#Au: co-stars
eggsandramem · 2 months
doodles of my au freaks GO
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the left sif au wasnt made by me!! only nameless(1k loop au siffrins nickname in the siffrinverse LMAO) was
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and then more selkie doodles KJNREG
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comfymoth · 5 months
on my hands and knees begging for more isat ouppies
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shroombell · 8 months
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sunny and sides art piece for an au where they have aerial sparks (but are in grounder frames) and travel all over a apocalyptic cybertron :3 specifically the towers of Vos in this one - sideswipe yeets himself off a tower and sunstreaker dives after his idiot brother in a panic <3
also they have awesome energon swords that i had a lot of fun designing
link to pt2 bitlet sunny and sides in tarn
link to pt3 exploring praxus
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welcometololaland · 9 months
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Chapter 8 - A Family Affair
Do you like Tarlos? Do you like pets? If so, you have come to the right place, specifically this fic - a Tarlos love story set in a pet store by @strandnreyes and Lolaland
The Rainbow Fish | E | 911 Lone Star | 8/8
Despite being a big fan of animals, TK Strand has never owned one. He’s never had a reason to enter a pet store, until he gets caught in a torrential downpour. Carlos Reyes knows a lot about pet stores. It comes with the territory, considering he works at one. That being said, none of his in-store training ever taught him how to help a beautiful, rain-soaked stranger pick up the aquarium rock display they just knocked over. OR The Tarlos pet store meet-cute.
Chapter 1: The Rock Incident
Chapter 2: Carlos 1, Carlos 2, Carlos 3
Chapter 3: Employee of the Month
Chapter 4: Lou the Lizard
Chapter 5: Job Application
Chapter 6: Cat Rescue
Chapter 7: Epilogue Part 1: TK vs Cat, Carlos vs Lou
Chapter 8: A Family Affair
Thank you to @rmd-writes and @lightningboltreader for being our trusty beta readers!
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 2 months
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Modern AU Din & Grogu for this fine WiP Wednesday
(Grogu’s name is actually Gregorio but he mispronounces it and Din accidentally fell into the habit of using it as a nickname and now it’s all the kid will respond to)
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dreamingofleon · 10 months
I need someone to do an au with dina denoire and tom blyth she’s so soft and feminine I am very tired of seeing olivia rodrigo and rachel give me something new THANK YOU
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vanderbilt-draws · 4 months
Sherlock and Co but Star Trek?
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I LOVE THIS AU IDEA!!! kinda mad at s&co for. ahem. the DID episode. but i still had fun doing these designs :D
story details:
john is an ensign and medical officer, he used to be higher ranked, but got demoted after helping some bajoran rebels. hes really just there to help people who are hurt, but sherlock always has him around whenever he goes down to work a case because he genuinely likes him
mariana is a security officer, perhaps even head of security. unlike in the podcast, shes almost always going along with sherlock and john for safety reasons. shes originally not that close with sherlock when compared with john, but they eventually warm up to each other
sherlock is not TECHNICALLY in starfleet, he never graduated from the academy or, in fact, any school, but hes like some kind of super-genius so starfleet likes to use him whenever theres like legal troubles (starfleet officers going missing, theft of federation property, etc). sherlock is half vulcan, half human, and most starfleet officers find him abrasive and annoying. mariana and john are some of his first real friends in starfleet, even though theyve basically been using sherlock as a tool for years now
also sherlock totally has the option to wear a starfleet uniform despite not being a real officer (he has an honorary rank) but he absolutely refuses to. he HAS to wear the formal uniforms sometimes tho and whenever that happens he is grumpy and complains very loudly
also they are a polycule. and sherlock is ace. 👍
victor and mycroft and lestrade are also in starfleet. lestrade is a captain, mycroft is an admiral, and victor is transporter chief on a different ship than the s&co polycule. he used to be on the same ship as sherlock but when he got promoted he got transferred to a different ship
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
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And at last I see the light / and it's like the fog has lifted...
Shoutout to me, who thought, "hey, I should draw the I See The Light scene from Ezrapunzel, that shouldn't be too complicated!" and then proceeded to draw 1,142 lanterns
(notfic + more art here)
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miisakee · 3 months
decided on impulse to make a star trek aos/bits of tos au set in the world of lockwood & co and, consequently, found myself in the strange position of having to decide where in the uk these american blokes'd be from - bc, if you know anything about lockwood & co, ghost-hunting show/book series, set in uk, ghost epidemic centred in uk - thus i snatch your americans and make them british.
it is a lot of fun. bones gets to be welsh. jim's from yorkshire now. what a time.
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sodademon · 4 months
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hey there you are! as radiant as ever!
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findafight · 1 year
Eddie's never met a Jedi. Of course he hasn't. But he's seen a Jedi, way back during the clone wars, when a battalion had helped after seppies had targeted civilian supply lines.
Eddie's pretty sure they were Kel Dor, what with the breathing apparatus. They'd worn tan and woody robes, long and elegant and flowing as they'd weaved between people, helping them stand or tending to wounds.
What had stood out to Eddie, watching this being that was supposedly a fierce warrior of light, was that they...were normal. They laughed and shrugged and cooed at babies, just like anyone else.
That was until the Jedi had raised their hands and lifted a two-tonne shipping crate into the air without so much as touching it. It frightened Eddie, then. Barely twenty and in the middle of a war his planet didn't want a part of. Beings that could lift and toss objects too heavy to move without machinery like they were playthings are not to be unwary of.
Of course. Eddie had spent a lot of the redistribution of rations effort around clones. They'd seemed...fine? While he is no stranger to speaking his mind he had thought well enough ahead that he probably shouldnt ask if they'd wanted to be there. Figured that might get him kicked off the project and he needed the money.
He listened instead. How they called each other things like Spoon and Duck and Trinity and Loopback as though they were names. Maybe they were. Eddie didn't know and didn't want to ask at the time.
But the Clones had been friendly, if formal. They spoke of their general with fondness and respect and a tinge of awe that felt appropriate to seeing what a Jedi was capable of frequently.
Eddie had liked them.
And then Empire Day came, and the Jedi were declared traitors and the galaxy as he knew it fell apart.
It never made much sense, from what Eddie had seen, for the Clones to kill the Jedi. But nobody asked Eddie, so Eddie didn't say. He did get sucked into the Rebellion though, and heard rumours about mind control and sith and a dozen other things.
So no. Eddie had never met a Jedi. But he'd seen one.
Chrissy had spoken about the rumoured Jedi (or-- not-jedi? She said they often refused the title) that stayed in the small Rebel enclave they've been helping. There were two, apparently. She'd met them, even, during a debrief where she'd been discussing how to better use their resources to help her contacts on the Freedom Trail. They'd barrelled in and spoken in such a way that Chrissy would have swore they were of the same mind, had they not been on opposite ends of the room.
"they were polite." Chrissy said, headtail twitching. "For people who interrupted an important meeting." Eddie'd laughed. "One, the Balosar man, he was very insistent that we delay our plans. The other, I think she was human? It's hard to tell, said the force was calling to them and very insistent about it during meditation."
"seriously? And the generals did it?"
"oh no. They argued for another twenty minutes before the not-Jedi threw up their arms and said, in unison Eddie!, 'The shipment will be lost if you go ahead with it. Better late than never, pricks.' and walked out."
So. On an abstract level, Eddie knew that whenever he entered the hangar bay to run maintenance or completely rebuild a ship, there was a chance for him to meet a former? Jedi.
He'd gotten well acquainted with a group of teenagers there, ones who were friends with the younger brother of the heir apparent to the region they were in and liked the make-believe games he ran in his off hours. But he never really thought about the Jedi that supposedly haunted the base until a woman shouted for Dustin, a rodian who was part of his little sheepies and had literal stars in his eyes when Eddie spoke, to come over. Dustin, the betrayer, jumped up and dashed off without even a word of goodbye.
"okay, so the head mechanic needs this-" she gestures to a small smuggling freighter that had seen far better days "hunk of junk out of the way so they can start work on a couple of x-wings. Steve and I figured we could help her out and get you to work on control of larger objects."
Eddie meandered casually over. Just to watch. Just to...see.
Dustin bounced on his feet. "Really? Woah! Where are we putting it?"
She pointed up, to the open vertical entry doors that created the roof of the hanger. "Steve's up there, he'll make sure if your control slips we don't crush the ship or anyone on the floor once you get it high, and he'll get it out and place it where it's supposed to go. I'll be here with you so you don't hurt yourself."
"I'm not gonna hurt myself."
She patted his head "yeah. Cuz I'm right here making sure."
"uhg. Almost wish I never learned you guys used to be Jedi."
"and who would train you then? No one. You and El would be sad little tooka kits all on your lonesome." She raised her voice to yell at the roof, "you ready Stevie?" and it should not have been loud enough to carry, the tone of an after thought, as though she already knew the answer and the question was just for the spectators, but the figure silhouetted waved.
Then, Dustin took a steadying breath, raised his arms, and closed his eyes. Slowly, the ship in front of him groaned and rose up. A crowd had formed, watching a magic thought extinct.
The woman's eyes darted between Dustin and the freighter, one hand loosely outstretched. It occurred to Eddie that neither wore the tunics and robes of Jedi. Dustin ran around in the mismatched pants and shirts of the Rebels' donations, while the woman wore deep greens. There were no dramatic sleeves that swished when they moved, just slightly loose fabric fastened by a belt and holster. He wonders if she ever wore them.
Dustin struggled for a moment, the ship quivering ten feet up, and the woman tensed slightly before he loosened. Eyes open, she deftly moved her arms up with the ship following, an ease in her movements that Dustin lacked. When she dropped her arms as well, the freighter stayed moving upwards, the other not-Jedi, Steve, likely taking over.
"good work for your first go." She said, draping an arm casually over Dustin's shoulders.
"I barely got it off the ground! Don't patronize me, Robin."
Eddie stepped in "considering I wouldn't even be able to move it sideways an inch, I'd say you did pretty well, Dustin."
The kid spun, just as the light comes shining back through as Steve maneuvered the ship out of the hangar. "Eddie! You saw?"
He scoffed "uh. Yes? Why didn't you tell me this is what you did when Im not around"
The woman-Robin, Eddie supposed, tensed. "It's not particularly safe to boast about it. Especially when it's not clear if you're alone."
Ah. Yeah. That did make sense. "Then why practice in a hangar with two dozen people around?"
She shrugged, and looked up. Eddie followed her sightlines and "wait is he gonna-" just as the figure that must be Steve launched himself off the edge of the open roof and towards them. He landed, he's leather jacket flapping behind him, and stood straight, grinning.
Robin laughed. "You'll give someone a heart attack one of these days, Steve."
"eh. No one's died so far."
Dustin smiled too "I'm getting pretty good at my controlled falls too! Oh, Steve, this is Eddie!"
And then Steve turned his gaze on Eddie, and his brain may have melted.
Steve looked like a spacer, windswept from the fall and leather jacket snug around his shoulders, two different holsters visible, his pants deliciously tight. He ran a hand through his hair, his antennapalps bobbing, and stuck it out for a shake.
"so, you're the great Eddie Munson Dustin hasn't shut up about? Good to meet you."
"mmhmm!" He forced his hand out to jerkily shake Steve's. Jeez. It was as though he'd never seen anyone beautiful before. His best friend was a Twilek dancer (and spy) for star's sake. He needed to get it together. Jedi didn't date, Eddie was pretty sure. Something about the force or power or devotion or something. He wasn't sure. He wasn't a Jedi. He wasn't a not-Jedi either.
Steve only smiled and turned back to Dustin. "So. Next time you need to let the Force flow. You're still trying to shove it, which never works. You direct it, like changing the course of a river."
"but not," Robin added seamlessly, and oh, wow, that was weird than you Chrissy "like a dam. Trying to block it won't give you strength. You're more..."
"using a log to ensure the water finds a different path."
"to go where you want it to go, do what you want it to do, without preventing it's natural flow."
"you guys are so annoying." Dustin huffed. "You know that? You can claim it's your Concordance of Fealty all you want but I know your freaky thing is not normal for it." He groaned. "But sometimes I feel when you guys, like, shape it. Change it. What the kark is that about? If I'm not supposed to dam it, how do I change it and use it like you do?"
Both grinned "We're older. Master the basics, we must, before attempting the advanced, young one." The voice Steve used was croaky, an impression.
Dustin pulled a face. "Don't quote Grandmaster Yoda at me!"
Robin and Steve laughed, leaning on each other. Suddenly, Eddie felt as though he was intruding. Though they hadn't told him to leave, they were sharing about...about a relative, Eddie guessed. Someone near to them and their almost-dead culture.
"I can quote him all I want, I drank enough of his atrocious tea to deserve it!"
"he's dead. You're going to sit here and insult your dead great-grandmaster, the last Grandmaster of the Order?"
Steve got Dustin in a headlock "while we mourn their loss, and acknowledge the pain of their untimely and unjust passing, we celebrate their memory. Yoda, the old frog, is one with the Force, and while I can wish for his guidance, I can also make fun of his vile cookies I had to eat at lineage dinners all I want."
"pretty sure they were barely considered edible for near-humans" Robin adds. She caught Eddie's eye, and winked. "Who's up for actually edible tea? Dustin can practice his fine control and pour for us.
Both Dustin and Steve groaned. "The kid is gonna spill all over us for fun, Bobbin."
Concept post Dustin discovers they're jedi
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nyupuun · 3 months
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Satellite's Shooting Star (Dragon)
continuation of this (technically)
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allmyandroids · 6 months
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needed to gif this scene because how Lee Woods jumped onto that guy with the best smirk ever was so hot, he should do it more often tbh
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shroombell · 8 months
sunnysides apoc au tarn bitlets
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in the back-alleys of tarn... second art piece for a sunstreaker and sideswipe au where they roam an apocalyptic cybertron, this one depicting them as young bitlets trying to survive in tarn. sunny gets sick and nothing sideswipe tries makes him better :( (also sunny fucking dies <3)
their bitlet designs have wings and seeker features bc technically they have an aerial spark <3 but without the credits/resources to upgrade into an adult aerial frame, they were forced to made do with grounder frames (doesnt take away the urge to fly tho which was why sides flung himself off a tower in vos jsadfuhgfde)
pt1 link to sunny and sides in vos
pt3 link to exploring praxus
... im gonna marry gradient maps frfr it is my one true love <3
me (even tho i MADE this au):
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redbean-nom · 12 days
grogu sequel au notes
the trilogy team is grogu, ragnar, and mirta crammed in the Falcon (they stole it) (han and chewie are very much alive and chasing them) with ig-11 (memory circuit installed in ig-88's body) and r5-d4
the only way grogu managed to get an all-mandalorian trilogy team together was shared vengeance for the night of a thousand tears. they bond eventually though
Countess Sabine is the wise older mentor, as the previous generation's sort-of-jedi mandalorian and rebellion leader
Ragnar is his Ten Years Older Friend
at age 75 (equivalent to human 18ish) grogu goes back to luke to finish his training, dagobah-style
two days after he passes his knighthood trial, Padawan Ben Solo goes on a rampage
random detail: grogu calls him Benny in the force specifically to annoy him (his real name is bail or something idk. ben is a nickname derived from 'Young Ben' that leia uses when he is being particularly insufferable)
the new temple burning triggers grogu's o66 trauma
Grogu also has a noted tendency to respond with Force Choking The Threat when he is in danger
this results in him fighting kylo, force choking him and slamming him into a wall old republic battlemaster style
luke is now guilty because one of his students went sith and another one had to kill the sith (because his reaction was freeze/shock while grogu's was Fight Everything In Range)
luke runs away as canon
grogu then goes home to consult Dad (not great advice for jedi stuff, but tries), Uncle Boba (worse advice), and Auntie Bo (even worse advice somehow)
boba hears that Padawan Benny, who tried to kill grogu, is han solo's kid
Krayts Claw promptly puts a massive bounty on han (were you not watching your child??)
grogu decides he is responsible for dealing with the sith this time around and assembles his Trilogy Team.
(they eventually steal the falcon) (han chases them) (half the galaxys bounty hunters chase han) (much chaos ensues)
he then drops by boba's tattooine crimelord armory to stock up on grenades and picks up a new buddy Mirta Gev (who in this au has resolved her issues a bit earlier due to boba having a known base of power)
kylo is dead. all rise for Lady Ren, later Darth Ren, aka Rey Kenobi-Kryze (she's the granddaughter of obi wan's brother and satine's second sister) who was found by the Knights of Ren
the Knights of Ren are the remnant of the Revanites
grogu au Knights actually live up to their legendary reputation
they're also a bit better trained in a combo of light & dark side techniques, though they are decidedly dark jedi/darksiders
they've largely diverged from the original Revanchist philosophy, and follow something more akin to what was scraped out of holocrons of Revan's later teachings
instead of anakin's lightsaber, Revanite Rey inherits revan's mask, which she dons as Darth Ren in her quest (independent of the First Order) to put an end to a weak New Republic that leaves its citizens vulnerable while the politicians squabble, maintaining neither freedom nor security while syndicates and imperial holdouts conquer the outer rim and ignoring the advice of the actual rebels
its widely debated whether 'ren' is a corruption of revan, or if ren is an alternate/original name for revan
krayts claw is a bounty hunter syndicate/union basically acting as an alternative to the bounty guild, with an incidental side of local government and a dash of organized crime
they primarily work for the local hutts
boba has single handedly fixed both the issues of Declining Mandalorian Population and Sad Desert Orphan Children by sending the apparently-abundant tatooine future main characters to din's friends on mandalore
the hutts/krayts claw waging war on the pykes ended up eventually eliminating them
the razzi syndicate filled the power vacuum in the spice trade
black sun amassed a concerning amount of political power in the NR
red key eventually was driven off tatooine (and most of the outer rim) after having tried to ransom borgo the huttlet (grogu au rottas cousin/jabbas nibling)
rotta ended up working with the twins and borgo
he is still stinky
the rancor is an adult and absolutely massive (they expanded the rancor pit to fit it properly)
boba is fully retired from hunting (because he's like 70)
fennec is also retired for the same reasons
krrsantan is not retired
bossk is stubborn (he refuses to either stop hunting or get cybernetic augments despite being the trandoshan equivalent of a 90 yr old. the rest of the crew spends a great deal of time bailing him out of ill advised hunts)
embo is happily retired on felucia and the only one no longer involved with crime of any kind (he took his full pardon in great stride)
latts is retired from hunting
highsinger is still actively hunting (perks of being an already-ancient droid) and works mostly exclusively for the claw
still nobody knows what language highsinger speaks
aurra is very dead
dengar is heavily cybernetic and still refusing to retire
han spends most of the trilogy being chased by claw affiliated hunters
bobas palace has a full complement of bacta tanks because claw leadership consists of a whole lot of very old beat up hunters
tatooine has emerged a prime contender in the development of outer rim cybernetic surgery
this is partially due to the mod subculture and partially due to the claw's presence meaning a lot of partially-to-mostly-cybernetic hunters hang around mos espa
they also now have proper surgeons
the guavian death gang is a splinter group of the maul-era crimson dawn, led by The Jedi Killer
(boba takes offense because that's his dad's title)
The Jedi Killer is an ex-inquisitor who ended up working for maul
grogu uses the force to hold his lightsabers because he is very small
between three to four (if they bring sabine) fully armored mandos and two droids rattling around in the cockpit, the slightest hint of turbulence produces a veritable tin-can cacophony
the Helmet Rule for grogu and ragnar combined with the falcon's living areas means everyone eats with a bag over their heads
ragnar has a tendency to get eaten/attempted to be eaten by large creatures
at the beginning of their journey they took a detour and picked up the three dino-birds
they all ride a now-fully-grown dino bird
the falcon was not meant to transport three full sized dino birds
while attempting to find somewhere to put the dino birds they discovered some other large creature (perhaps a young gundark or two?) that somehow got in
they may have blown up parts of the falcon while getting rid of the things
they also may have picked up a gizka infestation
grogu eats gizkas so it's just free food at that point
han and chewie are going to be furious
however han is currently busy getting chased by highsinger
also what did he do to have tasu leech personally hunting him???
a week or so into their journey the falcon is now home to three mandos, two droids, three full sized dino birds, zero gundarks, and approximately a hundred vent gizkas
while they wander around looking for sith they hear about the Resistance
they take a detour to check on them
while detouring, han catches up
while detouring, highsinger also catches up
ig was also left to guard the ship
han nearly explodes when he sees them open the door and at least twelve gizka spill out
the maintenance crew is now attempting to catch all the gizka
grogu wanders in and force projects to leia to try to figure out what's going on
nobody is particularly inclined to give the resistance secrets to the strange small mando who stole the falcon (he didn't know it was *the* falcon!)
someone almost gets shot
highsinger really wants to do his spin attack
grogu has to explain that hes lukes only surviving non-sith student and is attempting to help with the situation
leia explains that luke is missing and theyre looking for the star map, but the guy who was supposed to retrieve it hasn't returned
grogu asks if anyones tried meditating in luke's direction
nobody has
han and leia have their dramatic reunion while getting shot at by highsinger
grogu sits down (and force shields himself) and promptly does his LUKE PLEASE HELP ME force-call
he has located luke
tasu shows up to catch han
a few hunters hired by the razzi syndicate are also there
some of hondos pirates also arrive
and then the guavians show up
guavians are revealed as sith/first order-affiliated when they try to kill grogu in the ensuing standoff
everyone then turns on the guavians
the pirates try to grab han in the meantime and get killed
everyone left then has a very tense discussion on the nature of The Jedi Killer
grogu escapes to go find luke
the new republic never demilitarized for obvious reasons, but their fleet was decimated by the recent war with thrawn (peridean war? dathomirian war? idk)
the first order conquest capitalized on the lack of NR presence in the outer rim post-thrawn
the resistance is a collection of rebellion veterans and ex separatists stuck in the middle of first order space
there's a lot of internal conflict between the resistance and the NR over the NR politicians being generally useless (like hera's whole rogue two arc in ahsoka)
the NR refuses to back the resistance after they went rogue under the leadership of ex-chancellor mothma and senator organa
instead the resistance is funded by senators from serenno, raxus, and onderon, plus baron calrissian of bespin and countess wren of krownest
a lot of ex-separatist planets feel that the NR's handling of the ex imperials and the NR politicians' uselessness led to the NR embodying only the worst traits of the republic
the resistance skews pretty heavily separatist bc the more moderate/post-Alliance republic systems tend to side w the NR
the resistance fleet is a hodgepodge of really old rebellion era fighters (x wings, a wings, and a couple b wings), separatist ships, and mon calamari ships (mostly the big capital ships)
the first order is a reunited collection of imperial remnant fragments
the NR is busy holding the Core from the hutt inheritance crises, the fallout of the black sun civil war, and the outer rim separatist resurgence
the first order is widely considered a minor issue that'll resolve itself through infighting over time, and therefore less of a priority than the black sun/falleen civil war and the hutt civil war
however there are rumors that the first order's Shadow Council has recently been united under an old sith leader
the NR's arrest of black sun underlord Princess Savan further destabilized black sun leadership
coupled with the destruction of house sizhran on falleen this led to a massive warring states-esque civil war among both legitimate government and black sun
this in turn led to a weaknesses in the outer rim that the first order managed to exploit
the hutt not-empire is also experiencing a succession crisis or four after vader killed the entire ruling council
now rotta is trying to take over and avenge his father
also kanjiklub under tasu leech is busy liberating nearby hutt colonial systems
both the black sun and the hutts are at all out civil war
grogu sees r2 in the corner and remembers r2 driving him to tatooine
grogu decides to take r2 with him to find luke
c3po reluctantly (actually he refused to leave r2 behind) joins
han and chewie agree to let grogu borrow the ship if they come along
they are quite appalled at the amount of amphibious/reptilian pests that get kept around for target practice (ig) and snacks (grogu)
at least ragnar and mirta kept the machinery and sleeping areas strictly gizka-free
they find luke very quickly
on the way there r2 boots up again when he realizes theyre on the falcon
ahch to is Sith Cave Island, featuring cortosis, elephant birds, and porgs
luke is there bc he found a hidden/secret jedi archive in one of the mountains
han, chewie, r2, c3po, and luke have an emotional reunion
grogu also gets an emotional reunion w his teacher
everyone else is just standing around awkwardly
luke then tells them that hes been studying a concerning disturbance in the force
luke is worried the sith are trying to return but he cant figure out who it is
han brings up the mysterious Jedi Killer behind the guavians
eventually han convinces luke to come back with them because he and leia (and everyone else) has forgiven him for the kylo disaster
it's not widely known that grogu was the one that killed him, just that kylo turned sith but didn't make it out of the temple due to a brave unidentified student
also they very much need luke
and leia wants to talk to him but she can't abandon the resistance
they bring luke back. the ship is very crowded now
also luke brought a bunch of holocrons and old jedi books with him
luke and leia have an emotional reunion
ragnar, grogu, and mirta set off to figure out what's going on with the unusual coordination of the imperial remnant recently
ahsoka, sabine, and ezra go to investigate the Jedi Killer
eventually they all discover a disturbance in some remote sith planets
ezra: hey kids if you find a red holocron do not open it :/
they also discover that the death of the baneite sith led to the proliferation of more fringe dark side orders like the Knights and the guavians
meanwhile the NR is focusing on protecting Core planets
leia and mothma are working on introducing NR reforms and officially monitoring the rogue-sith situation as well as the black sun and hutt wars
grogu discovers that the first order is based off a concerning number of sith planets
palpatine's consciousness is alive in the same way bane has his sith ghost. palpatine's body is very much not
palps needs more power (via a sith ritual maybe?) to possess any of the clones, because turns out they all have individual personalities
therefore he has Darth Ren as his fourth apprentice to revive him for promises of re establishing a strong Empire once again
Darth Ren agrees bc she just wants to eliminate the weakness of the NR - the replacement matters less as long as it's able to effectively govern (tyrannically or not)
to do that she ends up allying w the first order
palpatine is also busy influencing disgruntled NR politicians to exacerbate the internal conflict and cripple their ability to respond to external threats
the NR is slowly imploding on itself
turns out the Jedi Killer is working with the first order off ilum
in fact there is more than one ex-inquisitor who took the role of The Jedi Killer
grogu and co track the empire to starkiller and promptly realize this
starkiller base isn't a superweapon but rather a kyber mining facility
grogu can feel the disruption in the balance of the force from the razing of ilum
they break into the base to find/kill the Jedi Killer
it's an inquisitor
during the battle, one of the chattier minor inquisitors mentions that the sith eternal will return and that mandalore (as a neutral/non-NR affiliated system) should join them
theyre all like !!!
ragnar says something about how gideon's remnant failed and that mandalore will slay the sith
the new grand inquisitor is really good and they only escape because grogu managed to anger-induced force choke the inquisitor for long enough to get away
grogu then has a silent crisis that he cant let anger take over bc luke told him all the stories abt how vader happened
mirta decides they should probably take this info back to sundari + boba as well as resistance hq
they call din and ask him to relay the message that 'oops, there's another sith cult that's associated with the imperial remnant and they want mandalore to either join or die'
they call sabine to tell phoenix squadron 'so we found the jedi killer. theyre an inquisitor and they're working with the empire. also there are sith kids in this place?? and a kyber mining facility? please send help'
they escape just as the resistance arrives
mothma is busy calling the NR to inform them that actually they have a way bigger problem than the black sun war or the hutt war
Battle of Ilum happens
theres a massive realization that the rebellion/NR defeated the imperial leaders but never eliminated the ideology that led to the rise of the empire in the first place
poe is still doing his pilot stuff. he escapes with finn as canon
later, finn has a whole emotional speech to phasma/the other troopers in his unit and inspires a small scale stormtrooper rebellion
some of the ones that didnt leave w him right away spread the news to other troopers
possibly one of palps' clones escapes/goes rogue and joins the resistance?
meanwhile darth ren rediscovers the infinite engine/starforge fragments and brings it to exegol
also one quarter of maul is back (nightsister necromancy via the great mothers & thrawn's plot)(he really wants to kill palpatine)
palpatine never returns in anything more than a sith ghost. on the other hand, someone gets to say 'somehow maul returned'.
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timegarten-au · 20 days
I never posted this here. oops
anyway heres act 5 kiddfrin going through it yk <3
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