with some more NPC love, although given the pretty transparent sadism of the author it may not look like much love for the NPCs in question.
Prompt: Applying Sunscreen
Otome: HLITF (Love365)
Ship: (Unrequited) love triangle MC x Suitor (Shinonome) x OC (Reader); NPC’s pov (Chiba)
Warning: Accidental voyeurism; sex in public place (mildly graphic)
“I’m so glad we have girls in the Academy now. I can get help with reaching my back” Instructor Shinonome waved his suncream bottle to get the attention of the two young women in our group. Sasaki looked at me knowingly: she knew I liked the girl who was his aide, and I had a feeling he knew it too. Of course he did. As if the genius of Public Safety would not pick up on something so obvious. I’m sure everyone knew except for her, she could be really dense. She reluctantly picked the bottle and knelt behind him. He turned to look at me like he had deliberately tried to make me jealous. And, of course, it had worked, her hands gliding on every curve of his muscles with incredible precision. I tried to tell myself it was no more than, like, giving a massage, we were on a public beach after all, but my mind could not be stopped from spiralling. In my thoughts, her hands were caressing his back as he laid on top of her, flexing and squeezing as pleasure hit her with every thrust. I could even hear her sweet voice calling out to him...”Oh, Ayumu”. It was not her voice calling him then, though. It was Instructor Kaga, and the tone was nothing like the sultry one of my imagining. I returned to attention, and noticed she had already moved away, blushing from head to toes. I felt a hand squeezing my shoulder: “You should tell her”. Before I could reply, Instructor Shinonome had called her back saying I needed help with the suncream, too. He smirked and walked away to join Instructor Kaga while I hoped a hole would open up below my feet and swallow me whole.
“I can’t put the suncream on you if you’re dressed”, she said, as dutiful as she ever was. It was one of the things I loved about her. “Oh, right” I scrambled to undress and kneel in front of her. The cold sensation of the cream caught me by surprise, but it was nothing like the feeling of her hands working their way around my back. I couldn’t fathom how good it would feel if what I had imagined just moments earlier was happening to me. “I’m sorry to have to ask but, would it be okay if you helped me, too?” she asked me, timidly. Nobody else we knew was near us, especially not Sasaki. “Of course” we stood up to change places, and she took off her shorts and t-shirt to reveal a sports swimsuit. It was nothing sexy and yet the idea I was about to touch her body drove me wild. She stole a glance at Instructor Shinonome, who was talking with Instructor Kaga and a group of young women wearing something straight out of a catalogue. The type of one-piece swimsuits that were somehow more alluring than bikinis.
They looked just like his type, after all he had teased his aide for not even wearing something as simple as a sundress on this day out. My heart ached at the idea she might be in love with him. Working so closely was bound to make something happen, had I been gay or a woman I would probably be in love with Instructor Soma myself. I wanted for her to be happy even at the cost of my own happiness, so I hoped he’d get to see her and value her the way I did.
I could feel my swim trunks getting tighter as her body settled in front of me, bending forward to pick up the bottle from where she had put it down. She passed it to me, extending her hand so I could squeeze some out. For a moment I forgot I was meant to cover her back, as my eyes followed her hands as she massaged her arms, toned abdomen and breasts. She wasn’t the most feminine of girls, but she was more than enough a woman for me. “Chiba, are you alright?” she asked, as she noticed my hesitation.
“Yes, sorry...” I rushed to slather the cream even though I didn’t want the moment to end, and ran to the public toilets before anyone saw just how excited I was. I don’t know how long I’ve been there for, trying in vain to bathe myself in cold water to stop showing what was going on in my mind, when she came looking for me. I tried refusing to see her, which only made her more determined.
Just as I opened the cubicle door to face her, we heard a familiar voice approaching, giggling with a girl in what sounded like English. She pushed me further into the cubicle, hiding from Instructor Shinonome and the girl. I don’t know if he knew we were there, the woman clearly didn’t notice the two set of feet in the cubicles next to the one they just entered, but he was a top detective. Even so, there was no way he could know for sure it was us...
I could picture the smirk on his face as he complained her choice of  swimsuit made things complicated. “Well, I am sorry I did not have the foresight to know my boyfriend would be at the same beach and horny” the woman didn’t sound sorry at all. I don’t know if I was more embarrassed, excited, or sad on behalf of the girl I loved, looking paler and paler ever since she heard the other woman call him boyfriend. I heard the sound of two hands against the cistern: it wasn’t hard to imagine the unknown woman bent over, the swimsuit moved to the side as he slid a finger inside of her: “You say I’m the horny one as if you’re not as wet as the ocean right now...”
“That’s just because of how much I love you” they kissed, and the noises coming from the cubicle made it unmistakable that he had now penetrated her with more than just the finger. I hated myself for how exciting I found it, especially knowing how much pain it was causing the girl I loved. It was over quickly, even though it felt like an eternity. She was barely holding her tears as we heard them bantering some more while making themselves presentable before going back to the beach. I reached out to hold her, forgetting the reason I was in the cubicle in the first place was so that nobody would see how hard I was. And it had only got worse since...
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
He made a candy rose for MC and hurt his finger in the process. Sigh! He's such a sweet guy! 😍😍😍
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zexal-club · 7 months
I have another AU crossover idea
Yuma's twin brother AU X TWST MC Yuma AU
Unnamed(Yes, that's his placeholder name) either goes to NRC with Yuma or, while Yuma gets put in NRC, Unnamed ends up in RSA.
@yukii0nna @marrondrawsalot @kousaka-ayumu @soprinceblizzard @darkicewolfknight @liviavanrouge
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kamyru · 2 years
hihi!! I was wondering if you have a WIP list? I’m so curious as to what you have in progress since I love your works!! Thank u!!
Hi! Thank you for your ask. I thought about publishing the WIP list, but then thought that probably no one would be interested in it.
Yet, here it is. I actually have a Word Document with the list that is also color coded and everything.
The list of my works in progress (5 October 2022)
Her Love in the Force
(Tsugaru x MC) FBI agent MC disappears (Scenario) (Angst to Fluff)
(Everyone) A full version of their fights (Headcanons/Shorts) (Angst)
(Everyone) A follow-up of their fights (Headcanons/Shorts) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Tsugaru x MC) MC and Tsugaru have sex after he got kidnapped (Scenario) (Smut)
(Kaga x MC) Pillow talks series (Fluff)
(Goto x MC) Public Safety detectives bringing their child(ren) to work (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Kaga x MC) Kaga and MC are engaged and he tried to convince her to call him Hyogo (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Kaga x MC) Kaga takes care of his kids after MC’s death due to illness (Scenario) (Angst)
(Tsugaru & Momose x MCs) Momose finds out his fiancée is MC’s childhood friend (Scenario)
(Ayumu x MC) Cyanide: MC gets poisoned with cyanide, but Ayumu thinks that she cheated on him and is pregnant (Scenario) (Angst & Fluff)
(Ishigami & Kaga x MCs) Teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me (Scenario)
(Goto x MC) In the middle of the mission, Goto finds out MC is suicidal due to things that had happened with her in the past (Scenario) (Angst & Hurt/Comfort)
(Ayumu x MC) Ayumu finds out about MC's hard life (Scenario) (Angst & Hurt/Comfort)
(Tsugaru x MC) Tsugaru’s moving castle: Tsugaru finds out MC is the daughter of a victim of a serial killer and sees a video of her dead father asking her to marry someone like Howl (Scenario)
(Everyone) Helping MC with period leaking (Headcanons) (Fluff)
(Kaga x MC) Kaga witnesses how MC has a mental breakdown but she doesn’t have enough time for this and starts studying again (Scenario) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Ayumu x MC) MC gets hit by a car while going to buy peach juice for Ayumu (Scenario) (Angst & Hurt/Comfort)
(Everyone) MC is Shirogane’s daughter (Headcanons) (Humor)
(Ishigami x MC) Ishigami with an MC who doubts her intelligence (Headcanons) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Ayumu x MC) Ayumu with an MC who doubts her beauty (Headcanons) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Kaga x MC) Kaga with am MC who was sexually assaulted in the past (Headcanons) (Angst)
(Tsugaru x MC) Tsugaru with an MC who is good at singing (Headcanons) (Fluff)
(Ishigami x MC) Ishigami dating his sister’s best friend (Scenario) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Kaga x MC) Kaga being asked by his students about his honeymoon in Europe (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Kaga x MC) Kaga with an MC who is better at drinking than Namba (Headcanons) (Humor)
(Platonic) Instructors finding out MC changed her age due to a witness program and is actually younger (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Everyone x MC) HLITF as school sweethearts (Headcanons) (Fluff)
(Kaga x MC) Kaga with a very sweet MC (Headcanons) (Fluff)
(Kaga x MC) Kaga falling in love with his dead friend’s sister (Scenario) (Angst to Fluff)
(Ishigami x MC) Ishigami dating Kaga’s first girlfriend who has a secret kid from Kaga (Scenario)
(Everyone) My wife is gonna kill me (Shorts) (Fluff)
Irresistible Mistakes
(Toshiaki x MC) Toshiaki Kijima helping a lost kid (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Shun) Shun gets drunk on MC’s wedding with Toshiaki (Scenario) (Angst)
(Everyone) MC really is pregnant in season 3
(Keita x MC) Something smutty
(Toshiaki x MC) Toshiaki takes care of his son after Kaede’s death and meets MC (Scenario) (Hurt/Comfort & Angst & Fluff)
(Toma, Yuki & Jun x MC) Shy MC takes the lead in bed (Smut)
(Toma x MC) Prompt 7E: When you believe in love but not that you’ll find it (Scenario) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Shun & Yuki) Prompt: “I wish you loved me that much” (Scenario)(Hurt/Comfort)
(Jun x MC) A new life. A continuation to "A better life" (Scenario) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Toma x MC) MC finds the ring Toma had hidden to propose to her (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Everyone x MC) Rocket science: A & R men work for an advertisement for period pads (Scenario)
(Everyone x MC) IM guys and how they fight with their wives (Headcanons) (Angst)
(Everyone x MC) Bumping into an acquaintance while buying condoms (Shorts) (Humor)
(Rooftop trio x MC) Rooftop trio and their wives at a PPT night (Headcanons) (Humor)
(Everyone x MC) Embarrassing things that happened during sex (Shorts) (Humor)
(Everyone x MC) When someone hits on their wives (Headcanons)
(Jun Araki x MC) Jun Araki dating an MC who was played by Keita Mitsuura (Scenario) (Angst & Hurt/Comfort)
(Everyone) My wife is gonna kill me (Shorts) (Fluff)
Oops! I Said Yes?!
(Everyone) Someone flirts with their wife (Headcanons/Shorts) (Fluff)
(Kunihiro x MC) Something angsty
(Kunihiro x MC) Something smutty
(Kunihiro & Ukyo x MC) Anything
(Daimon x MC) Togo suffering when he returns and finds out MC is already married (Scenario?) (Angst)
(Kunihiro x MC) Intimate prompts 1 & 6: hugging from behind, laying their head on the other’s shoulder & playing with the other’s hair (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Kuranosuke x MC) Intimate prompts 16: resting their hand on the other’s thigh, slowly stroking it (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Kuranosuke x MC) Kuranosuke handling MC’s mood swings while she is pregnant (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Kuranosuke x MC) Pillow talks series (Fluff)
(Kunihiro x MC) They bond in the past while on the event they met for the first time, then find each other again after marrying (Scenario) (Angst to Fluff?)
(Kuranosuke x MC) Kuranosuke gets shy and his ears get red, MC teases him (Shorts/Scenario) (Fluff)
(Shu x MC) Shu telling his wife stories from his youth while Togo was his tutor (Shorts) (Fluff)
(Daimon Togo x MC) Daimon taking care of his wife who hid that she was ill while he was away (Scenario) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Kunihiro x MC) Kunihiro finds out that MC gets sick because of the smelling of coffee, even if she makes it every morning for him (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Everyone) Buying pads for their wife for the first time (Headcanons/Shorts) (Fluff)
(Daimon Togo x MC) The office finds out that MC and Daimon are already married for three years now (Shorts) (Fluff)
Shu Hasunuma being asked out as a joke in high school (Scenario) (Angst)
(Everyone) My wife is gonna kill me (Shorts) (Fluff)
Romance MD: Always on Call
(Kasumi/Takado x MC) MC is a spy, and the LI has a son. MC disappears. Everyone is worried. She reappears in a bad condition. (Scenario) (Angst)
(Kasumi) A continuation of Kasumi marrying another girl. Mrs. Kasumi gets into a dangerous situation and MC saves her, getting hurt (Scenario) (Angst & Hurt/Comfort)
(Kasumi x MC) Prompt 4E “When you have a diary where you write about your worst days and Christmas, New Year, your birthday, and other important holiday are in there” (Hurt/Comfort)
(Kasumi x MC) Hugs from behind (Scenario/Shorts) (Fluff)
(Kasumi & Takado x MC) MC has a secret admire (Headcanons) (Angst to Fluff)
(Kasumi x MC) MC gets into an accident and forgets Kasumi (Scenario) (Angst to Fluff)
(Kasumi x MC) MC’s brother gets secretly protective of her in front of Kasumi (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Takado x MC) Takado gets jealous like in the "Don’t XXX another man" story (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Kasumi & Sen x MC) Kasumi finds out that MC who is now with Sen has had a crush on him in the past (Scenario) (Angst)
(Kasumi & Takado x MCs) Prompt: “I wish you loved me that much” with their first love (Scenario) (Hurt/Comfort)
(Takado x MC) Takado brings his kids to the lecture at university (Scenario) (Fluff)
(Takado & Kasumi x MC) My wife is gonna kill me (Shorts) (Fluff)
Suicidal Takado (Headcanons) (Angst)
Takado finding out MC is pregnant (Scenario) (Fluff)
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nyahuaisang · 4 years
so i just finished japan sinks 2020 and here are my thoughts in no particular order:
- great premise
- mari, go and kaito were amazingly written charcters
- animation was lazy, like LAZY lazy. The lack of shadows shouldve allowe for smoother/more detailed transitions but at some parts it was literally 2 frames a minute, like just picture of someone standing in point a and then the next theyre at point x
- it was ugly at multiple parts, not even 'im crying so hard i look terrible' ugly(look at one piece for s good ex of how thats done properly), its like they intentionally stretcched their faces to the point that they look like completely different people
- not really a strong plot?? theres no coherent structure, its like they made it up as they went
- absolutely no pay off whatsoever in any way. quiet mysterious dude with traumas/trouble of some sort? resolved in 5 mins giving him one bowl of veggie curry. racist people kicking the mcs pff their boat? their boat gets destroyed 2 secs later in 2 minute clip. cult-like eden that houses a medium and weird kid? main cast never learns their story and Kid tells mom he loves her and dies within a minute. its like they wanted these to be impactful but its done so quickly and with littlw build up that it feels likd its just for shock value.
- most of the time the charscters just look really soul less? its like they have dead fish eyes
- did onodera even play an actual purpose he just told them when earthquakes were coming. none of japan ever rose again in the epilogue like he said it would so that rendered haruo's death pretty pointless good fucking job
- still think we shouldved had ayumu crushing on either haruo or kaito then walking in on them fucking
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aqvarius · 4 years
I been wondering how many untranslated sub stories hlitf left? And which one, that u want to be translate asap
at first i was just going to answer this as “a lot”, but i was curious and really decided to count the actual number. and the answer is A LOT. 129 untranslated substories to be exact!! (128 when ayumu’s episode 0 comes out). i also didn’t count “discontinued stories” or reward stories (the ones you can only get if you met campaign requirements) or repackaged stories (there’s a substory which is just the text version of goto/kaga/shinonome’s voiced stories, and another 5 which are just goto/kaga/shinonome’s voiced stories split by chapter rather than character. i also didn’t check koi cafe. 
there are so many that i want to be translated!! but let me list a few of the ones i want the most:
all of the 勘違い ♡ BABY stories, also bc the SP (bodyguards) appear in these stories~
in kaga’s one, you go on a diet cause he squished your stomach and said it was soft while he was sleeping lol and also bc ayumu is compiling photos for something like a yearbook (graduation album) and saw you about to eat a doughnut and told you that the camera adds 10lbs. because you go on a soy-heavy diet, your period isn’t arriving and you go see an obgyn as recommended by riko. in the hospital, you bump into katsuragi!! anyway you left your phone in the obgyn department and get called to retrieve it on the loudspeaker so katsuragi and shinonome hear it and assume you’re pregnant. you tell shinonome to keep it a secret and then he blackmails you into helping him with the grad album and kaga gets annoyed since you’re listening to someone other than your master. when he finds out that you went to the hospital to see an obgyn he’s just... SO SOFT AND CARING???????? he makes you lie down and sleep and he makes you so much food and is relieved that your complexion is back to normal and when you tell him the reason you started dieting he APOLOGISES ALSKDJFLAS. one of the options to respond to his apology is asking him if he has a fever lol. another option is telling him to stop (apologising) and be mean like he usually is and then he’s like are you a masochist lmao. 
anyway he tells you that if you really are pregnant, don’t hide it next time since “it’s OUR problem” and not just yours. he also says that not speaking up might harm you and that he doesn’t intend for your relationship to be loose/casual (meaning he’s serious about being with you). HELP I LOVE KAGA.
afterwards, katsuragi is in the instructor’s room to do something and then he thinks you’re pregnant so he gives you a congratulatory bouquet from your team and ayumu literally loses it. 
I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH i can’t WAIT until it’s translated!! you all know i love soft/caring kaga the most and getting that + pregnancy misunderstanding + katsuragi + ayumu being a brat all in one story? *chefs kiss* incredible. i read this story on sato’s room, my favourite jp blog for hlitf content.
in goto’s one, where you go to a drinking party with naruko but it turns out to be a group date (goukon). sora and kurosawa make an appearance (naturally!!)
kaiji makes an appearance in ishigami’s route in which you go to his place to retrieve some documents for him and find lipstick and a lingering scent at his place after he cancels a date because he’s busy with work...
shinonome’s one is the one i’ve briefly mentioned before where his mc ends up with a porn dvd by accident. ayumu also gets jealous of mizuki in it (since his mc in particular just loves mizuki and is starstruck every time she sees him lol, the same thing happens in one of his vip room chapters too )
soma’s route is the one i also posted about recently where you have a matchmaking meeting with subaru. i’ve mentioned this like 5 times before but i literally am dying to see subaru/soma dynamics since subaru is usually so alpha male but soma was his mentor and senpai and trained him in criminal affairs and he really respects him, so i’m desperate to see them interact particularly in a competitive(?) setting. 
there’s another substory i want which is just for kaga and soma called ふれない夜を過ごすとき (when you spend a night without touching). the common factor in both stories is that mc turns down kaga and soma’s advances in bed (because of different story-related reasons) and it results in a ‘cold’ night where they just go to sleep. it’s so appropriate for these two considering they’re the most sexual/physical in the whole title. 
in this substory, voltage alternates between your pov and his pov for each chapter which i think is so interesting. i also love seeing both instructors being so ANXIOUS? about being turned down, since it never happens. and they’re so accepting of your rejection but so worried and hurt asdlkfs i love it. seeing soma being rattled for once is an incredible feeling lmao. and also seeing the third chapter from his perspective is so cool because you really get to see him put his detective skills to use when it comes to gathering information.
a fun detail in kaga’s route is that at the beginning you watch a film together called “ 私の名は” (obviously meant to be playing on “your name” kimi no na wa) haha. by the way, this is also the substory where we meet akane (who you may have seen in kaga vip room stories and ss3). i’m not going to spoil who akane actually is but let’s just say it was totally unexpected... 
aside from these two i want:
入捜査は蜜の味 which is a substory about going on undercover mission with your man. by the way, in this substory, kosugi from my sweet bodyguard is already a famous actress whose shows sell out in under a minute. 
離れるの禁止!-手錠で1日独り占め♡ー a substory just for kaga, goto and shinonome where you end up handcuffed to your instructor for a day
私を見つけて☆王子様 an AU substory with kaga, shinonome and namba routes since they won places in the 2015 election. the concept is like a cinderella x tanabata situation and it’s honestly HYSTERICAL. 
in the kaga ver, shinonome and soma are your evil stepbrother and stepfather respectively and you can only see kaga once a year. you met him in town last year and you spent a day (and night ;)) together and now you want to go to the ball this year. goto and kurosawa are your wizards (fairy godmothers) and their sprites wear giant witch hats with their regular suits. it’s literally so funny. ishigami is kaga’s butler and honestly, he is such a claude lmao. kurosawa reappears disguised as a prince and tries to get you to dance with him and prince hyogo literally tosses him out of the way and calls him nouveau riche ;alskfdjls. anyway he does the whole “i don’t care about your status” thing and wants to be with you. turns out it was a dream the whole time and you tell kaga about it and he’s like i don’t want that fucking megane to be my butler lmaooo (amongst other cute things that he says)
in the namba ver., kaga and shinonome are your stepbrothers A and B. they’re bullying you as usual and then prince namba shows up. i love how kaga is prince hyogo but namba is just prince namba. he whisks you away to a bar somewhere after joking that you don’t have sex appeal because you’re <30 year old and then butler ishigami comes to get him lol. prince namba tells you to grow a little next time you meet and then ishigami is like stop it with the harrassment, you are already being complained about by princesses from neighbouring countries lmaoooo. anyway you get grounded by stepbrothers kaga and shinonome and your evil stepfather soma and made to stay indoors and do chores for the rest of your life while they go to the tanabata ball. wizard goto appears and he’s SHY LOL and he uses his magic to dress you up and whisk you to the ball, where you see prince namba again. you’re about to kiss and then the bell rings and you flee before the date changes (since wizard goto’s magic only works on july 7 lol). literally an entire year passes and you wish to see prince namba at the ball again and wizard goto shows up to grant your wish. however, your evil stepfamily burst in and tie you and wizard goto up because they knew you used magic to go to the ball last year hahahahahhaa. you somehow escape and ride goto’s horse to the ball and namba sees you cause your horse is like screaming/making some really weird noise. he brings you inside and has a whole bunch of gowns and accessories laid out and is like “this old man doesn’t know what kids like so just pick whatever”. you get all dolled up and he tells you he’s impressed by how mature you look and that he was waiting for you and long story short he takes you on a garden stroll and gets on his knees and asks you to be with him forever. naturally, it’s a dream and you wake up in the reference room where you chat a bit with namba and then you end up going for ramen but this is before namba ms2 probably so you aren’t together yet and you lament that he just sees you as a trainee. 
i can’t find a copy of shinonome’s ver online and i spent all my money on intl voltage so sadly i can’t summarise it but i bet it’s equally ridiculous and funny. 
カクテルグラスに愛をのせて a really cute set of substories featuring ishigami, namba and soma which are all about “cocktail language” (as in cocktails having different meanings). i want soma’s one to be translated so badly so i can see dumbass mc being fooled over and over and over again by everyone’s lies and then soma ultimately being SO cute~ 
彼が野生動物だった件 this one is basically about you and your man not being able to touch each other because you need to hide your relationship from tsugaru’s surveillance - but when it’s over, you get devoured by your frustrated boyfriend... 
カレが妬くと大変なことになりまs aka all of those rival jealousy stories. naturally i’m most desperate for soma v shinonome. also, the first of these stories to come out (a while before any of the other ones) was kaga vs tsugaru, so i thought haha they replaced the “す” with “s” for sadist. they kept the titling like this for every single rival pair (namba v kurosawa, ishigami v goto, soma v shinonome) and i was like oh that does undermine it... but then i realised that as tsugaru once said, their entire department is full of sadists and public safety division should be renamed to SM division so~
aside from all of those, i want all the anniversary stories as well with their accompanying CGs and/or manga!! 
ahh... there’s also the 2/365 birthday story (which is where ishigami gifts you the matching watch btw) which is literally just everyone spoiling you and it’s so cute. anyway if i don’t stop this now i will keep going on and on and on but basically every single hlitf substory is AMAZING? i hope they release the untranslated summer ones soon too as summer is coming up!
ETA: I FORGOT TO MENTION I ALSO WANT THIS WHOLE SET: 逆転バレンタイン- 恋人は専属補佐官 which is a valentine special where basically the roles are reversed and you are the instructor and he is your exclusive aide~ 
and i want the entire kare kiss set as well because you know how much i love a jealousy plot ;) 
EDIT 2: I ALSO FORGOT TO MENTION 加賀兵吾の再調教 if only just for this one image 
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and this formalwear sprite
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and also just the drama of you being locked in a cage barely conscious for days while kaga has to pretend to sell you to a perverted millionaire 
by the way, the heart necklace you’re wearing in the cg is something that kaga gave in one of his main routes iirc and he literally tramples on it in this special... the DRAMA
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greyliliy · 4 years
After playing it a while now, I really do love Love Live All Stars. I always liked the original Love Live: School Idol Festival, but I’m awful at the game portion. Lol. I can complete the Expert levels, but I’m always breaking combos and while I like the songs okay, I end up not playing for long because of said frustration with the game part.
But All Stars? Love the gameplay. I’m sure it has something to do with winning the Gacha Lottery (I got Clown Ruby on like my second pull or something and that Guard skill of hers is BROKEN and I love it), but I think even if I hadn’t, I’d still like this more.
The two buttons make the rhythm game portion much more manageable and I can actually enjoy the songs more (I never thought I’d like Thrilling Run Way, but here we are. A song I dreaded in LLSIF is now one of my favorite songs). The team building part is fun, too, but since I use Auto-Team for everything, I also don’t have to think about that. XD
Plus the story is fun. It’s a little weird that it’s 100% self-insert and how big of a role the MC plays (I write all their music and songs and that’s huge in an Idol setting...also I write all the music for 9 girls who do solo acts--I feel like I’m Haruka from Uta no Prince Sama LOL), but on the other hand--I feel like Nijigasaki is my Idol Group and I love them.
Also I’m shipping Ayumu x the MC and I have no idea where that came from but I guess it’s a thing now.
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