#because the whole story after megs comes in has this vibe of making excuses for him and trying to soften him
lord-squiggletits · 2 years
You know, I think my thing about liking “asshole Megatron” more than “good Megatron” (speaking in terms of IDW1) isn’t just the fact that I find evil Megatron more entertaining and sexy, but that I suppose I don’t like the way good guy/Autobot Megatron’s personality is?
Like mmmm I’m not trying to be one of those people who goes “he’s OOC!” or “he’s such a wimp!” or “he’s evil and doesn’t deserve to be redeemed,” but there was just something slightly grating about the way Megatron is/acts in MTMTE/LL. If I had to pick a word for it, he just seems very... self-pitying? Ratchet said it perfectly while the DJD were attacking and he told Megatron “Oh of course it’s all about you, what a surprise.”
There’s something about Autobot Megatron that makes me hate him as a person, not like in a “haha what a pathetic bastard” way the way I see villain Megatron, but in a way that’s like “god you are so fucking stuck up and annoying” in a non-enjoyable way. Maybe it’s because Autobot Megatron was a last minute plot change and I’m sensing how JRO “forced” Megatron to be part of the narrative last minute? But that would just be a matter of shoddy writing, and MTMTE/LL aren’t shoddily written.
It’s presumptuous to try and assume the motivation of an author, but I guess it kind of feels like JRO was trying so hard to make Megatron a better person that it backfired and made him more unlikeable in my eyes. Like, Megatron’s dialogue about how if he goes back towards violence he’ll never come back out again because the guilt will be too much is poetic yeah, it’s a very cute notion, but the context is that the fucking DJD (who Megatron made) is attacking and killing members of the Lost Light (who Megatron is in charge of) and was it supposed to make me think of Megatron as noble or pitiable or something? Because instead it just pissed me off and made me want to scream “this isn’t fucking about you Megatron, stop being an angsty mope and DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR ONCE instead of crying about how hard it is for you to not enjoy killing people.”
It’s fucking weird because I of course love the concept of redeemable Megatron, and I’m fascinated with the way in which he adopted violence as a coping mechanism for trauma, but the way he’s written in MTMTE/LL just makes him seem more like he’s a self-justifying asshole trying to make pitiable attempts at good deeds than like he’s actually improving as a person. Which of course is a problem caused by the fact that JRO shoved him into the plot last minute and it didn’t actually make sense for Megatron to be on the Lost Light.
#squiggposting#negativity#like deadass i don't get how so many people loooooove mtmte megs because like yeah there are really good moments#but as a person megatron is so annoying and self righteous and kind of whiney and is basically pointless to the plot to begin with#if you took him out of mtmte/ll i don't think the NARRATIVE AS A WHOLE would have lost anything worth keeping#like idk i'm trying really hard to avoid punitive and judgmental language when talking about meg/atron but just#he really really really annoys me the way he acts and how the fandom thinks that he's so precious and sad and such a good person#yeah he's less of a piece of shit than he used to be but he's still kind of a POS lol#he's so out of place in the narrative that JRO had to invent an entire alternate universe just to give him something heroic to do#meg/atron didn't even make reparations in the universe he fucked up#he just got an alternate universe made just for him for him to save instead#that's not justice that's not redemption that's not him compensating for what he did#CONCEPTUALLY YES redeemed megs is good#JRO did indeed do a lot to flesh out megs as a person#but overall he's like so fucking annoying actually and i feel like he's actually so fucking pathetic as an autobot#but everyone else seems to think he's a precious bb who tried so hard and is such a good person now#there are whole armies of meg stans who try to act like he did nothing wrong and he's god's gift to cybertron/the plot#he's really not BUT when i look at the plot of mtmte/ll i say to myself#'i see exactly why the fandom stans see megs the way they do'#because the whole story after megs comes in has this vibe of making excuses for him and trying to soften him#giving him superficial moments and forced plotlines that make him the hero of an entire alternate universe#THE UNIVERSE LITERALLY REVOLVES AROUND WHETHER MEGA EXISTS OR NOT#sure megs is punished in universe by people hating him and going off to be executed at the end#but in terms of structure and aborted plot lines (looking at you mutiny arc) the story bends to soften mega/tron and give him every chance#and it just feels.... cheap#it's one of those things where if i ignore my opinion i can enjoy the story i'm given#but if i look at it with a critical eye i'm like 'this isn't actually Pure Perfection Incarnate and actually kind of annoys me'
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bonsai62 · 3 years
I just realized something... I was talking to this person one time on a post before and as I was typing that’s when i realized something:
This is for my fellow Nobamaki & Itafushi shippers! If you guys don’t ship it then it’s okay! This is just like a small analysis in my eyes and the way I read things! I can be wrong or just love reaching on a shit ton of things but this is all for fun and I love sharing with you guys!
Let’s get started! Also, this contains spoilers!
Do you guys realize that Nobamaki/Itafushi actually parallel to each other? Let me explain in shitty English and basic grammar and vocabulary lol:
As I watch and read Jujutsu Kaisen I see a lot of parallels between characters; Gojo with Megumi or Yuji, Getou with Megumi and Yuji or Nobara and Maki... but what I want to parallel between characters is:
Yuji & Maki
1. Raw strength:
Both are hella fucking strong and for people who don’t have cursed techniques, they know how to kick fucking ass. What made me realize that both of them are the same is honestly during the baseball game. I like how we were able to see Maki and Yuji making a home run... okay well Momo fucked up Maki’s groove! Haha! But during the Tokyo vs Kyoto event, Maki and Yuji go ham on their enemy.
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Yes, Maki used weapons but still, we can’t deny she got good speed and strength that is similar to Yuji’s. That’s why I wish I can see them both doing a bad ass duo fight together.
I have a small headcanon that Yuji actually enjoys training with Maki the most because I feel like he can understand someone who shares similarity in natural raw strength and speed. And Maki feels the same way and it’s a good excuse to bully Yuji as a joke. I would honestly love to see that! Lol!
2. Their story:
Yuji and Maki honestly have it bad. Yuji loosing his only family member (his abuelo) and becoming Sukuna’s vessel which leads him to a future execution. For Maki is the fact that her family treated her like garbage and having to leave her sister behind and eventually her sister dying.
Both Maki and Yuji share that same pain when it comes to loosing someone. We saw Yuji with Junpei and in the Shibuya Arc with Nanamin and Noabra. Again, Maki the same with Mai.
I think what made me even realize it MORE on how alike and how they parallel with each other are these images right here and how they worded their final saying:
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In the Shibuya Arc, Yuji lost it. He lost it with Nanamin and Nobara (but luckily for Todo, he was able to pick his feet back up).
If I was Yuji, I would’ve reacted the same way because imagine having the idea you want to save people no matter what but people keeps dying around you or by you? It’s tiring and I would’ve had a mental breakdown too.
After kicking Mahito’s ass, Yuji says there is no reason anymore. For me, when Maki’s arc came it really reminded me of this:
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When Mai died and was killed by her own dad. Her dad took away someone who was precious to Maki no matter how much they didn’t get along. Maki really wanted to create the Zenin clan just for Mai to be safe and free.
Again, same with Maki, I would’ve killed the whole clan too because of how in general the Zenin clan is and how they treat people.
3. Having a “curse”:
Nanamin to Yuji: “You’ve got it from here”
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Mai to Maki: “destroy everything”
I don’t necessarily mean a curse curse but it’s more like final words that someone important to them said before dying.
For Yuji, he won’t die because Nanamin believes that Yuji can move forward and save the world.
As for Maki, Mai tells her to destroy everything in order for things to change (I might be wrong). It’s for the Zenin clan to start fresh. That is another way I kinda Interpreted (again, I can be wrong). Maki still isn’t done with destroying things plus she is going to move forward just like Yuji. 
I have a thing that if the higher ups find out about Maki, she would be on the verge of being executed as well. So imagine both Maki and Yuji together being executed.
Now on to the next pair!
Megumi & Nobara
Again, this is just me analyzing. But if you ship Itafushi and Nobamaki, you can actually see another pair that parallels to each other but so far I haven’t seen anyone compare them yet, or it’s just me lol!
1. No rivalries:
I think what I love about these ships so damn much is that there is NO RIVALRIES. Even if you don’t ship them you have to admit it is amazing seeing a m/m or f/f getting along without being damn rivals. I’m glad Gege decided not to do that especially towards the women because it does get so tiring that two women don’t like each other for no damn reason or fighting over the main guy or other main guy. At least when Nobara didn’t like Mai or Momo, she had a reason for not liking them.
And don’t get me started with Megumi and Yuji. I was so happy to finally see two boys be friends instead of the usual, boring rivalries. I’m a be honest with you, I was pretty shocked that Gege was able to make Megumi and Yuji be so close and trust each other as friends. It’s a breath of fresh air for the two ships like omg I was happy not seeing the basic shonen bullshit with the f/f and m/m relationship.
2. Hyping up their pairs:
What I mean by hyping them up, I’m talking about the potential that Maki and Yuji has that Nobara and Megumi sees from them. Nobara since the start acknowledge that Maki is strong and vice versa with Megumi with Yuji. What made me see that Nobara knows that Maki is just amazing and strong was during the baseball when Maki was able to hit almost a home run. Nobara just knew that Maki would be able to make that home run but again Momo ruined her moment! Lol!
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As for Megumi, we see while the Tokyo students came up with a strategy to win against the Kyoto students, we see him saying that Yuji can actually beat all their asses without curse energy or energy(one of those). Megumi reassures to people that Yuji can take care of himself and is very useful. Another time Megumi reassured that Yuji is strong is when he was in his bed healing from Hanami’s attacks and when they fought tiger against that one dude (forgot his name)
3. Thinking about them/defending them:
Now… this is really what made me think why Nobara and Megumi parallel with each other
It��s becasue I feel like they’re the ones who are more attached and over protective with Yuji and Maki than how Maki and Yuji are with them.
Now, I’m not saying it’s vice verse with Maki and Yuji. But I’m talking about how Nobara and Megumi expresses it. Let me explain:
While reading and watching JJK, we see how Nobara is with Maki compared to anyone else. And no, I’m not saying that Nobara isn’t overprotective with Megumi or Yuji but just the way she is towards Maki. I would honest love to see how these girls got along and how they became close!
Ever since Maki and Nobara had that deep conversation about why Maki choose to be a sorcerer, that is when I actually started shipping them because of how much respect Nobara has towards Maki and it continues to develop more and more with the two of them. We saw how Nobara got super defensive when she fought against Mai (First time) and started dissing Mai. The second time was with Momo, when she was straight up talking shit about Maki.
I love how when Nobara was talking about Maki and Yuji when fighting against Momo. However, I felt a different vibe towards it as well. What I mean by that is that I got more of a “big sister vibe” toward Yuji and a “I love and respect Maki”
But again, I feel like Nobara had some sort of feeling and attachment toward Maki ever since that fight with Momo and more than anyone else too. However, that is just me though! You do t have to agree with my reaching!
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For Megumi and Yuji… First of all… Megumi would not hesitate to pull a trigger if anyone is trying to harm Yuji. What made me see that was against Kamo and the Kyoto students. I swear that day Megumi was literally about to commit murder.
Yeah, Nobara got pissed but she went easy on them, but Megumi didn’t. Oh no, he was about to commit a felony. He wanted all the smoke. He wanted that curse. I swear I even felt how pissed he was. I just feel like every time and separates, shit goes down the wrong way and everything goes wrong.
For me, shipping Megumi and Yuji is a whole ass different post but I won’t do that lmao same with Nobamaki because I can write a whole ass essay why I love how compatibly/perfect for each other lol
But guess what… during the Kyoto and Tokyo event, same shit happened with Megumi like Nobara: Megumi was thinking of Tsumiki and Yuji. And again, I felt like it was still different when Megumi was thinking of Tsumiki and Yuji. I find it crazy how Nobara and Megumi were thinking about two people during that event:
Nobara: Maki & Yuji Megumi: Yuji & Tsumiki
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This is my personal favorite image of Nobara and Megumi. *wink wink* it’s basically the same image on who is important to to them.
Again, for Nobara and Yuji’s relationship, I just love the way it is. She gives me “big sister” energy towards Yuji and vice verse. Yuji and Nobara are those chaotic siblings that are the hyper ones while Megumi and Maki are the chill ones that can actually keep them down. There has been one occasion where both Megumi and Maki calms Yuji and Nobara down because of how they were acting and I’m not gonna lie it’s kinda cute lmao:
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4. Not leaving them:
During the Shibuya Arc, Maki and Nobara separates but at one panel, Nanamin was telling Nobara and Nitta that he was going to join the Zenins. Nobara quickly picked her head up and suggested that she wanted to join him in order for her to be with Maki (this is a stretch but hey Iike being dramatic) however, Nanamin quickly declines her and tells her that it’s too dangerous. I think she was disappointed that she couldn’t go, but hey, Nanamin is a gentleman and he knows when a child is gonna end up getting hurt. I thought it was cute that she was super worried about Maki and just doesn’t care and wanting to join her.
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Now, up the recent chapters, Megumi really shows us that he doesn’t want Yuji leaving him or he wants to stay by his side. Those few chapters really made my heart feel some type of way because it just the way Megumi is for Yuji and I can honestly feel how much he cares for him. As I mentioned above, I feel like everything goes to shit when those two aren’t together and I hope that they develop more and more. There has been two more occasions where Fushi doesn’t want Yuji to be left behind; one during when they were in prison and the second during the fight against Hanamin. The eyes that Fushiguro gives Yuji is full of trauma and careness.
In conclusion, I can’t wait for Nobamaki and Itafushi to develop more and more in future chapters. Again, you guys don’t have to agree with me on this. This is just for fun and sharing is fun too! If I’m overreaching then I’m sorry I just can’t help it :(!!
I hope you guys enjoyed my lil analysis! I’m sorry for the bad writing, I’m not very good at translating my feelings as I’m typing because my brain goes all over the place lol! But please, feel free to comment or give me an ask! I’ll be happy to elaborate more for you guys!
Stay safe y’all! And good night or morning!
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plush-anon · 4 years
after many hours spent pausing the show bc good lord why did they do that, i have now finished Love Never Dies
annnnnd yikes 😬😬😬
I’ll start with the few positives I did enjoy from the recorded Australian production on Youtube:
1.) the camera work. This is the kind of thing I dream of for professionally recorded shows - it really allows for some lovely close-up shots of how the emotions play over their faces, it’s lush
2.) the costumes are well-crafted, and I desperately Want the Phantom’s long-ass swooshy trenchcoat cape thing he wore for the first half-hour 
3.) the sets used throughout this are honestly very impressively used and put together for some really fantastic shots
4.) the opening, with ‘Til’ I Hear You Sing Once More’. This song is honestly very lovely, and really articulates the Phantom’s loss and heartache for Christine. It’s sung very earnestly, and had the rest of the show been more like this I might have liked it more. 
5.) the Fucking Song, ‘Beneath a Moonless Sky’, is a guilty pleasure. It’s so over the top, and it is only about recounting that One Time they totally banged yo, and I love it. I think it’s the orchestration, but it’s also enjoyably silly even while it takes itself 100% serious. 
6.) As much as I hate to say this? ‘Devil Take the Hindmost’. While I hate the gist of the song - that being Raoul and Erik betting on who Christine will choose, and pretty much deciding for her who will get to be her one true love forever, completely negating the entire point of the OF musical where her choice was the most important factor for all of them - the pacing and the lyrics as they dance around each other are absolutely fantastic. It’s kind of sad to say, but Raoul and the Phantom, in this scene alone, display more chemistry in their singing than they do with anyone else. Let the hatefcuking commence~
7.) Some parts of ‘The Beauty Underneath’ I enjoy, particularly the ending scene where the Phantom is trying to talk Meg down. It’s very slow, melodic, and shows his more manipulative side, as well as how he can crawl into someone’s head, I love it. 
8.) This very interesting visual with a mirror in Christine’s dressing room. There are two separate scenes where someone is in the mirror singing. The first is the Phantom, between Raoul and Christine. The second is Raoul between the Phantom and Christine. It’s honestly a nice touch.
9.) The main three are excellent singers. 
 Unfortunately, that’s all on the list of what I liked. Everything else is a Giant Fcuking Mess. 
1.) The Phantom is no longer a complex, messed-up, but still somewhat sympathetic character, no; this is just a giant asshole who takes everyone for granted and barely realizes that anyone else exists except Christine, and even then only really as his personal instrument. 
He never actually apologizes to Christine for the shit he’s put her through and continues to put her through, but still demands obedience and forgiveness and understanding. It completely negates the entire point of POTO’s ending, where he actually realizes he’s done wrong by her and his actions pertaining her, and lets her go from his world entirely, and RESPECTING HER CHOICES AND LEAVING HER ALONE. 
Not to mention This Bitch also threatens to kidnap/possible “lose” her child if she doesn’t sing for him, keeps pushing her around and telling her what to do, and manipulating her life to change her decisions for her. 
2.) Which reminds of me of the next big asshat: Raoul de Chagny, who has now become an alcoholic gambler who pushes his wife to do things she’s not comfortable doing to repay his debts, neglects his son entirely, and also is abrasive and controlling of Christine, to the point he yanks her back and forth on doing shit. Play this role! We should leave bc he was an asshole! No now we should leave bc Phantom is back! No take the role he’s paying triple! I’ll make a bet on whether she loves me to pay my debts! No wait you should quit ten minutes before you go on-stage bc I don’t want to lose you! MAKE UP YOUR GODDAMN MIND YOU MISERABLE PISSANT SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
Like I can understand being overprotective to a certain degree, which could eventually morph into being controlling. But neglecting your son, your wife, drinking and gambling your fortune away? ALL of that?!? Really???
Shouldn’t he be desperate to keep his wife and son close to him at all times after the events of POTO? Never leave, never go anywhere, only do what’s safe? You COULD have set this up as a continuation of Safety versus Freedom with Raoul and the Phantom, show the good and bad of both and have her choose from there. Show the dichotomies and hypocrisies of both men’s standards. 
But nope! We’re just totes gonna make the husband like this for no goddamn reason, especially since Raoul doesn’t start suspecting that Gustave (his son) isn’t really his until Devil Take the Hindmost. He’s just that much of an idiot!
3.) The presence of Madame Giry and Meg Giry. Oh gods, where to even begin? They’re pretty much only here so that Sir Andy doesn’t have to make new characters with different backstories and motivations and introduce them accordingly. Nope! Now both women are blaming Christine for leaving the Phantom Man-Baby, and talking about everything they sacrificed to help him make his stupid-ass circus, and talking about how they love him and GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Madame Giry in the POTO musical YOU LED RAOUL DIRECTLY TO THE PHANTOM’S LAIR SO HE COULD RESCUE CHRISTINE WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW SHE BETRAYED HIM
And, oh, Meg... she reaaaaaaaaaaaaally got the short end of the stick here. I just... poor dear, she was horribly treated in this. 
Neither of them deserved to be like this, honestly. 
4.) Christine, to a lesser extent. Experienced Literal Character Assassination, forced to choose between two horrible options, stripped of her agency entirely, used as a bet in a game between said two horrible options, lied to and dragged around constantly, should have taken Gustave and run off with Meg to run a music store together. Fcuk you Sir Andy, for using POTO characters to act out your bitterness and frustration at your ex. 
5.) The entirety of the whole Boardwalk Circus schtick, spawning an additional Fuck You to Frederick Forsythe, who thought this was a tenable option for the story to progress. 
6.) The Phantom’s deformity was literally just four lines drawn onto his face with crayon and some smeared lipstick:
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what even the fcuk, you couldn’t make the make-up crayon drawing more detailed??? take more than ten minutes to draw it on???
I never thought I would say this, but even the 2004 film’s depiction was better than this! At least that one partially drew from a real medical condition, Sturge-Weber Syndrome. What the fcuk is your excuse LND?!?
7.)  The Lyrics. Oh gods, the lyrics. Some songs were decent, mostly the ones I listed up top. But the rest? Did someone forget to give the writer a more advanced/creative guide to rhyming lyrics? I wrote better shit in middle school than Glenn Slater did for the majority of these lyrics. 
Glenn my dude, what the fcuk is this nonsense? You’ve written good shit like the Tangled songs and stuff for Galavant! Why are you writing worse than an angst-ridden middle schooler? It is immensely frustrating, to say the least. 
8.) The really WEIRD direction in acting. No one here acts like they know how to move their arms or hands naturally; there’s a lot of really odd and unnecessary gesturing that makes it look like everyone has just had their limbs replaced with faulty robotic arms. There’s also a lot of leaning the characters do, with their arms perfectly straight by their side and it just looks wrong. 
9.) The Phantom’s pseudonym is Mr. Y. No, they never explain why it is he chose that particular moniker. 
10.) Bathing Beauty. Just... all of it, here, tied to POTO, present and here. 
11.) It’s been exactly 10 years since Christine saw/banged the Phantom, and her son is precisely 10 years old. 
That’s... not how pregnancy works. At all. 
12.) This weird scene with the American press, where they are absolutely obsessed with Christine, despite the facts they present, such as:
- She hasn’t performed in 10 years anywhere. 
- She was a French performer, and
- She only starred in three operas at the Populaire (Hannibal, Il Muto, and Don Juan Triumphant, which wasn’t even finished. So technically 2.2 operas that we know of). 
Why, precisely, would American reporters be so obsessed with her upon hearing she’s coming? I could see some interest given the whole shebang with the Phantom, but after 10 years of radio silence, would she really garner an entire crowd of reporters and photographers... in America, no less? 
France I could definitely see. America? Not so much. 
13.) Gustave is a flat, generic kid character, who apparently is totes the Phantom’s son because... he can play the piano well. And also has the same ideas of music as the Phantom, despite never being taught about them, or discussed such things with his mother. 
Is musical talent only inherited through the father’s side of the family in this universe? I mean, we never learn about Christine’s mother, just her famous violinist father. Otherwise, why is it Gustave’s musical talent isn’t attributed to - oh, I don’t know - HIS FAMOUS OPERA SINGER MOTHER?!?
14.) Apparently the Phantom is also now the one who invented cars OH I MEAN “horseless carriages” 🙄 A carriage with no engine and a “ghost horse” appears, and everyone is just fcuking stunned by this, like they’ve never seen a vehicle move without a horse before. In 1907. 22 years after the first functional automobile was invented. Ugh. 
15.) seriously tho who thought basing a sequel on the Frederick Forsythe novel was a good idea why did nobody think to stop him apart from Sir Andy’s pet cat Otto. why.
16) The Phantom’s interactions with Gustave are distinctly creepy and unsettling. I keep getting pedo vibes from him and I Do Not Like It.
17.) The death scene at the end is so goddamn over-the-top and out of nowhere I just want to throw something, ugh
18.) And finally, my last gripe with this mess: This takes place in 1907, and declares that it’s ten years after the original musical. Despite the fact that the OG took place in 1885. Yippy skippy. 😑
I can honestly say I am Not a Fan of this musical as a whole, mostly based on the plot and the character assassinations (one quite literal) and the poor lyrics. I can admire the camera work, the basic singing ability, the scenery and costumes, and maybe two or three songs. But I just do not enjoy it. It took me two days to finish watching it because I kept cringing from what shit kept happening, and had to walk around and listen to other shit to get it out of my head. 
HOWEVER: People do enjoy this one on the sake of it being so bad and over-the-top, and I can honestly see the whys. It helps that most of the cast can sing, and the orchestration is done well. There’s a TON of stupid to mock, and a lot of over-the-top awkwardness to laugh at. This is a good one to watch and mock with friends, IMO. 
For those of you who do enjoy it, I’m afraid I have to disagree on most of it. Still, it is nice being able to watch this one for free, even if it is a giant hot mess.
And that’s all for me on this one! Have a good week guys!
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Bedtime Stories- Part 3
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 3,091
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, angst, implied smut, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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A few hours later, you were waiting by the Impala while Sam and Dean talked with the paramedics who took the teenage girl away to get her help. You sighed and stared at the apple, trying to think where this little girl might have come from. Sam and Dean walked back over to you and you bit your lip, tossing the apple to Dean who caught it.
“Does this thing mean something to you?” Dean asked, tossing the apple to Sam.
“I think it’s Snow White.” You said, making Sam nod his head.
“Snow White? Ah, I saw that movie. Or the porn version anyway, because there was this wicked Stepmother? Woo, she was wicked.” Dean grinned and you rolled your eyes, continuing your thought process.
“There is a wicked stepmother and she tries to kill Snow White with a poison apple.” You said, catching the apple when Sam threw it back to you.
“But the apple doesn't actually kill the girl, right?” Dean asked.
“No, it puts her into a deep sleep that makes it seem like she’s dead. But, I have another theory…” You began.
“You think the girl is Snow White, per say, right?” Sam filled in the pieces.
“Yeah. She flickered away and in her place, was the apple. I think, whoever she is, her stepmom tried to poison her.” You and the brothers looked at one another before nodding. It was clear what you needed to do. You needed to go back to the hospital to see if there were any comatose little girls that could possibly be doing this.
“No, I’m sorry, we don’t have any comatose little girls,” The nurse said when she came back. You were all dressed up in your professional clothing, ready to get answers but there was none to be taken.
“You sure?” Sam asked.
“Totally. It’s mostly just old guys and well… Callie. She’s been around before I started here,” The nurse said.
“Callie?” You asked, not sure who she was.
“Yeah, it’ so sad. Poor Dr. Garrison, he just… won’t give up on her.”
“Is Callie one of his patients?” Dean asked.
“No, his daughter,” The nurse said in a sympathetic tone.
“Which room is she in?” You asked, getting the information from the nurse. You thanked her and you three walked down the hall, towards the room she was in. You stopped when you saw Dr. Garrison by his daughter’s bed, reading to her. But she wasn’t a little girl, she was an adult girl who wasn’t responding to anything. Was this little girl Callie?
You three watched the doctor read a bit until he looked up and saw you by the window. He shut the book and stood up, walking to the door and out of the room.
“Detectives. Can I help you?” He asked.
“We just... heard that Callie is your daughter,” Dean said, sympathetic.
“And we wanted to say how very sorry we are,” Sam added.
“Well, uh. Thank you. If you'll excuse me.” Dr. Garrison said, pushing past Sam and Dean, walking down the hall.
“Oh, heading this way? We'll walk with you,” Dean said, him and Sam walking with the doctor. You looked at Callie and knew if you could just touch her, you would know for sure if she was the little girl or not. You opened the door just as Sam and Dean’s voices got farther away. “How long's Callie been like that?”
You slipped into the room and closed the blinds to have privacy. You looked at Callie, seeing her there, hooked up on life support. You didn’t like this any more than anyone else did but it had to be done. You walked over to her and sat down where her dad was sitting.
“Hi Callie, it’s me. Remember seeing me in that house? You showed me that you were poisoned. Is that what happened to you?” You said to her even though you knew she wouldn’t answer. You felt like something was behind you and you turned around, seeing the little girl again.
“Is this you?”  You asked her and she nodded.
“I need you to show me what happened, okay?” You said to the little girl before touching Callie’s arm. You gasped and got the Supernatural vibe from her just as a vision clouded your eyes. You saw the little girl, Callie, and what looked to be her stepmother, talking. It seemed normal at first until the stepmother was forcing Bleach down her stepdaughter’s throat. You gasped and withdrew your hand, knowing what had happened to her.
The door to the room opened and you expected it would be Callie’s dad but it was Sam and Dean who was looking confused.
“What happened?” Dean asked, seeing your pale face. You got up and looked at the end of the bed but the little girl was no longer there. You got up and took Sam and Dean by the hand, leading them out of the room. You didn’t want to do this here. You walked down the hall and let go of their hands just as you let go of the breath you were holding in.
“Callie is the little girl. She was poisoned by her stepmother. That’s why she gave me the apple.” You said in a quiet voice.
“We know. Dr. Garrison told us the whole thing.”
“No, she showed me what happened to her. I touched her arm and I saw it being played out.” You said, sighing.
“Wow, you can do that now?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know Dean. I’ve only had this happen once when Meg was possessing Sam but I thought it was because she is a demon. This is so freaky to me.” You were panicking on the inside.
“It’s okay. This actually might be a good thing to have.” Dean tried to make you feel better.
“Yeah, right, what did you guys find out? Anything new?” You asked, biting your lip.
“Yeah, kind of. Well, it’s a theory. You know fairy tales and I know movies. This is just like what happened in The Sixth Sense. There was a part in the movie where a mom kept her kid sick so that she would get all the attention from her husband. So, say all these years, Callie's been suffering silently because nobody knows the truth about what mommy dearest did?”
“And after all this time her spirit just gets angrier and angrier, until it finally just starts lashing out,” Sam said, putting the pieces together. You and the brothers walked into the reception area but you didn’t know where you were going. You needed to tell this to Dr. Garrison.
“Right. Meanwhile, she has to listen to Dad tell her these deranged stories about a rabid wolf or a cannibalistic old lady. It's enough to drive anybody nuts.” Dean pointed out.
“Okay, but how are we gonna stop her, I mean Callie's stuck here, her father's keeping her body alive,” Sam said.
“It does make it a bit hard to burn the bones,” Dean said.
“You think?” Sam said, exasperated.
“We have to tell her dad. Maybe the only reason she’s doing this is because her dad is keeping her body alive?” You said but you were cut off when the doors busted open and EMTs brought in an old woman on a stretcher, yelling out things.
“Okay, what's her status?” Dr. Garrison asked when he walked to the situation.
“Seventy-two-year-old female sustained multiple lacerations and puncture wounds. BP is eighty over forty and falling. Sinus tachycardia.” One of the EMT’s reported. They wheeled the woman right past you and the Winchesters. You started following them so you could hear what happened to her. They wheeled her into a room to look at her and take care of her. They left the door open and you watched.
“Is that a bite?” Dr. Garrison asked.
“Looks like she was mauled by a mad dog or, maybe a wolf?” Another EMT said.
“What was the last story Dr. Garrison was reading Callie?” Dean asked his brother.
“Little Red Riding Hood,” Sam said and you sighed, knowing this was the work of Callie.
“Excuse me,” Sam said, stopping one of the EMTs who walked out of the room. Sam flashed his badge at the EMT and began his questioning. “Was she the only victim?”
“She was found by the side of the road, barely alive. Alone.”
“We need to find her next of kin,” Dean said. The EMT looked through the paperwork he had in his hands for the answer.
“She has a granddaughter.”
“Do you have an address?” Sam asked. The EMT hands Sam a sheet of paper with the address and walked away.
“Okay, you guys go to the address, I’m going to stop Callie. Okay? You’re both stronger than I am so go!” You ordered. They nodded and left you alone. You nodded and turned back around to find Dr. Garrison but he wasn’t with the woman. You walked through the halls to find him and saw him down the hall by Callie’s room.
“Dr. Garrison! I need to speak with you.” You said, catching his attention. He stopped and waited for you to catch up with him.
“Detective. What can I do for you?”
“Well, it’s about Callie.” You said, biting your lip.
“My daughter? What about her?”
“Why don’t we sit and I’ll tell you,” You started to say but he wasn’t having any of it.
“No, what about her?” Dr. Garrison asked, clearly annoyed.
“Okay, well, this isn’t going to be easy to tell you but what happened to Callie wasn’t an accident.”
“Excuse me?” Dr. Garrison scoffed.
“I’m sorry, but it’s true.”
“You have no idea what happened to my daughter.” Dr. Garrison said angrily and turned away from you but you followed him.
“Doctor, there are things you just don’t know about your wife,”
“My wife?” Dr. Garrison looked at you, offended.
“She poisoned Callie.” You told the truth but the doctor was pissed.
“Why would you say something so horrible to me?”
“Because I need your help.”
“You stay away from me and from my daughter, you understand?” Dr. Garrison said, pissed at you. He walked into his daughter’s room and shut the door in your face. You rolled your eyes slightly and opened the door, entering the room while closing the door behind you. Dr. Garrison saw you and tensed up, scoffing.
“I’m calling security.” He reached for the internal phone on the wall but you rushed over to him and placed your hand over his.
“No, listen, I don’t have time to do this gently. If you don’t listen to me, more people are going to get hurt. Callie is going to hurt them.” You tried to get him to understand this.
“What the hell are you talking about?!”
“You might not believe me but Callie is here. She is still here but she’s a spirit.” You said. Dr. Garrison’s hand fell from the phone and sighed.
“So, you’ve seen her too?” Your mouth opened in shock but you closed it immediately. “I sensed her… Callie. Her presence, her scent. I even saw her standing at the foot of my bed but I never... believed it, I thought I was dreaming.”
“It wasn’t a dream. She looks like she did when she was eight. White dress. Red ribbon in her hair. She's been trying to talk to you.”
“You’re not a cop, are you?” Dr. Garrison asked with a sigh.
“No, I’m not.”
“Then who are you?”
“Someone who knows a little bit about this kind of thing.”
“But what you said about my wife poisoning Callie…”
“Callie told me. She showed me.”
“Not with words, but in her own way. She told me.”
“My wife loved Callie. So how is–how is that possible?”
“I don’t know but it is.”
“No. No I–I don't believe you.”
“Look, Callie is killing people. She’s angry and desperate for you to hear her. No one will listen to her so you have to. Please, listen to what she’s saying.” You said and he nodded, turning to his daughter. He sat down and touched her arm.
“Callie? Callie, it's Daddy,” Suddenly, the spirit of Callie flickered into the room, standing behind her father. “It's me, Daddy. Is it true? Mommy did that to you? I–I know I wasn't listening before, but I'm listening now. Daddy's here. Please honey, is–is there any way that you can tell me?”
“Doctor…” You said, catching his attention. You pointed behind him and he turned around, seeing his daughter.
“Is it true?” He asked his daughter and she nodded, not saying a word. “Oh, I'm so sorry, baby. But listen to me. You gotta stop what you're doing, okay? You're hurting people. I know everything now. I know the truth. It's time for you to let go. It's time for me to let you go.”
Dr. Garrison sighed and he stood up, tears in his eyes. He knew this was the hardest thing he has ever done. He reached over and pressed a few buttons on Callie’s life support machine and in a few seconds, the monitor buzzed and flatlined. You got tears, knowing you were close to losing your loved one.
This is going to be a tough year.
You had called Sam and Dean to let them know that Callie was taken care of and all was good. They came back to the hospital and you were with them with Dr. Garrison by the nurse’s station.
“And the girl's okay?” Dr. Garrison asked about the woman’s granddaughter. Dean nodded and the doctor sighed. “So, it’s really over?”
“Yeah, all thanks to you.” You said with a small smile.
“Callie was the most important thing in my life. But I should've let her go a long time ago.” The doctor said with a sigh. He patted Sam and Dean on the shoulder before walking away.
“You know what he said? Some good advice.” Dean said suddenly and you looked at him with angry eyes.
“Is that what you want us to do? Just let you go as if you don’t mean the world to me?” Dean didn’t answer you but stare at you before moving to Sam. He turned around and walked away, leaving you alone with Sam. You got tears and you looked up at Sam who had them too.
You and the Winchesters decided it would be best to get some sleep before heading to wherever the hunt would take you next. But you couldn’t sleep. You kept thinking of the look Dean gave you before he left you alone and how angry that made you feel. You knew you shouldn’t do anything stupid but you couldn’t help yourself.
You woke up, noticing Dean has moved away from you and you looked around, not seeing Sam in his bed. You looked over and saw the bathroom light was on and figured he was in there. You better get out before he came out.
You got up and quickly but quickly got dressed, noticing the Colt was nowhere to be found. Dean probably hid it somewhere but you didn’t need it right now. You grabbed what you needed and headed out the door to where you knew it would work.
You got to a crossroads—it took a while—and opened the box you had, placing your photo inside of it before burying it in the ground. You waited for something to happen and when you turned around, you noticed a woman in a black dress with red eyes.
“Wow, Y/N Y/L/N. I remember you when Dean was thinking of replacing his life with Daddy’s. But now, I see he did it anyways,” the crossroad demon said to you. All you did was glare at her. “What can I do for you, Y/N?”
“You know what I want,” You said, your jaw clenching.
“What do you want?”
“I want you to end the contract on Dean’s life.” You demanded of her but you had no weapon so it wasn’t fair.
“And I see you didn’t bring anything to defend yourself with. You can’t make the demands if you don’t hold all the cards.”
“Let him out of his deal!!” You yelled at her.
“Sorry, sweetheart, but Dean is a big boy. He made the deal of his own free will, fair and square. It’s ironclad.”
“Every deal can be broken.”
“Not this one. Y/N, look, I’m just a saleswoman. I got a boss like everybody else. He holds the contracts, not me. He wants Dean’s soul, bad and believe me, he’s not going to let it go. Although…” The demon said, smirking.
“Although what?”
“I know all about you and what you’re meant to be.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about your soul, Y/N. Everyone knows who and what it’s meant for and my boss would love to get his hands on it, even more so than Dean’s. I can make you an offer but one of you is still going to Hell.”
“Make an offer? What are you… you want my soul?”
“In exchange for Dean’s. He can get off Scott free but I’m going to need your soul. It’s worth more than Dean’s.” You bit your lip and thought about it. You would be saving Dean, saving him from Hell and that was good enough for you.
“Fine, take it. As long as you leave Dean alone.” You said, scared about this but it needs to be done. You were meant to die, not him.
“Great, I’m assuming you know how this works?” The demon smirked, puckering her lips. You gulped and walked closer to her, ready to kiss and seal the deal. Just as you were getting closer to her, a shot rang off and you jumped, not expecting it to happen. The demon’s skeleton lit up orange and she fell to the ground, dead.
You whipped around to see Sam there, with the Colt, glaring at you.
“Were you really just going to sell your soul for Dean?!” Sam yelled at you.
“LIKE YOU WOULDN’T DO THE SAME! I can’t lose him, Sam, I just can’t. I don’t know what to do anymore.” You let the tears loose and Sam pulled you into his arms. You cried against his chest, feeling defeated. You hated feeling this way but you didn’t know what else to do.
And why was your soul so special?
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pirirps · 7 years
Piri’s Ultimate List Of Horror Recs (2017 Version)
my go-to compilation of ever single horror/horror-related media i’ve ever enjoyed, including slashers, paranormal, thrillers, creature features, and much, much more 🎃
note: this list has trigger warnings but i am operating under the assumption that you are okay with the standard level of explicit sexuality, vulgarity, violence, and gore present in mainstream horror
original nightmare on elm street series, but especially 1, 3, 4, 6, and freddy vs. jason (tw for implied pedophilia and explicit child murder, tw for rape in #6)
friday the 13th (original and remake)
honestly all the friday the 13th sequels are A Treasure but if you want The Core Canon watch 1-3
my bloody valentine (original)
psycho (original) and tbh all its sequels (tw for sort-of-kind-of incest vibes)
psycho ii and psycho iv are my favorites because (1) meg tilly is adorable in psycho ii and (2) psycho iv has a harley quinn/norman bates cameo and nobody can convince me otherwise
child’s play, child’s play 2, bride of chucky, maybe some sequels after that idk i haven’t seen them yet :(
scream franchise
not the mtv scream series
i mean s1 is decent but there are definitely other horror shows that i would recommend more (will show up later in this post)
1-3 are the best, 4 is worth watching if you really like the characters but as a concept the series has p much run its course by then
tw for rape mentions in scream 1 and 3
peeping tom
kenneth branagh’s frankenstein (tw for a graphic depiction of death in childbirth)
james whale’s frankenstein
bride of frankenstein
the phantom of the opera (1925)
the phantom of the opera (1989) (tw for mild body/surgical horror, general grossness; personally speaking, this is one of my all-time favorite phantom adaptations, because 1. robert englund as the phantom hello oh my god, 2. although it’s much more of a slasher movie than a gothic romance, it does an amazing job of portraying the tragedy in erik’s backstory and his attraction to christine, without implying that he is entitled to christine’s affection and that her love will magically fix him, as some phantom adaptations do)
the phantom of the opera (1943)
alien franchise
the wolfman (2010)
darling (tw for rape)
house on haunted hill (original and remake)
final destination franchise
medium raw: night of the wolf (tw for pedophilia and child murder)
the babadook
the final girls [horror comedy]
the shining (tw for implied child abuse)
the cabin in the woods
hellraiser (tw for incest-y vibes for very brief periods of time)
heathers (tw for eating disorders, suicide, everything high school kids are insensitive assholes about)
from dusk til dawn
an american werewolf in london
the guest
it follows (tw for dubious consent)
nightwatch (tw for implied necrophilia/descriptions of necrophilia, self-mutilation)
re-animator (tw for rape, pedophilia mentions)
carrie (original) (tw for child abuse, religious iconography)
the remake had some interesting like... subtext/imagery but other than that it was pretty *wet fart noise*
the awakening
the craft
the blair witch project
honestly i loved the book of shadows: blair witch 2 bc it kind of parallels the crucible but i can admit that objectively it is Terrible
elvira, mistress of the dark [spooky comedy]*
american mary (tw for rape, (consensual surgical) genital mutilation)
fright night (original and remake)
listen. this is a horror movie. it was a horror book before that. it was specifically written and later adapted for the purpose of scaring and entertaining people. real life is nothing like this. real sharks are nothing like this. there’s nothing wrong with this movie scaring you but there is everything wrong with using this movie as an excuse to advocate for the wholesale slaughter of animals. sharks are quite possibly the most graceful and beautiful creatures on this earth and i will personally fight anyone who says otherwise
halloween franchise
1-5 are the best imo but no matter what skip #3 because it literally has nothing to do with any of the other movies
not the rob zombie remakes, those are awful
let the right one in [swedish (?) film, watch with subtitles]
rosemary’s baby (original)
night of the living dead (original)
28 days later
silent hill (tw for child molestation)
crimson peak (tw for incest)
the lost boys
interview with the vampire
the ring
one missed call
the raven (2012)
repo! the genetic opera
teeth (tw for rape, incest, it’s??????? about a girl who literally has razor-sharp teeth in her vagina and it’s a very tongue-in-cheek commentary on religious repression???? so idk like it’s a wild ride and i love it but watch at your own discretion)
american psycho (tw for rape, general misogyny)
sweeney todd
speaking from experience, this is much better live, the movie sucked out all the fun and humor that wasn’t literally written into the lyrics, so i recommend watching the original broadway cast on youtube or something
there’s also a 1936 movie which i haven’t seen so i can’t speak to its quality BUT i would recommend it on the basis of it being made before the musical was created and thus being based more directly on “the string of pearls” novel which is where the sweeney todd urban legend was originally documented
abott and costello meet [insert universal horror monster here] [spooky comedy]
little shop of horrors (original and remake) [spooky comedy]
the last man on earth (1964)
adapted from the same book i am legend (2007) was adapted from but the last man on earth stays much closer to the original book imo
c. h. u. d.
ghostbusters (1984 and 2016 versions)*
ghost ship
sick girl (tw for bugs, pregnancy horror)
misery (tw for torture)
puppet master series (tw for rape, nazism)
the haunting in connecticut
jurassic park series
lizzie borden took an axe
wolf creek (tw for rape)
it (1990, 2017)
i have........ some nitpicky issues about putting it on this list, because neither movie adaptation really did justice to the whole concept of “derry itself is an extension of an eldritch horror and the real scary part of the story isn’t the clown, it’s the horrible violent tragedies that have repeatedly occurred and then been dismissed throughout derry’s history, leaving the entire town in a large-scale sort of cycle of abuse” so ????????????? idk like i truly do recommend reading the book as well as seeing the movies for The Whole It Experience(TM), but i totally get that not everyone is gonna do that
the 1990 version tells more or less the complete story, but because of that it didn’t have time to include a lot of fun details
the 2017 version only tells the childhood portion of the story, which leaves it time to include fun details. i was really hoping to see more of derry’s backstory or more development on mike and stan as members of marginalized groups -> how that influences their life in derry, but we didn’t get much of that? mike’s importance to the losers (researcher, somewhat of a skeptic/hardass at times to keep the others together) was removed, his healthy family dynamic was removed (mike, richie, and possibly stan are the only characters in the book with healthy family dynamics, somewhat underscoring the concept that derry itself is trapped in a cycle of abuse), and derry’s history of racism is never touched on aside from the kids mentioning “the fire at the black spot” a couple times in passing. overall it was a fun movie and you can tell everyone making it had a blast but compared to the book it’s like. mmmmmmmmmmmmm
BASICALLY what i’m saying here is that the book is really deep wrt social issues, and while neither movie really touches on those concepts in-depth, they are still good horror movies on their own and ofc a part of american pop culture
house of wax (1953)
marnie (tw for rape, abuse and coercion in a marriage dynamic, animal/pet death, graphic depictions of psychological abuse, graphic depiction of a violent death involving a child)
cabin fever (tw for sickness horror/body function horror/unsanitary horror, occasional slurs)
mega shark vs. giant octopus
i don’t even have a real reason for listing this i just can’t believe it exists and i want the whole world to know
texas chainsaw massacre (1974), texas chainsaw massacre 2, texas chainsaw 3d
ju-on: the grudge
the plot is pretty ehhh imo but the effects are great; rose mcgowan is gorgeous as always, peter o’toole’s character is great, and ben affleck’s character lowkey has some batman circa arkham knight vibes going on. also, liev schrieber becomes a tentacle monster. i couldn’t make this shit up if i tried y’all
this movie. this movie
krysten ritter and alicia silverstone are a couple of vampires, sigourney weaver is their hot mess of a vampire mom, dan stevens is krysten ritter’s boyfriend, wallace shawn is van helsing but he’s basically just vizzini: vampire hunter au and it’s GOLD
it’s literally the cutest and funniest vampire media i’ve ever seen in my life as well as one of the most detailed when it comes to vampire lore i cannot recommend it enough
bram stoker’s dracula
death becomes her**
what we do in the shadows**
frankenstein (2004 miniseries, more like a 2-part movie than a tv show)
flatliners (1990) (tw for drug use, uncensored depictions of cadaver dissection)
the cabinet of dr. caligari
the limehouse golem (tw for sexual assault and csa)
repulsion (tw for sexual assault)
the trial (1962)
*spooky comedy: a comedy movie with a spooky premise that i am categorizing with horror movies due to the genre overlap, but that lacks the intense violence, gore, etc. of a horror movie
**horror comedy: a spooky comedy that does not lower the level of violence, gore, etc. that is standard in a horror movie
stoker (tw for incest, has a scene in which the protag’s mother verbally abuses her)
m [german film, watch with subtitles] (tw for themes of pedophilia/child molestation/child murder, but it’s worth noting that the whole point of the movie is to condemn and demonize pedophilia)
also one of if not the very first detective movies
nightcrawler (tw for rape)
the vvitch/the witch/however the fuck it’s spelled
rear window (1954)
hannibal lecter franchise (tw for cannibalism, obviously)-- the silence of the lambs, hannibal, red dragon, manhunter
manhunter is adapted from the same book red dragon is (red dragon) except manhunter was made before anthony hopkins became The Iconic Hannibal Lecter(TM) so it focuses much more on will graham and francis dolarhyde
hannibal rising is worth watching for gaspard ulliel’s performance but the book was much better
the hannibal movie adaptation changed the ending of the hannibal book while still maintaining a really good and really compelling storyline so the book and movie are definitely both highly recommended by me
gone girl
shutter island (tw for asylum horror)
pan’s labyrinth
tiger house
the champagne murders
the plot and pacing are a little ehhh; in my opinion there was too much tension buildup between characters and not enough actual plot development. BUT, anthony perkins is in it so it’s worth watching if you love him like i do
cropsey (documentary on child murders)
urban legends (another documentary, by the same people, talks about how real-life crime affects the american psyche and lives on as urban legends/horror tropes)
the poisoner’s handbook
h. h. holmes
nightmares in red, white, and blue
his name was jason
never sleep again: the elm street legacy
american ripper [currently ongoing tv series]
bates motel
ahs s1 (tw for... literally everything)
similar basic premise as ahs, but imo ahs is v exploitative and builds the plot on violence and vice, whereas slasher builds the violence and vice on the plot
supernatural (LISTEN........ LISTEN....................... conceptually it’s the bees knees okay)
penny dreadful (tw for constant explicit sexuality, religious iconography/sacrilege, asylum horror)
criminal minds
bbc broadchurch
bbc river
bbc sherlock but literally only ep. 3.4 “the abominable bride”
rosemary’s baby (2-part made-for-tv movie)
unedited footage of a bear
true detective
frankenstein (2004 miniseries, more like a 2-part movie than a tv show)
tbs’ search party
the black tapes podcast
small town horror
alice isn’t dead
king falls am [spooky comedy, more sci-fi than horror but there is One Episode that positively screams “love letter to 80s horror movies” so i can’t leave it out with good conscience]
welcome to night vale [spooky comedy]
the dark tome
video games
until dawn
outlast series
five nights at freddy’s
dead by daylight
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