#Autobot Language
logos-primes-pr-guy · 2 years
Losing my mind over Transformers: Earthspark
Gonna be discussing some spoilers for the first episode of the show here (both stuff that was revealed in-episode and also just theorisin') Aight, so, Quintus Prime!!! I am so so SO hyped to see one of the OG Thirteen getting more love, especially Quintus! Cyberverse set the bar big time with Maccadam/Alchemist, hoping we’re seeing a trend being set here! Even if we wouldn’t have known it was Quintus speaking if it wasn’t for the name drop in the end credits, I’ll hecking take it. Mayhaps we'll even have some flashbacks where we get to see Solus Prime do something cool other than dying, ehh?
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Gotta say, it doesn’t look good for my poor boy. His line seems to be a recording, so it’s entirely possible Quintus is straight up dead by now. (I do have to admit, thanks to my horrible auditory processing, I thought he was speaking a Cybertronian language, and only realised he was saying “Legacy of hope” after translating the scrolling Autobot glyphs, which say the same thing on loop. It’s unclear if he’s rigged the cave with some kind of universal translator or if we’re just hearing the words in English for our benefit, but either way, it’s interesting… And also strangely poignant?
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The thing is, Quintus Prime is famous for creating the Quintessons, so if he’s confirmed to be in it, they’re probably not far behind. Which begs the question… Why’d he make this cave in the first place? The cool swirly rock can probably be safely assumed to be the Emberstone, which is a very important artefact to leave lying around for just anyone to discover and possibly (mis)use. If he knows the Quintessons are coming, a weapon to defeat them with might make more sense from the Transformers’ perspective, but Twitch and Thrash have made it clear they’re not really interested in fighting, they’d rather play and learn cool stuff. Quintus is a pacifist who loves all forms of life, so it makes sense that he didn’t want to build a weapon. The Quintessons thrive best by sowing fear and mistrust between organics and Cybertronians, so Quintus left behind something that would bridge that gap, something which shows how organics and mechanoids can not only co-exist, but actually thrive and need each other. A legacy not of war, but of hope. That’s a message I can really get behind for the TF franchise!
Yeah, we’ve only seen 20 minutes of this show and I’m already Emotional, what of it?
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delicateartisantrash · 3 months
Cybertronian Language Ref Project
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So, I was absolutely ASTOUNDED to discover there isn't, as far as I could find, any dedicated directory of a List Of Words for the Cybertronian languages, though there is some documentation on the written languages themselves.
Inspired by those, I started creating a document to keep track of Cybertronic languages used in the fanfictions I write, because I have an obsession for fantasy language in a story actually being written out.
Would anyone be interested in sharing this resource? I don't have terribly many words installed yet, and I mostly focus on the common tongue since that's what comes up most often in my stories so far, but I plan to flesh out all of them with time.
Imagine some of the fun miscommunications between Decepticons and Autobots who are mingling, when they have the same spoken word but they mean vastly different things >:DDD
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holographic-mars · 4 months
Ougghh… Mars you need to see my vision Mars. Coswave love language being food but Soundwave can’t cook for shit so Cosmos has to learn how through trial and error… lots of error. Soundwave still eats it and tells him it’s good (due to wanting to be supportive but also food insecurity and fear of wasting it) Cue cute cooking moments and Soundwave healthy weight gain. Just cute space husbands healing
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER things kept happening that made it difficult to do anything this past week!!
I love Cosmos learning how to cook and having to go through a ton of trial and error to figure out how to make something edible.
Soundwave will eat pretty much anything that will fill his tanks with edible fuel because being picky was not an option in the Dead End (Soundwave ended up eating a lot of what Ravage scavenged, so a lot of it was discarded energon and cybermice).
Soundwave will eat everything Cosmos gives him whether it’s actually good or not. He refuses to waste the food and the first time Cosmos threw out poorly cooked food, Soundwave was really agitated and anxious about it. That was also the last time Cosmos threw out food. He learned that if he wanted honest feedback, he would have to test his dishes on the cassettes (who were not shy about telling him how bad his food was).
Eventually, a routine was established (with good communication and understanding) and Cosmos got better at cooking. Soundwave belatedly realized that having regular meals and a near constant full tank, his frame was quick to adjust to the extra energy and his lean and blocky frame became bulkier and more rounded out (to Cosmos’ absolute delight, he loves his healthy and well fed wife). The cassettes also got a good treatment of healthy weight gain!
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ultra-phthalo · 5 months
Reverse First Contact AU
This idea just dropped in my brain after watching Harambe's tragic back story. And I'm so excited to tell you this AU. Transformers have become extremely endangered because of the war. They are all on Earth and can't communicate with humans because of the language barrier. Years later, all the possible tech humans were able to extract from them did eventually satisfy human curiosity enough to see them as less of a threat. And humans just now treat the last surviving cybertronians on Earth as though they were simple space curiosities. To be kept in a zoo setting. That are owned by states. Sometimes they are shipped to other states as a way of maintaining cordial political affiliations between nations. Since they are so expensive to maintain and keep in one place. Think of it as a Planet Of The Apes, old gods situation lol. [I revised my ask and decided to make this a separate blog post others can add their ideas to]
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knight-says-rollout · 2 years
Thinking ab how there’s a sort of wing-speak thing for both wings and doorwings
It’s heavily rooted in body language so I’m positive there’s similarities but fliers and praxians are Definitely socialized differently. Plus the hinges, weights, and attachment angles are different! So in certain ways they Can’t move the same
There’s definitely stuff that has different motions but mean the same thing, like for example wings fluttering would be the same as doorwings bouncing, because doorwings Can’t flutter
But what about the motions they share? A lot of outside factors influence the tone or meaning a gesture can have, and I think the detail wingspeak has would just amplify that, so with the different backgrounds a lot of the same motions probably have different meanings
Are the differences read as accents are? Like a flier from altihex looking at a praxian and the wing language translates like someone speaking with a super thick accent? The message comes across but the details are lost in translation
Or would that apply more between a flier from altihex and another from vos? While a grounder from praxis is speaking a whole different language?
How does that come into play after Vos and Praxis fall. Did it fuel the fire? “They’re all Decepticons/Autobots, they’re Bad, they don’t even use their wings/doors properly”
Idk man I feel like this is potential that Everyone is underusing, if we as a fandom are making it function as a language I demand nuance, I demand variation
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dragonsgirl572 · 1 year
Hello males, females, and others!
Recently, I have noticed how popular this post was (over 100 notes!), and I thought to myself, "What if I do more?"
So! If any of you are having any trouble decoding the Cybertronian language or you're just too lazy to do it yourself, then just hop on over my ask box!
Totally not a way to get some asks.
Of course, if you wanna do it yourself, here's the link to the Cybertronian languages--Autobot, Decepticon, and others.
But feel free to request some episodes! I give permission to spam if you think I didn't receive it.
You just have to:
Give the name of the Transformers series/movie
If it is a series, add the season and episode number (aka Season 2 episode 3, or something)
Add a timestamp
Three simple steps! I look forward to your requests!
Love you guys!
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I wholeheartedly believe the transformers need to speak in cybertronian more around the humans because it's so damn fun. I want the kids to pick up little phrases and a few written glyphs, I want more culture shock moments, bUT ALsO because I knowww there are special fonts for it that I would straight up die to use if my phones would let me
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
You know, I think my thing about liking “asshole Megatron” more than “good Megatron” (speaking in terms of IDW1) isn’t just the fact that I find evil Megatron more entertaining and sexy, but that I suppose I don’t like the way good guy/Autobot Megatron’s personality is?
Like mmmm I’m not trying to be one of those people who goes “he’s OOC!” or “he’s such a wimp!” or “he’s evil and doesn’t deserve to be redeemed,” but there was just something slightly grating about the way Megatron is/acts in MTMTE/LL. If I had to pick a word for it, he just seems very... self-pitying? Ratchet said it perfectly while the DJD were attacking and he told Megatron “Oh of course it’s all about you, what a surprise.”
There’s something about Autobot Megatron that makes me hate him as a person, not like in a “haha what a pathetic bastard” way the way I see villain Megatron, but in a way that’s like “god you are so fucking stuck up and annoying” in a non-enjoyable way. Maybe it’s because Autobot Megatron was a last minute plot change and I’m sensing how JRO “forced” Megatron to be part of the narrative last minute? But that would just be a matter of shoddy writing, and MTMTE/LL aren’t shoddily written.
It’s presumptuous to try and assume the motivation of an author, but I guess it kind of feels like JRO was trying so hard to make Megatron a better person that it backfired and made him more unlikeable in my eyes. Like, Megatron’s dialogue about how if he goes back towards violence he’ll never come back out again because the guilt will be too much is poetic yeah, it’s a very cute notion, but the context is that the fucking DJD (who Megatron made) is attacking and killing members of the Lost Light (who Megatron is in charge of) and was it supposed to make me think of Megatron as noble or pitiable or something? Because instead it just pissed me off and made me want to scream “this isn’t fucking about you Megatron, stop being an angsty mope and DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR ONCE instead of crying about how hard it is for you to not enjoy killing people.”
It’s fucking weird because I of course love the concept of redeemable Megatron, and I’m fascinated with the way in which he adopted violence as a coping mechanism for trauma, but the way he’s written in MTMTE/LL just makes him seem more like he’s a self-justifying asshole trying to make pitiable attempts at good deeds than like he’s actually improving as a person. Which of course is a problem caused by the fact that JRO shoved him into the plot last minute and it didn’t actually make sense for Megatron to be on the Lost Light.
#squiggposting#negativity#like deadass i don't get how so many people loooooove mtmte megs because like yeah there are really good moments#but as a person megatron is so annoying and self righteous and kind of whiney and is basically pointless to the plot to begin with#if you took him out of mtmte/ll i don't think the NARRATIVE AS A WHOLE would have lost anything worth keeping#like idk i'm trying really hard to avoid punitive and judgmental language when talking about meg/atron but just#he really really really annoys me the way he acts and how the fandom thinks that he's so precious and sad and such a good person#yeah he's less of a piece of shit than he used to be but he's still kind of a POS lol#he's so out of place in the narrative that JRO had to invent an entire alternate universe just to give him something heroic to do#meg/atron didn't even make reparations in the universe he fucked up#he just got an alternate universe made just for him for him to save instead#that's not justice that's not redemption that's not him compensating for what he did#CONCEPTUALLY YES redeemed megs is good#JRO did indeed do a lot to flesh out megs as a person#but overall he's like so fucking annoying actually and i feel like he's actually so fucking pathetic as an autobot#but everyone else seems to think he's a precious bb who tried so hard and is such a good person now#there are whole armies of meg stans who try to act like he did nothing wrong and he's god's gift to cybertron/the plot#he's really not BUT when i look at the plot of mtmte/ll i say to myself#'i see exactly why the fandom stans see megs the way they do'#because the whole story after megs comes in has this vibe of making excuses for him and trying to soften him#giving him superficial moments and forced plotlines that make him the hero of an entire alternate universe#THE UNIVERSE LITERALLY REVOLVES AROUND WHETHER MEGA EXISTS OR NOT#sure megs is punished in universe by people hating him and going off to be executed at the end#but in terms of structure and aborted plot lines (looking at you mutiny arc) the story bends to soften mega/tron and give him every chance#and it just feels.... cheap#it's one of those things where if i ignore my opinion i can enjoy the story i'm given#but if i look at it with a critical eye i'm like 'this isn't actually Pure Perfection Incarnate and actually kind of annoys me'
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thegreeneyedlycan · 1 year
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the-starry-seas · 1 year
ridiculous robot thought #472
Stormbrake: ever since we started dating, you look around to make sure no one can see us before you talk to me. we can break up if you're ashamed of me, it's okay
Optimus: I want to hide this from Mirage for as long as possible
Stormbrake: oh yeah absolutely
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Well, it was a big piece of work, hah
I took a break from RW and decided to draw something nostalgic
Actually I've been stuck with this idea for two years now and I'm glad I finally found the strength to do something about it. Thanks for inspiration from one good man)
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Long story short
In this AU autobots and deceptions are two unions of different tribes: mudwings, seawings and sandwings for the firsts and icewings, nightwings, rainwings and Pantala tribes for seconds. Skywings doesn’t exist anymore (because we need someone who takes place of predacons).
People are just people or scavenger if you prefer. And instead of whole cosmos it’s just two mainlands.
- Optimus Prime - I kinda like tfp Optimus. So formidable, powerful and mysterious but really gentle at the same time. And mud/sea combo works here in the best way. As the representation of two main tribes union and strong father/brother figure for team members.
I also think he might be an animus (but don’t use his magic often, especially for killing someone)
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- Ultra Magnus - Pure Icewing already will be great for him, but I gave him part of seawing so he could be more like an Optimus. But instead of being softer and warmer, Magnus is more cold and pragmatic version of him. A character who sees other dragons not as close allies and friends but as ordinary soldiers.
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- Ratchet - Yeah, the seawing would fit him better, but i just don’t know how to make the colors work here sooo… he’s a weak-fire mudwing. Like a skywing, but mudwing. Why not. Make sense with his lack of guns in origin. I think he’s design can be better, and maybe I’ll remake it.
I love his arc of recognizing people as equals and especially his interactions with Raphael. I think Ratchet often read him scrolls about history and magical artifacts.
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- Bulkhead - No surprises here - mudwing fit him perfectly. I think that the Wreckers could been a big and strong mudwing troops, and Bulkhead was a bigwings in such a one. He is lost a lot of his siblings during the war, and therefore tries with all his might to protect the new members of his family. I absolutely adore his relationship with Miko and Jackie, so for me he’s one of the cutest character, and I tried to make his forms round and soft.
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- Bumblebee - I know that majority draw him as a hivewing, but in that case the most logical for him will be a night/sandwing. Literally, autobots get their own Sunny)
I think in this version with his lack of a voice he could communicate using sign language or some variation of aquatic.
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- Arcee - Also nothing special - she is a seawing. I originally wanted to give her a helmet but it was too hard to draw. Just like Sunny she was born pretty small and now even younger dragons can be bigger than her. I’m pretty sure she is old enough to have seen Bumblebee when he was a dragonet, so she's literally like an older sister to him.
Actually she really gives me a Queen Glory vibes with her sarcasm and dangerous beauty, so rainwing might fit her as well.
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- Smokescreen - I used to think he was just a cringe, but now I realize he's a pretty interesting and realistic character. Like Ultra Magnus, I wanted to make him look like Optimus, only this time Smoke is more of a younger and much more irresponsible version of him. I think in this version (being part rainwing) he's trying to mimic Optimus's coloring using same red, blue and pale-gray shades.
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- Wheeljack - The scruffy boy! I think in this version he could be Bulkhead's "adopted sibling", so they are really close to each other. And, because he spent most of his life with Bulkhead, it's harder for him to get close to other tribes and dragons.
Painting scales to keep canonical colors is kinda cheating, but for this dude it totally works. He should have a pretty bright appearance with all those scars and bright spots.
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Cliffjumper - Ohoh… this poor guy. I didn't even think of putting him here, but I like his smug face too much. Even making his scales darker than the original, it's still too brightly colored for mudwing. He probably jokes about it a lot, saying that his ancestors were skywings.
I really like his dynamic with Arcee, and it's a shame we haven't seen much of their relationship. I think I need to do something cute about that.
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witchofthesouls · 10 months
There should be more cultural clashes between the Autobots and their human allies/pals, especially on the language front. Yeah, Spike's name is hilarious, but there's more.
The film Car and its sequels would make the 'bots either super interested or, if it's a sparkling fic, really uncomfortable.
Not because of the plot or anthromorphic features. Because of the soundtracks. "Life is a Highway," "Real Gone," and "Ride" sound like sex songs to them. Not the wink-wink-it's-inferred, it's straight-up sex. Like they ain't prude, but damn squishes, y'all roll like that?
'Driver' and 'rider' can be sexual euphemisms to Cybertronians. It's their equivalent to 'pitcher' and 'catcher.' Similar to 'crash' and how long it can be slang for 'extreme overload' because a mecha reboots or glitches out.
So just imagine, some of the Cybertronians reevaluating their neighbors, especially when they find dating app profiles going, "I like Pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, and long car rides under the stars."
Random 'bot/'con: all right, all right, let's see how's that endurance
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gardens-light · 1 year
On The Run
After discovering Optimus Prime in your family barn, normality seemed to briefly throw itself out of the window.
The leader of the Autobots couldn't be anymore in your debt. For as you spend every waking moment putting him back together- repairing and replacing parts of him to the best of your skill.
Admittedly, he almost gave up on humanity. As time seemed to prove itself that they would always look after their own, and protect what's theirs- no matter the cost. Betrayal unleashed it's ugly face to him multiple times, slapping him with the reality that Earth may not be safe for him and his Autobots anymore.
Yet here you stand before him. A warm smile with an aura of glittering hope, burning away his darkness of doubt. It was as though the Universe itself spoke through you, giving Optimus a warmth he thought was forgotten long ago. But he cannot help wander... how far could his trust in you really go...?
Content: Mild coarse language. Events takes place in Transformers- Age of Extinction. (Minor spoilers.) Mention of weaponry. Reader insert.
Word count- 2,800k
Sparkmate Series: Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (End)
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"Don't move like that."
Your hands pressed against Optimus' chest plate as you stood upon the scaffolding.
"The welds are still fresh. Transforming back into your truck form could ruin them- it would be like undoing stitches on a wound."
His Spark burst like small firecrackers as your delicate fingers brushed across his chassis. Jolts of electricity rush through his wires, as your touch run up towards his neck. Heat swept through his metal plates, as you reached up towards his cheek.
"You still need to heal, Big Guy. You of all people should know these things takes time..."
Optimus' optics snapped open. Your touch still lingering upon his chest plate like a ghostly inferred sensation. The memory of the previous hours of the day, playing on repeat within his processors. The haze of sleepiness soon rubbed off, his surroundings becoming faminular again.
His optics scanned the barn, the nocturnal wildlife outside disturbed the still night air. Your small whimpers of your voice caught his attention, Optimus' spark gave a warming glow as he looked down at you.
Engine grease staining your hands, as you curled up upon an old couch. Sleeping peacefully on your side, resting your head in the crook of your elbow.
Optimus' servo touched his lower abdomen, his digits feeling a fresh weld stretching up his side. A gentle sigh left him.
She must of pulled another all nighter.
Grabbing a blanket with his free servo, Optimus carefully draped it along your body. Allowing the tip of his index finger to trace your curves.
His Spark hummed, filling his chest with gentle warmth. Optimus quickly pulled away from you, placing his servo over his Spark.
No. Closing his optics, a heavy sigh left his mouth. Shaking his helm before the thought could permanently fixed itself to his processors. Nothing like that exists. It's just a romanticide idea...
"Y/N!" Tessa's voice shouted from the porch.
Stopping mid-weld upon Optimus' side. Gently tapping on the metal sheet, signaling for the Autobot to hold it in place while you pulled down your goggles around your neck.
"I don't like the tone of her voice..." you looked up at Optimus. He saw the worry shining in your eyes. "Hold that tightly, it's only half welded. Hide in there."
His optics followed your pointed finger, "go underneath the floorboards. It might be cramped for you, but it keep you be safe. Don't come out till I say."
Quickly leaving the barn and closing the door behind you. Swallowing down your nerves, as the sight of multiple black cars parked all across the gravel driveway and front lawn. Followed by your dad's truck.
"Oh no..."
A helicopter hovered a few meters away from the house. Disturbing the still air. As soon as the black vehicles parked, multiple heavy armoured individuals got out and scouted the farm.
A man wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses approached you, as your dad came to your side.
"I donno, Dad-"
"Mr Cade Yeager, my name is James Savoy. I'm a federal agent." Savoy took a look around the property. "My men and I are trying to track down an abandoned truck."
You watched one of the men walk past Tessa. Her eyes staring something in her hands, her fingers playing with the object. You saw her adjusting her breath to a calm rhythm, before looking up in your direction.
"It's a nice spread you've got here." Your attention turned back to Savoy. "Too bad she's up for sale."
"Thanks, and she's not." Cade boldly spoke. "And do you mean that truck?" he pointed to an vintage ute covered in rust, the grass and flowers started to reclaim it for many years now.
"Afraid not... y'know Mr Yeager. We received a call from someone whom is concerned about this truck. That wasn't you?"
You briefly glanced daggers to Tessa's direction. She quickly shook her head rapidly, using her index finger to draw a cross over her heart.
"The only thing I'm concerned about is you being on my property without permission."
Savoy scoffed at your dad's words.
"You know, there's a rule about people messing with people from Texas-"
"And we don't know what truck you're talking about."
Savoy took a step towards you, taking off his sunglasses allowing his narrowed stare to burn into your eyes. "The kind that cost American lives!... Ma'am..."
Savoy studied your firm expression before turning back to his men, "search the property!"
"What? What you mean 'search the property'? You don't have a warrant!" Cade protested.
Savoy glared at him, stepping into Cade's personal space. "My face is my warrant"
You swallowed nervously, trying to keep steady shallow breaths as you watched the men move throughout the farm. Roaming into the house and approaching the barn. Voices scratched over their radios, as the buzz of drones flew above.
Cade turned and looked at you, "what is going on Y/N?-"
"I don't know, Dad..."
His brown eyes studied you, "you sure?... I'm happy to vouch for you but I need to know what it is."
You hesitated before speaking, " I. Don't. Know..."
"The fuck is all this junk?"
"A hoarder's yard. That's what."
Optimus looked up at the floorboards, hearing voices and footsteps of the agents entering the barn. Trying to lower himself further down in the cramped floor space, his face wincing in pain as the half welded sheet dug into his thighs. Automatically covering it up with his servo.
A groan escaped from an agent's lips. His footsteps retreating back to the barn doors, "there's no signs. We've got nothing."
Optimus rested his helm against the dirt wall.
"Sir! We have a live armed missile in the trash!"
The Autobot's wide optics quickly glanced up back up.
Oh no... Y/N!!
"Shit..." you hissed under your breath. Feeling Cade's questioning daggers immediately turning your way.
"I-I thought it was a dud." You lowly admitted. Hands clenched into fists.
Savoy's glaze switched between you and Cade.
"Look! Okay, yes. Yes, I found a truck. All right!" you admitted.
Tessa kept shaking her head. Cade leaned towards you, muttering your name.
"I towed it back for the parts, and left it here on the driveway last night. This morning it was gone." You gazed at Savoy. "When? Where? I don't know- I swear to God. That's as much as I know about him!"
You tried to approach Tessa. Eyes staring at the ground, Cade's voice shouted questions at you as he followed. But Savoy grabbed your arm.
"You just said 'him'." Savoy smiled as your terrified expression told him everything. "Take them down!"
Your heart jumped into your throat. Fear running up your spine, as the agents forcefully grabbed Cade and Tessa, throwing them down against the grass.
"They don't know about the truck!" you protested. "I know! I know about it! Please, let them go!"
Savoy grabbed your jaw, forcefully making you look at him. "What kind of woman betrays her flesh-and-blood brethren, for some alien metal?"
"He's more human than you ever be!"
He groaned, wiping your spit away from his face. Savoy's fist made contact with your face, two agents restrained you by the arms holding you up. As Savoy grabbed your jaw again.
Clicking his fingers, the agents restraining Cade and Tessa pulled out their weapons. Clocking the gun and removing the safety.
"You'd kill my family?!-"
"If I have to. You've got ten seconds to tell me where the truck is."
Cade fought against the agent whom knelt against his back. "Don't you fucking dare touch my daughters! Hurt them and I'll kill you!"
Tears ran down Tessa's face as she yelled out for you and Cade. The sound of a gunshot made you flinch.
"Next one will go through your father's head." Savoy warned. "Now, the truck-"
"I've told you everything I know!" you protested. "He was here, and now he's gone! That's all I swear!"
"I'm telling you the truth!" your voice cried. Hearing the pain in your tone made Optimus' Spark weep. "He's not here! I swear! He's not here!"
"Tell your men to back off! Don't you dare fucking shoot my daughters!"
"Y/N! Y/N! Please!"
The cries from you and your family wurld around Optimus' head. Hearing Savoy countdown from ten, as he continued yelling his demands at you.
Optimus withdraw his cannon from his back plates. Clocking it, allowing the weapon to light up and wurl. Allowing his face guard to untuck from his faceplate and cover his mouth.
Let's roll!
Erupting from underground, Optimus opened fire at his enemies. Blowing them out of the way, and reducing the barn to splinters.
"Here I am!" his machical voice roared, standing at his full height. Allowing all to see him.
His Spark pulsating fast as his optics laid on you. Rage filled him as he changed the output of his cannon, firing non-lethal EMP's in your direction.
"Stay away from her!"
You knelt to the ground, using your arms to shield you from the blast as the agents flew away from you. Tessa and Cade quickly rushed to your side.
"What the fuck is going on?" Cade yelled over the comotion.
"Run Y/N!" you looked up at Optimus as his cannon returned to deadly rounds. "They're going to kill you! Get out of here!"
Heeding the Autobot's warning, grabbing your sister and dad by their hands. Running towards the wheatfield on the left of the farm. Two missiles came from above. Turning your once family home into nothing but rubble.
Without warning the sound of a car engine roared in the air, quickly stopping at the bottom of the wheatfield. As a white Hatchback raced down the hill, and came skidding to a halt before the three of you.
The passenger door flew open. "Hurry! Get in the car!" the male driver yelled.
"Daddy! Y/N! Get in the car!" Tessa shouted. Shoving your dad into the front passenger seat, and trying to pull you into the back with her.
"What about Optimus? We can't just leave him!-"
"Stop protesting, Y/N! And get in the car!"
"Perimeter! Optimus moving your way!" Savoy yelled into the receiver of his radio.
Optimus looked ahead. Breathing a little easier, once his scanners assured him you were at a safe distance. Seeing the Hatchback race down the road, a low groan escaped Optimus' mouth as he crouched down. Forcing his metal plates to shift, loud churning noises rumbled throughout his mechanical body, as he transformed back into a truck.
You and Tessa clung onto the roll cage for dear life, as the hatchback raced down the open fields.
"What's happening, baby? Who are these guys?" the male driver asked Tessa, looking at her reflection through the rearview mirror.
"It's the truck!" she yelled over the engine. "They want my sister's truck!-"
"Truck?! What truck?!" Cade looked at you over his shoulder. He turned to Tess, "who are 'they'?" his attention fell back onto the male driver. "Who are you? And who the hell are you calling, 'baby?'-"
Tessa and the driver paused.
"I know you heard me!-"
"He's Tessa's boyfriend!" you cried out.
Cade's eyes widened, "what?-"
"His name is Shane! I saw him leaving Tessa's room in his underwear!"
Tessa punched your arm, "well Y/N brought home a Transformer!"
You punched her back. "If you're going to tell a secret. At least get it right! Optimus was already in the barn!"
"At least I tried to keep your secret!-"
"If we survive this. You two girls have a lot of explaining to do!" Cade shouted.
You and Tessa slouched back in the rear seats.
Shane bit his lip, hesitating for a moment before speaking. "Mr Yeager, this was not how I wanted us to meet ok?-"
"Introduction later!" Cade yelled. "Just shut up and drive the car!"
Two black cars appeared in Shane's rearview mirror. Putting the accelerator closer to the ground, the Hatchback raced through the neighboring paddocks.
"I'm going to try and lose them in the cornfield!" Shane spoke over the roaring engine, as he took a sharp right turn. Driving down a dirt road, kicking up dust and dirt behind him.
A scream left your mouth, as your wide-eyed gaze saw one of the black cars quickly emerging from the tall corn. "Watch out!-"
"Brace for impact!"
Heeding Shane's warning, you and Tessa grabbed hold of the handles above the passenger door. Reaching out for one another, as the car t-boned into the side of Shane.
Screams filled the car, as everyone tried to shield their eyes from the rain of glass. Forcing the Hatchback off the dirt track and into the tall field, Shane kept surprising control of the car. The vehicle swerved in and out of trees.
The speed chase continued onto the main road. Shane weaved in and out of oncoming traffic, effortlessly changing lanes and avoiding pedestrians. Other drivers bleeped their horns and flashed their headlights.
Tessa scrunched up her face, as the sound of crashing cars piled up behind as Shane drove through red lights. And sped through traffic.
Your heart beat hard against your ribcage. Anxiety and adrenaline raced through your veins. Closing your eyes and placing a hand over your stomach as Shane drifted around a corner.
"Great! Now they're firing at us!" Tessa said as bullets ricocheted off the Hatchback.
You and her quickly braced yourselves against the driver and front passenger seat.
"Man! I don't know how I'm driving so good!" Shane exclaimed with a smile. "It's like, today I've gone to a whole other level-"
"Road! Focus!" Cade shouted.
"Shane! Look out!" he drifted around another corner as Tessa's warning came to him.
Your stomach turned into a sickening knot, "I honestly don't know how long I can hold myself together-"
"Y/N! If you throw up on my jeans. I will never forgive you!"
You looked up at Tessa, giving her questioning eyes. "That's your concern right now?!-"
"Hang on!" Shane momentarily stopped the car. Skidding to the side, before putting his foot down on the pedal again and crashing through an empty cafe.
Exiting through the back alley and down an old, forgotten road.
"Lose them through the factory, Shane!"
"You got it, Babe!"
Racing around the empty car park of an abandoned factory. Swerving around corners and driving through large gaps in the building.
"I thought you knew how to drive this thing!" you shouted, as it appeared nothing Shane did was working in losing the tail chasers.
Optimus' Spark raced through his wires, as he drifted and turned through the factory. His scanners having a hard time keeping track of the little Hatchback. Metal plates shifted and groaned as he unleashed his full height, jumping from roof to roof of the factory in an attempt to keep up with you.
You quickly looked out the back window, as Optimus' voice called out for you. Your eyes widening as he rolled in the way of the black cars, causing them to slam into him and setting alight upon collision.
"Take them upstairs!" Tessa pointed from the backseat.
"We're gonna lose them on the fifth floor!" Shane agreed.
The knot in your stomach tightened as the Hatchback entered a multi-story car park. Your skin turned pale, bracing yourself against the back of your dad's seat, as the car drifted around corners and moved up the levels.
"Do that thing, Shane!"
"You know it-"
"What? What thing?" your panicky tone questioned.
"What we're about to do is gonna be kinda scary." Somehow Shane's tone didn't sound much of a warning, as he failed to hide the excitement in his tone.
Pressing the accelerator fully against the floor, Shane looked at Tessa through the rearview mirror. "Ready, Babe?"
"Got it" she said, leaning as far forward as she could. Grabbing onto the handbrake.
"Three. Two. One.. Pull!"
At Shane's command, Tessa pulled the handbrake as hard as she could. Causing the car to sharply stop, then turn right and continue racing towards a ramp that hung out of a window.
"No! No! No!" Cade cried.
The pit of your stomach lifted during the brief seconds of weightlessness. Until it dropped hard once gravity pulled you back down. A high pitch scream left your mouth, hands clutching into the back of Cade's seat, ripping the fabric. As you closed your eyes tightly.
By some miracle the Hatchback roughly landed on a ramp upon the ground. The two black cars behind you wasn't so lucky.
"You two girls are so grounded!" Cade shouted, as Shane drifted around one more corner.
Churning and clunking noises begun to erupt from the engine. The car finally came to an abrupt halt, as Shane slammed on the breaks.
Smoke begun to leak out of the hood.
"Shit! We gotta go!"
Shane and Cade quickly got out of the Hatchback. Optimus blared his horn, rolling up a few feet behind.
"Optimus!" you shouted as Cade helped you get out of the car.
The four of you ran towards the rusty truck. Quickly dodging the rain of bullets from above. Once safely inside, the Autobot sped out of the car park and raced towards the entrance to the highway.
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lovinglonerhybrid · 4 months
Pubic library’s love Optimus prime!
Public libraries tend to rely a lot on government funding and local donations. now once Optimus here’s this he immediately begins to comb through the autobot archives for some books that he can donate. The librations are understandably veary confused when a truck load of books is dumbed by there doorsteps with the note ‘both the original text and English translation are available’ now these poor people open up the large books expecting another earth language but instead they get cybertronion. They put the English translations on display and they are all the subject of much scrutiny until someone actually sits and reads the texts and finds that they are very intriguing. There are story’s on ancient mystical robots that the books call primes. There are stories of war and rebellion and love and loss soon the library’s are hounded by meany dedicated fans of these mysterious books for Moore for a way to contact the author but there is nothing moor given to them in the form of books only donations signed by an O.P.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hi, I just recently came across your blog and I really liked it, well done, you write very well, I can't wait to read what you write next time. If I can make a request, then I would like to ask you to write the reaction of TFP Autobots and Decepticons (and maybe humans) to the fact that on one day both sides discovered the vital signals of both factions emanating from the Smithsonian museum. The Autobots arrive at the department of the museum with historical cars to find the Autobot Buddy in stasis in her altforem of the Red Cross car from the time of the First World War. And at the same time, the Decepticons arriving at the museum department with historical aircraft find the Decepticon Buddy also in stasis in his altforem of the World War One aircraft. Both Buddies were sent by their leaders at the beginning of the Cybertron war to explore new worlds suitable for the extraction of energon. And arriving on earth in 1915, they not only continued their war, but also to some extent became part of the human war until one day in 1917, they both plunged each other into stasis. I apologize in advance if there are errors or typos in the text, English is not my native language.
These Buddy's are going to be in for a shock when they figure out they had been gone for a while.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy's the Bot and Con waking up from stasis after being in WWI
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Bot is red cross car.
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Con is a red barron.
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Bot is name Red Cross.
Con named Deadloop.
They were both sent to Earth to scout energon.
Once they both land on the planet they are at each other’s throats trying to claim the planet it the name of their faction. Until they realize this planet is also at war.
“You have got to be kidding me!”—Red Cross
“War seems to be following us everywhere my friend…”--Deadloop
“I’m not your friend!”—Red Cross
“We are now! We’re the only Cybertronains on this planet at war. We need to look after each other whether we like it or not!”--Deadloop
“Hmmm…”—Red Cross
“What if we helped the good side of this war?”—Red Cross
“Don’t we have our own war to worry about?”--Deadloop
“And they’re lightyears away. I saw we help the good side win; we strike a deal for them not to hunt us down, take the energon reserves and when our sides come no one will be mad. Mission accomplished.”—Red Cross
“…Primus what am I doing… Fine! Don’t have anything better to do.”--Deadloop
After scanning random vehicles, the Cybertronains end up partnering up with Allied forces under a secret organization.
The organization made sure that not many people knew about their existence, which was fine by them.
Deadloop ended up helping arial strikes and dog fights.
It was confusing as they took the form of the infamous Red Baron, but it certainly struck fear in the hearts of the Central Power’s aerial forces thinking their Baron went rogue.
Red Cross ended up taking up learning more about organic medicine to help the troops, especially those who had just come back from the trenches.
They end up becoming good friends with each other and their fellow human companions.
Red Cross fixing Deadloop’s damaged propeller.
“You have to be more careful Loop. The supplies are low with propeller parts.”—Red Cross
Deadloop gives them a smirk.
“You should see the other guys. They’re practically in scrap metal.”--Deadloop
Red Cross shakes their helm a bit while reattaching the new propeller.
A human enters the hangar.
“How’s Deadloop Cross?”
Red Cross looks down at the nurse smiling.
“Mrs. Fowler, the propeller replacement is just about finished. How’s the Mister?”—Red Cross
She smiles a bit.
“He’s doing as good as we all are… There’s something I need to tell you two.”—Mrs. Fowler
Both look at each other before giving full attention to the nurse.
“…I’m pregnant.”—Mrs. Fowler
“…What’s pregnant?”--Deadloop
Red Cross’s optics widened.
“Your having a sparkling!? Loop! She’s having a sparkling!”—Red Cross
Deadloop looks at her wide optic.
“Congratulations!”—Red Cross
“Yeah… wow... did not expect that.”--Deadloop
The nurse looks down a bit.
“Mrs. Fowler? Is something else on your mind?”—Red Cross
“We’ve been talking, the mister and I, about making you two the godparents—”—Mrs. Fowler
Red Cross squeals a bit.
“I’ve heard about that term!”—Red Cross
They put their arm around Deadloop whose optics just grow wider.
Red Cross looks at Deadloop and they both look down at the nurse.
Deadloop kneels down and gently places a digit on Mrs. Fowler’s belly.
“Hey there tiny. This is Deadloop and Red Cross speaking, your grandparents. We can’t wait to meet ya.”--Deadloop
It would be a couple days after that news when Deadloop got shot down in no mans land. Red Cross moving to their friend trying to cover them from the shelling and the mustard gas that was clogging their vents.
The two eventually reverted into vehicle mode before going into stasis.
Us govt kept their bodies in a museum after many of the families and members of the secret unit refuses to burry them or burn them.
Now to present day…
The Autobots and Decepticon’s had recently come across two different signals coming from the museum.
Cons get there first and find the stasis signal coming from a red baron plane.
They take the plane and groundbridge out of there before the bots come.
The bots come and realize one of the signals is now gone.
But thankfully there’s one more.
The signal is coming from a car, and they take it.
After a bit of fixing the bot wakes up and is very startled to see their leader there.
Red Cross stretches a bit.
“Urgh… That hurts…”—Red Cross
They look up to see Optimus.
Their optics widened.
“Prime?! You’re here? Wait where’s Deadloop? Where’s Fowler? Where—”—Red Cross
“How do you know my name?”—Agent Fowler
Red Cross looks at Fowler with shocked expression.
“You’re not the Missus or the Mister… but they didn’t have any siblings that I know about…”—Red Cross
Red Cross looks carefully at their surroundings.
“This isn’t base camp…”—Red Cross
“It’s a good thing your sitting down then. There’s a lot you missed.”--Bulkhead
Optimus explains what happened.
Bot must sit down for a second realizing that all of their friends were dead and was once again thrusted into their own civil war.
They agree to work with them and mainly stay on base with Ratchet as their altmode isn’t suitable for the current times and a heavy limp in one of their pedes thanks to the shrapnel attack had gotten infected.
Red Cross looks sadly at Agent Fowler.
“You have her eyes… and you have his hair.”—Red Cross
“You really knew them?”—Agent Fowler
“Sure did! I met the Missus when she threw an egg at us the first day we met. That was some day.”—Red Cross
Fowler raises and eyebrow.
“An egg?”—Agent Fowler
“Yep! That little bugger gave us quite the scare first time around. Good thing I kicked it before it could hurt anyone.”—Red Cross
“…A chicken egg?”—Agent Fowler
“Chicken? No! An egg! What there’s a new word for that…”—Red Cross
Red Cross thinks for a bit.
“Oh! Grenade!”—Red Cross
“She threw a grenade!”--Miko
With cons…
Con wakes up and is ready to attack the first things they see.
Shocked to see Megatron.
They listen carefully and are slightly relief that their friend wasn’t captured.
But they are still worried for their safety now that Megatron has arrived to this planet.
There was no telling what the warlord would do to their friends.
“I expect to see you back in the sky’s at first light.”--Megatron
Deadloops propeller falls off.
“…Maybe after their not falling apart Lord Megatron?”--Knockout
Megatron nods and leaves.
Deadloop looks at Steve.
“Hey, how are the Granny’s here?”--Deadloop
“The what?”--Steve
“You know the Granny’s? Do we still have them shooting the basic blasts?”--Deadloop
“… Do you mean heavy guns?”--Steve
“Yes? That’s a Granny.”--Deadloop
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tossawary · 6 months
None of the Transformers cartoons that I've seen so far (G1, Beast Wars, TFA, most of TFP, some of the live-action movies years ago) have brought up the fact that the Cybertronians have to be offering humans the English translations of their original names / designations. (I assume one of the comics has explored something like this at some point?) I have generally assumed that Cybertronian languages are probably utterly unpronounceable by human vocal chords and possibly also going at at least 10x speed or something.
I think it would be fun to write a fic for pretty much any continuity in which the Autobots begin their time on Earth choosing their "Earth names". Some Cybertronians may have VERY different designations and designation styles in their own languages, depending on their origins, AND THEN based on their individual personalities, they may choose a very literal translation of their original designation, a more artistic interpretation of their designation, a translation of a nickname, or they might straight-up take the opportunity to choose something entirely new. Or have their new human friends choose for them!
Which is all very cute and has the potential to be heartfelt and bittersweet! And then I started thinking about Earth names for Decepticons, which is VERY FUNNY to me, in part because I don't think every version of Megatron would care to introduce himself to Earth. Humans aren't worth talking to. In which case, when the humans ask for information on which Decepticon is which, the AUTOBOTS are probably the ones who first have to come up with Earth names for the Decepticons.
Like, can you imagine Starscream, 1-3 months or so into being on Earth, turning towards the humans to gloat about how he's going to rule this planet, going into a long introduction with an extremely lengthy and flowery interpretation of what he thinks humans should call him? ("Your Glorious Celestial Majesty" or something at the shortest.) Only for Optimus Prime or someone to say semi-apologetically: "We've already told them that an acceptable translation of your name is 'Starscream'."
Starscream: "WHAT."
Optimus Prime: "YOU weren't talking to them before. We had to call you something besides 'the red and blue plane'."
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