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Rio de Janeiro, capital das fantasias instantâneas. A pioneira quarta-feira das novas cinzas. O carnaval pós-pandêmico se estendia.
A história, a seguinte: não havia verbo ou verba. Apenas ideias esparsas povoavam seu pensamento. No mais, havia trevas. Silêncio.
Deixara um labor de anos, pegara a rescisão, decidira viver o que ainda não havia vivido, pois nunca lhe foi dito outras histórias além das que leu na TV. Não sabia inventar além das entrelinhas. Assim, por escolha própria, fora sozinho por anos a fio. Subindo estava pelas paredes. Zarpou.
Aproveitou a seu modo seu breve estado errante. Conheceu o que deu, e por fim estava ali, naquela zorra carioca. Justo aquela, a última semana com fundos, e a vista já aportavam os débitos de sua vida vazia de sentido.
Valera a pena? Até ali, tinha sido sempre o mesmo enredo. Mas em sua mente logo seria costurado o infinito. A surpresa surgiria no sambódromo.
A malandra sereia aportou de onde nunca se saberá. Do mar, feito magia, se fez leveza. Não deslizara sobre a chuva. Mas, com ela, era uma.
Aquela passista parecia abrir a possibilidade de ser feliz. Só por uma noite.
Tomou ali a coragem do flerte.
– Dou-te o mundo pra descobrir o mistério por debaixo dos seus véus.
– O mundo, não almejo. Mas me ouça; se for atento, poderás desnudar-me.
As mulheres carregam centelhas não à toa. Pensara nela como o fogo. Sua primeira visão: sua beleza era inatingível. Mas o olhar correspondido desamparou o medo. Com um sorriso, alçou o amor.
Sua voz, da foz da alma, acalmou a sofreguidão. Ditou então as veredas de sua resistência. De onde viera, sem gana, se fenecia. Refugiada de mazelas, muitos quintais tivera em poucas primaveras. Resistira pela ira: as violências sofridas, as afrontou, e na sua revolta com ela trouxe um povo. Pelas palavras, pelos suspiros, livrou de amarras a malta.
Seu caminho era aquele. Uma guerreira de tantas cicatrizes, se ainda assim abrigava tanto calor, é porque o que vale na vida solapa a dor. Só pode.
– Vou te contar uma lenda, que vivemos há alguns séculos, disse rindo.
– E todo o resto não será mais verdade!
Por um breve momento, minhas preocupações viraram neblina. Ouvidos tinha apenas para o insólito mundo daquelas fabulações.
Ela era eterna. E tenra. Mas nem sempre foi assim.
Seu povo, ouro derramou sobre os quatro cantos do planeta. Mas a miséria ainda assim os alcançou: suas mandingas não mais bastavam, e algo estranho aconteceu. A memória dos velhos havia se subtraído: um inimigo invisível ceifou a vida dos anciãos, bibliotecas vivas de sua terra. Não havia sinais grafados nas cavernas, nos ossos, na areia, em papiros que pudessem trazer de volta parte de toda a invenção dos deuses antigos. A sabedoria corria perigo. Um liame entre a terra e o além precisava urgentemente ser tecido.
– Decidimos a contragosto aportar em águas e terras vizinhas. Pelos anos adiante, nossas raízes se espalharam, e as vozes perdidas renasceram - cada qual a seu modo. E é nas festas que enxergamos frestas para sorrir. Por isso, estou aqui, nas batucadas, nos jongos, nos maracatus. Eu sou na dança nossa herança...
Nanci continuara sua toada. Para ela, os grilhões da iniquidade ainda eram sentidos nos rastros das vidas perdidas a esmo, no ranço das desigualdades a flor da pele. Mas, se o jogo do hoje era a luta, a bala, seria no conhecimento gerado em roda, nos gritos dos griots, que o escudo precisava ser cultivado - contraponto a violência precisa é a paz com voz.
– Qual teu nome, consagrada?
– E por ser filha dos filhos de Anansi, me fiz Nanci.
Antes de acessar a chave do resto do baú de suas pérolas, me foi dada a missão.
– Soprarei minhas histórias, que serão suas eternamente. Procure, ache, ame minhas três irmãs, que também estão nesse entrudo.
– Faria tudo pela tua pele, tuas memórias... Mas não tens ciúmes?
– Na festa da carne, todas as almas precisam ser descobertas.
Perplexo, foquei a multidão. Como achar ali três estrelas?
Antevendo minha confusão, ao menos me alentou:
– Seu sentimento, sua astúcia serão seus olhos, seu caminho. Vai-te!
Como tinha em mãos o vácuo, com as pernas fui a sambar um novo destino. Ao batuque de cem dengos, anoitecia.
No abre-alas, pelo instinto felino achei Rosa.
Perigosa, ao primeiro descuido, iria me desferir um - Boa noite, Cinderela! Por isso, em mim injetei o antídoto da sofreguidão.
– Fera assassina, morda minha alma.
Ela ri.
– Sua ordem é um desejo... vai sangrar, mas não doer.
Seus dentes de sabre me atacam.
Inebriada com o veneno do fundo das minhas veias, surpresa, a pantera adormece. Imersa em minha rede, a embalo e parto para a próxima presa.
No enxame da bateria, sinto o perfume da abelha Maia.
Como uma flor, exala beleza simplesmente por existir. Por ela, em minha saliva escondi morfina.
– Com um beijo bambo, me faz voar.
Ela ri.
– Sua ordem é um desejo... Toma aqui suas asas.
Seus lábios doces me apimentam.
Inebriada com o veneno de minha língua, malevolente ela adormece. Imersa em minha rede, a embalo e parto para a próxima presa.
Ao lado do Cristo mendigo, encontro a fada Mara. Sinto a gula do seu querer. Ela me perscruta ao longe. Mal sabe o que guardo entre os dedos.
– Amar é um caminho sem margem. Me invada.
Ela ri.
– Sua ordem é um desejo... por instantes, seremos milagres.
Sua volúpia me arrepia.
Inebriada com o segredo do meu querer coberto de magia, encantada ela adormece. Imersa em minha rede, a embalo e parto para próxima presa.
Uma ideia louca me vem a tona. Precisaria de uma testemunha para esse milagre do meu desencantamento. Por sorte, avisto uma senhora, de sorriso beatífico, que me encara como uma presa.
– Grande mãe, venha comigo, vou me casar por uma noite para poder viver cem mil dias.
– Oxalá, que história é essa garoto? Epahei! Simbora.
– Veja Nanci. Te trouxe aqui, suas irmãs, e essa anciã, que vai abençoar nossa única noite de núpcias. Findo o carnaval, gira a roda, cê sabe.
– Axé!! Pelo amor, você manteve a chama acesa. Adormecidas minhas irmãs, em seus sonhares elas ainda o preservam. Feche os olhos e as achará também em seus devaneios. Nossos sangues, ao se cruzarem, se tornaram contínuos, irmãos.
A anciã, desejosa por voltar ao fim dos confetes, jogou-nos a afrodisíaca água-de-cheiro dos tempos antigos. Gargalhando, se despediu, e se foi carregada em meio a muvuca.
Nanci ninou suas irmãs numa cama feita de nuvens. Eu estava em delírio, sei bem por que. Do contrário, não haveria nada disso, afinal.
– Vem comigo. No Catete tem um palacete que é só meu, só nosso, hoje.
Como num passe de mágica, voltei ao hotel onde vi Vargas pela janela, baforando do além seu cachimbinho.
– Vi na sua retina, franqueza. Por isso, assim como minhas irmãs, fui tua hoje. Para todo o sempre terás minhas e nossas memórias.
– Eu nem tenho como agradecer.
– Você precisa apenas compartilhar todo o amor que lhe foi dado. Isso não é um pedido; é um chamado. Entre nossos sentires um elo foi construído: nessa linha, encontrarás a razão de seus dias, a emoção do seu pensar.
– Poesia pura, você.
– Ouça: triunfe pela fraqueza. É da essência da vida, adaptar-se. Equilibre sua resiliência. Transforme o inconformismo em atitude. O silêncio em ruído. As palavras em gestos. Os gritos em levantes. Saindo da cama, ajoelhe-se, ore, regue suas esperanças, e vem cá a boa luta do amar.
Arqueando meus olhos, senti suas últimas palavras.
– Lembre-se: fabular é preciso perante o abismo...
Ainda a ouço.
– Amanhã, todos seremos cantares.
Acordei com a aranha a tecer uma teia em minha língua.
Com um bom dia, a rompi
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CAW Term of the Week - Query Letter
#CAW#CartersvilleAreaWriters#CartersvilleAreaWritersGroup#CAWTofW#CAWTermOfTheWeek#TermoftheWeek#TofW#WritingCommunity#Writers#Authors#WritingTips#WritingLife#TumblrWrites#AuthorsofTumblr#WritersOfTumblr#WritersOnTumblr#AuthorsOnTumblr#Query Letter#What is a Query Letter
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DM for commissions 💞🖌️🎉
#writing#poetsoftumblr#fictionwriting#nonfictionwriting#publishing#smallpress#fanart#shortstory#self publishing#authorsontumblr#writers community#bookcover#art#digitalart#illustrations
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Had an idea for a poem and was like uhhh I don’t wanna write rn but I did and I’m quite glad about it #writingadvice #authorsontumblr #donnatartt
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"And I felt a part of my being slip away, for I continued being the bigger person, the nicer one and the understanding teenager."
They told me soft was a good look on me, how do I tell them the things I lost, the grieving process I went through, tears unshed and anger restrained?
Familiarity gave me comfort, now the mere idea of it sounds strange. Such doomed beings we are, mortals pretending to be unphased by catastrophes.
Forgive me, those who I failed and those who I let slip away, my anger warmed me, kept me company. My broken shards of a heart and contained rage will always be a piece of me. Soft is a good look on me, but the thorns always kept me shielded.
— //glass shards where a heart should be, bloodied knuckles and buried sadness// via Coldeyesandredlips.
Pc- anonymous, source: Pinterest.
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JOURNAL PROMPT 009: What are my Priorities at the Moment?
It’s been months since I last did a journal prompt and I badly needed to do this again and perhaps make it a consistent habit. Writing has been my saving grace over and over. With the end of 2020 coming close, my priorities has literally shifted from one thing to another. At the start of the year, I planned it in a way that is goal-oriented. But as soon as the pandemic hits, it has been a series of cancelled plans with multiple re-planning in between.
This crisis gave me a different kind of perspective and realization in life and one of it is the importance of financial freedom. That having a regular job and savings is not enough. I need to have more than one income stream to support my goals and sustain my family’s needs, that’s why my priorities at the moment are all focused on finding multiple income streams through side hustle/sideline, investing and building a portfolio to monetize my skills.
To be honest, I’m having a hard time. But at the end of the day, nothing really comes easy as one, two, three. I just keep telling myself that these hard work will payoff and I need to do this, not just for myself but for the family that relies on me. I wake up everyday inspired with the idea that my future self will thank me for working hard now and I don’t ever want to have regrets one day for not pushing myself to give out the best.
#journaling#journal#journalprompts#lavendaire#authorscommunity#authorsontumblr#spilled writing#writers#writersociety#writers on tumblr#spilled ink#writing#words#societyofwriters#Writing Society#spilled thoughts#spilled words
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What is love to a 20 year old? What is a 20 year old, to love? I'd like to know because my romantic ass is desperate. (Is that cheap?) I hope not, because, no shade of love is ever cheap to me. I spend my hours sailing on ships of dreams; I really want to stay firm on the ground but reality is just not that interesting. There was a guy I took music lessons from for less than 8 hours and now at every text I get (which have been three since last June) I think I'm gonna marry him. I laugh at my own ridiculous heart but there is nothing so momentarily satisfying as dissolving into unfeasible possibilities. Have you ever seen a boy that had nothing special about him, but you dreamt about him vividly? The human heart is my favourite mystery. How cool is it that all humans get one made just for them?!
- FAQs
#poetry#poems#poem#blotched poetry#excerpt from my diary#excerpt from a bool i'll never write#spilledink#spilled guts#spilled thoughts#spilled words#spilled poetry#spilled truth#spilled love#spilled emotions#poem excerpt#author#creative#authorsontumblr#love#twenty#2021#adreameratdawn
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Don't let fear keep you from truly believing, truly loving, and truly living.
#writing#poetsontumblr#tumblrpoets#authorsontumblr#inspiration#mywriting#self improvement#trulyliving#fearless#fear#light#dark#bebrave
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She had poison on her skin
And venom on her tongue.
She was a deadly weapon;
Just like a gun
She wasn't trigger-happy
Nor hesitant.
Her aim was always perfect
And she could end it in an instant.
She was deadly and calm
yet she was joyful
She was terrifying and precise
And what she can do will surprise you.
She held daggers in her eyes
and in her hand; bullets.
To her, she was one of a kind.
And no one could compare to it.
Her smile was like sunshine
Her stare like ice.
She dealt with things just fine,
And it would suffice.
Until they cross the line,
And to think they thought
She was just a tool.
Darling, you have found a one woman army that is to be fought.
She was weapon;
She was a balm.
A walking talking contradiction,
And she could play you on her palm.
#writing#poetry#weapons#words#fights#authorsontumblr#writersoftumblr#readersontumblr#poem#women power#FAR writes
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amar é um caminho sem margem
- me invada
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CAW Wednesday Writers Prompt - Last Day of School Before Summer Break.
Write about the last day of school before summer break. This can be memoir, fiction, creative non-fiction - your choice, as well as your style choice. It can be one particular day or a memory of the overall feel of the final day before summer. Ask yourself or your protagonist these questions before you begin - 1) What emotions are dominant today? 2) Is there excitement or fear about the day? 3) Is there something special about to happen during summer?
#CAW#CartersvilleAreaWriters#CartersvilleAreaWritersGroup#WritersPromptWednesday#WritingPromptWednesday#WednesdayWritersPrompt#WritersPrompt#WritingCommunity#Writers#Authors#WritingTips#WritingLife#TumblrWrites#AuthorsofTumblr#WritersOfTumblr#WritersOnTumblr#AuthorsOnTumblr#summer break#last day of school
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I kissed him yesterday.
Afternoon, everything is normal and quiet. At the buttom of our hearts, it leads us to second floor, a hidden classroom.
My feets took a step towards his desk. No one at the class, but us. For a moment I realized that's what makes us us.
I kinda did sat on his lap, looked through his eyes. Looked incredibly blue. He was using lenses tho, but it wasn't like a color changing lenses just like Damon uses one. It was for his myopic.
When I have every kind of similarity with this boy, it was impossible for me to reject these cherry lips that looks for mine.
He couldn't resist, as his hands catches my boobs and squeeze it, I felt an attract.
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I don't really do planners but why not try my own style before the year ends? 😁
#writersofinstagram#writers#journaling#writers journal#author#authorlife#authorsontumblr#authorsofinstagram#authortube#authorsoftumblr#indiewriting writingcommunity#indiewriting#indiewriter#indieauthor#writerlife#writer#writers on tumblr#writing things#writing#writingcommunity
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This was my original idea for the cover to my first album. The title, "Slave to Freedom," used to be a song title - while the album title was "Freedom Broke the Exile's Heart." Janis Joplin got it right: "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." Take it from someone who lost everything. I have never idealized freedom - in fact, I consider it tragic. I called my band Erosian Exile because I was exiled from my passion of singing when I contracted an illness that reduced my voice to a whisper permanently. Music was my whole life, and singing was my specialty. My voice was a vessel through which passion emerged from the aether - and it was the pipeline to Earth, because it gave me a way to convey my visions and emotions to others. Without my voice, I was isolated, exiled, and alone. I was also lost. It was my music that helped me distinguish lust from love, fantasy from fiction. Now, everything was the same. Prince Ruby Valentine was an iconic representation of men I fell in love with, who were slaves to the idea of freedom. Such men make great partners for me. They remind me to stop and smell the flowers, feel the sunlight, savor their touch. In turn, my obsessiveness helps them appreciate the value of commitment to their own passions. But "Slave to Freedom" was a better title. And the album was dedicated to Prince Ruby, anyway. So in his honor, it is now called "Slave to Freedom." Those who know my backstory will understand that in my case, freedom broke the exile's heart. But Ruby was truly happier when he left Erosia, and became anonymous. In Erosia, he was burdened by royal duties, but on Earth, he is nobody... and he likes it that way.
#authorsontumblr#writersontumblr#musiciansontumblr#author#musician#writer#erosian exile#erosia#erica xenne#songwriter
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AD Bollen author spotlight
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JOURNAL PROMPT 011: What are the Lessons I learned this Week?
1. Good things happen when you don’t postpone plans. I realized this just recently when I finally decided to have my braces, after contemplating for 3 years. It would take me 2 years before I can see the results I want, but as early as now I’ve felt more confident and happy about myself. And now I wish I had it done sooner.
2. Simple words or affirmation from relevant people makes wonders. I don’t usually feel motivated with my current job maybe because it’s something I don’t really feel confident doing but when I was commended and appreciated by my boss personally, I feel so moved and thought, “Oh, I’m finally doing something right" and the best part was that it’s indeed motivating to do even much better.
3. Christmas will never be the same without a complete family. This year’s Christmas felt a little less happier compared to last year because we’re not complete. My father is back abroad, my brother moved with his own family, my sister was on her work, and it was basically just three of us in the house during Christmas eve. I really wish next year would be a better year for my family.
4. Broken things shouldn’t be kept, dispose them immediately. This is kinda out of context but seriously, throw away things that already has cracks on it and is at the verge of breaking before it can harm you or the people around you. I just had a deep cut in my left middle finger because of a cracked glass of water. If only I had disposed it for good right away, I wouldn’t be crying for nights and take painkillers to manage the cut’s pain :(
5. A lot can change within a year. No matter how bad the situation is, it will get better eventually. Not in an instant, but definitely when we look back, we can see the changes and progress that happened in just a span of a year and realized how blessed we still are to be in a better situation now, compared to the previous year.
#journaling#journalprompts#journal#tumblr writers#writers#writers on tumblr#writingsociety#writings#societyofwriters#authorsontumblr#writingcommunity#spilledthoughts#realizations#lifelessons#adulting#personaldevelopment
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