#Aventurine x Stelle
tikay-kikay · 7 months
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They give off a similar vibe...
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noriee404 · 3 months
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miss stellaron~
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pikipigeon · 4 months
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Whore Stelle Supremacy (ft. Aventio)
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talia-black · 4 months
Nameless! Aventurine Headcanons
I have a million other projects I need to be working on, but this tiny brainworm hasn’t let me go.  :(
TW: Talk of Aventurine’s backstory. Nothing explicit, but his brand is shown and stuff is alluded to. Symptoms of trauma are also explicitly mentioned. Also shirtless Aventurine but nothing sexual. 
Nameless! Aventurine who succeeded in bargaining his freedom from the IPC and became a wanderer. Who always wears a shirt with a high collar to hide his slave tag. Who melted down his sixty tanba and had them made into various accessories for his otherwise nondescript outfit. Who pulled scams and took risks whenever the mood struck him and then skipping out whenever things got dicey for him. Until he runs into the Astral Express.
Nameless! Aventurine who had heard of the Express in passing, and needing a quick passage off-world, offers his help with whatever trouble they’ve managed to get themselves into in return for a ride. Only to be thrown completely out of his element by the attitude of each of its members. None of them are interested in what he can offer them (though it takes him a while to figure that out) and are more than willing to still let him join the Express even when his plan doesn’t pan out the way Aventurine promised. 
Nameless! Aventurine who actually ends up fitting very well into the Astral Express’ dynamic. He is always happy to indulge in March 7th’s antics (You cannot tell me these two wouldn’t have spa days where they do facials, paint each other's nails, and just talk for hours about Robin’s latest album or whatever else is a hot topic for Honkai Star Rail’s version of the internet.) and treats her like a little sister. 
March 7th is also the first to figure out Nameless! Aventurine’s aversion to being touched. He frequently initiates contact, but the first time March came up behind him and touched his arm, the gambler jumped almost a foot in the air. He laughed it off, telling her that she “give a man some warning next time” and pushed the conversation forward. She chalked it up to him being caught off-guard, but then she watched him freeze up when Himeko put a hand on his back, and when Welt patted his shoulder, and whenever March touched him first. 
Nameless! Aventurine who acts like the annoying middle child always pestering the older brother because he secretly admires him. Dan Heng doesn’t warm up to Aventurine nearly as quickly, and is often annoyed when he just waltzes into the room containing the data bank, plops himself in a chair, and talks at him for hours. The first time Dan Heng responded to something he said was actually what got Aventurine to be quiet. Dan Heng turned away from what he was working on to see Aventurine with his mouth slightly agape, not expecting him to actually answer. Dan Heng found it incredibly interesting how the normally smooth talker stumbled over his words for almost a minute before picking up where he had left off. 
Dang Heng is the first to notice how Nameless! Aventurine is always throwing himself in the firing range. Even when there’s absolutely no reason to or nothing to gain from making such a sacrifice. He subtly watched how in every conversation that even verges into dangerous territory, Aventurine pulls all of the attention onto himself with either a comment aimed to provoke, or acting in a way that drastically escalates things. Aventurine had told the Crew about his “luck”, and these instances had certainly liquidated any of Dan Heng’s doubts about that. But if his victory was always certain, why did he smile when he got shot? 
Nameless! Aventurine who Himeko treats like the rest of her kids right out of the gate. Aventurine is the most suspicious of Himeko out of all the Express Crew, but that doesn’t last long. They bond over their love of black coffee and as the two of the only three night owls on the Express (Dan Heng is also one, but he never leaves his room). While he would never say Himeko reminded him of his mother, she gave her own forms of paternal love freely in the way she always made sure he ate at least two meals a day, immediately patched up his various scrapes and scratches herself when he first got on the Express, and offered him his own room without hesitation. He would go to his grave with the knowledge that he had felt his face heat up when she had ruffled his hair after he beat her at chess during one of their 2am coffee drinking sessions. 
Himeko was the first to see Nameless! Aventurine’s hands were in terrible condition. When she checked him over for wounds, she noticed how he was always fidgeting with a coin. Later it would change to a beaten up poker chip, or his bracelet, or whatever odd thing he had picked up. And when she was bandaging his arm, his hands shook with constant tremors. When he was outside the Express, he always stuffed his hands in his pockets, and Himeko frowned late one evening when she saw Aventurine palm’s had scars from where his own nails had dug into them. 
Nameless! Aventurine who loves messing with Welt. Honestly, Aventurine gets along with Welt just as well, if not better than March. Welt is never without something interesting or insightful to say, and combined with Aventurine’s observant and commentative nature, they sometimes end up talking for hours without even realizing time has passed. However, Aventurine cannot live without a little mischief. And Welt’s naivety when it comes to current trends is just too good of an opportunity to pass up. This often manifests in Welt using slang terms in ways they absolutely were not meant to be, and a few interesting videos that have made their way onto the Express’ group chat. Welt has mostly caught on, but he still plays along if only to see the way Aventurine’s eyes light up whenever he successfully “tricks” him. The “kiddo” had gotten more laughs out of the old man than all of the members of the Express combined. 
Welt was the first to notice and tell the others that Nameless! Aventurine was exhibiting signs of severe trauma. During a pit stop, Welt asked Aventurine to go ask around for a certain brand of coffee beans for Himeko before calling the others for a meeting. After sharing what they knew, the group struggled to decide on a course of action. Aventurine was more than entitled to his past, and it would go against everything they stood for to pry for potentially painful details. But it also seemed wrong to let him continue potentially harmful habits without intervention. In the end, they decided to wait until they crossed paths with a specialist who they could ask for advice before taking any particular course of action. 
Nameless! Aventurine who kept making excuses for why he couldn’t get off the Express. He didn’t realize that no one had ever asked him to.
Nameless! Aventurine who upon waking one day to see his name emblazoned on the door of his room refused to come out for an entire day. The rest of the Crew didn’t even know it had happened, and Pom-Pom swore they hadn’t done it. Meanwhile, Aventurine spent most of the morning crying silently into his pillow and the rest of the day deep in the trenches of an existential crisis. He comes out the next day and acts like nothing ever happened, and the new status quo was set in stone. 
Nameless! Aventurine who was with March and Dan Heng when they found the Trailblazer. And immediately became fascinated with them. Especially after they threw themselves in front of March when the Doomsday Beast attacked the space station. He surprised himself with how upset he felt when he saw the Trailblazer was considering staying at Herta’s Space Station as opposed to coming with them. And how happy he was when they ultimately decided to join the Express. 
Nameless! Aventurine and the Trailblazer who get on like a house on fire. Aventurine is persistent and victorious in getting the Trailblazer comfortable with them, and often ends up in a game of tug-a-war with March for their attention. Trailblazer, who at first glance seems like a pretty stoic character, turns out to be quite unhinged, and Aventurine’s lack of self-restraint only enables them once they set foot on Belobog. Aventurine was a man who clung to unpredictability and the mystery of the dice like a starving animal, and the Trailblazer was impulsivity personified. From their out-of-pocket comments at the most inappropriate of moments to their dumpster-diving habits, Aventurine never knew what to expect from them. 
Trailblazer who is the first to discover the truth of Nameless! Aventurine’s past. It wasn’t anything grand; the two had gone out with March and Himeko for a drink and ended up collapsing in the same bed. Trailblazer woke first with an awful headache, a dry mouth, and dots doing pirouettes across their vision. Which is why they thought they were just imagining the brand on Aventurine’s neck. The high-collar shirt that he always wore had been chucked off at some point during the night. Aventurine stirred when a gentle touch carefully traced irritated, scarred skin. 
“You should really be applying some kind of salve to that.”
Reality cut through Aventurine’s hangover faster than a bucket of ice. He leapt out of bed and locked himself in the bathroom. He refused all of the Trailblazer’s attempts to get him to respond, and it was only after they promised they would give him some space and that they wouldn’t tell the others that his heart rate was able to go down. It still took him an hour before he left the bathroom. From there he avoided the Trailblazer like the plague. When the other members of the Crew asked what had happened, the Trailblazer explained it away as “drunken shenanigans” and let the subtext run its course. If only to give Aventurine some initiative to speak to them. This standoff lasted weeks, and probably would have gone on much longer if Aventurine hadn’t taken a dagger to the gut and a crossbow bolt to the knee. And the Trailblazer, out of the generosity of their heart, offered to personally make sure he made a full recovery. And many painful nights later, with the help of a few glasses of whiskey, Aventurine shared a few pieces of his past. He still had enough clarity of mind to keep the less palatable details out of it, but gave more than enough for the Trailblazer to understand what he had been through. Somehow, the bottle was emptied, and the two once again found themselves cuddled up in Aventurine’s bed and drifting off into peaceful slumber. 
Nameless! Aventurine who found a new family, and would continue to protect them with everything he had as he continued his journey starward. 
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creationsabyss · 4 months
A Home Amidst The Infinite Stars
He looks inhuman, with his smile that strains just a little too much at the corners and eyes that gleam with an artificial liveliness. An ink black stain on his skin, marring his neck and displaying his sin. Dangerous, you hear the whispers, mocking and cruel with a hint of caution that feels ice cold. Aventurine, they call him, with eyes of vivid colors that perhaps would have been mesmerizing once, but were dull and glassy now. A gem, polished and set on a pedestal for all to see.
You find it, and him most of all, tragic. Someone clearly put effort into making him presentable, clothing him in bright hues that are impossible to ignore, and his personality is loud, ringing in your ears like the echoes of a scream within the long halls of desolation. He hides himself away, protecting himself in the only way he can. Even then, you see the scars that chip away at his mind, the tiny nicks and scratches that feel like chasms to your stardust vision.
You want to reach out, wish you could cup his soul in your hands, and hide him away beneath the starshine veil you wear. You want to fill his wound with sunglow and stitch him back together with a long thread, shadow stained to prevent another scar. Perhaps he would not notice a new mark on his skin, but you did not wish to add to his canvas. Perhaps kindness is poison to him now, years of cruelty that led to painful isolation.
He is frozen, frostbitten limbs that burn as they warm by the fire. You wonder if he would cry if you hugged him, the steady pulse of a star in your chest that reaches out for him just as it has for your cherished companions. You wonder how long it will take before he willingly returns to your side, head bowed as he presses himself into your chest and shudders as though he'll fall apart the moment you let him go.
You wonder when he will relax in your hold and when he will not flinch but lean willingly into your touch. Perhaps it will take years, or even decades. Perhaps he will never lose the sharp, jagged edges of his broken pieces. But that's okay, you have time. You will wait however long it takes, just as you have for each and every one of your beloved companions.
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chrysoula · 3 months
I wish AvenStelle was more popular :c
Sorry for the delay in answering this, I've never had something in my inbox before! Very cool. I'll be honest, given that I usually write ultra rarepairs, I've been shocked that Miss Stellaron and the Ace of Spades has had such legs. But I know what you mean. I've actually put a fair amount of thought into how to continue developing the relationship set up there. I originally came up with a complete AU path for the Penacony arc based around Aventurine (but not much incorporating his, uh, suicidal tendencies), as well as imagining a pretty sweet reunion scene in something much closer to canon, where Stelle leaps on him in the false Penacony ending and clings to him, and then goes and finds him after the real end to cling to him more, basically staggering him (physically and emotionally) with how excited and happy she is to see him alive and well. I also did a whole bunch of imagining about how Miss Stellaron-Stelle would approach that battle with Aventurine, given what they said before about being friends. I think she would be a little confused, but she'd give that bright shining grin ("Look mom, I'm on TV!") and do her best to go along with things like it was a game. But she'd probably need him to hiss something in her ear, maybe a "Come on, please?" to really fight hard enough to unleash the end he wishes. And after he vanished, she'd be upset and worried and guilty, but she'll try to hide it and trust him. *** I will say that I'm pondering a Star Rail longfic after I finish The Hollow Sky for Genshin Impact, and my top ideas are
Aventurine's Support Team (with a number of OCs, and Aventurine)
Xianzhou AU where the Luofu is the ship on a deep exploration mission and some other ship is where the Trailblazers ended up (offscreen)
Stellaron Hunter Adventures (with extra Hook) If I do the Aventurine Support Team story as a longfic, Stelle will guest star sometimes, probably as Aventurine's good-friend-with-benefits.
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jupiterplinit · 7 months
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It was on my Twitter profile so I may as well put it here.
I want him. Bad. Still wanna smack him tho, but lovingly. He's so babygirl.
Same sentiment for Stelle, she's so babygirl.
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shiroselia · 13 days
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Eh. Guess what I wrote???
Thanks @thereisabearonmyceiling this is Your fault and nobody elses
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harmonysanreads · 4 months
How they carry you.
Classic princess style : Acheron, Kafka, Diluc, Zhongli, Neuvillette, Xiao, Arlecchino, Sunday, Capitano, Clorinde, Kamisato Ayato
Piggy back rides : Kaveh, Tighnari, Shikanoin Heizou, Aventurine, Dan Heng, Aether, Scaramouche
Throws you over their shoulder like a sack of potatoes : Alhaitham, Kamisato Ayato, Beidou, Yelan, Wriothesley, Blade, Stelle, Lumine, Raiden Shogun, Childe
Uses the power of Anemo : Venti, Kaedehara Kazuha, Wanderer
Carries you like parcel : Cyno, Dr Ratio, Clorinde, Stelle, Arataki Itto, Kafka
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kandavers · 3 months
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Based on that one twitter thing
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tikay-kikay · 6 months
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I had to do it...
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chiara-hotel · 3 months
Your role/where you live in the Honkai Universe based on your s/o!
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The Astral Express! Created by Akivili, you warp to over world all across the galaxy to retrace his steps and for the thrill of the adventure! Of course you also deal with stellarons which threaten the galaxy aswell.
~ Welt, Himeko, Dan Heng, March 7th
The Stellaron Hunters! You along with your s/o to follow Elio and his scripts. Going around various worlds to take stellaron hunters or maybe even give one out.
~ Stelle, Caelus, Kafka, Firefly, Silver Wolf
The Genius Society! Of course you’re smart enough to become one of the 84 geniuses, so much so that you’ve been acknowledged by the aeon of erudition himself. Even your s/o can acknowledge your talented nature.
~ Dr Ratio, Ruan Mei, Herta, Asta
The Xianzhou Luofu! You live within the Xianzhou alliance, specifically on the luofu. You live with your s/o on their home island.
~ Jing Yuan, Blade/Yingxing, Yukong, Tingyun, Dan Feng, Lingsha
The Xianzhou Yaoqing! Its your home-world and you stay there as you await for your s/o to return from various missions! Important cloud knight meetings or maybe just ensuring you (and everyone else's saftey0
~ Feixiao, Moze, Jiaoqiu & Sushang
Penacony! You live within the festival of dreams, either helping in the dreamscape or the real world. Your s/o appreciates any help though.
~ Sunday, Robin, Boothill
No where! You are a wandering traveller with your s/o, you’ll follow them to the darkest depths of reality no matter what.
~ Boothill, Black Swan, Sparkle, Sampo, Acheron, Luocha, Jingliu, Aventurine, Kafka, Firefly
The IPC! You either simply live with your s/o and follow them wherever or they hire you as a small assistant. They’ve seen the darkness the IPC holds and doesn’t want you to get wrapped up in it too. As long as you’re with them though they’ll keep you safe, forever & always.
~ Diamong, Aventurine & Topaz
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pikipigeon · 2 months
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Here’s another update, aven and stelle are done!
What do you think ratio is saying? What do you think happens next?
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doll-days · 1 month
HSR Textposts & Memes - Part 5
If you want to dub these, please link back to this post! Do not repost, steal, etc.
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[ << Part 4.5, Part 6 >> ]
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chrysoula · 7 months
Stelle decides Aventurine is just the person to help her get over her nerviness about sex... as soon as she works up the courage to ask him. After all, he did tell her to use him however she wanted, so this should be fine, right? Meanwhile, Aventurine does his best to help his unexpected guest relax.
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mallleus · 6 months
What do you mean this didn’t happened
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