#Ava Nash
sillyballoonmilkshake · 5 months
Ava: Who's Niko's biggest enemy?
Killian: It's Landon
Cecily: Probably Landon
Jeremy: Landon
Glyn: Definetly Landon
Annika: Landon
Landon: Me
Mia: Obviously Landon
Bran: Clara
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pink-mask-06 · 10 months
Brandon: *coming out* I don't like women
Remi: *gasp* You're a misogynist?!?!
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lighthousepigeons · 3 months
[Wedding dress shopping with the bridesmaids]
Ava, trying on dresses: Soooo, what do we think?
Ariella: You look like an angel, Aves.
Cecily: It's absolutely beautiful.
Glyndon: Eli is one lucky man.
Nikolai: Agreed, he's gonna be a stuttering mess when he see's you.
Ariella: Uh, what is he doing here again?
Ava: Brandon's a groomsman, so-
Nikolai: So it was either I walk with him down the aisle or attack the person who does.
Ava: He's a bridesmaid.....
Nikolai: Which reminds me, when you girls get your dresses. I need a matching tie.
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erasurecloud · 6 months
Eli: why doesn’t Cole like us? We’re perfect for his daughters.
Remi: Your guess is as good as your lordship’s.
Cole: *remembering what Aiden and Ronan were like*
Cole: Never happening.
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bluetalenerd · 2 months
LOG MEMES (what did their lovers do for them pt. 1)
Landon King : Mia spoke for me
Glyndon King : Kill prepared me handmade lunch boxes
Nikolai Sokolov : Lotus Flower didn't have to do anything. i would just fall at his feet for free
Jeremy Volkov : Cecily signed up into Club of Dark fantasies for me-
Landon King : Hello, delusional. Ces joined for me *winks*
Cecily Knight *grabbing Jer's arm* : I only love you, Jeremy.
Landon King : Firsts are Firsts, Ces. And i was your first love
Jeremy Volkov *getting up to kill him* :
Creighton King *in depressed tone* : Annika shot me and put me in come
Landon King : which she missed, and you woke up
Eli King : Mrs. King stabbed me and forgot she ever stabbed me
Landon King : Barbie really missed too, huh? Both sister-in-laws have bad aim
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xoxoskai · 8 months
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I like to think their book could've been called God of Misery. Why? I don't know. It just sounds cool.
Gareth has extreme OCD. As children, Killian used to mess with his things, hide them or displace them from their original place which made him develop an obsessiveness with knowing where all his things were kept.
Kayden inhales copious amounts of black coffee in a day. I'm talking 8-9 ventis.
Gareth is blackmailed convinced by Kayden to become his teaching assistant.
Kayden wanted easy access and to have tabs on Gareth the whole time, but it backfires when Gareth organizes his entire schedule, all his coursework and makes additional notes for him to go over.
Kayden is a tie hoarder. Navy blue, scarlet red, violet, turquoise, beige, you name it, he has it.
Asher thinks he's Gareth's inspiration to become a lawyer, but Gareth watched Suits.
Kayden wears suspenders.
Gareth's aim is better than most Heathens, even Jeremy. But he doesn't enjoy hurting people. The accuracy with which he throws a pencil at a teacher flirting with Kayden is impressive.
He's equally good at fleeing situations.
Kayden is the kind of professor who challenges his students to do something ridiculous to get out of writing the final exam. His students think he's cool, but Gareth knows he just hates grading papers.
Gareth's handicap in golf is +1. He has been his grandfather's golfing buddy for ages.
Kayden has a license to fly planes. Don't ask him how he got it though.
Yes, they join the mile high club.
Gareth is extremely good with cheating at card games much to Kayden's chagrin during strip poker.
Kayden is acquaintances by association with Kyle, Gareth's uncle.
Gareth has lost count of the number of times he's caught himself drooling every time Kayden takes his suit jacket off.
Kayden is more flirtatious by nature but sometimes Gareth says suggestive things that make him speechless. Most times, Gareth does it accidentally.
Kayden: *complaining about how his body is aching from sitting in a chair all day* Gareth: I can help you relax if you'd like. Kayden: Gareth: Kayden: Gareth: I have a massage therapist license.
Gareth wears reading glasses because he is a reader by nature. He can read instructions off a shampoo bottle day after day, year after year just to have something to read while he showers.
Kayden has to physically stop himself from reacting and ask for strength from greater forces the first time he sees Gareth pull out gold-rimmed glasses and put them on while he was helping grade assignments. He does fantasize about helping Gareth take the glasses and more off.
Killian is the last of the Heathens to find out about Gareth's involvement with his professor. And it's not in a fun manner.
He catches Kayden being pushy with his older brother, misunderstands and nearly pummels his face in.
He has to be thrown off Kayden who is one second away from rearranging his boyfriend's younger brother's face.
Killian is gaping when he puts two and two together about what is happening.
Before he can make a joke at his expense, Gareth gives him a look that dares him to say something or deal with consequences like never before. Killian stays quiet mostly because he's never seen that murderous look on his brother's face, no matter how far he pushed him.
"You can do better than him" he's telling Kayden as he leaves. "Not in this lifetime, no" Kayden responds, pulling Gareth closer.
Kayden participates in the initiation to pull an uno reverse and chase the green mask down. It makes some of the participants stop and stare in bewilderment.
Gareth is competitive to a fault. Like- I would edit an entire Wikipedia page to win an argument- competitive.
Kayden is not as competitive and doesn't particularly care about winning but he loves egging Gareth on till he gives him a reason to put his tie collection to good use (:
They have been caught in a situation where someone was knocking at the door to Kayden's office, opposite which they were making out.
Gareth watches Kayden roll his sleeves up with hawk eyes and almost groans in torture when he sees the protruding veins.
Once Kayden finds out about Gareth's obsession with watching him undress, he puts on a show every. single. time.
But then Gareth, Gareth with his long, slender fingers and perfectly cleaned, shaped and filed nails, helps undress him one time and Kayden is a goner.
Gareth wears a chain with Kayden's ring around his neck, something Kayden goes feral whenever he looks at. He's pulled Gareth closer with it on multiple occasions.
Kayden puts his hand on Gareth's thigh while driving.
Are Asher and Reina surprised when Gareth brings a boyfriend home? Yes. Do they care about the gender of their son's partner? No.
Even Kayden gets along better with Asher than Killian does.
Kayden is loved by Reina. Like she would adopt him the moment Asher looks away.
Killian never apologizes for what he said but he does ask Gareth if he'd like to go hunting together sometime. It's a truce that Gareth is more than happy to accept.
Kayden takes Gareth out flying to propose when they'd be over the crystal-clear waters and passing through clouds only to realize he forgot to bring the ring with him in his anxiety and haste.
He improvises and proposes to Gareth in bed, rehashing the entire thing making him laugh and accept.
Gareth then reaches into his nightstand and pulls out the ring he was planning to propose with.
"You can just pretend to be surprised tomorrow at your surprise proposal" Gareth is telling him between kisses. "I can pretend to do anything as long as I'm doing it with you."
Tissues, anyone?
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not-someone-you-adore · 2 months
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Trust me, Ava, I've been asking this question to myself since i started reading fiction
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evacrstairs · 3 months
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'cause you and i, we were born to die...
god of war (eliava) headers. like or reblog if you save or use. 🤍
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urlocalrambler · 6 months
internally crying because rina kent is choosing NOT to write the one LOG book that i was dying for. remington // ariella would've been EVERYTHING, imagine the golden boy and the female stalker trope in action, and the amount of drama that could've occured with this one book between everyone. how did all of the King's get a book (the only book that wasn't about a King was Jeremy Volkov's and of course, that one was my favourite) but Ronan/Teal (my all-time favourite rina ship) got nothing for their one and only child.
justice for ariella // remi, their ship lives on in my brain. i have so many headcanons for them.
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booksandspilledwine · 3 months
Reasons why I could NEVER hate Eli King
-an extensive list
Let me just start off with this excerpt from one of Eli’s chapters:
‘As I watch her peaceful expression, I almost forget that I’m married to what’s societally known as a madwoman. Worse, she doesn’t even know it. And I’ll make sure it remains this way.’
He forced organizations and companies to invite Ava to play at their events or programs so that she could rediscover her lifelong passion: the cello.
Before her performance, he texts her knowing that she’s anxious and reassures her too. 
‘My wife is many infuriating things, but she’s undeniably beautiful.’
Like hello??? SWOON.
He avoided drinking and helped Ava with her alcoholism issues.
He distanced himself from Ava because he felt that his face was a trigger to her episodes
‘I’ll carve my name beneath her skin so deeply, she’ll find me in her dreams. And her nightmares.’
Eli, Chapter 25.
“Tell me you find me beautiful.” “I find you so extremely beautiful, it hurts to look at you sometimes.” “More beautiful than your ex-girlfriends?” “I’ve never had a girlfriend and even if I had, they wouldn’t hold a candle to you.”
He memorized the letter she had written in which she confessed her feelings for him. WORD FOR WORD.
He had OCD, yet he allowed her to mess up the order of his books.
He refrained from having s3x with her because he felt that she was not in the right state of mind to consent to it. He felt like he was taking advantage of her and he did not like that at all.
He left an important meeting just because Ava showed up at the office, without caring about the consequences or what his father would say.
He stabbed a man important to his project for suggesting that all he wanted in return for his investment was sleeping with Ava for a night. He stabbed a man. IN PUBLIC. 
“You’re lucky we’re in public or that knife would’ve been deep in your throat. Look at my wife again and I’ll gouge your eyes out.”
Yet another example of him not giving two shits about the consequences and problems he’d have to face.
“You’re my wife and those who don’t respect the fact will be dealt with accordingly.” 
He literally killed a man because he sexually assaulted Ava.
He didn’t let her drive because he anticipated that she would have a panic attack and it would also serve as a trigger.
“You never treated me as abnormal and I’m grateful. No, I’m beyond grateful.”
Ava to Eli, in chapter 29.
‘And I know- I just know I’ll fuck up everything for this woman.’
Oh Eli King, the man you are.
He keeps the night lamp on because he knew how much she hated sleeping in the dark. Now, this might not seem like a lot BUT IT’S ALWAYS THE LITTLE THINGS.
“Should we go to a West End show later?”
“You don’t even like the theater.”
“But you do.”
He took care of her after every episode, bathing her, cleaning her and putting her to sleep because he knew she was in no state to do so and she couldn't even differentiate what was real and what wasn't. He did all of this without ever complaining.
No matter the situation, he, and I cannot stress on this enough, ALWAYS put her needs before his. One example is the fact that he developed insomnia because he was worried that she would have an episode at night and he wouldn’t be able to help her. That literally shows how much he cares for Ava.
‘However, the more I find, the deeper I want to go. I’ve seen her hide from her best friends just so they won’t witness her at her worst. I’ve seen her smile and laugh while her eyes were screaming for help. I’ve seen her looking in the mirror and reciting her name, age, and her love for cello while seeming as if she were staring through herself.’
He noticed every small detail about her.
“I’d never despise her.”
“Even if she’s the reason you ruin the ambition you’ve harbored your entire life?”
“Even then.”
“You’ll be destructive without a purpose.”
“I have a purpose. It’s her.”
A conversation between Eli and Leo Henderson
In the beginning of the book, we see Ava repeatedly asking for a divorce and Eli shutting that down. However, the minute Ava threatens to kill herself, he agrees to a divorce and transfer of guardianship.
He didn't want to live in a world if Ava wasn't in it. He was ready to unalive himself if she had died in her fall down the stairs. 
‘I sacrificed my peace of mind for hers, and I realize now that I would do it again in a heartbeat if I ever got a redo. Because I care about her, more than I even realized. Since she waited years for me to come around. I can do the same. For as long as it takes.’
In chapter 41, Cecily gives a long explanation of Eli’s actions. If that doesn't convince you that he cares about her, I don't know what will.
Eli would visit her at the institute every night once the doctor allowed him to. He held her hand as he sat. He would read romance books to her even though he didn't like them at all. He came back night after night, even when it looked like he hadn't slept for days so much so that Cole himself was impressed.
He took care of her plants in case she ever thought of returning.
He never took off the watch she gifted him.
“The phoenix is you. You’re a beautiful mythical being who can be born from the ashes of your illness.” “And the tree of life?” “That’s me. I believed I could contain your rebirth, every time.”
SEE?? He loved her so much that he got a tattoo for her. Also I'm just a sucker for those phoenix metaphors.
‘She might have been the one who experienced issues with alcoholism, but my addiction to her is far worse. The only difference is that I don’t wish to ever become sober.’
An excerpt from the second epilogue.
EliAva are the perfect definition of ‘Action speaks louder than words.’ Saying that you couldn't feel the love between them is just straight up stupid. If you think they didn't have chemistry, then I just have one question for you. DID WE EVEN READ THE SAME BOOK?? If you think chemistry means chasing someone in the woods, taking advantage of you, forcing some random girl who's on the verge of offing herself to give you a bl0wj0b at the EGDE OF A CLIFF, no less, then I really don't know what to say. Am I saying Eli was a good man? No. Not at all. He wasn't perfect. Every Rina Kent MMC had their own issues and were problematic. People say they want complex characters but the minute a complex character is introduced, y'all waste no time hating on them. What Eli did barely even touched the surface, especially if we compare him to other RK men. Hate on him, Ava or the book all you want but don't tell me they didn't have chemistry or that Eli never cared about her when the entire book is a testament to the fact that he actually cared about Ava a lot.
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severe-kitty · 2 months
Ava: blink if you love me
Eli: stop blowing in my face
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sillyballoonmilkshake · 5 months
Nikolai: I wanna bury myself in Bran so bad right now.
Landon, appaled: I bed your finest pardon?
Levi, choking on water: YOU WHAT NOW?
Nikolai: Did I say that out loud?
Bran, shaking his head: I'm not even surprised at this point
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pink-mask-06 · 8 months
Elsa: How can anyone say that Eli is evil? He's a soft precious little soul.
Eli: *wipes blood off his face*
Eli: Yeah I'm adorable!
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lighthousepigeons · 3 months
[Jeremy being followed at the wedding]
Jeremy, turns around: Why the fuck are you following me?
Ariella: You're the guy that stalked Ces until she fell inlove with you.
Jeremy, getting defensive: Yeah, and what about it?
Ariella, taking out a notebook: Can you teach me how to do it?
Jeremy, confused: Why?
Ariella: I'll tell you dirt on Landon.
Jeremy, sitting down: Okay lesson one- write faster.
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onewhothinksalot · 3 months
I don't think there is any reason to hate Eli
Like, a man harassed Ava? Killed him.
Ava needs to get away from her parents? Married her.
She has addiction? No problem, he will fix it.
His face triggers her? he will hide from her.
I mean, for the love of god, she stabbed him, and he still fell for her
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bluetalenerd · 2 months
LOG MEMES (what did their lovers do for them pt. 2)
Mia : I bathed Lan in pig's blood
Landon : I wouldn't settle for any lesser than that, my menace
Brandon : Nikolai followed me like a puppy
Ava : What's so cool in that most of us had stalkers *winking at Eli*
Nikolai : Well, i didn't blackmail or threaten my lover *side eyeing Eli and Jeremy*
Landon : Because that's my twin, you peasant. You are supposed to be whipped
Creighton : Annika shot me-
Landon : God not you again, next
Cecily : Jer killed my abuser
Landon : Well, me, this mafia twat and my dear father-in-law too killed Bran's abuser, c'mon Ces give us something we didn't already do.
Landon : Let me guess.... Um nothing!!!
Jeremy : One of these days, Landon King, one of these days
Landon : Yeah, yeah, all talk, but no action. At least i did something, like burning your mansion to ashes
Nikolai : I would have digged grave myself, Jer. But he is my lotus flower's twin, motherfucker is born with luck
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