#Atra Mixta
kaxtwenty · 3 months
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Amazing things happening on Gundam Twitter right now.
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lordychica · 8 months
Random Artworks:)
More sketches/animations of my Boiyo's can be found on my Twitter: (@/LordyChica)
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nicydraws · 2 years
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Six Fanarts Challenge (6/6) Atra Mixta | Hatsune Miku | Gawr Gura Anya Forger | Jiro Kyoka | Mew Mint
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lilenui · 5 months
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Weekly Yuru-tetsu~ Orga: The food, the work, the trouble, it's all the same. Whatever's in front of me, I'll just clean it up. Mika: Orga, have you lost weight? Orga: ...? Is that so? Mika: I don't like you being so poorly Orga. Orga: H-hey, you.... Atra: I don't like it either! Orga: Okay, I'll gain weight! I'll definitely gain weight, so please no more! [Ever since then Orga has been eating hefty meals] [See previous strip] Atra: I'd like the boss to eat as much of his favourite food as possible, but he just says "I don't mind anything as long as it fills my stomach." Mika: For sure, but what is Orga's favourite food? Orga: ...Anything I eat with you guys is my favourite food, everything tastes delicious when you eat it with your family. (not sure I can eat all of that) Shino: Please eat my food too!! Ride: Boss!! Dante: Boss!! Eugene: Orga!! Orga: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!
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bubblingbeebles · 2 years
gundam IBO aka my problems with mari okada
i finished gundam IBO, tried to figure out why it felt so wrong, and only afterwards found out it was written by mari okada and honestly that explains so much.
if she somehow reads this post i’m sorry but here is my thesis about mari okada: all of her works have the same two problems:
1 - they set up a situation that will pull on your heartstrings, but then pull so much harder than was narratively justified that it breaks immersion and ruins the impact
2 - they have weirdly-romanticized ideas about romance, basically where a character falls for some idea that a person represents rather than the person themself, while also usually either (a) being heteronormative and/or steeped in tropey gender roles (b) ignoring perfectly good (less idolizing) chemistry between a different pairing
spoiler zone under the cut.
first of all, disclaimer: the other okada works i’ve seen that i’m comparing to are anohana, nakitai neko, maquia, and toradora. i found the first two to be insufferable, textbook examples of both problems. i liked maquia because i think it got the heartstring pull right, perhaps as a fluke, and avoided problem 2 by being about motherhood instead of romance. i tolerate toradora because, despite the annoying harem, it at least subverted problem 2 in the end by ending with the pairing that has actual chemistry.
IBO, i also find to be textbook examples of both problems, and both problems boil down to the fact that the show never really graduates from the toxic orga-mika-flashback ideology (”keep fighting until we reach the promised land“)
problem 1 basically comes down to how dark the ending is, how much they all lose in the end. the show presents an oppressive system - not just evil individuals - and so many ways our protags could have beat that system, but ultimately makes each one fail either through chance or through character flaw, and like, that’s not just crushing as a story beat, that’s crushing on the meta level of what makes a good story. the show could have been about cashing out with a peaceful life (i.e. not pursue the “king of mars” dream), but no. the show could have been about refusing to let the ends justify the means (i.e. refuse to partner with char chocolate mcgillis), but no. the show could have been about political reform and postwar quality of life (i.e. give any screentime to kudelia’s s2 business exploits), but no. in each case the orga-mika ideology blinded them to everything but to fight. the show set up from the very beginning to have them outgrow that ideology, and then spectacularly failed to deliver.
back on the object level, a more obvious example of problem 1 is just the string of named character killings. in season 1, biscuit’s death had meaningful narrative consequences. in season 2, i predicted naze would die after being politically maneuvered into some corner, which would have been narratively satisfying... if they payoff had been anything other than “now more characters will die with increasingly little justification”. we get the same exact story beat with takaki/aston, with akihiro/lafter, with yamagi/shino, and ultimately with orga. i’m not saying “war produces senseless deaths en masse” is a bad moral, i’m saying that repeating the same exact setup four times robs that moral of its emotional impact.
anyways, on to problem 2: atra and kudelia.
i should be happy about our girls getting a happy end where they’re literally married! i really should! the thing is..! the whole framing around it is stained with authorial intent so deeply that even this literal gay marriage is somehow heteronormative.
in short: the on-screen pretense of their relationship dramatically fails the bechdel test. (whatever happens off screen, the camera lens matters.)
in long: atra and kudelia explicitly talk about their respective relationships to mikazuki in that exact mari-okada-weirdly-romanticized way (”when a girl is crying, a boy should console her”), whereas their relationship to each other is, while obvious, unstated so explicitly as that, and i think that - because of okada’s track record - you need to do some heavy death-of-the-author-ing if you want to claim that they, in character, realize they have romantic chemistry on their own. moreover, as i wrote before i saw s2:
when she was jealous of kudelia about mikazuki, and then all it took was 1 poly adult role model to instantly break her out of that, was such a moment. i hope she meets a gay person and has the same moment again and then (becomes an adult and then) they date
...this of course never happens(*), and so, literally married as they are, occam’s razor says that in character, the only role model they have remains naze’s harem, where women can only be connected romantically indirectly via a guy -- in their case, the memory of a deceased emotional blank slate of a guy, as newly embodied in akatsuki -- and thus they are together because that indirection makes them platonic family (which is a powerful theme of the show in its own right, so it naturally completes the logic here).
(*worse yet: the only on-screen-text-canon gay character, yamagi, is heavily tokenized and brutally bury-your-gays-ed, and i find this actively harms the case, because it sets the precedent that if it was gay, they could have been explicit about it.)
if okada sensei had just spent 5 seconds of screen time for one of them to say “you know, what we have with each other is also romantic, isn’t it”, it would have been an amazing subversion of her own trope, but no. i can’t ignore the author here even if, underneath the metatext, their chemistry and their happy end are undeniable.
and that, i suppose, is why i am so eager about witch from mercury, even if its politics are even more incoherent than ever. it at least gives us - not just the queerness - but the queer-normativity we deserve in storytelling.
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asteriskofficial · 2 years
I started watching Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans and I am enjoying it a lot so far
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fiannalover · 1 year
Mikazuki's corpse does so much heavy lifting everyday cheerleading Kudelia/Atra into being such a tasty and God tier ship
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liamthestickyclone · 10 months
Drew these little goobers
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ahahsbdhshsnabahahs I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH
…makes the ending all the more sad…
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kaxtwenty · 2 months
Iron-Blooded Orphans being the first Gundam show I completed is gonna be so funny later down the road. Mainly because I’ll never be able to take any love triangle in this series seriously now.
Anytime a show presents me with two characters who are in love with the same person, all I’m gonna be thinking about is Atra’s “Wait—Mikazuki has TWO hands,” moment.
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lordychica · 11 months
Random Artworks :)
Just past months pieces of the Boiyo's together along with the crew! All my animations can be found on my Twitter. (@LordyChica.)
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nicydraws · 2 years
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Six Fanarts Challenge (3/6) Atra Mixta | Hatsune Miku | Gawr Gura
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lilenui · 6 months
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Weekly Yuru-Tetsu~ Kudelia: Onboard hygiene is very important, so let's make sure everyone has a change of clothes! Atra: Yes, I agree! Eugene: These clothes though... Mika: Looks good on you Eugene. Eugene: Thank you...
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quiixs · 2 years
Their Place
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wordsandrobots · 1 year
Iron-Blooded Oprhans G Side Story - Soup Party
So Trafalgar Log just put up fansubs for the latest IBO Side Story and . . . look, if you've seen all of Iron-Blooded Orphans or even just finished Season 1, go watch this (there's spoilers for S1 in the thumbnail which is why I'm not doing this as a link post).
It's cute, funny fluff and utterly delightful. I'm not going to write up reference notes because there's really nothing added in terms of continuity. Just the development of a relationship and some daft jokes.
(I will say that I think this release exhausts the footage for the side stories shown in the trailer for the app, except possibly the bits featuring Shino and Naze, which looked like they'd belonged to the Urdr Hunt campaign instead.)
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maguro13-2 · 29 days
Atra : So I told Mika that I want you have a baby with him. So I told you and now I did, and thanks to you, we have a kid now.
Kudelia : Awesome and what happened to Barbatos when it was dismantled?
Atra : Oh, I'll never tell.
Kudelia : What did you put in the machine?
Atra : It's a secret. I'll tell you how it really happened.
Mikazuki : Well, this is my last stand. I may not win and might lose to a dark gritty show, but when my son lives on, I will have my revenge.
*Barbatos gets decapitated*
Julieta : The devil is defeated!
Julieta : Eh? What's that noise?
Barbartos : Mark my words! But I'm getting the last laugh! SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE ACTIVATED! PREPARE TO BE BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS IN 5...4...3...2...!
Julieta : ...OH, SH***T!!!
Julieta : *comes out of the rubble* That d*ck! Who's idea was it to put a special detonator that causes the robot to Self-destruct!?
Rustal : Perhaps I take it too wisely, that I misguided that Augus and didn't he say that he has a son raised by two of his female comrades.
Julieta : He has a what!? *growls*
*hears something falling over*
Julieta : Eh? *screams* AAAAAAAH-!
Rustal : Oh, why did we even think about killing the hero?
Suzaku : That's my idea of killing my bro! That's how a man's failure taste!
*scene changes back*
Atra : So yeah, Barbatos was meant to self destruct and let Mikazuki had the chance before he was killed off the show. But hey, at least he delivered the baby boy to us. So we have a kid now.
Kudelia : ...Right. Well, at least we have each other, two girls and one kid. Wonder what's gonna happen to us by now?
Iok Kujan Ghost : Hey, girls! Check this out! Since you two are the only ones left that is now same-sex married couple, we've all became ghosts and decided that we're gonna haunts these fools for whatever they did in the wars. Can you believe that?
*IBO Male characters are ghosts*
Kudelia : Guys. How long have you been watching us, did you all turned into Ghosts?
Akihiro Atland Ghost : Yeah, we do! We're gonna haunt those suckers to death and get our revenge! We told you, we have souls in hearts and bodies, we can do whatever the hell we want, we're ghosts of being dead and Mikazuki right can see his son from over here!
Iok Kujan Ghost : Isn't this the coolest? We're all Ghostly dudes here and we will haunt the people that did us for real!
*Vacuum sound*
Iok Kujan : Hey, what are you doing?!
*Gets sucked into the Poltergust*
Iok Kujan : WOAAAAAH!!!
Elie : Try better not take it from him, he does not even know how to shut up.
Akihiro Atland Ghost : Good, well at least he's out of the picture.
Mikazuki Augus Ghost : Guess this means, that I'm gonna be with my family for a little longer.
Elie : [To Mikazuki] Also, If I had a kid like these two, I just found out male characters that makes female characters can asexually reproduce science babies, Asshole.
Mikazuki Augus Ghost : *with painful realization* Crap. You're right.
Dina : At least we got a kid and we live on a farm.
Joel Ghost : [To Mikazuki] Well, bud. I know how you felt this way. Well, look at the bright side, at least you're a family man now.
Mikazuki Augus Ghost : Ah, you're right about that. I am a Family Man.
Orga Itsuka Ghost : You are, same thing from this guy. *points at Guile*
Guile : Oh, I am relieved that I lived to see this day.
Akatsuki : After my dad's death, I now decided to take his place instead. So much of my mom and...my stepmom. Wow, just wow. Oh Good, I get it. What was I'm doing here? I wasn't paid to be part of the script.
*SMW SFX : Iris out*
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they-have-the-same-va · 8 months
Atra Mixta from Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans shares a voice actress with Amy from Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet - in both English AND Japanese.
Voiced by Cassandra Lee Morris and Hisako Kanemoto
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