#Avitaring time
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eric-sadahire · 2 years ago
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My favorite part of Avatar is when Avatar says “It’s Avataring time!”
And then Avatars all over the place.
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xan-izme · 2 years ago
"Bad Guy" (Dad!jake x Villian Daughter reader)
Summary: Jake didn't just leave you on a rotting planet, he did so much more. He barely showed his fatherly side to you, he was on Marin mode 24/7. The night before he left was what pushed you to the edge, after years of him not returning, was your braking point. He left you, his own daughter and betrayed his own race. If he can do that, what's wrong with leaving behind your own humanity?
TW: Death, mentions of death, child neglect, drinking, manipulation ect.
tag list: @kkkmm @myh3artttt
How far can you push a child's love and loyalty. Till they no longer can tell the difference between the two?
Raising children is known to be a very complicated task. But it was a part of life. Parenting is tricky, anything you do or say will affect your child's behavior.
Jake didn't think like that. You were his first child, a girl at that. Your mother was just a one night stand, but he did know her. She was a friend from before he lost his legs.
When you were born, he was already in a bad spot. So a child being dumbed on him in his situation wasn't the best.
So, when raising you, he tried his best to show you that the planet they were on was cruel, and that you need to fend for yourself sometimes. He might have been harsh with his words, but you had some sort of understanding that it wasn't out of meanness. Jake was strict. Set up curfews, schedule for all classes and hang outs. Knowledge of your whereabouts was a must.
But all of that understanding and balance you two had, was quick to shatter. The night before Jake was to leave for Pandora, he was drinking. Yes, Jake drinks a lot, and you know that.
But his twin brother just passed, for the paper he had in his pocket. Sadly, you came back home 15 minutes late.
So, when you tried to get Jake to bed, he was just complaining about you coming late.
Jake was grumbling something while you were trying to clean up the bottles that were laying around.
He complained about the military, about his parents, the people and his twin.
"And you, Y/n"
You stood in place, watching your father point at you, bottle of alcohol in hand. "You killed your mother . . . and now, you're killing me."
Those words hit you like nothing before.
Jake threw the bottle towards you, it missed, but you wish it did hit you and just killed you.
The next morning, you locked yourself in your room. You refused to open the door. No matter how many times' Jake apologized, no matter how hard he begged.
His words of promises to come back and make it up to you, were probably the only thing that made you feel some type of sympathy. And hey, if he did come back, the two of you might have had a decent father and daughter relationship.
You just had to wait for 6 years or so.
Then 6 years turned into 8. 8 years turned into a decade. Then you got word of what Jake had done.
Betrayed his own race, fell in love with a native and started a whole new family. And on top of that! he got legs! isn't that lovely, good for him. And all Jake had to do was leave his pathetic, no-good daughter on a rotting planet to get the life of his dreams.
The amount of anger you felt could not be explained. Wanting to take revenge, wanting your old man to feel unexplainable pain you had been suffering. You applied for a spot in the RDA. Specifically, in the Daja blue group.
It took a lot of training and strings pulled for you to get in that program. But you got in, and once you showed your skills, you were immediately welcomed in.
"Ms. Sully-"
You held back the urge to give the operator a look, not liking being called but his name. But his name is a part of your plan. You want people to know that you're his, that you came from the same Jake Sully.
"Your Avitar is ready."
You hummed and followed the woman. You two passed many other avatars. Then finally came to a stop at one that oddly looked like you. You stared down at the young body.
You were currently in your mid 20's, but avatars are made to be way younger than you currently were. This one looks about 18 or 19. You didn't mind. As long as the body was capable of handling her plan for Jake.
You must say, Pandora was more beautiful than you expected. Such beauty shouldn't have been wasted on Jake. You honestly didn't care for Quaritche's reasons or his mission in general, all you wanted was to install fear and dread into Jake.
Thankfully, Quaritche seemed to not mind what your little mission was. The only thing you two had in common, was to put Jake down. Break him in unimaginable ways.
"Your one of his" Quaritche mumbled. But you heard what he said. Your ears perked as you slowly made your way to the small Na'vi boy. Now seeing by his fingers and looking closely at his face, he held a close resemblance to Jake, that caused you to stare rather hard.
You kneeled down and looked your half-brother in the eyes. You then heard a voice, a voice that you could never forget. You grabbed the innercom that was still connected to the boy's neck and tossed it to Quaritche. As the older man spoke to Jake, you grabbed your half-brothers face, examining it.
The boy growls and roughly moved his face out of your hand.
"Let us go you demons!" The boy hissed in his native tongue. You scoffed in amusement and took hold of his hand, roughly putting it in front of his face, then put your hand against his. Matching all five fingers.
"We are more similar than you think boy." Your words shocked the boy. Leaving him silent and confused.
You turned to go back to your original position, giving a glance to Jake's daughters. You glared at the smallest one.
When Jake brought the fight to them. Quaritche let you have a little time alone with Jake.
Your tail swished from side to side before pouching on Jake. Your fighting style was sloppy, but in a way that was nearly always unpredictable. Almost like you were some kind of; savage.
Jake threw you off him, causing you to land on all fours against a nearby tree. You hissed as you stood up slowly, your tail flickering side to side, your eyes had never left him.
"So mean papa. That really hurt" You licked the blood from your lips as you gave the man a toothy grin.
Jake frowns, that voice, was for some reason familiar to him. His eyes squinted as the figure stepped closer into the moonlight. Once you were in the light, it took him a second, but even in Na'vi form. He recognizes his own daughter.
"Y/n . . . ?"
Jake dropped his weapons as he slowly approached you.
"Y/n, my baby! how-" His hands hovered over your skin, before you stepped away.
The two of you stared at each other, in compleate silence. Suddenly, the sound of a helecopter came. You sighed
"Oh well, guess our time is up." You say in a disappointing tone, you turned to walk off and get back to the group.
"Next time, I won't go easy on ya!" You say with a playful tone, but the noticeable sadistic look you had said otherwise.
Chaos unlashed itself upon the Sully family. The children of Jake demanding to know more about the Avitar woman who claimed to also be a Sully. That night, Jake and Neytiri had to explain that Jake had a daughter back on earth, and the moment he betrayed his own race, he lost privileges of trying to bring his daughter to Pandora or at least try and contact her.
Jake thought about you every day, every second. Every time he treated his sons like soldiers, he was reminded of you, and what he had said that fitful night.
Lo'ak laid awake that night. Your words spinning in his mind. That small talk of how his father truly was. How Jake treated her worse than he was with them now. Lo'ak can barely tolerate how their father is now, so just thinking about how strict or harsh he was with you. He understood you were probably hurt, but he thought of some way to make you see what Lo'ak saw when Jake spoke about you. How much love he had with each word for you, speaking about you like he would for any of his children.
When Jake first saw you again, it was like a dream come true, but now, he feels like he sees you everywhere. You're becoming a nightmare for him, all because of that first interaction you two had, if you knew of this, you would be laughing at how pathetic Jake was to easily be this way.
Even though Neytiri saw you as a traitor and a threat to her family, Jake still saw you as his little girl. His sweet baby girl that he left. The little girl he had the nerve to treat like a soldier. Guess this was Jake's harsh reminder that he was raising a daughter back then.
The Jake now can never imagine treating Kiri and Tuk the way he did with you, it hurts him.
You didn't want to hurt anyone but Jake. That doesn't mean you care for the life around you, no, if killing the ones Jake loved the most would drive Jake to the breaking point like you wished? you would have done that long ago.
You kneeled down to Lo'ak and made sure he was tied properly.
"Why are you doing this! aren't you, our sister??" Lo'ak was trying to reason with you. Trying to make you see what you were doing was wrong. You sighed and gave him a small smile while caressing his head.
"Oh, sweet little brother. You are too young to understand."
"I wan't daddy . . ." Tuk mumbled out a small whine. You shifted your eyes to her.
You stepped back and examined the two. "you two think our father is such a hero. A noble man who loves his family more than anything. But your wrong, the moment you slip up, he turns on you. . . . Did you know what he said to me before he left?"
Lo'ak and Tuk stayed silent as they kept their eyes on you.
"He said that all I had to do was wait for 6 years, then he'll be back, and make up for what he had done to me. Then 6 years turn into 8, then it turned into a decade. . . . It took 10 years for me to realize I didn't need him. And that he didn't want me." You never told your small sob story to anyone, and you surprisingly didn't feel that shitty about what your life had become.
"Your wrong."
Lo'aks words brought you back. You tilt your head a little.
"Dad loves you! He told us what happened and he's sorry. He regrets everything and all he wants is you to be with him again! h-he loves you and always did." You hum in amusement
"He loves me . . . . How interesting."
Your plan just changed, and in the best way possible.
Jake didn't mean too. He didn't mean to shout at you that night, he didn't mean to leave you behind like he did, he didn't mean to turn you into what you had become now.
You coughed up blood, holding your stomach tight, where the stab wound was.
And most of all, he didn't mean for this to happen. Not to you . . . not by him of all people
"Y/n- I didn't . . . please come with me. Your hurt!" Jake pleaded. You stumbled back and hit the metal wall. You laughed as you slid down to the ground. You slowly looked up to Jake with teary eyes.
It really hurts. The burning pain was like nothing you felt before.
Jake rushed to your side and tried to lift you up. You stopped him and gripped his shoulder. "Hey, you love me . . . yeah?"
Jake didn't hesitate to answer "Yes! I love you. I love you so much." Jake held back a sob as he moved strands of hair away from your face. You sighed and slowly looked back up to him.
"Then, if you truly love me. You should take responsibility for this." Jake's ears slicked back.
Your eyes were stone cold. Void of any emotion.
"Finish what you started--" You grabbed onto Jake's hand, the one he still had his blade in. Your blood stained with the sharp object.
"-- And if you truly loved me, you'd end it for me already."
Jake shook his head "no, I can still save you! you still have time-"
You cut Jake off "Look, Jake. My time is up. No use for pity now." You were rather done at this point. Just wanting it to be over with.
Jake took a long moment. But it happened. You held eye contact with your father as he stuck the blade in you once more, finishing you off. His salty tears mixing with the blood on your face.
Jake Sully lost his daughter that day. By killing her with his own hands.
So, in short, remember parents that children can be quite fragile in their early stages of life.
They can and will remember everything.
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voiceless-people · 1 year ago
Shelby saves Lenores ass because he's not the best at planning ahead. And may or may not be trapped in an office with desolation avitars outside
Lenore stares up at its watching gaze, plain brown eyes stare right back, circles of vibrant orange coiling around the edges of the cornea. He cannot see anything aside from its eyes and her white pin-straight teeth.
"I'm dreaming." He tries to back up, but finds himself against a too-close wall. When Lenore looks up the wallpaper is peeling away into blank, unused space. Her smile widens, and a laugh slips past her lips in a low vibrating hum.
"Do you dream of me often?" It's mouth doesn't move as is speaks, voice emanating deep from whatever her core may be. Shelby slides out of the shadowed shelf she lied on. It's feet hit the ground, long segmented legs following suit.
"How did you even- how?" Lenore has to crane his neck to look up at it. He wasn't short by any means, he assumed she was doing it purely to be intimidating.
"A little spider told me you needed some assistance." It points to the ring on his pointer finger, a simple golden band engraved with tiny eyes.
"You can't be here! Shelby, I'm trying to not draw attention to myself. I can't exactly escape-warp into my domain with a giant bite off the spiral tailling me!" Lenore clenches his teeth as he whisper-yells. It rolls its eyes (backwards. It rolls them backwards.) till they face the front of Lenores face again.
"I'm helping you escape, Fehrenbach." Cool. It's patronizing him too, saying his last name with a sneer. It's playfull, it has been this whole time, but he's still somewhat afraid of her based on her allegiances alone. "You may be able to handle one spark, but a whole bonfire resides outside. Ice will always melt eventually."
He sighs. Lenore looks over at the door that Shelby blocks rather well, and can hear the slightest sound of people talking outside. He holds out a hand, and closes his eyes when she takes it within it's own. He hears the door open, and tries not to think too hard. When he opens them, he's in his flat.
"...Thank you."
She doesn't answer.
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exquisite-peculiarity · 2 years ago
I'm finally watching Avitar- the Last Airbender (for the first time ever), and rest assured once I finish the show I will become annoying about it for a minute because I am Very Enjoying It, but I'm not looking it up for spoiler reasons rn so you're safe for the time being lol.
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trekkie-supreme-overlord · 2 months ago
okay i'm kinda sick and I'm thinking about Startide Rising again.
I am having trouble finding a discussion the themes in the novel that I'm ruminating on, but I am REALLY in the mood to hear other people's thoughts so I'm yelling into the void and hoping for a response.
So, was the dolphin racism perposeful?
Here's what I mean by this: it is subtle. We build up a crew almost ENTIRELY made out of dolphins, with only five humans to hundreds of dolphins. Yet, three of those five humans are larger characters with more critical roles than ANY of the dolphins.
It takes a while to realize this, when reading it. Sure, the FIRST POV is a human, but he's only talking to dolphins! And the captain is a dolphin too!
So it's not until about half way through the book, when the captain is kind of out of commission, that you realize: this is not a book about dolphins. This is a book about the humans dealing with dolphins
And it's a crushing realization. It feels a bit like the very premise of the book has lied to you. You read, and you cherish any little scrap of usefulness that a dolphin character gets to have.
So, was this on purpose? This feels like a pretty accurate representation of "diverse" media that still centralizes the white people. It mirrors a lot of the sidelining characters of color had in science fiction of the time period, while also often feeling like a purposeful deployment of the white savior trope.
And the science fiction re-skin of the white savior trope has a huge history on science fiction story telling. We all know that it's an ongoing history, with the popularity of the Avitar series. Sure, the civilization is the actual draw of the movie, but we're focused on... this guy, I guess.
By having dolphins able to use technology, by having the setup of "ejecting water tanks is how we're going to save this situation," it feels like there is LITTERALLY no reason for the humans to be the focus. And yet...
So, was this made this way purposefully to draw attention to common harmful tropes of the genre, getting readers to really sit down and think about those tropes for likely the first time, or was it an accidental re-skin of these tropes that I'm looking into too much?
I really don't know
Please, someone, talk to me about the dolphin racism.
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madamelaydebug · 3 months ago
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•Rachet behavior
•Chatty Patty's
•Dystopian Directives on Netflix
•Trap music
•Gossip at it's fullest
•The alluring spells of holidays is diminishing.
•Take the wheel and guide yourself
•Mystery Meat
•Phallus play at full throttle in Hollyweird
•Ancestors aren't being fed
•Bird box
•Neglecting Core issues
•Benjamin Button's in Consiouness
•Knuckle draggers
•Woke, and still taking penitentiary chances
•Mad relatives, that's not even family(no offense to our relatives)
•Anglo Saxton blame
•Worrying about everything but self
We trust us, but us gotta get our shit together.
The playbook is in place how to handel us, but we can't handel us.
•Little %ick energy (Dark manipulated energy) Trump
•Morality rate is diminishing(fragile state of the Anglo Saxon's)
•Intellectual Warfare
•Crime at an all time high
•Drug epidemic
•Cardi B craze
•God Box (David Banner)
•FEMA Camps
•Sacred Geometry
•Get Out Syndrome
•Sephora marketed a Witch kit
•Yoni Eggs
•Mystic of old world classified as New Age
•Dark Star Rising Book
•Law of 44
•Unidentifiable Realm(Social Media- black mirror, tresel board or modern day ouji board)
•Syncro Mystisim
•Google go to encyclopedia
•Meme magic- what happens in cyber world transfers into the real world
•Kanye West
•Labron James
•Shadow work
•Internet had become an externalized imagination
•Chaos Magic (Fake News)
Witches, Warlocks, Wiccans
Peppa the frog (KEK entity) {Egregore}
•Attention Economy digital era, no longer analog
•Quantum Realm Mastermind Principles, trigger words and sounds. Trans state
•YouTube Censorship
•Me Too movement
•Rosanne Bar
•Dysfuntional Narratives
•R. Kelly
•Bill Cosby
•Brother Panic
•19 Keys
•Thought forms, Astro Leventuas, etheric shells of corpses(#Egregore)
•Bobby Hemmit
•Occult Movements
•Strong Man turned Mad Man
•LBJ Community
•Make America Great Again (programming trigger)
•Impeachment request from the majority
•Troll Armies
•Cloning (Synthetic Robitoids)
•Black Mirror
•Watch Man Movie (re-watch)
•NYC Blue & Green glowing lights
•Avitars (Virtual Reality)
•Narcissistic Disorders
•Conforming of the Populist (Purging in real time)
•Meek Mills (poster boy) for incarnation/probation reform
•Impossible Burgers (alternative meat)
•Mass Shootings
•Cell Towers Vibrational frequency (4g-5g)
•Focusing in the seen realm, while the unseen realm is orchestrating (spirit cookers)
•Chitlin Circuit Coonery
•Our magic {#Melanin} is being utilized to cook us again so they can stay in power, while dumbing us down.
•God Frequency
•Reality is the Glitch in the Matrix (Psychological Interpretation, reality is purely perception based) the mind is an Externalized Expression of what reality is.
Definition of Man is Mind, the Hermetic Principal that speaks of Mind, it says: "Mind Is All" man is Mind, but your not necessarily mind, so Who are you? Were purely projections.
•The age of the internet is mental
•Merging information
•Strange Fruit (repeats itself)
•Internalized Purging
•Placebo Effect
•Mandela Effect
•Cutting Cords
•3 levels of Subconscious
•Balance: El's or Draws (#duality) Neutral
•Colorful wording without Action
•Block Bullies (for Jordan's)
•Energy, Frequency and Vibration
•Reality TV (#distractions)
Martoring Villians (#exonerate)
•Flat Earth
•Earth Quakes (world -wide)
•Flowers in one hand and blood on the other hand
•George Bush Sr.
•The thread of Society is unraveling
•Tangle of Pathology
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saltylittlecreature · 8 months ago
Sprite Bunkers Setting idea
I had an idea for a setting where three types of cities exist in a massive dust desert where manna flows and a secret Astral plain overlaps reality, with a dieselpunk esthetic for this world. With a permanent dust storm.
The first city type would be the trench City. Cities set up to harvest and collect residue and vapers from refinement, turning to items and potions. The vast network of tunnels is capped by a domed roof of metal panels. sprawling to the production sector, the housing sector, and an entry sector that's heavily guarded. With "The Bunker" Being the heart of the city's production. Mixing a mine and an oil rig. with coral-like growths around it before only empty moon pools that contain no life unless in the astral. The fumes reveal strange shapes of creatures. With Humans stranded near it gaining strange powers but dire ailments. Plants also are affected by this well's nature. (If fantasy or sci-fi races were to exist, this could be how it happens. Like dwarves becoming after generations of exposure).
The next type of city would be oasis cities, founded often in cavers with life and spirits plenty. Frequently filled with ruins of stone and tin. Alongside spirits and spirits also taking residence here. Often creating many a pattern, and plenty of food. (Their exposure could lead to people like orks, who have been here for a long time in these places, and defending it from outsiders, they have effectively become worrier cultures who have some plant-like features).
The last one is Storm Cities. rarely seen, but occasionally descends to the ground in their sealing domes to trench towns and oasis cities to trade and resupply. It's effectively a magical city that lifts itself above the constant dust storm, powered by sprites, so they often go to the trench cities to refuel. growing edible foods and magical items. They also tend to have some large long-range artillery and defenses. All while the more fortunate live high above the storm. Usually having a Patreon being who lends out their power in exchange for power and control. Maybe even giving a safer way to gain magic (Think like a warlock in RPGs and you have an idea what this would be like. This could also be similar to Dust Wells mutations, With these powerful beings having packs with this city for so long, they'll begin to show features of their Patreon over generations. Maybe this is how elves were created).
Meanwhile, the astral plane would draw a lot from the Stormlight archive's spren mixed with spirits from Avitar the last air bender, and bits of Spirited Away's spirits. With a whole world that's invisible to the naked eye. Those without the right items or magic are unlikely to see the environment. Like grassy fields that echo memories maid in their invisible fields, and flowers that grow on battlefields and can grant you the ability to weald some skill from the worriers who fought on it, at the risk of waking up an angry spirit who was attached to that flower. It can also be how people navigate the storm, with the Dust wells producing massive pillars of light that reach up like auroras, that are used to navigate the world.
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roseonthewindow · 1 year ago
ooc: oh, I found the community cancelpig.
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So I found out who Mosquito was... wait, didn't your Sophia use AI art for her icon backgrounds recently how is my temperaty avitar any different?... Oh you were 200% projecting there. Also calling me baby was creepy A.F. Wait, you were doing the mean girl crap too weren't you shame your the only p on the lies of p rp masterlist to spyte being like what one of Four different accounts that RP that character that I found in the short time I was able to search.
Thought the entire creation of this blog I been trying to readapt since this format of RP is new to me. I have also been super open about you just asking. From day one you tried to gatekeep me and I was actually salting about BS in the genshin fandom because get this GENUS...I was still trying to get this blog together in a way I wanted that still allowed freedom for the second party. I was not expecting many if any interactions at this time.
My ask box is STILL open and I am still trying to get things settled you are upset at me because I did not want to stair at the Tumblr default while I was adapting my blog since I was going to be too busy to do a proper icon and banner at this time.
You claim to make money off your art but with your shit attude I doubt you get many good commissions, that said my advice for you still stands stop being too afraid of AI art because that fear owns you at this time. Embrace learning traditional mediums and actually learn new things. This will elavate your understanding of art in general.
As for the community, the ask box is still open... I told my end and rest my case on "Mosquito" here. For the record I did warn that hateful anos are Viciously Mocked on my blog. I have to practice my Vicious Mockery on someone why not rude cowards?
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chaos-and-kromer · 1 year ago
my thoughts on season one of the magnus archives and the notes I took while listening to it
Notes on the recordings of Jonathan Sims, head archivist of The Magnus Archives 
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1 angler fish- the hunt & the stranger 
2 do not open- 
3 across the street- the stranger & the eye 
4 page turner- (Gerald Keay) (Jurgen Leitner) 
5 thrown away- 
6 squirm- the corruption (Jane Prentiss) 
7 the piper- 
8 burned out- the spiral, Father Edwin Burroughs 
9 a father's love- the slaughter & the flesh 
10 vampire killer- the hunt 
11 dreamer- the eye & the end 
12 first aid- the dark & the eye (Gerald Keay) 
13 alone- the lonely 
14 piecemeal- the flesh 
15 lost johns' cave- the dark & the spiral 
16 arachnophobia- the web & the corruption (see colony) 
17 the boneturrner's tale- the flesh & the stranger (the spiral?) (Jurgen Leitner) 
18 the man upstairs- the flesh & the corruption 
19 confession- the spiral (Father Edwin Burroughs mentioned) (pt 1/2) 
20 the desecrated host- the stranger, the spiral, the eye, the flesh (breaken and hope?) (pt 2/2) 
21 freefall- the vast (Simon Fairchild) (martin brings something in at the end?) 
22 colony- the corruption (see arachnophobia) (martin blackwood speaking) (see squirm) (Jane Prentiss) (Jon takes it seriously for once) 
23 Schwartzwald- (Johna Magnus?) [pantsless marten spotted] (Micheal keay, Marry keay, witches?) 
24 strange music- the stranger (Gregor & Nickolie) (the circus of the other) 
25 glowing dark- (the peoples church of the divine host?) 
26 a distortion- the stranger, the spiral, the corruption (distortion Micheal?) “how would a melody describe itself?” (see squirm, timothy hodge) 
27 a sturdy lock- the dark & the hunt (Jon is noticeably less rude) 
28 skintight- the slaughter & the flesh “silk will not stitch the butcher's meat” (Melonie King?) (Sarah Baldwin?) 
29 cheating death- the end 
30 killing floor- the slaughter, the flesh, & the spiral (see the man upstairs) 
31 first hunt- the hunt & the stranger 
32 hive- the corruption (Jane Prentiss) “there is a wasp's nest in my attic, maybe it can soothe my itching soul” 
34 anatomy class- the stranger (all of them are placeholder names) “I don’t think your... tooth apple has a place in our artifact storage. Also, it is technically medical waste.” 
35 old passages- (Jurgen Leitner) lightless flame? (Gerald keay) Jon shouts for martin and a fire extinguisher, footsteps, then martin and two men who I don’t recognize dropping off a package, Jon is gone, recording ends 
36 taken ill- the corruption 
37 burnt offering- lightless flame? Gerald keay? (see anatomy class ending) (Gurtrude Robbinson) 
38 lost and found- the spiral (spider at the end, something in the walls, “run!” -Jon) 
39 infestation- the corruption (Jon got a worm in him) “I refuse to become another goddamn mystery” [they got hit with the character development beam] (Jane Prentiss) 
40 human remains- the corruption (Jon is insane af, tim is eepy and anoied, sasha is tired, and martin is so anxious) 
Season 1 thoughts- 
Notable names: 
Jonathin Sims- Head archivist, main speaker, distant from others as a defense mechanism. The eye 
Martin Blackwood- archival assistant, is often sent out to confirm info, anxious 
Timothy Stoker- archival assistant 
Elias Bouchard- director of the magnus institute, bad vibes. The eye 
Sasha James- archival assistant, first to see Micheal, proactive 
Jurgen Leitner- book guy 
Gerard Keay- witch? Connections to Jurgen Leitner and the lightless flame 
Jane Prentiss- Avitar of the corruption. Wasps nest in her attic. Overarching antagonist 
Simon Fairchild- Avitar of the vast? 
Micheal- distortion Micheal, I already know most of his story. Says it wants to help 
Father Edwin Burroughs- he shows up a noticeable amount of times 
Main fears: 
The corruption (6,16,18,22,26,32,36,39,40) (Jane Prentiss) 
The eye (this will always be a main fear) 
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slowlybigruins · 1 year ago
Let's not leave Jolie alone on it this time it's not that exorcist girl RC racer I employed avitar like for years now. Good hit though ol' depression.
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ghostedgrim · 3 years ago
With the new trailer, and images for Way of the Water, we've been left with many theories and questions. One of the main ones being, "has Quaritch actually returned,". From what I've observed, one of the avitars have the same tat, and looks as Quaritch, right when the name was announced google was saying Quaritch would return, and that the actor has supposedly claimed that Quaritch will be in the next 4 movies, getting some big character arc.
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Link to source:
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Quotes from this source that I'll use:
"While unconfirmed, the military-style haircut and tattoo on his upper arm are a dead giveaway — which likely means that yes, Colonel Miles Quaritch will be an Avatar in Avatar: The Way of Water. This opens the sequel up to all manner of possibilities as the villain is brought back to life, this time with the same advantages as our hero Jake Sully and the native Na’vi."
"While we did not know the details of his return, we have known for some time that Colonel Miles Quaritch will make a comeback. According to Stephen Lang, the character could, in fact, feature in all four of the upcoming Avatar sequels."
“And so, I think you can absolutely look for some areas of extreme growth in the character; and then probably areas of regression in the character as well, hopefully, over a period of four more films,” the actor said last year. “Of course, we need him to be very, very interesting, where, by the end you've taken a journey, or you've witnessed a character go on a life journey that was pretty interesting. You know, that you were glad that you could observe. So that's what we're trying to do."
Now onto my theories and what-not
The article states the theory the Quaritch's mind was uploaded to and avitar mind before he died, I have to disagree and here's why. Firstly, Quaritch Saud it himself, he thinks the avitar program useless, he wants nothing to do with it. Therfore he doesn't have an avitar. It's also stated that the avitars develope on the journey to Pandora, meaning they take about six years to grow. With this information, I don't believe this even remotely could've happened, not to mention, the avitar needs the same DNA as its driver, otherwise it doesn't work.
Not everything is black and white, like Trudy many people fought against Quaritch, it's not far fetched that some of the avitar divers liked what Quaritch was doing. Which would make sense, because some had to continue the avitar program, otherwise we wouldn't be seeing the avitar Quaritch look-alike.
It's also proven that brain activity takes place, even after a person has died, similar to other animals like snake, hence why you bury the head. We also know from Quaritch's conversations with Jake, and by the creation of the avitars, Earth's mead technology alone is extremely advanced, so cloning is hardly far fetched.
So here's the theories; an avitar driver who liked/agreed with what Quaritch was doing, found him in the forest dead or close to death. Considering how the battle went I don't think anyone would've checked or cared if Quaritch's body just vanished. When found, the driver would then find some way to stop Quaritch's brain from dying, or transfered all information in the brain into a hardrive of sorts. Then said driver could put in a heads up that so-and-so needs a clone, or maybe Quaritch already had a clone, afterwards they'd make the travel back. Considering Jake said the flight felt like waking up after too much tequila, I'd say the brain was preserve perfectly. Afterwards the clone should be developed, they A) upload the information into the clone's brain, or B) organ transplant with Quaritch's brain. Now he's alive, probably pissed, and desperate for revenge. With the help of the traitorous driver's and scientists, they create a new avitar program and find a way back to Pandora, etc.
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dead-star-daze · 3 years ago
First I’d like to say
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Now i know im a pathetically small blog here that's inconsistent with uploads at best, but i just wanna ask if there's a specific fanfic out there that someone might help me find or just take the idea and run with it.
So I know hermitcraft. Its a cool world with nice builds and community with really fun, pg, and kind players. What if they were just swapped with the Dream smp someday? Now these guys from mr blob smiley face world, all i know about them is that they are all embodiments of chaos, violence, anime level tragic/(dramatic), and profanity.
What if the entire Dsmp was forced into the world to help with builds, vibe, and not commit mass murder? Like the Tommy dude has to go help stress with her farms and not say ten thousand lude jokes on camera, George would probably go insane from trying to understand tango setting up all his games, or inversely tecnoblade has to teach mumbo the more violent way of fending off grian.
Now if you want the (maybe) less seen irl fanfics, mayhaps the avitars begin having their own minds, running rampant or refusing to move until the hermits find an extra volume switch for "Player Voices" or something like that in their menus and it turns out, they got possessed avatars now that will fly off the handle with profanities any time a recording device is turned on. Now cam accounts may or may not have possession depending on how many or who may fit where, but nevertheless, confusion is bountiful.
Please, if you find something like this or wanna write a story with this idea, i'd love to see it!
Thanks for reading and take care!
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i-am-ironic · 5 years ago
I was gone for six months and suddenly my best friend has a baby!
Part 2 of this
I wasn't going to do this part but so many people wanted a part two and I came up with this idea!
Jon was excited, not for the long boring meeting that was about to start, but for the food he was going to get at his best friend's house after the meeting. Of course this might not be the worst meeting, there was supposed to be a new hero from Gatham, that could be fun. He wondered if Damian Robin was friends with this new hero, and if they were another adopted sibling.
As more and more people filed into the justice league's meeting room, Jon Super-boy kept looking and not finding his friend. Once everyone was seated the batfam entered, always so dramatic.
The big bat himself entered first, followed by most of his kids. Nightwing, Red Hood, Black Bat, and Red Robin all walked in, Red Robin making a beeline for the computer. The last to enter was Robin next to a girl in a black suit with red accents. If this wasn't such a serious meeting Jon probably would have teased Robin about the matching suits. She must be the new hero. He whispered something to her in french, so they were friends, very interesting.
When everyone was seated the meeting began in the same way it always did with a report from all the leaders about how their city's were doing. The second order of business was the mission jon had just completed. It had taken him six months, two trips off world and eleven other people but he had finally stopped the alien who had wanted to destroy the world.
For Jon this part was just as interesting as the updates. he did his best to look like he was paying attention but really he was listening to damian talking to the new hero, Ladybug. Everything they said was in french, which made things harder for him because he didn't speak french.
Superman was almost done with the debriefing when Red Robin spoke up, "Ladybug, Agent A needs you right away, code G."
The woman nodded standing. Robin stood too but was stopped by her hand, "i can deal with this Robin, ill call if i need back-up."
He frowned but sat back down. Looking back at superman to continue.
"Thank you superman, for that very detailed debriefing," batman said standing and walking to the head of the table,"now as I'm sure you have heard there is a new hero in Gatham. Red Robin is calling her now she had to leave a moment ago. While we wait for her I would like to give you some backstory, she was thirteen when she became a hero, in Paris. She fought a supervillen for five years before he was finally defeated. Her partner from those days has since retired. She moved to Gatham for college and began working with us as a vigilante about five and a half months ago,"
"That about sums up my life this far," the woman herself stood in the doorway holding a pile of blankets.
Damian walked over to her and carefully took something from the blankets, an even smaller bundle. "She wouldn't stop crying would she?"
"She wanted her dad."
Thats when it clicked: Damian was holding a baby girl, the woman had said the baby wanted her dad and now the girl was reaching up for damian's face. Ladybug walked over next to batman.
Damian had a baby. DAMIAN HAD A BABY!!!!! This was not happening! The same Damian who hissed any time someone tried to touch him, had a baby?????? That didn't make any sense! Where did he get a baby??? You leave for six months and suddenly your best friend has a baby! Ridiculous!
Ladybug began speaking, "im sure many of you are curious about my powers but I'm afraid I can't disclose that information. If anyone has any other questions I would be happy to answer them."
The Flash raised his hand, when ladybug nodded at him he said, "Is that your and Robin's baby?" Barry, always so quick to adresse the elephant in the room.
Ladybug turned slightly red but replied, "In a manner of speaking, yes. But not in blood. Are there any other questions?"
When no one said anything the meeting was adjourned, the heroes heading back to their citys. Jon joined the batfam as they left.
"So Robin would you like to explain why you had a baby and didn't tell me?" Jon asked.
"Ha!" Jason laughed as they stepped into the tube headed home. "He just doesn't want to explain how he reverse kidnapped a baby."
Stepping out into the bat cave the team walked to there respective changing areas. Leaving only ladybug and the baby with Jon.
"Could you explain?"
She laughed, "sure, basically a lady handed damian little Gabrielle here and sprinted off. We never found the lady so damian and I adopted her. Lagaly she is damian's daughter though. Can you hold her while I detransform?"
"I guess." He took Gabrielle from Ladybug as a bright light over took her.
When the light vanished the young woman standing there smiled at him, "Im marinette by the way."
"Nice to meet you marinette," he said handing her back Gabrielle, "Im Jonathan but everyone calls me Jon."
"Nice to meet you too," she looked behind him and smiled even brighter, "Dames, we had better go up stairs for dinner."
Damian kissed her and took the tiny mask off of Gabrielle's face.
"So im an uncle now, right Damian?"
"No kent my daughter will not be calling you her uncle."
"Why not?!" Marinette and Jon exclaimed at the same time.
"Mari not you too." Damien said in mock horror. "I knew i shouldn't leave you two alone together!"
Marinette giggled. At this point they had reached the kitchen and marinette took Gabrielle from Damian to put her in her high chair.
The three of them continued talking as the rest of the family joind the dinner table. Marinette and Damian took turns feeding Gabrielle mashed sweet potatoes. Everyone laughed and joked, even talking to Gabby some times.
After dinner about half of the team had to go home, everyone else went to their rooms or to the movie room to watch Avitar: the last Airbender, which wasn't a movie but they wanted to watch it on the big screen.
Damian whent to put Gabby to sleep, it was too late for them to go home and Alfred had already prepared a room for them.
"So how long have you and Damian been together?" Jon asked Marinette.
"Two years in May. I didn't meet his family until five months ago though." She smiled, "I met them the same day we got Gabby, I understand why he didn't want me to meet them for such a long time. I mean who could have guessed I was a hreo too?"
"Im glad he found you. He seems much happier when you are around." Jon said.
"Marinette can you come say good night to Gabby she wants you." Damien called from the top of the stairs.
"Ill be right there!" Marinette shouted back.
Marinette walked up the stairs as Damian walked down. "So I guess you like her." Damien said.
"She has the best friend stamp of approval." Jon replied enthusiastically.
"Thats good," Damien said thinking over his words before he continued, "because, I'm going to ask her to marry me." He poped open a ring box revealing a beautiful diamond engagement ring.
"Wow! Oh my god!! Can I be your best man?!!" Jon was vibrating with excitement.
"Sssshhhhhhhhh!! You have to keep this on the down low! No one knows about this not even Alfred!"
"Im pretty sure Alfred knows everything. Especially the things you don't think he knows. Its his secret super power." Jon contredited. "I should probably head to bed i have to get up early tomorrow."
"Why would you need to get up early?"
"Because Alfred is making pancakes and i want to be the first one to get some."
As jon drifted off to sleep he thought about if he would be as good of a dad as damian was, and if he would be able to find someone like marinette.
Sorry this i late but I was having trouble writing this chapter. Also has anyone else been watching avitar non stop, like at this point I'm pretty sure I've seen it 12 times.
Next im going to write a soulmate au so if you want to be tagged in that let me know. I hope you enjoyed! (The wifi is down at my house sorry if you weren't tagged, ill try again later)
@wannajointhecrabcult @corabeth11 @i-wanna-be-a-ninja @animegirlweeb @spyofthenightcourt @ivymala07 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @bisha43rbs @dreamykitty25 @sublimesoulbouquet @maribat-is-lifeblood @thestressmademedoit @crytallized @tomanyfandomsonmymind @karukofox21 @nightstarblue @certifiedbidisaster @our-preciousss @lilyreadbooks12
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cockslutpadalecki · 4 years ago
Girl, I just saw your avitar and omfg I just lost my shit 🤣🤣 I fucking love you, Lisa 🤣🤣
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i felt like it was time
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the-tree · 4 years ago
Its kin list time babey 😼
-Kokichi Ouma
-Celestia Ludenburg
-Kazuichi Souda
-Gundham Tanaka
-Ibuki Mioda
-Miss Sonia nsjsbs
-Chiaki Nanami
-Runa Yomozuki
-Midari Ikishima
-Jabami Yumeko
Popee the Performer:
Adventure Time:
-The ice king
Hazbin Hotel (+ Helluva Boss):
-Angel Dust
-Jeff the Killer
-Jane the Killer
Your Turn to Die:
-Sou Hiyori
-Reko Yabusame
-Kuroo Tetsurou
-Ryunosuke Tanaka
Bunny Girl Senpai:
-Tomoe Koga
Hunter x Hunter:
Clone High:
-Joan of Arc
My Little Pony:
Avitar the Last Airbender:
-Prince Zuko
The Legend of Korra:
-Old Toph
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