#Autistic Camilo
toon-tales · 1 year
Autistic Camilo headcanon ?
Camilo may have a particular interest or passion that he delves deep into. Whether it's a specific subject, hobby, or talent, which, as we all know, is acting, writing mini plays with Bruno, maybe, or with Mirabel when they were young. Let's just say he finds solace in those things
He has a great memory for details and is highly observant. He notices things that others often miss, and can recall specific details of past events or conversations without difficulty
Camilo has sensory sensitivities, particularly to certain textures and sounds. He often wears soft, comfortable clothing
He has a unique way of expressing himself and communicating his thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, when he struggles to verbalize his ideas, he may resort to writing to calm his mind
Despite the challenges he may face, Camilo possesses a remarkable level of empathy. He deeply understands and connects with the emotions of those around him, providing invaluable support and comfort to his family and friends
Camilo is an autistic genius when it comes to music. He has a natural talent for playing multiple instruments and composing beautiful melodies
He narrates A LOT! Whether it's the town kids playing a football game, Isabela and Mirabel fighting, or just in his imagination
He has a really good memory! Like, the grandkids will be struggling to remember their lines for a play they're organizing (Like old times), then there's Camilo, who knows everyone's lines by heart
Camilo finds solace and comfort in routines and repetitive activities. He has specific rituals and patterns that help him feel more grounded and secure
He's either not diagnosed yet or he was diagnosed at the age of 8 or something, no between
So...i really wanted to write more but we barely got any Camilo scenes!
Hope you like this tho!
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brunofanfiction · 2 years
🥺 Best Tío: Bruno! 🥺
Master List (Pt.1)
🥺 A Madrigal gets Sick
“Mirabel finds out Antonio is sick and informs the family, unfortunately for them the rest of the family is stuck at the town with a storm hitting~” #fluff #sickfic
🥺Hide and Seek
“Bruno plays hide and seek with Camilo. Well, maybe it’s just the two of them hiding together from Pepa and la Abuela.” #fluff #hurt/comfort
🥺Petting Zoo
By @metaphoricaltigers
“Antonio, Luisa and Bruno go to a petting zoo and Bruno talks about his mental health.~” #fluff #BrunohasOCD #AutisticBruno
🥺 Daisy Chains
“On a sunny afternoon Julieta and Pepa take their one year old daughter’s (Isabela and Dolores) to the garden for a picnic along with Bruno. When Julieta and Pepa head inside for a bit, Bruno is left to look after his nieces.~” #fluff #itsjustfluff
🥺Duerme Bien
By @waitingonavision
“Listen to the six-year-old. Antonio has the only right idea. ~A sleep pile with Bruno and his niblings. This is the result.” #fluff #toothrotting #Brunospancita
🥺Healing Takes Time (you’ll get there in the end)
By @impossiblefangirl0632
“One day you’re going to look up and realize that things are starting to get better, that you’ll be okay. Today is that day.” #fluff #healing #hurt/comfort
🥺Little Gestures
By @sokkas-first-fangirl
“Mirabel noticed Bruno tended to pat them on the head (especially when he couldn’t handle a full hug) and, as he did, deja vu always hit. He must have done the same thing ten years ago.~” #fluff #toothrotting
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sunshine-theseus · 3 months
Fools | Kyra Cooney-Cross x ND!Reader
Words: 4.3k
Summary: no one understood your mind, until you met Kyra.
Notes: Guys I have no knowledge of how Emirates is laid out, how meeting players off the pitch works etc, so I’m completely making this shit up I’m sorry. also sorry for the super long introduction, and the shit writing, I haven’t written in months.
Warnings: mentions of abuse - not proofread. i'm so sorry if this is so shit i genuinely haven't written in months. i wanted this one to be good so bad but i just don't think it is
the person who requested this has since deactivated so i actually feel so bad that i didn't get this out while they were on here. i'm genuinely so sorry for the past like 6 months.
I always struggled with social interactions. I didn’t understand it for a long time, why I always had to smile and hug people, why I had to lie about certain things like how I thought my aunt’s bright green hat looked, why I couldn’t ramble about Star Wars or the new penguin facts I just learned.
Then there were the sounds, and lights and the way things felt. Everything had to be specific, or I couldn’t focus. Sometimes if it was bad enough that I would have a breakdown, unable to do anything. My parents tried to scold it out of me when as a kid I couldn’t eat certain foods or wear the clothes they wanted. Sometimes if they deemed it worthy, I’d be met with the flesh of a palm against my cheek or bottom.
When I was 12, I presented the idea that maybe I was autistic to my parents. I’d researched it at school for a social emotional learning class we had to take, and I couldn’t help but notice the similarities I found within myself. If I think about it hard enough, I can feel every burning outline of the dark red hand marks that bloomed on my skin hours after the interaction, and the burning of my eyes as my stomach rumbled, drowned out by the music rumbling through my headphones.
At 17 I emancipated from my parents and moved to North Watford, renting out a small studio apartment above a record shop. I completed my final year of high school, working part time in the store, building a much-desired routine. The man that owned the shop and my apartment, and his young daughter, were migrants from Cuba, and more than happy to accommodate to my needs. They even chipped in to help me pay for my autism screening after I graduated high school.
I think they were the first people I willingly hugged ever.
I stopped masking when I moved, so the daughter, Elena; 5, took a few months to understand why I didn’t like touch or loud noises and why I didn’t understand some of the jokes she said that others usually laughed at. Not that I’d had the diagnosis at that time, but she was happy to just spend time with me. Every afternoon when I came back from school and started my shift, she’d beg me for more penguin facts, asking which was my favourite penguin. In return she’d spend the 2-hour shift drawing me something, usually a penguin, to pin on my corkboard at home.
I’d then help with her homework while Camilo closed shop and posted any online orders. It was a routine I cherished deeply.
Now, 3 and a bit years later at 21 years old, they managed to drag me to a football game. Equipped with headphones and a couple small sensory toys, as well as a hoodie under the “Miedema” jersey, the material of which originally had me tugging and prying the shirt away from my skin.
Elena and Camilo had been big fans of Arsenal for as long as I’d known them, going to every home game, begging me to join them every week without fail. I finally caved during a break in my uni courses, with nothing to do and Elena’s birthday falling on the day of a game, there was no other choice.
The newly 9-year-old basically imploded when she saw my printed ticket stub, tucked tightly into her birthday card. I gently ruffled her hair, which had become my version of hugging her, and showed her the 3 matching red and white #11 jerseys I purchased not long ago. She’d talked a lot about this Vivianne Miedema and how she wanted to be just like her when she grew up, but she’d never gotten a jersey, or seats on the bottom tier. Today was the day.
“Come ooonnn I want to get to our seats!” the pinky of her left hand links with my right one as her other hand is holding her dad’s, and she’s dragging us down the lane toward the entrance.
“Slow down Pollito! We have 20 more minutes until we need to be seated.” My special schedule for the day runs through my head as I check my watch. Plenty of time as long as the crowd keeps flowing.
“I wish you didn’t learn Spanish. It’s such a silly nickname.”
“But you’re my little chicken.” I send a joking frown her way and she replies with a toothless grin.
With the abrupt end to the conversation, we arrive at the gate. Showing the stewardess our tickets to be scanned, we then head toward our seats. As Camilo and I take our seats at the very front, instead of make way to their usual seats a tier up, Elena stops and looks back and forth between us.
“There’s no way you got us these seats.” Without a word I pull the girl in between us and she begins to ramble about how excited she is to be able to see the game so close, still able to be clearly heard through my headphones I manage to slip over my ears.
The game is drawn 1-1 just after half time, but Arsenal is close to having the upper hand. From across the pitch, Elena spots the tall and lanky number 11, Vivianne Miedema, pulling off her fluoro yellow bib and warm up shirt and lining up next to number 32 behind the fourth official who is prepping her sign. With a couple of whacks to my arm and an aggressive point of her finger, Elena makes me and Camilo very aware of the impending entrance of her favourite player, and another really attractive girl who is very obviously wearing her socks on the wrong feet. The thought makes me squirm but a shot on goal quickly manages to take my focus.
“Who’s the one coming on with Viv? You’ve never told me about number 32.” It’s hard to take my eyes off the girl as she jumps from one foot to the other, anticipating her entrance.
“Oh that’s Kyra Cooney-Cross! She’s Australian, she transferred at the start of the season. Jonas should play her more.” I acknowledge her words with a hum and a nod before we join in cheering Viv and Kyra on.
My eyes are glued to Kyra the rest of the game. Without any knowledge of how football works, I’m left to assume she’s good with the way she dances around players and passes the ball. It was weird, but her movement was so free flowing it would not be atrocious to confuse her with a ballerina. Elegant and calculated, no hesitation.
“Where are we going?” my pinky is once again linked with Elena’s as I drag her and Camilo through Emirates.
“Papa where is she going? The exit is that way.”
“I have no clue chica, but I suppose we should trust her aye?” with that, the father-daughter duo track behind me.
Eventually I stop just where the opening of the tunnel leads out on to the pitch and show a lady the pass I’d been carrying around all day. She smiles and begins walking down the tunnel, waving behind her as a sign for us to follow.
“What’s going on?” Elena asks once again, but I just follow the lady onto the pitch, where multiple members of the Arsenal squad are now loitering around, obviously waiting for something, or someone. At the front of the group is Viv, and when she spots the small girl behind me her eyes light up.
“Hi! You must be Elena. We’ve heard a lot about you!” she sends the girl a smile, but Elena doesn’t make any move to continue the conversation. My head whips to her and I nearly have to laugh from how adorable she is. Her jaw has dropped open and her eyes are welling up with tears, so I ruffle her hair and bend down to her height, removing my headphones.
“What’s up buttercup?” I lightly tap her head.
“That’s really her.” she whispers to me, her eyes not leaving the Dutch woman, who lets out a chuckle.
“Yes it is.”
“How?” I tap the side of my nose at her question indicating it’s to be left a secret.
“Can I have a hug?” Viv kneels on one knee and opens her arms and Elena suddenly breaks lose from her trance and runs up to her hero.
“It’s nice to meet you liefje, I hear you’ve been a fan for a long time. And today’s your birthday. How old are you turning?”
“Oh wow, you’re growing up!”
“I know, but Y/N still calls me Pollito. I’m not a little chicken.” Everyone looking on bursts out laughing as Elena frowns, and while I join them, the loud sound simply reminds me of the lack of protection on my ears.
Elena gets whisked off to talk and play around with Viv and some of the other girls, who seem to all have taken a genuine liking to the young girl, Camilo following to watch over them. I stand firmly on the sidelines, fidgeting with an infinity cube and trying to forget the sudden scratching of my hoodie’s tag on the back of my neck and the tightness of my socks, when a now familiar face pops in front of me.
I don’t notice her at first, my eyes are closed and I’m trying breathing patterns in hopes that the overstimulating sensations with dissipate. It’s only when I open my eyes to check on Elena that I get the shock of my life. Number 32 is just standing in front of me, staring, waiting for me to notice her. no less than a minute ago she’d been spinning Elena around and laughing with her, which I’d found alarmingly adorable, how’d she get here so fast?
She doesn’t say anything, she just smiles and waves, and I realise she must think I can’t hear her with my headphones on, which many people tend to ignore. Wow she’s much prettier up close.
“Hi, I’m Y/N” I return her smile, but don’t make any move to remove the headphones.
“I’m Kyra.” Her voice is muffled but her accent is incredible and like music to my ears.
“You played really well today.” Is she blushing? Red creeps up her neck and finds home on her round cheeks as she smiles brightly.
“Ah thanks, I try to give it my all. Hoping to prove I deserve more game time.”
“You don’t get played often?” another chuckle passes her lips and I feel my stomach tighten.
“Uh no. I take it you’re not a big football fan?”
“What gives you that idea.”
“Well rocking up to an Arsenal game with blue nails for a start.” I cock my head to the side and give her a confused look. I did a lot of research for today, there was no room for me to mess up.
“Chelsea, our biggest rivals, their colour is blue. It’s basically forbidden for an arsenal fan to wear blue to a game. Trust me, I learnt the hard way.”
I’m quick to hide my hands in the pocket at the front of my hoodie, fidgeting with my nails. How did I manage to fuck that up?
“You don’t really have to worry, just maybe keep it in mind if you ever come to another game. I hope you do by the way.” She flashes me a smile that makes me feel warm and I can’t help myself.
“You’re very pretty.” She’s about to reply when I glance down and notice her socks are still wrong.
“And I’m not sure if you know but your socks are on the wrong feet.” It’s quiet for a moment and I’m not sure if my common candour has once again overstepped. I can’t even open my mouth to apologise before she giggles.
“I knew there was something wrong. I keep doing it but no one tells me until after the game… and you’re quite beautiful yourself. If you don’t mind me saying.” My eyes continue to avoid her face as I bounce on the balls of my feet and try to refrain from shaking my hands, my most common stim.
“Thank you.”
We’re silent for a minute or so, which I don’t mind now that I’m more familiar with her. I continue to watch Elena and Camilo, who are now playing in a 5v5, Viv carrying the girl halfway down their makeshift pitch before helping her kick the ball. When her laughs echo through the stadium, joy breaking through her screams and from the yells of her dad who is playing a rather poor referee, I’m reminded of how much I love this family. I can’t help the smile on my face.
“Your sister is very adorable.” I glance to my side where Kyra now resides and contemplate telling her she isn’t my sister, but the words get stuck in my throat. If I were to say they weren’t my family after all they’ve done for me, then I’d be lying.
“Yeah. She’s basically my whole life.”
“Hey can I ask about the headphones? I mean you don’t have to say anything if you don’t want but-“
“I’m autistic. Struggle really bad with sound and other stimulants. I wear headphones to dampen sounds, especially in public. And stadiums are full of sounds.” My palms sweat a little and my breath is laboured for a moment. This is usually the part where people decide I’m a freak and never talk to me again.
“Oh cool. I totally get that, the sound thing.” That warm feeling returns. She doesn’t question anything, she just agrees.
Eventually the meet and greet had to end, but I manage to get a few of the girl’s numbers, including number 32’s. Something I hadn’t expected was that the team would love Elena so much that they wanted to organise season tickets and some more passes to meet up after home games. I couldn’t help but be a little proud of myself as the young girl rambled about how amazing it was to get to hang out with her idols, and the prospect of seeing them again.
Uni starts back up the following week, so I don’t join the two for a game for quite a while. Despite that, I find myself texting Kyra most days, a good morning and goodnight routine quickly being established. We ask each other questions about each other. ‘What did you want to be if football didn’t work out?’ ‘What made you want to study your course?’ ‘what’s your favourite thing about Australia?’.
She liked to ask me about parts of my autism every now and then. She wanted to know what things to avoid, what topics made me ramble for ages, safe foods. The only other people who had ever cared this much were Elena and Camilo. The two of which had definitely taken note of how happy I’d grown since the game.
“Who are you talking to Angelito? You haven’t smiled this big in a long time.” Camilo takes a seat beside me behind the desk of the store
There is no need to hide the blossoming relationship from him, so I turn my screen to show the messages between Kyra and I, a bold ‘No. 32’ under a very weird but unmistakable picture of the girl. He hums and smiles, lightly nudging our shoulders together.
“She likes you.”
“Pft no she doesn’t.”
“‘you’re so cute.’ ‘I really like you.’ ‘I’ll save that for when I take you on a date.’ With a winky face emoji. She literally admits she likes you. Twice.”
“I thought that was that flirty thing people do with their friends.”
“I know when people like each other.”
“How Milo?”
“I have a gift.”
“A gift hmm?” he just smiles widely down at me before taking my phone again. He begins to type something.
“What are you writing Milo? Milo!” I glance over his shoulder.
‘I really like you and would like to go on a date if you’re free.’ I’m about to scold him but three dots appear as Kyra begins typing.
“If this works you owe me an extra hour this week.”
“You are an evil schemer Camilo.” I say before squeezing his shoulder, a common sign of affection we’d developed.
‘I’d really like that. Tomorrow’s our day off if that works.’
I can’t help the squeal I let out as Camilo writes a response in confirmation.
“I’m going on a date.”
“You deserve this kiddo.”
Kyra and I agree on a dinner date at a restaurant I’d mentioned really enjoying a few months ago, that I hadn’t had a chance to visit since. I’d made the reservation, asking for the specific table I’d sat at the last time I came, and I’d already decided on what I was getting before I even hoped in the car to drive there.
I’d planned everything perfectly. The place, my outfit, what time I had to leave to arrive there 10 minutes before our agreed upon time. I hadn’t taken into account the car speeding through a red light and crashing into the car in the right lane beside me. Or the fact that due to the momentum I’d get caught between the 2 cars and the building on the corner of the street I was just about to turn down. No more than 15 metres from the restaurant but I’m trapped and the seatbelt is too tight and my head hurts. I’m crushed between my door and the centre console and all the sirens and ambulance lights approaching are too much and all I can do it cry.
If I could just reach my bag in the footwell of the passenger seat I could get my headphones to relieve some of the stimulation, but I can’t bend that way without my ribs screaming and whatever is poking my hip in my back making itself known.
I pray to every god I can name that I pass out, but no one hears as the jaws of life pry open my door. When were the other cars moved?
“Ma’am we have to cut you out. my colleague here is going to hold you up. Is that okay?” I don’t have any energy to say no, so I nod, waiting for some scissors to snip away at the seatbelt. Instead, I hear an electric saw whir to life.
“W- what’s the saw for?” my words are barely recognisable as they slur together.
“Ma’am everything is okay, just stay still for us okay?”
The sawing is over quicker than it begun, and the paramedics make an effort to move me as carefully as they can onto the stretcher, then into the ambulance. I make no move to complain about how the neck brace is itchy and feels suffocating.
A minute passes and through the newly developed ringing in my ears, I hear someone calling my name. they sound so far away but when I open my eyes again, Kyra is standing above me, next to the paramedic who’s hooking me up to monitors,
“Do you know this lady ma’am?” she asks me as I stare up at the girl I was meant to be on a date with.
“Yeah she’s my girlfriend.” A voice in the back of my head is worried that maybe that will freak Kyra out, but I know they won’t let her ride with me if we don’t have some close connection and for some reason friend does not cross my mind.
They allow her to take the extra seat beside me and she loops her pinky with mine. She keeps glancing down toward my stomach and taking deep breaths as we make our way down the streets of London. I try to see what she’s looking at but the brace doesn’t allow me to look that far down.
“You’re going to be okay.” She whispers as they roll me out of the ambulance, and she manages to quickly kiss me before I’m gone from view.
I don’t know how long I’m out for, but when I wake up there is a sterile white light beaming down on me and I have to instantly close my eyes. I’m quick to take note of the horrible feeling of the hospital gown I definitely wasn’t in when I’d gone under.
“Papa! She’s awake!” I let out a groan at the yell but and quick to smile once the voice registers in my head.
“Pollito.” My voice is no more than a whisper, hoarse and dry.
“Hey Angelito. How are you feeling.”
“Horrible. The light’s too bright and the gown is so itchy.” Neither Elena nor Camilo leave my side, but the light is off within seconds.
“I more meant physically. You were hit pretty hard.” The screeching of tyres, the smell of burnt rubber, the flashing lights, all rush back to me. So does the pain.
“Now that you mention it. What’s the damage?” it’s meant as a joke but I’m trying not to cry.
“3 broken ribs, 2 fractured, a torn vastus lateralis in your thigh, a lot of muscle damage in your back. It’s going to be a lot of physical therapy kiddo.” The thought has bile rising in my throat.
“Fuck me.”
“It’s okay, we’re going to be here the whole way. All of us.” By now I could know the voice in a crowd of people.
I turn my head and there she is. Kyra is sat in one of the uncomfortable hospital seats with her hand on top of mine.
“If it’s okay with you, Camilo, me and some of the arsenal girls are going to sort out a schedule to take turns helping you with PT. Viv was really hoping she could give some tips considering how long she spent doing PT.”
“That sounds perfect. But please tell me one of you has my pyjamas. I need to get out of this gown.”
There was no lie in how difficult rehab was. I had an hour appointment at the hospital every day and additional work at home that Milo, Kyra and some of the arsenal girls happily helped with. The hardest hurdle was amount of physical touch that was required. My physical therapist, Jordan, always made sure I knew when she needed to touch my leg or something, but that did very little to sooth the feeling that crawled beneath my skin. She was able to dim the fluorescent white lights and allowed me to wear my headphone which did help a small amount.
Kyra basically moved into my room above the shop. Milo insisted he could do all the work of getting me around the house and the shop, but we knew he couldn’t while maintaining the shop and looking after Elena. Elena tried her best to help by making me breakfast. She gathered pre-made versions of my safe breakfast food and carefully place them separately on a plate, with a glass of orange juice every morning. After the first week she realised I’d be in a wheelchair and struggling to move around much for much longer than she thought, so she quickly gave up on that idea and began making me penguin drawings at school.
I’d adapted to having Kyra around much quicker than I expected to. When I moved in at 17, it took me months to get used to the layout and the fact that I was alone, despite Camilo and Elena living in the house across the road. I adapted to Kyra’s presence within weeks.
After the second week we’d decided it was easier to share the bed rather than her sleeping on the couch, which had been the biggest change. I struggled with it the first few nights. I had a sleep routine that was already disrupted by the injuries, now I had to take another person into account. But she was so warm, and I felt so safe in her arms. Whenever I woke up from a nightmare about the crash, she grabbed me an iced tea and my headphones and would ramble about whatever interests she had recently developed or whatever was happening at training.
It was in the second month things took a more serious turn. Well serious for our relationship. I was sitting at the table chopping the vegetables for dinner while she begins cooking, when I took a minute to just look at her. The warm lighting softened her features, her quiet humming to whatever song was playing carried throughout the room, the smile that seemed to never leave her face sat perfectly on her lips as she listened to me ramble about the newly discovered yellow king penguin. She was so radiant and attentive, and she was never annoyed at me when I was overstimulated or wanted to infodump. She was seemingly unaffected by my rehab and most importantly unaffected by my autism. After a life full of negative interactions and losing people because of one thing I couldn’t control, I’d found a family and a partner who embraced me.
I didn’t realise I was crying until she turned and asked me what was wrong.
“I’m just grateful.”
“For what?”
“You, Milo, Elena. I love you all so much.” I didn’t realise I’d said it really. I was just being candid, as I always was.
“You love me?”
“Yes.” There was no hesitation even as it dawned on me.
“Well, I love you too.” There is a split second between the end of her sentence and the meeting of our lips in a kiss.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” I ask as we pull away.
“Wait- I thought- when you called me your girlfriend on the ambulance I kind of took that as you asking me to be your girlfriend.” She begins laughing.
“What? This whole time I’ve been nervous about actually asking you and you already thought I had?” I can’t help but join her laugh.
“We’re such fools.” She whispers, and we kiss again.
I'll always be a fool for her.
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honeybeebytheseaa · 5 months
Well these comics have brought the fandom together on three things….
Bruno is autistic, Mirabel is short, and Camilo is a dumbass.
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igetthedisneybox · 12 days
Hugo Madrigal
Tumblr media
Inspired by @hannahhook7744's Encanto AU, and her own character headcanons.
Third image made using https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1558575
Fourth image made using https://www.dolldivine.com/la-colombiana
Fifth image made in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Hugo’s full name is Hugo Diego Madrigal.
His first name means “mind”, and his middle name means “teaching”. 
He is the first adopted child of Camilo Madrigal and Marcos Vasquez.
He has slightly curly black hair, brown skin, and brown eyes. He has a tiny mustache that he worked very hard for, and will never shave.
He is fourteen years old.
He has two younger biological brothers, José, younger by five years, and Héctor, younger by eight.
He likes girls, but is single.
His gift is the ability to manipulate insects. He acts as the queen bee or ant of any insect he sees, and is able to control them that way. He personally loves his gift, and the Encanto has no problems with it either…it’s him they dislike.
His door portrays him smiling, with his arms stretched out on either side of him in a t-pose. Various flying insects swarm around him.
His room looks like an entomologist’s dreamhouse. The floors and walls are wood, and the walls are covered in informational posters about insects and bugs, as well as dead (of natural causes) ones pinned up in glass cases. His bed has bug-patterned sheets. He has potted plants everywhere, and on every available flat surface are his pet bugs in terrariums. Pepito’s perch sits by his bed.
His symbol is a horned beetle, mid flight.
Hugo is very quiet, and Camilo is very loud. They don’t always see eye to eye, but Camilo never makes Hugo feel lesser for his oddities.
Marcos and Hugo are both quiet, and they seem to understand each other more than Camilo. As Marcos was an orphan too, he can also connect to him through that experience.
His birth parents were very neglectful of him and his brothers before they died when he was eight. Hugo was essentially the only parent José and Héctor had, and he rarely ever saw their actual parents. Hugo doesn’t hold them in very high regard.
José, like Camilo, is loud and eccentric, compared to Hugo’s calm quiet. They get along better though, because they lived with their birth parents for the longest, and Hugo basically had to raise José.
Héctor was much too young to remember their parents, but Hugo still acts like a surrogate parent to him. They both are more quiet, and so get along better. Pepito the toucan also loves Héctor.
He ends up hanging out with the other “outcast” cousins: Sofía, Fuega, Andrés, Zoe, and Óscar, not because of his gift, but because of ableism.
He gets along best with Bruno, Dolores, and Zoe.
He is autistic and selectively mute. This is the reason why so many townspeople shun him.
His Tio Antonio gave him a service animal, in the form of Pepito the toucan. Pepito helps him stim, and negates his anxiety.
His favorite bugs are butterflies, beetles, bees, and ants.
Despite the fact that he barely talks, he gives the best advice, and is very wise for his age.
He doesn’t like large crowds, and prefers to stick with his cousins when they go into town.
His favorite colors are yellow, red, pink, and orange.
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milkcookiekin · 7 months
(look before requesting!) DNI if you are: anti-lgbt, anti-semitic, pro-Israel, racist, ableist, pro-shipper, sexist, etc. you should know the drill by now.
ask boundaries: no nsfw asks for minors (this includes if their ages are not confirmed by any official media, but they are still clearly minors), no bathroom kinks, no noncon/cnc, incest/stepcest, pedophilia, age gaps, etc., if you ask for anything of the sort, you will be blocked.
(requests are currently open, it’s first come first serve!)
(I will only be taking 75 requests at a time, so I have time to work on all of them, so check the list to see if any slots are open! only request when requests are open.)
(the ones in the “currently working on” section are in order of which I want to finish first, the rest are not, so I can’t guarantee your requests will be done in order of when you gave me your request.)
(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, do not request if requests are closed, especially if I’m not working as often!)
main fandoms:
phighting! (taking a break from these so please don’t ask, you will be informed if you weren’t aware, but don’t push further)
splatoon (just the manga)
boboiboy galaxy
brawl stars
the promised neverland
the bfdi series (minus idfb)
encanto (will only take romantic requests for isabela, luisa, dolores, mirabel, camilo, bruno and i’ll throw in carlos just for fun. i will only take familial/platonic requests for everyone else)
currently working on:
1. zuka nsfw hcs
2. unrequited love with subspace!
3. biograft and reader fighting together!
will work on soon:
4. dom nsfw hcs!
5. shuriken and illumina w/ feminine!male!reader (separate)
6. yandere subspace x human!gn!reader
7. katana relationship hcs!
8. self aware scythe hcs
9. sub sword hcs
10. self aware darkheart hcs
11. phighters fighting and breaking up with their s/o (no I will not make a pun, fight me)
12. banhammer x wife!reader sfw and nsfw
13. army x reader
14. aloha x reader x mask
15. aviators x reader
16. ocho x octoling!reader
17. the broker smut hcs
18. edgar x isekai’d!reader
19. illumina x artist! reader
20. hyperlaser x traitor!reader
21. colt x rival!male!reader
22. colette x fem!reader who’s interested in her works
23. bottom darkheart hcs
24. husband medkit x reader hcs
25. self-aware firebrand hcs
26. scythe smut hcs (part 2)
27. illumina smut hcs
28. fluffy scythe hcs
29. kel x reader who likes writing, especially romance stories
30. broker general relationship hcs
31. platonic headcanons w/ icedagger
32. medkit hanahaki hcs
33. scythe flirting with her easily flustered s/o
34. boombox x autistic musician reader (platonic)
35. biograft w/ sibling reader
36. vine staff nsfw hcs
37. ray and emma (separate) x entp reader
38. illumina x reader angst
39. broker x medkit’s distant cousin!reader
40. young zuka relationship hcs!
41. ghostwalker x reader angst
42. windforce unrequited love hcs
43. traffic relationship hcs
44. pwnatious relationship hcs
45. rocket dating reader who’s affiliated with blackrock
46. dom and boombox (separate) w/ a bunny girl smut hcs
47. buster x reader nsfw hcs
48. bottom!pwnatious hcs
49. jesterspace x reader hcs
50. lawrie nsfw hcs
51. hyperlaser x fish-like!reader hcs
52. mortis x reader x colt hcs
53. traffic x feminine!reader
54. valk relationship hcs
55. follower!sword angst hcs
56. reader trying to be there for the main friend group after Mari’s death
57. fullscore trio x reader (separate) fluff hcs!
58. larry and lawrie (separate) dating hcs (no not with each other)
59. berry romantic headcanons
60. draco romantic headcanons
61. ray introducing reader to his family (modern au)
62. jealous fang and chester hcs (separate)
63. draco smut headcanons
64. werewolf!luisa x fem!reader (modern au)
65. platonic headcanons for tara and sandy (separate)
66. bibi x reader friends to lovers hcs!
67. boboiboy ais x reader fluff
68. adu du hcs!
69. real world aubrey x reader hcs!
70. bobble hat trying to help with reader’s awful sleep schedule!
71. four x reader relationship hcs!
72. two x reader relationship hcs!
73. tree x reader relationship hcs!
74. hachi x reader hcs!
75. sandy x reader hcs
76. emz x reader hcs!
77. fanny x reader hcs!
78. fullscore trio x reader human world hcs!
79. loser x reader hcs
80. teardrop x reader hcs
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cheetee · 2 years
encanto headcanon collection #30493929
Because she's constantly listening to people, Dolores is fluent in every language spoken in the Encanto. she hasn't told anyone except Mariano this (it's not a secret, just nobody else has asked)
Camilo upstages EVERY QUINCEANERA. doesn't matter HOW nice and unique the dress you find is, doesn't matter if you hide it from him, he WILL show up in a dress that's prettier and more ostentatious. nobody knows if he's pulling them from magazines or making them up or what. he has every gender but mainly his mom yells at him for being rude, says if he's going to be a woman he 'needs to be uglier'
Dolores doesn't get sensory overload in crowds. Her favourite hobby is sitting down listening to 18 peoples drama simultaneously. she gets extremely overwhelmed in quiet rooms when there's no other sounds to focus on except the things she's actually supposed to be listening to
Dolores is extremely face blind and can't ready body language at all, she completely relies on listening to people's bodies to recognise people and their feelings. When she loses her gift it becomes extremely obvious she is Very Autistic (she doesn't mind)
Bruno can magically sense how much time has passed, what time of day it is etc with perfect precision. Again nobody knows this until he loses his gift and reveals he has never in his life learned how to read a clock
Mirabel shuts out her parents a lot and isn't very close to them even though they get on fine. there is NO REASON for this she's just 15. they've literally never done anything wrong she's just like 'idk they don't understand me'
(but because she's not going through any kind of supernatural crisis they think she's doing great. smoothest adolescence ever. nailed it)
(when isabela went through puberty she just RUINED the local ecosystem)
Alma is openly socialist, anti-war, Encanto is a refuge of peace etc etc, so gay couples have gotten married in their Encanto. this headcanon exists simultaneously with 'alma sleeps with women because she's homophobic': Alma can never bring herself to sleep with another man since Pedro but sex with women 'doesn't count' so she HAS absolutely gotten down with several other old women in the village. gay love is real but not for her. rip
Bruno sold ONE emerald vision plate in 1951 and that's the sum of the entire family's money, but nobody understands money so all he uses it for is for allowance for the kids
Bruno is actually very good-natured about being mocked or laughed at. Because most people in the village would treat him with terrified politeness he considers it an upgrade
Bruno is making NO effort to counter the rumours about him at this point, he's too old, local children sneak up to him and ask if it's true he eats brains and he's just deadass like 'wouldn't you like to know'
Dolores has perfect recall with sounds/words but she pretends not to. life is easier that way
Antonio can talk to bugs they mainly just sit around saying things like 'Leaves' and 'it's sunny'. Isabela starts keeping bugs with him. sometimes they just sit down and have Bug Conversations. ('Antonio, I like leaves' 'Leaves')
As an aunt Julieta is incredibly fun, but Pepa is just Another Mom But Stricter. rip.
Bruno is just DOGSHIT at giving presents. they still bring up when he gave Julieta a hammer for Christmas
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Soo.... For autistic Madrigals. Do they struggle with sensory issues? And which types exactly?
Yes and no, it differs for each of them.
Pepa struggles occasionally with sensory issues, but genuinely copes a lot better than the others and doesn’t have a specific types or two.
Speaking of, their specific sensory issues:
Bruno - smell and taste sensory issues
Dolores - she experiences most sensory issues (more than the others) but especially auditory
Luisa - textures and touch sensory issues
Camilo - body awareness (proprioception) issues
Antonio - visual/sight sensory issues
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foggyfanfic · 5 months
I think the thing that keeps me hooked on Encanto and Bruno is the implications of a mentally ill person in this setting.
Like he is all but confirmed mentally ill, and it’s not a curse, it’s not a metaphor, it’s not even PTSD or Cinematic Crazy Disorder, he has OCD. He has real person OCD, we know his compulsions and can make pretty good guesses at his triggers and obsessions, it is OCD. In a lot of fantasy we know that surely mental illness must exist, because presumably these people have brains and brains are where mental illness is stored, but we don’t often receive confirmation that it does exist. Even when characters start showing signs of PTSD, mileage varies on accuracy, and it often gets hand waved as normal trauma instead of clearly being a disorder that could potentially require a doctor’s help to treat. They have yet to state in canon that Bruno has OCD, but they put it into the script, they built it into his character, and they didn’t even go for the usual Has to Have Everything Neat and Tidy variety that we see in media, instead they’ve made a point to show his compulsions and generalized anxiety. This isn’t Detective Procedural OCD, it’s Based on My Aunt OCD.
And that more than anything has me thinking about the structure of this society and this family. I find myself writing mentally ill OC’s for this fandom more than for others because it feels more organic in the Encanto verse than it does the Buffy verse. I spend more time wondering about Alma and her family history, does she have a cousin or siblings that are like Bruno, or does she just assume he’s like that because of the magic? It seems obvious to me that the Madrigal family tends toward anxiety disorders, and after the comics I’m more convinced Bruno is autistic as well as having OCD, how long until some doctor comes to town and is like “Oh, hey! You guys all have mental illnesses!”? It’s the 50’s in the movie, so knowledge of this stuff ain’t great, but Mirabel would be 89(?) today, her grandkids might have been diagnosed, her great grandkids would definitely be the right generation to receive a diagnosis. Oof, but we saw when Encanto first came out that some people consider mental illness to be a White Thing, so how does the intersection of racism and colorism affect this? Does the great grand kid that looks like Pepa have an easier time getting anti-anxiety meds than the great grandkid that looks like Félix?
I should actually probably take my ADHD meds or this is going to get long.
I’ve been weaving Adelaide into more stories because she was originally designed as a vehicle for Camilo to have heavily autistic kids and grandkids, but ever since writing Juan I keep thinking about the experiences of two autistic kids in a rural village that doesn’t know what that is yet. And I want to play with that! Like he doesn’t struggle with facial expressions so he would fly under the radar, but she does struggle with proper emoting so she doesn’t. On the other hand, he went through a very showy phase that got him labeled annoying, but she’s a girl, and quiet, and society likes that. He has a good relationship with his family, so he has mentors and friends; but she has a bad relationship with her family so she has a found family and when Bruno comes out of the walls she would cling to him because he is an Adult that is Like Her. His special interest is math and math is useful so he gets plenty of opportunities to play with it, her special interest is stars and that’s cool and all but stars are not a job. How do people in rural 1950’s handle sensory issues? How accepting are people of those with mental illness when they don’t realize that’s why little Romero is like that?
And what about the downsides of untreated mental illness? We see through Bruno how isolating that can be, but I inherited my broken brain from my mother and she has taught me all the ways NOT to handle it. How many people in Encanto are self medicating because they have bipolar disorder and no clue that’s what’s happening? I read that folks with autism or OCD can often get swept up in fundamentalism because the rigid Right vs Wrong world view presses all the right disorder buttons for them. So how many of the most heavily Catholic people in town are mentally ill?
Oh my god and schizophrenia! I read that hallucinations and delusions can often reflect the culture surrounding the person with the disorder. So! In Encanto, a paradise that’s surrounded by a super violent conflict (because this is taking place in Actual Real World Colombia in the mid-20th century), what does that look like? Do they have aural hallucinations where they think they can hear distant sounds of screaming? Do they have delusions that they’re keeping the miracle alive by never letting their candles burn all the way down? How does the culture of the Encanto affect people with schizophrenia?! How are those people treated?!
I know it’s a Disney property, so obviously they’re not going to release a series that does a deep dive into what mental illness in the Encanto looks like but ugh! I have so many questions, do I really have to write all the answers myself?! Rude. I mean, I’m going to do it, if I have the time and energy I am one hundred percent going to write a story about being a mentally ill person in a magic rural village. But still!
Stay tuned for a longer story about Adelaide than I’d ever planned to write, and a stream of consciousness about how Julieta’s gift should affect PTSD. If I get around to it.
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spookypawz · 4 months
[about me + dni]
hi! i'm camilo (yes like from encanto) and this is an agere blog for our multiple littles/ middles/teens and age regressors in our system. it will mostly be me on here, but others may add on too!
our body age is 20 and we use any pronouns (we will specify if different).
we're autistic, and v mentally ill and traumatized, that might come across in some of our posts. our regression is not always positive, but 'impure" regression will be tagged accordingly!
there might be some caregiver posts, since we have some of those as well, thank you chive.
info will be added as we see fit!
dni: nsfw, anti-age regression, if you think age regression is inherently nsfw, Igbtq+phobic, basic dni (racist, sexist, etc), DISCOURSE + SYSCOURSE
this list can also be added to as we see fit. we'll likely post if we've updated our dni, so you can check it over.
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gaysaintseiyafan · 8 months
I been on here for at least an entire month or so, I feel I should properly introduce myself or something
I'm genderfluid and prefer to go by they/them pronouns I'm autistic as well which is most likely the reason I get so passionate about my special interests. I made this blog to post and reblog about Saint Seiya because the entire franchise is one of my biggest special interests and I don't really get to share about it much since hardly anyone I know likes it !! I post alot of gay stuff because I'm very gay myself ya know.
I'm canadian BTW !!!
I enjoy watching anime and reading manga, fanfiction, listening to music, collecting dolls,figures, plushies ect. I also like drawing and even have fanart and some of my own ocs that I designed but I don't post them here mainly because I feel nobody would care to see them given that my skills are basic lol.
My favorite anime series are: OG Saint seiya including the hades ovas,Saint seiya lost canvas, saint seiya soul of gold, B't X, Shurato, ronin warriors, fuma no kojiro, yu yu hakusho,patalliro, berserk,devilman, blackjack, inuyasha, yugioh (season 0 and duel monsters), rurouni kenshin, princess princess, gravitation,brave dagwon, gundam wing, nightwalker the midnight detective,saint beast and the rose of versailles.
My favorite Saint seiya pairings: Hyoga/Shun, Shiryu /Seiya, Milo/Camus, Degel/Kardia, Mu/Shaka,Deathmask/Aphrodite, Minos/Albafica, Dohko/Shion . I like other ships but these are the ones I especially love to see fanart and fanfiction for Hyoshun is my main Ship ! Shirseiy and Camilo are close to being second.
Favorite bands: X japan, Seikima II, Malice mizer, Lareine, versailles, hizaki grace project, phantasmagoria, Syndrome, D, shazna, Kuroyume, missalina rei, madeth gray'll, baiser, Hanoi rocks and michael monroe, the sweet, Kiss, david bowie, the cure, dead or alive, gene loves jezebel, japan and david sylvian, cinderella, wasp, iron maiden, judas priest, motley crue, and many others mostly visual kei, and 80s music lol.
things I dislike: homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism and just bigotry in general, people who attack others for their ships its just juvenile imo, people who get mad if I dont instantly reply, that crappy netflix remake that made Shun into a girl..just no.
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paukitstuff · 5 months
secondary blog / blog secundario: @cookierun-myau
Drawings/dibujos: #paukdraw
Videos: #paukvideo
Introducción! /Introduction!
Hola! Mi nombre es Paulina, pero en el Internet soy más conocida como PauKit :D tengo 19 años y soy de Argentina, soy una persona autista y me ENCANTA el arte (de verdad, cualquier tipo de arte) voy por el pronombre "ella" y soy Pansexual uwu
Mis pasatiempos mayormente son cantar, dibujar, escribir, formar escenarios ficticios de mis hiperfijaciones en mi cabeza, y escuchar música!
Actualmente mis fandoms son:
• Cookie Run
• Animal Crossing
• The Amazing Digital Circus
• Disney, amo Disney
DNI: Personas que solo buscan tirar odio (incluye homofóbicos, transfóbicos, capasitistas, etc), proshippers, p3d0filos, y en general personas que no tengan moral-
Extras: tengo varios mecanismos de copia para mis problemas (incluye hacer escenas "heart warming" con personajes de los fandoms en los que estoy, hacer roleplay con mis "comfort characters" [mayormente en Character AI] y cantar/escuchar canciones con las que le identifico), mis ships favoritos de Cookie run son Wildchip (Wildberry Cookie x Crunchy Chip Cookie) y Mintcocoa (Mint Choco Cookie x Cocoa) y mis ships favoritos de Animal Crossing son Tom Nook x Sable (Mili en español) y CJ x Flick (Camilo en español)
Hello! My name is Paulina, but on the Internet I'm better known as PauKit :D I am 19 years old and I'm from Argentina, I'm an autistic person and I LOVE art (really, any kind of art) I go by the pronouns "she/her" and I'm Pansexual uwu
My hobbies are mostly singing, drawing, writing, forming fictional scenarios of my hyperfixations in my head, and listening to music!
Currently my fandoms are:
• Cookie Run
• Animal Crossing
• The Amazing Digital Circus
• Disney, I love Disney
DNI: People who only seek to spread hate (includes homophobes, transphobes, ableists, etc.), proshippers, p3d0philes, and people who have no morals in general.
Extras: I have several copy mechanisms for my problems (includes doing "heart warming" scenes with characters from the fandoms I'm in, roleplaying with my "comfort characters" [mostly in Character AI] and singing/listening to songs that I identify with), my favorite Cookie run ships are Wildchip (Wildberry Cookie x Crunchy Chip Cookie) and Mintcocoa (Mint Choco Cookie x Cocoa) and my favorite Animal Crossing ships are Tom Nook x Sable and CJ x Flick
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maxarat · 2 years
Sarai Belmonte
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"My parents pissed me off again so I cut off all my hair. Again. Like it, Mira?"
Sarai Belmonte is Mirabel's best friend in the Encanto. They met at her gift ceremony and have been inseparable since, despite Mirabel's ceremony not going as intended. Sarai is the oldest of six cousins in one house, causing a lot of pressure to be on him. It doesn't help that he's trans, a fact which their parents have them hide even though Sarai wants to be loud and proud about it, and is with her friends. Their family is Sephardi, but because of the inquisition had to hide their religion. The inquisition may have ended in 1834, but they still tend to be a bit quite about it, except Sarai, just incase. Because it isn't the Encanto without generational trauma. Or neurodivergence. Sarai is autistic, adhd, and ocd. He uses all pronouns and has a massive crush on Camilo, which Mirabel just teases them about.
Sarai is laid back most of the time, but also very petty and stubborn. Most things they have a love/hate relationship with, including small children and most animals. She would do anything for Mirabel and Camilo. Because I can't be convinced Mirabel and Camilo don't both have identity and inferiority issues and I know Sarai does, after the movie they all help each other with that.
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taking-thyme · 1 year
Taking-Thyme: Blog Introduction
Call me Fio! My pronouns are She/They
Requests: CLOSED
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🤔 Autistic
💌 Sapphic and possibly Arospec
💜 Asexual
👾 INFJ Aquarius
😷 Chronically Ill and Autistic
💘 Loves Writing Comfort Fics
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Fandoms I write for:
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Legend of Zelda (especially Breath of the Wild, but also other games like Twilight Princess)
Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
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Request Rules:
Adult Characters Only (I won't write for minors, for instance I won't write for Mirabel or Camilo from Encanto)
I will write Smut, but won't write about any kinks
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Lord of the Rings Masterlist
The Hobbit Masterlist
Encanto Masterlist
Legend of Zelda Masterlist
Pokemon SWSH Masterlist
Pokemon Scarvio Masterlist
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Other Interests:
Crafts like Sewing, Leatherworking and Metalsmithing
Witchcraft and Folklore
Art and Illustration
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itzwaku · 2 years
I always see people who watched encanto talk about they're favourite characters, usually it was camilo (I like him a lot too) but if I had to chose one, it would be bruno. He was different from the others, he was an outcast, to others he didn't seem to care for them but he did, maybe he didn't express it with words but he loved them so much he didn't really leave their house, he was always there. He's so autistic coded
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Oh yeah, Dolores is totally autistic! I'd say Pepa is as well tbf. When Dolores goes into selective mutism, Mariano helps by using sign language to communicate. He doesn't always get it right but Dolores appreciates the gesture
Yeah, Dolores and Pepa are both some of the ones I headcanon as autistic.
Sign language definitely wouldn’t have been common given the time and place - it still isn’t understood by everyone know, so it would have been worse then. I can imagine that Mariano learning and using it for Dolores is definitely something she appreciates; possibly something she was maybe insecure about previously.
He definitely gets playfully teased by the likes of Isabela and maybe even Camilo (given how close they are with Dolores, I’d assume they’d know a fair amount of sign language themselves) when he messes up on something and ends up signing something ridiculous.
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