#Attila Till
szepkerekkocka · 30 days
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avid-adoxography · 1 year
I will turn this into an interrogation. Who is that buckethead man and why do you love him, what made you go "oh, oh this one is getting in the lil f/o basket with the others" 🔫👀
What can I say, Bill Schwab literally woke up one day and went "What if I made the perfect man to ever exist" and on god he fucking delivered, he really did!!! 😳🫣😍😩🥴🥵
I mean. Look at him?? IDEAL MAN right here!!! 👇
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He's built like a brick house yet him soft! He's a criminal but he's got a dream! His arms are made for crushing skulls and yet he bakes! He's got this gravelly intimidating voice but he still sings to his bimberry patch so they grow better! He walks around in BDSM gear* yet he's a shy af himbo scrimblo!!
Girl I can't, I'm‼️⛔💥 *crumples up and dies*
*: according to the art book and as shown in early designs, he was supposed to be shirtless and have his titties out, but they eventually gave him (and a lot of other characters too) a shirt to be child friendly. And I goT FUCKIGN ROBBED THAT'S WHAT I GOT GRRR BARK BARK SNARL BITE BITE BITE
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enibas22 · 6 months
You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzLtaF6dYMI&t=101s
14th March 2024
DIE ERMITTLUNG - Plakat und Trailer
Regisseur RP Kahl hat das Theaterstück "Die Ermittlung" von Peter Weiss mit 60 Schauspieler:innen für die Kinoleinwand inszeniert. Der heute veröffentlichte Trailer gibt einen ersten Einblick in das künstlerisch radikale Projekt, das Kino, Theater und neueste Broadcast-Techniken verbindet, um einen eindringlichen und zeitgemäßen Beitrag zur Erinnerungskultur zu leisten.
Im Zentrum des Films stehen ein Richter, ein Verteidiger und ein Ankläger, die im Rahmen der Verhandlung auf 28 Zeug:innen treffen, die von ihren Erlebnissen und Beobachtungen in Auschwitz berichten. Weitere 11 Zeug:innen der ehemaligen Lagerverwaltung sagen vor Gericht aus. Die 18 Angeklagten werden im Prozess mit Beschreibungen der Zeug:innen konfrontiert und sollen Stellung beziehen.
Das Theaterstück wurde 1965 uraufgeführt und hat bis heute nichts von seinem Schrecken verloren: Es basiert auf persönlichen Aufzeichnungen, Zeitungsartikeln und Protokollen des ersten Frankfurter Auschwitz-Prozesses (1963 bis 1965). In unmissverständlich klarer Sprache von Peter Weiss zu einem lyrischen Klagegesang verdichtet und montiert, konfrontiert das Stück Täter und Opfer und lässt das Grauen in Auschwitz spürbar werden.
Nach einer intensiven, vierwöchigen Probenzeit haben 60 Schauspieler:innen den Text von Peter Weiss für die Kinoleinwand zum Leben erweckt. An insgesamt fünf Drehtagen wurden die einzelnen Gesänge im Studio Berlin Adlershof mit einem ausgefeilten visuellen Konzept in nur einer Einstellung gedreht - eingefangen von insgesamt acht Kameras.
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In den Hauptrollen sind Rainer Bock als Richter, Clemens Schick als Ankläger und Bernhard Schütz als Verteidiger zu sehen. Hochkarätig besetzt sind auch alle anderen Rollen, so werden die Zeug:innen von Andreas Anke, Filipp Avdeev, Elisabeth Duda, Marc Fischer, Arno Frisch, Attila Georg Borlan, Dorka Gryllus, Marek Harloff, André Hennicke, Marcel Hensema, Rony Herman, Marco Hofschneider, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Rene Ifrah, Eva Maria Jost, Christian Kaiser, Klaudiusz Kaufmann, Nicolette Krebitz, Andreas Lechner, Peter Lohmeyer, Jiri Madl, Karl Markovics, Thomas Meinhardt, Robert Mika, Axel Moustache, Dirk Ossig, Axel Pape, Christiane Paul, Barbara Philipp, Andreas Pietschmann, Ralph Schicha, Peter Schneider, Andreas Schröders, Axel Sichrovsky, André Szymanski, Sabine Timoteo, Tom Wlaschiha, Mark Zak und Matthias Zera verkörpert. In der Rolle der Angeklagten standen Thomas Dehler, Nico Ehrenteit, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Christian Hockenbrink, Timo Jacobs, Ronald Kukulies, Lasse Myhr, Christian Pfeil, Torsten Ranft, Michael Rotschopf, Frank Röth, Matthias Salamon, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Tristan Seith, Michael Schenk, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Adam Venhaus, Till Wonka vor den Kameras.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 9 months
I know you’re waiting till after your done reading but I’m curious
What chapter are you on?
Are you enjoying prodigy?
Is it memeable?
I believe I am on chapter 20, though I might have to re-read the previous one to recall what’s happening
I like the whole Mikey-raised-by-abusive-Draxum plot, it’s different from most where he ends up reforming him. I also love the additions of all the TMNT characters like Bebop and Rocksteady. Klunk’s relationship with Attila is also adorable.
And everything is meme-able if you try hard enough!
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c-h-stevens · 5 months
So... I got banned from Patreon. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Which is exactly what I expected to happen at some point, but right now it's pretty ridiculous. Apparently I crossed a line by not having my characters looking into the camera and saying "I totally consent to this sex act, btw". Even though there was nothing non-consensual in the chapters I'd posted. (But that's a discussion for another time.)
(If you're wondering why I published there if I expected to get banned eventually: it was a stopgap measure till my SubStar profile got approved. I genuinely didn't think I was breaking the rules yet, though I wasn't at all surprised when they arbitrarily decided I was, because they do that a lot lately.)
Anyway, I was thinking maybe some people here don't know Patreon goes for the scorched earth approach. I didn't even get a warning before they wiped out my entire account. It wasn't a problem because I keep everything double-backed up, but it's shitty not to give someone a heads-up to let them make changes if they so choose. Just in principle, y'know? The way they handled this you'd think I was distributing revenge porn or something equally fucked up, not fiction about made-up characters who can't be hurt.
Based on comments I've seen around, they have a moderator called Kris who is in charge of deleting beastiality (people say in the practice this includes furry stuff, though the rules say it's allowed) and incest. The person I got is Dawn, who seems to oversee the deletion of rape/sex under the influence/anything where the characters don't exchange signed consent forms before sex.
Anyway, I guess it's possible to see a scene from the stuff I'd posted as some kind of CNC kink (which is disallowed by the rules though that literally means consensual non-consent, meaning it's roleplay) but they didn't even bother explaining what part, or post even, was objectionable. They just send me a canned email after going Attila the Hun on my entire Patreon.
It's also possible they're using an AI to flag stuff, like Wattpad is doing now. I'm absolutely against making alarmist posts, but if you have art or writing with explicit sex up at Patreon, there's non-zero possibilities of getting banned without warning. You can of course appeal but I have no idea of how hard or convoluted that could be in the practice, because I'm not even remotely going to bother.
My real problem, though, is my SubscribeStar profile hasn't been approved. It's been nearly a month! I understand why they're so swamped, as they seem to be the only website that accepts most stuff. But then I poked around and found people reporting they've been waiting for approval for literal years, and I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I really need some extra money, but the only websites that'll let me in find my writing unacceptable. Fuck.
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bdpst24 · 3 months
Till Attila a házigazdája az őrült járgányok versenyének
Till Attila a házigazdája az őrült járgányok versenyének
Sufnituning autók veszik be a Tabánt június végén Már csak két hét van hátra a június 30-i Red Bull Ládaderbi eseményéig, amely tizenhat év után látogat újra Magyarországra. A versenyen motor nélküli, kézzel készített járművekkel gurulnak le a jelentkezők a Tabán dombján, ám nem feltétlenül a leggyorsabb győzedelmeskedhet. Az öt fős zsűri a kocsik kreativitását és a csapat showműsorát is…
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stickalittle · 2 years
Valaki felvilágosíthatná Till Attilát, hogy milyen tévénél dolgozik. Vagy hagyjuk?
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lit-crits · 17 days
(2022) The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath (Illustrated Edition by Beya Rebai). 28/08/2024 - 01/09/2024
First time reading? Yes
Rating: 9/10
Favourite quote: "I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet."
Gift from my boyfriend! Been on my reading list for AGES and this edition is sooooooo pretty. I loved this book and will definitely be reading it again. The fig tree analogy is my favourite thing about this book, so many things can be taken from it and the whole thing is beautifully written. Esther is such a good character (loads of discussions I've read online say she is a badly written character but I don't see it), she is immediately morbid right off the bat which sets her up as different to the rest of the women she lives and works with. She sees how hypocritical societal standards for women are, how she has to remain a virgin till marriage but Buddy (her boyfriend/fiancé to be?) can have sex with other women with little consequence. Sex is a key theme in the book which I didn't really expect, I think it was really interesting that when Esther gets on birth control (due to her supportive female psychiatrist, Dr Nolan - a lot to say about her) and does finally have sex (not with Buddy) she literally haemorrhages and has to go to hospital - this bit is never really fully explained by Plath. She bleeds a LOT directly after sex and then the doctor in the hospital says she is one of a kind and winks at her when he is examining her - I did not get what this meant and I can't find any answers online either? Either way it is INTERESTING that when she finally gets to have sex it is bloody and destructive. Back to Dr Nolan, she was obviously written to be the shining example of what Esther wants to be: an independent, professional woman. Nolan actively helps Esther become more independent by helping her get on birth control which gives her the sexual freedom she has always envied men for. Nolan is arguably the key reason Esther even gets better at the asylum, she is a progressive woman who supports Esther's way of thinking and she convinces Esther to try shock therapy again (after it was done incorrectly by a male doctor previously). Nolan is there right at the end of the book too, when Esther is about to go in for her review with the board of doctors, to help guide her back into society. The bit with Joan being heavily implied to be a lesbian went right over my head, had to go back and re-read that bit once I saw that analysis online. I had just read it as Joan was a mirror of Esther, and what she would have become if she hadn't gotten better which I still do think, but Joan was quite obviously crushing on Esther. I really really really did not expect Esther to make an assumed full recovery from her mental illnesses, I had presumed she was going to kill herself and that would be the end of the book. My one complaint is that Esther's descent into becoming mentally unwell seemed really quick to me, which I guess is how it can actually be in real life, like one chapter she was feeling a bit disconnected and emotionless then the next she was self-harming and planning her suicide. Overall, great book that I really recommend!
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partyanimalshu · 3 months
Száguldó kórházi ágy és bajnok iglu!
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Íme a Red Bull Ládaderbi legjobbjai 16 év után tért vissza Budapestre a Red Bull Ládaderbi, vasárnap több mint húszezren voltak kíváncsiak az őrült fazonok és a saját meghajtású, sufnituning kocsik versenyére. Mutatjuk a legjobb pillanatokat. Június 30-án öt fős zsűri értékelte a produkciókat és a versenyzők teljesítményét. A döntnökök csapatában Dobos Evelin színésznő és Tótka Sándor olimpikon kajakozó mellett Kajdi Csaba, Stana Alexandra és Szujó Zoltán is helyet kapott. Pontot ért a járgány esztétikuma, a futam előtt előadott produkció és az is, hogy a járgány mennyi idő alatt gurult végig a Tabán lejtőjén kialakított versenypályán. Az első helyezett a purman team lett, akik egy igluval száguldottak végig a pályán. A második, és egyben a távot a leggyorsabban teljesítő csapat a Papírkutyák voltak, harmadik helyen végzett a TeamEmergencyRacing egy kórházi ágyból kialakított kocsival. „Érdekes volt, hogy ahány zsűritag, annyi vélemény hangzott el, mindenki mást értékelt. Számomra egyébként szokatlan, hogy most én ülhettem a zsűriszékben, de óriási élményként fogok emlékezni rá. Kifejezetten élveztem a kreatív feladatokat pontozni, emellett számomra a performansz és a koreográfia volt a mérvadó” – árulta el az esemény kapcsán Stana Alexandra. Szujó Zoltánt is magával ragadta a versenyszellem, és elárulta, bizonyos értelemben az összes komoly autóversennyel azért hasonlítható össze a Ládaderbi – nyilván a helyén kezelve –, mert mégiscsak egy adott, mindenkire vonatkozó szabályrendszerből kell kihozni a legtöbbet, és a legjobb nyer. „Volt ilyen és olyan meglepetés is. Volt olyan járgány, amiről nem gondoltam volna, hogy eljut az első kanyarig, és aztán egészen szépen ment. Nagyon érdekes volt egyébként a súlypontoknak a kialakítása – hogy voltak magas építmények, ugyanakkor nagyon alacsony volt a súlypont. Ami azért ebben a versenyzési formában előny. És voltak olyanok, amelyektől egy picit többet vártam volna, mert olyan műszaki dolgok voltak a kasztni alatt, ami talán picit többre lett volna hivatott” – tette hozzá Szujó. A hangulatért Till Attila mellett Matthesz Flóra és Farkas Gergely társműsorvezetők feleltek, de a versenyt élőben is lehetett nézni a TikTokon, a kortárs magyar rap egyik legizgalmasabb arca, Lil Frakk közvetítette az eseményeket. Read the full article
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infernal-general · 6 months
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War was all she had known. Born, raised, lived in one that simply seemed eternal. Instead of learning etiquette worthy of her rank, Countess, Rozália fenced, made bows and arrows, rode horses at alarming speed. She was educated regarding warfare and politics, no room for pretty flowers or embroidery. Her upringing laid in her roots: Véghváry; meaning 'from the border fortress'. Her family history stretched back to King Matthias' rule, many great, loyal, talented fighters, tacticians, leaders, advisors were born from this blood and served brilliantly to such levels it caught the eye of the King and the bloodline was granted noble ranks along with southern territories of Hungary.
With the Ottoman expansion, land had shrunk, the fighting spirit strengthened. Women also learned how to defend themselves and even the fort if it came to it. Despite being aristocracy, arranged marriages weren't practiced, even same sex couples tolerated. They were waging a war, how could've they prohibited who to love in this short life? Even if it was the handsome warrior or the daughter of the maid instead of a noble lady. They faced and conquered fear every day, with every breath, one should find safety instead of dread in family, no matter who they fell in love with. Regarding finances, it all went to repairs, salaries, ammunition, to the poorer families and serfs. They dressed as soldiers instead of aristocrats, only a few items they considered luxury to have.
Rozália was born in 1531 to an Italian aristocrat mother Lorella and Count Attila Véghváry, five years after the catastrophic Battle of Mohács. The damage was immeasurable and a permanent turning point of the country; the chain of southern forts protecting the border had fallen. The remaining had to relocate to northern strongholds to avoid a complete wipeout after two centuries of holding the opposing force back. Countess Rozália Bianka Véghváry grew up in a crumbling, tearing country with both parents determined to teach her all skills necessary to survive, perhaps even follow her father's footsteps as Lorella couldn't bear more children.
She was a fast, eager learner, wanting to reach the heights of the heroic tales she was told, to truly earn the weight of the looks she was regarded with. The heir. The only one and all eyes were watching. War was in her veins, to such prominence that she was the one to warn Attila they should prepare for a raid more effectively or relocate again entirely. She was only a child and scared, of course her concerns were brushed off, Attila knew better. Or so he thought until his daughter's prophecy manifested on a moonless night. Chaos, senseless bloodshed, women, children screaming until they couldn't anymore. Suffering heavy losses, Attila could barely escape with his daughter whom he had dragged away from an Ottoman corpse; her first kill. His wife laid lifeless among the debris, torture evident.
Nobody knew what the ten year old Rozália saw happen with her mom. The relationship with her father was fundamentally changed, she never forgave him for Lorella's death. For putting his pride first, for not listening to her. She grew bitter, resentful, only acknowledging him as if he was her superior instead of father. They relocated to Tiszagyöngye (Pearl of Tisza), a fort near Eger, right next to the unpredictable Tisza river. Rozália trained harder, pushed her limits till she almost collapsed from exhaustion, spent the remaining time sharpening her intellect, fully preparing to replace her father now when the occupants eventually reach Tiszagyöngye. She knew it was only a matter of time.
She was right, again. After the unsuccessful siege of Eger, they came for Tiszagyöngye in 1553. Although the damage was almost minimal at that time, a deep infected laceration claimed Attila Véghváry's life, making Rozália the captain of the fort at the age of 22. No longer a child, perhaps she was never one, the already battle hardened young woman took the title with almost voracious thirst, eager to be rid of her incompetent father and the spineless German mercenaries paid by him. So her reign began. Brilliant strategist, master of many weapons, excellent rider, fearless, courageous, inspiring, commanding and cunning. Her merciless slaughter of Turk raiders raised attention, yet no matter who or how many was sent in her way, they all were cut down with precision. Selim Pasha requested a duel on a nearby hill upon hearing the seemingly overexaggerated prowess of one woman. A woman! When he was greeted in his language with a twirl of twin sabers was when he started to realize what he had heard was not colored but rather watered down. They fought for hours tirelessly in the afternoon sun, so long that her soldiers decided to check. Upon the unexpected reinforcement Rozália declared the duel over, showing even though they were enemies, she fought with honor as well. Selim Pasha in that moment knew she had to die. Too much talent, ambition, bloodthirst, knowledge and fairness in one person; he respected her enough to acknowledge the danger the young Fort Captain embodied.
A brutal siege with overwhelming numbers followed the next year. Rozália knew it was lost the second she assessed the powers laid out, lost unless... She gave up Tiszagyöngye. Left the fatally wounded and the most valiant within the ruined walls. From a distance she watched the Ottoman army pour into her fortress and after a few minutes explode as the remaining ignited all gunpowder within the walls, flammable debris purposely left around the only entrance creating a hellish death trap. She watched flames reach sky high, cries of agony rising with it till it was silence and white smoke from the ruins. The rebuild started immediately, all of her remaining inheritance funding it with some assistance from neighboring fortresses and lesser nobility. The reconstruction was complete by 1558, the fortress christened to Főnixvár (Phoenixfort) after with the dragon protecting it.
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Layout and bastion names:
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Victorum (Conquest) points towards Eger
Bellum (War) bears the most of the damage, facing straight at the occupied territory, her usual resting/lookout place
Fames (Famine) and Mors (Death) are the closest to the Tisza river prone to floods
Providentia (Providence) points towards the remaining Kingdom of Hungary
Nowadays Countess Fort Captain Rozália Véghváry when not fighting an endless war is often seen among common people, encouraging, listening, helping with matters considered trivial to her rank and status. She often patrols the border or simply taking a small break from the monumental duties placed on her, riding a blood bay coated horse, Vihar, whose fur seems to burn infernal red in the sunlight.
Base interactions take place after 1561 when she's past 30
Born: 1531
Buda fell in 1541 (age 10)
Ottoman raid resulting in the death of her mother & forced to retreat to Tiszagyöngye: 1545 (age 14)
1545-1553: honing, perfecting her skills and learning new ones, preparing for her fate
First Siege of Tiszagyöngye, death of her father, becoming Fort Captain: 1553 (age 22)
Duel with Selim Pasha: 1554 (age 23)
Second Siege of Tiszagyöngye, ending with her burning the fort down with the army trapped inside: 1555 (age 24)
Rebuild of Főnixvár complete in 1558 (age 27)
Verse headcanon post
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ameliadaspooky · 8 months
Man I fucking love Isengard they look so goddamn cool. Can’t wait till that lotr mod for Attila total war comes out with the campaign (I have no friends to play Attila with)
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avid-adoxography · 1 year
Hi! It's me, the Tangled anon again! 💫, 💋 and 🛡️ for Attila please?
Oh, hello there! It's so nice to see you agai- *notices the emoji choices*
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Anyway. Get answered idiot (affectionate)
💫: Are either of you ticklish? If so, where?
I sure ain't! (<- lying and he knows. but won't tell. OR ELSE)
Attila however... He's a walking ticklish spot, basically, with the killer hits being his lower ribs, his palms and his love handles <3ccc (<- drooling at the mere thought. who said that)
💋: Where are your favorite places to kiss your f/o/where are their favorite places to kiss you?
Well, no secret here: I'm a chest, tummy and biceps kisser when it comes to smooch my soft baker. Oh! Oh! His knuckles and wrists too, but I first need at least 5 to 10 business days minutes to convince him to drop the oven mitts and let me see his wonderful hands <;3c
Attila is more of a shoulders and nape guy. Thighs too, but only when we're both in the mood, if you get my hint >;3c
🛡: Who’s the more protective one?
I hate to admit it, but that would be my big fat ass adsfdghfjg
I'm the one who keeps a hand on the small of his back at all times, ready to defend him when someone says something only slightly criticizing about him, because no one knows his real struggle. And I'm the one getting absolutely furious when someone takes advantage of Attila's weaknesses, but only stepping in when he can't handle it anymore and then comforting him as soon as we're alone.
I know he's a big guy who can handle himself, but at the same time I know he's also very sensitive and prone to second guessing himself, so I just. Idk man, I go into pitbull mode and that's about that ahkdjas
Basic ass selfship asks
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enibas22 · 1 year
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IG filmundmischwaren
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IG lassemyhr - August 2023
Regie: RP Kahl
nach dem Theaterstück „Die Ermittlung. Oratorium in 11 Gesängen“ von Peter Weiss Produzent: Alexander van Dülmen Eine Produktion von Film&Mischwaren in Co-Produktion mit ARTE, BR und WDR sowie in Co-Operation mit A Company Film Licensing Kinostart: 25. Januar 2024 im Verleih von LEONINE Studios
In den Hauptrollen sind Rainer Bock als Richter, Clemens Schick als Ankläger und Bernhard Schütz als Verteidiger zu sehen. Hochkarätig besetzt sind auch alle anderen Rollen, so werden die Zeugen von Andreas Anke, Filipp Avdeev, Elisabeth Duda, Marc Fischer, Arno Frisch, Attila Georg Borlan, Dorka Gryllus, Marek Harloff, Andre Hennicke, Marcel Hensema, Rony Herman, Marco Hofschneider, Robert Hunger-Bühler, Rene Ifrah, Eva Maria Jost, Christian Kaiser, Klaudiusz Kaufmann, Nicolette Krebitz, Andreas Lechner, Peter Lohmeyer, Jiri Madl, Karl Markovics, Thomas Meinhardt, Robert Mika, Axel Moustache, Dirk Ossig, Axel Pape, Christiane Paul, Barbara Philipp, Andreas Pietschmann, Ralph Schicha, Peter Schneider, Andreas Schröders, Axel Sichrovsky, Andre Szymanski, Sabine Timoteo, Tom Wlaschiha, Mark Zak und Matthias Zera verkörpert. In der Rolle der Angeklagten werden Thomas Dehler, Nico Ehrenteit, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Christian Hockenbrink, Timo Jacobs, Ronald Kukulies, Lasse Myhr, Christian Pfeil, Torsten Ranft, Michael Rotschopf, Frank Röth, Matthias Salamon, Niels Bruno Schmidt, Tristan Seith, Michael Schenk, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Adam Venhaus, Till Wonka vor den Kameras stehen.
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 21, 2022)
23:56 CHUCK LOEB - Cotton Club 23:52 SAM LEVINE - I'll Be Home For Christmas 23:48 FRANK SUTTON - Rain Serenade 23:44 BONEY JAMES - Maker Of Love 23:40 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sticky Wicked 23:34 GEORGE JINDA - Deep as The Night 23:31 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Stille Nacht 23:27 EARNEST WALKER JR - Chandelle Drive 23:24 MARCUS ANDERSON - Cup Of Joe 23:18 EUGE GROOVE - Straight Up 23:13 SPECIAL EFX - Garden of Eden 23:08 DR. SAXLOVE - It Came Upon A Midnight Clear 23:05 NICK COLIONNE - Uncle Nick 23:00 JAY KING - Soulful Bossa Nova 22:58 BARCLAY & CREAM - You're Not Alone (Alexander Metzger Mix) 22:53 JEAN MARE - Just Equality (Electro Downbeat Mix) 22:49 MENZI - Zug Nach Nirgendwo 22:45 MARGA SOL - What I Need 22:43 HARDWELL, COLLIN McLOUGHLIN - Call Me A Spaceman (Unplugged Version) 22:39 SLEEPTHIEF, ZOE JOHNSTON - Alice's Door (Nicholas Gunn Remix) 22:33 ANTURAGE - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough (Original Mix) 22:28 ASTRID SURYANTO - Distant Bar (Original Mix) 22:24 ERNESTO - Reelin' 22:20 RICHARD MARX - Right Here Waiting 22:16 SMOMA - Secret 22:10 ASHENI - Only Magic (Chris Wonderful Remix) 22:06 GUSHI, RAFFUNK - Travel (Lemongrass Couch Remix) 22:02 ORJAN NILSEN - Drink To Forget (Original Chill Out Mix) 21:59 JES - Stronger 21:54 ANDY MOOR, ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, GABRIELA - World To Turn 21:50 ELLIE GOULDING - Heartbeats (Cosmonaut Grechko Edit) 21:46 BOYCHILD, SOUNDMOUSE - Counting What Ifs (Original Mix) 21:38 BANCO DE GAIA - Tempra (Original Mix) 21:33 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Angels 21:28 BLANK & JONES - Pura Vida (Radio Mix) 21:20 DELIRIUM, SARAH MCLACHLAN - Silence (Michael Woods Mix) 21:16 NAOKI KENJI - Maripri 21:12 LINKIN PARK - New Divide (Lukas Termena Chillout Mix) 21:07 THOMAS LEMMER, LENA BELGART - Is It Too Late (Original Album Mix) 21:02 MICHAEL E - Promise 20:57 LEO DE LA ROSA - Sweet 20:52 DELERIUM, SARAH McLACHLAN - Silence (Acoustic Mix) 20:46 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 20:42 LOUNGE GROOVE AVENUE - By My Side 20:38 SUSANA, DARK MATTERS - Sleepless Ocean (Extended Mix) 20:33 CONJURE ONE - Sleep 20:28 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 20:24 LIVING ROOM - Teneriffe 07 20:18 BRIAN CULBERTSON - The Look 20:14 KENNY G - My Heart Will Go On 20:09 SARAH BRIGHTMAN - Beautiful 20:05 ANDY MOOR, HYSTERIA! - Leave Your World Behind (Album Mix) 20:02 HEADSTRONG, SHELLEY HARLAND - Here In The Dark 19:58 BEAMY - Jasmine 19:53 CHRISTIAN BURNS, MARCO V - Frozen Heart (Acoustic Version) 19:50 ANDREA SAENZ, ROBOTS MEMORY - Straightblocks (Unplugged Mix) 19:47 MASHTI, JEAN VON BADEN - Waiting 19:41 TONY IGY - Astronomia (Chillout Mix) 19:37 SARAH MENESCAL - Don't Speak (Reggae Version) 19:32 MARC PUIG, MARIA COLLADO - To Forget Me 19:28 AURORA - Where Would You Go When It Starts To Rain (Original Mix) 19:21 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Pont Notre Name (original mix) 19:17 KENNY FONTANA - Wonderful Life (Cafe Buddha Del Mar Bar Mix As Made Famous By Hurts) 19:13 JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, AUDREY GALLAGHER - Big Sky (Acoustic Mix) 19:07 MAN IN A ROOM, CIVILIAN - Night Mail 19:02 MARGA SOL - What We Had 18:57 JEROME ISMA-AE - Underwater Love 18:51 DASH BERLIN - Till The Sky Falls Down (Monokini Beach Mix) 18:47 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 18:44 CLAES ROSEN, NATALIE PERIS - Stay (Original Mix) 18:41 ROB NUNJES - Smells Like Teen Spirit 18:36 HEIKO - Miles Away 18:30 SUNLONGER, KYLER ENGLAND - Change Your Mind (Chill Version) 18:25 SMOOTH DELUXE - Dream Of Insomnia 18:19 THE THRILLSEEKERS - Synaesthesia (Solarsoul Chilled Remix) 18:14 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA - Crawling 18:10 ATB, AMURAI - Love & Light (Downtempo Mix) 18:07 JAMES BUTLER - Dinner For Two 18:02 FUNKAGENDA - Breakwater (Violet Oversoul Mix) 17:57 JEFFERY SMITH - Groovin' (That's What I Like) 17:53 NEAL DAVIS - Joy To The World 17:47 KEITH MASON - The Sabbath 17:41 GEORGE JINDA - Deep as The Night 17:37 NATE WHITE - Ducie's Groove 17:32 FRANK MCCOMB - Just Ride 17:28 CANDY DULFER - Smooth 17:23 BROOKE ALFORD - Christmas Time Is Here 17:19 SLIM GAMBILL - Boom 17:15 ATTILA ZAVODI - Beetle by the Road 17:10 FRANK PIOMBO - Luv Dat Smooth Latte (Nicos Theme) 17:06 DON VINO - They Were Here (Feat. Vicky Sampson) 17:00 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - The Alhambra 16:56 DESMOND MEYER - Lickamore 16:52 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Litmus Test 16:47 EUGE GROOVE - To The Nines 16:43 RHYTHM JETS - Do You Hear What I Hear 16:38 KEN NAVARRO - Time And Love 16:35 JEFF LORBER FUSION - Mind Reader 16:29 MARCUS ANDERSON - White Christmas 16:25 KARLA LEAL - Wait and See 16:20 CAROL ALBERT - For the Moment (feat. Paul Brown) 16:17 THREESTYLE - Desert Moon 16:12 CHRIS GODBER - West Coast Soul 16:09 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Carol of the Bells 16:04 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - Never Let You Go 16:00 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Purity 15:55 JOYCE COOLING - Another Time 15:51 SPECIAL EFX - Night Shift 15:47 JOEL DEL ROSARIO - Sunrise on the Sunset 15:42 DONALD HAYES - About You 15:40 NICK DUKAS - Rockin Around the Christmas Tree 15:36 TIM BOWMAN - Heart & Soul 15:32 PEET PROJECT - Bizd magad most ram 15:28 CAROL NETHEN - Silent Night 15:24 WAYMAN TISDALE - Let's Do It Again 15:21 DAVE KOZ - Yesterday 15:16 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - Silk 15:12 NICK COLIONNE - Romantic Nites 15:08 NILS - Snow Outside My Window 15:03 GINO ROSARIA - Gentle Touch 15:00 GARY PALMER - To the Top 14:56 CHIELI MINUCCI - Shine 14:52 DAVID DAVIS - Back & Forth 14:48 KEITH ANDREW - East Peak 14:44 FRANCESCO DIGILIO - O Little Town of Bethlehem 14:40 PETER WHITE - Lovely Day 14:35 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Keepin' It Real 14:30 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Angels We Have Heard On High 14:25 EVERETT B WALTERS - Chuck's Chunky Fried Chicken Shack 14:20 KEIKO MATSUI - A Night With Cha Cha from Soul Quest 14:16 JIM ADKINS - Time With You 14:12 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Keepin' the Groove On 14:08 SYLVIA BENNETT - A Rainbow Christmas 14:04 EUGE GROOVE - All For You 14:00 CHRISTOPHE GOZE - Bossa Roma 13:56 JEFF RYAN - Sweet Spot 13:52 PATRICK YANDALL - Yearning for Your Love 13:49 WALTER BEASLEY - Barack's Groove 13:44 BRIAN SIMPSON - All That Matters 13:40 ABAIR, VINCENR INGALA, LINDSEY WEBSTER, ADAM HAWLEY - I Can't Wait For Christmas 13:36 CHRIS GODBER - Upward and Onward 13:32 RANDY SCOTT - Step 13:30 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - White Christmas 13:26 MARCO ALBANI - Freedom (feat. Martino Onorato, Umberto Vitiello) 13:22 DARREN RAHN - Free To Be Me 13:18 No One Else Would Ever Do (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Dw3) 13:12 GEORGE BENSON - Breezin' 13:08 OLI SILK - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 13:04 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Now Or Never 13:00 NORMAN BROWN - I Won't Hurt You 12:55 JACKIEM JOYNER - Back To Motown 12:51 MIKAEL - Trippin Over You 12:47 DARRIUS JAMAR - Missing You 12:44 DAVE KOZ - The First Noel 12:39 ADAM HAWLEY - Hello (Feat. Kat Hawley) 12:34 NICK COLIONNE - Is This Love I'm Feeling 12:30 NILS - Merry Merry Christmas 12:26 JEREMY HECTOR - Finally Home 12:22 DREW DAVIDSEN - I Can't Help It (feat. Bobby Lyle) 12:18 WAYMAN TISDALE - Watch Me Play Again (feat. Robert Wilson from The Gap Band) 12:14 PIECES OF A DREAM - In Too Deep 12:09 HERB ALPERT - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 12:04 PETER WHITE - What's Going On 12:00 ZACH BRIDGES - These Hands 11:56 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Lover 11:52 STEVE OLIVER - Long Road 11:48 BEN TANKARD - My Favorite Things 11:43 UNDER THE LAKE - This One Too 11:39 JIM ADKINS - Into The Storm 11:34 CAROL NETHEN - O Holy Night 11:29 KIM SCOTT - Butterfly 11:24 KAYLA WATERS - Heaven Said (vocal) 11:18 DAVID PETROSYAN - By Happy 11:13 BOB BALDWIN - Morning 11:09 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer 11:04 EUGE GROOVE - Talk To Me 11:00 CHRIS GODBER - Can't Help Believin 10:56 AL DEGREGORIS - After a Rain 10:52 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Whatcha Gonna Do For Me 10:49 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Hidden In Plain Sight 10:44 TERENCE YOUNG - Yearning For Your Love 10:40 LELIO LUTTAZZI - White Christmas 10:36 MARCUS ANDERSON - Bless The Lord 10:31 VINCENT INGALA - Coast to Coast 10:28 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Ave Maria 10:24 ROB TARDIK - Perserverance (feat. Roberto Vally) 10:20 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Someday Soon 10:16 PAUL TAYLOR - Told Ya So 10:12 STEVE WATSON - Pear Bear 10:08 DAVE KOZ - Winter Wonderland 10:04 LOWELL HOPPER - Distant Love (feat. G. Vernon Burrell, Jr.) 10:00 VANN BURCHFIELD - You Can Do It 09:56 BRAD ALEXANDER - Sunrise on I15 09:53 STEVE RAYBINE - Firefly Dance 09:48 CHRIS STANDRING - Yesterday's Heaven 09:43 KENNEY POLSON - Black Swan 09:40 NILS - Silent Night 09:36 NORMAN BROWN - Amen 09:32 ZOLBERT - A Song for You 09:28 PETER WHITE - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 09:24 WILL DONATO - You Got This 09:21 BONEY JAMES - Creepin' 09:16 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Too Much Heaven 09:12 WARREN HILL - Fallen 09:08 ALVIN GARETT - My Gift To You 09:04 THE SAX PACK - Shine On 09:00 NICK COLIONNE - Say What's on Your Mind 08:57 LEBRON - New Era 08:52 RICK HABANA - Round We Go 08:48 RAINFOREST BAND - God's Nature 08:45 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Living in the Past 08:41 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - Angels We Have Heard On High 08:37 STEVE OLIVER - City Of Lightning 08:34 BK JACKSON - Before I Let Go 08:30 CAROL NETHEN - Pat a Pan 08:25 ANDREW NICHOLS - I Love the Way You Love Me 08:20 WAYMAN TISDALE - I Hope You Feel It To 08:16 PEET PROJECT - Playground 08:12 KIM SCOTT - Billie Jean 08:08 TON SMITH - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (feat. Preston Smith and Oliver Scott) 08:04 AL DEGREGORIS - People Power 08:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - Believe In Yourself 07:55 RHYTHM LOGIC - Logically Speaking 07:51 VINCENT INGALA - My Kind Of Day 07:48 MARK R. HARRIS - Setting It Straight (feat. Ignacio Nunez & Daniele Silvestri) 07:43 JAY ROWE - What Child Is This 07:39 EVAN CARYDAKIS - Groove House 07:34 AL GOMEZ - Sip Thy Wine 07:30 RONNY SMITH - One Snowy Night 07:26 ROB SABADO - On The Beach 07:22 NICK COLIONNE - When You Love Somebody 07:16 KIRK FISCHER - Reach into Your Heart 07:12 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - View From Here 07:08 NICK DUKAS - Through Their Eyes 07:04 ALTHEA RENE - Pastel Leather 07:00 THREESTYLE - Bring It Up 06:55 KOOL&KLEAN - Dream Weaver 06:52 DEE BROWN - Beauty Within 06:48 PETER WHITE - My Prayer 06:44 DAVE KOZ - This Christmas (Feat. Jonathan Butler) 06:40 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Consuming Fire 06:36 BRYAN LUBECK - Noon Groove 06:31 BRIAN BROMBERG - The Christmas Song 06:26 POP'N BOSSA - It Will Rain 06:23 KIM WATERS - Secret Romance 06:19 VINCENT IOIA - Linda's Sunset 06:14 TONY SAUNDERS - Highway 5 06:08 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - The First Noel 06:04 PATRICK YANDALL - Law St. Locals 06:00 EUGE GROOVE - Rewind 05:56 TIM BOWMAN - Summer Groove 05:51 3RD FORCE - Out Of The Storm 05:47 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Morning After 05:43 LYNNE FIDDMONT - Spirit of Christmas 05:39 BEN TANKARD, NICHOLAS COLE - Every Praise 05:35 KIM SCOTT - Back Together Again 05:31 LEE RITENOUR - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 05:26 DARREN MOTAMEDY - Too Close 05:21 STEVE OLIVER - Circles 05:17 JEFF KASHIWA - The Attraction 05:12 VINCENT INGALA - Fire And Desire 05:08 JAMES 'PJ' SPRAGGINS - Hark the Herald Angels Sing 05:04 PAUL BROWN - 24-7 05:00 ENNY - What's Love Got to Do with It (feat. Marcus Anderson & Matt Cusson) 04:55 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Look Around 04:52 BONEY JAMES - Fresh Air 04:47 AL DEGREGORIS - Smooth It Out 04:42 BRIAN CULBERTSON - All Through The Christmas Night 04:37 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Between Two Worlds 04:33 THE SAX PACK - You Are My Starship 04:28 JACK JEZZRO - Happy Holiday 04:23 NILS - Get On the Dance Floor 04:20 NICK COLIONNE - The Journey 04:16 SHAUN LABELLE - Palm Canyon Drive 04:13 PETER WHITE - How Deep Is Your Love 04:10 HERB ALPERT - Merry Christmas, Darling 04:06 MARK JAIMES - Heads Up (feat. Rick Braun) 04:00 AMANDUS - One Day for a Lifetime 03:56 SHARON RAE NORTH - Heart of Mine 03:52 TERENCE YOUNG - Come With Me 03:46 GERRY SMOOTH - Sweet Delight 03:42 BRIAN BROMBERG - Celebrate Me Home 03:37 CHRIS GODBER - Chill 03:33 RICK BRAUN - Feet First 03:29 BEN TANKARD - White Christmas 03:25 JEFF RYAN - We Can Work It Out 03:21 NORMAN BROWN - My Window To Heaven 03:19 496 WEST - Soul Catcher 03:14 NICHOLAS COLE - Sugar 03:08 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Jingle Bell Rock 03:04 THREESTYLE - Giant (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 03:00 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Open Road 02:56 PIECES OF A DREAM - Fired Up 02:51 CHASE HUNA - Into the Sun 02:48 VINCENT INGALA - This Time Baby 02:44 BRETTINA - New Day 02:41 JAMES BOWMAN III - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 02:37 LIN ROUNTREE - FuSion 02:33 DONN BYNUM - Because I'm Feeling You 02:30 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - Go Tell It On The Mountain 02:26 2UNES - Rain Forest 02:21 MARCOS ARIEL - Second Chance (feat. Lulu Joppert) 02:17 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Cruisin' 0n Taxi Way 02:12 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Wavelength 02:08 JEANETTE HARRIS - Away In A Manger 02:04 AL DEGREGORIS - My Father's House 02:00 JODY MAYFIELD - Strawberry Sunday (feat. Walter Beasley) 01:56 GARY MEGGS - Hark The Dancing Angels 01:51 KEN POWE - First Love 01:47 NILS - Stratmosphere 01:43 JACKIEM JOYNER - Later Tonight 01:40 GINO ROSARIA - The Night Is Still Young 01:36 PETER WHITE - Reveillez-Vous (Wake Up) 01:32 DAVE KOZ - Silent Night 01:27 RICHARD ELLIOT - Kick It Up 01:21 EUGE GROOVE - Take You Higher 01:16 DONALD HAYES - Can't Help It 01:10 WOLFGANG HAFFNER - Warm Breeze 01:07 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 01:04 RONNY SMITH - Funny How Time Flies 01:00 GARY PALMER - Misunderstanding 00:56 PEET PROJECT - Let's Do This 00:51 BRIAN CULBERTSON - This Christmas 00:46 TIM BOWMAN - Happiness Is 00:42 MARC ANTOINE - Eclectic World 00:38 ERIC DARIUS - Broke Down 00:34 BEN TANKARD - I'll Be Missing You 00:32 ART MORRIS - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 00:27 BE'NE MUSIC - 120 East 00:22 PIECES OF A DREAM - Feelin' Good 00:18 KIM WATERS - East Coast Strollin' 00:14 KEITH ANDREW - Take It Slow 00:09 BRIAN LENAIR - Christmas time is here 00:05 PATRICK YANDALL - Basic Reply 00:00 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Above the Clouds
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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I guess I'll make this my "Halloween" post. Happy Samhain all!
Attila the Hun with skull cup by unknown artist
Attila is popularly known as the 'Scourge of God' thanks to Christian writers, but he also inspired other biblical reputations, such as in Bram Stoker's fictional novel, Dracula. The popular fantasy character is usually credited to Vlad Tepes III due to the use of the Latin name. However, Stoker's novel clearly states that his Dracula (translated simply as "Devil" in Stoker's notes) is an ethnic Hun/Szekely/Ugrian and a son of Attila, whom he called the greatest of devils:
"Midnight.--I have had a long talk with the Count. I asked him a few questions on Transylvania history, and he warmed up to the subject wonderfully. In his speaking of things and people, and especially of battles, he spoke as if he had been present at them all. This he afterwards explained by saying that to a Boyar the pride of his house and name is his own pride, that their glory is his glory, that their fate is his fate. Whenever he spoke of his house he always said "we", and spoke almost in the plural, like a king speaking. I wish I could put down all he said exactly as he said it, for to me it was most fascinating. It seemed to have in it a whole history of the country. He grew excited as he spoke, and walked about the room pulling his great white moustache and grasping anything on which he laid his hands as though he would crush it by main strength. One thing he said which I shall put down as nearly as I can, for it tells in its way the story of his race.
"We Szekelys have a right to be proud, for in our veins flows the blood of many brave races who fought as the lion fights, for lordship. Here, in the whirlpool of European races, the Ugric tribe bore down from Iceland the fighting spirit which Thor and Wodin gave them, which their Berserkers displayed to such fell intent on the seaboards of Europe, aye, and of Asia and Africa too, till the peoples thought that the werewolves themselves had come. Here, too, when they came, they found the Huns, whose warlike fury had swept the earth like a living flame, till the dying peoples held that in their veins ran the blood of those old witches, who, expelled from Scythia had mated with the devils in the desert. Fools, fools! What devil or what witch was ever so great as Attila, whose blood is in these veins?" He held up his arms." (Bram Stoker's Dracula, Ch.3)
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renatedagmarmilada · 2 years
Once upon a time, Joseph arrived and once upon a time there was this guy called Joseph. Joseph didn’t like his youngest so who was his favourite child, but that’s not really part of this story. Joseph was black as ebony and his eyes had a frightened horsy look.  Joseph had a friend called Isaac, who was as tall as heaven, well seven foot six at least, when he strode the gritty East End and they came from the land of Nigeria in darkest Africa from one of their three warring tribes. Also living close by in the grey dusty streets she so adored was a little white lady with a warrior top-knot of half a century or more years, whom everyone knew in the area.  All the children feared and loved her, as she had taught many of them.  She lived in the witch Selina’s cottage. Selina was the witch of the Forest of Londinium of long, long ago. The little white lady, who was actually one of the descendants of the tribes of Attila The Hun from the mainland, adored her witches cottage.  There wasn’t much in life left for her to adore, but her heart was glad at every moment she spent in her beloved little East End cottage with its parqueed garage square and four gooseberry bushes in memory of her father, surrounded by massive roman revenges… Like all good witches, she spent much of her time alone when she wasn’t teaching, but not unhappily, though the cottage as all of Londinium was overrun with mice and rats from the cracking sewers London Council couldn’t afford to repair as they were too busy building Blaire’s Dome.
This witch had brought many customs with her from Attila’s people from the East.  One was that no stranger in her circle of friend should eat alone on Friday night – so Friday nights she would invite them, friends and strangers alike, just as her grandfather had done in his home by the blue Danube, her grandfather Josef.  Now this Nigerian Joseph became aquainted to the white witch through her good friend Isaac from Newham Labour Party, who had been snubbed by the Church of England. Dear Isaac, she would croon, they aren’t ours anyway.  Let’s beat our drums and dance in words.  Let’s leave them to their cold, dark, monster gargoyl ridden empty buildings….. So Isaac brought Joseph on Friday nights.  Near by, there was the most fantastic common.  She discovered it when she had been made homeless and a sympathetic Forest Gate police man had residenced her there over the weekend till something could be done, and the friendly Portuguese wife of the landlord brought her fish secretly to eat hidden in shopping papers.  Though the witch was one of Attila’s tribes, she loved all the East End quite dearly, as did her neighbour, the huge Polish-Norwegian sailor’s grandson, and year after year, they would celebrate midwinter and midsummer till the dawn rose – with all their friends – and Selina….. On this common was a fair. The witch had always adored fairs. ‘’have you ever been to a fair, Joseph?’’ she quizzed as he sipped his earl grey in the rose flowered lace tipped china cup and ate the Austrian light as a feather, jam and cream soufflé….. Joesph’s round eyes roundened more… ‘’we haf de commercial fair once.  I don’t see dat…’’ No Joseph, roundabouts you know, Rifles and I love rifle shooting. As a girl in the air corps I played the bugle and learnt to shoot thoroughly enjoying target practice.  I left one autumn sadly when we had to pray for the dead English only at a Church of England .  Shouldn’t we pray for all dead people, Joseph? ‘’My parents were Muslims, but to get free schools I had to become a Christian…’’ Capitalist and Political prayers……….pah………… So next day off they set, the witch dressed in her newest and bluest, from the five pound sale, the brown top-knot flying with anticipated pleasure in the East End breeze, chattering gaily to Joseph, scruffy from his scruffy shabby room, filled with dusty, scruffy furniture and its shabby scruffy bed. Witches are witches, whether Attila’s or Teutonic as the witches grandmother had been who still belonged to the old religions, or even Celtic East Enders like Selina. At the entrance to the fair stood a van. Its number plates screamed..GOY…Her enemy, a department staff, who had been hassling the witch at every turn. The witch stamped her foot in fury.  This is Anglo-Saxon land, Celtic land.  I will not be frightened off it by one of the children of the Israelites on our own grasses, which they also like to eat so greedily--—-—-but a cloud of fear crept over her.
The log which guarded the entrance suddenly turned into a green alligator, in the inner-eye at the back of the witches head.  But Attila’s tribes had never been known for fear.  Had they not trained all the eldest princes of the Germanic tribes in their camps, so mighty had been their bravery. The grass was suddenly clammy and heavy, clinging tightly onto the witches ankles, seeming to pull her down, down…….. The east end breeze set up a whistle of warning…’’don’t go in…goyim’’ however she kept up the constant stream of light hearted chatter for poor naïve Joseph from Nigeria. They strolled into the circle. Safety in the circle, danger in the circle.  Huge black strands straddled the round of the circle, ominous flapping black flags… An Indian darted in front to hide behind a one-penny stall, gleefully eyeing them.
Now the witch’s daughter had married a true extended Mogul..one of those who remained. Was this a friend or a foe from affar to warn or protect or a slave in pay to destroy? Had the british not chopped off the four young Mogul’s heads and presented them to their grandfather, then carted him in an old cabbage cart for all the people to see him humiliated, to turn away in embarrasement at the barbaric island race to so such to an old man – and then to drag the ancient old man away to die in Durham Prison.
Look, a shooting stall, pointed the witch.  Joseph waggled his head—No—the brothers had taught him peace. The brown warrior top knot was not an attribute of his, no how. They can be so peaceful these Africans until infuriated.  The witch’s good friend, a true Prince of the Cameroons, had explained it all. The witch laughed in delight, it’s your treat, anything you want to have a go on… That, that, that….. Suddenly Joseph halted in the middle of the circle stood a huge, brightly coloured carousel… That……… Wonderful isn’t it.  A carousel.  Let’s have a go on it.  Come on, come on…skipping onto it… They both climbed the steps to the separate coaches which sped round independently to the main body of the carousel itself. The witch ever wary, as one is on the enemies lands, though at the invitation of the enemy, looked over at the blue pale white youth on the other side of the circle. Behind the barrier stood three pink pale white girls in super tight, bright clothes.  They hadn’t noticed the witch watching them coldly.  They spoke quietly, but the witch heard every word, without hearing. Her biscuit skin crept tightly as it goosepimpled over her wide cheek-bones, her wary yellow eyes narrowed. The blue white youth lightly pushed each carriage round once leaving theirs for last.  As he approached, all senses screamed in the witch.  There was no escape now, it could be survival only. She gripped both feet by the toes under the bar at the foot of the coach, and rolled her tongue tightly behind her teeth.  There was no time to warn the good natured African. Joseph laughed delightedly as the blue white boy twirled the coach, the girls sneered and grinned with their pink eyes, not many seconds and it was no longer a joke.  It was impossible to scream a warning over the speed. Joseph was thrown about the coach like a rag doll, his frightened eyes round with terror – stop – he screamed – please stop. The blue white boy grinned and the pink white girls laughed out loud, very loudly now, these were black witches, barbarians, not knowledgeable white witches as Selina had been. Suddenly Joseph slumped over the bar, grey, clasping his chest, my heart , please.. Faster, faster…. The blue boy would not leave the coach for one second.  Joseph like a rag-doll was thrown from corner to corner. Hatred held the witch upright, stiff as board, pure hatred for these sick young people. Then as never ever, the carousel slowed.   The blue white boy with one last sneering look straight in the face of the white witch strode off with the pink white girls watching. Come on Joseph, she shook him. I can’t walk, let me lean on you. Walk boy, bloody walk – and straight, at least off this thing.  Walk – walk – walk – As in a bad dream, ebony Joseph stumbled down the steps onto the short stubble. The white witch erect, every bone straining, desperate to keep the pure hatred from her face from showing, walked at his side just in case- -walk boy, walk- Later, she regretted the word ‘boy’ but as the mother of several sons, this boy seemed to need her strength and care at this time -walk – walk – walk at the edge of the common she let him sit on the alligator now returned to a log.  Ebony black had turned to a sick yellow, turned to puce, eyes rolling still- God, I am going to die..he whispered Though the witches stomach heaved she showed no sign… Come on, I’ll make you  some tea.  The walk’ll do you good… As she walked him slowly through Forest Gate, shetried to explain racism. Practical racism – like – I’ve been accused of crime because I share my toilet with my black lodger, and about friendship twixt white and black and its tensions – and about crimes committed.  A half-caste boy cycled by, laughing.  She looked at him, stopped –sighing – she continued, thinking of her own grandson, Josef.
Back in her adored leafy cottage, he died ten thousand deaths.  She fed him tea which he could not drink. He would not, could not listen.  So she left him and carried on with the small household chores. It did not occur to her to tell him that he was blaming her, though she knew the accusation was there.. All whites” you should have known… Each day is a test my friend, and man, grow a warrior top knot, that’s the way life is-. After two hours or more he staggered home. Wordless still.  Sickened and sick. She went to sit in her garden, to rock under the roman revenges.  Witches don’t cry but as deep misery pervaded her soul and mind. She took off her glad rags and sat there till the stars came out, under a black crepy London sky, then she begged of the moon… Why ? god oh why? The moon didn’t answer.  The multitude of different birds nesting in the tall trees crooned love songs from their nests. Later, Isaac laughed a non-laugh.  He’s gone back. Back to the sunshine. How stupid can you be, I ask you, going with a white woman to the fair. Maybe Africa is a kinder place… Maybe….
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