#Aya really said happy wife happy life
akumanoken · 8 months
Ann & Sue pulling Souji along tho. They're spherehunters now too, they want to learn about Spira as much as Sou does
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A man who is just going to sigh and follow along. They'll be able to get their work done either way. If Souji's happy with his family searching for dresspheres along the way, all the better.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Can request a Elijah x reader where he is dating reader and it is really serious like they are engaged serious, and Hayley is jealous of reader. So when the Strix kidnapped both Jackson and Reader making Hayley choose and she chooses to save Jackson and reader is almost killed but Josh saves reader last minute.
Yeah my requests are open. Now normally I love Hayley but this got my angst juices pumping.
Title- I could have lost her.
Warnings: Angst, a every angry Elijah, some fluff in the end,
Hayley watched Elijah with you, a human woman that somehow won the noble vampire's heart, the female hybrid was jealous....every jealous because you got to see everything about Elijah even a look behind the red door and you still stayed with him. When Elijah came home to say he was engaged to you was surprising to Hayley and right away Klaus, the little shit, threw a ball to celebrate.
"How about we do lilies instead?" You ask ing Elijah who looked from his book and seeing the wedding planner in your lap seeing the flowers you were looking at.
"Baby, I'm happy with whatever you choose for the last time but yes the lilies are nicer."
"Elijah, but I wanna know what you want." You tell Elijah whining a bit as he chuckled leaning towards you kissing you softly. You stopped blushing brightly as Elijah smirked moving his book from his lap and patted his thigh as a silent way to tell you to climbed into his lap.
"Elijah, have you seen Klaus?" Hayley asked finally making herself known as Elijah looked over at Hayley smiling.
"In his studio, Hope is asleep in her bedroom." Elijah answered Hayley as he placed kisses on your neck making you giggle stopping him.
"Have you set a date?" Rebekah asked walking placing bags down and Hayley saw what was in them. In the bags was plates and center pieces as you smiled brightly.
"Yes! December 16th." You tell Rebekah excitedly as Elijah knew you wanted a winter wedding due to all the romantic Christmas movies you watched that romanticize winter weddings.
"Oh a winter wedding."
"Yes oh! I need to go see Kali for my fitting." You said getting up as Elijah smiled seeing you so happy.
"Of course. See you at dinner baby?"
"Yes, if she doesn't keep too late. I'll see you then my love." You tell Elijah pecking his lips then leaving.
"I wasn't aware my Sire was getting married." You heard a voice say as you woke seeing a suited man looking though your wedding planner. You looked seeing Jackson tied to a chair hurt and then saw a black woman next to the suited man as you realized they were Aya and Tristan.
"Aya we should send Elijah a gift." Tristan says standing up walking over to you gripping your chin.
"What a cute thing you are. Better hope Hayley makes the right choice."
Elijah was pacing worried when you didn't come home yet and Hayley had came over telling them Jackson was missing. Hayley hadn't told the family that the Strix had contact her as Rebekah rubbed Elijah's shoulders when he sat down.
"Don't worry Elijah we'll find her."
You were weak and bleeding as Tristan would feed from you but not heal you and tried to get you to tell the Mikaelson's secrets. The door open when you saw Tristan was walking in inside with Hayley following behind.
"Choose one. Jackson or Y/N." Tristan said smirked as Hayley looked at you then at Jackson. Hayley knew Elijah would be angry with her but she didn't care as all she saw you as just a human and Elijah would have an eternity to get over you.
"Jackson....I choose Jackson. She is only human." Hayley said as Tristan smirked darkly as Aya grabbed a passed out Jackson handing him over to Hayley leaving you with psychotic vampire.
Elijah was beyond angry as he threw a table making Rebekah jump watching Elijah throw things and yell. When Hayley came back with Jackson and informed them what happen how she chosen to save Jackson over you. Elijah saw red when Hayley said Jackson wouldn't survive the Strix making Klaus and Rebekah rush to stop Elijah from tearing the female hybrid's heart out.
"How dare she! She should have told us right when she knew!" Elijah shouted throwing a chair as Freya teared up seeing her little brother hurt. Elijah fell to his knees tears pooling in his eyes as Rebekah and Freya rushed to his side.
"Hayley broke me.....how could she." Elijah whispered holding onto Rebekah whose heart broke for Elijah and Freya hugged him from behind.
"You have hurt Elijah deeper than I could ever have." Klaus tells Hayley pouring a drink as Hayley sat in a chair her head buried in her hands.
"Jackson was more important."
"More important because he is your husband or more important because Y/N has Elijah's heart?" Klaus questioned watching Hayley snapped her head up glaring at the hybrid.
"I wouldn't hurt Elijah like that. I'm sorry for choosing my husband over some human."
"That human was to be Elijah's wife. And for Elijah to pledge his life to another like that? He'll never heal, he'll never be whole again. Most importantly he'll never forgive you, Hayley."
You whimpered in pain when someone hushed you softly shifting your weight as you noticed you were being carried.
"Shhh Y/N. It's me Josh." Josh whispered as you realized he was saving you and going to bring you to Elijah. Josh nearly jumped feeling you buried your face in his neck.
"Elijah would come and get you hisself bug from what Marcel had seen....Elijah thinks you are dead and is broken, not hisself." Josh whispered finally get you out of the Strix's hideout and quickly made his way to the compound. Your heart hurt hearing how Elijah was holding up and passed out feeling tired. When you woke an hour later feeling warm and not in pain as you looked to see you were cleaned and dressed in Elijah's shirt.
"Oh Elijah!" You squeaked out moving to get up only to be pulled back against said vampire's strong chest. You looked seeing Elijah looking at you with tearful eyes and you rolled over hugging the Original.
"Shhhh Eli.... I'm here, I'm home." You cooed softly as Elijah buried his face in your neck. You ran your fingers though his hair much like you would do when Elijah would have nightmares.
"Baby....I could have lost you." Elijah says his voice cracking as he held you closer while you kissed his head. You were hurting to know that Elijah was hurt as you never been this loved before.
"I know but thanks to Joshie....you didn't." You said feeling Elijah smile against your neck relaxing against you.
"Yes I must find someone way to thank Joshua. I hope know I will not allow you out of my sight."
"Going back to stalking me?" You teased Elijah and you let out a squeal when Elijah nipped at your neck.
"I called it watching over you, baby." Elijah said softly falling asleep against you as your fingers were still going though his hair.
"I know. I love you Always and Forever."
"I love you more Always and Forever." Elijah whispered as you both fell asleep happy to in one another's arms again
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I should be writing my MA but since procrastination is my middle name and I'd prefer to play AC instead of working, I've got this idea.
Since I'm not a fan of writing it may appear in form of drawings and maybe comics.
I'm mostly typing this shit as a note for myself from the future but if it'll inspire anyone to write - I want to read this shit.
There's been a billion modern AU Assassin's Creed fics but I don't give a fuck.
New York. Modern Times. Or late 90s - early 00s cuz modern times suck.
Deciding on a year is super tricky 😭 cuz I wanted to have this nice, pre-2007-2009 financial crisis era.
U know. The one that fucked up the property market and made housing unaffordable.
But I was lying in my bed one day and I've got an idea for a nice teenage Altair story that would require him to be around 15 in 2002. It would change the AU year to 2011 and the 2010s were already fucked up. I'm torn between my story and my AU vision 😭.
Also putting it in the 2010s would make the conclusion of the story in the 2030s and I'm not sure if humanity survives the next 10 years.
Roommates AU - Altaïr, Ezio, Connor, Arno, and Jacob (maybe Edward too but I'm not sure I have a different idea for him too)
Monica's Apartament vibe.
Funny fact - I've never watched Friends
Like the guys are living together and besides dealing with everyday YA bullshit they are also Assassins. Life is hard without the hidden Templar vs Assassin war.
But someone has to pay rent, buy toilet paper and cook food while maintaining a social life. Five someone to be more precise.
Bois are the most notorious ppl in the building cuz of parties, pranks, arguments, running on the rooftop. Usual shit.
Also, Ezio fucks really loud.
Bayek is the landlord (TM) who is equally done with their shit but also he's sort of like Jerry from Totally Spies - "Assassins I have a mission for you"
He's also in separation with his wife Aya so he's extra pissy.
The Roommates:
Altair Ibn La'ahad aka the responsible one
- He's the oldest boi. I picture him around the mid-late 20s ... 26. Lol.
- He's also the one officially renting the place.
- 8 out of 10 times he's done with the Bois bullshit. Especially Jacob.
- Just like in the games, he is the most traditional Assassin. Serious and diligent but also cocky.
- He's Syrian - American, 2nd generation. His mom died in childbirth, dad was killed during the gang shooting when Altaïr was 10, cuz they lived in a dodgy neighborhood. He grew up in the foster home of Al-Sayf.
- Faheem Al-Sayf and Umar Ibn La'ahad were friends (and brothers in the Creed) so when Altaïr was orphaned he just swoop in and became Altaïr's legal guardian.
-So when Altaïr addresses Malik 'brother' it has a double meaning. They banter like siblings and annoy one another too. Also, Kadar is alive because I said so.
- They are the reason why Altaïr is still dealing with his roommates' shit. He has years of experience in dealing with brotherly shit.
- Abbas was this shitty kid from your primary school that you initially thought was your friend but turned out to be a douchebag.
- He's also in a long and well-established relationship with Maria, who at this point might as well count as one of the roommates.
- I picture their relationship as the most stable one in the group. They've been together for a few years at this point and are well aware of each other's quirks and faults but they accept them and remain in a happy relationship.
- Not in the honeymoon phase but I think it's a very much physical relationship. They love and still desire one another. A lot.
- Both of them are private about their affection. Not to the point of hiding from the roommates but you definitely won't catch them making out on a couch (unless it's a date night in and they were supposed to be alone.) Neither you'll really hear them having sex. They are a bit vocal but not to the point of letting everyone know that they're doing the deed. The sounds are for one another, not the entire block to hear.
- Still, a quick good morning kiss in the kitchen while making breakfast and a cup of coffee or a little cuddle on a couch while watching TV when the others are around is ok. They are all adults, so it’s not like they don’t know what a couple does. Altaïr and Maria are also the ones that have the “we’re running out of milk, can you pick up some later?” conversations.
-Most of the guys don't even notice when Maria stays over. It's not unusual to see her making breakfast in the morning in their kitchen while her hair is dripping with water after the shower. Jacob actually thought for the first four months that she lives with them permanently.
- Altaïr and Maria are the parents (TM) of this household. Even if Maria doesn't really live there.
- Altaïr's occupation was a bit tricky to me but I think he'd be a freelance writer. Codex and stuff indicate that he likes to write. Also, such a job is very flexible and allows a lot of time for training and research.
- Which he does. A lot.
- Eye candy for girls at the local gym.
- Hobbies include playing video games, drawing, snowboarding, and reading fantasy books. Alone. In silence. He also plays a bit on guitar.
- He still enjoys socializing, partying, and drinking from time to time. Just not every two days maybe.
-He’s surprisingly good at beer pong. Like, I'm not kidding, the first time he played, he smashed his opponents and couldn't care less. 
- Deeply inside he cares for the guys and loves them, he simply doesn't show it. Canonical Altaïr had a lot of love in him, for his family and friends. After all, he brought love back to the order and never forgive himself when Maria died. This guy is a huge softie inside.
- His room is his castle. Nobody dares to enter without permission and Altaïr's knowledge. Ezio once made this mistake when he was looking for condoms after bringing one of his dates over. His room is the cleanest one in the apartment but also very personal.
- Middle Eastern carpet on the floor and some decorative pillow on the bed, that reminds of his parents' home country. Hookah he got on 18th birthday, that he smokes with Malik whenever he comes over. A workspace with a desk and a laptop that has a cute photo of him and Maria on wallpaper. Snowboard on the wall above the bed. Bookshelves are full of fantasy novels, Assassins tomes, and history books. Maybe a copy of the Bible and Quran that used to belong to his parents, with their photo nearby. A guitar in the corner, next to Maria's yoga mat because her stuff is in his room too.
- Tiny mirror and Maria's makeup items are always on the windowsill, next to a plant she gave him. The plant is still alive because Altaïr is a responsible plant parent.
- He also has a photo with his foster family. Probably stuck in the large mirror frame that's on his closest. In the majority of the photos, there are just him and Maria being cute. He has photos with his friends and roommates too. The mirror is also decorated with dumb stickers that Maria found and used to mark her territory.
- For someone so important in this household I picture him having a rather small room.
Ezio Auditore aka the heart of the home one
- Ezio is always super loud. No matter what he does. Everyone wants to hate him for this but he's too charming for his own good.
- I see him somewhere in the middle when it comes to age. Like he's older than Arno and Jacob and younger than Altaïr but I'm not sure about Connor. I'm honestly torn between making Ezio the second oldest and the middle child (TM) younger than Connor. So he’s either 24 or 23.
- Ezio is a uni student. He came from Italy to break free from overbearing parents to study economy and banking in New York. He doesn't really enjoy it but is quite good at it.
- Canonical Ezio is an art collector and likes art. So while studying at uni AU Ezio met and befriend an art Student Leonard Da Vinci Leo.
- Leo was a bit bullied by the jocks at the university and Ezio's older brother instinct kicked in.
- Both bonded over being Italian in America. An actual Italians, not the "omg my great great great grandpa was from Italy! I'm basically Italian!" Kind.
- Leo also isn't super happy with his studies because there're too many things he's into to decide on one major. Ezio can relate. At least to the 'I don't know what I want to do in the future' part. He also likes listening to Leo talking about art, more than he'd anticipated.
- He took a minor in art history. This is his life now.
- He also discovered another perk of his minor - ladies. So many girls study art and Ezio is in for it.
- He definitely uses his "I'm Italian and my country is famous for art. Do you want to discuss it later?" charm. It works surprisingly often.
- Leo doesn't approve - "with great knowledge comes great responsibility Amico Mio!"
- Ezio is the one that invites the majority of guests into the apartment.
- Unlike Altaïr, Ezio loves having guests over and sharing his space with people. Even if they're not close friends.
- Nevertheless, he wouldn't invite over anyone he doesn't trust. He's an assassin and it's an assassin household. He's friendly, not stupid.
- He's responsible for hosting the majority of the parties. If it was up to only him a party would be every other day.
- Ezio is also the one most likely to get caught making out on a couch by the others. He just doesn't care who will see.
- He is like the worst roommate to share the bathroom with cuz he spends hours there. Nobody knows what he's doing in there but he takes longer than any guy who lives there and any girl that stayed over for the night.
- He also clogs the shower with his majestic hair.
- Almost half of all beauty and hygiene products in there are his. The other half is Arno's. Around 15% belongs to Maria. Altaïr and Jacob are like - I have a bar of soap and a toothbrush. Connor hogs maybe 10% of all bathroom space.
- He is in charge of all indoor hangouts and bonding activities in the apartment. He's like the warm glue that keeps those guys together.
- Ezio might or might not suffer the most during the camping trips that Connor organizes.
- Ezio's room is a mess. Clothing is everywhere, alongside the university textbooks, notes, and a few copies of Playboy magazines.
- Guys don't enter his room either but for a completely different reason than Altaïr's. You can't find anything in there unless you're Ezio himself.
- I picture him as a guy who has a lot of posters in his room. Not all are posters with girls but also band posters and of course football ⚽ posters.
-He keeps his family photos over his study space. His brothers, parents, Claudia, uncle Mario - you name them. This guy loves his family and misses them a lot.
- Ezio loves football (for you North Americans it's soccer.) He plays it, watches it. You name it.
- He owns the PlayStation 2 of the Household and uses it mostly to play Fifa games.
- Thanks to his knowledge of finances he is responsible for the household budgeting and paying bills and taxes. Altaïr remembers when and what has to be done but it's Ezio that fills out the documents. He's very good at this and thanks to him they guys still have water, electricity, food in the fridge, and a roof over their heads. Because he can count and budget things.
- Ezio is the chef of the household too. This boi can cook VERY well. He usually cooks for everyone, for parties, for other people's parties, to impress ladies. You name it.
- It's also his go-to mechanism to cope with stress. It reminds him of home.
- Cuz this boi is also a mama's boy. He misses his entire family but mamma has a special spot.
- His roommates of course don't know about it. He'd rather die than admit it.
- Ezio's love life is a mess and the guys know it. Very often they are using it for betting.
- His current favorite lay is an exchange student Christina Vespucci. She shows up pretty often in the apartment but she's not the only girl that visits Ezio.
- Both Christina and Ezio know that they're not exclusive but she pushes him to commit.
- Ezio really likes her but isn't sure if that's what he wants.
- He sometimes steals Altaïrs' guitar and pretends to know how to play to pick up girls.
- One day he learns that his mom and sister are coming to New York.
- Claudia got transferred to an all-girls prestigious high school and his mom arrived with her. For safety. Apparently, Giovanni wanted to keep his wife and daughter as far from Florence as possible.
- Mamma doesn't really approve of her son's lifestyle but she lets him make his own mistakes. She took a liking to Leo and thinks that he has a positive influence on her son.
- Claudia initially felt intimidated in the school and wanted to go back to Italy. However, she learned that in a younger class there's another Italian girl.
- They're not really friends but Claudia and her do hang out a bit. Ezio is glad that his younger sister isn't completely alone in her new school.
- This Sofia girl that Claudia hangs out with is nice after all. She moved a lot in her life so it's easier for her to assimilate than for Claudia.
- He doesn't know that Sofia has a major crush on him.
- But she's just a child in his eyes. There's no way he'd be into someone so young.
- Maybe when Sofia is older she'll catch his attention? Who knows? Sofia definitely hopes for this.
- For now, Ezio just lives every day to its fullest and doesn't care for the future.
Connor Kenway aka the quiet one
- He is either the second oldest or the third oldest (after Ezio) in the apartment (still figuring that one out.) - again 24 or 23
- Vet school student. Very diligent but not straight As. He tries very hard though.
- Unlike everyone else in the apartment, Connor doesn't have an experience of living with siblings or roommates. He's 100% only child and is used to having his stuff only for himself.
- He had a hard time adapting to the "I ate it cuz it didn't have your name on it" and taking stuff without asking culture.
- Ezio may or may not overuse it in the early days.
- He is fine now and got used to living with the Bois.
- I picture him as a child of divorced parents that lived a pretty comfortable life but in the end was very lonely and found himself very often in the crossfire.
- He often traveled to England to see his dad and lived there for a few years. Like his upbringing was split between the two continents.
- Haytham and Connor always had a rocky relationship but currently, they're not even on speaking terms. Nevertheless, he likes his aunt Jenifer and she's his favorite family member in England.
- Connor spent the majority of his upbringing with his mom. Kaniehtí:io definitely is his favorite parent.
- He grew up very close to his Mohawk culture and is very keen on helping his community. He helps as one of the free tutors in a teaching program at the local Indigenous Community Center. He knows that education is important and those kids very often don't get equal chances so he wants to help.
- He teaches the language class too, since he's one of the few remaining fluent speakers of Kanyen'kéha.
- Overall he is very involved in participating in his indigenous culture.
- He might or might not have a crush on a girl that volunteers in this center and he might or might not imagine them living happily ever after with three kids.
- Besides being an active (cuz not really outspoken) in his Community Center, Connor is also a member of his university conservation club.
- He goes to the beach clean-ups almost every weekend and is very good at collecting signatures for pro-environmental petitions. He is a guy on the mission and there's nothing that's going to stop a very determinant Connor Kenway.
- He is the outdoorsy one that drags everyone to spend more time in the wild. Whether it'll be a walk in Central Park or a camping trip outside of the city.
- He helps in the animal shelter because of course he does.
- One day he brought home an Irish Wolfhound named Tatch and fought nail and tooth to let the dog stay. Arno joined him in this fight because he had Irish Wolfhound in his childhood in France. In the end, it was Altaïr that had to convince Bayek to let the dog stay.
- The dog stayed and everyone loves Tatch. Ezio and Arno use him to pick up ladies while walking him (because the dog is the best wingman.) Altaïr claims that the dog is an inconvenience since it costs money and is time-consuming but the guys have seen him petting Tatch while reading way too many times at this point. Altaïr is literally the dad and the dog meme. The Best part? Connor knew from the beginning that the guys will love Tatch.
- He has a sixth sense (heh) when it comes to connecting people with their perfect pets. He'd work in the shelter all the time if he could.
- Connor's room is probably the second cleanest in the household. It has a few clothes let astray, dog toys, and dog hair sticking to the blanket but overall it's ok. Like he wouldn't be embarrassed if anyone saw the state of the room.
- His room is the cozy one. It's very warm and inviting. For some reason, I think it has yellow walls. He has a dream catcher above his bed and multiple plants on the windowsill.
- He stores his belongings and trinkets in Black ash baskets. His favorite one was made by Ziio herself. He tried basket weaving but he really doesn't have a knack for this. This boi doesn't have an artistic bone in his body.
- I think he uses his bed for studying and occasionally a kitchen table so I don't think that he has a desk in his room.
- He does, however, have a lot of sports equipment - dumbbells, baseball set, rock climbing equipment, and maybe even a snowboard or a pair of skis.
- Connor enjoys baseball, both playing and watching. I think that he also enjoys cricket (since he played it while in England) but he'd rather die than admit it.
- He and Jacob bond a bit over England as Connor is the only one who lived there too.
- He is a coffee guy. That's it. That's the entire point. I have nothing else to add.
- Overall Connor is very busy and it's not unusual to not see him very often in the apartment. Nevertheless, whenever Ezio organizes bonding night, Connor will always be there for his friends and roommates.
Arno Dorian aka the dreamer one
- Arno used to be the baby of the household before Jacob moved in. This boi is 22 years old.
- He arrived in NYC to fulfill his big dream of becoming a well-renowned showbusiness headhunter.
- He used to study literature in Paris at Sorbonne University but dropped out. He liked it but decided that it was not something he wanted to do.
- His parents were furious and cut him off financially. Suddenly the rich kid had to fend on his own. Initially, it was like hitting the wall, but that's how he found the poor artists' community. 
- Arno lived with a bunch of artists in a small apartment in Montmartre. It was the place where rich kid Arno learned what is it like to live with roommates and struggle to pay rent.
- This is where he found his true passion - bringing talent to the masses. If he found something interesting, he wanted to share it with people. Arno helped a few artists while still in France reach a wider audience. It made him sure that he finally found his calling.
- He especially likes theater. So, what's a better place to look for a future star than near Broadway?
- He works as a barista in Starbucks in the Theatre District. He misspells the names on purpose but overall his customer service is A+.
- He tries harder than Starbucks is worth it.
- This guy dreams of making it big in the art world and has a bit of childish naivety to him. Yet Arno is still witty and can insult Jacob so that the Englishman will treat it as a compliment. 
-He is a ruthless player of UNO too. Nobody wants to play UNO with Arno because he cheats. His roommates can't prove it (because he is so skilled) but deep inside know that it's impossible to be this lucky. 
- Connor started to get suspicious after he had to draw 57 cards in 3 games in a row. Bless his heart.
- He can make a mean Caffè latte. A skill that Ezio overuses in the mornings.
- Speaking of Ezio, Arno is absolutely in awe of him. Ezio is everything Arno wants to be - handsome, confident, witty, and a ladies' man. 
- Arno is all of those things but he can’t help but compare himself to the older Assassin.
- Unlike Ezio, however, Arno is calmer, softer, and a bit more romantic soul. Don't get me wrong, Ezio is a devil. He can sweep any woman off her feet before she notices what happened. While Ezio is very passionate in his courting, Arno is more of a vanilla romantic. 
- Whenever Arno wants to woo a lady, he'd start by getting her name right if she's in Starbucks. He might draw a little smiley face and a compliment on the cup. Like, "Your hair looks awesome today" or "You have a pretty smile" the non-creepy, friendly ones.
- He also does this when he sees that someone is under the weather. Not because he is super kind but simply because he can brighten up someone's day. He's like - why not?
- If the girl he likes also fancies him, he will try to invite her for a walk in central park or for a coffee 'that is not mass-produced. 
- If the girl agrees, he'll bring her flowers, compliment her and listen to her. 
- Arno is a very good listener whenever you are his friend or potential romantic partner. He pays attention and observes reactions to calculate his next move. He always gives the best advice, especially on relationships.
- If any of the guys reaches a rough patch with their partners, Arno is like their go-to advisor and relationship therapist. During one particularly rough period between Maria and Altaïr, he acted as the mediator and helped them patch things up.
- He utilizes his listening skills in picking the perfect 2nd date location and activities that are altered to his sweetheart's preferences. If she's playful, he'll take her to Coney Island. She loves animals? Central Park Zoo or a walk with Tatch. Art? Metropolitan Museum. Theatre? Broadway! 
- Besides the perfect setting, he'd also try to figure out the love language of his date and act accordingly. All of this while being a perfect gentleman.
- So far, it's working well for him, and he has a long list of phone numbers. 
- Recently, however, he's been smitten with Maria's new roommate - Élise de la Serre. 
- He and Élise actually go way back since they went to primary school together. He was a frequent visitor in the de la Serre household. In this AU Arno wasn't adopted by de la Serre. I always found it strange and unsettling that Arno and Élise grew up together as step-siblings and had a romantic relationship.
- For now, he feels very nervous around her. Something he has never felt around a girl before.
- After Yusuf moved out, Arno moved into his old room. Reason? He didn't want to live next to Ezio because of the noises. Yeah, those noises. The room next to Ezio is like an initiation to the Brotherhood apartment. You can move up in ranks only if someone else moves out.
- Since Arno was the newbie until recently, he had to share the same wall with Ezio for a long time. Now it's Jacob's problem. Lol.
- Arno's room is in the middle on a scale of cleanesss. There are some things out of order, and it's not always decent to show to other people, but he's 100% sure that nothing besides him lives there. He has some sexy posters on the walls and naughty magazines of his own, but they are not as visible as in Ezios' room. Maybe somewhere like on the inside of his door or inside the closet doors. 
 - I don't think Arno has a desk in his room, just like Connor. He doesn't need it, so why should he waste his space? Instead, he has a bookcase.
- Arno reads a lot and the majority of his books are in French. Maybe he has some in German since he speaks it a little because of his Austrian mom, but he's not very keen on the German language, and he doesn't really read in English.
- He also has one of those tacky Eiffel tower figurines on his bookcase. He knows how trashy it is, and he bought it as a joke when he was leaving Paris. The whole thing is also covered in post-it notes with phone numbers to various artists he'd like to work with.
- As stereotypical as it sounds, Arno has the largest closet in the household. This guy likes fashion a lot, and he knows how to dress well. 
- He has actual paintings on the wall, like a true man of culture. Since the fallout with his parents, he doesn't really keep photos of his family, but he has a picture of Scratch, his childhood pet.
- He misses France, but Arno isn't going back before he makes it big. 
Jacob Frye aka the comedic relief one
- Now Jacob is the baby of the house, only 21 years of age. He is barely allowed to drink in the USA! The apartment is his 3rd attempt at independence.
- Before moving to NYC, Jacob lived with his twin sister in London. But she moved in with her boyfriend, Henry Green. For a short period, he lived with them, but Evie informed her younger brother that: two's company, three's a crowd. Jacob had to move out.
- For a while, the younger Frye twin struggled to maintain housing of his own. He got evicted so many times that the landlords didn't want to rent to him anymore.
- Poor Jacob slept in London Underground trains. He preferred this over admitting to his family that he is struggling. After all, if Evie can manage in London, so can he!
- Jacob got involved with London gangs and got in trouble with the police. Since he couldn't appear in the police archives, Jacob broke into the station and stole his folder before it made its way to the database. This stun got the attention of the American Brotherhood, which offered Jacob a better use of his skills. 
- Being the impulsive guy he is, Jacob decided, "why not?" and before he could think his decision through, he was on a plane to America.
- British Brotherhood might or might not plan to get rid of Jacob like this for a while. It's like in Bean: The Movie - American Assassins thought that they get a competent expert, but English just wanted to get rid of an inconvenience.
- The fact that Jacob once almost ruined an entire British economy might or might not influence the decision of the English Brotherhood.
- Jacob got a room that used to belong to Arno. The room is medium in size, bigger than Altaïrs' room for sure, but it didn't take long for Jacob to learn why nobody wants to live there. Approximately, he discovered it after 6 hours since he moved in when Ezio returned with his date.
- Initially, poor Jacob felt like the butt of all jokes in the household. Victim of Ezio and Arno pranks, dangling at the bottom of the food chain. He considered going back to England. Neither Brotherhood nor his roommates treated him seriously. 
- The Bois, however, learned to not judge an idiot by his demeanor when during one mission, it was Jacob that saved their asses. Mr. Fry despises being a reckless idiot, and a comedian is a spectacular assassin. 
- While on a job, Jacob is a master assassin material, focused on his target, quick and efficient. He earned his roommates' respect. He also came up with the retreat plan and a cover-up. It was this mission that humbled his older brethren. It also showed them that Jacob is a diamond in the rough.
- Learning to live with Jacob was a challenge, especially for Connor and Altaïr. His attitude toward Creed annoyed Altaïr. Connor found it difficult to deal with Jacobs' tendencies of borrowing stuff without asking or eating food that clearly did not belong to the English assassin.
- On the other hand, both Ezio and Arno get along with Jacob like a house on fire. Those three are constantly pranking one another. They are wingmen in picking up ladies and compadre in partying.
- If Ezio is the heart of the party, then Jacob is its soul. Jacob is a comedian and loves to bring smiles to people's faces. He sucks at beer pong though. That is why he teams up with Altaïr. Jacob makes the show while Altaïr is actually doing the playing part. 
- He also uses his sense of humor and charisma to pick people up. The Englishman is bisexual after all. He likes galls AND gents. Jacob initially struggled with his sexuality, and he is still figuring himself out. Equally in terms of what he wants to do and who he is.
- He neither studies nor works. He just exists and relies heavily on his roommates and Maria. 
- Speaking of Maria, he really likes her. She reminds him of Evie, but unlike his sister, Maria isn't annoying and is hot. Maria didn't like this comment, and neither did Altaïr.
- Both he and Maria are tea lovers, so they meet for tea sometimes. Jacob knows his tea, and he can distinguish different blends. He even has his own section for different kinds of tea in one of the kitchen cupboards. He also has a special mug that nobody is allowed to use.
- Jacob steals Netflix from Evie and Henry by naming his account 'settings'. Hide in plain sight. I love the idea but I doubt that Netflix was a thing in the early 2000s
- If it wasn't for Ezio, Jacob would get the cake for the dirtiest room in the apartment. It's like after an explosion in there. Jacob simply doesn't care and doesn't mind having a mess.
- His room is a strange one. It is already messy but still lacks a distinguished personality. Like every boi has something that makes their room theirs - Jacob's room - not really.
- He has a photo of his grandma and Evie as well as the Union Jack pillow. You know, the one that every single English person has in their room when they're abroad. Besides those two things, there's not much Jacob in Jacob's space.
- It's because he still feels like his stay with his roommates is temporary, and they will kick him out, just like everyone else did. They will not, even though Altaïr was close a few times.
- This boi is still figuring out who he is and what to do with his life. He spent most of his life in his sister's shadow, so now he has to discover who Jacob Fry really is.
- He's still very young and has time for this. No matter what, he can rely on his new friends.
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chibimyumi · 3 years
Hey I hope you're doing well!
Have you watched Furukawa Yuta's Mozart live stream? And if you have watched it could you you make a little review if you have time?
Thank you for answering
【Related post: "Mozart!" 2021 Live Stream】
Dear Anon,
Yes I did watch the Furuzart Live Stream! As said before, I am actually no big fan of "Mozart!" as a show, but I was ecstatic about Furukawa's reprise as Mozart because it'd be such a milestone for him. Last time in 2018 Furukawa underperformed according to himself and critics, so 2021 was his "redemption arc" for him, so to say. And boy he did!
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In 2018 a main criticism about Furuzart was that his voice had no power, no volume, in 2018. Furukawa also admitted that as the musical prodigy W.A. Mozart himself, he could not afford to miss any note. One of Furukawa's weaknesses is his singing, so he underwent a new Spartan training back in 2018 just for this role. He even learnt playing the piano within a few weeks, just to do Mozart justice.
But in the end... well yes, he did hit all the notes... but he basically whispered most of his songs, and often he was so hyper focused on just singing the notes right, his emotional range varied between: "mildly nervously happy" to "extremely nervous". This time however, Furukawa shared in the press conference that for the first time he feels enjoyment in showing off his skills, rather than just anxiety.
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This time round, Furukawa has improved his vocal range significantly, and singing high pitches comes with convincible ease now. The high transitions are smooth, and the belting/shouts are powerful! 
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Mozart is a very child-like character. He is spontaneous, and has this tremendous talent and energy his human body fails to contain. In 2021, Furukawa really excellently managed to show how Mozart is just always bursting with unkempt passion, but has no outlet.
Mozart is employed by very high ranking people, so he always has to watch his manners. He however, is also strongly of the opinion that none of the nobles deserve his respect. It is amazing to see how Furuzart is always being in a state of: "I know I have to be polite, I will try a BIT, but you don't deserve any more than this much effort 👌" Honestly, this look of him wearing his locks with that... powdered situation on his head is the PERFECT representation of what Furuzart is. Even when sticking to the rules everything is just wrong.
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When Mozart was fired for example, he had a small moment of: "dude, you're firing MOI? (ÒAÓ)" But then very quickly he realised that he was finally free, and his proclamation of freedom was the most genuine glee I've ever seen on stage.
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Mozart's life is of course not a walk though the park, however... and very soon tragedy after tragedy strikes him. The moment the shit starts hitting the show though, Furukawa's Mozart is best described using just one word: "devastating".
During the special curtain call of the Final Performance, Director Koike Shuichiro was really emotional, and said that while in the spectators seats he was struck by how hyper detailed Furukawa’s acting was. Koike said: “It might be arrogant, but I think for once it is alright to say how proud I am of our work. I have always known Furukawa Yuta for his attention for detail, but today I learned just how precise, how detailed his acting can go. Now I’m a bit angry with him though. Why didn’t you show me this during the rehearsals?”
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Furukawa has always had this incredible skill of devastating his audience with something so...complex, so subtle, and yet overwhelmingly heart-breaking to the audience. I think in Mozart we really see the full extent of Furukawa's skills. Especially because Mozart is so child-like, you just can’t help but feel like you want to protect him.
The “world of adults” was so bitter and unforgiving, and Furuzart really showed how he was trying so hard to compute everything... but was given no space to explore anything. (Honestly... isn’t that all of us right now?)
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Though I still find “Mozart!” as a production flawed in many aspects, the piques are phenomenal piques. I think with the newly edited version of “Mozart!” 2021, the show is more coherent than before, however. I think “Mozart!” really is a coming-of-age-failed story. In Furukawa’s words:
The Grand Musicals written by Kunze and Levay are cultural markers in the Japanese theatre world, and they are known for the empowering female leads. Mozart however, I think is the only male lead among the Kunze & Levay productions? I feel tremendously honoured to be allowed this one role. Mozart is known only for his greatness, but this musical shows that no greatness is ever simple. Behind greatness is always just a human being. For me, I think the question this production asks is: “What is talent?” Is talent something that resides in the body, or the soul?   - Furukawa.
Other cast
Mozart is really 80% of the show; once he shows up, he hardly ever gets off stage again. This means that the side characters REALLY need to shine in order not to be forgotten.
Constanze - Mozart’s Wife
In 2018, the Constanzes were pretty badly received by the public. From left to right are Kinoshita Haruka, Hirano Aya and Ikuta Erika. Out of the three, only Hirano’s Constanze was what the show and TOHO’s reputation promised. Kinoshita and Ikuta were both described as: “they sing well, but they’re little girls trying on mommy’s high heels”, one of the harshest criticisms in public domains in Japan I have seen.
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In 2021, Constanze was played by just Kinoshita, and I was very worried that the only reason she’d be there in the Imperial Theatre again was because she’s pretty.
Then I watched the show, and to my pleasant surprise there was significant improvement!! Kinoshita spoke and sang in a much lower and stable voice, she wasn’t forcing it, and she did have a little bit of zest this role demands. She is still not the power-house of a Constanze as Hirano and Sonim were in 2014, but Kinoshita was honestly not bad. I would still not have cast her myself, but that level of growth was incredibly enjoyable for me to watch.
During the Final Performance curtain call, Director Koike even stepped forward to say he was shocked to see how much better she had gotten.
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Leopold Mozart - Mozart’s Father
Ichimura Masachika has played Mozart’s father for many years, and every time he manages to amaze me.
I think “Mozart!” does a great job at showing what fatherhood can entail: “everything awful to awesome.” Mozart’s father is unambiguously a loving father who is deeply invested in his children’s wellbeing and talents... but he is human nevertheless. He loves his son but also hurts him. Sometimes as a father he makes decisions he thinks is best for Wolfgang, but “the best” might not always be fun, “the best” might not be Wolfgang’s best, or “the best” might be “Wolfgang’s best” but not “Wolfgang in this world’s best.” Leopold is not a super big character, but I think in the glimpses we do get of him, he has portrayed the difficulty of parenthood, and the trickiness of “love and protection” better than many other portrayals of parents.
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Nannerl Mozart - Mozart’s Sister
Nannerl was played by an absolute nightingale Kazune Miou, and she was just suchhhhhhh a blessing. What also does help I admit, is that she is not Hanafusa Mari. Kazune was amazing in her own right, but ESPECIALLY juxtaposed against Hanafusa, she was a blessing.
Kazune really manages the range between young girl to ripe adult woman very well, and this immense true love she has for her brother is just heart-warming to see. With Hanafusa it was just obvious that a 50 year old was trying to play an 18 year old who is actually 8 years on the inside. As rambled in detail in this post, my hatred for Hanafusa’s acting style is that she only has two modes: Whiny toddler girl, or whiny victim woman.
Kazune however, really managed to capture the many complexities of Nannerl’s character. How she is just unconditionally loving towards her brother, but also can’t help but be sad that the greater attention for “the miracle child” came at her expense.
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Prince-Archbischop Colloredo - Mozart’s Boss.
Colloredo was played by Yamaguchi Yuichiro. Erm...... Yamaguchi is a great person, he is SOOO kind..........but everything about his singing and acting style just rubs me the wrong way... I always think his acting an unfortunate mix between a slapstick-comedy banana and a pompous opera ghost... ermmmm......... sorry, not for me.
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Click here for the official PV.
And click here for the subtitled curtain call of the first day performance.
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iamnightduchess · 4 years
HELLO QUEEN! Oh my gosh your latest updates have gotten me so hyped up and happy!! I love the feeling of seeing your post updates on my dashboard. I was wondering if you had time if you could possibly do some NSFW head cannons for It’s Gotta Be You universe?? I reread it again for the 100th time after reading your AYA update but I love that universe so much!
Hello dearie! I hope you've been doing well ever since. I apologize for the slight delay as RL is demanding a lot of my time. But, I hope you'll enjoy this! ❤
Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa) (R20+) Fic AU Headcanon #13
Universe: It's Gotta Be You (Modern AU)
(A/N: ‼️WARNING‼️Graphic/Explicit Description of very dirty smut with potentially provocative images ⛔ Please don't click Keep Reading if you're below 20 🙅‍♀️ Sorry kiddos! To my dear adult readers, please absorb this post's content with appropriate discretion & maturity)
I've shared more of ReiKasa's detailed Modern AU sexcapades in this post and for this Ask, I'll explore the different preferences involved in their sex life. Based on this post, Reiner & Mikasa had a 10-dates rule before they actually become intimate with each other and that post describes briefly on their phenomenal sexual compatibility. Before they reach that 10th date goal, they decided to keep all their interactions chaste, which only adds up to the building sexual tension between them. These two has a spark that ignites from just a single touch. Therefore, it had been a truly challenging period for them to keep their magnetic pull in check.
When they were in high school, they've only ever held hands but has never even kissed. Reiner was raised to be a respectful gentleman and he's always letting Mikasa takes the lead. He waited until she was ready to get a little bit more physical with him, thus why he suggested the 10-DR. So when did they have their first real kiss?
On their 10th date.
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First Time
Their first time with each other had been a literal afternoon delight. Mikasa missed out on their 10th date night because of an on-call emergency at the med centre, so they made up with a lunch date the next day. Sure, they've been clawing at each other's clothes from outside the car to his front door and had never even made it to his bedroom but they really made full use of his coffee table and his couch. If only those furnitures could talk, they would tell you very interesting stories that took place on that day.
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Bedroom Jams
Reiner and Mikasa do not have a particular preferred soundtrack running in the background while they're getting down and dirty. But, they'd always have Linger by Cranberries or The Root's You Got Me to set them in the mood for some slow-dancing before revving up their engines for their inevitable sexy times.
One time, Reiner had jokingly put Boyz II Men's I'll Make Love To You on in the bedroom. Mikasa changed it immediately to The Devil in I by Slipknot. It felt like an out of body experience the whole time.
Reiner likes to do this little striptease dance to 90's boyband songs just to drive Mikasa up the wall 🤣 One time, he wanted to surprise Mikasa from work & started grinding against her booty with his sexy moves as soon as she crossed their living room, completely not realizing that his mother had also walked through the door as his wife had picked Karina up for dinner at their house. He got an earful from his own mother 😳
Sexting & Surprises
Reiner loves sending sexy text messages to Mikasa when she's at work or when he's away in Marley for work meetings. The nature of her work demands her to be on-call or be at work in longer shifts, therefore, his texts make her misses him even more. Mikasa would not admit it out loud but his naughty texts do get her in the mood to make a lot of love to him when she gets home 😏 Before someone asks, no, Reiner does not send his wife dick pics haha
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Reiner is also the type who'd surprises her from a long night shift in the morning by making her breakfast in the kitchen with nothing but an apron on. Yeah, Mikasa had a good eyeful (and mouthful) of his buns alright *wink* Reiner would also surprise her with a hug from behind when she's doing meal preps in the kitchen BUT Mikasa would be the one slipping her hand in his pants while he's doing the dishes. These two really do love getting kinky in the kitchen.
Gabi accidentally walked in on them one time and poor girl was mentally scarred, she locked herself in her room the whole night.
Favorite Positions
Despite having athletic bodies and fit figures, Reiner and Mikasa do not experiment with odd, bizarre positions as much. Their favorite position is either tantric or golden arch as they love locking gazes while whispering their undying affection for each other (+more dirty-talking from Reiner!)
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But when they're in the mood for a more rough loving, all fours in front of a mirror or standing/sitting wheelbarrow would be their favorite positions for them considering his superb upper body strength and her amazing flexibility (Reiner has those weekly yoga routines of hers to thank for!)
Reiner likes to do this a lot (even in public) that it'll always make Mikasa goes multiple shades of red. His dirty-talkings are adorable and dorky but although Reiner's very alert when reading the room, he also tends to forget in switching off his dirty-talking mode once he's in the mood.
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One time, he was calling Mikasa when he's away for work training. She was driving and had him on speaker. He was feeling a bit frisky and told her flat out - he can't wait to come back home, get inside the showers with her and ram into her so hard that she can't walk straight that his Dr. Ackerman-Braun need to take sick leave for 2 days. Things went still and quiet from Mikasa until he heard Annie's voice from the other end.
Annie : Ram her with what, Reiner? Your 3-inch dick?
Reiner: Screw you, Annie.
Annie: Gross and hey, Armin's already doing a bang up job in screwing me. Besides, you don't need to worry about Mikasa missing you. I just bought her this brand new vibrator.
Reiner: Totally ignoring you, Annie. Mika, c'mon babe, you know the real deal's so much better.
Mikasa: Rein--
Reiner: I made you come three times before I leave. You don't need that thing right? Can you hold on until I get back, baby, please?
Mikasa: Rein, can we talk a bit later?
Reiner: It's just Annie there right?
Pieck: Hey, Reiner. I think you just terrorized Gabi.
Reiner: F**K
Turns out Pieck and an already traumatized Gabi were also in the car with Mikasa at that time. Reiner avoided showing his face in front of the two women and his own cousin for the next 2 months.
As mentioned, that wasn't the first time Gabi had such TMI of her cousin and his wife's sex life. Apart from walking in on Reiner and Mikasa in the kitchen, the couple had terrified her enough for life when she also walked into them doing the deed inside their own living room (They either forgot Gabi was staying the night or had thought she was asleep) Gabi never wanted to be near that couch ever again.
Public Sexcapade
They had a quickie in Grisha's basement during one family dinner with the Jeagers. Zeke almost walked in on them.
Reiner also owns a pickup truck. He likes to take Mikasa out for a night drive. He'll have the back boot of his truck all nice with warm covers and they'll park somewhere private uphill to stargaze. They'll make love underneath the stars in the open air and just hold each other afterwards. Mikasa loves to listen to Reiner as he tells her about his favorite constellations.
Body Appreciation
When Mikasa's body starts to grow when she's carrying their twins, Reiner develops a much higher level of appreciation towards her body because of the changes she's going through. Obviously he appreciates the tremendous increase of her cup size, but he notices every other parts of her that swells beautifully with every week of her pregnancy too. As shared in this pregnancy post, Mikasa had the upper side of her hormonal changes that Reiner was the one who's constantly be worrying that he'll poke the babies in their heads every time she gets in her special mood 😂 see, he's so adorkable!
Sneaky playtime(s)
Reiner & Mikasa would always have a burning fire in their marriage even as they grow older. The twins were not spared from the traumatizing knowledge of their parents' extracurricular activities, when they overheard their parents from outside their bedroom door one Sunday morning.
Miraé: Rémy, are Mama & Papa fighting? She said the F word to Papa. Oh, Papa said he's coming? To where?
Rémy: Jesus, Miraé. They're having sex.
Miraé: What's that?
Rémy: Aunt Gabi told me to stay away if we ever hear weird noises coming from Mama & Papa's bedroom because it means they're having their adult playtime.
Miraé: Let's just go next door and ask Uncle Armin & Aunt Annie about it.
Armin was speechless and red with embarassment while Annie cackled at the poor twins. Afterwards, Annie sent a photo of the twins in their family group chat with the caption "Please come pick up your kids at our house after you're done maintaining Mikasa's plumbing 🍆💧💧" 🤣
Gosh, I really, really enjoyed working on this. Thanks again for the Ask, Anonie 🙈💕💋
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immortal soul:black survival characters as john mulaney
dunno how i didn’t think of that before but
Adela: Hmm, we’re not so different, you and I. You have your law practice, and me, I have all these fuckin’ markers.
Adriana: Well here goes nothing. You ever seen a ghost?
Alex: A lot of people think that you like bulls, and if you just buh- They assume it! When you search your name, the third thing to come up is like “John Mulaney bull?”
Arda: Or if it’s one of those true or false questions, you should be able to add a third option which is “who’s to say?”.
Aya: “So you saw what happened and you did nothing?” “Yeah, ‘cause I was sitting over on the bench.” “Let me ask you this. In Nazi Germany....”
Barbara:It’s just dads, singing so loud, thinking that’ll somehow get their kids to sing.
Bernice: Let’s change the subject! Why are we even talking about Penelope, or whatever her name was? I didn’t kill her! Whoever did kill her only did it to protect her from this world!
Bianca: Remember the Psalms? They’re not songs, ‘cause they don’t rhyme and they’re not good. They’re perfectly named.
Camilo:He’s played for stadiums of 20000 people cheering to him like he’s a god, for fifty years. That must change you as a person. If you do that for fifty years you’re never again going to be like “Uhmmm, does anyone have a laptop charger I could borrow...?”
Cathy:That guy will get up there and sing into the microphone. He’s not a singer, ‘cause he’s not good at it, but he tries.
Chiara: Now I was raised Catholic. I don’t know if you can tell that from the everything about me.
Chloe: Every room she walked into, she’d be like, “So this could be an office. (shakes shoulders) Or maybe a nursery.”
Daniel: I think he was just doing that dad thing of like, “This is a weird topic and I want to talk about a book I read about World War II”. But the way it came off was that he definitely killed that little girl!
Echion:Sometimes babies will point at me, and I don’t care for that shit at all.
Eleven:Famous people are weird as shit. They’re all weird, your suspicions are correct.
Eva:Marty McFly is a 17-year-old student, whose best friend is a disgraced nuclear physicist. And, I shit you not, they never explain how they became friends. They never explain it. Not even in a lazy way like, “Hey, remember when we met in that science building?”. They don’t even do that.
Emma:My dad was so weird, I’d love to meet him someday.
Fiora:I didn’t mean to make it sound like we don’t want children. We don’t, but I didn’t mean to make it sound like that.
Hart: I love to play venues where if the guy that built the venue could see me on the stage, he would be a little bit bummed about it.
Hyejin: “All right, Petunia, wish me luck.” “(french chainsmoker voice) You will die on August 7th, 2037.” “(shrugs) That’s pretty good.”
Hyunwoo:No one cared about my opinion when I was a little kid. No one cared what I thought. Sometimes, people would say “What do you think you’re doing?”. But that just meant “stop”.
Isol: In high school people were like, “What are your top three colleges?” I was like “top three colleges? I thought I’d be dead in a trunk with my hand hanging out of the taillight by now.”
Jackie: He could look at a child and guess the price of their coffin.
If you left your baby with your mother tonight, you’re not gonna race home and check the nanny cam. But if you left your baby with Gary Busey....!
Jan:My wife and I walk around New York city, pushing Petunia the french bulldog in a stroller, and it’s a big stroller, and it has a big black hood. And people lean in to see the baby.
Jenny:Let’s say a kidnapper throws you in the back of a trunk. Don’t panic.
Johann: “Wait, so they forced you to go?” Yeah, I was five. I was forced to go everywhere. No kid is just going to church, like, riding by on his Huffy, like “Woah! What’s this place! Weird byzantine temple with green carpeting where everyone has bad breath and I wear clothes that I hate on one of my mornings of my two days off? Let’s do this!”
JP: “Okay, I think I see where you’re going here. They go back in time, and they stop the Kennedy assassination!” “Oooaaoh. That’s a really good idea. We didn’t even think of that.” “All right, well what do they do with the time machine?” “Well now I’m embarassed to say.”
Laura: My friends were all like, “Is he nice?” No! Or maybe he is, for his version of life! ‘Cause he has a very different life!
Lenox: You just showed up at 8 AM, and they were like, “Put down your stuff. Go to the gym.” And you’re like, “god, I guess they’re finally gonna kill us all, alright. This is younger than I thought I would be but we are pretty big assholes.”
Leon:I was like twelve years old and my dad walked up to me and he said, “Hello... (chuckes) Hello, I’m Chip Mulaney, I’m your father.” And then he said the following. “You know, Leonard Bernstein. Was one of the great composers and conductors of the 20th century, but sometimes he would be gay. And according to a biography I read of him, when he was holding back the gay part, he did some of his best work.”
Li Dailin: I asked my mom if she’d ever seen a ghost. That’s where we’re at conversation-wise in our relationship as a mother and son, because I’m 35 and I don’t have any children to talk about, and she doesn’t understand my career.
Luke: None of us really know our fathers. Anyway...
Magnus: She came in and she picked up the baby, and she was like “It’s okay, she’s just going through that phase where she says penis and vagina a lot”. Aren’t we all.
Mai: Why don’t you give me a candle for looking in the mirror? And a floppy hat, and I’ll tremble off to bed in my Victorian nightgown!
Nadine: Every time I go to the zoo I’m like “Hey, where’s the jaguar?”, and the zoo guy is like “oh, he must be in the inside part”. The inside part? Tell him we’re here.
Nathapon: You are gathered together as a school and you are told never to talk to an adult that you don’t know. And you are told this by an adult that you don’t know.
Nicky:That’s right- there was always assembly, and then, like, that second assembly to yell at you for how you behaved at the first assembly.
Rio:I”ll be at a wedding reception and someone’ll be like, “Heyy, you coming to the hotel bar after? We’re all gonna get drinks and keep the party going”, and I’m like “Nah nah nah sister, you’re not getting me to no secondary location!”
Rosalio: People walk around on the phone now like, “Hello hello? You still there- ugh, lost him”. And that’s it! No follow-through with that guy!
Rozzi:Yeah, he was not a “spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” kind of guy. He was more like “brush your teeth. Now boom! Orange juice! That’s life.”
Shoichi: By the way, Detective J. J. Bittenbinder wore three-piece suits. He also wore a pocket watch. Two years in a row, he wore a cowboy hat. He also had a huge handlebar mustache. None of that matters, but it’s important to me that you know that.
Silvia: Children, rather than continuing to teach you how to read, we have cleared the entire day for this random guy!
Sissela: You should be able to write in, “I don’t know. I know you told me. But I have had a very long day. I am very small, and I have no money. So you can imagine the kind of stress that I am under.”
Sua: Some people give off a vibe of, like, right away they’re like “Do not fuck with me”. My vibe is more like “Hey, you could pour soup in my lap and I’ll probably apologize to you!”
William: There are those guys who, they buy the cow, and then on the side, total matador, but...
Xiukai: “And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!” Now that’s debatable.
Yuki: And I have friends I went to college with, and they’re like “oh, you should donate and be a good alumnus”. And they wear shirts that say ‘school’ and it’s like, look....
Zahir: She said, “Okay, I know I don’t get this shit because I wasn’t raised Catholic, and I’m fucking glad I wasn’t because it’s a fucked up organization”, I said “nonononoo, we all know that.”
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IPK Rewatch: EP 02; the dori breaks
and so it begins!! The first meeting, the divine stars have intervened. Devi Mayyian watched over as Khushi drove away on the stolen scooter and just as she pulled her dupatta feeling his gaze over her, she slips and falls in the arms of her rajkummar.
Every single interaction between them, it's Khushi who breaks away or walks away. Every single one. She is the one to break the bubble by stepping back or wanting to break away from his grip. He doesn't let her go right away as she squirms and him pulling her back into his arms for that brief second as he takes all of her in, makes her realise her hand on his collar which the moment she removes he pushes her off him. I think bitwa realised what happened to him. He was angry alright, but this girl stirred something the moment he saw her and her trying to break free away from him, a man who girls flock after; he is not going to take these feelings lightly. I think he realised what happened when snapped at her taking her hand off his collar.
Khushi stands scared. Whether any feelings in her have risen or not, she was scared and nervous to begin with and it's clear that the way this man stared at her was not how men should be looking at anyone for that matter. The guards take her away from the premises but not without her dupatta falling off and landing at his feet.
I always found the Khushi's dupatta a character of it's own. Dupatta means a lot to south asian women. Hell I would say that when I find myself wearing a 6ft fabric around me, the realisation of what this garment means symbolically and what it communicates about my character to style is not something that can be a joke. For a girl like Khushi, the dupatta is a symbol is respect and how funny and ironic it is that the man who in next few seconds will declare his control over her life will be the one to return/restore the respect he tried time and time again to disapprove about her to himself. The dupatta under his feet, falling by his feet is such a big deal. But also I feel this moment signifies that Devi Mayyian did sent Arnav as Khushi's protector. If Arnav has been provided with the power and ability to choose his interpretation of what her clutching her dupatta means, then he is also the only one whose treatment of her dupatta protects her image and reputation in eyes of others.
The dupatta and the collar are recurring motifs. And beautiful ones at that! There's something that happens to my brown ghairat at the utilisation of these motifs. Maybe internalised sexist rhetoric? 
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Back at Gupta House, we get a glimpse of Bua ji's displeasure at Khushi's antics and everyone being worried about not being able to find the papers. Payal who had been hoping that Abhishek was unaware about the dowry, at finding out he's said nothing to defend the Guptas or his to-be wife, finds herself more upset. Meanwhile Garima figures out the connection between Khushi's absence and the mortgaged papers missing.
All while Khushi is being interrogated. In all honesty, I would be hella sus of Khushi being somewhere and ruining a major multi-million company's event. I tried listening multiple times but Barun really used to mumble a lot of dialogues on the beginning. He mumbles the name of a rival fashion house which the nosy person in me wanted to know!
When Arnav takes the first step forward, Khushi doesn't step back but it's from his second step forward that she starts taking a step back. A precedent is set between these two and the progression of their relationship with one taking a step forward, another taking a step back. Khushi doesn't willingly stop taking steps back until after Shyam's revelation. I think it also tracks Khushi's relationship with Arnav's anger. If Khushi's personality and actions give Arnav a reason to start falling for her or allow himself to trust his feelings for her, then none of anything that Arnav does ever allows Khushi to move past the confusion of having feelings for him. She is instead troubled at the aspect of liking someone she's doing her level best to hate.
In first 15 mins of the second episode, we get everything that's going to be the foundation. Arnav always being the one to catch Khushi, the collar, the dupatta, and the bubble which evolves into Rabba Ve, and the steps. I think this is the one of the reasons the initial episodes are beautiful and grip you. The show doesn't waste time in establishing the thesis of their relationship. We slowly start exploring their characters but the relationship, that's what all of this is about.
Sanaya literally looked like a goddess in this episode I swear. The make up is perfect, her face looks perfectly angelic and stands out in contrast to Barun's intense presence. the glowy backdrop of the make up room with mirrors and lights provides a perfect backdrop for who both of them are as people. Arnav being extraordinary and grandeur. Khushi being the source of light.
With Arnav narrating about aukat and wealth, Khushi's expression changes and she refers to caring about family members. She's here because of her sister. Eventually Khushi lands up in Shantivan because of his sister. If money is a motivator to regain the Malik's lost respect and turn them into Raizadas, the money is also something that Arnav equates with respect. He is after all still standing in Sheesh Mahal, and money along with respect was what he lost the day him and his sister were kicked out. He had to rely on Mami's assistance eventually to be able to build up a strong investment portfolio and a fashion house.
I also think Arnav used wealth and class as a reason to provoke Khushi. There are two types of people in middle class or lower classes. Those who take pride in their ability to not ask for help and earn their way through life, and those who would do anything for money. Funny how the damad of Malik's daughter is the one whose a gold digger.
But what is something poor girls have to prize more than their being? Their respect. And at the mention if his sister who Khushi made an assumption of existing, he is compelled to destroy everything about her.
badtamizi pe tou mein Abhi aya nahi hoon.
The way this show turned the dori and dupatta into a motif of what they actually are is beautiful to me. There's nothing romantic about preserving respect and dignity, but there is something powerful in someone's ability to be able to do so. Arnav ripping apart the pearls and having them scatter symbolises how his presence took the innocence away. From the release of this clip, there is no moment where Khushi's character doesn't come under question by either Arnav or Shyam. The pearl dori breaking also starts Arnav's journey of walking a path where he had to be apologise. He is going to be living with this guilt for at least the entirety of the year.
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Back at Gupta House, everyone is concerned for Khushi except for Bua ji, who is definitely the one more concerned about appearances than Garima. Perhaps because for Garima, her husband is still present besides her. As much as I hate prioritising of appearances and the shame-based social approach of brown communities, it is something that unfortunately exists and our narratives exist within the existence of socially acceptable appearances.
Payal whose been asked concisely about Khushi doesn't budge but she decides to say something with her father returning. Perhaps because she also realises that the way she loves Khushi unconditionally and considers her as her closet confidant, Babuji also is accepting and understanding of Khushi's intentions even if they revert to a mistake. Payal's displeasure at Abhishek not speaking up for her also helps in being happy at Khushi's return and aiding Khushi afterwards as much as she could.
Shashi who had been apprehensive about dowry to begin with is relieved to see Khushi safe and sound, Garima who was adding by the norms of how girls family should behave was disappointed beyond words, and Bua ji was just straight up angry. I think Bua ji is the only character who despite loving Khushi, displays the bias in how she considers Payal to be perfect and Khushi to be imperfect.
While Khushi provides the explanation about going to meet the not-hone-wale jija ji, we do get an insight into why despite Manorama's objections and her own reservation on class issues, Payal agrees for Akash. Because Akash is honest about his feelings and about all that he hopes to provide. I have to say, the Gupta sisters have a really low bar for their men after having Shashi as a father. But honestly, don't we all just settle at crumbs half the time? It's truly a shame. -- Khushi admits her mistakes unless she's challenged or dared. and she doesn't hesitate in apologising except from Arnav. Khushi apologising is almost a norm for her character however Khushi apologising Arnav is not going to be one. I find that juxtaposition of how Khushi treats Arnav and him wanting apologies to be extremely hilarious! She forgives his gravers mistakes but not anything menial.
mat kaho humme amma!
oh, how it breaks Khushi's heart! Khushi is wholly accepted into her family even by Bua ji; so on the two occasions when she is reminded of her orphaned status, it crumbles her entire world. After all, she went to see Abhishek, Junior Engineer who wanted dowry for her step sister. She crosses over boundaries for those she loves and her family members are the people she repeatedly crosses these boundaries and social conventions for. Also in both the instances of Khushi being reminded about her orphaned status, Shashi and Payal are more understanding despite their disappointment or pain. They truly love Khushi whole-heartedly and perhaps unconditionally which is something that surprisingly Arnav does too even though the first marriage between the two was on the terms and conditions laid out by Arnav driven by his interpretation of Khushi’s betrayal.
The episode ends with Khushi opening up the sweet shop after being unable to sleep. I love the moonlight on both the girls face. It symbolises their inner turmoil and distress. With the divine clock on, the journey to rediscover themselves and them in love is going to rule the hearts of Gupta sisters.
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Tamako Market
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How did I get into this anime? Let’s just say that there were several Kyoto Animation animes I’ve neglected to watch and after the horrific incident back in 2019, I wanted to at least see all of the major Kyoto Animation pieces. No matter if this looks like we’re in the same universe as K-ON!
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Tamako Kitashirakawa is a normal, ditzy, moe-looking for a KyoAni anime, teenage girl! She comes from a family that owns a mochi shop inside this tight-knit shopping district. One day, Tamako was at the local flower shop and a bird flew into her face. While stuck to her face, she sneezes him off. And then, the bird spoke.
I think I’ll just cross off the theory that we’re in the same universe as K-ON! Give K-ON some credit as they didn’t have a talking bird.
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So this bird is named Dera Mochimazzi. I will never pronounce anyone’s last name in this anime! Dera claims he’s royalty from some far-off land and says he is looking for a bride for his country’s prince. Although, it just falls to the waist-side (literally and figuratively) when Dera took up residence at Tamako’s home and gets addicted to eating mochi. I guess for the time being, Dera will be this anime’s adorable mascot. Aside from the misadventures of Dera the talking bird, we also follow this leading lady Tamako in her normal life. We get school stories, friend stories, stuff about her sister, stories surrounding the colorful folks in this shopping district, and mochi. Lots and lots of mochi!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Ah yes, another Sentai licensed anime. I actually watched the entire series dubbed and only the movie subbed. Aya Suzuki is perfection as Tamako with all of her bubbliness. As for the dub, is it just me or was Jay Hickman trying to act too much like Excalibur from Soul Eater? Was he trying to unleash his inner Troy Baker for this role? Aside from Hickman, there’s really nothing else extraordinary to say about the dub. I will give them credit for not casting Luci Christian and Monica Rial as any of these characters. Love them dearly, but give a little spotlight to some of the other voice actors they’ve got. This was fine for what it was. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Tamako is played by Aya Suzaki (known for Mako on Kill la Kill, Kaede on Assassination Classroom, Takitsubo on Railgun, and Shouko on Happy Sugar Life)
*Dera is played by Takumi Yamazaki (known for Bansai on Gintama, Kayneth on Fate/Zero, and Jillas on Slayers Try)
*Mochizou is played by Atsuhi Tamaru
ENGLISH CAST: *Tamako is played by Margaret McDonald (known for Rikka on Chunibyo, Haruka on Little Busters, Sakura on Maid-sama, Risa on To Love Ru, Sachi on Maria Holic, and Harumi on Citrus)
*Dera is played by Jay Hickman (known for Jouichiro on Food Wars, Kurama on Elfen Lied, and Ryuuya on Air)
*Mochizou is played by Clint Bickham (known for Renji on ef – a tale of memories, Akihito on Beyond the Boundary, Haru on Tsuritama, Isami on Food Wars, Finland on Hetalia, and Mochizuki on Another)
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SHIPPING: We’ve got a girl-next-door type of romance happening. Mochizou lives next door to Tamako and is infatuated with her. There are however a few little problems with this. The big problem is that Tamako and Mochizou’s fathers are business enemies. They both sell mochi, they live across from each other, and they have kids that are friends. It’s almost Romeo and Juliet except Tamako seems oblivious when it comes to Mochizou’s advances. Or Romeo here has a brain-fart and forgets vital things he wants to do for Tamako. Like episode one, he forgets to give her a present for her birthday. I will let him off the hook for this because dude already buys her a present and has plans and everything. But because Tamako’s birthday is on New Years and both kids work on New Years to help their families, things like this can be forgotten. So again, I can’t hate on our by Mochizou. His heart was in the right place, but his brain couldn’t catch up.
Halfway into this series, I shook my head thinking these two will never hookup. Tamako’s baby sister had more of a chance with her crush and he moved away.
Then again, this was all from the series. The movie got really deep with the Mochizou x Tamako ship that so much in Tamako changes. The movie kinda drops a ball on us so I’ll talk about it down below due to spoilery things.
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ENDING: So it seems like this series moves quite fast calendar wise and the episodes seem to be like a problem of the day kind of thing. Like there will be an episode about Valentine’s Day, an episode where Dera goes on a diet, an episode with a festival, and so on. But along the way we do get a few cute moments like when Shiroi opens up to Tamako and her friends or when Tamako’s father remembers his wife through song. And let’s not forget that halfway into the series, we’re introduced to Choi, someone who serves a prince (like Dera). She really doesn’t do much to move this plot along for a while and is only there to stay with Tamako’s family and keep Dera on a short leash. But then at the end of episode 10, Choi makes a rash decision.
By this point in the series you might be wondering if Mochizou’s mochi balls are going to drop and he asks Tamako out. Well that might not happen just yet as Choi has set sights on Tamako to be the bride for the prince she serves under. But Tamako has no interest in becoming the prince’s bride. In fact, Tamako was more excited about winning a medal than learning she might get engaged to a prince of a far-off land. Add to that, the entire shopping district is excited for Tamako to become a prince’s bride. Everyone except for Tamako’s father! He got mad, stinkin’ drunk. And as for Mochizou, he’s just a sad sack. So no mochi balls dropping for this lad! Tamako did get a chance to meet the prince through Dera’s communication for a second. But once the prince landed in Tokyo, he ends up in the shopping district and meeting Tamako up close. Everyone in the shopping district was happy for Tamako and excited that this is happening. There are just two big things!
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One, Tamako is too attached to her home and the people around it to ever leave them to go marry a prince from a far-off land. And two, there was a misunderstanding on Dera’s part where the prince has said that Tamako is not going to be his bride.
Choi and the prince end up leaving to return home. Dera on the other hand decides to stick around at least until New Years. Dera, being the little hammy-bird he is tries to make a graceful exit without saying goodbye to Tamako. He leaves Tamako without a word, but in same Dera fashion, he falls asleep in a pile of flowers and ends up inside a box. Turns out that box of flowers is going straight back to Tamako. Mochizou actually remembered Tamako’s birthday this year and gave her a box of flowers for the occasion.
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When she opened it, there’s Dera! Don’t worry, Dera eventually goes back home with the prince and Choi. We just don’t actually see it here.
TAMAKO LOVE STORY: Now that Tamako, Mochizou, and the rest are all in their third years of high school, the thought of what they’re going to do with their lives hits. Like is Midori going to take over her grandfather’s toy shop in the district? Is Kanna going to do something carpentry related? Is Tamako going to continue working in her father’s mochi shop? Well, the story focuses on two things. One is a competition that Kanna gets interested in that involves the girls of the baton club. And the second, Mochizou’s decision to go to college in Tokyo to work on films.
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Obviously, that’s the big story in this movie. Mochizou is madly in love with Tamako and they’ve known each other since they were babies. It’s just that he’s never made his feelings to Tamako known to her until he reveals his decision to leave town. After that, the once mochi-loving ditz we’ve grown to love these past 12 episodes changes. This is the first time we see Tamako feeling this way and it’s unknown what she’ll do. Is this the moment where she bails on her family’s mochi shop and go to Tokyo with Mochizou? After being told she’s loved by Mochizou, she goes through a lot of emotions. She’s distant, spacier than normal, avoiding mochi, and avoiding Mochizou. It wasn’t until she gets a nudge from her friend Midori to go to Mochizou before he leaves for Japan.
And right there, along with her handmade cup phones, she tells Mochizou that she loves him.
We end the movie with kind of a video that I assume was made by Mochizou and that’s how Tamako Market ends. I guess these two are a couple. Not sure if Mochizou stays in the district with Tamako and his family or if Tamako ditches her family and moves to Tokyo to be with Mochizou. I guess it’s one of those leave it up to your imaginations.
So…The anime was just okay. The series I mean! Love Story was almost at peak KyoAni perfection. Seriously, look at the animation here. The backgrounds are freakin’ gorgeous. And after watching the series and the movie, it almost felt as though they were two separate animes. Dera, Choi, and the prince were only shown in pictures at the record shop, one second near the end, and that short before the motion picture. Take all of those out and you’ve got something solid. I mean let’s face it, Tamako Market was fluff on the same level as watching K-ON or Lucky Star. You’ve got a variety of random crap happening throughout the span of one year except this series has the great fortune to have an annoying, talking bird. I don’t want to dunk on the series that bad, it was cute. But the winner with me was definitely Tamako Love Story.
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We see Tamako and Mochizou express a vast variety of emotions that we never saw in the series. Especially, Tamako! She was always this ditzy girl with a love for mochi. And Mochizou was seen as that dope that’ll never get his shit together and tell Tamako how he feels. He always forgets her birthday, what makes you think he was going to get his shit together? But then Mochizou grows a pair and tells Tamako he’s leaving town and that he loves her and you see Tamako change. She’s not sure what to think anymore. She even goes through a phase where she can’t be around mochi. But I suppose we needed the silly fluff with the television series. After all, it’s not just Tamako, but all of the people who live in that shopping district. And I suppose Dera was a fun mascot character. If you want that cuteness, watch Tamako Market. But if you want a more romantic-driven story, definitely check out the sequel movie Tamako Love Story.
If you would like to watch Tamako Market, Hidive has all 12 episodes and the movie available for streaming.
Now then, what’s next on my Sentai Filmworks list?
Redo of He…
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Choose your next words wisely.
Well Medea, do you love anime that’s directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara?
Oh dear God. What fresh hell did I miss from that iconic enigma? And is it crazier than kappas eating people’s asses?
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Okay Penguindrum…please do not contain penguins eating people’s asses.
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positivlyfocused · 4 years
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My Divorce: The Best Thing That Happened To Me In 2019
This is an awesome story about how I created my way out of a job. That creative desire left me more convinced than ever that being Positively Focused leads to the best life possible.
This story comes in three parts. Part one shares the awesome story of my divorce. Part two describes what happened next. Part three shows how I have created a whole new reality, one in which I focus all my time and joy on doing things I love, instead of working a job with a boss, a paycheck and the 9 – 5.
Part one: the best divorce ever
I enjoyed being married because it forced me to focus on the only place unconditional love comes: from myself.
I married my wife even though she was looking to be with a woman and I was looking to be with a transgender woman. She said I was the answer to a spiritual process she completed in her church. Though we both knew what each other wanted, we married any way. To me we didn’t marry for love. It was for spiritual growth.
My wife and I met online. After some months, it was obvious something was there. A sense of togetherness existed, not really romance, but a deeper connection, one born of spiritual resonance. My wife had many problems born of her family of origin, problems I believe she came into reality to become more through. I saw these and wanted to do my part, to play my role in that process. That’s why I married her.
We passed through the first few months in heady fantasy. I ignored obvious signs of trouble, both coming from her and in myself. After the “honeymoon” things started getting real.
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I won’t go into details
That would be too long. One day I lay in bed contemplating my next moves after a failed start-up investment. My wife came in the bedroom, looked at me and said “you know, you’re not attractive when you’re moping around like this. Maybe you should spend more time with Law of Attraction.”
At the time I showed interest in that, but a passing interest at best. I didn’t really believe it. This was over five years ago. Little did I know my wife’s prodding began the best time of my life (so far).
Not only did I heed my wife’s urgings I dove head-first into it. I read Law of Attraction books, but only books written by the person who coined the term. Then I started studying works from Seth and Jane Roberts. Later, I encountered Ayahuasca, the plant medicine originating from Peru and now known around the world as a powerful antidote to trauma and other psychological issues.
I didn’t have any of those, but wow, doors Mother Ayahuasca opened dazzled me. Then came a series of high profile experiences with Law of Attraction, which I’ll write about later.
Positively focused: the turning point
Many, many high profile experiences happened over ensuing years which, I think, caused my wife to feel jealous and resentful about what was happening. I don’t blame her, it was part of the process. But her resentment and my frustration widened the gap growing between her and I as I moved more towards my authenticity and she moved towards what she wanted. We both wanted different things, with different people. Our relationship gaped like the Mariana Trench.
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^^Sucky relationships don’t have to feel sucky. They can be pathways to more (Photo by Alexander Redmon from FreeImages).
Our non-existent sexual relationship dissatisfied her too. I ignored it along with her complaints. I credit our sexual incompatibility to my original search for a transgender partner, and her, I believe, still submerged desire to be with women. Sex not part of our routine, which she complained about more and more, mostly to her friends. Over time, they convinced her that staying in the relationship was a bad idea.
Things got worse and worse (or better and better) for us both. Following specific instruction from all my sources – Aya, Abraham, Seth, and my own personal trinity – I interacted with her less and less.
At one point, she invited me to an open marriage. I knew giving me permission tacitly gave her permission, which is what she really wanted. No biggie, I thought, it was a step in our marriage’s final countdown. As she found a semblance of sexual satisfaction from other men and I focused more on my Inner Being relationship, things came more and more to the wonderful outcome I didn’t expect, but at the same time felt loomed.
Finally, she gave me an ultimatum. I had to move out of her home where we lived. I wasn’t surprised. But I also hadn’t prepared at all for it. I had a small amount of money and no stable income. I had no place to live and roughly three weeks to find one. I had no car and very little other possessions.
But I was happy. More happy than I had been in a long time. Even facing divorce, with no real human friends and little else, I was happy and I had my Inner Being. I knew that’s all I needed.
By the time she gave her ultimatum, I knew anything was possible. I looked forward to that possibility along with great eagerness. Leaving my wife, at her strong suggestion, launched me on the glorious Positively Focused path I find myself today.
The next stop: creating an income source.
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inugamibeyi · 4 years
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Finallyyyy I was able to draw my Kemono Jihen oc !  Nota bene : Today, on 02/25/2021, there hasn’t been any information in the manga (I’ve read 49 chapters) about mermaids ! So my oc is only based on the few things I know about the lore and my own imagination. This might explain mistakes about mermaids and Alma !  Now, let’s have fun with her !  -------------------
IEVANOV Alma - Mermaid  28 yo (born on March 11th) - born near Russia   Favorite food : Tonkatsu Not-so-favorite food : cheese (which clashes with Shiki who wonders how you can dislike pizza’s main ingredient)  Udon or Soba ? Doesn’t care as long as it’s tasty  Okay with being on display ? Totally disagrees (has been exploited by a human for 8 years) First thing she did when she arrived at Tokyo : Buy clothes Favorite part of the human culture ? Books (especially whodunits) Least favorite part of the human culture ? Social networks (but mainly due to a fear of being found again by Tachibana. She avoids them as much as possible)
----------------------------------------- Alma is the only female employee from Inugami Detective Office. She’s also Inugami’s first employee, as she’s been there for 6 years (from 22 to 28). She considers that she has a debt towards Inugami as he freed her from the man that was exploiting her powers back in Hokkaido. Alma spent 8 years locked in the pool of a japanese’s millionaire’s mansion, Tachibana Haruto. He used her powers to stay young and healthy, mermaid tears being able to heal wounds, cure disease and stop and even reverse lightly the body’s aging. 
Mermaids powers aren’t very strong compared to other kemonos. They seem to be mainly focused on surviving and escaping. It allows them :  - A sharp vision : Mermaid have perfect eyes. Their sight is precise, they can see without difficulties on wide areas and can even see in the dark.
- A strong stamina and a slower aging : Compared to human, mermaids only needs 3 to 4 hours of sleep per night. Their bodies being used to swimming all day, they can endure longer days of work without feeling tired. Thanks to their healing and regenerating powers, it also appears that mermaid age slower.
- The Sing : Mermaid’s voice were mainly focused on tricking their prey so they can hunt and eat them easier. The song of a mermaid mainly affects persons that feel attraction toward women, but it doesn’t always work (uneffective on asexual person as an exemple) but mermaid can also decides to focus on one person (which Alma tried to do with Tachibana, but it didn’t work). With time, this ability mutated, leaving mermaid able to do many things while using their voice, such as, for exemple, erasing or replacing some memories.
- The wave : Basically, it’s a form of defense that allows mermaid to escape. It’s a big scream that’ll provoc a sound wave, leaving the enemy unable to move, when they simple don’t faint because of the sound. Isn’t deadly but buys time.
 - Healing tears : Mermaid tears contains something (unlike Aya’s thread, nobody can perfectly explain what it is) that is able to heal wounds and prevent bodies from disease. Yet it doesn’t seems all efficient, because what the tears give you seems to be balanced by a shorten lifespan. Alma doesn’t really know how long she’ll be able to live, but she thinks she’ll live for 400 yo without having trouble.
Inugami freed her after hearing the story of a man in Hokkaido that doesn’t age and the other story of a woman who sings her sadness, making whoever hears her voice cry for hours.  Alma being afraid that she’ll have nowhere to go, and most importantly, fearing she’ll be kidnapped again, choosed to stay by Inugami’s side, trying to assist him and help other kemonos. Being at first very naive and curious, about everything, Alma quickly learned how humans’ world works and got used to it. Her curiosity also helped her to adapt very fast, Alma being the kind of person who doesn’t have any trouble to focus and work for a long time (probably thanks to the fact that mermaids have to keep swimming no matter what they do, which helped her to develop a strong stamina and a small need to sleep). She was able to understand quickly the new world she was stepping in and had no problem to blend in. Alma grew up to be less naive and childish, turning into a person who tends to think a lot before acting, making her a good advisor for Inugami. She also tends to be tougher than him, especially on food. She doesn’t want him to eat junkfood all day because he’s too lazy to cook. She’s strongwilled and doesn’t hesitate to scold him on the points she judges important. Even if Inugami thinks she can be annoying, he knows that’s her way to care about them.  When it comes to fighting, Alma’s abilities aren’t the best so what she can’t do with powers, she completes it with training and strenght. Inugami taught her how to shoot and realised her sharp vision would make her a nice sniper. He taught her how to use a longshot gun. When Mihai came, he was able to create her bullets that are effectives against Kemono.  Alma’s relationships are pretty good in the Inugami Detective office. She just doesn’t like the way Shiki tends to ask for pizza almost everyday, despite the fact that she’s cooking for them when she’s in Tokyo. But he is a nice boy and he is smart.  Despite her differences with Akira, she tends to be nice with him, as long as he doesn’t post her face on his social media (which truly makes him sad because he thinks Alma’s pretty face could boost his account). She likes the bubbly side o his personnality, she thinks he lightens the mood. Kabane made her unconfortable at first : this kid just didn’t said anything to her. He was just sitting quietly and watching, and doing the chores. But when Inugami explained her his past, she tried to help him to feel fine at the office, by learning him how to cook since he wanted her to do it. She took a liking in him, seeing a little bit of her younger self in that curious, yet naive young boy.  Mihai... Oh Mihai... Perhaps it’s her worst relationship here. She knows he deserves his place at the office and doesn’t say he’s useless but... He’s just so annoying ! Annoying her, pulling the curls in her hair just to mess with her (”but they’re bouncy” he says)... So she just messes back with him, intentionally turning down the wifi, making some sarcasms... Yet they tend to help each other when they need to (Mihai helping her to create her weapon’s bullets, Alma translating for him documents but also the dialogues for his game and editing some videos for his channel). Guess it’s a “I like you/I hate you” relationship. Then Inugami, or “Kohachi” for her.  She’s the only person who calls him by his first name, both of them being adults and Alma being here for many years now.  Kohachi is Alma’s savior. She’s loyal to him for freeing her from Tachibana. He also the one who offered her a home and a work, leading her to be able to start a new life. He’s also the one who helped her to learn more about mermaids and how to use her powers.  She did everything she could to make sure he understood how thankful she was. She took care of him, she helped him with work, paperwork, she helped him to gain more informations...  With both of them actively helping each other, their relationship sure went fine... Too fine. Were they helping each other because they needed to or because they deeply cared about the other one ? Were they living under the same roof because Alma had nowhere else to go or because both of them wanted her to stay ?  When they were together, they were flustered, yet happy. Flustered by the way people were calling her his wife. The way he thanked her for the food, the way she scolded him for his cigarettes, saying she didn’t want him to have troubles because of a shitty stick. The way they looked at each other, the sweet smell of her hair, the way she had to get on her tiptoes when she wanted to fix his tie... He remembered their few moments of weakness, ending in each other’s arms while the children were heavily sleeping, how they desperately moaned, swallowing their voice in order to remain silent, keeping the night they shared as a secret. And the next day, living as if nothing happened, pretending he stole her shampoo when Kabane noticed how Kohachi smelled like Alma. “ Hey, Kohachi ? - Hm ? - Let’s put an end to that. - ... To what ? - To our secret. - What ? Oh... I thought you were enjoying this... Guess I’m really that bad huh ? “ 
His sarcasm and his dumb playing only earned him a light slap on the arm, as Alma laughed.  “I don’t want it to be a secret anymore, I... I think I like you... - You know you’ll have to deal with Akira putting us on Instagram to “celebrate it” ? - Oh, shit, I haven’t though about... Wait, is that a “yes” ? - What else could it be ?”  As he was trying to light up his cigarette, she smiled while snatching it from him. He knew she was messing with him... Yet he just pulled her closer, his arms around her waist as she was putting hers behind his neck.  It was their first kiss that wasn’t in a hurry, that wasn’t almost stolen while they were sharing their nights together. It felt different. Better.  “ I love you... - Me too. “  They stayed in each other’s arms for a few seconds, now realising what happened.  “ So... We’re a couple ? - Yup. Sounds like you’re stuck with me, young lady. - “Oh no, my crush is liking me back, I wonder how I’ll manage to survive that”. - I just wondered how you didn’t notice before... - I’m gonna break that cigarette, Kohachi. - Wait don’t, it’s expens- “  *snap*  Oh. Oh shit. “ Guyyyys ! They confessed ! They confessed ! - Well... Shit. - Akira ! Don’t post that picture, I swear to god I’ll break that stupid phone !”
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red-elric · 5 years
The Sohma boys as boyfriends/husbands?
*cracks knuckles* okayyy this one is fun lets get down to it!
yuki sohma is! a fuck boy! yuki is the boy who sends machi/kakeru/whoever tf late night “you up?” texts, who lightens the mood by saying “noo dont do x youre so sexy aha,” who is always down to fuck. he and machi watch titanic together; yuki is crying halfway through the movie but hes also being a slutty slutty boy together with machi. he wants machi to draw him like a french girl. with kakeru its a little less obvious because yuki would Rather Die than be caught screwing around with kakeru, but hes still the type to shut him up with a kiss, to avoid serious conversations by doing sexy stuff lmao. that being said, he is still a very emotional boy, and rather open with his feelings; he tends to intellectualize emotions (abby would say its his libra moon) but overall he is very sweet. he believes the only way to respect women is through pleasure and tbh can you blame him??
ayame sohma is an absolute sweetheart omg, tbh discord and i hc that he and mine have the fewest fights of any of the couples; they just exude that “perfect communication, perfect for each other” energy yknow? anyway aya has plenty of flair to spare and he spends a lot of it complimenting mine and making her feel like the most perfect and beautiful princess in the world. they both wear the dress on their wedding day and its gorgeous; theyre beautiful and soulmates and aya is very sweet.
kureno sohma is head over heels in love w his girl uo (if youre gonna fight me over kurenuo dont plz :P)! he’s the type to always assume that uo is doing fine because “shes much more capable with most things than he is” which is true! uo will call him and be upset about something or other and he’ll ask her if shes okay; when she explains whats going on and how shes wondering if she can’t handle....... whatever it is (college uo college uo head canon that actually instead of them travelling together immediately kureno went on his own and uo went to college but they still stayed pen pals anyway shes worried about not doing well in classes) he says something incredibly sweet along the lines of “well, of course you can handle this! you’re capable of everything” and she can tell he really really means it and it doesnt solve the problem but it does make her feel better, and reminds her that she is loved
shigure sohma, once things settle after canon, finally has the chance to spoil the girl he loves, and he does; actually, i think it negatively impacts the rest of his relationships for a while. he becomes completely subservient to akito for a while because he’s found his “happy ending,” so it’s okay to give into those feelings of wanting to spoil her now, right? she’s the most important person in his life, after all. anyway, that mindset lasts for a bit until suddenly it breaks bc akki isnt suddenly perfect either, shes still naturally jealous and afraid that he will leave her, that he’ll cheat on her, so they have a fight at some point; they spend some time apart where shigure learns that it’s okay to love his family and himself, on top of akki, and that being in love isnt about doing everything for the other person; meanwhile akki gets some therapy about her anxiety and rage issues and settles down enough to trust shigure. from then on he’s still very loving and spoiling, but he spends more time teasing her than before, and spends time discussing pros and cons of various couple decisions that they have to make.
hatori sohma is super super cute and super super awkward oml. he spends the early days of his relationship with mayu trying to be cool and impress her because shes so cool (!); he buys aviator sunglasses bc he heard they make people look cool and mysterious and his lactose intolerant ass will go on ice cream dates with mayu which doesnt always.... end well lmaooo. hes very protective of her, perhaps a bit overbearing when she’s sick or injured especially, but it’s always very clear that his heart is full of love for his girl, that he loves her to bits.
hatsuharu sohma has big dick energy  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) now that thats out of the way: if anyone on this list was gonna tease his girl its haru, oml. haru spends 99% of his day finding new and exciting ways to annoy rin cause he thinks shes cute when she’s annoyed (she is) and because hes very confident that they’ll be together forever p much no matter what (they will be). the other 1% of the day is being the sweetest guy in the world bc thats just haru, he tells rin that shes beautiful, that she’s the only girl for him, that its just facts that they would be together, and then the 1% is up and hes explaining that its bc “who else has this goth energy” and “anyway i like your tits” but! its still sweet, even though he’s annoying.
momiji sohma is a cutie! but he’s also a little shit sometimes. he’d rather be a little shit to the rest of the world, with kimi, than to her specifically though; the two of them are dramatic little shits who stage fake arguments, uncomfortable couple dynamics, overly slutty relationships, etc for the specific purpose of the Drama TM of it all. they also like to play up traditional “male and female, husband and wife” roles to the point of satire, because they think it’s funny to point out how ridiculous it is to be such stilted characters together; unfortunately, however, no one around them pays enough attention socially to figure any of it out :( but! it doesnt matter bc for the most part theyre just starting drama and making each other laugh, so its good :).
hiro sohma is v v v sweet and protective; when he gets a little older he joins the “respect women at all costs” gang with kyo, hatori, kureno, and ayame (vs the “respect women through sex” gang with yuki, shigure, haru, and momiji); he’s a bit of a shit about it bc its hiro but its very sweet! anybody comes and bothers kisa and he’s on their ass about how you can’t treat girls that way blah blah blah hiros v talkative lmao. anyway he’s cute moving on.
kyo sohma (bc i like making kyo stans wait til the end to get their man >:P) is completely obsessed with doin right by his girl. he loves tohru to bits (he’s never ever loved anyone else either, man is a tohrusexual through and through) and honestly its a little overbearing sometimes here too lmao. hc that during the v stressful time when theyre planning their wedding (and tohru is pregnant haha) kyo does his whole “let me do everything for you are you sure you should be doing that in your condition? get some rest i can do this for you also fuck anybody coming to bother her with anything yall are assholes” thing--which, normally tohru thinks is cute n sweet tbh (cause it kinda is) but when shes stressed out of her mind, hormonal, and annoyed w herself for not being able to do as much as she normally can? she gets a little snippy with him sometimes :) however its just a learning experience for them kyo eventually gets better at reading the mood and they live happily ever after forever
thanks again for the ask anon! i love doing stuff like this, anyone can feel free to send me asks whenever! special thanks to the discord for making some of these headcanons in my mind, especially @machi-kuragi, @thewinterose, and @yunsoh, and also MANYA who is not on tumblr but should be tumblr famous  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) anyway yeah all we do on discord is talk about furuba headcanons and make fun of each other so a lot of this came from collaborative efforts with them! love yall
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banditthewriter · 6 years
The Pact - 8
And we’ve come to the end! I hope you’ve enjoyed this short series of mine! And thank you to the original requester!
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
*gif not mine*
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The wedding was absolutely beautiful. You stood beside Frank and had tears in your eyes by time the minister announced that they were husband and wife. Had you wanted to stop this moment? You felt like your whole life as Frank's best friend was leading to this moment. He was happy and Karen was happy and you... You were sitting at a table by yourself. The seat next to you had a little folded card that said the seat belonged to Billy Russo, but he wasn't there. For some reason looking at that name card had made you want to burst into tears. Instead you simply leaned back in the chair and watched. Karen's friends were nice. They had walked her down the aisle together, one on each side. They looked like a cohesive unit and you found yourself envious of it. Bet neither Foggy nor Matt would ever try to break Karen and Frank up for their own selfish, misguided reasons. You knew that Frank was trying to forgive you and you also knew that you probably didn't even deserve that. He didn't treat you any differently but you could feel that divide. You broke it. It was up to you to fix it. That reminder had you pulling out your phone. You hadn't heard from Billy since he got into the elevator. Should you worry? You couldn't believe he had missed Frank's wedding. Just checking in. I don't know where you are. I know you're probably pissed at me and I deserve that but I just want to make sure you're okay. You sent the message and tucked the phone into your clutch before you moved to stand outside of the venue. The happy couple had been dancing but now they were seated at the table at the head of the hall. Outside the doors was the beach and you could hear the waves crashing on the shore. It was a beautiful wedding but it was also just very well planned. It wasn't spontaneous. This wasn't something the two of them had cooked up on a whim. This was happiness and love and you would have hated yourself if you had been successful. Mostly because you weren't actually in love with Frank. Just thinking about that being the reason you came out here to almost ruin your twenty year friendship made you feel like an idiot. But you'd been an idiot for a long time now. How long had you ignored what you felt for Billy? Granted how could you have known that he was even an option? He was always with beautiful women and never really showed interest in you. Or... well.
The more you thought about it, the more you couldn't remember the last time you saw Billy with someone. And you couldn't stop thinking about the fact that you went straight to him about all of this. You always felt at easy with him. He made you laugh, he always offered to help you when you were upset before. Hell, he offered to help you with this just to try to keep you from making a huge mistake. He went above and beyond for you without ever asking for anything back. And you were pretty sure he lied about the hotel room thing. You'd have a lot more apologizing to do once you got back to New York. Your cell phone buzzed and you pulled it out, hoping it was Billy. Instead you saw Frank's name flash on the screen. He had probably seen you duck out and wanted to make sure you were okay. Feeling guilty for making him worry about you on his big day, you answered the phone immediately. "You don't have to worry about me Frank," you said with a sniffle, closing your eyes as the breeze drifted over you. "I just needed some air." "Because a venue with no walls isn't a good place to get air?" That... wasn't Frank. "Billy? I thought you left!" "What, before my buddy's wedding? You think I'm that desperate to get away from you?" You made your way to the back of the building and looked in. At the other end was Billy on the phone standing next to Frank and Karen. Frank was grinning at you so wide that it hurt your cheeks just to see it. Even Karen was giving an impish grin as she looked between you.  And Billy was staring right at you. You smiled a bit when he noticed you and slowly started to make your way past the other tables.
"I need to apologize," you said as you dodged an elderly couple that were dancing. "And I need to explain something." Billy looked at the newlyweds who smiled at him. Karen shooed him away from the table and Billy kept the phone to his ear as he made his way across the dance floor towards you. His suit looked good. Too good. God, you must have been distracted during the wedding to not see him in the crowd. "I don't need an apology, but I think there's something I want to explain first. If that's agreeable?" He reached you in the middle of the room. He placed Frank's phone down on a nearby table before he put your phone and clutch there too. Standing in front of you, you found yourself a little unable to breathe. "I want to make a pact with you," he said as he held a hand out, gesturing to the dance floor with his chin. As he led you out onto the floor, he explained his idea. "See, I think your plan didn't work because it was short notice. And I think if you really want to make a point, we should probably keep up the appearance with our relationship." "Is that right?" you asked breathlessly, letting him pull you in close as you swayed to the music that played over the area. "Yeah, I think that'll show Frank for reneging on your first pact." His hand pressed gently against the small of your back, the other reaching to brush the backs of his fingers across your cheek. "What do you say Y/N? We got a deal?" Your answer was a brief smile followed by leaning up to press your lips against his. ------ Your phone was buzzing incessantly on the bedside table. You started to roll over but an arm around your waist was stopping your retreat. "Make it stop," Billy groaned as he squinted at his clock. "Jesus, it's four in the morning. Did someone die?" You grinned and pressed a kiss to his shoulder as you wiggled out to grab your phone. "It's a tradition with me and Frank," you said as you rolled back over. "I was born at four oh seven." Right on the dot. You answered the phone with a sleepy hello, ignoring Billy's groan as he rolled over to put his head under the pillow. "Happy birthday Y/N," Frank said, cheerful even though you could hear him yawning. "Frank, you're on your honeymoon. Go to bed with your wife." "And let me sleep," Billy mumbled under the pillow, peeking out with a grin when you pinched his side. "Was that Billy complaining? He's never been a morning person. I'll make it quick. Just wanted to say happy birthday and ask you a question." "What's that Frankie?" "You okay with me breaking our pact now?" You looked over at Billy who was smiling sleepily at you. Just the sight of him made your heart swell in your chest. And as backwards as it is, the whole thing actually brought you and Frank closer. Even Karen hadn't minded too much when she found out about what happened. It’d been an awkward conversation but she had taken one look at you and Billy wrapped up in each other and had realized that it didn’t matter. It was all in the past and you were all stronger for it. Billy reached out and linked his fingers with yours, closing his eyes and cuddling in close to you. You smiled as you leaned back in bed a bit. "I think it was the best thing that's ever happened to me."
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shctteredillusions · 5 years
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Stoney gray eyes watched Aya from her place behind the bar, the tiny pureblood standing up on stage and letting her voice carry across the audience standing before her. Aya always seemed so alive whenever she sang, an entirely different girl than the one she had stumbled across in an abandoned building, sleeping on a bare floor with nothing but the clothes on her back. The way her eyes would light up, the way she seemed to effortless move right along to the beat, it all seemed to come so naturally to her.
Just like someone else she knew so long ago.
Memories flooded her vision without warning, cold eyes growing distant as Megane was overcome by it. Another voice reached her, just as lovely and warm as Aya’s but this one was softer, lingering with the voice of her youth as the images of long shimmering darks locks, accented by the light of the fire, took her to a time when things were different.
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Claudette, she was so young, so beautiful, and far too kind and carefree for a girl in their situation. At that time it had angered Meg to see her like that, jealous of the freedom she would have while she had to be married off to some strange man, some aristocrat that had seen Meg and wanted her for himself and had convinced her father to go along with it with the promises of wealth and safety. She remembered all the times her mother had told her that she’d make someone a wonderful wife, how much she hated hearing it and knowing that that was all her future held for her. To marry and bear children for some man somewhere in the world. And it had come to her far sooner than either she or her parents could even realize.
She continued to watch as Claudette danced around the fire, her voice carrying among the townspeople as her father drank and her mother clapped along. They were happy. Happy that Meg had found herself a man of noble blood to marry, one to set their family free of their poverty and worries. Happy that meg was marrying a man she had met but once, a man so torn by her beauty that in his greed, he demanded her for himself. That old spark of anger flared within her once more, but as the flames in the pit began to grow, that anger morphed into fear.
The fire spread, engulfing their entire town in what seemed like just a few seconds and Meg found herself standing before the charred ruins of her old family home. Bile rose in her throat as the scent of burning flesh overwhelmed her, frozen in place as she stared at the barely visible remains of her mother within the ruins. Screams echo in her ears and yet they sound so distant. Murky, almost as if she were submerged underwater. The mark on her neck still stung as if it had never healed, a cold, pale hand raising to cover it as she turned on the heel of her barefoot and raced through the streets.
It’s all my fault.
If she hadn’t walked off alone during her families celebration of her coming union, if she hadn’t been so reckless then this never would have happened. She never would have been attacked by the Night Walker. She never would have died and come back as one of them. And she never would have been banished from her own town, her own home, and family. She would have never known what it felt like to have the eyes of those you love stare at you in fear. And she would have been here when the aristocrats had returned for her but instead of burning the town to ash and killing everyone in his path of rage, he would have carried her and her family off to a life of wealth and freedom.
As she runs, runs as far as she can from the carnage that was once her home, spots of red come into view, glancing down to find the dress she had been wearing nothing but a torn, dirty rag drenched in crimson. The scene changes and before she knows what’s really happening, she falls to her knees, tears streaming from glowing red eyes as vibrant as the blood coating her clothes and skin. All around her, the street was littered with bodies, each with bites to their neck and a silent scream forever fixed upon their faces. It was a massacre, just like the one that had stolen her family from her but this time... there was no fire, no men racing through town on horseback, shouting out orders and killing all who crossed their paths. This time, it was by her own two hands that these people had died. Her teeth.
Hatred spread through her like a wildfire, the need for revenge on the man who had turned her and caused all this overwhelmed her. Suffocated her. She knew in that moment that she would never stop until she found him, made him pay for what he put her through. If only he had let her die, to end this life of misery, but instead he forced her into eternal damnation. To live her life for all of eternity knowing what she was and what she had caused. It was pure torture.
A cold hand on her arm brought her back to the present with a start, gray eyes blinking away the tears that threatened to fall as she gazed down at the girl who had just been on stage. How long had she been lost to her memories? Had she missed the entire thing?
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“Meg?” The pureblood tilts her head in worry, the hand never leaving her arm as if to try and comfort her. “Are you... are you alright.” Aya has never seen such a look in the elder vampires eyes before, the flicker of emotions across her face had been frightening and yet she knew Meg would never harm her.
Meg smiled, her own larger hand placed over Aya’s as she answered her worries. “I’m fine, ma biche, nothing to worry yourself over.” With that said, she turned and headed towards her office. She needed to be left to her thoughts for a while.
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Potent Savages
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Genre : Drama/ Angst/ Smut/ Trigger warningsss/ Exo, oc, and blackpink gang au!
Summary : Not everyone is cut out for this kind of fast paced, but for these young, rich, savages, it’s second nature.
Chapter 13: When bad gals let loose.
                 Clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
“Try and catch me!” I yelled with a slight cheerful laugh in my words. My hair got into my eyes as i ran through the beautiful garden of the exo mansion. The sun feels so perfect with the softest touch of heat and the grass feels warm and well looked after under my feet. My white crop top flapped with the wind my jean clad legs picked up. Faintly, i could see baekhyun’s bright smile fill his handsome face while he chased after me. He’s my very own sun right here on earth. My mouth mimicked his without noticing it as my eyes stayed glued to my amazing boyfriend. I don’t even care what could be ahead of me while im running, at this point. Im so into this moment. There’s so much trust and feelings of safety and love filling my heart right now, it’s so new to me. I like it. This is the feeling of the new chapter i started after that night i set siwon and his shit on fire. Of course somewhere deep inside i feel that lately things have been to good, and that maybe something is coming for us. But we’ve never been the kind of people to worry about the future. Enjoying the now is our specialty. 
My heart became erratic when baekhyun closed in on me with his playful and gentle aura. I stopped and turned to him, looking at him sweetly as he continued to run to me. I hope he never stops running to me like this. I closed my eyes and held out my arms, waiting for only one thing. My chest bumped into his when he rushed into me. His strong arms picked me up carefully as he laughed in my ear excitedly. My face dug into his neck as my forearms crossed around his broad shoulders. 
If you saw us you would never guess we do what we do in the night. You would never guess we’re the ruthless gangsters that only want to take your shit and run. 
But i think i like that. I like this innocence i seem to get back in moments like this one. Besides, just because im holding the love of my life in my arms doesn’t mean i can’t decapitate you.
“I can’t explain how much i love you, baekhyun.” 
“What?” He spoke softly into my ear with a small chuckle. “Babe? awww, that’s so cute, you’re talking in your sleep.”
The perfect moment i was in slowly faded away as i felt my eyes slowly open. I blinked a few times to get used to the feeling after having my eyes closed for so long. The sun feels the same like in my dream, so does the grass. I looked around at the huge well kept garden around us and smiled. 
“It’s beautiful.”
“But it pales in comparison to you.” Baekhyun said lowly, as if those words were for only him to hear. His arms wrapped more tightly around mine while i leaned my back into his chest and relaxed my face next to his. Im sure we have been sitting like this under this tree for more than an hour. But it doesn’t matter since im enjoying every minute of this undeniable peace. 
“I wonder, what do boys like the exo gang want with a huge pretty garden like this one?”
“We’re sensitive too, you know? Flowers are beautiful and i like them, so there.” His pout prominent, and his eyebrows a little low, as he looked around.
“Okay, okay.” I said laughing at his expression just a bit. “I know you all are sensitive, it’s just surprising because of how perfect it is. It doesn’t look like some random gardener did this, it looks like you guys put thought and effort into this yourselves.”
“Me, suho, kai, and minseok mostly.”
“Ahhh, how interesting.”
“Plus, we couldn’t have just left this whole space empty.”
“I learn something new every day.” I said chuckling at the thought of the usually rowdy boys being so delicate in those moments. 
“Don’t get too happy, i think there’s like three bodies buried somewhere around here.”
“What? Really?” I said looking around with wide eyes at the seemingly innocent beauty of this garden.
“Nahh, im fucking with you.” He laughed at my expression. I slapped his arm softly, joining his laughter with furrowed eyebrows.
“Hey, no hitting. That’s a foul.” The man said while grabbing my hand. His eyes almost screamed how playful and happy he’s feeling right now. it’s so adorable. I used my other hand and slapped him softly on his thigh as my eyes told him to bring it on. Baekhyun wrestled me to the ground, trying to tickle my torso, as i struggle and made sounds i didn’t recognize. Who would have thought i am this ticklish. The grass wasn’t helping as it slightly brushed the back of my neck. I continued to fight off baekhyun’s arms but to no avail. I get so weak when i laugh this hard. He pinned my arms above my head and looked at me in my eyes as my laughing fit calmed down in his deep stare. He looks so amazing. His eyes telling all his feelings, his smile shining brightly, his hair falling messily as he looks down at me. My heart feels like it’s doing jumping jacks, and the butterflies in my stomach broke out of their cage. Baekhyun continued to stare into my soul before leaning down. His lips shadowed over mines in a tempting manner.
“One day you’ll be my wife. Mark my words.”
A precise shot straight to my excited heart. Ouch.
“Baekhyun, you have no-” Without letting me finish he kissed me quickly. I know he was probably scared of what i would say. If i was him i would be too. He’s probably never said something like that to anyone before. But i wish he knew that there’s not one one part of me that would ever say no to that. Not one part.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into me. A fire ignited in me, I just want to make him feel the things i can’t say with words. The things i don’t know how to explain to him. Please feel it. My hands played in his hair roughly as the kiss became more sloppy. Baekhyun’s hands traveled under my crop top and grabbed my right breast, kneading it slowly with his soft hands. A moan escaped my mouth and entered his while i gave in to this pleasure. I can’t even describe the burning feeling i get when he kisses me. All i think about is how bad i want him to take all of me. It’s like the perfect mixture of lust and immense love for this one man.  It could be the death of me, even though it makes me feel so alive. I slid my hand down his torso to pick up his shirt. I want more of his skin exposed to me. He grunted and moved to help me get rid of the piece of clothing from his body. His eyes met mine and he smiled sweetly while i threw his shirt away somewhere. He ran a hand through his hair quickly as he eyed my offending crop top. I sat up to meet his stare better and pulled it off slowly, teasing him just a little with my pace. I think you know that baekhyun has a patience problem by now. The man bit his lip harshly, obviously trying to keep himself still in front of me. I threw the top to the side and stared at him, Planting my finger in the middle of his chest and letting it slide down. Never once looking anywhere else but his dark brown eyes.
“You drive me insane.” He said breathlessly. 
“Welcome to my world, love.” I chuckled playfully before i threw myself onto him. His arms wrapped around my torso while i made myself comfortable on top of his sitting position. 
“I feel slightly bad that the flowers are going to have to watch this.” Baekhyun spoke into my neck as he licked there. 
“I don’t. I like being watched.” 
He squeezed his eyes closed and smiled. “That mouth of yours will get you in trouble.”
“Prove it.” 
“If you two don’t get the fuck out of my innocent garden, i swear i will set something on fire.” Suho yelled from the distance. Jisoo is beside him, holding his hand tightly in hers. It looks like they were trying to have a nice stroll. Too bad. 
“Well, you said you like to be watched. Time to back up that talk, babygirl.” Baekhyun whispered into my ear.
I smirked and gripped onto his shoulders. My jeans were tight enough so that i could feel his boner, but still too thick. I couldn’t get any pleasure out of grinding on him. But i did it anyway just to piss suho off. Baekhyun chuckled before reaching to unhook my bra. He yanked it off roughly and my arm flew to my breasts quickly. I continued to grind on him harder, feeling the slightest sensation from it. I bit my lip while looking at him in pleasure. 
“Go get the hose jisoo!” Suho yelled at the girl with his face heated up.
I looked at him, then back to baekhyun. The man under me was trying to hold his laughter back as he looked into my eyes. 
“I think we can do better than this, daddy.”
“So much better.” He spoke with his laugh taking over his words. He roughly moved my forearm away from it’s protective place and licked at my left nipple. I hissed when he sucked on it, my hands running through his hair in a slow manner.
“Heathens!” Suho yelled. 
Before i knew it a powerful blast of water hit us harshly, I screamed and dug my face into baekhyun as he held out his hand to stop the water somehow. 
We asked for it. 
“Beat it, you animals!” Jisoo said, her voice making it sound adorable as she laughed at us.
“Alright, Alright! Just turn the damn thing off!” Baekhyun yelled at them his own laughter still apparent.
“Say please and promise to never do it again!” Suho yelled at us with a stern stance, hands focused on aiming the hose at us.
“Please! and we’ll never do it again!” Me and baekhyun yelled at the same time. The water pressure was started make my body feel raw.
The hose stopped it’s abuse immediately and i fell backwards onto my back in relieve. “That man has problems.” 
“Tell me about it.”
“What!? Can you say that one more time so the hose can hear it too!?” Suho yelled at us with wide eyes.
I laughed at him and sat up again.
“We said fuck you!” i yelled while baekhyun showed off his middle finger as he pressed his cheek to my bare chest.
There goes our peaceful morning.
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“Oh my fucking god.” I said under my breath when i watched aya walk out of the closet, all dressed up.
“What, baek?” She spoke to me as she looked at herself in the mirror.
I stared at her ass in the black material of the high waist pants she’s wearing. Her favorite black ankle high boots adorned her perfect legs and the lace tank top hugged every curve almost illegally. The tank top dipped low so that her cleavage was prominent, the wiring in the tank top doing it’s job too well. I caught my lip with my teeth to stop gaping at the sight in front of me. If looks could kill. 
“I take it you like the outfit?” She said with a devilish grin as she grabbed for a belt. 
“You don’t even know the half of it.”  My mouth went dry when the belt wrapped around her waist tightly. That should be my hands.
“Tell me more then.” The girl smiled at me through the mirror again and began to reach for the jewelry laying on the vanity. My place on the bed started to feel so far away while i watched her become even more breathtaking. My feet brought me to stand behind her and my hands reached out to run down her arms softly. 
“That would take all night.” I whispered into her ear before kissing her neck slowly. There’s a spot on her neck close to her birthmark that makes her knees go weak, She can never resist that feeling. I find it adorable and extremely sexy at the same time, A dangerous combo if you ask me.
“Baekhyun, stop.” She spoke with small giggle as i let my hands roam around her body. I Tickled her stomach so she would show me that smile of hers, also so she would stop focusing on applying her accessories. 
“Babe! Stop!” She screamed and laughed when i picked her up and threw her on the bed. My hands planted next to her head and i stared at her. I love how she looks when she’s under me like this. It’s like she’s revealed completely to me. It’s like i can see her heart when she looks up at me. All the things she wants to tell me, all the things she doesn’t. Being the way she is that says a lot. Not many people can say that they know what aya is thinking, what she’s hiding, what she wants, what she needs. 
“What?” She asked softly while i looked at her. “You always go into deep thought when you do this.”
“I can’t help it. When you lay under me it feels like you’re opening your whole world to me.” 
“Do you like what you see?”
“Of course, darling. Your world is beautiful.” 
“That’s surprising, but understandable.”
I stifled a laugh and she chuckled a bit. 
“You guys can’t go one second without climbing all over each other. can you?” I heard lisa speak with a lively tone as always.
I moved from on top of aya as she got up to rush into the closet. 
“It’s me. Im the guilty one. I can’t keep my hands off of her for too long.” 
“Can’t relate.” She said before laughing at her own comment. I chuckled a bit too because her laugh is somehow contagious. 
“Where’s aya?” Jennie asked quickly, seeming out of breath when she entered the room. 
“She’s in the closet, But you should probably fix your lipstick. It’s all smudged.” Lisa said as she took a seat next to me.
“What!? Shit.” Jennie looked at herself in the mirror and swiped her middle finger under lips to get the out of line lipstick. 
“I bet chanyeol is doing the same thing right now.” Lisa spoke under her breath so only i would hear but jennie’s eyes lit up right after the comment.
I have to be honest it’s surprising her and chanyeol hook up sometimes but it’s also not that unexpected. Knowing chanyeol. 
“Shut up lisa.” Jennie squinted her eyes at the girl through the mirror and i held back a laugh. I guess she’s embarrassed by it. Then again, if you don’t know chanyeol as a gang member, you probably know him as the guy that fucked your girlfriend. With that being said, if i were her i would be kind of secretive about it too. Girls hate players. Or they act like they do at least. I stopped my player ways a while ago so i don’t think im thought of in the same light as chanyeol anymore. Hopefully.
“Alright, im ready.” Aya said while she walked out of the closet with a leather jacket on and different ankle high boots to match better. 
“You look to die for.” Jennie said before going towards the girl to fix up the choker around her neck. 
“Where are you guys going anyways?” I asked in pure curiosity.
“Places. Just know we’re going to be all around the city, so don’t wait up.” Aya spoke while smirking at me. 
“Why do i feel like you’re going to end up in a lot of trouble tonight?” 
“I won’t. Besides, even if i do, a little trouble never hurt nobody.” 
Bad girl. I already know what type of mind state she’s in. That tone, that smirk. Full gang leader mode. It’s cute and scary at the same time.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.” Lisa said while nudging my arm.
“i’ll try not to.”
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“No! We’re not riding two different cars so you can race and fucking crash like the last time.”
“Crash!?” baekhyun said in surprise.
“Shut it, jisoo! That was a minor accident, i just didn’t see the pole.” I said pouting at the girl.
“It’s decided. Me and aya will take the panamera, and jennie, lisa, and jisoo can take the jag.” Rose spoke with a smile.
“Nice try. We’re all getting in the range rover. That’s final. Now get your asses to the car.” Jisoo went to grab the keys as chanyeol passed her with his hands buried in his sweat pants pockets.
“What’s going on here?” The tall man asked. He looks s bit tired, and his hair is in a messy bed head style. Not on purpose though, i don’t think.
“We’re just going out.” Jennie answered first and i eyed her reaction to the mans appearance. 
“Where to?”
“They won’t tell.” Baekhyun said while pouting at me.
“That’s suspicious.” Chanyeol scratched his chin with a pensive expression.
“I know right.” Baekhyun pouted even more, still staring only at me. He’s just trying to get me to say something. And it worked. 
“Fiiine, we’re going to strip club to meet a buyer.” The man nodded at my words. ”And i don’t know what comes after.”
“Well have fun.” Chanyeol looked at jennie as he spoke. 
They’re starting to grow on me, to be honest. 
“We will.” I said spotting jisoo walking over to us with the keys. I pecked baekhyun on the cheek quickly and walked away. His arm grabbed mine, yanking me back and i bumped into his hard chest. 
“You can do better than that.” He whispered at me. I made a face at him before grabbing his his head and smashing my lips into his. He grunted in surprise and hugged my body closer. Biting his lip, i pulled away slowly. My hands slid down from the back of his head to his torso and fell to my sides. He felt for the gun i usually hide under my jacket to make sure it’s there. It always is. His head nodded in approval in reaction and let his hands fall from my body.
”Bye, babydoll. Be safe.” 
“I willl, mom.” I rolled my eyes at the worried expression on his face. I understand why he feels so worried nowadays. After getting kidnapped and getting fake killed, you would think i would be too. But i learned from that time. He doesn’t have to worry. i won’t let that happen again.
We climbed into the car in a hurry. We’re all eager to spend this night with each other. No boys. No rookies. Just us.
Let’s hope we don’t blow anything up. Nothing important at least.
“Let’s get out of here.” Jisoo said while starting up the car. “Ehem? Seat belts?”
“What are thooose?” Lisa said with a grin on her face.
“Things that keep me from jumping out of my seat and choking you out.” Jisoo gave her a dangerous look through the driving mirror.
“Yes ma’am.”
“Oh shit.” I said to myself after remembering something i had almost forgotten. “Thank you to the wonderful person reading this right now. You’re cute as fuck.”
“Yeahh, wait, what?” Jennie asked confused by my words completely.
“You knowww, the people, the supporters.” I said nudging her.
“Ohhh rigghhht. Thanksss.”
“You guys are weird.” Lisa said making a face at us.
“Can’t agree more.”
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“Ooh, la la.” i said to myself when we entered the all men strip club.  It’s much different than what i was imagining. In a good way though.
“Ahhh! You’re Finally here! Come sit!” Our “client” called us over from his table right in front of the stage. 
I walked to his seat and he offered it up without hesitating. “Why did you want to meet here?” I said while sitting down.
“Well, why would i not? I mean look at the ass running around here? My goodness.”
“We actually have shit to do, don’t waste my god damn time.”
“Okay, okay. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked away quickly. “Im actually in the process of buying this place and making it my own.”
“Yeah? with what money?”
“T-that doesn’t matter. But when i buy this place i can pay you back double in a few weeks.” He spoke while a stripper walked around us to put his drink down next to him.
“Did i ask to be paid back double in a few weeks?”
“W-well n-no-”
“Stop fucking stuttering. What did i say?”
“Y-you said to have your money by tonight or else you’ll stick your foot so far up my ass, my mom will feel it.”
“Good boy. Where is it then?” I said with a smile. I have no intention of hurting him tonight. I just want to leave with my bag.
“I m-might have given it to the owner already.”
“Bad idea.” Jennie said while stealing the mans drink from him.
“If that wasn’t stupid i don’t know what is.” I sighed while looking at him in disappointment. “Go find the owner. I don’t have all night.”
“Im on it.” The client stood up without hesitation, carrying out my orders in a hurry. He gets an A for effort at least. 
“How about we enjoy ourselves?” Jisoo said pointing at the stage in front of us.
A lean man came from the back and made his way onto the stage. His hair is an enchanting silver and his lips are devilishly full. His eyes staring into souls throughout the club. Probably because the deep silver contacts that go perfect with his wet looking hair. He moved smoothly all around the stage, making sure to make eye contact with the people throwing the most money. My head tilted when he got down to grind on the floor. His body movements look like waves. It’s fucking crazy. How the hell?
“I WANT HIM!” Lisa screamed excitedly as she threw whatever cash she had on her. 
“Oh, he’s good.” Jennie said looking at him intensely. I can’t with them. I just can’t. Even though i have to admit. He’s doing his thing up there. 
“I NEED MORE CASH FOR HIM!” Lisa yelled at me.
She pouted and let her eyes glue to the seductive man again. He ripped his loose button up to reveal his perfectly built abs and my ears went numb from the screaming. I reached for the cup of whatever jennie took from our client. 
Im not that impressed.
“Uh-uhmm a-aya?” The man we came here for stood in front the table nervously. Jarjis! I finally remember his damn name!
“What? Where’s the owner?”
“He said if you have s-something to s-say, bring your ass to h-him.” 
“Ahh, i see.” 
I got up and grabbed rose. “We’re going up to the owner’s office.” I yelled to the rest of the girls over the music. They shooed us away dismissively without looking. I stifled a laugh. What a shame.
We passed the loud tables and the stage to get to the black stairs in the club. At the top there’s a small office that had a big man standing at the door with his arms crossed. I flicked him off and walked right in like an asshole. as always. Before the man could do anything in reaction rose pulled out her gun and pushed it into his neck. 
“Who the fuck are you?” The man said as he leaned back into his ugly fucking chair. He looks like a bigger douchebag than me. That should say a lot.
“Don’t worry about that. Jarjis here, accidentally gave you some cash that belongs to me, so i would just like to take that and go.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirked at me and reached under his desk. His hand held a pistol and he aimed it incorrectly at me. “Get the fuck out of my office before i hurt you, little girl.”
“Suit yourself.” Oh well, i tried. “Rose, go ahead.” On cue, she shot the man at the door in the neck and the sound sent chaos throughout the club. I pulled my gun out as jarjis ducked down to the floor. We’ll see if i let him live after i take care of this. The man behind the desk shot sloppily at me and the bullets penetrated the wall behind me as a result of me ducking out of the way. 
“You know, not everyone should have a gun.” I said with a pout. I shot one bullet to his forearm for him to drop his inadequate gun. He tripped as he stepped back into his ugly chair. 
I aimed my lucky glock 26 at his head and closed one eye. 
“Wait! Wait! The money is in the safe! I swear, just don’t shoot!”
“Rose get the money. Jarjis don’t make another fucking move.”
The rest of the girls came up the stairs with their guns out and ready, not knowing what their about to walk into. I jerked my weapon towards the safe so the owner can go over and open. 
“Did you even try to settle this peacefully?” Jisoo said while looking at the dead man at the entrance.
“Yeah, I did.” I said with raised eyebrows. 
“Surrree.” Lisa looked around as her eyes were playfully squinted.
“It’s all there. And some extra, that belongs to him.” Rose stood up and put her gun on her hip. She walked over to the mans desk, removing a drawer and emptying the contents onto the floor before packing the money neatly inside.
I stifled a laugh. She’s very handy for that. 
“This club is now the property of the blackpink gang. If you have objections, speak now or forever shut the fuck up.”
I tilted my head at jarjis and the club owner waiting for just one word to come out of their shit eating mouths. 
But silence is the only thing that filled my ears.
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“I don’t want to do this shit.” Chanyeol whined from the passenger seat of my rolls-royce ghost.
“Would you shut up for like two minutes? damn.” I spoke to him in frustration. In all honesty im still worried about the girls. I know they can take care of themselves well. But still, i just don’t want anything to happen to them.
“Your request has been denied asshole.” 
“Hush, they’re here.” I hissed at him while hitting his left arm. 
I watched two exo rookies hop out of their new mercedez. We’re supposed to follow them around tonight because of some suspicion they raised in suho, We always are the ones who take care of the rookie shit, which sucks ass sometimes, but as i said before. It’s better than selling. Anyways if you know anything about suho, you know that the one thing he hates more than being broke is sneaky people. Which is understandable. No one likes finding snakes in their grass. We ended up following them all the way to what seems like a college party. But i don’t know for sure. We’re obviously going to have to go in. For further research of course.
“Let’s goo iiinnn!” Chanyeol whined louder for attention. I have intentions to go inside already so why not.
“Alright, get out.”
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“We haven’t been to a house party since we first met exo.” Lisa spoke excitedly as she hopped out of the car.
“Oh yeah, The time we played beer pong then exchanged friendly bullets.” I said with a swing of my arm, aiming for lisa’s shoulders.
“Friendly, my ass.” Jennie huffed into the night air. 
Now that business is taken care of, we decided to have some old fashioned fun at this college party one of our “friends” begged us to go to. And i promise this time we won’t shoot anything or anyone. I pinky swear. 
The lawn is littered with cliche red cups and passed out party goers. More people filled the porch of the house, probably trying to get away from whatever is happening inside. That’s going to be me in an hour.
“Yayyyy! you guys made iiit!” A black haired girl named jihyo ran towards us. Her smile so big, her eyes couldn’t help but join in. “I thought you guys were going to pass on my offer, to be honest!”
“Whaaat? Ussss? Pass on an offer like this oneeee?” Jisoo sarcastically spoke to the girl in surprise. 
“I know right!?” Jihyo laughed and smacked my arm, responding cheerfully to the sarcasm. “Let’s get some alcohol in your bodies, shall we?”
“Is that a even a question?” Lisa said as she looked around the house.
Jihyo made a motion for us to follow her before she turned and  walked through the crowd of people. Everyone is either drunk or high, and they’re all screaming the lyrics to this rap song. It just might the most annoying atmosphere ever, Im enjoying myself already. We entered the kitchen and jihyo nodded her head at a girl with a resting bitch face standing by the refrigerator. I raised an eyebrow at that but tried to calm down any suspicion in my head. Jihyo is a good girl, i don’t have to worry about it too much. 
“You guys want beer? by the way, aren’t you all kind of too dressed up for a small house party?” The girl asked while grabbing some beers.
“There is no such thing as too dressed up.” Jennie spoke while eyeing a random guy that walked in here for a drink.
“If you say so. Here you go.” Jihyo held out the drinks to us with a smile and lisa grabbed one first. Being the way i am, im going to bullshit and act like i drank this one. It’s not that i think she’s trying to poison me. That’s a big accusation. But she might be! 
What can i say? I have trust issues. Sue me.
“If you guys want any candy for a better time me and this guy have a really good hook up.” Jihyo said nonchalantly. “These guys i met at a club said they would come tonight with some good shit. So let me know if you want anything.”
Well, okay, she’s not that much of a good girl. I wish she would stop talking.
“We’re good, we don’t do that kind of stuff.” I said to the girl with a fake smile. Will i ever be able to make a real friend outside of the criminal world. Fuck no. It’s better that way though. At least i think it is.
“Really? you guys seemed like the kind of girls to be interested in that kind of stuff.”
“Ahhh, i get it. Don’t worry, the stuff isn’t going to be bad and even if it is they’ll give it to us for free. Plus i think they said something about being in the exo gang. That means they definitely have the good good.”
“Ohhh, in that case, i would love to meet them.” I said with a smirk. It’s an obvious case of rookies abusing their connections. Possibly even stealing from the exo supply itself. It would be a crime to pass up an opportunity to bust their narrow asses myself. 
Finally. Some real fun. Even though this night is supposed to be only us girls. Im excited.
“Sure thing girl.” She said before she waved at someone behind us with a quick smile. “I’ll be right back.” Jihyo spoke as she passed us and walked away.
“Well, im going to enjoy this.” I said to myself.
“Honestly, they should just stop recruiting rookies. All they ever do is act foolishly.” Jennie spoke with an annoyed tone and expression. She picked up what was going on too it seems. 
It’s not like she’s wrong about that. But despite how annoying rookies can be, it’s a huge convenience when you find the right ones. Especially since exo doesn’t like doing all their dirty work themselves. Plus most of them are for number reasons only. Which means they can die and be replaced easily. It’s things like this that makes exo the second hardest gang to beat in the game right now. Blackpink being the first, of course. AHAH. 
“They’re here!” Jihyo waved at us from the entrance to the kitchen.
I put down my unopened drink on the table and walked towards the girl without hesitation. I kind of hope they don’t recognize me. It’s always more fun that way. Jihyo grabbed my hand and walked me through the crowd again as my girls followed close behind. I could spot two boys wearing black at the front door, where we came in. They looked around like they were looking for someone in particular. Jihyo waved at them and they did the same back. I guess they were looking for her. 
“Heyyy, im glad you guys could make it.” She said to the boys. Her tone changed a bit and so did her expression. She twirled her cute hair around her manicured finger slowly and looked up at them with a little twinkle in her eyes. Grade a flirting right in front of me. “These are my friends, Aya, jennie, rose, lisa, and jisoo.”
“Nice to meet you ladies, I have to admit, every one of you are bad as fuck.” The taller one of the duo spoke with a grin. They must be really new, because i don’t remember seeing them at all and they don’t seem to recognize us either.
“Nice to meet you too. I think we’ll have lots of fun tonight.”
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“Damn, i haven’t been to a house party in a while.” Chanyeol spoke with his arm over my shoulders. 
“Tell me about it.” I said to the big guy as we walked through the crowd of intoxicated people. My only concern is catching the two rookies in action. Im not interested in having fun at this party. Not with the mood im in. 
“I have to say these college girls are looking a little too tasty tonight.” Chanyeol said while looking around. 
“Aren’t you like in love with jennie?”
“Oh god, no, we just fuck sometimes. Please don’t make it a thing.”
“Why not?”
“Because i’ll only end up hurting her.”
“You’re a better guy than you think you are chanyeol.”
“You just don’t understand what i mean by that baekhyun. Leave it alone.” The man spoke with a bit of annoyance in his tone and let his arm drop from my shoulders. Why is he acting like this?
“Then make me understand. When the fuck did we start keeping secrets from each other?”
“We didn’t. And we don’t. Just think long and hard about it. You already know the answer.” I know he can’t be talking about what i think he is. “There they are.” 
I looked at him for minute in confusion before looking in the direction his eyes are focused on. My eyes widened when i saw aya and the rest of the girls sitting on a random couch with the rookies we’re stalking. How did they end up here of all places. One of the two boys had his arm snaked around aya while he dirtily eyed her chest as she chugged down a beer. The other one was passing out drugs to anyone that came up to him, trying so hard to impress the people around him. I bet they thought we would never notice the shit they took from us. But we always notice.
Aya leaned forward to slam down the can of alcohol on the table in front of her, looking completely drunk. The rookie sitting by her let his eyes travel to her ass when she stood up. He grabbed her hand, stopping her from walking away and leaving him.
That little piece of shit won’t see the light of day again. 
“Let’s go.” I said to chanyeol. 
I walked slowly to the couch they all occupied. I know he obviously doesn’t know who she is, but i don’t give two fucks. “Why don’t you just stay here next to me a bit longer.” The boy said to my girl.
“You have a death wish, don’t you.” I said as i grabbed aya and pulled her into my arms. I was trying to look intimidating in front of the two boys but im sure i failed when aya landed in my arms. Her little hands gripped onto me in a tight hug and it got really hard to think of the ways im going to hurt these rookies. Ughhh, i feel like my heart is melting. She so warm. I missed her. It’s only been a few hours but still.
“Dude?” Chanyeol hit my arm as he looked at me in confusion. “Why are you just standing there.” 
I just pointed to aya and let the smile begging to come out slip on my face smoothly.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes and reached for his gun. “Let’s just make this easy.” 
The people around us that saw the firearm out in the open began to make a fuss, which only caused more people to freak out. I mean damn, he didn’t even shoot anyone. Yet. 
“It’s not what it looks like we swear!” One of the boys pleaded to chanyeol with his hands up. “We got this-”
“Save it for someone who actually cares, i sure the hell don’t.” I said to them while a drunk aya squeezed my cheeks together. “Just do as chanyeol says and make this easy for yourselves, maybe we’ll spare you.”
“Look! baek the fishy!” She said excitedly to the rest of the girls that sat calmly on the couch.
“Stop that babe.” I said grabbing her hand. She just pouted at me before looking away at the two boys. 
“Well? what the fuck are we just standing here for?”
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Aya blew into my ear as i carried her to my rolls-royce on my back, I had to pick her up because her drunk ass kept stumbling in those sexy ankle high boots, And i like having her this close to me. But you didn’t hear that from me.
“Does this make you squirm daddy?” She whispered slurred words into my ear before blowing into it again.
“No, it doesn’t.” I said while laughing my ass off. You gotta love drunk aya.
“That’s weird. It makes me squirm when you do it.”
“That’s because your body is very sensitive to everything daddy does. Me on the other hand, i might get a boner, but i would never squirm.”
“How can i make you squirm?” She whined lazily at me.
“I don’t know babydoll, i’ll get back to you on that one.”
“Yeah, you do that.”
I went into my pocket to get my keys and found nothing. I made a noise of confusion and aya giggled. The girl dangled the keys in my face and giggled harder. How adorable. I unlocked the car before looking over to the others as they threw the rookies in the trunk and hopped into the range rover.
“Come on babe, you gotta get down and into the car.” 
She silently slid off of me in a lazy manner. “I don’t want to go home yet daddy.” Her pout is killing me. She knows that though. 
“Where do you want to go then babydoll? Daddy will take anywhere in the world.”
“Let’s get food!”
“Say no more.”
We hopped into the car drove around the city with our stomachs anticipating fattening fast food at this late hour of 2 am. Aya being as drunk as she is wouldn’t sit still. She dragged me into her loud singing spree as she flipped through channels on the radio. She moved her head and hands to the rhythm of the song that’s playing and i watched her every time a red light came our way. What can i say? She likes to be watched. When we pulled into the drive-through she whined to me about how she only wants to eat icecream. But i put that thought to sleep quick. She knew she was being ridiculous. 
“Ugh, just get me the stupid meal then.”
“Okay, And can you give me a large cup of ice water also? Thank you.”
“What? No ice cream and i have to drink water!?” 
“It’s starting to sound like someone needs a spanking.”
“What i need is ice cream.”
“Oh yeah, you’re acting up. I already told you no ice cream.”
Aya looked away to her right side and mimicked me in “secret” while i payed the man at the window. 
“You suck.”
Three minutes later we took off again to find a pretty place to look at the stars tonight. She scarfed down her burger and her water happily while i focused on the road. I could tell she was getting less drunk and i smiled. As much as i love every piece of this girl to bits, drunk aya can be hard to handle.
“Awww babeee! you can see them so clearly tonight!”
“I know, I’ll take you here more often princess.”
“I promise.”
It had to be going on three 3 am now as me and aya leaned on my car and looked up at the sky. she entered my arms when the breeze hit us. It wasn’t a cold night but she was because of the ice water i made her drink.
“I love when you take me places like this.”
“Yeah, i realize that now. I remember thinking you would hate places like this. But gladly, you don’t.”
“What gave you that impression?”
“I don’t know, before i got to know you more, you seemed to have more of an appreciation for things like diamonds and expensive vacations.”
“What!? baekhyun, im not an instagram model.”
“I know, i know, i just didn’t know much about you. You can hide your true self better than anyone i have ever met.”
“Don’t you think that’s an issue?”
“An issue? No. It’s closer to being a blessing and a curse.”
“I guess when i really think about it, that’s very accurate.”
She looked at me with smiling eyes and love struck grin. 
“I love you.” Aya whispered softly at me.
“how much do you love me?” I tilted my eyebrow at her and smirked.
“To the moon and back.”
I captured her lips in that moment quickly. I can’t help myself when she says things like that to me. Im a sucker for aya’s sweet talk. I hugged her tightly, pushing her body into mine and kissing her deeper than before. There’s no drug in the world that could be beat aya’s lips. Her hands slid through the jacket im wearing and around my waist. 
My baby pulled away and looked me in the eyes sweetly. “Isn’t it weird. We always end up having sex in places like this.”
“That’s because nature is so beautiful it gives me a boner.”
I laughed at her comment and she playfully squinted her eyes at me.
“Wait. Are you implying we’re about to have sex.” I raised my eyebrows in question of her words.
She tilted her head before biting her lip, staying silent. Her hands pulled on my shirt and made me follow her footsteps to the backseat of the car. “I think that goes without saying, daddy.” She opened the door and sat on the edge of the seat. “On your knees.”
I slowly obeyed her orders as she slowly opened her jean clad legs. My knees dug into the grass under them, watching aya take her middle and ring fingers to her clothed core. She rubbed there slowly and bit her lip seductively. I gripped the car door and the seat to keep from touching her. She tapped the area softly and hissed, i know she’s just dripping under those pants she’s got on. Her tongue popped out of her mouth to wet her lips quickly, leaving a sexy glisten on them. 
Just one touch. 
My hand reached out for her and was smacked away without hesitation. I thought that would happen, I turned my head harshly in hopes of cracking my neck and relieving some of this tension in my body. But nothing happened. 
Her hands slowly slid up her body and cupped her breast tightly. Just how i would do it if those were my hands on her. I relaxed a bit at the satisfaction and tiled my head. Even though patience isn’t my best friend, im going to slow down and enjoy the show.
She moaned out into the perfect night air and looked me in the eyes while letting her hands roam all over her body. It’s a sight i could get get drunk on. I feel like i already am. I ran a hand through my hair, which is a sure fire sign that my patience is running very thin. Damn it. I can’t just sit here anymore i hav-
My thoughts were interrupted by my cell ringing loudly. I jumped in reaction because of the random loud noise on this quiet night. Aya was too in the zone, she didn’t care what just happened. I looked at the caller id and saw that it was sehun. He probably is calling to ask for his shirt or something stupid. I looked at aya and back to my phone. I should definitely ignore this. But on the other hand it could be important. 
“Hello?” I asked, my eyes still focused on aya’s little show.
“Baekhyun! Come home now. It’s the trip we took to phoenix. The authorities might be looking for us.”
“What? That makes no sense!?” Aya jumped and stopped her actions after hearing the tone in my voice. 
“We’re having a meeting in 10.”
“Im on my way.”
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“You can’t be serious right now.” i said under my breath. 
“Look, this is nothing to worry about. You act like we’ve never had a problem with the police before.” Suho said with a calm grin on his face.
“We don’t know anything about the people in phoenix!” Baekhyun yelled in front of the calm man. “You can’t just go there and expect to not die or go to jail.”
“We’ll do our research.” Suho replied simply.
“I second baekhyun, What if it’s a trap.” I said while holding my knees to my chest on this chair.
“It could be. I’ll bring some disposables with me, they’ll help if it is. And if not then i can handle things myself.”
“No. The disposables won’t be able to do shit. We should all go together. I won’t let you handle this alone.” Baekhyun gripped the shoulders of suho. I can tell how worried he is about him. Suho on the other hand looks almost too calm.
“We won’t either.” Chen said with a stern tone.
“So all of us can possibly get into serious trouble together? I don’t think so. You all have to put your trust in me. Im your leader. I’ll bring minseok for better support. But no one else. I don’t want all of you to be dragged into this.” Suho replied dismissively. I don’t know if we can argue with that. “Besides baekhyun, you just got your girl back. You just stay here and be with her.” The man slowly moved the hands off his shoulders with a reassuring smile.
“Hyung i-”
“You know i love you right kid? I want you to stay here and be safe. Because if anything happens to me, i want you to look after everyone as leader.”
“Suho!” Everyone yelled at the man in protest of his sentimental words. Why is he talking like this. Does he believe this is a suicide mission or something.
“Suho shut the fuck up! Stop talking like this!” Baekhyun gripped onto the shirt of his leader with anger and fear. 
“Alright, alright. Don’t get your feelings all riled up. You see? This is why we were a mess when we thought aya died. We have to get used to the fact that in this business people die. We might seem untouchable. But we’re damn sure not immortal.” Suho spoke to everyone in the room as if he was a teacher, pulling baekhyun’s hands of fury off of him slowly.
“That doesn’t mean go out and kill yourself, honey.” Jisoo walked to him with concern in her face.
That man thinks there is huge chance he won’t come back alive. I can see it in his face. I sighed as i looked at him embrace jisoo. 
Im starting to wonder now,
What would we do without him?
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AUTHORS NOTE : All doneeee! im going to start on the next chapter right now! im sooo sorry about the wait the chapter deleted and then i got busy, anywaysss i hope you enjoyeddd im going to work on getting a masterlist up and then archive all my work cuz tumblr is threatening me these days lmao have a lovely dayyy!
kissesss <3 lailaaa ~
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Seiyuu Challenge #28
28. Best seiyuu match-ups, romance edition? 
If you want to find out which seiyuu are married, check out this link. It’s an updated list of marriages (and divorces).
Kenichi Suzumura x Maaya Sakamoto
Related Post  (Seriously, those right there are romance goals.)
If they produce a kid, it will most likely be a god-tier too-OP kind of kid who’s good-looking, can sing and act, and is probably really smart. 
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Wataru Hatano x Mai Hashimoto
“[On multiple radio and TV shows] Hatano mentioned that he was fairly unlucky when it came to romance. He was cheated on multiple times, slapped on his face by women that misunderstood his intentions (he went out with them as friends and apparently they thought the opposite), was dumped “close to 10 times” in his life, one of those on a late night call that made him go to a recording – in the following day – with his eyes still swollen from crying his heart out. Due to his busy career and, even before being a seiyuu, busy life, Hatano found himself multiple times rescheduling dates or even going as far as sending gifts to his girlfriends by mail because he couldn’t meet them due to a recording (he mentioned this on Sakurai Takahiro’s Kako Warai).
Things changed and Hatano got married in 2018 with fellow female seiyuu Mai Hashimoto, finally finding happiness and putting an end to his unlucky streak.”
[Source: Seiyuu Digest #43]
Come on. He deserves it. The guy deserves it after all he’s been through.
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Tsubasa Yonaga x Yuka Nishigaki
Congrats on the kid!
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Tachibana Shinnosuke x Ao Takahashi
Congrats on the kid! 
[Picture of the kid can be found on Takahashi’s blog]
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Takuma Terashima x Satomi Sato
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Even though I’m not the biggest fan of Terashima, he’s made Satomi happy for the eight years they dated and years that they’ve been married.
Honourable Seiyuu x Seiyuu Marriages Mentions:
Yoji Ueda x Yuko Nagashima They have a daughter
Ryota Takeuchi x Ai Terashima
Mitsuo Iwata x Rikako Aikawa (1992)
Kenji Nojima x Chie Sawaguchi They have two kids: one boy and one girl.
Other Married Seiyuu Worth Mentioning:
This just means that they married someone outside of the industry.
Format: - [NAME] (Year of marriage) Comments/Mention of kids
Chinatsu Akasaki (2018)
Kana Asumi (2014)
Aya Endou (2013)
Natsuki Hanae (2016) This one surprises me
Megumi Hayashibara (1998) She has a daughter
Yoko Hikasa (2015) Ai Kayano said, “She gets really flustered whenever the topic of marriage comes up. She seems to be very happy.” (or it was implied)
Aya Hisakawa (1999)
Mariya Isa (2015) AND SHE HAS A KID? I NEVER KNEW! 
Hideo Ishikawa (1999) Itachi Uchiha might be forever alone, but at least we know his seiyuu isn’t.
Kentarou Itou And he has (a) child(ren)
Shizuka Itou (2012) I didn’t know she was married.
Yuuko Kaida
Yuu Kobayashi (2017)
Takehito Koyasu He also has kids. [insert Dio joke]
Kujira (2011)
Masaya Matsukaze (2004)
Hikaru Midorikawa (2000) He got into a huge scandal fiasco because some numnut started a rumour that he was cheating on his wife because he was wearing matching jewellery to some fan. Seriously, stay in your own lane. The guy did nothing wrong.
Shinichiro Miki He has a son.
Kotono Mitsuishi (2000) She has a daughter.
Showtaro Morikubo (2014 - 2nd marriage) He has a child from his second marriage.
Kazuya Nakai
Daisuke Namikawa (2001) But he (allegedly) cheated on her starting in 2004 which continued for many years until coming to the surface in 2017. He has two kids.
Nanri Yuuka
Kaori Nazuka (2011) She has a daughter.
Mamiko Noto (2018) She has a kid on the way!
Megumi Ogata (2004 - 2nd marriage)
Yuuki Ono (2010) In 2017, he revealed that he got married seven years prior.
Akio Otsuka (2017)
Chiwa Saito (2013) She has a daughter.
Daisuke Sakaguchi
Yuko Sanpei (2013) She has a child.
Miyuki Sawashiro (2014) SHE HAD A KID, AND I AM SO HAPPY FOR HER.
Haruka Tomatsu (2019) She just got married on the 11th. And at the time of writing this, that is pretty much a week. Happy one-week anniversary to her and her husband.
Toshiyuki Toyonaga (2015) He has a daughter.
Aki Toyosaki (2017)
Norio Wakamoto
Sayuri Yahagi (2015) Way to ruin Ayane’s dreams
Kappei Yamaguchi He has two children
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nikky-the-writer · 6 years
Comfort zone
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Bucky x Reader
A/N: This is posted from the Queue!!
Summary: AU
Reader is an anxious person that feels comfortable only in the company of her dog and sometimes her best friend. She was adopted by Tony and his wife and she always has to stick to her weekly schedule, when she doesn’t she gets the feeling like everything is falling apart. So, what will happen when her friend persuades her to have a one night stand?
Warning: cursing, anxiety, depression, an accident …. ….
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It’s already been an hour since you should have come out of your room to go meet the guests and to stand beside your father, however, you were still doing the same thing as in past hour and a half, you were overthinking. You knew how much this meant to your father but you were sure that he will understand if you don’t show up.
Alfie was lying on the ground beside you where you were sitting in the dark blue dress that your father brought you. It was a simple long dress with sleeves and some silver details on it. You tugged the soft material as you had your eyes closed wanting to get up to stand with your father. You could hear the guests downstairs and the music that was playing in the background the same as laughter and generally happiness something that you could never feel in crowds.
After an hour more you finally stood up from the ground only to sit down on your bed and put socks on your bare feet. Your dad didn’t insist on you to have some fancy shoes and that’s why you were putting on your favorite boots after closing the door of your room and taking the leash that you had to put on Alfie so that you don’t lose him in the crowd. You rarely use it because he always listens to you.
Walking down the stairs your eyes moved from one guest to another until you saw your father, however, he was talking to a few people at the moment and quickly you felt eyes on you after taking two more steps. You stopped immediately only to see people glancing at you and your dog and quickly turning their heads to their friends to comment. You hate it, the constant judgment and gossips and as quick as you came down you moved through the crowd not even glancing their way and despairing through the front door.
 ˝I hate it, Alf, I hate it so much,˝ the tears were rolling down your cheek one by one as you stared into the distance. The sun was already gone replaced with a full moon that was shining down on the calm sea. Waves were slowly crushing against the shore and your bare feet as you cried with nobody around you except the lights and the noise that was coming out of your house.
˝Every time, I hear them when they talk about me. They always called me a freak and I usually don’t care, but those people they work with my dad. Now they will judge him for having a child like me. I shouldn’t have come down, that was a fucking mistake. I don’t want dad to feel like it’s his fault for what they are saying about me. It’s always been hard to explain to people what’s wrong with me, ‘cause it’s a lot of things Alfie, I’m just a burden. ˝
 You walked further into the water just wanting to feel something except the gentle breeze against your skin. The cold water was inviting although Alfie's barking disturbed the calmness of the night you kept walking feeling the sand between your toes.
Alfie was following behind you until it got too deep for him to stand so he stayed back barking for you to come back; however, you didn’t instead you took a deep breath before disappearing below the surface.
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Tony wanted for you to be next to him, but after you didn’t show up in the first hour he felt disappointed, although he understood. He decided that he will check on you in a few minutes. Before he could excuse himself from the conversation he saw you standing on the staircase and a smile formed on his face. However seeing the discomfort on you his smile dropped and before he could move towards you, you were already gone. He could hear people whispering about you and laughing at your behavior and it hurt him, he only wanted to comfort you at that moment and he would if he wasn’t stopped by one of the men who used to work with him.
˝Was that girl you daughter?˝ There was a grin on his lips as he was amused by that information.
˝Yes,˝ Tony was quick to answer but that only caused the other man to laugh. ˝ Is that information amusing you?˝ Tony asked harshly staring at the older man.
˝Well, you have to admit that she is weird.˝ He said it as a matter of fact not bothered about the consequences of his words. He was a bit proud of himself seeing as Tony was getting angrier by second.
˝Weird? You never met her.˝ He knew that people were already staring, but it wasn’t anything new for him and Pierce to argue.
˝Yeah, because she never leaves her house. What does she even do, sits on her ass the whole day? She is a spoiled brat.˝ He took a sip from his glass, watching Tony’s every move as the expansive liquid slide down his throat.
˝Is that what you think? I mean you would know with raising two boys that never worked a day in their life.˝
˝My boys work with me.˝ He said a bit louder so that others who were ear-dropping could hear.
˝You don’t even work, people do everything instead of you.˝ He pointed out as his gaze moved towards the front doors that he noticed were opened. He could guess that it could be anyone from the guests who let them open, however, something inside him told him it was you.
˝Well at least my child is not a freak.˝
Tony was ready to punch smirk from his face but he was stopped. The anger was radiating from him as he was held back.
˝Leave us alone, Pierce.˝ Bucky said while still holding Tony back. He was aware that if he didn’t stop Tony that nobody would, people around him were the kind of people that like to gossip about anything and everything not caring if it would ruin anybody’s life.
˝Of course your golden boy has to save the day.˝ Pierce said before turning away from them.
˝You alright?˝ Bucky finally let go of Tony waiting for him to calm down.
˝Get that idiot out of my house!˝ Tony yelled pointing at Pierce and not long after a man from his security escorted Pierce out.
˝What did he do?˝ Bucky was worried about Tony. Since today he hasn’t seen or talked to him for a while and he didn’t know what was happening in his life. He could only hope that Tony was alright.
˝They all talk shit about her, just because she is different, but they don’t get it that she is like me.˝ Tony’s eyes were focused on the now closed doors as he talked under his breath not even bothering to look at Bucky.
˝Who are you talking about?˝ Bucky was confused not knowing what could make him so angry to actually wanting to punch someone on his own event.
˝Y/N, my daughter, she just came downstairs with Alfie and t-˝ Tony glanced at the younger man but was interrupted by him.
˝Alfie?˝ Bucky was already connecting the dots.
˝Her dog.˝ He said as if Bucky should have already known that.
˝Oh, God..˝ Bucky moved fingers through his hair multiple times as Tony looked at him suspiciously.
˝What, what’s wrong?˝
˝I think that I know your daughter.˝ He said not thinking before answering.
˝I’m not surprised because I told you to move to the same town she lived, because she told me it was peaceful and you needed that.˝ Tony ‘s voice was calm as his expression softness.  ˝Do you also think that she is weird?˝
˝No, she is actually the only person with whom I connected after the accident.˝ His words were honest, although he wasn’t even sure why was he saying that to Tony.
˝She never mentioned you when we talked.˝
˝We….it’s..I-˝ He couldn’t form the sentence no matter how hard he tried because he didn’t want to upset Tony.
˝Let me guess Natasha told her to sleep with you.˝ Surprisingly to Bucky Tony kept his voice calm.
˝How would y-˝
˝She hates meeting new people and she told me that she was with someone and taking in the consideration that you are feeling uncomfortable since you found out she is my daughter.˝ His answer was quite simple, but to Bucky, it was hard to understand that he wasn’t mad at him at all.
˝Wait, but what do you think that somebody told her to do so?˝ His heart tightened in his chest hoping that it meant something else than he was already thinking.
˝Her friend suggested that to her. Y/N doesn’t really start any conversation only if she has to. I should talked to her.˝
˝Tony this your celebration I can talk to her.˝ Bucky said after Tony moved toward the doors.
˝She is my daughter she will always be more import-˝ Tony stopped himself as he heard a familiar sound, but he couldn’t place it because of all the noise around him  ˝Do you hear that?˝  
Bucky didn’t hear anything but soon he saw realization on Tony’s face and a second after Tony was hurrying towards the front door with Bucky following behind.
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A/N: Thank you for reading!! 😊 Tag list is closed for this series, but it's open for others
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