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opelman · 1 year ago
Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo / Audrius Butkevicius / Nicola Michelon / Paulius Paskevicius / Jocius Deividas / RD Signs – Siauliai racing team by Artes Max Via Flickr: 24 Hores de Barcelona d'Automobilisme Trofeu Fermí Vélez 2023 / Circuit de Barcelona
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dalksnis · 2 years ago
Meikštų prisiminimai (4)(Prie Ilgio ežero)
2006 m. Rugpjūčio 9 d., trečiadienis, Ilgio ežero (ignalinos r., Meikštai) pakrantė (Pusiau gulomis ant virš vandens nusvirusio samanoto alksnio kamieno) Taip gera ir ramu klausytis tylaus, besibaigiančios vasaros vėjelio švelniai glostomų lapų šnarėjimo, jausti tarp purienų lapų spindinčios saulės šilumą, kad prireikia nemažai valios pastangų pakelti ranką ir iš Kęstučio minkštų kelnių…
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dare-g · 2 years ago
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Apostle of Ruins (1993)
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bukimevieningi · 8 months ago
Vaidas Žemaitis. Padėkime tašką su Eduardu Vaitkumi (video)
Sudėliokime trūkstamas dėlionės detales ir priimkime sprendimą, kaip toliau elgtis su Eduardu Vaitkumi. Daugelis, turbūt, sakysite, na kiek gi galima? Prezidento rinkimai jau baigėsi ir nebeverta apie tai kalbėti. Verta, netgi būtina kalbėti, nes šis žmogus, kaip suprantu, neketina sustoti…
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doodlenab · 11 months ago
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Antonio grows up and becomes a bard(barian?)
I figured that Antonio would probably be more likely to become a bard like Coda as his main class than a barbarian like Audrius, though instead of swords he's college of creation. He could take a dip into barbarian though...
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politicoscope · 2 years ago
Ukrainians Face Penalty For Not Speaking Lithuanian Language
All foreigners who come to work in Lithuania, in accordance with local law, must pass an exam for knowledge of the state language. Last year, an exception in this regard was made for refugees from Ukraine – the authorities gave them a two-year delay. But recently, the head of the State Language Inspectorate of Lithuania, Audrius Valotka, warned that those Ukrainians who do not want to learn…
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beardedmrbean · 3 months ago
It was reported on Monday that two telecommunications cables running along the bottom of the Baltic Sea had been damaged.
First, a break in the C-Lion1 submarine cable between Finland and Germany was reported by its owner, Cinia. Later on Monday, the Lithuanian public broadcaster LRT also reported damage to a submarine cable between Lithuania and Sweden.
Helsingin Sanomat notes that the Finnish and German foreign ministers issued a joint statement on Monday evening expressing their "deep concern" about the incident.
"The fact that such an event immediately raises suspicions of intentional damage says a lot about the instability of our times," the statement said.
It added that European security is threatened by malicious actors engaging in hybrid warfare.
Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen (NCP) told HS that she was following the situation closely.
"We don't know what is going on yet, and I'm not going to speculate on it yet," she told the paper.
Valtonen pointed out that the EU and Nato have already taken action to prepare for hybrid attacks, including protecting critical infrastructure.
Suspicions of sabotage
Helsingin Sanomat reports speculation that the damage to the two telecom cables in the Baltic Sea was probably caused by the same action.
Tapio Frantti, Professor of Cyber Security at the University of Jyväskylä and former Research Professor of Network Technology at VTT, told HS that if this had been the result of an accident, it would certainly have been reported.
According to Frantti, the damage to the cables strongly suggests deliberate action.
Audrius Stasiulaitis of the telecom operator Telia Lietuva confirmed to HS that the disruption in the connection between Sweden and Lithuania was not an equipment failure, but a physical fault in the fibre cable.
Ilta-Sanomat notes that Tampere University researcher Dr Pekka Kallioniemi made a posting on the messaging service X already on Friday saying that he believes the Kremlin is preparing to carry out massive sabotage operations on underwater internet cables.
Kallioniemi told IS that Russia has long been mapping critical infrastructure in waterways and that he was "not surprised at all" by Monday's news.
The economic and business daily Kauppalehti is among the papers reporting that Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen stated that if the damage to the cables turns out to have been the result of sabotage by a foreign state, the identity of the entity responsible will be made public.
"If it is a state action, it will be taken as an attack on a democratically free society," the paper quotes Valtonen as saying.
Loviisa 2 offline
Power production at the number 2 unit of Fortum's Loviisa nuclear power plant was suspended at around 9pm on Monday evening, reports Ilta-Sanomat. The cause is a malfunction in the reactor auxiliary system and the exact cause of the failure is being investigated, Fortum said in a press release quoted by the paper.
IS also points to an update on the Nord Pool power exchange web site made overnight stating the earliest date for the return to normal electricity production would be Thursday evening.
On Sunday, it was reported that production at Olkiluoto nuclear power plant's unit 3 reactor was also interrupted. According to the operator TVO, repairs there will take longer than previously expected.
New TV channel line-up
The channel positions for terrestrial television broadcasts received by antenna households change on Tuesday. High-definition (HD) channels will move to the top of the channel listings and basic digital TV channels further down the list.
STT news agency reports carried by the Uutissuomalainen news group remind viewers that change is taking place on the terrestrial TV network between 10am and 3pm, which means that there may be interruptions to TV broadcasts throughout Finland during the day.
High-definition channels will now be in positions 1-20, while basic DTV channels will move to positions 21-39.
If you are unable to watch any of the channels you are familiar with after the change in channel numbering, you should scan the channels on your set. Some TVs do this automatically.
The report suggests that for instructions on how to check if your TV is ready for high definition reception and how to scan for channels, one can find further information from the HDTV Guide provided by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.
By 2025, basic digital TV channels will cease broadcasting in Finland altogether.
According to Traficom, the vast majority of Finns already have a high-definition TV sets. High-definition channels should be displayed correctly immediately, or after channel scanning.
If you still have a TV set that does not have a HD receiver, following Tuesday's change, the basic DTV channels will appear on channels 21-39.
A complete switch-over to high definition broadcasts is scheduled for next year.
Traffic snarls, downed trees
Iltalehti tells readers to expect a storm moving into Finland on Wednesday to create "traffic chaos"
Finnish Meteorological Institute meteorologist Tuomo Bergman says in a release that strong winds will pile up snowdrifts, and driving conditions will become very bad across the country starting Wednesday evening.
These difficult driving conditions are expected to cause widespread disruption, especially to morning traffic on Thursday.
In addition to road traffic, heavy snow will affect rail and air traffic.
Maaseudun Tulevaisuus points to the likelihood of high winds knocking down trees, as did last weekend's storm that cut power supplies to well over 40,000 households.
Since the ground is not yet solidly frozen, trees are more easily uprooted by winter storms.
MST writes that according to the current forecast, most damage to forests is expected in the central parts of the country. Short power cuts are also a possibility.
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head-post · 3 months ago
Two undersea cables in Baltic Sea disrupted, Pistorius warns of possible “hybrid warfare”
The severing of two undersea fibre-optic communication cables in the Baltic Sea should be seen as an act of sabotage, although it is not yet clear who is responsible, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said on Tuesday.
Two undersea fibre-optic communications cables in the Baltic Sea, including one connecting Finland and Germany, were cut between Sunday and Monday. Pistorius said ahead of a meeting with EU defence ministers in Brussels:
“No one believes that these cables were cut accidentally. I also don’t want to believe in versions that these were anchors that accidentally caused damage over these cables. Therefore we have to state, without knowing specifically who it came from, that it is a “hybrid” action. And we also have to assume, without knowing it yet, that it is sabotage.”
The 1,200-kilometre-long C-Lion1 cable connecting Helsinki to the German port of Rostock stopped working around 02:00 GMT on Monday, Finnish state-owned cybersecurity and telecommunications company Cinia said.
Cinia also said it was too early to judge whether C-Lion1 was damaged intentionally, but did not rule out an external impact. Cinia Chief Executive Ari-Jussi Knaapila claimed:
“Without external impact, there are no such incidents in these waters.”
A 218-kilometre internet cable between Lithuania and the Swedish island of Gotland failed at around 08:00 GMT on Sunday, according to Lithuania’s Telia Lietuva, part of Sweden’s Telia Company group.
In a joint statement, Finland and Germany said they were “deeply concerned about the severed submarine cable” and were investigating “an incident that immediately raises suspicions of intentional damage.”
Telia Lietuva spokesman Audrius Stasiulaitis said another cable had also been severed. It is owned and operated by Swedish company Arelion to carry Telia Lietuva’s internet traffic, the Telia spokesman said. Swedish Civil Defence Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin told Swedish public broadcaster SVT:
“It is very important to find out why two cables are currently down in the Baltic Sea.”
The Baltic Sea, located in northern Europe, is an active commercial shipping route and is ringed by nine countries, including Russia.
Past incidents with undersea cables
Last year, an undersea gas pipeline and several telecoms cables running under the Baltic Sea were severely damaged in an incident that caused alarm in the region.
Balticconnector, an undersea gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia, was damaged last October. A Chinese cargo ship, the Newnew Polar Bear, was found to have been involved in the damage – its anchor hit the pipeline. The South China Morning Post quoted sources as saying that China recognised the accidental damage to the Balticconnector by its vessel.
The Nord Stream pipelines connecting Russia and Germany in the Baltic Sea were destroyed by explosions in 2022, and German authorities are still investigating the incident. Finland is participating in the Far North Fiber project to lay an undersea fibre optic cable across the Arctic Ocean to Japan. The cable is expected to be almost 17,000 kilometres long.
Read more HERE
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nutraexperts · 3 months ago
Ar kada nors jautėtės, kad viskas, ką darote dėl savo plaukų, nepadeda?
Galvojate apie cortisync, bet nesate tikri, ar tai veiks?
Daugelis iš mūsų siekia sprendimų, kurie iš tikrųjų veikia.
CortiSync gali būti būtent tai, ko jums reikia – sprendimas, kuris gali padėti atkurti pasitikėjimą savimi ir pagerinti plaukų sveikatą.
Pasinerkime į tai, kaip cortisync gali pakeisti jūsų kasdienybę!
Cortisync: Kaip Jis Paveikia Svorio Metimą
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Kai kalbame apie svorio metimą, dažnai pamirštame vieną svarbiausių faktorių – cortisol.
Šis hormonas gali turėti didelę įtaką mūsų kūno sudėjimui ir svorio pokyčiams.
Dabar pakalbėkime apie tai, kaip CortiSync gali padėti valdyti šį hormoną ir pasiekti norimų rezultatų.
Cortisol Ir Svorio Augimas
Cortisol dažnai vadinamas „streso hormonu“.
Kai esame veikiami streso, mūsų organizmas išskiria daugiau šio hormono.
Tai gali sukelti:
Riebalų kaupimąsi pilvo srityje
Padidėjusį apetitą
Mažesnį energijos lygį
Ar kada nors jautėtės, kad nesvarbu, kiek sportuojate ar kaip sveikai valgote, svoris tiesiog nekrenta?
Galbūt problema slypi būtent cortisol lygyje.
Kaip CortiSync Veikia Su Cortisol
CortiSync yra specialiai sukurtas produktas, kuris padeda stabilizuoti cortisol lygį.
Tai leidžia jūsų organizmui efektyviau deginti riebalus ir mažinti stresą.
Pavyzdžiui, vienas mano draugas Tomas (36 metų) visada kovojo su papildomais kilogramais.
Jis pradėjo vartoti CortiSync ir po kelių savaičių pasteb��jo:
„Aš jaučiuosi daug geriau! Stresas sumažėjo, o svoris pagaliau pradėjo kristi.“
Tokie atsiliepimai rodo, kad CortiSync tikrai veikia.
Kodėl Pasirinkti CortiSync?
Yra daugybė produktų rinkoje, tačiau CortiSync išsiskiria savo unikaliu ingredientų deriniu.
Jame rasite natūralius komponentus, kurie palaiko sveiką cortisol lygį:
Šie ingredientai kartu veikia sinergijoje, kad pagerintų jūsų savijautą ir padėtų pasiekti svorio metimo tikslus.
Realūs Rezultatai Iš Vartotojų
Pasidalinsiu dar vienu pavyzdžiu.
Audrius (29 metų) bandė įvairias dietas be jokios sėkmės.
Po trijų mėnesių vartojant CortiSync, jis prarado 10 kg:
„Negalėjau patikėti! Po tiek metų galiausiai pamačiau rezultatus.“
Tokių istorijų yra daugybė. Tai rodo, kad CortiSync tikrai gali pakeisti gyvenimus.
Kaip Vartoti CortiSync?
Naudojimas labai paprastas:
Vartokite rekomenduojamą dozę kasdien.
Derinkite su subalansuota mityba.
Pridėkite fizinę veiklą į savo rutiną.
Nereikia jokių specialių pastangų – tiesiog integruokite į savo kasdienybę!
Jeigu ieškote sprendimo kovai su stresu ir svorio metimu, CortiSync yra puikus pasirinkimas.
Natūralūs ingredientai padeda subalansuoti cortisol lygį ir suteikti jums energijos bei motyvacijos siekti savo tikslų.
Ar esate pasiruošę pakeisti savo gyvenimą? Išbandykite CortiSync šiandien!
Kas yra CortiSync?
CortiSync yra natūralus papildas, sukurtas padėti organizmui valdyti kortizolio lygį. Kortizolis, žinomas kaip streso hormonas, gali turėti įtakos svorio metimui ir bendrai gerovei.
Kaip CortiSync veikia?
CortiSync veikia reguliuodamas kortizolio kiekį organizme. Jis padeda sumažinti streso lygį, kuris gali prisidėti prie svorio augimo ir kitų sveikatos problemų.
Ar CortiSync saugus vartoti?
Taip, CortiSync sudėtyje yra natūralių ingredientų, kurie paprastai laikomi saugiais. Vis dėlto, jei turite sveikatos problemų ar vartojate kitus vaistus, pasitarkite su gydytoju prieš pradedant vartoti.
Kiek laiko užtrunka pamatyti rezultatus iš CortiSync?
Dauguma žmonių pradeda jausti teigiamus pokyčius per kelias savaites. Rezultatai gali skirtis priklausomai nuo individualių organizmo ypatumų.
Kokia rekomenduojama dozė CortiSync?
Rekomenduojama dozė dažnai nurodoma ant produkto etiketės. Paprastai tai būna viena ar dvi kapsulės per dieną su maistu.
Ar galima vartoti CortiSync kartu su kitais papildais?
Taip, tačiau visada geriausia pasitarti su gydytoju arba specialistu dėl galimų sąveikų tarp skirtingų produktų.
Kur galima įsigyti CortiSync?
CortiSync galite rasti daugelyje sveikatos prekių parduotuvių ir internetu. Pasirinkite patikimą tiekėją arba oficialią svetainę.
Ar yra kokių nors šalutinių poveikių naudojant CortiSync?
Dauguma vartotojų nepraneša apie šalutinį poveikį. Tačiau jei jaučiate diskomfortą ar neigiamus simptomus, nutraukite vartojimą ir kreipkitės į gydytoją.
Kam rekomenduojama naudoti CortiSync?
CortiSync tinka tiems, kurie nori kontroliuoti savo kortizolio lygį ir sumažinti stresą. Tai gali būti naudinga žmonėms siekiantiems numesti svorio arba pagerinti bendrą savijautą.
Ar reikia laikytis specialios dietos naudojant CortiSync?
Nors nėra griežtų reikalavimų dėl dietos vartojant CortiSync, subalansuota mityba ir aktyvus gyvenimo būdas padės pasiekti geresnių rezultatų.
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paulo0369 · 9 months ago
Estou ouvindo a música: Broken no Spotify e curti...
Broken De Audrius Pek Do album Broken
Caso também queiram ouvir no Spotify e ver se gosta basta clicar aqui e ouvir lá
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travelella · 10 months ago
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Murzuq‎, Libya
Audrius Sutkus
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kindlelovers · 2 years ago
🔴🔴Sakura in the Gravity🔴🔴 by ✍Audrius Razma
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Three #friends one #night in #Japan receives a text message from an unknown number offering #money for #killing #Yakuza; their journey of #friendship in #military #drama begins. Their fight for life and friendship does take in a lot of places to #champion their #enemies they never intended to see or know about and save the world they live in.
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dare-g · 2 years ago
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Flying Over the Blue Fields (1996)
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bukimevieningi · 9 months ago
Zigmas Vaišvila padrė viską, kad Algirdas Paleckis atsidurtų už grotų (video)
Perskaitykite. Po to perskaitykite dar kartą. Trečią kartą. Ir jei jums nekils loginių klausimų esate beviltiškas. Zigmas Vaišvila padrė viską, kad Algirdas Paleckis atsidurtų už grotų. Zigmas Vaišvila ir yra SISTEMA. Būtent Vaišvila su Butkevičium 2011 m. sausio 17 d. kreipėsi į prokuratūrą dėl to, esą A. Paleckis ir ‘Socialistinis liaudies frontas (SLF) “neigė 1991 metų SSRS agresiją, padėjo…
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doodlenab · 10 months ago
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Antonio in the full animal AU!
I'll have to draw him with Coda and Audrius in this AU sometime
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gacougnol · 2 years ago
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Audrius Zavadskis
From "Sand"
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