#Automated Call System
zentranstech · 5 days
IVRS vs. Traditional Phone Systems: A Detailed Comparison for Small Businesses
When choosing between an Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) and a traditional phone system, small businesses need to consider various factors, including cost, efficiency, customer experience, and scalability. Here’s a detailed comparison of IVRS versus traditional phone systems: IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) Advantages: Automation: IVRS automates call handling, allowing…
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clonerightsagenda · 3 months
That w359 post is why the only non-Hephaestus AU I've posted about was the community college employees one because working at a community college is roughly equivalent to working on a crumbling space station in terms of pressure cooker environments that bond you through trauma. Yesterday I got calls and texts that there was a tornado but the college never turned the interior alert system on. Then an hour later I was on lunch break and the water stopped working because they'd turned it off to do a test at 11:30. Then two hours after that we lost internet for 30 minutes. The facilities guy told us he personally won't drink the water but refused to elaborate.
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otter-byte · 5 days
also my bank (texting me from an unregistered mobile number): we blocked your card, reply 1 to unblock it. No this isn't mentioned at all in the app 🖕
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glancetelecom · 6 days
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Businesses seeking to leverage this power can achieve transformative results by prioritizing quality assurance (QA) practices. Integrating real-time analytics allows for continuous improvement, while a strong focus on call center compliance ensures every interaction meets the highest standards. Click Here To Read More: https://rb.gy/p4nen1
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wienervulture · 8 days
calling shipping customer services for work essentially depletes 50% of my HP and now I must burrow in blankets for .5 business days to replenish
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blueberryfruitbat · 3 months
local batty yells at machine to cancel their old ISP, more at 11
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So hows it going 😀
TMAGP 7 is a WILD ride
#First we're already starting off with the end of tmagp 6 with Celia Ripley being the new hire#(And having the same voice actress as a extremely side tma character who started calling herself Celia post-change)#Then you get fucking hit with#“I mean it's an old system but it could have been worse. It's not like we're wrestling with tape recorders and manila folders.”#AND CELIA ASKING IF THERE'S A WAY TO SEARCH FOR SPECIFIC THINGS. LIKE BEING BURIED ALIVE OR MEAT.#I.E. THE BURIED AND THE FLESH#I'm much more inclined to believe that the Celia's memories are seeping into each other than bit characters full on universe hopping#(Oh yeah The Magnus Protocol is set in a world that's parallel to The Magnus Archives; not technically a direct sequel)#[But like they are chronologically. I think.]#Anyway CELIA KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK IS UP#And you'd think things might calm down with today's incident report; it's just Chester (“ai”/“automated voice” also voiced by Jonathan Sims#[who voices character Jonathan Sims. Creative genius we know.]#with another internet-based statement#(HE'S TRAPPED IN THE FUCKING WEB)#Except know it's about a charity shop ON HILLTOP ROAD#For context: EVERY ELDRITCH ENTITY AND THEIR MOTHER FUCK AROUND WITH HILLTOP ROAD#PRIMARILY THE AFOREMENTIONED WEB#WHICH HARBORED THE MESSIAH OF THE CULT OF THE LIGHTLESS FLAME#AND THE CHARITY SHOP *BURNED DOWN* BY THE END OF THE INCIDENT REPORT#We then cut to the other new hire Sam going to talk to Colin the IT guy#Colin's definitely going to be the first to die he's in DEEP in trying to understand the mess of of system that is the OIAR#And he's been adamant against Alice giving the computers any sense of a personality#And what does Sam go to ask Colin? WHO JON IS#BECUASE HE GOT A NONSENSICAL EMAIL FROM A RANDOM USER WHO CALLED HIMSELF JON BUT IT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS AN INTERNAL EMAIL#Obviously Colin's to steeped in paranoia to react well to anything; but what is he hung up on?#That Sam brought his phone into the IT room; and that “it” has probably recorded too much already *!!!!!!!*#Oh and also their boss was like contracted to kill a guy but she failed and Gwen is using a video of it to blackmail her#tmagp spoilers
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an-aura-about-you · 6 months
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm usually pretty chill about making phone calls but I have to make a phone call in The Nebulous Future and I'm inexplicably nervous about it.
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zemnarihah · 1 year
if u guys knew what is going on at my work today....
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zentranstech · 6 days
How IVRS Benefits Small Businesses: Professional Image, Efficient Call Routing, Scalability
Interactive Voice Response Systems (IVRS) are automated telephony systems that interact with callers, gather information, and route calls to the appropriate recipients. For small businesses, implementing an IVRS can provide numerous benefits, enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience. Here are the key advantages: 1. Cost Efficiency IVRS reduces the need for extensive human…
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kawaiimunism · 2 years
I gotta be real, I don't understand the people freaking out that Sudowrite/GPT-3 is scraping AO3 for training data. If someone's tumblr vent posts or whatever are getting caught up in a webcrawler, that's one thing, since that's writing that they never meant for anyone to find, but this is writing that authors posted on the internet specifically so other people could read it, and I don't see how there's any ethical difference between a human author reading a fic and drawing inspiration from it vs. a machine doing the exact same thing.
Don't get me wrong, if someone's robots.txt or whatever tells my crawler not to access a page, I intend to respect that, whether I understand their reasons or not, and the ability to hide your data from webcrawlers should be a basic feature on any website. I'm not saying that OpenAI should scrape AO3 against the wishes of fic authors, I'm just saying that I don't understand why so many fic authors feel that way in the first place.
At first I thought maybe I just didn't get it since I'm not really into fanfiction, but I am a programmer and I similarly don't understand the GitHub Copilot lawsuit. Almost all corporate code is built on the back of open source software projects, it's been that way for ages, and I don't see how using open source code to train AI code generation is meaningfully different.
If you're (justifiably) concerned about being automated out of a job, that's not a problem unique to art or generative AI. That's a problem with capitalism, and one of its ongoing crises: Increasing automation also increases production efficiency at the expense of putting workers out of jobs, which in turn decreases the overall buying power of the working class, making it harder to actually sell that new product. It's coming for us all, and the only way to stop it is to destroy the economic system that creates it.
I guess I'm biased since NLP and computational linguistics are my target area of expertise, and I'm a serious IP abolitionist to boot, but I really do not understand the outrage here.
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icantalk710 · 9 months
Begging these folks who like/rb posts from me without prior interaction who have blank bios and/or untitled/default blog titles to please update their bios/blog titles so that my first instinct isn't to report as bot and block
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clarafordahwin · 11 months
I'm watching the new sunny and its so boring. Ross Maloney you have written 1 (one) epsiode of television and it sucks ass.
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shesaysdisco · 1 year
I have to be a grown up and make phone calls today and I really don’t want to be a grown up and make phone calls today
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threnodians · 1 year
don’t mind me, just rambling about my new job:
we are processing all priorities (high ie: fire/burglary/panic alarms as well as low ie: trouble/supervisory/etc signals) all day until 2:30pm (we work 8am-4:30pm) and tbqh i would rather perish in a terrible fire lmfao but hopefully i just get a majority of low priorities and not a majority of high priorities OR hopefully people keep canceling before i dispatch 😂🤞🏻 also i’ve been so terrified of quality assurance and getting fired for being bad at my job but nobody has ever been fired due to quality assurance scores because the cool thing about this company is that they actually put their employees through training again and HELP THEM SUCCEED rather than punishing them which i mean the bar is in hell but it is very nice to know that i am not going to be fired if i make a few mistakes 🤷🏼‍♀️
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monsterhugger · 10 months
getting a job be like "i sent you my social security number please respond"
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