#Autism On Fire Gaming
aofgamingnc · 2 years
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Welcome to Autism On Fire Gaming!!! All of us at Autism On Fire Studio are excited to bring you all some amazing gaming content. Follow us on social media for the latest.
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little2nerdy · 2 months
as i’ve been rereading the hunger games i’m more and more convinced katniss is autistic. i don’t think this was on purpose i think her inability to realize when people feel things for her, her in depth description of yearning for comfort routine and her description of her world was meant to paint her as the “not like other girls” character but there are so many moments where i recognize elements that just make sense when you look at her through the lens of an autistic experience
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jaehaeryshater · 3 months
Hyperfixating on a character who’s objectively a bad person is so weird. Like people talk shit about them all the time and call you weird for liking them and you have to be like 😐 yeah…. Even though you’re clawing at the bars of your cage
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temperqnce · 1 month
Spreadsheet Autism: The Great Sharing
Because the internet is nigh unusable these days, with fourteen ads on every wiki page, I like to keep track of data related to my interests in my own personal google sheets. I thought some of them might be useful to others. So I'm sharing them. Several are still under construction in some way so copy what you can use and bookmark the rest if you want to wait for me to finish them lol. Also: I'm not a sheets expert, if anyone knows about how to make these more functional I'd love feedback
Klaus.xls - The Magnus Protocol/Archives
This one contains the original klaus.xls, the (approximate) english translation that other fans put together plus their notes, Bonzo's Number One Fan theory on how the CAT/R/DPHW works (I'm not sold on it but it's interesting), A categorization of each episode with notes, and a similar page on TMA episodes as I go through a rewatch. There's the data on the kids that were interviewed by the institute in the Protocol universe. It's got a page on the fears and their related TMA cults, avatars, etc as well. Go nuts kids.
Fire Emblem Stat Sheet
This is by far the most ridiculous one I have put time into. It tracks what fire emblem games I've played or owned and has planning sheets for each game as well as stats on different classes and units, planning sheets for pairings for the games where you can make them all have babies, etc. Copy what you want to use.
Mass Effect Lesbian Completionist Run
I made this so I could keep track of all the things you have to collect in Mass Effect 1, and also I was romancing Liara at the time rather than my usual Garrus (<3) hence the name. Just select all and un-cross out all the things I've crossed out if you want to keep track of the shit you have to find with the Mako without using a wiki
I'm only just starting with this one: keeps track of what each villager likes for gifts (on a permanent rather than weekly basis) and I'm slowly filling in trackers for the bugs and fish. Just finished one for the bundles.
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districtscare · 7 days
okay so based off of haymitch ripping his house phone out of the wall, i think he's had several incidents where he's broken certain important things in the house and. did not fix them. the clock's too loud? there's now a knife splintering the middle. looking in the mirror is too much? they're all covered minus the bust-level ones. some are broken! he doesn't own a microwave because the beeping is god awful! the washing machine is in a designated room because if he hears the sound it WILL set him off! like yes he is rich but lavish living doesn't concern him because he is in his own personal hell and money cannot fix what the mentality is tormented by. no, he's not going to see a shrink unless he's forcefully tortured. and all of that is painfully old school.
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Spoilers for Catching fire of the Hunger games series, if u havent watched it dont read.
Rewatching the 2nd hunger games film, Catching Fire for the first time in a years here r my thoughts chronologically, & I've got a lot to say about this one:
- They actually show Katniss's PTSD, flashbacks and nightmares.
- Gale being a "nice guy", christ hes a an sh*tty
- watching them back to back, they recast the cat!!!
- Snow is a fabulous villain.
- Caeser Flickerman's banger theme tune!
- The camera's interview is so awkward
- Effie deserved Katniss snapping at her on the train
- Peeta acknowledging that he cant hold her to wot they did to survive in the games! Peeta's already way above Gale. Peeta king 👑 of communication.
- just asking each other their favourite colour is adorable
- The Mockingjay!
- Peeta offering to talk to make it easier for Katniss
- Peeta giving Thresh & Rue's families some of their winnings. Katniss's speech about Rue is beautiful, I'm sobbing
- I love district 11, f*ck the peace keepers!! That poor old man! Haymitch: Who's going to protect them!?
- Haymitch knows better than anyone that you never escape the games.
- Jennifer Lawrence is fabulous
- Haymitch cares about them so much, we love him.
- Katniss barely holding it together on the victory tour. She looked so horrified at the little girl saying she would volunteer just like Katniss did.
- Caeser Flickerman has no right to be so iconic.
- Peeta is amazing! I love him and Katniss
- Does Effie have to say Mahogany in every film?
- Peetas disgust at the Capitol compared to what people in the districts are going through.
- I love the politics of catching fire
- Seneca decided to stop breathing - Plutarch
- F*CK GALE!!!! SHE DOESNT HAVE TO LOVE U ROMANTICALLY FOR BOTH OF U TO SAVE UR FAMILIES!!!!! Gale's right about rebelling, but he isnt even trying to understand her trauma.
- I love the anti corporal punishment, pro riots/rebellion, f*ck the police message of catching fire
- Peeta without question helping to save Gale cos he's not selfish
- Prim being a great nurse!
- I don't think Katniss has ever had any romantic feeling for Gale, he's just her best friend at most, a lot of the time he's barely that, she would've thrown herself in front of that whip if it was anyone she remotely cared about.
- The trauma of all the victors. Haymitcch is right they're not winners, they're survivors. Nobody ever wins.
- Effie actually kinda realizing the games arent the honour shes been indoctrinated to think they are.
- Katniss didnt ghetto say goodbye to Prim 😭
- Finnick & Maggs!!! We love them.
- Finnick Odair 🥰
- The Capitol is even more perfect in this one
- Johanna Mason is iconic and fabulous
- Wiress & Beetie r great
- Maggs is the sweetest
- Transition from Seneca Cranes hanging body to Caeser Flickerman's banging theme song!
- The Victor's interviews are very persuasive & interesting, they each show a lot about the characters
- Slay Johnnana!!! Make him pay for it
- The costumes in this one is a step up from the first.
- the fact she knows that Cinna is in danger for the Mockingjay dress
- Peter "We actually got married" Mellark, Peter "If it werent for the baby" Mellark
- All the Victor's holding hands in a show of unity
- CINNA 😭 (Jennifer Lawrence was amazing in this scene)
- The arena is beautiful
- finnick: oh Sh*t Katniss might actually love Peeta.
- THE FOG ,, MAGGS!! 😭😭
- Tick Tock The arenas a clock
- bye bye district 12
I love this film, for me, it's my favourite in the series.
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myrosrava · 3 months
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 2 months
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Well as the people have suggested I shall begin my journey through the ASOIAF series
Maybe not immediately because I still have many assignments/work/studying I should focus on, but I will start reading eventually
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loganlostitall · 4 months
Me right now explaining every single un-narrated thought happening in Katniss’ head binging The Hunger Games with @celtic-crossbow because l've read the books and she hasn't and there's a lot of small and important details that go unmentioned in the films
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I haven’t shut up for five hours
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lovepersevering13 · 10 months
Katniss Everdeen wasn’t autistic, she just misunderstood social cues in a completely neurotypical way
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3d-wifey · 7 months
Thinking bout how if Star (ATFUIAW!reader) met Snow in the 10th hunger games era, she'd have his ass. She wouldn't want him, but she'd have him. Don't know how she'd win the games, but just imagining him in Eleven as a peacekeeper trying to hang around her is pathetically funny.
Snow: So... you got any plans after this?
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Star, after working hours of back breaking labor:
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mega-aulover · 5 months
Do you think that Katniss is autistic?
Yes/No? Please explain your reasoning.
If yes, can you give example?
If no, what do you think the most accurate description about Katniss behaviour?
Is there a difference between Katniss in the books and in the movies?
Thank you :)
This is a great question, @curiousnonny as someone who studied Autism in school and worked with a few autistic children, I don't think she's autistic, but do I think she falls within the spectrum or what is referred to the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). And it's confusing b/c autism falls withing the spectrum of ASD.
Now I'm not a phycologist or a sociologist but I did have to study it when I switched to education.
Side note there was a time that there were 3 teers to Autism, there was Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Asperger's - one was more severe than the other, that have been umbrellaed under one diagnoses of ASD. So in other words Katniss does have traits.
She does have sensory issues, i.e. to touch.
She doesn't have complete awareness of social cue's
She has single minded focus
Doesn't make friends easily
Doesn't do small talk
Doesn't like change
Katniss has a structure to her day and doesn't veer from it, hunts, trades, school, home, repeat!
She is supper smart - (her lack of proper EDU. is a shame )
I wonder if the PTSD she suffers is exacerbated by her ASD - it's when she begins to withdraw from society because she's overwhelmed, yes it's PTSD but it's also a clear sign that cannot handle societal pressures when overwhelmed
I would say she's very high functioning or a high functioning ASD
And just to give you a list of people who are high functioning and within the ASD : Daryl Hanna (Splash movie), Tim Burton (Director Nightmare before Christmas Movie) Dan Akroyd (SNL Alum), (and I think I read somewhere Bill Gates too...but I may need to verify. )just to name a few. Katniss could very well fit into that group...
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I love this stupid lil guy
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sansa stark autism creature
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funereel · 2 years
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Couldn't decide what to draw in my new sketchbook so I took the safe route and did one of those inventory thingies people like to make. I still cannot be arsed to draw the hunter pistol in detail though so I did the saw cleaver instead. It has served me well early on. 
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My highly autistic mind made me think of a random connection
Seiga and Miko from Touhou have a similar relationship dynamic to Melisandre and Stannis from ASOIAF
A long-living priestess from a foreign land with an outfit with largely one color and a reputation as a wicked sorceress converts a prince to a foreign religion which is somewhat popular in the land the prince comes from, with the belief that said Prince is going to unite the people and save the world from evil
And they are definitely fucking
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