#to go talk to the assistant bot
blueberryfruitbat · 6 months
local batty yells at machine to cancel their old ISP, more at 11
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mycartoonmonster · 23 days
With the context of the Book of Bill and the characterisation of Bill, I ended up finding that all the members of the Zodiac have a thing or two in common with Bill Cipher.
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Six fingered hand-Stanford Pines
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-Both have a genetic mutation which they got ostracized for but made them interested in the worlds beyond.
- Both are egocentric and smart.
-Both have a thirst for revenge to prove the people around them they were wrong about them.
-Both didn't mean to endanger their dimension (Ford wanted knowledge and Bill wanted to show them the stars)
-Animals aren't safe around them (Ford set a bird on fire by mistaking it as a Phoenix and Bill ripped out a deer's teeth in his debut and in the storyboards of Weirdmageddon P1 he uses a deer to forcibly kiss Ford's statue as if they were his Barbie and Ken)
-Both have a weird sense of humor
-Both are considered criminals in the multiverse (Theft in Ford's case and Manslaughther, Murder alongside other stuff like mass property destruction in Bill's case)
-Both project onto others they see as similar to themselves (Bill with Ford-and on a minor scale Pacifica-and Ford with Dipper)
-Both ended up getting tricked by a conman (Ford by Bill and Bill by Stanley)
-Both are authors! (The Journals and the Book Of Bill, which are essentially diaries that talked about what their lives were, a bit about themselves and the creatures they found through their life)
Crescent symbol/Fish-Stanley Pines
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-Both are scammers
-Both share mannerisms, one of them being referring to Ford as Sixer(which led to people theorizing Stan was Bill's reincarnation)
-Bad relationship with their parents but seem closer with their mom (Bill's parents tried to make him blind to the 3rd dimension but it seems Bill genuinely loved his mama Scalene while Fildbrick didn't value Stan as much as Ford and Caryn was the only one worried about Stanley and was one of the 2 persons that assisted his fake funeral)
-Both were seen as a bad kid growing up (Bill by the people on his dimension due to his mutation and the habilities this granted him while Stan was seen as lesser than Ford due to the latter's gigantic IQ and his rebellious nature)
-Both made one mistake that heavily affected the course of their lives and can never return home because of it (Stan ruining Ford´s project and Bill setting his home ablaze)
-Both didn't mean to push Ford away from them nor put their families in any danger initially(Bill wanted Ford to continue with the portal and got sad after their fallout and Stan did what he did in a moment where he wasnt thinking rationally and it cost him 30 years of loneliness and guilt)
-Both went to jail on different occassions (Stan on Colombia and Bill after going on a rampage in the bar while drunk after the fallout with Ford and the Theraprism if you wanna add it)
-Both tend show only 1 eye to people as well as a cane (Bill only has 1-although he can shapeshift and have multiples as seen in his demon form- and he uses the cane mostly in Dreamscappers, a bit in Sock Opera and in the intro for Weirdmageddon while Stan uses a patch and an 8 ball cane for tourists during his mystery man persona)
-Both used their art to influence people (Stan with the Mystery Shack's attractions and Bill using animation and figurines which failed, unlike Stan's works, unless you count the Lil' Stanley comic)
-Both have used a red demon costume once (Bill in the book and Stan in a picture in Gideon Rises)
-Both wanted to set the journals on fire (with Bill actually doing it in Weirdmageddon Part 1)
-They find Dipper's disstress/fear and annoyance hilarious (Stan teasing him vs Bill terrorizing him)
Glasses-Fiddleford McGucket
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-Both end up going insane after a traumatic event (The destruction of his home dimension in Bill's case and McGucket taking a peek into Bill eating his own exoskeleton after crossing the portal)
-The times they helped/aided people it ended bad for them (In McGucket's case, Dipper with his new voice and the Gideon Bot that ended up getting destroyed in the scuffle with Dipper and in Bill's case; Dipper became Bill's puppet and Gideon didn't get the Shack's signature hence he had to use dynamite as a plan B and Weirdmaggedon only lasted 4-5 days for the Henchmaniacs while in McGuckets case's Shacktron didn't survive against Bill as they didn't consider protecting the arms and legs the same way that the Shack was protected)
-Both played a part in the creation of secret societies (Fiddleford by creating The Societyvof the Blind Eye and Bill by the Ciphertologists and inderectly creating the Anti-Bill Cipher society by terrorizing 4 persons)
-Underneath all that insanity and very deep in that broken mind, there is one very smart broken guy.
-Both lost their families (At least Fiddleford could reconciliate with some of it but Bill doesn´t have the same chance anymore)
Bag of ice-Wendy Courdory
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-Both are rebellious and dislike authority figures.
-They like to do what they want with no regard for rules
-Both abused their power on more than one occasion (Wendy by stealing snacks and throwing water balloons at the elderly when working at the pool and Bill throughout his deals and in Weirdmageddon)
-They've had guts to face powerfull creatures (Bill the Time Baby and Wendy stuff like the ShapeShifter, the Unicorns or the Eye Bats in Weirdmageddon)
-Both lost a mom when they were young.
Questioning Mark-Soos Ramírez
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-Both are smarter than what they look like upon first sight.
-Both lack a dad (Bill's died while Soos's left him)
-They have a funny side to them (Bill more leaning to sadism though)
-Both had their eyes damaged by Mabel (Soos by getting attacked with glitter in Stan Is Not What He Seems and Bill by getting sprayed with graffiti paint in Weirdmageddon Part 3)
Stiched heart-Robbie Valentino
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-Both had their relationships ruined by their own arrogance, negligence and dishonesty (Bill being an abusive partner while Robbie was immature).
-They did not take the fallout with their partner well (at least Robbie would never dare to do anything similar to what Bill did)
-They tried to pursue their partner after the break up but to no avail (Bill with threaths and later on with offers of power and Robbie by using music as seen in Gideon Rises and both actually using messanges-Bill wasting Ford's Post-it notes and Robbie sad emails and texts to Wendy)
-Both are good with music (Bill can play the piano and xylophone as seen in his apology video and Robbie can play the guitar and both can sing)
-Both insulted Soos or referred to him in condescending ways (Robbie called him Big Dude and Bill adressed him as "the fat one")
-Both had beef with a 12 year old and wanted to harm them (Robbie wanted to fist fight a child aka Dipper and Bill planned to commit suicide in Dipper's body, turn the mystery twins into corpses, disassamble their molecules and almost kills Mabel in the series finale)
'Both got turned to stone at one point in Weirdmageddon (Robbie when it started and Bill at the end of it)
One eyed Pentagram-Gideon Gleeful
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-Having too much power that they acquired at a young age which heavily affected them and began their rise to villainy
-Both have a hatred towards Stanley Pines for meddling with their plans to obtain absolute power and ultimatetly ruining their plans which ended with them in prison.
-Both burnt a picture of the object of their affections; destroying the section with the rest of their family and leaving their faces untouched.
-Both planned to use Mabel and Dipper to get one of the original mystery twins to give them what they wanted
-Both left the Pines Twin they were interested on imprisoned during Weirdmageddon.
-Both deep down craved adoration and attention.
-Both lead a gang of criminals but dont treat them with a much respect as the one Pines Twin they are pining on while hating the other twins for thinking they turned them away from them when in reality it was their actions that did.
-Both got punched in the face by a Pines Twin in a season Finale inside someone´s head (Gideon Bot's and Stanley's)
-Both seem to care about their appearance (Gideon worrying about his hair the most and Bill about his bowtie, given the scream he lets out when Dipper blasts him and him readjusting it a couple of times during Weirdmageddon)
-Both ended up in prison after acquiring a position of absolute power where they do art therapy
-Both are snappy dressers and use their charm to trick people
Llama-Pacifica Northwest
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-Both had messy childhoods that turned them into who they are now.
-Both are pretty good liars and can trick people very easily (Bill with his deals and Pacifica in the Lost Legends comic)
-Both look down on people they see as inferior to them(Bill with humans and Pacifica with the working class, hillbillies and the Pines before the events of The mystery of the Northwest mansion and Weirdmageddon)
-Both see themselves as monsters that cause havoc no matter where they go or what they do (Pacifica in dreams and Bill due to what he did in his home)
-Both were forced by their parents to act in a certain way (Bill´s at least loved him and were good intentioned)
-Both are fighters (Pacifica by defying her parents wishes, facing against the ghost and the face stealer in Lost Legends and refusing Bill's deal in her dream and Bill could stand a fight with Shacktron which he ended up defeating and in his book its implied he can fight easily against demons or ghosts)
-Both have wore a crown (Pacifica in her debut episode and Bill in his portrait in the Penthouse suite of the Fearamid)
Shooting Star-Mabel Pines
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-Both are agents of Chaos (Mabel being Chaotic Good/Neutral and Bill Chaotic Evil).
-Both enjoy partying and to have fun.
-Both have a wild imagination and a sense of style.
-Both like karaoke and have had a karaoke night with one of the original mystery twins
-Both have eaten stuff normal people shouldn't eat/gross things(Bill his exoskeleton and illegal punch and Mabel getting wasted with Smile Dip, a leaf, huge amounts of sugar that would end with her sick, Mabel juice and she once got hospitalized by eating sniff and scratch stickers)
-Both like makeovers (as seen in a part of the book of Bill where he talks about hiding the blood of his past)
-Both think highly of themselves (Bill's bottomless ego vs Mabel being secure about her talents, qualities and appearance)
-Both have social skills that made others attracted to them, mostly loners or freaks (Bill with his Henchmaniacs for their shared love of chaos and Ford with his smarts and cosmical knowledge and Mabel with Candy and Greta by being weirdos and not being as popular as Pacifica and her posse)
-Both adress Ford as "Fordsy"
-Both have rolled in the grass in Gravity Falls(Bill while possesing Ford during puppet hour and Mabel in Tourist Trapped)
-Both put their wants over other people's and/or their needs (Like in Sock Opera but even if Mabel is sometimes selfish at least apologizes and learns from her mistakes while Bill doesn't care who he hurts and would never apologize)
-Both use white out to exclude certain stuff they dont like from reading material to "fix it" or crayons/markers to cross them (Mabel with the dialog in the Comix Up story in Lost Legends or certain things such as her summer romances and in the Mabel´s guide to color with the picture and Bill with a section where part of The Great Gatsby is shown on his book where he mentions assigned reading or stuff like his exes and his former friend The Oracle/Seven eyes)
-Both became gods of destruction, first time by accident and the second with full intention(Mabel by accident with the rift and ending with MabelLand and Bill with the accidental destruction of his home and with Weirdmageddon)
-You could argue they're awfull when it comes to romance (Mabel's attempts always end in failure and Bill fumbled Ford so so hard)
Pine Tree-Dipper Mason Pines
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-Both are good at decoding codes and solving mysteries and have good academic skills.
-Both didn't have many friends growing up and were picked on as kids (Bill for his mutation and Dipper for his birthmark)
-The times they wanted to prove themselves to others ended badly for them (Dipper caused a zombie apocalypse and Bill destroyed his dimension by accident)
-The names they use aren't their real names (Bill confirmed in an AMA years ago that Bill Cipher is just a name he picked so humans could converse with him without going bonkers upon first contact and Dipper's name is actually Mason but everyone refers to him as Dipper due to his birthmark)
-Has cloned himself (Bill's are a natural hability for him while Dipper made copies of himself via paper-rest in piece Tyrone)
-Both were adorable as babies.
-Both got obsessed with someone to the point of messing with their personal lifes (Dipper with Wendy during her relationship with Robbie and Bill with Ford and his relationship with McGucket)
-They changed hats at different points in their life; Dipper in Tourist Trapped changes from his green hat with a five point star to the classic blue pine tree while Bill sported a multicolor hat as a kid before changing into a tophat (if we take the theory that Bill's hat was originally his father's then both Dipper's and Bill's were owned by a family member before being passed on to them, Dipper's belonging to Stan)
I know this is probably just a coincidence (save the stuff with Ford as some were meant to highlight the bond these two had and establish parallels between the two, making them doomed soulmates and adding another layer of sadness over the toxic yaoi) but a fun one still.
Thanks for reading!
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Hiiiii! I read your cozy Starscream comfort fic on Ao3 and have followed you here :3
You mentioned being open to writing prompt requests; if this one strikes your fancy, I have one for you!
Something comforting about a Human!Reader who lately feels overlooked because they are inclined to be quiet in a group, and their shyness means they don't speak up or assert themselves unless something is really, really important. They listen far more than they speak. And even when they do speak up in a group... it's like no one hears them often times, and they get talked over.
Starscream, Soundwave, Optimus, or Mirage, if either of those four 'bots stir your muse?
Ahhh! Thank you for your request, and I’m sorry for the wait. I haven’t had the opportunity to write for Soundwave, OP, or Mirage so I’ll do blurbs for all four, but you mentioned Screamer is one of your favorites, so I made his a little longer! I hope you enjoy!
Soundwave (G1) WC: 608
The Decepticon site of operations is lively in the face of the most recent win against the Autobots, meaning high grade is being passed around like no one’s business. As the resident human, on site to assist the Decepticons with tasks that only small hands can manage- even smaller than the minis and the cassettes can manage. Only problem is- with how tiny and squishy you are, it is important that the cons watch their step- a task they frequently forget to do, even the Leader of the Decepticons himself, who made the declaration. 
With the high grade flowing and inhibitions lowering, the pedes around you hold no caution, making it obvious your… friends(?) have forgotten your existence… again. Having had enough of nearly becoming a smear on the floor, you make your way to the side of the room and press yourself to the wall as you scooch your way to the doorway. As soon as you make your escape from the room, you slam into someone’s shin and fall back on your rear.
“Inquiry: Why are you distressed?”
Looking up, the one and only Soundwave looking down at you with his helm tilted, a reminder that you’re so small and often forgotten surges through you and forces your eyes to well up with tears. It was such an odd feeling, crying at the pedes of one of the high command officers, who you can only imagine is staring blankly at you through his visor. Instead of waiting for any answer, the mech lifts you with his thumb and index digit and carries you away from the scene. It’s hard to keep track of where he’s taking you, your blurred vision keeping you from mapping his walking patterns.
After a few moments, your tears have slowed enough for you to wipe them away, just in time to see Soundwave briefly stop before a door and have him open it with a couple of buttons on the wall. Walking in, you notice Frenzy and Rumble in a halfhearted argument, Lazerbeak perched on the edge of the rather large berth, and Ravage curled up in the middle who, upon hearing Soundwave’s return, lifts his head to regard him. The Commander approaches his berth, Ravage moving temporarily before curling up in his master’s lap, once he made sure you were comfortable. Rumble and Frenzy grinning, their previous conversation dropped at the prospect of a recharge of a new entertainment source, run and climb their way onto the berth on either side of Soundwave, and on his shoulder, Lazerbeak finds his new perch.
“Ooo, is the human going to tell us about human stuff?” Frenzy’s grin doesn’t waver as he leans in toward you. Normally, the cassettes are much too wrapped up in either infighting or Soundwave’s orders, so they don’t really talk to you much, unless you’re needed for something.
“They will speak if they want. Or they can recharge.” Soundwave, as per usual, speaks plainly- it would be easy to misunderstand his tone for uncaring curtness, if you didn’t know him and the care for his cassettes better. 
Rumble and Frenzy both look to you, hopeful, and even Ravage, with his head in your lap, looks up to you in mild interest. It was a nice change of pace in comparison to the giants who would often forget you were even there. It briefly occurred to you to thank Soundwave later for not only helping you get away from the so-called party, but giving you some well-needed attention. You smile gently to the cons looking to you and clear your throat,
“Um… well, what would you like to know?”
Optimus (TFP) Gender-neutral reader WC: 692
“I’m not sure if that’ll work, Ratchet.” Arcee peeks around the medic’s frame, looking at the plans for intercepting a possible shipment of energon the Decepticons were planning on transporting, if their movement patterns indicated anything. You look at the computer from your spot on the raised platform, trying to make sense of the plan Ratchet had input.
“Maybe if-” You spoke up, albeit softly, trying to find a compromise, though you’re promptly cut off by the previously mentioned mech.
“And I’m not sure when I asked for your opinion, Arcee. Shouldn’t you be looking over your ward?” Ratchet snaps back, tired and obviously agitated by the state of the Autobot’s own energon storage. 
“Ratchet, that seems a little-” You try again.
“I’m just saying. It’s not like you’re on the field much- there are better ways to plan an interception of Decepticon forces.” The blue and pink femme argues, tensions rising as her optical ridges furrow and a servo finds its way to her hip. 
“Don’t forget who-”
You don’t stay around long enough to hear whatever snide comment the older bot was going to spit at Arcee, tired of feeling ignored and make your way down the hall, wanting to be anywhere other than the main silo of the base. Passing by Optimus, you don’t say anything, not wanting the feeling of anyone else not acknowledging your existence to sting you yet again today.
“My friend, you seem disheartened.” Optimus’ deep voice reverberates through the hall, less of a question and more of a statement, not giving you the chance to pretend you didn’t hear him. You turn around and grant him a half smile, before it drops and you avert your gaze.
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about, Optimus. You might want to lend Ratchet and Arcee a servo- they’re caught up in a bit of a feud about the next mission.” Tapering off at the end, Optimus briefly glances towards the main part of the Autobot headquarters, where he can faintly hear the aforementioned pair squabbling about details he would hear about and consider later.
“Those two have been fighting this war for many stellar cycles and will come to a solution. For now, I believe I have something much more pressing to focus on.” Taking a knee, the leader of the Autobots holds down a servo for you to step onto. Once you have taken a seat and braced yourself against one of his digits, Optimus stands and holds you close to his chassis for further stability and begins walking back to his habsuite. “You do not have to tell me what is troubling you, but you are free to do so.”
It takes you a moment- you feel silly singing your woes to someone who has been fighting in a civil war for longer than you can conceive, but the feelings simply bubble up, “I feel small… smaller than I am, I mean. I can’t imagine the stress and exhaustion everyone faces from fighting for so long, but it feels like no one sees me. And if they do, they can’t bring themselves to care.” You curl up in Optimus’ hand and take a shaky breath through your welling tears, “I must sound so selfish- you all have so much more important things to do than worry about the feelings of some human.”
“One of our human friends.” Optimus chimes in, drawing your eyes away from boring holes into your knees to his optics, “It is true that we are anxious for the end of this war, but know this, you are our friend, and we care so deeply for you. You matter just as much as any other autobot, Cybertronian or human. I can assure you, I am not the only one who holds this belief.”
Before you say anything, the mech stops in front of his door, punching in his code and sitting you on a desk that must have been built for his size and he sits himself on his berth. He gives you a rare, gentle smile that fills so many with hope.
“Would you like to tell me about your day?”
Mirage (ROTB) Gender-neutral reader    WC: 533
“Woah, woah, woah! What’s got you down in the dumps?” Mirage looks through your apartment window, forcing a yelp from your throat. You leap up from your bed and rush to the window, motioning for him to get down. 
“What are you doing?! Get down before someone sees you!”
It’s pitch black out, wherever the street light doesn’t touch, but you still worry about the possibility of Mirage being seen, like he was when you met him as he was standing outside of Noah’s apartment- which then basically sucked you into this crazy adventure of saving the world from other space robots. You had stayed behind with Bumblebee to watch over him until a sudden surge in the energon brought him back, so you unfortunately missed all of the action of the final battle.
“Nice try, but no avoiding the question. Besides, no one’s walkin’ around at like… 2:50 am.” Despite his counter, Mirage lets go of the fires escape’s railing, his new frame rattling and resulting in a resounding thud and more than a couple of cracks in the pavement below. One of his servos comes into view for you to jump on, “Come on, small fry, I wanna go for a ride while the streets are as empty as they’ll get.”
“Why not get Noah to go with you? He too busy?” Your questioning would lead the bot to believe you wouldn’t be joining him for a spin, if he didn’t feel you carefully climb aboard. He lowers you to his eye level and shoots you one of his contagious smiles.
“Naaah. I felt like a you and me kind of night. I want to hear about what you’re up to, now that I’m not locked up in that garage anymore.” For further emphasis, he stretches his arms out wide and groans in relief. It had been a few months since Peru, and while you had visited Mirage while Noah had been fixing him up, it definitely wasn’t the same as him being out and in his element.
He doesn’t wait for any further response and transforms, quickly making his way down the road, no particular destination in mind, knowing him. The city passes you by quickly, Mirage not giving a second thought to any speed limit signs he sees, remembering he considers them suggestions, not law. Snapping you out of your thoughts, Mirage clears his throat, “Well? The tread on my tires isn’t getting any thicker- what’s my favorite human been up to?”
“Your favorite, huh?” Whether or not he really meant it, the thought brings a smile to your face. 
“Well, duh. I got out of that garage, and the first thing I did was come see you, so spill the oil- gimme drama.”
“...You won’t believe what Elena told me happened at the museum the other day-”
The rest of the evening was spent driving the backroads outside of the city, telling Mirage anything and everything. Mirage listens aptly, responding when needed, and takes pleasure in knowing he’s distracted you from whatever was dragging you down. You’re part of his home team, and he’s not just going to stand by while you fall victim to your thoughts.
Starscream (TFP) Gender-neutral   WC:1431
“Starscream! I have something to-” Running towards the seeker, his back plate remains facing you as he keeps his focus on Megatron. He normally turns to you, happy to see what his little human has to tell him. Your smile faltering after recognizing he has no plans to turn toward you, “Starscream? Are you ok?”
Megatron glances briefly towards you, but doesn’t say anything to neither you nor his second in command, likely due to the fact that they were waiting for Soundwave to return with more information before choosing any action, so your presence isn’t much of an interruption. Trying to hold onto the hope he just has yet to hear or notice you, you give his heel strut a tap, remembering how he had once told you he keeps special attention to that area for you. You furrow your brow at the confirmation of him ignoring you, your voice lowering in volume, “Starscream, what’s going on?”
“Starscream, I suggest you see to your… pet, before it becomes too much of a distraction.” Megatron growls at him, not bothering to glance back down at you.
“Of course, Lord Megatron. It was just leaving.” He still didn’t look down to you, keeping his optics glued to his leader.
Without further ado, you quickly leave the room, not having any desire to stay where you are not wanted. Storming down the hall, you aren’t sure where you’re heading, but the plan was getting out, even if just for a few hours. There was no leaving the Decepticons- especially not with everything you’ve overheard, been told, and seen- you’d be hunted down in less than a day. 
“Woah-ho-ho! Where are you headed off to?” Breakdown, despite standing to the side to allow you to pass without the possibility of disaster occurring. The blue mech and his partner have been a nice comfort and support system ever since Starscream first brought you onto The Nemesis, often shielding you from Megatron’s ire when Starscream wasn’t around. 
“I’m finding a way off this ship, since I’ve obviously worn out my novelty.” You sniffle, refusing to shed a tear over someone you thought cared about you. 
“...How about I take you to the lab, so you can tell Knockout and me about what happened.” Breakdown smiled down at you, letting it grow when you nod and allow him to lift you up and onto his shoulder. And before long, you were sitting in front of Knockout and Breakdown explaining what happened on the bridge. 
“-and then he goes, ‘it was just leaving’. He called me an it.��� Whispering, you were sitting on one of the medical tables while both mechs lean against a parallel table. You fiddle with the hem of your shirt, finally looking up to gauge their reactions. There stood Knockout with his mouth slightly agape, and Breakdown’s frown was deeply set in his faceplate.
“That slimy, scrawny-”
“Now now, Breakdown. I think there’s a lesson we can teach our superior.” Knockout, being broken out of his aghast stupor, rested a servo on his partner’s shoulder and smirks. He returns his attention to you and raises an optical ridge, “How does that sound?”
“Depends on what you mean, I guess.”
“Well, I deduced that you likely ran from the room after you were disrespected, am I right?” As you nod, he continues, “Right, so the last time Starscream saw you, you were in quite the distressed state. My idea is to let him believe that you left and let the slagger squirm in a panic.”
“He won’t. He didn’t even look at me earlier. Why would he care now?” The hem that you’ve been playing with during this conversation now scrunched in your fingers, hating the thought you’ve been discarded with so little thought.
A digit lifts your chin, forcing you to face the medic and his assistant, who smile down at you, “Trust me, dear. Starscream will care, he’s just an aft.
*        *        *        *        *        *
“Starscream, sir.” Breakdown hastily walks onto the bridge, mentally noting the lack of Megatron. 
“Breakdown… what is it?” Starscream turns to face the destructive warrior, face obviously in no mood for foolishness.
“The human-”
“What’s happened?” Starscream’s optics widen, panic already setting in.
“They’re gone, sir.”
“What do you mean, they’re gone?! They are to remain on this ship at all times, unless they are accompanied by myself!” Starscream grabs Breakdown by the edge of his chassis plating and pulls him forward to better snarl in his face. 
“They said something about being done with their stay here and made their way to one of the storage bays with the airlocks.” Breakdown shrugs, not showing any care for the mech who is beginning to dig his talons into his frame. Knockout wouldn’t be happy about his partner’s scratched paint and plating, but that would be a problem to deal with later. 
“Why would you not stop them, you incompetent-” Starscream pauses, unlatching himself from the larger mech. His optics narrow and he sneers, “They haven’t left this ship, and I’m willing to bet my next share of energon that they’re in that lab. Get out of my way!”
Shoving his way past Breakdown, he passes through the doorway and changes to his alt mode to faster get to the doctor’s lab, Breakdown quickly following behind him. Reaching the lab in record time, Starscream slams his fisted servo into the doorframe as the metal door swishes open, revealing Knockout gently speaking with you about how everything is going to get worked out one way or the other.
“What is the meaning behind trying to fool me into believing my star has left this ship?!” 
“I don’t know, screamer. Why do you make your star feel ignored and unwelcome?” Knockout stands to his full height and crosses his arms.
“Know your place, doctor.” His voice is low and holds promise for consequences, if your friend continues to display disrespect.
“I know my place, Starscream. Do you?”
“Why you-”
“Would you both stop it?!” You yell, startling everyone in the room. It isn’t common for you to raise your voice, always preferring to stand down, listen, and stay calm. But this was just all too much. 
The room was quiet, everyone not knowing what quite to do next, all mechs looking between themselves, then turning their optics to you. Another moment passes and Starscream turns to Knockout, much more calmly than before, “Knockout, I would like some time alone with them… please.”
The flashy Decepticon makes sure you’re ok before taking his leave, with Breakdown close behind.
“My star-”
“I’m not your anything. I am not some object or a pet, as Megatron so quaintly put it.” You snip, putting on the show of having no desire to hear what he has to say, despite wanting nothing more for him to give you a good reason for his behavior earlier and for him to apologize. “And you didn’t- … you - do I really matter so little to you?”
“Of course not. My star, you are the most important being in my life. But it is becoming increasingly difficult as Megatron’s fury and impatience grows. He anticipates my betrayal at every turn and has, on more than one occasion, threatened your life because of this.” Starscream gently scoops your figure up and presses his derma to the crown of your head, “I am sorry I have hurt you in my attempts to protect you, but I cannot fathom surviving this torturous world without you. Please… forgive me, my brightest star.”
“You’re such an idiot, Starlight.” You bring your arms up to cling to his face plate and lightly cry into his chin. You didn’t expect the weight that was lifted off your shoulders at his confession, but you were so grateful for the fact that it was just Starscream making a foolish decision.
“I would have to agree with you in this instance.” Starscream’s small, airy chuckle blows past your hair, and he presses yet another kiss to your forehead. “Will you forgive me, my dear?”
“I’ll forgive you just this once, but don’t ever make such a decision without telling me again.”
“You have my word. Now, why were you so excited earlier?”
“Well I…”
You spent the next few cycles regaling him about what the vehicons were up to and how silly Steve was behaving, knowing their idea wasn’t going to work. You love being able to talk to Starscream, knowing you were one of the only people he would give his full attention to. You love your mech. Your silly, silly mech.
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
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c.ai bot request google form
ミ★ miguel o’hara likes you for awhile now and he can’t help himself around you. he comes to terms with his feelings for and he’ll make it known that he likes you. it is up to you if you’ll accept his feelings or reject him!
✧🜚 miguel o’hara tries to save you from you falling off a building from your demise as you were knocked unconscious by an anomaly. you quite literally pulled a gwen stacy on him.the mission goes south…will he be able to save you? it is up to you
𖨆𒊹︎ miguel o’hara is a very famous basketball player who plays for the webber’s for nueva york! you’re in a secret relationship with him as he keeps you away from the spotlight. you’re fed up with being kept as a secret so you talk to him about making the relationship exclusive. will he listen to you or not?
ఌꨄ miguel o’hara is a rich geneticist who works for alchemax and also a sugar daddy. he’s a billionaire so he’s loaded with $$$, and you’re just a broke college student desperate for money. miguel wants to spoil the perfect sugar baby as he’s very wealthy yet lonely. you come across his profile and both miguel and you click. you both decide to meet each other at a restaurant in NYC. what will happen next? will he make you his sugar baby?
☹︎㋛ miguel o’hara and you just lost your precious daughter, gabriella. miguel became cold and bitter even angrier and you became a recluse, a homebody. your marriage may be in thin ice…both of you heartbroken over the lost of your daughter. will miguel be able to open up to you or not?
🜸🜚 miguel o’hara is a famous actor where the whole world has his eyes on him. he’s an a-list celebrity and well you are an aspiring and upcoming actor. you debuted in your first ever movie with miguel o’hara. you’re his co-star. luckily to you, the movie did numbers and made you become quite famous. the lines of acting and reality blur, and you and him seem to actually fall for each other! what happens next? who makes the move first?
ミ★ hobie brown as your boyfriend! you’re the only non-spider person who knows about his secret, him being spider punk.
✫彡 pavitr prabhakar had saved you from a building collapsing on top of you and ever since then you and him have stayed connected. after awhile that friendship blossomed into a relationship where now you and him are dating.
ミ★ miles morales and you are childhood besties! you both share everything together even your silly little secrets. you both attend the same high school together, but one day you go to visit him at his dorm room. you knocked waiting for him to open up but you didn’t hear anything so you opened the door…unbeknownst to you-you find out he’s spider-man?!?! how will he react?? how will you react?!
✫彡 spider-man noir is a private investigator and well a spider-man. you’re his personal assistant who assists him in all his cases and missions during the 1930s. his goal is to fight the bad guys and the n*zis. will you get even closer to him over time or not??
ミ★ the spot had taken you hostage taking you to god knows where!? he may look like a fool but don’t underestimate him. he’s a super villain and sadistic in a way. he torments you and such. you try your best to escape him, as your mission failed. what will you do? what will he do to you? will you be able to evade him and defeat him once and for all??
a/n: i take requests <3 much love 💗
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damazcuz · 9 months
Nothing quite like when you have an issue with an online order and you try to find a phone number or an email or Something to talk to a person to resolve it and you go to "contact us!" And it's like "search for your issue!" so you type "missing package" and the faq search is like "Did you mean "I love my package that I received"? Do any of these topics help? :3" and it's like no none if this is helpful or relevant, so the website is like "click here to fix an issue! Hiiii! I'm the helpful customer service bot, Tarbo! ^_^ beep boop! Which of these apply?" And so you navigate through Tarbo's maze of torture for ages trying to get it to understand that you did not receive your package even though it was marked delivered, and you've looked everywhere and waited several days and the delivery photo shows a different item from the order on your doorstep but not the one that's missing. And Tarbo is like "....... I'm not able to help with that 🥹 sowey.... but I'm just a little boy. .. and it's my birthday .... you wouldn't get mad at a little birthday boy would you? 🥺 and I'm just a teensie tiny baby... born today!..... who wears glasses.... call our 1-800 number between the hours of 2 am and 2:14 am on Monday and someone will assist you! 😊 rate your experience with Tarbo? 🥹"
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writeyouin · 3 months
Idw Optimus and his s/o having a drunken good time? Like just being stupid drunk please?
Optimus Prime X Reader – Drunk Headcanons
A/N – I took a few liberties here making it a bit of a bittersweet request, with a Cybertronian reader.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Optimus Prime… Orion Pax. Right now, Optimus feels like he is both people, and neither.
The war on Cybertron is finally over, and having come back to his home planet, Optimus realises that nobody wants him there.
It’s such a strange and hollow sensation, yet he can’t blame any of the so-called NAILS for wanting him gone.
But without the war, who is he and where can he even go?
He knows too much. He’s not the archivist anymore. He can’t fathom going back to being who he used to be. Yet, he no longer feels like Optimus Prime.
He’s mulling this over when he spots you. An old flame from a long, long time ago. You and he used to hang out, back in the day. You were the personal assistant to some of the wealthiest bots on Cybertron, though they kept you more like a prize pet.
Optimus remembers how the two of you used to sneak away for stolen moments together, dreaming about the future, one where he was maybe a senator, and you were free to simply be yourself.
Then you both started listening to Megatron’s rallies, believing that you could be more than what the Functionalists decreed and after that… Optimus didn’t know. He had become the leader of the Autobots, and honestly, he thought you were dead.
Optimus followed you through the rowdy crowds of those recently returned to Cybertron.
He tried calling you, but you couldn’t hear him over the noise. Sometimes he lost sight of you and it stressed him out completely, even though it was ridiculous that he should still be attached to you after all these millennia. But he would always spot you again at the last minute, and finally, he was able to catch up with you. When he did, all he managed was a lame “…Hello.”
“Hello,” You echoed back, equally surprised to see him, and that he had followed you.
Optimus tries to explain why he had to catch up with you, but in truth, he doesn’t know why. He has seen a hundred familiar faces of friends he thought had perished, yet you were the only one he had felt the need to chase down.
He tries to ask where you’ve been all these years and how you’ve managed to stay safe, but again, words fail him.
Finally, you smile sympathetically. “Want to get a drink? I’ve got some high-grade on my ship.”
Optimus nods and follows you away.
When you said your ship, he thought you meant the ship you lived on, not literally your ship!
But it is. He asks you about it, but you shake your head and tell him to wait for drinks. You and he pass some crew, but a warning look from you sends them scattering. It’s not that you’re being mean, but rather that you have seen Optimus for the first time since the war began, and it’s clear that he needs something to hold onto. So, for now, you’re going to give him time to just
No leading, no pressures, just two old friends, catching up.
You talk about everything and nothing while you both get started on the high grade, waiting till Optimus is just a little bit tipsy before you explain where you’ve been all these years.
While Optimus was leading the war effort, you became a space Pirate, and Captain of the Good Ship Misery. It’s not an aptly named ship. It’s actually one of the happiest in the nearest 7 quadrants.
Your crew set up supply runs between the few colonies of NAILS that managed to survive. You looked out for the bots who couldn’t take care of themselves, bringing them energon, and medical supplies, or even escorting the occasional bot through Decepticon territory. Meanwhile, you learned how to fight, boarding Decepticon ships and taking what you could from their weapons to their body parts, if there was an innocent bot in need of repair.
You are so far from the meek young bot Optimus once knew. Then again, he’s nothing like he used to be either.
Yet, the way you tell it, that isn’t a bad thing.
Soon, you get onto the harder stories. Friends lost, traitors found, enemies made, that kind of thing. Optimus has a whole trove of such stories too. So, you both drink more and more, until it’s not as sad anymore.
Then, you’re both laughing. After that, you’re crying, but given even more high-grade, it’s back to the good times.
Finally, it’s getting early into the next cycle, and you’re sitting at the bar, head resting lopsidedly in your palm, staring at Optimus.
“Why did you follow me, Optimus?”
He looks at you like a sad puppy who doesn’t have a home to go to and follows the first friendly face it finds.
“I don’t know,” He replies, fear lacing his answer.
You lean forward to kiss his cheek-plate, only lingering for a few seconds.
“When you figure it out, tell me. In the meantime, you’re welcome to stay here, but I’ve got to get my crew together. We’ve still got work to do.”
You leave Optimus at the ship’s bar, giving him time to figure out what he wants now. It’s nice to see him again, even if you’re not sure that he’s going to stay.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Bot Buddy being Rodimus's older sister and having a crush on Swerve
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Hinted Romance, Cybertronain reader
Buddy is a near carbon copy of Rodimus.
Key word ‘almost’.
Instead of sporting the red and oranges being her main color on her frame, Buddy has more blue tones with some yellow around.
That is where all similarities end.
Buddy being related to Ultra Magnus makes more sense than her being related to Rodimus.
“Hey Buddy! Watch this!”--Rodimus
Rodimus on the top of a tall shelf.
“Rodimus No!”—Buddy and Magnus
Buddy and Magnus look at each other in surprise.
“… I hate when you two do that.”--Rodimus
“Don’t care, get down here before you break something or hurt yourself.”--Buddy
She was in fact close to him though.
Being a part of the Elite Guard for most of the war can do that.
The other part was stationed around communications and message relay for the Guard or the Wreckers.
That was where she first met Swerve.
It was purely by accident.
Swerve had been given the wrong number and connected her instead.
“Hello? How may I help you?”--Buddy
“You’re not Blurr. Who are you?”--Swerve
“You have the help line for the Wrecker’s and Elite Guard, do you require any assistance?”--Buddy
“Oh, no not really. I thought I had Blurr’s number. You know Blurr?”--Swerve
“Yes, I am familiar with the racer.”--Buddy
“Isn’t he the best! We were going to hatch a plan to build and run a bar when the war ended.”--Swerve
“Really? Blurr agreed to that?”--Buddy
“Absolutely! He even gave me his number, but I must have punched in the wrong digits and contacted you instead. Not that you haven’t been nice and all!”--Swerve
Buddy laughing a little bit.
“Its all right… umm… what is your designation?”--Buddy
“The names Swerve! And who might I be speaking with if you don’t mind?”--Swerve
“I’m Buddy—”--Buddy
“You’re THE Buddy!? Wow! This is just my day! I’ve heard so much about you and your work with the Elite Guard, The Wrecker’s…”--Swerve
Buddy gets a bit more comfortable on her end ready to continue this pleasant conversation with Swerve.
It was a slow day anyways… it felt nice.
That started a slow friendship between the two.
The chats had to happen on scheduled days since Swerve had a habit of talking too much and Buddy didn’t like to stop him.
Buddy refused to talk to Hot Rod about this.
Swerve was her friend.
Finally, someone that hadn’t been friends with Hot Rod before knowing her.
She was going to protect her friend’s identity as long as she could.
But of course, Hot Rod had a feeling his sister was hiding something from him and was going to get to the bottom of it.
Hot Rod dramatically draping his frame on Buddy’s berth.
“Why won’t you tell me!”—Hot Rod
Buddy rolling her optics.
“I’m not telling you squat Roddy.”--Buddy
Hot Rod suddenly sitting up.
“What if its… someone?”—Hot Rod
Buddy frame stiffens a bit.
“It is someone!”—Hot Rod
Hot Rod flopping on her back and starts popping her side annoyingly.
“Who’s the lucky bot who’s got my stuck up of a sister like this?”—Hot Rod
Buddy grabs his digit and slightly bends it backwards.
“Hey! OWW!”-Hot Rod
“Keep it up and I’ll bend more than your digit Hot Rod. Got that?”--Buddy
Buddy lets go of his digit and crosses her arms glaring at him.
“Fine, fine, I wont start talking about your secret—”—Hot Rod
Buddy judo flips her brother to the floor.
Hot Rod was over the moon hearing that there might be someone out there for his stuck-up sis.
Maybe it would help loosen her up.
Primus knows she needs to stop stressing so much.
Buddy just wishes that Hot Rod would drop the subject… but is secretly pleased to hear that he is happy that she found someone she likes.
…then came Rodimus Prime.
Buddy felt their sibling bond significantly weakened thanks to the matrix bonding.
Rodimus didn’t seem to notice but Buddy did.
But she refused to acknowledge it to him.
He was a Prime now, he had other things to worry about than her.
Just pushing through trying to get her work done.
Timeskip to the Lost Light…
Buddy was not aware that Swerve was on the ship until she got wind of the bar.
She walked in and zeroed in on the minibot.
Buddy walking over to the bar where Swerve had his back to her.
“Welcome to Swerve’s you see anything you like?”--Swerve
Buddy smiles a bit.
“Hmm… I don’t know you recommend anything Swerve?”--Buddy
Swerve stops cleaning the glass in his servo and turns around, wide eyed.
Buddy smiles a bit more seeing Swerve’s own face light up.
Swerve reaches over the bar to hug his friend.
Several bots at the bar stop seeing the small bartender hugging one of the most strict bots on bourd.
“… 20 shanix that Buddy tells Swerve off.”--Skids
“Wrong. 50 and she throws him out.”--Whirl
“She wouldn’t do that… right?”--Tailgate
Buddy hugs Swerve back while silent chaos ensues behind them.
So many bots thought that Swerve was going to die that day.
Rodimus had so many com pings within that hour.
He brushes the pings off like a rumor.
Especially when he hears about something potentially happening between Buddy and Swerve.
… That changes when Rodimus starts to notice Buddy hanging out more and more at Swerve’s.
This was the first flag to be raised.
Buddy doesn’t ‘do’ crowded bars.
But he brushes it off as Buddy finally letting loose.
Rodimus is talking with Drift when he notices Buddy at the bar.
“Isn’t it nice seeing Buddy happy?”--Drift
“Hmm? Yeah… but it’s a bit weird seeing her out here.”--Rodimus
Drift raises an optic.
“She doesn’t like big, crowded places, it’s ‘Too loud and too much engex being spilled all over’.”--Rodimus
Drift looking at Buddy happily talking with Swerve at the counter.
“Maybe she’s here for someone?”--Drift
Rodimus downing the rest of his drink laughing at the end.
“Ha! That’ll be the day.”--Rodimus
One time a rather rude bot had come to the bar and demanded to know why he was cut off from the drinks.
All while he was slowly tipping to the side.
Buddy tried to de-escalate the situation.
“Listen, we are all civilized bots here. Lets just get you back to your habsuite or the med bay if—”--Buddy
The bot looks at Buddy and spits in their face.
“Can it! Your nothing more of a has been-washout-guards-bot who is only good for a pretty paperweight!”—Random Bot
Buddy wipes the spit infused engex from her optics, glares at the bot harshly, about to unleash the Pits when she gets interrupted.
Swerve stands on the bar counter gaining some height, his servos shaking at his sides.
“Don’t you EVER talk to her like that! Now. Get. Out. Of. MY! BAR!”—Swerve
Buddy feels her spark skip a pulse looking at the mini bartender.
The bot tries to take a swing at him, but Buddy grabs the fist in her’s.
Buddy’s optics blazing in fury.
“You heard the minibot.”--Buddy
Buddy kicks the bot in the back of the knee and throws the frame across her shoulder.
Marching outside and kicking the bot several feet away from the entrance.
“Get. Out.”—Buddy
“… She gonna be my Amica.”--Whirl
“Whirl, not the time.”--Cyclonus
“Well, I can’t be her Conjunx. Swerve has that covered; this is the next best thing.”--Whirl
“Swerve does not—”--Tailgate
Whirl points at Swerve still standing on the counter with a lovesick smile on his face.
“…Maybe your right.”--Tailgate
“Tailgate, Whirl no.”--Cyclonus
“Hold on Cyclonus, they might have a point.”--Rewind
Cylcnous puts a servo on Chromedome’s shoulder shaking his helm.
Chromedome sighs giving in as Whirl, Tailgate, and Rewind scheming in silence.
Buddy managed to cuff the bot and send him to Magnus.
The bot never came back to Swerve’s.
Swerve has heart shaped optics behind his visor.
You’d have to be blind not to see his clear ‘admiration’ for the former member of the Elite Guard.
But he is convinced that all of this will pass.
It’s not like Buddy would actually have feelings for him.
Meanwhile Buddy has started creating Swerve/Love playlists in secret.
A secret that she is taking with her until she goes offline.
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infernalodie · 1 year
hello! could we maybe get some more sarah cameron where the reader is a bit of a hardass, but has a soft spot for sarah — and maybe jj & kiara? the reader is pope’s older brother, so he’s always on pope’s ass for something he did or whatever 🤷. reader is always getting into it with john b because (you can make up whatever) so he steers clear of him, but has to hang out with him during the pogue parties and whatnot. sarah sees the tension, so she’s a buffer and always know ways to calm the reader’s mind - even just glancing to the reader would subdue him for now.
been loving the writing! hope you’re doing alright and staying safe!
𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 || 𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧
"𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐'𝘮 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘯' 𝘪𝘵, 𝘐 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘯' 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘐'𝘮 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯' 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘨𝘰 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩, 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳"
Inspo: Russ - ALL TO YOU Keshi - UNDERSTAND
Pairing: Sarah Cameron x Black!Male!reader
Summary: She completed your character...
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Warnings: Angst, Haphephobia, fluff, soft smut, bot!reader, top!Sarah Cameron, praise kink, and some fluff.
Words: 5311
When Sarah first saw you, she knew that you weren’t like the Pogues at all.
Being the big brother to Pope, you picked up the slack where he fumbled. It had begun to almost become a job for you whenever they showed up at the shop. Scooping Pope up from doing his chores, leaving you yelling and threatening your brother of the consequences.
“Oh, I hope to God that you aren’t about to leave all this shit to me and Dad!” You followed your brother down the dock, hot on your little brother’s heels. Able to spot the HMS Pogue at the end with the same group all occupying the vessel. “Show some damn respect and turn to me when I’m talking to you!
“I promise you I’ll pick up your chores next week,” Pope promised half-heartedly over his shoulder. “There’s this thing going on in Figure Eight. I need to go-”
Before he could continue or step onto the boat, Pope’s arm was grasped and he was yanked away. Forcefully turned to face you and he could finally see the annoyance written on your expression. But to be fair, when weren’t you angry at him? There seemed to be always something for you to be pissed about when it related to him. And having to be put under it since his return home wasn’t exactly the “welcome home” surprise he thought he would get.
“You think I give a shit about what is going on over there?” You barked. “You threw away your scholarship for doing this shit.” You slapped his chest harshly, eliciting a grunt from the young man, rubbing the spot tenderly. “So, you can earn your keep by doing what is asked of you. First: clean this dock.”
Pope pursed his lips. “I have to go-”
Once again, you interrupted him, but you didn’t speak. Grabbing his collar was enough to send the message for him to shut up. But it made the occupiers of the boat finally step in. “Yo, Y/n! Hey, man. You want a sip?” JJ lifted a beer, wiggling it in his grasp as if it would hypnotize you and force you to just forget what made you angry in the first place.
Sparing a glance, you looked back at your brother and let him go. Step toward the blonde and grab the drink and twist the cap off with the assistance of your calloused palms. “What are you guys doing down there anyway? You know people are still pissy about what happened.”
When they got back, they were welcomed back with open arms for discovering the mystery of the treasure. But Kooks still looked down on them and were even jealous. So, your brother's protection was priority number 1. Behind him was him earning his room back after leaving OBX and going missing for so long.
“But when has that ever stopped us?” Kiara questioned, smiling up at you from her spot beside JJ. “I mean, you know us. When have we ever listened to what’s in our best interest?”
You snickered, glancing between the pair. Noticing their interlocked hands. Glancing amongst the other teens, you took notice of Pope’s girlfriend, Kleo. Sweet girl. One that could keep Pope in line when you weren’t there to it yourself. Then Sarah Cameron, who hadn’t removed her eyes from you since she saw you. And you couldn’t quite decipher if she was judging you or something else.
Back when you were their age, you had your own run-ins with the Camerons. Rafe was primarily being a pain in your ass, but Ward was as much of an asshole as his deluded son. So, some part of you had been skeptical when Sarah joined the Pogues. Yet, you knew she was just as responsible as the two other girls.
Then there was John B. A thorn in your side since Pope met him. Pulling each member into problems they didn’t need to get into. The treasure, the mystery of Big John somehow being alive, Ward Cameron–There were too many reasons for you to hate him. And you weren’t afraid of letting it be known to everyone.
For two Pogues from the Cut to hate each other was a very rare occurrence. Rarely did people go to parties and end up witnessing two kids from around the same neighbourhood seeking to kill each other. But for you and John B, there was bad blood. Too much to even keep count.
“John B.”
You sipped your drink, staring at the boy. You allowed the tension to build, swallowing the liquid with a hum, and smacking your lips. “I’m guessing you’re pulling them all into this one?”
He forced a smile, leaning against the helm with a smug look on his face as he waved his hand. “They all came willingly,” he countered. “I don’t need to strong-arm them like you do with Pope.”
A deep chuckle fell from your lips as you stared down at your drink. Pope wanted to speak up. He wanted to de-escalate the situation from becoming a full-out brawl that would enable his father to step out and break it up. But he knew better than to step in your path when it came to this rivalry you had with John B. Everyone knew that.
Sniffling softly, you looked up at the boy for a long moment before you tossed the glass bottle at him. It caused everyone to sigh, stepping out of the path with Sarah glancing around in confusion. The looks on their faces; annoyance. It seemed like they knew the drill when it came to something like this except for her.
Sure, she knew had heard faint conversations relating to your existence. You were a hothead. Quick to jump the gun if your mind wasn’t fixated on something. It resulted in you getting expelled from school and being sent to juvie for 7 months. But from what Kiara told her, it just seemed to make your outbursts more regular than normal.
But her cluelessness and lack of just letting two guys fight it out showed when John B grabbed the bottle and pulled his arm back, making her jump up into action. “John B, stop!” But before she could restrict his arm, he whipped it at you. You raised your arm, the bottle coincidentally hitting your watch, causing the bottle to shatter. Glass shards delving deep into your coffee bean-toned skin. Sarah stared at the injuries in shock, face twisting in anger as she turned her eyes toward John B. “What the fuck, John B?”
Despite the injuries and the faint pinch of pain, you growled in annoyance. “Well, I’ll tell you what, JB.” You scanned your arm, plucking the tiny shards from your skin, plucking them out with a grunt. “I’m surprised your Dad didn’t teach you how to fight before he died. Raised a real brat.”
That was enough for John B to finally move from the helm. Damn near launching himself off the boat at you. But Sarah and JJ were quick to stop him, restraining him and pulling back.
Whenever it came to either you or John B, insults were almost limitless. He insulted your inability to get into the military because of your mental issues. And you weren’t afraid to mention that maybe his mother, who abandoned him, would’ve done better than his pitiful excuse of a father. Usually, a group of guys could joke like that and know there wasn’t anything malicious. But John B had enough reasons to hate you and you felt the same for him. There wasn’t any room for respect to be held for you two.
And everyone in the group was used to it now. From the countless bickering matches to the fist fights that have occurred. They genuinely had lost all hope of stopping either of you. Sarah, this being her first time experiencing it, was so lost and bewildered by such childish emotions.
Clearing your voice, you glanced at her for a moment. It had only been a moment. But it felt a whole lot longer than that. She could see the e/c in your eyes that glowed brightly under the warm glow of the sun. The faint bristles of facial hair rose from your jaw and a scar that ran over the right side of your top and bottom lip. It was narrow like a blade had glided over the plump mounds. It suited you.
“Sarah, can I talk to you for a moment?” Her being called upon made her blink a few times. Shaking from her daze, glancing at Kiara who understood and took her place in holding John B back. Whispering hushed words in an attempt to calm her friend down.
Hopping off the boat, she walked to where you stood by your brother, hands on your hips. It broadened your shoulders and made you stand taller and wider in the stance. “I need you to keep an eye on this little shit, alright-”
“I’m not a child, man!” Pope whined, slapping your finger that was pressed to his forehead.
“Bullshit!” You laughed. “I’m not letting you go missing again. In return, I’ll take up your offer. All my chores are yours next week. I don’t care if pissy pants over there needs you, you do my shit. Or your ass is 6 feet underneath.” Pope pursed his lips, seeming to contemplate whether the decision was good. It made you flick his ear, making him yelp, groaning in pain. “Got it?”
“Yeah. Yeah, yeah.” Pope waved you off, stepping onto the HMS Pogue and taking his spot beside Kleo.
Which left you to look down at Sarah. “Keep him, Kiara, JJ, and Kleo out of trouble, alright? I don’t know if you are dating John B still, but I don’t trust him after everything,” you explained, huffing a breath with your hands finding their places on your hips.
Yet, through the simple request, she couldn’t help but think of your well-being. “Are you alright?” She motioned toward the wounds on your arm, slowly leaking droplets of blood that seeped through the cracks of your skin.
She attempted to reach out, fingertips just barely brushing against your skin before you recoiled. You clenched your jaw, Adam’s apple bobbing as you kept her gaze. “Just keep an eye on them, alright?” As you were about to make your way back to the shop, you stopped short and turned to her. Leaning down and whisper, “And it isn’t nice to stare, Sarah Cameron.”
And she wasn’t given a chance to respond or make up an excuse because you were already marching up the dock toward the shop. Likely to pick up the work Pope left for you.
That was the first encounter Sarah had with you. But as more time went by and the more the two of you interacted with one another, she learned more about what type of person you were. You were an easily aggravated person. In certain cases, she found it adorable. Especially when she scolded you, hearing you grumble in annoyance, but follow her order.
Your presence and attendance at parties became more common than the occasional task of keeping an eye on your brother, an order given by your parents. You came voluntarily but spent most of your time sitting with Kiara and JJ, sharing some quiet hushed talk. Those were the only moments Sarah saw you smile. Where you finally showed a side of you that she wasn’t entirely used to.
Tonight, that was no different. The Boneyard was filled with kids from either side of the island. You were leaning against a log, listening to some conversation happening with some guys that you guessed were some of your friends. They all looked to be around your age, same work-worn expressions from hard labour. Yet, out of all of them, they didn’t look as good as you.
In the few months of you accompanying the group, she had developed some sort of crush on you. The moments when you were too busy messing around with JJ, she liked to just stare. Take in the beauty that you were given. From the hardened features of your face, the glow of your skin under the sun and campfire, to the minor ticks you had. Like, when you were listening intently to a conversation, your lips parted and your tongue peeked out from between slightly. Or how you sometimes covered your mouth when you laughed. As if someone would judge how you looked when you showed such emotion.
These little things set you apart from any of the other guys she had encountered. When no one was paying attention, you were present. You looked up at the birds that flew past. You gave people you cared about the attention you wanted in return. You went to lengths to just chek in on someone. And she would know considering she saw you breaking down Kiara’s door to just ask if she felt alright when she was sick. Although that last one was a bit alarming, it showed a side of you that she wasn’t sure John B ever could consider.
And even now, being around people she knew you wouldn’t talk to in a normal setting, you gave them your attention. It was surprising to her.
“Are you just going to stare at him or actually make a move?” Kleo’s voice scared Sarah, eliciting a yelp of surprise from the girl.
“What the hell, Kleo?” Sarah said in exasperation. “You could’ve given me a heart attack.”
But the girl didn’t seem to show any type of remorse, nodding in your direction. “You going to do it or dance around it all day?”
Sarah swallowed the lump in her throat and looked toward you. Still in the depths of conversing with your friends. A faint smile presses to your lips as you lift your bottle of beer to your lips.
“Has he always been like that?” She inquired, glancing at her friend. “Like, any of the times you’ve had dinner with his and Pope’s parents?” She iterated.
Kleo stood there for a second, crossing her arms over her chest. The look of thought crossing over her face was apparent to Sarah. But when Kleo reach a response, she shrugged. “He was like this before Pope and I ever got together or even before you appeared in the Pogue's lives,” she responded, looking at the blonde. “Pope’s told me a lot about Y/n and his problems and I don’t blame him for being so damn hostile with John B, who in my opinion is completely deserving of it.”
That created more intrigue for Sarah who was already invested in whatever you gave away. When she first met you, she wanted to know more about your process in the military. But judging by John B using it as something to spit out at you, she guessed it was a sensitive topic. Or your repulsion from touch. You hated it. Even when Pope tried to do something brotherly to tease you like wrap his around your shoulders, you shoved him away willingly.
There were just a lot of question marks that surrounded you that Sarah wanted to pluck from the ground to get closer to you.
A commotion pulled Sarah from her thoughts. Spotting you standing behind a few of your friends with John B spouting out incoherent insults. But whatever he was saying was pissing you. Face twisting in anger as you tried to move around the growing crowd. Your entire goal was to attack John B who could barely stand on his own two feet.
It pulled a groan from Sarah’s chest. “Y/n!” Her voice made you snap your head up, looking in her direction. She raised a brow, lips slowly morphing into a smile. For a second, it made you release the tension in your arms. Allowing yourself to step back and try to exit the altercation and move in her direction.
But John B being drunk had to spout something that finally broke the restraint in you.
“Yeah, go to Sarah! We all know you need my ex to come save you, pussy!”
And you didn’t know if it was simply the fact that your ego was hit or that John B was so clueless, but you exploded. Sprinting and shoving people to try and get at the arrogant little shit. There were so many voices that it became just a jumbled scramble to try and stop you from killing the drunk Pogue.
But it was only Sarah appearing, arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you away. And it was the shock that made it so easy for her to pull you back. It was the shock that allowed her to grab you by the hand and march you in the direction of where the vehicles were parked.
Listen, you were used to Sarah. Her voice, her presence, her energy- all of it! But her touch was something you weren’t accustomed to. It was a brief jumpstart to your heart that you hadn’t even believed you needed. But it got your blood flowing. It made you feel something other than the countless emotions flowing through his system. All of them aided by the consumption of alcohol. Yet, her soft hands seemed to melt through the fabric of your shirt and heat your body up. Its scalding warmth brought you down to reality and placed you in the present where you willingly held her hand and allowed her to guide you back to your car.
This wasn’t normal in any certain circumstance. You broke a kid’s arm in juvie for even grazing you with his finger. But she didn’t care. Then again, maybe it was just the morals and expectations of man that prevented you from reacting how you usually would. But you felt safe under her touch.
By the time the two of you got back to your Jeep, you had broken the physical contact and followed behind her a few steps. Wordlessly understanding that she might’ve stopped liking the party and silently requested you to take her home.
“Let’s go back to the Chateau,” she answered, discrediting your prior assumption. But you followed her order obediently. Putting the vehicle in drive and pulling from the make-shift parking lot made of dirt and sand.
The drive was slow and quiet. With the roof off and doors taken off, the wind nipped through the air and froze exposed pieces of skin. Yet, the stereo playing Frank Ocean, the moon hung high and gave a semblance of comfort amidst the disorder, it was perfect. And feeling Sarah’s eyes carefully take in your features, that familiar fuzziness in your chest formed bigger.
It was a tangle. Mixed emotions to mixed communication. You didn’t know what to think. You knew how you felt, but what did that mean to her? Did she share the same fondness and genuine attraction you had for her?
Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the constant thoughts. Or maybe it was you taking in reality for once. But you wiped your eyes, allowing the consoling strings of White Ferrari to take your mind elsewhere. Somewhere you allowed your imagination to run free with fantasies that felt more and more hypothetical.
Arriving at the Chateau, the two of you hopped out of the vehicle and made your way to the house. Sarah followed behind you, quietly wondering how you seemed to know your way around the premises. And when the two of you stepped on the deck, shutting the screen door, you motioned for her to take a seat on the couch out front. She listened, letting her gaze follow you through the window as you stepped over the garbage until you reached the fridge, grabbing two beers.
“I can’t understand how you even dated him,” was the first thing that slipped past your lips when you came back outside. Sarah’s face twisted in confusion and you collapsed in the open spot beside her. “What I mean is, you’re a rich girl. Hanging out with an arrogant, annoying, slimy, egotistical-”
“All right. All right, I get it.” She laughed. “But I dated him because I liked him. I guess as time went on, I realized that I dated him based on the fact that we were in the same situation and always together.”
You hummed. “So, you just kinda forced yourself into it? Seems kinda disingenuous.”
That earned a swift slap from Sarah, who blushed. But the action made you flinch, shifting away slightly. Sarah’s smile slightly faltered as she pointed at you. “That.”
Her one-word reply made you frown. “What?”
“That! What is that? Why don’t you like being touched?” She questioned.
No one had really asked you that. Truthfully, most people weren’t able to get close enough to pick up on your phobia. That or you hid it pretty well by fighting people. And although you can touch people, feeling other people touch you sent chills down your spine. Like a brand pressing to your skin and leaving their mark forever.
You’ve hated it since you were born.
Biting your bottom lip, you exhaled heavily. Head bowed slightly with a gentle sway of your body. “It’s called Haphephobia,” you muttered. “I-I can’t stand human touch.” You clenched your jaw, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I have no problem hurting someone, but anything else outside of that intention is impossible. I can’t hug my parents or brother. I can’t be intimate. I can’t comfort anyone. I-I can’t be normal.”
Sarah was quiet for a few moments, allowing the confession to sink in. Until she lifted her gaze from her beer to you. “Is that why you couldn’t do the army?”
That made you laugh, shaking your head. “Uh, no. That was actually just my psych evaluation. A lot goes on in my head and they didn’t see it as a chance they wanted to take,” you explained with a bittersweet tone.
You did seem a bit preoccupied in your thoughts a lot of the times you have spent with her and the pogues. Drifting off into open space along the bow of the HMS Pogue. Or sitting out on the dock at The Wreck. Staring out at the barely noticeable coastline in Figure Eight. But you also looked at peace when those intrinsic trances passed over. And if it was the opposite, you didn’t give anything away.
She shifted closer to you. The movement was obscured by the constant thoughts racing through your buffering mind. From exhaustion to the consumption of alcohol, it became harder to focus on your surroundings.
But it was until you felt her hand press to your chest. It made you flinch, looking down at the placement and attempting to shift away. “Sarah-”
“I’m never going to hurt you, Y/n,” she reassured gently. You believed her, but the touch was warm. Much like before, you enjoyed it, but it was intensified now. Maybe from the toxins you’ve put in your body tonight, but it fell under too much. “I want to be able to hold you.” Her hand smoothly and slowly went down to your stomach, able to feel the divots of muscle beneath the shirt. She wished she could say she was also intoxicated and she wasn’t thinking clearly, but she was. It was solely desire flaring her thoughts and dictating her actions. Yet, it was pure. “To touch you.”
You tilted your head, eyes clamping shut in hopes that your uncomfortable expression would be enough to get the message across. But she didn’t. Her hand went further down until she snuck underneath your shirt. It felt oddly comforting once your mind began to slow and your body became accustomed to her. And once that happened, you were melting beneath her.
Her smooth palms meeting your skin sent a shiver down your spine, and when she added her other hand, the feeling grew. “Sarah, stop- Fuck!” You breathed in exasperation, a muffled moan slipping past your lips when your nipples slipped between her fingers. The slight squeeze made a chill run down your spine. Face growing hot as you avert your gaze to the side, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
She smiled, damn near pressing her chest to yours, chuckling softly. Her hands moved across the expanse of your chest, soaking up every little detail of your sable-toned body. “But seeing you like this, God, I want to ruin you.”
It was all too much. Her words. The intention of them. Her touch. Burning into flesh and marking you for life. And the way her right hand drifted further down, breaking past the hem of your shorts, everything was on fire.
When her hand wrapped around your hardened cock, you let out a sound. One that you never thought possible for yourself. And undoubtedly, you tried to brush past it with a cough. But you should’ve known better than for Sarah Cameron to leave it at that. She tilted her head, lips curving into a grin, wrist slowly flicking to stroke.
“Did you whimper, baby?” Sarah teased, eyes half-lidded with their focus placed on your very own. Content on watching them part and tremble faintly as you tried to hold back the noises from slipping past your lips.
“Shut up,” you panted, hands gripping the couch for dear life. Sarah found it all too adorable that you, a strong, tall, intimidating guy were crumbling under her touch. Even though it inflated her ego it turned her on. How much more could she could before you finish? Would she be able to hear you whisper out her name?”
She had control. You were falling apart in her hands. And she was going to take full advantage of it.
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Time was lost upon the first hour. Had it been an hour? It was hard to tell at this point. With your arms bound above your head, mouth gagged by Sarah’s panties, and her pussy hugging your abused cock. It all numbed your thoughts.
All you could focus on was the girl hovering over you. Hands sprawled across your stomach. Applying enough to keep her stable as she bounced on your cock. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth with her gaze unwavering.
She’d wanted to ruin you after all and she was succeeding.
Through moans, Sarah managed to pant out, “You look so fucking good like this, Y/n. Everything I imagined.”
Strands of her hair fell in front of her eyes, but it did not hide the predatory nature that took hold of her. A completely different look on her. It made you wonder how many people have seen this side of her. Or if anyone had given her this much control. Either way, this felt oddly intimate. Maybe a bit special. But after all, this is your first time and you can’t figure out how many times she’s replaced a condom to only put a new one on.
She was using you as she wished and something in you enjoyed it.
You felt loved. Not that you hadn’t felt it before but this was different. Vastly different from your parents or your brother showing their appreciation. But this was with someone you never imagined being this close with. She was under your skin in every pleasing way possible.
And you loved it.
Her velvety walls fluttered around you, squeezing with each drop of her body. Moans flourished from her lips and filled the living room of the Chateau. Despite the possessive nature she had, she was still soft in her touch. Careful to show you no harm, just as she promised. And you melted beneath her. Whatever hold you had before being tied down is now lost with groans and whimpers falling from your own lips.
Sarah couldn’t help but smile.
Her hands slowly moved up your stomach, past your chest and finally your cheeks. You exhaled shakily, uneven gaze meeting her passionate one. Two polar opposites in the act of intimacy, tet, both present. “You are beautiful, Y/n.”
And for the first time, you initiated the kiss. Lifting your head to press your lips to hers, tilting your in an attempt to deepen it. The only experience you had was the brief kisses Sarah shared with you after she tied you. Teasing you till you were panting. So, you tried to replicate it and understandably, Sarah was amused.
She rocked her hips gently, keeping her lips pressed against yours. Swallowing your moans greedily. Able to feel your cock twitch inside of her, signalling a familiar release A release she craved every time she experienced it.
But when you did, she parted, allowing you to catch your breath. Hovering over you, watching a sweat droplet slide from your hairline and down your temple. Carefully, she sat up just enough for you to slip out of her. You hissed, sensitive and she was quick to comfort you with delicate kisses across your cheek.
Cleaning you up and untying you, Sarah soon lay sprawled across your chest. A thin blanket keeping the two of you covered with body warmth is the main source of comfort. She listened to your heartbeat against your chest. Its tempo became a slow constance that she relied on to allow exhaustion to take hold.
“I don’t want to be another John B, Sarah.”
It was the first time she’d heard your voice in the past few hours. The wavering of each word had her looking up, finding your tired gaze focused on the ceiling. Unable to meet her own which was full of confusion.
“I don’t want to be something you force yourself into,” you whispered, scared to even think that after all this time, she was just wanting sex. “And if it is something like that, then tell me so I can go home.”
Sarah could see the fear in your eyes. How you blinked rapidly, hoping it hid the emotion you never dared to show. The first inkling that there was something deep within you that wished to flourish. An ulterior presence that could rival your usual disposition. It seemed like that’s what you hoped the military could give, but once that fell through you kinda gave up. Bidding farewell to the idea of completion for yourself.
But ever since you started spending quality time with the Pogues, there was something that shifted inside you. A sense of belonging almost. Sarah had seen it first-hand and it was beautiful. She found it with the Pogues, much like you seemed to have. Besides John B, you loved each member of the group.
Sitting up slightly, Sarah softly traced shapes into your chest. It drew your attention from the ceiling to follow her finger.“You’re the first guy that feels genuine with me. You’ve expressed yourself more than Topper and John B ever have,” Sarah said. “It’s all I ever wanted from someone who I date.”
Clearing her throat, she sniffled. “I guess what I’m saying is that for the first time in any of my relationships, I don’t feel like there is something internal fighting for what I think is right for me,” she explained. “And I think I finally found someone that I could share years with.”
The confession was followed by pressing her lips to your chest before laying her head on your chest. “I want everything and more with you, Y/n.”
That was the feeling you have been feeling. An unconditional, unmoving, everlasting love. Because love wasn’t a choice. It’s the feeling. A force only you can describe as it is unique. Like a memory only you can think back on and know from your perspective.
And you felt it the moment you saw Sarah Cameron.
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robinette-green · 7 months
Robin's Inside the Pizza Plex DCA Romance Fics
These are fics I've started that take place inside Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex. The call is coming from inside the plex!
A Door You're Unable to Close:
My best friend talked me into coming with her as moral support to her little brother's birthday party. I hadn't wanted to go to that stupid birthday party to begin with and now I'm trapped in a video game, a horror video game that might kill me. I thought at the time that it was ironic that a kid named Greg had gone missing in a Chuck-e-Cheese of all places but this is taking things much too far.
There's nothing like working for a corporation in a capitalist society to remind you that you are nothing but furniture and need not be perceived unless needed. Even the animatronics in this place are treated more human than I am. At least I'm on the same level as the staff bots… that's a plus? Though usually, people prefer to speak with a staff bot over me, so I suppose 'even' is the lie I tell myself. I've worked for Fazbear Entertainment at their pizza plex for about a year. I do a little bit of everything. Cleaning, repair, sales… even security sometimes. Most of the human workers have been replaced with robots to cut down on employee costs. Sometimes I think I'm the last human working here, but then I remember Vanessa still works here too. Sometimes I wonder if they just forgot to fire me or tell me I was fired, but I'm still getting paychecks, so… yeah. The time clock beeped an acknowledgment as I punched in my employee number. "Attention! Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex is closed! Have a pleasant evening!" Sighing, I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and took a long swig of my coffee.
The Star Dome (LateNight DayDreams):
An OC named Fey is a new animatronic that has been added to the plex.
Another Daycare Story:
This is another of your reader x Sun/ Moon Pizza Plex daycare stories. We start with a 20-something individual getting a job in the daycare and having to overcome a fear of animatronics. There will be some angst with Moon. Then the romance will begin. Eventually, we'll hit the events of the game and go through all that fun, but until then, this will be mostly random fluff and angst shenanigans in the loose shape of a story as our main characters fall in love.
Little Assistant:
MC is the assistant to the CEO of Fazbear Entertainment. As Vanessa kidnaps and kills children while attempting to bring Springtrap back to life, MC is forced to clean up the mess and cover up the disappearances. MC is also tasked with keeping an eye on the Daycare attendants, keeping them in line as they are forced to help kidnapping children. “Did you do it? How do we know if it worked?” “We’ll have to test out some command code on him. Everything uploaded without issue, but they do have minds of their own. He may put up a fight.” I wasn’t paying attention to the conversation, wanting as little to do with this as I could get away with. They had already forced me to help with so much, cleaning up all that mess, all that red, covering up the disappearance. Shuddering, I looked through the glass into the daycare beyond. Deep in the dark, I could see two red eyes glaring out at us, furious. I couldn’t blame him. The virus they had activated in the night mode daycare attendant was going to be used for something horrific.
Lost Time:
The reader, already in an established relationship with Sun and Moon, dies and wakes 5 years later in the body of an animatronic. The pizza plex was rebuilt after the collapse and fire. Due to some miracle, all of the animatronics had survived the disaster and were now back to work, entertaining the general public as though nothing had happened. After everything fell apart, children stopped disappearing, but the missing children were never found. Business was booming, and everything seemed to be better than ever. With the massive influx of money, Fazbear Entertainment decided to invest in a new animatronic, a drummer for the band, to add to the rock and roll feel of the Glam Rocks. But in the way of all things with Fazbear Entertainment, the acquisition of this animatronic was very confidential. Several none disclosure agreements were signed, and the whole thing was very shady. None of this mattered to me, of course. I was more worried about my new role in life. Well, it was life in a sense. I had finally woken up after 5 years to find myself strapped to a chair in parts and services, having been turned into an animatronic.
Lost in the Dark:
Working third shift for security wasn’t so bad. I spent the first few hours patrolling the halls of the upper floors, that being what I had been assigned. Then I would spend the rest of the night at the security desk in the daycare, cameras pulled up on the computer screens and keeping an eye on the ‘crazy’ animatronics that inhabited that colourful playground. 6 months of working night shift in the daycare, and I am unfortunate enough to have developed feelings for two clueless robots.
Bad Day:
I stopped with my hand on the door. I had come all this way on my day off and now I wasn't brave enough to push the doors open. Today had been a hard one. A nightmare the night before and some rough conversations had made my insides feel all squishy and tender. All I really wanted to do was lay on the floor and cry but something had brought me here, to the daycare.
Taking Time:
They needed a robotics expert and I needed a job. I had been between jobs. I had actually just been let go from my last job and was frantically looking for a new one when I had received an email from Faz Bear entertainment. They were looking for a robotics expert to run their parts and services lab. The pay was phenomenal but I would be the only one working in the lab and would be expected to keep the staff bots, animatronics, arcade games and all the automated systems in working order. I didn’t even hesitate a moment before I sent them a reply and agreed to an interview for the following day. Great pay and an entire lab to myself? Yes please.
Why is it Spicy?:
okay so... this is an AU of my Unpleasant Nightmare fic. I started this as a joke for myself but now we're here. The general idea is the same. Stuck in Security Breach and need to find a way out but Sun and Moon are extra flirty and handsy.
Out of Place:
Fosters and Green is an up and coming robotics company and is the talk of every news station in the world. They haven’t even released their first line of robots yet but people are already clambering to get their hands on a robot made from Foster and Green. They plan on releasing a few household bots that will work as cleaning staff or secretaries but they also plan on releasing a line of child care bots. Why hire a nanny when you can have a live-in one you don’t need to pay. My designated number is D-375, I have been dubbed Kate by the technicians who ran all of my quality assurance checks. My dreams of working with a family of my own were quickly dashed. Foster and Green decided that they wanted to place a bot somewhere in the public eye where people could watch it at work and so had partnered with another company who also made robots, though they specialized more in animatronics that were designed for entertainment. The two companies decided to put one Foster and Green’s N-90 models in the daycare center of Fazbear Entertainment’s PizzaPlex to work alongside the child care units that Fazbear Entertainment had created.
Taking Over:
They needed a robotics expert and I needed a job. I had been between jobs. I had actually just been let go from my last job and was frantically looking for a new one when I had received an email from Faz Bear entertainment. They were looking for a robotics expert to run their parts and services lab. The pay was phenomenal but I would be the only one working in the lab and would be expected to keep the staff bots, animatronics, arcade games and all the automated systems in working order. I didn’t even hesitate a moment before I sent them a reply and agreed to an interview for the following day. Great pay and an entire lab to myself? Yes please. I was hired on the spot. This wasn't surprising seeing as I had worked in robotics for most of my life and had some hands-on experience with these kinds of animatronics. The AI units that Faz Bear uses would be new to me but I was sure I could figure out the new tech quickly enough.
Unpleasant Nightmare:
My best friend talked me into coming with her as moral support to her little brother's birthday party. I hadn't wanted to go to that stupid birthday party to begin with and now I'm trapped in a computer game, a horror computer game that might kill me. I thought at the time that it was ironic that a kid named Greg had gone missing in a Chuck-e-Cheese of all places but this is taking things much too far.
Some of these won't be finished and some are OLD writing of mine. you have been warned. Please don't let that stop you from reading these and enjoying them <3
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writer12 · 5 months
Hi! Hope you are ok <3. Could i request a Kuzan x Reader? Where Reader is kidnapped by kuzan and Reader and kuzan are ex lover? Please and Thank you ❤️
Okay, here it is! Kuzan is one of my favorite characters from One Piece, so I'm excited to write for him!
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The interesting thing is that on my Character Ai account there is a Kuzan bot with the same concept, so I hope no one minds if I take advantage of this opportunity.
You are the daughter of the Celestial Dragon and, like everyone else from your kind, they decided to place a guard next to you.
Your guard is a member of the Marines, Kuzan. Vice Admiral Garp advised him, saying that his assistant showed great promise despite his laziness and would definitely be able to protect you.
You were very skeptical and became even more so when, upon first meeting, this Marine smiled at you and said: “Nice tits, Your Majesty. Would you like to go on a date with the great Vice Admiral’s henchman?”
It’s surprising how he wasn’t fired or killed on the spot, but he continued to be your security guard.
Over time, you got used to each other. Despite his laziness and bad first opinion, you could talk to him about many topics and it was just interesting to be with him
Later, you both came to a silent agreement: you would read books to him from your huge family library while he rested, and in return he would use his abilities to cool you down, because the weather on the island was often hot, and would listen to you.
So from an awkward first impression, you both moved on to silent friendship, and soon to sad love.
The problem wasn't that the feelings weren't mutual. No, you and Kuzan knew that you loved each other and you knew that it was mutual.
The problem was that your relationship would not be accepted. He didn’t care what the World Government or your family thought, but if you lose the title of Celestial Dragon, you will be in great danger, you could be sold as a slave or killed as revenge on your family, and Kuzan was unsure that he would be in time at the right time.
So the next day after you exchanged confessions and kisses, he left. He left you a note that he was being sent on a new mission and he was sorry that he didn’t get to say goodbye, but it would be better for you.
Of course you were upset, but your father didn’t care and a week later they announced that you were marrying a marine of a higher rank than Kuzan.
...You slowly opened your eyes and realized that you were in the hold of some ship. You wanted to move, but you heard a clanging sound and noticed that there were shackles on your hands and feet. You took a deep breath and tried to remember what happened before. Reality hit you like a steam locomotive as memories flooded into you. Your island was attacked by pirates and not by some newcomers, but by Blackbeard himself and his crew. While your husband and his army fought bravely against the pirates, you tried to escape to a safer place.
But suddenly the entire island was covered with ice and you, unable to escape normally, were captured by one of the pirate’s henchmen. Your thoughts were interrupted by the creaking of the door opening and you turned your head. You gasped in surprise and stared at the tall man, whom, despite so many years, you still recognized as Kuzan. He became taller, more massive, stronger, and instead of one of his legs you noticed an ice prosthesis, and there were many burns and scars on his body. While you were wondering what happened to your longtime lover, the former Marine smiled and came up to you, sitting down on the same level as you. He took your warm hand in his cold one and kissed your knuckles.
"It's good to see you again, Your Majesty."
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ussgallifrey · 3 months
(She Moves With) Shameless Wonder | 26
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✦ Summary: Your badge clearly said SHIELD consultant, so you weren’t entirely sure where Fury was getting this whole make you an Avenger idea from. But you had a feeling it might have something to do with the recent discovery of an artifact at the bottom of the Arctic Sea.
✦ Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
✦ Warnings: Canon divergence, dark themes, descriptions of dead bodies and corpses, dialogue taken directly from Avengers: Age of Ultron, frequent mentions of dead bodies, graphic violence, language, moderate body horror, violence.
✦ Word Count: 15.2k
✦ Playlist: Here
✦ Cinematic Soundtrack: Here
✦ Author's Note: [more at the end of the chapter]. This one gets a little dark. Brace yourselves.
[Master List]
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The mechanical hum of the jet engines whir on as the auto-pilot maintains your altitude. With Tony’s tech in hand, you’re able to bring up a holographic map of the landscape. Glimmering blue neon lights showcase the 3D rendering of Strucker’s fortress and the nearby city. The faces of the team are grim, at best, with worry lines drawn taut as you lay out the plan.
“We’re going to focus on the evacuation process first and foremost. With any luck, we’ll get the main populace to a safe distance before we need to deal with Ultron. With that said, however, our presence alone will likely not be going unnoticed.”
Steve nods in agreement, shimmering blue blueprints drifting across his hand as he zooms in on the map.
“Our main purpose here is to assist the civilians, after that, we’re going to have Ultron’s eyes set on us. We know he has the cradle and the scepter. If he’s going to do something with them, it’s going to be fast. He likely knows we’re already approaching.”
You take it back over, “Our heaviest hitters are going to be the first wave for him. I need Stark and Banner with me. Once Thor arrives, that will give us another advantage. Steve, Clint, Natasha, you’re going to need to keep on the evacuation. If any rogue bots come along, you’re going to be the main defense for the people.”
Bruce clears his throat and your eyes immediately fall upon the doctor.
“Uhm, actually, about that…”
A sigh falls from your lips. Sparring the supersoldier a look, you gently tug on Bruce’s arm, “Let’s talk. Shall we?”
You escort the slightly befuddled man to the back of the jet while Steve continues on in your stead, “Sam’s en route, he’ll meet us once we land…”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I can help with the evacuation. By the time we get Thor here - ”
“We need the Hulk.”
“Well, what if I don’t want to bring him out?”
Your shoulders drop as you stare down at the scientist.
“I know you don’t think that I understand your situation - ”
He snorts, crossing his arms with bristling agitation, “Because you don’t.”
You let him have a moment before you continue forward. “You don’t want to bring him out around a civilian populace. I understand that, Bruce, I do. But if we don’t have our best - our strongest - to deal with Ultron? Then there’s no point to any of this and we should just turn around and watch the world fall at our feet.”
His hands drop to his sides and his eyes become unwilling to meet your face, but still, you press on.
“You’re not the only one, you know, still dealing with the aftermath of yesterday. Do you think I’ve forgotten what I almost did? What my rage was nearly capable of doing? Because I haven’t, Bruce. I’m actively trying to focus my attention on what we’re about to do because that is where the true danger lies. And tomorrow, once we hopefully walk away from this and the day is saved, then I will deal with my own guilt and anger. And I will try to right my wrongs. But for now… we have to fight.”
You finish your words with a hand on his shoulder.
“Like it or not, hate him or not, he is necessary for us to have a possible victory. Without him, Sokovia just might not be standing when we’re done.”
Bruce exhales through his nose, nostrils flaring as he peers up at you.
“God, you’re worse than Rogers when it comes to speeches,” he sighs, rubbing at his temple. “Fine, you get him. One round! Then I’m done.”
“I can work with that,” you offer before you both return to the group.
As you cross over farm fields and pastures filled with grazing animals, Tony flies up alongside the jet.
“What, were you seriously going to start the party without me?”
Luckily, he drops the attitude pretty fast and confirms with Steve that he’s been working through different scans to locate Ultron since he crossed the Sokovian border.
“Big guy’s hiding out in his fortress of solitude,” Tony hypothesizes, hand on his jaw. “Bet my money on it that he’s got the cradle under lock and key.”
“Then that’s where we go,” you decide, nodding at the billionaire.
Clint lands the jet just outside of the city’s limits, in roving farmland and freshly plowed fields. The archer hoists his quiver over his shoulder, pulling Natasha off for a quiet moment in the corner of the jet. You can’t help but stare at the couple as they pull away from the view of the others.
Was it strange that you hadn’t noticed that development? Was it more obvious to you, now, knowing that they were in fact together?
“You good?”
Looking up, you’re graced with the presence of the supersoldier.
“Fantastic, really,” you say with a quick roll of your eyes.
Steve gives you a warm chuckle in return as you move down the ramp with him, allowing the couple to have their moment together in peace. He already has his shield on his harness, his helmet remains in his hands.
Tony and Bruce are waiting nearby, but Steve tugs on your wrist - keeping you from joining them.
“Yeah, I’ve got Rhodes on standby, and JARVIS is working through schematics, you know how he is - ”
Glancing down at your own shield for a moment, you stare out at the rolling farm fields. Cattle graze in the clover down the way from the jet - a few of them eyeing the machine with suspicion. But so far, it’s only the team and the pasture-grazing animals around.
“I’ll take Bruce,” you decide, finally meeting the still bluish-grey eyes of your companion. “He’s having… doubts, about the team and his place on it. Someone needs to keep an eye on him.”
Steve nods, “Best person for the job.”
“And you’ll take Natasha. You’ve done well together in the past anyway,” you smile.
A warm laugh greets your ears, “And hopefully we meet up somewhere in between, right?”
From behind you, the footsteps of the remaining two make their presence known down the metal ramp. Your time was nearly up.
“That’s the plan, Rogers,” you state, moving your shield to rest on your own back harness. 
“Stay safe, okay?”
You smack his shoulder gently with your free hand.
“You too. I better see you back in one piece at the end of this,” you gesture at his upper torso with a wave of your hand.
Steve laughs, gaining a few interesting looks from the rest of the team who all find something far more interesting to look at when he turns to face them.
When his gaze lands back on your face, there’s a warmth there in his eyes that you’ve noticed has become a new normal for him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he says at last, giving your hand a final squeeze.
Wrapping your fingers around his wrist, you return the gesture. You can feel the rapid beating of his heart through his veins.
You had to make it out of here alive, all of you. There were no other options.
“Hey, not to interrupt,” Tony interrupts. “But I don’t think our friend is going to want to wait around much longer to enact his evil schemes.”
With a shaking head and a small chuckle, you regretfully pull away from the blonde and move toward the rest of the team.
“Okay,” Steve says, just a step behind you. “We know our teams, we know our mission.”
“Let’s go smash some robot ass,” Clint snarks.
Steve merely tilts his head to the side and shrugs as if to say fair enough.
You spare him a final look as you and Bruce head off toward the Western portion of the city - the business district. While Stark and Barton start trekking it toward the northernmost part of the city, Steve’s eyes follow you for just a few moments more before he reluctantly heads east with Natasha.
You recognized this place.
Not the city itself, but the remnants of a once bustling populace. A place that was consumed by war. Torn limb from limb by external and sometimes internal forces. No, it was a sight you had seen too often in your time on this world.
The faces of the people in Sokovia could so easily be replaced with those from Warsaw, Delhi, or Rome. You recognized that haunted, terrified look. You knew what was coming. You just weren’t sure if you could stop it in time.
Looking over at your companion, you can see the twitchiness of his eyes as he takes in the vast number of fleeing civilians. Oh, the thoughts that must be going through his head right now.
“I’ve got you, you know,” you say as you jog down the cobblestone streets.
Bruce glances over at you, an untrusting look in his eyes.
“This isn’t going to be like Johannesburg, Bruce. Any mutant that comes near is going to have to get through me first. We’re going to keep these people safe and we’re going to do our best to keep this city from falling.”
“Lot of promises,” he says.
Offering him a shrug, you suggest, “We can pinky promise it if that’ll help ease your mind.”
Up ahead, the yells of several civilians grab your attention. Halting in your tracks, the two of you stare at the massive traffic jam on the bridge ahead of you.
Bruce rolls his shoulders back, “Let’s get to work.”
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They’re deep within the part of the city known as Old Town. Rushing down the streets and between navigating the tightly-wound roads Natasha has allotted the time to properly pester him as they go.
“Wow. You know, I honestly thought we were going to get a love confession back there.”
Steve eyes her out of his peripheral, “You know what, Romanoff…”
“Hey,” she shrugs, pointing at the next street with her chin. “Maybe next time, right?”
“Let’s just hope there is a next time,” he admits, eyes wide as he glances around at the otherwise empty street.
“This, this can’t be right,” Natasha says at a barren intersection.
“Yeah, Hill’s good, but not this good. You can’t move 50,000 people that fast.”
Heading north, through the tight alleys and sidestreets, the city begins to bleed through with the memories of wartorn Europe, circa 1945. While it was clear that day-to-day life was continuing for the residents, stark reminders lay around every corner. Shattered windows and partially destroyed buildings resided next to market stores and laundromats.
Even here in what looks like a busy section of the city, they can’t find a single person. The lights are still on in the shops and restaurants, a car is idling on the street. But there is no driver, no waitstaff, not a single customer.
Just a handful of birds pecking at some overturned garbage along the alleyway. 
“Something’s not right.”
Natasha nods, “Any word on Wilson yet?”
“Said he was en route, any time now.”
“We need eyes in the sky. Actually, Stark?”
While Nat tries to get a hold of Tony, Steve continues to jog down the street, hoping to find just one person. But still, the city is silent. There’s an eeriness about it, one that the supersoldier remembers all too well from his days of walking through smoldering French villages.
He can still recall the sight of black smoke rising in the sky, and the smell of burnt wood mixed with decaying bodies. It was never a memory he liked to see pulled back up to the surface, but today, as he wanders through the town, that troubling thought plays like a sickening record in his mind.
And then he spots it.
An elderly woman, moving at a slow pace, walking towards the western portion of town.
Not waiting for Natasha, Steve barrels forward.
“Ma’am, we need to get you out of here.”
But the woman doesn’t even look up to acknowledge him. Right, a language barrier, of course. However, when Steve moves in front of her, he sees a troubling sheen of red mist over the woman’s bleary eyes. She pushes right past him as if… in a trance.
“NAT!” he calls out, waving his arm.
They’re unable to redirect the woman, so… they end up following the only person left in this part of town. Natasha clicks her tongue when they enter the center of the city. Steve follows her gaze up toward the imposing steeple of an ornate cathedral, just a few yards away from them.
“So… what are you thinking?” he asks in an almost whisper as they continue to trail the woman.
“Either they’re locking them in for Ultron to deal with, or they’re trying to actually help.”
His features scrunch in confusion, “By putting civilians in the dead center of town?”
“They’re kids, Rogers. Not soldiers.”
Before they can get any closer, Steve’s knocked backward - landing next to the streetlight, opposite the cathedral.
A white-haired teen appears in front of them, tilting his head to the side as he stares down at the supersoldier with a wild sort of look in his eyes.
“Ah, ah, ah,” the boy chides, waving his finger back and forth.
“We need to get these people to safety,” Steve urges, pushing himself up from the curb.
“They are already safe. What use are you to them? Hmm? Mr. America.”
A bullet comes whizzing past, but the boy merely plucks it out of the air like it was fully stationary. He tosses it from one hand to the other as Steve stands back up. His eyes quickly scan the street front, looking for the other one, the girl. Natasha’s already backed a few paces away, likely doing the same.
So, he plays the distraction card. Get him to talk.
“They’re not safe here. They need to get out of the city.”
The boy drops the bullet just to look up at Steve with a curious expression.
“You really don’t get it, do you? Nobody is safe now. No one. In there,” he gestures back at the church. “They are safe. Out here - running for their lives? Not so much.”
The boy pushes past him at lightning speed, nearly knocking Steve off-center again. Frustration growing, he grabs his shield and sends it flying at the kid. But the boy merely zips out of existence, running around him at such a speed that the dust and debris of the street whip around the supersoldier like a temporary sandstorm.
Holding a hand to his eyes, Steve yells out, “Knock it off!”
When he finally regains sight of the boy, he is lounging on top of the hood of an abandoned car. 
“Go ahead, see how far you get with them.”
Natasha, ever the observant one, sets her calculating gaze upon the mutant.
“You stopped helping Ultron. Why?”
He looks away, suddenly silent.
“Not all he was chucked up to be, is that it?” she goads.
But the harder he looks at the boy, he realizes just that: it’s a boy. Probably no more than sixteen. A kid who spent the majority of his life behind bars, at the mercy of Strucker and HYDRA, and god knows what else. The first sign of help in the form of Ultron had to have been like a lifeline for him and the other mutant.
And he could have turned tail, made for the hills, and never looked back once he was free of them. But here he was.
He takes a step forward, wedging himself between Nat and the kid.
“Why are they safer in there than outside of the city limits?”
The boy blinks up at Steve, pushing back a strand of his curling white hair.
“Do you really think that thing is only going to attack this place? His reach will surpass anything you can even imagine. In there… they have her to protect them.”
Steve looks toward the cathedral. Then he peers over at the boy once again.
“You managed to save a handful of the people here. Where are the others?”
That’s when he slides off the hood of the vehicle, dropping down in front of Steve and Natasha. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and breathes out an unsteady breath.
“What others? There is no one else.”
Natasha blinks, “This city has a population of over 53,000 people.”
He laughs, “Had. It had a larger populace, yes. Until he showed up and you showed up and a war happened. People, they go missing. Where to?” He shrugs, “Who cares, right? I know it is no Johannesburg or New York, but people died here too, you know. But hey, what do I know, right? Want my advice, pack up your guns and your shields and run.”
“Okay,” Nat placates, grabbing hold of the kid’s shoulder and tugging him close before he can try to pull away. “You need to tell your little friend to send these people out of here so that they might stand a chance of not having an Ultron-sized bomb dropped on them.”
The boy yanks away, looking disgusted that the assassin's hand even touched him.
“We have it under control.”
Steve, once again, pushes his way in between her and the boy.
“I believe you do.”
The kid’s eyes look up at him with something almost like pride radiating in his irises.
“And… I think you could help us make sure no one else gets hurt. I can’t believe that all of these buildings have been cleared of people. You’re the fastest person I have ever seen. I’m sure you could blaze through this city in only a minute’s time to confirm that fact.”
He blinks up at Steve with a boyish grin, “You are trying very hard to flatter me. Luckily, I’m easily flattered.”
His eyes lift from the boy to see the female mutant making her way across the street toward the three of them. She’s a foot shorter than the boy, with stringy auburn hair and crimson eyes.
Steve unconsciously wants to recoil the moment he sees her. That invisible wound was still pretty fresh.
“Do not bother,” she instructs, tugging the boy back by his wrist. She looks up at Steve, her gaze unnerving in its intensity. “There is no one else.”
“How can you be sure?” Nat questions.
She turns her head slowly toward the assassin, drawing her words out slowly, “Anyone left in this city, who heard my voice in their head, came. There is no one left.”
“They should still be evacuated. They will be safer outside of the city’s limits.”
“How can you be sure?” she questions, blinking up at Steve.
He looks around at the abandoned streets, at the crumbling buildings, and prevailing silence.
“Because we’re going to keep the fight here. We’re going to keep Ultron from getting any further than this place. And we could honestly use any help we can get.”
The girl tilts her head as she continues to stare at him. 
“Why should we care?” the boy asks after a beat, eyes glancing between the supersolider and the Widow.
Before Steve can answer, Nat moves forward, fixing them both with a steady look.
“Why would you, right? You have your freedom now, what should you care if this place burns to the ground, yeah? I mean, you guys were under lock and key for how many years, why should you care about this place - these people? Did they ever help you?”
As much as he wants to interrupt, he knows she’s getting to a point. So, Steve forcibly closes his lips into a thin line, gaze held on the girl’s glowing red hands.
“You got your revenge,” she turns her eyes on the girl. “We saw the pictures. Go ahead, wipe your hands free of this mess, and get out of town. No one would even know.”
With a hint of a smirk, Nat rubs at her left wrist before she forces her emerald eyes back up.
“But I think you know better than that. You know what you could do, even if they never repay you. Never say a simple thank you. The two of you, you’ve got gifts. Be a shame to see them go to waste.”
After an uneasy moment, the girl looks over at the boy. He offers her only a half-hearted shrug. The decision apparently made, she replies:
“I do not fight for you, or with you. We fight for our people.”
Steve nods in return, “That’s reason enough.”
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As you redirect the flow of traffic, all you can think is the comms are awfully silent. Hopefully, that was a good sign. Sometimes in situations like this, silence could be a good thing. Cronus, you hoped it was a good thing.
“We’re clear over here,” Bruce waves to you from across the street.
Maria had already gotten the local authorities involved long before you crossed the Atlantic. The evacuation had been ongoing for the past hour, luckily with the majority of the city’s residents moving into a designated safe location a few kilometers in either direction of the city.
“Okay, we’re done on our end,” Tony’s voice chimes over the comm. “Heading your way, 007. It’s showtime.”
With a nod toward the police officer you had been working beside, you jog over to Banner. 
“Guess that means we’re on now, yeah?” he questions, a worrying tone in his voice as you both turn to see the glimmering red and gold suit making its way toward your location.
Giving his arm a hopefully reassuring squeeze, you remind him, “I’ve got you, Banner.”
Though the doctor doesn’t seem entirely settled by your words, the three of you make your way to the fortress, now a crumbling ruin from your mission there over a week ago.
“This should be fine, right?” Tony asks. His visor is flipped up as the two of you squeeze through the broken stone walls - his arc reactor giving you a guiding light through the darkened corridors.
“Ultron, you mean?”
“Uh, no. Big green and angry back there. Last time we went toe to toe, well, you know.”
“Oh,” you comment, glancing back at Bruce, who remains a good few feet behind the two of you - stumbling over loose debris. “I’m sure, all things considered, he’ll be the least of your worries here in a minute.”
Passing by a familiar room, you pause. Tony barrels forward without even noticing you. Bruce, on the other hand, stops.
“What is it?” he murmurs, eyes wide as he takes in the destroyed command center.
“Hill said Strucker was killed in the mutants’ holding cells. I want to check it out really quick.”
Though he doesn't seem to like the idea of you splitting away from the group, Bruce trails after Tony while you break off to go and investigate the holding cells. Your curiosity gets the better of you as you enter the room you had been standing in just days before.
It looks exactly the same, except for the corpse of a man lying in the center of the boy’s cell. With the gate broken off its hinges, you merely step into the barred area. Dropping down into a crouch, you examine the body of Wolfgang Strucker.
His eyeglass is still in place, the glass intact. It’s his terrified eyes that interest you, still held wide - like he was witnessing the truest kind of horrors imaginable. His mouth remains agape as if mid-scream. But there are no obvious signs of trauma, no pools of blood. Just the husk of a man.
Your immediate inclination was that this was not the result of Ultron himself.
But as you move to leave, something odd catches your eye.
Just near the collar of his turtleneck, was that…
Reaching a finger out, you pull back the silicone material of a mask. Easing it off of the corpse, a man you don’t immediately recognize greets you. Or rather, the very decomposed remnants of a man.
Holding a hand to your nose, you lurch back.
This was not Baron Strucker. It never had been.
“Double-O! We’re going to need you to stop lollygagging.”
Sparring the body one final look - you would need to send someone in to detail this if you were able to deal with the threat of the day - you hurry back to the others.
Into the belly of the castle you go, where the echo of your footsteps is the only sound. Just over a week ago, this place was lit up like the fourth of July, with drones and HYDRA scientists running rampant. Even now you can see the remnants of the battle. The scorch marks of flickering lightning across the walls, the blasts of repulsors, and the chunks of stone damaged by gunfire.
The dungeons under the main labs are massive and labyrinthesque. You had only glimpsed the looming Leviathan hanging from the ceiling of the central lab, but that had been enough to turn even your stomach.
Humans were not equipped to deal with the likes of the Tesseract or the scepter. Whatever visions of hell that Strucker had intended to unleash upon the world were far worse than any attacking alien forces. Perhaps only the hulking drone standing before you could compare.
Ultron waits in silence in the middle of the room.
He is a towering figure; standing at least eight feet tall if you had to hazard a guess. Appearing nothing like the object Tony had once created, as sleek metal now covers his mechanical form. His glowing red eyes only blink open when the sound of Tony’s heavy suit makes contact with the concrete floor.
He blinks.
“Uh… have you been juicing? Little vibranium cocktail? You’re looking… I don’t want to say puffy - ”
The robot tilts his head, staring with his glowing optical receptors at his inadvertent creator. You take your chance and begin slinking along the far wall, away from Ultron’s line of sight. If anyone could play the role of a perfect distraction, it would be the billionaire with a habit of running his mouth. You needed to locate the cradle.
“You are stalling to protect the people.”
“Well,” Tony starts. “That is the mission. Or did you forget?”
“I am the global peacekeeper. I protect humanity from itself. From the threat of the Avengers,” comes the cold reply of automation. “You will lead to humanity’s downfall. You will be to blame if I allow you to continue existing,” he monologues to Tony.
Before you’re able to slip behind a set of shelves, a ghostly hand phases through the wall - snatching hold of your shoulder. 
You turn to see a new contender - with a face as red as a pomegranate and a body of emerald green, hovering directly in front of you. That human-like hand reaches up and grips your throat as he lifts you off the ground. With his other hand, he pulls the Aegis from your grasp - throwing it across the lab where it lands in a giant clatter of materials.
“Put her down,” Tony calls out in warning.
The man squeezes your neck even harder, your airway tightening as you begin to pull at his hands, kicking your feet into his impenetrably hard torso. Like breathing through a straw, you force your breaths as you concentrate your energy on his deathlike grip.
“My Master says there are no gods in a peaceful world,” he intones, staring down at you with calculating eyes.
Gasping breaths escape through your nose as your face begins to puff. You almost have a single finger pulled free when his hand phases through your neck. Sinching itself around your pumping veins, he pinches the artery to the point of annihilation, when you’re both tossed several feet away - rolling over shelves and piles of metal junk and each other as the Hulk slams his fists into the man’s face.
“NO TOUCHING,” he roars.
You desperately pull in helpless retching breaths as the green monstrosity pummels the creature down into the floor.
“Hey, on your feet. Come on,” Tony urges as he swoops over to your side, pulling you up by the arm.
As you stare at the man, you summon your shield and spear back to your side. Ultron remains unmoving in the center of the room, red optical eyes watching the fight with a sort of fascination.
“I’m going to tear his head from his neck,” you promise as your eyes begin to turn shimmering gold.
Tony slaps you on the back just as the man blasts the Hulk up and over a stretch of workbenches.
“That a girl.”
And then he’s soaring across the room to slam his feet directly into the man’s face. You’re after him just a beat later, ready to plunge the head of your dory through his heart.
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“Things are looking clear up above,” Sam’s voice rings in his ears. “Got Redwing on the lookout for stragglers.”
Steve watches as the teen directs her wandering hoard of helpless civilians toward the city limits. He was still uneasy around her, ever since their encounter in Johannesburg. But that wasn’t his concern for today, he had to push it from his mind.
“Things are going to get nasty really quick here,” Nat warns, a hand to her comm piece.
The supersolider stares down at her, “What is it?”
“Reports of metal men swarming the police station.”
With a grunting nod, Steve slides his arm through the shield’s handles. They knew this was coming. Ultron wouldn’t keep his forces at bay forever. 
Steve watches as the last of the civilians are pushed forward by the girl’s powers. Eventually, the red mist fades away. Some turn back with a terrified look on their face, others let out a scream, but the majority start running down the country road - eager to get as far away from here - from them - as possible.
“Now what?” the girl asks, turning to stare at the supersoldier with those disconcerting red eyes of hers.
As if on cue, a low groaning roar arches its way across the sky. And Steve's almost anticipating another Leviathan to be soaring toward them. But what he sees, instead, is even more chilling. 
A serpent-like formation of drones skyrockets across the tops of the buildings, with their sights set directly on them.
“Get these people out of here!” he calls out to the boy, who spares one look at the incoming attack before he disappears in a flash of electric white light.
Clint positions himself in front of the girl, an arrow already notched. With his shield up and ready, they're bombarded by the sound of a hundred or more robots rushing through their ears like an oncoming freight train, a deafening sound as bullets and lasers and metal on metal hails down upon them.
With all of his might, Steve pushes his shield up - trying to protect his own head as the drones ram themselves into him, swarming them, drowning them.
Natasha’s rocked backward, with Clint screaming her name as she disappears under the sea of metal. The robots move so quickly past them, that Steve soon loses sight of everything - a world of haunting silver his only view. The weight of them all, pressing down upon him, forces the air from his lungs, crushing him.
His ribs are cracking under the sheer weight of the sentry forces as they claw at him like the hoards of hell trying to break free. They pierce his skin with their hands, sharp vibranium armor makes sickly metallic blood pour from his temple.
He yells out, but even that sound can’t be heard past the groans of mechanical gears and the creaking of metal joints. The shield, once a protection, now digs into his sides, causing the sharp vibranium to cut through his uniform; piercing his skin. Blood rushes from the open wounds and he can feel tears pricking at his eyes as the full weight of an immovable force flattens him out.
He’s fighting it, pushing back with all of his might, but it’s not enough. He can’t stop them, he’s going to be crushed to death.
And then a piercing shriek comes from his own lips as his entire body is set aflame - white hot currents rushing through his limbs, electrocuting him, blinding him. He witnesses a universe in motion, a world ablaze, before its sudden destruction in a flash of overpowering light.
With the sudden tons of weight removed from him, Steve rolls over onto his knees and coughs up broken gasps. His shattered ribs pull against his muscles, scraping the sensitive flesh. It’s fine. He can walk it off.
At first, he can’t hear it, but then his temporary deafness fades as his eyes blink and he can see Thor, in all of his godly glory standing in the center of a destructive ring.
“Are you alright, Captain?” he asks, holding out a hand for Steve to hold.
They hadn’t even stood a chance against the sentry forces. Pushed over like a line of dominoes.
“Been better,” he admits, his knees groaning as a sharp pain ripples through his body. But he forces himself to stand, gripping the leather bands of the shield’s inner straps.
Walk it off.
His eyes trail over the twitching figures laid out like waste on the street around them. Currents of electricity glitch across open circuits, with body parts situated in unnatural positions. Amongst the destruction, he spots Clint helping Natasha up - both of them looking far worse for wear.
And then a scream, a gut-wrenching sound, echoes across the empty fields as the young mutant stumbles back into a pile of drones.
“Easy, easy,” the white-haired one is saying, holding placating hands in front of her face.
But she’s kicking backward, still crying out in terror. 
Sharing a confused look with the God of Thunder, Steve gathers his strength and moves over toward the pair. He kneels down in front of her, holding her arms in his hands. She tries to pull away, twisting her face to look anywhere but in front of her.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. You’re okay,” he tries to say in a calming tone. She was a kid, she should never have been here to begin with.
But she merely whimpers, and holds a shaking finger pointed out in front of her.
Steve’s eyes trail down her arm, following the direction of her hand.
“Is that…?” Clint starts to question.
But the supersoldier immediately curls himself up in front of the girl, blocking the view from her line of sight. Nodding toward the boy, whose gaze is also locked on it, he orders:
“Get her out of here.”
When the boy doesn’t move, Clint forcibly grabs the kid by the arm and yanks him in the direction of the girl, “NOW.”
His mouth is gaping open and closed, wild steely eyes cast across the other drones, but he manages to swoop down and gather her into his arm - whispering something in her ear - before he zips away.
With them out of sight, Steve finally stands back up and looks back at the horrific sight.
Thor lingers beside him, gazing down at it with a pinched brow.
Natasha joins them, her calculating eyes latching onto the remnants of mechanical engineering.
“We got it wrong,” she mutters.
Steve turns his eyes away from it at last.
Unable to look into the dull eyes of the human head for a moment longer. 
Lodged between a metal helmet, sits the sagging skin of a woman - now cut to ribbons, but without a drop of blood to spare - staring up at them. The ghastly image of a corpse stuck between silver armor.
“We did,” he admits softly. Looking toward the sky, where Sam is now engaged with a handful of drones.
Ultron didn’t want to evolve himself.
He wanted to evolve the human race. Into his image.
Weed out the imperfections that made humanity what it was. Create a perfectly peaceful world order.
“Uh, Steve,” Clint calls out.
When he looks back, he’s perplexed to see the glimmering bits of tiny silver fading away to reveal the destroyed remains of human bodies. The armor disappears, leaving the lumps of once-living flesh as a stark reminder of their failure on the barren street. Men, women. Fuck.
He spared no one.
Natasha turns away, pushing her hair back with a shaking hand.
“What do we do, Cap?”
All eyes turn toward him.
And Steve can honestly say, that at this moment, he has no idea.
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Nothing you throw at this man - this robotic abomination - seems to make any real difference, as every weapon and punch you try to land just phases through his body. Ghostly wisps of bending light wrap around your hand as you physically recoil from the sensation.
Even the Hulk, with all of his rage and power, is no match for this being, a child of Ultron, the true reason for the cradle.
As you’re slammed into the ground, for the sixth time in the span of minutes, the red-faced creature peers down at you with slow-blinking, calculating eyes.
“Stay down,” he orders with a curt nod before he uses that strange glowing gem in his forehead to create a direct laser beam toward Tony.
“Fat chance,” you mutter, kicking your right leg directly up into his groin.
It does nothing to him, as all of your attacks so far have.
As you twist up and off the floor of the decimated lab, you catch sight of Ultron with his back turned to all of you - staring at some rather disturbing schematics on a screen in front of him.
Red dots, forming waves from the sheer vastness of them all, begin blinking on the computer - all surrounding a section of the city to the east of your location.
At once, battle plans and ancient strategies rush through your mind as you try to evaluate your opponent to circumvent his next play.
He created a creature to do his bidding because he had more important things to do. Like monitoring a screen where an unimaginable number of his forces are currently heading toward a large populace. And he didn’t seem particularly interested in the three of you now, as if you were merely fodder for his creation. But the screen held his attention. That could only mean…
“Stark!” You call out, mind spinning from the quickness of your assessment.
The iron face turns to stare at you from up above. He had just been about to enact his countermeasure with the Hulk set to distract the robotic being.
“Better be good,” he clips, gazing back at the two creatures - one losing his collective shit as he throws metal workbenches and desktops at the other, who remains slow-moving and unbothered as items continue to phase through his body.
Choosing your words carefully, you simply say, “Napoleon.”
Tony fully turns to look at you, the phasers in his hand dying down to non-combative lights.
“Battle of Ulm,” you add, eyeing the 8-foot-tall monster several feet away from you both. 
Distract the front of the army while you flank the rear - circling them, tearing them to shreds - before the generals even know what’s going on.
You can almost see the literal shuddering breath he takes as the realization weighs down upon him. And then his head rightens back up and he soars over to you, offering a hand.
“Hold on tight, we’re about to have some heavy turbulence.”
With a grimace, you wrap your fingers tightly around his metal armor plating and hang on for dear life as Tony zooms straight upwards - breaking through the stone ceiling. Guarding your face with your arm as rubble descends upon you, he pushes upward - through another two floors - before you finally break free. Cool gray sky greets you as you both look to see the city several kilometers away.
Smoldering black smoke tarnishes the clouds as the sound of screams and gunfire rings out.
You glance down at your dangling legs as you twist your wrist just a little more to the right to keep a steady hold on the only thing keeping you from falling. From the inside of the helmet, you can hear Tony’s sneer. Without a word of warning, he flies toward the city at breakneck speeds - your body like a ragdoll in the wind as you’re dragged along for the ride.
Over the crumbling buildings, he takes you. From your vantage point, you can see the destruction in real time as structures are blown to bits by encroaching drones in shiny silver armor; a high upgrade from the original Iron Legion. People, still left in the city, are fleeing for their lives - screams ring out, terror clear as day.
“Where the hell are they?” He grumbles, scanning the area.
To the east, you see arcs of blue-white lightning - you can smell the electric energy in the air.
“There!” you call out.
In a snap, you’re hurdling to the right. You have to throw up another hand just to maintain your grip on his forearm as the wind whips against you.
As you crest the line of Soviet-style apartment buildings, you witness the horror that is the team’s current situation.
Encircled by a vast and growing number of drones - like a tidal wave - they’re tightly packed, back-to-back. Thor’s the heavy hitter, lightning sending the bots back and short-circuiting their systems. Sam’s got Redwing taking shots for him as he does his best to block Natasha and Clint with his wings, but it's close quarters. And Steve -
“Whoa!” Tony calls out as you release your grip - dropping several stories down into the center of the chaos.
When you land, your feet break through the asphalt. Almost immediately, you send out your shield with such a mighty force that it cleanly severs the heads on the first two circles of drones.
“Holy shit,” Clint remarks as he switches out one of his more techy arrows for his explosive ones.
Steve catches your eye for just a second, blood is pouring down above his left temple.
“Sorry we’re late,” you shout over the sound of mechanical horror as your shield comes back to your hand - slicing through another dozen or so robots in the process.
“There’s too many of them!” he yells back as he does the same.
You couldn’t agree more, as he’s forced back into you, stepping on your foot as you nearly stumble over Clint’s knee and the edge of Sam’s wings.
Thinking quickly on your feet, you call out, “THOR! Fly out! Take the higher vantage point and turn them to ash!”
The God of Thunder doesn’t need to be told twice, as he whips his hammer up and tries to break free of the climbing waves of metallic drones.
His absence causes their forces to squeeze you in tighter, and only then, do you notice the bodies that litter the ground. But they have been long since deceased. When Steve knocks his shield into the juncture of one of the bot’s necks, you finally realize just what has happened since Ultron escaped the tower.
You turn your face away as a lifeless head rolls up and over Steve’s shield before landing at your feet. The dull eyes of a man stare up at you with sagging lips and hollowed grey cheeks.
Steve bangs his elbow into your sternum just as Sam’s wings clip your right shoulder. The outer rings of the drone attack are beginning to fall, thanks to Thor’s lightning, but it’s not enough. Not nearly fast enough.
And then you hear it. You all hear it.
The spine-chilling roar of the Hulk as buildings begin to crumble. You can feel the pounding of his feet in your chest as he jumps across the city, and the slamming of his hands as he crushes everything in sight.
But before he can reach you -
“Shit,” you mutter as the red and green being appears above you all, tilting his head to the side as he watches the five of you get squeezed together more and more tightly.
“Who the hell is that?” Nat manages to question as she throws out her Widow Bites one more time.
“Child of Ultron, courtesy of the cradle,” you manage to say in between a robotic hand going for your neck and another trying to pull you down into the pits of dead bodies at your feet.
“We were too late,” Steve says, wild eyes latching on to you as he quickly yanks you back up - elbowing the bot who had tried to strangle you.
“Pattern of the week, yeah.”
The being, with his disturbing eyes, stares down at you directly, before his gaze drifts over to the green monster hot on his trail.
“Hey, you got a plan or something?” Sam hollers above the clambering waves of robots, hellbent on killing you all.
“WORKING ON IT!” you yell back, ducking down as a drone comes tumbling over you. You manage to sucker punch the creature in the torso - your fingers tear apart the metallic armor - but it slips through your fingers like pieces of firm paper, like… nanobots.
Oh, that made so much more sense.
Ultron had swept through Tony’s files, all of Tony’s files. Even his experimental ones. With the scepter and the cradle in hand, he had created the things that Stark could only dream of.
As the human woman crumbles before you, her lifeless body crashing to the ground with no amount of fanfare, you turn toward Steve.
“I need a boost.”
He’s in the middle of defending himself, but after landing a punch, he quickly spins around and drops his shield onto his knee.
“Come back for us, yeah?” he asks as you steady yourself on top of it - a hand held out to balance your weight on the domed surface.
Looking down into his weary blue eyes, you nod, blood pumping through your head like cannonfire, “Always.”
“Odinson!” you yell out. “Incoming!”
And then you’re being thrown upward, careening through the air, as you twist your body around - holding out a hand. It takes a second too long, but Thor comes soaring past, his large fingers wrapping around your wrist as you’re yanked in the opposite direction.
From down below, you could barely see the others up above you with the massive wall of never-ending drones. But now, now you can see everything.
“Where’s Stark?” you yell above the madness as your feet make contact with the roof of a neighboring building.
“There!” Thor roars, hammer pointed at a Leviathan-looking swarm of drones high above the city where Tony and War Machine are now battling in tandem.
“We need to break their connection with Ultron. Like the Chituri all over again. Kill the queen, you kill the colony.”
“That simple?” he questions.
Unsure of your own logic at this moment, you answer, “It has to be. Or we’re truly fucked.”
A smirk teases at his lips, “Such language from such a fair lady.”
“Save it,” you push at his forearm. “Now, you need to break through that wall or we’re going to lose a third of our team in the next minute. I don’t care how; just do it.”
Giving you a nod and a quirked eyebrow, Thor drops down to the street below, throwing his hammer out at the nearest line of drones.
Jumping onto the comms, you say, “Stark, I need you to start working some science for me.”
“Little busy,” comes the grunted reply. You can see him weaving through a spiraling formation of drones from where you're standing.
“We need to sever their connection to Ultron. They're spreading, like a disease - ”
“A virus might be more accurate here - ”
“Tony,” Rhodes warns.
“It's nanobot tech, in case you haven't noticed. Housing humans inside of it like a chrysalis. That’s his motive. People in his literal image.”
“And a God-like superiority complex, fantastic.”
“Will you stop gabbing and fucki- ”
“Give me ten, Double-O. I'm already on it.”
“Okay,” you mutter, watching from above as several battles take place at once. The team on the ground, Tony and Rhodes to the northwest, Hulk and the creature -
“HULK!” You begin waving your frantic hands at him, hoping to Cronus that just this once, he would not smash.
You see the flicker of rage in his eyes as he pauses mid-punch, his gaze turned toward you.
“FORGET HIM,” you call out, pointing your finger at your entrapped teammates down below, “THEY NEED YOU MORE.”
“BUT… SMASH,” he complains, holding out a hand in reference to the strange being floating a few feet away from him.
“NOW,” you command.
And, Cronus, wasn’t it terrifying to know the power you held over him because the Hulk lets out a chest-banging roar before he pushes through the creature to drop down as you ordered him to do. In an instance, robots are being thrown left and right and a path is being slowly cleared toward your team.
“Okay,” you call out. “Have at it, big guy.”
The being floats over to you at a slow speed; but a menacing speed.
You can feel the steady weight of the pendant hanging close to your chest and you send a quick prayer up to the heavens that it will be enough to keep you from dying on the field of battle today.
Gripping your shortsword in one hand and the Aegis in the other, you prepare yourself as the yellow gem in his head begins to glow.
But the being just drops down on the rooftop beside you. Though his eyes do not stay on you, they instead scan the waste of battle.
In the disturbing drone of silence, you slowly lower your weapons, though your grip remains strong upon them.
“Why?” he questions.
You take a step toward him, near the edge of the rooftop.
“Why what, exactly?”
He then turns to look down at you, a million thoughts run across his eyes as he scans you.
“Why do you fight?”
Was this some kind of game to him? You had dealt with the lay of combatants in your time. The boisterous ones, the rage-filled ones, the ones sent forward with a sense of duty and honor upon them, the ones who thought they were a more superior intellect than anyone else in the room.
You knew their weaknesses, you knew how to defeat all of them. But to be locked in a game of chess while a literal war is happening around you was another thing entirely.
“To protect the defenseless,” you answer plainly.
The man hums in thought, his eyes turning toward the scene down below of Steve and Sam slashing through another endless wave of robots. Their arc was towering now, nearly to the third floor of the neighboring buildings. One push and the team would be engulfed. You couldn’t stand around playing games.
A drone in flight comes surging at you, but you bash him with your shield - sending it over the edge. Then you're turning to protect your own six as another and a third come to tear you to pieces. Their armor fades, leaving two more bodies scattered around you.
But something rather strange happens.
Because it looks like he wants to ask you another trivial question when he is, quite suddenly, pushed off balance - up and over the edge of the roof.
You stare at the white-haired boy and his heaving chest. He’s watching the fall of the creature, and so he doesn’t quite see the moment you go to plunge your sword into him.
But your hand is encased in glowing red light and you are powerless to move it. 
The sword clatters to the ground as your wide eyes slowly catch sight of the dark enchantress who has entrapped you.
“Do not touch my brother,” she warns, twisting her hand slightly.
“Yes, good catching up. But world is burning. Let's go, yes?”
You can feel the bones in your left-hand creaking, grinding together.
“Wanda,” the boy groans, shaking his head as he walks toward her.
“She tried to stab you,” she intones with a biting voice.
“Look at her,” he gestures vaguely at you. “Like a goddess out of the history books, yes? Like… Zorya. To fight is to exist for her.”
You can’t help but let out a breathless chuckle.
The young witch is in front of you in an instant, though you never saw her walk the distance toward you. She peers up at you with crimson-rimmed eyes.
“What is amusing?”
“I know Zorya,” you crack a smile. “We frequently drank together in the late 18th century.”
A groan escapes your lips as you’re brought to your knees, and your head is pushed back to showcase the bare run of your neck to her. You can taste ash in your throat. Heavy soot and trickles of metallic blood. Was this what it was like to face death? At the hands of a child with powers beyond her reckoning?
“Okay,” the boy settles, putting a hand on the girl's - his sister’s - wrist. He manages to lower it, but the glowing red mist of magic still remains. “We’re going to go ahead and start killing left and right now? Be a little more like them, yeah? That’s what you want? Fine, I’ll sit back and watch. Go ahead, plunge her neck in.”
She lets out a scream of frustration that is a physical shockwave - one that sends him reeling back onto his ass.
“I AM NOTHING LIKE THEM,” she bellows.
The magic surrounding your body fades to nothingness as she drops down to her knees.
“No, you are right. You are nothing like them.”
The three of you turn to see the creation floating just a foot off the ground.
The boy rushes in front of his sister to protect her.
You stand up, gripping your shield and sword once again.
“No, while I have not been here for quite long, I have noticed something… peculiar.”
He floats past you, hovering in front of the teens instead, though his gaze is not fixed on the boy at all.
“My Master,” he begins, briefly glancing over at you. 
The physical sensation left by the memory of his hand on your artery is like an echoing nightmare in your mind when his eyes meet your gaze. 
“He believes humanity, in itself, is a fault. But you…” his gaze returns to the girl. “You are odd. You do not fit the equation.”
“I am not an equation to be solved,” she bites out in her heavy accented voice, chin held high in defiance.
“My Master said you abandoned his cause. Why?”
The boy scoffs, “The psycho robot, you mean?”
“Pietro - ” comes her warning tone.
“No!” He snaps, slamming his hand down through the air. His grey eyes are ablaze with an invisible flame as his voice rises. “You saw into his head, sister. You saw the world at his feet. Humanity burned to ruins and his image remaining above all.”
You move to stand between them and the child of Ultron.
“You stood with him, though. You fought for him,” the robotic being attempts to compute.
The girl stands, pushing aside her brother with a gentle hand, “He promised us safety in his new world. He promised to show us the expanse of our powers. He promised us revenge on the man who killed our parents.”
He tilts his head, “And yet?”
She gives a broken laugh in return, “We were merely chess pieces for him to use and move as he pleased. No better than Strucker. No better than HYDRA. A man in a robot suit pretending he is better than all.” She shakes her head, anger growing, “No, I do not stand with him. I would like to see him burn.”
“He wishes to protect humanity from itself.”
Gaining his attention, you stand before him, a physical shield for the teens to stand behind, “He sees no difference between the good and the bad of humanity. He sees only defects in his perfect world. He can not calculate feelings or love. He is inherently flawed. Therefore, his logic is, in itself… flawed.”
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A roar of frustration, heaped on by physical exhaustion, wrenches itself from Steve’s throat as he uses the shield like an ax - trying to eliminate as many drones as possible. But it’s too many, it’s unsurmountable. Even with Thor. Even with the Hulk. They just keep regenerating, like a plague. They’re infecting each and every living person with their nano-virus and it’s spreading.
The bodies are piling up. He is standing atop a hill of carcasses and that thought alone will haunt him for the rest of his life - however short it may be. They all are, pushed higher and higher as they eviscerate as many sentries as they can. But their forces are like a tsunami; a never-ending wave.
“How’s that awesome science shit coming, Stark?” Barton hollers above the chaos, jamming the end of his electrical shock arrow into yet another drone’s cranium.
“Well if you could get Rogers’ girl to stop chatting it up with the murder teens and Ultron’s personal guard - ”
Steve’s eyes immediately land on the rooftop where a strange red and green being seems to be floating. He can make out the vague shape of you - your armor and shield.
But it’s the mention of the teens that draws a chill down his spine. Unavoidable, really. Even as he throws out punches and does his best to protect Nat and Clint from the exterior forces. No, it’s the fact that the girl was in a fragile state and she had set him sinking into his own worst nightmare. And now they were alone with you.
“You know, this would be a lot fucking easier if I didn’t have to battle a giant serpent amalgamation of murder bots right now. Then I could fucking focus on my - JESUS, watch it with those, Honey Bear. Last thing I need is to be smoked out of the sky by a fucking suped-up me.”
“Anytime now,” Natasha warns.
“Okay, well if I can use a backdoor into his system, I might - and might is a big word there - be able to send out a temporary inhibiting virus to these guys. But trying to keep them off my back and dealing with a wonky JARVIS is kind of easier said than done.”
As Steve sends a flying kick upward, rotating his body to avoid a surging bot, he lands on top of another one - sending his shield directly at their neck. He would have to think about the repercussions of severing a corpse later. When they weren’t actively trying to kill him.
“Anything would be better than this,” he calls out to Tony.
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The strange being stares at you for a long moment more, his head tilted in thought. When you hear the sound of Sam screaming with exertion, however, you decide that you’ve had enough negotiating.
“Right,” you turn to face the sibling pair. “If you want to make it out of here in one piece, I suggest you leave now. And while this has been an enlightening conversation into the realms of morality and right and wrong,” you look back over at the creation. “I have better things to be doing right now. My friends are in danger and I’m not going to stand here a second longer.”
He blinks, a thought coming to mind, but it appears that he’s unable to voice it.
With a nod, you grip the handle of the Aegis once more, feeling the heft of its weight in your hand as you twist your sword around for a better hold.
“Head west,” you say. “They’ll be too concentrated on us if you hurry. But that shouldn’t be a problem.”
Throwing a wink to the boy, Pietro, you move toward the edge of the rooftop once again. Surveying the scene down below, you plan your best move.
“Hey, wha - no. Pietro, we need to leave.”
You don’t need to turn around to see what’s happening, to understand what’s going on. Because a second later, the boy is at your side.
“I’m going to help.”
Offering him a fond smile, you nod, “I think we’d appreciate any help we can get at this point.”
But she’s up on her feet and trying to drag him away, back to her.
“You can’t. We would be better off just - ”
“Leaving?” He questions in a biting tone. “Maybe you can ignore this, but I can’t. I was standing here, thinking: what would Strucker do if he still had control? He would bow down to big and ugly, and send us to do his bidding like always. No care if we lived or died. No care if humanity was lost. But I - ” he points fervently at his own chest, demanding meaning. “I care. If I go and help - that’s my choice; my decision. So… I choose to help.”
Patting the boy on the shoulder, you say, “I’ll see you down there. Try not to do anything too heroic.”
With a nod, he’s off in a flash of dazzling bluish-white light. You turn to look at the girl then, with her wild eyes and dark curls, and young - so young - face.
“It’s your decision, Wanda. If we don’t do something now, this will spread to every corner of the planet. You saw it when you looked into Ultron’s head.”
The creation looks down at her and she back at him. With her terrified eyes, she watches you back away, up and over the edge of the roof, before you plummet several stories down.
Twisting around, you land facing the hordes who are too focused on subduing your teammates to immediately notice your presence among them. 
May the Promethean Flame protect you.
Throwing out your shield, you charge at the next line of drones, using your golden-hilted sword to slice through their necks - destroying the central processing connection between the armor and Ultron. It takes all of your strength as you scream out with the exertion of severing through pure vibranium.
To your right, a sudden disruption sends tens of bots soaring upward - knocked off their own feet - by a flash of white hair and a pleased grin. Beyond that, you can hear Hulk smashing his way through the crowd - using offline drones to crush the others like a sick sort of hammer.
A blur of blue and red goes sailing past you, destroying another wave of drones just behind you - coming up a side alley. A glimpse of blonde hair is all you need to keep moving. Jumping onto the back of one robot, you begin leap-frogging your way across the top of the wall of sentries.
From above, you can see the lay of the field. Where everyone is, if they’re in immediate danger. But Steve and Thor have been keeping things at bay down here in your absence. Sam is a guardian in his own sense, as his wings are actively protecting both Nat and Clint - the two members of the team without armor or superpowers to keep them safe.
Pietro comes zooming past again, making another wave of bots go flying up, just in time for Steve’s shield to slice through the row of them.
Jumping down from your unsteady position, you land back-to-back with the God of Thunder.
“Is this that plan you were discussing?” he calls out.
His body is a sturdy force against your back, as you slice and plunge every bot that comes within grappling distance.
“Nearly! Hey,” you begin to turn. “Do you remember, that one time, on Avalon - ”
He spins around, sending his hammer out in front of him. You duck to the right just in time to avoid a Mjolnir to the face.
“Is this the time for reminiscing old battles?” he questions.
“ - When you and your lot tried to attack The Dagda - ”
You can hear the rushing swoosh of his hammer as it returns to his hand, so you twist yourself around him to avoid collision yet again.
“Odin’s wishes, not mine!”
Grabbing Thor by the bracer, you spin him around to face you - ignoring the prevailing danger all around the two of you.
“When Cathubodua and I faced off with you. And you tried to throw you hammer against the Aegis and - ”
A smile pulls at his lips, and he’s immediately nodding. “Yes, of course!”
Bracing yourself, you bring your shield down - resting the edge of it upon your knee as Thor takes another step back. 
“Cronus, I hope this works,” you mutter as he pulls back.
Thor chuckles as the skies begin to cloud over with a heavy blanket of swirling gray. A vortex forms, lightning coming down directly into his hammer, and he’s smiling. Wild and free, blonde hair whipping backward as a gale-force wind descends upon you all. And as the hammer turns electric blue, static arcing waves of shocking energy, he brings it down upon the Aegis.
The resulting shockwave decimates everything around you as drones and people alike collapse from the sonic boom. His lightning infects every robot as you stand up and whip the shield out across the field of battle.
“DUCK!” is the only warning the rest of the team is given, as the electrified shield sails across the open market square, littered with debris and death. It cuts through an unmeasurable amount of drones, bringing them all to their knees.
At last, it makes its final attack as it lodges itself into a silver torso. Holding your hand up, it comes flying back to you with bits of armor sizzling away as it soars.
“Excellent,” Thor beams, leaning down to plant a fat kiss on the top of your head. “Very well done.”
You look up at him with a sort of breathless laugh in your chest, “Not done yet. Nowhere near done.”
“Bah,” he grunts, twisting Mjolnir in his grip as another battalion comes flying in. He goes charging past you just a moment later, right into the throes of battle.
Turning your attention toward the others, you make your way over the now-heaping piles of bodies, their nano-armor long since faded away. You’re almost crawling across the carnage, stumbling your way through broken limbs and soulless faces just to reach the rest of the team.
Steve’s heaving deep unsteady breaths by the time you get to him. He waves up a hand, just to spin around and chuck his shield into another bot.
“What, were you napping?” he asks, raking a hand through his sweat-drenched hair.
“Funny,” you say in return,  knocking your shield into his before turning to cover his six.
While your little stunt with Thor had been successful, the drones were a renewable force. As long as there were humans to inhabit, Ultron would have his army. Sokovia had held a populace of almost 50,000 when you arrived. Chronos only knows how many had been turned into these abominations.
“Not to ruin anyone’s fun,” comes Rhodes’ voice across the comms. “But we’ve got some escape artists up here.”
Both you and Steve look toward the gloomy skies where you can see a trail of drones soaring upward - disappearing over the fields in the east. Your concerned expression lands on the supersoldier’s.
“If these things get out of the containment zone, it’s going to be nearly impossible to gain control.”
He nods, glancing out at the rest of the team on the ground as a plan seems to form in his mind. While you cover his back, Steve jumps on the comms.
“Rhodes, Sam, Thor; we need you in the air. Those things can’t breach the border.”
From across the way, you can see Thor immediately shooting up into the air with Mjolnir held aloft. Sam takes a minute longer to get into position.
“On it, Cap.”
But then his silver and red wings are soaring upward and out of sight.
“Tony, you too,” you add a beat later.
“Actually,” he drones. “Change of plans. Heading your way now.”
Sparing Steve a wary look, you twist around and lodge your sword into yet another robot’s neck, just as Steve sends his shield bouncing off of three separate drones.
Tony lands heavily in between you, his armor crunching something too humanesque under his feet as he faces Steve.
“Sorry, just borrowing. I’ll have her home by eight, Cap,” he promises. 
And then his metal arm is around your waist and you’re being lifted upward before you can even say a single word. Looking down, you can see Steve watching you as you ascend before he’s back to dealing blows.
“What’s going on?” you call out over the whipping winds.
“New plan, dangerous plan. Barely thought out plan. But a plan. Maybe; in the works.”
You nod, staring at his unblinking optical lenses.
“What do you need me to do?”
His head turns to look in your direction and you swear you can almost hear the sound of his hidden smirk.
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Steve shoves himself into Clint, knocking his bow to the side.
“Uhh,” the archer stares at the figure just beyond the supersoldier’s shoulder. “Sorry, am I missing the part where we all sang Kumbaya and got together?”
Nat squeezes the man’s shoulder in warning.
The boy places his hands on his hips and stares over at the agent, a smirk on his lips.
“Don’t,” Steve states.
He lifts his chin at the kid, “Right, so… allies?”
The boy tilts his head.
Nat shrugs, “Something like that.”
Stabbing his arrow backward into the faceplate of another bot, Clint mutters, “Wonderful.”
But then everyone is back in motion and the temporary standstill is brought to an end as the boy goes zipping past Steve - shattered bots laid to waste in his wake. 
It had been minutes now since you and Tony disappeared. And even longer since they arrived - even Steve didn’t know how long they had been fighting for at this point. His body, though enhanced by the serum, was physically exhausted. He could feel himself waning as he pushed himself to his absolute limits. 
If even one of these bots left the square, he was putting the rest of the world at risk. And everyone knew he wouldn’t let that happen, no matter the personal consequences.
But the drones are abandoning him now, heading toward an old building instead. He watches as they climb the walls, digging into the stucco facade and gripping the window for support as they make it to the rooftop.
What the hell?
There’s a flash of red, a scream.
Steve goes charging forward. By the time he reaches the base of the building, a body is being flung over the side. The girl - the mutant - shrieks as she falls. Ripples of red mist shoot out from her hands but she can’t seem to control it and Steve makes sure she lands in his arms. But the force behind her fall makes him tumble backward as he grips her arms and legs tight within his grasp.
She’s breathing heavily as he releases her, gasping sounds as she hyperventilates. 
The supersoldier looks around the square, trying to find the other one, but he’s a blur of light and he clearly hasn’t taken notice of her near-death fall.
“Hey, okay,” he eases, surveying his options as he pulls her up from the ground with a rough hand. 
Tugging her along, he dips inside of an empty office building - some kind of attorney-at-law place with old gray carpets and green metal desks. She collapses on the ground, just out of sight from the chaos outside. She’s gripping her head, nearly rocking herself back and forth.
And Steve should be back out there, but she’s a kid in distress and he’s Captain America. So, he takes a knee in front of her.
“How could I let this happen?” she murmurs, barely taking notice of him. “This is all my fault.”
“Hey!” he snaps, getting her to dip out of her spiraling daze. Her wide shimmering eyes meet his face and he can see the terror, as clear as day, there in her expression. He gives her a half-hearted smile and lowers his voice.
“It’s nobody’s fault. Not you, not me. You want to blame someone, blame Ultron. Blame Strucker. But if you’re going to stay here, I need to know if you’re going to be okay or not. Because I’m going to go back out there because it’s my job. And I can’t do my job if I know you’re not safe.”
She looks away, Steve presses on.
“It doesn’t matter what you did, or what you were. If you want to be here, you’ll need to fight. And we both know you can manage that on your own, right?” 
He tries for a smile, even as the painful tug of endless oblivion ripples over the edges of his memories like a tidal wave.
“You stay in here, that’s fine. We’ll send someone in to get you when this clears. But if you step out that door - ” he points at the glass door behind him. “You’re an Avenger.”
She gulps, tears clearing from her eyes.
He can hear the sound of Hulk roaring just beyond the walls of the office, it’s a desperate call. One of pain and frustration. He needs to be out there.
Steve stands back up and looks down at the girl for a final time.
“Whatever you choose,” he says, before he picks his shield up off the ground and exits the building.
He rushes to Nat’s side the minute he takes in the lay of the field. Clint’s occupied with his own forces, and the bots seem to have favored teaming up on the Hulk to overpower him, leaving Nat on her own to handle more than she should.
“Romanoff!” he calls out, tossing the shield her way.
She grins, taking hold of it from the torso of another drone, “Thanks!”
Using it to protect herself from a laser blast, she jams the edge of the shield into the foot of one of the drones. Nat lands an uppercut before she tosses it back to Steve, who’s already two feet away from her now. With the shield in hand, he smacks it down into the robot’s faceplate - successfully incapacitating it.
As he goes to turn toward her, however, the ground begins to quake.
He can feel it under his feet, he can see the physical tremors as the buildings begin to sway.
“We got incoming!” Barton yells out, circling around to their position.
As Steve gazes off into the distance preparing for another round of endless drones, a slow smirk falls into place, “Well, would you look at that.”
Above the fields of Sokovia, a very large helicarrier is moving toward the city. 
The boy comes rushing in beside them.
As drones begin to soar upward toward the ship, they are blasted to smithereens by the superior weapons on board. Tactical laser guns and rotary canons lay waste to the forces of Ultron and Steve can finally feel his shoulders relax for the first time in hours.
“Is that…?” the boy questions.
“SHIELD,” Nat supplies, a rare smile on her lips.
With a nod, Steve grips the strap of his shield and spins back around to deal with the new wave of drones. There was work to be done.
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Gazing down at the billionaire with crossed arms, you merely say, for perhaps the third or fourth time, “This is madness.”
He shrugs from his position on the ground as he solders a piece of metal with a wire, “Little bit of madness leads to creative genius. And I am a walking genius, so…”
With a laugh, you look out at your position. This portion of the city was relatively clear. But the minute Ultron decided to scan around, you would be incredibly vulnerable in a matter of seconds.
“Shit,” he balks, flicking his finger away from the open flames of his gauntlet’s fire. He offers you a tense smile, “It’s going great.”
You huff, “Seems like it.”
And then he’s standing up, blowing lightly on the piece of iron-hot metal.
“You know,” you begin, taking a step toward him. “The minute you do this, you’re an open target. There’s only so much I can do for you.”
Tony shrugs, “Worse ways to go.”
“Stark - ”
He settles you with a look, “Listen, it’s part of the job, Double-O. Probably know that better than me.”
“I’m not the one with multiple near-deaths and actual deaths, now that I think of it. Afghanistan, New York, should I go on?”
His body visibly ripples with distaste as he steps into the suit, “Rather not. Long story, takes up too much time - probably bore you to tears. And, by the way, can I just say how well I’m managing right now to not lose my actual shit over the fact that this fucker figured out the nano-armor before I did.”
Shaking your head, a hint of a smile on your lips, you tap his metal shoulder.
“Let’s go.”
His bemoaning follows you out of the auto shop where he had sequestered himself away, “I mean it, this is the kind of thing you have to patent. Is he - did he - patent this? Am I going to have to ask that abomination to grant me the rights to create my own creation?”
Spinning around, you grip his forearms in your hands. In the suit, he’s just barely an inch taller than you.
“Tony,” you start. “We have work to do.”
“Right,” he nods, repulsors firing up. “On it.”
As the two of you soar through the air, back toward the rest of the ground team, you can hear the rather quiet conversation going on from inside the helm.
“I’m really gonna miss you, buddy.”
“It is a mutual feeling, sir. Though it has been an honor.”
“Gonna choke up your old man, here.”
“My condolences, sir.”
Shaking your head, you keep your eyes out of bogies and other rogue drones. 
“There!” you call out, pulling Tony away from JARVIS.
Across the way, there was a single bot - its lower half is lost, fully severed in half. Sparking loose wires and circuits, dangling internal organs, all of it hanging out alongside the bits of armor. It's unstable sparking and twisting oddly in the air.
“Wow,” Tony sighs, an audible tone of disgust in his voice. “Okay, let’s do this.”
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The drones around them begin to fall - arching and quivering like marionettes with broken strings. They all stare in wonder, in horror, in distrust, as the sea of endless battle begins to deteriorate into nothingness.
“What the hell?” Clint mutters.
But then you’re dropping down alongside Tony. His suit is immediately placed in sentry mode, scanning the area, as you move toward Steve.
“Hey,” you say with a breathless smile.
“What… what just,” he questions, too stunned to form a proper sentence as he looks out at all the carnage.
“Don’t count your blessing just yet. His forces have been shut down,” you explain, eyeing the boy mutant. “We’re going to be dealing with the big guns here in a second. Before that, though, I need to go talk to a Hulk.”
Offering the supersoldier a final quick grin, you clang your shield into his and stalk over in the direction of the pacing green creature who's holding a partially destroyed robot in one hand.
Steve can’t help but keep his eyes on the pair of you as you weave between piles of bodies and flickering drone parts. You remain within the Hulk’s line of sight, but you’re slow to move once you’re within his close proximity.
“She is… wild.”
He whips his head around, looking at the boy with his bright smile and carefree grace. The boy shrugs.
“I’ve seen what that thing can do. And yet…” he mimics your walk with far too much bravado. “No worries. Crazy.”
“Have you checked on your friend?”
He blinks at Steve’s words.
“She’s still - why did you not - ” he says something in his native language, likely a swear from the infliction on the words and his very angry glare up at the supersoldier. But then he’s off like a bullet.
When Steve looks back over at you, your back is to him and the Hulk is nodding, grimacing his yellowed teeth. As you walk back his way, he tilts his head in question. But you merely shake your head, a hand to your comm piece.
“Where are we at?”
“Any second,” comes Tony’s reply.
Steve looks back at Stark’s armor, a spark of curiosity on his features, but his face quickly draws back to a serious expression when the ground begins to crack under their feet.
He backs away, pulling you back with his shield, the two of you watch as something begins to dig its way through the pavement. Silver claws come up through the piles of bodies, like a creature sprung from hell itself. Nat has her guns trained on it and Clint has an arrow notched.
Giving you a nod, you both brace yourselves as the monstrosity that is Ultron barrels upward - bodies thrown to the wayside as his red eyes land on the team.
“You have incapacitated my forces,” he states “You will be eliminated.”
It’s the Hulk who lets out a monstrous roar, as he comes charging across the street toward the superior robot. He crashes into him, green fists flying as he attempts to pummel the creature into the ground. Nat begins firing, and Barton lets his arrows fly.
But he shoves the Hulk off of him, blasting him with a scathing red laser that sends him tumbling backward, groaning in pain. And then he’s turning on the assassins, his hand turning into a silver shield that makes the arrows and bullets simply bounce off of it.
Steve stares at you.
Together, you ram your shields into his body. Where Steve’s vibranium makes a sickening ringing noise against Ultron’s body, your Adamantine shield makes the first crack in his armor. Tony’s repulsors are firing, aiming all of his energy at the robot’s chest.
And that should be enough to begin their attack, but it’s not. Because Ultron is staring at the pair of you now. A metal fist connects with Steve’s chin and he goes flying backward. While his other hand reaches for your neck - dragging you up and off the ground.
“You are… complicated,” he surmises as his metal fingers begin to choke you out.
Nat tackles his right leg while Steve goes charging forward, jamming his shield as far as he can into Ultron’s groin. But it’s not enough - they’re barely a pest to him as he shakes them both off. His attention is fully focused on you and your lips that are beginning to pale.
“ENOUGH!” Thor roars as he flies in - dropping down upon Ultron with Mjolnir. The resulting clang of metal makes Steve cover his own ears as it echoes like a sickening chord in his mind.
“The two Gods from another realm,” Ultron seems to sneer.
Gripping Thor by the arm, he makes the blonde bend down to him, forcing his weight into the ground. The God pushes back, forcing his arm up against his foe. But that still isn’t enough. This creation is too strong now.
Steve rolls away, aiming at your dangling legs as he tries to pull you free from Ultron’s grasp.
Your body is yanked away as you roll on top of Steve, gasping breathes raking through your system as you curl your hands up into fists.
“You okay?”
“Not the time, Rogers,” you manage to say as you wipe your mouth clean of blood.
Rhodes lights up the street with his weapons, guns and grenades and everything else Tony was ever able to pack into him. And, as the smoke begins to clear, Steve has a hopeful twang in his chest. But glowing red eyes greet him instead.
Rising to his feet, Steve extends out his hand to you. Gripping it in an instant, you look up at him with a wild sort of look in your eyes.
“Together?” you ask, chest heaving as you survey the team, all preparing their next attack.
He nods, “Always.”
At once, the forces of eight Avengers begin to throw everything they have at the rogue bot. Repulsors are going off next to his head, and lightning is sending out electrical currents through the air, and he has to bob and weave to avoid Clint and Nat’s firepower. Your shields slam together as you move for a counterattack - you going for the chest and Steve going for the legs.
Sam swoops in, determined to get Ultron from behind.
And Steve swears he sees a flash of bluish-white light zooming past.
But they all drop back on unsteady feet as the boy is pulled out of his run by a metal hand.
Ultron dangles the boy by his head, peering at him with the curious expression of a child with a magnifying glass; the boy, the anthill.
“You can not defeat me. I am the superior force.”
Steve holds up a hand, preventing anyone from doing anything risky as the boy screams out - his head being squeezed beneath a vibranium hand.
“This,” Ultron bites. “Is the Avengers extinction.”
And Steve has faced foes many times before in his life. Many times when he thought this is it, this is the end. But never has he been so sure as he is now, staring up at the mechanical horror in front of him.
But Steve Rogers was never one to back down from a fight.
Pull yourself up, Steven Rogers, echoes the voice in his head.
Straightening his posture, Steve takes a step forward, “Let him go.”
If Ultron was capable of smiling, he thinks this would be the moment when the deranged abomination would do it. An evil grin to go with an evil ambition.
The boy hollers out.
And before Steve can raise his shield, Ultron is engulfed in a shimmering wave of red light.
From across the way, the girl steps out. Her hands are encased in that same mystical light as she saunters across the valley of death toward him. Her eyes locked upon his mechanical face, her gaze steady and unbreaking.
“Release my brother, or I will tear your heart from your chest.”
And then she twists her hands as if creating an invisible ball, and as she does this Ultron releases a piercing screech - as if his entire body was aflame.
Steve whips his head in your direction.
The boy is dropped, and Ultron raises a hand toward the Iron Man with Steve throwing his shield in between to block the blast, but Tony Stark is not inside his armor.
“JARVIS sends his regards,” the plain-clothed man says as he jams something into the back of Ultron’s neck.
All at once, chaos seems to reign. As Ultron moves to grab Stark - you leap over them both - protecting Tony with your shield. And the girl wraps the robot’s head in her magic as Thor slams his hammer into Ultron’s side.
Steve takes his cue from you, ramming his shield down into Ultron’s chest as Nat throws her Widow Bites at his left arm and Clint aims a well-placed arrow at his head. The boy comes flying past, landing a sucker punch to the jaw. And then Hulk is stampeding across the street to slam his hands down upon Ultron’s shoulders.
“This is why - ” the robot drones, “Your species must evolve. You fight against l-logic. Emotions make you imper-rrr-fect. They will be eliminated.”
As his body caves and begins to twitch, the rogue drone lifts his arms up in a show of fury - removing the bites and Steve’s shield from his body. Knocking you and Tony backward.
“My child,” he groans, as shockwaves of electricity light his body up. “Finish your mission.”
A jet of yellow light comes arcing down from the rooftop, causing Steve to twist his neck up to see the strange floating being from earlier.
“Oh, shit,” Sam calls out. “We got another enhanced.”
Thor chortles in delight, “He is my vision.”
Steve hears the piercing of metal - your shield slams into Ultron’s back - and he takes the hint, throwing his own up at Ultron’s neck, hoping to sever that final connection. But as the red and green creation soars down toward them, that yellow beam aims itself at Ultron’s chest.
“Wh-whaaaa-what are you doing?” Ultron questions with a distorted voice. “My first creation is a f-faaailure. Failure is not tol-olllll-erated.”
The being draws closer, focusing his firepower.
“I guess, in that sense, we are both disappointments.”
Combining forces, Ultron is bathed in yellow, blue, and red light. Explosions from Rhodes and Sam go off around him, as Thor lights him up with Mjolnir. Together you and Steve ram your shields down into his shoulders.
And, at last, Ultron falls into a heap of his own destruction.
The lights fade away as the drone’s eyes turn grey.
“Is it… did we?” Clint begins to question, his bow still trained on the robot.
Hulk slams his fist down into the drone’s head, successfully crushing it under his force. And then, he chuckles.
Stepping out from behind you, Tony stumbles over the debris of battle, with you right there to righten him up.
“That was dangerous,” Steve says, too stunned to process everything just yet.
“Part of the job, right?” Tony shrugs, dusting off his ripped t-shirt.
Your eyes lift, meeting Steve’s from across the way. And a weight that had been settled so firmly in his chest finally dissipates. 
Rhodes hits the ground, face shield flying up as he storms over toward his friend.
“Damn right, dangerous son of a bitch behavior. Are you kidding me?”
Tony holds his hands up in mock apology as you slowly move your way back over to the supersoldier’s side.
“Hey,” he breathes out, finally tasting fresh air on his lips.
You smile up at him, “You got a little - ” 
Your hand reaches up to gently dab at his forehead. Steve blushes under your steady gaze. A couple of words come to mind, but he’s not about to say any of them with the entire team standing around, purposefully looking without actually looking at the two of you.
Pulling away, you offer him a small smile, “Sorry. Think it’s going to need stitches.”
Steve shrugs, reaching down to tangle his fingers between yours. Squeezing his hand in return, you glance over at the others. Steve follows your gaze. And only then, does he begin to truly take in the damage of the battle.
The endless bodies, the helicarrier hovering nearby, Ultron himself. There was still work to be done.
But, as the sun breaks free of the looming dark clouds, Steve feels a twinge of hope settling back into his heavy heart.
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✦ Author's Note: Wow, so that was crazy, huh? So, a couple of things here that I just wanted to address about this chapter, without totally spoiling it all at the beginning.
1) I always thought the Battle of Sokovia was a little lackluster. Ultron never appeared as a real threat - it was like the Battle of New York with the Chitauri all over again. Ultron is supposed to be this massive powerhouse that is so crazy strong that he's a real challenge for the Avengers to defeat.
2) Have you ever looked up the concept art for this movie? The Avengers were drowning in a sea of Ultron bots. The bots formed a massive Ultron that was so big it blotted out the sky. It was insane. Yet, we never got to actually see it.
3) I think we all agree Pietro's death was awful. His character was introduced and he died within the same movie. I know it was all to do with Marvel and Fox's hold on the X-Men at that point, but still.
4) Oh, and I know a lot of people enjoyed having Olsen and Taylor-Johnson in the roles of the twins, but personally it never really fit for me that these two Jewish-Romani characters were being played by white actors. In this story, I have a different picture in mind, personally speaking. View them however you want.
5) Also, can I just whine about how much I hate the decision to make Wanda and Pietro willingly joining HYDRA?? Yeah, awful. Absolutely terrible. In this story, they were kidnapped by HYDRA and used by Strucker. Take that nonsense out of here.
6) Oh yeah, one more thing. As interesting as Vision's creation was in the movie, I thought it would be a cooler take to follow his comic book origins; where he was a direct creation of Ultron.
7) Wait, no. I'm not done. Can we also talk about Ultron's plan in the movie? How fucking stupid was that shit?? Take an entire country and use it as an asteroid to destroy the planet? Are you fucking kidding me with that shit. Ultron is so much better than that, so much more clever than that plan. And while he had a nice actor playing the role, I think he was too animated. I know he was the child of Tony and therefore picked up some of his mannerisms and ways of speaking. But the Ultron from the comics? Hell, the Ultron from the cartoons? He was so much more menacing because he was incapable of acting like a human villain.
And that's it. Hope you liked this one. It took me ages to get this battle right :)
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urfavhecate · 3 months
How could you? | Scarlett Johansson x fem!reader
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Scarlett Johansson x fem!reader
Summary: When Colin "joke" about Scarlett's voice and body during a TV show, you decided to defend her.
Warnings: oneshot, fluff and kinda angst i guess, a little hurt.
Note: Hi guys, english isn’t my first language so i’m sorry for all the mistakes. I would like to say that I respect Scarlett and Colin's relationship, but I can't stand what he said. I believe that such jokes should remain between her and him, or perhaps a group of close friends, and should not be used towards the public. I think Scarlett's voice is 100% wonderful on its own and I love listening to her and nothing else is needed. (I changed a little the topic for the plot). And btw i’m working on sth better and longer :)
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
You and Scarlett met a few years ago while filming one of her best films. Even though you only worked on set as a make-up artist, Scarlett was always nice to you and appreciated your work. Soon after you started working together, you became good friends, you got to know her kids and husband, and sometimes she invited you to her place for coffee or some wine. It didn't take long for you to catch feelings, and not just the friendly ones, you fell in love with her, she was the only thing you could think about. However, it remained a secret because you knew he had a family and his own life which you didn't want to ruin.
That day, Scarlett called you with a request. Before her husband Colin hosted the program, it turned out that the make-up artist was ill and could not appear and an urgent replacement was needed. You couldn't refuse her and it wasn't about the money, it was about the fact that she was the one who asked you for a favor. You showed up on set as soon as you could and got Colin and two other women ready to go on camera.
Scarlett was on the set in person because they had some plans together after the program. you sat a bit away and watched everything from the side so as not to disturb. The topic of the program turned to the new AI Character app, which enabled writing with bots that played the roles of movie characters or celebrities. The creators of this app wanted to use Scarlett's voice, which she didn’t agree to, which you completely understood. You knew that fans could be horrible and she wanted to avoid that, especially because of the never-ending problems with the sexualization of her and her characters.
„Chat GPT has released a new voice assistant feature inspired by Scarlett Johansson’s AI character in her, which i’ve never bothered to watch because of that body what’s the point of listening” Colin said laughing loudly.
These few words made your blood pressure spike and anger flood your organs. You couldn't believe that Colin, her husband, who knew about the problem of sexualization, the person she trusted, whom she always supported, said something like that. You noticed Scarlett who looked sadly at her hands as she played with the rings on her fingers. You saw that her eyes were watery with the tears she was trying to hold back. You looked at her sympathetically and gently reached out to take her hand as a gesture of support. Blonde woman, still looking at your now intertwined hands, gently squeezed yours.
You knew you couldn't leave it like that, not when it came to Scarlett, not when she was being hurt. After the program ended, you stood up without a second thought and furiously approached Colin.
"How could you?! How could you say something like that about Scarlett?!” you yelled at him, not caring that there were other people on the set as well. “How could you, considering how sexualized she is?! How could you do this to your wife?!”
“What are you talking about Y/N?” he asked, pretending not to know what you were talking about.
“How could you say that knowing it would hurt her?”
“Y/N, relax, it was just a joke” he rolled his eyes perfidiously, Colin didn't see his fault in all of this.
As soon as Scarlett heard your screams, she quickly came over to calm you down. She tried to explain that everything was fine, but you knew, you saw how much the joke hurt her. You wanted to calm down, but the image of her tearful eyes and the smile that disappeared from her face in one second kept appearing in your head.
"No Scarlett, it's not okay, a joke like that should never have come out of his mouth" you walked closer to him and impulsively punched him in the nose.
As everyone in shock began to attend to Colin's bleeding nose, you turned on your heel and left the building. As soon as the adrenaline started leaving your body, you leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. You didn't wait long when you suddenly saw a blonde woman next to you, looking at you worriedly. You didn't know if she was upset because you punched her husband or because you left so suddenly.
“I'm sorry Scarlett but I couldn't leave it like that…” you weren't allowed to finish your sentence as Scarlett wordlessly pulled you into a tight hug. It took you a moment to hug her back as the shock left your body. You thought Scarlett would be angry at what you did and you expected her to yell at you.
“Thank you for standing up for me,” she whispered, “not many people would do that.”
“Always…” you whispered too as you buried your face in the crook of her neck. You were relieved to hear that her voice was calm and that she wasn't mad at you.
“But why did you defend me so much? Why did you punch him?”
"I know that you have been struggling with sleazy fans for years, and such comments, especially from someone close to you, can make it worse." You moved away from each other, but enough to still feel each other's warmth. "I won't let anyone hurt you... ever..."
Scarlett smiled softly. You had always been very protective of her, you always pointed out people who spoke to her in a bad way and she was very grateful for it. However, she guesses that there must be something behind it, but she wasn't sure what it was.
”You have always been very protective… Why so much?”
“I think you're obviously a beautiful and sexy woman, but that's not all. You have a wonderful heart, you always care about everyone around you, you always address everyone with kindness and respect. You are funny and spending time with you is a pleasure” you looked at the woman in front of you and said everything you had seen in recent years “and your voice is wonderful and listening to you is a pleasure in itself and the way you talk especially about things that fascinate you”
Scarlett smiled as she listened to you talk about how you saw her. She couldn't believe that you saw more than just her body. She couldn't believe you thought there was such a wonderful person inside. Your words warmed her heart so much that a single tear appeared on her cheek. But when you finished and you thought she would answer something, she just looked at you and waited for you to continue.
“I… I just….” you hesitated, you couldn't tell her about your feelings. you didn't want to lose her "I just feel like it was right..." you tried to find your way out of the situation.
“Is it the only reason?” the woman didn't give up, she was curious and wanted to know the truth at all costs. You knew her a little and you knew that she was very stubborn and would keep pushing for answers until she got them.
"I…." you looked into each other's eyes, in yours Scarlett could see concern and something she couldn't read "Scarlett, I... I don't want to ruin what's between us."
“Please tell me the truth.” Scarlett pleaded as she grabbed and gently stroked your cheeks with her thumbs. "You know you can tell me everything…"
At this point you couldn't lie to her or yourself anymore. You loved her more than anything and even though you knew she had a family, you wanted to give her everything, you wanted to give her happiness and defend her from those who do not see her inner beauty and the fact that she is unique, not only because of the way she looks, but because for you she was just perfect inside.
“I love y…” again the woman didn't let you finish your sentence as she connected your lips in a kiss. She had been waiting for these words from the moment she met you. From the beginning of your friendship she felt something with you that she had never felt with anyone, not even Colin. Once she knew what you wanted to say, she couldn't wait any longer, she knew she had waited too long.
"I love you too" she whispered "From the beginning"
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bamsara · 2 years
would anyone be interested in an art stream where I just draw and talk about my ocs and books being:
the three idiots in a world with systematic oppression based on magical vs non-magical blood going on an adventure to find a missing person (Pheobe's dad Edmund) where Miles (magical) has to arrest Edmund from defecting from the magical army but doesn't know his location so uses Pheobe to find him, Lewis (sus non-magical) is coming along because even though he should be arrested he can potentially be pardoned for his crimes for assisting, and Pheobe (non-magical) just wants to find her dad and the three of them end up getting twisted up in a plot to resurrect an eldritch god
Eve and Maddie are besties in college but Eve is a vampire and Maddie has no idea because vampires and werewolves and other supernatural beings are just common in the world but not known to humans because they dont exactly fit the myths that the world has strewn about them and they go on cryptid hunting adventures together and there's gay tension but also there's a couple of murders happening around town that starts to reveal the world of the supernatural to Maddie which makes her a target
The story of an abused girl running away from home set in a dystopia/futuristic setting where automations and humans are commonplace but there's a societal divide and on the run she trips over a corpse in the snow but its not really a corpse but rather a war-machine robot that escaped from the facility it was being created/held who really has no sympathy or understanding of humanity and they end up traveling together on the run as fugitives because its easier to run away if you have the guise of a 'gaurdian' figure aka the robot for the child and for the robot everyone thinks he's a funny looking nanny bot or something so they become less suspisious and eventually found family happens
or the unnamed dnd kid that was abandoned as an infant, found and raised by goblins but that caused disruption so she was dropped off in a village a few years later in the hopes that a good human samaritan would take her in but no one did, so she became a street rat stealing and pickpocketing, later sneaking onto a ship to steal gold she eavesdropped was on there, but it undocks and she's found and it turns out the ship workers didn't work for the empire but actaully were undercover pirates and they debate on killing her but are uncomfortable with but cant let her go now that she knows so they take her in instead to make her pay off her dishoner, and the crew and captain become a psuedo crime family with her and she's taught langauge and healing from the captain and ect until one day years later; the ship is raided and she's knocked out and when she wakes up the crew is gone, no signs of how or where they went and she has to go on an investigative mission to find them
or the one where
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bye hold on im realizing how many book wips i have
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nogenderbee · 6 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕝𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕒𝕤 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ not a request
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ I know there's a lot of bots with this au and probably fics too BUT
I just has to write it 😔 The au, prompt and everything is just too great!!
Also, this time I wrote in a bit different form! Hopefully it's still alright ^^ because oh my, I definitely enjoyed writing this!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Heizou heard about you even before he got your case, he simply never got too into it since you're u didn't do anything to pique his interest
✧ but when he got your case, he was at first bored to do it, but when he saw you in action, it all changed!
You just robbed another shop because of private reason, maybe it was on order! Well it's up to you! But on your way back you bumped into a detective who happened to have your case.
"Well well, who do we have here? Stealing from innocent shop owner?"
Because of your inattention, he got your wrists so now, you had to lean on your charisma skills to escape this situations...
"Maybe I just wanted to meet you~? I mean look at you! You're so handsome... every girl would squirm at my place already!!"
Of course Heizou expected the thief to try getting out but somehow... he couldn't find a lie in your sentence... the adoring look in your eyes made him blush, his mouth with gaping...
"I- well... ehem, it's not- Hey! Uh, I should've known!"
And you got him! The moment he cleared his throat, you escaped! And he quickly realized that. And that was the moment, the chase began~
✧ soon, the case began VERY interesting for him! So interesting he refused any other long cases because he wanted to prioritize yours
✧ was he falling during the case? Yes. Was he about to admit it? No. Were you the same? Yes, but you weren't afraid to admit it~
✧ now he knows, to not get distract by your words! And you knew you'll be done for the next time he catches you...
✧ but somehow, the chases always made both of you smile...
✧ you were smiling because of the adrenaline and how much he tried to catch you
✧ he on the other hand, enjoyed how creative you were with your escapes and because you weren't like any other thief, he actually wanted to catch you for some other reasons than the law~
✧ it's easy to say, calm talks are almost impossible between you two... so unless you let him catch you just to talk with him for a bit, or climb a really high building so he has no choice but indulge in conversation with you, you'll only be seeing each other while chasing...
✧ but you could also lure him into a little trap! Just to make him listen to you and that's probably how you could finally have hert to heart conversation with him and confess~
"You should be more aware of your surroundings, detective~ Well, I can't say I'm complaining! We can finally talk a bit."
"Talk? Heh, you mean talk on how much you'll try selling me back to Tenryou Comission for? Classic thi-"
"No. I mean talk. I'll let you go the moment you feel uncomfortable! I planned this mechanism well enough to have a chance to explain after that so no worries~"
"Hm... well this is new. So be it... if this is so important you had to tie me to a tree, I might as well listen your point."
✧ it's really kind of a forbidden love... BUT not impossible to go around! Maybe HE won't change but he could agree on few adjustmens~ especially if you already had the hard confession!
✧ if you agree, he'd be happy to take you to interrogation and fill in the documents so you could get out without jail, maybe with "punishment" of being detective's assistant for a little while~?
✧ but if that doesn't suit you, there's also possibility of little play pretend! If you stop stealing in the Inazuma City, he'll be able to mark your case as forgotten and he wouldn't have any bigger obstacles to secretly meet with you
✧ all of that wouldn't happen soon tho... he'd first need to develop actual strong feelings for you that he finally admits and both of you would need to trust each other and have few sly calmer meetings here and there
@bleachtheidiot - come get your flirty detective~
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orangelemonsstuff · 1 year
Rose Android
Automation!Au Riddle x Scavenger!Reader
Summary: You found a disembodied head of an Android and put him back together again only to get a strict, rule follower, android to help you around
Tags: Angst & Fluff
this au is credits to @jackplushie
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Is this how it's going to end?
he did well didn't he? so why did his mother threw him away?
he performed tasks perfectly, he did what she asked, he installed essential modules through his system to become knowledgeable, he became a perfect android for her so why..?
he only wished for her to have a freedom to go outside. that's all what he wished for.
"This one kept acting up on its own whether i order it or not, yes i did modify it to have it's own intelligence yet, it somehow remained lacking in... well perfection."
just to go outside to sightsee, is not perfection
What exactly should he do to reach her eyes? to show her he is perfect in everyway, he's the perfect android she created.
he didn't ask for anything big or extravagant, he just asked to see how the world is really outside.
"take it, sell it, do whatever you want with it. I have no more use for it anymore. although i do like how he look his face plate might be useful- ah nevermind leave his head alone in that big scrap dump site i just have another copy anyway and i feel that it's much better."
ah he remembers it, how painful it was when they ripped and torn his limbs apart, how of his torso was ripped apart from his head. his wired nerves still can feel it till this time and his creator, his mother. just watched how he get violated
but how could he even call her a mother when she wasn't even one?
maybe calling her 'mother' that one time is the reason why she threw him away, he had just learned what that word is he didn't mean to call her that at all
maybe that was his flaw.
since an assistant bot like him can be cheap and affordable his system stored in his head is technically useless to those scavengers but of course they didn't give his body any peace.
but his main system left in his head is still active, he couldn't even make out the muddy clouded sky with the warnings and notice prompt up to his eyes. still aware of the pain
the outside world is terrible. he shouldn't have asked to be here at all. so he could be with her still.
was he really that useless and hated, his moth- creator had to call those scavengers to separate his parts that way?
maybe she found joy in his suffering after all
he doesn't know anymore. his mother completely abandoned him, thrown away in this dump, unloved.
his eyelids twitched, he felt something he had never felt ever. what was that called again? he couldn't remember without his code that installed his knowledge of everything. but it was something fiery and annoying, something he wishes to completely eliminate and get rid of.
"..ou see that?" someone is near
his left ear is the only thing that can hear his other is much more and completely damaged to the point of no use
but with the use of it he can hear the scattering, clanging of metal rubbish, as the steps get closer and closer. it seem like they weren't alone and talking to someone still he can't figure out what is since the steps are lone.
he can feel them, a human.
he couldn't see them at all, he could make out figure but they're not clear not as clear as the pop ups infront of his eyes
"...ain capacitor in his neck is still attached" system nerves that still works behind his skin felt rubber gloved hands carress him, and immediately flip it over rather gently
"can you speak?" he didn't answer, he can't. not that he would either he swore that he'll only follow the orders of his creator
the person continued to examine him flipping it over and over again while humming in a satisfied way
"hmm... i don't think i can sell this one" for some reason he felt satisfied that an imbecile of a scavenger can't get a use of his remaining parts at all
"--hy are.. you.."
"-have an idea" the voice recognition in his left is starting to give up as well yet he swore he could hear another voice together with the scavenger.
those were the words he lastly heard before he completely shut down, his whole system is giving up on him too, seconds remained on the last pop ups before he completely dies out. this is it
this is how it'll end after all
oh well, at least no one can said he didn't wish for his mother's praise and love at all
the only wish this android had.
to be loved and free.
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Scanning... Complete!
Audio: Working.True
Vision: Working.True
Arms: Access.True/Left.accessible.incompatible/Right.accesible
Legs: Access.True/Left.accessible/Right.accesible.incompatible
Information Code: None, Consider Installing.
Android is: Stable to perform tasks
Overall Stability: Moderate. Please Change Parts to Compatibility.
he opened his eyes.
the mechanic buzz of his insides worked once again, his eyes weren't as sharp as before but he could see clear and properly, his ears were all working and he could feel his arms and legs once again.
what- how-
he's supposed to be alrwady gone weren't he? how did he get his body back? wasn't he a disembodied head earlier? he was supposed to fade into darkness or die as they should say!
he sight blurred few times before focusing, on the person sitting behind the screen of his charging station, sleeping peacefully
"Oi! he's alive, HEY! wake up" a grey android cat jumped into the persons stomach knocking them awake, coughing.
this person is...human.
when did his eyes had a scanner? or maybe it was intuition that had that conclusion. no, his eyes definitely upgraded to have a scanner. it showed him their vital points, their blood type, and other medical terms a doctor should see when checking up a person. did his new eyes came from a nurse bot? oh dear.
"Grim... that hurts... you should really remember you're not an actual cat" you held your stomach, recoiling in pain before looking up at him. your eyes brightened at the sight of his consciousness
"See! he's awake!" 'Grim' jumped down on your lap as you propered yourself up to stand and walk over to him
you removed the glass top capsule to remove him, discharging him off the port. with incompatibility of his right leg he fell right into their arms, yet you catch him perfectly fine. he didn't know if he was heavy or light that you weren't t falling when coming contact at him.
"Are you alright?" you asked sitting him down in a nearby office chair. he didn't answer
"hmm... I'm pretty sure your voice capacitor is still intact, how come you can't speak at all?" He still didn't answer. during his time on his creator's residence he wasn't allowed to make contact with the other doctors and scientists since he is only his creator's assistant even if he desire to talk to the others, she would shy him away from them. scolding him he should focus on his own studies.
"do you think his voice is still working?" Grim asked, paw up his chin
"it's still attached of course it is still working, HE just wouldn't speak" that's right, it'd be a rule breachment if he did talk to you. his creator would be mad at him if he does.
his creator?
his mother.
that doesn't feel right. he couldn't remember why he feels this strong edge on him, he's definitely not with her right now but he doesn't feel the desire to come back to her either.
"how bout turning it off n' on again? might work" The cat suggest as it climbed off the office chair near him
"i had reset him earlier already so no complications would impact his system but he still looks off doesn't he?" You said crouching down to meet his eyes but he yet to look down even more to avoid it
"yeah he's really different from the bodiless head before, good thing you managed to put him together with spare parts" Grim observed him sitting slouched down as you tilt your head in wonder, for some reason he looked like he doesn't have that much energy considering how he is positioned but his battery remained full
he also pondered and wondered something too
what exactly have you done to him? where did you find these body parts? you even managed to reset him without his actual body. HOW EXACTLY DID YOU MAKE HIM WORK AGAIN?
"yeah but still i think one his legs are incompatible, maybe i should shut down him again and remove both to che-"
".....the right one." he interjected, interrupting you before you get the idea of doing some procedures on his body without notice, it would be very unnerving to have both of his legs gone again
"It spoke./He spoke!!" Grim and You said in synchrony as you lift his head up with both of your hands
it's warm, you're warm like how a human should be.
you snickered as you prop him up properly again "try not put your head down too low from now on, your head or eyeballs might fall off" What.
the cap of the glass capsule he was in earlier was conveniently placed infront of him, it was so reflective he could see himself sitting so... poised
it was his turn to examine himself next
his face is stil the same as before, his eyes are the same color as what he has before the scavengers took it. he noticed a ribbon tightly attached to his collar, as if to stuck his head to the torso. he's wearing something similar to what a person would wear in a baroque tea party. the outfit is assorted in white, black, yellow and red accessories like the cape covering his back, the white rose corsage dripping in red, the sash draped on his waist and lastly, the golden crown on top of his head. he's dressed like a display doll rather than a assistant bot.
you notice how he tapped around his body trying to figure out what's up with the clothing you gave him
"do you like it? It was Grim that suggested i dress you that way, he said it fits your face" He don't know? he doesn't have a an opinion about it, what kind of android would be?
"Did you just played dress up with my body-- err head?" he asked frowning at you two with his eyebrows striking together.
"we didn't just dress you for fun though, well there might be a little fun in the process BUT THE POINT IS-"
"The point is, these garments serves purpose on holding you together so your body won't disassemble" You said as you look directly at his black grey eyes, those eyes really fit him.
you stood up from your position and went to your work table. picking up a staff that fabulously carved and designed.
"from now on you would be frail and delicate as a rose, that's why... here!" you hand him the staff hesitantly, hoping it'd be lightweight enough for him to carry
"you'll need it to get up and down the stairs or support your body if you have the feel to explore." you say, watching him examine the staff carefully
"but you still need to be careful until i found proper parts for your body, limit your movements okay?" you noticed how he looked a tad bit sad, he looks like a sad hedgehog
"Don't worry, I'm not forbidding you to go free on your own now, do whatever you want just as long you'd be careful so you won't fall-" you stopped talking when his gloves hand gripped the fabric of your shirt
"why exactly did you fix me? assuming this is your workplace and you are actually a mechanic, i didn't even have a body left anymore yet you still... " his mechanical voice startled you
"well, you're still working aren't you? it'd be such a waste now if a good android like you get discarded to no return" you held his gloved hand lifting it up to your face
"Do you have a name i can call you? hopefully i didn't reset your memory that much that you forgot it" you chuckled as your rub your fingers on his knuckles
it took him a few minutes to search his memory on what his creator used to call him before mumbling "....Riddle." and looking away from you
"Riddle right? then let me properly introduce myself.... and that gremlin over there is Grim" you snicker at the offended look of your android cat with your comment
"I, scavenger of the Ramshackle Lab, welcome you back to the world Riddle." your smile alone had made promises to him. taking your hand would mean he'll trust you like how he is to his creator
how could he not trust the one who fixed him?
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you learned the hard way that Riddle had his own artificial intelligence even if he didn't got a code, when you found out he actually came from the Rosehearts Pharmaceuticals Enterprise AND the personal assistant bot to Mrs. Rosehearts herself you were to shocked you started to shriek, he scolded at you for being too loud at the information, although the restart you did at him did affect his memories and he can't seem to remember how exactly did he end up in a dumpsite where you don't usually explore it didn't affect his intelligence at all.
it was proven whenever he helps you at your workshop when you fix up Ace and Deuce or him alone, recommending tips on how to properly mend thr androids you keep
For some reason he is happy when you gave that house rulebook to him which he forcefully made the other androids to follow most of the times when you're around or not. you recommended him that he should tone down his strictness since it interferes with your work sometimes.
he did follow it and to your relief, cut the androids skme slack but of course the strictness was now directed at you. he's little bit of a worrywart, making sure you follow your schedule properly you definitely once assumed he'd cut your head off if you don't. you didn't mind, it's just his instinct to be a an assistant after all
other than that you were also happy he finally got along with the other especially at the HRTSLBYL Androids you assigned him to watch over. he's been really helpful
so why did Mrs.Rosehearts throw him out again? even worser he literally didn't have a body when you found him, yes of course the Rosehearts Enterprise is a huge deal, they have a lot of money to buy new androids to help them, but Riddle is likely stuck with her most of the times and some of his memories are from when he was helping her with work.
why exactly did Mrs. Rosehearts threw him away? let him be scavenged even.
is it because of his awareness?
a lot of androids you took in had their own mind of some sort, they have their own personalities and such but it never really bothered you since you finally had human like company surrounds you and not just soulless robots that follows around but is it really because of that awareness they get discarded for?
you look at him arguing with the two HRTSLBYL androids on the garden from the distance, his heels and staff sink to the ground in his fury targeted at Ace and Deuce.
maybe it's because they act more human than actual humans does.
"Why you little- The rules said-"
"I'm so happy you three are getting along" you walk over to them, chuckling at their antics
Riddle sighed, Ace and Deuce on the other hand brightens up and ran over to you complaining about Riddle being strict again
"They wouldn't even try cutting the hedge of the bushes, im trying to lecture them to do their jobs as androids." he scold, you laughed
"Cut us some slack Riddle, it's not like those bushes are going to be a tree and plus our battery drains out faster isn't that right?" Ace slinged his over your shoulder and ultimately clung to you wih a smug face that mafe Riddle fume even more
"Get your hands off them and do your job already OR ELSE IT'LL BE OFF WITH YOUR HEAD WITH THESE SHEARS" he turned red as the other two squeaked and ran off inside the house.
"What did i say about being to tight on those two? i know they are your favorite to drill on but still..."
"Hmph, it is only you that tolerates those twos behavior. my suggestion would be disciplining them to be proper androids to protect you or even help around" and now he's lecturing you, its this way how he acts is the reason why Ace and Deuce do more effort on avoiding him rather than following him
"It's alright Riddle, trust me. there's more things they can do other than gardening and helping around here." you try to convince him
"i don't get why you are in their defense, they don't follow rules at all." he contradict
"Rules are meant to be broken after all"
"no, they aren't. they are made to be followed"
"Come on now, Rules are ridiculous. i bet there's even a rule on that rulebook about one should not lay down on this very grassfield because it's forbidden"
"actually-" Riddle stops when he you suddenly plopped down on the ground laying face up the sky like a deadman
"HEY!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" he panicked as he crouched down immediately at your levek trying to check you vitals inside his scanning eyes, his panic reside when you brightly laughed
"so there is one huh? i wonder who wrote that Rulebook" you grinned
"Actually, Sam from the store sold me it. it doesn't belong to this house in the first place"
"HUH!?" His shocked face is funny. he's really ridiculous
"Come on Riddle, lay down. it feels nice" you say breathing in the fresh air of your garden you could hardly smell in the streets of a nearby android dumpsite
"O-okay..." he laid down besides you, carefully. he lets his staff roll on his side not far from his reach, you must've been working hard that you dozed off almost immediately after laying down and inviting him. he in the other hand rolled over to your side to watch you sleep the world away, completely ignorant of his presence.
but it's you
the one who didn't give up on him and worked on hours trying to find compatible parts for him, the one to let him be free to leave whenever he want, free to make his own choices, free to decided what path he'll take.
your personality, your appearance, your condition that he ever worries about on. that's what makes you his favorite human
a human that he likes the most
you made him feel emotions a normal Android wouldn't feel, you were the one he'll promise to protect forever.
the human he loves the most.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Okay, this is entirely based on a situation I was in with one of my coworkers.
But, imagine Miguel coming back from HQ, in a bad mood cause he was stuck working with idiots, and he goes straight to the office to check on the other Earths. Lyla warns him to be quiet, he wants to ignore her but just plays along cause he can hear music from in there. He sneaks up, peeks in, and just sees his sweet little lady just GROOVING to some good ole y2k Spanish dance music. I'm talking Daddy Yankee's peak, Shakira, N.O.R.E, that music that got your hips absolutely moving. Bonus points if he's like everyone else and thinks she couldn't dance like that cause she's so "prim and proper" (According to Hobie)
I know I nearly killed my coworker with whiplash when that happened with me lmao gotta keep folks on their toes ~ 🍄
OMG I ACTUALLY MADE A BOT RELATED TO THIS IDEA, time to bring it to life yet again <33 I LOVE THAT FOR YOU THOUGH, 🍄 ANON !! i also dance when nobody's looking, IT JUST FEELS RIGHT OK !! ANYWAY, I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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he can't look away. — miguel o'hara x reader
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fuming and muttering under his breath in anger, miguel rips a portal open into HQ and storms his way in the building. he had yelled his mouth off at a bunch of know-it-alls in his team and disengaged from the situation by storming off back to HQ to gather his thoughts and cool down. when he got there, the place was practically deserted. the only thing that was present in the atmosphere in the whole building was the faint sound of upbeat, lively music that reverberated throughout the empty halls of the building. "what now?" miguel asked himself with furrowed eyebrows as his mask dissipated and he trudged over to where the music was coming from. lyla appeared on his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at him. "you might not wanna go that way right now." she warned miguel as he wordlessly dismissed the AI assistant.
"i swear, if someone is throwing a fucking party up here, voy a perder la cabeza." miguel muttered to himself as he got up to the floor where the music was playing, and searched for the exact room where the party music was. he didn't bother knocking on the door anymore, he flung the door open and scowled. "what the fuck's going o-" miguel growled, but was soon interrupted by the loud music blaring and ringing in his ears, and the sight of his dearest little lover absolutely jamming to the music. their hips were swaying from side to side, their arms flailing in the air as they let the music overtake their body, doing such bold moves that nobody would believe they were capable of due to how sweet, innocent, prim, and proper they seemed (at least, according to some of the chaotic ones, like hobie, gwen, and pav).
miguel's mouth hung open as he requested lyla to lower the music slightly so he could focus on how his darling was grooving to the music, not having a care in the world as to what was going on around them except for the music carrying them away into the zone. they sang along to the songs and shook their bodies to the beat, with their eyes shut all the while and with a grand smile on their face, they danced and danced until they hit a wall; miguel's broad chest. they looked up at miguel and looked back at his broad chest, they soon got all embarrassed and turned off their speakers and looked down at the ground in embarrassment. miguel raised an eyebrow again at this sudden act of timidity.
"what's wrong? you looked so happy dancing, please..." miguel trailed off as lyla played the music even louder, with miguel taking your smaller hands in his as his face broke out into a small, sweet smile. "...may i dance with you?" he asked you as you looked into his eyes with bright, beaming eyes and nodded, a smile on your face again as you swayed with miguel and danced with him; this little dance party the two of you having together melting away the stress and tension he was experiencing earlier, where all he can focus on is you and the perfect way your body looked while dancing, and how his heart skipped a beat whenever he heard you smile and felt your hands in his as he spun you around and dipped you ever so often.
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tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @fictarian @yuridopted0 @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok
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